zazs&azziz (M)Z yma$tel VllAVV sssss Volume XTO-Ne. 133. LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 18S1 Price Twe Cmts. VLOTIILSa. JOHN WANAMAKER. :e:- DRY GOODS FOR JANUARY If yen cannot viil the c-ily, send te us by postal canl ler HOUSEKEEPER'S PRICE LIST and UNDERWEAR PRICE LIST. We till orders by letter from every State and Territory at same prices charged etnlemciN who visit the store, and allow -ainc privilege of return. The block includes Dress (J001I-, silk-,, Laee, Fancy Goods, :uil g.-neral outfits. Thi-i is the particular season in which te get ami prepare HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS Sheetings, Pillow Muterlals, Linens, Napkins, Towels, &c. It is also the season for Ladles' I'nderwcar. The Grand Depot contains the greatest variety ofgeods In one establishment In the United .States, and exchanges or refunds money for things that de net suit, upon exam ination at home. CLOIHLSU. AND FEBRUARY. Grand Depot, Ptaladelphia. GREAT SLAUGHTER IN CLOTHING. OVERCOATS! Closing out at agreat reduction our lmmen-e line of Novelties in Overceatings. Fur Beavers, Seal Skin, Elysian; Mentanak, Eatina and Chinchillas. All the New and me-t Desirable Styles STOCKANETTtf, IN NEW COLORS AND CHOICE ST1 LKS lij' net leave your order at ent-eand secure an Elegant. Stylish, Well Made anil Aitisltc Cut Garment as low as JSJiO. A LARUE LINE OF CHOICE ILancastcr atelltgcncn FRIDAY EVENING, FEB. 4, 1881. A Stranzc Story. Tlie .Mysterious Skete:i. nit GBABD MARK BOWI AT CEITEE HALL. Will le sold in .sixty days TEN THOUSAND DOLLAUS WOKTIIer HEAVY WINTER CLOTHING, Without .regard te oel. New is your time te secure a geed Suit eJ Clothing for very little money, Ready-made or M.tdu te Ordur. OVEI1COATS IN GREAT VARIETY, Fer Men. Youths and Heys. Men's Dress Suit, Men's Iliminc-s Suit.--, Youth' Suits In everv style. Reys' Clothing, a very Choice Variety. i- Don't tail In call :.nd secure miiiii; of the bargains. MYERS & RATHFON, Ne. 12 EAST KING ST1IKET, LANCASTER, I'ESX'A. lungs, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT J.KSMALINGKS, THE AETIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET, MIVAS A RARE CHANCE ! The Greatest, Induction ever made in !'I X E WOOLENS for GENT.V WEAK at H. GERHAET'S Tt t 1 V i ni nil 1 i WATCH US, JEWELRY, Ac We have just placed. en exhibition about one hundred Oil Paintings, all handsomely framed. They embrace a wide range of subjects, from the familiar Madennas and Hely Families of the celebrated masters of painting, te the illustration of hu morous scenes in real life. Our collection includes Figure Pieces, Bird and Animal Paint ings, Landscapes, Ancient and Modern Architecture, Ancient Ruins, Character and Costume Studies, &c&c. Classical, His torical, Mythological and Ideal Subjects, &c. We have a number of very line specimens of the sculptor's art, in beautiful -white marble figures, mounted en colored marble columns. We take pride in placing these reeds bofero our patrons, be lieving that our community must appreciate our endeavor te popularize a class of flne goods, that could net heretofore be ob tained except from abroad. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Pa. A Large Awn liiu-nt of Genuine English & Scotch Suiting, sold during the Fall Season from : te KZO. A Suit will lie made up te order in the Ru-l Style Irein SXO te :;e. HEAVY WEIGHT DOMESTIC Suiting and Overceating, Reduced in the same proportion. warranted as repre.-ented. The above reduction will ter c.wli terthc next All goods, only, and EDW. J. ZAHM, Manufacturing Jeweler, Zaiim's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. Things in our Meck that make Beautiful and Durable Christmas Gifts. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVEUWAHE, SPECTACLES, JEWELIIY, GOLD BRONZES, GOLD HEAD CANES, GOLD THIMBLES, SILVER HEAD CANES, SILVER THIMBLES, OPERA GLASSES. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES, GOLD BRONZE SMOKING SETS, FINE CIGAR SETS, BACCARET VASES. AM. THESE AMI MAW MORE AT EAHTVrS CORNER. LANCASTER, PA. THIRTY DAYS. H. GERHART, Ne. 51 Nei th Queen Strsst. Special Announcement ! New i your time te secure bargain in CLOTHING-! Te make room for our large stock or Cloth ing for Spring, new being man ul.ietu roil, we will make sweeping reductions throughout our large stock of HEAVY WEIGHT GLOME Eickman-Chatiain. Conclusion. III. Selihiesscl led the way te a large room furnished with rows of benches arranged in a semicircle. The aspect of this spa spa cieus hail, deserted as it was with its two high, grated windows, its image of the Savier in old browned oak with his arms extended and is head inclined tewaid one shoulder, inspired me a sort of religious I ear that harmonized with my situation All my ideas of fal.-e accusation disap peared and my lips involuntarily mur mured a prayer. I had net prayed for a long time. Mis fortune always brings a submissive frame of mind. Iiefere me. en an elevated seat, sat two men with their backs toward the windows which put their faces in the shade. I u av ert hclcss recognized Ven Spreckdal by his aquiline profile. The ether was a stout round-faced man, with short, pudgy hands. They were both injudicial robes. I5elew them sat the clerk of the court, Cenrad. lie was writing at a small table and stroking his cheek with the feather- end of his pen. When I arrived, he leaned back in his chair, and seemed te study my face with deep I was shown te scat, witen Ven Sprcck- tai asKcu me, in a loud, distinct tone : "Christian Venius, where did veu get this sketch .'" lie held up my nocturnal sketch, then hi his possession. It was passed te me. After looking at it, a moment, I replied : "I made it.'' There was a prolonged silence. The clerk wrote down my answer. As I listen ed te his pen going ever the paper, I theught: ''What is the meaning of the question they have just asked me :' "What relation has my sketch te the kick I "ave Hap?:' ion erew liiis skcicii, you say .' ' sam Ven Spreckdal, "Very well. What is the scene ?" "Xewherc m reality, but only in my imagination." "De you mean te tell us that you imagined all these details that yeu'did net copy them semewheje '.'' " That is just what I waul te say. This is purely a fancy sketch. I may have seen semcwheic at some time a court-yard similar te the one represented here ; but the details arc all imaginary."' "Christian Venius," said the judge, ill solemn tone, " I counsel you te reflect ami te tell the truth ; believe me it will be better for you in :he end." Indignant at having my craeity called in question, I replied, with some spirit : "I have paid, sir, that this is entirely a work of the imagination of my imagina tion and I lepeat it." ''Write down his answer," .'-aid Veu prcckdal te the clerl went The spectacle she presented was indescrib ably horrible. 'Well," said Veu Spreckdal, in a tone of the utmost gravity, "what have you te say, sir?" I'madene response. " De you confess te having thrown this woman Theresa Becker, into this well, after having strangled her in order te rob her of her money?" " I strangle this wemau ? I rob her of her money ? Xcvcr ! I never knew her, never saw her till new! Never, as Heaven is my judge !" "That is sufficient," said he ; and, with out adding a word, he left the yard with his confrere. Aly guauhans new seemed te think they were justified in putting handcuffs en me. They took me back te the Kaspcl- neus. j. was- completely crushed; what te think, I knew net ;e ven my conscience troubled me. I almost thought that I had murdered the old woman, but hew, when ? My brain was confused ; everything seemed te dance before my eyes ! It was evident that the two policemen already saw ma en the read te the gal lows. I will net attempt te describe the agony of mind I suttered that night as I sat en my bunch of straw, the bull's-eye window uvuii u iinii auevu me ami me gauews in perspective, and heard, from hour te hour. One o'clock, and the watchman crv out : consisting or itiir aoeits. H01ER, COLLADAY & Ce., 1412 and 1414 Chestnut St. Overcoats, Suits, &c, MEN, IsOYS AND YOUTHS. ODDS AMI ENDS OT CI.OTIII N'O IX COATri PAXTSANI) VEST, liKUMV COVT. Call early tow-cure the be. l-aig;ilu-. 1 B. Hesletter 24 CENTRE SQUARE, ISll, PHILADELPHIA. The general improvement in business the past vear, w itli the prospect el a very large in creased ilenianil ler nil kinds of lire t;oels, induced all American buyers of Foreign Goods te place immense order. This was universally the ease, se much se that, perhaps without exag geration, ft) per cent, mere geed were imported than lliu country could possibly censauie. As :i consequence, there lias been a great break in prices in a great many fabrics, which wc s'Jall iuiij iiiii:i. WE SHALL SELL All Weel Arinures French Flannel Suiting French Striped Fancies (all and wool) French Shoedas (in all color) French Brocades (all Silk Plain French I'laids Finest French Urecades (in several Silk and Fermer 1'riccx. ,-fsi.i". $0.riO . .C' 1.0(1 .;.-. i.5e . .Ci .$.-,'. I . M 1.73 . .75 1.00 1.M) !.50 .anieis Hair Stripes, isroeaiie.eveiues ..... ?0.(Xi r ranch fancies (very costly goods.. .75 KuglMt Xevellies Si French Handkerchiefs, squares 75 French Ilaudkerehiels, squares '" French Novelties 1.25 French Novelties 50 Fermer 1'rlecs. $1.12 il i"5 .50 1.50 1.50 2.75 1.50 In addition te our offerings in" the above goods, we have some lines of very choice goeils of which it is dillicud, te meet the demand, in which we have a very choice assortment, both in Vivui .111,1 UIMllI lUgf. CLOTH SUITINGS: 41-inch Cleth goods) 51-iucli Cleth Suitings (in 54-inch Cleth Suitings Suitings (very desirable ................... K l. ill colors 1.10 51-inch Cleth Suitings.. 51-inch Cleth Suitings.. 51-iuch Cleth Suitings.. .$1.25 . 1.50 . 400 FRENCH SHCODAS : Our make or these goods we believe te be the be.-,t in the market, and the assortment et colors our own selection. 4G-MCH rench Shoedas $0.$7J 1 4G-inch French Shoedas FINE CAMEL'S HAIR: 81.2S te S2.50. We have .$1.12 Our justrecciv I'inK auu itssertir.cnt el these beautirul goods is still complete, from i red one case et Camel's Hair in Evening shades in very be: Light IHue, tr. inches wide, te m'11 at 8M .as. mlitnl quality, in Cream, BAREGE DE VIRGINIE: Wc hiivc just received one c-.ise of this very desirable texture for livening Dresses, quality vcry.supcrier, In Cream, ViixU ami Light itiur, 27 inches wide, te sell at COc. BOOTS AXJi SHOES. V A CV" ,MOTS SHOKS AM) LAST JJiiO X made en a new principle, insur ing eouitert ler the leet. TV VT'O l.:wts inaile te erdi-r. J31-HJJ.O MILLER, lebll-ttd 13S East. King street GROCERIES. S O'CLOCK COFFEE IS TUB MJKEST and beat ler the Urcakfast Table. ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA CO., . . . Ill North Queen Street, janie-lnid Lancaster, Pa 9()5 WIST KINO STKKKT. THE PLACK FOli NOT1CK TO STOCKUOLIIKKS. T1IK annual meeting or the stockholders et the Columbia and Pert Deposit llailread com pany will be held at tlmnflii-i'er Hi.. ...i. .in-. i, v -SWAWfifti Wines, Liquors and 95 per cent. Alcohol, o'clock, p. ui. Election ler. President ana , ., iMicviuis jjiiiie uay and place. aie JAJIES It. McCLUKE, "a Secretary Fresh (Irecerii's. Pmv Snlna ni T?nu ni.. In town. All at' ' --- RINGWALT'S. Mycl LANCASTHIi. PA. CARPETS. HienusT cash rmci: wjll hi: PAID FOit EXTKA NICE CARPET KAGg notice ID -". and Carpet-s made te order at short sntisluctien iruamnteed. Itarc chanc03 in Carpels te reduce stock el 6,000 liiriis SnJs Garpeis, AT AND P.ELOW COST. Call and s'atisly yourself. AIse,IngRiin, Kag and Chain Carpetsinalmeslcndlcsvariety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER I'A. rlAKPETS, COAL, ie. v. C. CO., :t. PHILIP SCHUM, 89N MANUFACXOUY, Ne. 150 SOUTH WATEK ST HE E Lancaster, Pa., A ell-known Manufacturers el Cenulix' I.AXCASTElt QUILTS. COUNTERPANES. COVKIiLET.-, I5LANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CAUPETs A SPECIALTY . LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds or silks, Ribbons Linen, Cotten and Woolen Goods Dveil. Gen tlemen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. 'Vests, .' Dyed or Scoured; al-e, Indigo Uluc Dyciii-' done. All orders or goods Icit with us will re.-civr-prempt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CAJtPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal el the best quality put up expressly Je' family use, and at the lowest in irfcct rates TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD-ISO .'.OUTII WATER STREET (122-lydRSl PniLIP SCHUM, SON & CO Again that ominous y,v: wiS ever the iv.pei "Ami this wein judge "this worn at the mouth of tliir well did veu ini.tgiti this detail with the ivsf.!" "(crtainly." "Yeu liave never wiliies-ea such a scene .'"' 4Ncvcr !'' Ven Sprcchdal rose as theugli he was exasperated ; thou lesuming his seat he seemed te consult his colleague. The mysteiieus whispering in front of me, the three men standing behind me, the silence that reigned in the hall everything combined te make me shud der. ' What docs all this mean ".' What am i accused of:'"' I asked mvself. Suddenly Ven Spreckdal said te my guardians : " Recenduct your piisener te the vehicle in which you brought him here. We will go te ictr.e;- sheet."' Then turning te mc he added : "CIuNlian Venius, you are in a perilous Hit nation. Yeu should remember that, if the law is inflexible. Iheie si ill remains te you the mercy of heaven, which you may merit by confessing your crime.'" These weids stunned me like a blew with a hammer. 1 threw up my arms and fell back, ering out. ';Ah ! whala, frightful dream !"' The next moment I was niieo'iseieus, having swooned. When I legained my senses, 1 was being diiven slowly Unoiighene of the principal sheets ; another vehicle preceded us. The two servants of the law y.'eic still watch ing ever me. One of them, en the way, eli'cied a pinch of snuil'te his tenfrctc. 1 mechanically i cached out my lingers to te waid the be ; but he dicw it away, as though he fcaied th"rc w:is contamination in my touch. My checks leddeucd with shame and indignation, and I turned away te conceal my emotion. . "If you don't leek out," s:;id the man with the snuff box, "we'll have te put a pair of bracelets en you ; de you hear '.'" J nc wretch I I could have strangled him. Under the circumstances, however, I deemed it wiser te lemain silent than te make the attempt. In a few minutes the two eariiages came te a step. One of my guardians get out while the ether held me by the cellar till his comrade was ready te receive me, when he pushed me ltidely tewaid him. These precautions te retain possession of my person auguied nothing geed : still I was far from imagining the exceeding gravity of the accusation that hung ever mc, when an alarming circumstance opened my eyes and threw me into de spair. They had led me. or rather pushed mc, into a low, narrow passageway, with aii irregular, biekcn pavement. Along the side of the wall tlicic was a peel of yellow ish water that exhaled a most disagree able odor. The passage was quite dark, licyend, it was evident there was a coitrt ceitrt yaid. As I advanced I felt myself mere and mete possessed with an indescribable ter ror. It was a feeling such as I had never experienced before ; there was something supernatural about it ; it seemed te mc a sort of nightmare. T hesitated at every step. "Ge en ! go en :' cried one of the ruf fians behind me, at the same time pushing me rudely forward. But what was my amazement when I saw at the end of the passage the court I had sketched the preceding night, with its walls furnished with hooks, 'its piles of old rubbish, its chicken coop and its rab bit cage ! Xet a window, large or small, high or low, net a biekcn pane, in p.heiS, net- a single detail had been emitted. I was overwhelmed by this strange rev elation. Near the wall steed the two judges, Ven Spreckdal and Kichtcr. At their feet the old woman lay stretched out en her back. Her long, white hair was spread out ever the pavement, her face was deep purple, her eyes were half open, and her tongue protruded from her mouth. all is well I two o'clock, and all is well !" and se en the night through. 'very one will be able te form some idea of such a night. It is net tine that it is bettcrtosuli'criiineccntlvthan being guilty. Pei the soul, yes ! but ler the body, there is no difference. On the contrary, il curses its let, struriles and tries te psrane knowing that its role ends with the cord. Add te all this its regrets at net having .sufficiently enjoyed life, and at having listened te the soul when it preached ab stinence. "Ah! if! had only known," it cried, "you would net have led mc about by the nose with your big words and fine phrases ! Yeu would net have allured me with your .iciiiicuvtt premises, i would Have had many a happy hour, lest te inc new for ever. He temperate, govern your passions ; said you. I was temperate, I did govern my passions. What have I arained bv it? They arc going te hang mc and you ; after ward, you will be apostrophized' as the sublime and stoical soul that fell a martyr te the errors of the law and its ministers. Of mc, net a word will be said.'' Suchwcic the reflections of my peer body in my cxtiemity. The day finally began te appear. At pale and undecided, it shed a vague glimmer en my bnll's-evc window : then. little by little, the sun ncarcd the horizon. Without, everything began te be astir; it chanced te be market-day, Friday. I could hear the caits pass, leaded with vegetables, and sometimes catch a few weids of the rustics who were driving them. I could hear them opening the market opposite ; then came the arrang ing of the benches Finally, it was bread day, and going and coining and murmur of voices told me that the crowd without must be piite large. Willi the light, my courage in some measure returned. Seme of mv irloemv nan,"' continued i,cXr,J'cbe'lus dfcappenred, and something in who is being killedl "J"" te hel usurped their place. I felt a ucsiru te joek out. Other prisoners before me had managed te get up te the bull's eye ; they had dug holes in the wall in order te accomplish the task mere easily, or, rather, te make it possible. I climbed up in my turn, and, when I was seated most uncomfortably en the edge of the oval around the window and could leek out at the crowd, the life, me movement, aintmiant tears ran down my cheeks. I thought no longer of putting an end te my earthly evistence ; I felt a desire te liveand te gel baek into the busy world again. "Ah !'" said I te myself, "te live is te be happy ! Let them harness mc te a wheel barrow, or attach a ball and chain te my leg let them de no matter what te me, fetnat they only let me live 1" The old market, with its pointed reef supported by heavy pillars, offered a most intcicsting spectacle. Old women seated beside their piles of vegetables, their coops of poultry, and their basket of eggs; behind them were ranged the dealer in old clothe.-, Jews with complexions re sembling the color of old boxwood ; then theie were the butchers, with their bare arms, cutting and sawing their meats ; countrymen, with their bread-brimmed fell hats pushed back en their heads, calm and gsave, their hands, behind their backs rc.'ting en their evergreen sticks, and tran quilly smoking their pipes. Add te all this Hie noise and turmoil of the crowd, the v.u ions tones of the voices, and the expressive gestures, which convey te the nbserver the nature of the discus sion, and se perfectly reflect the character of tin speaker. In short the scene fasci nate.! me, and, despite my unenviable po sition, I felt happy in the thought that I still lived. While I was thus occupied .looking out of my window, a man, a butcher, passed, lie bent forward, and can led a large quartei of beef en his shoulders ; his arms were baic, and extended above his head. His hair was lenir. like that of the Sieam- erian of Salvator, and se Jell about his face that I could net distinguish his fea tures; and yet, at the lirst glance, I involuntarily .shuddered. " It is lie !' I exclaimed aloud. All the bleed in my body seemed sud denly te have taken leave of me ; there was apparent none in my face or extremi ties. I hastened down from the window with all possible expedition, feeling chilled te the very ends of my fingeis. 'It is he ! he is there !"' I stammered ; "and I, I am heie te expiate his crime. Great Heaven 1 what shall Ide? what shall I de?" An idea, an inspiration from heaven, flashed upon my mind. reached for my crayon, which 1 providentially chanced te have in my coat-pocket. Then I mounted te my seat again, and set te work te sketch the scene of the murder, with a nerve that seemed te me truly superhuman. There was no mere uncertainty ; every stroke of the pencil told. I had my man ; I saw him ; he was there before mc. At ten o'clock tiic jailer entered niy cell. His owl-like impassibility gave way te an exhibition of something akin te admira tion, " Is it impossible V" said he. "Up, and in such geed spirits !" "Ge, bring me my judges," said I, in a triumphant tone, as I gave the last touches te my sketch ; " wish te s-ec them here." "They are waiting for Jx-n," said Schlucssel. " AVaitiug for mc 1 L-t them come here; I must sce them hcie !" I cried, as I gave the last strokes te tbe mysterious person age He lived. His figure, foieshertened en the wall, steed out en the white back ground with a life-like vigor that was startling. The jailer, without waiting te remon strate or te make any observations-, clisap pcarcd. In a few minutc3 he returned, accom panied by the two judges. They seemed speechless with amazement. Hut T, pointing te my sketch en the wall and trembling in every limb, cried out : "There is your assassin !" Ven Spreckdal after a moment's silence asked : "His name?' "I have no idea, but he, at this moment, is in the market : he is cutting un meat in 4.1. At 1 i . . .. .. K me mini stan te tue leu as you enter lrem Tiabaus street." "What de you think?" he asked his colleague. "Let the man be sent for," said Kichtcr, gravely. The order was obeyed by seme officers, who had remained without the cell. The judges remained standing, te examine the sketch mere minutely. Ven Spreckdal, especially, seemed te take the deepest in- iciesi in ir. i ureppeu ciewn en mv mie of straw, and rested my kead en my knees, quite exhausted. It was net long before we heard ap proaching steps iu the arch way. These who have never awaited an hour of deliver ance and counted the minutes, which then seem of interminable length ; these who have never . experienced the harrowing emotions of doubt, hope, terror and de spairsuch as they can have no conception of my feelings at this moment. I should have distinguished the step of the mur derer, though surrounded by a thousand ethers. They approached. The iudires themselves could net conceal a certain nervous agitation. I looked up, and fixed my eyes upon the deer. It opened, and the man entered. His face was Hushed, and his jaws were convulsively pressed to gether, while his little, gray, "restless eyes wimiy aneut lrem under Ins heavy, reddish brews. Ven Spreckdal ilcntlv neinted te tlm sketch. This brawny man had looked at it but for a moment, wheu the color left his cheeks, and, uttering a cry that scut a thrill of horror through us all, he extend ed his strong arms, as though he would sweep aside every obstacle that hindered his escape, and sprang toward the deer. A terrible struggle in the corridor ensued ; j'eu could hear nothing but the heavy breathing of the butcher, his muttered imprecations, an occasional cry of the guards, and the shuttling of their feet en the flagstones. It was brief, however; for scarcely mere than a minute had elapsed when the assas sin re-entered, his chin en his chest, his eyes bloodshot, and his hands secured be hind his back. He looked up again at the sketch, seemed te reflect for a moment, and then, like one thinking aloud, he mut tered : "Who could have seen mc? at mid night !" I wrs saved. Many years have passed since this terri ble adventure. Thank Heaven! I make no mere silhouettes, nor de I paint the portraits of burgomasters. By hard work and pcrsevcrance I have conquered a place, and I earn my living honorably by produc ing works of art the only object, in my opinion, a veritable artist should ever have in view. But every circumstance connected with the nocturnal sketch has always remained fresh in my memory. Sometimes, in the midst of my work, my thoughts wander back te the days I spent in Kap's garret te the deprivations and humiliations I experienced there. Then I lay down my palette and dream dream often for hours. But hew a crime, committed by a man I had never known, at a place I had never seen, could be pictured by my pencil even te the most unimportant details, is some thing I have never been able te compre hend. Was it accident? Ne! And, then, what is accident ? Is it anything else than an effect produced by a cause of which we are ignorant? May net Schiller be riirht when he s.ivm ; " The soul is net affected by the decay of maucr : wnen tnc oedy sleeps, it spreads its radiant wings and gees Heavens knows where. What it then docs, no one can knew ; but inspiration sometimes betrays the secret of its nocturnal wanderings."" Who knows ? Nature is mere audacious in her realities than man's imagination in its loftiest flights ! MEDICAL. PROTRBS. , .. e one can be sick when when the stomach bloeil. liver and kidney are healthy, ami Hep Bitters keep them se." "The greatest nourishing tonic, appetizer strengthener ami curative en earth. lien Bit tcrs." ' It i impossible te remain lenir sick or out et health, where Hep Bitters are ucd." " Why de nep Bitters euro se much ? " Be cause they give geed digestion, rich bloeil. and healthactten of all the organs.' "Ne matter what your feelings or ailment Is, Hep Hitters will de yen geed." "Remember. Ilmi intim- ,. .l.w. ii.n-,,. but geed, always and continually." "rurlfy the bleed, cleanse the stomach and sweeten the breath with Hep Bitters." "Quiet nerves and balmy sleep in Hep Bit ters." ' ' "Ne health with inactive liver ami urinary organs without Hep Bitters." Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. iiinS-lydMiVK&w JEWELERS. IOUIS WEUKK, J WATCHMAKER. Ne. 159 NORTH QUEEN STREET. near P. R. It. Depot, Lam-aster, Pa. Ueld, Silver ami Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta cles mid Eye-Uhuwes. Repairing a. specialty. aprl-lyd ' HKAIMiUAKTKKS FOR l'UUK VllNCKf TIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS AT 500 SETS SILViat-l'LA'XEl TABLE SPOONS. TEA SPOONS, MEDIUM AND DESSERT HIRES, DESSERT AND MEDIUM KNIVES, Ar AtfUUSTUS R110A1SS, Jeweler, 20 East King Street, Lancwter, Pa. UIt FACILITIES fOt: Fine Watch Repairing. Are most complete. We have talented anil experienced work men. Fine Machinery and tools ; use only First-class Material, and make moderate charges. E. F. BOWMAN, IOC EAST KINK STREET. It some enterprising fellow would new coiner the market en Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup he cenlil make hi fortune ; for there are then- saiitis wue weuiu ratner pay double the letail price than be without this valuable remedy. J.E.CALDWELL&CO. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. DIAMOND HUNTS, JEWELERS, SILVERSMITHS, AND IJireRTHRS OF EOROPEAN NOVELTIES, BRONZES, CLOCKS AND PORCELAINS, ask particular attention te their su perb stock .of goods, especially adapted for HOLIDAY GIFTS! Slid Edition or Jeb. Mr.s. Ogden, X. Division street, Buffalo, says: I cannot be tee thankful that I was induced te try your Spring Blessem. I was at onetime afraid I should never get out again. I seemed te be a second edition of Jeb without his pati ence : my race and bedy were one vast collec tion of Beils and Pimples: since taking one bottle el your Spring Blessem I am quite cured, all eruptions have disappeared and 1 loci better than I have inn long time. Priee. 50 cents, trial bottles 10 cents. , J""er8alebyII.II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IK) .North (jueen street, Lancaster, Pa. Wonderful Results. Rebert Subbeck. Cedar Rapids. Iowa, writes : ' I have used Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil both ler myecirand Tamily fbrlliphthcrla, with the very best results. 1 regard it as one or the best remedies for this disease, and would use no ethers." Pepe & Bitlaii, druggists. Cedar Rapids, la., write "He have never snlil imr that gives .such .satisfaction te the customer A and pleasure te the seller as Dr. Themas' Ec- leeinc mi." Fer sale by II. ;. Cochran, druggist, 107 and 13lerlU (Jueen street, Lancaster, Pa. The assortment in every Depart ment is unequaled, and the prices (always the lowest) will be found most acceptable. E3"Orders and inquiries by mail will receive prompt attention. MWAF JfVRNJTVRE. SLEIOJIS, JtC. Carriages I Carriages ! EDGEI1LEY & CO.'S, Pracfical'Cnrrlagc ItniHlen, Market Street, Rear or Central Market Houses, Lancaster, Pa. Wc have en hand a Large Assortment el BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which we otter at tlw; VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, yivc us a call. ir Repairing promptly attended te. One set or workman especially employed rer that purpose. n-J-ttdft w CONFECTIOXS. -'ONITECTIONS JUST RECEIVED AT JOSEPH R. ROYBR'S WnetEBALE AND ntTAIL CONFECTIONERY, Ne. 50 AND 32 WEST KING STREET. oI?rKVLet.of FRUIT, OR ANC;ES, LEM ONS, Ac. New Large VIRGINIA PEANUTS en hand. A largestotkerPuro Confections, ull of which will be sold te Merchants and Huck ster at the IewMt market rates. Try ROYER'S UNCLE SAM CANDY. Mall Orders promptly attended te. 13-3md TURt;ilAER LOOK! LOOK!! Loek te your interest. Veu can buy at HEINTJLSHS, 15J EAST KINO STREET. Parler Suits $1", to$:t:e Library Suits 75te 150 Walnut Chamber Suits , lote 245 Cottage Sui is 22 te 45 Lounges Ste 40 Patent Keckcra -i.r.i)te 40 &c, fte., c. We will continue te give prices auceesiively of goods in our line. Leeking Glasses, Picture Frames, and PINE COLDFRAME.S!p-c!alt!e4al price that deTy competien. It i-ialwnyn a pleasure te who w goods at the CHEAPEST FUK.WTUBK STOKE IN THE CITV. All goods guaranteed according te merits." HBINITSH, ltiX EAST K1N STREET, lanS-Smd Over China Hall. . r wMIf1tTf.A.ll JC In large or nmall ameunt.i. $25 or 820,000-1 Write W. T. SOULE& CO., Commission Mer I chant-. l.'Vi l.f. iille -treHL. Chbiufe, III., ler cil ulars. mSJ-iyd TOOK KELIARLK PLTRNITUBB Call at the Old Established Stand of Widmyer & Ricksecker, S. E. for. E. Kin? and Duke Sts. PARLOR, CHAMBER AND LI BRARY SUITS. HALL, DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. MATTRESSE9 AND RED SPRINOS. The Lnrgcst and Finest Aertmeiit, and most y all HOME-MADE WORK. Personal Attention given te UNDERTAKING. WIDMYER & RICKSECKER S, E. COR. E. KINtt AND UUKK&TS. KSSE3ZJS3S3