LANCASTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCER MONDAY FEBRUARY 28, 1831. . f most worthless in the early part of la-st reason, and these who invested largely in it were sneered at as" feels and idiots, and yet te day scire of the very men who de cried it, are running their heels off te secure a few cases of it at greatly ad vanced pi ices. A large propeition of the crop of 80 will be feuud equally valuable and will probably bjinjj as big figuicsa j tar hence. About 400 or 500 cases of '70 tobacco weie sold in this city last week at htifl prices, and the supply en hand is well nigh exhausted. LANGAN MUST GO. lUfc TBUlIBLCAT JWlLLEIfsVILLK. A Student of the Nermal Scheel Expelled. Fer some days past there have been ru mors of a seiieus unpleasantness at the Millersville state normal school. An at tempt has been made by parties interested in the school te prevent giving the matter publicity, but the steiy has found its way from the gossips of the village te the gos sips of the city. Shout of embellishment and exaggeration the affair appeals te be a tempest in a tea-pet, caused by an over cautious professor and a somewhat contu macious student. It appeals that en the night of the 22d of Fcbiuary a number of the faculty and stu dents of the nei mal school came te Lancas tci te witness the performance " Hazel Kirkc"it the opera house. At the conclusion of the play the Millcrsvillers took seats in the sticet cars te icturn te Milleisville, the lady students occupying the front cat and the gentlemen the second car. A student named Langan, fiem Xcw.Jercy, (who, wc aie informed, was net one of the party w he came in te attend the play) stepped upon the platfeim of tin front car, but before he had time te enter, was pulled vigor viger vigor euslv by the coat-sleeve by some one behind. Leeking ainuud, he saw that it was Dr. Brooks, principal of the school, who had held etJiim. The doctor ie quested Mr. Langan te leave the car and take a seat in the car behind. Mr. Lan gan said he picicued te remain whcie he was. Dr. Brooks puicpmteiily eidcred him te leave. Mr. Langan lcplied that he was in a public conveyance, had paid his faie, was guilty of no misbehavior and was entitled te stay where he was. Dr. Bioeks leterted that if he did net leave the car at once, he would be expelled fiem the school. Mr. L'tiigau still declined te move and told Dr. Bioeks te go en with the expulsion. Dr. Bioeks called upon the conductor of the ear. Mi. Beck, te put the man off. That elliccr, however, declined te act, as Mr. Langan had p lid his faie and was be having himself genteelly. Mr. Brooks then notified Langan te consider himself expelled liem the school. Tnis ended the m ittcr fei the time be ing and Mr. Lankan rode te Milleisville in the ladies' cat. Dr. Bioeks lest no time in formally expelling Mr. Langan from the school, for a violation of one of the lules, which, we are informed, prohibits lady and gentleman students fiem trav eling together. The affair has created ue little feeling in school circles, and there is ceusidcrabls diversity of opinion as te who is le blame. Dr. Wicker sham, state superintendent, was scut fei and visited the school en Satuiday with a view of pem i tig oil en the troubled waters. iv.. t.. ..,".. : .........l . K ......:. .11:.... : ?isr. jjiuimn ir n-fiuui'ii iu tit; uujr iciuiii;; iu Ills' determination te keep Langan out of ,- the school, and Langan is as detci mined te get iu again. It is a inattter of no small nnpeitancti te him, as expulsion fiem 3H1 Ici.svillc pi events him fiem being received as a student or teacher in any ether Ner mal school. If net speedily reinstated he threatens te biing suit against Dr. Bioeks for heavy damages. AMONiS THK l'Ot.i i'lCl.YN.S. Tney Come and Ue mid Set Up Tlicir hlatcs. Geerge W. Eaby wants te be loekin ; after his spiiitu'd and political adviser, Dr. Cem p ten, who dined Eaby's enpnn- j ent, Tobe llcr-hcy, en Fiidav. Or is ihe t doctor playing it line en the Sporting Hill statfMuau ? k It is pretty well understood new fiat i in tiie pending Republican campaign the Ixielt tactien will a-Jt with Hiestand, Brown, and what was left of the Bull King after Scnscnig shook the hay from his hoi ns. On dit that Frank Eshlcmau is climbing te a position en the top rail of the fence L between the factions and will drop te cither side, which aflerds him the better chances undei the new administration of succeeding te Tem Wiley's place as collector of inter nal revenue. Jehn M. Stclnnan is calmly surveying i the scene fiem a scat en the fence, like wise. I- M'ltA ! 4ivlt4- will VA A",. c1iai.V inil ,tis. thonetary. These arc the best two positions I at stake, and for them the contest is al- rcaey ciear-cuc ana wen aciinca. me j llicstand-lJiewn-MeMclIcn-Mcntzer lac biuu is ier .vnu lvciier ler sucriii ai.u Sam Matt Fiidyfer piothenotary. Jac. t Krcady is only te be used as a decoy ; he will be cheated. Fer sheriff the New hra-Jolinsen-Seiiseiiis-Martin wing is for Jehn High, and ler prothenotary, Jehn D. Skiles is their man. Abe Scttlcy has ue chance te get in ; he may as well spare his l pains. i or the ether elhces the combinations will be subordinated te these two, en both I sides. At present the Examiner paity lis inclined te Gee. Spun icr, for clerk of I orphans court ; lobe Hershey, for quarter sessions cicric ; eievc jrnssinger, ler ireas- I urer ; Dr. Uompten. for register : Sam'l iSlokemandC. Ceble, fei commissioners. f On the ether wdc the cembinati n new r talked of is Jes. lleeser, for clerk of or phans' court :U3ee. W. Eaby, for cleik of V quarter sessions ; Jehn M. Gridcr, for county Ircasuicr; lien Wissler, for regis ter: b. 31. -Mci, and D. Jkl. Mayer, et H SlrJBburg, for commissioners. These i slaws an, However, sueject 10 entire re- arrangement aud te a show of what strength the candidates can biing te tiie choice of the rings for sheriff and prothen- letary. u Coins ie the Inaugutatlen. The Lititz cornet band, whose services lUave wen vurtcu uj nit; x uuaueijju'a ' l.m Ak jwhvA 1 vvr tm 1 J1T n I a! al h Jnvinciblcb for the inauguration demon demen demon tratieu in Washington next Friday, will start for the national capital en 1 hursday morning. Twe members of the Eden I' html ixen from vVnmnlsjrlerf nwl m frnm .., .. ..... ...... v -. this city, will accompany them, and Tay- f Icr's orchestra of six pieces, of this city, will swell the iiurnecr et local musicians, who will contribute te the festivities, te about twenty. On Wednesday evening tlie entire party will give a cencei t in the hall at Luitz. A LAND SLIlJK. I Watchman Injured Railroad Tralus I)c- layea. This morning about 0 o'clock a heavy land slide occurred in the deep cut near Elizabethtown, where was formerly the tunnel, en the Pennsylvania railroad. The Tatchman, named , was caught by aport'en of the slide and dangerously in jured. He was taken te his home in Eliz- i sbetbtewn, where no lies in a critical con atien. Trains en the read this morning weie obliged te move via Columbia. Gebc West. Jehn K. Mctzger left Lancaster at 2:30 a.m. Sunday morning. te take a position as clerk in a railroad office in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A large number of his friends 'Cere at the depot te bid him goea-by and la P'" gOOU Wiliiure. MARIETTA MATTBBS. OUR KLCUUR COBKESPONDEN'CE. l'ruf. Haldeman'M Collertlens The Rudget of Itoreugli ewn. The valuable and interesting collections of the late Prof. S. S. Haldeman, of duck ies, have, after several months labor, been divided, arranged and shipped te their sev ci al destinations.' They were packed in GO or mere boxes, and the total weight was about 5,000 pounds. The books alone filled one car. Of thase. a box of the most valuable weiks were sent te the Philadel phia library company, one of the eldest if net the eldest library in that city, aud with the exception of some private dona tions the remainder were sent te Leavitt fc Ce., Xew Yerk city, te be sold at auc tion. The professor had some time age sold the most valuable part of his libiary te a college, but that institution, being unable te make payment for them, will give them up, and they also will be disposed of in New Yerk. Fer a number of sears past the profes sor had been intensely interested in Amer ican Archaeology, and science is indebted te him for his valuable services in throw ing light upon the customs and couditieu of the prc-hite! ic natives of our country. By his untiring zeal, deeppenetiatien and cenect judgment, he succeeded in collect ing and selecting a large cabinet of Indian re ics. The most interesting and valuable of the-eaic these leuud iu Chickies Beck Kcticat. This is a small even-like cave at the base of Chickies Beck which at- tiacted his attention many ycais age. He examined it about five years age and leuud it te be rich with scientific store, producing about 400 anew heads and a number of ether implements which his pic pic vieus lesearcli enabled him te classify as knives, chisels, sciapcrs, beiers, speai heads, hoes and diggers, sinkers for nets, hamincis and tomahawks, also he disco vei ed a pipe and some pottery. Had this all fallen into the hands of one less capable of turning it te the best advantage, it had better been left undistuibed, but he en hanced the value of the discovery by a care Jul examination of all the suireundiugs, and piepaicd a paper en thesueject, which was lead before the American Philosophi cal society in 1878. Previous te this a preliminary bketch was sent te the Secietie des Aniericauistes. Luxembug, which was published iu the Cempte-icudu. This collection has been presented te the Amciicau Philosophical society, and they have gene te considerable expeuse te publish the paper read before them, iu pamphlet form, with line illustrations. On account of this accompanying paper and the completeness of the collection, it is ceusideied the most valuable one extant, fei it tells of an allow manufacteiy that, fiem its fin inatien of 30 inches of vege table meld, has been in existence 2,000 years. The Liuna'au society of Lancaster, of which Prof. Haldeman was an honorary member, iceeivcd two boxes of the ic uiaiuder of the collection. The American .Museum of Natural Histeiy in Central paik, New Yerk city, were presented with 10 boxes and 15 boxes were sent te the the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Plii' adclphia, of which the piofesser had been an active member for about forty years. D F. Smith, fiem Clearfield county, was iu town en Saturday. He says the liver is net bieken above Curwensville. A child of Casper Eader's died ou Sat uiday. It had just recovered iiem an at tack of diptheria, when it took a relapse and died suddenly. On Satuiday and Sunday it tiicd hard te rain and finally succeeded en Sunday evening te perfection. Misses Lillie aud Katie Kuukel, from Shippensburg, are visiting Miss Dera Stevick. Mr. Kccler, of Maytown, will be com plimented this evening by a little social ixatlici ing in that place in honor of him. him. II-; is well known in our social and I literal y ciiclcs. Wc have had one fl.tting iu town, net withstanding that the 1st of Apiil is yet i some instance oil. The liver is iu geed running order fiem here, but? there no raits teiun. Miss Bella Sehaffncr is visiting in Leb anon, Pa. A two heisc team that was hauling to bacco staitcd away from Collius's ware house en Fiiday and ran up the alley pell mell, but one of the horses fell and they were captured without deiug any dam age. People are complaining tf the high pi ices at our mai ket. Eggs 10 te 18, but ter 28, aud lard 12 cents. Hay is bunging $25 aud straw is net te be had. Last week a great deal of hay was brought te town. It is a fault of the Lancaster water aud net of the Marietta jurymen that they can't ne that beverage. What is the Itegislcr puffing and blow ing about'.' It is famous for untrauslatcd sentences. Fred. Houseal's tobacco sale was ic p nted inceircctly. He get 15, 0 and 3 in stead of 1G all leuud. Jno. Stiickley, ahe fiem Mavtewn, sold one acre for 22. 7 and 3, and Jehn Hayes, 2 acres, for 19, 7 and 3. There is some talk of starting a Sabbath-school again at Denegal chinch. The appeal ler liquidation of the Ma lietta Prcsbyteiiau church debt has net been effective thus far. CONTRACTS A1VACDEU. l'esta! Kuulcs In Lancaster County Tbat Have Keen Given Out. The following contracts for carrying mails in this county have been awaided by the postetfice department the contracts beginning en July 1, next, te continue four j cars : Reute Ne. 8,247 from Lancaster, Pa., te Millersville, Pa., 5 milcs aud back, 18 times a week ; Contractor 'Clias. Dcuues, Liucaster. Pa., $450. Reute Ne. 8,248, fiem Lancaster, Pa., te Kawliusville, Pa., 21 miles aud back, 0 times a week ; contractor, J. T. Gibsen, Barboursville, Ky., $600. Reute Ne. 8,249, from Lancaster, Pa., te Strasburg, Pa., 14 miles aud back, 0 times h wci-k ; contractor, N. W. Waid lcy, Strasburg, Pa., $375 Reute Ne. 8,250, from Lancaster, Pa., te New Helland, Pa., 14$ miles and back, 0 times a week; contractor, Jehn Piersel, Reckville, Pa., $394. Reute Ne. 8,251, lrein Lancaster Pa., te Terre Hill, Pa., 23 miles and back, G times a week ; contractor, J. B. Puce, Jeffersen City, Me., $407. Reute Ne. 8,252, from Milleisville, Pa., te Safe Harber, Pa., 6$ miles and back 0 times per week; contractor, Charles Dcnucs. Lancaster, Pa., $155. Reute Ne. 8,253, from, Lancaster, Pa., te Rewlandsyillc, Md., 30 miles and back G time a week ; contractor, J. T. Gibsen, Barboursville, Ky., $891. Reute Ne. 8,254, ftem Seudcisburg, Pa., te Paradise, Pa., 1 miles and back, G times a week; contractor, J. B. Col Cel grove, Washington, D. C, $81. Tlie Mtcnnercher Concert. This evening the Lancaster Majnner Majnner cher wili held a concert and sociable iu their hall. The character of these affairs has become se well established by past successes that a geed time may be confi dently anticipated. Only members, and their families with a few invited guests aie admitted. Mayer' Court. 'lli is meiniitg the mayor had a number of bums bcfeic him, and discharged the whole of them. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUK REGULAR COKKfcSPO.MJENCE II. H. Housten, of Philadelphia, was in town en Saturday. The Niagara and Chicago express, west, passed through here this morning. The blockade ou the Mount Jey brauch by the laud.slide i the cause of the change in the run. Master of Motive Power Edward R. Black, of the Pennsylvania railroad, is iu town te-day. The Pennsylvania railroad company will te-morrow commence selling excursion tickets te Washington, D. C. They are geed te Match 7, inclusive. Iu the E. . Lutheran church, en Sat urday evening, Rev. F. W. Staley preach ed a sermon te the members of Putnam council, Ne. 113 B. U. (H. F.) C. A. Rev. Dr. Owen, of Chestnut hill, Phila delphia officiated in the Presbyterian church ycstciday roeiniug. The congre gation was laige. Almest $250 was taken up in yesterday's missionary collection in the M. E. church. Mrs. Stewart Miffiiu died at her resi dence en Satuiday night of consumption. The funeral will take place te-morrow af ternoon. A heavy fall of rain occurred here dur ing most of last night and a portion of this morning. It aflecte( the attendance at last evening's services iu the different chuirhcs. Company II. will be rigidly inspected this evening aud te the members wil be issued the great coats received a couple of months age from the adjutant general's dcpaitmeutat Uauisburg. Mr. Fied Bucher will this evening give te ins uicthien 1 susquehauiia ledgo Ne. 80 an account of his recent trip through Euiepe, the sights he has seen. etc. We have no doubt it will be interesting. The funeral obsequies ever the lcmains of Miss Maty B. Miffiiu were held in the Presbyterian church en Saturday aftei aftei aftei noen in the presence of a large number of relatives and fiicuds of the family. Rev. J. McCoy paeached the funeral sermon and remaiks were made by Rev. Reger Owen, D. I)., of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. The interment te ik place in Mount Bethel ccmeteiy. The sacianuMt of the Leid's Supper was administeiid in the Chuicti of of Ged, at Seventh ami Walnut streets, last evening. Feet washing w ith a number of the com municants formed a poitien of the even ing servtc'. The congregation was large , Aud again General William Patten was defeated for council en Saturday evening. The election efficcis of the three wauls met at o'clock in council chamber aud piecceded, by drawing lets, te deter mine who .should fill the office for the next thiee yens. Inspector Charles F. Yeung, a Democrat from the Fiist waul, diew the flip, which held the name of William H. ILirdmaii. and he was declared elected te the elllcc of council. The candidacy of General P.itten for office, and especially in this particular office, appears te be attend ed vciy singularly with ill. succcss,altheugh Mr. Patten in both tiials for the office ran well possibly as well as nine-tenths of the Democrats iu town could run. Twice has he iuii for the etfice ; twice has he been tied, and twice iu filling the office by drawing lets, has he been defeated. Had Mr. Patten been the lucky man en Satin day night the Democrats would have c'eeted three out of four ceunciimen. As it is the paities elect two and two a gain of one fin the Democrats. The new coun cil will stand seven Republicans te two Democrats, and the school beaid will be divide I in the same way, the Democrats i beinji Messrs. W. B. Given and Jehn A. I Sladc. i The Vigilant fire company will held it& j regular monthly meeting to-merow even ing, j Pay day at the Shawnee rolling mill en ! Satuiday. ' Te-dav is vei y foggy ; one can scarcely s-ep the Yerk county hills. j ! i Une et the mcnieeis et the " ucm va riety lieupc, says th ey de net eaie se much about their haul luck, but every- , body asks (hem hew they made out. It i is the an.svciitig of questions that they ob ject te. Eveiything indicates a big house for Gus "Williams lo-menow night. A leveieud gentleman fiem the Wy oming conference preached iu the M. E. chinch last evening. It is understood that Messrs. Klair and Fasig, who recently puichased the ice house and coal yard of Samuel C. Swai tz, will assume possession .seen and t tin the business as heretofore Our streets just new are very muddy. A special train took 11. II. Housten and party te Lancaster ou Svturday after noon in tunc te make connection with the day express. Dr. Housten Miffiiu left here fei Phiia alclphia te-day Tlie Hrz7ards. Aldcimau Spuirier te-day heaiJ and committed Isaac Buzzard and Wm. Weid er, en the eh.r.gj el" entering and lobbing the Hellew school house, Salisbury town chip, en Jan. 7. The same defendants aud Abraham aud Jeseph Buzzaids were com mitted for tiial en charges of robbing W. S. Force's stoic and Benj. Fritz's jr., hotel in Gcoigetewn. They will have aliening hereafter en the charge of robbing Gei ger's store at Qttai ry ville, aud Burkhold Burkheld ers stoic at GiefTs Stere P. O. " Mait the squealer " was en hand te day and gave impei taut evidence for conviction of his Inethcis. Ilepert or Hum Lamps. The police report the following street lamps unlit Satuiday and Sunday nights : Wards. Sat. Sun. Fiist 1 3 Second .....I! '.' Thiid.. 2 4 Feui th 1 ( Fifth 11 10 Sixth 2 2 Seventh 4 5 Eighth ." 9 Ninth 1) 7 Total .3S 49 ritOUAHLK INFANTIUIDJS. Dead Infant Found in a Snow Bank Ou Satuiday, as Hiram Slough, of Sal isbury township, was driving along the read between his residence and that of Isaac Minim, near the Welsh mountains, he discovered lying in the snow the dead body of an infant, neatly decomposed aud pai tly eaten up by crews. He gave in formation at once, and Squire Hendersen empaneled a juiy aud is te-day holding an inquest. It is supposed the child belongs te some of the disreputable gang inhabit ing the mountain. High Water. The rain of yesterday has raised the water in the Concstega uutil it is almost bank full. At 11:30 this morning the water pumps at the city mill were sub merged and had te be stepped. At neon the water was still i ising. Kev. Seulo Joins the Baptist Church, At the close of the morning service in the Baptist church this city yestetday Rev. J. B. Seulc, late of the Church of Ged, iceeivcd the hand of fellowship from the Baptist pastor, Rev. MoYrisen, and was admitted te that denomination en his Christian expciience. Sent Ont. Squire Allen Wilsen, David Morgan and William Walker were sent te jail for 5 days each by Alderman A. F. Dennelly this afternoon for being drank and disorderly. STEW ADVERTISEMENTS' OPTICAL GOODS! Opera Glasses in great variety of stylG3 and sizes. Field Glasses, Combination Opera, Field and Marine Glasses, Magni fying Glasses, Microscopes and Telescopes. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES Fer almost every form of Defective Sight. Oculists' prescrip tions for Glasses accurately filled at prices much below city charges. Nearly all our Optical Goods are imported by our selves from the celebrated house of Lemaire.and are sold much lower than general prices. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Pa. Band Injured On Saturday an eleven -j ear-old son of W. G. Mellinger, residing at West Wil low had one of his hands caught in a corn fodder cutter. Three of his fingers were terribly ciushed, Dr. Hess, of this city, dressed the wound. Amusements. Walnut Slrett Theatic Mr. J. S. Clarke 13- gan the last it cek et lii-f engagement at this theatru Imt MemJay evening. The house, as usual, was p tcUed In every p irt, and It is needless te say U.e uuilience was delighted. The plajs were "Widow Hunt," with Mr. Claikcas Majer Wellington DeBoels and Paul Pry. They arc hetli veiy strongly marked chaiactcrs and Mr. Clarke has made them se entirely his own that they can fccarcely he dis sociated in one's mind fiem the personages : he represents them. Tnncserves only te makn j the assumption et such parts mere easy find natural, the peculiar walk and method et talk w hicli mai ks Majer DcISoels of course remain ; t'acy uie a put et Ids character, andean no mere be tlnew neli ermatciially eliangrd than th" Majer in real life could alter hU features. Mr. Clarke has an e.cellent company support ing liltn, mid with two very liumy plays well represented, a most enjoyable evening is assured. Mr. CI irke ts this wetlc en a tour playing at L mcaster this evening: Reading, Tuesday: Uatrisburg, Wednesday; Williams Williams peit. Thuisil'iy; t'ettsville, Friday, and en Saiui day night tit Wilmington. At each place Mr. ClaiKc will uppcar:i Majer Wellington De De Beets and Paul Pry, aud n ill be sappeitcd by Mr. W. II. Veinen and btlmr incuibeis et the company, lately playing at the Walnut. Feeble digestion, sick headache, d!7iii"s anfl faiiitne-s cured by Malt Itittei. Tin: Uill Pesters' association wilt give a grand ball at Fulton opera house this evening. ! A geed tuna is expected. Taylei's full or- i i !utii iv ill fin 11M1 tlm music;. i The Mt. Michael' Ball. The ball of the St. Michael's Catholic Itene liciiil Union, te be given this evening in West End hall, second floerof the Humane engine house. West King street, will no doubt be a fiueatlair. The hall is decidedly the lar itst and pleaantcst ball loom in the city, and a geed time is in stoic ter all who attend. Cleanse, whiten and beautify the skin witli Cuticura Medicinal Toilet Seap. SPECIAL NOTICES. There is a Itiilm in tillead. Tiie success which has maikcd the intieduc. tiouef Cream Malm, n Catarrh remedy, pre pared by Ely Eres , Owego, X". Y., Is indeed nnirv cleus. Many nelsons in Plttsten and vi- finltT- nin UMini? it with most fi.itifjelnrr re- I suits. A lady down town is reeeveiing tlie Kcn-c of smell, which she h id net -n jeyed ler llttccn jcai-, thieugh the Use of the Bairn. She hud giv en up her case as incurable. Mr. Bar ber, the diugi-t. lias used it in Ins family and commends it veiy highly. In another column, a young Tiinkhanneck lawyer, known te many et our readers, testifies that he was emed et paitial dvaliicsj. It is certainly a very efficacious remedy. Pittsien, Pa , Ga zette, Avgttil IS. JSW. lS2-t!wl&w A Hi:; hell. I. Sullivan, Malcom, Ontario, wiitea: "1 liav e been selling Dr. Themas' Ecieetvic Oil for some years, and Have ue hesitutie-t in saying that It has given eelter satisfaction than any ether medicine I have ever sold. I consider It tin' only patent medicine that em e mere than it is recommended te cure." Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1 .0 Xerth Queen street, Eancastei, Pa. Pert Grape Wine. This Wine is made in Xew Jeieey, and is said te sin puss anything in the way of wine ever made, it is called i?peci'.s Wine, pro duced by Mr fepeer. Since the true analysis of its piepeitics was published by James It. Chil ton & Ce., these who could alibi d it adopted its use m pielercncc te leicign wines. Prof. Chilton used it in his own family, and has w i ittcn te the public the fellow iug card : Laboratory et J. It. Chilton & Ce , Xcw Yerk, Marcn 11. W- made a careful niiarysiset the Pert Grape Wine produced by Mr. Allied bpecr, and de net hcsi' ite in pioneunciiig it puic;it con tains all the propel ties et the Oporto grape, anil tin refore.ter medicinal u-es, it is superior toelhei wines, its principal citects upon the system aie mildly stimulating, diuretic, sudor suder ific and tonic. It will prove beneficial in affec tions et the kidneys and chronic disease,w ith gcneml debility of the constitution. Physi cians may -afely iccemmend itte ther patients iu place of the many de.ibtfnl mixtures tee often 3e!d as pine w me. This wine can be hail of and is a most excellent article ler weakly persons, es pecially females. It is a very superior table w inc, and the most healthy drink new in use. It is net a spirited or manufactured article, like most native w incs. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atleeand Davis, and sold by II. E. fclaymaker. tI8-2wdftw " My Kingdom for a Herse " 31. bheehan. of O-coda. Mich., writes: "I h ive used Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil en heiscs ler diireient diseases and feunn itte be lust as ou ice uiunended. It hits done justice 'e me cveiy time, sinti is tuc best en ter neracs l ever used. Fer .ile by II. I. Cochran, diugist, M7aud 13!) Xeith Queen street, L-incastcr, Pa. SAMPLE .NOTICE. It is impossible ter a woman after a tailhliil course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkliam'3 Vegetable Compeamt te continue te sullcr with a weaknes. of the uterus Enclose a stamp te Mrs. I.jd'aE. Pinkham, in Western avenue. Lynn, .Mr'i., for pamphlets. jy29-lydcedw Net a Itevernge. " They arc net a beverage, but a medicine, wi'h curative properties of the highest de gree, containing no poisonous drugs. They de net teal down an already debilitated sys tem, but linild it up. Oncbettlc contains mere hops, that is, mere leal hop stiength, than a barrel of ordinary beer. Every druggist in Rochester sells them, and the physicians pi c scribe them." Rochester livening Kxprcss en nep Bitter?. f!7-2wd&w ., Ceugus. " Breivn's Bronchial Treches'1'' are used with advantage te alleviate Ceugli?, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually increasing taver. They ara net new and untried, but, having been tcated by wide and constant use ler nearly an ntira generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the lew staple remedies of the age. Tlie Threat. "Biown'S Bronchial Troches" act dircetly en thf organs of the voice. They have an ex ex traeidinary effect in all disorders et tlie Threat aud Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when relaxed, either Irem cold or ever-exertion et the voice, and produce a clear and dis tinct ennnciatien. iptaler ami fSingsrt find the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarih or fccre Thront re quires Immediate attention, ns neglect nltcn times results in some incurable Lung Disease. " Brown's Bronchial Trochee " w ill almost in variably give relict. Imitations arc offered Ter sale, many of which arc injurious. The genu ine "Browns Bronchial Troches" are sold only inbextt. febS-d&wTuTh&S What It liues. Kidncy-Wett meve3 the bewe's regularly, cleanses the bleed, and radically cures kidney disease, gravel, pile, bilious hedich mid pains which are caused by duerdeicd liver and kidney. Thousands li ive been cured whysheuU you net try it? lour druggist will tell you that it. is one et the most success ful nicdistuus ever known. It is sold In both Dry and Liquid term, and its ictien is positive and sure in either toxin Dallas, Tex , Herald. l-B-lml&w y E W A V i'EHTIS EM EX T.s. 'inVO STOKK KOlfMS AM) UVVKLl.IMi 1 lei rent, Xe. 8 and Meutli 0uceii3treet. pply at the l.VTELLiGicBR OIHce. 4 UTJ TO-aiUKKOW JAEX1.NO, AT J. Ilmklieldei's store, eei. et Chestnut and Plum streets. A let et Uineeiic-, Dry tioed, Motions, Ac. Suieat'Juud 7 o'clock p. in. 12S'Jtil II. K. IUjKKIIUUM:!:, Agt TMPOKTANT ! AM. ESPECIALLY X Jiulclieis, Duirj men, Famiei. Oystei men, 1'ieducc De.ilcis and 1 lie public generally. A most iinpeitunt disiewiy lias betn made by I'rolesser K. F. JluuiWteii. hv w hu.h meat, poultry, nh. butter, laid, tiilleiv, milk. e-tg--. cider, wine, vegetables and iruit can be kept lresli ler months in the hottest eliui ite vvith vvith eut ice. .Ve., bv the tw et his ANTISEPTICS. Full explanation and paiiicul n-. will be given te-morrow evening m Fulton ep.-ia house, at Sp. in. All invited free. ltd ONLY SSO MM: TIlK PHILADELPHIA SIXUKi: SKWIXi; MVCHH-K, with cover, two driwers and Diep Leaf. Kqu i' te any 'Mir.rci iu thorn nkct. ICemcmbi rmcnd them te be exauiim-il before veupav tertliem. This is the s une style elhei eepipinie-. retail for Fifty Dellats. All m ichmcs wai ranted ter three car, bend tei our lliusnated ciiculnr and testimonial:. Add ics-t rilAKLKS A. WOOD &. CO. 17 Xe: Mi Tenth Mice!. t.'SId Pluladclphi i. Pa. 2NSUKE Willi Till. L( AM' WELL Established Agency et the Giffll Kre tew Ce.. OF PHILADELPHIA. assets evku Eleven Hundred Thousand Dollars. Invested in k.iteuiui solid -t,".iitlcs. RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. IO EAST king stkelt, dll-dmdM.W.SIt Second Hnir. F LlXX ie WILLSOX. O P rt Se P rteTJ 'S-SS g e e ai Etric3 (3 a a S QQ M mS? e &S8$8a MS- -d-5 Lw L. a V " m O e H O P. CO 3 OOP'S U .- jr r S-3"Hca-EP "Si-' j SoSe8?e $1 O 5 1 - ZT a i I s L. , L U43nfirlH j - O "7 K K. flOmBe .OiaOrt2 g en e . m m- - 3 ax hs a e 'A N KW SPKINU ST.LKS WALL FPEK. XKW bl'iriM, bfiLLS WALL PAI'tlt. XEW SP1SIXG SsTYLES WALL PAPKP.. XKW SfltlXG feTl'LLS WALL PAPLtt. XEW SPKIXG fcTYLES WALL PAPKII. New Spring Styles Window Similes New Spring Styles Window SU ides New Spring Styles Window Shades New Spring Styles Window Shades PHARES W. PRY, PHARES W. PRY, PHARES W. PRY, PHARES W. PRY, Ne. el NORTH qUEI-JX STIIETE. Ne. 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Ne. 57 NORTH QUEE2T STREET. CIIIXA AXJt OLASSV, A HE. G LASSWARi: ! GLASSWAKi: ! ! vr CHINA HALL. .;Full Line or DOMESTIC GLASSWARE Selected fiem Lighttsn Djffeient Munufac Munufac turere, VT Pit ICES LO WSIi Til AXE VEIi 9FFEIZED. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 KAST KtXG JjTKKKT. Netick is hi:i;ki:v uivkn luanuh ueceunts of Isaac II. fchaefler and of Jacob Well, Treasurers e. the 1 an caster County Prison for the year ending Ueceuiber 31, 1E8. are en file in the KcvfisiciN Ofllca of Lam aster ennntv. unci will reni.iiii e;n! for lnncctlnn for thirty days irem e. W. I'. 15 EYKR, LAscvsxrir, .Jan. t, nisi. I'liten Solicitor. w Hi . r u m iw w h-M g"P"5 w i n r r. u n c iu" n i Z i Xi .. ZZ. . Ult r,- --, U-l JeSSTfrf-s 12 m ?!sbS5Pa3 H r i KBa?aH4 r r, rM 2 THIRD EDITION MONDAY EVENING, FfcB. 28, 1881. WEATUKK INDICATION!? Washington. Feb. 28. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, cloudy weather, light snow or rain, followed by clearing w cither, warm southwest, veering te much colder northwest winds, followed by risiug barometer. US WIKE. Telecruple News el the Afternoon The court te day continued the injune tien restraining the Western Union tele graph cenpany from issuing 'fifteen mil lions of its capital stock for distribution te its own shareholders. The police have seized the arms of number of Fenian ledges in Widues, Lan- cashiic. The Fairbanks scale company gained the four first prizes for scales and weight's at the Mclboiirne exhibition, despite the great efforts of the British manufactiiicrs te cai ry oil' the prizes. The Xew Yerk police authorities have airested a number of proprietors of peel rooms where boys were in the habit of plajing. In Chicago the storm of wind and snow which began yestciday continues, imped ing laihead travel and telegraphic com munication. Reports indicate it te be the seveicst storm of the season in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana aud Michigan. Michael Reynolds, lepair feicin tu. and a brakemau, name unknown, weie killed by a collision ou the P. &R. railroad, near TLffclJltl'J VIl J LlliO 11IVJI lllti", O'Leaiy belt contest, sceics at neon : Hughes 71, lliirns 71, Pancliet 70, Sullivan 70, Kiehne C3. Hart 03, Liceusc Ui, Allcu CO. llewaid, Tynan, Ennis and Cauipaua fellow in the Older named with semes be tween 50 and GO. Otheis icss than llfty. i Hughes is new a qua iter of a mile ahead of I the best lcceid, The Senate te day adopted the confer-! encc lepeit en the legislative appropiia apprepiia appropiia tien bill. Tlnee collisions eceuiie.I en the Xew Voik elevated rai' te-day caused by ' fog. Mr.CIymcrte daypiescntultethe lleu-e I the peitiait of Fredeiick A. Muhlenberg, j speaker or the first and thiid Cengies-,, aud a resolution of thanks te the gi eat grandchildren of Muhlenberg was passed. The Heuse, by a vote of 189 te !J0, has finally p-isscd the sundry civil apprepria tien bill. The Senate judiary committee adjourned te-day without acting en Stanley Mat thews's nomination. 31AKKETS. :.ew lerit MarKei. '- vv leKR. February 28 Fleur steady with meileiatc expert and home trade: biipeilme Mate $.5 00$?4 10; extra no ?4 :;Of54r0: choice de 53?I Wl; tiney le $1 ".? 30; round hoop Ohie fl 1033 0U: choice de at f5 05C 7; superfine wi st ern J3 (;074 CO: common te uoed ev tra ile l SOilT.i ; choice de $4 SITO 7" : eh-dce white wlicat (le5 eOgGft'. Southern quietand steady ; common te fair etiu at f I 7"J ." 31 tiend toelieire de 3 Z'tfiCi T. Wheat V3Kc hotter und fiiilv uetive : Xe. 1 i.cdMaichSl lbiroilSK;pnldetl2UJi ' 1 20i : de Mav $1 iu;il Vi. Cern H?c better, with medciate tmde : j Mixed 'Hiutn spot, 5"57c; de f'ltii", Oaisn shade btiensrer: State. 44fiU3c : W -- ' i li 4247c : Xe. Feb, 44c; de March. ' .' : de Aptil, Hgillje. Plnl.Klelplila Market. PniLvimrriiiA. Pa., Feb. S.-Fleur linn, fair ;heiiie trade; -mpeitliie, f. oefp.S 5i; eii.i l7"fi4 25 : Ohie and Indiana lai'iily ". iWi.OO: Pa. de 1 7-W."lii : .St. Leitl- t imlly " MM ie: Miiiueeti Kxtia i' (i0", T,; straight. J'87S(;2.': winter patent f;."i 7 ."i0 ; spring de ii. lfiS 00. live Heur at $t vmTt 00 fiinicr, with better i.iiiu ; .Ne. i West i in Ked at $1 Vii Hilav.urc and I'enn'a I.'ed, ? 1 llgl 1V4 ; de Amber, 1 ll 1 1(5 Cern firm, but u. liet : steamer, .V'e ; e'iev r.i;ffl5je; mixi-l. WKffiMe. ins firm, with fair inquiry Xe. 1 4'iic; Xe. '.'. 41e: Xe. .1, de 4242e While, : X. UIC , lie. Kj e steady at Kc Piovisieiis in steady jebliim- demand; ii.ts, pe!. $ii1RSH: beet hum- $'l SOnSiSO; iMl'a m.'-s beet f 20 00 f. e b. Ituei. steelnst ham-. i'lle: piekb d ham-' UQilOc; piiiekcii should' is (jj$b'e; salt de 35-4c. Laid maikei sicadj-; cny kettle le;hc ; 'eii- iini i I'ls'iyc; prime steam flOOJ. Uutter steady but only in modeiaie liiimiuid; Creamerv extiu31?.'Uc ;iIokeo1 te choice i!SJt :;i): Itnulfeid county ami Xew lnikcctia, tubs, 27S-Se:de flikins. ilQlXe; Western ilimv etra2!f2fle: de geed te choice )2Ie. IColl ICell tuict, ; fenn'a Kxtm, ltiglSe; Western le--ene eAtia, lfcfJ22. V.u- ln.tiket sluqsish : Pa. 2ae : Weiiei., 1020e. Clieesc steady but unchanged ; Xew i eik fill! cieiiui, .iaisyzt; ; Western full er.-iii, 12iiilSe; de t.iir te frond 12l2He; de .'.iiismiis. lertlljc; Pa. de U)J.I!Jic. 1'itieleum dull ; refined Utc. Whisky at $ I 11. seeds Heed te prima clever stcidv at 7J4SJ ; de de Timethy tinn at fi '.-O i e ; de de Fl ixsced dull at $1 :ijgi :C. Philadelphia Cattle Market. Wlst PniLVDELriiiA, Feb. 23 Cattle sides, 3," l'i head; fair demand; Piime, 53Jc: medium, 4;5c : common, 4c. Sheep sales. 7,500 head ; lair demand; Pi line, fii'"6ic; geed, :,aisyhs ; medium, flSVie; common, f4g c. Hogs selling slewlv. sales. 4,000 head ; Prime, J4t'Jc ; geed. tyiteMic', medium. &K-'- Live .stock markets. Xew Yeiik There lias been & fair demand ter choice live and eressed veal Calves, and with moderate arrivals lull former figures vvtic supported, sheep ami winter lambs weie firm, with a fair inquiry. Spring Iambs have been le?s active than was expected. CniCA&e The leccipts et hogs were ll,wn head ; shipments, 4.300 head ; market qule; and prices weak ; shippers practlbally out et the trade ; packers getting better qualitv at Lett r lates ; price-, luily 10c lower : a number unsold ; mixed packing at $ li ; light a'. tViiiiSGO; choice heavy at $5.!gl'j; ctra at $(5 25. The receipts et cattle were 2,300 IimkI : shipments, 2,fcC de: prices 10gl5c better: m.iKinjf 40 te 50c tills week, exc-pt en best grades, which uie in geed demand, but scarce common te fair shipping ut $S U0l 40; geed te cheice H C04 09 nnd up te 5 25 : stockers and feeders quiet ane weak at $2 'J04 ; cauning and butchers' dull and 10c lower, at $225 7" ; a number unsold. The receipts et sheep weie 1 5J0 liead ; uliipments, 3,00l ile ; prices Wfi-XMi lower; common te medium at $J7V?42.; geed te choice $1505"2- ; extra at $" t; shinpeis unable te get cars. Bcktale. Dressed hogs were quoted at v7i" C'l.sciSKATl. Hogs were dull; cimimei. at 4 SOgSSi; light at " Wa; picklvg at $. tfjGlO: butchers' at G logej"); ictcipts i,t(M head: nliipiiients 2,400 de. lNDlAX.vreLis. Hogs were weak; no tians tians nctiens ; buyers ana sellers t.part ; ictcipts, 2,100 head ; shipments 1,100 de. stock marxer. Xew Yerk Stocks. stocks v. eak. Fcbiuar 27. a. x. A. V. Y. M. Y. M. ! Jf. 10:35 11:85 12:45 200 3 WI tf 4 4 .... 124 123 .... 112 111 13IJS 120J4 .... 10y4l0 .... 5 54 .... Eric K. 1L i6 i6)i Michigan . A L. S....124U 124i Michigan Cent. IC. U..H3e m Cliicage & X. W 122 122Ji Chicago, M. & St. P...107 106 Han. & bt. J. Cem 56l 54j " P'ld.... 10134 100 Teledo A Wabash.... 4235 43 Ohie Mississinni. .. 42 iVi asMa vj W. 43 MA S4J4 V St. LOUIS, L M. & S It.. 57 Ontario und Western. ArJi e'i 67H n$ ay. .New Jersey Ccntnil..l0li 103) Del.&IIdusen Canal 106 10;4 Del., Lack. Wc.lernl21J 120)i 102-ii 1UH4 107 IO,. " 120JS l 1051, K14J4 5 3 vvc-stcrn union xei..n'-4 jims Pacific Mail S. S. Ce. .11 3314 IewaUulch Union Pacific L-3 lllJt RansiiH ft Texas I3J .... New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland & Pitts Chicago & Seck I Pittsburgh & Ft. W. .... i; w 12s 1 2 121 1303S m 112i 42 Philaoclpeia. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania K. U.... Phil'a. A Heading..... Lehlfih Valley..., LehiRh Xavistttien... Northern Pacific Cem I'M . Pltts.,Titusv'eAi:.... Northern Central .... Phirn Erie K. It.... Northern Penn'a l'n.lLU' of X..J Ilestonville Pas-i Central Tnir.n. Ce 14 Si Tli 4 64' i 3j; 31? 3IJi 3l?i 39X 5.S;; 5$W v,' -, i lV , IS-K l'i ls t Xoeu Quotations eltbe Grain Market Furnlslie.l ly Jacob IJ. Len, t'ominllen ISreker. Chicago. Cash. March. April. Wheat M'J Coin 3K Mav. July. Alii . June. Oats '4 " -33? XewYekk Cesli. Slarcli. April. Wheat iUi il.f Cera $.574 -&yi ) Vf 113 PniLAOELrniA. . . Wheat I.I.VJ4 1-1; LiTJJ Cern iW Mi eats 4 ; ItALTIMOUK Wheat Cern Oat FOH SALE. 1?OK ICEXT. THK STOKE KIMI31 SO. 41 1 West Kius street, new occupied by Jehn Fulck. Tailor. Possession Riven APKIL 1 1SS1. Applvte WILLIAM J. COOPER. Jftn3-31.W.tstil VVest KInj? Street. PUBLIC SALi:. ON WKUNKSDAY. M UCII i. ISA), at Xe. ei5 Shippen street. u let el llnu-elhld and Kitchen Furniture, in cluding en in,; Machine, fte. ! ilc te commence :it 1 o'clock p. in. Condition-, made kneu u by loi:i:x.e D. iiKKK. II. SuciiciiT, Autt. liJ-Jld J)l)ltLIC SAI.L.-IM .MS1A. M.1KCH It.lSSl. ill pursuance et un nnleref Or phans' court of Lancaster county, will be sold at public sile at Philip Wall's tirccn Tree liettl. West Kiuc stieet, Lim-aster city, the lolIeuiiiKdeseiibed ical estnte. te it : All that eei lain let or pit ee et ground -Itifnte ou th south side of West Kins Mrcet. 1.:uic:ls ler cltv. ceutnininii in limit en West KIiir street. IW feet 4 inelies. mere or less, extending iu depth te it ie teeX wld alley llv feet, mere or lcs. en the e-ist side, and 1W ti et. inure or less, en the west shte, and extending alenr said 10 10 leetvvii'ealleviu Iho rear feet, moieer less, upon hieh let et ground are elected a double oncsleiy lliiek Dwelling Heuse. Xe.WI West Kinystieet.aFnime Pottery War.heiis. Xe. ::: al-e another sni dler Wnrehen-e, I'etter'-i Kiln, Ilydnint. Fruit Treesiind ether improve ments then en. Terms cash en Oct. I, Ibl, upon purch.wer Blvinj approved secilitty. 7$ o'clock p. in., ersaid day. hen iittemianee vv ill be given by IILXUYM.l.ANSK. fi:axcim:ansk, Kxecutoinet llieetiteet Henry W.liau-c, do de eensed. Jacob UcsuvKLK, Auet. ithl'Stawdts 1)ULIU SALi: OFACSKICULTUKAL. 1M nlements. FarmerH. leek toveur Intcret. Mii eli mts. cull and save money. The sub set lber w ill ellerat publicsale.en ATU UOAY. MAKCi! .", lSM,at the miiiiur.ietery. corner et Waterund Lemen htn ets. Lancaster, P.u .sale te commence at !'i o'clock A. M. ami V, P.M., consisting or the billowing named arti cles: Twentv Ciam Drills, latest linpreve.l: Twenty-live 'Hay l.'akes, latest improved, Pratt's patent; Twenty Uraiii Funs, both with single and double crunk; Thirty llauu nail Herse-Power Cern Midlers. Twenty Hand corn bhellers. Power Fedder Cutters. Cider Mills ter Hand and HorbC-Pe-.-cr.Wiiie Presses double mill single low Cern Planters. All the above machines are warranted for two j ears. Alse, eeeiid-band corn sheller., grain drills, gniin, one second Imiid sep arator, thrashing machine. Alse spokes und fellees for can I igc makers, a let of inch, walnut brack, t be nils, oil birieis ami cans-, and n let of ether artlclcj net enumerated. This ale is intended te reduce stock te make room ter my spring busini. whuh will be earned op inn mere extensive scale. A geed ci edit will be given. -AMUhL KLF.LL!.. .Vgt. Jehn- Urs-iAV Auctioneer. feb'JOisd EXTEJITAIXMEXTS. 1vi:i:msiv wu mkis rvu ane !i v ishes te secure bargains and enjoy geed iiiu-ie, will go te the KEYSTONE BAND FA IK TO-XIUIIT. AlMI-IOV HiCtM. 1 12 2nd TJ'XrKA AXXOCmCIIMCXT. ULTOS Ol'l.KA IlUl'Sl.. OVK XIUHT OXLY. MONDAY. F3BRUARY 23, 1881. The iMstiusuishvd Ameiicun Comedian, ME. J. S. GLAltKE, l.ecently letuinrd fre.n L-milen. will appear at the Opera Hmi-c, L ini-is'er. Monday, Feb. 2S, in twoel Ids ;u.itil and me-t laughable character!, MAJOR WELLINGTON DeBOOTS In ("e nc's Comedy in 3 Acts, called A WIDOW HUNT ; And ns the Immortal PAUL PRY, In Peele's I unions 3 At t Comedy of th it title. Mr. Ciaikewillbe aided by a Cei.ipmy et Dunn iticCeb billies. GENLKAL ADMISSIO.X 7S '!" U.VLLhltY Cl. KKbKItYKI) Sr AT 1.0O. Itc-ericd -e.!s for- tl-'itUni i.i Heuse Office rrt-&tii is. lirAN'illll-AI till: L,lM;.STKlt HOLT W Works a tew .tctive. Lidu-tiieus boys from twwlvu teeightcMi je.useld. tH-lwd IfAXTKIJ-A MJlhi: (illd.. AltOUT 16 W or 17 venrael I. pilyai4l.t.NorthDuke street. . ' 2l-3td lirANII !. A MOHAN TOTAKi;CAKK W of u weak and infirm old lady, nt SOU Xerth Qu-cn sticet. LH-3tdMW4F A4-OOU TiJAIK AN1 'AIK WAGES while learning P. A tw intelligent uevs wanted te It ai n the- punting business. Inquire in person or by letter te "Inqutur Frintimr aud Publishing Company," 5.; aut 33 Xerth Qui en stieet Lancaster. P.i. f21 4tdeeilt6tw atrr intAti'ixus. T7-IS.I-AltI HO I'LL LtJTTKKY POST V I'OXKD TO APRIL. 7, 1881, FOR A FULL I)K AWING. lhe drawing vill take place at LOUIS YILLK, K Y , iimb r the authority el a special net or the Kentucky Legislature, and will be miflcr tiie absolute control et disinterested commissioners appointed by the act. LINT OK PRIZED. The '.Villurd Hotl, with all its COW) nftA Fixtures anil Fiiniltuie yMNflW One ISesidence en t.rccn Stieet $13,000 One Ueeidence en lin-en Street 15,00(1 Twe Cash Puzes, cacli $5,0-i0 10,000 Twe Cash Prizes, each S2,000 4,(160 Five Cesli Prizes, cacli $I.MK) 5.000 Five Casli Prizes, cich$300 2,W) Filty C.ish Prizes, cacli $100 3.CG0 linn iruiwli-f ft f T.ish I'rfzes. each V 5.UX1 I- ive Hundred Cash Pilzcs. each ?20 10,000 One Set IJar Furniture L''O0 One I ine Piane. 5fn One Handsome bllvcr Tea el 100 100 Hexes Old Itnurueii VVht-kj,?3 14,400 10 iSaskets Cliaiiipigne, $35 350 Five C-sh Pi izes, each 510 5,000 400 ISexis rine vvine", -U 12.000 2iXI Uexes Uobertsen Ceiintv. VV hlsky,W, 0,000 409 Ilexes Havana Cigars S10 4,WW Five Hundred Cesh Prizes, each $10 5.C0O AMOUXTIXG TO 93G9.8S0. Whole tickets, $3 ; Halves, 81; Quarters. $2: R-mittanccmaybe made by Bank Check. Express, Postal Meney Older, or Itcvlstcrcii Mail. responsible agents wanted al all points. Fer circulars giving full information, and for Tickets, addicts W. C. WHIPS, Willard Hotel,Leuisvillc,'Ky. fcbl3-6tw&2wiVTAS NERVOVS DEBILITY. Te Nervous Snflercra The Great Euro pean Remedy Dr. J. II. Simp-ion's Specific Medicine. It is a positive cure for Sperma Sperma eorrhea. Seminal Weakness.Impetcney.anil all diseases resulting from fcclt-Abasc, as Mental Anxiety, Les3 of Memery, Pains in Bade or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grove. The Specific Medicine ia being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them ami get full particulars. Price, Specific, 91 per package, or six packages for $5. J. B.SIMP kX MEDICINE COMPANY, Nee. 104 and 105 Main Street, lSatTale, X. Y. Address all orders te l L L COCnitAN, IirS?W, Sele Agen.t, 137 and 139 North Quvn street, Liincanter mlT-lYdeediwl