LAEOASTER DAILY USTi?IJJGECEK, MONDAY, APRIL 11. 1881. lUttcastet fntclligcncer. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 11,1881. TOBACCO. THE NEW YuBK REPORTS. Seed Leaf and Havana Last Week. United States Tobacco Journal. Ne change Las taken place in our mar ket this week, and evidently the spirited and extensive business in '70 stocks has come te an end. Whatever there is left of -79 Pennsylvania is in the hands of job bers, who de net care very much te dis pose of it in large lets at ruling figures as long as there remains a chance te sell it in small lets at better figures. Wisconsin, Ohie, and state of the '79 ciep am te be obtained in limited quanti ties only, and consist mostly of inferior grades. Connecticut of the !79 crop, of which there is still a large stock en hand, moves very slowly. Large manufacturers con tinue te shun it, jobbers want te buy it at almost binder figures, and the occasional sale of small parcels te small manufactur ers is net conducive te the creating of a stir anywhere. Therefore, unleses the '79 Pennsylvania leaves the market very seen, '79 Connecticut will have a peer show. Expert is almost extinct, owing te the supposed certainty of the establishment of a monopoly in Germany. In regard te the "80 crops, little or noth ing new is te be reported. There are the customary annual market whispers regard ing dry ret in the Connecticut, wet ret in the state, white -veins in the Pennsylvania -nd gummy fattiness in the Ohie and t 'sin. If even here and there some Wiscu.. len exists for these rumors, real feundaw. - Dreve that whole crops there is nothing i . - --.long as there is are thus affected ; ana - - -ome us te an uuccrtanty it would net uc - -,n tu0 dwell further en the subject. W in- proper time comes and investigation ciiu be carried en properly and witli certainty, the United States Tobacco Journal will net hesitate in making fact known te its readers, hurtful, however, as they may be te a few individuals. The sales el the week were as fellows : Pennsylvania Crep '79: 500 cases; wrappers, 43 cents ; fine running, 22 cents ; medium, 17 and 19 cents; fillers, 7 cents. Connecticut Crep '79; 100 cases, mostly wrappers, 80 and 33 cunts. Ohie Crep '79: 150 cases, 0$ cents running. Wisconsin. Crep '79 : 183 cases, Havana seed, 18 cents. Havana 3larket remains quiet. Sales, 600 bales, mostly '79,. at former figures. One sale of 120 bales of '80, te a large manufacturer, is also reported. A Cigar Mystery. Something mystciieusis going en in the cigar trade. Manufacturers complain that business is bad, and that it has been very dull since the first of January. Bex makers also have the same complaint te make. Nevertheless it appears that in this city tax was paid en 57,457,833 cigars last month, an increase of 7,747,038 as com pared with February, and of 5,228,833 as compared with March, 1880. New the first question that strikes any one who is familiar with the industry is, " If business is se bad, why has tax been paid en such a large quantity of cigars ?" Surely capital can be mere profitably em ployed than by investing it in internal revenue stamps. Ne manufacturer, it heciiis te us, will purchase stamps until he is in immediate need of them. What then is the solution of this mystery as we may fitly term it ? There is no doubt that the cigar business is at a standstill. We are assured of it by manufacturer here, as well as by these in nearly all parts of the United States. There is only one way in which te account for the payment of such a heavy tax that old orders arc being filled. And yet it seems strange that there should be se many unfilled orders en hand as te require the outlay in one month of $344,747 for tax. We cannot, however, account for it any ether way. If ever fifty-seven million cigars had been manufactured last month and tax had been paid en them, it would net be at all puzzling, for then we should take it for granted that manufacturers were layiug in big stocks in order Jiet te be embarrassed should a general strike take place. But that, with business in such a dull condi tion, tax should be paid en ever fifty-seven million cigars well, we confess it is a mystery we can't satisfactorily solve. Cuba ana Key West Lear. The latest communications from the island of Cuba seem te confirm the re ports that high prices arc being paid in the growing districts for the new crop. In the San Luis district the prices paid are : Fer from "firsts te sevenths, 83 ; eighths, $3 ; ninths, $2 ; tenths, $1 : I elevenths te twelfths and Capadura, 3 reals per carat. The cigarmakeis employed in a number of factories in Key West struck about ten days since in consequence of the manufac turers paying them their wages in scrip or orders, which they were forbidden te ac cept by a regulation of their Union. Fer a time considerable excitement prevailed and it is reported that a cigarmaker was killed. There were several arrests made. Among these who were arrested en sus picion was Mr. Marara, a manufacturer. lie gave bail and was released and after wards exonerated from all blame by the court. Several cigarmakcrs are still lay ing in jail awaiting trial. The principal officers of the Union are reported te have left Key West and the Union has been dis solved. The Philadelphia Market. Handlers of cigar leaf claim a fair busi ness, with demand largely beyond the supply of stock in store which at this time is required by the manufacturers ; in ether words, old leaf is scarce and difficult te obtain at a price at which it cau be resold at a fair margin. This is particularly the case with old Pennsylvania. Prospects are reported favorable aud encouraging, but packers must net pay tee high a price for new leaf, as cigars will only bring a certain price ; de net kill the geese that lays the gelden egg. Receipt of Pennsylvania Tobacco. During the past month (March) the fol lowing firms in New Yeik received the amounts of Pennsylvania tobacco fcet op posite their names : Charles F. Tag & Sen, 400 cases ; A. Cehn, 5 ; It. Meunc & Bre., 47 ; L. & E. Wertheimcr, 102 ; C Jacobs, 33 ; J. S. Gans's Sen fc Ce., 61 ; G. W. Gail & Ax, 42 : K. Spingarn & Ce., 3 ; Schwarz & Weil, 03 ; M. Neuburger & Ce., 79 ; S. Itessin & Sen, 300 ; E. & G. Friend & Ce., 300 ; Schroeder & Ben, 1 ; Levy Bres, 46; Leepold Arens, 25 ; Cehn & Stein, 100 ; Bunzl & Dormitzer, 40 ; N. Lachenbruch & Bre., 86 ; Jeseph Mayer's Sens, 39 ; H. Schubart & Ce., 106 ; B. Gretta, 23 ; L. Neugass, 100 ; L. & E. Kauffman, 10 ; A. S. Rosenbaum & Ce., 33 ; L. Gcrshel & Bre., 50 ; E. Heffman & Sen, 1 ; E. Geslinsky & Ce., 150 ; Kerbs & Spiess, 54; Lichtenstcin Bres. & Ce. 372 ; Bleck & Lindheim, 48 ; Basch & Fisher, 44 ; M. Oppenheimcr, 3 : Strohn & Reitzenstcin, 80 ; Sutra & Newmark, 133 ; S. Michaelis & Ce., 29 ; M. W. Men del & Bre. 1; M. Bendy, 2; S. Abraham, 31 ; J. Lebenstein, 43 ; G. Falk & Bre., 120 : C. H. Spitzner & Sen, 103 : CarlVegt, 7 : S. Ottenberg& Bres.. 20 ; C. S. Phillins & Ce., 4 ; L. Lcvisheim 25 ; F. Schulz, 10 ; total, 3,513. Pennsylvania Seed In Connecticut. F. E. Kelsey, writes from Cleveland, O. "I procured for E. Kclscy, of West Hart Hart eord, Conn., Lancaster seed from Hay & Smith, of Philadelphia. The result of the growth (1880 crop), in pounds as fellows : 2J acres, 0,440 pounds ; the one best aero 2,056 pounds. The leaf has the body of Pennsylvania and the style of Connecticut and Pennsylvania combined ; burns pei fect, and will euro all dark color. It seems te' me as a manufacturer,' and one that has steed by Connecticut leaf as long as was possible, that the cress of Pennsyl vania seed will help the Connecticut ma terially." Gaas's Repert. Sales of seed leaf tobacco, reported by J. S. Gans'sSen & Ce., tobacco brokers, Nes. 84 and 86 Wall street, New Yerk, for the week ending April lltb, 1881 : 300 cases 1879, Pennsylvania asserted, 12 (5,22c. ; wrappers- 18 te 40c. 150 cases New England wrappers 18 te 30c. 200 cases 1879, Ohie, 41 te 12 ; 100 cases, 1879, Wisconsin, 3 te lOct ; Total, 950 cases. s Never Return. It is said that one out or every four real in vallds who go te Denver, Cel., te recover health never return te the East or Seuth ex cept as a corpse. Theundertakers.nexttetbe hotel keepers, have the most profitable busi ness. This excessive mortality may be pre vented and patients served and cured under the care et friends and loved one's at home, if they will but 119c Hep Bitters in time. This we knew. Bee ether column. al-2wd&w A Sure Sign. When you gee a man sitting in an easy ehair with his toot bandaged, and he can't bear any one te approach him, and holler it you even point at it. the chances are he has the gout or rheumatism. Burdock Bleed Bitten would cure him. Prie $1, trial size 10 cents. Epr pale by II. B. Cochran, 137 N. 0een street. Jender en these Truth. Kidney-Wert is nature's remedy for kid ney and liver diseases, piles and constipa tion. Sediment or mucous in the urine is a sure indication et disease. Take Kidney-Wert. Torpid liver and kidneys poison the bleed. Kidney-Wert revives them and cleanses the system. Headache, bilious attacks, dizziness, and less et appetite, are cured by Kidney-Wert. See advertisement. apll-lwd&w Glad te Get Out of Red. ' James Durham. East Pembroke, N. Y., writes : "I was laid up in bed ler four months, and spent $50 en doctors, but they did mono geed. At last I tried your Themas' Eclectric "i. it gave me immediate reliet. and one 50e. ntt iV "urtia me." Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, 187 X. Qaee.. street. MEDICAL. D R. BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, FOR COLDS AND COUGHS; ,RUICE, 5330BV ASK VOUK DRUGGIST FOB IT.: W. C9AMPI0N BROWNING, M. D., SOLE PROPRIETOR, Ne. 1321 Arch Street, fl7-lyced&w PHILADELPHIA. 1ATAKRH. CATAKim, COLD IX THE HEAD, 11AY FEVEK, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS, CAX BE CURED. DIRECTIONS. Fer Catarrh, Hay Fever.Ceulin the Head Ac, Insert with little finger a particle ei Balm into the nostrils ; draw strong breaths through the nose. It will be absorbed, cleansing and healing the diseased mem brane. FOR DEAFNESS Apply a particle into the car. ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained an enviable local reputation, displacing all ether preparations in the vicin ity et discovery, is, en its merits alone, recog nized as a wenderlul remedy wherever known. A lair trial will convince the most skeptical et its curative powers. It effectually cleanses the nasal passages of catarrnal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays inflammation and irritation, protects the membranal linings of the head lrem additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense el taste and smell. Beneficial results are realized by a lew applications. A thorough treatment as directed, will cure Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold in the head it is unequalled. The Balm is easy te use and agreeable. Sold bv druggists at 50 cents. On receipt of 30 cents w'lll mail a package. Send ler 'circular with full information. EL 'S CRKAM BALM CO., Owego, N. . Fer sale bv the Lancaster druggists, aid .by wholesale druggists generally. f22 Gmeed&w rpKUSSES! TRUSSES I TRUSSFS: The best, safest and easiest In the world. Call and examine and be convinced. On ex hibition and for sal at FREI'S DRUG STORE, COR. NORTH QUEEN AND ORANGE STS., LANCASTER, PA. DO VOU EVKK FEEL AS If THEKE was an obstruction in you back, prevent ing you from straightening your form, and indicating an obstruction in hc Kidneys? K1DNEYCURA will remove this. It is a nat ural remedv, composed et roots and herb9, and made fute a TEA. A pack makes four pints et Tea. Try it and be convinced.; Fere sale at K All FFM AX'S DRUG STORE, Ne. 111! North Queen Street. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINEHAMS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, con sists et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial the merits et this compound will be recognized, as reliet is Immediate; and when its use is con tinued, in ninety-nine cases in a hundred, a permanent cure Is effected; as thousands will testify. On account of Its proven merits, it is te-day recommended ana prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucorrbeea, irregular and pain iul Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In flammatien and Ulceration, Floedings, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the Change of Lite. In tact it has proved te be the greatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new lite and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving ter stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bleating, Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness. De pression and Indigestion. That feeling of bear ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by- its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney cemptaints of cither sex this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is; prepared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form et puis, also in the form et lozenges, en receipt et price, fl per box, for either. Mrs. PINKHAM freely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ter pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this paper. Ne family should be without LYDIA E. P1NKHAMS LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation. Biliousness and Torpidity of the .Liver. cents per dex. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., General Agents, Fhiladelpkia. Fer sale by C. A. Lecher, 9 East King street and Gee. .W. Hull, 15 West King street y29-lydeedw i Discovery MEDICAID PROVERBS. "Fer sinking spells, fits, dizziness, pal pita pita tien and low spirits rely en Hep Bitters." "Read of, procure and use Hep Bitters, and you will be strong, healthy and happy-" ' Ladies, de veu want te he strong, healthy and beautiful? Then use Hep Bitters." " The greatest appetizer, stomach, fcieed and liver regulator Hep Bitters." 11 Clergymen, Lawyers, Editors, Bankers and Ladies need Hep Bitters daily." "Hep Bitters has restored te sobriety and health, perfect wrecks from Intemperance." " $500 will be paid for a case that Hep Bitters will net cure or help " "Hep Bitters builds up, strengthens and cures continually from the first dose." "Fair skin, rosy cheeks and the sweetest breath in Hep Bitters." " Kidney and Urinary complaints of all kinds permanently cured by Hep Bitters." 'Senr stomach, sick headache and dizziness, Hep Bitters cures with a few doses." 'Take Hep Bitters three times a day and you will have no doctor bills te pay." Hep Bitters XanuIactarlBg Cenpany Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. aprl-lydMWFAw LOCHER'S Renowned Cough Syrup! . A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedv for Colds, Ceuglis, Hoarseness, Asthma. Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest. Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Bleed, Inflammation of the Lungs, anC all Diseases of the Chestand Air Passages. This' valuable reparation combines 'all the mcdicinul virtues of these articles which long experience lias proved te possess the most sale and efficient qualities ler the cure of all kind of Lung Diseases. Price 25 cents. Pre pared only and sold Jy CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 EAST KINO STREET. el6-tf R RAD TBIS USE- COUGH NO MORTill AMERICAN POM OTJP, A CERTAIN, SAFE AND EJPFECT UAL REMEDY FOB COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THREAT, HOAUSENESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, PAIN IN THK SIDE OK BREAST, And all Diseases of the XJ3ROAT ANP LUNGS. Fer tlik r"Hcf of Consumptives in ali stages efthedisx'e- 'or sale only at HULLS DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WES? KING STREi, aug2S-lyrt) LANCASTEB. JKA. H EALT1I VS. DEATH. Health regained and happiness retained na -der the OMNIPATHIC TREATMENT or DE. GREENE. Thousand of old long "tandlng diseases have been cured for $ even when the patient had previously spent large sums of money without any advantage. Why will you, if in pain or out of health, remain in doubt? A treatise en tne eye, aneiuer en t-urrii, mm j.uj containing the names et hundreds cured in this county given away free) or sent te you. Over 1.300 patients, in 14 months, nearly all despondent in censcquema et being previ ously unsuccessfully treatext,all of them new well or improved, with a verv lew exceptions : all cured by external applications of medi cine: no piUsf, powders, bitters, poisons or any drugs placed in the stomach. Many cared or long standing consumption, dyspepsia, rheu matism. Ac, ler $5. Consultations ana. exami nations free. Come and see me. Hundreds cured of Catarrh for 50 cents. TJ remedy sent te anyone en reccipt et 60 cents. BR. C. A. GREENE, (38 Years Experience), Ne. 146 EAST KING STREET,. 10 tldMWF&Sl Lancaster, & KIDNEY WORT. PERMANENTLY CURES KIUYEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION AND PILES. . Dr. It. II. Clark, Seuth nere, Vt., says. " In eases of Kidney Troubles it has acted like a charm. It has cured many very bad cases of Piles, and has never tailed te at efficiently. Nelsen Faircluld, of St. Albans, Vt., says, "It is of priceless value. After sixteen years of great Mifiering from Piles ami CestJveness it completely cured me."' C. S. Hogaben, et Berkshire, saxs, "One f lockage has done wonders ferme in camplete V curing a severe Liver and Kidney Com plaint." IN EITHER LHJUID OR If RY FORK IT HAS WONDERFUL POWER. WHY? it acts en the LIVEK. BOWELS and KIUNEVS at the wmt time. Because it cleanses the system of the poison ous humors that develop in Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti pation, Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Disorders anil Female Complaints. 3 It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, in y tin cans, one package of which makes six 3-luarts of medicine. 49 Alse In Liquid Ferm.very Concentrated 43-ler the convenience et these who cannot 9 readily prepare it. It acts with, equal S3- efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DBUGGIST. PRICE, SI. GET IT OF YOUB DBUGGIST. PRICE.'M. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, Burlington, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 Iyd4w4 PAPERHAJHilNGS, Jte. Ac CHOICE LINE OF WALLPAPERS FOR THE SPRING. FINE GILTS FOR PARLORS. Celer and Common Gilts, Grounded and low priced goods of every description and Beauti ful Patterns. We have some Odd Lets that will be sold very low in order te close out. PLAIN WINDOW SHAIDNG. in Brown, Olive, Old Geld, Blue, Lavender, Smoke, &c. Scotch and American Hollands, fixtures. Leeps, Ac. In stock evor 1,200 pieces Window Paper; which will be s-old te Merchants at Factory Prices. Extension Window Cornice, Poles, Ends, Ac. Orders taken ter Fine Mirrors. PHABES W. PRY, NO. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. GRAIN SPECULATION In large or small amounts. $25 or $90,000 Write W. T. SOULK ft CO.. Commission Her ekants, 130 Ia Salle street, Chicago, HL, ter di lars. a98irL JI UOODB. N" DOOR TO THE COURT HOUsE. BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK CASHMERES. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. ALLO COLORED SILKS, COLORED SILKS, COLORED SILKS. AllthelNew Shades ter Dresses and Triin Persen?; in search et the above goods should net tail te see our LAEGE STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING. Ladles', Gents', Beys and Girls' GossamerYaterpreofs In All Sizes, $1.50 up. FaHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Heuse.. S FRING 1881. Goods for Gents1 Wear. CLOTHS, OASSIMBRES, SUITINGS. HAGER & BROTHER are new offering Full Lines of Black French Cleths and Doeskins, Black French and Eng lish Worsted ler Dress Suits. Alse the Latest Spring Styles and Colorings of WORSTED SUITINGS, CASSIMERE SUITINGS, CHEVIOT SUITINGS, FLANNEL SUITINGS, CASSIMERE FOR PANTS, SPRING OVERCOATINGS, BOYS' SUITINGS. We have all the above in large assortment and great variety of Styles and qualities which we will make up te order in the best style anil guarantee satisfaction. GENTS' NECK WEAE, COLLARS AND CUFFS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SUSPENDERS. CLOTHING! Ofourewnmauutacture, ler Men and Beys' in large assortment. PRICES LOW. 49-Cull and examine. & Ne. 25 WEST KING. STREET. S PECIAL. SPECIAL OPENING TO-DAY, IN ADDITION TO OUR LARGE STOCK OF CAEPETS, WE TO-DAY OPEN Seme Special Bargains FROM THE LARGE NEW YORK SALES LAST WEEK. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS at 73c 83c, 90c, $1, $1.05, $1.10. EXTRA 8UPERS at 80c, SSc, 90c, 95c. NGRAIN8 at 254c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 45c. HEMP AND RAG CARPETS from 16c. up. OIL "CLOTHS from 25c. a yard up. WALL PAPERS. GOLD from FLATS from BLANKS from ..20c. up ..13c. up . . 6c. up All these goods are Choice New Styles and Celers. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LACASIJCB.PA. Him BBTHEH DMT BOOM. TKIiSS GOODS, C. WATT, SUD i CO. Have epeped their first selection of FRENCH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, embracing a great variety of new and desir able Fabrics. New Spring Shades in Beiges, Melange, Serge, Crepes, Arm urea. Cashmeres, Orinoco Stripes, French Checks and Plaids, Illuminated Suitings and Cloaking. SPECIAL BARGAIN. New Spring Shades in in,CKEPE CLOTHS at 15c. a yard ; sold everywhere from 18 te 20c. a yard. One Case COLOBED CASHMEBES at 8c. a yard. One Case WOOL FACE BEIGES at 120. a yard. Anether invoice et enr famous BELLOU CASHMERE SILK at $1 a yard, which cannot be excelled for color, quality and finish. NEW SPRING HOSIERY AND GLOVES, New Laces and Embroideries, NEW FEINGEStfeND DRESS TRIMMINGS. NEW DRE83 BUTTONS, in every color and style, from" 5 cents te $1.25 a dozen. Popular goods at lowest prices. NEW YORK STORE, 8 & IO EAST KING STREET. E KMOVAL ! Meter, Bard & HaiMs NEW CHEAP STORE Has been removed te ADLER'S OLD STAND. Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, Between the Cooper neuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, where we will offer the Greatest Bar gains ever seen in this city, being the result et three week's purchases in the Auction Beems of New Yerk and Philadelphia. BLACK SILKS, At 0c,50c.,62$c.,75e.,85c..$l, $1.25, $1.50,$1.75 and 12. COLOBED SILKS lrem SJUc. up. Special Bargains in BLACK CASHMEBES, at 12$e., 20c., 25c., 35c., 45c. 50c., Q2JC., 75c., 87c., $1 nnd $1.25. DBESS GOODS IN VABIETY. LADIES' CLOTH SACKINGS. . SHAWLS. Bargins in Square and Leng Black Thibet Shawls. Men's and Beys' Wear Cheap. An elegant assortment of HOSIERY for Men, Women. Beys and Girls. CARPETS FROM AUCTION, WHICH WE WILL SELL CHEAP. Metzger, Bard & Haughman Ne. 43 WEST KINU STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Gre; AT BAKGA1NS. Carpets, Oil Cleths, MATTINGS AHD Window Shading. GREAT BARGAINS OFFERING IN ABOVE GOODS. Bedy Brussels at Lewest Prices. Tapestry Brussels at Lewest Prices. ALL-WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS AT LOWEST PRICES. RAG CARPETS AT LOWEST PRICES. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, we arc selling great quantities et these goods every day, because we sell them low and keep a lull stock. We always keep a full assortment of all the latest styles and offer them at the very LOWEST PRICES. If you want Carpets, Oil Cleths, &c , call and etc what we have. Yeu can save money by buying ei us. Particu lar attention paid te the Catting and Matching of Carpets, se that satisfaction is given in every ease. uivler, Bewers & Hurst. 25 East King Street. CHINA AUD OLASSWAM1.'. pulNA HALL t Common Sense Stew Pan, FAR SUPERIOR TO ANY COOKING UTEN SIL IN USE. They will net Burn or Scorch like an IRON or TIN Kettle. The Best, Cheapest and Most Satis factory. HIGH & MARTIN, IS BAIT K1KO STRUT. ASTJtICJt BMWS AUrjSKTJSEMJiyi STR1CH BROS.' ADVERTISEMENT. LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET. SPRING & SMIER GOODS. The Largest Assortment ia the city et STRA.W GOODS. BONNETS AND HATS IN ALL THE NEW STYLES, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. The New Olivette Hat at 23c Canten; Hats in all Shapes at 23c Plumes and Tips in all the New Shade:.. FINE FLOWERS. Bibbens, All Silk Grosgrain, Ne. i, 5, 7, , 12, at 4c, 5c, 6c, 9c, 10c. Satin Ribbon, Ne. 9, 12, 16, at 13c, 17c, 20c per yard. SILKS AND SATINS. Brocade Silk at II a yard Best quality Satins in all colors, at...$l a yard Bargains in Black Satins, at..Sc and $1 a yam Dress and Cleak Trimmings in great variety. BUTTONS AND LACES IN ALL STYLES. Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. The cheapest place te buy goods in the city is at ASTRICHBRO'S. beets and Hiiers. "VEW ROOT AND SHOE STORE. THE NEW ONE "PRICE BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Se. 30 EASTKIM; STREET. I have a large and fine selection of Ladies' Gents', Misses' nnd Children's BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS In great variety, from the lowest grades te the very Finest Goods nnd the Latest Styles in the market. . Don't full te call and examine my goods and satisfy yourself before purchasing elsewhere. All goods te be as represented or money reiunuee. D. P. STACKHOUSE, al-lmd LANCASTER, fA. JEWKJjKRS. r.""' -'a;;-.'- 500 SETS SILVER-PLATED TABLE SPOONS. TEA SPOONS, MEDIUM AND DESSERT FORKS, DESSERT AND MEDIUM KNIVES, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Jeweler. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, 1 a. TITHOLESALK AND RETAIL Watches and Clocks, -OF- ALL GRADES AND PRICES. E. F. BOWMAN, 10G EAST KINU STREET. FOR 8ALM. LARGE STUKE-KUOJM HOKKkNT-THK store room new occupied by II. Gerhart, merchant tailor, in the Inquirer building. Ne. 51 North Queen street, Lancaster. Inquire el GEORGE BRUBAKKR, m2S-tld 3t North Duke street. WISKET AT PUBLIC SALK.-THE UN wcrsljrned will otter at public sale en THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1881, at the Saleen et A. P. Fulmer. northeast angle or Centre Square, Lancaster, 000 GALLONS OF WHISKEY. The Whiskey was manufactured at Jacob Hair's Distillery. East Hempfleld township, during the years 1873-1875, and is of geed quality. Sale te commence at 2 p. m., when terms will be madde known bv " WM. LEAMAN, Sam'l Hess A Sen, Attorney. Auctioneers. ap9-tsd ORPHANS' COURT SAL.E PURSUANT te an order of the Orpnans' Court will be sold en TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1881, at the Key stone Hetel, erth Queen street, the following real estate, late the property et William Buck Ics 51. dcccdsctl A one-story weather-bearded DWELLING HOUSE. Ne. 228 North Prince street, and let of ground fronting 21 fcet 1xi indies en North Prince street, and extending in depth US fcet te Water 6trect. Adjoining properties et Henry Franke, deceased, and Gen. II. A. Ham bright. Geed Well of Water, Fruit Trees and ether improvements. Sale te commence at 1i o'clock p. m., when attendance will be given and terms made known by CHARLES BUCKIUS, Administrator of Wm. Buckius. Sr., dee'd. Hbnrt EnuBZRT, Auct. mar30&a2,0.8,I3&l!)d POSITIVE PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE City Rcsidensc ami Building Lets. On THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1681. at the Cooper Heuse, en West King street, will be sold the SheatT Residence en southwest corner et Mul berry and West King street-), consisting et a large we'll built and conveniently arranged two-story BRICK RESIDENCE, Back Build ing and Snmmer Kitchen. Large hull nnd 4 rooms en first fleer. 5 rooms, iath room and balcony en second fleer, and three rooms en attic. Geed ery cellar, sewer connections, het and cold water, gas and ether cenvenlencics, arranged in the best modern style. The let is 51 by 146 feet, which includes a beautiful kIiIc yard en the corner' about 26 feet wide. The yard is filled with fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery, &c, and has one efth host and most reliable wells In the city. There will also be offered at the same time and place choice Building Lets en rear of above, fronting about 70 feet en Mulberry street and 80 feet deep. Fer further particulars see large bills. The public are earnestly requested te examine this property thoroughly before day of sale, as it wui ue sum wuneut reserve anu may anerd a geed chance for investment. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in. ALLAN A.HERK, Att'y in fact for W. Ramsay Shcnlt, 3 N. Duke street. Lancaster, Pa. B. F. Rewk, Auct. mar31-tfd ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF BOLTON'S HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. The above property will be setd at public sale at the Court Heuse, in Harrisburg, en TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1881. By the Executers of the estate of the late Geerge J. Bolten. This Hetel is fitted up with rare elegance and taste, containing all the modern appliances for the convenience and comrert et guests, and is most eligibly located in the centre of tluu city and almost in the centre et its business. It is built et Brick, painted drab, is live stories high, lias a frontage of 10 feet en Sec ond street one et the choice streets in the city and a depth of 131 feet 3 inches along Strawberry avenue, which affords a conve nient passage way into the back parts of the Hetel. The purchaser el this property will obtain a perfect title thcretoclcarotnllincum thcreteclcarotnllincum thcretoclcaretnllincum brances. anil will secure an investment profit able and In all respects desirable. Tiie fix tures and furniture of the Hetel will be offered ter sale at the same time. EMMA 'C. BOLTON, J. FRED'K SENEK, m2M3td Executers of Gee. J. Bolten, dee'd. JSTfilCB BfillTflER S rr. irELeuiP evnJt. AND .MlLLERSVIl.LE K i Car- run n- follews: I-ineataer (P. K. Depot), at 7, , -,:iii,l 2, 4. e amt & p. ni., rxt-ept n Saturday, when the last car leaves at M : 111 Leave Milh-iville (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M., uml 1, ;:, 5 and 7 p. 111. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT K. R j Trains mm- run regularly en the Columbia ?nd Pert Deposit Railroad en the following hue: Statiehs Ne WJ'". Express.! Express.! Aeeen. - ". 1 1-. h. r. M. Pert Deposit Peachbotteui Safe Harber.. Columbia 6:35 7:12 '-is 6.26 3:55 4:28 5:11 5:40 .1:18 5:21 6.i Aecem A.M. STATienf s.ecTH-Express.Exprc;j. WABl.. A.M. P.M. Columbia..., SafelIailer... Fcuchbottem.. 11:45 p. v. 12:14 1237 1:30 6:20 8: P.M. 7:32 8:0.-. .7:4.1 Af.l.0B l.el:4 I l.e; r. m. 12:2T Pert Dcp wit R EADIMi COLUMBIA R. R. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS OCTOBER 25TD, 1S89. NORTHWARD. LKAVE. Quarryvilh- Lancaster. KiugM. Lancaster Columbia AUKIVK. k.M. 7:.t ih:te 'J-.10 Reading . . SOUTHWARD. LKAVK. Reading AMU VK. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster. Kin, Quarry villu.... A.M. P. M. r. M. 6:15 .... 3U 7:55 .... 3:10 8.05 1:0. 3'JiU 7:55 1:10 3:lu 10:05 3:20 5.50 P.M 5:00 5:10 6:4 :St. w-'intuit connect at Keaillug witn trains te una from Philadelphia, Pettvilk, HarrMmrg. Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains found from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. 31. WILSON. Sunt. PENNSYLVANIA KAiLKOAl' NKW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY, JANUARY 17th. 1S81, trains ou the Pemiyl vatuu Railroad will arrive and leave the I.1111-ca-te: and Philadelphia depots an follews: A.M. A.M. P.M. 8:05 ,12:00 6:10 P.M. 10:15 2:10 8:20 10:07 2.10 8:10 10:18 .... 8:20 11:20 .... 0:25 Kaktwvrd Leave, Arrive r'AKARI- Laiu-'ter rhilad'a Philadelphia Express, 2:10 ..v. 1:15 a.i Cincinnati Express 2:.V 5:15 " Fust Line, 5:18. " 7SO " YorkAteem. Arrives; 8:00 " .... Harrisburg Express 8:C ' 10:10 " DillcrviiluAeeem. Arrives, 8:45 ' .... Columbia Accommodation, 0:10 " 12:01 p.m. Frederick Aeceih. Arrives, 1-30 " Pacific Express, l": 3:45 " Sunday Mail 2:00 " 5:0O Johnstown Express,.. 3:05 " 5::M( " Chicago Day Express, 4:3" i.:35 " Harnl':rg Aeeoumiedal'n. 6:25 " u:." ' Wkstward Ltine Arrive " lcsf WAKP- :i'liil.:.-:i l.-ine'ter Way Passenger, I2::ai a.m. .v.i u a.m Mail Train Ne. l.via Jil.Jey, 7:30 " H:20 " Mail Traill No.2,vuiCel'bia, 10.25 " Niagara A Chicago Express 0:00 ll:U) " Sunday Mail, 8:t " 10:59 ' Fast Line, 12:10 " 2.30 p.m. Frederick Accommodation 2:35 " DillervilleI.ocal.via3Il..fey 50 " Hurrishurg Acconiineilat'u. 2::ie p.m. 5:fl " Columbia Accommodation, 4:00 " 7rA" " Harrisburg Express, 5:30 " 7:30 " Filtsbuig Express, 6:25 " 8:50 " Cincinnati Express, Shle " 11.30 " Pacific Express, 11:55 " 2.5 A.M. Pacifle Express, east, en simnuy, wnen Mag gcl, will step at Sliddlctewn, Elizabethtown Mt. Jey, Lundisville, Bird-in-lland, I.einan Place, Gup, Christiana, Parkesburg, Ceatcs ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when nagged, will step at Downingtewn.Coatesville, Parkes Parkes bnrg.Mt.Jey, Elizabethtown and Middletown . Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at U:0iMi. in., will run through te Hanover. Frederick-Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, w ith Fast Line, wc-t,at 2.30 p.m., and will run t renuh te Frederick. COAL. B. B. J1AKTI&, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kimU of LUMBER AND COAL. -OS-Yard: Ne. 420 North Water ami Prime streets above Lemen. Lancaster. u3-!yd " ceh(T& wileyT- .WO XURTMI WATER ST., Lancaster, J'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With th Telepbenie Exchange. Brunch Otlice : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. leb2S-Iyd MO TO REILLY & K hil.iiiER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Fanners and ethers In want et Superior Manure w ill lind it te their advantage te call. Yard, Harri-burg Pike. i Ofllce. 20 East Chestnut street. agl7-Itd COAL! GOAL!! Fer geed, clean Family and ull ether kind orC'OALgeto BUSSBL & SHULMYBR'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders ie spectrully solicited. OFF1VK: 22 East King Street. VAICD: (S1K North Prtnce Street. aiigll-tiiprl.SIt LLUAL XOTIVJ2S. IN THK MATTER OF THE ACCOUNT OK Jehn S. Gable, trustee uuiler fie will tt Elizabeth Pinkerton, deceased. The undcr sigaed auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hund.s of Jehn S. Gable, trustee, te and among these legally en titled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en TUE.-DAY, the 10th day et MAY. ltttl.atie o'clock, a in., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the Cityet Lancaster, where all persons intciestcd iiisaiu distribution may attend. . js. J. 3IAItia. a3-4tdeaw Auditor. ESTATE OFOKOKGK ALBRIGHT, LATE et the city of Lancaster, de ceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent ale request ed te make immediate settlement, nnd these having claims or demands against the estate efsaid decedent, te make known the sumo te the undersigned without delay, icsiding in the city of Lancaster. JOHN B. ALBRIGHT, man!5-Ctdeaw Executer. J. Bup-k and wife, of Lancaster city, Lan caster ceimty. Having by deed of voluntary assignment aligned and transferred all their estate and effects te the undersigned ler the benefit of the creditors et the said Daniel S. Bursk, notice is hereby given 10 all persons indebted t' said assigners, te make immediate payment te the undersigned witlielu delay, ami these having claims te present Ihem te CHRISTIAN WID3IYER. Assignee. 31. Bnesus, Att'y- " marll-Stdeaw ESTATE OF JOANNA f.BERLY, LATE et the cityet Lancaster. deceased. Let ters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted the cte are requested te make imniedl atcay incut, and the-e having claims or de mands against the same, will pre-cut them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in the city of Lancaster. CATHARINE HEFELE. Executrix. Jse. A. t.evLE, Att'y. u:ar7-6tdew 1?STATK OF CAT1IAR1NE KKKNTZ, j late et the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate hav ing been giuutcd te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will prc snt them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned, lesidmgin Lancaster citv. Ne. 646 Muner Street. PETER KKENTZ, P. Desxellv, Attorney, Execter. Ne. ihS W-st King street. nilO-Ctileaw INSTATE OF JOHN M. GOOD, LATE OK !i the City et Lancaster, deceased. The un dersigned auditor, appointed te distribute tlm balance remaining in the hands of Samuel Worst, administrator of the estate of Jehn 31. Geed, deceased, te and anions these legjlly entitled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en TUESDA Y,the 19th day of APRIL, ltsi, at 2 o'clock p. inin the Library Roem et tlieCeurt Heuse, In the Itv of Lancaster, where all pei pei sers interested in said dtstfibiitfen may at tend. SAMUEL II. PRICE. in28-4tdeaw Auditor. XjlSTATK OP JUIIN TOMLIN'SON, LATE j et Lancaster city, deceased. Tiie under signed auditei, appointed te distribute the balance in the hands of Rebert Paulding and Rebert Tomlinson, executers of said deceased, and also certain moneys paid into the Orphans' Court by u purchaser of part of the real estate of said decease:!, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ter that purpose en WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, IsSl. at loe'clock a. m., in tiie Library Roem of the Court Heuse In the city of Lancaster, where all persons in terested in said distribution may attend. J. W. DENLINGER. marftMtdeaw Auditor.