LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDNESDAY MARCH 2, 1881. DEATH OF CL.E.H SKILES. Wild nlKlits of Kccklcss Newsmongers. At the sale en Ratiinl-iy afternoon in Caernarvon township, two miles north west of Churehtewn, of the effects of the late Jacob Sander, a number of young men engaged in a'gamc of corner ball, as is the custom in that section at sales. During the game a ball thrown by Uailen Yohn struck Clement Skiles en the left ear. lie experienced no serious difficulty from' the blew at lirst. Ha afterwards played oil" two cernei-s and one full game, then put en his overcoat, went into the barn te lie down without saying a weed about being hit or feeling iil. In a fchert time he call ler Win. Seiverling, a half brother, and asked him several times te forgive li'nn, saying, "Yeu knew what for, and you must for give mc." Directly after which he became unconscious and was carried te the house, where under the care of Drs. Irwin, Lincoln and Zcll, he lingered until Sunday morning at t o'clock, when lie expiicd. During the night the bleed oozed from his nose, mouth and cars. Xe inquest was held and as yet the exact cause of his death is unknown, whether from internal injuries sustained by jumping (as lie was a lefty tumbler) or from a stroke of the ball. Xe blame whatever U attached te Ir. Yohn, as the stroke from the ball was purely accidental. The body was intoned in the cemetery at the Centre church, Brecknock township. Skiles was a young man of pleasant ex pression, obliging in his disposition, of vigorous frame and quite an athlete, being especially fend of the fox chase and almost as lleet of feet and untiring as a hound. He was the seu of a daughter of old Jacob WcIIer. whose mysterious murder in the "Ferest" some yeaas age has never been traced te its perpetrator. Skiles was ar rested at the time, together with nearly all the ethers of the lamily, and held te trial, but there was no substantial evi deuce against him ever disile'd and he was acquitted without a trial. However, the violent but net by any means remarkable caiwj te which .Sidles' s death may apparently be traced, has fur nished occasion for the revival of activity en the part of" the- .seiisati mat sciibes who never fail teiuisi. presenLauddistoitcvcry presenLauddisteitcvcry thing published in connection witii the Weller family a..J the Welsh mountains. A correspondt;ii!, .ire-unnib!y, f the Ex aminer content ; himself w:th modestly trying the W!ki- minder c.ise ever and convicts Skiles of complicity in it. The truth is there ncvir was any real evidence connecting Skiles with the murder. The ofiicieusncss and stupidity of an ignorant and overpaid detective led te his arrest without any justiliraJen. His defense could have been made as complete as tiie prosecution was baseless and no intelligent person in the neigborheod ever cherished any idea of his guilt. The New Yerk Sam is advised from Heading of the death of "Clement Skiles, a young man whose name has been asso ciated with the very worst crimes attrib uted te the Welsh Mountain band of rob bers, " and that "Jhc was a dangcieus man." The Herald publishes a dis patch from the same source, doubt less, in which he is spoken of as one "whose fame as one of the leaders of the notorious Welsh Mountain gang of robbers is known ail ever this section.'" He is spoken of as an outlaw, responsible for his grandfather's murder, and ir is added that "there, were several oilier butcheiics perpetrated in the. same vicinity Imt no arrests were made after Skiles had been acquitted of the liist tragedy." Nothing could be mere ridiculous or un just. Skiles had nothing te de with the gang of petty thieves who rattle ever th Welsh mountains, and was never connect ed with them nor se suspected in any way He was a geed-natured, wvil liked, harm less boy as far from being an "outlaw" as possible ; and be never, we believe, was accused of any crime except, the murder of his grandfather, in whieli no one new he lieves fhat he liul any part. Xe violent, death lias previously occurred in the Wcllcr family except that, of the old man, nor any ether " horrible butchery "' in that neighborhood. The Weliers an; a, COLUMBIA NEWS. peer set of harmless people, living in a wild and desolate region, and the old man was the victim of a mystereus, cruel mur der ; but with that exception there i lit tle foundation for the scnM'ien:! stinks published about them. L'K KEGCt.AB COKBESFONOKNCK Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gamble and family, of Williamspett, Pa., are visiting in Columbia, the guests of William B. Given, esq. The portion of the wall of the canal above the tunnel, tern out by the recent ice gorge, has been repaired and is new as geed as ever. J. D. Garrett, master mechanic at the West Philadelphia shops, is at Columbia making an examination of played-out Hues of several engines here. He is ac companied by Mr. Moere, chief boiler maker. The Vigilant lire company did nothing of any importance at its meetiug last night. Miss Lydie J. Baker, a teacher in the Columbia public schools, has been- con fined te her residence during the past couple of days with a severe illness. Ten excursion tickets for Washington weieseld here this morning for the first train. Postmaster Mullen and wife were among the excursionists. Conductor Miller, of the Frederick divi sion of the Pennsylvania railroad, is again en duty. He has been the defendant in a suit, tried at the Frederick county court, for ejecting a passenger. The jury re turned a verdict in his favor. The Herald learns that a new industry is te be established here. It says a company is being ergani-'d te start a new steel mill for the manufature of carriage and wagon tires and springs, and machinery steel, hoiseshecs and tee caulk steel, and ether small articles. The pregramme of exercises for the cel ebration of the fifth anniversary of Cook man chapel of the M. E. church, which takes place en next Monday evening has been picpaicd. The officers of the school will make their reports, addresses will be made and singing' and iustuuneutal music will complete the evening's entertainment. There will be a large attendance. Between yesterday onerniiig and the present time a rise of from two te thice feet has taken place in the river above the dam and the water is new within a couple of leet of being as high as it was at any time turing the recent ice freshet. The front portion of the wharf at the Reading i: Columbia railroad coal chutes is, this morning, submerutd and the water has oveiilev.esl the banks of tlie river between that point and the biidge. Quite a quan tity of diiftwoed was carried past here this meining. The water is yet very muddy. A movement of mere than two thousand cars per day, en the averagi, took piaceat Columbia by the Pennsylvania railroad company during the month of February. The tel al number of cars leaded and empty dispatched east and west during this short est mouth el the year, is 01,0(1;!. Of this number there were sent east 29,e01 leaded and and a total of UO.-IjG ; west 9,745 leadfd ; total, 30. GOT. This movement will .mew that thtre was much life in railroad ciicle last. :i.e:iih. A pair of glasses were left lying in the opera house last evening. They were found this morning and retnraed te their owner. The comedy of "Our German Senater" was rendered in the Columbia opera house, last evening, by Mr. Gus. Williams's com pany, before one of the largest and most fash i 'liable audiences which has ever assem bled there. General Welch pest Xe. .118 (J. A. It. had the company in chaige and this accounts te a ceitain degree for its success financially, but. the merit of the company, especially of Williams himself, was se well known that even without this effective bolstering of the home pest of the (5. A. H. a largu audience have been drawn te the opera house. The character cast was net large, but the roles were all well taken. Gus Williams as J. Adelph Dinlcl, was of, the heavy weight, and en him most of the attention ws centred, lie completely wen his audience with his first appearance en the stage and fuilv sui;- linpressien he had made the performance. Miss Dera 3Trs. Dinlcel, made a geed the "retired brewer" and and afforded net by an inferior portion There Is a Balm In Gilead. The success which has marked the intreduc tien of Cream Calm, a Catarrh remedy, pre pared by Ely Bres., Owego, X. Y is indeed marvelous. Many persons in Pittston and vi cinity are using it with most satisfactory re sults. A lady down town is recevariag the sense- of smell, which she had net "enjoyed ler filtecn years, through the use of the Calm. She had given up her ease as Incurable. Mr. Bar ber, the druggist, has used it In his family and commends it very highly. In another column, a young Tunkhanneak lawyer, known te many of enr "readers, testifies that ha was cured et partial deafness. It is certainly a very efficacious remedy. Pitt'ten, Pa., Ga zette, August 1. W9. 122-2wd&w SAMPLE A'OTICE. It is impossible ter a woman alter a faithful course of treatment with Lydia K. Pinkham'3 Vegetable Compound te continue te sulfer with a weakness et the meras. Enclose a stump te Mr-. Lydia E. Pinkbam, 2S3 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., fur pttnipu.ct-. iy-J-lydeed&w IJeds et Down Feel Hard. All beds seem hard te the rheumatic. Then hearken vc peevish sulterers I Applv lir. Themas' Kclectric Oil te your aching joints and uiu-clcs. Itely upon it that you will ex perience speedy relief. Such, at least, is the testimony of these who have used it. The remedv i- likewise successfully resorted te ler threat "and lumr diseases, sprains, bruies, etc. Fer sate by H. It. Cecliran, druggist l:;7and 1X9 Xerth Queen street. Lancaster. la. What It lines. Kidney-We: t wove the bowels regularly, cicanes the blend, and radically cures kidney disca-e, gravel, p.le-. bilious headache, and pains which are caused by disordered liver and kidney. Thousand have been cured whysheull you net try it ? Your druggist will tell you that it is one of the most success ful medicines ever known. It is sold in both Dry and Liquid form, anil itt action is positive and sure in cither Twin Dallas, Ter., Herald. ti8-lwd&w Jb'flf JXtVEBTISEUESTS. Wine Product lu New Jersey. This statu is becoming celebrated ler its wines, some of 1 lie richest in the world are produced i'i New Jerstey, by Mr. A. Speer, whose name has become celebrated as a pro ducer et" strictly pure unadulterated l'ert Wrapt Wine. The wine of Mr. Speer is net be lied or put in market until it is lour years old, and h-is become thoroughly flne and mel low. It has pi-jvcl itscll a we iderful assist ant te physician", wheprescrlbe if. This wine fe recommended ler debilital-d prens, anil is given te ee laimiptivcs. The llflicully of getting an imported or even a pure California l'ert is well mi tvntoel te be se great as te precludi d r eis from allowing their patients te run the risk el its use. Mr. Speer being aware el tin laet lias taken ths utmost care in the making id his wine, se us te supplant the imported wines by producing a genuine arti cle. His wines ar: known by chemists te be pure and the most reliable ter medicinal pur posed. The druggists throughout the country sell it, as bottled by Mr.-'pu -r. .V. 1". Tribune. This wine is recommended by Dim. Atlee and Davis, and ter sale by If. V.. SlaynmKer. ml-2vd&w Cmigi.s. JSrevii's Jlrenrhial Troches" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Seiv Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Atreetlens. Fer thirty years the.-u Troches have lmcn in use, with annually increasing taver. They aia net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant u-e ter nearly an eutira generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the lew staple reuicdle-s f tha age. The Threat. "Jfrtu'ii'S Jlrenchial Troches'' direully un the organs of the veire. They have an ex tianrdinury cilcct in all disorders or the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when rciuxnd, either treni cold or over-exor-" tien el the voice, and produce a clear and dis tinct enunciation. Xpttikcrs ami Xinger flml the Treche, useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh or Ser Threat re quires iinnudi.itc attention, k ncgleet elten limes results in some incur.tblr. Lung Diea. ' Jirnvn't llrenclilul Treehes "' will almost in variably give relief. Imitation? aroellered for sale, many of which are injurious. The genu ine "Jlrr.icns Urenehittl Treches'1' ate sold only in hoses. IcbS-d&wTuThiS tamed i he throughout Stuart, as spouse for senator-elect, anv means Teung Ti:i-Teppers. Frank Bender and Rebcit Gesheiunicr. charged with robbing the till of Jehn F. Ilerr, in the Northern "market of between $9 and $10 about tluec weeks age, were before Alderman Spurt icr te-day for a hear ing. They were identified by .Mr. Ileiras having been seen by him crowding close te his market stand just prier te the lar ceny. The boys partly neknewled their crime, and it'is known that, they have p :: pctrated ether larcenies of similar char acter. They were committed in default of bail te answer at court. of the- evening's amusement. Cap tain Denitins Ptij'. the newspaper re porter, perhaps evirilid hispait. but as it was the apparent intention te make this part, as ridiculous as possible, he was jus tified iti drawing en a little reserved cheek te meet the ends dcsiicd. The home pest is entitled te a vote of thanks for bringing Williams h re, and we have no doubt the'r next production, " Fun en the Bristel,"' en March 11, will be equally well received. A Heavy Swell, luceb II. Itloenier. of Virgille, X. V., write: ' Your Dr. Themas' Kcieetrie oil cured a badly swelled neck s.nd sere threat en my son in i"er;y-eIght heurs: one application also re moved the pain from a very sere tee ; my wile's feet was also much inflamed e much an that she could net walk about the house : she applied the Oil. and in twenty-lour hours was en injlv cured. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist. 17 and 139 Xerth )ue:.ii street, Lancaster, li. SlAlilti.liwJUi. Yi:Kr-S TewjMKXp. en Feb. 21, K-SI, at the lesiileiieee? the bride's parents, near White hall. Lancaster county, l"a by the Uev. K. C. Ycrke-. of Christ, Mr. Daniel II. Yeihcs, et Montgomery county. Pa., te Mi Eimiir. .1. Townsend, of Lancaster county, Pa. heaths. Malicious JUischicf. i On complaint of Patrick Kane, Geerge Iv.rk, colored, was arrested ler malicious mischief. Complainant charges that Kirk, who lives in and was about lomov lemov lomev ing from a house owned by complainant, en MinTm street near Water, maliciously broke in the window sash, smasiied the glass and did ether damage te the prop erty. Alderman McCemmsy committed Kirk for a further hearing. A Tcinjicrrtiice Orator. Mr. 11. Graham, general seuictary of Un church of England Temperance society, whose presence and prominence in the State temperance convention at llarrisburg arc noticed elsewhere, is in this city, the guest of James Black, esq., and will speak in St. Jehn's Lutheran church at'TA o'clock this evening ou "The Temperance work in England.'" lie is an eloquent and forci ble orator,a man of middle age, and admir ably cenvcisant with the details of his work. Tocacce for JTaltiiii.irr. Yerk Daily. One of the fii :n of Messrs. Merfeld & Kemper, of Baltimore, was in Yerk yes terday evening, and stated that he had just returned from Lancaster county, where he had bought s me tobacco, which is te be shipped te his firm. He bought a four-acre crop from Mr. Charles II. Ilerr, for which he paid $2,000. This let will cost him an average price of 22. S and 3 cents a pound. Hearings. O. 1J. Mulliken and his friends, who were arrested en complaint of Millard Reese, for being drunk and disorderly, had a hearing before Aide) man Dennelly, of the Seventh ward, last evening, and were discharged. Mulliken was bed in bail te answer at court the charge of surety i f tkc peace preferred by Reese. Passed Through. This raernim? the Dummy engine " Aerial,'" of the Rending railroad com pany passed through this city te Quarry ville. J. A. Nichols., prcsidcit of the Read ing & Columbia, and A. 51. Wilsen, super intendent, were en the car. Unlit Lamps. The number of btreet lamps which were net lighted in this city last night were as fellows : First ward, 5 : Second. 5 : Third, 3 ; Fourth, 1; Fifth. 13; Sixth. C; Sev enth, 4 ; Eighth, 7 : Ninth, 13. Total 57. The; Inauguration. Twenty five cxcuisien tickets te Wash ington were sold at. the Lancaster oilice of the Pcnnsplvania railroad te-day. Seme of them were taken by prominent pelitieitns ami ethers by gentlemen and Sadies who go te witness the inaugura tion pigcanr. Fre Soup, The demand for free soup has net been a great the past few days as. it was before. r.G rations were given out this morning tiiiACD. In this city, en thsasih Feb., .Jacob , Shaud, in the SKI year or his age. I The relative-! and friends et the family, also Coneslega Conn i'il Xe. ?. Degree Council Xe. ! i O. I. A. M., ami the ceaehmaknrs of Lan i caster, arc respectfully Invited te attend the I funeral, lrem id? late rcsidenci, Xe. 432 North ! (Juecn street, en Fiiilnyalteruoeu. at 2 o'clock. I Interment at Zion's cemetery. ; Skxei:. February "S 1551. in Kphnita, of . s.-anet fever, Vi'm.'V, t. ncr, ami el Win. Z. and I Annie Y. sen-r, in the 4t'u year of his age. i Funeral Thursday morning at li.'tlS o'clock, I IremSVest King street depot. Interment at j Woodward Hill cemetery. Services in chapel. AlHIIXIMllClltS. "i'ie Uuv'ner.'" On Monday evening next, 7th iuM., the new farcical comedy el " The Guv'ner," will be presented at Fulton opera heue by a company under the management ofllareld Warren. The piece luul quite u suc cessful ocasen at Wallack's theatre, Xcw Y'erk, was laverably received in liosten and scored a hit in Londen. The Xcw Y'erk Times says : 'It is one et these three-act farces in which a great deal et full Is drawn from a variety of complications ; most French plays et tiie saiae elas arc ut bottom either vulgar or indecent, but 'The Cav'ner" Is certainly moral te a fault. Seme of the dialogue 1" bright and humorous, much of it is spun out te great hilarity alid will undoubtedly prove, a great success."' Donations Acknowledged. The managers of the Heme gratefully ac knowledge th following donations : Mrs. A. liitner, 3 dez. eranges: Miss Cele, 25 pounds caudj ; Mr. -Jehn lUuck, $2.50 ler cakes ; ene ycai's sul scriptien te the 'Weekly Inquirer; Mytrs.fc lJathfen, pattern for boys' clothing; 159copie of the ijitniXay Scheel Gem ; Mrs. Itesanmlller, SI. Thanks are due te the mem bers of the Humane lire company for the gen erous entertainment given te the children daring thuir fair rcjjatly held. Xet only these who could avail themselves or their kind invitation te vWt the fair, but the little oncs encs oncs whe could net i were amply supplied with refreshments. .V;if AH fEitTJSEPJEXTS. J0ST0K.S101.KN-A HJIAI.L '1'KillU l-.K j Pup, two moiiihe old. from 21 Xerth Linie street. A suitable reward ler his return. It riHTOSTOlCK liniBIS AXl) I ler rent, Xe. ? and 10 Seuth yaeen stieet. pp ly at the Iji'iELLiuEji-csKOlllce. OK sat.: CART, (JOOl) AS XKTV, it will no f-eia viicip ii j applying ai -e. ei Locust street. marl-'Jtd Fragrant with delicious lloiver odors and healing balsams Cuticura Seap. Consumptives gain in flesh, strength and spirit undera daily use of Malt Hitters. :i FECI A SO TJ CUti. JSrt- Lady Sle:iutt!ier.. Lad!e, you cannot make fair akin, re.iy checks and sparkling eyes with till the cos metics of France, or bcanttfiers of the world; while in. p'jer health, and nothing will give you such geed health, strength and beauty aa Hep ititfeis. A trial i certain proof. Sec an other column. ml-Swtf w DrunK Rtid Disorderly. Ficdcrick Auxcr, en complaint of 3iis wife, was last evening committed by Al derman Barr te the cr.mty jail for ten days. .St et litis!! Mothers!!! Are yen di-turbed at night and broken of your l est by a sick ehild suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? If &e, go ut once and get a bottle of MKS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STItUf. It will re lieve the peer little sufferer immediately de pend upon It ; there Is no mistake about it. There is no! a mother en cartli who has ever used it, .i he v. Ill net tell yen at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te u-c in all eases, and pleasant te the tusic and is the prescription Ot one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold every where : 25 cents a bottle. lcbS-d&wM,W&F "SUUL!' KI.'IDAV, -UAItUH 1 i. 13J1, a: Xe. 3Ki Xerth Duke street, of a let el Household and Kitchen Furniture. Sale te commence tit 1 o'clock, p. in. ISMAXiriii. V. KLLLLU,' Agent. II. i:siriu:r.T, Aucl. u2 2td Pcbi..i'-sai;k. ex TtirrwiiAV, jiiaxusi 2. 1SS1, will be sold at public s-ile, at Jleec.-'s hoeVte;-e. Xe. i'JJ East King street, a large let et Furniture, consisting of Parler Set. Walnut l;edste;tds. Maible Tep Koreans, Table-;, Wtish Stands. Chairs, leilei. Sets, Hat Kticks, Curpct. and ether arl'elsi tee numer ous te r.i'-ntien. Sale te :ft 1 o'Heek p. m. JIKXIIY SHUr.EUT, marl 2tdlt Auctioneer. lOt! j;i'.XT. UOACHMAKEB'S SHOl I and r.-nck-mUh Shep at Green Tree, in Ear' township, Lancaster county. Pa., wilh two du-idling-'. stable and ether outbuildings. Apply te ALLAX A. UEItlt A CO.. Ileiil Kelidaand Insurance Agents. :i Xertli Duke street, Laneasier, I'a. m 1-eawil WS w t ant IT!JLC KALIS OF i:OUSl:i!OLI) AXD Kitchen Furniture at Xe. .13 Seuth Duke street, en r.e-t SATCKJlAY ATTKItN'OOX, MAI5CH ", IS?!, commencing at one o'clock. FIfly-leur yards tine Hru-sels carpet, se, id walnut extension Table, Ingrain Carpets, l.cdsteads, Ilureaus. Mattresses, Steves. .'.-hh. Cepper iveitle. Window Shades, (Juccnsvrare. Cooking I'tmisils. &c, &c, Ac C. A. KAIK. Hiisnv Sit: r.r.i'.T, Auet. m-2-3tdR Ixsui:;: iTira this eli am wk,l Kstublielicd Agency of the ill Firs laics Ce., OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS OVER Eleven Hundred Thousand Deliars. Invested in Safeatni Solid Seeuritics. RIPE & KAUFMAN, Xe. 1 ISAST HIStS STKEIST, dll-fnnOr.W.SB Second Fleer PUBLIC S ALE. OS THURSDAY, S1ABVB 3, 1&31. at Xe. SO Coneerd alley, a let of Household Furniture- Sale te commence at 2 e clock p. in. mai-2 2td F. H. WILLIAMS. Auct. PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY. MARCH 4, 1S51, will be sold at pnclic sale, at Kurk holder's store, corner of Chestnut and Tlmr. streets, the following Personal Property, viz : One Familv Herse, 'Ihrec springTep Wagen, one set of Harness, Stere Fixtures, such as Fairbanks Counter Scales. Glass-front Cracker Cans, Glass Jars. Barrels. Bexes, Molasses Barrels and Contents. Lamp Glebes, Self-Feeding Heater Steve, and a large let of ether arti cles tee numerous te mention. Sale- te commence at 1 o'clock p. in., when conditions will be made known bv H. K. BUKKHOLDEB, Agt. Sah'l Hess, Auct. At the same tiine and place will be sold the following Household and Kitchen furniture, consisting of Beds and Bedsteads, Tables. Chairs and Hecking Chairs, Hag Carpet, 27 vardsef Ingrain.Carpet. new 3-bnrner Chan delier, Parler Steve. Cook Steve, Sink (nearly new). Tinware, 1'ans, and a great many ether articles tee numerous te mention. mar2-2td MHS. n. K. BUHK.HOLDEH. OfKING DRESS GOODS. SPRING DRESS GOODS. 1881 1881 SPRING HOSIERY, SPRING HOSIERY. 1831 SPRING UNDERWEAR, 1881 SPRING UNDERWEAR. SPRING GLOVES, 1881 SPRING GLOVES. 1881 linens axd toweling:, tickings. 1881 chivglass, 1881 queexsivaue. oak pets ,xd wall paphk. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LASCASTEK, PA. rriHK EIGHMIE IMPROVED Patent Bosem Shirt EXCELS ALL OTHER, IJHE5S SHIKT3 KNOWS IX FIT, MATERIAL AXi FINISH. And we positively guarantee that the reputa tion ter uiirabiiitv and general excellence which the Shirts have acquired In the past shall be maintained in the litturs. THIRD EDITION WEDNESDAY EVEN'G, MARCH 2, 183!. A STATE CAPITOL BURNED. WEATHEK INDICATIONS. "Washixgtex. March 2. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, fair weather, generally higher temperature, northwesterly wind, becoming variable, higher barometer. CONGRESS. l'KICE AS FOLLOW:; : LAUNDHIED FINISHED UNFINISHED.... .flll. S3 .. t.OO .no THE LEADER, We new especially call your attention te a Shirt et Kecent make, true te its name, and in tended te meet the requirements of till. Made of lirst qualitTOt Wsimsiitt t Mualin : Ilo'em I, SCO Linen ; three-ply Xnel: Hand, mid placket en sleevs. Without doubt it i.s the best and most perlect nuule Shirt ler the money vcr before offered te the public. THE PKICE: LALNDKIED rXlAUX!KIED. .ai.oe We will give you at pr-rt'eet lit with either of these Shirts or refund the money. WTTTTAiremT 8. mwm liiiij iOUil (X i'UIJ ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36 EAST KING STREET, fii-lvdfcw LANOASTKlt, 1A. T AISIJ:s A.NI GKXTLCMEN. '.'UK Carpi Bepfiieat een!ii!nattl:epis-.;uii titiie the Finest and Largest Assortment or Bedy & Tapestrv Brussels, EXTRA SUPER INGRAINS, DAMASK HALL, STAIR" CARPETS, Rag and Hemp Carpets, that we ever had the pleasure te otter. Proceedings in the Senate. Wasaixgtex, March 2. The Senate upon assembling took up the civil bill and proceed te dispose of it. Proceedings In the Heuse. The Heuse met at 10 o'clock. Further proceedings under the call were dispensed with. The deficiency appropriation bill was then reported. At 1 o'clock the deficiency bill passed the Heuse pd consideration of the funding bill resumed, the question beiug en ordering the previous question en the motion te concur in Senate amendments 10. The large majority of Republicans re frained from voting, but enough cast their votes te make a quorum, and the main question was ordered yeas 134, nays 23. The question then occurred en concurring in the amendment, and en a division the Republicans icfraiiied from voting and left the Heuse without a quo rum. After further delay tlie Senate amendment was concurred in by a vote of 140 te 10. The next qttestieu was en the 25th Sen ate amendment, which was te insert the word " temporarily "' in the 4th section. After voting down an amendment by the cemmittee en en ways and means, the 2."5th ! Senate amendment was concurred in. j HAIL. IIAXLAX. Ii:l MICTION OF THE STATE HOUSK OF MINNESOTA. Preparation tn Kccelve the Great Waraumn. Terente, March 2. The committee of arrangement in the llanlan reception have made final arrangements. Several mem bers of the committee and the representa tives of the press will meet Ilanlau at Buffalo and accompany him te this city, where they arc expected te arrive at 0:40 o'clock Friday night. At the station a precession will be formed te the opera, house, where a reception, presided ever by the mayor, will be held. Gen. DcCinsey net Guilty. Paris, March 2. The committee of in quiry in the case of Gen. DeCisscy has unanimously decided te report him net guilty of treason and corruption. l'urnell te Leave Paris. Mr. Parncll will leave here for Londen te-morrow morning and will attend at the Heuse of Commens in the evening. Geu. Keberts'a .New Pest. Londen, March 2. Gen. Roberts will succeed te all the political offices formerly held by Gen. Cellcy. He sails en Friday' accompanied by a number of efficeis at ene time engaged in the Afghan and Zulu campaigns. Several doctors of the Dutch Red Cress society will sail with him. Twe cavalry regiments are preparing te .start for the cape. Gcii. ilanceck'ri Escort. Washington, March 2. Reception committees have been appointed te meet Generals Sheridan and Hancock. The "Washington Lig. Infantry corps will es cort General Hancock te his hotel when he arrives. Ocean'H Perils. St. Jehn, N. F March 2 The schooner Irving J. Hall, was lest in the late storm at Flower Cove, and all her crew, nine in number, perished. Great damage was done te shipping in the harbor. It. is feared the brigantins Margaret and Bian ca, hence te ports in the Mediterr.uicin, have been lest with all hands. The llesscs Yield. Sr. Leuis, March The bosses- have ac ceded te the demands of the journeymen bricklayers, and thus averted a strike. ."llatMieus Still ou the Kngscd Edsje. Washington, March 2. The Senate judiciary committee held a special meet ing today, at which some miscellaneous business was transacted, but no action was taken en the pending judicial nominations. The .Pciit-etrlaus. New Yerk, March 2. The 10 o'clock score in the walking match is as fellows : Panchet 207j Sullivan 233, Krelinc 247, CuiTen 220, Campana 217, Lnceusc 212. Mud uii-.l il;ii. i. Saint Jehn, K". B., March 2. Thice and a quarter inches of rain fell here Mon day; the wind blew ever 40 milc3 an hour. Like reports co'me from Halifax. Haye Silent. Washington, March 2. Nothing relia ble can be learned as te the probable ac tion of Mr. Hayes in reference te the fund ing bill should it pass. .Mardl-Gras. Galveston, March 2. The Mardi-Gras precession last night was a grand succe:-. Over ten thousand visitors were in the city. The Slate Temperance Convent ion. Harrisdi-re, March 2. Three hundred delegates were present at the temperance convention this morning. We de net want te tay much aheut. I hem in our advertisement, mu simply ask you te cull and se them, as we are confident we can show yen as nice styles as are offered thi-s .C"isen, all nt tlie very LOWEST CASH PRICES. Si it, Beim k Hurst, 25 East King Street. The Force at Natal. LeDON, March 2. The force at Natal is te be raised te 3,000 men. IVAXTS. WXSTliU.X 1VO.HAX TO TAKK CARK of a weak and infirm old ladv. at r09 Xerth Queen street. ra-StilM'WA V T7"ANTJM. TWO ISOIS 14 AXO 18 l years, respectively, want a situation where they can make theiii'-'clvcs useful. Ap ply at either C31 Marietta avi-nue or S2 Der. wart street. ltd PLUMISKKS WASTliD.-TWO FIItST cla.?3, sober Plumber-, wan ted. Steady employment, geed wages. JOHN I.. AUNOId). ltd Xe. UKa-it Orange street. YirANTEJf A GOOD, 3UIJDI.K-AOKD ? t man te take care of horses. A white man preferred. Miutcemc wel!-rece:nucnd- ed. Apply, lsex ttt, m2-ttd Cnatcsvillc, Pa. ONLY S30 lOIt THE riIIL,AniJI.P!!IA SIXGEIt SEWIXlr 3IACIIIM-:, with cover, two drawers and Drep Li'af. llqna te any Slnu'cr in the market, ltemcmberwcsend them te be examined before veu pay for them. This is the same style ether companies rctni for fifty Dollars. All machined warranted ter three years. Send for our illustrated circular and testimonials. Address CHARLES A. WOOD & CO. 17 Xerth Tenth street. tM-lwU I'niludelphiii, Pa. The Legislators U:irc!y Given Time te Es cape lrem the Iluilillng Court Kecerds anil Valuable Papers Saved Twe Large Libraries Munied. At 0 o'clock last evening, while both houses of Minnesota Legislature were in session, lire was discovered in the dome of the capitol in St. Paul, and in two hours nothing remained of the building hue brick walls and. smoking ruins. The alarm was given in the Assembly and Sen ate none tee seen. AVhcn the doers of the Assembly were thrown open and the cry of "fire" raised, it was followed by a blinding cloud of smoke, and many mem bers rushed for the windows, while the oc cupants of the gallery rushed out tl rough the halls. Speaker Rice was with diffi culty kept lrem leaping from a window of the second-story ou which the chambers aie situated. However, the members all get out safely, and plucky clerks and mem bers saved all the important papers. 1 1 the Senate about the same scenes occurred, but it being a small body, there was less excitement, and all get out safely. The fire caught in the dome. The building is in the shape of a inaltesc cress of brick, two stories and mansard reef, with a dome in the centre. Theio are alt sorts of rumors as te the origin of the lire, the prevalent ene being that it must have been the work of an incendiary, as there were no gas or steam coils in the upper portion, where the tire started, in a blaze. In a short time after the first discovery, the llamcs broke through the reef of the west wing, and gradually appeared iu the reefs of the ether sections. The weed-work, which was dry and old. burned like tin cr. Owing te the fire burning downward, the contents of the executive offices en the lower fioer which were net in vaults were saved. The records of the supreme court were all saved, although the valuable and extensive law library is lest. The loom f the State historical tectcty were in the capitol, and the society is reported te have lest a fine library of several thousand volumes and valuable relics. The libraiy et the Mipreme court was extensive ami valuable. Iu the vaults of the .-.t.ite treasurer were ever $2,000,001) in bends et the trust funds of thetat", and special efforts were made by the firemen te save these vaults from the severe heat, as they are old, and fears were expressed by a few that they might net be proof against the terrible heat. Within an hour after the names first appeared the entire reef had fallen in, the upper doers seen following, with loud detonations, which caused a little panic among the thmiHanils of spectators, who were the mere excitable from the prevailing reports of powder in the basement. Tlie capitol has been built iu sections, the first being erected in lSe'5, with two additions since. The new mar ket ball is being fitted up for the use of the Legislature. The building was worth 100,tl0J, and, according te the policy of tha state, was uninsured. P'd . Pitts., Tltusv'e ft B.... Northern Central Phll'aftErie K. is.... Northern Penn'a I'll. G. It's of N. ,T Hestenvllle Pass Central Trans. Ce .... 70 19Ji 2 10 .... 1S '.V.'. 47 i fc Xoen Quotations of the Grain Market Furnished by .taceb B. Leng, Communion arekcr. C.iieiee. Cash. April. Wheat 1W,M .'J-JLj 3Jnv. Cera Si'i . Oats New Yerk. Wheat Cern Oata PniLADsiruiA. Wheat Cern Oats ItALTiMer.:;. Wheat Cern Oats .Ml.' Csuiu. 91.20 .5.V.J .mi March. .."7 US, .511', .a LWJJ Mav. !.03.. Julv" .1 tine. J3K April. , IlM . :.t 'Si ll :'xi Lecnl Meck and Benus. Par val. LaucCity e per ct. Lean, due l.v0...$liii 1SS2... 100 ISA-.... KM istw... IPO ' " 1A.V. ll)! . per ct. in I or JO years. , A per ct. school Lean... Lane. :iinl Quarry vV It. IS. bend stock... l.ancatr and Ephrata turnpike.., t .in i-:i7'iiti.t i,t, ....! mi. i. it.. ., Lancaster and Kruitvllle turnpike. i.uueusirrunii i.utiz lurnpiKc -i Lancaster and Maner turnpike... u Lancaster and Miinlu-im turnpike, -ir, Lancaster and Marietta turnpike.. i" Lane, and New Helland turnpike.. UK) Lane, and Strawbiirfj turnpike....... SV Lane, and Susquehanna turnpike.. 'M) Lane, ami Willow Street turnpike. i" Farmers Nat. P.anket Lancaster... Se rirst Nat. Itankef Lancaster !tie Lancasti-r County Nut. Itank fttl Lititz Xatienal Hank 100 Mr.ishiir, National Itank IdO Infjiiirer i'rintinjr Ce .'0 Lanc.Cm Light and Fuel Ce. stock. -J5 " " l"ud. l.lS'i .."BS .ayt Last sole. $lCi).i" ie. 114 HS.7.- l'.1 iu:. n; Ui , :t :.i :i; w ."i 'i'i s is -'TS.-.'.-. 4i.l." 101 l.v; n.i..". tia 121 ir.i I.ANCASTKU HOilSKHIII.II il.lSlii:T. HAKKETS. .-Mew xirHJlHiuei. v.' Yei:k. March 2. Fleur steady, moderate ileinand ; Supertiiu: State $.'! Cit?4 10; extra no U SO'eHSM: clieiee de $t 530:4 'M : fiinrv !e $1 Or.'flC .r.0; round hoop Oliie .ft IOfJ5 ta. chuii'i de at j.1 aigi; 7.; yuperlin- in'l ern $:! l!0r?4 CO: coinmeii te iroed ex tra de l SO'Jl 7.1 ; elioicede f 1 SJfJfi 7.1 : elude white wheat !e:.1 OOiiOj. Southern quiet nnd unchanged ; common t fair xlra att't ( ." 2n : ue'nl te el'.eifi- de f.1 23fi0 75. Wheat heavv, '(S! lower; Xe. 1 White, April, $1 H; Ne.' ' Ued March $1 If'iftl l'J.'. : April de$12i)K?l 21 ; de May l 20gl iO'-f. Cern a trifle liriner and quiet : Mixt-il west ern p'l!. 5:JwC5rie: de lulurc, 547$t."7!c. O.i'i linn anil qalct : Sst.ite. H3S;i-;".Vc'siern -,y,v. Philadelphia Market. I'lULAiiBLTiiiA, Pit., March 2. Fleur lirm, meduRitclv active: .superfine, $ OOffS 50; extra -:i 73ft -" : Ohie uiid lmliana nv.nilj $5 23iiC 00: l'a. de SI 73ti-."' : St. Leuis family f.1 75'ifi 25: Minnesota Eztr.i 5 (10(5 73: straight. 5S7"7Gir: winter patent (! 5037 50 ; t-priiig de Si! 75??S 00. Itvii Heur at ?." 00. vvhfiii Arm ; Ne. 2 WctTii Kcil nt $1 ir, ; Dolaware and I'enn'u ilc'.. H 1321 1; de Amber. Jl HH.l W.. Cern finncr; strain"!', 7ftSli : yellow, .Vic ; mixisi, 33e. Oattf quiet but steady; X'. 1 Wldtr, 15c : Se. 2. -iim,iV;.y: Ne.::, de i-.V; Xe. 2Mt.n He. Kyc steady at. 33c. Previsions unchanged jobbing trade geed ; mi" perk. 5iljJ)l(!2."i; beet linmi il '.(2IOO; India 2')S21 f. e. b. Karen smoked hams li.f7dlc: niciilril ham- fl'ftplOe : stoeke! should! i-T:ytQHy.i-; salt de ZiU'X'- Liird market steady ; eity Kuttlu lO.'JQIO7-'; :0'- Ik. !'"!' 9'i'SlOc; priinu stcaui $i0i.2J. Cutter quiet, but only in moderate damiimf: Creanii'iA ef riielfftKie : de geed te choice 2Sj ;!e: ltr.ulferd county :iut New Verkextia, lubs-, 272Sc : ile llikins '2g2fc; W-sicrii tlairv e.tRii:iCi;25(:: de geed toelieio 20Jj2!c. KelK quiel. : Ivim'it Kxtra, litlSc; Western . Ite- WIPVI' "V'tlT!, ISf?'.i. I'ggs fairly active at a decline ; r.t., isc ; V.'!-IIT , 1SI Cliccsu quiet and easy; New Yerk till! clean, IIJSl.l-Xc: Western full ercn., 12W:le; '! fair te geed My.Qlijr.K: de h:.fl-!;li!i- 10710JCe; l'a. de 104gl0i. Pi'trelfum quiet : rellned U'4e. U'hNky.iluil ut 51 li. Seed lioed te )rime clever Irregntar at V4ifi!- : de ile Timethy firm at 2 '..'a i?8 e- ; de de li.issee ' dull al $1 :!57 ! 3. Oraln -llarkets. Ii ri'Ai.e -flour dull and unchanged. Wheat dull and nominal. Cern scarce and linn ; sale. 400 bus. high mixed at V.y.i'. Oats quiet. Karlwy unchanged ; sales, 2,000 "baa. Canada at $1 1(5. Xe lye hi-re. Iliglnvines Ity mail-.', ?I inrai II. rrcIglitD te New Yerk by rail Wheat. 10c ; corn, 10j ; eats. He. re ceipts Fleur, 2.500 vheat. 2I,0CJ : corn. 3 .O'W : e it-, 1S.CO0 ; barley, 3.2.W ; rye, I j0. Uu.lread hipmeuts Fleur, 2.00'j ; wheat, U.OOe ; corn. ..o.e;0: eat, 13,000; barley, 2.S0J ; rye, l,Ji!. " Live nteck .tliirketf . Chicago Thu Drevers' Journal v perts: II023 Tlie lcr-eipls were 12,0',0 head; ship ment?, SJiyi head ; market s-teadv : leiumcii te c.tti-.i iij 40i'; 10. Caitle The receipts wcie :,CX li'sid ; hhip meutE, 2,3e?i de : market steady with a !'dr demand : common te choice shipping at .S2 121 ; experts, $.ZQrt5;J0. hhrcp The receipts we: e 12.050 hem! ; ship ments. 12,00 ' !( : m irxei n.-nauc mgiicr : com mon te choice , ? 75?i; 40. KfKrALO. Cuttli' Kiceiids, ".201 ; total ter week thus tar. 7,310 : for tins -::niR time la-t week, 5..r;i.) : censiglicd through, 21'J cur ; mar ket dull, tending downward : very Utile done and suveial iv.r.s remain nn-eld : mli: cheii .te.:r.u.S3 l5:3:i3 : geed shiinn-r-'. SlCOn'W); fair te niciliu.-, it lOtfSl 40; light butelicrV $:l :X)g': 00 ; e.ten. W 70i 1 40. Sheep und lam s iscculpls. 5,3'J'J : total for week thus far, 14,000 : fer'same time last week, l.'V'OO; eons gned through, li cars: market active but. net quotably higher: sale of lair te geed V"eerii sheep attl 73fi;5 2; choice, 3 Wg5 73 : extra, $3S3??fi ; western livmb:). com mon, 'light, te choice. ?37C 75. Hogs Keceipts, 8,300 ; total ler the week thus far, lSUOe; ter same 000: consigned through, 87 car; market dull and lower; geed te choice Yur kers, $3 40 3 50: geed te medium. S3 Segiiai ; geed heavy. $C : pigu low at $33 40. Stock 3lt&rKer. Nkw Y.i:k Stocks. Stock upward tendency. Meney Erie it. it Michigan.. & L. S... Michigan Cent. K. '.. Chicago .X. W Chicago. M. H SI 1 . Han. & St. J. Cem ' P'ld.... Teledo A V.'abush. .. Ohie &, Mississippi.... St. Leuis, I. M. A S IS.. Ontario and Western. i: r.. &t.c. it. it Nev Jersey Central, lift. ililucen Canal ini., i.aclc.& Western western Union Tel. Pacific Mail S. H. Ce lewatlulch Union Pacific Kani.i & Texas New 1 one Central.... Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland & Pitts.... Chicago ft Keck I.... Pittsburgh ft Ft. XV.. . ' Pi:tt.ADKl.i'n!A. Stocks steady. P.musylvaniai:. It... PhU'a.& Iteading Lehigh Valley '."high Navigation .. N'eithern Pacific i,. m A. X. A. M. 10:15 12:V2 --,yA 121 y 11154 i2a; ie7 51 'JOJi 45 tn Vii 10 122 tOO'i 1246 lllj-i 12154 5.1 S3 '4 S 103 107 121 5- :.iarch i v. st. p. Jl. p 1:20 2 2.1 3 ; i7 . 12 124 . 103?; iie . 1204i 121 " . vsvt my . r,iy. wA . 42J-, 103; 115'J 115 431 43 42JJ 35Vf 102 1U7J4 107-K 121i 122! 51 ."; lil'A H5Jf 42';, 42,I 145 .... 121 1 Hi .... 1215 . 130 13i .... K.y, cvy. 15 ll)i Sy. 50 i'H vA w. uyt I'AIIIV. KuttcrtE, Cup 2 cups , Ce-tage cheese. "pti'LVf Dutch ehecae luinp viturrd. Apples??! pk Itananas eaeh Cherries, dried. It q! Currants, dried, It ti. Ctimberrii'n 1 qt Dried Apples v' lt ' Peaehfs V qt 11 rapes ?' C Lrmen.i t-1 dez Oi-anges ?t de. VlCJI' Itei'ts tP buncii Cnbliuge tt head Currets lit bunch l'clery '1 buneii Lima hcum; $1 it Onions s. y, pk ' Imnch Potatoes ft bat (Sweet) jt Jpeek Itadlshc3 i? bunch Soup Keaus t qt Salsify 1 bunch Turnip-i "p yt peek PuCI.TltV. Chickens $1 pair (live) fl C, (cleaned) Ducks rH jiair '$ piece Turkevs 'i? pieei: (live) ft (cleaned),a:ikeus. Apple I'.utter 1 qt Kggs t?der. llenej' TfX IS Seap ft 1!j Sauerkraut 1 qt :ii;.vr.-.. Kref Steak, W ft ' ISeast("rib) ft " " (chuck) $1 ft " Corned, 1$ E. " Dried, ft Ileef hind quarter ty ft " lerequarlcr "y ft Kolegna ilried Ham Jt F. Lamll1 L' lird 7t ft........ ...... ........... Mutten t ft: Milieu Mcut 31 ft 1'eru t it... I'uddiiu Sausagu V ft. i r. . Hasit ft Cattish I ft Ced F.els y ft Haddock Mullet Perch Sun Smelts Surkers White F:-!l V ft. Kllie " Halibut ?! ft ertAi.v. ten. Hay Timrthv yi tei (.'lever?' ten. Cern H bus Oats $ bus ISye "H bus Timethy Seeed 1 bus.. Wheat rjl bu? . ..-TigX- Ac !!...'!.seiec .. I5??25e .23e 12" 12 We 5se D.fcl2u 2.V I.1Q2UC ant ;::::"2v ..... ...(lC IV. W;iic 2lil23e f)t. 75fiS5e SIC 5c In 10c ....50537.1c ....12l3c Kiictftil 7.1e$l ....75c6W Ijc -t. ."".i.i-rjiiic .....20 ((25c StfiSe S'ic I0-(J20e I'tjlCM lefi'i'.'e 10liNJ 2.V2!'c 7J.HC .luiic B .25c '."..l"tl8c MS'ir. 10c leriltc ....12.Q2I1C tWjilOc 8j810e ....10212c IUc t2Ke '...'.Mivl-lc 10c He IOC ice 1.SC .... .!Je '.'.'..'.. '.Ate IUc 12)ic $2-;jj::e ... ......iii; roc ....... ;l.i' ""s.Vi'W)e .-:.254fc;.!: EXTEJiTAIXJIEXTP. iVKisvneiv who i.iKts ri;.v ani ili wishes te secure bargains and enjoy geed niiirle, will go te the KEYSTONE IS AXl) FA IK te-xh:i:t. ADMISSION. .lOCI.s. H2-2id .'t'LTex iri:i:.i iieusk. Monday ItiveniiiFr, March Y, 1881. " YF.IS'AXD, (iUVCOIt, YKIS 'AND!' The Iudubi abl Londen, X"v Y'erk and Koj-ten Stice.1-: Tin New Fareia! C'emedy, entitled "THE guvner; Pronounced by press mid public te l. the GlSKATKl' HIT KNOWN' FOIS VKA1SS, ami new attracting crowded houses naii de lighted audiences. Under the manage Imanf et Wi. IIAirOLI WA1SKEN. UESEISVKI) SEATS, .". 7." Cm. ADMIS-ION .10 & .1.1 Cts. Seats can be set ured nt Opera Ilou'-e. roni reni mcneingThmsday. March ". mart-.ltdpi MVSICA!. IXS'tKVMEXTS. A 11 XK CMKIST.'-IAS I'ISSiSl-.NT. A LANCASTER FAVORITE ORGAN. ei: a CHWKKKJXti & SON'S PIANO. A lull line ill SI1EKT ML'SIC. VIOLIN. ACf:OISDIOXS. itAXIOS, IIAIS.UOXICAS, .Vc. The ab'Vi: lii-truments will be neb! ut n: dated prices Uuiing the Holidays. MAM.'FACTOISY xe. i;oxeisiii ouke 3Ti:i:t. Uruncli eiUce during the lleliday.-. Ne. .; Ci:TKE HQVAEi:. HS-iyd-SV-rw ALES. McKILMP.s. r.t I'i' UKA WIXHS. w it.:.Ai:; net l'UI.l VA. LOfTl'ISY POST TO APRII, 7, 38S1, FOIt A FULL SEAWIXO. The drawing i ill lake place at LOIT1S V1LLE, KY'., under the authority et :i special act of the Kentucky Legislature," un 1 will b under the itbs'dute control id ei-lntcretcil commissioners appointed by theaet. list or phizes. The Willard Helf-1, with ult it Fixtures and Furniture One llusldcncs en Orecn .Street.. One ISesIdencc en Oiven Street.. Twe Cash Pri2e3, eaeli ?.i,0..'O TweCiish Prlze, each 2.00O Five Cash Prizes, each Kl.fcOO Five Cash Prizes, cacli $5i'0 Fifty Cash Prizes, each JIGO One Hundred Cash Prizes. cachS-V' Five Hundred Cash Prizes, each tj One Set Bar Furniture One Fine Piane. One Handsome --ilverTe.. hcl 400 ISescs Old I'ourben 'iVlu-k,, :;.; 10 Basket. Champagne. 533 I Five Hundred CuU Prises, each Sie 400 l!exe Fine WInc. Jje 5tJ0 rtexes ltobertsen County. Wh:sfcy,aj, C.O-O i'te Uexcs Ilavnna Cigars, "-la 4,CW Five Hundred Cash Prists, cacu 510 .ihjq A310UXTIXO TO S3C9,K.10. tVhelc tickets, is : Halved, ?l ; Quarters, 62- IS'mlttancis maybe made by Itank C'iecc, Exprcs-, Pelal Mencv Order, or IScgiatcred Meil. ISctpensiblc agents wanted nt all pefnts. Fer circulars giving full iniormatiei!, and for Tickets, r.dilrcsii W.f. WHIPS, Willard H'-tcI. Letdsv it...-, Ky, tebl3twft2ivdT&3 : ;- $250,000 tlS.OGd I5,00J lO.Ofil 4,009 C.0C-1 2.5G 5.0CJ 5,000 10,009 l,WO 5(0 100 1 1, tow 5,0(O 12.G0S