Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 21, 1881, Image 2

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Lancaster I-nteUcgencet.
The Making or that Cabinet.
The Grant crowd liaye been te Menter
and have come back with smiling coun
tenances, although the current belief
had been that their noses had been put
entirely out of joint and that Mr. Blaine
had Mr. Garfield in his pocket. Senater
Conkling went out " for te see" after he
had been long and cordially begged te
come, according te the Philadelphia
Press, which always knows what Mr.
Conkling wants te be said about Mr.
Conkling ; and by the same authority
we were forbidden te imagine for a mo
ment that the great man was asked and
went en a bootless mission. Sen Sen
aeor Dersey, tee, went out te
grind some axe of his own,
after he had been perfumed sufficiently
for the Menter atmosphere by that din
ner in Xew Yerk given te his order and
in his honor. lie returns saying that
everything is lovely for the Conkling side
and letting us understand that Morien
is te be the secretary of the treasury.
But after all these missionaries have re
turned authentic intelligence from Men
ter reaches us that Mr. Garfield per
emptorily refuses te appoint Morien,
because he is a Wall street speculator;
and a very geed reason it is. And the
Sunday papers say that Chief Justice
Felgcr has new gene te Menter, and
what has he gene for, they ask, but te
get the treasury plum ?
Frem Washington we hear that Mr.
Blaine lets it be known that he will net
take the secretaryship of state if the
treasury gees te Xew Yerk ; and that
he has withheld his resignation of his
senatorial seal because of Garfield's no
torious indecision of character. These
who have the last word with him are the
most potential, and iiiis is perhaps the
seertef the jubilation with which visi
tors te Menter selectively leave its por
tals. Our geed Mr. Hayes iias this same
faculty il dismissing his eilice-seeking
friends with happy i'acis : it seems te be
quite an Ohie talent.
If Mr. Blaine wails te resign his seat
until the cabinet is fixed he will be like
ly te held 1! beyond the leiuth of March.
Mr. Garfield is even mere given te inde
cision than was Mr. Buchanan, with
whom it was a very notable failing. It
will be remembeied that Mr. Buchanan
did net announce his cabinet for some
time after the inauguration, and the
country was in a great stateef wonder at
the delay. It was just because it had
net yet been formed : the president could
net make up his mind about it. We
knew, en the authority of a gentle
man who was then in his household and
his confidence, that he was very much
troubled te decide upon the membership,
exclaiming, en one occasion, as he
walked in visible agitation the
apartment in the White Heuse
before our informant, " What shall I de
about Pennsylvania ?' the appointment
from which state was the last and great
est of his troubles, as it was his own
state and there was no one te dictate it
te him. The gentleman he addressed
named and urged Judge Black, and
the suggestion was favorably received
by the president, who at once
sent in his cabinet nominations te
the Senate. Mr. Blaine will net
be safe until he reads the names sent in
executive session, and prudence will
keep him in the Senate until the voice
of " the last, man' has been heard and
heeded by the president. lie will net
have the excuse for his vacillation that
Mr. Buchanan had, who was then suffer
ing from the National hotel disease; but
there is no failing mere difficult te resist
than indecision, and as it is bred in Mr.
Garfield's bone, it is likely te show itself
till the last hour comes for his cabinet
A Senater With Twe Seats.
In pursuance of his wish te put him
self en both sides the political fence, Sen Sen
aeor Mahone is new reported te have
selected a seat en the Republican side of
Senate, just as a short while since, he
chose one en the Democratic side. This
was done for him, we are informed, by
two separate and distinct " friends" of
opposite political complexions, and the
senator, net desiring te scorn the amiable
service of either, proposes te keep both
seats te serve his future occasions. It is
a very handy arrangement for a gentle
man who expects te see se much service
ou both political sides of the Senate.
He can keep his Democratic docu
ments in one desk and his Republican
material in the ether; and se ensure that
there will lie no confusion in his papers
when he comes te represent himself en
one side or the ether. lie will only need te
seat himself in his Uepubliean chair, en
the days he has predetermined te devote
his services te that party, te be all ready
for his work. And en Democratic days
the Democratic seat will sustain him
with equal security and satisfaction. It
is really a pity that there are net enough
seats in the Senate chamber te go around,
giving each senator two ; and perhaps it
is a pity that there are net mere senators
se happily constituted as te need them.
It would be very interesting te read the
daily reports of the senatorial proceedings
if we might leek for a frequent slough
ing off by the senators of their old pe
litical skins. It is a little tiresome te
see the Republicans and Democrats each
day marching along te the same old tune.
It may be very consistent and very sat
isfactory and very proper for our sena
tors te adhere steadily te opinions which
they have carefully formed and have
been elected te represent, but it is dread
fully monotonous nevertheless. Hew
much mere lively is this Ilea, Mahone,
and hew much mere of the public atten
tion begets, just liecause he enjoys a po
litical trust which nobody knows just
hew he is going te discharge, and
lias te take two senatorial seats te en
able even himself te knew en any partic
ular clay whether he is for the time being
a Democrat or a Republican. It is prob
able that, if many of the senators would
keep us th us in suspense, it might be
come irritating and we might say severe
things about their insincerity and vacil
lation ; but when there is only one at
the work, and he such a natural political
jnonkey, it is only amusing ; at least, at
present : possibly sometime it may be
come disgusting. But te-day let us gaze
with admiration upon the littlest sena
tor in his occupancy of two chairs, and
await with interest the taking of his
seats and his feats upon them and his
final fall between them.
Tiik Canadian government and the
paternal government of Great Britain
cannot get away from the responsibility
of meeting the charges made against
their representatives by Prof. Henry
Youle Hind, who declares most posi
tively that in the fishery claims commis
sion the arbitrators and American ceun-"
sel were cheated by false statistics. He
reiterates them new in these plain
words :
While Judge Fester and Senater Kel Kel
legir, one as United States agent, the ether
as United States commissioner, represent
ing fifty millions of people, were living
with the British agent, Mr. F. C. Ferd,
repres3iitmg some lerty-tlircc millions ei
people, under the same reef, daily sitting
at the same bible, eating of the same bread,
en English soil and under the protection
of English laws and hospitality, this same
British agent was secretly preparing day
by day, in the name of her majesty the
queen aud with the assistance of two or
three Canadian officials, also living under
the same reef, an official Matenient full of
forgeries and designed for the purpose of
cheating the government of the United
States in a peaceful court of arbitration. .
This forged document I, as neutral ser
vant (if both govern incuts, new lield 'offi
cially. It belongs just as much te the
government of the United Slates as te the
government of Gieat Britain.
I am quite certain that the English peo
ple and the Canadian people will net rest,
when they understand this matter, until
they have vindicated in proper form the
hospitality of the soil, the validity and ap
plication of their taws, and the honor of
their queen which is as their own, and in
whose name all this was seeietly done.
" Solid for Malency " is the way
Venango Spectator puts it and then
low the figures showing that Geerge
Ioney was elected mayor of Franklin,
nauge ceuntv.
Te the Illustrious Fraud who will va
cate Mr. Tilden's scat in fifteen days mere,
hew applicable is the old darkey's toast ou
the retirement of another unpopular ex
ecutive : " Be Gub'iicr ob de State he
come in wid a great deal ob opposition ;
he gees out widnut any !"
Ix'tlie new Senate coming in en the 4th
of March there will ba thirty-seven Demo
crats and thirty-seven Republicans, leav
ing out David Davis, of Illinois, and Gen
eral Mahone, of Virginia. Davis may
with i ntire cci taint y be counted among
the Democrats.
New comes the iconoclast with the in in
quiry"whe wrote Geerge Eliet's novels '?"
It is contended that Mr. I.ewes did a great
part of the work. She never wrote any
before she knew him, nor after he died.
Hence the conclusion that her uem de
plume steed for joint authorship.
Evkuy Cameren organ in the common,
wealth seems te have had its orders te
fire a parting shot at Hayes as he gees out.
Strange enough their contempt for him i"
chietly aroused by his civil service reform
failure ; and se stern a partisan as the
Philadelphia Bulletin calls him "a presi
dent with a limp backbone."
Tin: impression prevails that the result
of his visit te Garfield was satisfactory te
Conkling, and that Chief Justice Felgcr,
of Xew Yerk, will be the next secretary
of the treasury. Levi P. Morten may get
a mission. The stalwarts seem happy ;
and the Philadelphia Bulletin is embold
ened te propose Harlranft for secretary
of war.
W. G. Pi:xx, one of the editors of the
New Castle Pimigraplt, was a candidate
for select council. He was beaten by a
vote of 173 te 30, whereupon he returns
thanks te thee who exerted themselves
most strenuously in favor of the opposi
tion ticket, as his election would have
precluded him from bidding for the city
Oct of deference te Colonel Ingcrsell,
probably, the word "Hell" has been elim
inated from the revised edition of the Xew
Testament. It will still centinutt a favor
ite expression among disappointed states
men and ethers who put their money en
the wrong card. "Hades" will de very
well for pulpit use in the presence of ladies
but will never completely till the vocabu
lary of the man who trips en a bauaua
Uxjr.utitiED ladies may take heart when
they learn that there arc nearly nine hun
dred thousand mere males than females in
this country. The completed census re
turn shows another interesting fact. It is
that- there are but 105,C03 Chic-iinea in
this country. There are mere than 25,
000 000 ether men of ether races, or about
two hundred and fifty te every Chinamen.
Of the fifty millions population in the
country only six millions are foreign
born. Seme of the people of Wisconsin are
urging that their stale should have a new
coat-of-arms. The Milwaukee Iiepubliciin
sarcastically suggests that since the tax en
wolf-scalps is te be restored wolf-raising
will undergo a revival, and as badgers
have disappeared from the state, the bad
ger may properly be replaced en the seal
by a scalped wolf, with an enterprising
wolf -grower chuckling ever a treasury
draft for $G in the background.
The fashion in dogs changes as rapidly
as in women's dress. The most fashion
able dogs at this time are the rough-coated
St. Bernard and the English pug, the St.
Charles spaniel, blacks and tan, Scotch
coolies aud Italian greyhounds. The St.
Bernard dogs are rare, but there is a de
mand for them reaching as far as Colerado.
The pups are worth from 850 te $1,000.
The English pug is a deg that went and
came, worth from $25 te 200; terriers
bring $25 te $200 ; coolies, $300 ; Sammy
Tildcn is about buying a $1,000 mastiff.
Making a senator at Menter.
Themas W. Phillips. Jehn Cessna. G.
W. Scofield, Wharten Barker and Cel. S.
B. Shoemaker, all of Pennsylvania, and J.
31. Scevcl, of Xew Jersey, have just re
turned from a visit te Gen. Garfield.
A decree has been published prohibit
ing the importation into France of salted
perk, bacon and ham from the United
Jehn T. Raymond, the actor who lately
was divorced from his wife, " 3Iarie Gor Ger Gor
eon," has net yet been married te 3Iiss
Courtney Barnes, the daughter of Rese
Eytingc, but the marriage wil! come oft"
next month.
Rev. J. X. C. Gkiek, of Brandy wine
Maner Presbyterian church, ami his wife
celebrated their golden wedding at their
residence, in Upper Uwehlan township,
Chester county, last week, the fiftieth an
niversary of their marriage. About one
hundred friends were present.
BnitNHAitDT's performances hi this
country have averaged about $4,000 a
night. In the language of Othelle, " He
who filches from her purse robs her of
that which enriches him ; but he who
steals her geed name steals trash ; 'twas
something, 'tis nothing ;" or words te that
James M. Sceveli. telegraphs te the
Timeftvem 3Icnter : "Had an interview of
an hour with President Garfield at Menter
this afternoon. He thinks the funding
bill would have been satisfacteiy te the
country had it provided for three and a
half instead of three percent. The claims
of Pennsylvania te a cabinet position he
did net think he could well consider until
the senatorial imbroglio was settled. Pres
ident Garfield is in geed health and excel
lent spirits."
The paper Caiu.yi.e left in Freude's hands
arc extremely voluminous. There are sev
eral thousand letters, including his own te
members of his family and letters te him
from Geeihe, Jehn Stuart Mill, Lord Jef
frey, Sterling, Emersen, Leigh Bunt,
Dickens, Thackeray and Yarnhagen Ven
Euse ; also his journals, private papers,
unfinished manuscripts, reminiscenses of
his father, mother, Edward Irving and
Lord Jeffrey, and material for a memoir of
Mrs. Carlyle. The reminiscences will be
printed exactly as 3Ir. Carlyle left them,
but the memoir of 3Ir.. Carlyle must, in
accordance with his instructions, undergo
extensive revision.
Fckxaxde Weed's last wife is still
living, but is hopelessly insane. Her
mother, Mrs. Drake Mills, was very ec
centric. She was very rich and during
her life lived in a small room en the top
iloer of a second-class hotel. She took
great delight in annoying Mr. Weed and
his wife with whom she was net en geed
terms. She had the finest diamonds in
Washington and her victeria, drawn by
a magnificent pair of banged chestnut
horses imported from England and driven
by an old coachman of Lord Xapiers's was
a swell affair. She was very fat and com
mon looking," but when she drove ou t she
was dressed in the gayest colors and her
lap was covered with a robe of ostrich
plumes. She fell out of the window one
night while under t!:e inlluence of liquor,
and was found in the area of the hotel in
the morning. She left a will in which she
bequeathed 3Ir. Weed a dollar geld-piece
"te remember me by."
Ramsdcll, writing te the Times, says :
"Mr. Randall, take him all in all, has
made a geed speaker. He has been less
impartial aud less imperious than Blaine
was, and has, indeed, been as fair as his
duty te his party would permit. Be has
defeated some bills, notably thusu for the
encouragement of our commerce, which
ought te have been passed, but he has
prevented the passage of many mere that
were dangerous. He retires with some
enemies among his own party, but gen
erally it will be admitted that he adminis
tered his great anil most difficult ofiice
with distinguished credit. He will go
back te the fioer with increased capacity
te annoy and exasperate the Republicans.
With a perfect mastery of the rules, added
te his quickness and his well-known in
dustry, he will be a great big thorn in the
sides of the Republicans. He will, of
course, be the Democratic leader, and I
can th i uk of nobody en the Republican
side at all competent, te compete with him,
especially since Cenger gees te the ether
end of the eapitel."
Adam Fercpaugh, the showman, eilers
a premium of $10,000 for the handsomest
woman, physically, for thirty weeks' ser
vices as a show piece in a great pageant.
The village of Brcnicrs, in the depart
ment of Savey, France, has been completely
destroyed by two avalanches. Fifteen per
sons were killed. The damage is estimated
at $250,000.
AtXanticekc a Hungarian named Laf
schuski broke a bottle of alcohol in his
pocket ami the contents saturated his
clothing. He afterwards lit a match,
when his clothing caught lire and he was
se terribly burned that he will inebablv
Carl Janscn, a Swede, 28 years of age,
who is thought te be insane, jumped into
the river at Xew Yerk and lauded en a
cake of ice Twe policemen attempted :
te rescue him, when he fired six shots at j
them from a revolver. He then jumped
into the water, but was fished out ami
taken te the hospital.
While a party ei gentlemen from
Patcheguc were ice-beating en the Great
Seuth Bay in a very stiff breeze, their
beat, which was sailing at great speed,
ran into a man-hole, causing all en beard
te be thrown a considerable distance.
Captain 3Iett, of Statcn Island, is the only
one seriously injured aud it is feared he
may net survive the slieck.
A freight train en the Shenandoah Val
ley railroad was wiccked a short distance
south of Fert Defiaucc. The accident was
caused by a slide in the deep cut near the
station. Jehn W. Alcer, depot-master at
Harrisonburg, was seriously if net mort
ally mounded. The train was complete
ly wrecked, and although there were a
iiuiuuer ei passengers ou oeard, no one
else was seriously injured.
At a masked fete of the students of the
Academy of Paiuting,3Iunicb,thc costumes
of some students caught fire. Xe Amer
ican was hurt. The accident was due te
one of the artists, who was dressed in the
costume of the Esquimaux, setting lire te
his cestume in lighting a cigar and then
rtishing in terror among ethers similarly
attired. Four Germans were burned te
death. Four mere Germans were fatally
and three Germans and one Russian slight
ly burned. Eight in all have died.
The losses entailed upon the principal
Western railroads by the recent snow
blockades will mere than equal the net
earnings of these lines for January and
February. Xearly one thousand miles of
read epcreratcd by the Chicago, St. Paul
& 3Iilwaukce company in' Minnesota and
Dakota have practically been blockaded
all winter. The operating expenses have,
through this state of affairs, been doubled
while traffic returns have been very small.
Xearly half as much mileage operated by
tnc iducage x isertli western company
have been similarly blockaded a consid
erable part of the winter.
A great sensation has just been created
at Liberty, Sullivan county, X. Y, by the
elopement of 3Irs. De Witt Beebe, the
wife of a well-to-de and respectable me
chanic, with an impecunious music teacher
named Loomis. Mrs. Beebe took with her
$1,200 in money, her clothing, jewelry and
all the valuables she had. She was the
mother of two bright little girls, one of
whom, an infant scarcely two years of age,
she took with her. The guilty pair were
tracked te Miudletewn, where they had
remained all night, and from where they
had taken the cars for the West. 3Ir.
Beebe, who is an honest, hard-working
and highly respectable man, is much
broken down by his misfortune, but will
take no steps te catch the guilty pair. He
will bring suit at the coming term of court
for a divorce.
Jehn 31. Justice, a leading merchant
tailor of Erie, en Saturday was discovered
en the ice with a ball through his head.
He was en a hunting expedition and his
death was the result of an accident.
The cremation of the remains of Dr.
Kenraden Hircnzbcrg, who died in Indian
apelis some days since, took place m Lc
3Ieync's furnace at Washington en Satur
day. The body arrived en the 12 o'clock.
tram and was immediately placed in the
furnace. This was the tenth cremation
and created no excitement whatever.
Gcerge Leib has been arrested in Potts Petts
villc charged with robbing the vault of
County Clerk O. J. Aregood of $120 in
geld. The robberies have been carried ou
for weeks and suspicion attached te Lieb,
who was seen frequently in the neighbor
hood. When arrested aud searched a
blackjack taken from a murderer and
placed in Clerk Aiegoed's office for safe
keeping was found en him.
The jury in the case of Oscar Eisenhari,
who has been en trial in Sunbury, for the
murder of Patrick O'Brien, at Excelsior,
en January 1, rendered a verdict of net
guilty. Eiscnhart, who was station agent
at Excelsior, was attacked by O'Brien,
when he shot him in self defense. Eisen
hart had the sympathy of the community,
and the verdict was received with great
In Easten lately several attempts have
been made te lire the frame carpenter shop
of Captain J. P. Ricker, which is situated
in the midst of numerous frame buildings.
On Friday night his stable adjoining the
carpenter shop was fired and burned, to
gether with a horse, carriage, harness and
stock. Detectives Simen and Jehnsen ar
rested Theephilus Hackett for the crime,
lie with two ethers net yet arrested, are
suspected. Hackett says he was drunk,
and does net knew what he did en Friday
Last Tuesday afternoon 3Ialthcw Kelb,
who has been a member of the Philadel
phia commercial exchange for twenty
yeais, died .suddenly at his home near Col Cel
legevillc, 3Iontgemcry county. Since his
death a number of what arc rumored te be
forged bills of lading have been discovered,
amounting, it is believed, te upward of
$100,000. All the bids which arc supposed
te be forged arc dated in a little town in
Iowa called Iowa Centre, and are signed
by ene Lovojey, a railroad agent. 3Ir.
Kelb dealt quite heavily in options and
contracts fbr future delivery of grain. He
also carried en the ordinary business of re
ceiving grain from the West and selling it
in this market.
I Recent Disasters and Crimes.
i Henry D. Kethe, a wealthy farmer re
j siding near Glasgow, 3Iisseuri, committed
suicide en Saturday.
; L. D. Green was killed by the breaking
I of. a saw in a planing mill at Columbus,
Ohie, one of the fragments piercing his
j heart.
I During a storm at Danville, Virginia,
3Ionree Bass, a colored vagrant, was killed
by the blowing down of an old leg house
m winch he sought shelter.
David Heward was killed by a fall of
coal while working in a shaft of the Penn
sylvania coal company's mine at Pitts
tan. Jeseph Deal and Michael Woerth, la
borers in the Mount Pleasant coal com
pany's mine in Scranton, were killed by
the slacking of the wire rope en the hoist heist
ing cars, which let them run back.
3lrs. Irene Craudcll and her child were
feuiid dead in the read near her home, in
3Iinneseta. It is thought that her hus
band drove her from the house and follow
ed and killed both her and the child Cran
dell is rvt large.
The wife of William Fenlkes, colored,
convicted at Lnncnberg, Virginia, of the
murder of hsr husband, was sentenced te
be hanged. She killed her husband with
a-i axe as he lay asleep, and threw tl.8
body into a well.
A small house en Holliday street, Balti
more, was crushed by the falling of the
end wall of a distillery warehouse adjoin
ing. A woman in the house was fatally
injured and died seen after, and a five-year-old
boy had one of his thighs fractur
ed. I A colored man named Rcilly was mor mer
' tally wounded by Themas Leaky ever a
j game of cards at Eagle Pase, Texas. A.
K. Strothers, a wealthy cattle dealer,
I was shot dead by unknown murderers at
the Texas Pacific depot, in Dallas,
While a number of woedchoppcrs were
working in the weeds near Mincela, L. I.,
several of them commenced a quarrel with
one et their nuinuer. a German, whose
name is unknown. Dining the quarrel
the men made a free use of their axes and
the German was se badly injured that he
will probably die.
A lire at 3fonrec, Louisiana, destroyed
the steamer Fairplay, with 800 bales of
cotton, the wharf beat Katie, with 500
bales of cotton, and a large let of mer
chandise. The less is estimated at $80,000
The captain and clerk of the Fairplay had
their faces and hands badly burned, and
a printer named Edward Hancock perished
in the flames.
Baptiste Cesta, an Italian coal miner liv
ing near Collinsville, Illinois, murdered
his brother, Bartner Cesta, en Friday
night. Very little is known of the circum
stances, but the brothers lived together in
a shanty near a mine in which he worked,
and during a quarrel between them Bap
tiste shot his brother. Baptiste lied and
has net yet been apprehended.
Adam Ilcsalcr, of Hincs Cemer, Lacka
wanna county, Pa., becoming despondent
ever heavy losses, in the absence of his
wife, raved like a madman, and declared
that his daughter must be gotten out of
the way. He carried the frightened, cry
ing child te well, at the rear of the house,
and, binding her wrists together with a
piece of heavy rope, threw her in. She
fell twenty-nine feet, striking upon the
rocky bottom with a force that was fatal..
An invalid lady neighbor saw the proceed-
ings, but could de nothing, as she had net
nccn aeie te leave nerroem for twelve
years. Hessler was gene when his wife
returned, and nothing has been heard of
him .since. It is believed he wandered te
the mountain and perished in the snow.
Unlit Lamps,
Following is the number of street lamps
reported unlit en Saturday and Sunday
nights :
Wards. Snlurdai'. Sunday.
r iim, ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a a ,
Second 4 3
Third 0 0
Fourth 9 8
Fifth 9 9
Sixth 0 C
Seventh 11 n
Eighth 5 4
Xinth 2 3
Seruieti te tlin ltrotlierlieoil of the Union
.Missionary Way ICev. HarK te Poli
tician Tonrgee.
All our eity churches were well attended
yesterday, both morning and evening.
In all except the 3Ieraviau, Union Bethel
aud First Baptist the regular Sabbath ser
vices were conducted, and it being mis
sionary day" in the First 3Iet hed ist, there
was a juvenile anniversary of all the
schools connected with the church. Ex
cept these no special services or occasions
were observed.
Sermon te the U. V. (II. F.) C. A.
Rev.D.A.L.Laveity, of the Union Bethel
church, comer West Orange anil Prince
streets, preached a sermon te the secret
order known as the Brotherhood of the
Union. There was a large assemblage,
Conestoga circle, Xe. 110, aud Lancaster
circle, Xe. 108, attending in a body in ledge
Mr. Laverty took for his text the words :
" Aud the Lord commended the unjust
steward because he had done wisely ; for
the children of this world arc in their gen
eration wiser than the children of light."
Luke xvi., S. He began his discourse by
explaining at length the parable of the
i ich man's steward, from which the text
is taken, who for negligence aud dishonesty
had incurred his master's displeasure and
was te be put out of his stewardship ; his
resolve te escape the want and distress
this calamity would expose him te ; the
calling of his Lord's debtors and his taking
a favorable account of them, and finally
receiving the commendation of his master.
By the term " children of this world" we
arc te understand worldly persons, these
who make earthly things their Ge;).
Worldly peeple consult better for their
temporal interests than religious ones for
their spiritual interests. This is proven
by the degree of diligence and activity ex
crted by them. The worldly man,
be his object what it may, is
unwearied in following it, whether
it refer te trade, family, estate, or
fame ; he watches favorable opportunities
aud will net defer till te-morrow what he
should de te-day ; nothing is left undone.
Christians are net equally se active in
spiritual affairs. He then referred te the
Christian's duty and the work awaiting
his sickle in the harvest field of the Lord.
Their attention is often distracted, their
hearts cold. Instead of going forth in the
strength of the Lord and fighting boldly,
they are prone te be discouraged, and see
ing difficulties, step in the path of duty.
The worldly man also excels the Christian
in his degree of foresight and circum
spection. The former are quick-sighted
in discerning their interests and leek for
ward te causes aud forecast in their minds,
whether such distant events will hinder
or promote their favorite project; they
provide against coming evils, guard against
disappointments, and profit "by past expe
riences. Hew little circumspection aud
foresight the religious man exercises,
though repeatedly admonished. The same
is true in man's singleness of mind.
Though the Christian does net serve Ged
and mammon, lie docs net bring the world
into subjection ; though he does net wil
fully obey sin, it is net entirely subdued.
He closed his discourse with a stirring
appeal for all Ged-fearing people te put en
the whole armor of Ged and go manfully
into the fray ; te renounce worldly wis
dom and seek wisdom from above. Fail
te de se, and the inevitable decrees of
Ged's wrath, will be visited upon your
unbelieving soul. When at last Ged shall
sit in judgment and all his stewards be
called te give an account of their steward
ship let it be said unto you " well done,
thou geed and faithful servant."
The address, of which the above is but
an outline, was interesting and instruc
tive aud it was delivered in that clear,
forcible style tiiat characterizes 3Ir. Lav
crty's sermons. The singing of the choir
was unusually fine.
At the Duke Street M. t Church.
The Sunday schools of the First 31. E.
church, comprising the East 3Iissien, en
East King street, the West 3Iissien,
Xerth Charlette, and the Sunday schools
immediately connected with the church,
held a union missionary anniversary in
the church yesterday afternoon at 2.
o'clock. The pupils of the two mission
schools inarched te the church in bodies,
and with the school proper filled all the
available space hi the large edifice. The
cxcrci?cs were under the supervision of
3Ir. Jehn B. Geed, president of the 3Iis 3Iis
sienary society, and Rev. S. II. C. Smith,
pastor, and Rev. S. O. Garrison, assistant
pastor, assisted by 3Ir. B. F. Shaub,
superintendent of Duke street school. Dr.
J. L. Withrow, .superintendent of West
Mission school, and 31 r. James Black,
superintendant of East 3Iissien school.
The exercises opened with the singing of
that well known missionary hymn, "Frem
Greenland's ley 3Ieuntains," after which
Rev. J. Lindemuth, of St. Paul's 31. E.
church led in prayer, "Te the Weik" was
then sung.and was followed by the reading
of the scripture lessen of the day by
Superintendent Shaub. After thf singing
or "Glad Tidings," Rev. R. W. Hum
phries, of Reading, addressed tiie congre
gation in behalf of mission work. This
discourse was a review of the work already
accomplished, where missions and mis
sionaries, hitherto unknown, have been
sent and felt, and the extent of the
labor yet te be done at home and abroad,
in the slums of our larger cities and
among the Bushmen of Africa. He com
mended the congregation en their liberal
response te calls in the past and hoped still
better of tbem in the future. "Geed
Xews Frem Afar" was .the subject of the
next hymn sung, and was followed by the
offerings of the classes of the different
schools for the cause in whose interest
they were assembled. Rev. S. II. C.
Smith, pastor, received the cent ributiens,
interspersing their acceptance with
suitable remarks. They feet up the
handsome sum of $378, which,
with these contributed by the church, will
swell the amount te a fraction below $000,
for the missionary cause alone, " a work,"
as 3Ir. Smith remarked, which "Duke
street church had reason te he proud of."
The hymn "Bringing in the Sheaves"
was an admirable termination te this pait
of the exercises. Rev. J. 3Iax Hark, of
the 3Ieravian, followed in a short address
en missionary labor and the Christian's
duties in regard te it, after the singing of
"Walk in the Light" the benediction was
pronounced by the last speaker. As a
whole it was a success, much of which is
due te the excellent music under the di
rection of Prof. 31. Hellingcr.
Rev. J. Max Mark's Sermon.
A large congregation listened te the dis
course of Rev. J. 3Iax Hark, in the 3Iora 3Iera
vian church, yesterday morning. In his
brief residence here 3Ir. Hark has ac
quired a teputatien as a most elo
quent pulpit orator, a profound thinker
and a finished scholar, and his effort of
yesterday morning enhancedjthe favorable
impression lie has already created among
his own congregation and ethers who have
attended his church. Fer his text he
selected the words found in the twelfth
verse of the seventh chapter of St. 3Iat
thew's gospel : "Whatsoever ye would
that men should de te you, de yc even se
te them." Referring te a leeture r.Tudife
I Tourgee's which he had recently listened i
te with feelings of pleasure and te his
great edification, the preacher said there
were some things left unsaid in that dis dis
ceruse which te his mind had spoken even
mere eloquently than the lecturer's words,
and from this he went en te present from
the Christian standpoint the marvelous
beauties of the law of love. All ether
systems, he contended are plagiarisms
upon this enunciation of the Bible. The
religion of 3Iehamraed aud of Buddha,
the doctrine of hnmantarianism, whilst
they imbibe its spirit, are, being
only partial in their scope, inferior te
Christianity. They are lacking in something
wanting iu the very life. The speakej;
likened all ether systems of ethics te an
engine, beautiful aud perfect iu its mo me
chained construction ; place it upon the
track and it will net stir : there is no mo
tive power. Fill the boiler with water,
apply the match ; the steam isjgenerated,
and away speeds the engine that without
this motive pewcrhad steed helpless. Leve,
the law as pronounced in the words of the
text, is the life of the Christian religion
and the all-powerful factor it its being.
The story is told of a sculptor who created
a statue of a beautiful woman. Day by
day he observed the rfpeuing charms of
his own handwork, the perfect figure and
beautiful face, till finally he fell in love
with it. He fell down at the feet of the
statue, and poured forth the pent-up feel
ings of his heart ; he sought te embrace
it, but the cold form, the rigid immovable
lips, returned net his caresses ; there was
no life there. Thus with the religions
that arc devoid of the spirit of love,
which is the fountain-head of Christianity.
Huinanitarianism grows eloquent ever
the misery of a race, while the individual
is permitted te starve upon the doorstep.
It is a system which, dealing in glowing
generalities, is without the one great es
sential that Christianity alone, of all the
systems which Have ever existed,supplie.s
the doctrine of love, of personal. individual
love. Christianity tells its disciple te
"love thy neighbor as thyself." It does
net say, Ge and educate him, civilize him,
enlighten him, but it employs that word
mere comprehensive, sweeter and mightier
than all ethers love him.
The preacher's concluding words com
prised a defense of a system that he had
been pained te hear disparaged iu the lec
ture te which he had alluded at the outset
of his sermon, the work of foreign mis
sions. He applauded the geed the church
has done iu this field and quoted from the
wordsef the 31aster, " Ge yc into all ihe
world ami preach the gospel," and claimed
that but for the work that has been done
in this direction, the church and the Chris
tian religion te-day would net possess its
present strength and zeal nor its power
for geed.
iUisliary Experience
At the Baptist church after the niorn niern
iug sermon by Rev 3Iorrisen, a returned
missionary, 31rs. 31illcr, related her exper
ience and presented the missionary cause
in an effective manner. She then discourse
in the evening te a largely ii.terested an
Ah Old Resident.
Ex-County Commissioner Jacob B.
Shumau, of Maner township, the celebra
tion of whose 77th birthday by his friends
and neighbors we noticed en Saturday,
has been the father of four sons and two
daughters, has twenty grandchildren and
live great grandchildren. Of these there
were present at the recent celebration Eli
C, the eldest son, and his wife from Ciim
bei land county ; Mrs. Elias 3Iellingcr, of
Yerk county ; B. U J. L. and J. C. Shu
man, their wives and daughters. 3Irs. P.
E. Landis, the ether daughter, was
prevented from attending by sickness.
There were present also his only
surviving brother, Ames B. Shuiuan
and wife. Sir. Shuman'.s .sister, the
mother of C. S. aud A. J. Kauffman,
of Columbia, is dead. 3Ir. Shumau lias
lived at. --his present residence for a pe
riod of ."2 years. The hou-e was erected
in the year 175G by Jehauis Ivage Anna.
Ths structure is of st ene and has an arch
cellar 7 feet in thickness. 3Ir. Shumau is
very active and can yet Iaap ever a live
rail fence, which feat he performed
en his birthday. On the evening of
Ins birthday the btar cornet band el Wash
ington, favored 3Ir. Shumau and wife with
a scrcnaifc, showing the appreciation of
him as a citizen and neighbor. Being
handsomely entertained. 3Ir. Elmer K.
Sayler, of the band, expressed in a neat
speech the regard of the members fbr 3Ir.
IJiivlainiL-tl Letters.
The following is a list 6f letters remain
ing unclaimed iu the Lancaster posteflice
for the week ending 3Iendav, February 21,
1881 :
Ladies'' Lint. 3Irs. 3Iary Hshleman,
3Iiss Susan Fisher, 3Iiss Ella Foreman,
3Irs. Elizabeth Haines, 3Iiss Anna Lute,
3Iiss Lydia R. Lehman, Mrs. 3Iaria Lyens,
3Iiss 3I:iggie 3IiIIcr, 3Iiss Lillie Miller,
3Irs. 3Iary 31eckley, 3Iiss Sue 3Iccklcy,
3Iiss Fannie F. Peck, 3Irs. Sarah Schacffer,
3Iiss Ella Shumma, Anna 31. Shoemaker,
3Irs. Jane Zicglcr.
Ccntf Zm. Philip Batz, Jehn Ureii
ncr, Aaren 31. Black, James Burke, Jeseph
Cramer, James Clennell, Chr. Dunuuber,
A. G. Evans, Gee. Wm. Frey, Jacob Her
shcy, Maximilian Heiglc (for.), Jehn
Hcrr, 3Ies.;.s Bettle, Samuel Jenes, D.ivid
II. Tmes, 31. J. Kinnedy, James F. Lin
thurst, Frederick Lcchnes, Ames Lefcver,
Shr. Layman, Jehn 3Iauter, T. I). .Mercer,
IJ. F. 3Iartiu, Daniel 3Iericrty, James IJ.
Xauinan, Simen Resler, Henry Rete, Prof.
31. II. Seitz, Oske Shane, 3Iich.ieI Shriner,
Udiam Shiffer, S. II. Shark, 3Ir. Shud
eling, Jeremiah Steever, Harry Thomp
son. A Text.
The breaking up and passage down the
Susquehanna river of the ice thoroughly
tested the capacity of the railroad bridge
at Havre de Grace te resist any and all
obstructions likely te be hurled against it.
In addition te the gorge and ordinary flew
of ice, there was one large cake or field of
ice, said te he three quarters of a mile
wild and two miles long, that was
hurled against it with all the force at the
command of the large and rapidly moving
volume of water in the river behind it.
When this iceberg struck the piers it was
cut and broken into many pieces
without any retarding of its motion
and with the .slightest perceptible
effect en the bridge. This was as severe a
test as it is like te be subjected te, and
having withstood that without damage, it
is net probable that it will ever be required
te endure a greater pressure or mere vio
lent shock.
Slight Fire.
On Saturday a can of benzine, which is
used in the train room of the watch fac
tery for cleaning work, caught fire from a
gas jet. Katie Xail, who was in the room
had her hair aud eyebrows scorched off
but she was net injnrcd in any ether way.
The damage te the room was slight as the
flames burned out in a short time.
Retorts the Mayer.
This morning the mayor sent three
drunks te jail ler five days each, ene for
ten and one for fifteen, one paid his costs
and saved himself from going out. Seven
bummers were discharged.
AXcgre Fight.
On Saturday evening there was quite a
riot among a gang of negrees in th&
neighborhood et Seuth Duke aud 3Ifddie
streets. Some hard blows were struck and
the air was blue with sulphureus words
for a time.
l'aster Elected.
The Rev. J. V. Eckert was lately elected
pastor of the Bethany Lutheran congrega
tion, of 31il!crsvillc, and will at once enter
upon his duties.
I'atchiuc Timber Personal Cheap Chick
ensObituary. About thirty-live square sticks of the
timber that ran out of the creek at 31iddle 31iddle
tewn during the last Heed were caught by
3Iarietta parties en Saturday. It had been
caught between an island aud the shore,
near the "Buck," in the ice, and the own
ers were unable te extricate it, but -were
compelled te leave it remain until the ice
moved away. Last Wednesday the ice
shoved a few hundred feet aud- telegrams
were sent te points along the shore te have
men in in readiness te cateb the legs.
Twelve beats went up from this place, but
no timber came, as the ice had stepped.
On Saturday eveuing the 3Iechanics'
band was out serenading the .successful
Diphtheria has net left us yet ; there
are a few eases in town and en Saturday a
death resulted from it a child of 3Ir.
Chr'n Buchcr's.
3Ir. Arthur Xerris, from Baldwin, was
given a five day's leave of absonce te ro re
cupcratc. He spent it with his brother,
the doctor, and has returned much bene
fited. 3Iisscs 31iley aud Peters, from 31iddle 31iddle
tewn, arc visitiug 3Iiss Auna 3Iusser.
The large Hancock banner at the Demo
cratic headquarters was taken down en
Saturday, but the Democrats won't forget
A let of nice chickens were sold in town
for 0 cents per pound, live weight. They
are bringing 8 and 10 cents.
A car lead of Heur was sent from Watts
station en Saturday. They send a car lead
from there quite frequent.
The Watts furnace, that commenced op
erations lately, has what is called a "bell
and hopper" attachment. It is intended
te keep the top of the furuact, closed in
order that the gas. which generally escapes
from it, may be confined' and utilized.
The hepper i.s tilled with a charge and
a pair of doers iu the bottom of it being
opened, the charge falls through into the
furnace, and the gates are imVnediately
closed. Pipes that lead from this place
convey the gas te the boilers of the engine
and it i.s used te make steam.
An east-bound train at neon is in need
en the P. R. R. It would be a great ac
commodation and doubtless pay the com
pany if they would run 0110 from Harris
burg te connect with the train that leaves
Columbia at I o'clock. Susie Barnitz, of Yerk, is visiting
Miss Emily Schaffncr and 3Iiss Ella 3Ius
selman, from the same place is visiting
Mrs. J. 3Ialene.
Jehn B. Hendersen, of 3Iay town, board beard
ed the emigrant train en Sunday morning.
He has added te his notoriety by being, as
alleged, ene el" a conspiracy te defraud
W. E. Yeung out of a mail-carry ing con
tract in Xewark. X. J. His associates
have had their ti ial and were remanded
for sentence. Hendersen had net been
arresteTI, but a requisition from the gov
ernor has been obtained and he is new in
The river is about ou a stand-still.
Several mere tobacco men were in town.
Beef will will be put up te 15 cents in
town this week. It will be somewhat of a
luxury te men at the furnaces whegctftO
cents a day. "
Xights are awful dark new and levers
who want te promenade are compelled te
carry lanterns.
The 22d will net be celebrated iu a very
lively maimer except that Isaac Reisinger
and ethers will have a dancing party in
the Odtl Fellows in Central hall.
An east wind was blowing yfsterday for
mere rain.
3L:;;.s 3Iary Hess died ou Friday after
noon at about 3 o'clock. She had been ill
for a long time with a complication of
ailments resulting partially from dyspep
sia and I'tem a severe fall she had about a
year age. She was well-known and highly
respected in ourcemmunity The funeral
will take place from the residence of her
mother, 3Irs. 3Iary Hess, en Tuesday
afternoon at two o'clock.
By mistake, the "Sewing Bee" was an
nounced for Saturday night. It will meet
te-night at 3Irs. Win. Kagle's and an in
teresting feature will be a "set out "by
the ladies.
Suliiril'iy Nisht at Iho Opera llduxe.
The Gill "Goblin"' party appeared at
Pulton opera house Saturday night te an
audience id" fair numbers. Fer some rea
son or ether the piece advertised se ex
tensively and se handsomely "Fun 011
the Rhine" was withdrawn, and an en
tirely dillcrciit composition substituted ;
and, instead of the terrifying legend of the
castle, the scenes were laid lit the meru
commonplace groove of modern society.
Act 1st represents '"Our Goblins" at home,
where, seated in the parlor of the chief
Goblin, and worn out with ennui, seme
one suggests the idea of ha ing a play,
which is at once accepted by the party,
and the second act consists of the rehearsal
of " Society in a Xutsliell ; or, Piqued
Out of Divorce," a. satirical burlesque, the
humor of which can only be properly des
ignated as grotesque, and all Its
.situations ludicrous. One of the
principal actors iu the piece re
marks, just as the curtain is about te
descend, that this is one of that kind of
pieces which people having seen go away
wondering what it is all about. Aud the
observation was eminently a true one.
The performance is of that nondescript
character which battles criticism, even
while it invites it. The audience caught
itself laughing at the numberless absurdi
ties that constitute the make-up
of the piece, while conscious of a some
thing lacking, an incoherence iu its com
position, the gods of the gallery alone being
outspoken in their dissatisfaction, aud
roundly hissing the performance as the
curtain fell. The one feature of the enter
tainment above all cavil was the music,
which was exceptionally geed. The com
pany has undergone several changes and
been enlarged since its former appearance
here. 3Ir. Win. Gill and Miss Eliner
Dceiing arc the same merry sprites as of
yore, albeit indifferent guisc,but the vocal
strength of the company has been mater
ially enhanced by the addition of .Miss
Emma Carsen, who has a charming so
prano, full, . round, and in tone sweet
as a bell, while 3Iiss Mira Benine's
rich contralto was heard te great advant
age ; the tenor, baritone and lress parts be
ing supplied by 3Iessrs. Forrester, Wilsen
and Xorcress, each of whom sang soles,
and the Iattcr's "Rocked in the Cradle of
the Deep" being especially well received.
The cheruAffccts, tee, were very pretty,
and the selections happily made, a num
ber of them being the brightest tunes
from popular operas. The performance
was, all iu all, enjoyable and nonsensical,
but the people would have been better
plca&cd had the Goblins kept their con
tract and reproduced their exjwrience en
the Rhine as they advertised.
Deru.irt Street Mimien Kntt-rtalnment.
The entertainment at Derwait street
mission en Saturday evening was a grand
success, a neat little sum of money being
realized. Thanks arc due te 3Ir. Jehn K.
Zalim for showing his sciopticeu views
again ; ami te 3Ir. II. C. W. Rutledgc for
assisting in the management of the enter
tainment. 'the Rami Fair,
The attendance en Saturday evening
was very large. As seen as the doers were
opencd the people commenced te pour iu
and the room was packed up te the close.
A line pair of vases was wen by Jehn E
Zcchcr, and a pair of celery glasses by
Jeffersen Brown. Several articles will be
chanced off te-night and every night this
week. '
' 4