LANCASTER DAILY INOJEIUGJKtfCER FRIDAY FEBRTTAHY IS, 1831 TI1K FAIlts. The ''Humane " ami the "Keyhlenc Kami." The fair for tlic benefit of the Humane lire company, new being held in the com pany's capacious hall, continues te be the principal attraction in the western pari, of the city. Last night was the "Sun" night and the hall was again crowded, as it has been everv night since the fair com menced. The Lancaster Okie club was present and faverved the company with a number of tine selections. The hall was beautifully illuminated with Chinese lan terns. The following :ue .some of the ai tides chanced oft and the names of the winners. Steam tidy, Miss JCate. Header : pair 01 vases, Jehn Lorentz ; box of starch, Miss Ida Kahl ; parlor lamp, Miss Annie 15au iniller : toilet .set, Miss ?dury Heckler : satin tidy, Miss Fannie Nichelson ; candy basket, Mrs. Frey : stuffed inenkcv, "Win. Mulhelland. On Wednesday evening lite city author ities placed a handsome lantern in front of the Humane hall, which adds te its iveness and is a convenience te visiteis. Te-night will be Friendship night when thcie will no duuhl be another large at tendance. The fair will be open to-nieriow ai'ier-. neon. llie li ystenu '.'.: :n'.. The fair of the JO-y.stene band ia Ceiitie lial!, Centre sipiaie, was well attended last night. Chancing, voting, lunching and .selling goods went en briskly all evening, and the band favored its patrons with a number of musical compositions. It is only fair te say that the Keystone band, though si comparatively new organization, has acquired great pioiiciency in the per formance of the large number of lir.e pieces comprised in their olio. Their fail closes te-morrow evening, if any friends of the band have net yet paid it a visit they should de se te-night. cem: ! eo.ii.-uex i"j.s;.is. llcfoie Jul'i) I.ivi:is..iii. Ill the ease of Ada Tayler vs. Levi K. lb own, the court this morning diwetee a neil suit te lLi entered against, ihe p'.iiu tifl". en th.! plea of the statute of limitation. Tiiu motion was argued dining the whole el thi. forenoon, and the com I gave the decision just before neon. IC(-rt4C .Ii.uxn I'altcrsaii. The case te try the validity of a paper purporting te be the will of Catherine Stewart, is still en tial hrfoie Judge Pat terson. A iiumhe.- of witm-ses w-re willed who weie acquainted with the de ceased and had ficiiint ce.iveisutiuns, with her. They testified that I rout their conversations, observations. .c., .of Mrs. Stewart, they beiicved her te haw: ssiftic ient mentiil capacity te make a will. In flic case of Henry lia.imgurdn r vs. the Lancaster lire insiiiuucc company, ihe apical was withdrawn. All the .jurors who were net iuipuiii led in the wi'I ease were discharged t lii's morn ing. Charley Miay's Shew, evening- diailes .Shir. I. ;.st uiiu-r. plcxul appeared in Ihe opera heiisi'. which was net mere than half liMil. The best people in the show were Arthur Jehnsen and his wife Yirgie Jehnsen, wIium; act was very geed, as was the song and dance of the latter. Sullivan A Smith':-, song and dance was fair, but their Irish act was peer. Charley Shay juggled ami in troduced his trained deg. F'tta Meri is, who was billed as the "Pet of the Petti coats,' was net a pet of the gallery be;,s. who thought that as a sciie-cnnic she was a decided failure, and they roundly hissed her. The clog dancing was bad. The show gees te Citlumbi.: te nigh;. Cel. Weed, the former husband of Victeria Woodhull. is traveling with th-s sh.nv as a sort of assistant, manager. Disorderly Fendue!. There was jui!e an excitement kicked up in the southeastern pait of the city a few days age, out of which several mils arc likely te arise. Lmmu Aiohcv,e;t!eicd, oneof the. p-.rtic.s concerned, was sent re jail for 16 days. The mayor had before, him this morning half a dozen of custemeis. ::!! e!' whom were discharged except Mary Harry, who was cemmit.led for r day;-, air' Jeseph Wagner for .10 days. Large Funeral. Tiic funeral of Mrs. K'liir.i M. iterr. wife of C. !. llerr, .leek place this afternoon and was wry largely atttended. After impressive religious services at the late residence of deceased, the body was borne te Woodward Hill cemetery, where the final interment toel: place. There were nearly thirty carriages filled with mourning relatives and friend in the funeral precession. A Itrcak al the City l!r.s;:iiir. This morning at an early hour it. discovered that the south wall of the west reservoir had sprung a leak near the water line, about sis: feet east of th- leak that occurred last week. This leak, like the ether, was caused by the fie.-J and the thaw that followed. The .superintendent. was promptly en hand and lowered the water te a level below the bieak, and will take measures te have tin: damage done speedily repaired. Aiiiusviiicaits. .liiiji-i.-l!:ir!ev, Wi!-ea, I l-'mie- The and West will have a ere.. Oed heii-e when they appear hear next Wednesday niht. Ti c great quartet and their mammoth cetnpiny U" forty people are se well and favorably known hereabouts that it is niinecessiry te in form euramu-euicnl goer- that the iieupe is one of the best minstrel organization-en the read. ':c Kirkr." Steele Muc'-nye'-c.-lebratc 1 drama of this name will be iveii next Tues day night, the annivcrsirv of iViisIiiugieii'M birth. The company 5- the celebrated Madi-en Square combination that lias crowded th:t famous Kroeklyn theatre for mere than three hundred consecutive nights, the lenge-l run ever enjoyed by any American drama. The names of Ellle Ell-lcr, C. W. Coul. leek, and ethers of almost equal fame, fill out the re markable cast that is billed te pieducc ibis wonderfully succes-ful play. ' " Oiir tieblhis.'1' The ciiterlaiiimeut te-morrow night, at Fulton opera heu-c. wiien and where JlilchrlFs I'leasuie l'ai ly will pre-eiit William GillV lnu-ical oddity el "OurUob "OurUeb lins," is certain te be a 1110-t enjoyable occa sion. Mr. Ijill is a comedian ' iciicri, am! t!ic ether members of the company dislinc dislinc tlve in their ivsjicclivc special lie-, nhiiethe piece it-self is as clean and pure as it i-- prodig predig prodig ieubly iuiiiiy. 11'iV "ic Edeitlii's " .S;.(e7..v .'-ays the St. Leuis (.'lobe Drliierritt of Mr. H jllic l'deuin's " Sjiarks," who will en m.i Thursday night play "Dreams'' at the opera heu-c: " ' Urcams.: or, Fun in a i'liotegr.iph l.'allery, was plaj'ed before a crowded heu-c Iai l.iglil. The irresi-tibly humorous itu:i;iiin- villi which the play abounds Millie:: le keep the audience in a constant rear of laughter from the opening scene te tlu; final drop of the cer tain. These who geare net in Hie iin-Ji'-: !) criticise anylliing. and are only int-re-!-."! in jetting as much fun a- jvi-ilde out eTiiie evening an easy thing te de. " The Pirates." The sale of geats fv Oilberl & Sullivan's opera," The Pirates el Fcnzinee," lias begun at the epeia lion-e eflice, and jur-tien- desiring te comfortably enjoy this beau tiful anil intensely amusing work will display their wisdom by at once securing tickets. The opera i- in the best vein of the diktiuguished author and compescr'of Winalerc,' mid in the company which will produce here arc no'.able such names Miss Wal-h. Signer I.rocelini, Mine. Melt, and ethers who hav, figured in its mesi snc e.-sfu! reprc -eolatien thioiigheul the eeuulry. White, soft ami velvety bands use of Cuiicnru Shaving Seap. folio-..- fhe Faiutuess before eating, pair, and di-frc. atterward, prevcaied by Mail Kilters. Hl'EVIAh NOTJVES. SAMI'LE JSOTICK. It is imneislble ler a woman alter a faitlitui course or treatment witlrLydia E. I'inkliam.--Veg-::i".!c. Compound te continue te sutler with a weakness of the uterus. Encle-e a stamp te Mrs. Lydia K. l'inkham, 2X1 V.Tetere avenue. I.yuii, Mas., for pamphlets. iyja-lydeed&v.' Metlifrs! "de'liPis:! .Mothers! :: Aie yen disturbed at nilit and broken of your rt by a sick child -tillering and crying v.ith the. excruciating ala et cutting teeth -. If se, go at once and geta bottle of 3IK-. W1NSLOW'.- SOOTHING SYKUl'. It will re lieve the peer little uilercr immediately de pend ujien it ; tlici e ia no mi-take about it. There i-j net a mother en caith who lias ever used it, ivhe will net tell 3011 al once that it v. ili re-j-jlatc the bowel-, and give re.-t te the mother, ami relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perlectlj sate te 11-c 111 nil cases and pleasant te tint taste, and is the piv-eriptien of one of the eldest and best female physieit-.n.' and nnives in the fniiiel State. fceld c-very where ; 25 cents a bottle. iubS-d&wM.WAF 1'urt !Jia;.c Yv'iiie. Tiii, '.Vine ii made in Xcw .Jiuijej', and is said the way of wine ever made. It !s eailcd Speer's Wine, pro duced by .Mr sp'-ei. .Since the true analysi-- of its properties v,a, published by .lame., 1J. Chil ton & Ce., tlieic u iie could airerd it adejited its use in proference le foreign wine.. Prof. Chilton usd it In his own family, and has writlesi te the )i:blic the following card : Laboratory el .J. It. Chilton tV Ce., New Yerk. Marcn 11. Wc iuad.:ae.uvfuliii:dyaisel thel'erl (irapu V.'iiie produced bj'JIr. Alired fcpeer, ami de liel lie-itatu in proiieaneiiig it pine ; it con- L.i'is all tin: propel ties el the Oporto jjrape, and therclore.lei medicinal 11-e-, it UMipciier te ether wine-, ils p:l!ieip:il !il:ets upon the hj'tti-lu are 1:1 iii 1IJ--II inula' ill , diurelie, -udei--itlcand Ionic. II will prove benelleial in affec tions el the kidneys and chronic diseases.witli ,' debililj of th" constitution. I'hysl ci:.ns may -afcly leeemmend itiethcrpatient- in place of thu mail deuht'ul mixture-tee ellen ?eid :ij pure v.ine. Tlii- Willi: can be had of and i-a meat excellent article ler weakly per.-ens, es pecially fiiiiiales. il is a veiy superior table wine, and the me-i Iicalt'ij drink new in u-e. It i'i no! a spirited or manufactured article, like most native i.ine-. Tiii-i v.iui! is onder-cd by l)rs. Alice ami Iavi , and -old by II. K. -d;; In 12iL '.Vater. Orpha M. iled-e. of i'.attlB Creek Mich.. write. May Hi, I-:-!. "I npv:l :t teakettle el liDiliii'j het water en my hand, intliclinir a very severe mmM. I applied Dr. Tlieinas' jCc- leclrie Oil, ami t i!;e gieat p!c-i-ure in an- i neiincing te yen Dial the c'feet .was tea'iay: pain and piv'vcnt blistering. 1 ua cured iii I three days. V.'e piizeil cry liighla,a iamily I nu'dicine."' Ter .-ale by II. I!. ;eeiiran, driiggi-!, 137 and lf:'.i North Ipieen stive!, Lanca-ter, !a. Nature n Sluicu-wav. ! 'I lie kilney, aie a.;! are's ?luiee-a. le wa.-Ii i en! the i!chii- of our constantly ll.-:iging j bedie-:. If they de iiei w:i; preperlv tilt! ! trouble ;s icll ev.ryw licit-. 1 hen be wise and ::.-. seen a- you -en -ii-n-ofdi-erdergct a jtack :i4'e.l M :ney-Ver and lake it faithfiillj'. Il 11 ill clean tlm "liile'-ay of sand, gravel or slinieainl purily ihu who'.es.vstcm. Drugai-ts 5eli ii b.ilh l:i-iiid and dry.and ii isefjualH ofli efli cieut liiiier wny. liulejieiitlt'iil. Hl-lud.Vtv A l.-.ieky Mi-ii-ler. j !te. A. .1. SI al lery, of Wyoming, N. "i ., write-: Hi. TiieiuaV Eclceirii Oil cured me. of Ifrenchili- in one week. Our dealer-all I say Ihcy never sold a me Heine that ha.s given I .lieli complete -at i-laciieu, ler coughs, colds i a-thma aid r!ienina!i-ni. ' Ter -ale. by II. IS. Cochran, drimgi-i, I'!7 and ' I "''J, North Onceii street, Lanca-ter, l'a. ' Xet :i JScvurnge. I "Tlicyaii- net a bi-vttrage. but ;'. medicine, with car.i:ive properties of the liighc-l dt urce, centaiiiing no poi-etions drugs. i'liey de net teal down an alieady debllifated sy. tuni, be.; bliiid il :.:. Inebottle c:;ntain mole hop-, lli.Ti 5-, nieiv bop -trenglh, than a barrel ei e-'ijmiry Iivr. Every druggi-t in ieinc-ier ii . ineiii, ami ine pnysicians pre- ; - senile tlietn. liectieslcr l.vcnei' Lxnre .s en ' Hep Hitter-. " i' :engi.-. Jlrii.ra's 11. ul.hi' 7'-et-(c.'' are 11-c.l with advantage te all'-viate Ceu-rli-, sere Tbrea:, I l! and ilreuehial Affection--. Fer I thirty years tlic.-e Treche have been in u-.e, ' with annually iiicreaing laver. They aru net j new and untried, but, having been tc.ted by; v.i!r and -(iii-tant n-e ter nearly an entire 1 general ion. they have att-tined well-nivriteil I rati!: ame ig ih : few f iple i.ineilie of the j :t"e I I TI10 Tin-.iiit. j "Jiime;"ii'-l .V'lii'Vi ''.' Ti'iiCifr" sift direct I V ! . . . . . . . . 1 en ine ergaiiK 01 inc voice. u-y iiaye an e. t'a.uilinary ell'cct in all disorder et the Threat ami Larynx, restoring a healthy tone fl hen relaxed, cither from cold or ever-exertion et tie- voice, and pi dueea clear ami di tine! enunciation. ;-1ic;!..;-x ; Siuiers find the Treelie-- n-eili!. A C.mgli. Celd, Catarrh or sero Threat re- I quire- immediate attention, as- neglect eiten j time- re-nil.- iu Mime incnrabli Lung li-eae. Rrn.irft-r.l Trepins ' w ill nlme-i in- 1 vai i.ibly give relict, imitations are eli'eiv.i for -aie. many of v. hich are injiiiien. Th" genu ine ij!r(,tnir nrjiic.'titi! Treche t" aie sold anl;; hi I, or. !'i'nTliAS ' :-:r,y adv ;:xTisi:3tj:Sis. ICilO'i. AF'.rilOX. u Th.! auction of i'.oels and Shennt l:vee"., .-hoc store, Xe. iii1.-: Eaut- King Stre(. will lie ceiilmued I hi evening al 7 o'clock. ltd ;.'. " sTeni: ;ei;.t:s ami mt i:t.s.ix; !ei rent. Ne. "and In -out 11 Onion Ktreui. Appiy at thelrELi.i:i:Nci:i;ufIIi:e. "T,-rAXii:: . r.ev set llsstuax 15 t years old, le learn the Irade of Scale Makii!r. Applv te LANCASTER LOCK WO'ubs CO., ltd Cor. .lame.-anil Chri-lian Streets. w A X T K t). A CAF.5;iA;;: ItAciv-. "f Miiitii. lini-hernii-l bev te learn Carriaw black.-iiiiihiug. " Apidyle ' ilKXItY XOI.T1. Ji: , iid-'- Oir. Maikct and Marien Street. i.l ri:i;scxs having isili.s against 1 Ihe t ily of Lam-a-terare requested te file them at the Maver'i efliee imme.liatelv. GEO. W. ZEClfEIL febn-et! Chairman Finance Committee. Vi'.TIdl-A tidOll GIKU Fli: :i.X- "jlr KIIAI, Housework in a private familv in We-t Philadelphia. Geed washcraiul irencr. and must be well recommended. Ceuntrvgirl lircferred." Wanes ?:;.Si jier wee!:. Address "J. W. U.," Ibis eflice. feb l(-.Jld A UCTHIS! A CCTIOSI-SAl'lIKHAV -tore, eorucref Chestnut and Plum --treets. of Drv Geed,. Xoiiens. Heet- and Shee-. Sale at J and 7 p. 111. II. K. IH'ItKllOLllKi:. Agf. Sam"i. IIi:ss .V Se.v. Aucts. tl-i-itd" pi:'.;:, s'j saii: ex satuj:i;av. tus: I '-Mill e! Fi'I!!!t"A!iV. al the curlier tit Prince and Chestnut streets, will be sold stock and litturc.4 of a Grocery, Xolien and Coulee tienc'-y Stere. eon-!-;ling of show ca-e, eetfee grinder, mniucs meaniv.-, spigels, half pcclc and Ji.itf-bushcl measure-, counter, xcale.-s. -pice eadilic.-,.i:u-. Ac: also a re frigerator, -love, cellar rope, bucket:-, wa-h-beard-, a 'arge let of notions and t-reeerics; a!-e counter-, s'nclving. bin-, chc-ts with g!a-s deer-', &c. Sale ie commence en said day at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and 7 in the evening, when condition- ill be made known by S. !!. MePHEUSOX. E. ).iv. Auct. ll-Mti.-n.-jS TriJM saia: ei'CAXAtiA i!is::ss:s I On MOXIIAV. FElSIM'AUV i. ISsl, will be sold al public sale, at J. ). l)enlinger"s Mcr rimuc ileu-e. ll North Prince street, Lancas ter city. l'a.. the following stock te wit : V.i ilead or Twe Car Leads of Heavy Canada Draft iiersei. some fsw Urivcrs amen-i- them ; also, at the jt me time will be sold eiieGLIUES-I.- LC STALLIOX. color, dark brown, I years old, sired by the Old Duke, of Edinbaigli, and i- considered one of the lc-t Stallions that ever -toe.l in Canada. The above stock will be sold without reserve and must be in every repecl a- repie-ented bvthe undersigned eV no sate. A credit of tW diivn will be given. Sale te commence at 12 o'clock in. en said d.-iv, when attendance will be given bv GEOUGE GKOSSAIAX. Sah'l II ess A Sex, Aunts. llf-'.'lil -jQUKMC SALi:. OX TUESUAV, I I.GKII- 1 Alt V 22, JSS1. vill be sold at. Xe. ! Ea-t Grange Street, household and kitchen furni ture, cen-ist ing in part of one pineanl -tool and niu-ic books, marble top tables and books, selas, oil paintings, .small card table, dining room store and fixtures, kitchen stove and fixtures, carpets l" the yard, tables, chairs, -yush stands, and many ether article net mmliencd. Sale te commence at one o'clock of raid day, when conditions will be made known by .IOIIX KLACK. St. JlKMtV Siiit.eut, Anl. febie-tMl UJtT GOODS. TI12 Manufacturers et the PEARL SHIRT de-slicby this method te thank the public lv thcir appreciation of this celebrated garment, as evinced by the greatly increasing demand, as well as bj the continual receipt et testimo nials at satisfaction with the same. The standard of material, tit. and workman ship will be strictlj- maintained, and in addi tie:i toether imr.revements heretofore mad, the 1-KAKLSIIIKT will new be lined across the front, thus rendering them still mere dur able. PRICE, - - S1.00. KOI: SALE ONLY 15 Y J. B. MARTIN & CO., DEAI.KUS IX DRY GOODS, CARPETS, WALL PAPERS, n y mill (J u. III ??MJI Till: KECENT 1'IKK IN NEW YORK, DRY GOODS -AT FAHNESTOCK'S, I'ruit of th Leem Hlcached lliiilin-, 10e.; sliglitiy D.iujp. Yar.l-Wide t'nble.tched .Mu-lln, lc: Slightly Damp. llct Jlei-rimae Calice. .ie.; Slightly Damp Heavy !) inch Tab:c Linen, tOe.; Slightlj I lamp. Tdadra-and (.'anion Ginghams, Iliinll'2.c. .-ligiitl.y Damp. i:usian Crashe-, Va--Ii Cru-lie-, lc; Sllghllj Damp. II KA V Y Cotlenadcs and Cassimeres, A T . HUE. T .S, I !E1 i CE. , j imu-I, Tile above geed- are net only .sliuhlly damp. -niid'ed or I) FAHNESTOCK'S. Next Doer te Court Heuse. S1' Jt-iAl. NOTJCK. Ihager & BROTHER,! Se. ." LS'f Ki?, S'i'jJKKT. WeU-l llingai le- tiianpre-eiit value sT.M.s:i MAKES OF Uk'.K'iiOll Hllil (jiihfcai-iK-ri 31u.slii!s, Uh-iU'i'iOtl jsiid Unblcneiicd Hl!('ilinij:J Pillow Mnslins'. and Tickins'S. I LOOM AUD DAMASK TABLE LINENS, Napkins and Towels.. j Marseilles and crgchet quilts, j j ! wiiii'Ehh.i cennitEit i:r..XKi:is. gi'KXe;) Tills isav A LAIlGi: VI CHOICE SIILEl.TION OF HAMBURG EDGINGS WITH INSSBTINGS TO MATCH. UltOVEJtlES. Q G-C!.G(;!i COri-'llK IS Til!-! I'UICEST O and best itirthc Kreakfast Table. ATLVXTIC .VXD PACIFIC TEA CO., Ill Tterlli Queen St reef. jaii-M-lmd Lancaster, l'u 1AXXE1) GOODS. FRUITS, VEGETABLES. FISH, &e. FRUITS. IV.iehe-, Pears, Apples, Chellies. i.iiiincv.-, California Apricots. E;jij Plums, Xeetarines. Green Gages, i'luuis, &:. VEGETABLES. G. .V It. AX.Tomatec. Win-low, Aldrich and Kaker's Green Cern. French and American Given 1'ca.s, Flc Pumpkin, Au. FISH. Frc.-h Salinen, Fresh LebMer. Fresh Mack erel, Little X'cck Clams. ISarataria nhrimiw, .'ardliuv iu Oil, Sardines iu Mustard, .Vc CONDENSED MILK. Fugle and Swiis Krands. BUKSKX Xii. 17 EAST litNG STItEICT. yK. GltOWXlNG'.S O.&O. CORDIAL, row COLDS AND COUGHS, ri'ICE, SS & r.r, Cents ASK VOUIt DltUGGlST FOIt IT. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D sole i-i'ori:iETei:, Ne. 1321 Arch Street, 117-lyee.l&w I'llILADELI'IilA. x:xtxxtais3ix:sts. S1 ECIAL ATTKAt-TlON AT TUC KEYSTONE BAND FATIJ TO-XIGWT. Tlie-e buving a ticket will have a chance in the wheel of fortune. Come ami try your luck. irj-'j'.vu TVOXT reilGET TIIK GKAXD KAIIt Ol" TIIC HUMANE, AT TH3IR HALL. OI'IZX EVERY EYEXIXG AXI) OX M OX DA J', WEDXESDA X A XD SA TURD A V AFTERXOQXS EJiOMS TO 5. IH-tfd "lt'LTOX Oi'I'IIA HOLSi:. THURSDAY, F33RUARY 24. ' Guarantee a Geed Silling in y. Hours." THE COMEDY SUCCESS OF THE TEAK. 50 Xights in Xcw Yerk: Cit j, and Laughing Keem eutv. MILLIE KDOUIS'i SPARKS! Willie Edeuiu and Erank W. Sanger, Pro prietors, rre-enting the Omiiut and Oncer Musical Conceit,; DREAMS ; Or, Fan iu 11 1'hetugraph GalJcrj. Music ilx'iui-itc. Ce-tiimiii-; Elegant. Mirth I'nlimiled. Scatsat Opera Ifeuc Office, 7.1c. i SI Atlmi-.-ien :ts, .-,0 i 75c. fl7-7td -rj;i:A ::.l'.sk. WKB.VES'IAY, FKBUUAKY (J8, 18S1. M.XAf:nn JOIIX I). MISHLEU. iM-:ei:GAxr.i:i) and exlakged. Barlew, Wilsen, Primrose & West's MAMMOTH 3UX8TRBIS! The Largest and Most Complete. 40 PERFORMERS. 40 EYEUY FEATURE XEW. Cl'3'l'O.M.VIiV 1-KICE.-5. Ucservcd Sffitf.- tlirce davs iu advance al Yceker".- Ollice. firi Otd Tj"ULTO.N ei-ei;a IIOL'SSC. ftATl'KiJAY, FKIJIJUAKY VX W.C. MITCHELL'S PLKASEltK l-AKfi In the mesi laitgci-ble d Extravaganzas. OUR GOBLINS; Or, Jun en the Rhine ! Uy llr. Win. Gill. ' It il similar in genera! design te Ihe " Tren- badeuiv."' lint i-ine!c witty and lin-in a higher plane. A. T. JlcraUl,.! niw IS, IS.S0. THE COMPANY! Mr. William Gill (Character Comedian), author et Horrer?-," 'Italics in the Weed," Single Slipper."' etc the most Kticccsliil K tr.ivagaii2:i! of the day. "ili.-s Klinnr Deering, ill. Win. Kerre-ter, -Mr. Krancis Witften. Mias Kintiiii Car-en. -Misi .Mir.i ISenine, ilr. J..M. l Nnroieii. Jlr. 1-rcJ l'erkin-j. Musical llirecter. I What is claimed for '-Oar Goblins." I Originality ! Wit! Ceherehee .'This Company 1 carries a emplclit S.-t e! Scenery ! TIew el ah j old Castle en the Ithine! i'lci-mit I)re-ing! , Superb s'cenie Kll'ect..! The Ab-elnic ICefiiie- ment of Wit aud.Sellity! Xcw Yerk's VcrdicL Knder.-cd ThroiigheiitAmerica. Sir. Wa. C. Mnxuu-.r., I'l-op'sandSelu Manager. i d;,! iSSION :!.-., eO & r, Ct. UlisEllVKlJ .sKAlS 75 " j Fer ale at Opera Heusj OfEie. tls-itd i L'n.iiis ei-s:i:a :ie ;:;. I Monday Evening, Februai-y 21. . Sir. . aim l. Jii-hlcrhss the imuer tepre-int i DOYLY CAUTlS 1 LOSDOX OPJ'il.l CO.'H'AXY, I Ceiup.v-i-d el ihu members f! tha ! Original Filth AveniieTlieatieCempany in the Melodramatic Opera, in two act--, written and i contpe-cd. expressly for production In Ihe j Unit d Slates, by Arthur Sullivan and W. S. Gilbert, nut her am! coiiine-.'i' of "Pinafore." I entitled, Tiir FDU1ES OF PBNZMGE ; jx, U.11U .stave 01 uuw. j The Opera will be rendered in the'same 111:111 1 tier that characterized ju- s.ucce fill run in 1 Xew Yerk' and the principal cities et America. I Tha Scenery is Entirely Xew ! Elaborate Xew Cestuinu.s ! An Enlarged Orchestra, and a J Chorus el" 10 Trained eires. i The Mile of -cats at Yecke'-. . !.'E-Ei:VE! SLATS : AUMlJiSIOX, ...... SI. .SO ,- In CIS. fllt-Std Iiiire:-: epi:i:a iititst:. Tl'KSDAY, FFr.UrAHV 22, 1SS1. Madisen Square Theatre Company HAZEL KIRKE, aci:xowli:i)ei:oto iu: 'i'lii: CIIH.VTKST i'LAY. TIIK tJUAXDHSr SL'CCM.SS. Willi the G'i'e.'liial Xev. Yerk Cait : Dun-tan iiiike Mr. C. W. Couldeck Lord Travr-- Mr. ("uslavus l.evicl. I'ittacu- Grc-n Mr. v.. .1. Fergusen Aaren liedney Mi. Henry Avcling ISarnev I'Flvhii Mr. Edward Celeman Me.!hu--dch "Mugains, called 'Met." Mr. E. II. Lre lee (a mil!-i) Jir K. M. Kehcrls Dan (a miller) Mr. .!. Waters Hazel Kirke Mi-? KHIh l-':Ier S";;-:::":::::v":k Mercy Eirke Mrs. Carrie .lamitiiu Clara Miss Annie Ellslc-r ADMISSION, S5, SO & IS Gl- KESFKVED SKATS SI .CO The sale of scats will begin Frldav, Fen. L-i, at Opera Heuse Oflice. 11S-4U1 MISCjJi.L.lXEOVX. i'SiATI :' It. J'.KXEIJICX 1JOGS, S.A1'K J of the city of Lancaster, iccca-cd. Let ters testamentary en said c.-latc having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in ilebted thereto are reque-ted te make immedi ate payment, and the-c having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te te the under signed, residing in the city of Lancaster. MICHAEL HAKEKKCSH, Executer. .Jxe. A. Cevi.c. Atl'v. iania-tltdeaw (jri-XJAL NOTICE. THE IXSFKCTOIt.S OF THE LAXCASTEi: COCXTY FKlSOX de-ire te call the attention of the public te flic large a-aeituicnt of SFi'EKZO!' ItAU AND JI'TE C'AKi'ET. Made el the very beat materials. lse, 15A5KETS. CIGAR-:. GIlAi.N HAGS AXDI'Ai'Eit ilAGS OF ALL Sl.KS, -uitable ler .Millers and Grocers, which will be sold, whole-ale or i. tail, at really reduced price.. el's COM EL'S' CAta-ETS WOVEN AS rSCAL, acceidin;,- ie directions, and al .diar! uei; Cy order of the Ke.ird. .1. llt'-Imd-Jtav.-.'vliiiv,- HOlFMElEi;, Frc-ident. jliUILIU SALE. OX .i:CJ?;i.VY, .HAKC'i? L It, I??l, in iui'n:iucc d an order of Or phans' court of Lancaster county, will be sold at public sale at l'hiiip Wall's Green Tree hotel. West King street, Lancaster city, the lollewing de-eribed 1-4-.1l estate, te wit : All that certain let or piece et ground situate 011 the south sideef We-t King street, Lancas ter city, containing ia front en West King street,!'; feet t inebe-. mere or !es. extending in depth te a l:i feet wid- alley 10.1 feet, mere or les.-., en the east side, ami !H feet, mere or le-s, ou the west side, and extending along said lt fcet wide alley in t he rear SO feci, mere or less, upon which let et ground are. created a double one-story Krick Dwelling Heuse. Xe. fr'l West King street, a Frame Pottery Warehouse, Xe. ,"1S: ul-e another smaller Warelieu-e, retter's Kiln, Hydrant, Fruit Trcca and ether improve ments thereon. Terms cash en Oct. 1, lSSl, upon purchaser giving approved security. sale te ceinmenceat ,y. o'clock p. 111.. of said day. when attendance will be given bv 1IEXKYM. GAXSE, FltAXCIS GAXSE, Executers of flic e-tateef Ilenrv W. Gansc, de- cea-eil. Jacob Gi'miaicci:, Auct. l"eblS-:;iawdts XEW ADVEJiTISEMEXTS' We have just placed en exhibition about one hundred. Oil Paintings, all handsomely framed. They embrace a wide ranse of subjects, from the familiar Madennas and Hely Families of the celebrated masters of paintingr, te the illustration of hu morous scenes in real life. Our collection includes Figure Pieces, Bird and Animal Paint ings, Landscapes, Ancient and Modern Architecture, Ancient Ruins, Character and Costume Studies, &c &c. Classical, His torical, Mythological and Ideal Subjects, S:c. "We have a number of very flne spscimens of the sculptor's art, in beautiful white marble figures, mounted en colored marble columns. We take pride in placing these goods before our patrons, be lieving that our community must appreciate our endeavor te popularize a class of flue goods, that could net heretofore be ob tained except from abroad. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO... Jewelers, 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Pa. MARKETS. l-hlladelphlii JIrl:et. ' rntuPKU-iiiA. Pa., Feb. IS. Fleur steady ' with moderate inquirr ; superfine $X OOQ.S 51)": extra 5 7JJ?4 ou : Ohie and Indiana family I $S i'lSj 75: l'a. de H K;5 te : St. Leuis family ! " oOe 00: Minnesota Extra 5 00 as 7.": straight, $; ea-i6 i: winter patent ffi 2SSii; :.0 ; spring de $0 50g8 00. 1 uye tinur at . 00. Wheat quiet and easier: Xe. 2 Western l.'ed $1 I4J-: ; t'eniin. Ked, $1 i:;gl uy. ; Amber, $1 3 i Cern quiet and easier; ieamer 62c ; yeliev. Sic : mixed, SSKifiSic. Oats dull and lewer: Xe. 1 White We : Xe. a. 4llHiy,e; Xe. 3, de l-!gl'Mc:"Xe. 2 MixeJ, 2e. Jtye llrm Rt 93c. Prevision-- market and prices firmer: nits- perk. $I W); beel hums 21 (iii te : iu ilia m.vji beef $19 5(J f. e. b. ISaeen smoked Iiauu liiillc: pickled ham- Jfiu'.jc; smoked sheuldera .Vic; Kult de Sijc. J.ard iidvanaing; city kettle 10.'((5!Ile : loe- bufci(!i"9).e; prime steam -$I0 &1?I0 5rt. Iluticr in fair demand and itcadv; Cream ery extra SiQSSe ; de geed te choice SJW MI ; liradferd county and XewYorkextra, tubs, .- r-..Ml . .1a A..t.s..n .11 . n-.... . . extra 23fi-JiJ: de geed 10 choice ajfia!-. Keli-s steady: Pjmira Extra lCQlSe; Western iccs-i-v.- extra ImtO'SZ. Eggs fteady : Psnti'a.. 29??:e : Wester. 2S.f? TJC. Cltcsse steady stocks dull ; Xew Yerk full cream, i:t;fSl4u; Western full cream, lSQlSJe; de lair te geed 1221''e: de luiltsknii- Hllc ; Pa. de WQU'.y.c Petroleum firm" ; refined U'.c. iuKf at. i ii Sceds i.oedtoprimoeloverirregiilarat ,it'r3 i; de de Timethy steady at 52 -.$! '.( ; de FliixMicd linn at. $i viffli is. SX de Sew iiurK ;L;r!;. iei:k, K-nruary is. iteur mill, line without decitlcii change; htiiier- iinw statu f.: H i.ifg-I S'J; cheicu 'Mi.i 111: extra ile de ?1 SSJf 'Je : i.uicv de SI 9,,f4( SO; reuiiil hoop Oliie ijl SSijS 0i); cueice mi ai t. ,ii!;- ,.,: siipcilme e,, eru i'i Gvl(3 'JO : conuneii te geed x tf.l de M2j;:4 5"; choicede f 1 CgG 7.": clieict: white wheat de :5 U)((i;0. Seuilicru quiutand .mchanged ; common t fair extra ,i S'l'tj) 5 15: geed to'-lieiee. de .t.'i 2ii:"lS Sll. Wheat a shade easier and dull: Xe. 2 lied, I March, $1 ISI-M 1S;. ; de April, i 1U'. ; de I MayJUSj I Cern dull without d.-rided change:! Mixed western spot, SCcS7; Je; 00 tuturc SP-J &i;y.c. OatsaKliadu lower and lairlv active : State, IfJilSc'.-': Winluru 4:--ilSc: Xe. 2, Feb :i',: : de Maich, l::).fc; de April, WJ-j-vjlSc : de May X11011 Oiietatbxei of ! tie (iruiit -'larket. Furnished by Jacob 15. Leng, Cen r.rei-cr. Cuicm.e. Ca-ih. March Wheal : .y-rt .'.lav. Cern .i- Oat- Xj:w Vekk. Cash. .Mare!:. Wheat -Lis .-fi.I1. t Cern S7'.: .."7 Oat3 '. l'illl.AUilI.VIIt . Wheat lip; i.v,y. Cern S." .:::-;i Oats It;.. .,', l!.f.TiJtei:i:. Wheat I.1SU 1. 1 'Ik Cern .1114 .:': Oats .. .'.. Sleck larn, 1. Xew Yeuk Stocks. Sieaks irregular. April. , .te lulv. I i-.'i I Aj'u-ii. "!'-,v I.17 ..-sii , .iya Fcbriiaiy l-?.2J r. :.i. i :t. v. jr. . .11. A. M. liCI-l 11:1.1 I2:.VI 0) 2:.i-i Mencv riKi; .... Erie IC. U :( 5IJ rJi .' Michigan S. ,t L. S....1::!).-; i:il.j 1S1 itjen; Michigan Cent. U. IL.IIS us"-' us h&k Chicago & X. W i:jpj i:;i" l.UM i.;.- Chicago, .11. .t St. P...II.V,'U l.-.V( n.ii 11.V4 Han. .V St. 1. Cem Ssi .iS' i3. r.O'i " l"ld... I ;;-; lOTH-TJ-J lf4 Teledo & Wabash. .. ."il ' 50'i .-.!;( M,i Ohie& Mi issijipi. .. 41; 4.VJ .V V,,'U St. Leuis, 1. M.&S it., i.-, G,-, c; v&rs Ontario and We-tern. -Htv '',,s !( '? C. C. & I. C. It. II 2'.' 2'j'j New.feisfT Ceiiti-a,..llll 1(.'.;. ll.'.l'. V:f)i LVI.& Hdiisen Canal.ll.T; l!i'T II.". ' IIJ !) !., Liiek.A; We-ternl:i;j4 VI-:):. l-i'!, 125 'Vcleru L'nieu TeL.HjU 117 " 117!.. 117 Faeilic Mail S. S. Ce. t);C .79; (1IJS B2J-; JewaGulch 41 .... Union Faciilc la7 ::'.f. 121 l-iy:, liaiisll-j & Tcx.i.s 4! -f! " VM !! ew leric central.... Adams Expre: Plineis Central Cleveland ,t Fitts.... Chicago & Ueck I l-ittsbuigli."iFt. W... 1'iiiLAnr.LriiiA. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania K. It.... i'hii'a. .'i lii-ading Lehigh Valley Leh:i;h Xnvigatien... ISO .... 1'! Zi .... 1 '" .... lss;-; .... r;v ',-,- r, c.-i-i .-.v., :u'i ::;;-; :;j;s :i5.'H rt);,' ,... W;' Wl- !;;''; iu ;:.',; w. i"!'- 47-s P.., ;!.'.'i' 7'J'n 7:-'.4 '' 1 il -21 .... 21 i'M.: 4!l;4 i; 'jr,t. -i; my. Northern I'acitie Cem Fei, " r i lMttsTitusv'c&R.. Northern Centra!.... I'hii'a A: Erie K. !:.., X irtherti I'cnn'a.... l'u. It. it's of X.J... . liestonvllle I'ass Central Trar.s. Ce . . UIET lUtA IVJSUS. 29 ill Fenuiar Mentlily Dvavinj? or THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macaulev'- Theatre, In the City of Loaii Leaii ville, en MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions of an Act et tiic General Assembly "' Kentucky, incorporat ing Hie Xewpert Printing and Newspaper Company, approved April '.1, 1.S7-J. "l"iis i- a special act, ami liusncver bies repealed. The Unitcil State.- Circuit Court en March.:!, rendered the following d eis!en: 1st That tlie ("imimemvcalil! Distribution Company Is Icgicl. i(i It. drawings urc lair. N. It. The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Kead the list of prizes for the FEIIKUAiiY DliAWlXG. 1 prize 7. Sii-cO 1 prize .' 1 prize 10 prizes -il ,W) imcIi 20 prize.- ."UJ each , ltui prizes. $11!) each 2i) prizes ."id each tiK) prizes 20 each 1WI prizes lueach i',iiu 10,(K-0 10,.K) 10,(lHO I'-.mj l'0 HMK.-0 9 prizes "SiO each, appro:iii:atfe:i prizes '2,Hi J prizes aJ each, " " 1, 9 prizes 100 each; " " iK4) LOOOprizes HlflC Whole tickets, W; hall tickets. M: 27 ticket." .s); 55 tickets, $M. itemit Meney or ilanl: I mm ft, iuLeticr. 01 send by Express. DON'T bE Ml KY KKGIS TKKED LETTEiiOl: POSTOFFKJE OUDEK. Orders of $." and upward, by Expre , can Ik Bent at our exjiense. Address all orders te It. M. HOAUDMAX, Conri-r.leutiial Jliiilding. Louisville. Ky., et T. .i. ce;.i.Mi-:i:t'i:u, '212 IJreadwav. Sew V-rk. Vebl-TuTh&S&w MVSlVALJXSTitUJifEXTS. A I'lXK CUIMSTMAS 1'IIESKXT. A LANCASTER FAVORITE ORGAN. OK A -j CHICKEKIXU & SOX'S IUiNO. A full line of snEET MUSIC. VIOLINS, ACCOilDIONS. AX J OS, HAU.V.OXICAS, Ac. The above Instruments v. ill be sold :u re duced prices iluring the Holidays. 220XORTU JUEEN STKIiKT. SrancbefilM during the Holiday, Ke. 26 CENTKE SOI Vlii:. lW-lyilS&lyw ALl X. Mi KII I II s TEISD EDITIOI. F3SIDA.Y EVENING, FEB. 18, 1881. WGATliKIt lXUlC.VrlX-5. Vi'ashixote.v, Feb. IS. Fer the 3Iil dlc Atlantic states, cloudy, rainy weather, warm, southerly winds, falling barometer, generally, followed by winds vecriii'j te colder northwesterly and by risin barometer. HAP.P.ISBTJRG. irxi:::eii:-:x. Xe I'rebubility of an Early Agreement :t Jliirrisburj;. Editorial di-pa;eli te the Istclmuuxcer. II.vitni'Girne, Pa., Feb. 18. The lieiittb licau eeiifeiees came te no agreement this 1 Jneriim, anil the Leaver, Layuc :iud t al Ia;;e forces .showed a solid front iu the joint ' assembly. Jlany lucnibers li.tve obtained leave of absence until Tuesday, se that 110 final eiviignificanfc action even by the con ferees is anticipated before next week. j Ne solution will be 1 cached until IJcaver ! is withdraw:, and v.ficn that happens the i . . . . . ., . 0, . .... opinion is growing neic that Shiras will be accepted by the Cameren clan and his elec tion ensue. Cameren seems te prefer him te SenlinM n I,.s .l,,,,,,,,,.. n ,.i;t;..i ' -....., .... .. l,........ rival, and possibly .Seelield is booked for a cabinet, place, V. LT. II. "Wallace-.- Xanic I.eudsstll tliu Kcst. IlAftnisfst no, Feb. 18. The conference committee of thn joint convention met this meriiiiig and took thirteen ballets without; agreeing upon en any name te be presented. The committee then adjourned unlil this evening. The joint, convention reassembled this morning ami the elst ballet for United States senator resulted as follews: AVal AVal lace S-2, Heaver 70, Uayne ."iS, SeoJieId '2, T. V. Phillips 1, liriggs 1, Ilewit 1. Cur tin I, ,Mc4iath t. Convention adjetirmd. cex;i:s:ss. I'receediiij; in tlm Hctntlc. V"as!hx,ite.v, Feb. 18. In the Semite j the credentials of Senater-elect Charles II. j Vanwick, from Xcbrahka, and Jehn F. I Miller, from California, were read and filed. Tlie eoiisiiteiatien of tlie t'uiuliii lull was tlii-ii irioceeiicil with, ami amendments made in committee of the whole weie re ported in tiieiferiTcr. a separate vote en each Iir.viu-r lieen tlcmtimlcd by Mr. Ed-lU'.iud-. Ail the aiiiciiiliiients made 111 cuiimiLtce weie a-iccd le. .Mr. JJIair then moved and advocated an nncmlmeiit lvsiiictitu: the rciiuircmctit for the deposit el the new bends te batik circulation is-1 sii'jii after .July 1 next. I'recftcilii.ns in tliu l!i;i:-..-. In the Hen.-e, .1 motion te ln-ec.'-eil te business en the Heuse cilcndar for the purpose : of ttktn up the Fit. JeIhi L'or L'er ter bill was defeated, yeas 111, nays 117. Tim lIeue then a!, 1:!." w-mt into commit- tec of the whole n.i the 'I'iculttiral ll" propiiatieii bill. V.v. Itii-d (Oiiie) gave notice ihat he . . i 1 ,, , , , ..... w-dile eiir an amendment providing ler a l " .-ii.ii.--.ej iiiiu suiieriiiuaie euicers 111 uie ,i:.i: t t i? , ,,- . .t . agitcultural department, and rciuiiiiug 1 that efiiccr te make a rcptnt as te the ef fect the customs revtume laws weuid, if continue d in force, have hereafter en the agiicnittiial p sephs of the ceuntry: whether the ejfeet of such law-: has bejn te iiicrca-u or dimiuis!: the prices of Auieticau pr iucts in lereign markets; what ctlect they have hud en the price of ciething and agrictiltuiai tools i:i this 1:011 ut rv : and whether or net 1 1, . , r r 11 in ci ' the wager, of farm laborers and the prebtr, , of persen: engaged in agriculture have ! 1 ...?, , , .. . uceil cllcctcil bv such laws and it SO ill I what way and te v. hat extent. lie llien proceeded te make an anti-protective lar iirsjsccch. r.iilure of ili-iti-li Iren Musters. Londen, Feb. lis. iCirk Jirethers, iron musters of Workington am! .Alary put, have failed Their liabilities are stated at 100.000. If tlteir works arc closed a large number of nun will bj thrown out of em ployment. Morrison I'res., old established iron brokers of Glasgow, have failed. Their liabilities are serious, but principally ef fect ?etd d'csboreugh, England. I'Sus I'enc-.i ledlans. Wasiiixtex, D. C Feb. I'-. The Heuse committee en Indian affairs had nude: consideration te-day the Penca ipies tien. and decided owing te' the lateness of the sc.s-ieu net te report a bill te the Heuse for their relief. They, however,, iiistruct-.'d the sub-cunmiitrc te rcpiest the appropriation committee te make an appropriation of $100,000 te ba used iu car rying out, the agreement with the Penca;;. News from tf- War. Londen, Feb. 18. A dispatch from Xew fustic le the JJnib Xacs says Gen eral Sir i'velyii 'Weed occupied a com manding position en Tuesday night under cover of darkness, and the troops advanc ing ou Wednesday were thus pietectcd. Electric Lllit for Denier. Di.nyi;::, Cel., Feb. IS. The city coun cil last, night accepted a piopesition for lighting the entire city with the IJrush electric light for two years. The city is te have thirty nii'hts trial of the light be fore its final acceptance. Sheddy Mill Damaged. IJiifcTex, Feb. 18. A lire at Xewteu Lewer Falls last evening destroyed the dry house of Sullivan's shoddy mill and damaged the main building. Less, I ijio.isey. The T-Hstlngulshcil lcat. AVasiiixotex, D. C, Feb. IS. The committee of nine members of the Heuse apneintecl by Speaker Randall te escort the remains of the late Fernande AA'oed te this city and attend them te their final lesting place, arrived from Pittsburgh at S a. 111. te-day ami accompanied the re mains te his late residence en Fifteenth street, where the final ceremonies will take place at ; p. m. te-morrow. Deth houses of Congress will adjourn at 0 p. m. te-morrow in respect te the deceased and te allow the members te attend the funeral. Cetl-ui .IIHN Uiintrd. liEX.vixcTex, "t.. Feb. Ibt. The cotton mills at Irish Cerner near North Donning Denning Donning ten, formerly known as ' lssex mills,' were burned thi- morning. Cause un known. Less ?33,00t). insured for -J-25.O0O. The property was owned by II. C. Thayer t Ce.. of I'osten. Heading SlaKes 11 .lump. Philadelphia, February IS. Keatling railroad stock jumped up ever four points te-day, and Is wow quoted at 'M'A. This is due te the report that Jay (enld had bought the MeCahnent intctvt in the read. SiiiitlI-H-c In : State Prt-n. Iiosrex, Jlass., Feb. IS. Tite .small-pox hasapieaicd at the .statu prison. Orticcr C. S. Itebbins having been with the disease vestcrdav. taken down !!t I'lALO IVifAfi, tit!':':-. KUUNKII 'I'lteGlU'sIs umi Sei-va.ils E-:ipe, Kill l.;-e AH Their Cti, tiling l.e-s -.O0,0OO. A special despatch from liullale, X. Y., says :" Anether tjicat. disaster has oc curred te-day. ami one of which causes a less that will he severely felt, in I'uilale, through thedcstiuctien by lltv of the niaj--nilieeiir hotel etcctcd by the lien. II. V. Pierce in Prospect acitite. The lire was lhst discovered abe.11. t.e o'clock, when smoke was seen i.--.iiteg; the tall tower of thu hotel .il.-,i; this sixth story. Theso who wen-, up into that art of the building found that, the b'li; iVX"e room, situaleii oft'the main elevator, in the top story, and cluse by the tower or cupola wa.. en liie. Thu hotel was provided with :i tiie e:itin;uishinij apparatus, but. when au attempt, was madu te use it, thu cylinders burst. This lire department was 0:1 the ground pieiiiptly, but. twenty times II10 number of engines could net save the building. Tiic wind was blowing a gale and had a clean sweep ever t!u; .structure from the lake. The liamcs. spreading rapidly, wens fanned into acLual ferocity, and their rear could be heard for some distance. Twenty patients wen: iu the infirmary or medical anil surgical department, two of whom had undergone serious operations only a lew heuis bei'ens. They weie all safely removed. " When the that alarm was given there was very great excitement rtmeng thn in mates, and it looked at one time as though some of tiuun would sacritice their lives in their cagei-iie.-s te save tiieir cllccts. ly the cool conduct id' the empleyes, how ever, they were all induced tinailv te get out, and net any tee .seen, for within l.i minutes the tower fell, citishing through the reef, when tlie liamcs had full sway, seen reaching the first story. Krciptent explosions were heard, probably caused by the cracking or bursting of thu stone and marble work of ihe interior. In the course of two hours all I hut remained of the beautiful struatuie was a heap of iniiis. Dr. Pierce narrowly escaped being con sumed in the building. He was in the dis pensary when told 1 In; house was 0:1 lire, ami ran up live llights of stairs as quick as lie could, and was alme.-it overpowered by the smoke and llames. The lieaiders weie unable te save their cii'ccts and their losses vary from a few hundred te si-iO,!)!!). -Mr. H. I. Vv'tilteit, of the ISitiik ei Commerce, had a collection of paintings valued at :"7,0f)0. Aeue ei the nun-lies aie heavily insiiied. Dr. Pierre estimates his le.-s at .MOO, 000. He is insured for -S('(),-'00, mostly in Kastcni companies. He will doubtless rebuild thu hotel, but. in all probability net ou as elaborate a scale as was eb-eitd in its original ruc tion. Hcvwal iiiemeu were injured by fall iti!' wall.-, but only 0:1c, W.11. Tanner, was : s-.rieus'y hiir1", he was buried under a 1.O1- i tien el the lower. erk was -.seiiimeiiceil i ' --"- building in .lone. lore,. hi.iI it was 1 fermallv opened for busine.,:, 111 -iiay, LS ilS. I J., , - r . .. c ,..;u. .:..., 1 It had a': mtage t -i !ei, Willi wing exteiisiens ei' 1 '.'. feet. was :i' Icet 111 height, and JieS depth, six t.teiies in Icet in heii'hl iiicliuiing in lieiglil uieimting 1110 lower. , It was completely and elegantly fur i iiished thioiighetit. The total cost of the ; finished structuie aggicgated ii'Mi-Iy J"nj, 000. The origin of Mm liiei.i a mystery, ; the most plausible fi'-.ry bciu that, of ' ignition by a gas jet. The was fully ! c pupped with Cue caiuguishcis, but the 1 tank bursting rend ved them us.e'e.-t's. I J.Eli Al. NOT IVES. " l.Vr.tTI-: OF IlKNltV GAIvKECliT, I.ATK fa 0Vi.::easti.rcity. Lane:.-t.r ce.miy. !.. d.eca-cd. vl.etters (estiuuei.iary 011 .-aid -late having been Kiltnled te Hie iiiideisi-ned, all -mi-eus indebted te :iiddeci-.d"iit are rc-jiu-st- led te make immediate, settlement. ami the.-e haviiuc claim-or demands against tliee-tateet I said decedent, te make known Hie -ane" te the I undc'simieil without deiav, re-idiicj in Lan I ca-ter, l'a. ISAAC D. LUTZ, .MMIA .. li.Tll.: s.-l.l.s,'.-l-'lldeaw Executers. IsTfiVTE OF :.I)Vi". A. utZSl.'A, I.iiTI-: llr Ji the City el L-iuc.-:cr, l'a.. ih:eca-ed. Letters of admiuiit rM .011 0:1 s-iul e-late iiav ing been rrauted te ti.e ndersiiiei!. all p r r seih indebted f hereto. ire reiiue-li-l te make immediate payment, :.! ll'e.-e having elainn or demands itxuin-t the sunn-, v. iii p:e-eut. them vitheiit delav te i-e- iiiidei-,fnee. UEI'.FCCA SENEir. A-iiiii:ii-tiati'i.c, or te G. S.-ner .t .-en.-, f.unibe:- and Ceal Deal ers, X. E. Cerner i'rirn.i: a:e! V. a'l.u SI reel.-, Lancastt r, l'a. jan 2-tde.iw ISTATK OF .iA-IIF-S W. IIK, L1TEOI' Xj iheeity of Laaca-ter. deceitscil. The mi-d-r.iiiued Auditor, appointed tedistri-mte tliu balance remain!;;; in the hands of .luli-i ithey. admini-ti-.itrix of dame- W. Itht-y, te ami iiiueiur t!ie-e le-'ally entitled le tins suiie, and 1 ie pa-mi exceptions te her account, will sit ! ter that pnrie-e 0:1 TFL-DAY. FLIHlKAltr terthatj 22. 10 o'clock a. in., in the Liurary lCoeni of the Court Heu-e, In tlm city of Lancaster, where all pcr-en.-. inteie.-ted in laid di.-tiilju tien and exception- mavattemi. WM. A. ATLFE. .ia'.iiV:;tdeav. A m lit 01. Istatj: or siema.-. a swi.i.s.Y, l. j of Lancast'-r city, decea-i d. Lettei LATK rs et adininistratien ,u .-aid estate bavin;; been granti-1 te the uiider-igm-d, all per.-e::.s in. debted te -ai.i d.-cedent aie ivf-ii sted te maku im incdfalc settlement, and these having claim or demands again-t the eslatcef -aid deei-dent, te make tticiu known te the undersl-sit.d with out delav, :e.-,idmg iu Lanca-ter. janlJ-uideaw W. I.. HENSEL. 1STATi: V.V SAKAII .tlOXTGOAlKKY J late of the city of Lanca-ter. deceaeil Lcttisr-et administnitieu en m:M estate liav in been granted le tiic und:r-!':icd. ail per sons indebted theietean: requc.-jed le mak: iinmediate iayuiciit, ami the-e having clamM or demand- aain-t. tlie same ;s pre-cnt them ler settlement te the uiidcr-iiiied, re siding in said cilv. ELlZAi'.ETII MOXTGOJIEiiV II. I!. Swakis. A.Iuiiniitr.itriv. Attorney. i.inrj-i;tdeaw 1jTATi: or M--ASXA F!:AX:isct;.s, !i late et the City et Lanca-ler, dee-a-ed. Letters of administration en -said c-date liav Ing been granted te ihe uiidisrsigiied, all per. sons indebted 10 said decedent arc rcuuesteil te make ininicdia't: settlement, and tin, se having claims or demands against the estate of saie decedent te make known the same ti htm without deiav. jacei; kewe::-. iin.i:, I-. d. b. it. e. I. a. ."xe. 31. A.MWte. Atteiae,. jl-Miltleaiy IW AM di is I i V i 1 n f. J ,3