LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, SATURDAY, APRIL 16. 1881. ZE SUncastcr jmtclltgencet. SATURDAY EVENING, APBIL 10, 1881. THE SEW BIKTH. The Spectator. Ged spake in a voice of thunder, Or old irem Sinai's kill : And the mystic words of wonder Thrill the believer still . He sees In the vault above him . With the eye et faith alone, Oemmed round by the souls that love him, The great Creater's throne. He sees in the day of danger The column of cloud that led Frem the land et the alien stranger Ills Israel whom lie ted ; And knows, though his footsteps wander Astray in a twilight land. That his home Is building yonder, By the one unerring hand. , lie feces In the night et peril The pillar of Arc that shone Frem the halls of pearl ami beryl, Te light Ged's children en ; And feels that straight from heaven, When the eye or sense grows dim, Shall a grander sight be given Te :t!l who trust in Ilim. On the page of the mighty Oce.w lie reads the Mightier still, Who curb its restless motion By the law et His royal will ; An.l while in its course diurnal It murmurs, or sings, or raves, He lists te the voice Ktcrnal, In the language erthe wave?. He murks in the plants around him The throbs of a life their own, While the. wordless worlds tbalbeund him Whisper their undertone. Frem the hawk and the hound yet clearer Hehears the secret fall, Which near te him and nearer Brings the gre it Ged of nil. In the leaves that blew and perish In the space 1 n .single hour. As the loves that me.t we cherish Die like (In; IrailcU Uewer In the living things who-,e living Wilhcrr. or e'er they bloom. He reads of the great thanksgiving Which breathes irem the open tomb. The bright spring leaves returning, Te tnc stem whence autumn's fell And the heart et summer burning, Te change at the winter's spell The year that again repasses, The grain that again revives. Are signs en the d.irkene 1 glasses That bar and bound our live-i. 1 knew hew the glass iiiii-t darken Te my vision mere and mere. When th.j weak car strain-, te hearken. When the faint eye glazes o'er ; But the glass shall melt and shiver. Once kissed by the lighting breath, Aud the light beyond the River Shines lull in the lace et Death. Streng set in a stieng alleetien. We leek te the golden prime, When a mightier Resurrection hhiill burstjm the doubts e! time; And the thoughts et nil the sages, Like the waves el the Iretlul main, At the base of the Reck or Age-. Shall foam and liiuieiu vain. Herman Merii ale. tin: CROSS. Tree, which Heaven has willed te dower With that true fruit whence we live. As that ether death did give ; Of new Eden's lowliest flower : Rew of light, that in worst hour Ot the weist flood, signal true O'er the world of mercy threw : Fair plant.-ylelding sweetest wine ; Of our David harp divine ; Ot our tables new ; Sinner am I, thcrelere I Claim upon thy mercies make, Since alone ler sinners'sakc Ged en thee endured te die. Tre itch from the Spanish of Cahlcrea. TWO SAY1NI.S. Twe sayings of the Hely Scriptures beat Like pulses in thechurch's bow and breast ; And by them we find rest in our unrest, And heart-deep in salt teals, de yet entreat Ged's fellowship, as if en heavenly seal. The first Is " Jesus wept,"' whereon is piest Full many a sobbing face that drops its bet And sweetest waters en the record sweet ; And one is, where the Christ, denied und scorned, " Looked upon Peter."' Oh : te render plain By help of having loved a little and mourned. That leek of sevran love and sevran pain Which He who could net sin. yet suffered turned On him who could lejcct, bnt net sustain. Elizabc'h liarrttmBrewiiing. FOREIGN MISSIONS. The Cause Presented at the Duke Street Clinrcli. The subject of foreign missions is of rather a monotonous nature from the fro fre quency of its presentation as merely an ob ject for which money can be usefully cm cm pleyed. But it assumed a somewhat newer phase as presented, by the dis tinguished Christian lady, Mrs. E. U. Stevens, corresponding secretary of the Philadelphia branch of the Women's Fercigu mission society of the M. E. church, in the Duke strce M. E. church last evening, who addressed an audience whose number was net at all commensur ate with the worth of her lecture. After the singing of a hymn and the readiug of a portion of the . 33d chapter of Isaiah aud prayer, Mrs. Stevens was in troduced by the pastor of the church, who remarked that " the organization te be re presented is the noblest and best effected of any connected with the church." In her introductory remarks the lady said that her former visit te this place may have passed from the minds of many, but she was assured it had net passed from hers. She had thought she would have very little te say te the people te night, but in the privacy of communion with Ged she "thought of heathen girls de pendent upon these who brought them into being ; of heathen women, slaves te man, deemed te be a tool, fettered by bends which chain them in darkness ; who offer sacrifices and prayers te gods that see net and te gods that hear net ; every hope and aspiration stifled in its birth, and taught from infancy that they be long te an inferior race. And se they put upon their daughters the chains that have been se galling te themselves. And, tee, I thought of their strange burial ; of the soul gene without a hope of redemption ; of the truth that they arc His children, that He died for them ; and se with the thought of speaking for the dying, hew I wished te be an angel, or possess a thous and tongues, or stand upon au eminence and acquire a voice te sound o'er all the world. "We are apt te forget, living among the advantages of se much goodness, that we arc redeemed. There are heathen nations we leek down upon, and yet, when our an cesters were living in privations and clothed in furs, the Chinese were decked in silks and gaudincss." The speaker thought that if any ene in this (jwerk has wiiliug feet and nimble tongue it should be woman. Fer the most acred trusts given by Ged te auy human being have been committed te womankind. And se, in the different evangelical churches they, begin te form mission soci eties. "I think of our society, formed by nine women in 186!). hew we labored, en during the worst doubts and fears ; and of hew there are new hundreds of branches, each having its auxiliary branches, until theusauds arc spread across the con tinent." In commenting upon the growth of these societies the lady said that in 1869 two venturesome women went te Japan and labored in the dissemination of the gospel ; new sixty ethers have followed them, extending their vrerl: in India, j China and almost all unenlightened na tions. Their work, however, is tested mere thoroughly in the annual meet ing reports. Though nothing but ab solute necessities were obtained for the geed of the work the aggregate amount sent in from various Gelds for the purpose of what was needful was found te be 8140,000. "The work consists," ic marked the speaker, " in sending out unmarried women, these who need give their attention only te 41.!.. n.l. . .!... ...111 ri.t4lta. C4- lktr rrafli UMD nUlft , OTUU Will 1UIIUM "J fe "- I ering girls into schools, by going te their I homes, by attending tue mciees, wnere the women are sometimes permitted te be present , by visiting the sick rooms and building hospitals." The lady then spoke of the efficiency of the medical work by the Christians among the heathen, stat ing that in a city in China where cholera raged and where, without proper attend ance, from 30 te 100 died daily, of the many that were taken within the hospitals and cared for net one died. In one dis trict in the same country statistics for 1880 show that there were treated in the dispensary 11,470 and at their liemrs 211 patients ; the fees received for this ser vice being 74 rupees, or about $IJ7, thus showing most of the work is gratuitous. In speaking of the need of religion, the speaker said that from the fact that 33,000 persons die every day in theChi nese empire, one cannot but see the ne cessity of sending the gospel among these people. Frem a report of some of the missions, read by the lady, it was seen that the indications of growing success are premising, the attendance te the different societies has been geed, though in the way of accessions of membership te the branches the result is n6t se encourag ing. At the close of her address, which was interesting and touching, and rendered pleasing by her choice style of cxpiessien. Mrs. Stevens sent around papers with the request that the ladies of the M. E church should connect themselves with a branch of the society, the dues beins: 1 a year. While the papers were being sent around Mr. Robinseu, pastor of the church made a few remarks jnstfying this action in which he said, ".the preposition of seem ing names winch has been made, seems te me te be the minimum of the censumma tieu of the most encouraging anticipations, since no collection is asked or money in in any way publicly solicited." During her address, Mrs. Stevens ex hibited a China 'cash," a cop; or coin worth about one tenth of a cent, te which a touching story was connected. She also showed a pair el Chinese women shoes, described the manner of compressing the growth of the feet and the tenible clfccts resulting from the custom. LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MAItKIX UUKV. Itutter ya Cup cheese, 2 cups Cottage cheee, 2 pieces' Dutch cheese $ lumit Fi:nis. Apples $1 pk ISauanas each Cherries, dried, y) qt Currants, dried, 7 I!, Cranberries ?t qt Dried Anples $t ql " Peaches ?1 it Lemens ? de Oranges Tfl de;: Pine Apples Strawberries f? box VKOETARLbS. Beets $1 bunch Cabbage $1 head Carrots $1 bunch Onions 5) J pk New Onions "JJ i pk " fl hunch Potatoes $? has " (Sweet) 1 ;2peek Radishes f bunch Uipe Tomatoes ?,! Soup Menus r? qt Salsify l bunch POULTRY. Chickens 9 pair (live) $ lb (cleaned) Ducks $1 pair Geese piece MISCELLANEOUS. Apple Itutter $1 Qt Eggsfldez Menevf? B Seap ft & Sauer kraut "Jl qt JIKAT-J. Heel Steak, 1 B. " Roast (rib) if? II, " " (chuck) ') E. " Corned, ft . " Dried, $1 F Bologna dried Ham $1 n Lamb$) lb Lard It ft Mutten ?1 II Perk $1 lb Pudding lb Sausage t? 3 KIS!I. Catfish 1 fc Ced Kcls t Haddock.. .'. Mullets Perch Iteuk Suckers White Fish ft a. Shad, each Halibut ?t lb . ...-'.iJi.i.iO .......5c r.c ...sQ;!0e .. 1117 1.1c 2j.".e lie 12c 10c Cgsc i2c .. 18fj2.-.C . .J.YaCUP ..257?3C 20c iirssisc j&'IOe .r; , 33c fM. "!n:ic$1 -JIC "ic .IOC 10c lc . ...7."itl ...!2ji5c . ..SUcfi 1 . .."jcfpjl 0(. "."isfi'ibc ...2fC ."X.SC ....8(51Jc ...12ft! le Uuiiec ...Kiit-.'c . . .1012C . ..2.w3eC . ....".) ...ISfSISc ...u1.rj.2ec ."lie ...H'.O'llJC '!"'' I e bidUn: ...hld2c .... i2.:e lie ...letil-'e 10c CC J2'e i.Tc loc ite l-'c ..2.75c . ...12J-$C ... .';??".' rie luc 15c ...S"i.!K)e ....$1.10 CHAIN. Hay Timrthv W ten " Clever H ion Cornet bus Oats 1 bus Rye$ bus Tnnethv Scced 3ft bus Wheat?! 1ms Great Merit. All the lairs give the llrst premiums and speeial awards 01 great merit te liep Ilitteis, as 1 he purest anil best luinily medicine, and v. e most heartily approve et the a:mK ler we knew they desei ve it. They are new mi exhi bition at Hie stale Fairs, and we advixc all te test them. Sec another column. nl5 2wd&w fender en these Truths. Kidney-Wert i- nature's remedy for kid ney and liver diseases, piles and constipa tion. Sediment or mucous in the mine is :i sure indication et disease. Take Kidney-t erl. Torpid liver ami kidneys poison" Ihe bleed. Kidney-Wert revives them and -le:inscs Hie system. Headache, bilious attacks, dlzzine-s.ami es4 et appetite, are cured by Kidney-Wert. See advertisement. npllwd&w f'Qll SAi,K. rAlUii: MOICK-KOOJU I'UKKbNT-TIIK j store room new occupied hy II. Oerhart, merchant hdler, in the luriuiicr building. .Ne. .11 Neith (lueeu street, Lanea-dcr. Inqiiiicet CKOItGU ISItUUAUhi:, ui2s-tld 3'! North Duke street. WISKEY AT 1'UHL.IC SALK. TIIK UN-;T-igned will eiler at public sale en THURSDAY. APRIL 21, 18Sl,at the Saleen et A. 1. Fiilmer. northeast angle or Centre Square, Lancaster, 900 GALLONS OF WHISKEY. The WhNkcy was manufactured at Jacob Hair's Distillery. Kast Henipficld tmvnshiu, during the years 1S73-1B7.", and is of geed quality. Salt; te commence at 2 p. m., when terms will be uuulile kneu 11 bv WM. LEAJIAX, Sam'l Hess & Sen, Attorney. Auctioneers. ap9-tsd PUItLIC SALK. ON MONDAY, AI'KIL, 18, lfc8l, will be sold at public, nt the Key stone Hetel, Xerth Queen street, Lancaster, Pa., the following Personal Property, consist ing et the entire stock and Household and Kitchen Furniture of the Keystone Hetel, te wit : Forty Reds and Bedsteads, lerty Wash stands, let of Bureaus. Tables, Chairs, Cup boards. Sinks, six Parler and Cook Steves and Pipe; large let of Carpets. Miners, Tin. Queens and Karthen Ware; contents et Bar Roem, consisting of Ear t ixtures. Steve and Pipe, Demijohns, Ac. mid ether articles need less te mention. Sale te commence at 12 o'clock 111. en said day, w hen terms will be made known by JACOB S. EBY, HENRY' K. GRAY A ILL. Jehn Reiisian, Auctioneer. A. C. H.Yl-8, Clerk. nl2,ll.lCd ORPHANS' COUKT SALE. PURSUANT te an order of the Orpnans' Court will be sold en TUESDAY, APRIL ID, the Key stone Hetel, .North Queen street, the following real estate. Inte the property et William Buck les, sr., deceased : A one-story weather-bearded DWELLING HOUSE, Ne. 228 Xerth Prince street, and let of ground fronting 3i icet 1i inches en North Irrince streel, mm v.xix:iiiik iii 111:11111 15 icei te Water stitsct. Adjoining eining properties et Henry Franke, deceased, and Gen. ll. A. Hani bright. Geed Well of Water, Fruit Trees and ether improvements. ... Sa'.c te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., when attendance will be given and terms made known bv CHARLES BUCKIUS, Administrator of Wm. Buckins, Sr., dee'd . Henry Siiuiibrt, Anct. mar304a2,.8,13il'.hl DJiY 1NEN5. LINENS! A7e have received new linens from Belfast, Barnsley, Duntermline, Lisle, Binssels, Ghent, Silesia, Bohemia We have ransacked all Europe for linens, and have 'a variety of both fabric and finish that could net begathered in the American market. The goods are fresh, tee. That's important ; for linens bought in Niw Yerk may be several years old, and you knew starched linens de net improve by age. The dressings used by the manufacturers is net se de bit uctive as starch ; but it does injure the fabric in time. We have another :tdantage in prices. We gain the importer's profit. The result is we get the best linens in the world, in the bast possible condi tion, and for the least money anybody can get them for. We can give you tiic Importers' profit, and still have enough left. "ew it is proper for te consider that somebody else may be doing the same thing, and afford the very same advantages. Se, if you please, whatever you wish te buy get samples of it from us and from ethers, and compare. Or buy our goods, if you like; and if you can ;de as well elsewhere, bring ours back. This is rather a brave challenge ; for, you knew nobody wants 1 cmuants. The linens new in are sheeting, pillow, bolster and shhting linens, towels, tewclings, doilies, napkins, table cloths and table linens. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. KKI.IGIOVS. Con;kk;atienal baptist iiketii lvn. Service in Salem church, West Or ange sticet, at 2J4 p. 111. -7IRST UAITI.ST, EAST CHESTNUT ST. Jt; Preaching te-morrow morning and even ing by the pastor. Rev. tVm. Morrison. Sun day t-choel at 14 p. 111. F IRSr REFORMED EASTKIt SKRVlCtS te morrow ns fellows : Earlv services at C o'clock. Hely Communion at le a. m. Chil dren's service with uaptism 01 imams at 3 p. m. Evening service nt 7J o'clock. F lltST M. K. CHURCH, NORTH UUKE stri-i't. Pmickinsr at 10V a. in. bv the neu ly appointed Presiding Elder. Rev. Jacob Dickersen ; at 1 p. m.. by the pastor, Rev. W. C. Robinson, i-abbath school at 15J p. m. An adjourned Leve Feast will beheld en Wednes day evening at TJi o'clock. Mi:, .missions. east mission, east . King street. Preaching at 1 p. m. Sunday school at lJi p. in. Weekly prayer meeting en Tuesday evening at Vi. West Mission Preaching at 10C a. 111. and HP-'.. by the pastor, Rev. R. A. Mcllwaln. MORAVIAN. J. 31 AX HARK, l'ASTOK. Ca. in. Easter morning Liturgy; 10J a. in.. Easier l.ilauyaud Sermen: 7!4 p. in., an K.istere:vice by tue children. y eunes.iay evening lecture en "Coveteusncs.' diallv invited. All eer- OLIVET HAP11ST CHURCH AT V. M. C. A. Roem". Preaching morning and cvcninir by the pastor. Rev. M. Frayne. Sub ject "The Resurrection et the Head." Sun day t-choel at ! p. m. ST. LUKE'S REFORMED MISSION, Marietta Avenue, near Wct Orange street. Rev. W. F. Liehliter. pastor. Easter Sunday, early service at C a. m., Hely communion ser vice at 10K a. in. ; evening service at 7J p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. 111. PRESBYTERIAN. PREACHINU IN THE morning ii'itl evening by the pastor, Rev. J. Y. Mitchell, H. D. PRESBYTERIAN MEMORIAL MISSION Chapel, Seuth Queen Street. Preaching at ii p. in. by the pastor. Rev. J. C. Hume. Sunday s-ehenl l?i p. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7J. IOCKLAND SUNDAY SCHOOL (ONDE i nomiuatienal) meets in the Rockland slreet public school building, eery Sunday alternoenat y. o'clock. Everybody welcome. -tf lvtiit.'s irVT?imiivi run mii.r O Communion will be administered nt 10K :i. III. illi.i;ilill UL 1; f. in. m. inyvk iii;vt.- in,j at ; p. m. Sunday school at p. m. ST. .TAMES S A. 31., FIRST CELEHBA CELEHBA tien of Hely Commnnlen. I0a. m. Horn Hern ing Prayer, Sermon and Hely Communion. 1. p. 111., Evening Pr.iver and Sermon. QT. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. j Preaching at 10$ a. in. by the pastor, Rev. Sylvanus "stall. The sermon and service will he suited te Eatcr. Nesei vice in the evenint;. sits live. Sunday school at li p. m. Gotwald .uisyien school at ' p. in. ST. PAUL'S SI.i:., CHURCU, S. yUEEN ST. tjuaiterly Meeting. Preaching at 10Ji a. in., by the pastor, Rev. .1. Lindemuth, undat TV; i. m. e.v Kev..i. uiciccrsen, l'resliling biuier Sunday school at 1 p. 111. SECOND EVANGELICAL CHURCH (English), North Mulberry street, above Orange. Preaching at 10u. m., and at 7 p. 111. by the pastor, Iter. J. C. Krausc. Sabbath fechoel at 2 p. in. SALEM CHURCH OF (iOl) PREACHING te-morrow morning and evening. Rev. Peyton J. Raumau, et Seuth Caieliua, will preach his farewell sermon in t'lecvening. Sunday school at lJip. in. West Mission, Dor Der wart direct. Sunday school at 1 p. 111. North Mission, Antiecli. Sunday school at 9 a. m ; veiling service at C p. in. " XTNION BETHEL CHURCH. OF GOD. J Rev. U. W. Seilhamer, pastor. Pi-caching at !:) a. in. and at 7 p. m. by the pastor. M. C. A. BIBLE STUDY AT 9:15 , a.m. Gospel scrvice at i:15 p. 111. tmxiruitjs. j)UVKIS! BUYERS !l HEINITSH SEUS: Hair Maltu-ss treui , Weel " " Husk "' " Woven Wire Mattress trein.. Spring Ri-ds $10.00 te $40 7.00 te 11 4.E0te 6 10.00 te 20 2.)te 7 Holsters and Pillows Made te Order. Call and -. my asserlment and be con vinced of the fact that my prices are all right. Picture Framing a Specialty. Regildiug and Repairing at short notice. HEINITSH, T,y, EAST KING STREET, un8-i;m.l Over China Hull. U 11 SI VAJL. lXSTJt VMJSSTS. QI'ECIAL J NOTICE. ORuANS AND PIANOS can be purchased at the Lancaster Organ Manufactory Irem ten te twenty-five per cent, cheaper dur ing the month et Apt II than any ether time. As 1 have a large assortment et all kinds nt Musical Instruments en hand, purchasers will liud it. le their advantage after examining ether instruments te call at the warerooms, ns they will then be able te sec the superiority et the'Lancxstcr Organ or Chlckerlng Piane. 1 have added steam power and am adding a si'tetnew machinery et my own invention for making all parts of an organ, from reeds te the key beard, therefore saving time, expense and labor, and will give my customers the benefit et it by reducing the prices. Send ter catalogues. All kinds el instruments tuned and repaired, at NO. 330 NORTH O.UEEN STREET. ALEX. MeKILLIPS, tuar23-2wd&eS Proprietor. NOTICE TO CITY BOND HOLDERS. The holders et Leans of the Cby of Lan caster et April 22, 1872, payable by the city after live years anil within ten years; et May I,187J, payablelnlSSO: of Ma 7, 1S75, payable after one year and within thirty years; or April 12, 1S7.", payable alter one year and within thirty vears, are hereby notified that tlie bends of the said city, issued at the the times specified, will be redeemed at the Mayer's Office with Interest up te SATURDAY, the twenty-third day et APRIL. 1SS1. Interest en the above bends after that date will cease. JNO. T. MacGONIGLE, api-2 cod ta22 Mayer. aoevs. 1NENS. 1 MEDIVAL. PROVERBS. "I"nr sinkinrrHnclls. tits, dizziness. D.ilnita tien and low spirits rely en Hep hitters." "Read of. nrecnrennd use Hen I!itlei- and you will be strong, healthy ami happy-" " Ladies, de von want te be strong, heall hy aud beautiful? Then use Hep Hitters." "The greatest appetizer, stomach, bleed ami liver regulator Hep Bitters." ' Clergymen, Lawyers, Editors, Rankers and Ladies need Hep Bitters daily." 4,Hep Bitters lias restored te sobriety and health, perfect wrecks from intemperance." " $300 will be paid ler a cae that Hep Hitters will net cure or help " "Hep Bitters builds up, strengthens and cures continually from the llrst dose." "Fair skin, rosy cheeks and the s wettest breath pi Hep Bitteis." "Kidney and Urinary complaints of all kinds permanently cured by Hep Bitters." "Sour stomach, sick headache and dizzincs, Hep Bitters cures with n few doses." "Take Hep Bitters three times a day and you will have no doctor bills te pay." Hep Bitters iMauiUactiiriiig Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. airl-lydMWF&w DO. YOU EVER I'BKI. AS XV THERE was an obstruction in yen back, prevent ing you from straightening your lerm. anil indicating an obstruction in 'he Kidney.-? KIDNEYCURA will remove this. It is a nat ural remedy, composed et roots and herbs, and made into a TEA. A pack makes four pints of Tea. Try it and be convinced. Fere sale at KAUFFMAN'S DRUG STOKE, Ne. 11C North (linen Street. KIDNEY WORT. PERMANENTLY CURES KUhW DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION AM) PILES. Dr. R. II. Clark, Seuth Here, Vt., says. " In cases of Kidney Trouble it has acted like a charm. It has cured many very b.'d cases of Piles, and has never failed te a t efficiently. Nelsen Faircluld, of St. Albans. Vt., siys, "It Is of priceless value. After sixteen years of great suffering from Piles and Ceativcness it completely cured me." C. S. Heuben, et Berkshire, says, "One package has done wonders ferme in complete ly curing a severe Liver and Kidney Com plaint." IN EITHER LIOUID e"R DRY FORM IT TTAH WONDERFUL POWER. WHY? Uecacse It acts en the LIVER, UOWELS and KIDNE1S at the same time. . Because it cleanses the system et the poison eus numers mat neveinp 111 kiiiiicv ami uri narv Diseases. Biliousness. Jaundice. Const! pat.ien. Piles, or in Rhcnnuitism, Neuralgia, .Nerveu.s Diseracrs ami Female complaints. S" It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, in A3-tin cans, one package of which make? six 5-quarts or medicine. W Alse in Liquid Ferm, very Concentrated SS-ler the convenience el thee who cannot AS readily prepare it. Jt acts with equal A3 efficiency in cither for m. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, Burlington, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec27 lydAwt MlSWLI.JlXJZO VS. A NTlfjUE FURNITURE, JtC. Old Things Wanted. Antique furniture, rare old china, line cut glass, old sterling silverware, caudle-branches, silver shoe-buckles, old plated ware ; everything thaf is rare, curious and line. Fer cash. Call or address JOHN WANAMAKER, PHILADELPHIA. PltwWjntdced mnr lfi T)RuOL AMAT1 ON. Whereas, the alarming prevalence of Incen diary tires in our midst, anil the boldness of the perpetrators, make It the duty of all geed citizens, especially the holders and owners et property, te be vigilant and te assist by their Individual i.llnrlN tn lirinir these outlaws te Justice. Citizens will de well te watch the goings ami Comings 01 snspeeieu i:r-uns m their Immediate lespective neighborhood, and give early and authentic information te the police authorities et the city, el any cir cumstances in the habits or conduct et such suspected individuals likely te taster, upon them the perpetration el se heinous a crime. Police officers having miles upon miles te patrol in their respective wards, must neces sarily afford very inadequate protection against the cunning of the incendiary, utiles their efforts are supplemented by these or our citizens. 1 therefore call upon nil InteieMed In preserving order, in tins preservation et tranquillJty.te contribute te these ends by 1111 usual vigilance ever the Immediate vicinity of their respective abodes. $500 BBWARD. By virtue of the authority given me by the resolution or Councils of February 4, 1S74, 1 hereby offer a reward et Five Hundred Hol lars for the arrest and conviction of any p irt v or parties who have set lire te any or the build ings burnt by incendiary Are within the last year, and the same reward will be paid ler the arrest and conviction or any person who may set lire te any building In the future. JNO. T. MacGONIGLE, aprl.Vtfd Mayer. EXTJSBTAZS21EXTS. K EXCEPTIONALLY BRILLIANT L EXPERIMENT. P. T. BARNUM'S The Great Louden Circus, Sanger's Royal British Menagerie, AND THE Grand International Allied Shows. P. T. BARNUM, J. A. BAILEY & J. L. HUTCHINSON, SOLE OWNERS. United for tills Season only, at an expense 01 84,500 nauy, ami representing a capital of $3,OOO,0OO. LANCASTER, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1881. P. T. Barnum Te The Public. 1 pledge my personal honor and managerial reputation of nearly fifty years, that never be fore within the memory m man nor the pages of hi&terv. and nrebablv net since the creation et the world, has there been a combination of exhibitions of such a supendeus nature as my "l.RRATEST SHOW ON EARTH," in con cen j notion with '-THE GREAT LONDON SHOWS," that could bear any comparison wiih ours, cither in regard te its unparalleled extent, its wonderful talent, its numerous cx 'trumdinary performances, its immense collec tion et rare living animals and human phe nomena, its mere than royal geld, silver and enameled equipage, its gorgeous and exceed ingly uriniani tout ensemeie, me almost in credible amount et money invested in Us out lit. and the e.500 required each dav te pay tts ordinary expenses. a 11c l'limic's uucuicni servant, P. T. BARNUM. AN OPEN AVOWAL. Certainly no sane man in or out et the pro pre pro lesslen would dispute the apparent lact that P. T. BARNUM'S GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH and THE GREAT LONDON CIRCUS, before the present consolidation, were each in dividually unequalcd in every appointment necessary te make up a perfect exhibition. The unprecedented popularity aud the unus ual success of both mere than attests this truth. Then, with the admission which every honest man is compelled te make, is it net just as siguiticautly apparent that the harmo nious union et both establishments multiplies their strength and uttractiveness twofold, and that they fie new inaiij times larger than any ether twain et the Biggest Shows en Earth? We have little hope that this experimental season will prove a very gicat linuncial suc cess te us, becauseel the tremendous expenses attending such a colossal combination ; but, should auy le-.s occur, w c are able te stand it, aud shall e xperience lively satisfaction in the gratifying knowledge that we have presented te a liberal and critical public our friends fully three times the grandest and greatest ten led exhibition ever before organized, and which can never, probably, again have its parallel. The Public's Failhtnl Friends, P. T. BARNUM, J. A. UAILEY A J. L. HUTCHINSON. See the Convocation of (Slants. See neatly all the Challenge Champien Arenic Lights 01 the World, in 3 SEPARATE RINGS. 3 Sec lully Three times the Largest Menagerie ever exhibited under GS,poe Square Yards of mie'.v White Tents. We never advertise a Feature, Curiosity or Act which we de net exhibit. "iv.OOO Seats ; 15, 00u Cushioned Opera Chairs. 3 PFRFORMANCES EVERY DAY. Admission only as usual. CHILDREN UNDER YEAlh, S5c. apr9il.141tw2e O USKFUIlSISHIlHt O O OJiS. F LiNN A: WILI.SOX. 01 COP fctj & P.JB ! D STB) Z3 Q02eB if e. 05 m e O" H, 1 e m m Ol ct- 2 e Q e P & e O CD in liw a L td St"1 m Xh ID Q SS O H J re tn PM V F. I 1 K Y 21 Mir'ta m M-1 " w n i 3 2 i-i i e k fjrt B O ? fa a p K" a 3. i-w CD ? i . a e a rr 4? 'J. H S3 PJ e Pr gee e P a co j a ., at 5e gB'TJ 3 O SOD) p&p QJQ(- S-gQ Q H d O Q 03 x i-3 rl-1 e en 3 O BUT VKA HXVOS. 31st Popular Monthly Drawing OV THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, In the City of Louis ville, en SATURDAY, APRIL 30th, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Assembly of Kentucky, incorporat ing the Newport Printing and Newspaper Company, approved April !, 1S7S. ST!iis Is h spcrial act, and has never been repealed. The Uniteii States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the tollewin decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company is legal. 2u Its drnn lugs are fair. N. R. The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler the APRIL DRAWING. 1 )1 7j 9 JiljiJtJU 1 )ilZ4- lUflKJU 11 it" D,WW 10 $l,XX)each 10,000 'JUprliecsflUicuch 10,UU0 10Uprl.cs.liiea:h 10,0uu 20uprl7.cs.rlt:ch 10,000 MJ0 prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 prizes lOeaeh 10,000 0 :ui each, approximation prizes 2,700 0 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " 900 Whole tickets, $2; halt tickets, $1 ; 27 tickets $.V); Si tickets, $lue. Remit Meney or Bank Draft in Letter, 01 send by Express DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE OiCDER. Orders or $." and upward, by Express, can be vent at our expense. Address nil orders te R. M. HOAKDMAN. Courier-Journal BnUding, Louisville. Ky.. el T. .1. COMMKRFORD, 212 Bieadwav. New Y-rk. fehl-TuTh&Sttw J' RUSSKS! TKIISSES! TRUSSES! The best, -afest and eash-st in the world. Call and examine and be convinced. On ex hibition and ler sal at FREPS DRUG STORE, """ "" m-". vnac., LANCASTER, PA. ZMZT GOODS. IEW NECKTIES AT ERISMAN'S. . XEW COLLARS AT ESI8MA2TS. THE k MONARCH" SHIRT AT EBISMA1VS, NO. 56 NORTH QUEIN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Opposite Inquirer BnUding. s PRING DRESS GOODS. 1 Have new open a handseme line et French, English and American DRESS GOODS, In the New Fabric and in the I.ahMt Spring Shades. French Shuda Cleth, -French Serge, Crepe Armurc, Memie Cleth. Aloatress Cleth, Men's Vesting, Illuminated and Plain Bege, Lace Buntings, with Cashmere. Stripes and Plaids ter Combinations. Dress Ginghams, Lawns and Chintzes. Silks et Superior IJuality at very low prices. LYONS BLACK SILK, SATIN 1)K LLON, COLORED SILKS, SUMMER slLKS, SURAH SILKS AND SATINS. BLACK GOODS ' We have the best makes of BLACK CASHMERE and Silk Warp Henrietta; also a Large Line or French Lace Bunting, Armure Grenadine, Damassc Grenadines, Crepe dc Japen, Camels Hair Grenadine. NeiPnisHiUircM NEW LACES, EMBROIDERIES. LADIES' AXD MISSES' HOSIERY, KID AXD LISLE GLOVES, HANDKER CHIEFS AXD CORSETS. HS'c invite examination. HAGER & BROTHER. XRESS GOODS, SC. WATT. MM & CO. Have opened their llrst selection or FR K.N C 11 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, embracing a great variety of new anil nesir able Fabrics. New Spring Shades in beiges. Melange, Serge, Crepes, Armures, Cashmeres, Orinoco Stripes, French Checks and Plaid, Illuminated Suitings and Cleakings. SPECIAL BARGAIN. New Spring Shades in in CREPE CLOTHS at 15c. a yard ; sold everywhere from 13 te 20c. a vnnl. One Case COLORED CASHMERES at 8c. a yard. One Case WOOL FACE BEIGES at I2c. a yawl. Anether invoice et our famous BELLOU CASH3IERE SILK at $1 a yard, which cannot uc cxceiicti ler coier, quality ami unisn. NEW SPRING HOSIERY AND GLOVES, New Laces and Embroideries, NEW FRINGES AND DRESS TRIMMINGS. NEW DRESS BUTTONS, in every color and style, from ."1 cents le $I.2." a dozen. Popular goods at lowest price-.. NEW YORK STORE, 8 & 10 EAST KINO STREET. 1'AfESUAXOlXaS, Sr. A1 HOICE LINE OF WALLPAPERS FOR THE SPRING. FINE GILTS FOR PARLORS. Celer and Common Gilts, Grounded und low priced goods of every description und ISeauti lul Patterns. We have some Odd Lets that will be sold very low in order te clone out. PLAIN MOV, SEAID1, In Brown, Olive, Old Geld, Blue, Lavender, Smoke. &c. Scotch and American Helland-, r ixtures. Leeps. Ac. In stock ever 1.200 pieces Window Paper ; which will be sold te Merchants at Factory Prices. Extension Window Cornice, Poles, Ends, Ac. Orders taken ter Fine Mirrors. PHARES W. FRY, NO. 57 NORTH O.UEEN ST. TOBACCO I'MJCHSHS. ri'OHACX'O PRESSES. TOBACCO PRESSES, BIINNICH'S LATEST : IMPROVED BALING. PRESS FOR FARMERS, AND CASING PRESS FOR PACKERS. Warranted the simplest, strongest, most dur able, cesiest and quickest te operate. Having Rolling Press Beams with which the press beard can always be brought down level while pressing, one man can operate tnjem and require less room. Are sold te reliable parties en trial. Guaranteed te be superior In every feature te any in present use, or can be re turned at my expense. Send ter circular te S. B. MINNICH, MANUFACTURER. mrt2mMls. LandIsvlllc.Lanc.Ca,ra. en BROTHER TJiA rJCLSRm OZ'JJi 1ASCASTEK AMI .1H LLEIISVILLE K. i Cars run as follews: Leave (P. R. Depot), at 7, , u ' 11:50 a. m., and 2, 4, t and Sile p. m., except cm Satnr.lay. when the Uu,t car leaves at :30 p. m Leave Millersviile (lower end) at 5, S, ami a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. in. Cars run daily 011 above time except en Sun day. C COLUMBIA AND POUT DEPOSIT K. K , Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the tollewlnj. time: STATIOS8 Ne Express. Express. Acceii. w.vr.n. a. 3. r. x. t. x. PortDepesU. 6:35 33 2.0P Peachbottem.. 7:12 4:2S 3:18 Safe Harber. 7:55 5:11 5:21 Columbia.- ."25 5:40 6.-2U Statiess Setrrn- Express. Express.) Accem WARD. A.Jf. P.M. I A.M. Columbia. 11:45 6-3) 7:45 r. M. 6-A9 AriHK Safe Harber. 12:14 p.h. Lelh40 Peachbottem 12S7 7:i 11.07 r.M. Pert Deposit 1:30 8:03 12:23 When a man is seriously ill he should call en his doctor at once ; but when his treubtb is only a cough or a sere threat he need only in vest 25 cents in a bottle et Dr. Ball's Cough Syr up. TEAD1N Jt COLUMBIA K. R. ARRANG EMENT OfTaSSENGER TRAINS OCTOBER 2&T1I, 18S0. NORTHWARD. LBAVK. Quarryvillc Lancaster, King St... Lancaster Colombia. ARRIVE. A.M. 7-Jl 0:10 Reading... SOUTHWARD. LEAVE. Reading AKRIVU. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster. Kin; Ouarrvville A.M. P.3I. P.M. :45 2:30 7:55 .... 3:40 8:05 1-.U5 3:50 7:.V 1:10 3:H 10:05 3:20 5.50 r.M 5:00 5:10 0:11 rst. .-1 rains connect at itenningwiiii trains te anil from Philadelphia. Ppttsville, Harrisburg, Al Al lcntewn and Xew Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Sunt. PKNNSYI.VAN I A RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE Oil and after MONDA1 . JANUARY 171 li. ISil, train.-, en the IVinwyl vaui: Railroad will arrive and leave tl.e l.un castx' and Philadelphia ucpets as follews: A.M. A.M. P.M. 8:05 ,12:00 0:10 r.M. 10:15 2:10 8:20 10:07 2.10 H:10 10:18 .... Sr HsM .... ft2S Eastward. Arrive Philad'a 1:15 .v.m 5:15 7:3' 10:10 " I2:lii V M. 3:45"" 5:en MM " f.:35 esai Philadelphia Exprc Cincinnati r.xpress Yerk Accein. Arrive:... Harrisburg Express Dillerville Aceem. Arriii' Columbia Accomiue.lathi Fretleriek Accem. Arrive Pacilic Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, Chicago Hay Express, Harrisburg Accommedat' WlBJTWARU. Ti-av.-;'t.M ... 2:10 a.v. "55 '.'.'. 5-tS" " ... 8.(W " ... 8:r " s, K:I5 ' HI, '.Rl.l " ., ISO ... 1:4 p.m. ... 2::x) '" ... .".tiTi '" ... t-x. ' 'n, n-.r " Leave Arrte 'Philad'a Iine'tel lillA.v. .':: A.M 7:3ii " lt-:20 !):W ' 11:10 " K:IW " 10:50 " 12:10 " 230 r.M. 2:35 " i::w"l".M. 5::e " I.-00 " 7:2T " frSLt " 7:30 " i;.-25 ' 80 " 1 ua ' IliV. " 2.15a.m. Way Passenger, Mail Train N e. l.via M 1 .Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Ctil'bia, Niagara & Chicago Expie-i- Sunday Mail, Fast Line, Frederick Accommedat Ien, Dillerville Loenl.viaMt.Jey Harrisburg Accomuiedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express Pacilic Express, Pacific Express, east, en Aunnay, wnen Hag fed, will step at Middlctewn, Elizabethtown It. Jey, Iimlisville, Bird-in-Hand, Lcman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, CeaK- ville, Oakland ami Glen Leeh. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtewn.Coiitesville, Parkcs bnrg,Mt. Jey, Elizabethtown and Mlddletewn . Hanover ncconnnedat Ien west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00 11. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, wet, at 2:30 v. m., ami will run Inreiiirh te Fredt-riek. JEWKT.t.HS. 500 SETS SILVER-PLATED TABLE SPOONS. TEA SPOONs. MEDIUM AMI DE&SERT FORK:-, DESSERT ANI MEDIUM KNIV1, at AUtiUSTUS RIIOAWS'S, Jeweler. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, 1 a. LEGAL XOTIVES. ASSIONKD MTAlii "OF 17NIEL S. Rur-'k and wile, of Lancaster city, Ijui caster county. Having by deed of velunturj assignment :isigned ami traiislerred all their estate and effects te the undersigned ler the benellt of the creditors et the said Daniels. Bursk, notice is hereby given te all persons indebted te said assigners, te make immediate payment te the undersigned without delay, ami thne having claims te present them te CHRISTIAN W1DMYEK. AsIgnee. M. I'.i:.).,ils, Att'y. marlNltdeaw INSTATE OF J.iANXA K1IEKLY, LATE J et the city et Lancaster, deceased. Let ters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted t lie cte are requc-ded te make immedi ate payment, and the-c having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in the city or Lancaster. CATHARINE HEFELE. Executrix. J no. A. COYI.E. Att'y. marT-Otdew "INSTATE OF CATHARINE KRENTZ, X!i late et the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letter testamentary en said estate hav ing been grunted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these haying claims or demands against the same, will pre siit them without delav ler settlement te the undersigned, residing in Lancaster cltv. Ne. OH! Maner Street, PETER KRKNTZ, P. Dennelly, Attorney, Execter. Ne. 408 West Kim; Street. mlO-Gtdeaw E ESTATE OF JOHN AI. GOOD, LATE OF the C'itv et Lancaster, deceased. The un dersigned auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remainini; in the hands of Samuel Worst, administrator et the estate of Jehn M. Geed, deceased, te and anions these legally entitled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en TUE.SDAY.tliu I'Jth day or APRIL. 1881, at 2 n'eleck p. iu.,in the Library Roem of the Court Heue. in the Cltv of Lancaster, where all per sons interested in said dtsttibutinn may at tend. jAMUKI, H. PRICE, in2S-ltdeaw Auditor. JJSTATEOFJUHN TOMLINSON, K1TK j et Lancaster city, deceased. The under signed auditor, appointed te distribute the balance in the hands of Rebert Fuulding and Rebert Tomlin-en, executers et said deceased, ami also certain moneys paid in te the Orphans' Court by a purchaser et part of Ihe real estate of said deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ter that purpose en WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20,1581, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem or the Court Heuse In the city or Lancaster, where all persons in terested in said distribution may attend. J. W. DENL1NUER. marSO-ltdeaw Auditor. TN TIIK MATTER OF THE ACCOUNT OF Jehn S. Gable, trustee under the will of Elizabeth Pinkerton, deceased. The under signed auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jehn S. Gable, trustee, te ami among these legally en titled te the same, wilt sit ler that purpose en TUESDAY, the leth dav et MAY, 1881, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. in the Library Roem et the Court liens, in the City et Lancaster, where nil persons interested in said distribution may attend. E. K. MARTIN, n'J-4tdnaw Auditor. ESTATE OFOKOKUE AH5RIUHT, LATE et the city of Lancaster, de ceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te th; undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent arc request ed te make i in mediate settlement, i.nd these having claims or demands against the estate efsald decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing.iu the city of Lancaster. 3 JOHN B. ALRRIGHT. marSj-Blrteaw Executer. ESTATE OF FANNIE LAULE, LATE OF Lancaster city. Lancaster county. Pa.. dee'd. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining In the hands et Charles U. Kaufman, administrator or the estate et the said Fannie Lagle, dee'd, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en FRIDAY, the 2Uth day of APRIL. A. D., 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persona In terested in said distribution may attend. CIIAS. I. LANDIS, arp8-4tdF Auditor. SCHILLER. HOUSE, NORTH UUEEN, C Mattcrn, proprietor. Lunch every day from 10 te 11 a. m. Best et beer en tap. The patronage of my friends and the public in gen eral is respcctlnily solicited. a2-2wd C. MATTERS, Prep'r.