lAi.t , racs v- LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENGEK, TfJESDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1881. 'WTHIMrtlrCS Jyii ncastcr intelligencer. BTUESDAYfcVEING. FEB. 22, 18S1. Lecal Politics. Hew Fulton's Onack Itrelte the King. Fer the Istsllieexcec These acquainted with the political complexion of Fulton township are fully aware of the superlative dejrrce of black ness of said complexion. If we may be allowed the expression, it is " black as ace of spades ;" nay. black as the "ten spot." And its political workings are one contemptible combination of rings ; rings that work together, rings antagonistic ; in fact, it possesses almost as many rings as some of our worthy farmer's hog puns, or thrifty house wives' wire dish washers. Fulton has net reached Lancas ter's beautiful and refined po sition, and docs net bestow upon herrings such euphonious appellations as " Heg Him;' and "Bull King," but prefers mere embracing (net that " Hall'' and " Heg" de net take in all Lancaster llc publieans) and compounded titles as the Kirk - Brown Cameren - whisky - ring" with sometime.-; an ugly "cuss word" prefacing it. Anether ring they call the "Quackand-Stnt.on-IIeusc-Lav.ei-King. Tlie'vjuack"' means a political quack, of course. It couldn't certainly refer te any ether kind of quack. And your cerre.-iKMident has rather a "warm side"' for the station house lawyer, but would advise him te be guard ed in his company, and would whisper te him that "evil communications cot nipt geed morals." New the lir.-:t named member of the List mentioned firm has long been desiring te held the enviable and important poiitieu of school director and the ether ring desired that he shouldn't. Se one morning earlier in the winter this "quack." as his Republican opponents ilub him. .stantliiijjen his heels, his thumbs stuck in the arm heics of his vest, and his lingers beating a tattoo en his swelling breast, surveying the sp .'.less whiteness of the snow ceve: eu valley through which the narrow gauge railroad " drags its slew length along," the prominence of a distant hiil. and with a snore satislie observation (1' i he prominence of his own stomach, remarked le his horse, deg and a man that he would next year be a member of that school beard or knew the leasuii why. He was :( ery cat net that he mistook earnestness forpeliiical power, and diit net realize their wonderfully differ ent untitles till the leth inst. Well, after be had made the above declara tion, which :u teality was but. the breaking of the egg he had long been hatching, i e proceeded te give his town ship a thorough canvass. ;ml through his friends published ai; earnest solicitation for support at the primary, and succeeded in getting the nomination en account of a small primary attendance and the elo quence of his partner, the lawyer. 'When the K-'pubiieans at large learned what kind of a dish their cook had served up ferth'.m, paitieularly disliking the no savory quack meat in if. they ci ied, " Get thee h'-ueu :" for tlie Fultjti Republican would like it te appear some, time that his task is very squeami-.I'.. and tiiis time he growled with Dickens's dissatisfied man en the. canal that "this don't suit me no hew, it don't." With this the director aspirant became enraged, and .ivewed ly his "genealogy " that he would bieak that blank, blankery, blank Kirk-lrown-Caiiie;e;, be elected, and. pull through with him the defeated candidate for assessor, our es timable friend who can tell you the birth day of every man in Fulton township. But alas! the traces broke at the lirst crossway and the assessor was left, behind and the little "boss" never get higher than the bottom !' the hill. The lawyer worked IkimI for his fiiend and they (lid net hesitate te grasp a straw that, ea me along, in the person of a juve nile Democrat who ell'eied his services. When the elder Democrats saw which way this straw was blowing they became slight ly alarmed for their own cause, .for the juvenile is something of a talker, but they were tcassuied when they remember ed that the nteie he talked the less the world would listen. The venerable states man and constitution mender from Texas was there, tee, admonishing the boys te "stick te their text and vote their sentiments.'' (i eetuse, this advice had great weight, being in such perfect har mony with the ailviser'stecerd. When the polls closed the lawyer gave it as his opin ion that "that, day the Iviik-IJrown-Cam-creii-whisky-ring had dug a grave, which the quaek' would step elea ever, and it self, that might be buiied therein, in ever lasting, ignominious oblivion." The law yer is given te oratory, and makes his per ieds sound sometimes. The counting et the vote showed Lew far the director candidate hail pulled the peer assessor candidate; showed them both coming in away behind the " tail of the hunt;" showed an imaginary new school house fading, fading faraway from the old one at Plum Htit ; showed the strength of the Kirk Urewn fc Ce.'s ring ; showed the wanted -te be school director that it is as dillicult te break that lingas for the narrow-gauge engine te go through a snow-drift ; te sell weithless railroad bends te women ; te induce colored men's daughters net te live with copperheads; for a camel te go through a needle's eye, or km- nun m ncicni sucii a man as ins op ponent for school director. As 11 Cure ler l'IR-s Kidney-Wert acts- first liy overcoming in th,. mildest manner all tenilenrv te constipation censtipation constipatien tliep, ly its great tenie'aud invigorating prop prep criies, it restores te health the debilitated and weakened parts. We haw hundreds et certi fied cures?, where all else had tailed. Use it and sutler no longer. Exclmixie. ' 121-1 wd.Vw "Lies: ltlg Lies!" Net se last my friend ; for if von would see the strong, healthy, blooming men. women and children that have been raied trem beds of sickness, sull'ering and almost death, by the use et Hep Hitters, you would say " Truth glorious truth.' cu "Truths," in another column. 117-2wd&w MEDICAL. DBY GOODS. B. It. MAKTIN, Wholesale and Kctail Healer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 43Tnrd: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince Streets above Lemen. Lancaster. nU-lyil COHO & WILEY, ItTM yOKTII fl'ATEtt ST., Lancaster, fa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. TO TO - REILLY & KELLER roe GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Fanners and ,lhcrs in want et Superior Manure will find it te their advantage te call. Yard, Hurrlsbnrg Pike. t Ofllee. 20 Kast Client n nt street. iigI7-ltri COAL ! " COAL ! ! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kind orCOALgeto RUSSBL. & SKULMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: S East King Street. YARD: 018 North Prince Street. uugH-laprlSR JANCASTKR ANI 3UILLKKSVILLE K. K j Curs run as fellows : Leave Lancatscr (1. It. Depot), at 7, 9, and 11:30 a.m., and 2, 4. C and 8:30 p. in., except en Saturday, when the last car leave ut 9:30 p. m. Leave Millersville (loner end) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. in. Cars run daily en above time except en Suit' day. K. BROWNING'S D C.&C. CORDIAL, ?or. ' COLDS AND COUGHS, I'KICK, 25 & 3."; Cents. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., seli; proprietor, Ne. 1321 Arch Street, fTMyeedJfcw PHILADELPHIA. N1 TEKVOUS DEBILITY. Te Nervous Sullerer The Great fcure- pcan Keniedy Dr. J. IS. Simpsen's Speemc Medicine, it is a positive euro for Sperma Sperma eorrhea. Seminal Weakness.Impetcncy,aiid all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Le-s of Memery, Tains in Hack or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. Tlie Speciiic Mcdicilic Ifc 1 icing used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get mil particulars. Price, Speeilie, $1 per package, or ix packages for $5. J. IS. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY, Xes. inland IOC Main Street, Bullnle, N. Y. Address all orders te II. IS. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, KIT unci 139 North Qui Street, Lancaster ml7-lydoed&wJ C1ET THE BEST IIOKSK AND CATTLE JT I'O W DER. The attention of tanners and strck raiders is specially called te the above powder which is pronounced by many tanners the best for distemper, coughs, ceMsand ether dUenccs and conditions et Horses. Alse, for Cattle. Swine and Poultry. Fer Milch Cows there can be nothing better, 23 cents a pound or 5 pounds ler 1. Prepared and sold by ANDREW G. FRY. DRUGGIST, Cor. Xeith (Jitucn and Orange Streets. Lancaster. Pa. MtS CELL A XEOS. VO'l'K A 'E1V SPECIALTIES IN MEN'S WEAR! THAT WE.ARK OFFERING. SOME OF which aim: tuf. daily needs OF EVERY WOEKIXGMAN. jr. PAIU OF HEAVY LINED trousers, Willi riveted buttons, anil each pair warrant ed net le rip,sell:ng for $1.15 per pair. 6t.n PAIi: OF HEAVY DUCK TROUSERS, In colors of Mede, ISlue, Itrewn, Striped and Checkered. Maite with riveted bulleus, but net lin-d, celling i'er.'i !,(iiiaiul 7" cents per pair. THESE UOOIJS ARE 11 A WiAIXS, and if you examine tiiem you would decide net te make at home what you can buy cheaper and belter made. We have COATS AND JACKETS that match the kHt let named, and -ell for the same. CLOTHING, HATS, FURNISHING GOODS IX GRKA.T VA1HETY. ONE PRICK HOUSE. WILLIAMSON ft FOSTER, 3G BAST KING STREET, 110-lviH w LAKCASTEi:. PA. eirr tti: a kixu.s. A riLLAKD PiNKD :ie'i:i. letti:i:y pest TO APRIL, 7, 1831, FOU A FULL DHAWIN'ti. The drawing v. ill take ji'.ace at LOUIS VILLE, KY . under the authority et a special act of t lie Kentucky Legislature,' ami will be under the absolute control et disinterested commi-.-!encrs appointed by the act. list or rniy.r.s. - the Nillard Hetel, with all its Fixtures and Furniture V One Residence en Green Street One Wesideuce en Green Street Twe Cash Prizes, each. $.",0i.l Twe Cash Prizes, each .fiOiHl Five Cash Prizes, each $I.(H Five Cash Prizes, each J.VKI Filly Cash Prizes, each $100 Dm' Hundred Cash Prizes, each $r0 Five Hundred Cash Prizes, each J20 One set ISar Furniture One Fine Piane One Handsome silver Tea Set 400 ISe.xc.s Old llourbeu Whi-ky, $3i; 10 ISasketsClianipagne. $.." ' Five Iluudreil Cash Prizes, eaeli $10.... tee I Sexes Fine Wines, $.":i 200 I'.exes Itobertsea Count v. Whisky,?;:! 4iW ISe.ves Havana Cigars, sf'le Five iluiidrid Cash Prizes, eacii $10.... A.1IOUNTING TO .fl.'i.lHKI . l.",(KK' . I0,MKi . 4,000 . ."..IHK) . 2..VI0 . S.IKK) . r,H) . I(I,(KM . 1,000 fllid KM) . 11,400 :sse . liOUO , COIM . 4,00 1 . ."..ego Whole tickets, $S: Halve ltemitlances mav be made Express, Postal Meney Order Mail. Si:;oy,83e. i?t; Quarters, it by ISank Chech or uegwtcrei Ucspeiisible agents wanted at all points. Fer circulars giving full information, and for Tickets, address w. c. whips, Willard Hetel, Louisville, Ky. rebl.VI!tw&2wilT&S 29th Popular MeAthly Drawingr OF TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauicy's Theatre, in the City or Leuis ville, en MONDAY. FEBRUARY 28th. 1881. Thesu drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Assembly et Kentucky, incorporat ing the Newport Printing and Newspaper Company, approved April '.), 1S7S. S"Tbls Is a special act, and has never been repealed. The United States Circuit Court en March 31. rendered the following d 'cisiens: 1st That tlie Coiiimeii weal tb Distribution Company Is legal. 2u ltn drawings are fair. X. IS. The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Head the list of prizes ler the FE15RUAIIY DKAW1XG. J prize 3o,eo0 1 prize ; 10,000 1 prize 5,(KW 10 prizes $I.UO0cucli lo.CKle JOprizes.'lOOeach 10,000 Mi prizes. $100 each lotwe aoeprizesau-ach 10000 , Prizes aecacli 1000 1000 prizes lOcach inoeo 9 prizes K) each, approximation prizes 2.700 9 prizes 'JOO each, " psoe 9 prizes lcecuch. ir " 'moo .$112,400 tickets'1 J.f .UrI lriZ( "a (( Whole tickets, $2; half tickets, $1; : .ki; ej iickcis, jew. I'emit Meney or Hank Draft in Lett;r, et send by Express. DON'T SEND ISY KKGIS TEKED LETTEUOi: POSTOFFICE OlCDEIt. Orders of$."i and n)i ward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders te It. AI. KOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal ISnililiii" Louisville, liy., et T. .1. COMMKKFUISD, 212 Broadway. New Y-rk. febl-TuTh&S&w FOK SALE. 170KUKNT TDK SrOICi; KOOM (. Jl ; West King street, new occupied bv .lelin Falck Tailor. Possession given APRIL 1 IsSI. Apply te WILLIAM. I. COOPER, JauS-M. WASt td West King Street, PUIILIC SALK. IN TUESDAY', FKItRU AUY22, IASl.wiil be sold at Ne. 214 East Orange Street, household and kitchen lurni turi!, consisting in part of one piano and steel and music books, marble top tables and books, selas, oil paintings, small eard table, dining room stove and fixtures, kitchen stove and fixtures, carpets by the yard," tables, chairs, wash-stands, and many ether articles net mentioned. Sale te commence at one o'clock of said day, when conditions will be made known by JOHN I1LACK, Sr. Hr.xuv SllUliEUT, Aut. febl.Vtsd TJKASONS YYHY THE PEARL SHIRT IS ritEFEEKED TO ALL OTHERS. 1. Thev are made of the best Wamsutta Muslin. 2. Besoms are three-ply, made of the best Linen, and each .ply guaranteed te be all Linen. 3. They arc made only by capable and expe rienced hands, are carefully inspected, and are unsurpassed by any ether in workmanship. 4. They are guaranteed te fit, and te give sat isfaction in every respect. .'.In addition te the above excellent standard the Pearl Shirtsare lined across the lrent, making them still mere durable. C Measures taken and Pearl Shirts MADE TO ORDER, in case of odd sizes. Try them anil be convinced. PRICE, $1.00. FOR SALE ONLY HY J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, NKXT LANCASTER, PA. HOOK TD THE COUltT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S Hought at the recent sale et WET WOODS, from the lire in NEW YORK A ROUT 3,OOD YARDS LATEST SPRING STYLES DEESS GINGHAMS, ISEAUTIFUL GOODS. Seme only slightly wet en the edge and ethers perfect, all te be sold 25 per cent, less t ban reg ular prices, 10, ll'Xaud 12J,e. l. Tan: size mausictlleh q I..W, WORTIT I. White and Colored Quilts only $1 Ladies', Gents' and Children's mHAUR WATERPROOFS, FOR $1.50, WORTH DOUI5LE THE MONEY. DRY GOODS, VSDESWEAE, C. VTDVELTIES IN SCARF PIXS. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWER'S AT R J. EEISMAN'S, THE SHIRTMAKEK, 56 NORTH UUEKN STKHET (" KEAT LINEN SALE AT THE NEW YORK STORE. m, mm co. have again been in the market with the most gratifying results and are new prepared te eiler the largest assortment and best value in TABLE LINENS EYER SHOWN IN LANCASTER. SPECIAL BARGAIN: a.0 HANDSOME DOUBLK WEIGIIT.HANDJ LOOM DICE AND LAMASK TABLE CLOTHS IX ALL SIZES, FROM Wc. TO $2 EACH. SPECIAL BARGAIN': 2,500 Yards SWISS EMBROIDERIES from 4 te C inches wide, at l'24c. a yard. Choice Patterns In this let are usually sold from 20 te 23c. a yard. Watt, Sliand & Company, ASTRICH BUG'S ADVEKTISEXEST. NEW YORK STORE. """"IKK! Ft UK!! FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te Court Heuse. "1KNTLEMKN! WE HAVE OPEXED ANOTHER INVOICE OP WOOLENS, is tiii: NEW SPRING STYLES. Mctzger, Bard&Hangliman HAVE NOW OPEN THE TABLE HENS, FROM THE LATE NEW YOKK FIRE De net delay it you want BARGAINS, AS THEY ARE SELLING RAPIDLY. iizrtflMimiis We have them displayed nicely, and can show tlicni without any trouble, se call and leek at them and sec the slyls that arc ellered whether you wish te purchase or net. Wc also have the NEW FASHION PLATES for the coining Spring and Summer, and are therefore prepared te make all articles et Clothing te order in the latest styles. Prices very low, as we want te increase this branch et our bus iness. Satisfaction is warranted in every case or no .sale. GENTS' Merine & Gauze Underwear DRESS SHIRTS, HOSIERY AND NECKWEAR, ALL IX FULL ASSORTMENT. Girl, Bewers' k Hurst, 25 East King: Street. NEW CHEAP STORE, 38 West King Street, Opposite Cooper Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. Ol'KCIAI. NOTICE. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KIXG STREET. We are selling at less than present value STANDARD MAKES OF Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings Pillow Muslins, and Tickings. LOOM AND DAMASK TABLE LIKENS, Napkins and Towels, MARSEILLES AND CROCHET QUILTS, WHITE and COLORED BLAXKETH. CHlfTA AND GLASSWARE. OPENED THIS DAY A LARUE AND CHOICE SELECTION OF HAMBURG EDGINGS WITH INSERTINGS TO MATCH. dd 4 STRICH ItltOS.' ASTEICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ADVr.KTISK HE.VT. JtEPOIiT. THE ACCOUNT c: r N O II BOTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS ; BROTHERS I BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHER BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS 1SROT1IERS BROTHERS BROTHERS RROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS l:t EAST KING STREET. W EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 1.1 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. WE CALL ATTENTION TO OUR ELEGANT AND RICH ASSORTMENT OF SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMUROIDER1 ES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWI-S EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDER1BS. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. We eiler a choice EDGINGS lincerihtuibur Eilg- EDGINGS ingsand Insertions, EDGINGS in most ha'xlsemc EDGINGS uiul select pattern, EDGINGS at our well-kneun EDGINGS reasonable prices. EDGINGS Narrow Eil;;iui;s EDGINGS from lc. in). EDGINGS HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG Theneatcst Eils-'in-rs for EDGINGS HAMBURG :,e. EI1GINGS HAMBURG J-Jcgant Wiile E1- EDGINGS HAMBURG in9, lOe. EDGINGS HAMBURG We call attention EDGINGS HAMBURG te one let et Fine EDGINGS HAMBURG Wiile Embroideries EDGINGS HAMBURG atlOe. EDGINGS HAMBURG One let ut C-2c. EDGINGS HAMBURG Deep Flennciiigs in EDGINGS HAMBURG the most elaborate EDGINGS HAMBURG patterns. EDGINGS IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IR1-H TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. EVERLASTING Nete the TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING price erthese TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING trimmings. TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING I hole edge, We TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING apiece. TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING 2.hele fdgi-,-r.e TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING apiece. TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING 3 hole edge, .lie TRIMMING EVERLASTING apiece. TR1MNINGS EVERLASTING A hole edge, 4Sc TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING apiece. TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING S hole cdg. EVERLASTING EVERLASTING EVERLASTING EVERLASTING EVERLASTING EVERLASTING PEARL PEARL PEARL PEARL PEARL PEAR I a piece. Other select and hand, some pat terns at all nrices. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUf FLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. We eiler tine let of ;oed pearl dress button 3 dozen ler l."e. One let of large while pearl buttons. ' dozen ler 13e, Wc TRIM. MINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS BUTTON , .BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS CtUINA HALL. J A FEW FACTS FOR THE PUBLIC. Our stock or While Granite Ware or While Stene China is new full and complete, and the best in the market. We have after years of ex perience and the clecst attention tcftmslnces. selected from Foreign and Demestic Manulae turcrs Wares which we can nnd ile guarantee free from crazing. We have been obliged te change Wares several times in order te be able tb safely guarantee. We are doing that new. We are able te sell tliec flrst-class Wares at the same price and lower than inferior ones areetTercd. Housekeepers, ruat rsay veu te these facts? ir you doubt them give us a trial. If net satisfactory we will refund the money. One price te all. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 EAST KING STREET. SZEKUIS, AV. Car riages ! Carriages ! AT A Z. RINGWALT'S Cheap Liquor and Grocery Stere, NO. SOT) WEST KING STREET. leblO-lyd EDGERLEY & CO.'S. PracticarCarrfage Builders, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Heuse3, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we otter at the; VERY LOWEST PRICES. PEARL One let fine pearl buttons, BUTTONS PEARL i dozen for 13c. BUTTON'S- PEARL Ivery ilrc buttons, BUTTONS PEARL in all colors. BUTTONS PEARL 24. 27, SO, BUTT NS PEARL 5c. Be. Sepcrdez. BUTTONS LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES, LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACKS. LACES. SERPENTINE Xe. 13, 8c a dozen. BRAID SERPENTINE Ne. 17,10c a dozen. BRAID SERPENTINE Ne. 21, 13c a dozen. BRAID SERPENTINE Ne.i'., 17c a dozen. BRAID TERPENTINE Ne. '.II, 20c a dozen. BRAID STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR A RAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAB BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID, STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BBAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. fcTAR BRAID. FEATHEREDGE Ne. 0, 40c a dozen. FEATHEKEDGE Ne. 1, ATm a dozen. FEATHEREDGE Ne. 2. Wleadezen. FEATHEREDGE Ne. 3, Me a dozen. FEATHEREDGE Ne. 4. file a dozen. TOWELING r.c. PER TOWELING Sc. PER TOWELING flc. PER TOWELING Sc. PER TOWELING Sc. PER TOWELING Sc. PER TOWELING Sc. PER TOWELING Sc. PER TOWELING Sc. PER TOWELING Sc. PER TOWELING Sc. PER TOWELING Sc. .PER TOWELING Sc. PER HUGH R. FULTON, TREASURER OFTUn HOME FOU FRIENDLESS CHILDREN FOR TUB CITY AND COUNTY OF LANCASTER. PA., FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31. A. D. ISA). REPORT. DR. : in Tre:isury at filing 1SS0. Jan. 1, te balance last account Jan. 20, te cash received of County Treasurer, interest en two $1(11 comi ty bends (Reger and Heinitsh Icga- fMCSl - ......................... ........ Te cash received of City Trcasuicr, interest en SLUM) of City 8 per cent, bends (Bewman legacy) Feb. 14, te cash received of County Treasurer en account et last Install ment of $1,000 of County appropria tion for the year 1S7J, (this amount betng required for payment out standing indebtedness ler last year, the remaining $300 net being drawn from the County) April 7, te cash "received of County Treasurer as the lirst installment of appropiiatien for the year 1SS0 May 25, te amount received of Kauf man & Burn-? ter less by fire in Heme building, the amount assessed en $3,000 policy in North British liisitr- m U(7V VOi ! ..a . Te cash received of Hugh S. Guru, esq., ter above less en Mav 3th, as sessed en $3,100 policy in Franklin Fire Insurance Ce '. Te cash received et C. II. Lel'evre, esq., ter le-ss as above, lining amount assessed en$3.(.00 policy in Lancaster Heme Mutual Insurance Company. June 11. te cash received of Count v Treasurer as the May installment of County appropriation Julys, te cash received et Jeseph Sam son, two dividends en JO shares et Northern Market Company Stock, (Hess donation) July 12, te cash received of County Treasurer, as June installment of appropriation Sept. 2J, te cash received of County Treasurer as July, August and Sep tember installments of County sip sip pmpriatien .. Nev. 20, te amount received et North ern Market Company, dividend en 10 shares et stock, (Hess donation).. Dec. 13, te cash received et County Treasurer as October,November and December installments of County appropriation 162: '. 40 f te 70-.) W 2,000 CO .1! 3.1 33 ::i oe se oe 1.0.H) 00 ;:,oeo oe l. m 3,000 0) Total charged.. us 1&50. CR. Jan. 1, by cash paid out en warrants etthe Beard of Trustees and Beard et Lady Managers, said warrants beingattaciied te the bills of items unproved by the proper committees, as fellows : Jan. II, te Hugh R. Fulton, treasurer, for stating theannual account. mak ing copies for publication and sta tionery ler the year lh7'J. Warrant Xe. 32 .ItHi.asr'VlnVHiyvarAoViirinVlnB.iefi notice-. Ne. 121 '. Jan. 27, Miss Elizabeth White, et Household Cemmitter, en account of salaries for January. Ne. 120.... Feb. 10, Miss Elizabeth White, balance of warrant Ne. 12, salaries unit marketing for January Miss Elizabeth White, of House hold Committee, for salaries and marketing and incidental expenses ter the month of Febtuary, as per bill et items. Hied us iollews : War rant Ne. 121 : MissM. L. Moere, teucher. $13 00 Miss A. B. Scevern, teacher... SC Se Miss II. llamaker, mat ren Miss E. Stamui, housekeeper.. JIis Leah Cenrad, cook Mis Sarah Pentz, laundress.. Miss Sal lie Martin, ironer., .Miss SpoeiiKlcr, chambermaid. Miss Susan llerr, care taken for girls miss Adelaide jiumakcr, care taken for boys .Miss Careline Irwin, seam stress 17 00 Jacob Kautz, gardener 30 oe Marketing and incidental ex penses for the month 20 00 30 00 1 30 2U0 00 30 OO p;ue 0 00 ; ie 13 CI) 13 00 13 Oil .. 13 0J TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS All work warranted., uiveus a call. wuepairing promptly attended te. LACE ti,,,... orKmcnespecm,lye,mP,0ye,lfer 'ACE Tidies:. also, Antique Point that purpose. fn2C-tfU4w lace Lace Tidies. Large Towels. Cc. All Linen Towels, 3 for 25c. Glass Towels, lfie. Fine German Linen TeweN, Knotted Fringe, ". 23c NAPKIN!;. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. napkins. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. A full line et Lace and Net BRAID BRAID BRAID BRAID BRAID YARD, yard! YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELs TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TIDIES I TIDIES TIDIES Feb. 21, C. V. Kendig, for lard ami vin egar. Warrant Ne. 122 March S, by cash paid Ell weed for piibli-hing Treasurer's account in Lancaster inquirer. Ne. 33 March , Levi II Hess, for 3,100 fts hay, at $17 per ten. Ne. 51 March 20, A. W. Wcikcl, for hats and ribbons. Ne. 12i; March 22, Mrs. Clara Fahnestock. et Household Committee, for ene-half et March bill of salaries (bill $275 SO) April 7. C. Rcedniiller. for milk. Ne. 125 April 9. Steinman & Ueiisel. ler pub lishing Treasurer'.-, annual account and printing. Ne. 5s C. S. Hnll'uian, esq., fJTr two Heme bends et the issue of ISC,'J, due Octo- April 10. Charles Schwcbel, ler plow ingaud harrowing Heme grounds. ie 5$? . April, 15, Christian Wiiinyer"fer"biif of Samuel Curtis, for manure paid for by him. Ne. SO April 23, Jehn Leibley, for meat for .December, January, February ainl March. Ne. 13 ............... Geerge Goeble, for Heur and bread, lour months' bill. Ne. 13K Mrs.Clara Fuhncstock.ef Household Committee, salaries mid marketing for April. Ne. 123 Sirs. Clara Fahnestock. balance e! bill for March unpaid. Ne. 127 April 24, Isaac Ranck, cernnieul and Iced. Ne. 130 J. II. Bushong. for hay. Ne. 133 C. V. Kendig. for vinegar. Ne. 131.. .Mrs. Louisa Miller, for soap. Ne. 131 J. V. Gibbs, ler groceries. Ne. 132.." April 2G, Miller & llartman, groceries. Ne. 1211 April 27, Shertzer, Huinnhreville & Kieller, for plumbing, gas-fitting, &c. Ne. fit April 29, II. U. Dillenbacii, for beef: On warrant Xe. 133 $3.i 0" On warrant Xe. 123 17 7fi May 1, Henry Drachbar, for brick, lime, labor and sand ter sewer trap. Xe. IX) May 4. B. B. Martin, two cords weed. May 15. C. Wiiimyer. for cash paid Jehn Boek, ler lumber and making fence. Ne. 02 May 21, Mrs. Clara Fahnestock, for salaries and marketing for month. M ay 2 1, Cliari es" Sell webei. Sntai '.'.'..'. Lancaster Gis Ce.. for gas bill from Nev. 1 te Feb. 1. Ne. 37 $10 07 trem Feb. 1 te May 1. Ne. fil 2 42 May 20. J. A. Westhaeirer, books and stationery. Ne. 13!) J une f, P. C. Snyder, rer hats and rib rib eons: Ne. 110 June 10. Williamson t Fester, ter hats Ne. 141 Myers Unthteu, dry goods and cut ting. Ne. 142 II. Baumgardncr k Ce., 3e tens et coal. Ne, in June 14. tne Xew Era, ler advertis ing. Ne. H7J4 June It. Mrs. Clam Fallnesteek, for salaries and marketing for the month. Ne. 113 Jiinvlt), Jehn A. Burger, for repair ing damages .te Heme building by the fire et May 5th, and for extra work. Ne.fiS June 22, Christian Widmyer, ler bill of Jehn Heidi:;, for four leads of manure. Ne. " June 2s, Jacob Gable, for plumbing from July 22, 1S7, te November, '7'J. Xe.B9 J uly 2. High ,t Martin, queenswure. Xe. 'Xi David Mile, plumbing. Xe. 70 Christian Sharp, 1; dozen balls. Xe. 144 Miller A -Ilurttiian, gieccrle. Xe! 110 Phares W. Fry. helluud 'and bind ing. Xe. US By interest nalil en Heme ceinirm bends at First National Bank July !). Samuel Fex, for cow. Xe. .. July 14. Flinn & Brencman, for hose ceuntings and nozzle, etc. Ne. 71.. E. R. Kendig, ler 13 bushels pota toes, Ne.5 ,.. July 1. Henry F. llartman, for 427 bushels lime. Ne. 72 July W, Benjamin L. Landis. for po pe po tatecs, shouts anil straw. Ne. 14. . . . August 2, Miss Elizabeth Whitr, et household committee for salaries and marketing ter the month. Ne. D. Bair. ferdry goods. Ne 150 August 3. Jehn Leiblev, for three months' beef bill, from April 21 te July 17. Ne. 154 J. 1. Gibbs, ter groceries. Ne. 152. August 5, Geerge Goeble, for bread and flour for three months. Ne. 135, J. Rciiiitciti. ler two pair.seis.jer. ' ' 1 lit. ....., August 0, Louisa Miller, for soap. Se. ' August 12. Bauingarilner. Ebcrinau X Ce., for lumber and hauling. Ne. 75, Geerge W. Brown, ler painting at " Homebuilding. Ne. 73 Widmyer & Riekecker, for chairs and repairs. Ne. 74 August 14, W. W. Heusel, for carpen ter work, Ac. Xe. 74C August 20, Miss Elizabeth White, ter salaries and marketing ter August. August 21, A. C. Leenard, for hams and buns. Ne. 153...- 230 5 ( 12: 115 0 ) S Stt -.1 33 200 00 9 00 4 CO IS1 40 :;:)"i se Wl) 50 137 73 31 25 3 2S i;oe 11 00 15 C3 Augusts, R. J Housten, for notions. Xe. i. -": - September l.. Lane-aster ceuntv prison, for carpets, baskets, Ac. Xe. ie..........................,.....b.b...b September'.!!, Miss Elizabeth White ter salaries ami marketing. Xe. 1U) Jehn Leibley. ter meat for July and August. Xe. lf.l September 23, Miller A llartman. for groceries from June 23, te Septem ber 17 Xe. 1: Lancaster gas company bill from May 1st te September 1st. Xe. 73K. Givler, Bewers A Hurst, for dry Goods. Xe. Ml October 23, A. W. Woodward, rer Ma Ma eon & Hamlin cabinet organ. Xel69. October 23, Miss Elizabeth White, for salaries and marketing ler tlie month. Ne. 1C5 Geerge Goeble, for bread und flour for August, September and October Warraut Xe. US On warrant Ne. C5 C. L. Fen Dcrsmith, books ami sta- U..",Sry- Xoi 7 llliatnsen & lestcr, one dez. taut blankets. XelftJ November 4. Christian Wiiimyer. for 4 leads et manure from Jeseph Sherr. Xe. 77 Cel. David Miles, for water closet etc. Ne. 7S... ; shertzer A Uumphreyville, ler range linings, etc. Xe. se November 13. Flinn A Brcueman. line pipes, etc Ne.S2 November W, Christian Widmyer, 12 leads et manure from Jehn licidig. November 19, G. Sencr A Sen, ter lum ber. Ne. 79............................. Miss Elizabeth White, of household committee, for salaries and market ing fer month. Ne. 170 December 4, 11. Baumgardncr A Ce., for S.) tens of coal. 'e. Si. December 13. Lancaster Gas Light Ce.. thrcejmentlw bill. Ne.SI December 24. Lancaster county prison Xe.Ki -Miss Elizabeth WhYte, salaries and marketing. Xe. 171 D. Baer, ter d ry goedi. Xe. is: R. J. Housten, he;Je, thread and but tons. Ne. 173 Isaac Dlllcr, for hardware, Ac. Xe. Dr. C. A. HcinHsii Yer"driigV,"Ac. ' " 4 ..(... Miller A llartman, groceries, Xe. Geerge Goeble, for breaiL"xe"lSS." Jehn Leibley, meat bill for Septem ber, October and November. Ne. Dr. E. K. Yeung, for dental work. Hagei-A Kro., sheeting and muslin. Hidmyer A Rieksecke:, furniture, W id 111 ye r A R i c kseekcr." for haul! iic done by M. Bash. Ne. ISO December 2S Lane A Ce., drygoeds. , xe. 191 :...?.: December 29, M. Deichler X Sen, rer 92 pair of shoes. Ne. l.s." R. E. Fahnesteek, for drvgoeds. Ne. 190 High A Martin, for qucensware. Ne. 1S1 NaaeRanck, foreeriiiueul and teed. Jehn G. Shcn!.-, ler 21 pair Miee.s. "" '"..... W. 1). Sprecher A Sen, Ne. 182 Cenrad Gast A Sen, ler crockery ware. Ne. 173 II. W. Diirenbaeh, for beet. Ne. la;. Win. H. Hensel, for lumber, hard ware and carpenter work. Ne. K5.. . December 31, Miss L. M. Flinn, for kindergarten material. Ne. 193 Mrs. I.euisu Miller, te.) lbs. soap. Xe. 137 Reed, McGrann A Ce., ter one $500 Lantastereity school bend as an In vestment for Mary McCullough. leg acy and accumulated interest en Heme investment. Ne. ss Geerge W. Brown, for painting at neun: building. Ne. 87 C. L. Fen Dei-smith, for books and stationery. Ne. 197 Hear A McNabb, ter dry goods. Ne. lujj " Mi.s Elizabeth White,' "saiariea ami marketing for month ending Jan. li", 1SI. Ne.WO J. F. Gibbs. ler groceries. Ne. 200.. Shertzer A .Huniphrevllle, ler plumbing. Xe.201 Williamson & Fester, for hats. Xe. J. B. Martin A Ce., ter ilrygoed. H. J5. .Martin, J cenla et weed. Ne. vO .....................,..... II. W. Diirenbaeh, rer beef. Xe.202 C. J, Stermfeltz, ter conveying a runaway indenture child back te guardian at Coatesville. Ne. 201 By interest paid en Heme coupon bends since .1 uly 1. l.Ss'O, debt $7,000, ft percent, interest By one check book, loe .stumped cheeks. Ne. By balance in treasury at date r. i3 199 34 232 50 OS 33 134 57 113!) 33 79 103 0J 238 7l 11163 65 90 13 32 13 00 500 34 24 157 30 15 CO 3?9 2&C50 3l75 24 U) 34 0 3 50 29 Id 2ts :w t 44 22 99 139 05 125 74 133 13 20 00 37 41 21 23 2 43 73 4rf 130 53 5 ft! 30 15 IK (HI 7C9 ; 05 167 'M COO 21 UO 532 C3 12 10 13 55 36 9 263 00 25 75 3 J". 12116 42 40 9 00 23 73 5 40 157 SO 2 1.1) 1,233 90 Total credited. ..$11,13): trt J.aneu.stci- t'eiuili, xs. Hugh R. Fulton, treasurer el" the Heme for Friendless Children ler the city and county or Lancaster, being duly nulrmcd, says that the above account, us stated, is lull, true and cor rect, le the best or his knowledge and belief. HUGH R. FULTON, Treasurer. Affirmed and subscribed bcleru wc, this Will day of .lanuarv, A. D. 1331. ISAAC BUSHONG,.!. P. Filed In the Commissioners' Otllce ut Lan caster, Pa., this jaiii ,ay of January. A. D. lll At test. : 1. N. S. WILL, Clerk. feblO 2tdeawA2tw rUAVELilKS' OVUtJb tOLUMISIA ANl POICT DEPOSIT It. It Trains new run regularly en the Columbia Pert Deposit Railroad en the following c and time: S rATlON.S N'OKTlI- WAim. Pert Depesjt Pcachbottem Safe Harber. Columbia Express. A.M. C:35 7:12 7:33 3:25 Express. r. it. Statieivs Seuth- Express. WAKIi. ; A. v. 52 81 55 bl 3 00 10 71 292 30 2 00 62 39 1 82 4 02 s 00 133 50 1 30 50 200 00 5 00 xn 23 3 S3 16 43 ft 03 103 '.A 111 no 23 00 II I", 5 85 n: 23 141 21 2-0 30 22 29 11) 30 2 :-; 221 12 2 u; 1 1 95 49 71 16 90 13 63 19 73 210 CO Columbia. Safe Harber. -Pcachbottem Pert Deposit 11:15 v. M. 12:14 1237 1:30 3:55 4r28 5:11 5:40 Express". r. m. I Aeeeii. P.M. if 3:13 5:21 8:20 Acceni A.M. 0-20 6:49 P.M. 7:32 8:05 7:45 Ar0:0G Lc9:40 11.07 r. m. Pi25 1I:AI)INJ ACOLlJMIlIA K.K. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS OCTOBER 23th, 1880. NORTHWARD. St. A.x.' r.r. 6:45 .... 2:30 7:55 3:40 8:05 1:05 3:50 7:55 1:10 3:40 10:05 3:20 5.50 7''. 9-JJO 9:10 LEAVE. Quarryville laniftLster, Kiiifj Ijiiiictister '. Columbia AltlUVK. Reading , SOUTHWARD. LEAVK. Reading AltUIVE. Columbia Lancaster. Lant-.ister, King St. Quarryville Trains connect ut Rcudlnw with iminum .....i from Philadelphia, Pettsvilie, Hurrisburg. Al Al leiitewn and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Jteute. A.Jf. A.M. P.lf. :05 XiOO 6:10 P.M. 10:15 2:10 80 10:07 2.10 8:10 10:18 .... 8V20 llr20 .... 9:25 P.M 5:lie 5:10 6:4) At Columbia with trains te and from Yerlr. Gettysbm-g, Frederick and Balti- Hanover, 111 ere. A. 31. WILSON. Supt. 1)ENNSYLVANIA KA1LKOAD NEW . ,?J;.,!.,U,!I,E n ,,n,, aft,r MOKDAV, JANUARY 17th. 1881, trainH en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive and leave the Litn- 1" ' ' "uaeeiphiit ieets asfollewB: Eabtware. Philadelphia Express, Cincinnuti Express Fast Line Yerk Acceie. Arrives;..... Harrisbiirg Express DilIcrviIIeAcceui Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Freileriek Acceni. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express Chicago Day Express, Harri-burg Accommedat'ii. LeSve; Arrive Lanc'ter Phllad'n 2:10 a.m. 4:15 a.m 2:35 " 5:15 " 5rf8 " 7(1 8:00 " 8:05 " 10:10 " 8:15 9:10 " liOI P.M. 1:30 " 1:4) p.m. 3:45"" 2)0 " 5:00 " 3:03 ' 5i- " 1:3". " 6:33 6SJ3 " 1K30 " Westward. J;'' us3cngcr, Mail Train Ne.l.viu Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia! Niagara A Chicago Express -Sunday Mull, rust Line .1 Fiederick Accommodation, 'lucrvijii? i,ocui.viiUll..jey Harrisbiirg Accommedat'ii, 1111111101:1 leeoiiiiiifHluilen Harrisbiirg Express, , Pittsburg Express, , Cincinnati Express Pacific Express, Leave iphilud'a 1230 A.M. 7:) " !i:ti" " 8:01) " I'ilO " 2:30 p.m. 4:00 " 530 " 6f23 " 9:10 " 115 " Arrive Lanc'ter 5:0a.m le:20 " IftSi " 110 " HMO " 2:30 p.v. 2:3.. iSO " .WO " 7.-2C " 730 " a-M " iu " 2.43 A.M. JllcI"c Express, cast, en Snnday, when nag 01 ?.. ' 7 v ' ':" -"""-'wii, Aiizaoetntewn Jit. Jey, Jaitidisville, Birdin-Hand, Leman :.iiice:.l:i,.p' c,lr,?ana, Parkcsburg, Ceatcs ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. vwuit-s 10 96 an rast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, w 111 step at Downingtown, Coatesville, Parkes burg, Jit. Jey, hlizabcthtewn and Middletown. iiuiioveracceiumodation west.cennectintrat !f!'it"Al?t''l'wU,,!,Jia-i,niand Chicago Express at 11:00 a. m., will run throegh te lfanevcr. treilerick Accommodation, west, cennectsat .,,'' nl1" IllL '-me, west, at 2:30 r. m.. and will run tcreugli te Frederick. ' IN j II -u 1 u rZZffSag2EZS3XSXli