LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1881. ncaster intelligencer. Vi FBI DAY EVENING, FEB. 18, 1881. A Man of Glass. Philadelphia Bulletin. In the insane department of the Bicctre hospital or Paris, a man died the ether day who was known as the glass man (Chemme tie verre.) lie was one hundred and three years old, and he had been in the hospital since 1797. At the age of eighteen this peer fellow, who had been known as Jubissier before he had acquired the ether epithet, had been badly injured in the head by a broken pane of heavy ;lass falling eii it. The wound was a lenjj time healing, and when it did heal, his reason had lied forever. At first he was idiotic, and then crazy ; se that at last he was placed in the Kicetre, where he remained for eighty-three years. His delusion was that he was made of glass, and for fear of breaking himself te pieces he kept motionless and speechless. Only once in the last twenty-four years did he speak, and that was te ask for tobacco. During the siege of Paris, when the shells were bursting ever the city, he became terribly agitated, and walked a little, mut tering "some meaningless words. After that he relapsed into thu old silence and immobility, which continued until his death last month at an age as great as that of the American Republic. The case of Jubissier will, of course, be studied and reported upon by psycholo gists and scientific men generally, for there is no similar known case of insanity of the same kind or resulting from flie same cause. As his reason was impaired by Iiis skull being struck by -a pane of glass, of course it is natural te infer that when all ether ideas left him that one about, yhu-s remained, and possessed his whole Icing. One of the marvels of the case is that with this solitary idea, the creature Mieiild have lived for ever &J years, Miiviving perhaps two or three successive sets of attendants appointed te ;uaid and protect him. One by one they passed away ; but the man with the one idea thac he was made of glass, and therefore must hike snecial caie of himself, lived trail quillynnil perhap blissfully te an age ex ecedin that of the average of the army of General Wa&hingteii'.s body servants. If only the limine .-crvaiits of the present time had a like motive te preserve the gla.sMVaie entrusted te them, it would be a gieat, thing for the housekeepers, though a bail one for the glass makers and deal ers. ISut the bottle washer has no mere soul than the bottle ; while Jubissier, fan cying that, his seu! was encased in a glass structure, took the best possible care te preseive it. and he thus kepi it en earth ler ever a century. Then .somehow the cork slippi-d out or the fracture se long avoided was jjiveu by accident, and the soul of peer old crazy Jubi.-sier, the glass man. exhaled. Ne Frenchman se long-lived and free from eaie as Jubissier, has ever beeii known. He was born in the reign of Leuis XVI.. but lest, his reason before the revolution of 17S!. Te him, the Terrer, the Directory, tin fust Empire, the Dour Deur Dour beiui restoration and expulsion, the Or leans reiiin, the. Republic of ISIS, the sec ond Empire and its evet threw, were noth ing. Me was tee much occupied in guard ing his i-iass phweal structure te care about war or polities, and even the siej.c and occupation efPaiis had no leirer te him except as the. concussion caused by the bursting bombs might crack his peer glass skull. Tims free from all but one care. and that a scllish one, the glass man reached extraordinary lon gevity, and there is a bit of a lessen in his liie for men who have brains with the usual complement of ideas. The best and healthiest manor woman has a fragile body that could still be preserved te preserved te great, age with a, fraction of the care that Jubissier gave te his. Se, tee. the purest honor and the highest rep utation may be preserved throughout a long life, if men would consider that these things are friable. If only the late Wil liam M. Tweed, el New Yerk, had eonsid eensid - ered the constant, dauger te which life and character are exposed, he might have led a deeenter and longer life, though he could net rival the glass man of Uieetrc. It is net te be desired, however, that there should be many Jubissieis, living their century en earth doing nothing as real workers or as political reformers. But there is hardly a man gambling in stocks, or trading in pol itics, erexhibiting himself as a patent re former, with a se-called independent but purchaseable journal te support him, who might net learn something from the his tory of Jubissier, the glass man of the Bicctre, who passed nearly a century in silence and idleness, and though he never did geed te any one, certainly never did any haim. Why Ai Ven liilietis? KcruiiM you have allowed your bowels te become cei'iiw, and liver torpid. lsc Kidney Wert, te produce a tree nlatcel thebnwcN. and it will Mimiilaic ihc liver le proper act en, ll.e s!;in el'its yellowness, cure bilious headache, ami cau-e new lile in the bleed. Druggists have it, helli divand liquid. Xien'x JleraUt. flf-lwd&w A Head Saint. A living innu:-'s belter than a lead Saint, and it Neuralgia trouble you, you needn'l grunt, but lake llr. Themas' tlee;ric Oil. Fer sale by II. IS. Ceclir.iu, druggist, 137 and 139 Norih O.uei-11 street, Lancaster, I 'a. Lies: Itlg Lies!" Net se last my friend ; for if you would see the strong, healthy, blooming men, women uml ehildien that have been raised Irein beds of sickness, Min'criugaud almost death, by the use et Hep Hitlers, you would say "Truth, gleiiuiis truth." see "Tru'liV' '" another column. 117-2wdw Kciectiic. till Amongst llic lluseimtlisls. Jniepli Durrinbergw, Broadway, says he had the iiiisterlunu le severely spr.iin his ankle, cenliiiiug him ! his i-neni, and causing extreme suffering, Hii. brother "Jesse, of the E. .Side It. B. grounds," who always uses it in ituch caw., induced linn te try It," anil he niyn that the application of Hie Ecluctric Oil hall a dozen limes enabled him te walk round, and before he had used one-half et the bottle he was nile recovered. Fer sale by 11. 1.. Cochran. dniggNt, 187 and 13!) North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa lit f J US AX It STATIOXEKV. -yAXENTINES! American and Imported Valentines, In me-l Nevel and Beautiful Designs, at L. M. KLYXN'S BOOK STORE, ?. 4 a WEST KINO STREET. 1881 1881 VALENTINES! ELEGANT STYLES, GREAT VARIETY. BOX VALENTINES, UNEQUALED. Call and see AT IIOOKSTOKtt OF JOHI BIER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH ijDEEN STREET, ULSVAxTtXl. 1A, MEDICAL. PROVERBS. J Ne one can be sick when when the stomach bleed, liver ami kidney are healthy, and Hep Hitters keep them se' "The greatest nourishing tonic, appetizer strengthener and curative en earth. Hep Bit tera." "It is impossible te remain Ions sick or out et health, where Hep Kilters are used."' " Whv de Hep Bitters cure se much V " Be cause they give geed digestion, rich bleed, and hwalthyactieii et all the organs."' " Ne matter what your feelings or ailment is, Hep Bitter will de you geed." " Remember, Hep Bitters never does harm, but geed, always and continually." "Purify the bleed, cleanse the stomach and sweeten the breath with Hep Bitter:-." "Quiet nerves and balmy sleep in Hep Bit ters." "Xe health with inactive liver and urinary organs without Hep Bitters." Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company, Rochester. New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. ian5-lydMWF&w Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., Her Vegetable Compound the Sailor of Her Sex. Health, Hepo and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its; name signifies, eon sists ei Vegetable Properties that are harmless le the inesl delicate invalid. Upen one trial t lie merits of I his compound will be recognized, as relict is itutucdiite: and when its use is con tinued, in ninety-nine ca.cs in a hundred, a permanent cure is effected, as thousands will teslity. On account et lis proven is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the weist form of falling of the uterus, I.eueeri liica, irregularand pain lul Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In In llaiuimttieii and Ulceration, Flooding, all Dis piateincntsaud the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the dange or Lite. in laet it has proved te be the greatest and best remedy thai has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new lilu and vigor. It removes faint ncss, llatuleney, destroys all craving ler stimulants, and relieves of the stomach. It cures llleating. Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, (icncral Debility. Sleeplcs-tiie.-, De pr ssiun and Indigestion. That feeling of bear ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at :i!l limes, ami under all circumstances, act in harmony with the la v.- that governs the female system. Fer Kidney complaints of either :-ex thw Compound is uie-urpusscd. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 's; prepared at "SEJ and ii" We! era Avenue, Lvnii. Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for .". Sent by mail in the term et pills, :i1m in the form el lozenges, en receipt ei price, $1 per box, ler either. -Mrs. P1NKHAAI lreely answers,all let ters of iii'iuiry. Send ler pamphlet. Addies as above. Mention this jajcr. Ne familv should be without LYDIA K PINKHAM'S LIVER TILLS. They euro Con stipation. Itilieusiiess and Terpidily el thu Liver, 25 cents per box. Johnsten, Ilolleway & Ce., (Jcneral Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale by (;. A. Leelier, F.asl King street and Gee. W'. Hull, IS West King street. yaUvdeed&w KIDNEY WOKT. THE ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FORM That Acts at tlie Same Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. These great organs are the natural cleansers el" the system. If they work well, health will beperlecl. if they become clogged dread till diseases are sure ie lollew with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. liilieiixnexx. Heartache, Oixprjtxia. Jaundice Conciliation, J'tlcx, Cumjilaintx, Grtirel, Diabrlex, llhcii malic J'ainx or Ach-ex, are developed because the bleed is poisoned Willi the humors that should be expelled nat urally. KIDNEY WORT Will Restore the healthy action and all these destroying evils will be banished ; neglect them and you will live but te Miller. Thousands have been cured. Try it and yen will add one mere te the number. 'Take Hand health will once mere gladden your heart. Why suiter leugtr lrem the torment et an aching back? Why bear such distress from Constipation and Tiles V Kwnkv-Weiit will cure you. Try it at once and be satisfied. Your druggist has it. Trice si.oe. 3" It is put up in Mry Vegetable Ferm, in S-tin t".ms, one package of which makes six S quarts of medicine. 43r Alse in Liquid Ferm, very Concentrated 3ter the convenience, et tlinse who cannot 49 readily prepare it. It acts with canal 43 efficiency in either form. WELLS, KICIIAKUSOX & CO., Prep's, ICitrliiigten, Vt. (Will send the. dry pest-paid.) deu'ii lyd&wl 1 K.tI THIS. V -USK COUGH NO MORE! AMERICAN HOUGH SYBDP, ACEKTAIN,SAFE AXI) EFFECTUAL KEMEHV FOK COUGHS, COLDS, SOKE THROAT, IIOAKSEXESS, ASTHMA, IIUON'CIIITIS, WIIOOTIXU COUOII, TAIX IX THE SIDE Oi: T.UEAST, And all Diseases of the .THROAT AND LUNGS. Fertius reliel of Censumplives in all Binges of the disease. Fer sale only at HULLS DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, augSS-lyd LANCASTER, l'A. G1 ET THE UEST UORSE AND CATTLE r POWDER. The attention of farmers and stcck raisers is specially called te the above powder which Is pronounced by many fanners the best for distemper, coughs, colds and ether diseases and conditions et Horses. Alse, for Cattle, Swine and Poultry. Fer Milch Cows there can be nothing better. 25entsa pound or r pounds rerSl. Prepared and sold by ANDREW G. FKY, DRUGGIST, Cor. North Queu and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Pa. IEMEMBEU IF YOU ARE A SUFrEKEU jt from your Kidneys or a Torpid Liver, KIDNEYCURA will remove nil trouble. COc. a pack. Sec irculars. KAUFFMAX'S DRUG STORE. flO-lmil no N. ('uccn St., Lancaster, Pa. HOVSEEVRXISBLIXG GOODS. OPEC'IAL NOTICE. FUNN & WILLSON Have just added te their immense stock of UE-PINISMG GOODS, A Large Line of New and Valuable Articles for their 5, 10 & 25c. COUNTERS, all of which we ar selling at much below their actual value. IJROOMS,. 10c. Mi J XV Jj A. 9f 1ULi FLOOlt OIL CLOTH 25c. per yard. Table Cutlery, Weed & Willow Ware. COOK STOVES. RANGES AND PARLOR STOTES. Parties commencing housekeeping will find it greatly te tlieir advantage te examine our stock. Ne trouble te show goods. FLINN & WILLSON, Successor te Flinu & Brcncman, 152 N. Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. SIGN OF THE TWO LARGE DOGS, feb 1 d&wtf MEDICAL. LOCIIER'fe Renowned Cough Syrup ! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influ enza, Soreness ei the Threat and Chest, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Bleed, Inllaminatien of t he Lungs, am' al 1 1 tiseases of t he Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sate and cfiicicnt qualities ler the cure of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 23 cents. Pre pared only ami sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST- NO. KAST KINO STRKET. elfMfd ! ALL-POX. In consequence of the very large number of cases ei tins lami disease new in our slate ami especially at Philadelphia, I have provided myself with Fresli ABiraai Yaccing Vims, FROM DR. MARTIN, OF BOSTON, wit it which lam prepared te vaccinate or re vaccinate anyone who desires te be disease proof against this unpleasant malady. Having fully tested the quality of the Virus et Dr. Martin, as obtained from the Calf, in 2,flue cases, I can unhesitatingly say it is almost a perfect preventive of Small-1'ex. DR. C. A. GREENE, (33 Years Experience), Ne.SSO NOKTII QUEEN STREET, SiMldMWF&S Lancaster, Pa. I'A PEK IIAXOIXaS, Sr. VST"!'. HAVE JUST OPENED A FINE LINE Entirely new in a variety of Celers. Alse plain goons i'i an me newest sendes and widths, ler all style-sol windows. SCOTCH HOLLANDS, in Brown. Cardinal. Ecru Green and White. A few Odils ami Ends left te close at halt value. Spring and Cord Fixtures, Tassels, Fringes, Leeps, &c. Measures of Wimie-vs taken and Shades hung oremptly. Opening almost daily New Patterns el WALL PAPER, for the Spring. Our stock is very large and nt- iiaci jvc uir i ue coining season, ami we leei saie in saying we cau sun you. CORNICE POLES, &c. Orders taken for Fine Mirrors. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. .JEWELERS. IOU1S WEBKtt, A WATCHMAKER. Ne. 199$ NORTH tJUEEN STREET, near P. R. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, &c. Agent ler the celebrated Pautascepic Specta cles and Eyc-Ulasscs. Repairing a specialty. aprl-U'l 500 SETS SILVER-PLATEO TABLE SPOONS, TEA SPOONS, MEDIUM AND DESSERT FORKS, DESSERT AND MEDIUM KNIVES, AT AUGUSTUS RIIOADS'S, Jeweler, 20 East KingStreet, Lancaster, 1 a. TfTHOLESALE ANI RETAIL Watches and Clocks, OF ALL GRADES AND PRICES. E. F. BOWMAN, 100 EAST KING STREET. CU1XA ASD GLASSWARE. TVECORATEl TOILET WARE AT CHINA HALL. 50 Different Styles of DECORATED CHAMBER SETS, In Modern and Antique Shapes and Decorations- Prices te suit all. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 EAST KINO STREET. "TO INVENTORS. W. H. BABCOCK, Attorney-at-Law, of Washington, D. C, form erly an examiner in U. S. Patent Ollice, offers his services as solicitor before the U. S. and Foreign Patent Offices'. Careful work at lair prices. Was associate et Mr. Jacob Stauffer, of Lancaster, until the lattcr's death. HO-Smdftw Meney WiBnHes DRY GOODS, VXDEJSWJCAE, JtC. TtTOVELTIES I3f SCARF PINS. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, AT E. J. ERISMAITS, THE SniRTMAKER, 80 NORTH QUEEN STREET rlREAT LINEN SALE AT THE NEW YORK STORE. F1TT, SHAND & CO. have again been in the market with the most gratifying results and are new prepared te eiler the largest assortment and best value in TABLE LINENS EVER SHOWN IN LANCASTER. SPECIAL. BARGAIN: 330 HANDSOME DOUBLE WEIGHT.IIAXP; LOOM DICE AND LAMASK TA15LE CLOTHS IN ALL SIZES, FROM 60c. TO $2 EACH. SPECIAL ItAKUAIX: 2,500 Yards SWISS EMliROlDERIES from 4 te Cinches wide, at 12c. a yard. Choice Patterns in this let are usually sold from 'JO te 2."c. a yard. Watt, Sliand & Company, NEW YORK STORE. . TMltK! FIRE!! Metzger, Bard&Haughman HAVE NOW OPKN TUB TABLE LH, FROM THE LATE NEW YORK FII1E. De net delay if you want BARGAINS, AS THEY ARE SELLING RAPIDLY. liierJarfl&MiiMS NEW CHEAP STORE, 88 West King Street, Opposite Cooper Heuse, Lancaster. Pa. c .RFETS. CARPETS. Wc call special attention te our assoit asseit tnent and prices of CAEPETS, which wc have just opened in all the new styles and colorings et tiic season. Elegant Assortment of BODY AND TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, suitable for Parlors, Libraries, Dining Reems, Chambers, Halls and Stairs, at prices lower than the same goods in the same styles can be bought ler in Philadel phia or elsewhere. Elegant Assortment of All-Weel Ingrain Carpets. Elegant Assortment of the Medium and Lewer Grades of INGRAIN CAR PETS, handsome patterns and very low prices. RAG and HEMP CARPETS in choice styles. DA3TASKAim VENETIAN UALL AND STAIR CARPE1S, with Borders te mutch, in all the latest patterns. Measures et rooms taken, and Carpets cut and matched, and also sewed and laid when desired. Measures et win dows taken and Shades hung when de sired. New Assortment of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS STAIR OIL CLOTHS. Mequct, Bedy and Tapestry Brussels Rugs, Cocea Mattings and Rugs, Win dow Shading and Fixturs, Carpet Lin ings and Stair Pads. As wc are confident that wc arc offer ing all of the above geede at special low prices, wcthercferelnvite examination. Ne trouble te show goods. Giflsr, Bewers k Hurst, 25 East King Street. ASTXICH ERG'S ADVERTISEMENT. STKICn BROS.' ADVERTISEMENT. ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTKICH P.ROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHEBS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS r N O 3 13 13 1 13 13 IS 13 1.1 13 13 EAST EAST EAST EAST EAST EAST EAST EAST EAST EAST KING KING KING KING KING KING KING KING KING KINB STREET. STREET. STREET. STREET. STRKET. STREET. STREET. STREET. STREET. STREET. WK CALL ATTENTION TO OUR KLHGANT AND RICH ASSORTMENT OF SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMliROlDERIES. SWISS EMliROlDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. 8WIS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. SWISS EMBROIDERIES. HAMBURG We offer a choice HAMBURG lineef Hamburg Edg HAMBURG lugs and Inscrtings, EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG In most handsome anil select patterns, at our well-known reasonable prices. Narrow Edgings EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS IlAMliUKU lreni4e. mi. from 4c. HAMBURG The neatest Edgings for HAMBURG 5e. EDGINGS HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG Elegant Wide Edg ings, 10c. We call attention te one let et Fine Wide Embroideries at ICc. One let at 22c. Deep Fleuncings in the most elaborate patterns. IRISH TRIMMINGS. EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRIH1 TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. IRISH TRIMMINGS. EVERLASTING EVERLASTING Nete the price of these TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING trimmings. 'RIMMINGS EVERLASTING 1 hole edge, hie TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING apiece. TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING '1 hole edge, 23c TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING apiece. TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING 3 hole edge, Sic TRIMMING? EVERLASTING apiece. TRIMNINGS EVERLASTING i hole edge, -ISc TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING a piece. TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING 5 hole edge, 5Sc TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING a piece. TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING Other .select TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING and hand- TRIMMINGS EVERLASTING EVERLASTING EVERLASTING sonic pat terns at all prices. TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUKFLINGf. RUFFLING!-. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. RUFFLINGS. PEARL We offer one let of BUTTONS PEARL geed pearl dress buttons, BUTTONS PEARL 3 dozen for 13c. BUTTONS PEARL One let el large white BUTTONS PEARL pearl buttons, BUTTONS PKARL 3 dozen ter l.Je. BUTTONS PEARL One let tine pearl buttons, BUTTONS PEARL 2 dozen for ISe. BUTTONS PEARL Ivery dress buttons, BUTTONS PEARL in all colors. BUTTONS PEARL 21. '17, , BUTTONS PEARL 3. Be. ftspcrdeis. BUTTONS LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES, LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACKS, LACES. LACKS. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. LACKS. LACES. SERPENTINE Ne. 13, 8c a dozen. BRAID SERPENTINE Ne. 17, 10c a dozen. BRAID SERPENTINE Ne. 21, 13c a dozen. BRAID SERPENTINE Ne. Si, 17c a dozen. BRAID TERPENTINE Ne. 2-J, 20e a dozen. BRAID STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR ARAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAB BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID, STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR Bit AID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. STAR BRAID. SrTAR BRAID. FEATHEREDGE Ne. 0, 10c a dozen. FEATHEREDGE Ne. 1, 43ca dozen. FEATHEREDGE Ne. 2. 50c a dozen. FEATHEREDGE Ne. .'(..Vic a dozen. FEATHEREDGE Ne. 4. Je a dozen. it RAID It RAID BRAID BRAID KRAID TOWELING 5c. PER TOWELING 5c. PEK TOWELING 5c. PER TOWELING 5c. PER TOWELING 5e. PER TOWELING 5c. PER TOWELING 5c. PEK TOWELING 5c. PEK TOWELING 5c. PER TOWELING 5c. PER TOWELING 5c. PER TOWELING 5c. PER TOWELING 5c. PER YARD, YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YARD. YAKD. YARD. TOWELS Large Towels. Cc. TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELs TOWELS All Linen Towels, 3 for TOWELS Glass Towels, 15c. TOWELS Fine German Linen TOWELS Tewel?, Knotted Fringe, TOWELS iKc NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. NAPKINS. LACE A full lineef Lace and Net LACE Tidies: aise, Antique Point LVCE Luce Tidied. TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TIDIES TIDIES TIDIES czeinrxG. ""HE QUALITY OF-CLOTHING IS HARD EOR MOST PEOPLE TO JVDGB ARIGHT. BUT WE TELL YOU HOW: Just see the Goods that wc offer in ODD SUITS, nilfi flit, ni4fAj M'lll Innnt. un .....:.. .. ..- minutes about the quality than a day's shop- THE PRICES ABE MARKED DOWN TO SELL THE GOODS, and it will net take you long te niake up vear mind whether they are bargains or net. WB ARB GBTTIXO READY FOR MERCHANT TAILORIXG, AFTER APRIL ltt. and are new turningeur Clothinginte money. Wc prefer the pretlt, but when we cannot get It w take the little we can get. striving each day te turn Just as much Clothing as wc can or as little money as possible. Nearly all et it kept en the second and third lloers ; the room en the first lloer is nearly full or HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS. k 36 EAST KING STREET, iKS-lyd&w LANCASTER, PA. A RARE CHANCE! The Greatest Reduction ever made in FIN U WOOLENS for GENTS' WEAR at H. GEKHAKT'S Rlni I I A Large Anrtmcnt of Genuine English & Scotch Suiting, sold during the Fall Season lrem $30 (e SIO. A Suit will be made up te order in the Best Style lrem SUO te S30. HEAVY WEIGHT DOMESTIC Suiting and Overceating, Red need in the same proportion. All goods warranted as represented. The above reduction will ter cn-di only, and ter the next THIRTY DAYS. H. GERHART, Ne. 51 North Queea Street. Special Announcement ! New is your time te seeiirc bargains in CLOTHING ! Te make room for our large stock of Cloth ing for Spring, new being man u fact u red. we will make sweeping reductions throughout or large stock of HEAVY WIGHT GLOTHM, CONSl3Ti:,B OF- Overcoats, Suits, &c, MEN, BOYS AND YOUTHS. ODDS AND ENDS OF CLOTHING IN COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, BELOW COST. Call early te secure the besl bargains. i). B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, -lyd LANCASTER. PA. VARPETS. HIUnKST CASI1 pkice mill UK PAID FOR EXTRA NICE CABPET BAGS. Carpets made te order at short notice anil satisfaction guaranteed. Kare chances in Carpets te reduce stock of 6,000 Yards Brussels camels, AT AND KELOW COST. Call and satisfy yeurseir. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpetslnalmestcndlcss variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET TTAT.T. 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. lAKPETS, COAL., Arc. PHILIP SCHUM, SON k CO., .MANUFACTORY, Ne. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS. COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS, ULANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, &c. CUSTOM KAG CAKPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks, Ribbon Linen, Cotten and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gets ticiiien's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests ftV Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo Klne Dyciii-' done. All orders or goods left with us will reccive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOK SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal el the best iiuallty put up expressly le. family use, and at the lowest market rates TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 tOUTH WATER STREET dJMydRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON &CO TRA VELEKS' G VIDE ANC'ASTEK AND -MILLEKSV1LAE R. 1 1 Cars run as fellows : Leave (P. "it. Depot), at 7, 9, tni 11:30 a.m., and il, t; and SJe p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 93H p. m. Leave Millersviile (lower end) at 5, 3, and a. M., ami 1, 5. 5 and 7 p. ui. Cars run daily en above time except en Sua day. CIOLVMKIA ANX POUT DEPOSIT K. K Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Stations North-; Express. waue. a. x. Express. Accen.. r.M. T. JI. Pert Deposit Ieachbottem Safe Harber. Columbia C:35 7:12 7:53 8:55 3:55 4:28 9:11 9:40 2U 3:18 9:21 : Statiess Seuth-' Express. WART.. I A.M. Expres?.i Accem r. M. i a. x. Columbia , Safe Harber..... Feachbottem.... Pert Deposit... 11:43 r. m. 12:14 12:57 fc20 6:19 r. m. 7:32 8:U5 7:45 ArtlaK Le'J-.IO 11.07 12:25 I 1:3a IKAitlNC & COLUMBIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS OCTOBER 25th, 1830. NORTHWARD. LtCAVR. (Jwirryvillt Lancaster, King St Lancaster Columbia AltRIVK. A.X. G:I5 7:55 8:05 7:55 r.M. P.M. 230 3:40 A.M. 7-J.i ifctU 1:16 3:30 1:10 3:21) 3: HI Rcnding 10:115 3.50 SOUTHWARD. LKAVE. P.X Reading AKIUVK. Columbia Lancaster. 10:07 2.10 H:10 5:00 Ijineuster, King St 10:18 .... 8rJ0 5:10 ijuarryvwe 11:20 9:25 6:4t Trains connect at Reading with train te ami from Philadelphia. Pettsvillc. Ilitxriabure, AI AI leiitewu and New Yerk, via Round Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. Al. WILSON. Supt. T) K N N S Y I. V A N I A KA I I.UOA l NEW A SCHEDULE On tud after MONDAY, JANUARY 17th. !!, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive and leave the 1-an- c.iM ami Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Leave;! Arrive Lane'ler Philad'n Philadelphia Express, Cincinnati Express Yerk Accen. Arrives; Harrisburg Express Dillerville Accem. Arrives. 2:10 A.x. 2:55 " 58 " 8:00 " 8:05 " 8:45 i':10 " 1:30 " 1:4 j r.x, 2:00 " 3:05 " 4:3.1 " :25 " 4:15 am 5:15 " 7:3a 10:10 " 12:01 V.x 3:15" " 5:00 " 5:30 " l:35 0:ZO " Columbia Accem medal ion. l redenek Accem. Al rtves. Paeilic, Sunday Mall, Johnstown Exprcf-s Chicago Day Express Harri-diuig Aceomuiedm'ii, Wkstwaiu. A.St. A.X. r.x. 8:05 ;i2:U 6:10 l'.X. 10:15 2:10 8:20 10:07 2.10 H:10 10:18 .... 8rJ0 11:20 .... 9:25 Leave Arrive Pliilad'a Lane'ler 1230 a.m. 5:10 7:30 " le:20 " I0:2'k " Alie"- ii-tb " 8:lW ' 1030 12:10 " 2:20 r.x. 2:35 ' '"0 2si"r.M. Z'ie " 4:00 " 7:2C " 5-.30 " 7:30 " 6rr " 8:30 " Shift " I1JSO IluTG " 2.J5A.X. Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne. l.via Ait. Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia. Niagara. Chicago Express Sunday Mail, Fast Line, Frederick Accoutuinduiieii. Dillerville Local.viaMt.Jey Harrisburg Aceommedarn, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Kxpress, Pittsburg Express,: Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, Pacific Express. wt. en Sunday, when flag ged, will step at Aiiddlctewn, Elizahcthtewn Alt. Jey, lindisville, lliril-iii-lland, l.enian Place, tiap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coates vllle, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when ll:tged, will step at Douuiiigtewii.Coatcsviilc, Parkes burg, Alt. Jey, and Middhaewn. Haiioveraceemmodation wi-st, eon nee ting at Ijtneastcr with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00 a. in., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, cenneetsut Lancaster, with Ft-t Line, wed, at 2:3(1 p.m., and will run tnreugh te Frederick. T OCAL A1AIL AKKANOKMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE AIA1IA BY RAILROAD. Nkw Yerk tiiuel'uii mail. 7:30 a m, 1:00 p in, 4:15 p m and 11:30 p ui. Wat Mail, e:ist, 7:3ii u in. Goruenvillb, Downiuglewn, Leauiiiu Place Gap Op m. Philadelphia through mail, 7:30 and 8:15 a in.. 1:00, 4:15 ami 11:3(1 p in. l'lTTSiuiaeii and west, itne ami 11:3) p m. IlAmusiiVKfi AIail, asm, am, 1:30, 5:15 and 1I:1 a m. Wat AIail, west, Kit a in. ItALTIMOIIi: AND WASHIIIOTOW, vlll Pllillldel phia, 4:15 pm. Baltimekk ame Wasuikotek, via Yerk, 2.00 p m. 1! altimerk ai WA3H1NOTOM, via Uarrisburtf HSte p m. Ceatksvillk, 4:15 m. Columbia, line a m, 2:00 and 5:15 p ni. Yerk ami Yerk way, 2:0.1 and 11:30 p m. Northern Cbstiial, IO:ue a in, 2:00 and lido p m. RCADISO, se, via Reading and Columbia R R. 7:30 lJ:.lpm. am and 1 RuAMNu. via Harrisburg, 5:15 and 11:30 pin. Rkammi way, viu.l unction, Lititz, Alanheiin, East licmplielil and Ephr.ita.3pm. girAimwiLi.K, Camargo, New Providence, Went Willow and Alai tin-vllle, Kelten and Lime Valley, s:l." a m and 5:00 pm. New Helland. Chiirehtewn. lim-nli-mir Ulue Rail, GiMxIville, Beartown and Spring Greve, by way et Downiiigtewii, at 7:30 am and lip in. Sake Harber, via Columbia, lO-.Mla m. I5Y STAGE Millcrsville and Slaekwuler. le Safe Harber, daily, at 4:00 p m. Te Alillersville,8and 11:30 a m, and 4 p in. Binkley's Bridge, Leaeeck, Baret'llle, Ncn Helland, 2:30 pin. Willow Street. Smithville, Ruck, Chestnut Level. Greene, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Leck Springs, Fairmount and Rowlandsville. Aid. daily. 7:5e a m. Ijuidis Valley, Oregon, West Earl. Fanners yille, Ncllsville, lliiikletewn. Terra Hill. Alartiiiduh-, daily, at 20 p m. Greenland, Fertility, Lampeter and Wheat land AIills. te Strasburg, daily, at 4 p in. Paradise and Seudersbiirg, at 7:3 a in. New Danville, Couestega Blarticville, Cole Cele manville. Mount Nebo. Rawlinsville, Jlethes.iu ami Lilierty Sij nan;, daily, at !fc3 p m. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BYRAIL.-Easternmall,7 a m . 10:30 a in, S and ;:30 p in. EiLstern way mail, 10:30 am. Western mail, 7 ami 10 a in, 2 anil fi:30 p m. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, 2:30 n Western way mall, 8:30 a m. Reading way mail, 10:30a in. Quarry ville Branch, 8:15 a in and I p in. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Sule Harber mi', .iiiii:iviiiu, iii, iiauy. Frem Rawlinsville. at 11 am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There an; four mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trips they take up tin: mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the efflce at :! a in ; second delivery at 10am : third delivery at 11 a m ; fourth delivery at 3 i in. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the tostefucc is open from April I te October 1, from 8 te! a in, and from 6 te 7 a in ; from October 1 teApril l.frem 9 te 10 a in and from l te 7 u m. COAL. B. It. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ail kinds of LUAIBEK AND COAL. -Yunl : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-IyU COHO & WILEY, :tr,e XORTIl WATER ST., Lancaster, Em., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch OfT.ce : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. tebSMyd G" TO- REILLY & KELLER von GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers in want et Superier Manure will find it te tlieir advantage te call. i am, uarri-ejurg i'ikc. Oillcc. 20 East Chestnut street. agH-ltd rrem Jiiiiersviiic,7auditm,and 4pm Frem New Helland, at !::a m, daily. Frem Rowlandsville, Aid, at 4 p. m. Reading way mail, at le-.30a. m, daily. Frem Sti-usl-urir. at 0:30a m d.iilv COAL ! GOAL ! 1 Fer geml, clean Family and all ether kind or COAL re te RUSSEL & SHULMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 23 Kant King Street. YARD: CI 8 North Prince Street. auglt-taprlSlt I ii 'tl ill f ffVwtftiV