LANCASTER DAILY ramUffflTCEE, MONDAY, MAJtOT 14, 1881. irrandmethers." Speaking of the degra datien and misery of which no means of alleviation exist there, the lecturer said that, "Humanity in godliness has no par ticipation there." Iu his closing remarks San-Ah-Brah spoke of the need of mere means and workers iu India, and then closed with an appeal te all te seek imme diate salvation. San-Ah-Brah spoke extremely correct English and with great distinctness, he having first been educated in a mission school in India, and came te this country about twelve years age, and is new study ing medicine at Jeffersen medical college, Philadelphia. After having completed the study he designs returning te his own country te labor. During the address the speaker was listened te with much atten tion, and collections were taken up. The lecturer had, back of the pulpit, a number of charts portraying the different gods and goddesses, and also some original idols from Burmau, ami was clothed in full native costume. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUB KEGULAU COKKESPONWENCE. The Shawnee rolling mill employees were paid en Saturday. A northwest wind ; a warm one, but a high one is blowing te-day. The Examiner correspondent is suffering with a cut hand the result of a collision with a stone. The river is falling, but the water con tinues muddy. Saturday's regular Columbia correspond ence of the Intelligencer will beibund en the outside of te-day's issue. Rev. Themas B. Barker, of Lancaster, will preach in St. Paul's Episcopal church en next Thursday evening. Daniel Ileltzman, a Pennsylvania rail road engineer, formerly of this place, was in town en Saturday. The main water pipe at Frent and .Lo cust streets sprung a leak this morning and is new being repaired. II. II. Carter, superintendent of the Frederick division of the Pennsylvania railroad, spent a portion of Saturday iu Columbia. Rev. Wm. Brown, of Columbia,efilciated in the E. E. Lutheran church yesterday morning and the Kcv. J. II. Estcrlinc, pastor of the Church of Ged, preached at the same place la&L eveuiug. Bev.J.W. De De sheug occupied Mr. Estcrline's pulpit last evening and discoursed upon the subject, "Regeneration." Rev. Chas. "VVinbigler, of Ohie, formerly pastor of the Bethel church, preached "yesterday at May town. Frank Wittig was drunk and was ar rested en Saturday evening, charged with disorderly conduct en the street. High Constable C. Strawbridge is mov ing. His new home will he near the old en Fifth street. Rev. Henry Wheeler yesterday com pleted his second year's service as pastor of the M.E. Chutch of this place. Commu nion services and an cxpuriencc meeting were held last evening. There was a fall of rain, hail and snow en Saturday evening, and threatening weather continued through the whole of yesterday, up te last evening, when it cleared. The night turned out te he a beautiful one. The Pennsylvania raihead pay car ar rived here this morning and the employees of the company were paid for work per formed in February. Rt. Rev. 31. A. De Wolfe Howe, D. D. LL. D., bishop of the diocese of Ccntial Pennsylvania, efliciatcd in St. Paul's EpiKCepal church last evening. In the prcscnceef a very large congregation the confirmation of six persons took place. Bishop Howe's sermon was very line. Samuel Campbell, the liveryman, has brought suit against Fiank Rotehern and another man, charging them with having (hiven one of his horses unmercifully and te its injury and with having caused dam age te the buggy which they had hired. Justice Evans has made out the necessary warmnts. Rev. C. S. Mcily.whem the Steelton con ference recently returned te the United Brethren church ei this p'.acc, officiated before large congregations yesterday morning ami evening. Mr. Rebert Frcy, a native of Columbia, ami a brother ei Jehn A. Frey, of the Pennsylvania ticket office, is lying serious ly ill at Altoeua, Pa., with hemorrhages of the lungs. Mr. Fryc is the Western Union telegraph company's operator at Altcena. Performances will Ins given in the Col umbia opera house en the 10, 17 and IS of this week. On the lirstdatc " Aieund the world iu 80 days " will be presented by a company under the management of Leuis .Martin and the probability is that, el the thrce, it will have by far the largest house. The report of the adjutant general for the year 1880 reached Captain Case en Saturday evening and it shows that Com pany 11 of this place averages one hun dred in everything but attendance at the encampment last summer at Philadelphia. A number of the members were unable te attend the encampment and this pulls down theaverage te 97 15-10. In discipline, steadiness and all the ether desiderata the company is rated as "superior." Cap tain Case has received an invitation for Company II te attend the celebration of St. Jehn's day at Louisville, Ky., from June 22 te 24 inclusive. The Knights Templar will make a display and a com petitive drill will take place among a number of militia companies. Anether Burglary. On Saturday night burglars foiled an entrance into the residence of Capt. Jeseph Umblc, East Vine sheet near Christian, and stele from the drawer of a secretary in the room en the first iloer $74 iu cash which the captain had placed therein in the evening. Other drawers were ran sacked, and their contents scattered around the lloer, but nothing else was taken se far as is known. The burglars gained an entrance by forcing a back deer, and before commenc ing their opcraties inside took the prccau tien te fasten the stair deer by placing a chair and bracing it under the latch te prevent any oue from coming down and discevciing them while at work. Se firmly was the deer secured that when the captain get up Sunday morning he had no little trouble in open ing it. It may be noticed as a somewhat pecu liar coincidence that Capt. Umblc had showed the money te some of his friends en Saturday evening, saying that he had collected a part of it during the day. It is supposed that the burglar was net far off at the timc,saw the captain's money and made up his mind te get it. Surprise Party in Maner. Thursday eveniug of last week a " sur prise party" of some thirty couples visit ed the residence of Mr. Abram Leenard, iu Mauer township. They found their welcome none the less cordial because they hadn't been invited, and. Mr. Leenard was indefatigable iu his exertions te make his guests comfortable. After the first effects of the surprise had passed, the party en gaged the swiftly fleeting hour in social games, musie and dancing. The visitors having come abnndautly supplied with geed things, a bountiful supper was spread, and the wants of the " inner man" and woman were satisfied. Whcu the hour for parting came, it was the unauimeus opinion that "a geed time generally" had. been enjoyed, and that Mr. Leenard and his family are most agreeable hosts. ttuesscd il Weight. On Thursday, B. Lintner ncss, the auc tioneer, was in Yerk. At the hotel where he was stepping a large hog was killed. Mr. Hess guessed the weight of the ani mal, which was 701 pounds, and wen the purse, containing considerable money. ST. STEPHEN'S. DEDICATOKT SERVICES AT THE SEW IA7TIIEKAN CHCBCH. Large Congregation Eloquent Sermons L. Ine Music Large Collections Beau - tiral Decorations. St. Stephen's Lutheran church,ceruer of Duke and Church streets, a full description of which recently appeared in the Intelli gences, was yesterday dedicated te the worship of Ged, with impressive services, in presence of very large congregations. The decoration of the altar aud chancel with fresh flowers, "ivy and ether trailing plants, was very profuse. The altar was covered with a very fine cloth of royal pur ple, with geld bullion fringe and heavy geld tassels. In front of it was a golden sheaf of wheat, illustrative of the bread of life, and upon it were a number of vases filled with fresh and fragrant flowers of choicest variety and skillfully blended colors. Inside the chaucel rail were sev eral large vases upon pedestals, filled with blooming flowers and trailing vines. In front of the chancel rail were placed a row of decorated flower pets, containing lilies, geraniums, bigenias and many ether su perb plants in bloom, and en stands placed upon the chancel rail were several large and elegant bouquets. The Dedicatory Services. Leng before the time announced for the commencement of the dedicatory services (10:30 a. m.) the church was filled te its utmost capacity. Rev. F. W. Cenrad, D. D., of Philadelphia, editor of the Lutheran Observer, and Rev. J. H. Meuges, of Grace Lutheran church, Philadelphia, occupied seats in the pulpit along with the pastor, Rev. Ecuil Meister. The service was opened by the choir under the leadership of Mr. Adam Oblen dcr, singing with great spirit the beauti ful anthem " When the Lord shall build up Zieu," with organ accompaniment by Mr. Christian Oblcndcr. The dedicatory psalm was read by the pastor after which the coiigicgatien sang the German hymn " Nun danket alle Gett." Rev. Meister then read in German from the liturgy, the established form prescrib ed for the dedication of a church te the worship of Ged, after which another hymn was sung by the congregation. Rev. J. II. Mengcs, of Grace Lutheran church, Philadelphia, preached the dedica tory sermon, taking for his text the 1st aud 2d verses of the 84 Psalm : Hew amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts ! My soul leugeth, yea, even faintcth for the ceuits of the Lord ;my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living faith." The reverend gentleman spoke in Ger man. After congratulating the congrega tion en the completion of their beautiful house of worship, te accomplish which they had worked for some years past se faithfully and zealously, the preacher said that it was generally believed that David wrote the Psalm from which' the text was taken, while he was absent from the sanc tuary, aud while lenginsr te return te it. Frem a contemplation of the psalm the question arises, where has Ged His dwclljng place ".' And the answer is, in the past and in the future eternities ; in all times and in all things ; in the lightning Hashes, iu the mighty storms and in the mighty billows of the deep ; in the hum ble flowers of the field and in the spark ing dew drops en the meadow grass. But especially has Ged His dwelling place in the sanctuary erected by His worshipers, and here His prcsence is manifested as nowhere clse ; here He dwells as the Father of His people, as revealed through His work ; here lie manifests Himself through the operations of His spirit ; here lie dwells in the Hely Sacrament, and here He listens te and answers the prayers of His people, "Hew amiable are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts !" Net only de we here enjoy the presence of Ged, but the picsence of Ged's worshipers. Here Christians assemble for prayer aud praise ; for mutual encouragement and mutual sympathy ; for imparting and receiving religious instruction and for building up and sustaining each ether's hepe and faith. The sanctuary is the Christian's heme en earth, because it is the Father's temple, and the place whcrta the Christian fiudi especial comfort. Iu conclusion, the rev erend picacher pictured in vivid colors the dreadful aud perilous condition of the soul who takes no delight and no interest in the coining of Christ's kingdom. At the conclusion of the dedicatory ser mon, Rev. Dr. Cenrad offered prayer and spoke at some length iu behalf of a liberal collection te assist in liquidating the debt yet remaining en the church. At the cle.'c of his effective remarks a basket collection was lifted, which proved te be unexpect edly liberal. When the collection was being taken up the choir sang the anthem ' The Lord is in His Hely Temple." A closing hymn was sung by the congrega tion aud the morning services closed with a benediction. Afternoon Service. At " o'clock the church was agaiu crowded. Rev. Dr. Cenrad preached iu Euglh h from Isaiah, 2d chapter, 3d verse. His discneurse was eloquent, impressive and instructive. He was followed by the pastor, Rev. Emit Meister, in German, who based his discourse en the text found, en the 17th chapter of Matthew, 4th verse, "Lord, it is geed for us te be here." Rev. Dr.Greenwald,ef Trinity Lutheran church, made a brief address and dismissed the congregation. During the services an ether large collection was lifted during which the choir sang a fine selection. Evening; Service. In the evening the house was packed te its utmost capacity. After an anthem had been sung by the choir, prayer was offerei by Rev. J. S. Stahr. of Franklin and I , Marshall college, ibis was lollewed by congregational singing after which Rev. Sylvanus Stall, of St. Jehn's, preached an able sermen iu English and was followed by Rev. J. II. Dubbs, D. D. of Franklin and Marshall college, who spoke eloquent ly in German. During the evening service there was another liberal collection lifted and some fine choral and congregational singing. Further Services This evening there will be a children's festival and a presentation of a Bible. A sermon will be preached in German by the Rev. J. Peters, of Manheim, and English speaking by some ether clergymen. Te-morrow evening there will be preach ing by Rev. M. Fernsler, of Clay and ethers. On Wednesday evening the scries of dedicatory meetings will close ; the sermon en the occasion will be preached by Rev. S. Pister, of Baltimore. AT ST. MARY'S. Sermons by Bishop shanahan and Dr. Me Me Culleugb. At St. Mary's church yesterday Rt. Rev. J. F. Shanahan, bishop of the dio cese, preached a sermon from the 0th chap ter, 18th verse, of the gospel according te St. Matthew. Father Ilickcy, pastor of the church, ap peared for the first time since his recent severe accident, but took no active part in the service. in the evening the sermon was preached by Dr. McCullough, the assistant pastor. Burning Accident. On Saturday evening Charles Fitzger ald, residing en Grant street, between Lime and Duke, and employed at Richard Blickenderfcr's foundry, in Marien alley, was carrying a ladle of het iron through the shop, when the handle broke and the ladle fell down, splashing the iron into Fitzgerald's face. A portion of the lower lid of his left eye was burned oft and be was also burned in spots j en nis lerencaa aua uutercnt parts of the body. It was thought that the man's sight would be affected by the accident, but such is net the case, as both eyes arc in geed condition. After the accident Fitzgerald was taken te his home, where Dr. S. T. Davis attended him. LITTLE LOCALS. Here and There and Everywhere. Thirteen unlit lamps en Saturdav nirht and ten en Sunday. Owen Brunner's store at Reinhold's sta tion, en the Reading & Columbia railroad was robbed of beets, knives, silk handker chiefs and ether goods last Thnrsday night. The P. R. R. pay car was in town to day, and the company's employees get their monthly wages. SThaie are plenty of Mulhoely politicians in town te-uay. l hey have been getting in their weik lively and could be -seen all forenoon around the courthouse and in the principal hotels and saloons. Nothing new has been developed te day. The mayor had twenty-three claimants this morning for justice. Three drunks get J5 days ; another, 10 ; the ethers being vagrants, were discharged. Jehn Eech, jr., 14 years old, son of Jehn Kech, 210 North Water street, while working at tbe Fulton street cork factory this morning, had two fingers of his right hand badly cut by a slicer. Dr. Davis fixed them up. On Saturday night, while Michael G. Harnish, of West Willow, was riddling his stove the feet fell off it and it tumbled ever. The het coals burned the fleer, but Mr. II. aud his son seen extinguished the flames. Last evening as a freight train west was passing Malene's embankment, below the bark mill, the deer of a freight car broke off and a barrel of white lead, weighing between 1,100 and 1,200 pounds, was spilled eat. The great weight of the lead caused the barrel te sink deeply into the ground, but luckily far enough from the track as net te interfere with the moving train. It was discover by Track Watchman Jehn Weidlc. who reported te the foreman of the track workmen, who, with his men, had the weighty freight placed upon hand-car and removed te the freight depot. Last night about 11 o'clock private watchman Edw. Shuebroeks discovered that a water pipe which had beeu frozen had burst in Lewis Sylvester's cigar fac tory, North Cherry alley. He at once gave notice te Mr. Sylvester, but net in time te entirely prevent less, two cases of tobacco being badly soaked with water. Other cases would have been ruined had they net been removed, as the leak could net be stepped until this morning, Charles F. Keller was held in bail by Alderman Barr te answer at court the charge of surety of the peace preferred by Jeseph Beyer. Mary Keller was also held en the same charge en complaint of Mar garet Beyer. The charge of assault and battery hi ought by Beyer against Keller was dismissed. Jeseph Beyer was com plained against for surety of the peace by Keller and he was also held in bail for court te answer the charge. The troupe playing ThcGuv'ner" dis banded in Reading en Saturday night. There were but twenty people in the house upon that night. Mrs. Hetty Ann Cassel Barr, wife of Jehn K. Barr, whose decease is noted in our nccrolegical record, was a descendant of the old Cassel family, who came te this country from Hesse Cassel in 1CS0, and who refused te send ever for a mil lion dollars legacy left them in that carl j day "lest its possession might make them proud." Since 1850 the family resided about Sporting Hill, Raphe township. Mrs. Barr, was a daughter of Abraham Cassel, a leading man in his day and once a director of the peer. She was a sister of Dr. J. 11. Cas sel, of Pittsburgh, and ex-Rcpresentative J. E. Cassel, who was quartermaster of 7i)th P. V. Amusements. Mr, millions Tn-nlyht. It is scarcely nccc s.iry te remind patrons oftlie Urania that to night Mrs. Scott-Siddons, supported by u full dramatic cast, will appear at Fulton epera house as Jteialintl. in Sbakspeare's delightful comedy, "As Ten Like It." Mrs. Scott-Sid-ilens lias iust completed a week'-, engagement In Philadelphia, and the newspaper criticisms there have been of such a piquautly divergent character that they only serve te enhance local callosity as te the lady's qualities en the dramatic stage. Mi Scott-Siddons h.ts long been an acknowledged nuoen el" the rostrum, and in her return le the drama she is sure of a kindly welcome at the hands et her many friends iu this city. Te-night's uudicncj bids lair te be a lare one. r.ierrls i' Ireland's Safes. Mr. Eddie Franks, agent for the celebrated Hern's & Ireland clght-llange burglar-prref Baltei, is meeting with vciy great success in their tali', l.usincss men declare them equalled by few, surpassed by none, and point out many points of advantage which they possess, and which commend themselves te persons in search e a secure deposit for books und ether valuable-'. Mothers, as a delightful sanitary measure, always order the Cuticura. Medicinal Seap. Malt Hitlers regulate, purify, strengthen and nourish the maternal luuctiens. jiAJini.uii:s. Witmeii Lefever On the i:itli of March, 1S31, by the Kcv. Y. T. Gerhard, at his resi dence. Ne. :;i Kast Orange street, Ji r. Jehn i!. winner te isnss ciinstie J.eiever. uetn el Maner. ltKATHS. lUitit. March II, 1SS1, iu this city, Hetty A liarr, wile of Jehn K. iiurr. in the tilth year et her aget The relatives and friends or the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, Ne. -113 V. Walnut street, en Wednesday at 1 o'clock p. m., ami at LamlKville meeting house at 3 o'clock. i. m. ;td Kcrtz. Tn Salisbury township, en the 12th Inst., David F. Kurtz, in the 71-t vcar el his age. Funeral from his late residence, Salisbury township, en Thursday morning at It o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. ltd Ai'lF AltrjtRTtSElHENTS. 'IHVO STOKE KOO.-.1S AND mVKLUSU I ler rent, Ne. 8 and 10 Seuth Queen street. Apply at the lSTEU-ieENCKa Otlice. IOST YESTERDAY WHILE OOINO j from the corner of Seuth Quean and Con Cen Con estega te Prince, te Herman, te Water and Orange n live dollar note. The Under will be liberally rewarded by leaving same at this olllce. ltd LOST A LEATHER POCKET-BOOK containing $25 or $21), In connection with some papers. The Under will be liberally re warded by returning the same te my residence. Ne. 319 North Mulberry street. Lancaster. Pa. ltd J. 11. ABRAHAM. QAA CASH AND Tni: BALANCE IN t!lOUU easy payments, will purchase an elegant 9-roein throe-steey IJrick Dwelling, with all modern improvements. It net sold by April 1 will be ler rent. Apply at FLINN & WILLSON'S, mar!4-2wd 152 Nerth'Qucen Street. PUBLIC SALK OP AN ENTIRE LOT OF Household and Kitchen Furniture at Ne.lS Derwart btrect, te-morrow (Tuesday), such as bedsteads; bureaus, tables, chairs, carpets, oil cloth, cook and parlor stoves, tubs, buckets, glass and queensware, &e. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. ltd JACOB GUNDAKER, Auet. PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND Kitchen Furniture at 731 High street, en Wednesday, March li, such as bedsteads and bedding, carpets, wa-hstainl, tables, bureaus, sideboard, chairs, stoves, tub, buckets, glass and queenswure, and many ether articles. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in. MRS. CATHARINE HEFFELY, Administratrix of Mr. Kberly, dee'd. marl4-2td SEW ADTEETISEXElfTS. s: pbixc ovekceats. Spring 'Overcoats and Trousers. Trousers for early and late spring, L e., thick and thin trousers, are ready in geed variety at $2.50 te $5. They are of better cloths and are better trousers than the money will buy, except between seasons Light overcoats are ready in very great variety. New is the height of the season for them. If we are ever going te be well provided with them, new is the time ; and our time is your time. Light overcoats sell twice a year; net like winter clothing and summer clothing, which sell only once a year. Yeu are net going te get them at half price by and by, because it is late in the season. New is your best time. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL MARKET AND SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. SPECIAL BARGAINS. In addition te our extensive and well selected regular stock. We new offer a large let of goods at special bargains. "We have just purchased a jeweler's entire stock at greatly reduced prices, all of which will be sold at from one-fourth te one-half less than regular prices. These goods are nearly all first-class and consist of Geld and Silver "Watches, Solid Silverware, Electro Silver-plated Tea Sets, Epergnes, Fruit Stands, Card Stands, Cake Baskets, But ter Dishes, Knives, Ferks, Spoons, &c, &c. Geld and Gold Geld platod Jewely, Chains, Sleeve Buttens, Studs, Lace Pins, Scarf Pins, Society Pins, Ear Rings, &c. Parian Marble, Kale-Meda "Ware, Cutlery, Musical Bexes, fee, &c. We will be glad te have our patrons secure the benefits of this extraordinary offer. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Pa. 8S1. SPUING OPENING. SPRING OPENING AT MTEES & BATHFON'S. We arc prepared te sl.ew thu public the largest and tUa greatctt variety of PIECE GOODS ever eilercd in the city of Lancaster, Goods suitable for the plainest its well us the most fastidious, and ireiu the lowest grades te the very lincst in textures, all of which we are prepared te malej up te order at the most reasonable price and at the shortest notice and in I lie best workmanlike maimer. Our stocks of BEADY-MADE CLOTHING Fer Men, Youths, Beys and Children, are lull and cempleH ; they have been gotten up with great care ; they are well made and well made and well trimmed, the goods are all sponged and will be sold at BOTTOM PKICKS. Call and examine our stock belere you make yeurSpring purchase, and you will save money by purchasing your CLOTHING of MYERS & RATHFON, POPULAR TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 12 KAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. JVE'IP Alt t'J-JJi'J JSliSlKXTS. "AKE CHANCE roil SALE TWO Jt KiMutilul Mantel Mirrors. Fieneli Plate. one (.lx!t heavy walnut lrame miu gilded meulding; one H'x.'M, heavy gilt fr.niic: one set Walnut furniture with Marble Tep, Werk Stand and IStircau, two Uelleters, three second-hand Salc- in excellent condition. Call at Vll North Mary street. K. FltANKK, Agent ler Merris & Ireland's Eight Flange Fire and Burglar Proof Sales. ltd IXECUTOKS'. I'UItf.IC SALE OF I'KK li ijONAI. l'KOPKUTV. On FKIDAY, MAUCII 18. 1SSI, will be sold at public sale, at the late residence et Henry tiarrccht,dcc'd,N'e. 148 North Duke street. Lancaster city. Pa., the lollewiug te wit : Bed-tends and Bedding, chairs, lounges, tables, bureaus mirrors, Brus-eK Ingrain ami Wag Carpet. Piane, china, glas siiidfpieensvarc,llvcr mid plated ware, ami a large let of houbchehl goods net. mentioned. Sale te commence at 10 o'clock a. in., when attendance will be given and conditions made known by J. I. I.tJTZ, JOHN A BAU3MAN, Executers of lMule et Henry Uarrecht, decY. Sam'i. Hr-ss & Sen, Auets. marS-Ctdll 1.XECl!TOIiS SALE Of STOCKS. 11 On TIllinSDAV, MARCH 17. 1M1, w ill be sold at public sate at the Cooper Heuse, Lan caster, the following te wit : Twe shares Fanner-.' national bank stock. Twe shares (Dili (.cries) American Mechanics building ami lean association stock. Twe shares (leth series) American Mechan ics nuilding and lean association .tock. Twe shares (II th series) American Mechan ics building and lean association stock. Twe shares (l'Jth series) American Mechanic-" building and lean association stock. 1'ive shares (1st cries) Lancaster Working men's saving lund and builning association stock. Pale commence at 2 o'clock p. in., when le rms will be made hnewn by .1.1). LUTZ. .JOHN A. BAUSMAN. Executers et the estate et II. Uerrcclit, dee'd. Sam'l Hess & Se. A"uct. ml2-4tdK. PUBLIC SALE. ON AlONUAT, MAKCH 14, 1S31, in pursuance et an order of Or phans' court of Lancaster county, will be sold at public sale at Philip Wall's Green Tree hotel, Wcsu King street, Lancaster city, the following described leal estate, te wit : All that certain let or piece et ground situate en the south side of West King street, Lancas ter city, containing in trout en West King street, iW teet 4 inches, mere or less extending in depth te a 10 feet wide alley 100 feet, melt or less, en the east side, and IUJ feel, mere or less, en the west side, and extending along said 10 fect wide alley in the rear 80 feet, mere or less, upon which let et ground are erected a double one-story Brick Dwelling Heusp, Ne. 521 West King street, a Frnnie Pottery Warehouse, Ne. 528; also another smaller Warehouse, Petter's Kiln, Hydrant, Fruit Trees and ether improve ments thereon. Terms cash en Oct. 1, 1931, upon purchaser giving approved security. sale te commence at T-. o'clock p. m., of said day, when attendance will be given by HENRY M.GANSE, FitANCIS (iANSK, Executers of the estate et Henry W. Cause, de ceased. Jacob Gukdakur. Auet. leblC-Stawdls "1AKI I'KO.H 1IENJ. F. SUENK. The People's Insurance Company, et Trenten, N. J., ler AVhlcli I have been agent ler several yean, have decided te wind up tliUr busincbs ami reinsure in the German American, or which Jehn II. Metzler is agent, as much of their business as they cm control. A circular has been disti United the past eckte the patrons oftlie People's, requesting all per sons net te deliver their policies te anyone but Mr. Metzler. I have no objection te Mr. Metzler retaining all the business he had made ter the German America, but 1 de object te him trying te capture a trade, which he never hail, and which Justly belongs te me. I think It very discourteous, if net, impudent, te de se. My.sclf and my Solicitor, Wat&en H. Millei, have exchanged the past week a large num ber of the People's policies for the Conti nental, et New Yerk, for whish 1 am new the agent. Our patrons have mudeJ.lie exchange very willingly. Mr. Miller will exchange the few remnining policies of the People's as seen as possible. BBNJ. F. SHBNK. Laxcastgk, March 14, 1881. inarl4-3tdM,W&F WAXTS. WAMEW-A GOOD, MIDDLE-AGED man te take care of horses. A white man preferred. Must come well-rccemmend-cd. Apply, BOX l., m2-ttd Voatesville, Pa. WANTED TEN OOOD CARl'ENTEKS. Apply at Serrel Herse Hetel between halt-past six and seven o'clock, ltd CARPENTER. WANTED A CUAMUEKMAII) AT 37 East Orange Street. Hust have goe.l reterences. ltd "1TATED A GENTLEMAN LV MANAS TV Coachman, who can make himself gen ally uselul. Married man preferred Apply at e. -i: Kast nlng street. no OP1UNG TROUSERS. czei'Jiixa. IlVAXCK OIJDKK l'KK CA1ILE. Wcare new receiving our FOREIGN INVOICES SPRING NOVELTIES MEN'S WEAR, And open te-day a handsome line et III anil Sceteli FaMcs, in great variety of choice and elegant effects, selected through the leading importing heuses of New Yerk, from exclusive aud cenlincd styles. All are cordially invited te cxamine our stock. Prices will be comparatively low this season. J.KSMALING'S, THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET, J1W48 w EAD! READ KOVELTIES GENTS' NECK WEAR COLLARS AND CUFFS. The RAPPEE is meeting with great favor by everybody. It can be worn as a Fiat Scart or a Bew. The FLEXOR is a novelty made and patent ed by FNk, Clark & Flag?, which speaks for the quality of the Tie, without further .com ment. The BEST LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS are these stamped "E. & V." They are known all ever the world for their fineness and beauty of shape. We have also a complete assortment of cheaper goods. THE I.IENi; REVERSIBLE COLLARS AND CUFFS ARE THE VERY BEST PAPER COLLARS 5IADE. Thevare covered with Linen en both aides. and the button holes will notgiveout. All these goods recommend themselves. & ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36 EAST KING- STREET, LANCASTER, PA. AVCIelhlng, Hats, Trunks Goods. and Furnishing f!6-Jyd4w S" TURK ROOM FOR RENT. THE STORE room new occupied by J. w. Keller (tin ner). Ne. 17 west Jting street, irem April I. next Apply te ms-MdR ALDERMAN McCONOMY. THIRD EDITION. MONDAY EVENING, MABCH 14,1881. RUSSIA. AFTER THE ASSASSINATION. Tbe New Czar Israel a Manifesto The Sac. cessfal Murderer Escapes, While the Other Is Captured, St Petersburg, March 14. The new Emperor Alexander III. has issued a mani festo announcing tha late emperor's death at the hands of impious murderers. He calls upon the people te bow te the un. fathomable will of Divine providence. The emperor accepts the great trust de volving upon him and will devote the whole of his life te the welfare of Russia. The Real Assassin Escapes. The man who fired the bomb which killed the Czar disappeared in the crowd and has escaped. The T7enld-be Murderer a Youth of Twcnty une. The Ifotee Vremya states that tbp man arrested yesterday has confessed that he threw the first bomb, bnt denies all knowledge of the person who threw tbe second. Iu addition te the revolver which the prisoner attempted te use. a dainrer was found en him. The name he gave is supposed te be false. The prisoner is twentjkeue years of age. A City In Mourning, During the night a Cossack "and a civil ian, who declined te give bin name, died from injuries received by the bursting of the bombs. Altogether twenty persons were mere or less injured, thirteen of whom are in the hospital. The whole city is in deep mourning. The German Emperor Inconsolable. Berlin, March 14. The sensation caused here by the assassination is inde scribable. The imperial princes remained until 2 o'clock this morning with the Em peror William, who is inconsolable The Crown Prince Frederick AVilliam of Prus sia or Prince Frederick Charles will go te St. Petersburg te attend the luncia!. 1116 READING RAILROAD. Autl-tiewcn Mcctintl In I'nlludelnbla T.i- Day. Philadelphia, March 14. Mr. Dallas, master, acting under the direction of tlic court of common picas Ne. 2, called the meeting of Reading stockholders te enlcr in the Assembly buildings at neon. The hall was crowded, but comparatively few of these present were stockholders, or if they were they did net make the fact known at the registration of stock te make up the roll. The first proxies presented were by Francis A. Pcabedy, representing 157,558 shares, of common stock and 18,470 of preferred, belonging te McCalmont Bres. & Ce., and 95 shares of common and 401 of preferred, belonging te Hugh McCalmont. Mr. Pcabedy also presented his own shares, 50 in number, "and Frank S. Bend, the auti-Gewcn candidate for president, pre sented for registration, 50 shares held by him for less than three months. Themas A. Bttidlc & Ce., 0,981 shares, were also held less than three months. The registration of stock occupied a considerable length of time during which J. D. Campbell entered objections te the reception of certain proxies and was "over ruled. When asked whom he represented Mr. Campbell stated that he represented himself as a stockholder. J. G. Jehnsen, of counsel for the com pany, was present, but took no part in the proceedings, except te take copious notes. It was net until well into the afternoon that the stock registration was completed. Outside the McCalmont and Kidder-Pea-body proxies there were forty-two or foity-thrce stock or proxy holders, who came ferwaid te register, their total hold ings, both in stock and by proxy repre sentation, being less than 10,500 shares, including 0,981 siiarcs presented by Thes. A. Biddlc te Ce., the Philadelphia repre sentatives of Kidder, Peabody & Ce. UNMATCHED CHICKENS. Republicans Distributing Them Promiscu ously 3Ianene'g l.ittte I'liiin. Wasuincten, March 14. The Republi can senators in caucus this morning sub stantially agreed upon the following dis tribution of the Senate committee chair manships : Finance, Merrill ; Appropiia Apprepiia Appropiia tiens, Allisen ; Commerce, Ceukliug ; Ju diciary, Edmunds ; Privileges and Elec tions, Hear ; Foreign Relations, Burn side ; Military Affairs, Legan ; Naval Affairs, Cameren (Pa ); Agriculture, Ma hone ; Pest Ofliccs and Pest Reads, Feiyy ; Public Lands, Plumb ; In dian Affairs, Dawes ; Pensions, Kel l8ff Claims, Cameren (Wis.) ; Man ufactures, Cenger ; District of Colum bia, Iugalls ; Patents, Piatt (Conn.) ; Public Buildings and Grounds, Rol lins ; Territories, Saunders ; Rail roads, Teller ; Mines aud Mining, Hill (Cole.) ; Revision of the Laws, Mc Millan ; Education and Laber, Blair ; Civil Service and Retrenchment, Ilawley ; Print ing, Antheny ; Library, Sherman ; Rules, Fryc ; Contingent Expenses, Jenes (Nev) ; Enrolled Bills, Sawyer ; Impievenient of Mississippi River and its Tributaries, Mitchell ; Transportation Routes te the Seaboard, Harrison. The chairmanships of the committees en Private Land Claims, Revolutionary Claims and Engrossed Bills, which under the Democratic control of the Senate have been accorded te the Repub licans, will new iu turn be offered te the Democrats. ACiAIN SENT IN. liarlleld Renews the Nomination of Stanley Matthews Pennsylvania Postmasters. Washington, March 14. Among the nominations sent te Senate te-day were Stanley Matthews te be supreme judge, and the following postmasters for Penn sylvania, Edward L. Buck, at Set an ten, Jacob L. Brinkcr, at Mahaney City, Jehn R. Omsler, at Latrebc, Rebert Iredell, at Allcntewn, and C. Fordham, at Mont Mont eose. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, March 14. Fer the Mid dle states lair weather, northwest te north east winds, generally lower tcmpcratnie and higher barometer. i- JUAUKJi'l'S. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, Pa., March It. Fleur dull, but steadily held; snperllnc, f W&:i M : extra :! 7.ft4 2.", ; Ohie and ludiana family $5 250 00: Pa. de $187S10; St. Leui- family i "JiiC, 25: Mlnnc-ieta Extra 25S5 73; straight, S3 874J650; winter patent $G50?7 00 ; spring de $0 7.TS 00. Rye flour at $3 00. Wheat market quiet ; Ne. 2 Western Red $117; Del. and Fenn'a. Red, $1 10 gi 17 : de Amber 1 1G1 17. Cern Ann;; steamer, K5:ic; yellow, 3Ce; mixcu, ituyK. Oats quiet 4.-Kc ; Ke. 2, and steady ; 44c ; Ne. 3, Se. 1 White, de 43c ; Ne. i A11XCU, KC. Bye scarce at $1. Previsions market llrm; mess perk SIB 50 : beet hams $i!g21 ; India m.vs beef Jt Q-21 50. Bacen smoked hams 10)-JHc: pickled nam- 99c; smoked shoulders CUfflGKc; salt de 5Hc. Lard market firmer; cltvkcttle He; loot butchers' 10c ; prime steam 911. unuerstcauy; creamery extra .lS2c : de geed te choice 2SQ30 ; 1J. O. A N. Y. e.tra,t nln, 272Sc : de llrkins, 2122c ; Western dairv extra 2l23c; de geed te choice S023c. Rell-, dull and quality generally peer ; l'cnn'st nt 13317c; Western "Keserve extra. 1722. Eggs dull : Pa. and Western, ISc. Cheese dull ; New Yerk lull cream, 13S13c : Western full cream, 12JS12Xc;de fair te geed WAm-YiC; 60 hall skims !ffil0c ; I'a. ae 9$ 102c. Petroleum dull : refined 8Kc Whisky at $1 OS. Seeds Geed te prime clever steady at 7 9:lede Timethy fl mint $3 0 ;dodo Fiasco net'lected, ."Masked. New Yowe MarltBt. Jfzw Your, March lt.-Fleur f,utPt II' nil vs ur..'iiiii . A wmie wiieat ie ., IW3 a. Southern auiet n. cnanged ; common te fair extra, nt i r : oed te choice de JT.iig.J 73. Wheat without important change quiet : Jfe l; deMarcn. $1 2I-X bid. "- lern without decided ehange : Mixed west- Philadelphia Cattle Market. WEST PHILAnct.P'II Mnreh 1.1 P.Dt. 1..H Sf&j00 u"aa.: I'rime. Wiectfc: geed. VsaWc meu,um' ?s3Jc; common, Jt1,ecp7;mrJ!r?t t,uU-s sJcs- . head: PwSJSJWG,iKc: n00'1' 3,;; medium 5aJ5c ; common, :.;c. Hogs market dull : Prime 9ft0'p 'neil SJiaSKc: medium. SQic. J''J-C' -'00,I Stock .liarner. Nkw Yerk Stocks. Stocks strong. Starch II. a. x. r. x. p. u. p. St. p K 10:25 1130 1:00 2 0J 10 Erie ft. K. .... tst. w .... M Chtean . &.-L. S....127?: 12!K 127 t l-'7' Michigan Cent. E. ICHlJi 112 111? ill'" .... Ch cage&N. W.. .12U 121J MIVS Kl Chicago. M.& St. 1..U2! 113 it::;? .... Han. A St. J. Cem ZM :,r,.i 37 57 .... Teledo & WabaMi.... il .... w ie, .... Ohie & Mississippi. .. 4:;; .... 40? 43' .... St. Leuis, I. M.ASR.. 64 C5 Kii KJJi ... Ontario and Wc-tern. S;JJ .... :t72 37JZ .... u. C.&1.C.R.1: syl ivi 2i;v a .... New Jersey Central.. lti5 105 lmrji 10!i Del. lldusen Canal.ll3-X 114 ' IIP? PeI..lek.A Westernl2u;'4 !, VJUJpPJtij; .... Ilt.-Slt.-iIl UI1IUU 1VI..I1V .... liux- III" raciiic Juan s. . Ce. .W; 51. 'VM' riSI VS .Jj t, .... IewaUulch. Union Pacific 122J4 Kansas A Texas 4.V;; New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland & PitN Chicago A Reck 1 Pittsburgh & ft. W Philadelphia. Stocks steady. i;?.i Mi 130 " I'ltf 127 132!.'. Pennsylvania R. R c.V'4 Phil'a. A Reading..... -ZyA Lehigh Valley .2 Lehigh Navigation... ryz Northern Pacific Cem is,1.-: " " P'd . 73 " Pitts,, Titusv'c&i; Northern Centra! Phil'a & Erle E. It.... 21 Northern Penn'.i Un. K.E'a of N..I ilcstonville Pas Central Trans. Ce r;f ; CC s : ci.7i I!2 lit'.-: (.2 47 --. 1 ii y. ; t'A jVt" -') isV 2.J Noen Quotations f thu ( -Market HTn.1 .,r. A vjiwit rnm ...... - .Sw , uiK,iiiue emiu eHiSl mi- de MtJ 73? round hoop Ohie ? 13535 J. ,1Sw!5 WSS'S;1 superfine ext ern j.i eerti oe; common te Keed ex tra de 30JMM z elini .! -. mi ..,.? - "-. ---- -- -"' wtnx. ,., . i-uuicn KurnUhcd by Jacob l. Lung, ConiiuNsieu Chicago. Ca-,h. April. Jluv. Wheat fl.10 ' -.'JtH'I l.ei;t May. .lune. Cern K).f .I2 .ii Oats 21 .:?,. .33I-J New Vekk. Ca-h. April. May. Wheat $1.23 fl.22 fI.2e Cern .VJ . ."7," .35'j PiiiLAum.rniA. Wheat 1.17J 1.1M Cern ."ifJ.'i .35!'. .51 Oats ll,'i .13 " .43;; 1Ialtimei:k. Wheat 1.17; 1.17AJ LIS"-, Cern 16 JMy. HXTJiiiTA tS'MJCXrs. "C'ULTON OPERA HOUSE. JOHN !. MISIII.KI:, L...M.xaki:. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1G, 1881. TONY DEXEER'S MATCH LESSJ HUMPTY-DUMPTY I'A yTOMl ME TUOVl'K. The princely mii of Mourns, GEORGE H. ADAMS, AND A LARGE COTEEl'E OK SPECIALTY STARS. Prices as tT&nal, - -Reserved Seats at Yei-1 - a.", no x- 75 cts. :ciN Ollice. maill-llil "CUJLTON OI'EKA HOUSE. JOHN 1). MISIILKi:, I.r-s. MONDAY. MARCH 14tb. THE DRAMATIC EVENT OF 1.3S0-S, Engagement el the r'ashieuable Society Star. MR J?. SEOTT-SIIOIS. The Greatest ShakpcHri.m Ilt-rotticef ln-.l.iy appearing as KO.SAI.INl in Miak- pcarus Charming Comedy, "AS YOU LIKE IT!" Supported by her own VOWEKFUL Dlt.UI.VTK; MUilMM', Under this management of II..i..SAR(;EVI Ariaiige;i;cuLef I'u'cis. ......uO, ?.it:. & Sfc Sale e-.Reserved Scats will begin at Optf Heeve Wednesday at!l a. 111. murKiilit FOK hai.i:. ,,ei:kknt.-tui; stekk 1:0051 no. . West King street, new occupied by Jein. Kiilck Tailor. Posses-ion given APRIL 1881. Apply te WILLIAM. I.COOPER, Jan3-M.WfcStld West Kiiig.Strcci. ACCTION OF HOOTS, SllOrS ANI PCIC N1TURE. On MONDAY EVENINO. at 7 o'clock, MARCH 11, IS?!, will be sold at Ne. 131 North 2uecn street, one Marble Tep Cham ber Suit (nearly new) ronsistingefuino pieces, 1 Walnut Washstaud, 1 New Rriissi-W Lounge, 1 yards or Fleer Matting, suitable ler hall or office. 1 Fancy Stand ler store window, and a let or Men's, Hey.,', Women's, Mis-x'saui! Chil dren's Roots, Shet's ami Slippcis. All must hi sold in 0110 evening. Come early and securu bargains. lI.bllCUKET. marll-3td Auctioneer. 1)Ultl.IC SALE OF KANK STOCK. On SATURDAY, MARCH 19, ISM. at the Cooper Heuse, iu the city of Lancaster, will he held the lollewmg b.tnk stock : Thirteen bhaies et the Columbia national bank. Ten fcharcs of the Union National bank et Mount Jey. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in., when terms will be made known by CHARLES L. DKRINO, SIMON P. ERY, Executers el Catharine Oihersen. deceased. Sam'i. lltss & Se.-, Aueis. 111 !2 1M12.I l,l'-,u MIS cj:z.l A XJiOS. UNION UKTIIEL. FAIIt AND fKSTIVAI.. (Fer the benefit of Oreen -Street Mission) Frem MONDAY, MARCH 14 te SATURDAY, MARClfl'J. Tickets le cents. The-e net given up at the: deer ler admittance are culijlcd te their price of refreshments. All ticket holders have one chance at the geld watch te he drawn ut the cle&c. marl2 (ltd 1 REMOVAL OF Till: CITY. SHOE STOKK. V We have removed from Ne. 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET te Ne. JSiy EAST KINO fcTREET. room lately ecctipfed by C A. Recce, where we shall be continually r-criv-ingll thu latest styles and latest makes el Roots anil Shoes of every description, t'eme and sec us In our new location. A hearty wel come awaits one and nil A. D CAUKMAN&CO., m 12-3 td Ne.2fiJi East King St. 1) REPOSALS rOi: lit )!.. Scaled proposals will be received at the Mayer's Office up te 3 o'clock p. m., .March a;, I"H1. ler Fllty Thousand Dollars p:iybie from one te twenty years ; Fllty Thousand Dollars payable from live te twenty years; and One Hundred Thousand Dollars payable from tan te twenty yean: or any part theicet. et the bends et the city et Lancaster, bearing four per cnt. interr&t per annum, paj able semi-annually. The abev will be Registered Reud.s. dated April 1, 1SJ1, for $1W), $VM, 41,000, issued tove teve dtrain existing indebtedness. JNO. T. MacUONIGLE, marl0-13t,d Mayer. TO R1DDEKS FOR CITY BONDS. PKK PKK PKK sons.wlililngte bill ler thu ne-.v lour per cent. lean issued te redeem existing itidrbted ncss or the city of Lancaster will be mmi-dusl with blank forms for bids bv upplicatieu te J xe. t. m c.:u., k;le, i.v !4-2wd Alayor. J