Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 09, 1881, Image 3

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Before Judge Livingston.
David "W. Patterson, assignee in bank
ruptcy of Bernard Sheit, v.s. the Mutual
fire insurance company of Chester county.
This was an action for damages. The tes
timony for the plaintiff showed that in
1874 Bernaid Sheit owned a farm in Mar
tic when he insured his buildings in the
defendant's company, as fellows : $1,000
en -dwelling heufcc, $2,0-10 en the bain and
S3j en the heg-ncn. Ii tiie year line
Short became bankrupt and I). "W. Patter
son, esq., became bis assignee. In that
year $300 of an additional insurance was
effected en the barn and $300 en the
stock. On August 31, 1878, the barn buiucd.
The policy stipulated that the insurance
company could cither pay the amount of
the insurance or lebuild the building
destroyed. Seme time after the fiic, when
the assignee had effected anangemcnts te
build a new bain, the company contracted
te erect a new barn in place of the one de
stroyed. In May, 1870, the plaintiff was
notified that the barn had been rebuilt by
the company. The plaintiff icfuccd te
accept the building as he claimed that it
was defective and infciier te the old one.
The old walls wcic ued in the ciectiuii of
the new barn and they were claimed i be
unsalc. The plaintiff also claimed that
there was a great deal of delay in the elec
tion of the new lui n by the company,
which was net finished until Match, 1ST!).
On account of the d lay seveial of plain
tiff's cattle died as theic was no place te
keep them but a shed en the
The plaintiff effcicu in evidence the pol
icy te show the nattue of the covenant te
rebuild. This was objected te as the ac
tion was one of tiespass in the case te ic ic
cevcr damages and net bie.ich of any cove
nant of the pelic v. The ceuit sustained
the objection. The plaintiff then asked
leave te amend the action by making it
one of covenant instead of tiespass in the
case and te substitute a narr in covenant
and change all the pleadings in the action.
This was allowed and the c.iu-c was con
tinued. The jury in the case of Mar, Ann
Krcider, by her next fiieud David Ciainer,
vs. Ames Ki cider, icndcicd a veidict in
favor of the defendant.
Ilofeio Judge I'.illorhen.
In the case of David 1. Heir v.-.. Isaac
Bacr, the jury lcmleied a veidict in favor
of the plaintiff for v:'i:S.tU. Reason, for
a new weie filed and a liiic was
Yfilt ex SUtrapemcut.
A writ of e.stiepemtnt was gi anted le I'd
ward K. Seibcrt, et al., council of the
Evangelical church of Uiiekeiviile, te pic
vent Mr. Fctnsler et al., from cutting tim
ber from a piece of land in Kliz.ibcth town
ship. This laud is in dispute between the
Slander "suit.
James B. Geed has entcicd a suit for
slander against Vndrew Geed in tlr pio pie pio
thenoi ary's eflicc.
Sale r Tobacco.
Mr. L. T. Hcnscl, of Quairyville, has
purchased the following lets of tobacco of
18S0, most of them being gievvn in the vi
cinity of Quarry ville :
'iem Kiidelih He.ssler, lacie at 15), 10
and 5 ; Emery Hair, 1 acie at l.". ."i and :) :
Daniel Ebeily. 1 acie at 20, 10. e and :. ;
Jacob Fiitz, 2 aciesac 12J, .r and .'; lless
C. Cellins, 1 acie at lit, 7 and:!: Jehn
Stanten, 1 acre at i:i, 5 and:!; "Wilsen
Walker, acre at Sand :; ('yuis tl. Ban,
1 aero at "12, (5 and 3: Win.' II. Rinier, 2
acrcsat 12, 6 and "; Benjamin Kissel, 1
acres, part at 12, 5 and 3; part at 10, ."i
and 3, and part at 1 1, 5 and 3 ; Isaac "Welt
man, 1 acre at ', -land 3:. Jacob Nclf, 2
acres at 14, ti and 3.
2J. Ii. Heir, of West Lanipitcr, La ..!!
4 acres at 22, 7 and 3; I).;M of
Maiihcim, has sold his ciep te Bail, for 20,
7, 3 ; Wm. Weiss, of Maiihcim, sold te
Hair at IS, 0, 3; Mr. Hestcttcr, of
dise, sold his cup of 3 acres te Bnidiiiau
at 18, 8, S; Benj. U. lieir, of Celciain,
has sold his ciep te OppBiiheimer at 20,
17,8,5; II. Witmer, of Mauheini town
ship, sold 3 acres te Bensen at 221, 10, 3:
Jacob Hess, of Mauheini township, sold e
acres at 21, 0, 3 ; Mr. Res-el, of Chester
county, sold hi- ciep te Shirk for 20, (i, 3 :
Jehn Get shall, of Paradise, sold te Smith
3 acres at 20, 12, 8 ; Daniel D. Hess fold
te Fry & Wcidlcr 3 aeics at 17, (5 J, an 1 3
acres at lfi, CJ.
0en tlie Cutters.
Yestciday a thaw set in and it has'ton has'ten
tinucd during te day and is. likclv te con
tinue if any faith may be put in Prof. Vei:
nor and "Old Piebabilitics. ' In many
parts of the city the sidewalks aic in eiy
bad condition. They might be
much improved and the walking
made much bcttei if houscheldeis
would open the public gutteih iu front of
their pieperties and the piivalc jjutte'r.s
running fiem their pi emiscs. Censidnate
people have already doue se, less considei censidei
ate people aic doing se te-day, and the
careless and indifferent should at once
be compelled te de se or fined for a viola
tion of the city ordinance which directs
that the water courses shall be kept open.
A word te the police will no doubt be
sufficient te abate the nuisance complained
Appeal Da;.
Te-day is the first appointed day of ap
peal from assessments levied against tax
payers by the district asscsseis. The dis
tricts ou the list for te-day aie theboienghs
of Adamslewn, Washington, Str.isburg,
Marietta and Elizabcthlewn. The asses
sors and county commissioners arc en hand
at the commission?! s office te hear ap
peals, but only a few, thus far, have ap
pealed from the assessment. Appeals from
the ether dish icts of the county will be
heard en the days set down and heretofore
Officers Elected.
Inland City division Ne. 7 I'nifeiiued
Rank K. of P. have elected the following
officers for the ensuing year.
Sir Knight Commander M. M. Barten.
Sir Knight Lieutenant Commande!
Julius Levy.
Sir Knight Herald J. B. Marklcv.
Sir Knight Guard D .II. Markley.
Sir Knight Sentinel Albeit Sitter.
Sir Knight Recorder Jeremiah Rife.
Sir Knight Trustee D. II. Maikfcy.
Installing Officer Daniel Auramp.
Sale or Keal j;tnte.
Allan A. Ilerr & Ce., real estate and in
surance agents, sold te Henry Lively, al
Alse, for Jehn C. Haw.-. en the smiie.
day, 0 feet of building lets fronting ou
Park avenue, te 3Iessrs. Fraim & Ce.'
Who Is He?
The llanisburg Telegraph of last even
ing says : " A boy named Cenrad Camp
applied at the mayor's office last night for
lodging. He paid his father could net
keep him, and he was tlj ing te make a
living for himself. The lad supposed te
have run away, and was held until the Lan
caster people can be heard from."'
Stabbing Aflair at a Dancing l'artv.
A sleighingpaiiy of twelve couples went
from Reading te Sinking Spiing. At the
Centennial hotel in that village they had a
dance, and while the same was in pregiess
one of the paity named Quinn dicw a knife,
and severely cut a young man named
Steudt above the left eye. The e,iauel
is said te have erigualed through jeal
ousy. Mayer',) Court.
Wis honor had tivj unfeiluiutcs before
him this morning, twoel whom were com
mitted te
the Avorkheue and three dis-
private saic, ycsteiday, a thrce-sterv buck
dwelling, Ne. 136 Xeith Prince street, be
longing te Samuel Vander.saal, for 83.-100.
Sheriff Stilnc is at Columbia te-day.
The Madam Ren tz female minstrel com
pany came here from Middletown te day
They arc booked here for the 18th and 19th,
but we cannot leara whit they are doing
here te-day.
The snow is melting fast and sleighing
is about played out in town.
The school beard will meet to-menow
night and council ou Fi iday night.
It is said that a lace will take place this
afternoon en the liver between a Yeik
county pacer and a trotter from near
Mount Jey. The latter, it i-raid, has a
icceid of below 2:10.
Chickens were the cause of a suit yester
day at the office of Justice Frank. Seveinl
colored individuals made their appearance
under compulsion te explain where and
hew they get held of a number of fowls in
which they were trafficking. Their expla
nation was net satisfactory te the justice
and he bound them ever te appear at cbuit
two of the j) u ty te answer the charge of
laiccny and the thiid for receiving stelen
piepeity. The tcigiveisatiens which the
suit developed weie liunc.
The fair for the benefit of the A. M. E.
chinch begint this evening in the chinch
lecture rooms.
The arm of tiie Pennsylvania railroad
lound-heusc tuin-table has been repaired
and new the heavy engines are being
plaeed in and taken from there as Usual.
In this city en Monday a Philadelphia
detective ai rested a man who was wanted
by Justice Frank te answer the charge of
the laiccny of an ovcrce it valued at Sle
and a watch weith $12. The man was
h: ought te Columbia and taken before the
justice jcstci day, but he had pawned the
stolen ai tides. There will be mere of
Tiie Republicans of the First and Second
w.uds will nominate their candidates for
boieugh offices this evening. Beth wards
it is thought will have waim meetings, as
the fictions are mere than ever at logg"i legg"i
hcads. The legulais and iiregulai.s el the waul are making their light en jus
tice of the peace and the latter will tiy
t:eiy expedient te get lid of the pluiality
rule. There will probably be a streng
fight for icmperaiy chaiiman.
Caison Devan, a somewhat noteiiius
colored individual, at about four o'clock
this meiuiur, infeimed Special Officer
Michael Dj.Miijjrr that another colored
man wilii whom he (Devan) had been
drinking dining the night puipe-.ed break
ing iiitosemc store en Locust street before
meining, and had invited Devan te as
sist him in the job and share the spoils.
Devan said that he declined and he warned
1 singer te keep a sharp leek out. Dysin
gei informed Special Officer Ilcniy Rodeu Redeu Rodeu
heuser of what Duvcu had said, and the
two efficcis concluded they had better be
en the aleit until da light. Seme
time after thii Rodenheuser passed a col
ored man en the street. He thought, at, that, the man had a bag of coal, but
when he had passed, the officer was con
vinced that his actions weicsuspieieasaiid
he called te him te "held up.' The man
did net "held up," but lengthened his
step. Rodenheuscr again called, but tl e
man staited te inn and the officer fired at
him with his pistol. A piiisiiit took pi .ce
but the thief eluded his puisuer and ts
cipeil, (hopping mst of his booty, Low Lew
evei, which was recovered. It was
learned that he had bieken into Sujdei's
shoe .store at the Ceiner of Pieiit and
Locust streets, ami had made off with an
arm fuli of shoes. He get off with two or
tin cj pahs of geed quality shoes, but the
ict weie picked up where he had dropped
tlmm. Devan, lhe infeimer, was arrested,
as it is thought lie is in possesien of in
f ismatien which nny leid te tin" aire t of
th. guilty p.utj.
lne ureal: in tl.e mam wlei pipe, el
which we spoke in the Ivn:i.ur.nxtE;! of
Tuesday, was found at about three or
lour o'clock ycsteiday afternoon within a
couple of feet ei" where the pipe :. joined
te the plug at th coiner if Thiid and
Locust streets. A cei ps of the water com
p my attaches are new employed in repair
ing the break and it is thought f hi main
will again be iu weiKing elder in a few
benis. This break has given mere tioubie
than any ether accident of the kind within
a couple efycais. The gieund lias bout
found lobe frozen te the depth of a cou
ple of feet and the weikmen experience
great difficulty in digging it.
A BKSIAK AT HiK JtllsJIJlVi !!:.
Its YmirSy Hiscuvcrcd una JT!mpt lleiucey.
Supt. Cov f the almshouse bi ought the
news te town this afternoon that a break ecein led in the south bank of the
wet le-eiveir of the city v.v.lei -weiks,
near th-' point at which the 21-iueh main
cnteis the icciveii,and a stream of walei
about as thick a man's leg was mshing
down ever the wall of the basin
and ihle the lead below. Chief
of Police Deichler. Superintendent of
the Water Weiks Kitch, Mayer Mae Mae
Geniglc and the newspaper men were ou
the gieund in a lnnry. The sticam was
found te be issuing from the bank about
ten fret below the top of it. and
te be about Mich as would flew
fiem a four or five inch pipe. The
signal was promptly given te tile engineer
of the wafer weiks te step pumping and
Mr. Kitch speedily dctei mined the source
of the difficulty. The location of the out eut
bieak indicated it. When the new re
calving main amis put in and theic was
.some dituculty about the cementing an
almost similar bieak eccuncd. It is evi
dent new that lhe fiest coming out of the
gieund ha-, lifted the supply pine some
inches above its usual lesting place, and
the watci is lunuing out under it, finding
its way down in a slanting cemse te tl e
plpee wiicic it issues fiem the bank. As
seen as the wafi r is lowered below the point
at whish the lc-erveir is new fed it is
expected that this will be seen and can be
icmedied. The water can then be kept
their until the necessary icpairs aie made.
The Union r.itr.
The fair of the Union equipment associ
ation still gees en swimmingly in Rebeils's
hall. The attendance last night was geed
and the amount of -;,es enceuiagiug te
the managers. The following namid aiti
clcs weie chanced eiTand wen bv the person-
named : A fitiit cake by Miss Zill.ih
Cnmmings ; a pair of .lippcis by J. It.
Waters : a silk tidy by J. Ii. Lytc. The
fair will be open every ceiling this week.
IHg Sleigimig rni'ly.
Last evening a grand sociable, composed
of 40 couples, managed by Mis. Hambright
and Mi. lleiaec 'LMaitin. assembled at Mai tin, AVillow AVillew
dale, Last Ilciupfiuld tevn&hii, and te the
music of Miller's eichc-ti.i, had an enjoy
able dancing paity.
Itoeacy . j'.Ilncr.
Pat Eoeiiev consulted a law, or hrfeic
leaving for Incw Yeik jesienlay. It is
also lcpei ted that he desiied te 1 est rain
the lioupe from playing hcie, but was un
able te de se by icf-en of his centiaet
with Minn.
Unlit Lamps.
The police lepnt the following number
of lamps unlit hi the several w.v.ds last
night : Fiist waid 10. Second 10, Thiid 9,
Fourth 5. Fifth 15, ,skth 10, Seventh 1 1,
Eighth 18, Ninth 1 1. Total 105.
Arrested cm Account or t?ie "Owl."
The ?crtnleu agent of the Lancaster
Oicl has been held for trial in default of
81,000 bail te answer charges of libel and
circulating ebiccne literature.
A Third-Termer.
Jeshua L. Lytc, of the Examiner, has
been reappointed notary public by Gover Gover
eor Heyt. This is Mr. Lytc's third term.
Thumb Cruibed.
Jehn Deyle, of this city, a brakeruan en
engine 135, Iceal extra freight east, had
one of his thumbs badly crushed while he
was engaged this morning in shifting cars
at the W. and X. railroad junction, a short
distance west of Coatesville. The nail
was tern fiem the thumb and the flesh
badly lacerated.
Important Fer Toeacco Ilujej..
Tobacco buyers in search of geed Penn
sylvania leaf of the '79 crop will find two
packings of Lancaster and Lebanon coun
ty crop aggregating COO cases at Leba
non, Pa., waiting far a purchaser. 3td
JViofet." Tll eccentric musical comedy
by the author of ' T2ie Mighty Dellar' w ill b
produced at the opera house en Satnrday ;
the town hi, been extensively ami beautifully
billed in announcement of the coming at ti ac
tion. A ontcuipeiaiy p its this tribute te the
entcituiiiiKcjit: '-Fer two hours and a half
UairisenS I'hote, kept the audience in a
iear, at the Ac.dcmy list nilit. The appear
ante of .MNs Alice Harilren drew many te the
liensu who were there ei the feuncr visit et
the .eiup my, m hen that lady v.-js tee ill te ap
peal. 3Ii-s Ilaruser.'s every movement was
one el sua; uml bat asheit lime elapsed be be be
loie she had wen the plaudits of lhee present.
Three time-, slie npieued upon the stase in
answer te the wild applaue. Clara llarlelgh
ex cuted :i difficult guitar sole and sang
'Gcuevlove" with cireet. Ml-
1 heie-c Weed ciejtteil a faei able impre-sien
by her spi cialiic-", and Iessis. teuis Ilairisen
and I!, i;. l.raham earned a perfect steim el
Imightei in their impersonation of ' Otte,' a
German lcpeiler, and 'Sarah Bernhardt."'
'Deacon Cii.e." Wlinn this charming
N'aw- Kngl-md idyl, w uttcn by the man w hose
n line and 1 imc.ireliiscpai ably associated with
thesieij et'-IIeien's It ibics,'- was piescnted
in this lily c.uly in the pieient easen, cvery cvery
bedy w he -aw it was delighted, and they will
lcain with jileasine that Manager Mishler pio pie pio
peM te lepied'ite the pieee with the Mime
c.K uvl Tin sd.iy evening.
'1 he nuer H of nieriiclii .1 and teilrl -eaps, the
tl.lgl.lllt ClltlCtllM
I3e:uucrii(!c humiliations.
The ic eteis of the fifth w.ud
willineit at J'hilip Wall's (Jrcen Tree ITetel
Hern (. ', - this evening te nominate a ward
!': event v. ci! ie and dejcneialien of the
Mdnc.-sund in in uy eigaus Malt Bitteis.
SAm'LK 01'JCK.
I! s ii:i,..- .:..e leru v.inian utter a taithtul
c..ursii ;i ttment wilii I.ydia 11. I'inkliaurj
Vtetable Ciiiipeuiiii te continue te suiter
Willi a ,e.i!.nis- et tiie uterui. Enclose a
staintii, Mis. I.jdi.i;. Piukham, S-S Western
aem:e. Lynn, Mass , ter pamphletb.
.lldtliers: Metlicrht! .'Mothers:!
.tie jeu distiubed al night anil broken of
j our test by a siel: cliild siitl'ering and crying
Willi the e.teinciatinar juin et cutting teeth ?
It se, gn at enee and get a bottle of MltS.
WINs,.ew'- SOOTHING SVKUl. It wilt 10
lieve tile peer lililt; sutleicr iiuincdiatcly de
pend upon it ; tlii'ie is no uiNlalcc about it.
Theie is net a mother en e.ulii who has ever
used ii, v he v ill net tell a en at once that it
will leg'ilate lb- Niwcls, ami gie rest le the
mother, ai.d leliel anil health te the child,
epiiatingliLcr.ii-Jc. It K pwfeetly sale te
ti-ci.i all ('.fee, and picuiAiit te llic I.iste. and
U lhe pic-eiip'ie.i of one et the ebtest and
best ieninle )h.siei.ini and iiur-v-i in the
LTinted stitfsi. S(iK cveii-wheie; 23 cents il
bottle. , lebS-diwM.W&l"
j;e e i.;i.e I'etiiiiiii.
' 1 .'. ten year my wife was confined te
be 1 w itli su.-Ii .1 fouiplicatieii et ailincnlt) that
noileeloi could lell whil w.'s the matter or
ion hoi,. mil I U'ud upa binall ieituucin I111111
1)!!,' still!. si nientlis syn i saw a 17. S. Hag
Willi Hep I'.ilten en It, and I thought I would
bea tool mice llieie. lliied il. but my lelly
pievi d te be w iiilem. 'J'we betll-s emeil her,
s!n-is new-as wed am! tieug a any man's
ufe. and it ee-I me e-ily two ilellais. Jte je
hkeui-e tool Mi." II. V,'"., Itetieit, JMeh
U.iiiy JlL'ms.
Xi vera d i iw-sp? imt wc hear of some acci
dent ttneugli the e.iie'e-3 u-e et kerosene.
Heads el l.tniilles i.heuld caution their de
nicstie . about iiiing it te start a lire with, and
at the 1.1111c time always keep 11 supply et Dr.
'.'hennas' 1-eleetiicOil en hand : best erne for
bin lis, cut-, weuiuN, etc.
Ktu s lie liy II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and
I'll) -Net Hi Queen -meet, Lancaster, Pa.
i'lie inpicede'it' d Miccrssel fepeer's W1110
111 X01 Hi and Seuth Atactica audHbiiiepc, has
gained lei it among the medical laeulty a
sl.indiiigicputatien. Chemists and scientific
men hae visited his cellar in Xew Jcr"y,and
analysed his Wine, ami proneunoo it the most
healthy and beneficial in the inaiket. The lol lel lol
lewmg Iett rwa- rcfeivad by 3Ir. "jpecr from
15r. A. I). W 11-0:1, eng el the eldest and most
eel.'br.itad pliv-ici 01s of 7.'c" Yeik city: "I
h ne br en iu the habit 01 using speei-'a Pert
Grape i-ie, pnil 1 have leund it an excellent
Rte'iitK hie. a gentle stlmiil int and tonic. It Is
c-p' eially useful in case of gi eat nervous; de
biliij audteipacli weat.nt"."'
The ill-position et nnpiinelpied de.ileis te
adultei ;te wines has compelled Mr. Sneer te
bottle all h:s production, and place his signa
t'ne ever the cm k se as te insuie te the public
its purity. It 1 being used 111 cluucliee for
communion puipe-ci.
This wine :s endoi.,ed liy Dis. Atlce and Da-
;. and e!il ltvli. l;. M.ij, Lancaster
Pj. " febl-Snd&w Ails u?
Is it .1 !i-.euicied giving you a yellow
skin or costive bowels; which have resulted
in dlstre-sing piles or de j our kidneys rcfue
le periei in their tunetleils? It se, your sys
tem will seen be flogged with poison. Take
a lcv dose of Kidney W01 1 ami you'll leel
like a new-man nature will tluew off cveiv
impediment and each organ will be icady ler
ilutv. Drnggwts sell both the ll.y and Liquid.
yew Yi-. AtU't. f7-lwrt&w
Dr. r.t:uw.MG. 1117 Aicli stieet, Philadel
phia, lias made- a w enderfui dicevery, net by
chance, but by piticnt, peisislcnt research in
medicine and cheni!tiy. His C. A, C. Cordial,
for Cough-, Colds, consumption, and all
troubles of the same natiiie, is the happy re
eult et his weik, and is destined te make his
teitune. Ilcli.isalieady been etlercd a small
leitune tepail with his seciet.but he wisely
eenelndes thatifetheis can make money out
et It he cm. All druggists sell it. 60a. per
betlle. It net at your dru:
;ist's, tell him yee
wish te give il a tual.
SliakHjicare Keiiied.
Te Ache, or net te Jlche, that'! the question.
Thl ilneifut eenundiuiii. ve rheumatic sut
leicr, i bv no means as as a piopoBi piepoBi piopeBi
tion iu Kir-lid. Try Ur. Themas' KclcctricOil.
und you will rind itjutns easy net te ache as
te ache.
for ale by II. II. Cochran, diugijist, 137 and
l-J Xeith ('leen trect, Lancaster, Pa.
Fi:r.i:n.! Writ. On Tuesday, February 8,
ISSl.b) thellev. i:. Meister. Mr. Leuis Fi eed
m 111 le Misj Cluistlm Well, both et Lancas
ter, It
A 1. if A J f TJi TISUJl OTA.
.' i:ai;maki:i:s ivantke by
V-' llll'sij, 227 Xerth Piince stieet.
I. e.
Weik-, a few active, iiidnsliieus bevs
tiem twclv e te fittcei. '-cars old.
finve vrem: ani
1 fei lent. Xe. S iind lOeuth
Oueen stieet.
lei: nrsT.-the
I occupied by
A. D. 131 North
(jiieen street,
TlisT Ki:tEIVi: A I,AKiI
? a-seited stock
01 celeys Hard Knbber
'iiaitecd te Le the be-t in
1 :-J Xertli Qneen fctreet.
Tiii'sea, whithaie
tlic 111.11 ket. at
iyA"Ti:n-A vikl iron gknkhal
V hou-eneik. .Must come well recom
mended. llseiMce is sntistaoterv, a perma
nent place. Apply at Xe". 5J1 North Duke
strccT. ltd
IIOLsl.. villi two steiylliickllaek lluild-
lur attached, siiu au -,t n. 520 East Oi.ine
s'leet, with iras in cverj- room and Just newly
liapeied. Will be sold at piivatc sale en cheap
anil easy iei ins. .1q11y 10
se. 2 J Xerth cjueen fetmi
Auction of Beets, Shes and Bubuars to
night and continue every night thia week
until the entire stock is disposed of.
ltd Xe. 2SJJ East King Street.
West King street, new occupied by Jehn
Fnlcfc, Tailor. Possession given APRIL 1
Jan3-M.WAStld West King Street,
room new occupied by J. W. Keller (tin
ner). Se. 17 West King stret, from April 1,
next. Apply te
w 111 be sold at Burkhelder's store, corner et
Chestnut and Plum streets. Ne. 359, Dry
Heeds, Xotieus, etc. Sale at "o'clock.
febS tfdTu, W.F4S Aeent.
JAXUAItl 24, 1SS0. d30-tld
T home or out. Apply at 47G Lafayette
l situation us errand boy or something
at which he can make hiiuselt useful.
at out west Kin street.
store lately occupied by Mrs. liriinmer 4
Hell, Ne. C East King street, comprising a large
assortment or Fancy and Irimmlnst Goods.
Ale Ladie' Wear. &c. will be sold bv the un
dci signed en THUKSDAT, FEBKUAUY 10,
1S11, at 10 o'clock a. m.
J. S. tsTKINE, Sheriff.
IIksS & box. Auctioneers. lS--2td
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned, as KLE1SS UE ti
ll ART, in the grocery business and in the
chain manulacturiiig business is, by mutual
agreement, dissolved. Paul CJerhart will settle
the affairs et tiie chain business, and Jehn
Henry Klciss of the grocery business. AH
persons indebted will please make immediate
payment. J. H. KLEISS,
Mr. Paul Gerhart will continue in the chain
manufacturing business at the old stand,
Cherry alley, as heretofore. i7-3td
Established Ageney of the
H Fire Insurance Ce.,
Eleven Hundred Thousand Dollars.
Invested in bate und Solid Securities.
dll-CmdM.W.SK Second Fleer.
MM. .)OUX I). MISULEltin compllance with
numerous uracut requests has the honor of
reproducing the beautiful play,
3Ir. lien fflnsriulcy ns Deacon C'rankelt,
Suppei ted by Jilt. JOSEPH WIIEELOCK and
Tilt SAME COMPANY which last November
affeided such genuine talisluctlen.
PRICE, 35, 50 & 75 Cts.
Dhigraiii at eekei's Office. I9-Ctd
As v. e have made decided changes iu
the interior et our store, we are new
prepaud te hew and display geed
much better than heretofore. AVc have
added Centre Counters and display en
them Elegant Assortment et HAM
LACES, KUFFLINOS, &c, all in the
Latest Pattei 11s. We have also enlarged
our Dress Goods Department und dis
play many Elegant and Choice Dress
Geed at very low prieee. In BLACK
are new cffeilng very great bargains.
Wc have also changed the Flannel and
Demestic Goods Departments, which
gives us mere room te display our
goods. In these departments persons
will find very low prices in all the bct
makes of BLEACHED and UX
STKIFES, He. We cordially Invite all
te give us a call te see the decided Im
provement in our room, and also ee
the many choice goods tlmt we arc or er or
feiingin eachdcpaituent at very low
pi Ices.
NOTE. We offer le-day a cheice tis
Mil tment of 15311 nud Chenille Worsted
Dre-s Fringes at 5 cents per yard.
Mr, Bewers & Irst.
25 East Kinsr Street.
Eve. Growne 1'crsennes paye 15 pence.
Chlldicn are admitted for 10 pence. fi-'itd
An erignal eccentric comedy by B. E.Woelf,
t-j., author of ' Mighty Dellar," Ac, entitled
replete with comic situations, sparkling music
and laughable eltects.
Mil. JOHN D.MISHLEU says: "The com
pany is composed el geed dramatic and musi
ctilltalent, and the play is a kaleidoscope of
lun. an epltniue of mirth and melody. It is one
of tho-e peculiar productions, which, while it
gives both Miss Alice and Leuis Harrison an
opportunity te display their dramatic tulcnt
and versatility, yet withal brings each mem
ber et thecompanypreminentylorward. keep
ing 1111 audience interested and amused
throughout from the rise te the full of the cur
tain, there is none of that drag se palpablv
nianifest in most plays similarly constructed,
and which during the momentary absence of
the principals, wearies the house with medi
ocre acting and worse 'business' from the
lesser lights et the company."
Ne Advance in Prices.
35, CO & 75 Cents.
Iteserveil seats at Yccker's Office. IS-Md
Wawingtex, Feb. 9. Fer the Middle
and Southern Atlautic states, warmer,
cloudy, rainy weather, easterly winds
veering te southerly, falling barome
The Twe Houses or Congress In Joint Con
vention. Washixgtex, Feb. 9. This bciu elec
toral count day, about neon William A.
Waeeler and the Senate entered the
Heuse. Mr. Wheeler was seated at
Speaker Randall's right hand and the
senators were accommodated with chairs
in the front rows of desks. Mr. Wheeler,
after stating that he was there maccoid macceid maccoid
auce with the constitution te peiferm a
specific duty, proceeded te open the ccitiii ccitiii
catcsef election of the several states of
the Union.
The votes of each .state weie counted in
accordance with the published result of
the election until Georgia was reached. Mr.
Springer demanded the reading of the cer
tificate in full. Mr. Wheeler said that as
it 'appeared that Georgia's electoral vote
was cast en a day ether than that fixed by
an act of Congress, it could net be re
corded until afterwaids. The count then
went en. At 1 :35 the count was concluded
and Garfield and Arthur declared elected
president and vice-president of the United
The senators then returned te the Sen
ate. The mattcref counting the Georgia
vote remains iu abeyance.
Testimony en the McCaluienl Petition.
Philadelphia, Feb. 0. The special
masters in the caseef the Philadelphia &
Reading railroad, who were erdeicd by
Judge McKeiinan last January te tal:e
testimony under the petition of the Mc Mc
Calments concerning the deferred income
bends, filed iu the United States com t this
afternoon a printed report covering two
bundled and fifty pages of testimony. It is
prefaced by a statement showing that
upon the closing of the c idence it was
stated by the lespective counsel that it
bad been agreed by them, with the ap
proval of the ceuit, that the masters
should make no lepeit upon the petition
ether than letuui of the evidence as
Defeated by Gen. Cel'ey.
Dlrhax, Feb. 9. Gen. CeI!c' feicc
yesterday defeated the Eeeis with a less
of one hundred and fifty men. The Cecrs
lest heavily.
Anxiety Cenccrulug Or.ingn Tree State.
Durban, Feb. 9. Much anxiety is man
ifested here as te the action of the Orange
Free State Velksraad which will meet en
the 17th ins-t. Independence day eccms
en the 23d, and a large p irty is likely te
propose te give help te the Hours.
Telegraph Litigation .Siiipriitie.l.
Philadelphia, Feb. 9. Al a confcicnce
held te day at the office or the Pennsylva
nia railroad company in which Jay Gould,
Gen. Tbes. T. EcfccrTand D. II. Bate?,
representing the consolidated telegraph
companies, and the officers of the Penn
sylvania railroad company, with their
counsel, participated, it was decided te
suspend all operations in the telegraph ic
litigation for the present. Thia action is
intended te held the present proceedings
in ebeyance until new terms can be agiecd
Twelve Democrats Vete for Him TIje Grew
strength Intact.
IlAltniSBCRO, Pa., Feb. 9. The twenty
first ballet for United States senator to
day resulted as fellows : Oliver 79, Wal
lace 72, Grew 33, Wolfe 12, MacVeagh 1,
Phillips 3, Shiias 2, Beaver 2, Ilewit. 2,
Cnrtin 1, Agncwl. The Grew foiccsic feiccsic
mained intact ; the votes for Wolfe came
fiem the Democrat-?, while the scatteiing
votes weie fiem Oliver. The convention
adjourned until te-morrow.
Escape of Prisoners.
SrxBL'RY, Pa., Feb. 9 Five piueueis
in the Northumberland county pri-en at
tacked the keeper this morning, beat him
badly and effected their escape. Their
names arc Jehn Meri is. James Kecntui,
Wm. Duffy, Thes. Jehnsen and Gcoige
Hunt, and they were all in for burglary.
A large force is in pursuit. A lcwaul of
3123 is offered for their an est.
Flre In New Yertr.
New Yerk, Feb. 9. Fire bieke out this
morning in the six-story iron fient buildings
02 te C8, New Church stieet, originating
among a let of waste in tliCAjellar which
is occupied by the Western Electric man
facturing company. The fire rapidly
gained headway and it was with great
difficulty that the empleyes escaped. The
total less is about 830,000.
Oar Grand Total Nearly Pive Millions.
Washington, Feb. 9. The Census
bureau returns the population of Pennsyl
vania as fellows : Males 2,1 30, G33, females
2,14C,151. Native 3,093,233, foreign 3S7,
533, white 4, 197. 100, colored S3,C30. Total,
Tin; ikisu sun j.i:iu:s.
Sympathetic Resolution Prem Colerado.
Carsen, Nevada, Feb. 9. A cenciinciit
resolution sympathizing with the Iiish
sufferers has pssscd both l.eubcs of the
Fall or a Reef.
Winnipeg. Man., Feb. 9. The reef of
the Canadian Pacific railroad freight bhcils
fell the entire length of ever 203 feet to
day from the weight of snow. Xe one
was injured.
late efthe city of Lancaster, deceased.
Letters et iidmlnivtiatien en - iiil ctate buy
ing been grant) d te the undei -.incd, all per
sons indebted theicte are rc'iue-ited te make
immediate payment, and theie having claims
or demands against the miih will present
them for settlement te th undersigned, re
siding in said eitv.
II. B. bwAltn, Administratrix.
Attorney. janiO-Wdeaw
of Lancaster eity. deceived. Letters et
administration en suj,i c-t ite having been
grunted te the under-iiiLd, all per.-ens in
debted te said decedent are lequested te make
immediate settlement, ami these having claims
or demands against the cstatcef said decedent,
tomake tbem known te the undersigned with
out delay, residing in Lancaster.
janl3-Ctdeaw W. LMIENSEL.
Retribution for Murder CemuiitteU Before
the War An Ola Colored Man's
I'remUe te Hli Dying
Several years before the war there oc
curred a tragedy in the eastern part of
Tennessee, near the present site of Rugby
that aroused the indignation of the eutire
community. Several days age the con
cluding chapter was enacted. In the
neighborhood mentioned tbere lived a
young man named Abraham Dent, a man
et fine education, usually kind in disposi
tion, but of se violent a nature when
aroused that he was known as "Bad'
Dent. He was tall and handsome,
possessing rcmarkable physical strength.
ana an activity that Had made him a favor-
iiu un iuv ai-uuui-uuuse piay-greuna. no
was wealthy, te which influence he owed
his escape from imprisonment, for he bad
killed a man, and was only cleared after
the best legal talent had been employed in
his defense. He was net addicted te the
use of liquors, but would, as his compan
ions termed it, get en a spree of ill-humor.
On such occasions he was morose, quarrel
some aud dangerous. His freaks were
strange and unaccountable. He wculd
help a friend out of an altercation and im
mediately turn and knock him down.
Among his companions was a veunir man
named Leuis Guiil a neble fellow. He
was as brave as a liea intelligent, kind
hearted and faithful te every obligation.
His father and mother were dead, having
willed him a farm and several " black
folks." The fi iendship between Guil! ami
uent was a subject of remark, for where
Dent was violent Guill was genial ; whcie
Dent was "in for a fight" Guill faveicd
an adjustment and hearty laugh. Yet the
two young men were fiicnds. It seemed
that they had been born friends their
fathers were friends. Their mothers in
sisted upon having the same kind of cef-
tce ; the .same kind of cooking ; had the
same ideas legaulin childicn. and, of
cemse, were friends.
One day at a picnic the two fiicud.s en
gaged in a quarrel.
"Yeu told me that you were net going
te dance with that girl," exclaimed Dent.
"I knew I did, Abe, but I couldn't well
get out of it. The boys arranged the s-ct
and assigned the partncis."
"It wouldn't make any difference te me
what the boys did, I wouldn't acknowledge
that I had told ad d lie."
"If a man tells a lie it is better te ac
knowledge it. I hope I have net offended
" But you hav e. When a niau tells me
a d d lie I held him accountable for
"Abe jeu aie en one of your sprees to
day. Let the matter drop."
" I am net. in an ill humor and jeu utter
a d d lie when jeu say se."
"Abe, this has gene far enough."
" go just as far as I want it. I
meant what I said."
"Aioyeiiin earnest:'''
" I am."
"Ge away then. Don't call niuali. r
again. If you de, I'll knock you down."
Several friends lushed up, among them
a colored man owned bj Guill. He was
his master's fiieud as well as hervant, and
would have liskcd his life for the man
who could make his existence miserable
or pleasant, and who nobly chose the
"Mais Leuis," said the darkey, "de.
h.ib no ttuck wid dat man. He de.m kcrc
no ineah fur bleed den he de fur water,"
and he put his hand gently en his master's
"Get away, Buck," said Guill, "he has
insulted me and must pay the penaltj.
"Let him alone," coolly remarked Dent
and the next instant he lay full length en
the ground. Bleed Jlewed from his mouth
aud for a time he seemed te be insensible.
Recovering suddenly, he drew a barlew
knife, and as Guill steeped ever te
him he uttered an oath and plunged his
knife-blade into GuiiJs bteast. Such a
stampede followed that Dent escaped.
Guill lay en the besom of his faithful
"Buck I'm dying," he said. "It was a
minder. Buck are jeu heic."
"Yes, Mars Leuis, Fa heah."
"If Dent is net hung by law I want jeu
te kill him."
'Yes, Mais Leuis."
"But don't take advantage of him.
Fight him with a knife. De you prom prem
ise?" "Yea, Mars Leuis. I'll fellow him ter
de end of dc earth ! I'll eh, my master is
dead !"
The tragedy hcnt a thrill of hoirer
through everyone. Old men shed tears
when they saw peer Gull lying en the
ground, with his hands full of grass, pulled
up with the grasp of death.
Guill was bin ied in a little erchaid near
the old farm house. Buck delivered the
funeral oration. Several ministcis elfeicd
their sei vices, but the coleicd man claimed
the right and as no one could doubt the
friendship which existed between master
and servant, no one disputed the right of
the faithful man te conduct the ceremonies
On a Sunday afternoon, when the sun
shone bright en the apple blossoms ; when
the blue jaj' flitted aud the " sap-sucker "
pounded the old black trees, Buck steed at
the head of his master's grave. Fi lends
and neighbors gathered around, and chil
dren peeped ever the red mound into the
deep cavity, shuddered, and drew back.
Fer full five minutes Buck btoed without
uttering a weid.
" I dean knew hew ter peach a funeral,
Leid," he .said, " but I knows what hit a
ter feel dc fullin' ob de heartstrings. Ez
a smile can change ter a ticmblin' ob de
lip be does sonew set heaviest en de heat t
what wu ence filled wid joy. My mai.stcr
had a heait cz big c-sdc magiuatien ob a
chile, and cz dc heart is de birthplace ob
de soul mj' mar.stcr is en tic right hand ob
Ged, clese up te dc thieuc. May we all
meet death wid as little fear, and may dc
angels be c glad te sec us all cz I knows
da hcz been ter make de heabenly quaint quaint
ance ob Mais Leuis Guill. Amen."'
Dent lied te Texas, but was hi ought
back, and by some technicality acquitted.
He left Tennessee immcdiatclj alter the
tiial and went, no one knew or cared
Several weeks age a tall man steed en
Supciier sheet iu Cleveland. His hair was
almost as white as the snow at his feet.
His face woie a sad expression and his
eyes wandered as though tired of evciy
object. An old colored man came walking
along. Seeing the white-haired man he
stepped, gazed intently for a moment, ap ap
pieuched tne stranger and said:
" Is ycr name Mr. Dent''"
"Yes, that's mj' name."
" Did da tistcr call j'er Mr. Bad Dent'.'"
" Yes ; de you knew nic'.'"
"I docs. My name isEuck Guill. I
uster 'long ter Mars Leuis Guill. Don't ycr
recollect me?"
"Why yes, Buck ; hew is your health?"
extending his haiuL
" Ne, sar, ycr doesn't touch my ban in
de grasp of friendship. I was at de pic
nic, ypr rccelleck, when j-er stabbed Mars
Leuis. He died iu mj-arms. Fere he died
he made mc premise dat I'd kill ycr in a
far fight casscn dc law didn't hang ycr.
New I 'poses te fight vcr wid billow
"Did Leuis make j-en premise this?"
"Yes, sah."
"Then you must keep your premise.
Whatever Leuis Guill said must be done
shall be done. I have never refused te
fight any living man. Where shall the
encounter take place?"
"In de little erchaid near dc ole farm
" Jcs ez seen ez we ken go dar."
The two men bearded the next train and
went te Nashville. Engaging a private
conveyance, they went up into East Ten
nessee, and stepped at a readsidn inn near
the old Guill farmhouse. It was agreed
that there should be ene witness te the en
counter, and after engaging a man, Dent
wrote an explanatory letter and gave it te
the innkeeper. It was Sunday afternoon.
The three went through an old orchard
orchard only in memory, for nothing but
the decaying trunk? of the trees remained.
Buck led the way. lie stenned at the
sunken grave. "Dis is Mars Leuis grabe,"
he said. "Stan en the udder side. Dean
step ober hit."
Dent, without utteriug a word, took po
sition as directed. The witness steed a
few yards away, and was te count three
when all was ready. The two men. old
men, drew their knives. iw. hm
They grappled in .t deadly embrace. A
desperate struggle for old men. Dent
wrested his right arm from 'the grasp of
Buck, and with a svv eeping stroke almost
severed the black man's' head from his
body. Buek .still held Dent around the
waist, and as he fell backward plunged his
knife into the murderer's heart.
When the coroner came, the two men
lay dead across the grave locked in a tiht
embrace. A strange sight ; the pale face
of death and the ashciicd hue of earthly
m ai; Kins.
lMu'iutelphlii Market.
1'iiir.viiKLriiiA. l'.i., February '.. Fleur
dull but etcady; -uipeitinu i Tiff:: 30
etr.i -.: .r.0it i;.)hi. and li.dmn.i lumily
$ ifx.-75: l'.i. de $t73ii-i((: M. Lein-, family
. 50t OU MiuiKseta Extra 3 00,f.- 7.",;
straight, Jj7."j;ti: w inter i itunt .i'.ir'T :;
spring de '; .'1037:0
live Heur llrm ut f 00.
W he.u stieng .iml tending upward ; N.. 2
Western I'ed l H'jl'enn'a. lied, and Amber.
51 Ugl li;.
Coin liilii out fjuit ; steamer rilQTtHW ;
J o'lew .".!.; mixed Die.
O.itsflimcr, with meir iiuiiiry: Ne. I White,
tj'e; tl''i!; Ne. .: di'll'c; Ne
.uixei; 4j".e.
lty Hi in at9V.
1'iovisieiis linn: nu..s jeik. fl.t Zh$
11C0; new. sr, i-,qi.-, n ; 1 ,. ,: hums f-'IiiJi; In
dian iii.-s beet $l'.i)lJ...) f. 11. U. lUcnn smoked
lums II 'Ite: iici:!' ,)' ,c; smoked
should, is .V,g.Kr:' t a.1-',! jC. "
Laid linn: cuy Let Me !ii4iIO'dc: Ieo-,.
Ini'eliei .' 'Jg'ji f e ; j imii .steam Hi).
Jluttcr Hun with tan- domain! ter choice;
Creanierv uxnaSijiic : dugned te choice sag
Si : Knulteid county and New 0ilcextr.1, tutu,
'-'7ftSe:de lii-kiits. 'Jl.iu; Western il-nrv
extra-riQJiif: ilegin,.l toeheiLo lSf?2k. KelN
iiiarLi t steady lei- heii.c ; l'enn'.i Kxlm!e ; Wtstcui Ue-u re tl 1 Uiiii.
h(,'gs lower and vvt.ik; lVmi'.i. agiK?;
Wcsicri- J-Jgi'jc.
C'hece linn and moderately active; New
Yeiktulicicun, Lifpllc: Western lull cream,
13'il'ic; de lair . gee.! UiBin'ie: de
hall skim- Vty.e ; Pa. de lit' .r.
I'etrelcuiii dull : le!iticd'c.
Whisky at tl IU.
eeiK Uoed te,iii:ie elever quiet IftV-il
dodo Timethy iebbiii-fiJiniu : dodo Klaxseeil
Mini nt 1 40121 r.
vow STerl: Market.
."-v Yeke. I'eb. 0. Heur without decided
change. 1110 lerate expert and jobbing trade;
.-iiperlinu istatu fj 7J?1 oil; uxtr.i de
tt 25?9l .V: elK.iui de $1 5.1f9t yn; fancy
de It U'.fJO ..() ; round hoop lliiie ft legs Oi;
choice de al J." lng'I 7; siipeitliii) west'
em i" 7.1 n t i): eouiiiieu le ginid x
tr.l de 51 iVit j ; eheict de il i'MQH 75 ;
choice white wheat de." 0u7i;e; Southern
.inclringcd ; common te t.ur extra $1 .10
0 !: geed le hoiee de . )fi; .Ml.
Wlieat abhaile better iiiul moderately active ;
Ne. 1 White April. 1 !"f;.i. ICeil, Miirch,
StlS3i(fSl 111; 110 April, l l'i2l -): de .'Vl.iy
Coin Jn'ff.JjC heller 'iudiuiet; Mixe.l west
ern "pet. .',J'(7.'i",c; de Inline j?t'.1e.
Oats a shade til iTier : Stuie itg.lic ; "Weslei 11
4 lfi 48c : N. 1 March !ie.;ji;:
u)ui::iei.! -.iakukt.
lliuter i i' 'illc
Cupchie-f, .! cups ;,.
Cottage eliee-". 'i pieic '. .rc
DnUh cheese "jt liiiiui iudi)c
Apples "Ji p!c Iii1e e.ieli '-'yTic
Chenies, dued. V it !.
Ciiinmts. dii-d. (1 r. lie
Cuiiilierriestrit lee
lined Apples 1 t .rrfifc
" IV.iehis, jl it Iiievi.v
(Jrapesfl 1! i-,e
Lemeus ') de.: r45Jlc
Oranges ?l ie. an:
Keels "Tl hunch -.1-
Cubb.lge -y head ;
Curiets "jl liiiiieh li.":
Leleiy "H liuneil loe
Luna beans JT (t UWVlc
Onions 9 H P" :
" 11 IjihilIi 5j.
Potatoes xi bus 75tfrKe
(Sweet) "Lj 1 peck ."Taic
KadislK's V bunch r,e
soup Hi ans 11 ijt sc
Salsitvf! Imiich Ic
Tuinlps'f! t peck ic
Chickens ?! pair (live) ).?,7..:
t ' 1 ft (cleaned llilTn-
Dliclws q,l p ur Nlc?i,I
IJeests i juecc 'MiSiiil
Tin ::.! x' piei" (liv) 7."effii
'(tft (chain. I) .-,t.
Apple Hetter 9 it 'c
hgs t iliiiC aic
llenev jl K. ilTti'iC
b iiier kraut jtqt 8fil.!c
lleef Stealc, 'Jl I I0f?2()c
' ileast (11b) It IiWiIc.
" ' (chuck) 'j! K iwllii'
" Corned, tl H 10Ql2c
" Dried, V! ft liTxtSs:
Ueet hind iiuiuter V H 7igSc
" tuieqil 11 ter 'J H Tinlir.
Ilolegini dried
Ham 1 ft lastisu
Lamb? S, 1'KjJDe
Laid ft Ca 10c
Mutten) ft H3)ii;u
Mince. Meat jl i. lM$Ja
I'eik "H S ijll)e.
PudilingV I' i!du
Sausage. f JT. 10-Sh.'c
IIu-s 9 f. life
Cutllshtl C. un
t.'ed lie
Kels V K. le&l'ic
lladdi.ek 10c
Mullel-a i;c
Perch !c
Hun Khs
.smelt. 13c
.Suc.'cer ;kj
White I'iih "' I2e
Itlue " ' lOe
liillieut x 1. 1-JSe;
Chetuiiis "t? lt l:s
shelbaiks tfjt 10e
II ly TI1111 thv'fl toil tlZ&.M
Clever ? ten $m
Cern 1 bus 5c
Oats V bus 91.31
KeV bus S.'Vij'JOe
Timethy i-eeed "cl bus :! 'JSi .1.
Wheat tl !n-
Mede ll;.rKct.
.N I.-. Yl.niC SjCK3
February ft.
. St. 1. M. P. M.
a.x. a. sr. v
lJ.l"ali:ic I as
.... iVi ;; is;
....uxy ny. 1.S1
i:..iiiyj ns;. my.
...ity. im z;
0! a:l!l
Ihlclt. It
Michigan ..; L.;
Michigan Cent. 1:.
Chicago fc y. W....
Chicago, M. &. St. 1. li:s,'i I
nun. .v it. .s. com ezy,
Teledo fc Wabash MI is"
Ohieft Mis,i-sitpl. .. ;',
St. Lenil, I. 31. &$ Ii.. tWi
Out.uie.-ind Wcsttin. Ilk;
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.Sevv.Icrey Central.. 'J-liu 'J!
DI.& lidusen Canal. KOii 1M.VJ iw'i
Del.. Lack. & Westernli:i;i 122'i ixyc.
Western Union Tel..ll;4 1I ll.'ai
racilic Mail S. S. Ce. liy.
American 17. Tel. Ce
Union l'aciflc 117
Kan-is !c Texas Wx
Ad.uns K.xpieis
Illinois Centnil
Cleveland & l'ltt-i
Chicago A i:eck I
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l'ennsylvania M.V.. .. r.V;J
Piiil'a. & Iteuding..... rtl'i
Lebigli Vulley r,'jy,
Lehigh Navigation... .J
Northern l'aeilic C'i. 111 4i
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Neitliern Centia! ....
Phil'ai: Krw u. IU... ':i
Northern I'enn'a.... yj
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