Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 29, 1881, Image 3

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Mr. Heward Whiteside, proprietor el
Nine Points hotel, who died en Thursday,
the 2-Jth inst., was buiic-i at Colerain
Uaptist burial ground en Sunday, 27th.
Twe men came into the village of
Georgetown en Thursday evening of last
week with a few oysters and shad in their
wagon. They stayed ever night at the
hotel, and during the evening told a story
of being robbed of some thirty odd dollars
at LoDden Greve' hotel ia the afternoon.
Whether the story was a correct one or
net is net known, as the parties cempla in
ing were considerably under the iniluence
of "fire water."
The past week has witnessed some
changes in the village and township, but
the coming will witness considerably mere.
Seme of the pasties who have changed
residence have gene eat of the state, while
ethers remain in the township.
Seme little hopes are entertained that
the railroad transactions between the P.
W. & IJ. company and the P. II. R. will
result in the construction of a read that
will go through the iron lands in this vi
cinity and open up a new industry among
us. The contemplated read, from New
Yerk te Washington, new spoken of,
would find a geed trade and easy con
struction through this ncighboiheod, as
the Octoraro branches would give access
te the river with little heavy grading.
Let it come.
The. baud concert nt Nickel Mines proved
a success. The heiie was crowded and
geed order was maintaine:l. The " baud
boys" were decked in their new suits, of
blue-gray cloth, blue cap and white and
red plumes, and looked remarkably well
for men whose days are sjient at hard
work. Jehn .Shellings, of Strasburg, their
leader or teacher, was conspicuous among
the rest by his blue dress, and white and
blue plume.
A curtain was drawn aciess the plat
form of the school house, behind which
the band arranged itself, and when the
curtain was drawn the blight horns and
suits looked remarkably well. Shelling
nodded and the band struck up a tune
which was executed with an ability that
wen itl be creditable te elder bands in- this
neighborhood. Even these who were
skeptical in regard te the success of a
band at Nickel Mines were compelled te
admit that the "boys" were improving
rapidly. The entertainment was varied
with an orchestra composed of two
violins, cornet and organ, vocal
music with organ accemjiauimcnt,
organ duets, and wnne comic songs
by Master- Schelling, which brought
down the house. .Miss Jennie Deblc was
their organist and soprano singer, and per
formed her pai t with commendable ability.
The Nickel -Mine band is composed of
young men who are employed at the mines
and was starlet! .some seven mouth age.
AVith very litlleflrawbacksthi-yhave pushed
along until at tiic present time they have
a full baud of .sixteen pieces, fully equip
ped, and have mastered the miner elements
of h.iud:rusic. They 'liaic displayed an
amount of perseverance, which if main
tained, will seen place tl.eui in the lead of
country bands.
While many may feel that much of the
Saturday night's performance would net
bear heavy criticism, a!! a-jree that the
band did well and the community here
about s, who love music, feel like assisting
te keep Nickel Mine band in the iickl.
Tobacco a little mere awake this week,
but .some complaints arc hpgit.umg te be
heard en account of a difficulty te sell.
Tobacco buyers appear te get frightened
oil' tee easy. Seme of the raisers arc ask
ing tee much for their crop, while elheis
and the majority, are ready te sell at any
reasonable price. One-half of the crop of
Hart has never been seen by any of the
The following sales were, made during
the past week :
Te Wertheimer : Martin Girvin, 1 acre
at le, 5 and e ; Je.-.-ie McAlister, 2 acres "at
10, 5 and :! : Samuel Pickcl, 1 acre at 13,
3 and :t.
Te Mayer : Elam Pickcl, 2 acres at 13,
I". and 3.
Te Fritz & Martin : David Barr, 1 aete
at 11, 5 and 3 ;.Tehu Ileis, 1 acre at 11, 5
and :!; Ellis Pickcl, 1 aero at 15, 3 and 3 ;
W. Altheuse, 2 acres at 12. 5 and .
In reporting sales of tobacco I always
take the best authority I can get for the
prices, and all the reports se far sent, with
two exceptions, were correct. In the two
cases mention, i. c, Silas Pickel's and
Enech Passmerc'SjI was wrongly informed,
and will correct as fellows : Silas Pickel.
instead of having 2 acres, had $ of an acre ;
Enech Passmerc's price is disputed, and I
cannot undertake te correct without posi
tive assurance of being right the price
reported was 18, G and 3. Let Passmore
.'peak. Cen.
Our Lecal scientists In Council.
The society met en Saturday afternoon,
March 20th, 1881, in the Museum building,
President Stahr and Secretary Davis in
their chairs. Eight members and five
visitors present. Reading of the minutes
of the last meeting dispensed with Alter
the usual preliminary business the follow
ing donations te the museum and library
were reported :
Museum Additions.
1. Mrs. Gibbens donated a specimen of
anthracite coal, which she received from a
friend, the fracture of which exhibited
their circular disks, indicating transverse
fractures of the vegetation euc of which
the coal was originally formed, if net fos
silized encrinites.
2. Mr. Rathven donated a small bottle
containing alcohelized specimens of the
larva of a species of Sentbrie commonly
called 'meal worms," taken from a piece
of weed arennd which cloth was wrapped.
This larva has the singular ability of
moving either backward or forward with
equal facility. Alse a specimen of the
"short-winged mole-cricket," ( Grylhtal
jwbreripenne), sent te him by a corres
pondent from Chester county, who last
summer detected preying upon his young
potato tubers. This is entirely in harm
ony with the geueral character of this in
sect. Alse a specimen of the " Gelden
carp" (Cyprinui auralus) the victim of
an ill adjusted aquarium.
3. Mr. Jehn May, of Seuth Queen street,
donated a line specimen of Hint which he
found in a mass of common chalk ; prob
ably from the chalk beds of England or
4. Mr. Kevinski donated a fine specimen
of "chilled iron," from the Peacock fur
nace, at the southern terminus of Prince
street, Lancaster.
3. Prof. T. R. Baker, of Millersvllle, do
nated beautiful crystallized specimens of
Calcium, formulated Ca. II. O. 732.
0. Mrs. Gibbous exhibited a line speci
men of Beet Sugar, from the Russsian de
partment in the Paris international ex
position of 1878, and was surprised te find
such a large aud beautiful exhibit of Rus
sian sugar en that occasion.
Additions te Library.
1. Repert of the commissioners of edu
cation for 1878, 771 pp. octave, from
Hen. A. II. Smith.
2. United Stales coast survey for 1877 ;
102 pp. quarto, with 34 folded maps and
charts from the department of the interior.
3. Ner. 9. 10 11 and 12 vel. 19, of the
Patent Office Gazette from the department
of the interior.
4. Proceedings of the Philadelphia Acad
emy of Natural Sciences fiem Oot. te Dee.
5. Lancaster Fanner for Mai eh, 1831.
6. Lippeucett's classified catalogue from
1881, KW pp. royal o:tave, with index
and illustrations.
7. " BoeMiclf'" for March 1881, a new
standard of choice publications, 16 pp.
8 ve., illustrated.
8. Sundry miner catalogues aud circu
lars. Historical.
Four envelopes containing 40 historical
and biographical selections.
New Business.
Prof. 1. S. Geist proposed William II.
BulJar, of 3Iaiietta, for active member
shin, te be acted en at the next meeting.
The committee te whom was .referral
the question involving the status of mem
bership in the society, reported that no
person had been elected an active member
since the 29th of July, 1871, without pay
ing J$.j (for which he received a certificate
of ownership), and contributing 10 cents
monthly te the funds of the society. But
as there are persons who desire te co-operate
with the society, aud who for sufficient
reasons may waive all present ownership,
the committee recommended a proviso,
that such persons may be elected : and it
shall be optional with them whether they
become certificate membeis, or come in
under the $1 invitation, which obtained
previous te July 20th, 1871, and contrib
uted 10 ccntsjmenthly. It was also provided
that all active members elected under this
rule, after being three full years contribut
ing members, and all their dues paid up,
shall receive a certificate of ownership as a
gratuity, and enjoy all the privileges and
prerogatives of ether certificate members.
The report was debated aud unauimwflsly
Nete. Contributing members are en
titled te all that ether members are save
that of voting en the disposition of the
Museum Libiary and othcr'prepcrty of the
society, which are subject te the control
of the certificate holders whether they
arc members of the society or net and te
fie amount of certificates they held, each
$ representing one vote. On motion
duly seconded, the following resolutions
were unanimously adopted :
1. Resolved, That the president appoint
a committee of three te examine the re
cords ami report the number of active
members and correspondents from the or
ganization of the society te the present
time ; the date of their election, hew
many have withdrawn, and hew many
have died, including their name, and se
far as known, their residences.
2. Rcsehed, That said committee also
report the financial standing of each ac
tive or contributing member (in their re
lations te the society) ailtl hew many, and
who arc entitled te additional certificates
e!" ownership, nnder the resolution of 29th
of July, 1871.
3. Resolved, That said committee report
at the next stated meeting of the society,
cither finaly or the progress it has made in
the work assigned it.
The president appointed Drs. Rathven.
Davis and Baker said committee.
Scientific Gossip.
Under this head, half an hour office so
cial intercourse was spent very pleasantly.
With geed talkers aud geed listeners this
might be made the most interesting fea
ture of the society. After the usual rou
tine of business is disposed of, which is
necessarily formal and subject le rule, !
"scientific gossip ' is declared by the
president, when everyone can "say his
say" en any subject, without fear of being
out of order, and also with mere freedom ;
than when confined te "place." j
Adjourned te meet en the last Saturday j
in Apt i, wlticli occurs en tiic oein, inc.
last day of the month.
In council chamber to-meriow evening
the old council will held its last meeting.
The new council will meet foreiganizatioii i
en April 4. j
Calvin Dickinsen, a native Columbian ;
who formerly carried en the business of a j
confectioner here, but who left for Cali-;
fernia about euc year age, is new engaged
in prospecting for geld in that si lie the'
substance of a letter received by a friends i
Miss Annie Mieklcy. of Hokendauqua,
Pa., is visiting in Columbia, the guest of
Mrs. Edwin Themas. i
Messrs. M. and J. Bard, of Bard's hotel, j
Ironville, arc te-day moving their house-
held goods and fixtures into the Farmer's i
hotel en Locust street above Third.
Mrs. ITiukiC, the late proprietor of the
hotel, will retire and they will assume
possession en April 1st.
Mr. A. J. Musser has leased the room
en North Third strett formerly occupied
as the office of the Hanover Junction &
Susquehanna railroad company and will
the-re open an upholstering establishment.
1 lie room is nearly opposite Mr. Musser s
furniture manufactory and is conveniently
situated te give him supervision ever both
James, the six-year-old son of James
Bewan, died yesterday of diphtheria at bis
father's residence en Seuth Fenrth street
near Locust.
Rev. J. V. Eckert will te-morrow move
his household goods from here te Lancas
ter, which place will be his future resi -deuce.
Rev. Mr. Eckert has been ap
pointed pastor of the English Lutheran
church at MHIersville. His son, Edward
A. Eckert, the well-known clerk in J. A.
Meyers' drugstore, has given up his posi
tion and will go with his father.
Yesterday was the forty-sixty anniver
sary of the birth of Geerge Denley, who
resides near the Henry Clay furnace, and
the knowledge of this fact called together
a large number of his friends, .who pleas
antly spent last evening with him. The
Citizens' band, of this place, called en Mr.
Denley, were invited in and did ample
justice te the repast which was spread for
them. They had their share of the enjoy
ment and took their departure leaving
with My. Denley a very handsome bouquet.
At a meeting of Snsquehana ledge, Ne.
80, I. O. O. F., held last evening' in the
ledge room the following named officer
were elected te serve during the ensuing
term : Neble Grand, James T. Schroeder ;
Vice Grand. Isaac L. Auwertcr ; Secre
tarv, R. J: M. Little ; Asssistant Secre
tary, B. F. Dean ; Treasurer, .S. II. Boyd;
Janitor. E. A. Beaver.
Mount Zion A. M. E. Sunday-school
will give an exhibition in the church en
Fifth street, between Union and Mill
streets, en te morrow (Wednesday) even
ing. The price of admission is twenty
cents for adults and ten cents for children.
A pregramme of forty-six selections has
been prepared te render which at least
two hours will be required.
By the breaking of a pole which was
being used in poling in cars somewhere
between here and Harrisbnrg this morn
ing; Jehn Kerrigan was severely but net
dangerously injured.
Workmen employed by Messrs. Upp &
Black, en the new line of the Pennsylva
nia railroad, just east of Columbia, iu dig
ging into a bank yesterday at a point en
E. K. Smith's land, nearly opposite the
ere works of Messrs. Tntscett & Ce., dis-.
covered a cave which probably has been
unknown te man for euc hundred years
or mere. A number of young men pro
cured lanterns and explored the cave,
which at its mouth is narrow, but which
widens as you go in. It extends into the
bank a' distance of twenty-five feet or
mere, is about five feat from fleer te reef
en the average of coarse varying as such
passages always de and is in the neigh
borhood of eight feet wide. It no doubt
formed a cozy dwelling place for some one
many years age. Nothing of anv interest
was found in the under-grenud house ex
cept a piece of iron clinched upon a stick
of chaarrcd weed.
Twe hundred scats have already been
marked off for the Nclla F. Brown enter
tainment in the opera house en next Mon
day evening, fand the probability is that
before the end of this week all the desira
ble scats ou the first fleer of the audit o e
riui will be engaged.
Shortly after twelve o'clock te-day Mr.
F. S. Bletz'a horse, which was fastened te
a hitching pest at 3Ir. B.'s residence, at
Fourth and Locust streets, broke loose
and cutting across Fourth street, threw
about the carriage te which it was at
tached until, reaching Walnut street, it
turned it ever, taking te the pavement en
the north side, however, . and following it
until the carriage brought up against a
tree, and was thrown upside down in the
the middle of the street, the body being
knocked from the running gears and the
horse, 'breaking loose, following its mad
course until it'Tras lest te sight. At last
reports the horse had net been caught.
The carriage will have te be shopped for
Death et a Graud-Nenbew of President JJu
chauan. Private advices te friends of the family
in this city convey the sad news of the
death in Baltimore, from pneumonia, of
James Buchanan Johnsten eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Johnsten, of Balti
more aud ei Wheatland near this city.
His younger and only surviving brother
Harry is reported te be seriously ill from
the same affliction. The sympathy of
many friends is extended te the stricken
family. Yeung Buchanan was a remark
ably bright and handsome youth, of rare
intellectual accomplishments and social
attractions. Wherever known he was
much beloved aud he gave premise of a
life of brilliancy, usefulness ad distinc
tion, the untimely cutting off of which is
a mysterious dispensation of Providence.
Weman Heaters.
Mrs. Emma Hinder, who for a few weeks
past has been keeping house for Cenrad
Castner, residing a mile or two from
Lititz, appeared before Alderman Barr to
day aud made complaint against Castner
of assault and Lattery. She says he
pointed a leaded gun at her,
threatened te sheet her, struck her
witli the gun, knocked her down,
kicked her in the eye, clawed the flesh
.from her checks and otherwise dispitcfully
used her. Mrs. Ilinder's person bore evi
dence te the brutality of her assailant,
her eyes being bunged up and her face
much scratched. Officers Helman and
Sweuk, armed with a warrant, left Lan
caster this morning te arrest Castner.
Mis. Martin Meany appeared before Al
derman McConemy this morning and made
complaint against her husband of violent
assault and battery. Martin was locked
up for a hearing.
Words filly Spoken.
The IxTEiiMGEXcnn's inquiry yesterday
as te the whereabouts of the street sprink
ler has already been answered, and te-day
the spi inkier is en the streets and doing
effective duty in laying ths dust and allay
ing the angry temper of the people who
suffered from it. VYc had intended te fe
licitate ourselves and the public generally
en the geed wrought by our timely re
marks, but an ili-naturcd churl at our
elbow snarls out, "Why in thunder didn't
you say se a week age ?"
Herse Recovered.
The horse stolen from the stable of
Jeseph F. Witmcr, Paradise, en Thursday
night, was found iu Strasburg en Saturday
morning tied iu front of Mr. Faulk's house.
It is believed the horse was stolen by a
man named Themas Rice, a former resi
dent of the Octoraro hills, as he was seen
in his possession at Leainau Place en the
night the horse was stolen. On Friday
Rice bought a ticket for Dayton, Ohie, and
probably went West.
Scut te the Heuse or Refuge. !
Keddy Wilsen, aged 9 years, of Christi-1
ana, was taken before the judges of our j
court at 1 o'clock this afternoon. It was I
shown by the testimony of the boy's '
mother that he is incorrigible and she is i
unable te control him. lie was ordered
te be taken te the house of refuge. I
Admitted te the IIav
F. A. Lewis, jr., of the Philadelphia
bar, was this afternoon, en motion of
Gcerge Nauman, esq , admitted te prac
tice in our courts for the purpose of argu
ing the case of Annie Ceuzzcns vs. D. l.
Lucky Find. j
Yesterday afternoon Lemuel Kissinger, j
residing en Maner street, lennd a heavy i
18 karat geld ring in a pack of tobacco j
which he was asserting at Fatmau's ware- i
house. Mr. Kissinger last year found a
fine pocketknife in a tobacco case. j
Tvs i.adiiir of Lancaster are invited te call
lit Mrs. Stener'a, Ne. 27 Wst King street, and
examine the stock and work of Mrs. Darling
aud Canthernc, teachers iu Kensington or
Crewel Werk. A course et three lessens, $l..'i.i.
Fer baby anil children what mere delicate
ami wholesome than Cuticura Seap.
Nutritious, restorative, quieting, strength
ening and purifying arc Malt Hitters.
Lly's cream Halm
s the only Catarrh remedy of many I have
tried which has acted as a cure. I have been
troubled for ever filtecn years ; my head has
been most, of the time stepped and very mucb
nflnmcd. It has opened my nostrils and re
duced tUe inflammation. My eyes are improv
ing, se that 1 can stand strong light, which I
have net been able te de for years. Nathaniel
Fegley, with E. F. Menta, S'erchai't, Wilkes-b:ii-re,
Illy Sen,
age nine years, was afllieted witli Catarrh ;
the use of lily's Cream Balm effected a com
plete cure. W. K. Ilamman, Druggist, Kasten,
Ely' Cream Halm
sells better than any ether -preparation ter
Catarrh, and gives better satisfaction. IJ.
Armstrong, Druggist, Wilkcsberre. li.
Save Your Jlnlr Keep it lleautiful.
The " Londen flair Celer Restorer" is the
most delightful article ever introduced te the
American people and is totally different from
all ether Hair Restorers, being entirely free
from nil impure ingredients that render many
ether articles for the hair obnoxious. Where
baldness or tailing of the hair exists, or prema
ture gray neg, from sickness or ether causes,
Its use will restore the natural youthful color,
and cause a healthy growth, cleansing the
scalp from all impurities, dandruff, etc., at the
same time a most, pleasing and lasting hair
dressing, fragrantly perfumed, rendering it
soft and pliable, making it an indispensable
article in every toilet. Ask your druggist for
Londen Hair Celer Restorer. Trice 75 cents a
bottle. Six bettics, $4. Main depot ler the
United States, .ISO North Sixth street, Philadel
phia. niU-lvirTTli&F&w
A Cough, Celd or Seru Threat should be
stepped. Neglect frequently results in an In
curable Lung Disease or Consumption.
Brown's Bronchial Troches de net disorder
the stomach like cough syrups and balsams,
but act directly en the inflamed parts, allaying
irritation, give relief in Asthma, Brencldal
Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles
which Singers and PuhlicSpeakers are subject
te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial
Troches have been recommended by physi
cians, aud always give perlect satisfaction.
Having been tested by wide and constant use
for nearly an antirc generation, they have at
tained well-merited rank among the few staple
remedies of the agr. Sold at 2j cents a box
everywhere. mS-lvdTTIi&S&lyw
JCcgiilutn the Secretions.
In our endeavors te presee health it is of
the utmost importance that we keep the sec
retory system in perfect condition. The well
known remedy Kidney-Wert, has specific ac
tien en the kidneys, liver and bowels. Use it
instead of dosing with vile bitters or drastic
pills. It is purely vegetable, and is prompt
but mild in action. It is prepared in both dry
and liquid form and sold by Drnggists every
where Reading Eaylc. m'JS-lwri&w
Manufacturing Jeweler, - Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa.
Solid Silver and Sllrer-Plated Ware iu Spoons, Ferks, Knives, Casters, &c.
We offer te our patrons advantages which are rarely combined in one establishment, be
cause we have a complete MANUFACTURING nEP.USt.HESl' in connection witli our retail
business, and are making a large part of the- goods we sell. This enable us te bu sure of
itv, te sell at the lowest prices, and gives us first-class facilities for WATCH WORK and SEV
Manufacturing Jeweler,
Our Stock of Fine aud Cheap Watches, French iJrenze, Marble and
Cheap American Clocks. Musical Bexes, Oil Paintings, Marble and Bronze
Statuary, Solid Silver aud Silver-Plated Ware,3elid Geld and Rolled Geld
Plated Jewelry, and all the staple goods in our line, is one of the largest
and finest in the state. We-have also many fancy goods and novelties,
pretty and inexpensive, suitable for presents.
Our patrons will find our Manufactory a great convenience. We can
make up any design of Jewelry of any description te order, at less cost
than city prices. Remounting precious stones and resetting and remodel remedel
ling old pieces of Jewelry will often transform an old style into a very de
sirable piece of goods. Monogram and Ornamental or Inscription Engrav
ing done equal te the best of work done elsewhere.
We have all the necessary lathes, tools and modern appli mces ia the
hands of expert mechanics for proper Watch and Musical Bes R..v:i:iii:.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
4 West King Street,
Ladle?, Delicate and Feeble.
These languid, tiresome sensations, causing
you te feel scarcely able te be en your feet :
tliat constant drain tliat is taking from your
system all its lermer elasticity ; driving i he
bloom from your cheeks ; that continual
strain upon your vital forces, rendering you
irritable aud trrttul, can easily be removed
by the. use of tliat marvelous remedy, Hep Hit
ters. .Irregularities and obstructions el your
system arc relieved at once, while the special
causes of periodical pain are permanently re
moved. Will you heed this? Sce "Truths."
inl5-2vrdft ,r
It id impossible ter a woman utter a tailhlul
coursuef treatment with Lydia K. Pinkham'n
Vegetable Compound te continue te .-u'Ver
with a weakness of the uterus. Enclose a
atamp te Mi". Lydin E. Pinkham, 233 Western
avenua. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets.
Sneer's Pert Wine
Is icceminundcd by physicians above all
ethers as a gentle stimulant, tonic and diu
retic. It is something they can prescribe te
patients with confidence, knowing they aru
using an article that is strictly pure, and pes-3C--es
the iiighe-a medicinal virtues.
Charles A. Seelcy, a skillful chemist et Xew
1 erk city, after niulcinga caretul and thorough
analysis, say 3: "I have examined the wine
with the view of determining the presence or
absence of various injurioussubstunces which
are contained in se-called Tort Wine.", such as
logwood, crude spirit", etc. 1 h.tve net found
any of these substances in Mr. Spccr'a wine,
and it does net contain anything but what is
found in pure Grape juice wines.
This wine is iccemiucnded by Irs. Atleu
and Davis, and for salu by II. E. Slaymaker,
Lancaster, I'a. mlj-'Jivd&w
Yi Iteeronlapte-iii-lituf FULJIKR'.S,
ltd' Centre Square.
ltd Seuth Window.
j onesidetheinscriptlen " Amieitialateiae
Meres." The finder will be suitably rewarded
bv returning it te
Ne. II North Duke Street,
inar23-2td&ltw Lancaster, I'a.
ORi.ANS AND PIANOS can lie purchased
at the
Lancaster Organ Manufactory
trein ten te twenty-live per cent, cheaper dur
ing the month el Apiil than any ether time.
As 1 have tt large assortu.entet nil kinds of
Musical Instruments en hand, purchasers will
linil it te their advantage atlcr examiniug
ether instruments te call at the wareroom, as
they will then be able te see the superiority of
tlie'Lancaster Organ or Chickering Piane.
) have added ste:.m power and am adding a
set of new machinery of my own invention
for making all parts of an organ, Irein reeds te
the key beard, therefore saving time, expense
and labor, anil will give my customers the
benefit of it by reducing the prices. Send ler
dialogues. All kinds of instruments tuned
and repaired, at
niai-:'J-2wd&eS Proprietor.
The above property will be sold at public lie
at the Court Housed in Harrisbnrg, en
TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1881.
By the Executers of the. astate of Hie late
Geerge J. Bolten. This Hetel is litted up with
rare elegance and taste, containing all ihe
modern nppliances for the convenience and
comfort et guests, and is most eligibly located
iu the centre or the city and almost i:i tiic ,
centre of its business.
It is built et Brick, piinted drab, is live
stories high, has a frontage of lei leet en Sec-i
end street one et the choice streets In the
city and a depth of 1S1 leet 3 inches along
Strawberry avenue, which affords a cenve- I
nient passage way into the back parts of the
Hetel. The purchaser et this property will :
tt lit, n i-in,fV.rt i itli. lrrrf it f1efi int .ill in ntn 11.
brances, and will secure an investment prelit- I
able ami in all respects tiesiranie. rue na
tures and inrniturc of the Hetel will be
offered ler sale at the.same time.
n-.2s-ir.til Executers of Gee. .T. Bolten, dee'd.
The Largest Line of
wc ever had the pleasure of showing.
from the lowest grade te the very fiucstgoeds,
thenewe-t stvles in the market. Fancy Em Em
bessei;Gilts ter Parlers.PlainJand Colored Gilts
at very low prices. Grounded and Common
Papers. Elegant Patterns: Friezes, Berdeis.
Decorations", &c. Over 8,000 Yards et
Plain Mm 1 Windows
in stock, from Sil te "2 inches In width. The
colors run iu Brown, Old Gobi, Olive, Laven
der, Stene. Blue, Smoke Tan, &c.
in six and seven feet in length. Scotch and
American Hollands. Lenps, Tassels, Fiinges,
Cords, i ixture, Ac.
te merchants at Factory Pries. Cornices,
Poles, Ends, Brackets and King-, orders
taken ler Fine Mirrors.
Zalini'8 Cerner, Lancaster, Pa.
Lancaster, Pa.
AX'ir Ait vi-:ii
I ler rent. Ne. Snv.d 10 Seuth (.sueeu street.
Apply at the lNTi:r,.;r;r.NCK!t Ollice.
tvreuK i:i)M van i:!:nt. tiii: stekk
O room new ecc:ip:cd by .J. W. Keller (tin
ner), Ne. 17 W-t Ki:i street, from April 1,
next. Apply te
Office te res-ideiiee, Se. :',"l North Queen
street, the. etlice wilt be. open ai:i!I hours. Hap
ing ler a continuance, el" favor.? from old and
new lriends, I am tliaukriillv veuk.
Lancaster, i'a., March -X li'tfl. mfJ-Titd&ltiv
We Invite special examination of out Carpel
Stock, which is new complete iu the latest
Spring Styles and Colerinus.und is the largest
offering ever shown in- Lancaster. Will be
se!d at the lewc-t prices.
hugs axd hath.
10,0Uft Pieces New Spring Style
Fer Parlors, Halls, I.ibr.nlcs, Dining Reems
and Chambers.
Choice New Styles purclmsml from Manu
facturers ami Importers, embracing all the
mmiitics of Solid (Jold. KmheSicd Geld.
Rienze, Satin;-, Fiats and Itianksaud Renlera j
and Decollatiens te mitcli. Wi 1 be sold at
Lewest Prices. '
Window Shades amlHellands with Fixture. I
Window Comics ami Curtain Poles.
j store room new occupied by II. Gcrhart,
merchant tailor, in the liiiiuirer'building. Ne.
.11 Neith Oueen street. Lancaster. Inquire et
mSS-ttd 3; North Duke street.
OOUU e-isy payment;, will purchase an
elegant 9-room tliree-.steey Brick Dwelling,
wiili alt modern improvements. It net bold
by April I will be ler rent. Applv at
marl4-2wd 1 j.' North Queen Street.
J On THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1SSI, will be
Mild at Ne. 40 West King street, Lancaster
c-il , l'n., the following te wit :
Twe Bedsteads and Ma'ti"sps, 1 Walnut
Re k Case and Dc-dr, I Walnut Wardrobe,
Marble Tep Bureau and Washstand, 23 yards
Ingrain Carpet. 21 yards Matting, Parler Steve
and ether es net mentioned.
Sale te commence at !''; o'clock a. m. sharp.
S A M L'K L H EsS & SON. .
mi2!i-5td3,Tui W Auctioneers.
i MAIiCIl ". 1'M. Will be sold at Kauff
maV.s Ne --; East King Mieet. a large let e!
Household and Kitcn n furniture. Seven
Bedsteads, Mattrcs-i--. Extension
aud ether Tables (one wi.h marble top). Sela,
Lounge, Chcst-. Catu-Sci't and Dining Roem
Chairs, u large let of cnrpci and a variety of
articles notinentieii-d.
Sale te commence at 1 e'ehc-k.
il. t-. KAUFFMAN.
B. F. ItOWi;, AUCt. 1li26-3td
29, 1SS1, will be sold by public vendue, at
the cigar store of E. 15. Kauffman, Ve. Ill North
0.ucen street. Lanca-ier. Pa., the following ar
ticles te wit: Counter. mil "shelving, one large
Shew Case, one small Mew Cum-, one fancy
Cigar Ster Figure, one C mnen Steve, Pipe,
one Canvas Awning, Window Step, Desk, 13
set el Cigar Moulds. Beam .im! Weights, one
Cigar Press one Dryer and Steve Drying
Ruck, two Clocks, four Cigar Bunches, one
Packing Table, let of Toels. Mirror, Pictures
and a variety et goods net mentioned.
Sale te cemmencu at T'. o'clock p. m.
.'. 15. KAUFFMAN.
B. F. Rette, Auct. mar21-3td
J Kitchen Furniture. On WEDNESDAY".
MARCH 20. lil, will be -old at Ne. 40 West
King street, Lancaster city, Pa., the following
te wit :
Eight Bedsteads and Mattresses. 4 Bureaus,
Washstands, Pitchers and I'-'fwls, 3 Extension
Tables, 3 dozen of Windser and ether Chairs,
Rocking Chairs, Mirrors, 1 Coel: Stevo and
Cooking Utensils, 3 Parler Steve-, Tables and
Cupboards, 3U Yard of BrusscN, Ingrain and
Rag Carpet, and a large let of Glass and
Queensware, Tub". Stands. u.mI a variety of
articles net mentioned.
Sale m commence ut 9 e !et-k a. m., when
attendance will be given bv
Sam'l Hess & Sex. Aucts. mar.6-3td
ri'lIK CUMKKKLaXD clock,
JL J. II. HEVDi.EY.lnventoraiulConjitruc HEVDi.EY.lnventeraiulConjitruc HEVDi.EY.lnventoraiulCenjitruc
tor. will be en exhibition ler a few duys enlv,
at Se. 03 North Queeu street, commencing
at ' o'clock.
Clergy free. Ladies and childrcd treated
courteously and provided with scats.
Washinstes, Jlareh 29. Fer the 3Iid
dle states, cloudy weather, with rain or
snow, westerly winds, becoming variable,
lower barometer, stationary or lower tem
perature. The chief signal officer furnishes the fol
lowing special bulletin te the associated
press : A storm of some severity is new
central in Kentucky. It will -move east -ward
off the Atlantic coast by Wednesday
morning, en which day the cloudy and
rainy weather of the Middle and Seuth
Atlantic states will be followed by colder,
clearing weather. During Thursday clear
ing weather will extend te New England,
while fair and warmer weather will pre
vail in the vest of the country east of the
Recky Mountains. Freezing temperatures
arc reported this morning from Xew Eng
land, Lake region and Northwest.
Democratic Senators Indicate, a Purpose te
Answer It.
Washington-, March 29. Iu the Senate
te-day immediately after the assembling
the resolution was called up for the elec
tion of officers.
Mr. Johnsten stated that as Mr. 31a 31a
heiie's speech had net appeared iu the
Recerd this morning he would net yet de
liver his reply te his colleague, net wish
ing te misrepresent him.
Mr. Hampton denied Mahone's state
ment made yesterday that the Democratic
party had repudiated Seuth Carolina's debt
It there had been repudiation
there it was when the state was
under the control of the Republicans.
He then proceeded te recite the action of
the Democrats of the Senate, their at
tempt the fulfill their duty in reorganizing
the committees aud the course pursued by
their opponents which were fraught with
Mr. Brown then proceeded at some
length te answer the. charges made against
him yesterday by Mr. Mahone, dcclaiing
that the gentleman had grossly misrepre
sented facts.
MacVeugh Kicking Alexin.
Washington, March 20. There is a
rumor afloat that Attorney General 3fac
Veajh will shortly retire from the cabi
net en account of disagreement witli the
president alfeetinjj the nominations of
Stanley Matthews and Win. E. (JhaiuMer
te positions en the supreme com t bench
and in the department, of justice respect
ively. Attorney General MacVeairh h at his
office this meraiiijj attending te business
as usual. "When the current report that
he was inclined te resign his office was
mentioned he said he did net anticipate
leavitjg the cabinet. He declined te talk
ivheii interrogated ar, te past differences of
opinion as te the wisdom of Mr. Chandler's
appeintmnnt, and intimated that what
ever objection he might have had te any
of the president's appointments, such ob
jections had net been sufficiently strong at
any time te warrant his letiremctit fiem
the department of justice.
The Tragedies of a Great City.
Xew Yerk, March 29. Michael Cur
ran, a painter, while at work polishing a
deer iti East 57th street, sitting en the
top step of the ladder, was upset and
broke his neck. He died en the spot.
James Heancy, 11 years old, fell from a
Hudsen River railroad car at 11th avenue
this morning and was instantly killed, the
wheels of the 2ar passing ever his body.
The body of a dead man was found in a
basement, en Third avenue this morning,
and was recognized as that of Jehn Con Cen
rad Sehever, aged G5 years. He is sup
posed te have fallen into the cellar while
Reacenstleld in Critical Uealtb.
Lekden, March 29. Leid Ucaceusfield
has had a severe attack of bronchial
asthma, but gout having become fully de
veloped yesterday the asthma was re
lieved. A bulletin this morning s:iy.s he pased a
restless night. His doctor thinks thcie is
considerable danger, especially when the
patient's great age is considered.
Proposed Ship Canal Acress Delaware.
Devei:, Pel., March 29. At the request
of the Merchants7 association of Iialtimeic
and ethers, a bill was introduced in the
Delaware Legislature te-day asking the
right of way for a ship canal across the
.state anywhere below Appequinmink
creek. Twe charters have already been
granted te the Sassafras aud the Qneens Qneens
tewn routes. Congressman 3Iartiu, Gov.
Hall and ether prominent men of Dela
ware and Maryland are named as incorpor
ators and the capital stejk ;.$ set at $;J0,
003,000. A lieer Imprisoned.
Londen, March 29. A dispatch form
Xew Castle, Xatal, says a Beer is impris
oned ac Hcidlcberg charged with the mur
der of Capt. Elliett, who was killed while
Cressing the Vaal ravine in January last
after having been released from imprison
ment at Ileidleberg.
Falling "Waters.
Chicago, March 29 A special despatch
from Omaha says tiie water has been fall
ing along the submerged district en the
Union Pacific railroad, aud beyond Fre
mont it has receded from the towns con
sidered in danger.
ysw verK Market.
. -w Yeiuc,Mur.29. Fleur StatcumtWcstern
dull, in buyer.-) faver: Superfine Statu :
f l : ext ia no fl Slgl 50 ; cneice de fl 55R4 ia .
I.mey dn$.iiti 73; round hoop Ohie H 33 '.:
choice de at i (tjQ'i 73; superfine west-en-
?3 tlflfjl W: common te geed e.v
tra '!e$l30g5W; ehoiCMle $3 loge 73; .choice
white wheat de i.r3C 00. Southern unchanged
and quiet ; common te fair extra at M 75S
3 20: geed loehelce de te 23'S7 23.
Wheat !45ic higher find rather rpiiet;
Se. 2 Red, spot, $1 21Jil 22; April, I 21JCS1 22 :
deMavJl 211 21J4; de June, $1 WAj l'.J :
Ne. I White, .May, 41 18.
Cern ab.iut He hetteranilqnict : .Mixed wc-t-eru
spei. 37??."ac; de futur,.'i4-9'c.
Oats feverish; St ate ilfZi3y.;; Western, ViQ
PHiLADKLruiA, March 2). Fleur quiet
but steadily held; superCne, i::3SQ; eitru
3 7'i 23 ; Ohie and i.uflaua family
f"i 233573: Penn-i. family $1 375 12 : St. Loiu Leiu
familv $." 73?G 25 : Minnesota Extra fSOi&S 87:
.it might. SG00fG50; winter p,iient $tLi07 50 ;
spring de $0 7SS no.
Rye Heur at $3 12.
Wheat firmer; Ne. 2 Western Red $1 Jt)X
Del. and Penn'a Red. $1 1!31 VM : de Amber
$1 19f?l W.
Cern dull and easier: steamer, iZe ; yellow
and mixed, 54J'S55'4c.
Oats dull and wcik ; Ne. I White, VjQVilie ;
Ne.2,4ig!4Hc; Ne. 3, de 41c; Se. 2 Mixes;, at
Rye firm and scarce at il 03.
Previsions market steady : im.Ss perk
10 30; beet hums 522 tfl23 00; ludU
mess beef, 522 00 f. e. b. IJ.tcen smoked
shoulders CgGc; salt de 5c: smoked luuna
i'(iiic: rucKieu nam- aa''ic
l.ard linn : city kettle Hi-: loot butchers'
lf10J4e ; prune steam, $10 87K.
Uutter Fancy frcsli wanted, old tteck
dull ; Creamerv ex'ra 3Mj33c ; creamery geed
te choice 30g33; R. C. & N. Y. cxtru, tubs,
30332c : de firkins. 2l23c ; Western daivv
extra avjjMe; de geed te choice 20S24'r. Rolls
quiet; Penn'a 15lSc : Western 17Q23.
Bggsdult; Pcnna. 17H3; Wt-sier: , 17
Cheese dull, but unchanged: New Yerk full
cream 13J(S13c ; Western full cream 12i
EfJic; de fair te geed llK3'2s; dohairsklm. dehairsklm.
SjaiOc : I'a. de 8S'Jc.
Petroleum dull ; lciined ,c.
Whisky at 51 10. , . , ...
Scc'ds-Uoed te prime clevur .lull at M
ffS'J:.le de Timethy linn at -:.0 Q- te ; de de
Fjfci'vsce- ni'glcettd i S5! .1.
Oram Market.
Rcwale. Fleur steady with a fair demand
Wheat-nethuur doing ; holders tlrm-ai
nskodlerNo.IhardDnluth. """"" "-
Cern easier rSe. 2 Mixed held at 31c
Oats qnlet and unchanged; Ve Mixprt
Western held at 40s; WhRe4lc " " -"1
tirley quiet bat firm.
ve inactive.
llighwinc. city made. $1 10l il.
Freights te New Yerk by Rail Wheat t)L t)L
cern 10c : eats 6c. n '
Railroad Receipts Fleur 4,700 bbls ; wheat
SO. 0 bus ; corn S6.M0 bus ; eats 30,000 bus : bar
ley 400 bus : rye 1.400 bus.
Railre id Shipments Fleur.1,500 bbls ; wheat
4S.O0O bus : corn StyXW bus ; eau 30,000 ; barley
Gralu in Stere Wheat 273,000 bus ; corn,
none ; eats 3.5.0 bus ; barley, 133,000 bus ; Rye
6,000 bus; malt 31,000 bua. .
Detroit. Mich. Fleur quiet.
.,.hc:l! finu : Xe-l White,$l 03f3l e.j; ; April.
SIO; May. $i0t$K: Jum I0G31l)l?i; A'e. 2
V, hitc. $l 04Ji ; e. a Rett dull.
Cern scarce and firm : Mixed, tHUc. bid.
Oats quiet ; Ne. 2 White, 3-Jc: Mixed sellers.
ClOTorseca dull ; sellers', prime nt3i Se. 2,
Dressed Heg nominal.
Recelpts-ioeo bbts. Heur. 13.000 bushels
"J!?1' 2-000 hushela Cern. 3-000 bushels Oats.
Shipments-l.OOO bbls. Fleur, 31,000 bushels
Wheat. 3,0X) bushels Cern.
Llve Stock Market.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts 1.S0O head ; con
signed through 227 cars ; total for week thus
far, (!, 110"; ter same time last week, 4,400 ; mar
ket steady at last ureek'sepeiiingpricct ; sides
ercxtra steers, $5 3331, 73; choice $ 133530;
geed shippers-, ft Gjjp : fair te medium, $1 20
4 60; lleht butchers. 5.5S3S4 40: nilxd butch
rs, $323-31; teckers in geed demand : sales
et light yearlings te geed stockers, $:; I0e4 ;
choice. $i 15 ; fat bull, $3 50g4 35; stock, $3
3 25.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2.S0O head ; con
signed through. 9 cars: market ilull and
tending downward : very llttle doing ; extra
sheep at $30d: choice. S 5t33 73 : fair te
geed Wcste iv$5 0Pgt;40; western lamb for
common te $3 25 50.
Heg UecelpN, 4.S0O head ; consigned
through. 53 cars; market dull : light le fair
fair Yerk weights. &', '.'OiJlt; geed medium,
t 135G 25; choice heavy $1 30Ji' 10 ; pigs, $3f
3 50.
East Liberty. Cattle Receipts since Fri
day 3,-.'(J4 head through and 7A! ycad of yard
stock; prices about' JS 3335 K5 : stockers net
much represented : bulls and fat cows$2253;
scalftwinr stiitT et all kind !.L
IIeg-Recelpts 8,2tW head ; Philadelphia G 10
G fl ; Yorkers $1; 701? B SO.
Scccp Receipts 10 000 heat!; very dull anil
fully 23e off tireni lust weuk.
Philadelphia. Cattle itiarket.
Monday, March 23. The rcceipts of stock at
the various yards were for the week : Cattle,
2.500 head ; sheep. O.IOi) head ; hogs, :J,5itt head.
Previous wcek Cattle, 2,iiH) head ; sheep, H,0uu
lund; hogs. .000 html.
The expert- of dressed stock per steamer
Pcnna. were 171 head et cattle ami 4)l head of
Heef Cattle. The light supply last week,
with the previous shortage, had the eltectet
raising prices K&iiie. per pound, l.uteliers
hail but little stock en hand and were 1-0111-pellrd
te pay the advance. At neon te-day th
pens were all cleaned ou:.
l'.nlls and cows were moderately active and
prices wcre higher.
Calves were in geed demand at better rates.
Mllcli cows were In keciI request.
We quote as fellows :
Extra. i!Wr4c: Ooed. T'i,ft,c ; Medium,
37jS5Jc: Common. 4(fc5)c; ItuTla autl Cows,
"i-v'S'l-ic: Calves, byjivlc ; "Fresh Cows, $2545.
Dru-sed heeves were, fairly active nnd at
neon, te-day, lc per tt higher was a-ked.
Sales of liiessed Reeves Thtw. Hradley, 135
head 1
it 34S2K7? .1 V 40 1I0 ile-ir TGMC's.c
J. C. Weit.t 38 de de at 7J.;e8Jc ; J. L. Meulay
32 de de at "J'fiS'c.
Sheep were falrlyuctivcand prices advanced
c per ft en all grades. Five hundred clieicn
sheep weie sold for European shipment at pri
vate rales above quotations.
We quote as follews:
Extra fii;.c : 5enil, G5'c ; Medium, S-H
tf?.Ce : Common 553JiC: uull.s.-te5c; L-iiul
G'-j'S'VSc: Spii!iger.-$K?7.
Samuel Stewart sold GI5 heart dressed sheep
Hogs The marketdiirmg the past week was
dull and prices unchanged.
We quote as fellows :
Extra, !)i4.; Geed, SQBc ; Medium, a
Reger Mayncg, 133 Western ami Lancaster co.,
gross. 5e,yic.
A. & J. Christy, 9i Lan. co., gres.i, 348fiic.
E.S. A II. V. McFillcn, 200 Western untl te.
co.. .Vff(r,yc.
Owen Smith. Ill Western account of G. Seliam
bcrg A Ce. : 3G Penn'a, ai-cennt J. N. Rip
ple; 32 de Zsieli. Minich; 17 de D. Wft
mer ; 12 tle .1. R. Oki-son. 5c.
Uliuan it Lehman Rres.. 75 l.afieastcr co..
own actt !i'1T.Ic; 17 Lan. co, Jes. Pow Pew
nn!l, tryey-: 27 de ,1. S. M nmsm S'fJGc.
Jehn McAnllc. 2n0 L-in. co.. giess. 5,'.iJji-.
Daniel Murphy, 75 Lancaster co.. uy$tfix:.
'Sehambcrg & Paul, 110 Penn'a, 5;i'i:.
ii. Schiunberg Ce.. 180 Western. 3.'s?l-.
II. Chain, jr., 25 Penii'ii, gross. 5ft5c.
Daniel Smvth & Rie., 140 Western mid Penn'a,
Dennis smyth, 57 Penn'a, 5SJc.
Rachman & Levi. ICO Western and Lan. ei.
M. Levi, 75 Western, gross, SJiRG'c.
Leuis Hern, 51 Penn'u. mixed. 4&5c.
P. Scheetz, 4. 1j.ii. co. ;44 Montgomery CO.,
co ' s, 4ffll;!jc.
James Eustace, 25 Penn'a, 5J'5c.
Win. Sales, 43 Lancaster co., .i,c.
James Cleinseii, 42 Lan. co., 5;4"7Cc.
P. Hathaway, 5 Lancaster co., gren, 5c.
J. F. Sadler A Ce.. 216 Western, .V.c.
S. Dreifns, 17 Western, !ygf;.
Stock Marxet,
Nkw Y'ekk Stocks.
Stocks HVi lower. a.m.
Marcli 20.
r. X.
r. M.
r x.
10:30 ll:5
AlOilOy a
Erie R. R 4-yJ 47
Michigan S. A L. S....l:;iv'.i 13i
Michigan Cent. R. R..ll4l 113yi
Chicago A N. W 12P4 IZS'i
Chicago. M. .fc St. P. I K UlK,
1M H3i
121 121
1 13 J 1155
uan. a at. i. 1.0111... e-.t v;A
" i"iu.;
Teledo A Wabash. .. 4Ji
Ohie& Mississippi.... 44J-,
St. Leuis, 1. M. AS R.. KiX
Ontario and Western. .'!
C C. A. C. R. i: 21;
New Jersey Central.. 103
Uri'A 101
111 ll.Ji
12:-, 123JJ
ll"?5 1134
M 35i
Del. Hduseu Canal.llll ltlk
lltl.. l.ael:.& We!crul2U 12.i
Western Union TcL.H! W-XA
Pacific Mail S. S. Ce 57 55J;
Manhattan EK-vated
t iitnii Paellie 110!H' H
Kansas jc Texas 4-j 4G
New Yerk Ceutml
Ad.mis Express
Illinois Central
Cleveland A Pitts
Chicago A Reck I
Pittsburgh A Ft. W
Pennsylvania H. R... : WA
Phil'a. Reading 31 31
Lehigh Valley Q'JJZ
Lelilgh Nxvlgntlen... W'i
Northern Pacific Cem 42 42M
" " P'd . V'i Vi
Pitts., Tlttisv'e ft 1; .... tf J VA
Northern Cential iVK
PI11P11& Erie R. It 28
Vm-tlie.rn Penn'a 5
Itii. IL It's Ol N.J 1
Hestenvfllc Pas?
Central Trans. Ce
3IJ5 31Ji
WA ....
.... -K'A
W 42
70-i 71
20JJ 2t;5
iry. ....
Noen Quotations of the Grain Market
t ttriilslted by Jaceo R. Leng, Commission
Cash. April. May.
...I.W I.WJ fl.'J5-i
Mav. June.
... .40 ii A3
... .2 .3ti .:K
Ca-h. . April. May.
.. $1.22 122'4 JI.2I
3-i;r, ..'-Gji -Wi
"... 1.1 y. i.iu'4 i-iwvx
. .. .53 .54 .53rJ
rw Yei.k.
Ctrn.. ...........
eril.,. ...
1 JOT-
housework in a small family, at 17 Seuth
Prince street. ltr
man te take cure of horses. A whitt
man preferrad. Must conic well-recemii'eiiil
ti. Apply, ., . ,:e
years, at 3 per cent. Interest, paid in ud
Tanse and geed security given, li quire at
thla effice. iuai'I7 tld
in the raising and sorting of tobacco
would like te help grew some this year or
would be willing te -.vnr', ..f anything else.
Plca-j-'tidilress. stating t 11ns. -i !.. R ,"' 13J
seuih Water street, U:iie;iater, i'a. ltd