LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENGER, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1881. -Oleaster i-McIU'gcnrcr. MONDAT EVENING, FEB. 7, 1881. Tobacco. The Neiv Yerk Market Seed Lear ami Havana. United Staler Tobacco Journal. The market is stiff. Notwithstanding the large number of failures in the trade, holders of '79 tobacco believe they will obtain big prices ami profit in the future. A belief in the 1 ruth of the adverse reports eftlie condition of the S0 Pennsylvania crop appears te have taken firm root. No body in need of tobacco during this year or next, j-ec:ns willing te give these reports the benefit of the doubt. Manufacturers mean te be sine of the supply of leaf, and net trust te probabilities. The consequence is they are buying "79 leaf willingly, if net isigerly, and quite a rise in juices is per ceivable. Jobbers, however, are mere cautious. Te buy 'Til leaf at present prices is hazardous ler them. The small inanufuc tuicr who has te pay them a profit cannot make any money en the tobacco, and con sequently will find diliwulty in paying for it. The '79 crop of all growths contains but little heavy yielding matei Neverthe less, at low figures It can be worked with profit. At high prices it is an absolute impossibility te luanuf.tcuiru it profitably. Tliec manufacturers who bought when '79 stock was low (a couple of months age, when this paper advised its readers net te rely upon any further fall in prices) have net raised the prices of cigars. There fore, it is difiicult. if net impossible, for anybody te wimp-'!- with them who lias te pay censiderab'y moieferieaf than they paid. The hopes of all jobbers are centered in tiie 'SO Pennsylvania. They knew that the crop, as a whole, will be bought cheaply, and its comparative cheapness will make up for its defects. These de fects are acknowledged te consist of little punctures in the leaf made by insects. It is claimed three-fourths of the crop is af fected in that way. These tiny holes, though very nburnlaut, are net very hurt ful. Uut packers of experience held that such holes in leaf grew larger after the tobacco has sweated and dried out, and the leaves containing them cannot be used for wrappers. We leave this opinion te the consideration of our experienced cigar manufacturers. It is difficult te form any opinion of the condition of any of the S() crops, as a whole. The extremely cold weather does net permit, of their being inspected. A week of warm weather may change the condition of thing very materially. The sales of the week we specify as fol fel lows : Pennsylvania Crep '79 : 1109 cases; fine running, '2'2 te 2:J cents ; medium, 15 te 20 cases ; low, I'.l e;'i:is and upwaid ; fillers, SA cents. Connecticut Crep '79 : 500 eases ; wrap pers, :'S te 40 cents: running. 15 In '.':! cents ; seconds, '. te II cents. Wocensin Crep "T9 : :!() cast s ; Havana Feed, running. Hi te 17 cents; 100 eases Havana seed fillers, 9 cents. Ohie Crep "79: (id cases, p. t. Suite Crep "79 : 118 cases for expert, p. t. Havana. Market again active, with geed" demand ler "79 Vuelta Absije. Sales of Kcmeilies weie :'.'J0 bales, at S7A cents. As yet no sales of 'SO stock have taken place. It is higher in j trice than the "79 and as titer- is a .sulli:icut supply of this in the market, thcS0 continues neglected, al though late shipments received here show excellent quality. I-fitlndcIpIii:i Market. Seed leaf moving nicely; ail giades ic ceive full share : some first-class packers have, sold $l(i,tei) worth of Pennsylvania at splendid figures for the Pacific coast. All grades meet with appieval at full figures, if stock fills the bill. Piespeets are splendid for the spiing trade very en couraging ler this branch of business. San Francisce. Leaf This trade is fair and indeed has picked npa littlesii'.ce the holidays, though transactions aic yet Miiall. hand-te-mouth aifaiis, and prebablv will be until after the Chinese New The quality of the .stock of Pennsylvania wrappers of 1879 is thought by some te have improved during the past two months. Pi ices aie net satisfactory te importers, and afford :i very narrow margin ever cost, and freight. The reports of the 1SS0 crop lead holders of 1879 te believe I hat thev will, in the near future obtain better pi ices for geed wrappers jif the latter year than buycis are new willing te give. New Yerk Kecipl ! lViin.vHaitia Tobacco. During the past month (January) the following linns in New Yerk city icceived the amounts e! Pennsylvania tobacco ap pended te their names : H;im:1i vV Fischer, 19G eases; L eV ). YyVrtlicitner. 379; L. Gcrshel Ac Bre.. J : Esbcrg, ISaehninii &, Ce.. 1 ; Aimer & Dehis. 10; M. Neubnr er fc Ce., 193 ; A. S. Uescnli.iuiii fc Ce, 151; Haveincveis & Vi;:ilius, '2: A. Blninlein & Ce!. ':! : !. iieSsmaim. 19 ; II. Keonig, ; O. W. ail & Ax, 25; N. LacliL-iibiuch it I5re 218 ; Spear Sz Held, I!:'. ; Fex, Dills V Ce.. -12 ; A. Una sey & Ce.. r; Smre A- Neuinark, 1.11 ; liunzl A: DeimilKtr. 214 : Schreedrr 6z Hen, 997 ; K. Spingain Az Ce.. 100 : Bleck & Liudheiiii. IW : Jeseph Mayer's Sens, 5'. ; O.ividseis IJres., 100 : Lichten-tein & Bres., 10:1; Chas. F. Tag & Sen, 20 ; C. Salomen A. Bre.. 7a ; Beuttenmuelier A: Nettir. 1 : U. Boseu Beseu "wald A: Bre., ,S) : J. Eppinger A; Ce., (Hi : F. Schuis. I ; S. Bessui A. Sen. f.:j ; Win. Eggerl, k Ce.. "5; B. H ul'mau & Sen, 15 ; A. Plate & Ce., 21 : B A; G. Friend & Ce.. 100: A: Fringart, Gl ; M. Bendv:iS; A. Celin. 8 : McCoy & Ce., 101 ; G. Hence, 102 ; C. Jingeiibaeh & Ce., 1 : C. II. Sj.'it.ner A: Sen. 214 : Celin & Stein. -14 :.Cass A: Bre., 45 ; J. Berliner, 109; Fiishcu A: Kecss, 1 : S. Miehaelis & Ce., 1; B. Bennew. 20: Order, 112; total, 4,121. , !ans"M Sales of seed leaf tebatv , ;epu led by J. S. Gans's S.e A; Ce., to'tacce brokers, Nes. Si and 8i Wall street. New Yerk, for the wdfc ending Februiry ;. 18S1 : 1,000 cases 18T9 Pennsylvania : iiilers, (lie; as as eorted. 12(7.-21c: wiappers. l?(ir,4;)c.; 250 cases 1879 New Bnglauil : wiappers, 15( 36c. ;11 8 eases tillers and binders, CJc; 150 eases 1879 Wisconsin Havana seed, 10W25c.; 50 cases 1879 Wisconsin, 3(2:120. ; 250 eases Ohie. 712ic; total, 1.81S cases. The week closes with geed demand for Pennsylvania wrappers at firm figures, and constant inquiry for cheap wrappers. "31 j Kingdom for a Herse " 7.1. Slieelian. of Oscoda, Mich., writes : " I have used Dr. Themas' Ecleetric Oft en hersrs ter different diseases mid foune it te be lust as you recommended. It lias done justice e me every time, and is the bent oil for horses I ever used. Fer sale by II. 18. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. MEDICAL. 1'KOVEKKS. I'Xoene can be ick when when the t-teniach bleed, liver aud kidneys are healthy, and Hep Hitters keep them no.' "The greatest nourishing tonic, appetizer strengthcucraml curative en earth. Hep Bit tcis." " It is impossible te rerunin long sick or out et health, where Hep Bitten arc used.' " Whv le Ilej) Ifittcrd cure se much V " ISe eause they sive geed digestion, rich bleed, and hcalthy.actien etall the organs.' "Xe matter what, your teelinzs or ailment is. Hep Kilters will de you geed." " iteiiiember. Hep Hitlers never does harm, but geed, always and continually." "I'urify the bleed, cleans-; the Htetiiaeh ami sweeten the breath with Hep Hitter." "Quiet nerves anil balmy sleep in Hep Hit ters." "Xe health with inactive liver am! urinary organs without Hep Hitters." Hep Bitters Maiiuraciuring Company, Hitchester, .Ww Yerk, ami Terente. Ontario. laii.VlvIM v.'K&w "MMeywekT l'KHMANKXTI.Y Cl'KKS KiittKY d:si:asi:s, LIVBB COMPLAIMS, COXSTIl'ATIOX AXI) FILES. Dr. It, II. Clark, Seuth Here, VI., says. "In eaes tf Khliiey Troubles it h:ia aeteil like a charm. It has'curcd many very bail cases of l'i!e, ami has never tailed te act elliciently. Neltson rairclnld, of hi. Albans, VI., says, It is of priceless value. After sixteen years of great sutlering from Tiles ami Ce-'tivcncs.s it completely cured inc.'1 (,'. .S. llojetbon, et Herkshlre, fays, "One package has done wonders ler me incomplete. Iv curing a severe I.iver anil Kidney Com plaint." ix iciTiii::: i.uu;n ok ukv i'tj::.i IT HAS WONDERFUI POWER. WHY? Itccaiisc it acts en the I.IVKK. I!OW!:i,S and lillM;S :tt the s:unc time. Heeause il eleans.js t!ie sy.-tem et the poison peison poisen t.n humors that develop In Kidnev ami t'li nary Di-eaM-, Uilieiisness, .lauudiee. Consti Censti Consti pati'en, l'iles, or in KhettmaliMii, Xetiralgia, Nerveu- Disurdei's ami Female Complaints. 5' It is put up in Dry Vegetable i'ernt, in 3'lin cans, one jiaekage of which makes six 5 quarts of mciliciue. S".U(t in Liquid Ferm, very Coneeiitrated S ler the convenience et these wiie cannot JCg-readily prepare it. It arl.t icit'i crunl Kism e)lcicnr)i in cither farm. t'KT IT OF YOnt DIM'tJCIST. IMMC'K, tl. V KLI.S, ltiniAKDSOX k CO., Prep's, i:tirlin;;tin, Vt. (Will send the dry pejt-pai.l.) dee'.T lyiUVwl KI0W1B GOUGH SYSUP! ! A 1'leasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure l.'emedy for I t.'ellU. CHI''!w ll(i:itvi.lf. Atlmi!i. Iiitlii. enza. Serenes el the Threat anil Client, i:i'eiicliiti. Wheujiiiig Cough, Spit ting et Hloed. Inllauoiiatieu of the l.ungs,am'all li.-ea-esef t !ie Client and Air rassages. This valuable preparation the medicinal virtues of ther-e articles which long experience has proved te pore.-s the most sale ami ellicieut qualities ter the cure of all kiniN of I. ung Diseases. Price i"i cent-. Pre pared only aud Miid by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST? xe. e i:ast sTKf.icr. eiu-tni i :.r Tin: i:i-:st iieitst: and c.'.rxi.i: J PeWDKi:. The attention of larmei sand hit -i; ini-ci'.. is llecially ealleil lethi' powder which i proueunet'd by many larmciij the be-t l'erlitempi'r. eoiighs.'cehlSauil ether tli-ease.i ami eomhtien.- el Horses. Alse, for Cattle. Swine ami Peuilrv. Fer .Milch Cows there cm be nothing better. i cents a pound er.1 piiumls for $!. I'reiar.'l and heM bv AM)i:i:w t;."Fi:v. uiMtiuisr, Cor. North Queen and Orange St n els, ham niter. Pa. R i:ti this. irsK COUGH NO MORE! AHOM mm mil A CKItTAI.V, iFH AND CFFS'.CTUAI. KBMEDY FOU COUUItS, CilliDS. SOKE THflOAT, j IIOAIMKXi:ss, ASTH.M , lUiONCIIITIS, wnoepixt; t;t;n, pain intiii: SIDE O.t P.RKAST, Ami all Diea'es el the THROAT AND LUNGS. Forthe reliel of Ceisumplivi'S in all stages erthcdi-tM'. Fer sale only :tt II ULIb DRUG 8TOHE Ne. 15 WEST KTN STREET, auri-s-iydj I.ANCASTKH, PA. Cured or Drinking. "A young Iricnil e inin,. was cured et an insatiable thir.-i ler l.i-uer. that liail se pro.s pre.s traled hii s .en i but hi' was unable te de any business. He w.i.-, i,;i . i eitted liytlit: usufii Hep Hilter.-. It alt i'el..n w ,i !,' lliirsi toekuwayllK- appetili- 1 .i lejuer; made, his nerves hiiudy. and 1.- h, s icmainedtt -ober anuslcaity l.iuu ler iik.ii; lit m U yeaiv and hosilO'.eL-irete n-tiirii te 1. upland I knew Ot a number et ether.! no Iium- I,.-.,, ctncd el drinking !y iU" Fi.iiit.iiiu'lin. I: iili.,id Olil cial, Chiea;,-e, III. j.j.i -ivd.Vw Snnclui I'iiiizi. "lilessingsenthe man."' i-.e! -iimed -unelir, Panza, who invented !eep." tiraue-d, "-an-ChO, but. i:i net in! who restores peace lenehiii" brcvs mere ble-ed. Nettralgieand rheuiiiatie sutrelers who have obtained permanent relief Irein Dr. Thema-.' Kcleetric oil ought te and probably de think. -e. The medicine relieves intlauiuialien, externa! ami infernal. Fer sale by II. I!. Cochran, drt'iri'ist. 127 ;inil 1X1 North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. " I Don't V.i:rt a I'l.ittter," salilasi-k mun ten druggist, " can't you give liieHOincthiug te eere mi-!" HiyvmpteiiH wrrea l.iim; back and disordered urine, uud' indication et k itl ne v dicasc The tlruggl-t tell I him te Kidney Wert and in a abort time Reflected i; complete cure. Have you thee symptom-i? Tlicn get a box or bottle le-ti.ty before you becetne Incurable It is the cine; safe and nu:A'itnrv;tlc Re publican. INVALIDS TAKE NOTICE ! XEAKLl :;,00G FEKS0SS have jtlaced themselves under my charge dur ing the last tiiree years in Kcailimr :iml t!ii city. One hull' of them at least, were called in curable. ( lireulr cases of Dyspepsia, Con Cen Con suuiptien, Ulicuiuatism, and eUier aiiiictiens. Xeai ly all reported the same stlfry. viz : I have tre.l many doctors and iiuack nfcdieinc, ami all in vain, lam discouraged. U'hiiccuring the blek in thc-c two cities ever I.StM deaths have occurred in ether phy-ieian' practicc.aml net a liair-dezeit in mine. Won't you in pel son (at my ellices) or by letter in vest'igate m v remark able cures. Jlcn and women,sick teryjnv,were under my jinietice ill a lew daj.s or weeks restored te health through Omnipathie tseat tnent. All made well by placing mv inexpen sive liieilicine.s m ilie outside el tile body. Ne poisons used and no drugs, syrups, pills, pewdciv, bittcrt,, or ether such vile stuffs placed in the stomach. Onnxullatlnns (tail F.jc m, linoiens Free U my ejtlec. Hundreds have been cured of Catarrh let 50 cents. Cure Qittck nii (.Eiuiiiii sent ie anyaiiiiress in ilie united Slatcti for M) cents. A pamphlet of:!:! p:'ges will seen ).. issued from the pres.3. Send and get it. DR. C. A. GREENE, (32 Years Experience), Xe. 23fi AOKTII OVickn STItKCT. 30-tMMWFSl Lancaster, IM. MEDICAL. KI.EHS11S, SC. Carriaiics ! Csirrijiir'.'s ! KDGE11I.EY & COiS. I'mcf ical'Cari lagc Kntlder, Mai Let '-tie. l, Hear of Central .Market 1'eiisi a, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Large Assortment et BUtitilKS AND CAJHU(4KS, Whicli we ell.jf at. tin:' VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, utve n.s :. call. i2!f.lvilt-itie' iiritimitl,. .it t..n.l.wl .,. ' One set of workmen e.-,peciallvetiipleved f.u- i thai put pose. " iiiSMdAsw Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., le Discover? Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PUSTKHAMS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer . All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, con sists el Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial t he merits of this compound will be recognized, as relict is immediate; and when its nseis con tinued, in ninety-nine in a hundred, a permanent cure is effected, as thousands will testify. On account of its proven merits, it is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. it will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, l.eiicerrhaja, irrcgularand pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, lu Ilam illation and Ulceration, Flooding, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the C'jange of Ule. In tact it has proved te be the greatest and best reined): that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and uives new lite and vigor. It removes faintness, llalulency, destroys all craving ler stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Uleating. Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness, De prc.-sien and Indigestion. That leelingef bear ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at ti'.f limes, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound Is; prepared at 2.'tt and 235 Western Avenue, l.ynn, JIass. l'rice$l. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form et pills, also in the form ei lozenges, en receipt et price, $1 pfcr box, for cither. Mrs. 1'IXKHAM lreely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ter pamphlet. Address as above. Mention thix paper. Xe family should be without I.YDIA K. riXKIIAMSMVKItriIil.S. They cure Con stipation, Hilieusncss and TerpidKy el the l.i vcr. 'i"i cents per box. Johnsten, Ilolleway & Ce., (cnvral Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. A. l.echcr, 9 Hast King street and Cee. V. Hull, 15 West King street. yjO-lVdeed&w Brandy as a Medicine The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. 11. K. Mayinaker, Agent, for Keigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who lias extensively used the Itraudy referred te in his regular practice. It. is commended te the attention of these ut tliete.l with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant w.i- never intended as a beverage, but te be iwil as a medicine of great potency in the cure el" some of the destructive diseases, which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. tt'ith a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these alllicteil witli that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a spec-Hie remedy, which is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with leeble appetite and mere or less debility, will tind this simple medicine, when u.-.ed properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. He it, hewevei strictly umleistoed that we prescribe and u-e lint one article, ami that is RKKJAltT'S OLD ISKANUY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II K Si.AYMAKKK. This Urate ly has steed Hie le.t for years, and has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the prclcrcncc. overall ether ICrandies rieniatterwilh hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money thai is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifies weuid siltllee te buy all the Itraudy te cure, any such case or eases. In proof of the curative powers el Beigart's Old Brandy, In cases of Dyspepsia, we can summon mini Iters et" witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working tanner had been uillictcd with an exhaustive Dyspepsia, for a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly no uppctilu-in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McOrann'.s Keel leer.He is a Mclhedist. and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses etten declaimed earnestly against all kinds ofstreng drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, in his case, he. looked up with astonishment, but after hearing el its weKlerl'ul effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, lie at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the. Itraudy faithfully and steadilv; the first bottle giving him an annetite. and ficfm-.. the second was taken he was a sound man. with a stomach capable of digestinganything which hejeliese local. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this mcili ciue lit; ha.- been el" very little pecuniary bene fit te Llie doctor. A Pkauyisike Physician. OBT GOODS. PKCIAI. NOTICE. OFKCIJ HAGER & BROTHER, Xe. 2a WEST KINK STREET. We are selling at les than present value STAXDAUD MAKES OF Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings Pillow Muslins, and Tickings. LOOM AND DAMASK TABLE LINENS, Napkins and Towels, MARSEILLES AND CROCHET QUILTS, WHITE and COLORED BLANKETS. OPENED THIS DAY A I.AUliE AND CHOICE SELECTION OI' HAMBURG EDGINGS WITH INSEBTINGS TO MATCH. MORE NEW GOODS AT TUE ATEW CHEAP STORE. METZER, BARD & HAUGHMAN Are opening Large Lets el Splendid Styles? SPRING PRINTS. All kinds of KI.KACHKI) AND UNHLEACUKD S1IEET- 1NU AND SHIRTING MUSLINS AT IIOTTOM l'KICES. TICKINGS at prices lower than anywhere else. Carpets from Auction Cheap We have just bought another large let of Colored and White Blankets that are very cheap ut 7.' cents. Wc are selling geme et the greatest bargains ever ell'crcd in BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILK VELVETS, BLACK CASIIMEItES. ASTRIC1I DUO'S ADVERTISEMENT. A KTRICII 1SKOS.' ADVfcKTISKMKNT. LANCASTER .LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LAN'CASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER GQ M Q w td Ed O GO 15AZAAR 15AZAAR HAZAAR BAZAAR iiazaai: HAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR ISAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR SWISS EMBROIDERIES. HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG HAMBURG' Wc offer choice line of t most HAMBURG EDGINGS Aid) INSERTIONS, at astonishingly low prices. Narrow Edgings from 2c. per yard up. Handsome Edgings at 5c. Fine EOgingsat 7,8, flc. 2-inch wide Edgings at lu and 12c. Choice l'attcrns at Kiand l'Jc Most handsome Km- hreidcrics at 2e. Elaborate Patterns from sec upward. Cotten Edgings and Everlasting Trim mings in full line. EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING fcDGING EDGING EDGING EDGING ATHER EDGE BRAID IN ALL NUMBERS. Ne. tx. flc. Ne. i, He. Ne. 0, Ne. 1, Ne.: ISe. fiOc. 5Sc. Ne. :s. Ne. I, tile. 7r.e. per ilez. SERPENTINE BRAID. Ne. 17, Ne. ?I, Ne. 25, ll'e. 18c. 17c. per dozen. I pm NEW CHEAP STORE, 38 West King Street, Opposite Cooper Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. Ctl'KVIAL NOTlCK. Merchant Tailoring Department. CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORsETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS IN CORSETS WE OFFER NOW SPLENDID LINE, TO SUIT MOST EVERBOD . A A Geed Corset at 39c. The 'Astrich Gem Cor set, side steels and dou ble husk, at Wc. A Geed Woven Corset at Se. CORSETS An Elegant Speen Busk CORSETS Corset, witli side steels CORSETS and side lacings, at CORSETS only 75c. CORSETS The Extra l.engfli Bene CORSETS "Star" Corset. at !i5c. CORSETS Our UN) Bene One Dol Del CORSETS lar Corset In Wlilte CORSETS and Colored. CORSETS A Fine French Woven CORSETS Corset, witli elegantly CORSETS embroidered busk, at CORSETS only!. CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS DRT GOODS, V2fDEXirjCJU;, i "jOVELTIES IX SCAKF TINS,. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUNB PIN UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, AT E. J. ERISMAN'S, THE SHIRTMAKER, SO NOKTU QUEKN STKKKT 1SS1 SPRING. 1S81 We arc new showing an Elegant Line of EMBROIDERIES. NEW SPRING HOSIERY KOlt LADIES AND CHILDREN. Heuse-Furnishing Goods. HNEN AND MUSLINS. Linen Table Damasks and Napkins. CRETONNES AND REPS FOR LAMBREQUINS. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER, PA. WATT, SHAND & CO. ARE NOW effering: ax immense stock of MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS, AT ROCK IIOTTOM TRICES. I-l, 0 8, 5 4 and d-1 Bleached and Unbleached MUSLINS, In all the fave.-ite brands, at less than Manti facturer's Trices. 7-1, S-1,0 land 10-i Rleaclicdand Unbleached 'SHEETINGS, at Tepular Trices. Special Rargain in Yarn Bleached TA1JLE DAMASKS, .:;j(Tc.. -12c.. "f!c. fr'i.'fe. and T."ic. ii vard goods are 20 per cent, better than anythi have ever shown at the.c prices. SPECIAL BARGAIN: fi,000 YARDS HAMBURG EDGINGS INSERTING IN SHORT LENGTHS QUICK SELLING TRICES. TlM!M llg we AND AT TRA VELKRS' U VIDE I AXCASTKU ASU MlLtEKSVHXE K.u 1 j Cars run as fellows : Leave LaucaUer ;T.K.Deiwt). at 7 9 an.l 11:30 a. ni., and - 4. and 3u p.'ii -xcent en a. m., and 1. J, 5 anil 7 p. iu. wis run uuny en noeve time except en Sna t;TOA AN1 POBX DEPOSIT R. K ' 7, .ni5 new Vxn wgulariy en the Columbia ana 1'ert Deposit IJaiTreail en the follewiiiE time: " Statiess Nektu- WARD. Pert Deposit, Teachbolteni . . . Safe Harber. Columbia Express. A. X. 6:35 7:12 M S:25 Exprcss.1 Accen. r. n. p. m. Su5 4:28 5:11 5:40 2a 3:13 5:21 6:2U St ATI0S8 Secth- Express. I Express.! Accem" "". A.M. P.M. I A. W. Columbia.. Safe Harber. Pcachbottem Tort Deposit , 11:45 12:11 12ur7 1:S0 6r2U 6:411 P. X. 7:32 7:45 AHhOG Lelh4t 11.07 P.M. I2S5 EADING1-COLUMBIA K. K. H ARRANGEMENTOt' TASSENGERTRA1NS OCTOBER23tii, 1SHi. XOKTUAVARD. LEAVE. Quarryville Lancaster, Kingst Iincaster Columbia ARHIVK. Reading A.M. P.M. P.M. r: .... 2-.30 7:.V 3:40 Sufi 1:05 3:N) 7:5T 1:10 3:te 10:05 3r 5J0 A.M. !h:ie J-.40 A.M. A.M. P.M. 8:05 ;i2:00 6:10 P.M. 10:15 2:10 8:20 10:07 2.10 8:10 10:18 .... 8.-20 110 .... ft25 r.M 5:0l 5:10 6:41 SOUTHWARD. I.KAVK. Beading AKRIVK. Columbia , Ijinc-.ister. Lancaster, King St... Quarryville Trains connect at Reading with trains te anil Irem Thiladelphla, Tettsville. Harrisburg. Al- ..i..,.., ii ami daw Hirii, Via UOUIlll uroeK Rentc. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk. Hunever, Gettysburg, Frederick ami Balti Balti .n'ere. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA IAILKOAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY. JANUARY 17th. 1881, trains en the"! van hi Railroad will arrive and leave the Lun-c.-islut anil Philadelphia depots as follews: " Eastward. Thlladelphia Express, Cincinnati Express Fast Line..................... Yerk Accein. Arrives; Harrisburg Expivss, Dlllerville Accem. Arrives, Celitmbia Accoiiiniedatioii, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Tacitie Express, Sunday Mail Johnstown Express, Chicago Day Express, Harrisliurg Accommedat'n Leave ; Arrive Lane'ter TliilaiTa 2:10 a.m. 4:15 a.m 2:5."i ' 5:15 " 5:C8 " 7:30 8:00 " 8:05 " 10:10 8:45 ' J-.IO " 12:01 r.M. 1:30 " 1:40 P.M. 3:45"" 2:00 " 5:00 " 3mO ' 5-J " 4:35 " :35 " 6SJ5 " SfcSO " W'KSTWARD. Way Tassengcr, Mail Train Ne. l.via Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Niagara & Chicago Express Sunday Mail, Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation, !illerviIlel.ocal.viaMt..ley Harrisbnrg Accotiiiiiedat'n, Columbia Accoiiinindatieti, Harrisbnrg Express, Tittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Tacilie Express, Leave I Arrive I'hlli'.d'alluic'tcr lSu j 7:30 8:00 12:10 230 1 4:00 5UW 6.-25 9:10 I1-J5 5:C0 a.m 10:20 " I0-.4. " 11A0 " 10:50 " 2:30 p.m. 35 l " Sill " 7SK " 7:30 " 8i0 " 11.30 " 2L45 a.m. Aatt, SJiand & Company, NEW YORK STORE. I.EUAL NOTICES. 1ASTATK OF K. l;KNEIHCT BOOS. 1.ATK J eflhecily et Lancaster, decea-cd. Let ters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same,- will present them without delay for settlement te te the under signed, residing in the city of Lancaster. MICHAEL HA T.ERISUSH, Executer. J .e. A. Ce VLB. Alt' v. iaul3-t;tdeaw il. E. SiAY3IAKl:, AOEJIT POR Iteigarls Old Wine Stere, Established in 17K.'!,'" HIl'OKTKIl AMII I'EALlOl IN TIN E OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in ISIS, 127 and 1828.) CHAMTAG.N'KS O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. N. 'i'.t KAST KIXiG ST.. LANCASTER. VA NEW SPRING STYLES Wc call attention te our stock of Triiiimin.'s 4 suitable ler MASQUERADE TARTIES, Such as GOLD and SILVER BRAID, GOLD and SILVER FRINGE, STANGI.ES, BELLS, .te. All et whicli we are selling at ine-t reasonable prices. MEN'S WB AE INSTATE OF SUSANNA I'ltANCISCUS, J late el the City et Lancaster, ilccenseil. Letters of administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, till per sons indebted te said decedent are rcii nested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent te make known the same te him without delay. JACOB BOWKRS. Administrator, il. b. n. e. t. a. M. Amuke. Attorney. jlS-titdeaw HOSIERY Ladies' Weel Bibbed IIOS1 ERY Hese, 10c. a pair. HOSIERY Ladies Knitted Weel HOSIERY Hese, extra heavv, ex llOSI ER Y tra long, 3."ie". HOSIERY Ladies' Knitted Lambs HOSIERY Weel Hese,40c. HOSIERY' Ladies' French All Weel HOSIERY' Cashmere Hese, Fancy, HOSIERY 40c. a pair. HOSIERY' Ladies' Heavy French HOSIERY All Weel Cat tlROCEM ES. Q O'CLOCK COFFEE IS THIS J'lIKKST I.J : ind best ter t lie Break-last, -Table VTLAXTIC AND PACIFIC TEA CO., Ill North Qeccn Street. j.iii-JO-luiil Lancaster, Ta n:v' PROCESS BUCKWHEAT, a very tfupeiier Article; also a choice lotet Luzerui! County Buckwheat: also Decker's Self-Raising Riu-kwhcat and Griddle Cake Heur, at BUUSK'S. N 1TI.US AXO TOTATOS ItY THE ItAK iV REL AND BUSHEL, AT BURSK'S. A FEW AIOKE OF THE CKLEIJKATElT" XX. G. & R. TOMATOES, 2 CANS FOR "-, CENTS, AT BURSK'S. NOW OPEN. CALL AXD SEE OUli DISPLA Y. EVERYTHING MARKED AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICES! We eiler no goods but what we knew will give entire satisfaction te the wearer. We use none but the best or Trimmings, and employ none but the Det workmen. Having in our cmply one of the best Cutters In the city, we can give entire satisfaction in tit and make-up of every article. FLORIDA OKAXCK), ANI MI'iSSIXA Lemens; aNe While Grapes, "AT T.URSK'S. TKSr AND CHEAPEST U O F F E E S , A!.WYS FREMI ROASTED. AT Ne. 17 EAtiT KING STltEET. M U.SICAX. INSTR VMENTS. A FINE CHRISTMAS PRESENT. A LANCASTER FAVORITE ORGAN. OK A UiliCKKKIMG & SONS PIANO. A full line of SHEET MUSIC. VIOLINS. ACCORDIONS. BANJOS, HARMONICAS, &a. The above Instruments will be sold at re duced prices during the Holidays. MANUFACTORY NO. 220 NORTH QUEEN STREET. (ranch efllce during the Holidays, Se. 2 CENTRE SQUARE. tl::-lyiS.tlyw ALEX. McKILLIPS. WE HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF TIIE BEST SI.OO WHITE DRESS SHIRT IN THE CITY. SPECIAL BARGAINS OFFERING IN HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. Give us a call. Ne trouble te show goods. (lift Bewers & Hurst, 25 East King Street. HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIRRY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HO.-IERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY hosiery HOSIERY HOSIERY hosiery hosiery HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY' HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY-HOSIERY hosiery-hosiery HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" Y 1IOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HO: IK HOSIEI! liLshuicre llesc, 50c. a pair. Ladles' Fine All YVoel Cashmere Hese, em broidered centre, ."0c. a pair. Ladies' Extra Heavy Cotten Hese, Fleece Lined. Full Kcuular Made, in Solid Celers, 50c. a pair. Ladies' YVliite Iren Frame Hese, Full Reg ular Made, Fleece Lined, 25c. a pair, l-adies' Extra llcavy Fnll Regular Made Balbriggans, Silk Clocked, ilc. a pair. Ladies' Extra Heavy Balbriggans, Full Reg ular Made, elegantly embroidered feet, for evening wear. 2."c. a pr. Ladies' Full Regular Made Lisle Thread Hese, elegantly em broidered, 25c. a pair. Chlhl's imported Dark Cotten Steckiiurs, new' styles,!; te , 20 te 25e. Child's Plain Colored Cotten Hese. Silk Clocked, Full Regular Made, teS,'(, )te 10c. a pair. Child's Fu:l Regular Made Cotten Hese, em broidered centre, .1 te 8& 23 te Sic. Child's Fine French Cotten Hese, Full;Rcg ular Made, new design and elegant colors, 5 te 8j.,31te J!)c. Child's Ribbed Weel Heie, Regular .Made, 21lc. a jiair. Cliild's Knitted Fine Lambs' Weel HiK-e, 20c. a pair. Ladies' Dark Heavy Cotten Hese, Regular Made, l.'ie. a pair. Ladies' Gray Mixed He-e. Regular Made, Silk Clocked, 19e. a pr. . Ladies' C. ray Mixed Hese. Full Regular Made, Silk Clocked in Flowers, 25c. a pair. Gents' Full Re-'tilar Made Extra Fine Half Ileec, 17c. a pair. Gents' Full Regular Made l!albrigaiis,Silk Clucked, 25c. a pair. Gents' Tlain Cardinal Balbriggans, Full Reg ular Made, Silk Clock ed, warranted fast colors. 23c. a pair. Gents' Full Regular .limn! ur.iy -Mixed )SIERY' Merine Hee, 25c. a pr. ISIERY" Gents' Heavy ICibbed JSIERY YVoel Hese, 18c. a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY 1IO-1ERY IIOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSlERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" HOSIERY HOSIERY" HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY IIOSIERY IIOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY 1IOSIERY HOSIERY HOS1ERY JIOsIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY" IIOslERY HOS1ERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY I HOS1ERY 1ASTATE OF .IACOII WEH, SR., I.ATE J el the city of Lancaster, Ta., deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all pursuit's indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersign ed, residing in said township. JACOB YVEH. JR.. Executcr, Lancaster, Ta. A. J. Enr.iiLV, Attorney, ID Grant Street. Lancaster, Pa. j-21-tleaw INSTATE OF IIKNICY OAHHECUT, LATE i or Lancaster city. Lancaster county. Ta., deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against thcestate or said decedent, te make known the same te the uiieersigncu without delay, residing in Lan caster, Ta. ISAAC I). LUTZ. JOHN A. BAUSMAN, jan24.fibleaw Executers. INSTATE OF EIYV. A. SEN EH, LaIK Or J the City of Lancaster, Tu,, deceased. letters et administration en said e-tate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands axainst the same, will present, them without delav-te rhe undersigned. REBECCA SENER, Aemitiistiatri.v, or te G. Sener .V Sens, Lumber and Ceal Deal ers, N. E. Cerner Trince and Walnut Streets, Lanca-aer, Ta. jan 2Sfitdeaw 1 STATE OF THOMAS I KI'.LI.Y, T.ATE j of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters et administration en 9ail estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate or said decedent, te make them known te the undersigned n ith ith eut delay, residing in Lancaster. junlS-Ctileaw W. U. HENSEL. Pacific Express, cast, en Sunday, when Has ceil, will stej at Mlddletewn, Kllznlwthtewn Mt. Jey, iattidisvillc, Bird-in-IIand, Lcnian Tlace, Gap, Christiana, Tarkcsburg, Coates ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step atDowuiiigtewn.Coatcsvillf, Tarkes burjr.Mt. Jey, Elizabethtown and Miildletewn. Haiiovcrnci-emmodation wrat. connecting at Lancaster with Niagara ami Chicago Express at ll:iwa. in., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, wcst.cennecUuit Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2-II0 r m and will run through te Frederick. T OCAL MAIL AKIU.1UEMESTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY' RAILROAD. Nkw Y'erk tiirouehkail 7:.' a in. 1:60 p in, t:I5 p m and 11:30 p m. YVay Mail, cast, 7:i a in. Gordehvillk, Dowuingtewn, Iranian Place Gap 6 p m. Thilahelviiia through mail, 7:30 and 3:15 a in.. l:t)0, 4:l." and 11:30 j m. TlTTSitci'.eu and west, 2:i0unl 11:30 p m. IlAnKiHULKO Mail, asai, am, ism, 5:15 and II. In a m. Wat Mail, west, !:.'Ma in. Baltimerk aie Wasuikoten, via Philadel phia, 4:15 p m. Baltimerk and Wahiiinmteh, via Yerk. 2.0J n m. Baltixerb and Wasiiinoten, vlallarrisl.nrj? ll:.Mpm. " Ceatksvillb, I:j p m. Celumuia, nce i a in, 2:fie ami 5:15 p m. Yerk and Y'erk wav, 2:(l ami HS p in. NertiikRn Ck.ntral, 10:00 a in, 2:00 and H:.M u in. Reaoike, via Reading and Columbia R It. 7:30 a m and 12:30 p m. ' Readine. via Harrisbnrg, 5:15 and 1130pm. Kkatoneway. viaJunctieii, Lltitz, Manliciiii. "' iii.iuim.iii ! j:Jiiiiiii, e f III. ..ff:1B.,.:?iy.,,,l,s c'uniarge. New Providence, YVest Uillew and Martinsville, Relton ami Lime Y'alley,!t:45a m and 5:00 pm. ...'N'BW,. "0,-':AN, C'hurchtewn, Greenbank, Blue Ball, GiKMlville, Beartown ami Sprint; Greve, by way el Downingtown, at 7SMam and Ii p m. Safb Harber, via Columbia, le-.OOa m. BY STAGE Millersvllle and Slackwalcr. te Sate Harber, daily, at 4:(K) p in. Te Millcrsville.Hand 11:30 a inland 4 pm. Binkley's Bridge, Leacock, llurevilie, New Helland, 2:30 pin. YVillew Street. Smithville, Ruck, Clicstnut Level, t.rectie, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Leck springs, laiiineunt and Rewlandsvllle. Md. daily. 7:50 a m. .Landis r Valley , Oregon, YVest Earl. Farmers viile. Nclfsville. Hinkl.lnu-i Tm. mn 3Iartinilale. daily, at 230 n in. Greenland. Fcrtilitv. IjiiniM-ti-r nmi ivi..i. latiil AIIIIh. te Strasburg, ihUIy, ut 4 p in. Paradise and Seudersbiirg, ut 7:30 a in. New Danville, Conestegii, Marticvlllc, Cule manyille, Mount Ncbe. Ruwliusvillc. U:tl.i-s.i.i and Liberty Square, dally, at '30 p in. YVHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY'. ARRIVING BY RAIL.-Eastern mail, 7 a in 10:.V) a m, 3 and t;:30 p in. Eastern way mall, 10:30 a in. Western mail, 7 and 10 a m, 2 aud (1:.M pm. Reading, via Reading ami Columbia, 2:30 p m. Western way mall, SOU a in. Reading way mail, 10:30 a m. Quarry villi; Braiieh, H:.a m mid 4 p m. 'Vy.JNtJ.JVb.TAOK-'re'" a llwber and Millersville, at a in, daily. Frem Millersville, 7 and! a m, and 4pm Frem Saw Helland, at !C30u m, daily. Frem Rewlaudsvillu, Md, at4p in E .ESTATE OF JAMKS W. RUE V, LATE OF OF I INSTATE Ut lateefthe city dersigncd Auditor, appointed tedistrihutc the balance remaining in the hands of Julia Rhcy administratrix of James W. Rhcy, te and among these legally entitled te the stme. and te iiass en exceptions te her account, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY'. FERRUARY 22. ISdl, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city or L-iiu-ustcr where all persons interested in said distribu tion and exceptions may attend. . - , , WM. A. ATLEE, jan2.-3tdeaw Auditor. .......... n.ij iiiiill. 111 ll:..IIU III, OttllV. IiemStr.Lsburg,at!KMam,dally. t rem Rawlinsville, ut 11 a in. DELIVEICIES RV 4,'AUlMk -iv. Iliere are lour mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trips they J.-ie up Hie mail mutter deposited in the letter Fer the first delivei-j- the carriers leave the ?."."',' :,t,.,,:'" !l "'J second delivery at lOa m ; third unlivery at 11 a in ; fourth delivery ut3 p SUNDAY TOSTOFFICE HOUIW. On Sunday the postetlici;Noicii Ireiu Anril i te October I, from s le ! a in, and from t. te 7 a m ; from Oe.telier I teApril Urem te 10a m and from t; te 7 u in. COAL. B. K. 3IAKTID, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUM BER AND COAL. C-Y aid : Ne. 420 North Wuter ami Priucu streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd SARAH aiONTGOMEISV. Of I.ailf.ristf. fl.ri..iui..l i.eiiersoineminitnitionoii said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, nil pcr- , iii;ii.iu.:ii iiintiu are requested le luaKi immediate payment, and thne having claims' or demands iigahiat the same will present 'signed, tiiem ler settlement te the until siding in said cilv. ELIZABETH MONTGOMERY II. B. SWAitst, Administratrix. Attorney. jauSHitileuw re- COHO & WILEY, :.-,' A tUlTIt WATER ST., tanrtule ru Wholesale und Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. :.".iiiicctiiiii YVitlitbe Telephonic Exchange. Rranch Ofiice : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKKST. Jel28-iytl fEISVOUS UEISIL1TV. XT- i.1 Te Nervous Suilnrera The Great Eure pean Kciucuy or. .i. u. Simpsen's Specific Medicine. It is a positive cure for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakiit;s'.li!ipeteney,aii(lalI diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Less of Memery, Pains in Back or .sun-, aim nisciksea luul icae te consumption. Insanity and an early grave. The Specific Medicine is being used witli wonderful success. Pamphlets sent free te all. YVritc for them and get lull particulars. Trice, Specific. $1 per packaire. or six packages for f.". J. B. SIM P-,-O.V MEDICINE COMPANY. Nes. lOlauillw: Main Street, Bitlfale, N. Y'. Address ail orders te 11. B. COCHRAN. Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 130 North Queen Street, Lancaster tnl7-lylceilftw H TO J REILLY & KELLER FOR GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers in want el Snprlr Manure will find It te their advantage te call Yard, IlarrisburgPike. ) Oillcc. 2u;i East Chestnut street. agl7-lta COAL ! COAL ! ! ;'.?00',',caMFam,,ynil all ether kJnil of COAL go te P-USSSt, & SHULMYBR'S. (Jualityand YVelght giiarantectl. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 2 JEat KInK Street. YARO: Ct Aertb I'nnce Street. auglt-taprlSK,