LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!!, THIIRSDAYMARCH 24. 1881. Lancaster fntclKgencet. THUESDAY BVEN'O, MARCH 24, 1881. ft-Mlug Trees. 4 A I'ajMr Read Before the Ueruiantewn Horticalteral Society by Jeseph Meeban. There is nothing mere deserving of ad miration than a well proportioned tree. Trees, when left te grew naturally, usual ly assume an outline that is pleasiug ; but where pruning is properly understood and applied, the general appearance of trees can be much improved. If pruning be judged by what is seen around us it would be difficult te assert that it is generally beneficial, for tee olten it has resulted in the permanent injuryef trees and certainly te the dsfigurement of nearly every street in Philadelphia. On a place where young trees have been recently planted there is room for the pruner's skill. There are many small fruit orchards in our town where pruning has been understood, that contain pear and ether trees, models of symmetry- Pruning should commence before a tree is planted. In digging trees there are usually some roots bruised, and these roots should be pruned off, otherwise fundus will attack the diseased parts, and fungus around the roots is the mortal en emy of trees. If the trees that are being planted are fruit trees, such as pears and plums, the branches will generally need pruning ; and here at the start, is where the greatest amount of knowlcdge is needed. There may be two reasons for pruning. The first is that in transplanting some roots arc always lest ; and a cutting away of some branches is needed, because .the fibres, or feeders of these branches, have been lest. It ether words, the servants te carry the previsions have disappeared, and some of the occupants of the house must go te enable the rest te be served. The ether reason for pruning is te form the outline of the future tree. If the tree is wanted with a tall stem that youthful depredaters cannot easily climb, the lower I i : i .i i t ,.. ' urauciics niuti uu jiiuiiuu ;nvey. ji, jiuw ever, the tree is desired with branches te the ground, it is the proper time te prune it. There is a very general belief that fruit trees are better for having their stems somewhat shaded when yeun, but this should net be considered where a low branched tree is net dcsiicd. In pruning the trce en account of less of roots, the weak sheets are the ones te take out se far as possible, leaving the strong ones wherever tliey have grown out at desirable places te make a shapely tree. There is tee little care given te forming the future habit of the tree at pruning. The usual way is te prune off the strong branches here and there te compensate for the less of roots, with no regard te whether the cut has been where it was needed, and forgetting that the weak sheets are the ones te cut out. It net uufrcquently happens that fruit trees are cut back several feet with no geed te the tree, and making it a year or two of growth te gain the size it was. j A tiee properly planted and piuucd will need but little heavy work afterwards if a j little care be constantly given it. The most of the pruning will be te regulate I the shape of the tree, and this can be ' done mostly when the tree is jrrewinjr in ! the spring and summer time. A little at-1 tontien in the crewimr season irecs a meat , TC l...i.t it. I." 1...1 .!. ' nil, xi .1 uiiMiia riiniii uu ucciicu, iuc pinching off of a sheet will cause the buds along the side te burst and grew, ami very seen a twiggy growth and a bushy tree is the result. Summer pruning is the only kind te be practiced te make a dense growth. In the winter time pruning tends te make vigorous sheets but net bushy ones. Just below where cut off. one bud, and generally one only, will burst out and grew up strong. Wherever weak sheets exist, wilder pniiing will benefit the tree by giving a stronger and cleaner growth the following year. Te knew what we want is the point te be .sure of before we commence te cut a tree. The street trees of Philadelphia aie pruned in a way that produces the very opposite of what is desired. The tices are generally poplars, maples and similar trees, that have grown tee tall, and the desire is te dwarf them. Seme one with a hatchet and saw is chilled in, who specd ildy dwarfs the trce by sawing it almost te the ground. The tree makes a some what weaker growth the next year, but the pruuer thinks it nccjls sharpening and cuts again the nc;:t winter, ami a season or two of this treatment gives the owner a half-dead stump in front of his house. The mistake is that a tree growing tee tall was planted, and that it was net pruned every summer te keep it dwarf and bushy. Summer pruning takes but little of the growth of the tree away, and in this way there is no injury te the vi tality efa tree. Repeated pruning of a tree wcakeus and kills it. This is net usually thought of, but it is nevertheless a fact that every branch removed from a tree is a blew te its vitality. Every green house lad knows that the geranium which is repeatedly cut for cuttings dies ; and in the eame way the tree that is repeatedly pruned dies. This knowlcdge is turned te geed account by practical fruit grow ers. Se long as a fruit tree is growing strong ly it seldom bears well. It is only when it attains some size aim maturity com mences that it begins te fruit. Te take away from a trce or plant some of its growing forces, is te make it flower and fruit. This knowlcdge gave rise te the practice of root-pruning te produce fruit, and being founded en natural laws it has proven successful. A tt-ce that seems in full vigor, making a strong growth with healthy leaves, showing nothing ails it. can be generally thrown into bearing by a pruning of the roots. It is often practiced and is generally successful. Seme are sat isfied with thrustiur a spade down here and there around the tree, but this is tee risky, as mere roots may be cut off than desirable. The best way is te dig a trench en one side of the tree, cutting oil a few of the strongest roots. This side should be the one least exposed te high winds, se that no danger of blowing ever is brought te the tree. But roots enough cut off te make the tree liable te blew ever is net wanted ; a few strong ones will be enough. Many a pejsen has a Seckcl or Baitlctt pear tree that grows well, yet does net bear, and if root pruning be administered while the tree is dormant a crop of fruit will be the result. This practice holds geed with plants of all kinds. Any plant that does net flower, yet grows inmpantlv may be helped towards flowering by with holding from it the elements of feed. borne inmates et the fruit-garden, such as grapes for instance, commence bcariii" trait the year succeeding their plautiip" and thus need no roef-pruuing ; but "a proper pruning of their branches is bene ficial te them. Grapes produce the finest bunches from young canes, and te get them a few branches should be cut within an eye or two of the ground every winter. Seme strong sheets will be the result, producing fruit the following year the whole length of the stem, which is hard te obtain en weed ever a year old. On the lawn, deciduous and evergreen trees should be pruned en the same prin ciple as fruit trees. Many trees require no pruning, growing always into beautiful specimens. The pin oak is an example of this. Ne pruning can make a mere shape ly tree of it than it makes if left alone. It is net unusual te see shrubs trimmed off into a ball-shape, very similar te what the street trees arc. The summer pruning is what they want. It was once thought that evergreens could net be touched with a knife, but it has been long known iu ABseriea that these trees bear pruning just as well as any ether tree. The kuile can be used anywhore needed, and the tree can be brought into any shape desired. But generally evergreens require but little pruning; a sheet 'pinched off here and there te keep them shapely is generally sufficient These who hare hedge te prune should be careful te see that the pruner thoroughly understands for what purpose he 'prunes. If the hedge be thin at the base with a thick top growth, the pruning should be done in early summer while the growth is still going en: The object will be mainly te thicken the base. This is accomplished by pruning back the top sheets, thus throwing the sap te the lower branches, making them vigorous, bushy, and forming a close branch base. Later in the season, when the growth has ceased the hedge may be trimmed into shape, the conical being the best, as affording a bit ter chance te the lower branches te get suuandair. Where the hedges are ever greens they should never be pruned late in the fall as this exposes the inside sheets the weakest always, te the action of the winter weather, resulting in much injury te the trees. This of course applies also te single specimen evergreens. Sometimes an old tree has branches en which must be cut off. These branches, if large, are apt te make unsightly scars where cut from the tree. It is net generally known that a branch cut in summer, when 'the sap is active, heals ever much mere quick ly than when cut in winter. This being se, these large branches should be pruned in the summer time. The most useful and easiest mode of pruning is that of the summer time. When the young growth is soft a pinching off of a sheet here and there will produce perfect specimens and leave no scare be hind. There is much pleasure in pruning a growing tree. As one year succeeds the ether the work that has been well done shows itself, and we wonder that the beautiful tree before us has been produced by se little labor of ours. Begus Ceruncates. It is no rile dragged stuff, pretending te be niaiie et wonderful foreign roots, barks, 4e,. and puffed up by Ions bogus certificates, of pretended miraculous cures, nut it unipiv, pure, effective medicine, made of well known valuable remedies, that furnishes Its own er tiflcatcs by its cures. We refer te Hep hitters, the purest and best of mediciues. hee 'Truths" and "Proverbs," In another column." ml5-2wd&w lie Sensible. Yen have allowed your bowels te become habitually costive, your liver has become tor pid, the same thing ails your kidneys, and you are j list used up. -New be sensible (ret a pack age of Kidney-Wert, take It faithfully and hoen you will forget you've get any such organs, for you will be a well man. Albany Argus. in21-lwd&w MIMICAL. ryt. mum nincs C.&C. CORDIAL, FOR COLDS AND COUGHS,' PRICE, 25 & 35 Cents ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT.f W. CHAMPION BROWNINGr, M. D., SOLE PROPRIETOR, Ne. 1321 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. "VT ht dispensary. -V. The proprietor et the LANCASTER CITY 1'liAHJlJ ACY, corner of North Queen nnd Oranue streets, wishes te notify Ills patrons and the public that lie has opened a XIG1IT DISPENSARY, at his residence, and is therefore prepared te nil any prescription and furnish any medi cines in cases et emergency. AN DUE W G. FREY, 435 West Orange street. D O XOtI EVER SUFFER FUO.ll A FAIN ill your Side. Dizziness. "Less of Appetite. nyspepsia, rerverica Taste, sanew uoinpiex ueinpiex ' ion, leeling unfit te attend tebusincss or tode i any wen? It se, your liver and kidneys are i outet order, anil the disease can be speedily and effectually removed ami cured by K1D NEYCURA, which nets directly en these mem bers. Price 50 cents a pack. Fere sale at KAUFFMAN'S DRUG STOKE, I Ne. llt North Queen Street. LOCHER'S Renowned Cough Syrup! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Ucmcdy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Itrenchitis, "Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Bleed, Inflammation of the Lungs, ant' all Diseases of the Chcstand Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sale and efficient qualities for the cure et all kinds of Lung Disease?. Price 23 cent. Pre pared only and geld by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST? NO. 9 KAST KINO STRKKT. elC-tfd R EAI) THIS USE- COUGH NO MORE! AMERICAN- mm SYfflJP, A CERTAIN, SAFE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOtt COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, PAIN IN THE SIDE OK IJUEAST, And all Diseases of the . THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptives in ali stages of the disease. Fer sale only at HULL'S DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, auj2S-ly1 LANCASTER. PA. KIDNEY WORT. PERMANENTLY' CUKES KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER C03IPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION AND 1'ILES. Dr. It. II. Clark, Seuth ncre, Vt, say. "In eases of Kidney Troubles it Juts acted like a charm. It has cured many very bail cases of Piles, and has never failed te net efficiently. Nelsen Faircluld, of St. Albans, Vt., siys, 'It is of priceless value. After sixteen years of great suffering from Piles and Ce-divcncss it completely cured me." C. S. Hogaben, et Berkshire, fays, "One package has done wonders ferme in complete ly curing n severe Liver and Kidney Com plaint." IN EITHER LIQUID OH DKV FORM IT H A3 WONDERFUL BOWER. WHY? Because It acts en the LIVER, BOWELS and KIONK1S at the sine time. Because It cleanses the system et the poison ous humors tliat develop in Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti pation, Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints. S- It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, iu 3tln cans, one package of which make) six 49cruarts of medicine. 3-Alse in Liquid Ferm, very Concentrated 3ler the convenience et these who cannot 3-rcadily prepare tt It acts trtlh equal 43 efficiency in either form. G ET IT OF Y'OUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, MX. WELLS, RICHARDSON & GO., Prep's, Burlington, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) ' dee 27 lydftw CLOTJXIlfe. N TEW STOCK OF CLOTHING FOB SPRING 1881, D. B. Hostetter & Sen's, Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Having made unusual efforts te bring before the public a n ne, stylish and well made stock et BEADY-HADE CLOTHING, wc are new prepared te show them one of the most carefully selected stocks of clothing In this city, at the Lewest Cash Prices. MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING-! IN GREAT VARIETY. Piece Goods of the Most Stylish Deslgnsl and at prices within the reach et all. 3-Giveusacall. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Clyd LANCASTER. FA. T 1GI1T WEIGHT OVERCOATS can be worn two seasons in the year Spring and Fall. We have them from f te $10 in price. OUR VARIETY OF $tt Cliii Fer Hi is greater than ever bTere. The priee3 for geed reliable goods are .from $8.50 TO $15 A SUIT, AND FOR FINE DRESS SUITS FROM $12 TO 25. ' BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING IN GREAT VARIETY. and the styles are the best in the market. We prefer te lead, net te lollew. In every branch et the CLOTHING TRADE. FINE Merchant Tailoring IS A SPECIALTY, And you shall hear about our Clothing Busi ness in the future. WILUAMSON & FOSTER, ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. l'APEHUANaiXGs, arc. w aLL PAPERS. Our Present Stock of Goods is superior te any that we ever had the pleasure of offering. WALL PAPERS. FANCY GILTS, FOR PARLORS, HALLS, DINING ROOMS, CHAMBERS, Ac. GROUNDED AND COMMON PAPERS IN LARGE VARIETY. ELEGANT CEIL INGS, FRIEZES, BORDERS &c, SCOTCH HOLLANDS Fer WINDOW SHADES. Plain Material by the yurd iu any Celer and Width. SPRING AND CORD FIXTURES. LOOPS. BANDS, FRINGES, Etc Extension Window Cornices. CURTAIN POLES, BRACKETS, Etc. PHAEBS W. FEY, . NO. 57 NORTH QUEEN BT. I FT DBA WINGS. 30tn Popular Monthly Drawing or THX COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macaulcy's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en THURSDAY, MARCH 31st, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Assembly of Kentucky, Incorporat ing the Newport .Printing and Newspaper rnmmiiT. jmnrnvpil Anril SL 1878. 4Q5-Thig Is a special act, and nas never been repealed. . The United States Circuit Court en March 81, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company Is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. N. B. The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler the MARCH DRAWING. 1 prize $ 30,000 i prize... . lv.UUu ' prize dsUUv 10 prizes $1,000 each 10,000 2Oprizes500each 10,000 loe prizes. $100 each 10,000 200 prizesM each 10,000 C00 prizes 20 each '. 12,000 1'tOO prizes lOeach 10,000 9 prizes mki chcii, approximation prizes z,7UO 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " 900 Whele tickets, ft!; half tickets, $1; 27 tickets $50; &i tickets, $100. Remit Meney or I tank Draft in Letter, et Mini by Express DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICB ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be Rent at our expense. Address all orders te R. M. KOAKOMAN, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky ei T. J. COHMKRfOBD, 212 Broadway. New V-rk. fcbl-TuTb&S&w TOBACCO 1'ItXSSES. rpOHAUUO PRESSES. TOBAOOO PRESSES, MINNICH'S LATEST ; IMPROVED BALING PRESS FOR FARMERS, AND CASING PRESS FOR PACKERS. Warranted the simplest, strongest, most dur able, easiest and quickest te operate. Having Rolling Prcsa Beams with which the press beard can always be brought down level whiie pressing, one man can operate tlicin and require less room. Are sold te reliable parties entriaL Guaranteed te be superior In every ?!!? any ,u Present use, or can be re turned at my expense. Send ler circular te S. B. MINNICH, MANUFACfURKB, mar31md&w Landlsvllle, Lane. Ce., Pa. i?-jjrr goods. w ALL PAPfRS. C. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Call attention te their LARGE STOCK OF Choice Carpetmis, RUGS, AJfD WALL PAPERS, nr NEWEST DESIGNS. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. .Rreg and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. V"EXT JJOOK TO THE COURT HOUE. FAHNESTOCK Will open en MONDAY, MARCH 21st, Addi Addi dltienal Lets et Purchased at a Second Importers AUCTION SALE IN NEW YORK, Held this week, and during the coming week will be exhibited the Largest and Choicest Lets et these goods ever brought te this city. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. ALSO BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK CASHMERES. ALSO 1 LOT COLORED SILKS AT 370. 1 LOT COLORED SILKS AT 50c. 1 LOT COLORED SILKS AT 65c. 1 LOT COLORED SILKS AT 73c. BLACK SILKS from 50c. te $2. BLACK SILKS at $1. never before equalled. BLACK ALL WOOL CASHMERES, J te4S inch, 45c. te $1 ; magniliccnt goods. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Heuse R ii-MOVAL! & NEW CHEAP STORE Will be removed during the coming week te the loom Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, (Lately oceupied by A. Adler), Which has been enlarged and refitted te ac commodate our Largely Increasing BUSINESS. Our buyer has been iu the AUCTION ROOMS of NEW YORK and PHILADEL PHIA for the past three week, the result of which will enable us te efTer the GREATEST BARGAINS EVER SHOWN IN BLACKAi COLORED SILKS CASHMERES, DRESS GOOOS, TABLE LINENS, And everything pertaining te a DRY GOODS STORE. Metzger, Bard&Haiighman HOVSEIUItNISULKG GOODS. pa NN & WILLSON. "H Mi Bk w SSsH.22m e. e a 35 If III q gfi p e was 00 5pC Sen Se w K O jM.rt-i GQ u!TPMfl)j n H3 H n i 4 M f -3. ft"N b m imj S6auSSS.S BfJSB E.HS'20- rt'et OiJS.wSwIT I 9 eO Meter HSilH'S &S "SC'tftl vBBW i2ehr Br gi ? g DItT OOOim, VKDEXWEAX, JCC. !OTKI.TIS IN SCARF PINS. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN UXDEBSHLBTS AND DKAWEBs, K J. ERISMAN'S, THE SH1RTAIAKER, 56 NORTH UUEJtN STKKJST s PECIAL sale of DRESS SILKS AT THE NEW YORK STORE. watt. wn & CO. Have secured a large consignment of. SUMMER SILKS, COLORED DRESS. SILKS, BLACK CASHMERE SILKS, which they etler at prices never equalled in Lancaster. A Choice Line of SUMMER SILKS In new and desirable etTucts. at SO cenU a yard. A Large Assortment et New Shades in COL ORED DKEsS SILKS at 58 ecnU a yard. An Elegnnt Line of BLACK 'CASHMERE SILKS at $1, 1.S5. 1.50 and 1.75 a yard. These goods' were considered cheap at $1.28, 1.50, 1.75 and 2 a yard. We invite ladica te call and examine these goods, as they are the best value we have ever offered in Silks. Watt, Shaml & Company, NEW YORK STORE. S PKING 1881. GOODS FOR GENTS' WEAR. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SUITINGS. HAGER & BROTHER are new offering Pull Lines et .Black Prench Cleths unci Doeskins, Black French and Eng lish Worsted for Dress Suits. Alse the Latest Spring Styles and Colorings et WORSTED SUITINGS, CASSIMERE SUITINGS, CHEVIOT SUITINGS, fLANNEL SUITINGS, CASSIMERE FOR PANTS, Spring Overceatings, BOYS' SUITINGS. We have all the abeve in large assortment and great wriety et Styles and qualities which we will make up te order in the best style and guarantee satisfaction. GENTS' NECK WEAR, COLLARS AND CUFPS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND SUSPENDERS. . CLOTHING of our own manufacture, for Jlcn and Be3-s, in large assortment. PRICES LOW. TeCalI and examine. & Ne. 25 WEST KING STBEET. -1KEAT INDUCEMENTS. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, 25 EAST KING STREET, NOW OFFER GREAT INDUCEMENTS IN BRUSSELS, INGRAIN & M CARPETS. WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK IN ALL THE NEW STYLES OF THIS SEASON'S MANUFACTURE. BODY BRUSSELS, AT VERY' LOW PRICES. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, AT VERT LOW PRICES- ALL WOOL EXTRA SUPER INGRAIN CARPETS, AT VERY' LOW PRICES. RAG CARPETS, AT VERY LOW PRICES We invite special examination of our stock of Carpets as wc knew e arc offering great bargains in them. MEASURES OF ROOMS TAKEN AND CAR PETS CUT AND MATCHED ACCUR ATELY. Elegant Assortment of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, WINDOW SHADING AND SHADE FIXTURES. - PLEASE OIVE US A CALL. Givler, Bewers & M, 25 East King Street. HAGEB BROTHER ASTMICB MMVS ADTMnTiaXMElTT. A STKICH BROS.' ADVERTISEMENT. NEW STYLES IN MILLINERY! In advance of our Grand Spring Opening, which will shortly be announced, we have new en exhibition an unexampled prelusion of THE NEWEST STYLES IN HATS. FLOWERS, MILLINERY TRIMMINGS, ORNAMENTS, 4c, Which we invite Ladles te inspect. We have opened a lull line of STRAW GOODS, Comprising all the newest shapes, qualities and colors ter Ladies and Misses, in Illack, White, Cern, Blege. Brown, Bronze. Ac Alse, an unusually choice assortment of Novelties in FRENCH FLOWERS, WREATHS, MONTURES, C, And all the cew colors In OSTRICH TIPS AND PLUMES. We call special attention te our large and choice stock et RIBBONS. Full lines of all the newest shades at our low prices. We Hellcita special examination et our pres ent etrering of BLACK DRESS AXD TRIMMING SATINS. An Elegant Satin at 73c. per yard. A Fine JMece of Satin at 83c. par yard. Supreme Quality of Satin at $1 per yard. A 21-inch Heavy Dress Satin at J1.5J per yard. They are the finest goods ever sold at the prices, particularly the $1.50 quality, which is really superb, and as geed as any Black Satin sold at $i2" per yard. TRIMMINGS. We can only repeat what we have before said, that only an examination et our goods In this department can give any adequate idea et the multitude of patterns, the numberless de signs, nnd the extensive line of PASSAMENTERIES. FRINGES, BUTTONS. ORNAMENTS, Ac, we carry. We have Trimmings suited te every article et drees, be it eestly or simple, while our prices are suited te the wanUofercry pur chaser. We are selling Wide Passamentcries at 30c. Elegant Headings at SO and 73c. Gimps in most elaborate designs, at U 91-12, $1.40 and Sl.GO per yard. Chenille Fringes at 39e. Jet Fringes at 5i:c. Elegant Fringes at 73e., 88c, $1 and upward. Girdles at 50c. Fine Girdles at 75c. and $1, in Black and all colors. Colored Silk Fringes at 60c. per yard. Beaded Balls from 23c. upward. Choice line of NEW BUTTONS. Fine Pearl Inlaid and Painted Pearl Buttens at 15, 19 and 23c. per dozen. Fine Hand-Made Crochet Buttens at 23e. pcr dozen. Fine CntJctButtensatl0andl2c. perdezen. Bargains in Geed Pearl Butiond-thrcedezou ler 15c. We make special mention et our department et HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS, wherein we offer the most select patterns of the season at our only well-known prices. We call attention te these at the following prices : 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c. We offer Choice Patterns at 6c. 7c, 8c, 10c Embreidsred Fleuncings from 33c. up te $1.23 per yard. The greatest variety of IRISH TRIMMINGS, Fer less than elsewhere. Neat Edges of Irish Trimmings at 12c. per piece, full 12 yards. Handsome Patterns at 15c, 19c, 23e. Wc arc able te offer a most complete line ei WHITE AND BLACK LACES, Iu most exquisite designs and patterns. Valenciennes, Brabant, Bretonne, Vermicelli, Cluny, Careline, Russian and French Laces. Real Torchon and Smyrna Laces at reduced prices. . OPENING OF MUSLIN UNDERGARMENTS. Wc invite the attention of the Ladles of this city and vicinity, seeking an economical in vestment et their money in this great field of insnect the select and complete assortment of Muslin Underwear that w have placed en sale. . Every garment Is new, well made, tastily trimmed, of (reed materials, and marked at our well known low price. Chemise at 25c. Embroidered Chemise at 59c. Elegant Embroidered Chamise at 73c, $1 and upward. Skirts, with Ruffled Edge, at 50c Skirts, with Embroidered Edge, at 73c. Pantalets at 29 and 35c. Embroidered Pantalets at 50c. Night Robes at S9c Elcgaut Embroidered Night Robes at $l.i). MORE NECESSITIES. APRONS. One let of Lawn Aprons, Plaited Bottems, Ktc. learner jausiin Aprons .Lace jsugea, at 2tc. Ladies' Pique Aprons, 23c. Colored Berder Anrens. 23c. CHILDREN'S LONG AND SHORT DRESSES from 44c. upward. SPRING HOSIERY. Geed Fine Cotten Hese .2 pair fe.- 23c Elegant Heavy Hese, Fast Celers 17c Gray Mixed Seamless Hese iSc G ray Mixed Seamless, Silk Clocked 22c Excellent Full Regular Made Balbrlggans..25c Solid Celers Ingrain, Full Regular Made.... 28c Same, Silk Clocked 39c Pink, Blue ana Cardinal, Silk Clocked S9c One let of real British socks, extra heavy... 17e Full Regular Made Balbriggan Socks, in Unbleached and Solid Celers, SUk Cleak- An endless variety of Children's Spring Cot- ion nose, ai an prices. GLOVES. Lisle Berlin Gloves 13c Real Gauze Lisle, two full elastics 20c Real Gauze Fin Lisle, Lace Tep. 22c TIm Best Kid Gloves, " Alexander," three but ton, 98c a pair : each pair warranted. A box of Fine Perfnmed Gleve Powder given with every pair of Gloves. Full assortment of New Spring Shade. ASTRICI BRO'S. LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING ST. LANCASTER BAZAAR, 18 EAST KING ST. LANCASTER BAZAAS, 13 EAST KINO ST. TUA fELMHtS U HI lit. . LANCAsTKK AND MIM.KUSVlI.l.K I;. Cars run as fellow : Leave Lancat-er ;i It. Depot), at 7, !, an 11:30 a.m.. and 2. 4. t; and SiW p. in., except en Satunlay. when the last car Ieuvet at 9-.ZU p. m Leave Millersville (lower end) at 5, 8, nnd a. M., and 1. 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars ran dally en above time except en Sun CWLUMUIA AMU PORT DEPOSIT K. K Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the fellow in time: STATlOsre Nectu- Exprew.. Express. Accen. WJKH. A. M. p. M. P.M. PortDepesit, C:35 3:55 ioe Peacbbottem 7:12 4:-J8 2:!$ Safe Harber. 7:35 5:11 5:21 Columbia S5 5:40 6:20 Statiejw Sectm- Express. Express. Accem Vabd. a. if. v.m. j A.M. Columbia. . 11:45 6:20 I 7:45 p. M. 6:48 AW.06 Safe Harlfer. 12:14 p.m. jl.eftte Peachbottem 1237 7:32 I ll.e; I P.M. Pert Deposit 1:3) 8:05 i 125 TEADLNG X COLUMBIA B. R. ARRANGEMENT OFPASSENGER TRAINS OCTOBER 23TH, 1880. NORTHWARD. LKAVK. A.X.IP. M.IP. M.A. M Quarryville Lancaster, King St. Lancaster Columbia AKIUVK. 6:45 230 7-M 7:55 8:03 75 10:05 3:40 3:50 3:10 5.30 tk30 9:40 1:05 1:10 3:20 Reading.. SOUTHWARD. LKAVK. Reading AKMVK. Columbia Lancaster. P.M 5:00 5:10 Lancaster. Kinjj Ouarryvllle rst. 6:4 Trains connect at Reudilur with trains In and from Philadelphia, Pottsville. Uarrisburg, Al Al lcntewn and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te nnd from Yerk, Hanover. Getty-lmrg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. W1I.SON. Sunt. i)KSNSVI,VA N1A KAII.KOAIt NEW vi .ii iikii t ' On and after MONO A 1 JANUARY 171 h. 1.-81. trains en the lVimyl aiu.t Itailinatl will arrive ami Ur.ive the I.:in casti nu.l rMiilitdrtpliianeputs :i liillews: Eastwabu. A.M. A.M. P.M. 8:03 ,12:00 6:10 10:15 2-10 8:20 10:07 2.10 8:10 10:18 .... 8:20 11SS0 .... 9:23 Arri Philad'u Philadelphia Express, Cincinnati Exjnxss r ast Xjliie,... ... ..... .. Yerk Ai'oem. Arrive.: Uarrisburg Express, DUIervillu Accem. Arrive. 1:13 . 5:15 7:30" Columbia Accuut limitation. 12:01 r.M. Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific E.)ii.! Sunday Mail Johnstown Express Chicago Day E.nre-s 3:45 5:(ie 5:30 ;:35 KlVi Uarrisburg Acctimmmiat'n, Wkstwabu. I.I-..VC . Lauc'tt i 2:10 a.m. 2:33 " 5:(8 " S.wi " S:((." ' 8:45 ' :t:l() " 1-.W " 1:1) v.y.. 20 " .:if " 4:3". " t::r. Arrive Lane'ter .V.I 0 A.M 1:20 " 10:25 " 110 " 10:50 " 2.30 P.M. 35 " 2:30 " 5:.'0 " 7rA" " 7:30 ' 8:50 ' tl.31 " 2.45 A.M. Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne.l.via Ml. Jey, Mail Train Ni.2,vi:t Cel'bia, Niagara A Chicago Express Sunday -Mail, 1? ast Line,... ....... Frederick Accommodation, Dillervllle Leeal.via M t.Jey Uarrisburg Accoinmed:tt'n, Columbia Accommodation, Uarrisburg Express, Pittsburg Expi ess, Cincinnati Express, Pacilic Express, Pacific Express, cast, en suneay, wnen nag gcd, will step at Middlctewn, Elt?ahcthtewn Mt. Jey, Landisville, llird-in-Iland, Lcnian Place, Gap, Christiana, I'lirkesburg, Coates Villc, Oakland and G!cn Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtown, Ce.ites villc, Piirkes burg, Mt. Jey, Elizabethlewn and Middlctewn. Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at ll:0a. in., u ill run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, wc.t, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:30 p.m., and will run t' reuuii te Frederick. iJAUMTS. HIGH1T CASH I'ICICK WILL. IIK PAID FOR EXTRA NICK OAIiPET BAGS. Carpets made te order at short notice and satisfaction guaranteed. Rare chances in Carpels te reduce stock et 6,000 Yerds finis Carpets, AT AND BELOW COST. Call and satisfy yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Hag ami Chain Carpets in almost endless variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S C ABPBT HALL, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. piAKPJSTS, COAL. OCC. PHILIP SCHUM, SON k CO., MANUFACTORY, Ne. VA SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS, I5LANKKTS. CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN.&c CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbons. Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlcmen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also. Indigo IJIue Dyeing done. AH orders or goods left with us will reccivi prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CAItPET RAGS. COAL,. COAL. Ceal el the best quality put up expressly lei family use. and at the lowest m trkct rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 130 : OUTII WATER STREET. d22-lydRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON & CO noens and stationery. N EW A AM CUOICK STATIONERY, NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES, AT L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KINO STREET. TLANK 1SOOKS. JOB! BAER'S SOITS, 15 and 17 NORTH QOEEN STREET, LANCASTER, I'A Have for sale, at the Lewest Prices. BLANK BOOKS, Comprising Day Beeks. Ledger?, Cash Beeks, Sales Beeks. Isill Beeks. Minute Beeks. Re eclpt Beeks. Memorandums, Copying Beeks, Pass Beeks;, Invoice Beeks, Ac. WKITING PAPERS. Foolscap. Lettei, Nete, Bill, Sermon, Counting Heuse, in-awing Papers, Papetcrles, 4c. ENVELOPES AND STATIONERY of all kind-. Wholesale ami Retail. FAMILY AND TEACHERS' BIBLES, Prayer Beeks, Devotional Beeks, Sunday ehoel Music Beeks, Sunday-school Libraries. Commentaries. Ac. MISULEU Heuse, (formerly Clarenden.) 113 and 115 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET ( below Chestnut). PHILADELPHIA. Pu. On the European plan. Meals at all hours, at .uuvKiaiduie. j.oeiiis. a"jc., jc. anu 151 duv. lintel nruxi -.11 nl.rlit per A B E L M 1SIIL E R & CO., Prep's, r ermcrly of the Mbhlcr Heuse, Reading, Ta Harry Stewart. Supt., , JFermerly of the St. Clair, Atlantic City. ml2-3md J Le:t e 'Phllad'a I2:: ,.t. 7:30 " .:,' '" H: " 12:10 " 2s5 P.M. 4:(0 " 5:30 " 6:23 " 9:10 " 11:35 '