LANCASTER DAILY IOTEIXIGENGEK, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1881. -.caster intelligencer. WECNS3DAY EVENING. FEB. 9. 1881. iiiC B)--i Sled. ed, row, Connecticut's Colossal Deuble-Kipper Urajdilcally Described. The Bridjjepeit Standard in a iccent issue Miys : ' Norwich aud New Londen seem te think they own the champion deuble-iunneis in the state. Pooh ! 1 ooh . BridjjeiHthas tinned out a deubleiunner 4i. ;.,- r,.r.t imi.r iv!iii-1i ran and has earned thirty-two men, acraiiiK WO pounds apkc, or 4,800 pounds. The sled was built by Julian II. Stexlinjj, " ma,ic of f,h. twelve inches wide and one and one-half inches thick, has lests for the feet i mining the whole length, and wings ever the front sled te pietcct the diess fiem the fifth wheel. Hound handles also urn along the .sides te held en by. A tiuss similar te these under drawing loom .strength ens the nietl sulUcienily te carry any weight !... .!. !.. needful. It has a brake se pewciful that by pulling a small ring at tacked te tiie levels the entile lead is lilt- aud .slides a-, if it weie. seated en a ua- thc steel point-, el winch cut tnc ice and step the sled in almost its Icugtli. "Se nice June been the expeiimcnts with steel polished by ice that in some cases ;i steel runner will slide better by turning it end ler end, the grain of the steel l mining back instead of ferwaid and producing a slight iiid'nm. The?teeicr sits in front and steers by hand, the lopes running tin eujdi pulley . se ananged that with his little linger he can guide the lead, n...i incfe.ul rifs'ii'iiii- ' te a hair.' he can fctetr te a razor's .-dge, which will split a hair, and then, if necessary, can step en a wasp's sting, which is the finest point lie knows of. A liiteen-inch gong en the un der side lings as an ahum while coasting, and if any car, hack, or sleigh should get in the way the steersman, with such sen sitive apparatus can either slide aieund the obstacle or step. 'This beautifully constructed i miner cost $1.i0 and the builder says it is the Vli;i!ii!iien double lunner of the state for money.' Statesmen, bank j.icsidcnta, doc tors, law eis, seulpteis, ai lists, poets and ladies have helped te make the leads, and arc united in praising i he meiits of this wendei ful sled. A mile in thirty seconds is nothing, and tl'ie builder is inventing, a new one, which, if it suikes an obstacle, will shut up like a tele.epe, the last man ....i it ;.. !.;.. i.r.f.Vet mid the lead .slide tlueugh a canvas fiie escape sidewalk.'" Cured of Drinking. " V veuug friend et irflne was cmed et an insatiable thiri ter Liquor, that had e pros trated hi svstcin that lie was unable te de any busini-s-:. He was enthely cuied by the uc el Hen Bittera. Itallaj'ed all th.tburning thirst ; took away the appetite ler liquor ; made Uh nerves steady, and lie hts remained a sober and steady man ler mere than two year, and has no i.e-ire te icturn te lib cups, and 1 knew el a number of ethers who have been cured et ill inking by it." Frem a leading Katlreail Offi cial, Chicago, 111. lebl-2wd&w MEDICAL. Ne Such a Werd as Fall. I have ued -ceur Spring Blo-sem for Dys-pep-ia. Headache, and Constipation, and find It lias done me n gi eat deal et geed. I shall recommend it te ftg'VfeRTOLET1I. MavSltli. IWMain street, liuffale. ' .. . ... -. ..... . t..1 l.r.....t 111 .niit nice, m ceiu-), niii mi'i" -".'- Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, drugged, 1j YSi North Queen street, Lancaster, li. and DRY GOODS. -UaE MEDICAL. i the stomach liealthy, and 1'KOYCKISS. Xe one can be sick when w he bleed, liver and kidneys a: Hep Hitters keep them se." "The greatest nourishing tonic, apnetizer sticnglhencraiidcuiutivcen caitli. Hep Hit lei-,." "It is impossible te remain long sick or out et health, wheie Hep Hitters are used." " Whr de Hep Bitters cure se much V " He cause they give geed digestion, ri' i bleed, and lieallhyaclieii el all the eigans."' "Ne mutter what your leellngs or ailment U, Hep lliltt l s w ill de you geed." " Remember, Hep Hitters never dee-j haim, but geed, alway-i and continually." " I'm Ify the bleed, cleans" the stomach and swenlen the bieath with Hep Bitter." Quiet' b limy sleep in Hep Hit ters." liver tiinl miliary of, TKAD THIS, COUGH NO MORE! AMERIGM HOUGH SYRUP, A CERTAIN, SAFE AND EFFECTUAL BEMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, PAIN IN THE SIDE OU BREAST, And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptives in all stuges of the disease, lorsaieeuiy ai HULL'S DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, il'ECIAI. NOTICE. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST MXG STREET. ASTRICH BRO'S ADVERTISEMENT. au'j2-lydl LANCASTER, 1A. Ne health with inacMve jails, without Hep Bitter- Hep Bitter.-. Maiiiiuulurius Company, Rochester, NcvY'eik, and Toumte, Ontario. i.ui.VlydMWF.Uv en te the Cern HtaiSis ami Sorghum. Dr. reler Cellier, of Washington, made some inteiestinir leinaih.s at the last meet ing of the National Agiieuliuuil associa tion emccining the valuable process of ex tracting -ugar fiem corn-stalks and sorg hum. He haul : "Dm 'nig the pas' jear theic have eeen examinations made of :)S vaiietii.s of sorg hum giewu in, and lceeived I'min. 1-i dif leient .-Sates ami Hern l vaiiciies of In dian com. The lesitlts fiem analyses nuile. I,:il8 in all. of the .sorghums, showed them l jield en an average 1,002 pounds of available Migar. Fiem four of these vain ties the was extracted in ijuantity and at a late of fully 2,000 peund.s per aeie. As te the e.un-stalks, the'fs v.eie uiot-.salis'aetei y. but the expeiimcnts weie net se numeieusas with sorghum. An average of 2(5 analyses of the y aiietics examined .showed tiiem te contain in ;iiei:juice an amount .-1 sugar greater in ipianlitj than the average of the bc-t ;;) specimens of ."0 specimens of s.ugar-1'v.ets giewn in ilill'cient p.utsef the eeuntrv. After a large crop of ripe com had been aathcied. the Malhs yielded at the rate of ever 1)00 pounds of suuar te the acie, and theie appcar.s no leasen te doubt that tins result could be ob tained upon a . large scale. In view of ihee insults 1 feel justi fied in wiyiii" that theie apjevs noieaseu tejustifv u in imneitiiig Miyar which weuld'nvt just'.lj our importation of com and .t'i.eil. i' 'lew of the gradual but decided impievemcnl of our AVcstern lands, int-It n eaiefully compiled lvstili. ei'tlie aciea jv ield s'ei the past 18 years e:.tablishc-, U tfeas most wisj that we tin n our cauief.t attention te this question of .sugar pioduetien. Yeu aie alseaw.ue that the ash of corn is com posed of matter deiived fiem the earth, and unfeiiunatch consists of these two substances least abundant and most val uable, viz., pho.spheiic acid and potash. Indeed, se great is our com crop occupy ing Yi percent, of our cultivated lands in the United States a it does that at the prices we pay ler these two .substances the amount piescnt in our corn I'lep ag gregates the eiieriwus sum of ever $100, 000,000, while the entile value of our corn crop is about $300,000,000, se that when the time comes as c i:'e it may, that te keep up tiie feit'litv of our Western lands we must ret inn what we take Irem the ground, it will H ipiiie, as will be s-.cen, a fcum equal te 20 per cent, of the entite value of the crop." KIDNEY WORT. PKKMANEXTLV CURES KID.XEY DISEASES, LIVER COHPLAIMS, CONSTIPATION AM) 1'ILES. Dr. It. II. Clark. Seuth Here, Vt., s.ij. "In eases of Kidm-v Tieuhles it lias acted like a i-h-iim. It haseined manv very bd eases et Tiles, and has never lailcd te att i-nieiently. Nclbim Faiiclilld. el SI. Al'ians, V t., 8 iys, Ml is et priceless va'iie. Alter sixteen years n! great snlfiuiiiKlrein 1'iles and Ce-:iveiies iteeniiiletely cuied inc." C. S. Howilien, e! Herkshirc, says, "One package liiisileuc ponders tonne in eomplcte eemplcte Iv eurins; i'ure Liver and Kidney Com plaint." IN KITiILK LIOl'ID OK IlItY I'llBM INVALIDS TAKE NOTICE ! NEARLY 3,000 PEUSOSS have placed themselves under my charge diir in' the last three years in Itcadim? and this city. One half of them at least were called lu ........ l.i..;. riiimiir i-Ki'j of llv.snen-ia. Cen- We are aellins at les than present value STANDARD MAKES OF Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings Pillow Muslins, and Tickings. LOOM AND DAMASK TABLE LINENS, Napkins and Towels, MARSEILLES AND CROCHET QUILTS, WHITE and COLORED BLANKETS. mimptlen. Uheuniatism, and ether alllietiens. Viarlv all reported tiie same story, viz : I have tr'ed many doctere and quack medicines, anil all in vain. 1 am discouraged. While curing the sick in these two cities ever 1,500 dcatlis have occurred in ether physicians' practice,and net a hall-dozen in mine. Won't you in peisen (at my elliees) or by letter investigate my remark able cures. Men and wenien.sick for j ears,wei c under my practice in a lew days or weeks restored te Health through Oinnipatlitc ticat- nieiit. All made well by placing my inexpen sive medicines the outside el the body. Ne poisons used and no drugs, syrups, pilN, powder-, bitter, or ether such vile stuff placed In the stomach. Consultntlens and Ex aminations Free at my ejflccs. Hundreds hive been cured et Catarrh ter 50 cents. Cure Quick ler Catarrh tent te auy address in the united States for ;.0 cents. . A pamphlet of 32 pages will seen be issued from the press, bend and get it. DR. O. A. -GREENE, . (33 Year. Experience), XO.SSG aeiiTii qukkn stui:s:t, 3) tldMWF&S Lancaster, 1'a. OPENED THIS DAY STKICH BROS. LANCASTER LANCAsTEii LANCASTEK LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER L-VNCASTEK LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER ADVfcTiTISEMKST. jfUJlXJIUJlE. IT HAS WONDERFUL POWER. WHY? Kccause it ails en the LIVIJU, IIllWr.LS ami IvllJN EIS a I the s.iiie tune. Recansf it cleanses the sy-tem id the ioisen-ou-j liuiiieis develop la Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Jlilieu-ne-s, Jaundice C'onsti C'ensti i.a en, Cile, or in RhBiima'i-iii, Neuralgia, Nerveii- Disorders and lVinale Complaints. 3- 11 i-. put up in ry Vegetable 1'iirtii, m .Tflin cans, one package et w liieh lr.ake six Kj iiuarU et medicine. jj- Alse in Liquid X"riu,ery Ceiircistratnl 3-ter the couvenieiuvei these who einnet CS-re-adily iirep.ire it. It arts wtHi equal ltd eijleiatcy tn cither form. GET IT OF YOl'R ORUOUIST. I'KICE, SI. VAA&. IJIC!i.ISUX A: Vi)., Prep's, .tin lmglei), VI. (Will -end the dry pe-,t-.iaid.) lee 27 lydA,4 )U!m;hasi:i: leek! loekii Loek te your intei ejt. Yeu con buy at HEINITSH'S, 13 EAST KING STREET. A LARGE AND CHOICE SELECTION OF HAMBURG EDGINGS WITH INSERTINGS TO MATCH. CO i-3 Q W SI e s DRY goods, vxderwexj:, xc. ItA.AAU BAZAAR liAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR I5AZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR I'.AZAAR rJ.M rEL&S GUIDJ: SWISS EMBROIDERIES. NOVELTIES IN SCAKF PINS. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, AT E. J. ERISMAN'S, THE SIIIUTMAKER, SG NORTH QUEISX STKEET 1SS1 SPRING. 1SS1 We are new showing an Elegant Line et EMBROIDERIES. NEW SPRING HOSIERY FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. Heuse-Furnisliing Goods. LINEN AND MUSLINS. Linen Table Damasks and Napkins. CRETONNES AND REPS FOR LAMBREQUINS. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. IjANCASTEB, PA. 1ANCASTKK AND MI1A.K.K3VILLK K. j Cars run as tollews : Leave Lancatser (1MJ. Depot), at 7, 9, ana U:3u a. m., and i, 4, and 8:30 p. in., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9-.3ip. m. Leave Millersville (lower end) at 5, 3, anil a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. nf. Can run daily en above tiuie except en Sua day. C COLUMBIA AND POKT DEPOSIT K. K Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Stations North- Expreiw. Exprean. Acceu. WABB. A. X. r.U. F.X. Pert Deposit 6:35 3:55 2P I'caehbottem 7:12 :2 3:W Mife Harber. 7:55 S:ll 5:21 Columbia SrS 5:40 6n 5TAT10K3 SOCTH-WAKD. Express. A.M. Express. r.M. Columbia Safe Harber. rcachliottem.. PortDepe3lt. ...i 11:45 p. x. ViU 157 6:W r. x. 7:3i 1:30 j $:Ki Accem 7:45 ArWK Le9:40 11.07 r. x. 125 TKAD1NG Jt COLUMBIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT Of"pIvsSF.NGEU TRAINS OCTOBER 23TU, 1S. NORTHWARD. A.x. 7:Jt &! 9:40 LEAVE. (junrryville Lancaster, King St Lancaster Columbia AUKIVK. Reading SOUTHW a.x. p.x. r.x. G-.I5 .... t 7:55 .... 3:40 8:05 16 3J0 75 1:10 3:10 10:05 330 5.50 MORE NEW GOODS AT THE ..$l."tO$3.0 . . 7.1 te 150 .. !0te 235 .. 2te 4" .. 5 te 40 $S.W) te 40 A DarKt'j Thiel's Huse. Found :u th Acl I Stualius 'e Hcapes Uiipiure bv it it kins Lit" ' S. Amcricu (Ga.) Republit'.iu. A D.mly ceunly man td!.-uh the foliow feliow foliew inson one el" the clji-itt young buchcleis of that county. (.Ins M . He says: One niglit last wci-k Gum took his usual vralkaieuml his jircmiw-te hfe that all things were light, lie h.ul gtnc through the 1) irr.yaid and his hog piii.s, passed the fowl heu-e, and v.ts neniing the smoke house when he thought he heard a .noise in his potato house. He appieaehcd quietly and found it open. Aha ! he had e.umht a thief in the act of sidling potatoes. Standing in front of the deer and peeling into the gloom of the inside of the home he wtiil : "What are yu doing in there? Come out." The only answer he evoked was a lieice growl. "Yeu nasty de,"' he .shouted ''eeiiie out. De yen think 1 want te eat potatoes you have slept en and mes-scd ever? Come out, sir." he said, with a stamp of the loot A growl fiercer ami mere tin catching fol lowed. "Well .sir just .step theie until I get my gun and I'll biing y.m out by the heels." Gus went into the house and was back in a few seconds. "Xew, sir, come out," he shouted. All was silence ex cept the barking of a deg a bundled or two yards eii' towards the weeds. ' Come out, I say." ''Bew, wow, wow!" fiem the weeds. "Won't you come out?" "Bew, wow, wow!" was lepeated, and he Trent into the house with the muzzle of the gun fm ward and his hand en the tiig gcr, but cveiythiug was quiet except the ''bow, wow, wow," ever in the edge of the weeds and tln-ie was no deg in the house. He came en l ai.d hied one bane! of his gun in :li; d,!'ii:i of thi' mocking "bow, wow," ami wi-nt into the house and ictiicil. In th: ni'iining he found two large lra;k, telling imn that a sharp frccdman had outwitted Imn and taken oil' three or four biishcis of potatoes. He "shook his head and told eui inleiiiiaiit that the darkey had wen hi; potatoes fail lv and he wejld net bother him ifhc did find out who stele them. LOOI-XEirS EIOWD OOBffl BYRUP! A, Sate, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Celd-, Ceiifjiw, Heur-cni'-s, Asthma, lnilu i'ii7a. Miii-iii'ss et tiie Tlueat and Client, llieiieliilis. Wlmenimt Ceuuli, Spit ting et Illoed. liillamuiuiieii it tne Luiijisuii' all HUea-cel tlie Clie.-tand Air P.ixsages. ThU aluallc pi inn c-nmblnes all ti:e nicdieinal villue-iel tlie-c ariieli s which leiiK expel ience litis jneel te peess the me-t sale and efiicient in.iliti.' ler the cine of all Kind e! Lunjj Diseases. iMieeSi ceiit-. I're p.ired enlv and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST no, i.ast KiMi sr;:i.i:r. eii;-tfd Parler Suits Library buiH Walnut Chamber Suits Cottage Suits I.OllllC-l 1'atent RecUerd &c., a.c, e. . We w ill continue te give prices successively of joeds in our line. Leeking Glasses, Picture Frames, and FINE GOLOFUAMKSspeei.ilticsat prices tliatdely eonipetien. It i always a ple.isiuc te show goods at the CHKIPEST FUllMTUUC STOKE IN THU CITY. All goods guaranteed according te mm lt-." HBINITSH, AST KING STKKET, Over China Hall. NEW CHEAP STORE. MBTZER, BARD & HAUGHMAN Arc opening Large LeU el Splendid Styles; mm diss uiNuiHS, SPRING PRINTS. All kinds or BLKACHED AND UX15LEACUKD SIIKET- ING AND SHIUTING MUSLINS AT BOTTOM l'KICES. HAM1SUKG HAMBURG HAMBUBG HAMHUUG UAMBUKU HAMBUKG HAMBUUG HAMBUUG HAMBUKG HAMBUKG HAMBUKG HAMBUUG HAMBUKG nAMBUICG HAMBUKG HAMBUUG HAMBUUG HAMBUKG HAMBUUG HAMBUUU HAMBUUG HAMBUKG HAMBUUG HAMBUUG HAMBUUG HAMBUUG HAMBUKG We eiler a me-it choice line of HAMBUUG EDGINGS AXD INSERTIONS, at astonishing prices. iy low Narrow Edgings from 2c. per yard up. Ilaudaome Edgings at 5c. Fine Edgings at 7, 8, 9c. 2-inch wide Edgings at 10 and lie. Choice Patterns at lUaiul 19c Me-st handsome Em broideries at 25. Elaborate Patterns from 80c. upward. Cotten Edgings and Everlasting Trim mings in lull line. EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING KDG1NG EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING KDGING DGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING fcDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING TICKINGS else. at pilcc lower than auy wheie 1.-.K InnS-Gmd Tlie IScttcr I'art. The worst part et bad actions S.lhcy "maLe. us worse" ulillttthc btstpjrt et Spiing ISIim ISIim em in cases et llcmtaclie. or Dyspepsia is that it alnays makes us bettur. I'riceGOccnts, trial beltlibiO runts. Fer wile bv II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1M North Queen street, Lanaibter, Pa. I Don't Wain it Vluxer," said a .-ick man te a lrugglt. " can't you give nie something te cere me?"' Iff symptoms weiea htme biclc and disordered urine and Vd'ea siir.! i'idicitie;i of kidney disease. The drtmuSt told him te iisu Kidney-M ort and in a abort t imc it eile- ted a complete euro. Have Seu ilics syniotein-7 Thun get a box or ettle le-il.iy before you become incurable. It is tAeeure; sate, and gaicKnexcllle Re publican. i7-lwd&w .' 1 I.T T!8i: P.KST l!Oi:Si: AND CATTLi: J l'OWDEK. The attention el'l.mncis and stick raisers is i-peei illy called te tbeabex'i powder wliieli is pronounced by many tanners the best lerdi-temper. coughs, colds and oilier di-ca-es and eonditiens el Horses. Alse, for Cattle, Swine and Poultry. Fer Milcli Cows tlieivcin be nothing better. S3 cents u l.eund or 5 pounds ler$l. Prepared and sold by ANDREW G. FRY, DRUGGIST, Cor. Neith Queen and Orange fctiects, Lancaster, Pa. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OP LYNN, MASS., Has Mafle tfta Discovery ! Her Ytrei;ii)lc Compound ilic Savier of Her Sex. "C'ei: kcuabm: FURNITURE Call at the Old IMablMied Stand et Widmyer & Ricksecker, S. K. Cor. K. Kin:? anil IJiike Sis. PARL.OR, OHAMBHR AND LI BRARY SUITS. HALL, DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. Carpets from Auction Cheap We nave Just bought another large let or Colored and White Blankets that are very cheap at 73 cents. We aie selling some et the greatest ever ellered In bargains BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILK VELVETS, BLACK CASHMERES. Bait&HanpB x Ne. W. lie. Ne. 1.1. Se. FKA'iHER liDGE l'.RAID IN ALL NUMBERS. Ne.0, Ne. 1, Ne. 2 lie. Me. 53c. WATT, SH AND & C . ARE NOW OFFERINO AN. IMMENSE STOCK OF MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. 4-1, a 8, 5-t and 0-4 Bleached and Unbleached MUSLINS, In all the fiive-ite brand, at less than Manu facturcr's Prices. 7-1,8 1,0-4 and 10-4 Bleached uud Unbleached SHEETINGS, A.M. a.x. r.v. d:US ;i00 6:10 P.M. 10:15 '10 8:20 10-.07 2.10 8:10 10:18 .... 8:'J0 11S .... SteB LEAVK. A.M. A.M. P.M. T.M Reading ARRIVE. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster. Kingbt.... Ouiirrvvilti Trams connect at ueauing wuu trains n m Irem Philadelpbia, l'etUtvllle. Ilnrrislinnr, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. . At Columbia with train te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg. Frederick anil Baltl mere. A. 31. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA KA1LKOAU NEW SCHEDULE Ou anil after MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 11, trains en the l'cnnsyt vaim Railroad will arrive and leave llie Lmi castx' and l'luladelphia ueiMitrt im folio ww: 5:0U 5:10 C:4t Eastward. Ne. 3. Ne. I, We. 73c. pur dez. SERPENTINE BRAID. Ne. 17, 10c. Ne. 21, KIC. Ne. -J5, 17c. per dozen. NEW CHEAP STORE, 38 West King Street, Opposite Cooper Heuse, Lancaster. Pa. MATTRESSES AND BED .SPRINGS. The Largest and Finest. Aseituient, meslyall HOME-MADE WORK. IVrsennl Attention given te UNDERTAKING. and 11UUKS AND STATIONERY. - LINES! WIDMYER & RICKSECKER S. E. COR. i:. KING AND DBKK STrf. SLEIOJIS, SC Health, Hepo and Happiness .? Ke- stored ey tiie use ei IiYDIA E. POsTKHAlVrS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signine. con 8iSs et Vivetublc Properties thatarc iiarmli-vs toliemert delicate invalid. Upen one trial themcritsef this compound will be iccegnizcd, as relict is iinniediite;and when its uels con tinued, in liinetv-nine e.ies in a bundled, a periiiaiientciiie is ctlcctcd, as tlieub.mds will testily. On account et Its proven incut-, it is te-d.iv ivcemmeudeil and pu-sc: ibM by tbc best pliysicians in the country. It ill cure cntiicly the worst term el tailing et the uteru, Leuconlieea, iriegiilaraml pain tul Menstruation, all Ovarian Tre'iitlc-, In In llauimatien and Ulceration, Flooding-, all Di jilaieineiits anil the cmiscfjuent piual ue:ik uess, and l-e-pcciallv adapted te the Ci.ingu of Lite. In lait it lias ;eved te be the giv.iic-d and best remedy that lias e "r ben ilisceveivd. It peinicates every portion of tiie system, and gives new lite and iger. It reniore t.iintness, llalulency, destroys all craving ler .stimulants, and relieves weakness et the stomach. It cures Bleating. Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. SlcepleS'-ne-s De pression and Indigestion. That leelinget beai ing dew n, canting pain, weight and backache, is alwavs permanently cured by it- iw. H v. ill at all times, ami under all circumstances, act in harmony w ith the law that gevei iw the female system. Fer Kidney complaints of cither sex this Compound is u:iMiiTascd. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is;pi-pired at 2."! and 2J." Western Avenue, I.j nn, Mass. Price 1. Six bottles tni"i-". bent by mall in the form et pills, ale in the feun et ler.eiigc. en leceipt et price, $1 per box, ter cither. Mis. PINhllAMlieely answers all let leis or inquiry. .Send ler pauiplilet. Aliire.a3 us above. Menllnn this paper. Ne l.nnilv Hheiild be without LYDIA E PlNKHAM'h Ll ER PILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Torpidity et the Liver. i"i cents per be. Johnsten, Holle way k Ce., (pn?ral Agents, riiiliulclplita. Fer sale by C. A. Lndicr, ! Eiud King i-iiiet and Gee. V. Hull, 15 West King stieet. i'j:-lVdei.i.Vw Carriages I Carriages EDGERLEY & COS, PracticaTCari lage IJiUltlers, M-irket Street, Rear of Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. We ba e en hand a Large Assortment et BUGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we offer at the; VEPwY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, uive U9 a call, tte-ltcpuiiing promptly intended te. One st of workmen especially employed foi fei that purpose. iia;-til&v PAVER JIAXGIXUIS, Ac. w II .wr. JUS I OPEN ED a vine line ienraniuis Entirely new In a variety of Celers. Alse plain goods iu all the iiewl-t ah'idcs and widths, for ail styles et windows.. t SCOTCH HOLLANDS, in Brown, Cardinal, Ecrn Green an(5 White. A few Odds and Ends lelt te clone at halt value. Spring and Cern Fixture-). Tassels, Fringes, Leeps, &.c. Measurus et Winde.vs taken and Shades hung promptly. Opening a'inest daily New Patterns et WALL PAPER, ler the Spiing. Our stock is very large aud ut traeiive for the coining j-csisen, uud we led sale iu saying we can suit you. CORNICE POLES, &c. Ouleis taken for Fine Mirreis. PHARES W. FRY. Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. -tfALENTl American and Imported Valentines, In most Nevel and Beautiful Designs, at L. M. GLYNN'S BOOK STORE, Ne. 43 WKST KINO STK1SKT. CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORsE'lS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSE IS CORSETS CORsETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS IN CORSETS WE OFFER NOW . SPLENDID LINE, TO SUIT MOST EVERIJOIU. CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETs CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS A Geed Corset at 39c. The 'Astrich Gem' Cor set, side steels and dou ble busk, at 49c. A Geed Woven Corset at USc. CORSETS An Elegant Speen Husk CORsETS Corset, with sine sieeis CORSETS . and side lacings, at :nRSKT.S enlv 73c. rnusKTS The Extra LemrtO Dene CORSETS CORSETS "Star" Corset at !Cc. CORSETS CORSETS Our 100 Bone One Del- CORSET- CORSETS lar Corset in Wnite CORsETS CORSETS and Colored. CORSETS CORSETS A Fine French Woven CORSETS CORSETS Corset, with elegantly CORSETS CORSETS embroidered busk, at CORSETS CORSETS enlyfl. CORsEIS We call attention te our stock of Trimmings suitable ter MASQUERADE PARTIES, Such as GOLD and SILVER BRAID, GOLD and SILVER FRINGE, SPANGLES, BELLS, &e. All et which wc arc selling at ran.t reasonable prices. 1881 .1881 VALENTINES ! ELEGANT STYLES, GREAT VARIETY. EOX VALENTINES, UNEQUALED. Call and see AT BOOKSTOKK OF JOM BIER'S SOUS, 15 ui 17 NORTH ijOM STREET, I.ANCAS1ER. I" A. JEWELERS. T OCIS WE1JKK, Jl j WATCHMAKER. Ne. ir.!W4 NORTH QUEEN STREET.ncar P. R. It. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, &c Agent ler the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasse?. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd 500 SKTS SILVKK-VLATEU TABLE SPOONS. TEA SPOONS, MEDIUM AND DESSERT FORK?, DESSERT AND MEDIUM KNIVES, AT AUGUSTUS RIHADSS, Jeweler, 20 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. XTTUOLESALK AND ICKTAIL Watches and Clocks, -OF- ALL GRADES AND PRICES. E. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET. Cl ItAIN SPECULATION J In large or small amounts. 2 or $20,000 Write W. T. SOULE & CO., Commission Mer cliante, VM Lu Salle street, Chicago, 111., ler cii ulars. inSJ-tyd HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY Ladies' Weel Bibbed Hese, 10c. a pair. Ladies' Knitted Weel Hese, extra heavy, ex tra long, 33c. Ladles' Knitted Lambs Weel Hese. 40c. HOSIERY" Ladies' French All Weel HOSIERY HiiSIKRY caslimure nose, taucy, iiu-it,i tec. a pair. Ladies' Heavy French All Weel Cashmere Hee, SOc. a pair. Ladies' t inu All Weel Cashmere Hese, em broidered centre, 50c. a pair. Ladies' Extia Heavy Cotten Hese, Fleece Lined, Full Regular Made, in Solid Celers, 50c. a pair. Ladies' White Iren Frame He-c, Full Reg ular Made, Fleece Lined, 25c. a pair. Ladles' Extra Heavy Full Regular Made Balbriggans, SUk Clocked, 25c. a pair. Ladles' Extra Heavy Balbriggans, Full Reg ular Made, elegantly embroidered feet, ler evening wear. 23c. a pr. Ladies Full Regular Made Lisle Thread Hese, e'eganlly em broidered, 23c. a pair. Child's Imported Daik Cotten Steekinir-i, new btyles. C te S, 21 te 25c. Child's Plain Colored Cotten Hese. Silk Clocked, Full Regular Made, 0 te S'X, SO te 4ee. a pair. Child's Fu 1 Regular Made Cotten Hese.em- bieidered centre, 5 te 8J4, 2S te 3tc. Child's Fine French Cotten nose, Full Reg- n lar Made, new design and elegant color, 5 te 8K. a te 49c. Child's Ribbed Weel lle-ic, Regular Made, 29c. a pair. Child's Knitted Fine Lambs' Weel Hese, juc. a pair. HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' IIOsIltkY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HO'IERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" hosiery HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERV HOSIERY Ladies' Dark Heavy Cotten Hese, Regular Made, lie. a pair. Ladie-.' Gray Mixed He-c. Regular Made, Silk Clocked, 19c. a pr. Ladies' Gray Mixed Hese. Full Regular Made. Silk Clocked In r lower-, 25c. a pair. Gents' Full Regular Made Extra Fine Hair Hese, 17c. a pair. Gents' Full Regular Made Balbriggans,Silk Clocked, 25c. a pair. Gents' Plain Cardinal Balbriggans, Full Reg ular Made, Silk Clock ed, warranted fast colors, 25c a pair. Gent-' Full Regular Made Gray Mixed Merine Hee, 25c. a pr. Gents' Heavy Ribbed Weel Hese, ISc. a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Hosiery HOSIER HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HO-IERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Philadelphia Express,.. Cincinnati Express Fast Line, Y'erk Acceu. Arrives;. Harrisburg Express Ditlcrvillc Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express,.... Sunday Mail Johnstown Express, Chicago Day Express Harrisburg Aecouimedat'ii, Leave; Lunr'ter 2:10 A.x. 2:55 " Arrive Fhllad'a 5:18 " 8.00 " 8:05 " 8:45 IfcIO " 1:30 " 1:4 r.M. 400 " 3:05 " 4.33 " 0-25 " 4:15 a.m 5:15 " 7:30 10:10 " ridiV.if. 3:45 "" 5:00 " 5-J0 " BJIi ' ICJJ0 " Westward. at Pepnlar Prices. Special Bleached Bargain in Yarn TABLE DAMASKS, 3J4c, 42c., 50c., C2e. and 73c. a yard. Thc-e goods are 20 per cent, better than anything we have ever shown at these priees. SPECIAL BARGAIN: 5.00O Y'ARDS HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS IN SHORT LENGTHS AT QUICK SELLING PKICES. Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne.l.via Mt..?ey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Niagara & Chicago Express Sunday Mail,.. t est J.ine...... ... ........... . Frederick Accommodation, DilIcrvilI:I.e;a.via;.lt..l.y Harrisburg AccemmiMlat'ii, Columbia Accominedation, Harrisburg Bxpress, Pittsburg Expruss, Cincinnati Express, Pacilic Express, Leave Philad'a ,2:30 A.m. 7:30 " MM"' 8:00 ' 12:10 2iM r.M. 4:00 " 5'JO " BSS " 9:10 " 11S5 " Arrive l-uic'ter 5:00 a.m lu:20 Iftaj " 11:) " 10:tt) ' 2:S0 r.v 2.35 " i50 " 5:10 " 7SX " TM " 8-JO " II JO " 2.45 A.M. Watt, Shaiid & Company, NEW YORK STORE. N TEXT DOOK TO TUE COURT IMIUSE, FAHNESTOCK'S, MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, TICKINGS, FEATHERS, TOWELINGS, NAPKINS, QUILTS, BLANKETS. COMFORTS, ALL IX QUANTITIES, AT OUK USUAL LOW PRICES, Te which the attention of Hotels and Board Beard ing Heusci and etheru are invited. Pacific Express, cast, en Sunday, when flag ged, will step at Middletown, Eliabctlitewn Alt. Jey, Landisville, Binl-in-Hanil, ficiuan Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coatee Vllle, Oakland and Glen Leeb. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtewn.Coatesville, Parki burg, Mt.Jey, Elizaliethtewn and Sliddletewii. Hanover accoinmedation west, connecting at Lancaster w;ltb Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:30 v. x.( and will run tnreugh te Frederick. GIFT liRA WINGS. 29th Popular Monthly Drawing or TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macaulcy's Theatre, In the City or LeuI-j- vllle, en MONDAY. PBBRTJARY 28th. 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays indays et till excentedl under nrovUiens et an Act et the General .ssemeiy ei iyuiiiuckv, iiiwriwr.u ing the Newport Printing and Newspaper Company, approved April , 1S7S. 49-Thls is a special act, aud Has never been repealed. The United States Circuit Court en March el, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company U legal. 2a Its (Irenings arc fair. N. B. Tlie Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the IUt of prizes ler t,MJ FEBRUARY DRAWING. 1 prlzi in"! 1 prize. ........... ..-.-"" lo.euo 1 iiriTi ............. .i.OOO 10 prizes $l,oeo each 10,oei 20prizes500e:ich io,eo 1)0 prizes. $100 each 10,(00 2iWprlzes50cach 1(,0)0 UiO prizes 20 each ''"US 1000 prizes lOcaeli 'n' ! prizes .weaeii, .pinii!iiiiiii.i jui&vt -,iv 9 prizes 200 each, 9 prizes 100 each. 1,800 JIJU 1,900 prizes -..".tLif Whole tickets. $2; hair ticket. l ; 27 Uckcta $'i0; 55 tickets, $100. Remit Meney or Bank Draft, in Letter, ei tcn.l by Express. DON'T SEN D BY KEGIS. TERED LETTER OR POSTOFt ICE ORDER. Orders or$5 and upward, iy Express, can be sent at our expense.. Address all order te K. M. BOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal Building, LenI.vUI. Ky.. ei T. J. COMMKKFOKD, 212 Broadway. New '?rk. febl-TuThtS&w T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY RAILROAD. Nkw Yerk trreccih mail 7:30 a m. I:ii0 p m, 4:15 p m and 11:30 p in. Wav Mail, east, 7:3 a m. Gordenvillb, Dowiilugtewn, lAiumaii Place Gap G p in. PuiLADKLrniA through mall, 7.30 and 8:15 n in.. 1:00, 4:15 and HUM p in. Prrrar.cneu and west, i-M and 11:30 p in. IlAr.uisr.une Mail, 'J:.a, am, 1:30, 5:15 and II. le a in. Way Mail, west, '.kSO a in. Baltimore add Wasiiinoten, via Phlladel phia, 4:15 p m. Baltimekb asd Wasiuhiitew, via Yerk, 2.00 p m. Biltimerb and Waguiotitev, vlullarrlsburg 11:30 p m. COATBSVILLK, 4:15 p m. CeLtmniA, 1:0. a m, 2:00 and 5:15 p m. Yerk amd Y'erk wat, 2:00 and 11:30 p in. NenrucRK Ckntral, 10:00 a m, 2:00 and 11:30 p m. Readine. via Beading and Columbia R R, 7:30 am and 12:30pm. Rkaoine, via Harrisburg. 5:15 and 11:30 pin. JtKADiKowAT.via.lunctieii, Lititz, Maulieiui, East Hempfield and Ephrutu, 3 pm. Quakkyvillb, Ciunarge, New Providence, West Willow and .Martinsville, Retten anil Lime Valley, 9:15 a m and 5:00 pm. Nkw Helland, Churclitewu, Green bank, Blue Ball, Goedvllle, Beartown and Spring Greve, by way e Downlngtewn, at 7SJ0 am anil G pm. Safe Hariieu, via Columbia, 10:00 a m. BY STAGE Mlllersvlllu and Slackwater. te Sate Harber, daily, at 4:00 p m. Te Millersvtlle, 8 ami H:J0 a m, anil 4 pm. Binkley's Bridge, Lcaceck, Bareville, Mew Helland, 20 p m. . Willow Street. Smlthvillc, Buck, Chestnut Level, Greene, Peters Creek, Picahant Greve, Reck Springs, Fairmeuut and Rew lands vllle, Md. dally. 7:5e a in. Landls Valley, Oiegen, West Earl. Farmcrs vllle, Ncfisville, Hinkletown, Terre Hill, Martindale, dally, at 'i30 pnu Greenland, Fertility, Lampeter and Wheat land Mills, te Strasburg, dally, at 4 p m. Paradise and Soudersburg, at 7:30 a in. Xtsw Danville, Conestoga. Marticville, Cole Cele inanville. Mount Nebo. Rawlinsville, Betlie.m and Liberty Seuare. daily, at 2:30 p m. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY'. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mall, 7 u ut . 10:30 a in, 3 and B-.30 p m. Eastern way mail, 10:30 a m. Western wail, 7 and 10 a m, 2 and i!Up m. Reading, via Beading anil Columbia, '30 p m. Western way mall, 8:30 a m. Rcatling way mall, 10:30 a m. Quarry ville Branch, 8:15 a m anil 4 p in. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Sate Harber and Millen,villc,at'Jam,d.UIy. Frem Millersville, 7 and 9 am, and 4pm. Frem New Helland, at 9:30 a m, daily. Frem Rowlands ville. Mil, at 4 p. in. Reading way mail, at UKM a m, daily. Frem htrasburg. at 9:30 a in, daily. Fiem Riiwlinsville, at 11 am. DELIVERIES RY CARRIERS. There are lour mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, aud en their return trips they take up the mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the flist delivery the carriers leave the office at f:30 a in; second delivery at 10am ; third delivery at II am; fourth delivery at 3 in. SUNDAY l'OS'I OFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the postelliee is open from April 1 te October 1. from 8 te 9 a in, and from C te 7 a in ; from October 1 teApril l.frem 9 te 10 a m , and from t te 7 D m. COAL. n It. MAICTIN, . Wkole-i:iIeuud Retail Dealer in all klnilsel LUMBER AND COAL. -Yard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd COHO & WILEY, :ir.O XOHTll WATER ST., Lancaster, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealcra in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. - tebSS-lyd t i U TO y REILLY & KELLER reit GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers ami ethers in want el Superior Munuie will find it te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrixburg Pike. I Oil'.ce. 20J5 East Chestnut street. S aglT-ltd COAL I COAL 1 1 Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kind of COAL go te BUSSEL & SHTJLMYER'S. Qnalitv and Weiglit guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 23 East Kins Street. YARD: G18 North Prince Street. augll-taprlSR