LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER FRIDAY, FEBRUARYS 1881. Jlancastcr Intelligencer. FRIDAY EVENING, FEB. 4, 1881. The Silent Journal Speaks. The Examiner gives a half column of its space te a correspondent te exclaim bitterly against the Xew Era editer-bc-cause he published the vote of the grand jury en the Tripple indictments and ac knowledged that lid had gene " te some trouble te get it." The coirespendent declares that the grand juror who dis closed his vote deliberately committed perjifry, and that the editor who went ' te some trouble "te get him te de it is equally guilty in the eye3 of the law because " the punishment of an accessory is the same punishment that is meted out te a"' Wc greatly fear that tliis. critic is net a disinterested ob server of the Xrw Era editor's course. He manifests his feeling .somewhat im prudently. In fact it is apparent enough that the Examiner editor is himself masquerading as it.s cei respondent. As he was en the grand jury he may have special means of knowing that none of the eleven members who voted with him were se indiscreet as te acquaint the Xev: Era editor with t lie slate of the vote, but that "among these voting in favor of a true bill against Tripple theie was at least one scoundrel ba-e enough, in utter disregard of his oath, te disclose the proceedings of the grand in quest te the immaculate editor."' We admit that it is net at all likely that any of the twelve jurjnien, who voted te ig ig neie the bill, would be de-irons that their names should go out te the people se re corded, and that the leaky juryman was prebab.y one of the minority, who was restive under the i-eveie censuie visited upon the grand juiy for its action and who was net anxious te bear the lead of bis bretln en's sins. Still, tiie emphasis with which Air. Williamson declares that none el the twelve, who may haw been guiity of peijiuy in tefusing te in dict the Tiipples, weie also guilty of peijury in violating their oaths te con ceal the grand jury's counsel, seems te show that he had peculiar means of knowing that the information did net City councilmen whe.aie willing te pay for gas that the city does net get may be men of a liberal order of mind, but it is net a liberality that is likely te recommend them te the voters, tmd they need net be surprised if they find some trouble at the approaching election in persuading their fellow citizens that they ought te be le-elected. Nothing seems plainer than that it is wrong for the gas cenipam te'demand, auditor the city te paj', for furnishing gas te lamps that have net been lighted for months. This fact is net denied ; and yet the gas is paid for. Xe reason is assigned for the payment. It is simply. a donation te the company. The amount involved may net be large, but councilmen who are willing te pay a dollar that has net been earned are net te be trusted te lefuse te pay many dollars with as little reason. We invite the citizens te consider whether they should net vote against every man who voted te pay the gas company's bill. of PERSONAL,. AI. Gamdetta is one of the membeis a Cremation society. Airs. Themas, the widow of the general, is new living quietly at Trey. She re ceives no pension. Mmc. KuDEJMerK, the singer, has just lest her pleasant summer residence at Berlin, Mass., by fire, supposed te be of incendiaiy eiigin. Adklixv Patti has been ' singing at Nice, and Madam Blanc, of Monaece, has given te the prima denna a picscntefa handsome tiara of diamonds. Air. Paknet.i. is pietuicsquely described as "a charming cavalier with pale, finely cut face, a line brew and thoughtful but cheeiful eyes." Fiuxcis It. DLiavr,r, author and pett, and fei a time co editor of "Hallea's. Pic Pic teial Magazine," died jcsleiday in New Yeik, in the 07th jcar of his age. GniJM.n P.v.r.T, feuith en of Allied Paget, and his wife have hunting in Wyoming and Alent.i ua. night they slept in an open tent with the theimemetei twenty degrees below zeie and thu wolves howling about them. Professer J. Lewis Diviex. of 15 i own Leid been One come from them. Did they take anetia ' Univcisity, Rhede Island, died last even oath of silence among themselves ? ling of malignant erysipelas-. He was we are net paiticularly concerned te feimci ly a Congregational minister defend the JYcic Eia fiem the assault upon it ler publishing the vote et the LATESl' NEWS BY MAIL. The First Baptist church, at Cambridge -pert, Alass., was completely destroyed by lire last evening. Less, $93,000 ; insured for $57,000. Aliiiam & Aleigan's parafnne was ic fining works, at Cleveland, Ohie, were damaged by the ycsteidav te the amount of $12,000. Eight tenement houses we.e binned at Last Bosten, yestciday, involving a less of $20,000 and burning twenty-six fami lies out of their homes. The Tennessee Legislatuie yesterday took a recess of ten days. Befeie ad journing it appointed a committee te sit during the lecess te investigate the chaiges of bribery and conuptien against members in the elections of comptieller and tieas uicr. A large number of soldiers at Feit Con Con ceo, Texas, comrades of Watkin, who was muideicd by a man named AlcCarthy, went in search of the murdeier the ether night te lynch him, but weie unable te find him before being eidered back te the feit. The l ejection by Italy and Germany of whole cargoes of diseased bacon ln glutted the French market, and the evil ellccts of eating it aie manifested in the banacks ami in, private families The piefect of police has consequently issued piceautiens MAKING A SENATOR. lioeins Started Ter ScelleM and Welsh. Patriot. The proceedings in the joint convention yesterday were quite interesting. A boom was rather unexpectedly started for Hen. Gleuni W. Scetield, who received three votes. Air. AlcCracken changed from Grew te Phillips, J. B. Brown changed from Grew te Scofield, Hayes changed from Grew te Scofield. W. F. Stewait from Oliver te Scofield. When the Scofield boom burst into full bloom quite an excitement was raised, and for a time the wandering attention of the members of the convention was brought back te the question which was before them. Subse quently an efibit was made te stai tan tan ether boom, but it did net meet with much success. Air. Reland moved that the convention take at least thiec ballets en each legisla tive day until a United States senator i elected. agreed te. Mr. leae ever guessing that its pronuueiattien is Darbb. Hew this sound first attached itself te this combination of letters is a mystery. As the Sun shines for all, per haps one of the Enraghts of Virginia will kindly let us knew, and hew it is possible that its absurdity" can have survived se long in the common sense atmosphere of America. AIcKee, of Philadelphia, asked te have read a petition from 230 i jury, although we also ascertained the vote and did net disturb the consci ence of a juier, either, te get the V m ,'ia-s;iLini5L'ii.s, our, aoeut leuiiceu jcais ae, was elected pi ofcssei of histeiy md political economy in Biown univeisity. In view of the opinions lately expressed by eminent oculist; that the icadin"- of gentjeman of this 'Gciman tcl is injurious te the eve, the for us a copy of I Bme government has leselved as much infei inatien. city pieeuic.l tiie containing a list of the jurymen which had been maiked with the vote et each menilxi by a couple et them who had exam ined it, and who left it behind thtm when they went out, without hav ing taken the pieciiutien te cffccluully erase their markings. 13dl we doubt whether an one would greatly blame a grand juier who told hew the jury voted in a case where the people believed it had cleai ly vet"d wrong, and where it was charged v.ilh peijury in finding a veidictcentiary te the plain bvidence. The jurors who had voted in the minori ty might well be restive under the charge and be tempted te violate tiie unimpor tant pail of their oath te fiee themselves from the imputation of having been iruilty of a greater wieng. It is very natural for the twelve men who igneied this indictment against Tripple and who are being scarified by the public for it, te want te drag their innocent fellow jurymen into the mire ; but the Esa.ninvr is imprudent for lend ing itself te the elTert. A journal which refuses te join in the public condemna tion of the twelve men who refused te indict criminals upon clear evidence of their guilt, should cei tainly net be'very ready te assail the remainder of the jury for the venial offence of exculpat ing themselves from censure by telling who of the iury were i ('.spensible for the verdict. The Ecai.-iucr bleaks its silence about the Tripple matter very strangely. as possible te discemagc its nc, and all their official announcements and lepnts will hcncefeith be printed exclusively in Reman chaiacici.s. AuersiA, empress of Gecmam, has le ceived from the rmpi ess of Japan a holi day gift of beautiful Japanese dogs. They ai rived at the palace in chaise of a Japan ese official, who had cenveved them all the way fiem Yeddo te Berlin caiefully pick ed in a handsome kennel, the interior of which was luxuriously lined with silken cushions-. Boiled rice is the chief article of their diet. The announcement that the widow of IJebi.ut BAnxwmx Ruett is seen te be come an inmate of the Louise Heme, es tablished bj Coieeran, the lieh Washing ton philantluepist, is another ene of the many instances of the poverty te which the families of leading secessionists have been reduced. The late B u nwell Rhctt's proper name was Smith, but he changed it te Illicit, hoi no by a colonial ances ter. MINOR TOPICS. Accoisdixe te tha Xaliun .Mr. Hayes has during the. past year pardoned or re duced the sentences of thiity-enc army eilieeis found guilty of drunkenness and 1 much i exulting scandalous misconduct. "What we deduce fiem this sorry per formance is simply tint Air. Haves is weak against its use A fly wheel in the Russian mills at Niles, Ohie, flew in pieces, killing two men, injuring several etheis and consid erably damaging the mill. The accident was caused by a belt te the governor dip ping off and causing toegieat a velocity of the wheel, which was eighteen feet in diameter. A delegation headed by ex-United States Senater Jehn F. Lewis have gene te Men Men eor, Ohie, te urge the appointment of S. M. Yest, of Staunton Valley, Va., te the place of postmaster general in Piesidcnt Gaifield's cabinet. Stienuen. and per sistent dibits aie making te secure the ap pointment. The sale of Shark river, which is an nounced te take place at the suivever general's office at Peith Ambey en Satur day, is causing much excitement. The sale is called by the boaidef proprietors of East New Jeisey. Shaik river is an ami let of the sea and is navigable, and under the lawe the common piepeity of the jeo jee plc. It is famous for its oysters and is a great auxiliary te tl e watering leseits in the ncighboriieod. Jeseph Brennan, a contiacter en the Tehuantepcc Iutei ocean lailread, has been dangcieusly wounded. Ihs assassin had prepared an ambuscade and shot Biennan while passing en heisuback. Tha affair has caused a sensation because meat hes. tility is manifested tewauls the Tchannte pec railroad cntci prise byceitain p lilies. It is feared that the engineeis rent te the isthmus by Captain Eads will also meet with opposition. Three men attempted te outrage Miss Gcergie Humblest, a young and highly accomplished woman, of .Augusta, Aik. Ilerscicams hi ought assistance befeie the biutcs could accomplish their piupesc. They attempted te escape, but wcioc.p wciec.p turcd and alter a fight with the populace, who had gathered, ciying "Hang them !" " Kill them !' the eilieeis succeeded in lodging them in jail. At 1 o'clock at night a mob of masked men bieke into the prison, bucked and gagged the jailer and guai ds and secured the priseneis. The mob then ciessed the river and hanged the captives en trees en the opposite hak. They completed their ghastly weik by throwing the dead bodies into the river. ' i announcement lias been A I hippy Time. The opponents of the Republican ring in Philadelphia aie te be united in the appieaching municipal election in the suppeit of one ticket ; and with the formidable iinpie.ssien made upon public sentiment theie against the present man agement of the City, there is little room te doubt that the effort te change it will succeed. The Republican vole that will be given ter the change will mere than balance the Democratic vote that Stok ley will doubtless poll again, as he has done in the past. Tiie clement in the Democratic paity which has here tofore sustained him is such that it will be very beneficial te the party te be freed fiem connection with. A non-partisan police feiceaiud a guarantee that the ole will be counted as it is ee t at the elections in Philadelphia, is all that the party in state needs the paity in the city te have. We are tired of leing voted down by the mauufactuied returns of Philadelphia, wiiere mere than once a heavy majority se secuied has lest us the state. If the ring bosses are overthrown there we can take care of them elsewhere. Their present strug gle for existence, in the senatorial con test in the Legislature, shows their weak ness in the state, controlling it.s two great cities, they are jet paralyzed in their effort te sustain themselves. The signs of the times plainly show that their power is gene. The defeat of Oliver and of Stekh v will assure their down fall. The tune n.u, cu:oe when an aroused public sentiment will be effec tive te crush them : and it is a happy time for the state. and it resolute." James R. Bnew.v, brother of the sena tor from Georgia, is a judge in that state and a model of conscientiousness. A rail way accident made him a half hour late in leaching the com thouse in Marietta the ether day. He net only apologized te the lawj eis assembled, but ordered that a fine of $ against himself should be enteied. AiiiMvrruat Ajr, Scotland, lecently introduced the following petition into his Sunday pi aycr: "OLeid, bless the es tablished chinch, and the free chinch, and the United Presbyterian church, and all the ether churches. Theu knewest the various nicknames, Lord, by which they aie called ; bless them all.' The lucky name mi this country is James. CeneialG.u field will be the fifth piesidcnt of that name, his predecessors being Madisen, Moniee, Pell- and Bu chanan. Noethcr name occurs as ficqucnt ly in the list of picsidents. Theie have been tin ce Jehns the two Adamses and Tyler ; the only ether name lepeated is Andrew, which was beine by Jacksen and his aJmiier, Jehnsen. The nanus which occur but once in the list aie Geerge, Themas, Mai tin, William. Zich ary, Alill.ud, Fiauklin, Aluaham. Uiysses and Rutheifeid. TELTXSK M'll CIIN-OM J1A1IO.V President reu el tlie Western Um- Mies Hit i.;I Auiieunt-ciiiciir. The following issued : Office Western Union- Teleeuvi'ii CeMfANV, New Yeisk, Febiu uy .5, l'3Sl Tha Western Union telcgiaph cenipanv having this day cemp'eted the puiehas'e aud taken possession of the lines, prepeiry, rights aud privileges of the American Union telegraph ceinpauy aud of the At lantic and Pacific telegraph company. David II. Bates has been duly appointed agent of this company and general manager of the lines, offices and operations of the piepeity and rights turned ever by the American Union tele graph company, and Albeit B. Chandler has been duly appointed agent of this company and general manager pi epei ties and rights turned ever tit... . 1 T1 m m .iu.uii:c aim l'acinc telegraph company uuui iiiuiier notice el a concentration of citizens of PhiladelDhia. After some lit tic debate the leave was granted and the petition lead. It is as fellows : " The undersigned, citizens of Pennsyl vania, aie fully convinced that neither the Hen. Galusha A. Grew nor Air. Henry W. Oliver, jr., can be elected te the United States Senate by the Legislature of Penn ylvania without Dcmeciatiu votes, and be'ievmg that the senator from Pennsyl vania should be chosen by Republican votes, new urge upon the honorable mem bers of the Senate and Heuse of Reiuc scntatives of Pennsylvania, that they should at once end the present content by the election of the Hen. Jehn Welsh." Nobody seemed either enthused or sur prised by this significant suggestion and Senater Cooper was about te renew a mo tion te adjoin n when Senater Geiden ob tained the fleer. His point of order was that the petition was obnoxious te a Iaige number of the membeis of the convention and could net be received, inasmuch as it simply appealed te one section of the bsdv composed of the Republican members and was net addressed te the convention as a body. The chair would doubtless have been compelled te decide the point of order well taken had it been raised at the. nienm- time, but the subject had had already been pas-ed upon and was net at that time be fore the convention. A motion te adjourn cut off all debate. When the petition praying for the selec tion of Jehn Welsh as senator had been lead, the National Greenback Laber paity which gees under that name rose and said with the gieatest gravity. "I rise te thank my friends for the unexpected honor" he was. allowed te go no faither. The convention saw the joke aud shrieked with laughter. During the confusion the Hen. Jehn Welsh withdicw his name as a can didate for the United States Senate aud sat down. The men iment had hardM v sub sided befeie Senater Hall get in a little joke and it was partially lcvived. Air. Hall suggested that as Senater Iloiatie Gates Jenes is in authority en all mattcis of a Welsh natuie, it might be well te re fer the petition te him. The convention seems detcimuicd, if it is impossible te agiee upon a choice for the United States Se.iate le have a geed time ever it any hew. Last night the air was heavy with ru ru nieis in legard te the senatership. Few of them, however, could be traced te a lclia ble seiuce, and many were entire fabrica tions of an imaginative brain. On Wed nesday evening Air. James AfcManps of Philadelphia, an ived in the city and his appearance caused quite a flutter of cx- I citcmenr. He undoubtedly came hcie in j the inteiest of a compromise, because he i'caisthat this dead lock will serieu.slv alfect the success of the party in the com ing municipal elections in "Philadelphia. But whether he favors any of the compro mise candidates mentioned or whether lie has an entirely new steed te lead upon the track is a ceiiiindium which has net yet been sehed. Varied significance is taken fiem the changes in the vote estcrday. The Oliver men aie rather pleased that their opponents lest two votes and legard the fact as an indication that Grew's enraniza- tien is bi caking. Conservative men of both sides. however, and outside observers, who have been closely watching the fight, and aie in a position te. knew, arc of the opinion that the changes of the last two dajs show that the sticngth of the organization en both sides is wc.ik-- ind Tlie Ureat Knrulii-Darby Question. Te the editor of the Sun. Sir: Dur ing the winter of 1803, while seated in the office of the Confederate Quaitcrmaster General Lawten, a. gentleman walked in and asked for a letter held theie for Air. Darby. This inquiry was made te the geneial himself, who stictehed out his arm for a package of letteis en his desk, looked quickly ever them, and replied in the negative. The visitor remaikcdthat he was suie there much be one addressed te him, and, en Gen. Lawten's again con sulting the package, looked ever his shoulder and suddenly exclaimed, " There I knew I was right !" "That letter is addiessed te Air. En raughty," said the general, rather puz zled. "That's the way wc spell it," eaielessly answeicd the satisfied man, as he left the room with his property. Gen. Lawten's mind wandered appaient ly from the business in hand after this, and I was despairing of attaining satisfactory icsults, when another applicant enteicd. and befeie he had time te open his mouth, the general, without introduction or ex planatien, accosted him suddenly with "Hew the devil can a man make En raughty Dai by, or Dai by Eniaughtv ?" The visitor laughed. "Well," he said, "manyycais age there was a law firm hcie termed Enraughty fc Darby. Air. Darby was the mere pieminentand ablest member of the firm ; consequently cveiy client wished te consult with Air." Daiby. Se, when he was net present, Enraughty naturally took his place, and te strangers became Air. Darby. Then his son giew up iu the office and became young Dai by, and when the strip of gieund belonging te the Enraughty cstate was appiepriated by the city el' Richmond, it became the Darbytown read and was used a gicat deal for army tionspei ration." This is all I knew of the mattei. as Gen. -- --- Li iwten, satisfied that the right man had the right letter, returned immediately te the problem hew te make a bundled flannel shiits clothe a thousand nun. P. New Yeuk Hetel, Feb. 3. Te the editor of the Sun Sir : I think the cenunduiin piopesed in the Sun in legaid te the pioiiunciatieu of the name Eniaght can be solved thus : In old times it was quite common for families te have an alias, this usually being the name of the place fiem which they came. The Enraghts were probably called Enraght, alias Dai by. The Darby has stuck te them while they continue te write their names Enraght. Similar instances of iiemencla tuic have been discevcicd by Air. J. P. Cellier, Halliwcll and ethers iu seaiching old iegistcrs. Will you allow me also te say that Wol Wel Wol veihanipten, near which placj I lived for many years, is pronounced as written, and net Wolvciten, which is quite a dilleicnt place, and that Rafeisthc diminutive of Ralph, and net the pronunciation of that word. Among ether instances of English anti phonetic absurdities aie Bcauchamp, pro nounced Beecham ; Ponseiiby, pronounced Punsenby ; Belvoir, pronounced Bevur ; Beaulieu, Bewlv; and Cavendish, Can dish. Derby is pronounced Dai by among old fashioned people only. Ax EXGMSHMVN'. A UREAT REVIVAL e.imir eml Hwif en -..,... ,. i i SU(1('" ,,ie'k will come. Ne dibits te- "j '" waill a comnremisn ntr nnw lr.;..,r made by the leadeis of either faction, but the feeling that a bicak is near seems te be increasing. Whom the lightning will strike nobody knows, although every" body is icady te pi edict. Hen. Jehn VlLvll 1 ln-i iinlm.i.-.l A-.. i.t 1 . iJ. ..f.! "V-'dhimUf iaTriurtefiXS ( Hen. Jehn Welsh seems te have many , friends, as has also Hen. Glcnni W. Sco field. Geerge Shiras. ir.. of although he ieceives a vote or two in the convention, can hardly be regaidcd as in me race, it is generally conceded that, it would never de te drop Oliver and de liberately take up another 'man in his place 1 1 eni the s ame locality. Rcpicsenta tiva Uulings, of Vcnauge, who votes for Shiias, would like te see him elected, but would pieb.ibly leave him for any com cem com piemisc candidate en whom sufficient sticngth could be concentrated te dissolve the deadlock. Tin: Philadelphia Jiullnin, a ' ma chine"' paper of the most approved ma chinery, supports Jehn Welsh ler United Slates senator, and gives Oliv i r the diep completely. Wehh is the man whom "Wharten Barker is s lid te have secured the willingness of the Glew tactien te go for whenever the time is ripe. AVelsh has some of the qualities which recom mended Oliver te Cameren. He is a " businessman," with a " bar'l" and he tapped it for the" relief of the Republicans in Indiana ac me critical time, xsuc Haves sent him te England when the family asked ter that mission fer Simen Cameren. The new legulatiens for primany educa tion in Fiance feibid corpeial punishment and provide that the wish of the father shall alwajs be consulted as te l.aiticipa l.aiticipa tien iuicligieus instruction; thai children shall net be sent te chinch for catechism or services except out of class benis; that the teacher shall net be bound te take them or watch ever them theie ; that Sun days and Thuisdays shall be holidays ; and that lainishnieuts shall consist of bad marks, repiimanu, paitial pnvatien of lecicatien, detention after school hetns, and tcnqteiary exclusion, net exceeding two days. management. All eilieeis and employees of cither of said companies will be letained in the service of the company till fuither nonce, anil an eusmess done anil levenues accruin will be lepeited and turned evei te I hi company. (Signed) Neuvix Gm:r, President. KILLING MS Win: 15V niSTAK$. j ISleus That Wern lnteiitlcii for :i ;iesf With VVIiiim Die WIfe hut! Changed ::is. A white woman went into Jehn Hemp's house, in Checkeilewn, Chailette county, Va., and asked te stay a day or two. She seemed te have plenty of money. Demp had oiilypne geed chamber in the house, and told her she could occupy that. lie acceidingly put her in there, g.viug her a bed by the side of her wife's bed. Demp. seeing that she had money, detei mined te , mimter her, and he cient into tin. room, aimed with an ae. It steins that his wile and the ether woman had changed beds dm ing the night. Demp went te the bed which he supposed the guest occupied. lie could only distinguish the outlines of the figuie, aud he dealt it two muidcieus blows with the axe. The noise woke the sleeper in the ether bed, and the man dis ceveicd by her sci earns that he had uiur deied his own wife. He fled fiem the loom, and fortunately for her salety, the ether woman quitted the house. I)emp i el m nod late, carried the body of his wife into a clump of weeds nwr bv. and buried it by the light of a tei eh, He then went back, and was engaged iu burning the bed sheets vvhcu lie was ancstcd. STATS ITEMS. Gov'. Heyt has tendered the eiliea of superintendent of public instruction, held by Pief. Wickersham, te Rev. Dr. C. A. Hay. of the Lutheran theological semi nary at Gettysburg, but he declined it. Se says the Reading Xcvs. A fire broke out iu the tiuwaie estab lishment of J. D. Rewc, Jeisey Shoie, which destroyed the cntiic establishment. as well as. the residence of Airs. Pcppcrman and the maible yard and lesidcnce of Jas. S. Baiclay. The new brick residence el Chas. B. Seelcy, editor of the Herald, was also damaged and the house, of Jehn 11. Wilsen sustained sonic injury. Daniel Kalbfuss has died ill the insane asylum at Danville, Pa. He achieved considerable nunc during the. Alellie Ma- guuctuais, appealing as counsel for the Alellics who were tried at Alauch Chunk. Overwork iu these cases unsettled his ic.i ic.i sen and he became insane, and for several ycais he was an inmate of the asylum at Danville. Deceased was a lawyer efbril liant attainments and an oiater of gicat eloquence. Up te 1872 he was a Republi can, when he became a Liberal orGieclcy erGieclcy ite, and since then acted with the Democrats. in the united Brethren Church, West Mari etta. A special concspendent, "S. ," writcsus as fellows : The Church of the United Bretlnen in Christ, in West .Alarietta, has been the scene of the gieatest revival that has ever takcu place in this community. Up te this writing upwards of fifty persons have been soundly converted ami ten arc at present at the altar seeking, and many mere are deeply convicted, se that, judging from present appearances, it is safe te sav the geed weik will continue until all the un un ODnvertcdef this immediate viciuity aie brought into the fold of Ged. The icvival services weie commenced en the 27th of November, 1SS0, and continued legulariy every evening for six weeks under the leadership of the Rev. J. AI. Lesher, of the U. B. church, at present stationed at " P. and during that time twenty-seven were converted. Then the spirit of the meet ing seeming te lag somewhat 3Ir. Lcshcr thought it best te close the seivice, which he did en the Sth of January last. But at the end of two weeks the spirit of conviction sccmcil te spring up stronger than before, and Air. Lesher determined x. j reopen the services, which he did en the 22d of Janmry, under the leadei.shipef the Rev. Christopher Alillcr. of Aliddle twn, a local pieaeheref theU.B. chinch ; he (.Mr. Leshei) having in the meantime opened icvival services in his church at AIiddlctwu. Since the recommencement et- tiie sei vices here about twentv five uioie have been eenveited, atid the altar is still crowded with seckeis. The highest number at the altar, en any evening was en Friday evening last, January 2Sth, at which time theie weie eighteen at the altar. This church or chapel was built in the year 1S71 by the Methodist Episcopal chinch of Marietta, aud that denomination held ser vices only once in a while, but S.rulay school legulariy until the latter put of the year 1878 when it was closed up en tirely, except twice or three times that the River Bretlnen held services in it dining the winter of 1878. Late in the spine- of 1S70 the Rev. J. W. Geigcr, of the M. " B. chinch of Marietta, held services qn te a long time iu fact ncaily te the end of t!w J ear 187!) en Wednesday evenimr of each week, and frequently by children., meeting en Sunday. " But p.-eplc net seeming te appreciate hi. cflbits te de tnem geed, he at length ccacd iii-scilerts almost entirely, p.utly en account of a lack of interest and real en the paifc of the people, and irtly en ac count of a pi ess of labor in" liis'iegular charge, he having, besides the chapel, two churches, viz., Marietta and Maviewn. Thue in itters remained, until June, lb'Sil, when the Rev. J. AI. Lesher, pissing through this place and making inquiries in te the chapel, and also the com munity, learned sufficient te satisfy him, that there was an opening hcie for a gicat work, and at once proceeded te make ar rangements te held service hcie. Which ai-rangcments he carried into effect at once by having services every two weeks, en Saturday evening and Sunday meining, 10 tinning by train te Middletewu and filling his appointment thcic in the after neon aud evening. In this way he kept matteis moving until the 27th of November last when, as ahcady stated, he opened revival services, the foundation for which he laid by visiting the people at their homes, and talking te and praying for them ; the ic sult of which was, as might reasonably be expected, the sound conversion of nearly all the unconverted ; and that these people may be steadfast in their new life and labor earnestly and diligently in the vincyaidef the Alaster until lie shall re ward them with an abundant entrance into the " rest that remains te the peeple of Ged," is the wish aud pravoref cveiv geed Chi istian. A Sunday school has been organized, and is in a flourishing condi tion, with the following newly-elected elficcr.s: seeictary. Samuel Nev : Secretary EDUCATIONAL. -MEETING OF THE SCHOOL BOARD. Walter Sharp; assistant sccretaiy, Jeseph Clinten ; Librarian, James AIcAll'e ; a-sis--taut librarian, Jeseph AIcFai land; treas- IX A BAD FIX. A .ilutne -.c;;itil.itir Charged with .Sniiuliing. Themas B. Swan, a member of the Maine Heuse of Representatives from Mmet, is charged with swindling the pub lic thieiigh the mails. He has been solic iting business by circulars ler the East ern lnanufacturinj. company, Mechanic falls jevvchy manufacturing company, Richer, Hake & Ce.. and the Reland man. ufacturing company. He left Augusta en Saturday last, since which time the United States efficci sand a defective havs been enhis track, but lis has net vet been can- tin cd. He received a considerable amount him as seen as the Millci ten authorities of money in answer te his circular s are through with him. Arrest or a Man Who Stele. nrsc, leini" Oirls anil Other -lien's Wives. Dackcrtevvn, N. J., has just been tic rted te a sensation of the biggest kind. Several months age a man named Aluusen Miller, accompanied by his wife, arrived theie and commenced bearding at the Warner house. A few days -age a man named Doty, fiem Alassaclmsctts, made his appearance in that town and discover ed that that the alleged Airs. Alillcr was his wile, who had eloped with a m in named Jehnsen, and further discovered that the man Miller was none ether th rn Jehnsen himself. Doty s wife begged forgiveness, it was granted,and returned home with hei husband, swearing te never again eir. It has since transpued that Alillcr. alias Jehnsen, is Royal J. Alillaid, who was wanted at several places for r ebberv. Just picvieus te his elopement with Mrs. Detv. AIUI.iul had married a lcspcctab'c giil, the daughter of a wealthy miller el Neilh Egicment, Alass., and was the father of one child Mill.nd'.s father-in-law was se anxious te get held of the scoundrel that hce.lcicda reward for his arrest. The authorities having decided that the man c. ar char te .Ui'lerten, Duchess county. X. Y whcie he is wanted for hoi se stealing, ai d his father-in-law is ready te lay hand-en V, liat'n In it Name? e. Yeik .-un. One of the two ritualistic cleigymcn w he lately undci went in England the small maityideni of residing in jail rather than 'ei ego the pleasure of disobeying his law ful supcinns by indulging in certain scmi scmi Remish ceremonies and vestments, hems the name of ' Enraght." which, as a fam ily name, also exists in our Virginia. The Rev. Mi. Enraght figures largely in the English papers. Hew the name is there new pioneuncad wc de net knew, but an intelligent and well-informed friend has given us its Virginia pronun ciation, which he had from the late U. S. and C. S. A. Senater Wigfall of Texas, who knew some of the family, and of which he has also heard confirma tion fiem ether Virginians. It miirht safely be propounded as a cenundium, with $1,000 reward for the successful an swer. The English pronunciation is prob ably still the same as the transplanted Viiginian, for there is nothing of which i-nghsh peeple aie mere tenacious than St'lXXIXG UOT bTOi'f: 1,1 1)-. urer, Aaren R. Lutz. And se the iroed weik gees en, and we hope will go e un til the entire community is brought te a saving knowledge of the tiue leligien. The U. B. denomination h ive pur chased the chapel and it therefeic belongs te them new. In your issues of Alendav and Wednes day your concspendent at Alarietta, in speaking of this place and the revival, per sists in calling it "Iiishtewn." Would he net please indulge r.s se far as te call it by its proper nunc, West Alarietta :' ON Till: SUSQUEHANNA. A UliDstly Visitor's Melhed el W.'.rinini; Ufa Hands. Alphensu Dielct, a respectable joiner, lives with his wife at Ne. 172 Beandry street, Alentical, an unpictcntieus thor ough fare in the French quarter. Fer several nights past they have been para lyzed with fear by strange inanifi- Nations in their house. Th? red-het sl.rve lids would suddenly and noiselessly rise te a height of about a feel, spin rat-idly around iu the air for several seconds-, and then drop quietly i.ite their places again. An invisible agency banishes sleep by thump ing against the headboard of the bedstead and making a neise en the face of the miner like that el falling gavel. The Rev. Father Chanipeny has exercised the demon, hut Dielct says that the manifes tations begin again immediately after he retires, and continue mere or less violent until dawn LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Tilt. UENTIST. rtlccU-ig or Harris Dental Association. The quaiteily meeting of the Harris dental association was held in G. A. R. hall, Centre square, tin's city, yesterday. The following named membeis were present: Dr. Win. N. Ainer, city, presi dent; Dr. Jehn AleCalia, Millcrsville ; Dr. J. II. Hill, Gettysburg ; Dr. Rogers, Cel- umeia; ur. u. lime llcrt, Jiplirata ; Dr their absuid pieveisiens of the prenuncia- ' G. Weltner, Lititz, and Drs. Yeung, tien of some old family-names. Our read Pixten, Webb, Uniting, Knight and Allen ers, m the simnle innocence of their innr ancv. and naturally pi esuming as wc did, sonic seit of lclatieu of pronunciation te spelling, will' be surprised te learn what that of " Enrajdit " ; mtheritics having decided that the man 0 Ze NSh ft ulling himself Miller was Royal Mdlard, Warwick i &r? urested him, when he admitted the w. 1' ,cf he r , me, They probably knew that en British lips Cholmentleley is Chnmley; Walshigham, Hiimcum; uaizen, uiell (as a monosylla ble ; st. Jehn, Siitjin; St. Legcr, Sdligcr; Levisen Gower, fxicsen Gere; Derby, J) rbj ; Alorjeribanks, Marclibunks ; Aiundcl, Arndcl; Holbern, Hebern; Berk clcy, liurkly (though in Londen Berkeley -ticct gees out of BarUy square); Pali .'urn, x-ea .uen; uutuven. Jiiven ; Aln wick, Annick; Oakhampton, Ocklingten; Wolvcihainpten, Woltcrten ; Wavcrtree, Watcrcc; Mcnzies, Minghies ; Cockburn, Ueb'mi; Kirkcudbright, Koekoobre; Ralph, Jl'ife; Hawick. Heick; while the towns of Norwich. Dulwich. Inswich. Dullidge, Ipsieli. of Tagliafcrre is is iu Enirland. Jjiit, however familiar he may be with tin se anti-phonetic absurdities-, even the successful victor of the new forgotten 13, ii, i.j ituxie migirc cracie ms Oram ler a efLancaster The greater patt of the meining session was taken up in the discussion of the Camming rubber patent a matter of very censidei.ible intcicstte the dental piofes piefes sinn. Thciis was a unanimous expression of opposition te the extension of the patent, new being asked for by the ew ncr During the afleinoeu session Dr. Jehn Jleualla lead a valuible essay en the sub ject of the lateral pressure of the teeth. After the leading of the essay the society adjourned te the lit at Monday of Alay. S.ilu etReal Kstate. B. F. Rewc, auctioneer, sold last tight at Gee. Wall's Southern Exchange hotel, the house and let, Ne. 408 Seuth Oueen, for Jacob Bewers, agent for the heirs of Susanna Fiauciscus, deceased, te Jehn H. Smith for $1,223, Ita-tlnc l'ast and Present. A vaitted friend and concspendent, of the Cambria Fi eeman who followed the business of rafting ncaily all his life, and is therefore in a condition te knew whereof he affirms, sends te it the subjoined facts and statistics concerning the lumber trade at the head-waters of the Susquehanda. Thay net only prove of h.teicst te lumber man, but te the general public as well. "Thirty-live yearage,rafting en the Sus quehanna was net se remunerative as at present. Geed pine timber was then taken te market (Marietta. Lancaster Ce., Pa.,) and sold for from two and one-half te three cents per cubic feet, Edwaid King sold the fust raft that ever brought five cents wheic ifc was put iu, i. i one mile below Chcrrytie-e. It was sold at Maiictta for nine cents per cubic feet, and it was considered a geed investment, the expense of getting it te market being about two and ouc-feuith cents per feet. The same quality of timber at present would bring ten cents per cubic feet ; the cost of putting it te maikct would be about four cents per feet, and when tl.cre it would find a icady sale at hour eighteen t' twenty cent par feit. Such timber is getting very scarce and these who have it are content te let it stand, as the invest ment is better than government bends. In the spring season of 1SIJ1 there weie :J,i500 rafts of all kinds en the Susquehanna and its tributaries. Theio never has been se many since, as many of the parties who used te run snuaie lumber have turned their attention te floating their timber in round legs. This plan costs less and is meic sine of getting the stuff te market, as an that is needed te be done is te get the legs te the water, when, if it is in geed condition, many of them will reach market en the feuith day, if net sooner, while seven days is a quick trip with a raft. We estimate the round legs tiiis .-ei-sen at about 200,000,000 feet, beard meas ttie; the square lumber at ene thousand rafts, averaging about seven thousand cubic feet each, which is a high eneu-dr average. Lhe best tract of pine timber m the upper end et Cleat field county com prises nineteen thousand marketable tree--. All ether tracts in the ncighboriieod will net aggicgate five times that amount. Then, where is the man who owns a mil lion'.' Air. Aaieu P.itciiin is certainly the heaviest owner, and if he lias a million marketable pine trees (as has been Mated), he i weith. at a low estimate, net less than four million of dellais." Kc.iert of Committees Thv New Scheel Uoitfte en Jaiuei Street City Superin tendent's Jeiert, Ktc., Etc. The beard of directors of Lancaster school district met statedly last evening in the common council chamber. The fol lowing named members were present : Messrs. Baker. Brencniau, Eberman, Evans. Haa.s, Hafris, Hartman D., Hart man J. I., Jacksen, Johnsten, Levergood, Mai shall, McCenrsey, McConemy, Alerton, Oblcuder, Rcimeiisiiydcr, Rhoads, Rich ard,:, Samson, Schniid, Schwcbcl, Slay maker, Smcych, Snyder. Spurrier, Wcst haelfer. Wilsen, Zecher Christian, Zechcr Gee. W., Warfel. president. The secretary arrnerrnccd that Dr. Henry Carpenter and Alderman Wm. B. Wiley, members of the beard, had been absent iei reur consecutive meetings, and unless excused their seats, under the rule, would be forfeited. On motion of Dr. Levergood (it being knesui that both gentlemen were in iff health) they were excused. D. G. Baker, esq., from the superin tend!!..: committee, presented the follow ing report : Gestlevii-x : I herewith submit te you my lepert en the organization of the schools iu the new budding en James street. Iu the suggestions and recommen dations contained it it regard was had net only te the practice of the past, but also te the improvement of the present, and the wants of the futtue, te the convenience of the people, the progress of the pupils, and the fitness and convenience of the teachers. Wc are new about te largely increase the number of schools en the single room plan. Twe such schools are already in existence en Shennan street, and these in both el the new buildings are te be such also. Net believing in change for rts own sak I would lecenrmend that two looms be eccu. pied by primary schools eiganized en the same plan as these en Sherman stieet; but with a view te accomnredato the people re siding in the immediate vicinity, I would also leeemmcnd that the ether two rooms be occupied by secondary schools se graded and organized that pupils may be transit-neii Iren, the hig.rergr-ade secondary im mediate! te tin high school. Each school will receive pupils of both sexes. This would alibi d school facilities for the joungcrpupilsneaterheme ; avoid the fre quent change en the part of pupils from one teacher te another, while progress will be accelerated, and the school be complete iu itself. The new school district should have for its limits Walnut sheet en the south, Ner I h Queen street en the East, and the city limits en the north and west. These boundaries would cei respond en the south and cast with these of the Ninth ward. These lCsidingeist of Neith Queen street and north of Walnut will find Lemen stieet net tee distant. Pupils of primary grades and these el classes C, I), E and F, secondary, attend ing any of the public schools residing within these limits, will be transferred te the new building, while these of classes A and B, secondary, will be allowed te con tinue iu the schools they irew attend until transferred te the high schools. The pupils of the A and B classes, primary, would constitute the lower grade secondary and these of the C aud D classes the higher grade primary. Te these mentioned above etheis who have net attended school heretofore because of the distance, would no doubt be added. I would suggest the names of the following teachers for ap pointments in the new school building: Fer the hrjrhcr irradc secondary. Aliss Emma Powers; for the lower grade Aliss Emma L. Downey; for the higher grade primary. Aliss AI. AI. Aliissclniau ; for the lower. Aliss Alice Alarshall ; also that Aliss Matilda Zug take the place of Aliss Downey, Aliss Ilantch that of Aliss Pewci:;; that .Miss Suydanr be promoted te the position vacated by Aliss AI. Zug, and Aliss I)avi"s be transferred te Aliss Suydam's place. The pupils bclong bcleng inir te Aliss Hrntch's school should be admitted te Miss Brubakcr's and te Mes-is. Levergood and Gates's schools. Oncel the buildings en Chestnut street, which would be vacated, should he imme diately converted into a secondary school building en the single room plan, te be oc cupied by the school in charge of Air. Lev el geed. Respectfully submitted, R. K. I'ci.iini.K. L vncastet., Feb. 3, 1881. Tit tlic iMiieirlir Cili fichoel Hmtrd .- The superintending committee of your heard, te whom the foregoing report of the city superintendent was submitted, have appievud and adopted the suggestions and recommendations contained therein, and lespcetfully lequcst the beard te ap ap pieveand sanction the same, and direct the same te be carried into effect. l!cqvcf fully submitted, DANir.I. G. BAKtlt, H. E. Sl.AYMAKEK, LfTHER RlClIARD, Wm. AIcCemsev.s. Air. Baker presented also a letter from Miss Clirksen, one of the teachers who lias been sick since the, Christmas holi days, iu which she states that her health is improving, but that her physician, Dr. Dairaijh, forbids her resuming teaching for sonic time te come, and asking that the substitute new filling her place mav be continued. On motion a head tax of SI. 01 errene eusly assessed against Mr. Bringhurst and paid by him was refunded. Air. Evans, from the finance committee, presented the following bills, which hav ing been examined and approved by the committee, were ordered te be paid : An An teony Klink, whitewashing, &e, $31 ; Chas. J I. Barr, books, stationery, ice., $4''.'i." ; D. G. Baker, esq., professional services. 2'".2'i : Spiecher A: Preiffisr, slating, 252 ; Inquirer printing and pub lishing company, for printing, $12.50 ; Henry Rush, use of horse, cart, and labor, 61.G0 ; JS'eic Em, advertising, &e, 10.83: Jehn ij.icrs hc.ns, hooks and stationery. $l.'Ji. week ever the name of Enraght, without ' mth, 4. Total, G2, llie Unlit l-itiiipi. The police efficcis repeit the following tamps unlit last night : Fhst ward, 10 : Second, 7 ; Thiid, 7 ; Feuith, "i ; Filth. C.-.-1. Q . C? .!. - -,.. .. . ' eiAii., e , euvuuin, e : i,igutn, l V. A Colored Candidate. Samuel Gray, a sober, industrious man, who-e business is that of a white-washer, has been nominated for orstable en the Republican ticket in the Seventh ward. He enjoys the proud distinction of being the fiist coleicd man nominated for an important position in the city of Lancas ter. Aeic are. And, as usual, the Republicans nom: nem: mte him in a waid in which thc-v cannot ' j elect him. They are always liberal te the I colored voter with empty honors. Air. Evans announced .that the 610.000 lean ordered te be negotiated by the beard had all been taken at a piemium, The rates at which the bends were taken have hetctofeiu been printed in the Istkij.i ;i:xcni:. Air. Jehn I. Haitmau, from the property committee, repotted that a large new heat er had been placed iu the Rockland street sciioel building, and that there are new no further complaints of insufficient warmth. Twe Lime stoves had also been placed in the Lemen stieet schools. The committee had appointed Geerge W.Fla" janitor of lire new James street school building at a salary of $10 per month. The action of the committee was approved by the beard. Air. D. Hartman, from the committee en furniture and apparatus, reported that the committee had net yet secured a safe in which te keep the archives of the beard. Seme of the inembcis thought a safe place for thorn inscht be found iu one of the banks, hut Air. Haitmau -favored the pur chase of a safe te be placed in the city su perintendent's office if one could be se emed at a reasonable price. Mr. Il.ut'iian aIce reported that the city superintendent had no place in which te keep his hooks and papers, una nail asked the cemmitters te have a book case or closet built in his ellice. Prof. AlcC.iskey also requested the committee te have a book case placd in his room in the high school in which te keep a scries of books he pro posed te furnish for the use of the school. Air. Jehn I. Haitmau said the property committee had some time age considered tip matter of putting walnut cases in the