Sfc petf K$te LANCASTER, PA.. FBIDAY, APRIL 1, 1881 Price Twe Onts. Volume XVU-Ne. 181. clothing. -pKMOVAL OF H. GERH ART'S Tailoring Establishment FUOM Xe.51 SOUTH QUE EX ST., Te the Stere Roem formerly occupied by Urlnmicr A Itcll, Ne. 6 East King Street: I am new lilting up one of the Pineal is In fhe state, and will be ready te show one e'f the Finest Assortment of SPRING WOOLENS ever brought te this city, by the FIKST OF APRIL. H. GERHART, Ne. 6 East King Street. rv STOCK OKCt.OTIUNO FOR SPRING 1881, vr D. B. liestetter & Sens, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made unusualelleits te bring before the public :i II nc, stylish and well made stock et BEADY-HADE CLOTHE, vre mi; new prepared te show them one et the mol carefully selected stocks of clothing in this city, at the Lewest Cash Prices. MEN'S, BOYS' AXD 10UT1IS' CLOTHING! IX GREAT VARIETY. Piece Goods et the .Most Stylish Designs and at prices witliin the reach et all. SGIvc us a call . D. B. Hear & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, -ut LANCASTER. PA. HOOKS AND HTATIONEUY. N TKW AMI CUOICK STATIONERY, NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES, AT L M. JfLTNN'S, Ne. 42 WK8T KINO STKKET. IJI.ANK HOOKS. JOHI BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH WEEN STREET, LANCASTER, frA Have ter sale, at the Lewest Prices, BLANK BOOKS, Ceinpi ising Dav Beeks, Ledgers, Cash Heeks, Sales Heeks. Itlll Heeks. Minute Heek?, Re eeipt Heeks, Memorandums, Copying Heeks, Pass Hoekas, Invoice Heeks, &c. WRITING PAPERS. Foel scan. Letter, Xete, Rill, Sermon, Counting Heuse, drawing 1'apcrs, Papcterie, &c. ENVELOPES AXD STATIONERY et all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. FAMILY AND TEACHERS' BIBLES, Prayer Heeks, Devotional Beeks, Sunday school Muic Heeks, Sunday-school Libraries. Commentaries. &e. JiJBiiXK. OUIS WEBKK, U WATCHMAKER Ne. 1.VJK NORTH QUEEN STREET.ncarP.lt. K. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac Agent ter the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasscs. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd 500 SETS SILVER-PLATE!! TABLE SPOOXS. TEA SPOONS. MEDIUM AND DESSERT FORKS, DESSERT AND MEDIUM KNIVES, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Jeweler. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, 1 a. TTTUOLKSALK AMD KKTA1L Watches and Clocks, OF ALL GRADES AND PRICES. E. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KINO STREET. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. illllNA HAt-t. IMFOttTED AXD TRENTON White Stene and Common Ware. Imported an American Glassware. FRENCH CHINA, MAJOLICA WARE. ALL GRADES AND LOWEST TRICES, f HIGH & MARTIN, 15 EAST KING STKKET. DMT ACRES.0F DEESS GOODS -:e:- STRAWBRIDGE Have new sucli NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, That were it spread out in square yards it would cover au area as large as a farm of about two hundred acres. This Dress Goods farm in money value would be worth about a Quarter of a Millien Cellars. Belew we mention a few attractive items taken from our stock of MEDIUM PRICE DRESS GOODS. All-wool Granites, 44 inches in width, at G2J cts. All-wool Foules, 44 inches in width, at C2J cts. All-wool Shoedas, 44 inches in width, at 75 cts. All-wool Cashmeres, all colors, :JC inches, at 50 cts. 40 inches, at C2J cts. 40 inches, at 75 cts. 40 inches, at S7 cts. Cashmere Beige, all-wool, 24 inches, 25 cts. m 24 inches, 37 cts. 44 inches, 50 cts. 4G inches, G2 cts. 45 inches, 75 cts. All-wool Checks, 44 inches in width, at 55 cts. Gerster Cleths, 34 inches in width, at 45 cts. Sea Sand Cleths, 25 inches in width, at 31 cts Belgian Beige, 23 inches in width, at 31 ets. Every lady living at a distauce from Philadelphia should send for a specimen number of the Journal for the Household, au illustrated monthly fashion paper the size of Harper's Bazaar. It contains much interesting reading matter, and its illustrations and pieces of all kinds of Dry Goods are of much value te out-of-town consumers. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Market Street te Filbert, - iT. W. Cor. Eighth St., PHILADELPHIA. CLOTHING. OQ- SPRING OPENING. SPRING OPENING AT MTEES & BATHFQJS. . We aie prepared te stew the public the largest and the greatctt variety of PIECE GOODS ever offered in.tiic city of Lancaster. Goods suitable ter the plainest as well as the most fastidious, and trem the lowest grades te the very finest, in textures, all of which we are prepared te mates up te order at the most reasonable price and at the shortest notice and in the best workmanlike manner. Our stocks of READY-MADE CLOTHING Fer Men, Youths, Beys and Children, are lull and complete ; they have been gotten up with great care ; thev are well made and wall made and well trimmed. 'J he goods are all sponged and. will be sold at BOTTOM PRICES. Call and examine our stock before yen make your Spring purchase, ant. yen will save money by purchasing your CLOTHING of, MYERS & RATHFON, POPULAR TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 12 EAST KlJiU STREET, LANCASTER, FENN'A. WON HITTERS. fltON IUTTEKS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. IRON IUTTEKS are highly recommended ter all diseases requiring a certain and clti cient tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTIT, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing ull dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Feed, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, JItarlbvrn, etc. The only Iren Preparation that will net ulacken the teeth or Rive headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for t he A R C Boek, "2 pp. et useful and amusing reading tent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, 3 til-lyd&w - NOTICE. A TTENTION, HOUSEKEEPERS! MOVING! MOVING-! MOVING! Personal attention given te all kind of MOVIN'GS this Spring. BEST OF CARE AND REASONABLE PRICES. SS' Leave orders, for day and date et moving, or address te J. C. HOUGHTON, :are M- A. HOUGHTON, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. GOODS. & CLOTHIER a vast stock of Silk Mixed Reman Stripe3, 25 iuches in width, at 371 cts. Twilled Stripes, 23 inches in width, at 31 cts. Plaids and Checks, 23 inches in width, at 31 cts. Twilled Plaids, 23 inches in width, at 25 cts. Twilled Melanges, 23 inches in width, at 25 cts. Twilled Bieges, 27 inches in width, at 25 cts. Twnied Bieges, 23 inches in width, at 18 cts. Memle Cleths, 27 inches in width, at 25 cts. All-wool Suitings, 24 inches in width, at 20 cts. All-wool Cheeks, 24 inches in width, at 25 cts. Granite Checks, 22 inches in width, at 20 cts. Half-wool Cashmeres, 22 iuches in width, at 15 cts. TIKI! ON IUTTEKS. SURE APPETISER. BALTIMORE, MD. --!--'; of - Hancastft I-ntcIUgcnce FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 1, 1881. THE TEXAS CA'tLP-MEETING. Brilliant Description by Judge Arriugteu. The following article was -written by the late Judge A. W. Arlington, ei.e et the ablest anil most eloquent men the Chicago bar ever had. lie resided a number of years in Texas.and. stepping en his way te Chicago in New Yerk, he published the, article under the nom-dc-plume of Charles Summerfield in the New Yerk Times. It se appears in a work entitled " Tales and Takings," by the late Rev. J. V. Watsen. Doubtless Mr. W. did net knew the name te be fictitious. Tiie apostrophe te water has been declaimed most eloquently by Jehn B. Gough hundreds of times, and doubtless the publicjfcnerally think him the author : During the last week in September, 1S3C, the first successful camp meeting was held in Eastern Texas. I employ the oi ei thet "successful" because several previ eus failures had apparently tendered efforts of a like kind per fee ly hopeless. Indeed, the meridian, at this period, was most uncongenial te the religious andmerai en-, terprisc. The country bordering en the Sabine had been occupied rather than .set tled by a class of adventurers almost as wild as the savages whom they had scarce ly expelled and the beast of prey, which still disputed their demaius of primeval forests. Professional gamblers, refugees from every land, forgers of false coins, thieves, robbers, and murderers, inter spersed among the nice of uneducated hunters and herdsmen, made up the strange social miscellany, without courts, or prisons, or churches, or schools, or even the shadow of civil .tutherity or subordi nation ; a sort of unprincipled pandemo nium, where fierce passion sat enthroned waving its bloody sceptre, the bowie-knife ! Let no one accuse me of exaggeration for the sake of dramatic effect. I am spc.ik ing new of Shelby county, the home of the lynchers, the terrible lecaie, where ten years later, forty persons wcra pois oned te death at a marriage supper. It will be obvious that in such a com munity very few would be disposed te patronize camp-mcctings ; and, accoul acceul ingly, a dozen different trials at various times had ncer collected a hundred hearets en any single occasion. But even these were net allowed te worship in peace ; uniformly, the firt day or night a band of armed desperadoes, headed by the notorious Watt Fecman, chief judge atid executioner of Shelby lynchers, broke in the altar and scattered the mourners, or ascended the pulpit and threatened the pieachers te a gratuitous robe of tar and feathers. Hence all prudent evangelists seen learned te shun the left bank of the Sabine, as if it had been infested by a cohort of demons ; and two whole years elapsed without any new attempt te erect the cress in se peiileus'a field. At length, however, an advertisement appeared premising another effort in be half of .the gospel. The notice was unique a perfect backwoods curiosity, both a.s te its tenor and mode of publication. Let tne give it verbatim ct literatim : " Jtarbecue Camp-Mcctlng. "Thcie will be a camp-mcellng, te com mence the Iat Monday of this month, at tin; Ieuble t-prlng Greve, heir Peter "ri'iteuS, in the County et Shelby. "The exercise-, will open with a splt'iuli'l barbecue. The preparations are being U!a.e te suit nil tast."-" : there will ben geed bar becue, better liquor-, and the best of tJepel. " Sept. 1, !":. Paul 1kte:,', ' 31'ssienury, M. E. C." This sigular document was nailed te the deer of every public house at.d grocery ; it was attached te the largest trees at the in tersections of ail ci oss-reads and principal trails ; and even the wandering hunters themselves found it in remote dells of the mountains, miles away from the smoke of a human habitation. At first many icgardcil the matter as a hoax, played by some wicked wag, in ridi cule of popular credulity. But this hypo thesis was negatived by the statements of Peter Brinsen. propiieter of the ' Deuble Spring Greve,'' who informed all in quirers that "he had been employed and paid by n stranger calling himself a Methodist missionary te provide an ample barbecue at the period and place adver tised. "But the liquor, the belter liquor ; are you te furnish the liquor, tee ?' was the invariable question of each visitor. "The missionary said he would attend te that himself," said Brinsen. He must be a precious original,"' was the genera! rejoinder ; a preposition which most of them afterwatd had ti oppor tunity te verify experimentally. I need hardly add that an intense ex citement resulted. iThe rumor took wings and fiew en the wind, turned te a storm, a storm of exaggeration, every echo in creased in its sound, till nothing else could be heard but the " Barbecue Uamp meeting." It became the focus of thought, the staple of dreams. And thus the un known preacher had insured one thing in advance : A congregation embracing the entire population of the country, which was likely the sole purpose of his strata gem. I was traveling in that pat t of '1 exas at the time, and my imagination being in Uamcd by the common curiosity, I took some trouble and attended. But, al though my eyes witnessed the extraordi nary scene, I may well despair of the un dertaking te paint it ; the pen of Hemer or the pencil of Hogarth wctc alone ade quate te the sublimity and burlesque of such a complicated task. I may only sketch the angular outlines. A space had been cleared away immedi ately around the magnificent; "Deuble Spring," which boiled up with sufficient force te turn a mill-wheel, in the very ccntic of the evergreen grove. Here a pulpit had been raised, and before it was the inseparable altar for mourners. Be yond these at a distance of fifty paces, a succession of plank tables extended in the form of a great circle, or the perimeter of apolygen, completely enclosing the area about the spring. An odoriferous stream of the most delicious saver diffused itself through the air. This was from the pits of the adjacent prairie, where the fifty slaves of Peter Brinsen were engaged in cooking the premised barbecue. The grove itself was literally alive, teeming, swarming, running ever with strange figures . in human shape, men, women and children. All Shelby county was there. The hunters had come, rifle in hand, and deas barking at their heels; the rogues, refugees and gamblcrs,with pistols in their belts and big knives peeping from their shirt besoms, while .here, and there might be seen a sprinkling of well-dressed planters with their wives and daughters. The tumult was deafening, a tornado of babbling tongues, talking shouting qu-ir-reling.betting and cursing for amusement. Suddenly a cry arose, "Colonel Watt Feeman ; Hurrah for Colonel Watt Foe Fee man !" ami the crowd parted ribt and left 'te let the lien lyncher pass. I turned te the advancing lead-star of all eyes,and shuddered inveluutarily at the satanic countenance that met my "lance and yet the features were net only youth ful, but eminently handsome; thchidcous thchidceus ness lay in the leek of savage fire ; fere cieus, murderous. It was in the reddish yellow eye balls, with arrewy pupils that seemed te flash jets of lurid flame ; in the thin sneering lips with their everlasting icy smile. As te the rest, Jte was a tall, athletic, powerful man. His train, a dozen armed desperadoes, followed him. r eeman spoke in a voice, sharp, pierc ing as the point of a dagger : "Eh, Brin Brin eon, where is the new missionary ? We want te give him a plumed coat."' "He has net yet arrived," replied the planter. "Well, I suppose we must wait for him; but put the barbecue en the beards ; I am as hungry as a starved wolf." "I cannot till the missionary comes; the barbecue is his property."' A fearful light blazed in Feeman's eyes as he took three steps toward Brinsen, and fairly shouted, "Fetch me the meat instantly, or I'll fill your own stomach with a dinner of lead and steel. This was the ultimatum of one whose authority was the only law, and the plan ter "obeyed without a murmur. The smok ing viands were arranged en the table bv a f-core of slaves, and the thretig prepared te commence the sumptuous meal, when a voice pealed from the pulpit, loud as the blast of a trumpet in battle. "Stay, gen tiemeu and ladies, till the giver of the bar becue asks Ged's blessing !" Every ear stilted, every eye was direct cd te the speaker, and a whisperless si lence ensued, for all alike were struck by Iiis remarkable appearance. He was almost a giant in stature, though scarcely twenty years of age. His hair, datk as the raven's wing, flowed down his im mense shoulders in masses of natural ringiuis mere beautiful than any ever wreathed' at oil ml the jeweled brew of a queen by the labeled achievements of human art ; his eyes, black as midnight, beamed like Btars ever a fac j ai pale as Pa rian marble, cilm, passionless, spiritual, and wearing a singular, indefinable ex pression, such as might have been shed by the light of a dream from paradise, or the luminous shadow of an angel's wing. The heterogeneous crowd, hunters, gamblers, homicides, gazed in mute nstenishment. The missionary prayed, but it sounded like no ether prayer ever addressed te the throne of the Almighty. It contained no encomiums en the splendor of the Divine attributes ; no petitions in the lone of commands; no orisons for distant places, times or objects ; no implied 'instruction as te the administration of the govern ment of thfe universe. It related exclu sively te the present people and the pres ent hour ; it was the cry of the naked soul and that soul was a beggar for the bread and water of heavenly life. lie ceased, and net till then did I be come conscious of wecpiiig. I looked around thieugh my tears and saw a hun dred faces wet as with rain. " New, my friends, partake of Ged's gifts at the table, and then come and sit down and listen te His gospel." It would be impossible te describe the sweet tone of kindness in which thest. simple words were uttered, that made him en the instant fiOO friends. One heart, however, in the assembly, was maddened by the cvideuces of the preacher's wonder ful powers. Cel. Watt Feeman exclaimed in a sneering voice : ,: Mr. Paul Denten, your reverence lias lied. Yeu premised us net enlv a geed barbecue, but better liqu.ir. Where is your liquor :'" "There !'' answered the missionary in tones of thunder, and pointing I113 motion less linger at the Deuble Spring, gushing up'in two strong columns, with a sound lii:c a shout of joy from the b;sem of the earth. "There V he repeated, with a leek terrible as lightning, while his enemy ac tual lyticmblcd at his feet : "there is the liquor which Ged, the Eternal, brcw.5 for all his children ! "Net in the simmering hlill, ever r.ek- ing (ires, choked with poisonous gases, I and surrounded with the stench of sicken-' ing odors and rank corruption, doth your i Father in Heaven piepaic tue prcciem essence of life, pure cold water. But in the green glade and grassy dell, where the red deer wanders and the ehild loves te play, there Ged himself brews t ; and down, low down in the deepest valleys, where the fountains murmur and the rills ' sing, and high upon the mountain tops, i where the naked giatiite glitters like geld ! in the .sun, wheie the storm cloud breeds i and the thunder storms ciash ; and away, far out en the wide, wide sea, where the hurricane howls music and big waves rear the chorus, 'sweeping the march of Ged,' there he brews it, that beverage of life, health-giving watc " And everywhere it is a thing of bea'tty : gleaming in the dew-drop ; .singing in the summer rain : shining in th- ice-gem, till the trees seem turned te liui jewels; spreading a golden veil ever the setting sun, or a white gauze j around the midnight moon ; sporting in the cilaraet ; sleeping in the glacier ; dancing in the hail shower : folding bright ; snow-cm tains softly above the wintry weild, and weaving the many-colored iris, that seraph's zone of the sky, whose warp is lite rain of earth, whose woof is the sjnheam of heaven, all checkered o'er with celestial llewcrs, by the in.stie hand of interaction, still always it is beautiful, that blessed cold water. Xe poison bubbles en its brink : its foam brings net madness and murder; no bleed stains its liqjtid glass : pale widows and starving orphans weep net burning tears in its clear depths ; no I drunkard's shrieking gliest lrem tile grave curses it, in words of despair ! Speak out. my friends, would you exe'i-jnge it for the demon's dviefc, alcohol '.''' A sheet illk" the re.tr of the tempest answered, '-Ne !" " Ne !" Critics need ncer trll me again that back-woodmen ate deal te the divine voice bf.elequcnce ; for I saw at that moment the missionary held the hearts of the mul titude, as it were, in tiie hollow of his hand ; and the popular feeling ran in a current se irresistible that even the duelist, Watt Feeman, dared net venture another interruption during the meeting. Ihave just reviewed m rcper' et that singular speech in the foregoing sketch ; but, alas ! I discover that I have utterly failed te convey the full impression, as my tcasen and imagination teceived it. The language, te be sure, is there ; that I never could forget ;but it lacks the spirit, the iencs of unutterable pathos, the ca deuce of mournful music alternating with the crashes of ten iblc power ; it lacks the gesticulation, new graceful as the play of a golden willow in the wind, and anon vielentas the motion of a mountain pine in the hurricane ; it lacks that pale face, wrapped in its dreams of the spirit land, and these unfathomable eyes Hashing a light such as never beamed from sun or stars, the mighty soul that seemed te dif fuse itself among the hearers as a uew less stream of electricity, penetrating the bra:n like some secret iirc, melting all hearts, mastering evolutions. The camp meeting continued, and a re vival attended it such as never before, or siucc, was witnessed in the forests et Texas. But, unfortunately, en the Last day of the exercises, news arrived en the ground that a neighboring fanner had been murdered and his wife and children carried away prisoners by the Iiniims. The young missionary sprang into the pulpit and proposed the immediate orga nization of a company te pursue the sav ages. The suggestion being adopted, the mover himself was elected te lead the party. After several days of hard riding they overtook the barbarous enemy of the grand prairie. The missionary charged foremost te his troops, and, having per formed prodigies of- bravery, fell, net by the hand of an Indian, but by a shot from one of his own horsemen. I need scarcely name the assassieu ; the reader will have anticipated me the in carnate fiend Cel. Watt Foemen, chief hangman of the Shelby lynchers and ten years later a master cook at the poisoned wedding. Such is the only fragment of the biogra phy of a wounded genius, the sole twink ling ray of a dazzling luminary, that rose and set in the wilderncss, a tern leaf from Paul Denten's book of life. Peace te his ashes. He sleeps well in that lene isle of evergreens, surrounded by the evergreen sea of the prairie. Nature's beloved seu inherits her ceusistcnt tomb, that last pos session, the inalienable fee simple of all time. Il the gentlemen wlio-e lips pressed the lady's snowy brew and thus caught a severe cold had but u-ed Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, no doctor bill would have been necessary. M vnunAsaixas, &e. TV ,-'M. l'Al'EUS. The Largest Line of WALL PAPER we ever had the pleasure et showing. GILT PAPEI1S Ot EVEUV DESCRIPTION, lrem the lowest grade, te the very finest goedd the newest style in the market. Fancy Km hn$scd;('ilts for Parlers.Plahi and Colored Gilts at very low prices. Grounded and Common Paper. Elegant Patteriw: Friezes, Jterders. Decoration, Ae. Over 8.00O Yards et Fii Mwl for Wiiews in stock, fieni :V, te l inches in width. The colors run m lireivn. Old Geld, Olive, Laven der, Stene, Itlue, Smoke Tan, Ac. DADO AND BAND SHADES, in si ami seven teet in length. .Scotch and American Helland, Loep, Tassels, Fringes, Cords, i ixture, 4c. PAPER CURTAINS ! merchants at Factory Pries. Cornices Poles, Ends, l'l-ackcts :md King, orders taken for Fine Mirror. PHARBS W. FRY, NO. 57 NORTH QUEEN hT. HO VSEFUlSSISlltNO O OHS. Y LlNN & V.'II.T.SOV. -" e zk s UJ 2Sy rnHeM SB".- eQiDh f3 ea i e h OPtt'ejP. . 2.JB p !-2 O f O ffl - (D rn e GO I GO Hi M w GO GO Q O - i a 2 a 3 At ffl JW rS e "k, -i . r ! ,J W W U kl P stw n S S i nr I w t os . s"Pe u I ". h M k.t i e p M O e Q CD 2. - e e s h rH P CO w p si n - T? LI. m BQ SS&Waa&S w O RSScrJ 8-2 g. ef2.Cap"Ve. e go - tfg. ' $dpe 18 ? of el VAJtfETS. HUSH EST CASH I'KICt: WILL UK PAID FOi: EXTKA NICE CATCPET RAGS. Carpets made te order at Mieit notice and s.lli-, 'action guaranteed. ' (tare chances in Carpels te reduce- sleclf et 6,000 Yarfls Bussls Gimeis, AT AND ItELOW COST. Call and Mitisiy yenrclf. Al-e, Ingiain, Ilaff and i 'Main CarjM-ts in al meit endless variety., at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. lAKPLTS, COAL.Kc. ( I'JIILIP SCHUM, SON k CO., MANUFACTORY, Ne. l'.Vi SOUTH WATER STREET, LASCASrCR, Pa., t-11-kimv.-n Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER CJIW.TS, COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS, I5LANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. ClTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dres Goods Dyed cither in the piece or in Garments; ale, all kinds of silk. Ribbon. Feathers nnd woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tletiicn's Coats, Overcoats, Pant., Vests, Ac. Dyc,d or Scoured; also, Indigo ISlne Dyclnsr done. All orders or goods left with us will rcccivi rcccivi pretnpt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET KAGS. COAL.. COAL. Ceal et the best quality put up expressly Joj Jej lamily use, and ut the lowest m.irket rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 13" tOUTII WATER STREET. d-lydRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON ft CO I'O INVKNTOKS. W. H. BABCOCK, Atterncy-at-Law, et Washington, D. C, form crlv an examiner in U.S. Patent Ofllce, etTera liia" .i-rvices as solicitor before the U. S. and Foreign Patent Otllces. Careful work at lair price. Was asociatcet Mr. Jacob Stautfer, et J..anc:itcr, until Hie lallc ileum. t:0 3ir.ilA T tJ . !- -rf ?- C-cd f set? MEDICAL. HOSTETTBR'S CELEBRATED Sheeting Chills Den u the it.ick. Dull pain in the limbs, nausea, biliousness, are symptoms of iippreaeliing lever and ague. Ue without delay Hetctters Stomach Bit ters, which substitutes tertile chilly sensation a general warmth, regulate the stomach, and imparts tone te the liver. The bowels, the .stomach a'ul the biliary glantl being restored te a healthy cendllinn.'the disease is conquer ed at the outset. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealeis gen crally..,; aprl lydeedAlyw c 1ATAKKIJ. DIRECTIONS'. F e r Catarrh. Hay Fever.Ceid in the Head Ac., insert with little linger a partlclu et llalui into the nostrils; draw strong breaths thieugh the nose. It will be absorbed, clea:ilng mid nealing the diseased mem brane. FOR DEAKNKS-. Apply a p.utii'le into the ear. CATARRH, COLD IN TDK HEAD, HAY FEVER. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS CAN BE CURED. ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained an enviable local reputation, displacing all ether preparations in the vicin ity et discovery, is, en its merits alone, recog nized asa wenilertnl remedy wherever known. A fair trial will convince the mestskeptic-.il el Its c.iratlve powers. It cilectually cleanses the naal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays inlliiuimatieii unit irritation, protects the liicuihraual linings el the head lrem additional colds, completely lfeals the sores and restores the sense el taste and .smell. Ceneflclai results are realized by a lew applications. A thorough treatment us directed, will euro Catarrh. As a household remedy for celli in the head it is unequalled. The Halm is easy te Use and agreeable. Sold by druggists at 50 cents. On receipt of 50 cents w'ill mail a package. Send ter circular with full Information. EL 'S CREAM P.ALM CO., Owcge, N. Y. Fors-aleby the Lancaster druggists, and by wholesale druggists generally. r!Gmeed&w KIDNEY WORT. THE ONLY MEDICINK IN EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FORM That Acts nt ttie Same Timr n The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. These great organs are the natural cleansers of the system. If they work well, health will lie perfect, if they become clogged dread till diseases are sure 10 fellow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Jliliettxncss, Jfeadurhe. Diipepsitt, JitnnU ice. Constipation, 1'iten, Kiilncy Complaint's, t travel. Diabetes, Kite ui,m tic l'ains or Achet, ar de veloped hecause the bleed is poisoned with the humor thai should be expelled naturally. KIDNEY-WORT WILL RESTORE the healthy action and all thce destroying evils will be banished ; neglect them and vnu will live but te sutler. Thousands have been cured." Try it and you will add one mere te the number. 'Take Hand health will once mere gladden your heart. Why suffer lengir from the torment el a' aching back? Why bear .such distress from Constipation and Piles t KmsKV-Weirr will cuie yen. Try it at once and be satisfied. Your druggist lias it. Price tl. 33- It is put up in Dry Vrgetaliln Ferm, in ftTlin cans, one package of which make aiv o-4uartsef medicine. Alse In l.lipihl Ferm, very Cencentruleil "ler the convenience of the who cannot 7J-readily prepare It. II rr with ejuut Sa'cjic'ritcif in either form. WELLS, UICHAKILSttN k CO., i'rep's, llurluiKtiiti, VI. (Will send the dry pel-paIil.) dee 27 lydftwl Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., las Made i&e warn ! Her Vegetable Compound the Savier " of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHAMS Vegetable Compound, Tne Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as Its name signifies, con nists et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most, delicate in vulid. Upen one trial themcritsef this compound will lc recognized, as relict U !iuuicdHtc;:ind when its ueis con tinued, in ninety-nine cases In iiiiundri-d.it permanent cure is effected, as thousands will testify. On account of Its proven merit, it is te-dav recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, LeucorTheoa, irregularand pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Trouble, In flammation and Ulceration, Flooding, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and i especially adapted te the Ciangn or Lite. In tact it has proved te be the greatest and best remedy that h:is ev-r been discovered. If permeates every portion of the system, and gives new lite and vigor. It removes falutncs., flatulency, destroys all craving ter stimulants, and relieves weakne-s or the rflemach. If cures llleating. Headache-, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. hIecplcsneH, De predien and Indigestion. That Icclingef hear ing down, canslng pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law tliat governs the female system. . ... Fer Kidney cemptaints of cither ex this Compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price.!. Six bottles for iS. Sent by mail in the form et pills, ale in the form el lozenges, ou receipt et price, II per box, ler either: Mrs. PINKHAM ireely un'iwers all let ters of inquiry. Send ler pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this paper. Ne family should be without LYDIA K PINKIIAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness anil Torpidity of the Liver. 85 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., General Agents, Philadelphia. Fer !-ale by C. A. Leclier, 9 East King street and Gee. W. Hell.1.1 West KlngstrccL y-.MydeedAw STOIACI BITTERS