LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1881. f MXi$ztzx I-ntelUgencet. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEB. 23, 1881. THE ELF-KING'S YOUNGEST DACGU- TtK. Down the merry streamlet dancing. Through the flickering shadows glancing. Feam about her white ieet creaming ; All her wayward hair out streaming, . Laughing en the laughing water. Dances down the Elf-king's daughter Youngest daughter fair. All the trees bend low toward her, All the rocks are strong te guard her. All the little gr.i-,es whisper, ' And the low toned breezes lisp her PraNes everywhere. All around the warm air lingers Levinglythe while her fingers With a dainty upward gesture, Secin te draw a shade for vestrc Of her loveliness. Yet meeems she moves se purely. Gliding en her path demurely. Leeking i itli clear eye serenely. She were clad net hair se queenly In a royal dress. New !he.s lighUy onward sweeping New she say-, hair glad, halt tearing. O'er the ledge of granite peering, Eye the headlong torrent leaping Eyes dew n the Millen boulder, While the long locks round her shoulders Gather temleiiy. New with little laugh a tremble, Glad her shrinking te dissemble. Flashing through the diamond shower With her white ieet launched below her. And her hair drawn out above her, SwiU as lady te her lever Down the tall gees she. Xew when the quiet night has clouded All the i i vit bread and stately, Down the -tream -he rides edatcly, IS j' her wilt li.tlr warmly .shrouded, Lulled by melody. Down amid the dim tiecs greeting, And the diewsy he its repeating. Dreaming en the dreaming water Floats the Elf-king- youngest daughter Te the dreaming sea ISlackwoed's Magazine. Till: SKXTON'S WOOING. The sexton's sweetheart's name was Nell, And she was called the village belle : When hone had male the sexton bold, One night his love ter Nell he tell'd. While te his neck she fondly clung. And lovingly her hand lie wrung; Her sentiments with Ids just chimed. And his up p-al she thought well-timed. And having tell'd his love se well, She whispered, he might ring the bulle. H'jmervillc Journal. An Historic Parallel. N. Y. World. It is iraUrying le learn through the cable no American student was a suf ferer ly the accident which threw a mask ed lull" at Munich ou Friday night into confusion and cost at least four yeuug men their lives. A .student diessed as an Es quimaux in fuzzy frarnients intended te represent iur, set fiic te his clothes while lighting his cigar and :it once losing his presence of mind rati furiously in his flight among a group of ethers in similar attiic. The clothes of a number of took lire, and the cable tells us four of them were burned te death. As this is the season of masquerades the warning is timely, and smokers will de well te bear it in mind to te uight at the great ball le be given by the Alien society. It strangely recalls in its circumstances a frightful event which neatly live centuries age convulsed medi eval Paris. When Chailes V. of France was a convalescent after the attack of lu nacy which came upon him during - his August march against the Duke of Brit tany, a masquerade was given at the Hetel St. Paul in honor of the wedding of a widow lady in attendance en his queen. Te amuse the king a certain Hugh de Guiwiy, ene ofhiscmirtieis,getup a sextet of satyrs, consisting of the king, dcGuisay himself and four ether courtiers, all of whom were attiied in cloth smeared with resin and covered with tow, the object being te makcithem leek like goats. The Icing thus disguised was tormenting the young Duchess of Berri when the Duke of Orleans, the Count of Bar and sundry ether semi-royal youths coming te the mas querade thought it clever te set fire te the tow worn by one of the king's companions. The dresses worn by the satyrs, smeared with resin and covered with tow, were of linen and sewn en the bodies of the wear ers. In a moment the unhappy man was in a blaze and ran wildly howling about the hall. The ethers took fire and the whole sextet, except king, were seen in tlamcs, the king himself escaping only through the coolness :unl courage of the young Duchess of Berri, who held him fast, would net let linn stir, and, tearing en her silk lobe, threw it ever him and kept him from the Hamcs and sparks The shock threw the kinir back into a state of dementia, and of his fellow-satyrs four died in agony during the next day, one of the four being the man who had devised the disguises, Hugh de Guisay, one of the most brutal and odious personages of the time. Beb Toenihs ami his Brass Band. Atlantic Constitution. I suppose every one connected in any way with the Univeisity of Georgia has beard of the famous oak in front of the chapel, and in connection with it I will re late a;i anecdote of Beb Toombs, showing his impetuous, iiiesistiblc nature, which se characterized him in his after life. Toombs had been attending college two years, and was within a week of gradua ting, when in a difficulty, he stabbed one of the students, indicting a serious but net fatal wound. Fer this act he was ex pelled by the faculty, who seen after were petitioned by the graduating class te allow him te finish with them, as he had se nearly completed his course, and had also been given a speaker's place. Toombs himself petitioned them, but both we;e refused. He apparently submitted, but en commencement day, when the chapel was crowded with visiteia, and the seniors vehemently orating preparatory te receiv ing their diplomas, he stationed a brat a band under the spreading limbs of the oak, whose music succeeded in bringing scores of town people, who were net then in the chapel, aud also of clearing it of nearly all its audience. Then, in as cool a manner as possible, he placed himself in a chair and made an oration such, it is said, as was never spoken by a student here before or since. lie never received his diploma, though after his celebrated Bosten speech it was sent te him, but was returned with the answer, " D n the diploma ; when it would have been an honor te me I was re fused it ; new, when I am an honor te it, it is offered me." lie was afterwards re conciled with the faculty, and is new one of the staunchest supporters of the col lege. As a Cure for Plies Kidney-Wert acts first by overcoming In the mildest manner all tendency te constipation ; then, by its great tonic and invigorating prop erties, it restores te health the debilitated and weakened parts. We have hundreds el certi fied cures, where all else had failed. Use it and suffer no longer. Exchange. ftl-lwd&w Sitting Op Nights. Mrs. E. II. Perkins, Creek Centre, Warren county, N. Y., writes : She lias been troubled with Asthma for lour years,had te sit up night after night with it, she has taken twobettlesof Dr. Themas' Eclcciric Oil, and is perfectly cured. She strongly recommends lt,nnd wishes te act as agent among her neighbors. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, ta. "Lies! Big Lies!" Net se fast my friend ; for ir you would sec the strong, healthy, blooming men, women and children that have been raised lrem beds of sickness, suffering and almost death, by.the tise et Hep Bitters, you would say "Truth, glorious truth." Sec "Truths," in another column.' I17-2wd&w Reward et Perseverance. Henry Clement, AlmentP, writes: "Fer a long time I was troubled with Chronic Rheu matism; at times wholly disabled ; I tried any thing and everything recommended, but failed te get anv benefit until a gentleman who was cured et Rheumatism by Dr. Themas' Eclectrie Oil told me about it. I began using it both internally and externally, and belere two bottles were used I was radically cured. We find it a household medicine, and for Croup, Iiurns, Cuts and Bruises, it has no equal. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 1J9 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. MEDICAL. PROVERBS. bleed, liver and kidneys are healthy, and Hep Bitters keep them se.'' " The greatest nourishing tonic, appetizer strengthener and curative en earth. Hep Bit tcrs." " It is Impossible te remain long sick or out et health, where Hep Bitters are used." " Whv de Hep Bitters cure se much " " Be cause they give geed digestion, rich bleed, and ileal thyactien et all the organs." "Ne matter what your ieclings or ailment is. Hep Bitten, will de you geed." " Remember,'Ilep Bitters never does harm, but geed, always and continually." " Purify the bleed, cleanse the stomach and sweeten the bicath with Hep Bitters." " Quiet nerves and balmy sleep in Hep Bit ters." "Ne health witli inactive liver and urinary organs without Hep Bitters." ; Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company, Rochester. New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. ' jan5-lydMWF&w HOSTBTTER'S CELEBRATED Ne Tline Should be Lest I r the stomach, liver and bowels are affected, te udent the sure remedv. Hostetter's Stomach Hitters. Diseases et tin-organs named beget ethers lai mere serious, and a delay is there tore hazardous. Dvspep-da, liver complaint, chills ami fever, early rheumatic twinges, kid ney weakness, bring serious bodily trouble it trilled with. Lese no time in using thisel reetive, sate and long known medicine. Fer sale by all In tiggists and Dealers gen erally, jl-lvdced&lyw Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OP LYNN, MASS., Her Vegetable Compound the Suvier of Her Sex. Health, Eope and Happines3 Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHATVTS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, con gists et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Unon one .trial the merits or this compound will be recognized, as relict is immediate and when its use is con tinued, in ninety-nine in a hundred, a permanent cure is etlected, as thousands will testily. On account et" its proven merits, it is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of tailing or the uterus, Leiicerrhaea, irrcguhiruud pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In flammation and Ulceration, Kloediugs, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the Ciange or Lite. In tact it has proved te he the greatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion et" the system, and Hives new lite and vigor. It removes raintness, lhttiilcncy, destroys all craving ler Simulants, and relieves weakness et the stomach. It cures Meating, Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness, De pressienand Indigestion. That leeling of bear ing uimii, causing pain, weight aud backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. , Fer Kidney complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is; prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form et pills, alr-e in the form et lozenges, en receipt et price, $1 per box, for cither. Mrs. PINKHAM freely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ter pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this paper. Ne family should lie without LYDIA E PINKHAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation, llilieusness and Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., (encral Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. A. Leehcr, 9 East King street and Gee. W. Hull, 15 West King street, JSEMvdeed&w KIDNEY WOKT. This Great Remedy in either Liquid or Dry Ferm acts at the same time en the diseases et the Liver, Bowels ai Kidneys, This combined action gives it wonderful pevet te cure all diseases. WHY ABB WE SICK? Because ire allow these great organs te be come clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the bleed thai should be expelled naturally. KIDNEY WORT WILL CURE Biliousness, Piles, Constipation, Kidney Complaints, Urinary Diseases, Female Weakness and Nervous Disorders, by causing free action of these organs and re storing their petcer te threw off disease. Whv suffer bilious p litis and aches? Why tormented with Piles, Constipation? Why frightened ever disordered Kidneys? Why endure nervous or sick headaches'? Why have sleepless nights? I7c KIDNEY WORT and rejoice in health. . J3 It is put up in Dry Yqgetablf j"erm, in 43-tin cans, one package of which makes six 49" quarts of medicine. 49 Alse in Liquid Ferm.very Concentrated 3- ler the convenience et these who cannot 43 readily prepare it. It acts with equal 43" efficiency in cither form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, SI. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, Burlington, Vt. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec27 . Iyd&w4 STOMACH BHEE Has m tie Discover? DRY GOODS. TREASONS WHY THE PEARL SHIRT IS PREFERRED TO ALL OTHERS. 1. They arc made of the best Wamsutta Muslin. 2. Besoms are tnree-ply, made of the best Linen, and each ply guaranteed te be all Linen. 3. They are made only by capable and expe rienced hands, are carefully inspected, and are unsurpassed by any ether in workmanship. 4. They are guaranteed te fit, and te give sat isfaction in every respect. .'.In addition te the above excellent standard the Pearl Shirts are lined across the Iren t, making them still mere durable. C Measures taKen and Pearl Shirts MADE TO OEDEK, in case of odd sizes. Try tnem ana be convinced. PRICE, $1.00. FOR SALE ONLY BY J.. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER, PA. N .TEXT I1UUK TO TUE COUHT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S Bought at the recent sale et WET GOODS, from the fire in NEW YORK ABOUT 3.000 YARDS LATEST SPUING STYLES DEESS GINGHAMS, BEAUTIFUL GOODS. Seme only slightly wet en the edge and ethers perfect, all te be sold 25 per eent. less than reg ular prices, 10, inland I2)c. LARUE SIZE MARSEILLES Q UILTS, WORTH S3. White and Colored Quilts only $1 Ladies', Gents' and Children's FOR $1.50, WORTH DOUBLE THE MONEY. FAHNESTOCK'S. Next Doer te Court Heuse. MEDICAL. 1i:mtM:Ki: if you are asufhekkk L trem your Kidneys or a Torpid Liver, KLDNBYCURA will lemeve all tieublc. JiOc. a pack. See circulars. " KAUFFMAN'S DRUG STORE. tlO lind Hi; X. Queen St.. Lancaster, Pa. BR. SAIMJRD'S LIVEE INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sale by all Druggists. ollS-lyeed alteew Brandy as a Medicine The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. 11. E. Slaymaker, Agent ter Ueigart's old Wine Stere, fly a prominent practising phvi cian et this county, who lias extensively used the I'.i-.mdy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te lie used as a medicine or great potency in the cure or some or the destructive which sweep away their annual thousands or victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these afllicted witli that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specilic remedy, which i3 nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with tceble appetite and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and that is REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young triend, II E SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test for years, ami has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the prcterencc ever till ether Brandies nematterwith hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly tin-own away en various Impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart'a Old Brandy, In cases of Dyspepsia, we can summon nunij bers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been afflicted witli an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number el years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage lie used McUrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, anil in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds et strong drink. When advised te try Reigart'a Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astenlsnmcnt, but after hearing et its wonderful effects in the eases of some of his near acquaintances, lie at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and stcadilv; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound inan.with a stomach capable et digesting anything which hejehese te eat. He still keens it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Practising Physician. H. E. SLAYMAKER, agent 'vor A Reigart's Old Fine Stere, Established in 1785, . IMPORTER AND DEALER IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in ISIS, 1827 and 1828,) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 89 EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER, PA DMT GOODS, VNDERWEAE, AC -jCTOVELTXES IK SCARF FINfe. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND HN UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, AT . E. J. ERLSMAN'S, THE SHIRTMAKER, SO NORTH O.UEEN STREET G KEAT LINEN SALE AT THE NEW YORK STORE. watt, sdd i co. have again been in the market with the most gratifying results and are new prepared te etTer the largest assortment and best value in TABLE LINENS EVER SHOWN IN LANCASTER. SPECIAL. BARGAIN: 350 HANDSOME DOUBLE WEIGHT, HAND; LOOM DICE AND LAMASK TABLE CLOTHS IN ALL SIZES, FROM 60c. TO $2 EACH. SPECIAL BARGAIN: 2,500 Yards SWISS EMBROIDERIES from 4 te 6 inches wide, at 12c.ayard. Choice Patterns in this let arc usually sold from 20 te 25c. a yard. Watt, Shand & Company, NEW YORK STORE. TjUKK! FIKEt! Metzger, Bard&Haughman HAVE NOW OPEN THE table linen:;. FROM THE LATE NEW YORK FIRE. De net delay ii you want BAEGALNS, AS THEY ARE SELLING RAPIDLY. MetzprJaMMaeiiaa's NEW CHEAP STORE, 38 West King Street, Opposite Cooper Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. s PIICIAL NOTICE. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST kIN; STREET. We are .-elling at lcm than present value STANDARD MAKES OF Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings Pillow Mnslins, and Tickings. LOOM AND DAMASK TABLE LINENS, Napkins and Towels, MARSEILLES AND CROCHET QUILTS, WHITE and COLORED BLANKETS. OPENED THIS DAY A LARUE AND CHOICE SELECTION OF HAMBURG EDGINGS WITH LNSERTINGS TO MATCH. SLEIOUS, sv. Carriages! Carriages! AT EDGERLEY & CO.'S. PracticalTarriage Builders, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the; VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uive ua a call . 3Repalring promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. fntK-tfd&w A8TRICM BROS ADVERTISEMENT. STRICH BROS.' ADVERTISEMENT. ASTRICH ASTR1CH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS r NO ASTRICH ASTRICn ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHEUS BROTHERS BROTHER BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHEUS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS .ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH AfeTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH AS X RICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH 13 EAST 13 EAST 13 EAST 13 EAST 13 EAST IS EAST 13 EAST 13 EAST 13 EAST IS EAST KING KINO KINO KINO KINO KING KING KING KING KING STREET. STREET. STREET. STREET. STREET. STREET. STREET. STREET. STREET. STREET. WE CALL ATTENTION TO OUR ELEGANT AND RICH ASSORTMENT OF SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWI-S EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. HAMBURG We eiler a choice EDGINGS HAMBURG line of Hamburg Edg- EDGINGS HAMBURG ingsand Inserting, EDGINGS HAMBURG in most handsome EDGINGS HAMBURG and select patterns, EDGINGS HAMBURG at our well-known EDGINGS HAMBURG reasonable prices. EDGINGS HAMBURG Narrow Edgings EDGINGS HAMBURG from 4c. up. EDGINGS HAMBURG The neatest Edgings for EDGINGS HAMBURG 5c. CillUlAUS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS HAMBURG Elegant Wide Edg- HAMBURG ings, 10c. HAMBURG We call attention HAMBURG te one let of Pine HAMBURG Wide Embroideries HAMBURG atlCc. HAMBURG One let at 22c. HAMBURG Deep Flouncing in HAMBURG the most elaborate HAMBURG patterns. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMING. IHP-H TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH trimmings: IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. - IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. EVERLASTING Nete the TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING prieoefthcbo TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING trimmings. TRIMMINGS EVEREASTING 1 hole edge, 10c TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING apiece. TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING 2 hole edge, 23c TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING a pieee. TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING 5 hole edge, Sic TRIMMING EVERLASTING apiece. TRIMNINGS EVERLASTING 4 hole edge, tSc TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING apiece. TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING 5 hole edge, 58c TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING apiece. tkih.i.u!i EVERLASTING EVERLASTING EVERLASTING EVERLASTING Other select and hand, some pat terns at nil TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING nrices. RUFFL1NGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFL1NGS. UUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS, RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. PEARL We offer one let of BUTTON'S PEARL geed pearl dress buttons, BUTTONS rtAKii a oezen ier i;c. liuness PEARL One let et large white BUTTONS PEARL PEARL pearl buttons BUTTONS 3 dozen ler 13c. BUTTONS PEARL One let ilncpcarl buttons, BUTTONS PEARL i dozen ier jsc. mi tten& Ivery dress buttons, BUTTONS PEARL PEARL PEARL PEARL in all colors. BUTTON!? 21, 27, 30, BUTTONS fie. (te. Scperdez. BUTTONS LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES, LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. 8ERPENTINE Ne. 13, 8c a dozen. BRAID SERPENTINE Ne. V, 10c a dozen. BRAID SERPENTINE Ne. 21, 13c a dozen. BRAID SERPENTINE Ne. S3, 17c a dozen. BRAID SERPENTINE Ne. 29, 20e a dozen. BRAID STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR ARAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAB BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID, STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BBAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. fcTAR BRAID. FEATHEREDGE Ne. 0, 40c a dozen. BRAID FEATHEKEDGB Ne. 1, 45c a dozen. BRAID FEATHEREDGE Ne. 2. 50c a dozen. BRAID FEATHEREDGE Ne. 3, 55c a dozen. BRAID FEATHEREDGE Ne. 4. CJc a dozen. BRAID TOWELING 5c. PER YARD, TOWELING 5c. PER YARD. TOWELING 5c. PER YARD. TOWELING 5c. PER YARD. TOWELING 5c. PER YARD. TOWELING 5c. PER YARD. TOWELING 5c. PER YARD. TOWELING 5c PER YARD. TOWELING 5c. PER YARD. TOWELING 5c. PER YARD. TOWELING 5c. PER YARD. TOWELING 5c. PER YARD. TOWELING 5C PER YARD. TOWELS Large Towels, Cc. TOWELS TOWELS All Linen Towels, 3 ter TOWELS TOWELS 25c. TOWELS TOWELS Glass Towels, 15c. TOWELS TOWELS Fine German Linen TOWELS TOWELS Towels, Knotted Fringe, TOWELS TOWELS 25c TOWELS NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. . NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. LACE A full line of Lace and Net TIDIES LACE Tidies; also, Antique Point TIDIES LACE Lace Tidies. TIDIES gas rixTUiirs. .c-c a 5 5 ft I O 3 I m . - W S fh i e . 1 i a O S I I iT L til " " J-.. Safece 1 O m g- S t a B ; m JEWELERS. LOUIS WEBKK, WATCHMAKER. Ne. 159)$ NORTH QUEEN STHEET.ncar P. It. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. .Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd 500 SETS SILVLK-PLATED TABLE SPOONS, TEA SPOONS, MEDIUM AND DESSERT FORKS. DESSERT AND MEDIUM KNIVES, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Jeweler. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, 1 a. -TTTHOLESALK AND KETAI1. Watches aud Clocks, OF ALI GRADES AND PRICES. E. F. BOWMAN, IOC EAST KING STREET. I'Al'ER JIAKGIXOS, Cr. w E HAVE JUST OPENED A FINE LINE OF Entirely new In a varictv of Celers. Alsenlain goods in all the newest shades and widths, for un giyies ei wiunew.s. SCOTCH HOLLANDS, in Blown. Cardinal, Ecru Green and White. A few Odds and Ends left te cle-e at hull value. Sluing and Cord Fixtures. Tassels, Fringes, J.oep3, &e. Measures of taken aud Shades hung promptly. Opening almost dally New Patterns et WALL PAPER, ler the Spring. Our stock is very large anil at tractive for the coming season, ami we feel sate in saying we can suit you. CORNICE POLES, &c. Oideis taken for Fine Mirrors. PHARES W. FRY. Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. VII W A AND GLASSWARE. C1HINA HALL,. ) A FEW FACTS FOR THE PUBLIC. Our stock or White Granite Ware or White Stene China is new full and complete, and the best in the market. We have after years of ex perience and the closest attention te bu-ines, selected from Foreign and Demestic Manufac turers Wares which we can ami de guarantee tree lrem crazing. We have been obliged te change Wares several times in order te be able te safely guarantee. We are doing that new. We are able te sell these first-class Wares at the same price aud lower than inferior ones arc offered. Housekeepers, what Tsay (you te these lacts? If you doubt them give us a trial. If net satisfactory we will refund the money. One price te all. " HIGH & MABTIN, 15 EAST KING STREET. FOR SALE. Ij'OK KENT. THE STOKK KOOSI SO. 41 West King street, new occupied by Jehn Fnlek, Tailor. Possession given APRIL 1 1881. Apply te WILLIAM J. COOPER, jan3-M. WASttd West King Street, F OR RENT A SECOND STOKY ROOM, 2ri bv 40 feet, with windows en betli rides. suitable for Cigartnakers or any manufactur ing purpose. Steam furnished if desired. Ap ply en premises, 233 East Fulton street, ler terms, which will be reasonable. 22-lwd PCHLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, THE 2Sth et FEBRUARY, at the corner et Prince and Chestnut streets, will be sold stock and fixtures of a Grocery, Notion and Cen fee tiencry Stere, consisting of show cases, coffee grinder, molasses measures, spigots, half peck and half-bushel measures, counter, scales, spice caddies, Jare, &c; also a geed re frigerator, stove, cellar rope, buckets, wash boards, a large let of notions and groceries; also counters, shelving, bins, chests with glass doers, Ac. Sale te commence en said day at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and 7 in the evening, when con ditions will be made known by s.r. Mcpherson. E. Day, Auct. 118,19,24,25 PUBLIC SALE. ON MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1881, in pursuance et an order of Or phans' court of Lancaster county, will be sold at public sale at Philip Wall's Green Tree hotel. West King street, Lancaster city, the following described real estate, te wit : All that certain let or piece et ground situate en the south side of West King street, Lancas ter city, containing in lrent en West King street, C6 leet 4 incites, mere or less, extending in dcptli te a 10 feet white alley loe feet, mere or less, en the east side, anil J feet, mere or Ics-i, en the west side, and extending along said 10 fect wide alley in the rear 80 feet, mere or less', upon which let et ground are erected a double one-story Brick Dwelling Heuse, Ne. 521 West King street, a Frame Pottery Warehouse, Ne. 5i8; also another smaller Warehouse, Petter's Kiln, Hydrant, Fruit Trees and ether improve ments thereon. Terms cash en Oct. 1, 1831, upon purchaser giving approved security. Sale te commence at Vi o'clock p. in., of said day, when attendance will be given by HENRY M. GANSE, FRANCIS GANSE, Executers of thecstateef Henry W.Ganse, de ceased. Jacob Gckdaker, Auct. feblO-Stawdts I'O INVENTORS. w W. H. BABCOOK, Atterncy-at-Law. of Washington, D. C, form erly an examiner in U. S. Patent Office, offers his services as solicitor before the U. S. and Foreign Patent Offices. Careful work at lair ptices. Was associate et Mr. Jacob Stanffer, of Lancaster, until the lattcr's deatlu ri0-3n:d4w Mean Wirt TUA t'ELjRa' III VI: . f ANCASTER AND MILLKRSVILLE K.B J. j Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancatser (P. B. Depot), at 7. , an 11:30 a. m., and 2, 4, 8 and 8:30p.ra,exept ea Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9-JB p. w . Leave Millersville (lower eBd)at&,8,OBd a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above tisae except ea Sm day. CWLV9IUIA AND 1-OKT DKPOS1T K. K j Trains new run regularly en the Colombia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Stations North- Express. Express. Accen. ward: a.m. r. x. r.v. Pert Deposit. 6:33 S-J 0J Pcachbottein.. 7:12 4S 3:18 Safe Harber. 7:53 3:11 531 Columbia.. 8:25 3:40 6:90 Statiebs Secth- Express. Exprese, Acoea WARD. A.M. r.M. A.M. Columbia. 11:43 fc 7:46 r. M. 6:49 ArlfcQS Safe Harber. iu r.M. Le9:40 Pcachbottein i'iS7 7:32 11.07 p v. Pert Deposit 1:80 8.05 . 1SJ5 TREADING & COLUMBIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT OFPASSENUER TRAINS OCTOBER 25th, 1880. NORTHWARD. LBAVR. tinarryville Lancaster, King St Lancaster Columbia ARRIVE. T.M. A.M. 2J0 3:40 7iM 9-JO 9:40 3J0 3:10 5.50 SOUTHWARD. LKAVX. Reading ARR1VK. Columbia A.M. T.M. 6:43 .... ' 7:55 .... 8:06 1:03 7:55 1:10 ItMS 3:20 T.M Lancaster. Mk07 2.10 8:10 5:00 XtfMIIVUO&Vlva UlUlj Cli IV.IO OaV W,1V Vuuriyville 11:20 .... 833 G: xrainscenncct at Heading wltn trains te and from Philadelphia, Petteville, HerrUbnnr, Al Al lentewu and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Tork, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Sunt. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1S81, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive nnd leave the Lnn casti" and Philadelphia depots osfellowti: A.M. A.M. r.M. 8:05 30 6:10 r.M. 10:15 2:10 20 1017 410 8:10 10:18 .... 8: 11:20 .... 835 KAMTWAPn Leave; Arrive J,ABTWAF'I- Lane'ter Philad'n Philadelphia Express, 2:10 a.m. 4:13 a.m Cincinnati Express 2:55 " 5:13 " Fast Line, 5:18 " 7:30 YorkAccem. Arrives; 8.00 " .... Harrisburg Express 8:05 ltkie DillervilleAccein. Arrives, 8:43 ' .... Columbia Accommodation, 9:10 " 12:01 r.M. Frederick Accem. Arrives, 1:30 .... Pacific Express, 1:4H r.M. 3:43 " Sunday Mail, 20 " 50 Johnstown Express 3:05 " 5:30 " Chicago Day Express....... 4:3T " B-35 Hurrisburg Aceommedm'fi, 6:25 " 9-.30 ' Leave I Arrive Phllail'ii I Lane'ter Wxstward. Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne. l.viu ML Jey, MaU Train Ne.2,via CoPble, Niagara A Chicago Express Sunday Mail, cU8i I'lnCf Frederick Accommodation, DillervilieLoeal.viaMt.Jey Harrisburg Accoiumedut'ii, Columbia. Accommodation, Hurrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, 1230 7:30 A.M. 5:10 a.m 10:20 " 10-.2S " 110 " ItfcSO ' 9:00 H:00 12:10 230 r.M. 2:35 ' 50 " HO " 7:2C " 730 " 830 " 1130 " 2.45 A.M. 230 40 530 623 9:10 11:55 r.M. Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, when flag ged, will step at Middletown, Elizabethtown ML Jey, Landlsville, Bird-in-Hand, Leman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coates villc, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtown, Ceatesv Hie. Parkes burg, Mt. Jey, Elizabethtown and Middletown . Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00 a. in., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 230 r. m., and will run tnreugh te Frederick. T OCAL MAIL AKKANUEAf ENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY RAILROAD. Nxw Yerk through mail 7:30 a m, 1:00 p m, 4:15 p m and 1130 p m. Wat Mail, cast, 7:3e a m. Gordemvillk, Downingtown, Leeimui Place Gap 6 p in. PniLADELrniA through mail, 730 and 8:45 a in.. 1:00, 4:15 anil 1130 p ui. PiTTHiuiReii and west, 2:00 ami 1130 p m. llAr.ui.siiUKO Mail, 930, am, 130, 5:15 and ll:Ii am. Wat Mail, west, 930 a m. Baltimekk and Washihotew, via Philudcl pliia, 4:15 p m. Baltimore and Wasiwoten, via Yerk, 2.00 p in. Baltimore ahd Washi kotew, via Harrisburg 11:30 p in. COATBSVILLK, 4:15 p III. Columbia, 10 a m, 20 ami 5:15 p m. Yerk and Yerk wat, 2:00 and 1130 p m. Northern Cxxtral, 10:00 a m, 20 and 1130 p m. Rkadihe. via Reading and Columbia R R,7:30 a m and 1230 pm. , Reading, via Harrisburg, 5:15 and 1139 pm. Rkadine wat. via Junction, Lititz, Manheim, East Heinptlehl and Ephratu, 3 pm. O.UARRWILLK, Cumarge, New Providence, West Willow and Martinsville, Refton and Lime Valley, 9:15 a m and 50 pm. New Helland, Churchtown, Greenbank, Blue Ball, Goedvillc, Reartewn and Spring Greve, by way et Downingtown, at 730am and p in. Save Harber, via Columbia, 100 a m. BY STAGE Millersville and Slackwater. te Sate Harber, daily, at 4:00 p m. Te Millersville, 8 and 1130 u id. and 4 pm. Binkley's Bridge, Lenceck, Bu re villc. New Helland, 230 p m. Willow Street. Sinithvllle, Buck, Chestnut Level, Greene, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Beck Springs, Fairnieiint and Rewlaudsville Ml. daily. 7:50 a m. Landis Valley, Oregon, West Earl, rarmcni ville, Ncffsvlllc, Hinkletown, Terre Hill, Martindale, daily, at 230 pm. Greenland, Fertility, Lampeter and Wheat land Mills, te Strasburg, dully, at 4 p m. Puradisc and Soudersburg, at 73!) a in. New Danville, Conestoga. Marticvllle, Ccle manville. Mount Nebo. Rjiwllnsvillc, Bethes-ia and Liberty Si i uare. daily, at 230 p in. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern moil, 7 a in . 1030 a m, 3 and 6:30 p in. Eastern way mail, 1030 a m. Western mail, 7 aud 10 a m, 2 and 6:30 p m. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, 230 p m. Western way mail, 830 a m. Reading way mail, 1030 a m. Quarry villc Branch, 8:15 a m and 4 pm. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Sate Harber and Millersville, at 9 am, daily. Frem Millersville, 7 und 9 a m, and 4 pm. Frem New Helland, ut 930 a m, daily. Frem Rewlandsviile, Md, at 4 p. tn. Reading way mail, at 1030 a m, daily. Frem Strasburg. at 930 a m, dolly. Frem Rawlinsville, at 11 am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There arc four mail deliveries by letter cur riers each day, and en their return trips they take up the mail mutter deposited In the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the office at C3Q am: second delivery at 10 a in ; third delivery at 11 a m ; fourth delivery at 3 p SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the postefllce Ls open from April 1 te October 1, from 8 te 9 a in, and from 6 te 7 a in ; from October 1 te April l,from 9 te 10 a m , and from G te 7 1 in. COAL. B. H. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. iCS-Yard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd COHO & WILEY. :tSO IfORTMI WATER ST., Lmumttmr, Jfe, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Concoction With the Telephonic Kxehaag. Branch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. Ieb28-:yd - - no te RELLLY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN 'FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers In want et Superior Manure will find it te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrisburg Pike. I Office. 20 East Chestnut street. Ogl7-rtd COAL! COAL!! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether Ua d of COAL go te RUSSET. & SHULMYER'S. Quality ami Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 82 East King Street. YARD: 618 North Prince Street. auglt-taprlSK A rm