LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER MONDAY ' FEBRUARY 21. 1881 T THE LEAF. Tbe Lecal Tobacco Trade. There is net much of special impeitance te note regarding the transactions of the past week. Quite a num ber of strauyc dcaleis weie in town, and some of hem made tours of greater or less extent into the ceuntiy, but the bad leads prevented thetn from getting far away from the turnpikes and consequently net a gieat many purchases were made. The damp weather has been veiy favor able for stripping and farmcis have net been slew in taking advantage of it te pre pare heir crops for market. On Saturday there was a very considei censidei able quantity of baled leaf deliveied at the warehouses in this city, but nothing te compare in quantity with that of some of the "big days'' last season. Following aie some late sales 10 10 pertcd : Samuel Ilshlcman, of Stiasluug town Chip, has sold te Fiank Bear (3 acres at 21, s.and e. Michael Gicider, of Sli.ishurg, ha-, sold te Mr. llarnish his eiep at 20 and !. Henry Itehi-cr, of Strasburg, lias sold te Mr. Brackbill his crop at 20, .i and !J. James MeCaskey hob sold te Mi. Hai nish his ciep at 21, 5 and ''. Christian Kanlt'm.ui, of t'alslituy lev.w ship, has sold 8 acies at 19, 10, b and (J G. K. Sultfuss, of Salisbiu v, has sold te L. Uambeigei & (t , his crop at Hi1., ! and a. Mr. Linvillc, of Salisbury, lias fold le Dillcr & Iluttci his cie .it IS, G and '.'. J. Miller, of Salisbiu v, has mid hi-. i.p at 17,5 and a. E. J. Kendrich, of Conestoga, lias sold te Mr. Spingain, G,7S'5 pounds at 20 cents through. DavidFemev, of 1 Vim township, has sold te Mr. Stehinan liis ciep at 20, 8 and 4. Christian llelncr. of Strasbnrg, has sold te Mr. KinbuMi, of Cincinnati, '. acies at 20, 6 and C. Our Salistuuy (miespeiidcul wiitcs: "The tobacco mail. el still lively. Thuuiep of Salisbury L being bought at laii piicc-s ; some of thu bet, yields lepeitcd have been : Isaac Cofl'reath Held ever live bundled dollars wei th hu.i: one and a tjuaitei acres; RebeitUs.,,.,nAl)iain Km t.', received $7 10.00 from two acres and Mr.Gce G. Worst $100 fien. J acie. Mi. Abiain Kurtz sold the product of 1 10 plants Ce: $153 and many otiiUe in about the :.i::ic propeition." Ruling piice.s fur geed te v.-.ygoed wrappers may be quoted at fiem 20 te ")0 cents, with seconds fiem 0 te 12 and lil'ci.s at a te 5. Badly hindled or Hca-bilUn crops are net sought and no eilers above or 8 cents aie made for them. Between -100 and ."i00 eases of 1ST!) ;. repei ted sold last week en pii-, .-te tcim-. but at i at Ik r still piiees. The New Yeik niuikctvvill bj feniid h h peited en eui outride pages. The Lebaneu Dally Ten . nole tint "Shindel Sz Hershey, f Lanc.tstci , bought a let of leaf tobacco this week in our ilaee, of about 20 acics ; pnecs vai". ing, "J. G and Scents jK-r pound ler bindeis. and te, 1." and 20 cents for wtappcis, acceiding te grade. Buyer-, find eui tobacco of geed quality, and we have lets te sell yet." The Reading Time lepeits that Adam Styer and Sen,ncar Moigantewn, liae sold and delivered Jive tens of tobacco, giewn en six acres, te a patty in Menteiey, Lan caster county. It was in leurgi.uie-. bringing lt-spectivcly 2j, 13, 7 and a cent-. per pound. It is censideied one of the linest crops in that section. Adam Bean sold his ei op te the same paity fei ia, 7 and a cents ; and William (ti-cr, el Iloney Ileney Iloney breolr, sold his crop of Jive acies for 23, 13, 7 and a. t Other lets h ivc br en dis posed of en private terms. CUUItT. Cm i cut iSusiueHs, Opinions, 1.1 c. Ceuit met en Satuiday afternoon fei the puipesc of licaiiugcitticnt business. A wiit of estrepment was giantcd at the instance of Jehn M. Stehinan, admin istrator of Geerge Fleweis, deceased, te restrain llcniy theater fiem emmitiing waste by cutting timber fiem a 1 1 acie piece of land in Raphe township, against w hieh land Mr. Stelunan, as aduunisti.i ter. holds a. judgment el !G()0. This ineining ceuit met at 10 oVIe k, both judges being piesent. In the case el L.J. Ltudeinulhv.?. Shaub, in which a motion for a new tii il was made, a nile was lefu-ed : the ceuit. Judge Patterson deliveied opinions in the following cases : O. P. Biubiker vs. Seu'cnsg.; nile made absolute. Isaac Mishler v. the eeunty of Lutein ter. Rule for a new tiial : nile made ab solute. Strasburg and I'levidenec township'.. read. Rule te show cause why one of the viewers should net be lemeved. Utile dis charged. In the case of the Putin township lead Elias Shcetz, of Kli.abcth township, was apH)intcd a viewer in place of C. J. P ,!, of Penn township, who was lemeved be cause he owned land adjoining th it el a person through whose land this passes. Current Ittisiucss. A charter was granted te the "Guvn ficld Cemetery Association of the Un.led Brethren in Christ," worshiping at Slch man's church in Maner township. II. "Ellen Given, of Columbia, was granted a divorce from her husTmul Jehn I. Given, jr., en the grounds of th.sei th.sei tien. Haldemau Jacksen. Heniy Ouck, .Jacob Reed, Geerge Fisher, Frank Ilogcuteglci. Geerge Shectz. Nathaniel Jehnsen, Xeah Kcescy and Win. Fiew, the Columbia fisherman who at last August ceuit v.eie convicted of violating the lih laws and weie sentenced te six months impiisenment and te pay a fine, were lit-night into ceuit this morning and wcte discharged undei the insolvent act. They weie a happv looking let of men and they left for then homes rejoicing. At the January ceuit V.. J. Buckwaltci was an applicant for a tavern -Jieense at Greenland, East Lampeter township. Pending the granting of the license Buck waiter died. His wife then petitioned for the transfer of the license and it was granted. Uuiuaue Hie Company iui. Thcie was a very full attendance at the Humane fair Satuiday evening, about 1000 people being present. The leeeints were eiy encouraging. Te night will ba'Shiiller night, and tha Shinier fite company will attend in a body accompanied by a band. Wednesday will be "chilihcn's day," and will be ap.ut especially for the aecem limitation of the little folk- In the after noon the inmates of the Ch'udien's Heme will attend in a body fiec of ehaige, at d each one will receive a piesent. The " Washy " boys with a band will visit the fair to-menow night. The articles chanced oil" en Satuiday night were wen as fellow.-, : Pair of vases, Mis Eckman ; motto, Mrs. S. Derw.ut; pair of images, Mis. Resh ; tobacco m m, Mrs. Derwart ; pin cushion, Heniy Dicr pard; perfume, C. Winkler: velvet cushion, Geerge Brown. Petty "Larceny. Fer some time past thieves have been making a practice of cnteiiug the vesti bules of the public school houses and steal ing from the pockets of the childicn's over ever clothing whatever happened te be in them, and sometimes even stealing articles of clothing. The bey.s accused of being im plicated in the thefts have been arrested, en complaint of City Superintendent B acinic and held for a further heating be fore Alderman McConemy. COLUMBIA NEWS. OLI1 I'.KGULAK CORItLSPCSDKSCK The doings of the teachers' institute at its session of Saturday were unimpeitant. Twe Matietta teachers the Misses Tur ne: weie in attendance as visiteis. A missienaiy collection will take place in the M. 12. church next Sunday morn ing. The Reformed chinch enteitainrnent will be well attended to-menow evening and se will the ball of the Citizens' band this evening. The piebability is that fhe excursion te Pert Deposit to-menow will be a veiy large one. The Susquehanna 1 oiling mill employees weie paid en Saturday. To-meirow will be the anntvetsary of Washington's birthday and a holiday. The Philadelphia ei Reading railroad company's pay car is te be heic te day. The employees will b paid for Januaiv's weik. P. & 11. engine Ne. 1(323 is new miming heic en local fi eight, in place of engine Ne. a&7, which was broken up in the P.uke-ihuig wieck of about a month age, in which Vitnier Daily, who has since died, was injured. About one inch of snow fell heic dining the eaily bems of this meining. It has quite a natuial leek. Miss Jessie Dcntlci, of Leck Haven, Pa., is visiting in Columbia, the gurst of her sister, Mrs. W. P. Withci-. Mi. William J2!!is, of Yeik, Pa., spent vcstcid.iy in Columbia, the guem of his luethei, Vernen 12IIis. Mis. Wheeler, wife of Rev. Heniy Whcelc:,et theM. E. church of this place, addies-ed the M. E. Sunday school of Wtightsville yesterday afternoon, and the M. E. chinch of the same place last even ing en missienaiy weik. -Mrs. Wheeler is a pleasant spcakci and we knew she was attentive;, listened te en this, the subjeet in which she appciis te be p.nticulaily in tcirstid and i which she se elten sjieak. Pas-engeis weie te-day, for the lii-t time since the leeent gorge, enabled te ,0 tin. nigh fiem hi le te Peit Deposit en the Cehtmhii A: Peit Deposit railroad. Tin train which lelt heic at ll:ai a. in., cai licd them. A tiajisfei had te be ni.ide at Pequc.i eieek, wTit-:e the bridge has been washed away, but the stiuclurc will be le plaeed this evening and through mns will !c icMtmcd as usual to-menow meining. A Columbia weikuian employed thine said that dm nig the lust days of the Peit De posit geigc the ice was piled as high as the leiegiapli poles, and that the men while working 11 id theii eeati; hanging en the wiiv-s. On tin- Pennsyh mia laihead in the cast ud esteida altei 110011, a labeting man, woikmiei I'pp it Black, in their cott cett cott tiaet el sliaightLiiing the line east of town wanted te li.';lu with Jehn Siiiick, a son of the Thiid w.ud eenstable-e'ect. Jehn did net want te light, bill the man persisted, and finally Shuck accommodated him. Tne les'ill ,-.a that Suuck fcseapad nu hml, but his ,ulveisat . ts tnibly jmn ishd ar.d had .1 couple of libs b.elcen. It will be some time boleie he is again in a Jigiiting humor and whoa he is lie will J sU-ei ele.u of St! iick and I''e'c f-u- aueth:-.- , man. Rcut's minstiels .qipeaied in the Ci-iiiiubi 1 ejtjt-.i lieuse 011 Satin day lU'i.ii.g Lefoie one of the largest audi rum, of the season, and g.te a pailerni-am-e which .i- ci editable te the eunip my and which has ini-e been spoken of as lully equal te the peileimauce given heic about one j eai age by the same cempiny which as ieweil by our local eiitic, i.mks aii'eu'j the A enteitainments heie given. As in tl eii former appear ance th.- cempan piesented nothing which a rclincd audience could take exception te. 'Iheie was no action or leek belrajing au thing net appealing en the suifaee, and dining the entiicenteitainmentcveiy thiu was conducted with a inedchty loe natuial te be assumed. The end men weie geed ; se weie fhe specialty ailists and (lie builesque, "Penif.s A'lius Among tin- Piialcs," was tee lidiculeus te admit of one 1 est 1 anting his propensities for laughing. Condi using the thing into a nutshell the pci fei nianee was very ci edit j able and 'he het: ;e was weilh semelliinr ni'iie than aOO. er.iiu.iHV. IIimi'i l an c I'rlseu Ii:siccti. Jehn W. Obeiheller, who was jtiiseu nispcctei up te Janu.ii-y, died at his home 111 Bicckueck township en Fiiday. lie was neaily 70 yeais of age and had been paitially pualyed for some time. lie leave-, a wife am' seveial childicn. The iimeial lakes ji'.-.ce to-ineiiow meining. .lesej'li Wlilte Hceeaert. Jeseph White, of Ne. 2aS East King eticcl, the death et whose wife we noticed enlv a few weeks age, is nimsclf included in the necrology te day. lie died this morning, aged 77. He wa-. the father of Councilman Chas. J. White and a well well knew 11 citien of the Thiid waid Hurt en t:e Railroad. Moinme Patteisen. a Geinian about 30 i-.iis el agr, had his light thigh broken en the Pennsylvania laihead near Biid-in-Hand la-t night. Patterson, together witli a man 11. lined Pawlien, was stealing his way te Pluiidclphi.ieii a fieight tiain, the feimcr was sitting en the bumper of one car and had his legs en another. The ac cident was cuised by the ens coining to gether The man was taken te Lcamau Place, v.hciehe was al tended by Dr. Lea man. He was then brought te this city and was placed iu the hospital, wheie Di. Cek attended him. He has been in this ceuntiy but a vear, and he has a wife and thiee children in Germany. 1 lie Count Auditei. At 10 o'clock this meining the beaid el county andileis consisting of F. G. Mus sel, city ; James Cellins. Colerain, and Fiank Ctniati, of Maiietta, met in the m plums com 1 100111, this, city, and organ ized fei the purpose of making their an nual examination of the books and accounts of the county eflicet.s. Mr. Mnsser was chosen piesident and Mr. Cellins, sccic A. F. Sehenek, esq., was elected cleik, eiler which the beanl adjourned. They will .sit from day te day until Hie uidit is completed. Ilunicil His Hand. William Aldiich, shipping clcik at the Penn iron weiks, iu this cil y, while assist ing in leading with iron a car upon the siding Satuiday afternoon, get held of a het bat, which binned the flesh of his hand se scveiclj as se tcmpeiaiily inca pacitate him from v.ek. He has gene te Wilmington, Del., his leimer home, te nurse his injin ics. isitrd j Ilia llrether. Hcinaid Failcy, the man who had his legs cut off en the 1 ail read en Fiiday, and who is new at the county hospital, was jcsteid.iv "visited by his hi ether, who ic sides in Nevvaik. The latter is a very te spectable looking man and he is employed in the steel works at his town. He is gieatly wet ricd about the accident te his brother, who is new in a critical condition. l' l'aralysis. Samuel Nixderf, proprietor of the s iloen 01 ncr of Seuth Duke and Middle stteets, was paitially prestrat ed by paralysis en Saturday afternoon. His case i-. net con cen sideied sci ion-'. 'est masters Appointed. The appointment of the following post masters for this county is announced : 1). W. Barr, Mount Ncbe, Mai tic town ship ; W. L. Mycts, Wheatland Mills, West Lampeter township. The Sky This Week. The celestial events of the week open te-night with the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, with Satnrn close at hand. Mercury is an e ening star, and a keen eye will catch him glittciing net far above the rim of the hills seen after sunset. He will be best seen en Tuesday evening, if the skv is clear. The brilliant star Vega furnishes us this season a striking illustration of the apparent 1 evolution of the heavens caused by the eaith's rotation. This star, which some rank as the brightest in the north ern hemisphere, net even excepting Aic turus, is se near the pole that at its lower culmination it merely dips behind the hoiizeu and in a fews heais leappeais some distance fuither east. It may be seen netting iu the netthwest at about sundown. Soen after midnight it icap peais in the neillieast. The study of r. dozen books could net give se clcara no tion of the movements of the celestial sphcie as can be obtained by watching the setting and rising of Ycx. It is an iutet -csting fact that the ship in which Norden Nerden Norden skjeld made his famous Neitheast passage bete the name of this star. Tliu Snrilterii. The annual meeting of the society known as the Sin vivers will be held to morrow night. The society started with 21 members of whom the following have died : Chas. D. Rupley, Jehn Jehns. Capt. J. C. Rttltei, E. C. "Reed. c-q.. Samuel L. Lehman. Jonathan Sptecher. EH Lan dis. Dr. Wm. M. Whiteside, Chas. 1 1. Spieeherand Edw. A Scner. The two last named have died since tin- last annual mrcting. V.iliuibte IJnn ltrretcrc .1. Titi. meining Aldciman Spin tier le ceived infoimatieii fiem Smith, West & Lyens, pihate detective -. of Baltimeie, that they had leceveied the valuable deuble-baireled, bieec'n-leading gun nian ttfaci tned by and belonging te Pi of. Win. 1!. Hall, of this city, and which was stolen en the 8th of September last front the es tablishment of A. V. Canfield, Jr., & Ce., of Baltimeie, wheie it was en exhibition. The gun is an elegant one and weith $273. VimiHciiiuiiU. "7Vj I'ttahs'' Tu-m;hl.iyO,y aite'i, I. en. Ien opera company, wliie! will this -. eninj; p:eluic (.WHn-rl anil biilliv.iuN " 11-1.1U1-. el I'ciiance," i compescil el leity Mini scictiel . lnuli li.w lie-en selccleil upon it- ou 11 111c: II-, .no! the pie---i of tin- c-itie- where ll.c voile li.i? lie.-n peifenncil pio pie iirnince it liistelajin etay n-spect. The mom. lnii, of the epeia will lc 111:1: kt; I by all the li( In; eqiic j te itspiOpci appieei itien, anil v hleh aie letiienibi iel ljj these el en: ie ulei . . he s.nv the 01 era last wintej. Itctiieic, U'tlvni, I'i ti.n tc .t II ctt. Tliese faeilt :ulits at the ha.l el an immense niui.-,tul 1 enip.,ny, ameni; them some of the he-t kiiew 11 names 111 the burnt cork piolcs pielcs piolcs sien, will '-come anil -i.i- 114" Weiliu-idaj-uilit. anil the wnliliawti litj; he-as-e. They have a liinnberet new at li act ions both in the tlist p ut a-nl th" olio, ami the tienpe is com-pe-c-il of yentlctnen. '''Hazel K11I. 1." "e pi n ever ( moved e len-ja 1 mi 111 tin-, teantiy a. that el "lliel i like," which hail meic than lliitu lmiiilieil e. i-i-f ulive lepiestiitalieiis. at lie- M.uli-en & in u theatre, I5ioekln. It will b-- pieiluc-eil hi 10 te 11101 low niylit by theeempinv el that tlieatie, including tint chummy little Inly and mlteil i.clieis l-llic KlN'.ei, Mi. C. W. Cou'deck, 3lr. Kciriiseii, and oil ei wlmu name- aie aline-,1 eipi illy wi'l and laveiably Iviiew n. Xethmgis tee ?oed ler e' i- nil 1 en Cutii-iiia Seap -no no! Dim-w pieventedand nii'dic il lul'-. b --e-.iil b. .1 limelj ns'-el Malt 15ittei". Sl'HVMAl, XOTIVES.- s.-vairi.i: MttTiuK. II is niijioaibie ter. 1 weni-in -itfei a tinthlni ein-t. et tie-i'ment v.ith l.ydi 1 11. l'iukn 1111 ' Vej,el ible Compound le continue te -.nllci with 1 wciliin nt the nlei'iii Knele-i- -i ?tampte Mi J. l-vd.i I. I'lnkhain, i".! Wisii-m .i.enue. I.nn, M.i---, tei pa.nphlet-. jy)lJlied,w tthj lti-jr masters'.' Tluy may relieve, but they em't enictliat lame ba( 1., lei the kidneys .ire ihe tumble and von wanta lemcdy leaet dneetly en their se cm liens, te pniity .nut le-t ere their he.ilthj condition. Kidney- Win I h.i- 1'ial speeitleae lien and it the s il-ie lime il i.'iikiti - the bowels 1 ( itccllv. Don't wail 10 net -lelc, but t'et a pukage today, and eni- vem-.-lt laipnd and diy void b all di i.-j-?it-i. (J11 -ninilinin Tflnmpn. I.'l lv,dH J'reterl (lie l.iltle line. I'I'etk. 1 tiii: Jam r C).. s 1m.hi thcelien lonvnini'iiee-el cienp, w lth lit. Themas Le 1. clue Od. It Is the king et all ee'igh mi dn inc uswillas a ieeilc s lemcdv lei lhenmati-m, lame b 11k. spiulns, 1,1 um-s. ul. pile, knliu y trouble, etc. Take it inw.udl.v .iudaplv out eut w.n.lh. I'ei sale b, if. IS. C', diiiffgNt, 1 '.7 and I 11 Neith tjeeiii stiect, I aniater. " Net a lteeray;c. "Ilu-i ne net a bevnrage, I1.1t tt medicine, with imalive piopitties et the highest de gi 1 e, 1 out. lining no poi-eneus dings. I nej de net leal down an aluady debilitated -n -, t in, but build it up On. bottle (ent.iin meie lieps. th it ". mole ii-al hop stieiiglh, than a bailel et eidmii.v bin. Kc-i ilni','1-1 in Keelii -.lei sells tlii-in, ..nti the phj sici ms'pie senbe them "-Ueeluti 1 l.veni ig l'xpiess en Hep Itit'ei-. M7 -d.w .lletlu-rs! Mothers:! Jtletbeis! !! .Vie j en distuibed nt mlit and biekeu et join list bv a sick child Milteiing and eiying with the excruciating j. 1111 of cutting teeth V II se, go at once and jet a bottle et .Silts. llI.s.(HV- SOllTHIMi sYltll'. It will 11 lieve the jwer little sulleiei iinmediatelj de pend upon it: these is 110 mistake about it. Theie is net a niethii 0:1 .nth wlie has cvei used it, who will net tell jen at once that It will rc-gnlate the bevels,and give lvst te the methci, and leliel and health le the ihild epcialing like-magic. It i peilictly a ite 10 uc 111 all casts, ami pleas mt te tin- taste, and is the pieseiiptien et tine et the eldest and best lenialc- phjsfiluis ..nd nuises in the t' nlted M.iti-. sold evei vw he:.-: -ieintsa het tie. IcbS tl.W. l , V K The t'repab I'ajiuli. The ce.ieet thing te tin when one has a iou-rhei an attack el iSheuin itism, is te use Itr. Tlientas' J'efct liieOil, or it one husaal 11 ible heic afflicted w ith home et the diseases 01 hnits le wlui-li herellch is heir, ese the - line leliable means et cure. Ter s.ile bv 11. 1!. Cochran, ill uggisf, 1 !7 and 1 MXeitli Q-'eeii t..-t, lancistei, I'a. l'rl tirape Wine. This VI11e i- mule in New .In ej, and is s.inl te sin pas an j thinj 111 the way el wine ever 111 nic. It is c-alle.l 'peei's Wine, pie tlucetl bj- Mr is peer. Since the true- unalv-ia et its piepeities was published by .Tames IS.. Clnl Clnl ten & t,"e , these vrl.e could atlei.l it adopted its use in pretei unc-e te fo"ei;;u winis. P10I. Chilton ushd it lit his lainily, and has w littcn te Hie public the following eaid : Laboratory of J. It. Chilton & Ce, New Yeik, II arc 11 11. e niadeacaiefulan ilysiset the Teil Grape Wine produced by Mr. Allied fepecr, ami de net hesitate in pioneanciiig it pine; it on en tnlns all the piopeiticset the Oporto grape, and theiefoie.ter medicinal Uses, it i supcuer toether wines, its principal cllccts upon the system are mildly stimulating, dmietic, tmdei-ilic- and tonic. It will prove beneficial in affec tions el the kidneys and chronic tliseases.with tlebility et the constitution. 1'hjsi ciims may safely receminend it te ther patients in place of the many (leubtlul mixtuica tee eiien -old as pure w inc. This wine can be had el and is a most excellent article lei weakly person, cs pec-l.illy female'. It is a veiy superior table wine, and the most healthy ill Ink new in use. It is net a spliited or iiianulactiuc.l article, like most native w iecs. Tills wine is etideied by Irrf. Alice ami Davis, and sold by II. 1Z. s.iv maker. t!S--2wdXw- A'Eir A.DVERTISE31E5IS' OPTICAL GOODS! - Opera Glasses in great variety of styles and sizes. Field Glasses, Combination Opera, Field and Marine Glasses, Magni fying Glasses, Microscopes and Telescopes. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES Fer almost every form of Defective Sight. Oculists' prescrip tions for Glasses accurately filled at prices much below city charges. Nearly all our Optical Goods are imported by our selves from the celebrated house of Lemaire,and are sold much lower than general prices. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, 4 Wect King Street, - Lancaster, Pa. JtLARBLAGJX). DLSKLt iliLLur. OntheSuili et Februsiv, IW, by the Uer. W. T. Gerhard, at Ins resl resl denee, Ne. 31 ust Orange street. Air. Hnriy V. iluukle te Mis9 Alice E. Miller, both et .Manitoba township. DeuriTEE Mai.iev. January .11, IsJI, bv the itev. Father haul. Win. .S. Demtee, et JSalti imuc eltv, Md , te Ztlias Annie I.. Mauen, of thli citv. bMiTB CitLUsrii. Febnrirya), ISrfl, at the paisenag" tit at. Jehn's Lutheran chinch, by the Kc-v. Thus. I;. Kaiker, Je-cph IS. Siuith. et Steclten, r.t . te Mis K-ttie Cllicspie, el this c Uy. JiHATiiS. Wiiitic. On the 21st lust., in this i ity, Joeph White, iu the 77th jcir et hisajje. Tim lelatives ai.tllucuds et the lainily nie respectfully inv ited te attend the Itinera! trem his late lcsldeuce, Xe. 2Jb Kist Kin,? stiest. en Wednesday attPtnoen al 2 o'clock. 2td xi:w aju rr.KTisj:3i xis. "inVOhTOKH KOIMIS AND lUVKLLLNC JL Ini lent, Xe. Sand IU Seuth Quiuu stit-rt. Apjily at the lMLi.MUKMJKiiOiuce. rpin:; st'KAr maciunk J. will be en exhibition at the Cadwi 11 house tiein te-day until Wednesday. Cigai makers nic lnviti d te (.ill and cviminc It. IJl2td W. F. MA11LEM. AUCTION! At'lITlO!! LAST NIGHT et auction et ISoets and : Shoes al I'lpcc's shoe Mere, Ne. 9jy l'au King street. Alse Carpets. Shi Hing, 'gn and etlier liMuics, at 7 p. in. sli-up. ltd Vcnen TisAiti: axii iaiis wages vi lulc lu.u mug il. A tevv lntelligc-ut boys w. inti d te h ai n thepiiulingbusincsii. Inquiie in pci seu ei bv Icttc-i le "Inqulifr I'lintlng and l'ublishing Cempanv." te and 5"i Xerth Queen stieet, Lancaster, l'a. Ul-ltdeed&Otw 1.1L.MJTKIX Nonet:. J A mertinget the stockholders of Ihe caster Citv Light ceinivany will be held at the i eUiee et the in asiiiei, J. Iliy ISievvn, Xe. 72' Xeith Pukestieet, Lancaster illy, en batur ' ii.iv. viaien i-.', issi, ai jua. in., lerinc puipet el electing tlve diicettus te nerve ler the ei faiiinuvsar. TIIO. IS. COUIlltAX, ltd Secietarv. PUBLIC SALE. OX TUESDAY. 1-K1SKU-AU1 22, IsSI.will be sold at Xe. 214 East OiangeSticet, household ami kitchen liiiiu tuic, censisliiig in pait of one. pi ine ami steel and niusie books, niaible top tiblesaud books, set i-, oil i aintiug-. small c ird table, dining mom stove and ittiies, kitcht-n stove and lltu:es. t.upels by the jani, tables, chillis, wash st mils, and n.any ether aitic-k- net mintiemtl. Sale te reiiiiiicnee at onee'ekx k el aid day, w lieu (onditieiis v. ill be m-ide known bv JOHX BLACK, Mi. Mkm.v snui.Lirr, Ant. It-bl5 tsd COAL ! COAL ! ! I ei geed, clean family and all ethei kind et ( OALge te RUSSEL &; SHULMYBR'S. iu ilil vand Weight glial antced. Onleis li sp, ctiiillv selh iletl. OH ICI): gg ilnst King Mreet. VAItU: 01 S Net tli l'rliue Street. angll-tapiisit O in. S i m cu a a rH e e e m n w O a. CO 2. Z P3 H I e in O O P H W J e I. ri 'J . r,i i O e fi ta cc e H $ e m e ti 2 H i E Z h 7 O e n m Z 25 1 . 1 u 0 H X r- e ix, U g V, N JOTl. A I'KW SI'lH'IAI.Tir.S IN MEN'S WEAR! THAT WE VUi: OWEUIXt'. stlM i: OF WHICH ARE THE DAILY" XEKDS OF EVl'llY WOKKIXC.MAX. -2-2. 1'AIK OF MLAVY LINED TKOUSEKS, With uviiteil buttons, and each pair w. maul ed net te nj), selling fei $1.10 per pair. CiKl l'All: OF HEAVY PUCK TROUisEK.S, Iu colon el Mede, I'.lne, Ibeu n, Sli iped and Cheeki led. Made with nveted buttons, but net lined, siiung lerJi, Miami 7."i cents per pair. TIIEE (i(XH)S A h'E HA ItHAlXS, itudilveii examine them veu would decide net te make at home what you can bitv cheapei anil bettct made. We hive COATS AND JACKETS th it match the last let named, and -oil ler the ".line. CLOTHING, HATS, FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. ONE PRICE HOUSE. lAfflnON k MUll IA J.UM11J1II 36 EAST KING STREET, tl J-lv tlvvv LANCASTER, I'A. 1TAXTS. WANTKU A BOY ABOUT 1.1 Oil 1 years et age who is willing te work at anything. Apply at this efllee. ltd IirAXTKD.-TWO STOUT Al'l'KEXTICt IT UOYS AT ltd UrcHMILLLU'S. "lrANTKI. A lOU.NU MAN WANTS A IT situation te de any kind of liberiug weik. Apply ai the Solid IIoise Hetel, ltd II7"AJiTEO AT T11UL.AXVASTKK ItOIVT "f Works a tew active, iiidustrieus bejs tiein twelve-tt eighteen yens old. tlO-lwtl T ASTL D. A CAUlilAtiK ISLAcK- T sinltli. linishcraild boy te lean: Cuiiiuge blucksuiltbiug. Apply te II KXRY XOI.T Y. .1 u , Jtd Cor. Maiketaud Mauen atieels. WAX1KD.-A .MlllW.r; Aii:i MAX wants a situation as clc-ik or salesman. Can speak the Gentian lauguuga ; geed letei letei ence l'lcase call at Ucylnuc limine, ltd FliAXK kkeamei:. EXTJHiTAlXJWyTS. Tt)'T FAIL TOATTllxe llli; KEYSTONE BAND FAIR te a lanr Ao'Lels el tun ami ;;e.mI nii.ic 1MI?SUN lOCts. ll.2Wtl "lY'' ftinefcr this GUAM) V Vllt (IF tii:: HUMANE, AT THEIR HALL. inn:x evkry nruxixa AXD OX MOX OA 1', WEDXESDAX AXDSATUllhA Y .iVTERXOOXH FROM'.' 'JOi. ti: tt,i ( HUM) CIIAKll'V t'NCEKT. Fei the liciii.dt ei flit. SOUP FUND, I.V Woodward's Continental Vocalists, In the Coutt Meuse, Lancister, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY :3. Hiss Alice Trejer, sepi me: Miss -Vaiy Scner, Contralte: jChas. '. Meweiy, 'lener; A. W. Woedwaid, llassti. AUMissiex, :'.r, ci. Doeis open at Vt o'clock. Conceit te uui-menc-eat 8 o'clock. Tickets let ilc at Wood wind's Mii-ic Stere, 41! K ist King stiect 121..ttlM,W,l' e PKKA iieusr. VKI)X1-:S!AY. FEKKUAKV 23, 1881. Mv.Ll! IlllIX 1. MlsIII.l'.lt UKOIU'AMKI AMI LXLAKULD. Barlew, Wilsen, Primrose & West's MAMMOTH MINSTRELS! The Largest and Me-I Cmipleie. 40 PERFORMERS. 40 EVERY FEATURE NEW. GUbTOtlAKY l'RICLS. Ueseived heat tlnee tl.p s in ndvaiKC at i ceker's Olllee. IIS Mil Lui.Te.v e;-j:i:a iieitsk THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24. " liuai.iiitce a lloed .sitting nt J lleuis." THE COMLDY .SUCCESS OF TMK 1KAU. SO Xlglits ill Xew Yeik City, and I. iiiglung lioem only. willi r. t:iieuiN'.-s SPARKS! Willie Lileuin and riank W. Sanger, I'io I'ie I'io pueteis. rrtsi-nting the Cma-nt and lucer Musical Conceit,' DREAMS ; fir, I'iiii In a Photograph (iallery. Mui2 i;tiiislte. Cestmuliif Klegiint. Miith Unlimited. seats at Opera lleujscOflice, 7c. &. 81 diiiissien 35, no ie 7Ce. fl7-7td F ui.'iex ei'eka neusi: Monday Evening, February 21. Mr. .lelm 11. Mishler hnu the hoiiei tepiescnt D'OVLY CARTE'S lu.ndux epj:ra COXPAM', taimpesc-d et th piinaipai incuibcis et the eiiginal Filth AM-iiueTlieatie Cempanv in the Melodramatic Opera, in two net-, w lit ten anil composed. eprcbly tot production in the Culled .State, by Arthur Sullivan and W. S. t.ilbert, author tiiifl composer of ' I'm tfeie,'' entitled, The PIRATES OF PENZANCE; Or, The Slave of Duty. 'I he Opel a will be lcnduicii in thc'saiuc man ner that linraclcuzi-d Its successful liinin New eik and the )i nit cities et Ameiica. TheSaneiy is-EntinlyXew : ElabeiateXew Costumes! An Eul.tiged Oichc-ntia, and a Chei us of 40 Trained Voices. The sale of seats at Ycckci"-. RESERVED SEATS, fel. ADMISSION, .10 .V 7iCt. !lfi-5til ri'i.rex eri:i:A iuili:. TUESDAY, Fr.BRUARY, 22, 1S31. Madisen Square Theatre Company HAZELKIRKE, At K(l I FlM.tO ID PI. the c;reatest play. THE GRANDEST Sl'Ct'KSS. With the Ougin, Dunstaii Kilke Lord Travels Pittacus tiiccn Aaren Redney Barney O'Flynn -Metlnu.ileh Muggins, .Jee (a millei) Dan (a millei) Hazel Kir ke Delly D utten iaily Travel Mercy Kirke CflnXA . ADMISSION, RESERVED SBATi, The sale of scits w at Opera Heue Otllce. il New eil: Cast : ... Mi.C. W. Couldeek ...Mr. tliistavus Lev ick Mi. W.J. Feigusen Mr. Henry Aveling Mr. Etlwaril Celeman called " Met.'- Mr. E. II. Lee . . .. Mr E. M. Kebe-its Mr. Jes. Waters Miss Lille Ellsler Miss Deia Leigh Mrs. C. Ruh M rs. Cat nc Jamisen Miss Annie ElUlc-r 35, .1.0 & 75 Cts S1.00 ill begin Fmlav, Fell. 18, tl-Htil TNStURE TITU TIIU IILI A "SI WELL Established Ageiiey of tke III J OP PHILADELPHIA. AbSETS OVER Eleven Hundred Thousand Dollars. Invested in Sale and Solid --cuuiltles. RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 10 EAST KING STKEfcT, dll-iiidM.W,R H-ceikI Floei. THIRD EDITION MONDAY EVENING, FkB. 21, 188!. l KATH MS INDICATIONS. Washington, Feb. 21. Fer the Miil dle Atlantic states, rainy. foHevvetl by cleaiiug weather, colder neith westerly winds, rising barometer. CAU1XET CRISIS. Iiisuiarck Hurls a Thunderbolt into the Ger man Landtag. Berlin. Feb. 21. The cause of the cabinet crisis is as fellows : The lower house of the Linatag had amended the government bill ou local administration. The amendment entiusted the supervision theieef te the local council instead of te the' I.andrath, as was proposed by the bill. "When returned te the upper house Count Ven Eulcnbers accepted the amendment. A few minutes afterwatd.s Ilerr Remmel, aetiug minister of commerce, Piince Bismrrck's special depaitmcnt, stated that Prince Bismaick's presence was piev ented by illness, and lead a paper te the cutset that Piince Bismaick could net con sent te entrust the supei vision of the communes te iuespensible bodies. He weu'd submit the bill te the empeier, but would insist en iU ie vision iu a geveinment sense befete applying it te ether pi eviiicc-. Tiie house was thuntlcr struck by this aiineuticcment. A semi official pap. r slated oil Sunday evening that Count jh Eulenbeig had alieady lOsincd- cenuiu:.v. I'ltict-etliiigN in the senate. WvsiiiNertiN, Peb. 21. In Ihe Sciinle the cenleience lepeii en tlie arnij :ipiO ptiatinu bill was lend and adopted. L'lecc-eilingt. in lliu Heuse. Ill the Heuse an eidci was adopted tlcs ignaling Sunday net at tlnce o'clock for the ebseivance of ceieineuies in memory of the late Fei r.atu'ie air. Waincv (Ohie) i.itre'luced u bill cicatiug a bend of inspector te watch ever the collections and ovpendi evpendi tuies of the public treasury. Theie aie te be tluce iiieiubei.-, only of whom bliall Leleug te one political p.ut. Tiu-y will sei ve for life or geed behav ier eitd be ineligible te fill any etlier eflkv. t:i; r.vrKxsr.s W b tl .in tu-tit eessTtil Cuutc-,! f-.i :t 111 Congress Cost.. WAsiii.M.rn.N,- Feb. 21. The Heuse committee en election', had ii'idcr consider ation te-day the tpicotien of allowance for expense . in Jhe contested election case of 11. Keynten again -.t Leiing, horn the Tiiitil 3I.i,s.ichnsetts distiict, ucently decided in favor in? Lei i tig. The ceiitc't.inl, Ie nteii, piesents veucheis for Ids alleged expendituies te the amount el" $7, 100, including a leceipt fiem I'enj t min F. l'utlei for $i,000 for priifcssietial set vices. It is thought the committee will net alle.v ever !j2,000. Ui-.ul Hotly Kceu.e. ej. Ni:iv Venic, Feb. 21. The captain of a sleep Iving at the feet of the West 10th sljcct. thi.s nieTtiing, disceveietl the body of :t mail lieatiiigin the liver, anil after seeming it lepeited the f.ict te the police. The buily was lccegni.ed as el" Chas. P. Blake, 17 je.ii-j e" age, a lavvver ileing business at 1(5 "Munay sticet, and lcsiding at Xe. ' Thiity-lilth sticcl. It was ic ic meved te his icsSdenee and the coiencr was iKitificd. Iliiiit'ng ler ttie Iiieen.Il try. Ijemhin. Pi.b.21.-A tlcspitch fiein Ber lin ie the savs that a large icwaid i-. etteicd for the discovery of the sun posed incendiary of the synagogue which was destieyed by tiie at ieustetler, Putn eiania, last week. AVaillke .llevciiicnls in Alliens AiiiuNs, Feb. 21. A ieal dccice has been i'Siu'd catling out the leseive. The tioepsofthe M.ue.i aie being gi.ulually eiiicicd te maicli neithw.utl. The l.itgcst college in Athens has been t em cited into a militaiy hospital. m Xe Oiiermii in tin Senatorial Couventieii. - IIviMtiMtritt:, Pa., Feb. 21 The thiitv thiid ballet te day for United Slates sena tor, icsultcd as follews: Heaver, -7; Bavne, 21; Wallace, 1! ; Scelield. 2 ; Shins, 1 : Mci'rath, 1 ; Haiid I. Theio being no i hoi urn piesent the convention adjourned. SI'KAMil: SCKMIIXACIllKI' Klitni. A (JirlV l)es. crate l.ll'ints in 1st ijie I i-eni Her I'arvutit. An etiaeidiiiaiy scene ecelli icd in the Trey, X. Y., jielice ceuit jcsteiday. Hon Hen Hon ei.i luitagh had been ai tested en com plaint of her father for ti nancy. The gill being ever Mi jeais old, her lawyer, Mr. Palmer, raided a point that warrants is sued for pei sous ever 1 1 jeais of age for tittitiicy would net held. Justice Jcimyss held that the point was a geed one, and dismissed the case. Lawyer Xeary, Mr. Muitagh's counsel, advised the parents te take possession of the gill, who had ab sented heisclf fiem home sit ce Apiil. It is alleged her patents had maltreated her. Mr. Palmer objected te Mr. Xcaiy's giv ing such instructions. "'Takeher, I tell j en, take her,' inged Mr. Xeary te the parents, who at this juncture aiese fiem their seats and lushed tewaid thegiil. Henera anticipated their movements, and with ciics of " Yeu want tegct me home te minder me! I won't go back! Help, help!"' Kin tewaid te the deer mm earning se loudly that people lushed into thcioeui. fiem the sticet. The mother caught the gill as she stepped fei an instant, ilenuia, with a peweifnl elicit, leleased heisclf. and falling upon the old lady, fought her desperately, pulling the white hair fiein her head, and burying her finger nails into her flesh. Mr. 3Initagh came te the ics cue of his wife. The spcctateishad arisen from the benches, and Lawyeis Palmer andXeaiy weie etideaveiing te separate the Muit.ighs, while the com telliceis were intcicstcd sjxsctatei s. Mr. Palmer, having separated the giil from her patent1, was assaultetl by Mr. Murtagh. Mr. Xeary in teifcied and pi evented Mr. Murtagh fiem doing much damage te Mr. Palmer. Aftcij ward, while an application for a wi it of habeas corpus in behalf of the giil was pending bcfeie Judge Strait, the giil es caped and is still missing. r.NOK.Meus i)1idi;ms. Interesting Fact Concerning firt and M arlne 1 nsurnnce. A summary of the condition of the joint stock lire and mai inc insurance companies in this state, just issued by the insurance commissioner, is an interesting document as showing the enormous dividends earned by some of the companies in Philadelphia Fer instance the Fire association, with a capital of 8.j00,000,distiibuttd in dividends 6200.00'), equal te 40 percct. of its capital; the fiie insuianre cenmanv. :w.t'.i a capital el $400,000, distributed $128,400, equal te 32 1-10 per cent, of its capital ; the Ginud lire and marine insur ance company, with a capital of $300,000, distributed 00.000, equal te 20 per cent, of its capital ; t'he insurance company of Xerth America, with a capital of $2,000, 000. distributed $100,000, equal te 20 per cent, of its capital ; the Spring Garden company, with a capital of $100,000, dis tributed $04,000. equil te 10 per cent, of its capital ; the United Firemen's company with a capital et $200,000, distributed $24, 000. equal te 12 percent, of its capital. The company which earned the smallest dividend in proportion te its capital is the German fire, which, with a capital of $100, 000, distributed $3,.18, equal te a fraction of ever e per cent, or, te be exact, ..518 per cent, et its capital. There are inthe .state 42 joint stoek fue and niarine insirrance companies, with an aggregate capital of $10,525,800 ; gross assets, $32,783,125 ; total receipts in 1SS0, $11,075,705 ; total expenditures, $10,253. 997. The total amount paid iu dividends by all the companies during the year was $1,398,051, equal te a fraction ever 13 per cent, of all the capital employed. The net amount at risk January 1, 1881, including perpetual, was $1,014,874,707. MARKETS. -u nr.t ''liirliet. vv Yems. I'ttbiuary 21. Fleur dull, pi Sees) without ttt-cided change: Ssiipoi Ssiipei tinu Matu j U0$Tt UO; t-tr:i ttt 4 .aiqire: i de $4 .Vitfl Wi: tant-v de ti S"igi ,'U; round hoop Ohie 4 !((" 0l'; el'Oiee tin at f." (";i'. 7"; "Up-rUnr west ern ! iJii! il: coiiiuien te geed t- tia de Jt 0J4 C". ; clioiivile -fi TilTfi. T.'i : choit-e vvliitt- wheat tl" ij (JflilOi. Se.ithurn dull and ancliangetl ; coninieii te tan- extra it ir.Jj " -ill: tot lieit f de f. -JT.iilt 7.'.. Wheat a tl lilt-st i tin-er: Ne. I White. Apnl. $1 l'.fii Ii.' i : Ne. -J l-ed. Much, $1 Isjj ; de April, fl 111' i4iI !': tle M ly $1 is'.,y I Is'; loin dull. k. i. lul ehan-re : Mixed wcMc-in spot, .".' (J'uv; de liiliirts it1, ffi-7e. Oals-i li.itle stieinrei ; si.ii,.. 4lti'l7e: West ern t:wl7e: Xn.i piil, I'.1 a: le M ly, lie. I'lill Ktclptii i aiarl.rt. I'lliLtmsUMiiv, r.i.. KI. 21. Kl.uir tltill, Int prici-s stf.iiiy ; siipt'rllni-, J imij.;7 ; exti.i t(7it (: "iu.. and ludi.iii i l.iuul rt 2."itr. 73: IV. tin $1 7i ( s). I.nini t nnilv ?." ,"ilXl Oil; MiIiins.M.t L'.ll.i ." Klt" 7": sti-iiiglit. JliiiffCI'i; iti.iiis p dent f 5i'j7 "I ; putig de ti ."KI;t,S no ltvt- Heur at ." mi. VVIi:it e.lMfi : Nt. Ui.i, e Kt-d II Il'; lielavvaii-und I'riiui itt-.i, U I .(St IP-i ; tle Amber, -fl lliil IS. i;ei n iiii(-t .mil :.;. , u...i.. . ":.; yulievv .".Ii-; mixed, te' ".-. Oats timet, nneh in.;. .1; .Ne 1 i.i'.t: K(flV 'e : Ne. 2. 44(S14Ke; Ne. t, de lil-'Ce; Ni1 2 3Iixei U'iSif.V. IJye llrinut'J'ie. l'lOVisien- nnlik. i and pilot's tliiet ; nits-. p.nU. $u;S'(..V: l.e.-t li.tuis tll',l-ii ; lii ip i iii.'-s In et I. e b. I ii-eii Miiekt-d I. mis ti -'6Ile: pit MeiU. i n- '.iii1!';!: smekt-.l .heilltlt'is iSi,' ,e; s..It tle i'i. "t'lf. Laid niaiUet e i i.-l : t itj l.-tt..J I-Ne; 'oe't luilt 'it is'-.i'.'.iijt-; prtimtsteitiiifli.'.l. Itutter market steady, pi n-i-t unit l ; l'ie mi eiy exll.t .I-JiJ-.i; : de geed te eheiee 2" ltd .'Il : Ittadfenl eeunty :iml Vt-vv i eikeftra, tubs, 27ifl' 2S : tle In kin"', ii.iile; Western dairy extia2."(jJi: tlitgiuHl tociieiee 2n.72lc. Kullt chime scaiee : I'enn'a best leec-ipt-", lU(f lsc; Westeni i. Is'j'ii. I'gg-. unsettled; ! i., i'l.f.'Ce; Western 2"iIS 2 e. Clic-c-e tpiiet and sttadv; New Yerk lull cream, iSj.SlIe; Weste'ni lull cream, I'tDMc; de. "i,nr le goetl 12ipl2;ie; tle hiilskim- lO'IPy. ; IV. tle in'inll'U: I'otreleinn tT'idr ; it lined D'e. Whisky at $t M." Sceds- CiMiti te prie.e t lev.-r dull at 7'( t; tle tle Timethy tiut.t at 2 s,,, i, ; tle tle H.i M-C'i ipiietul$l 12. fl.H.ulelplii.i Cattle Miirkrt. Wtsi- I'liir.vncivKi. I'eb. 21 t'attle lies, J,j() heutt :.unukel Imr: Prime, ll-Hc ; geed, ."sj,e; ctiiniueii.J'It het-p aleb.'J.tii-ihei'l ;ni:iikut i lii : 1'i'ine. b'-JUti'e; goetl, ..7..ic; uieiliiitn, .Vi(itj-',r ; iuililiiuii,!V(c.' Hogs sales, 4,n In ml ; miti ket I. ill : I'rin e, H'-iiy e; geed, S'4c :; medium, S'u;si ,.. l.ixe Stock .MurUets. Clin vt e. The rett Ipts el hogs weie l'.,wr lieail; shipments, 1,AM; mat ket vtrfy weik nntl l(il.-.c lower ext ept I'erbest: :til gmtle-. clesetl tlull and weak' ; niixt-u packing :it $" le C$Zbi)z light at " 7U?.". '. ; i-IidIci- lii-.irv al $HC 10; :i tevv fxtiuutinifili !". 'I lie lectjpts td t-.U tle west-4,21') head : ship, nic-nts. l.tHJH : rathi-r vvtaikpraiitl sltiw : coinmeii ttduir sldpiung tlull .it I5lfii) ; gee.) tocheitent it s-,,',0 J-xpeit-. st.-itdy ut '. Ml ; lmti-litis' we.tkerat il OtliD" 'M ; slot !.!, nom nem ninlly at ?2 7'itf1! : tiiiiii' lie.tyv leeilers at 3 1. IS. Tile receipts et shc-ep weie e,tt)ti he-nil ; -hip nieuts, I,S'I; the maikit was lairlv at live; t oiiimen te medium ady at $1 JSt 7' ; uoed teeliiee:it'S3"irn; -fi T-f'. Cistxvri. Hogs weie linn ; lomnien al $t.V)SSl; light at -Ki SUfriWi; ". 7lf 'I "' ; butehels':itfi:.MIri;.Vl; ueeipt-,, I.tai-l head ; shipuieuts, aw. Inwan vrecis. lles w ere liriu :0. f" Xinr, -.'-, ; ic-tt ipts, -i,sM(): shipiiieuts, 1,'HW, Lel'isv in r. Hes v.eieste idy :.i 5"::0( " Ml ; let eipts 2IS he.itl. Milwai kf.i:. Live hog, wire lower at -" !. ; IS. Ni v: Yel K I'i line tlre-std eilveu vveif net plenty ami a sh ide low it : t-heiee live in small biippiy and sttengei ; interior e lives have aineil. l.itu niijiiirv. I.-ililbK.ind sl.eepare.'iic- net plt-utj mid ill request at lirmer tlgnics Hogs- owing te si niiiull -up i'iy. Noun Omit ttiens tit tlif Itraln .llitrkel I- uininhud bv .1 u eh It. Leng, (.'oniiuissieii i-iekc.-. t'liicvce (ash. March. Apnl. Win it 17 .')-,', .'.t-i Miiv. .Iiitv. Coin '! .H4 Al) .lime. 'S ' .Vi New eitiC. Ca-li. M.-irch. April. Wheat 1.17; ft i-yi -f I !,-, Cem S7 .S7 VS,' outs l'nir. iiiKii'iu.v. Uhett I. Hi. !.!'.' I.I.J Coin Ij; Si, .te'u Oats IP: .IP; .is ItvLriMel'L iVheal Coin O.its StecK.llarKflt. New YoitKhrec-Ks. slecks weak. l-'c-biuary'.'l. A. M. A. M. !. M. P. M. I 51. l.i.l, II rji i:.m n :-, Menev...... .... ..-19!. .... .... 4 ti ... r.i iis'x 117 my-, ... I.V li,Jrf .... l l;U .... LI;' Ci .... mi", vny, . .. 47'i H4 ... i:.' 4:' ki z:y, VJs -.71 ' . . '.'S 2T ... im,ih :i), .... no 1105.-; ir ijs " .... ivii y:y. .r.'. Ml " .... iyt i7.' .... 147 ... i ny. ..'.. .... 127JJ .... ... Ii4 ' IV, Kiiel!. It s. Mb hl-.'iin . A L. s....jsi Michigan Cent. K. It. 117-4 Ch.c.tge ,Sc N. ij '-hit age. M. ."LSI. I. II : Han. A St. ). Cem... S-i ' " 1"M. ..ilil', Tolt tit. & Wabish 4S OIueA MNis-ippi. .. Il", Si. Leuis. I. M.iS Ii. i.''t On! ii in :iinl W stern. ..i.'C c. c. a I. c. is. i: "i'i New .lersev CentniL.lin; I)il..V Hdii-eii Caiiui lie Ilil.. Lack.. c Wtsteiiil'I'X Western Union TtL.II.'J IVcilit. M-ill S. s,. Ce S't'i ie-vat.iileli I'nieii I'acilic 12i' K:mis& 'Iexii- U New ierk Ct nlial Adams Kxpn-s Illinois Central CIcvel.iii.l ,V 1'itts Chicago .V II"' k L. I'lttsbmgi. Sr H. W l'liiLVDFra-uiv. .itimk-' . I'.-tinsylvania It. IJ. .. i J , I'hil'a.A liiading : Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation . IS'; Neitln in l-u-i!U- Cem 4S' " " I'M . 7i' Pitts., Titus v'c-A I: . "I" Neitheni Centiii! 41) I'luIVA Kile K. Ii.... 2S, Neithcrn I'l'nn'a rn. it. u's erx.j Ilt-stenville l'.w Central Trans. Ce IS I.S xsa v. ii 17rt VIY. ihi . T:'.yt'i i' "ii ' -". -'I 4' ni " .... isl Lecal Stocks ami iitiii.I'. JVr Last Vll. s lie. Liiic.CHy 6 per ct. Lean, due !-... 'into $nw.25 '" ISl.. .. I.Mf IU.I " " IWS... Ittl lsye... i'jti ". " lifO .. HM "" 5 pt r ct. In 1 or 3 ears. . lue S per t. s-chefd Lean Lane. ami Ou irijv'c- U. K.bend 10 1 " " " stock.... SO Lancasteraml KplinitiiturnnlLc... 2S laine,KIIzal)etlit'ii anilMldillet'n.. 100 Lancaster and Krmtville turnpike. 50 lAticaHtcramll.itItK turnpike 25 IjincasteraBtldlfaiiei- turnpike SO Lancaster and'Manln-iiii turnpike. 25 Lancaster anil Murictta turnpike.. , Lunc. and New Helland turnpike.. 100 latne. antlStrasbuig tmnpike. 2S IaincantlSusipic-liamia turnpike., sun lame, antl Willow- Mil et turnpike. 25 Kanners' Nut. I! ink tit Lancaster... DO First Nat. lianket Lancaster lt Ijincaster County Nut. IS ink SO Lititz National Bank 1111 Strasburg National ISank 100 HI lis.75 120 ins W, IU :s.2S I7.7S SI SI : j-i M a 85 IS 27S.i-S 4it.l5 im IVi IlltSI 14.) 114 Iniptir. 1 11 inting Ce 'i '1 lauic-.U iJ Light and lu. I C is " ' "nds. 101 !t f . i 1 "jvl r'i