fnMligrtM feluie XYH-Nq. 192 LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 14. 1881 Price Tir Grate. all EBBEftf2eeBE9HB&6BTx& cS CLOiBttra. fJKMOVAL! REMOVAL -OF- JehnFalek's Tailoring and Gents' Furnishing Establishment, Frem 41, opposite, te U WEST KING STREET, Te the room occupied for many years by tiie Lancaster Firelnsnrancc Company." anr8-lmd42mw rpEMPORABT RKMOVAt AL. ROSENSTEIN'S i Having removed te Ne. 148 North Queen Street, Twe doers lelew iny old stand, and light next deer te Fllnn & Wlllsen, where I propose te clear out my cnlire stock of Ready-Hade Clothing Gents Furnishing Goods, and Hats and Caps BELOW COST, The Stock must be closed e.it betnre MAY 1st, 1881, when I will remove te the Elegant nuil 3pa cleus Stere Uoem, Ne. 37 North Queen St., Which Is new being Kciuedcled. PRICE LIST: CHILDREN'S SUITS rreui SCHOOL SUITS 1rem HOYS' SUITS from YOUTHS' SUITS Irem MEN'S SUITS from REMEMltKR MY ...$1.25 up ...$2.00 up ...$2.7i up ...$.150 up .. $3 75 up Meri Is being stocked with New Goods eveiyeay. I employ none but Flint-Class Cutters and Tailors, and use the Best Trimmings the mar ket affords. I make suits te order ler $10, 12, l:t, $11, $!5, 1S, $20 and upwards. A Perfect Fit Always Guaranteed. Call anil examine my Sterk and be convinced et the truth of the above. ALROSENSTEIN, 148 North Queen Street. SIGN OF THE KEf FRONT. marll-lyd N BW STOCK OF CLOTHING FOB SPRING 1881, D. B. Hostetter & Sens, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made unusual efforts te bring before the public a line, stylish and -well made stock et BEADMADE CH, we are new prepared te show them one et the most carefully selected stocks of clelhhig in thin city, at the Lewest Cash Prices. MEN'S, BOYS AND YOUTHS' . CLOTHING! IN GREAT VAUIETV. I'iecc Goods et the Most Stylish Designs and at prices within the reach et all. SGivc us a call . D. B. Hostetter & Seil, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 6-lyd LANCASTER. PA . CHINA. AND GLASSWARE. nBlNAUALL! Common Sense Stew Pan, FAB SUPERIOR TO ANY COOKING UTEN SIL IN USE. Ihey will net Bum or Scorch like an IRON J- or TIN Kettle. The Best, Cheapest and Hest Satis- iacrery. HIGH & MARTIN, IS BAST KING STREET. unn STORE Dsc DeeartmBB CLOTHING. TJU8INES3 SUITS. BUSINESS SUITS- -:e: We have somewhere ia the region of one hundred styles of business suits new ready te put en. A list of them would be the dullest of read ing ; and yet we want you te knew substantially what they arc like. The lowest price is $8.50, and the highest is $30. They are all of wool. 98.50 is very little te get all-wool cloths, sponging, cutting, trim ming, making, watching, handling, rent, book-keeping, advertising and selling, out of ; but we manage te de it by dividing the costs among se many of you that one hardly feels his share at all ; he pays for materials and work, and very little mere. We'll take another day for the rest ; but you may as well come and see new as later. .Seeing is better WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, MARKET AND SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. THE LAltOEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. lOOl SPICING OPENING. SPRING OPENING AT MYEKS & BATHFON'S. We are prepared te sl.ew the public the largest and the great ett va'riety of PIECE GOODS ever offered in the city of Lancaster. Goods suitable ter the plainest as well as the most fastidious, and trein the lowest grades te the very finest in textures, all of which we are prepared te make up te order at the most reasonable price and at the shortest neiice and in iue iiesi werKuiauiiitc manner, uur siecks ei READY-MADE CLOTHING Fer Men, Youths, Beys aud Children, are tull and cempletn ; they have been gotten up with great care ; lliey ure well maile ami well made and well trimmed, ihe goods are all sponged and will be sold at BOTTOM PRICKS, (.'all and examine our stock before you make your Spring purchase, and you will save tiiencv by purchasing your CLOTHING of MYERS & RATHFON, POPULAR TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Me. IS EAST KING STREET, SLATE MOOt'IXO. TlHOLKSALK DEPOT FOK Wrought In Pp. Brass Cocks, of all tills HEATERS AND RANGES, GAS FIXTURES, , SLATE Nes. 11 & 13 EAST ORANGE JOHN L. IRON RITTERS. TKON HITTERS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended ter all diseases requiring a certain and effi cient tenie; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA. INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OP APPE TITE, LOSS OP STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, aud gives new life te the nerves, it acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Feed, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, cte. The only Iren Preparation that will net Dlackcn the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ter the A It C Heek, 32 pp. et useful and amusing reading gent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, iSMyiUfcw BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. LIVERY R EMOVEl). TKMOVED. HOUGHTON'S LIVERY, SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES HAVE BEEN REMOVED TO Ne. 221 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Zecher's Old Livery Stand), where parties can flnd First Class Single and Deuble Teams, Safe Horses, New Bug gies and Harness. AUe will have a New Line of Omnibuses for Sundav Scheel and Private Picnics ter this Season. Special attention given te Mevings. attended te. LIVERY OFFICE: 221 VSeceud-Hand Buggies ter sale ; have BOOTS AND SHOES. "VTEW BOOT AND SHOE STOKE. THE NEW ONE PRICE BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Ne. 30 EAST KING STREET. I have a large and fine selection of Ladies' Gents', Muses' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS In great variety, from the lowest grades te the very Finest Goods and the Latest Styles in the market. Don't fail te call and examine my goods and satisfy yeursclt before purchasing elsewhere. All goods te be as represented or money refunded. D. P. STACKHOUSE, al-lmd LANCASTKR, PA. TJSINESS SUITS. than reading. :e:- LANCASTER, PE3LVA. ROOFING, TIN PLATE. STREET, LANCASTER, PA. ABNOLD. rapr2-lld RON HITTERS. SURE APPETISER. STABLE. Alse railroad calls for passengers and baggage NORTH QUEEN STREET. been run but a short time. TOBACCO PRESSES. rpOBACCO PRESSES. TOBAOOO PRESSES, MINNIcn'S LATEST ; IMPROVED BALING PRESS FOR FARMERS, AND CASING PRESS FOR PACKERS. Warranted the simplest, strongest, most dur able, easiest and quickest te epeiate. Having Rolling Press Reams with which the press beard can always be brought down level while pressing, one man can operate them and require less room. Arc sold te reliable parties en trial. Guaranteed te be superior in every feature te any in present use, or can be re turned at my expense. Send ler circular te S. B. MINNICH, MANUFACTURER. mHr.T2mil.lw Landtsville, Lane. Ce., Pa. tmTinventers. " W. H. BABCOOK, Attorney-at-Law, et Washington, D. C, form erly nn examiner in U. S. Patent Office, offers his services as solicitor before the U. S. and Foreign Patent Offices. Careful work nt tair prices. Was associate et Mr. Jacob Stauffcr, et Ijancastcr, until the latter's death. I10-3md&w B Hancaster fntriligentei. THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, 1881. Gifts Fer the Easter-Tide. Mere Elaborate and Varied Designs in Eggs. Jewels and Cards Than In Previous Years. New Yerk World. ' The nrettv custom efmakiun of Easter (as far as the kindly reiiembrance of one's friends with gifts and s&uvenirs .can make it) a second Christmas is of ancient origin, and like many old customs lately re vived has chauged in the revival its origin al scope aud purpose. It is net te be won wen dered.at that tradesmen affected by this pretty custom have in the past, and are ia the present, making the most of their op. pertunitics. Tiffany & Ce., as far as is known, arc the only well known jewelry house which is net this year offering Eas ter novelties in silver aud geld and this, according te a member of Mie firm, is merely because Tiffany & Ce. have their hands lull of ether business at the present time. This firm is net, however, alto gether unprevided with what is known as Easter stock. In the engraving depart ment is a line of Easter cards sufficient te drain the purse of the average Easter card buyer. The finest Easter card which has been prepared by them this year is a hand painted caid-beard panel containing in many colors the front of a gothic struc ture typical of the church of Christ. It was painted in an upper room of the store at the corner of Fifteenth street and Broadway, by an artist regularly employed by the firm. It is valued at $25. There are also at this establishment ether Easter cards of various designs, ranging in size from 10x8 te 5x3 inches, for which 815, $12 aud $8 is asked. Among the prettiest and most artistic of these cards is one for the last mentioned price, showing three little angels just about taking flight heaven ward from a flowery plain, upon which lies prostrate a great gilt cies.s. Maguin, Uucdiu & Ce., and ether jewelers have " laid in " long lines of faience ware in the form of broken eggs ami ether Easter symbols, together n itb jewelry annrenri ate te the occasion, aud than which nothing for Easter irif'ts could be prettier. The " Easter pencil,' for instance, which is te be seen at several establishments, is in the form of a little silver or cold ejr-reut of which the head of a metal chicken pre- tiudes. When the head is pulled there immediately projects through the oppesito was opened te the public. Every one ac end of thegg the point and body of a sil- quainted with the dirt street of the city vcr lead pencil. There are also in these knows the condition of the same, and establishments awaiting the arrival of the Deibigny was one of the worst in point of Easter gift pm chaser, little silver eggs ruts, mud holes etc.- Te-day the street, for watch charms, and baskets made of i t" sidewalks, the gutters 1 hereof, present natural grasses containing eggs and grace- ' as fine an appearauce as any street iivthe fully surmounted by horseshoe-shaped , world. The whole street is paved iu solid handles of artificial flowers. am ' j granite street, sidewalks, gutters aud Among the confectioners preparations curbs te a thickness of eighteen inches, for the Easter trade" have been made en and the ce3t of the whole work will net the most lavish scale. It. being generally exceed fifty cents per square yard. .Con .Cen believod that they "de these things" bet- sidcring the cheapness and beauty of the tcr iu Pal is than elsewhere, most of the 4 work, the tapidity with which it is Easter confections have been imported as performed, and the durability of usual. A very large sugar egg ia fact, -the pavement, the invention is the largest, it is said, that was ever made truly marvelous. The following which will be exposed for admiration iu will give a faint idea of the modus the window of MaiHard, is. however, of eperandi: After piep.jring the read bed, domestic make. As it will be seen by .gutters curbs and sidewalks out of the manv people between this and next Sun ground itself, the earth is made perfectly day, "it is baldly worth while te describe it smooth aud level and beaten down with and yet the painting en the outside and J common spades or rolled with an ordinary the happy conceit of placing within it a , street roller, and allowed te stand a few limber-jointed Chinese mandarin makes ' hours of a sunny day. Then an ordinary this wonderful egg worthy of notice. Te cistern of a capacity of 0,000 gallons is de justice te the confectioners of New filled with ear common cobble stones, and Yerk, it should be said that they have all, a solution of three-quarters river water from the most humble te the most preten- and one-quarter acid (the secret whereof tieus, made elaborate preparations iu their is known te the profession only) is poured lines for Easter and the Easter trade. n, se as te cover the cobble stones com com Amend's and Ileyler's and a dozen ether pletely ; the cistern is then closed tight sweetmeat windows arc full of ar- and in forty minutes the contents of the tistieally and ingeniously conceived cistern is reduced te a semi-liquid sub " triumphs of the candym: kcrs' art." stance, having the consistency of very thick As it is impossible te mention mere molasses; this the professor calls hydrelith. than a few of this year's novelties, the two This hydrelith, by means of a hand pump houses of Maillaru and Hepe may be se- s sprinkled ever the street, sidewalks, Icetcd as furnishing a reliable index te gutters,ctc.,se as te completely saturate the the best things that may this week be whole and then allowed te dry. In about seen. Maillard, te begin with, has for sale twenty hours the liquid has penetrated this week among- ether things some wen- the earth, te a depth of about eighteen dciful straw, s-ilk and satin baskets, in inches, and has se completely granitized or which Easter eggs can be conveyed te pctrilL-d the same that it may compare young women, and which by mere ilepriv- ! favorably in point of- hardness te square ing them of their handles can be at once I block pavement. The wiiter was shown a converted into the latest stvle of Parisian block of stone made by this process out of hats. In fact these iimen eus recentacles for stiiiar plums wcie made and intended . . ) te be worn as hats, and any young lady who receives one may, it is solemnly as serted, have no hesitation about emptying the contents into her lap and clapping the basket upon her head. Lest any unso phisticated person should for a moment imagine that the custom of sending real eggs boiled in chemical dyes exists, or that these Parisian hat-baskets, for in stance, are intended te be tilled with such useless entities, it must be stated that the eggs with which they arc te be filled are satin eggs, hand-painted, delicately hinged and clasped, which will, according te their varying sizes, held one, two, three or four pounds of French candies. As alternatives te the sending of these satin sugar-stuffed eggs in hat baskets, the Easier-offering maker may from the imported stock dis played cheese one of a hundred beautiful mediums. There arc, for example, huge bird's nests mounted in the forks of mini ature trees and guarded by solemn owls, iu which two or three pound eggs may be deposited ; silver and white weed wheel barrows, in which half a dozen smaller egus may be placed ; little wicker Cradles upholstered in pink and blue satin, aud miniature Saratoga (or. perhaps it should be said " Paris ") trunks capable .of hold ing a whole dozen of eggs. Little baskets covered ever with plain blue handker chiefs, the corners of which .arc tied te. gether, after the manner iu which the peasants carry their eggs te mar ket, will no doubt be fashionable aud much-sought-after Easter offerings. At Hope'slwe establishments in Fulton street and m Broadway at the corner of Twcnti -second street mauy curious and qnaint conceptions are exhibited. Mr. Hepe is realistic te the last degree iu bis art methods. Hence arc te be seen at his establishment tin or galvanized saucepans containing water (?) and eggs in process of boiling, which being lifted (the water and eggs) leave a place for the storing away of much Easter candy. There are also here te be seen egg-shaped satin car riages (such as Chinese mandarins use) borne upon wooden bandies by proud chickens and ether varieties of fowl. In some way or ether, it should be explained, the hen .and the egg have a part in all Easter trophies and mementoes. A rooster erect, with a little basket of eggs in its claw and a larger baskcUdesigued te held sugar plums and satin eggs at its back, is One of" the oddities. Little cl:i2kens peep out of windows in big candy eggs, and Cupids crawl en hands and knees carrying egg-shaped receptacles, which, when their sweet-meat contents are devoured, will be prized as jewel cases. Everywhere, in fact, among the confectioner's Easter goods this year, there is a plcasaut com mingling of the useful with the orna mental. As te Easter cards, they are te be as thick in the shop windows this week as at Christmas. "Prang's line," chief in which is an egg made up of a mass of daisies crossed by a band of violets, is te ha found :n the windows aud showcases of all the stationers and booksellers. Like the Christ mas cards from the same Bosten firm, these reminders of Easter cover a wide range of subjects. One of the largest of the Prang Easter cards is simply a white pigeon flying across a field of blue sky. A pretty conceit, among ethers, is that of a chicken sailing in a hen's egg ever the placid surface of a mill-pond, the" cargo of the little vessel being made up of lilies of the valley. There is also as a sort of companion piece ler this Easter marine a landscape across the foreground of which a brace of velvety chicks are dragging aji egg-shell card mounted en tiny wheels and leaded down with daisies and violets. Dempsey. & Carrell, Ne. 4G East Four teenth street, as well as Carleton & Ce., of the Fifth Avenue hotel, have many Easter cards for which Prang, of Bosten, is net responsible. At the first mentioned place are exuitmeu satin articles ei various shapes which arc designed te serve the double purpose of Easter cards and cenl bags. A wonderful use has been nfade of these miniature birds which for a -variety of random patterns are se successfully con structed in Mexico and Seuth America. With a tiny little humming bird (or even a biped mere nondescript) in tbe oernor of a heavy card, and an emblazoned Easter text crossing the card diagonally, a taste ful Easter memento is had at once. Hand painted panels, surrounded with velvet fringe ; miniature tambourines, cards iu the shape and form of the passion fiewcr, these arc by the hundreds, all containing appropriate texts. Even the familiar pat tern of the old fashioned bellows has net been forgotten, aud in some instances the bellows are left widely distorted aud are designed te held boubens or jewelry as the giver's taste and purse may indicate Frem all accounts Easter is this year te be mere like Christmas iu the matter of making gifts than ever before, which is saying a great deal. Ilydrelitli Pavement. New Orleans Times. We take pleasure in announcing te our lately overflowed townsmen, aud te the people of New Orleans in general, that Prel. von Uiuhu", et the Munich ecienti- fie Circle, has carried out fully and com- pletely the premises made last week te Mayer Shakespeare. At his request Der- "gny street, between Canal and Bienville, was put at his disposal and closed te travel en March 24, at 12 o'clock, and yesterday (March ai), at 12 o'clock m -ew uucatis until, ami tee usews et a 1 .. i'.TI heavy haiu.iicr failed te make any impres sien en it. He himself tried te break it with a pickax, and only succeeded in chip ping off small fragments. The street isin deed beautiful, level, smooth and clean, and has the appearance of Sehillinger'c pave ment, minus the joints. We would invite our friends te visit the spot and exert their muscles in trying te crush or break several sample blocks left tliece for the purpose. Prof. Gruling will bV here to day at 10 o'clock with the city council, aud our readers may leek forward te their repeit is our issue of te-morrow. Trapped. The devices of thieves arc frequently brought te naught by the counter devices of detectives. A story told of a lady ar.d gentleman, apparently se, traveling to gether in an English compartment car, .il lustrates the detective's method : They were strangers te each ether. Sud denly the gentleman said "Madam, I will trouble you te leek out of the window a few minutes ; I am going te make some changes in my wearing ap parel." "Certainly, sir," she replied with great politeness, rising aud turning her back te him. In a very short time he said "2few, madam, my chauge is completed and you may resume your scat." When the lady turned she beheld her male companion transformed into a dash ing lady with a veil ever her face. "New, sir, or madam, whichever you like," said the lady, "I must trouble you te leek out of the window, for I also have some changes te make in my apparel." "Certainly, madam," and the gentlc tleman in lady'.- attire immediat ly com plied. "New, sir, you may resume your own seat." Te his great surprise, en resuming his scat, the gentleman iu female attire found his lady companion transformed into a man. ne laughed loudly, and said, "It appears that we arc both anxious te avoid recognition. - What hive en done ? I have robbed a bank." "Aud I," said the whilem lady, as he dextreusly fettered bis companion's wrists with a pair of handcuff's, "am detective J , of Scotland Yard, and iu female apparel have shadowed you for two days, new," drawing a revolver, "keep still !" A Family Affair. At Letts' Cemers, Decatur county, In diana, Geerge Lawrence aud Ransom Ice occupy the same house with their families. Vane Lawrence, a son of Geerge, entered Ransom Ice's room and began te abuse him violently Just then Vane's father rushed in aud took up the quarrel. He grasped a &ingic-harrcl shotgun ;ind simul taneously Ice drew a forty-twe-calibre re volver. Four women of the two "families interposed their persons, and by force and pleadings prevented an immediate col lision. At this point a Mr. Kennedy cn- tercd and seized the gun arm of each of the confronting combatants, bat he stumbled and fell. Lawrence then emptied a lead of buckshot into Ice's right shoulder and Ice responded with his revolver, the hall from which passed through the arm of a niece of Geerge Lawrence and then entered and tore te pieces Lawrence's right hand. Vane Lawrence then appeared with an axe te assail Ice, but two women interfered and prevented immediate murder. Ice fled and Vane Lawrence pursued him with a rifle, but was stepped by Mr. Heward. The Lawrences, father and son, have tied. Ice is mortally wounded. Sceae of a Rallied City. An Ancient Aztec City In Arizona Territory. Phamix Gazette. Four miles northeast of town, near Ress' mills, there are several large and regularly shaped mounds. The largest of these mounds is withiu twenty feet of the well traveled read te Terepe. It is about forty feet higft, and, when once the curi osity hunter has clambered through the nohrte nrrMiimaiira f aiiAita ie9 a4liti t . s. - " ,r. r, r summit, he is rewarded by discovering the well defined divisions of what was once a i-uiu-iji vtmuu vuveis iuu aiuus, wvuB large house. Although large trees, of the slew crewing mesquite 'have sprung up, the adobe walls which divided the interior of the building into rooms still remains intact a feet beneath the surface. In some of these walls there still remain the ends of the rafters used te support the floors. All the pieces of rafters are charred, and appear as though they had been at one time subject te intense heat. Leeking te the northwest, from the top of this ruin, the eye sweeps a small plain thickly dotted with mounds, which differ from the large one only in size, and the whele is enclosed with the remains of what was once a thick adobe wall, the southeast corner of which was formed by a large house. An examination of the ruins dis closes a regular system of streets running north andseuth, intersecting one another, and forming regular and equal-sized squares. Immense-quantities of broken pot tery strew thegreund, and from these frag ments a relic hunter can select, with a little patieuca, a score of pieces, with each bear ing a different design, but this variety in design applies only te size and shape, as no colors save black, dark blue aud dark red appear te have been used by these ancient decorators. Here and there can be feuud fragments of shell ornaments bracelets, car-rings, etc., manfactured from a shell somewhat similar te abalenic. Everything connected with this desert of ruins tends te give rise te the opinion that the destruction of the city was sudden, speedy and complete, but when and in what manner, in common with ether cities, it was blotted from the land we new occupy, must forever remain a matter of conjec ture. " Ie you knew," remarked a prominent gon gen tlttmuu te us a few days age, 'Dr.Uull's Cengb Svrup is really a geed thing. II y daughter would have me use It for a bad cough and it did cure me." ItUUKS AND STATIONERY. "IEW AMD CUOICfc STATIONERY, NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES, AT L. M. FLYNN'S, Me. 49 WEST KINO STREET. 11IANK HOOKS. JOM BAER'S SONS, 15 sod 17 NORTH WEEN STRKKT, UANCASTER, PA., Have ler sale, ut the Lewest Prices, BLANK BOOKS, Comprising Day Reeks, Ledgers, Cash Reeks, Sales Reek. Kill Reeks, Minute Reeks, Re eeipt Reeks, Memorandums, Copying Reeks, Pass Roekss, Invoice Reeks, Ice. WRITING PAPERS. Foolscap, Letter, Nete, I5III, Sermon, Counting Heuse, Drawing Papers, Papeteries, 4c. KXVELOPES AND STATIONERY et all kinds. Wholesale and Retail. FAMILY AND TEACHERS' BIBLES, 1'rajer Reeks, Devotional Beeks, Sunday school Music Reeks, Sunday-school Libraries, Commentaries. Ac. UARfETS. II 1GHHST CASH FKICE WILL BK PAID FOR EXTRA MCE . CARPET RAGS. Carpets made te order at short notice uud satistactien guaranteed. Rare chances in Carpets te reduce stock et 6,000 Yams Brussels Carpets, AT AND BELOW COST. C:dl and satlsty yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Bast and Chain Carpets In almost endless variety .at H. S. SHIRE'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KINO STJUOtT, LANCASTER PA. piAllPETS, COAL, c. PHILIP SCHUM, SON k CO., MANUFACTORY, Ne. 150 S.OUTII WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, BLANKETS. CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING-YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS. SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither in the piece or in Garmenis; also, all kinds, of silks. 'Ribbons, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlcniens Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Ac Dyed or Scoured; also. Indigo Blue Dyeing done. All orders or goods lelt with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal et the best quality pat up expressly Iej tamily use, and at the lowest market ratre. . TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 tOUTH WATER STREET. 22-lvdRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON CO HOTELS. MISULEB HOUSE, (formerly Clarenden.) 113 and 115 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET ( below Chestnut), PHILADELPHIA, Pa. On the Eurepeanplan. Meals at all noun, at moderate rates. Reems. 50c., tfSc and 1 pr day. Hetel open all nl.LBA Formerly of the Mlshler Heuse, Reading, Pa. ,lArnTerTy"a Clair, AttaMc City, iiil-l.'iiud MEDICAL. TVS. BROWNING'S . O. & O. CORDIAL, OK GOLDS AND COUGHS, BRICE, SSS5Ceatf ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 1T. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., SOLE PROPRIETOR, Ne. 1331 Aroh Street, m-lyeedAw PHILADELPHIA. KIDNEY WORT. PERMANENTLY CURES KIDXEY DISEASES. ' . L1VEK COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION AND PILES. Dr. R. U. Clark, Seuth Here,. VL, says. " In .j cases or Kidney xroneies it Has acted like a ! a nf - iPiiiirni It baa pnrml many very bud cases Piles, and has never ialtalte act efficiently. i ie aci umcirnur. .Jieisen rairchiui, or St. Albans, vt., says, "It is of priceless value. After sixteen years of great suffering from Piles and Cestlvenea It completely cured me." C. S. Hoguben, et Berkshire, says, "One package baa done wonders for me in complete ly curing a severe Liver and Kidney Com plaint." IN EITHER LIQUID OR WRY FORM IT SAS WONDERFUL POWER. WHY? Because It acta ea tbe LIVER, BO WELSI aad KIONEXS at the sap tine. Because it cleanses tire system et the poison ous humors that dovelop in Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice. Consti pation, Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints. 4V It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, in evtinfans, one package, of which makes) six 4&-quarU or medicine. W Alse in Liquid Ferm, very Concentrated Jler tlie convenience et these who cannot 9 readily prepare It. acts with equal Mi" efficiency in either font. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, 1. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. WELLS, RICHARDSON CO., Prep's, Barlingtea, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 lydJtw4 T BUSSES! TRUSSES! TRUSSES I The best, safest and easiest in the world. Call and examine and bu convinced. On ex hibition ami for sal ut FREY'S DKUO STORE, COR. NORTH QUEEN AND ORANGE STS.. LANCASTER, PA. LOCHER'S Renowned Cough Syrup! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest. Bronchitis, Whooping Cengb, Spit ting or Bleed, Inflammation or the Lungs, ant' all Diseases of the Chcstand Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most safe and efficient qualities ter the cure or all kinds or Lnng Diseases. Price 25 cents. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. L0CHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 0 KAST K1NU STKfcKT. elS-tr DO TOU EVER FKL AM ir TUKKK was an obstruction in you back, prevent ing you from straightening your form, and Indicating an obstruction in ihe Kidneys? KIDNEYCURA will remove this. It'sa nat ural remedy, comprised et roots and herbs, and made into a TEA. A pack makes four pints or Tea. Try it and be convinced. Fere sale at KAUrFMAN'S DRUG STORE, Ne. Hi; North Queun Street. K KAD THIS USE- COUGH NO MORE I AMERICAN HOUGH SW, A CERTAIN. HAFE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOl'INU COUGH. PAIN IN THE SIDK Olt BREAST, And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptives In ali stages of the disease. Fer sale only ut HULL'S DllUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KINO STREET, ausr28-lydl LANCASTER. PA. JEWELEMS. 500 SETS MILYKR-FLATKD TABLE SPOONS, TEA SPOONS, MEDIUM AND DESSERT FORKS, DESSERT AND MEDIUM KNIVES, AUGUSTUS RHOADS Jeweler, . 20 East King Street, Lancaster, 1 a. -TTTHOLESALK AND RETAIL Watches and Clocks, -OF- ALL GRADES AND PRICES. E. F. BOWMAN, 1M BAST RING STREET. SLEIGHS, C Carriages! Carriages! AT EDGERLEY & CO.'S, Practical Vanlage BaiMen, Market Street, Rear ef Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We nave en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the! VERT LOWSST PBIefJl, All work warranted, uiveasa-eew,' 49-Repalrlng promptly attended to te One set or workmen especially eawleyed ter bat purpose. fa-JS-tfdAw