ffli)fmfa$te Telnme XVH-Ne. H6. LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1881 Price Twe Cente. CTAJTIIIXU. JOHN WANAMAKER. DRY GOODS If you cannot visit the city, -cnd te in 1 postal card ler HOUPEKEEFEI:'.- PlttCE LIST ami UXDEKWEAItl'UICr. MsT. We fill ertlcia by letter fieni evciy stale and Teirltery at mime pikes chaigcd customer-) who lslt the store, and allow huh- piivilcge of return. The stock includes Diess (jeuiN, bilks, I.at -, Fancy oetI, ami gencial mil fit". AND FEBRUARY. Grand Depot, W A TOMS, EDW. J. Manufacturing Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, full Lancaster Watches, Waltham Watches. Elgin Watches, Columbus Watches and Springfield Watches, Iu Geld and. Sih.i Cjm-s, .icy and Stem Winding, at LOWE-sT O VS.1I l'KICE-i. VN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, KNIVKS, FOUKS, SPOONS, A:e., OF TIIK I5EST OUADK3 ONLY. Manure-1 in inland Rep tiling, leu ely -t -pc. Lilly. Fine WhU'Ii Rcp.iiiiug given personal Htteiilieu. Evciym tide sold e i'i ilied guai.tuli i;d. ;,l . ZAHM'S CORNER. LANCASTER, PA. siiu.ixr.m- NOTICE TO THE LADIES! tjik ciii:.pi.t, i im:vi' and iie-jt stock MILLINERY AND TRIMMING GOODS! IN TIIK CITY I- AT M. A. HAUGHTON'S, 25 North Queen Street. We receive constantly and d lily .Ne Goods, and all lite latent sljlci. et Millinery Goods niul licssTiinimings. Alse constantly en h met a line sleck of Ciepe Hats, :nd llenneU ; line Crepe Veils, flue Crepe by theyaid anil sit all pnee-, and Kid Gleve In all sizes, juices and shades. If yen wish te find the cheapest and fluent line et Fringe-i, Ence, Silks. Satins, go te UAl'GIITO'N's, for thev keep the lie-,! stork in t he cilj ; and it jeu wish te tlml the cheapest, llnestamt bast lmeet l.mliieideiies, iiisci lings am! fine White I -aces go te HAUGHTON'S, for they have the finest, ehcpcai and best line in this ity. Alse, constantly en hand, the largest sleck et Itilihens in this city, in all shades. puces and qualities ; s,ilk'n.imlki-chicfs. Cutis, Cellars, Fai.ey Goods and cveij thing knpt in a iii-,t lass dillinsrv and T:immii:g Steie: and it you wish loge te the eiieipiM ami be-l Mlllineiy sjeic in thueity, go te M. A. HAUGHTON'S, 25 North Queen Street. HJX1.S AS S. CLAY MILLER, fines, Brandies, Gmss Oil m lite, k, Ne. 33 PENN SQUARE, LANCASTER PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. PAVER MlASiilXUS, JCc. w i: hate just eii:ni:u a iini: link or Kntlrely new In a vaiiety el Coleiv. Al-e plain Koedsinall the newest shades and widths, ler ull styles et w iiidewfl. , SCOTCH HOLLANDS, Iu Jlrewn. Cardinal, Ecru Until and V. hite. A tew Odds unit Knt. loll te eieseat nan i value. Spring and Ceii Fixture-. Tas.els, t Fringe-1, Leeps, Vc. Measiues et Wmile.vs taken and J?hadt" hung oieiiiptly. Opeiiiiig alme.t daily Xew l'.ittei n-. et VV ALL PAi Ll, ' ter the (pruiK. Jinr stock is very large and at tractive ler the coming -ea-en, and ue !el sate in saying w e can suit you. CORNICE POLES, te. Oideis taken for Fine Miirei-. PHARES W. FRY. Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. UAMPETb. HIGHEST CASH I'KICK VU.X. U PAID FOU EXTUA MUi: CARPET RAGS, CariHSts luadc loonier at short uetite and ualislactien guaranteed. Itaro cliances in Carpets te lcdaee stock el 6,000 Yards Brussels Carpets, AT AXI IIELOW COT. Call and ratNtyyeurseir. ANe.Ingiair, Hag and Chain CnrpetsiiialiuestciKlle-variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING STREET, LA.XCAhTl-.lt t'A COXFJiCTIOXS. INFECTIONS JCST KECK1V1ZU AT JOSEPH R. ROYER'S WHOLESALU AJD KKTAH. CONPEOTIONBRY, Nea.50 AXI 82 WrEST KIXG SsTULCT. A Ijirge Let el FKUIT.OUAXOKS, I. KM ON'S.&c. Xuw Large VIRGINIA PEANUTS en band. Alargcsteck erl'nie Confcclieiis.. all of which iill be sold te Meichants and llutk stcra at the lewtcst market Mis. Try ROYER'S UNCLE SAM CANDY. Vail Orders promptly attended te. :;l.i-3md Dade and Fancr WMew Seaues FOR JANUARY Tin-. is the particular season in which te get and piepaie HOUSEKEEPING DUY GOODS sheetings, Pillow Materials, Linens, Napkins, Tewel", Ac. It i-also the season ler Ladies' Uinlciwtar. The Grand Depot contains the gicaiest vaiiety of goods in one establishment in the United .State-), and exchanges or refunds money Se! things th.it de net suit, upon exam ination at home. PMladelpnia. .JEWELRY, JLc. ZAHlVr, .stock or Lancaster, Pa. J J.IQUOKS. nUVSEWRXIkltlSO voens. or.: cial xetici: PLINN & WILLSON u.i e jul added te their tmiiiiiw stock et H0IE-FWSH1G GOODS, A i.ir'e l.me et Ntwand Valuable Articles OI n,, . U, IU X. i3UU. V1 U IN X jU.O, lull ... v.hi.h ue aie M.IIi.i at , tl'iiraetiiil value. much below I'.IIOOMs ItrCKKTs n.oeu Oil. CI.OTH,... lOe. ,i"ie. per yard. Table Cutlery, Weed & Willow Ware. COOK STOV1& RANKEN AND PARLOR STOVES. l'ait.e-. eemiiiencing housekeeping will find il gteitly Se tlieir udantage te evaminc our Meck. Ne trouble te bhew geed. FL1NN" & WILLSON, J-iKce-asers le Kllnn i Ilicnrmau, 152 N. Queen fitreet, Lancaster, Pa. si:x or Tin: two i.akce dogs. led ldA.v.11 HOOKS AXJt STATWXlCttT. 1881 1881 VALENTINES ! ELEGANT STYLES, GREAT VARIETY. BOX VALENTINES, TJNEQUALED. Call ami -it- AT KOOKSTOK1!. OF JOM BAER'S SONS, 15 aud 17 NORTH QDEEN STREET, LANCASTER. t-A. " Ct KA1M St'ECULATION T In large or small amount. $25 or $20,000 Write W. T. SOULE & CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 i,a sane streut, cntcage, iu., ler cli ulars. maj-uril I CLOIHIXG. QUALITY OF CLOTHDTG is ha nn for most people te .1 b'D US A R JO' III'. BUT WE TELL YOU HOW: I ust see the Goods tli.it v. e etlei in ODD SUITS, unci the prices will te.ieh jeu meicin a few minute about the quality than a tluv's shop shep pinjf. THE PRICES ARE MARKED DOWN TO SELL THE GOODS. and it will net lake you long te make up 0111 mitnl whether they ale b irgains or net. we are oettixe ready rer: MERCHAXT TAILORIXC. AFTER APRIL HI. and are lien ttiininjeur Clothing into iiieney. Wcpicfer the profit, but vvhen ue cannot get it we take the little we cm get. striving c.ich day te tut n J ust as much Clothing as ue can eras little mei.eyas possible. Neailyall el it Kept en the second and third lloers ; the l oem en the In. st fleer is ncaily lull et HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS. WILLIAMSON k mm, 36 EASr KING STREET, fllMjd&w li.iXLMSTRI!, PA. A RARE CHANCE ! the Gleati si deduction evei nt.tde in TIN E WOOLENh ter G EN 'IV WE R at II. GETUIAKT'S Fine Tailerii Mliiiit A Large .Vaseliment el Ginnlnc English & Scotch Suiting, told dining the Fall Season fieni &3 te $40. A Miil will be made up te order in the Rest Style tiein S-iO te fcSO. IIEAW WEHJHT DOMESTIC Suiting and Overceating, Uedue.'il in the 'atue piojtei lien. All goods unwanted as tepiv-enlud. The above reduction will ler ree-li enlj.-ind ler the next 'nifHTA' DATS. H. GERHART, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. Special Announcement ! New is j our time le -cciite l'PiaIn- In CLOTHING ! Te make loom ler eurlarire -teeV el t'loth t'leth In; ler Spiiiiir, new bcim; inanutactuied. we will make sueepnty icduotleiw throughout etir laigc-teck et heavy mm warn. LON-'tsriMj or Overcoats, Suits, &c, -von MEN, BOYS AND YOUTHS. ODDS A.l ENDS OK CLOl'llINC IN CO W PANTS AND VE-TN, IIELOW COVT. call e.ulv te secure the be-t baigilii". 24 CENTRE SQUARE, i-iii LANCASTKK. I'A. OVERCOATS! Closing out at aKroatrediietien euriiiimensu line of Sex eltics in Overceatings, Fur Beavers, Seal Skin, Elysiarij Mentanak, Batina and Chinchillas. All the Xew and most Dnsiralile Styles J STOCKANE1TS, IN NEW COLOKS AND CIIOICL STVI.L.S Why net leave your order ateiu eand s eine 1 nn KiPRant, stytisii, wen ji.me ami .niiic Cut Harment as low as tSSO. A LARGE LINE OF CHOICE ISA ill MCI! MIS, v i ii r AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, J.KSMALING'S, THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET, D. B. Hostetter I Sen, JOS ILaiuasirr i-ntdligrncrr. SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 19, 1881. Commedore Stockton's Duels. Jeslali Oulurj's Lively Tliem. Recollections of Iti his last iu.stallttient in the New Yeik Independent, of lcitiiukccnces of men a nd things, Jusiith (Iiiincy writes in this inter. cfatiiiLj manlier el Commedore Stockton : " An insult te the jentlemcii of the American linvy, wiitten in a book that was seen by everybody, was shown te Stockton, when his ship, the Eiie, ar livcd in the Ray of Naples. It beic the .signature of a Rt itish eiliccr then in the pett ; and the yeun lieiUenant, without nunc ado, declared that the fellow .should cat his wotdserliht him. A fiicud pro pre pcily accredited was dispatched te the British ship, and after a geed deal of de mur, the author of the outrage was ;et asheie and consented te light at long range Their pistols were discharged at the piepcr .signal, and Stockton's ball shuck his adversaty in the leg, whcicupen he bellowed out : " Yeu have hit use. Aie you atislied iiew .,- Ne," said Stock- ten rue an lam net sattsl:ed until you wite ipoiegy ier the language you have used." uhetcupeit his fellow lititaiiis de elated that their man, having given satis faction, was fvempt fien ftti titer proceed ings, lip had vindicated his honor, and that was enough. The Amciican patty by no means accepted the dec'sien, and s.tid scveial unpleasant things about the cowardice which pieinpted this tnNe: ablc subtet f uge. I new conic te the i.sest maivcletis duel ing adventtue m v,hich St.ckten was en gaged : and this I ,hall give as I heard the steiy told by its here, one day .titer dinner and iu the presence of sevei.il gentlemen w he wcie lingering about the tab'e. Since wtiting out the nit rat ive given below, I hac found iu th. Hostett city Hbi.irj" an aiiou.MueU) life of Stockton. tiniMientlv wiitien fei some political purpose and published in kCiO." The wiiter gives an account of this duel fieni hcatsay and "aceeiding te hi. rcinciu'ur.ince." The natiative ililicrs fiem mine in scveial ic pjccts, and einils some stt iking pirticu lais, which am cetlain that I hcatd from the ptineipal actor. Thete must exist niiitctials tei an authentic life of the bril liant commodore, and a most intcicsling book it would be. Xiither my memory nor ny journals ate infaliible ; and. if any pai tieulars ate mis stated (which I de net believe te be the else) they ate ell'eiedas subject te eoiteiiien by a lcspetisible biegtapher. The scene was at Gibialfar, mm theic had been a picxieiis duel between Stock ton and a Ihilish elilcer attached te the station, who, hew p; cr, was net the eliicer ft em whom the afiient tt) be avenged had leallyceme. Theic had been chaige.sand ceunter-chasgcs. negotiations and elimination-, till finally the Amciican ellicei in ceinm-iiid put a step te pteer clings by an eidcr that none of his subeidinates should go asheie while the ship remained in that ieii. i ue lull v.ii only -umpeiuiy. Al"tr it slieit ciii!e, lae J.iiu icltuticdte Giu- lalla:-ami this time ihe ie.ll eft'cmlcr v. as forced iy the pnhiie opinion ei'ltis Teliews te sji've the "aii"rc" 'icittcii.tnL t !ic :m.v!i', he had ilemtitided. A ;nat.i:ity was ic iniieil by Mcekteti th.it the !i'!ish autli autli eiitics of the town hhenld net he infes med of the duel, with a view te ei.Ierii: his an est : and u jdedur was jien that thete should be no intcilciemv. " Umlci these ciicumstances'Vi -sii'l Stockton, "1 went ashore without dis trust. The ila had Iiecn giessly in sulted by a Kritish ouieer, who was new backed up by his ceini.idcs. I was the only unmairied officer en bnau! the Eiie, ami my duty was, of t'euf-e, clear. Tiie ;ovi'iner of the fortress, dining our ihevi ihevi eus visit, li.nl aii'.ieunced that he would liamj any Yankee v,-he came asltete for tlic pmpe-e of iij;htitiff ; and. altheuIi il was net ptebable that lie would have daied te carry out the thicat, he would have been ugly enough, had he caught me. It v.as atrau'red between our seconds that uien landing, v.e tlseitld be eendiutcd te a te I tiled place-, licie the duel nii-ht co.ne oil" j Vittiieut inleileiencc. bntish he.un-was pledged te tins. ;n:d, helicing it t,till te ba worth senit-lhin, i wa.s roweilas'ueio, ac- I eempanicd by my Mt-end ami th? ship's, doctor." The sriaphie dcseiiptieti of what followed nittst be j'iven in a leebic (itttline. The A "'ci icans weie conducted re ;i pet i near the top of the lock, v.hcie they met the eppshijj ia:ty. It then appealed I that no itumeiiiitc Iit;htin; was centctn-' plated, ler the Englishman bean te enter upon a discitsVien. and te raise fiivoleus objections te tl;e leeognied cede of duel-1 in'. Stockton, pceimr tha; all this tcndul ' te delay and suspecting treachery, sudden- j ly declared that he would waive all rights, and fight at once upon whatever terms his opponent ches.i te act. After such .1 declaration te ictie.it was impossible. The ground waa measured, shots weie ex changed, and the Ksitish officer fdl wounded, h'torkten advanced te iiauiiie into the nalme of the injury, and ilten the wretched man was shamed into a confes sion that treachery has been practiced, and that instant fli-iht was necessary if his opponent would avoid at lest. Upen this the lieutenant staitcd for his beat, running at full speed. His way lay through a passage cut out of the rock". which gave access te the beach below. Upen turning a comer, when about half way down, he was confronted by a Jile of soldiers, dt.iwn up te oppose his passive. The pfiiccr iu com mand was a puisy little fellow, who seemed te enjoy hugely the discomfiture of his supposed captive. Thete steed this merry gentleman upon a parapet which gnat ded the toad, and which v.as raised a few feet above it. His squad was ratigcd in a line with him, completely cutting off the passage. There was net a moment for delay; the rituatieu was desperate; it could be met only by a leselve as des P"tate. Th eflieer was off ids guard and was chuckling with delight. New was the instant for a dash. New stiffen the sinews, summon up the bleed, and, there was jet a chance for libcity. Instead of making the sunender which was expected, Stock ton sprang at the cheerful officer. lie grappled with him; he get his iicad under his arm ; he jumped with him from the parapet, and iti a moment the two men, clasped together, weie roll ing ever and ever down the side of the rock. Presently the paitics separated, the Englishman rolling one way and the American another. At length Stockton managed te step his dizzying and perilous descent, and dtepped a number of feet te the beach below. Coveted with bleed and diit, with his clothes ncaily stiipyed from him, he accosted a gentleman who was taking his "morning ride upon the beach, and begged the instant lean of his heisc. This request the rider net un naturally declined. WhcrcupDii he was seized by the leg and pulled fiem the sad dle. His assailant instantly mounted the heise, and, putting him te his speed, made for the beat. He looked up for a moment, and saw the soldiers l tinning about in a distracted manner; most of them tearing down the read, te cut him off. Stockton, hewcvei, reached the beat, gave the order te pull for the fiigate, and then fainted, lie did net iccevcr consciousness until he found himself in his berth en beard the Eiie. These events were related at the pcisiat- enc request et ethers, ihey were given modestly, but with gieat spirit. There weie at that time living witnesses te the escape and the facts connected with it weie well known. I have alicady saui that we must regard Stockton s duels from the point of view of the piofessien te which he was devoted. The highest efficeis of the navy sanctioned this barbarism as a duty te which a brave and honorable man might be called Only a few years belerc my visit te Wash ington four Ameiican commodores left the city en this miserable business. Decatur and Rarren wcie the principals ; Rain bridge and Elliet acting is seconds. The brave and gallant Decatur, the piide of the Amciican navy, theic met his death. It is net necessary te lesert te Chtistian ethics te condemn a piaetice which has cost such valuable lives ; but let us de justice te the high-minded men who were victims of an infatuation which we have Iclt behind us. Hun:? le Sure his Life and Still Alive. In a lecent issue we published an account of the breaking of the neck of Mr. James Goupell, at Ramsey station. Cle.u field county, and gave adesciiptien of the man ner in which I)r. Edwaids had suspended his patient, in the delicate ciloitte save his life, which was nothing mete or less than te hang him. Says the Osceola JleeeiUe, from which we took the aiticle : As thete has been a geed deal of doubt cxpicsscd by some of the disciples of Esculapius, among our readers, nud no little sport made of our aiticle, by ncigh ncigh beiing journals, we concluded te send a rcpiescntative of our paper te see Mr. Goupell, and a"-ceitaiu fiem himself, whether the patty who gave us the data for our article had, in any w ise, bseii mis taken iu the information". The peer man lcmaiiu'd in the suspend ed condition we described him, from Mon day 31st of January, until last Satuiday, 5th of February, sitting in bed, with the bucket full of heavy weights stictchiughU neck ana holding the broken bone te its place, fearing te draw a full breath night or day, never getting one wink of sleep until Ftiday night, when wcaty nattne gave way and he sank into a comatose state. On Saturday the doctor vjnlured te re lieeo the peer fellow fiem his ageni.hig positienand in place of the bucket, with its heavy weights, te keep the bone in place, he substituted splintias, somewhat after the plan adopted for a bteken limb, differing only in the manner of binding it. In lieu of the muslin stiips, Dr. Ed waids adopted adhe-ive plaster, and that in profusion, liteially gluing the splinteis re the man's neck, and holding the broken bone together. -Mr. Geupjinns entirely recovered from the fright he was thrown into when 1-e was first infetmed of the miraculous es cape he had made from iiista'it deatli and tiie imminent peril he felt himseif in as long as the bucket was attached te his nee!:, which a jocular friend ieniarked,"he might at moment kick ;" and lie nuv.nl his head backwards a little, with great cat e, as we noticed, te cenviiti-e us tint it was done w ilh some little misgivings, as if there was danger iu the nod, but he did net veutuic te tuin it ;,ideway.s for us nor did we wish him te try any such fool ishness for our special benefit. He is a young man of rcmaikable phy sique, in geed health, stt icily adheres te the doctor's erders, is determined te get. well if it takes all summer, and bcirs with great patience the neccss iry restrictions placed upon him. Fiem this, it will be seen, that he has the advantage of iccev cry ever tens of thousands who might Iv in I.is position. i'iem wen we ran team, mis eis-j stands alone, in the anna!.; of medical his tery. Net a doctor we have cenveiscd with en the subject has ever hcatd or read of a paiallel ease. And no one was ever known te have lived any time, bofeie, who had ids neck broken. Mr. Goupell told us, in a jocular way, th.t he expect ed te be back again at his weil: by next Monday, lie cm new walk around the mom, although he does net 1 date te turn his head yet. Dr. Edwards j has siininly m-ilc a fame for himsjlf in I this instance, and we offer him the cel limns of our paper through which te give ! te the profession a full scientific rep rl of ' the case and its treatment. A Weman Hunter. ls.iv. il-.f KillfilTwn J5I.nu Itiars. Chti-agifTiihiiiie. Mr. Thaddeus Xev.it,s, et Vraynesbote. Pa , who arrived hetc te day lietu uj) in the iJIuel.idgc Ciiain, lcpeits an exciting nilv .nt'i! e. nimiii'r the. ltn lint liii', liv ! .ett n Men ill, the handsome huntiess of '"Wayne ceuuiv. who a few d.ivs einee had a teni- lible tussle with a big black bear, in which she vanquished the beast, but icceived -. e lii.us injuiics herself. The natrative as told by the plucky Lettie te Mr. Nevans , is. that mi last Jsatiuday, just alter the gieat slcci storm which swept ever the count i y, .she determined te go out en the mountains ami leek for game. Aecoul Aeceul ingly, slie denned her pantaloons of doe skin, blue cloth blouse, and big snow shoes and sallied forth, earijing with her, of course, licr tiustyiillc and a brace el pistols. While crossing a marsh, just be lore ascending the mountain, she discov ered feet pi inls of a bear. She seen found burin's home iu acne in the rocks, and en ji bed of leaves were lying two little cubs no bigger thau kittens. She eaptuied the pib:c and was retreating, when she enceunteied an immense she bear, the mother of the cubs, who had scented the stranger. Ilcfetc Lettie could draw her l illc.te her shoulder the animal was upon her, and grasping her in her paws, gave her such a terrible squee.c that she faint ed, when the bear, thinking hrr d;ad, re leased her grip. She fortunately legaincd consciousness quickly, and while the old bear was playiug with her cubs tiie plucky linnticst drew her liflcand shot her in tlu side. The bullet did net slrike the ani mal's heait, and as the brute dashed at her again Lettie dicw her hunting knife and with one bold stieke neatly severed the bcai's head fiem the body. Congrat ulating hei self upon her natrew escape, the brave huntiess picked tip the cubs and staitcd henicw.ud. She had proceeded but a sheit distance, however, whsn sl.c enceunteied another of the sav age beasts, and mate of the one she had killed. Her rifle was unleaded. Un sheathing her clasp knife as the beast ap proached her, she plunged it into his threat, but he had caught her for the fatal hug. It was a struggle for life or death, and the brave woman fought desperately. During the struggle the girl and the bear reached the edge of a cliff fully ahundted feet high, and sloping at an angle of forty five degrees down te the Wallinpaupaek creek As the animal grabbed Lettie he commenced sliding en the slippery crust down this almost pet pellicu lar slope. Lettie was can led with him and every feet of the distance traversed added te their velocity. When they reached the feet of the slope they struck against a tree, completely killing the bear and breaking two of Lettie's libs and dislocating her arm. She was picked up insensible by some huuters and taken t her home in Damascus. "Wayne county, where she lies in a critical condition. This is the third miraculous escape this woman has had among the mountains. Lettie is well knew throughout western Maryland and across the Pennsylv.iLia border. The male bear which she killed weighted 41 pounds. Geed Dogs. Tlircn et Them try Hard te Rescue n Drown ing Companion. south Uend Tribune. All day Monday four dogs wcie playing en the shore ice which iuus out into the river fiem the Singer factory decking. Be tween e and 4 in the afternoon some of the Singer employees who work in the building facing the liver, and who had noticed the dogs at different times through the day, weie attracted by a gieat commo tion among them. Tlnee of them were limning up and down the liver along the edge of the ice, but the fourth one was missing. Diiectiy one of the dogs was seen te teach his head iu the water ever the edge of the ice and grasp some object iu his teeth and tiy te pull it out of the water. The object was the missing deg, which had fallen or jumped into the liver, and was unable te get upon the ice again. Tiie dibit of the deg en the ice was also unsuccessful, and he ic leased his held, while all tlllee et tin. ilmr ctfif ii. .i lit Ilj- baiking, vatied occasionally by dismal Howls, r inally, another efleit was made te lescue their companion, all the dogs joining in it, but the slippery ice afforded them such peer foothold, ami tiie distance fiem the ice down fe the water was sj far, that, after thiee or four ttials, they gave it up. rl hey then held another con sultation, with heads close together, and tw e of them stat ted elf up town, appar ently te get help, while the thiid one laid himself down en the watei'., edge, as if te keep gttaul ever their companion, who v.as paddling in the cuuetit for dear life, and could ju-t manage te keep his head above the water. At this stage of the pieccedings two men came te the lesctie of the deg They prectned a long beard, and liiuning it out a slieit ttistauce beyond the ice, one of them stepped upon it and together they pulled the deg out. He was almost (lead with exhaustion and nearly stiff with cold. The deg who had lemaincd as watcher made every po-aible canine demoustiatien of joy when his companion was safely latuled, and was seen after joined by the ether two iu like expiessiens, they having ict urncd fiem an unsuccessful hunt ier help a shmt lime after the deg was tcs cued. Time i tee alu.ililc te he wasted in ciedu ciedu leusly t.iciiniur.tiu with various leiut-dii-s when :: -ri cent het tic et Dr. Hulls Cough ."syrup will ut once i-uie yourceld. si. t: i:n$, ac. (J.imauvs Oarriaircs! I'racticiin'an iage Huiidcrs, 1 .!.el Miett, !:e.ll-et (Vlili.il Mllkel Houses, Lancaster, l'a. H .- h i e en h tud a I.Hijje A.isei tin-nl el 1SU4WIKS AM) (AnjFAES, Wluell weell.-rat the" VERT LOVHST PRICES. All v.eil: wauaiiiLii. uica3 a fall. -Kui:e;i.iii in;; juemptly at tended te. One srt et w ei kuieu es'pei-i.illv empleyeil tf r tint pmiies,.. " fnittilA.w jUiiXiTtrutc. ,vi.:: iiuii:iK!: i HEINITSH SI.M.S: Slai hie laMes tiiim -, -. te f Hi l.ilu-.n v - " IO.liOte CO Ci'id " " I.dOte 11 i:ti-ntii1 ' ' SCO te !0 Diinnj: ' ' TUlte 10 lilt. del. 1st ' :;."0te 7 Ne:is ye id :-. -..uii'ly ef: Styles and as RELIABLE GOODS it-, wi'l he le en! i.i L iiicaster city. Picture FramiEg a Specialty. UiXildinx.t'id i:eiaiiin .li short nelir-e. All goods 'juaiaut-ed acieiiliu;; te mm it-, an l -it the very lowest pi Ices. HEINITSH, i.i;2 i:.s? icisc srm:KT, i inuMiiii Oxer China Hull. i'ei: ur.i iai:;.e: FURNITURE Call 't tie; OM IN: tl.!i,Iicd Stand et Widmycr fc Ricksecker, ?.. i. I'm: I'., King ami Duke Ms. PARLOR, CHAMBER AMD LI BRARY SUIT3. HAKL, DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. ma'iti:l-m:s and i:i:d mkim.. "he l.'irsi-st and l'ine-i i-.estyall HOME-MADE V. As-et'iiieut, nlld ei: I'eipenut Mteiitit n jjUtn te IT tfD RETAKING. WIDMYER&RICKSECKER K. CSIll. K. KINO AND DUKi;STJ. JHUSIVAL INS1KU21EXTH. vini: ctsmsTMAS tklsent. A LANCASTER FAVORITE ORGAN. OR A ClilCKEllIXG & SONS PIANO. A full line et MiKETMlTSIC. VIOLINS, ACCOCDIONS. UANJOS, 11 AUMONICAS, &c. Tite ulieve Instrument will he sold atre ilutcd prices tluriiifj the Holidays. MANUFACTORY SO. 220 NOKTU OUEt:N STKKKT. in .inch efllcc during the Holidays, .V.. 2r. CENTItn StJITAKK. :r, i3 s vij A LI X.MtKII.I.lPa. JU'DICIE. TMt. l!KO M NINCS C. & C. CORDIAL, ret: COLDS AND COUGHS, I'UICE, S5 35 Cents. ASK YOl'U DKUOUIsT FOU IT. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., selk im:oim:h:tek. Ne. 1321 Arch Street, fTMjceJ&w IMIIl. VDKLIMI1A. CUTICURA Ytenui'rftil Cures or Salt Rlieiun, Psor iasis, Itching uiul Scaly Humors, .Scrofula, Scrofulous Seres, Ulcers nml Mercurial Affections. Cl'rillRV KUMEDIl.s consist et ClTli l K KnseLVEsr, ter purity im; the Meed, tlmin-li the liimcl, liver, kiduejsiinil skin, Ccticcim, a 2ledii-in.il .It-Hy. which remotes dead llcsii and skin, renders healthy ulcere -mil old si,u-,, allays intlammatien, lteluiij; and mituti.ui et the skin and scalp. and Crrttruv Mi:iuii. Toilet soil". wMchicsteies. whitens and l-i-uu titiejt tiie skin. Citrli:.-. miwine Seu is the only liiei'ieinal se.ip ewiessly piepned ler sli.uiiiLr. Psoriasis-. Themas Del.mv. Memphis IVim , hi- , - I hae heen alilicted ter uinuteen t-.iiswitn I'seiiisis. anil have spent huiidi.-di"et' dollars ler doeters and stnll thev e.slt Meed purilicr-". Di eteis tliil net knew 'vlt.d te i .ill my disease 1 would scratch nights until I srrati-hed m selt l.iu.: lh-ii it would li, ,oil leriu into sealer, Inch would all le s, ni.-h, , (.IT net UIL;lit. ami s, en. I h.ie In t n t niplele! fined liy thu 1. 1 rm pi Kljl. u, lit'pres. II. E. l'aipeliti-i, e .., Ill inii i .u. . V.. Clued et I'seri.t is or I.i inss .til twenty Reals' staiiiiin, hv the Ci ! i i:v" Klien i:r"iiitei na!l uiul I'niilBi ..n.l 'i in ntv iu- ex ternally. The teest umidei till easi en rec-enl. Cine certitii O te lieleit .. .luslieeel the IVaee und uemiueiit eilieiis All .illliett-d with Itching ami Seal v Ihse.isfs should send te lis ter thU tcstiieeni il in lull. I.'CCUI.!. K. II. Drake. e-.., Detroit. Mich . siitleied he yeud nlldisciiptien tiema skin dfstiise which uppeartd en his h mils. hc::d and l.ice. and ncaily destroyed his ejes. The most t-areful doeteiing tailed te help him, and alter all had taih-il he u-ed thu 'l in ri: IZcseLVKxr Inter nal ly, CuriLlii: valid ClTlclttA Sevi-eteni.illv. ami was cured, ami h.u iciiiaimd peifectly well te thin day. CunctiKA KEMKiui-saie niepeed hv IVKIIKs A l'OTTEK, Ciieiiiietsuml Dtuggi-'ts,.wi Wash ington sticet. Keslen, anil aie ler sale ly all Di-iigglstx. 1'iitii for Cliritimx, a Mt-dh in.il .Icily, kiu.ill hexes, ."in cents; larj;i: liexes, $i. Citii ckv Ii.set.vi:Nr, the new Kloe I I'uriller, $1 per hettle. (;ctiui:v Miaucr. u. Toilui Teilui siiap, i'i cents. cunii: Mr.i-u i?. i..sn v im. !sei', lr tents; ill Pari ler 11-u hers and lame consumer, .i cents. li..W tmtileiifree en frceiji! of ii ire. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. Instantaneous, ilcezmiuit'iil, .Ie. KildlL'Ill Trc.ttnieiit fur Om: Hellar. !.vmi;ii s ItMiieM. Cum:. CATAn:uiAi.fce:. e.nt and lMi-i:e',j:rtlMiLLi:,viihsj)L- illcdtrcctien i, may new he had et all di ugyi Is. neatly w rap )-:il m one ) ackage ler eec dollar. Ask ler sasfei:i"s Uadic.m. C'l.'l.li. This tconemieal and iiuver-t liiiiiglreatmcnl iiisl.iutiy eliMii'Oi the n:i-d passagi s id tout mucous accumulations, siiiiiliiesiiilhiiuieatieii nhen extend nig te ih-eye, car and line it. te ijteivs the senses el sijjlii. he inn;; and l.iste wheiiatlccted.leavej the he.nl deoilei ic l,cli-:ir a-nl open, the hie.it!i 6,i i:!, the liuathliigeis, and evi-ry senxe in a grateful and soetle-d con dition, .ierjiu'fndiiiinisli-icd. it pci-meates eveiy iluid tt the hedj-, cleansing iin- i ntiii ntiii ntiii muciiusormemhnineus ustem through tin tin tin hloed, which it purilie et Uu-ni'iil jioiien al waspre cut iu Cat.irih. Ithiiildsup the eu fecided anil luek.-u down constitution, rolls the disease of its virus, and permits the for mation of lic.iltli-icsteilng hloed. Iluiidieds of testimonials attest the wender.ul curative properties e thiej i coneini.-al, sate, .igri-e-aliie and nc ei-tailing i timely. Ccmral Agent., WKEh.-j .'c I'OlTEi:, Costen. Cellins' Voltaic Electric I'iaslcrs. N.ethyr icincdj' iim se quickly iLssuage tin; most violent paiesysins et r.iln. Theydistii ltute thioiigheut theneiveii system a gentle ami coiitiuiieiis cnient til l.lectileity. which instantly annihilates Pain, vitalircs Weal; uiul I'uralyceil Parts, cures ei I, tings, r.ilpltu r.ilpltu r.ilpltu tionet the Heart. I'aliitiil K id ucjs, Li ver com plaint, Ithcuiuatisiii. Niniralgi.i, and sci itica. Ak Ioi-Celliab' Voltaic bLiairiue 1'Lvsrtica. G1 I.T TIlK BUST !II)I:m: AM) CATTI.t: r I'OWDKK. Thoattciilieiiol taimera ami -stt i V raisi rs is sjittiilly tailed te the aheve Mnder which is pioueum tsl liyiuany farnicis. the beat tordUtcmpei-.ie.ighscoMsaiHl ether dise-ies ami tonditieus t Ilm-c. Alse, for Cattle, Swine and Poultry. Ktr Milch Cewa there can he nothing hct'er. i'luciilj.t pound erfl pounds for$l. t'repart d and sold liy ami:i:v :. ri:v. diu ;cist. Cor. N'eith Qiitn1!! and Orange Streets. Lancaster, i'u. Di Mini;:1..;: n von ai:i: a .siiri'CBKK IV In rem veur Kli'nej urn Terphl Liver, KIDNKYCURA will icine c-iu-ulais. 110 li.nl :d! tieiihlv Site :i p it k. ace ICACl'KMAN's Di:i:; sjn.ijj.;. ill! ,. 1.icjii M., Iiucaslcr, Pa. KK" TUiS. -U3K- OOUGH NO MORE ! AMIIOM WB SYRUP, acei:t.i.sake AND efkeetital KEMEDT FOB C0UUIIS, C0L1S, SORE THROAT, HOMIbENLsS, AVIIIMA, IlKONCIHTIS, WHOOIMNi: COUCH, PAIN IN TIIE hIDK Oi: HUE AST, Ai.d all Di-itH et tins THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptives in all stagci of the disease. Fer faalu only at HITJ J; DRUG ST( )KK Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, uu.ji'-ljil LANCASTER, FA. JOCHEPt'S Renowned Cough Syrup ! A 1'Ica.sant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy Ter Celdt, CeuglH, Hoarseness, Asthma. Inllu-c-nza, ereiies et the Threat and Chest, Ilrenchitii. Whooping Cough; Spit ting of llloed, Intlnmmatieii of the Lung-,""1'"" Diseases of the Chest and Air Passages. Thta'valiiahlc preparation cemhines all the medicinal virtues of tliesisuiticlcH which long experience has previ d te possess the most sate anil c-nicicntiiuaiitics for tin cure of alt kinds of Lung Diseased. Price "- cents. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AS NO. ! KAMI D RETAIL DRUGGIST- KIM. sfKbl.!-. ei,-tld ill j li-s J I