StiSSvrVrgryTJe ' LANCASTER DJJLT INTELLiaENOER, MONDAY MAECH 21, MIL Eancaster intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 21, 1881. Tebacce. The New Tork Market Seed Leaf and Ha vana. United States Tobacco Journal. It has been quiet week. Bayers have net been plenty ; stocks offered wcre net of the kind te induce speculative invest ment. It may almost be taken for grant ed that the rush for '79 tobacco has come te an end, and whatever is yet in the mar ket will sell off quickly in small lets, and at least at no less figures than these that are being paid for it te day. The balance en hand of the Connecticut maybe an ex ception, an;l a decline in figures for it is probable. Trials of every description have been made by large manufacturers te give mere color te this stock ; but its na tural tenderness permits no rcsweating nor successful rehandling ; it has te be worked into cigars as it comes from the cases, and large manufacturers can only be induced te buy it when the wrappers arc offered te them at binder prices. Te smaller manufac turers, and especially these making fine goods, the, '79 Connecticut is still the su su pciier article ; but though theyare paying full value for it, they buy in but very small quantities. Whether the '80 Con necticut will be different from its prede cessors in color and yield, remains te be seen, though buyers of the same arc en thusiastic ever their purchases already. We sincerely hope that their expectations may be realized ; but te be se, their tobacco must, abwe all, show quantity ; quality is a secondary consideration. In this respect the purchasers of '80 state have already a practical assurance of suc cess. Their stock certainly has the merit of yield, and if the fermentation is net in terfered with by freaks of nature, '80 state will play a most important role in the market. Te predict the fate of the "80 Pennsylvania crop is impossible at this early date. The geed portion of it is being bought at Ixst year's high prices, while the peer portion sells at 3 te 10 cents. We cannot exactly see the policy of buying this peer portion at even such figures, when for the same money geed '80 Ohie and Wisconsin, which is at least helclcss, can be purchased. Packers seem te coin cide with us in our view, as the intlux of buyers in Ohie and Wisconsin last week was exceedingly heavy, and extensive pur chases have been made in betli states. The sales of last were : Pennsylvania Crep '79 : 000 cases ; fine running, 22J cents ; medium running, 15 te 18 cents; low, 11 te 12 cents : fillers, 7 te 8 cents. Connecticut Crep '79 : 2.10 cases, most ly wrappers, 20 te 32 cents. Ohie Crep '79 ; 400 cases ; reported at cents. Havana Market active ; s.ilcs, 900 bales ; "711 stock still sells hugely in preference te '80 ; we quote for '79 : Keiu i die-. 80 te 95 cents : Parti'le, 93c te el 03 ; Vuelia Abajo, as high as $1 S3 ; "80 ; Kemcdies, 87 te 95 cents ; Partido, ; Vuelte Abaie, as high as $1 20. OannV itepert. Sales of seed leaf tobacco, reported by J. S. fJans's Sen & Ce., tobacco brokers, Nes. 81 and SO Wall street, New Yerk, for the week ending March 14, 1881 : 1020 cases 1879 Pennsylvania, fillers, 0(j7c. ; asserted, 12(ct)22c. ; wrappers, 1940 ; 130 1879 New England, wrappers, lofeOc. ; 200 cases 1879 Ohie. 7(jl3c. ; 80 cases Wisconsin, 4(ri;l2c. Total, 1,450 cases. Columbia Correspondence. Saturday' lludget of News. Unavoidably " Crowded Out" March 19. The oyster supper of Chiqucsaluuga tribe Ne. IVJ I. O. It. M., held last evening in their wigwam was a very pleasant affair. After the supier, the members of the or ganization, with a uumlici of ladies, who had bten invited te attend, had a dance te the music of Wolfe's orchestra. We return our acknowlndgcmenta te Adjutant James W. Lattn for a copy of his report for the jear 1880. A horse was killed a day or two age at the new line of the Pennsylvania railroad east of town. The cart was backed ever an embankment and the horse drawn with it. The death of t he animal was caused in this way. Isaiah W. Sueath, valedictorian of the class of 18S1, of Lebanon Valley college, is visiting hi. home at this place. A surprise paiSy was last evening taken te the residence ci' Mr. W. J. Heyt en Walnut street below Fifth, the occasion being the anniversay of Mrs. lleyt's birth. Quite a large patty was present ami the evening was very pleasantly spent. Rev. II. D. Kewc, who has lately 're turned from India, will lecture in tLe E. E. Lutheran church en Monday even ing en "Everyday life in India." "Tickets for the lecture arc for sale at Gee. Tille's atom en Locust, street and will be sold at the church deer en the evening of the lecture. A minister from the Central Pennsylva nia conference of the M. E. church, new in session at Yerk, will officiate in the M. E. church of this place te-morrow. Edmund, the infant son of Harry and Esther Kline, of West Hempfidd town ship, died yesterday after a brief illness. The funeral will take place en Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Miss Lyda McCerklc, of Oxfenl, Pa., is visiting in Columbia, the guest of cousin, jhiss iuazic lit. l'urpic. Miss Sallic Mayer, daugnter of 1. 11. Mayer, esq., of this place, leturneden the Harrisburg accommodation train at G:30 last evening, from a trip of several months te Europe. During the time spent abroad Miss Mayer traveled through England, France, Spain, Italy and ether countries en the European continent. Her trip, we are informed, was a very enjoyable one. The anniverssary of the birth of Miss Ilattie Miller, daughter of Mr. S. II. Mil ler, was the occasion of a large gathering last evening at the young lady's, residence en Locust strcefcbelew Fifth, the purposed gathering, however, being an cnti e sur prise te her ; but this made it, if possible the mere enjoyable, from the fact that no ether than a quiet evening had been an ticipated by her. It was a late hour wheu the party broke up, but its entire pro gress was marked with much enjoyment. am m Begus CertlOcatev It is no vile drugged stuff, pretending te be made et wonderful foreign roots, barks, Ac,, mid inured up by long bogus certificates, of pretended miraculous euros, but :i -imply, pure, effective medicine, made or well known valiiiilile remedies, that furnishes Hs own rer liflcates by it- cures. We rctcr te Hen Hitter the iii!v.t and lcst or medicines See 'TrnMis" an.l ' Proverbs," in smother column." uil3-2wdJew He Sensible. l'eu have allowed your bowels te hecome d.l i .lailycehiiic. your liver bus iii-cmm. inr. liab pid. Hie same tiling ails your kidneys, and you arc juxi used up. New be sensible geta pack age or Kidney-Weit, take it faithfully and seen you will forget you've get any such organ's for you will be a well mun.-Albmui Mmrtm .. a r - - nH.iv.ML9 run het d.s. JT Polled proposal will be received at the Mayer s eihcc up te 3 o'clock p. m., March 3t 18J1, ler Fitly Thousand Dollars payable from one le twenty years ; Fifty Thousand Dollars payable from five te twenty years and One Hundred Thousand Dollars payable from ten te twenty years; or any part thereof, et the bends et the city et Lancaster, bearing four icr cent. Interest per annum, payable semi-annually. The above will be Registered Bends, dated April 1.1S8, ler $100. 500, $1,000, issued te re deem -.'Xisliug indebtedness. m-.-ui.Ku . JXa T- MacGONIGLE, TO UKKS FOKCITY IIUMIS-PKk' ness of the ciiy of SSE "Hl"- Indebted- wiiu uiuiik ierms ler J0. T. MacOONIGLK, warl4-2wd Mayer. au MEDICAL. SIATAUUII. CATARUn, COLD IN THE HEAD, HAY FEVER, CATARRHAL DIRECTIONS. Fer Catarrh. Hay Fever,Coidin the Head Ac., insert with little finger a particle el Balm into the nostrils ; draw strong breaths through the nose. It will be absorbed, cleansing and neallng the diseased mem brane. FOR DEAFNESS Apply a particle into the car. DEAFNESS, CAN BE CURED. ELY'S CREAM BALM, having gained an enviable local reputation, displacing all ether preparations in the vicin ity et discovery, is, en its merits alone, recog nized as a wonderful remedy wherever known. A lair trial will convince the most skeptical of its curative powers. It effectually cleanses the nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays inflammation and irritation, protects the membranal linings of the head from additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense et taste and Hindi. Beneficial results are realized by a lew applications. A thorough treatment as directed, will euro Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold in the head it is unequalled. The Balm is easy te use and agreeable. Sold by druggists at 50 cents. On receipt of M cents will mail a package. Send ler circular with full information. EL S CRKAM BALM CO., Owcge, N. . Fer sale bv the Lancaster druggists, and by wholesale druggists generally. fiidneed&w HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED Invalids who have lest but are recovering vital stamimu declare in gratciul terms men men annrcciatien of the merits as a tonic or Hostet- ter's Stomach Bitters. Net only does it impart strength te tin; weak, it corrects an irregular acid slate or the stomach, makes the bowels act at proper intervals, gives ease te these who suffer from rheumatic and kidney troubles. and conquers as well as prevents lever anu ague. Fer sale by all Uruggists and Dealcis gen crally. marl-lydced&lyw Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., If or Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepo and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. KNKHATVTS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as It name stirnitlcs. con sists et Vegetable Properties thai are harmless te l lie most eelicate invalid, upon one trial the meritser this compound willboi-eceirnizcd. us relict is immcdi'itc; and when its use is con tinued, in lUneiy-nlne cae.s in a hundred, a permanent cure is effected, as thousand will testily. On account of its proven merits, it is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of tailing of the uterus, Lcucerrliasa, irregular and pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Trouble.-, In (lamination and Ulceration, Floedings, all Dis placement and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the Ciange of Lite. In tact it has proved te be the greatest and best remedy that lias ever been discovered. It permeates every portieln of the system, and gives new lite and vigor. It removes faintncAs. llatiiieney. destroys all craving ter stimulants, and relieve- weakness of the stomach. It cures Bleating, Headaches, Nervous Pres tratien, General Debility. .Sleeplessness, l)e pivsbien and Indigestion. That lucllnget bear ing down, causing pain, weight iffid backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony ilth the law that governs the Iciiulc system. Fer Kidney cemptaints or either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is. prepared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles Ter $3. Sent ey man lu tnc lenn ei pins, also in the form et lozenges, en receipt et price, $1 per box, for either. Mrs. PINKHAM freely answers all let ters et" inquiry. Send ter pamphlet Address as above. Mention this paper. Ne family should be without LYDIA E PINKHAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents per box. Johnsten, Holle way & Ce., General Agents, Fhiladclnhia. Fer sale by C. A. Leehcr, 0 East King street and Gee. W. Hull, IS West King street i"29-lVdced&w 1 TEALTI1 VS. DKATI1. Health regained and happiness retained un der the OMNIPATIIIC TREATMENT DR. GREENE. Thousands or old lengstandingdlscascs have been cured ler $"-, even when the patient had previously spent large sumser money without any advantage. Why will yen, if in pain or ou:. of health, remain in doubt Pamphlets containing the names et hundreds cured in this county given awav (tree) or sent te you Ne drugs taken into the stomach. Hundreds have been cured et catarrh rer 50 cents. DB.;C. A. GREENE,' (33 Years Experience), Ne. 140 EAST IC1AO STREET, 30 ttdMWF&Sl Lancaster, Pa. w KAU THIS USE COUGH NO MORE I AIM HODM SW, A CERTAIN, SAFE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COUGHS, C0LWS, SORE THROAT, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, wnvun.-MU uuuuii, PAIN IN THE SIDE OR BREAST, And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptives in ali stages of the discipc. Fer sale only at HULL'S DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WESTKLNG STREET, - 23 - lydJ LANCASTER, PA. STOMACH BPTTEES i Discovery JUET GOODS. w ALL PAPERS. &C. J.'B. MARTIN & CO. Call attention te their LARGE STOCK OF RUGS, AND WALL PAPERS, is NEWEST DESIGNS. J. B. MARTIN.& CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER, PA. NE5 EXT IMIOU TO TIIK COURT UOU.lE. FAHNESTOCK Will open en MONDAY, MARCH 2Ut, Addi Addi ditienal Lets et Black Sis ri Casire, Purchased at a Second Importer's AUCTION SALE IN NEW YORK, Held this week, and during the- coming week will be exhibited the Largest and Choicest Lotset these goods ever brought te this eity. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. ALSO . BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK CASHMERES. AT.SO 1 LOT COLORED SILKS AT 37e. 1 LOT COLORED SILKS AT 50c. 1 LOT COLORED SILKS AT Kic. 1 LOT COLORED SILKS AT 73e. BLACK SILKS lrem 50c. te $2. BLACK SILKS at $1. never before equalled. BLACK ALL WOOL CASHMERES, .i(J tefS inch, 5e. te$l; magnificent goods. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Heuse R EMOVAL! MmM k Benin's NEW CHEAP STORE Will be removed during the coining week te Hie loom Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET. (Lately occupied by A. Adlcr), Which has been enlarged and refllted te ac commodate our Largely Increasing BUSINESS. .Our buyer lias been in the AUCTION ROOMS et NEW TORK and PHILADEL PHIA for the pat three weeks, the result et which will enable us te ener the GREATEST BARGAINS EVER SHOWN IN BLAGKAND COLORED SMS CASHMERES, DRESS GOOOS, TABLE LINENS, And everything pertaining te a BUY GOODS STORE. Metzger, Bard & Haugliman uevajsFVJCNisnim: aoeim. F INN & WJIXSOX. Mi 5SJ S c. g Si- rTBW HI OB Q 3 O a 2 hthm h c a g 3 3 sns O 5 S3 a c 2 me i:ri h ' iay jS s-p P i i "nPHacey Q e Q m O ? b. P e2. U-J H H ?- 2iSrt!8. eg.ff- ggg a3d .Q 1 ?'3l,,Sl4vi Choice Cattngs, -3 DMT GOODS, VNDMBWEAE, JtC 'vrevEx.Ties jet scarf fins. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN UNDEOSniRTS AND DKAWEBS, AT E. J. ERISMAN'S, ME SH1RTMAKER, 66 NORTH O.UEKN STUKKT s 1'ECIAL KALE OF DRESS SILKS AT TBK NEW YORK STORE. WATT, HMD i CO. Have secured a large consignment of SUMMER SILKS, COLORED DRESS SILKS, BLACK CASnMERE SILKS, which they eiler at price never equalled in Lancaster. A Choice Line of SUMMBR SILKS ia new and desinible etfecU, at 50 con ts a yard. A Large Assortment et Nr Shade in COL ORED DRESS SILKS at 58 cents a yard. An Elegant Line of BLACK CASHMERE SILKS at $1. !.!". 1.50 and 1.75 a vard. The.-e goods were considered cheap at $l.'iS, 1.50, 1.75 ami a yarn. Wc invite ladles le call and cxanilne goods, as they are the best valne re have ever eitcrcu in sines. Watt, SLand & Company, NEW YORK STORE. Oll.KS AND DRESS GOODS, AT HAGBR&BBO'S. We are new offering a splendid line et . LYONS BLACK SILKS in finalities, at t0c.,$l,.$l.l-f, $l.i, $1.50, $!.(, $1.73, $1.1)0, 12.10, $4.23, $2.50. Black Satin DeLeon, Black and Colored Brocades. SUMMER SILKS A Choice lotet the Latest Stvles at extremely Lew Prices. COLORED SILKS In Desirable Shade. SPRING DRESS GOODS, SPRING DRESS GOODS, French Plaid, Trench Cashmere, Stripes aim irai imecici, in cumce jmcw uoierings. French Serge Slnula, French Crape Aniiurc, French Mende. French Cafhmere. Albatres Cleth, Nun's reiling. Veil Orients, and illu minated tsege, in tue w spring Shades. English and American Dress Goods, Dress (jingliams and Chintzes, Linen Lawns and White Goods. BLACK GOODS Fer Spring and Summer Wear, in all th new and desinible Fabric-!. iSlack Silk Warn Henrietta, lllae'fc French Cashmere and Court- auld's Cnipes, in all iualiiiusand llie best Im- pericn. KID GLOVES, New Spring Hosiery for Ladies and Misses. Lisle Cleves and Handkerchiefs. LACE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. We offer a specially, line- line, purchased direct irem importers, incoming many styles net te be found clstwharc. All of which we otter at special low prices, at Xe. 25 WEST KLNG STREET. B ARCiAINSf Givler, Bewers & Hurst, 25 EAST KING STREET, ARE NOW OFFERING THE GREATEST BARGAIN OF THE SEASO.V IX Black All Weel Cashmeres. THE GREATEST BARGAIN OF THE SEASON IN BLACK SILKS. Warranted te giv lull satisfaction te tint wearer. Elegant assortment of Colored Silks in New Shades. NEW ZEPHYR. GINGHAMS IN CHOICE STYLES, JUST OPENED. Largest and FinMt AssertmuiU of HAMBURG, SWISS AND 2TA1NZ00K EMBROIDEIITES B vcr eileiccd in this eity. AH the Newest and Choicest Designs. IN LACES WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK, IN ALL THE NEW TRIMMINGS. n,f;J)i.?8' -v.c illvite special comparison of eui stock, either In prices, quantity or quality. M1&BB0TVS Gir, Bewers k Hersf, 25 East Kingr Street. A8XXICH BJtOS ADVERTISEMENT. STRICH UROS.' ADVURTISEJIENT. L SPRING OPENING OF 1HLIMRY AND TBIMn&S. LADIES' STRAW HATS. IX THE NEW SriUXU STYLES. AT25C. FINE MILAN HATS AT 73c. SAILORS' AND SUN HATS AT 39c. FLOWERS OP MOST EXQUISITE TASTE. FEATHERS AND PLUMES IN THE LIGHT SPRING COLORS. The leading colors in Millinery Goods this season are combinations et ISIKGE, RROXZB. OLD GOLD, CARDINAL, etc. We liave new in stock and are receiving daily lrem orders placed early in tlie season all ilic above shadings and colors In SILKS AND RIBBONS. STRAW GOODS AND FLOWERS. ALL THE NEW SHADES IN SUPERB FIRST QUALITY SATIX R1BBOXS. Satin Ribbons Ne. 9.... Satin Ribbons Ne. 12... 13c. per yard 19c. per yard ALL SHADES AND COLORS OF SATINS, OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, AT ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YARD. Wc again call attention te the BARGAINS IX BLACK SATINS. We offer ONE LOT OF BLACK SATINS. Werth $1, FOR ONLY 73c. PER YARD. ONE LOT OF BLACK SATIN, Werth $1.23, FOR ONLY 88c. PKR YARD. ONE LOT OF BLACK SATIN, (would be cheap at $1.50) FOR ONLY $1 PER YARD. Tlie above goods are selling very rapidly, anil cannot be replaced after they are bold. NOTELTIKS IN LACE XBTS. BEADED NETS IN STEEL AXD JET. NEW LACES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. VERMICELLI LACES AT 10c. PER YARD. CAROLINE LACES, TORCHON LACES, BRET9NNE LACES, BLACK, FRENCH and SPANISH LACES. SPECIAL PARIS NOVELTIES IN DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, comprising exclusive designs in Plain and Beaded Fringes, Gimps, PassamcntericH, Ornaments, Girdles, Tassels, Beaded Balls, Cords, Ac. Chenille Fringes, extra heavy, four inches deep, only 39c. Fine Quality Chenille Fringe, worth C3c., ter 50c. Superb Chenille Fringes at 75c. and SSc. .let Fringes at 39c.. 50c, 73c, $1. Beaded Passamcnterics. lfnch wide 2 inches wide. ..IS and 20c 30c BUTTONS OF EVERY KIND. CUT JET BEADS 10 bunches for 35e FIXE UT STEEL BEADS. JET PINS FOR THE HAIR. All the Latest Novelties In JET HAIR ORNAMENTS. Side Combs, Ball Tep Combs, Jet CembH, m Jt Bracelet, Steel Hair Bands. SARAH BERNHARDT HAIR PINS, Twe ler 5e. Gilt and Silver Ball Tep Back-Combs, Gilt and Silver Ball Tep Side-Combs, and a greatmany ether Nevltis which waare receiving daily. Elegant assortment of SPRIXG KID GLOVES. ALEXANDER," time-button 98c We guarantee every pair. A box of Fine Perfumed Gleve Powder fur nished with every pair or Kid Gloves. LACE TIES AXD FICHUS IN NEW STYLES. 8WI$8 EMBROIDERIES and Hamburg eduises. irish trimmings. Wc have opened this week a fuU line of LADIES and CHILDRENS APRONS, CALICO WRAPPERS, DRE6SEI. LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. A GREAT BARGAIN. ftadies' Tucked and Ruffled Skirts at 50c. Ladies' Fine Embroidered and Rutlled Chemise at 50c. Ladies' Deep Embroidered Pantalets at 30. CORSETS IN GREAT VARIETY; TO SUIT EVERYBODY. ASTBICI BRO'S. LANCASTER BAZAAR. 13 EAST KING ST. LANCASTER BAZAAR. 13 EAST KINO ST. I LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST JilJSU ST. cLOTnrxa. s; FRING OVERCOATS. Spring Overcoats and Trousers. Trousers for early and late spring, i e., thick and thin trousers, are ready in geed variety at $2.50 te $5. They are of better cloths and are better trousers than the money will buy, except between seasons Light overcoats are ready in very great variety. New is the height of the season for them. If we are ever going te be well provided with them, new is the time ; and our time is your time. Light overcoats sell twice a year; net like winter clothing and summer clothing, which sell only once a -year. Yeu are net going te get them at half price by and by, because it is late in the season. New is your best time. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL MARKET AND SIXTH, PHTT.ADELPHIA. lOOl SPRING OPENING. SPRING OPENING AT MTEES & KATHFOIST'S. nnntvi0JJE?pV?'X.n s'tnV.1,e l,I,b,i GOODS ever ellered in the city or Lancaster. C. """"""" '"- "rai Ki-auu.s 10 me very nnest 111 textures, all or w prepared te make up te order at the inen reasonable price mid at the shortest net the best workmanlike manner. Our stocks of READY-MADE CLOTHING Fer Men, Yenths, Beys ami Children, are full and ceniplctft ; they have been gotten up with great earn ; thev are well made and well made and well trimmed, 'the Reeds nici all speeded unci will be miIi'I at BOTTOM PRICES, (.all aril examine enr stock beiere you make your Spring purchase, and j en will save money . MYERS & RATHFON, POPULAR TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 12 EAST KING STREET, tfEWELbllS. LOUIS AVKBKIt, WATCHMAKER. Ne.l59 NORTH QUKKN STRKKT.Ncar P. 1. 1 Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Celd, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, ie. Agent ter the celebrated 1'anlaMiepie Specta cles ami Kye-Ulasc3. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd 500 SKTS SILVKIt-PLATKD TABLE SPOONS. TKA SPOONS, MKDIUM AND DKSSJ-MtT FORKS, DKSSKRT AND MKD1U.M KNIVKS, AT AUGUSTUS RIIOADS'S, Jcnrclcr. 20 Kast KlngStreet, Lancaster, 1 a. w IIOLKSALK AND iCl.TAII. Watches and Clocks, OF ALL GRADES AND PUKES. E. F. BOWMAN, 106 LAST KING STRKKT. VAMl'JSTS. HIGIIKST CASH PRICK WILL HE PAID FOR EXTRA MCE CAPiPET BAGS. Carpets made te order at hert notice anil satisfaction guaranteed. Rare chances in Carpeta te rtdiice uluek et 6,000 Mi Brussels Cants,- AT AND BELOW COST. Cidl and satisty yeurseir. Alse, Ingrain, Bag and Chain CarpeUiinalinestendlehsvaricty .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. riAICFETS, COAL., Kc. PHIIIP SCHUM, SON & 0., MANUFACTORY", Ne. 150 SOUTH WATER STRKKT, LAJiOABTtn, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of (.'minimi LANCASTER QUI LTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET-CHAIN, STOCKING VARN.Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIAL!'!. LANCASTER FAXCT DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silk-t. Ribbons, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyrd. Gen tlcmen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also. Indigo Blue Dyeing UUI1C. i All orders or iroeds lclt with us will rcceir. I prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SKWHD CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL.. Ceal of the best quality put up expressly te family use, and at th lowest market rates. TRT A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 tOUTH WATER STREET. d22-lvdRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON X CO XOllACCO VJtESSES. ri'OUAl'UO PRESSES. TOBACCO PRESSES, MINNICH'S LATEST ; IMPROVED BALING PRESS FOR FARMERS, AND CASING PRESS FOR PACKERS. Warranted the simplest, strongest, most dur able, catdest and quickest te operate. Having Rolling Prcs Reams witli which the pros beard can always be brought down level while pressing, one man can operate them and require less room. Are sold te reliable parties en trial. Guaranteed te be superior in every feature te any in present use, or can be re turned at my expense. Send ler circular te S. B. MINNICIT, MANUFACTURER. iimr!Mmd&w LandUvllIc, Lane. Ce., Pa. CUtS A AND OLAHSWAXi,. c 1HINA! CHINA! AT CHINA HALL. . A LAEOB MXB OP Havilaiiri aud French Cliina, DECORATED, GOLD RAND, AND PLAIN WHITE. AT HIGH & MARTIN, 15 JiAST KING STREET. I 'PIUNG TROUSERS. -:e:- largest and the greatett variety e Goods suitable ter the pla'nent iu vrcl r PIECE well a the hich we are notice and in LANCASTER, FtLWA. TMA rMLMMS' tf VID. , IANt:ASTS Al miLLBKSTJLLe IC. I. A Curs run am fellows : Leave ,'P.IJ. DeHit), at 7, 9, an t ll::aia. in., and i, fmi SuTO p. m., etpt en Saturday, when the last car leaves at !KW p. in Leave Millersvilhi (lower eutl)at5,8,nud u. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. in. Car run daily en above time exeept en Sun day. CIOLUMIIIA AND VOKT IlKI'OSlT K. IC r Trains new run regularly en tlie Columbia and I'ert Deposit. ICatTread en tlie follewiiiK. time- StatieHI Ne utii- i E.xnresf". I Exnress. tieH ? Act-en., r. h. w.n:. a.m. r.M. Portlcpeslt Peachbottem Safe Harber. Columbia G:3i 7:12 TM S:25 'it 3:18 5:21 4:'J 5:11 5:40 Svatiem Seuth- Express. Express. Accem WARD. A.M. V.M. A.M. Columbia ims b.-je 7.45 , P. . 6:t9 Artl-.IW Safe Harber. 12:14 p.m. Lc'MO Peachbottem 127 7iR n.e; Pert Dcpe.-it 1:30 8:(J5 VkZb IV ADINU A- COLUMBIA K. IC. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS OCTOBER 2.VT1I, ltfSO. NORTHWARD. LKAVK. Quarry ville....: Imcaster, King St.. Ijuienster Columbia AKKIVK. Reading A.M. 1-J:l 'J-JUl ' SOUTHWARD, LEAVE. Reading AltlUVE. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster. Kin; tliHiri-vvill A.M. V. M. P.M. ::!' 'i::ai 7:55 3:10 fttfi 1:05 .tae 7:5.") 1:1 1) 3: 10 10:05 3:'Jl 5.50 P.M 5:00 5:10 :M. Train c-ennpct at Reading witli'tnilns te and C:4l jinn, . tiii.iiii-iiiiiit, iftitiii;, iiitrrisiiurg, AI- leutewn and New Yerk, via Round Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te ami from Yerk. Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Ralti meie. A. M. WILSON. Sunt. 1)KN5SIL7ASIA KAILKOAO NSW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY. .IAMIARY 17lh, 1881, trains en thf rnnsy! van i:t Railroad will arrive and leave the Lae. and l'hilailclphia oepeto as follews: A.M. A.M. P.M. 8:05 :i2H t:0 P.M. 10:15 2:10 8:-je 10:07 2.10 8:10 HfcW .... ftye IlrJO .... SI-.25 Eastward. ,Lta,v;c': 1rAiv, Lane'tcr Pliilail'H Philadelphia Express, 2:10 a.m. 4:15 a.m Cincinnati Express 2a " 5:15 " Fast Lint, 5:t8 " 730 - YorkAcceut. Arrives; 8.00 " Harrisburg Express 8a5 " 10:10" Dillervill Accem. Arrives, 8:45 Columbia Accommodation, hle " l2alrjM Frederick Aecem. Arrives, 1:30 ' " Pacific Exprtaa, I:4u p.m. 3-45 "" Sunday Mail, 'ii)0 " 6rtW " Johnstown Kxprwss, 3:05 " 5ae Chicago Day Express, 4:3.'i " i,sa Harrisburg Accommedal'n, jbe " .-jie " Wxbtward. .i.,i,il'TlLArrV"e tPliilad'u linc'lcr w"'V,l9,sc"Kcr'-r--.-.-."."-- 2'A.M. 5:I0a.m MailTruino.l,viaSlt..fey, 7:30 1,20 " Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, .... 10I25 " Niagara Chicago Express 9:00 - 11-00 " Sunday Mall, gM) " loise ' Fast Line, fiie " 2:30 pm Frederick Accommodation, 0.35 .'. " DiiIervilloLecal.viaMt.Joy . 2J0 " Harrisburg Accommodate, &30 p.m &-JM " Columbia Accommodation, 4:00 " ' 7-2C " Harrisburg Express 30 730 Pittsl)iirg Kxpreiw 6a " 9M ' Cincinnati Express, ue . Paciflc Express, 115 4AW Pacific Express, cast, en suneay, Wnen flag gcd, will step at Middletown, Elizabctlitewn Mt. Jey, Landlsvillc, Bird-in-Hand, Leman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkcsburg, Cnata villc, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Snnday, when flafged. will step at Downingtewn.Coatesville, Pirles burg, Mt. Jey, Elizabethtown and iildli-tewn . Hauovcraccemniodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at ll:0.'ia. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, wcut, connects at Iancaster, with Fast Line, wast, at 2JB p. M., and will run tnreueli te Frederick. BOOKS AND STATXONEBT. "VTE1Y ASP CHOICE STATIONERY, NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES, AT L. M. jfLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KING STREET, pLANK i;OOKS. JOM BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STRKKT, LANCASTEK, PA Have fer'nale, at the Lewest Prices. BLANK BOOKS, Comprising Day Beeks, Ledgers, Cash Beeks Sales Beeks Bill Beeks, jfinutc T LtoekMto' WRITING PAPERS. Foel.cap Letter, Nete, Bill, Sermon, Counting Heuse, Drawing Papain, Puptcrics, Ac. KNVELOPKS AND STATIONERY et all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. FAMILY AND TEACHERS' BIBLES, Prayer Reeks, Devotional Beeks, Snnday- school Music Beeks, Sunday-school Libraries, Commentaries, &c.