rS3Hfi8ll WWiMIH ilTZT 32353- sggssgfflrjKVtyy .'It1!. !" W Jttwp.- .-. .. . - J. TirnftJW1,.r ,,..!trrt.7 -- . 3? -rsssbf"? .LANCASTER bAlLY lTELfclGENCEK, WEDNESDAY, JANUAKY 12, 188ll ji - - .- - Lancaster intelligencer. Wtf DNBSDAY BVENINO, JAN. 12, 1861. A New Jersey Seeress. An Old VTeidm Wbe la th Sensation or m Thriving Agricultural Community. There lives hi Kingwood township, near Frenchtown, N. J., a woman about whom all the neighbors for miles around are ex cited, and whose fame premises te spread throughout the central portion of the state. Already the news of the wonderful power of prophecy which she possesses has reached the ears of the quiet farmers in tin upper counties, and small parties come every day or two te visit her. Her name is Clark, and she is probably about sixty five vcars old. Bern m Hunterdon ceuu- ty, she has, since her marriage, forty-three years age, resided in various parts of Hun terdon and Wrrren counties. The first indication of the power which she is be lieved te possess appeared in early life, during a Methodist revival. Frem a girl she bad been of an emotional disposition, readily moved te tears, and sometimes completely prostrated by an appeal from the pulpit. It was during the nervous moments that she seemed imbued with the eift of remarkable foresight, and made predictions about the future weal or wee of her family and friends. Many of these prophecies are said te have been literally fulfilled. Her temperament and power of foretelling filled all her friends with a cer tain awe, which has always existed. Mrs. Clark is a seusibie woman, however, and endeavored as best she could te drive away 11 fear of hcrelfand her power, although maintaininu her belief in some wonderful gift bestowed upon her. Whcicvcr she lived, sooner or J;iter, reports would be circulated respecting her nature, and she would be called upon te exercise her wis dom. As the years passed, her neiveus attacks are understood te have become mers fre quent, and theiefere, her prophetic utter ances have been mere numerous. Settling, some time ae, iu her' present home, she is known by every man, woman ami child in the vicinity, and scarcely a person lives within a circuit of ten miles who has net had his or her history recounted and for tune told. If they came when the old lady was in robust health they sometimes failed te procure what they wished, for she then had neither inclination nor tnc talent te remeve the veil from the future. There are some, of course, who deride the whole thing, ami laugh at Mrs. Clark's predic tions, but the majority of the i ural folk, being mere or less suparstitieus, have great faith iu her sayings. Several cases of extreme melancholy and hickness are said te have been produced through un pleasant disclosures made by the old lady te the victims, and ethers have recovered from long illness when inspired with hope by an interview with the prophetess. The neighbors arc usually loud in her praises, and declare in the most unqualified way that 6he has told thorn circumstances iu their lives could net possibly have learned in the ordinary course et events. Hence their extreme faith in her predictions. Yeung men seek her advice regarding mar riage, and being given a description of their sweethearts, boldly lay siege te the damsel whose features she portrays, con fidently expecting a favorable response. Maidens of rustic beauty seek this oracle te ascertain the conduct of their levers and many a country lad is believed te have 1 been repulsed by some hideous revelation of his life duriug one of the nervous spells. Industrious husbandmen inquite as te the prospects for their crops, and the wayside grocer consults her as te the size of his next invoice of mcichaudi&e. While many of her clients insist that her power is that of the spiritualist or clairvoyant, the old lady herself pretests against such an accusation, -he makes no pretensions te be under the guide of an Indian chief or a great spirit of some kind, nor docs she resort te any mysteri ous incantations. Her inudc of nreccdurc is by means of the palms of her hand cr ! the veins of the temples. She requests i her visitors te held out the hand before j her with the palm upwnids and then dictates what seems te her te be the truth by reading the ariangcmcut of the veins. Her utterances come freely, seeming te lequire little study. Once iu a while she hesitates, and will sometimes place her hand upon the in quirer's head. Considering the number of persons ceiiMiltiug her, there is very little repetition ab:ut her predictions. Her happiest faculty eems te be the right use of names, both past and future, and the graphic descriptions of places and per sons. The age of the woman and the con tinual strain upon her nerves renders her life very uncertain and seems te increase the anxiety of these who have heard of hol iest they should fail te have their futtuc revealed befeic she dies. Hew te Oct hick. Expose yourself day and night ; eat tee much without cxciclse work ten hard v it limit rest; doctor all the lime; take all the. vile nos trums ad vert Uert, am! then you v.lil want te knew Hew te Get Well. Which Is answered in tlnec word Take Hep Bitters I See ether column. jl-2wd&w Ge te II. B. Cochran, druggist, 1ST and 133 North Queen street, ler Mrs. Freenmri'a Xew National Dyn. Fer brightness ami durability et color are uiieiu.ilad. Celer Irem 2 te .1 pounds. Price, 15 cents. Eminent Physicians are prescribing that tried and true remedy, Kidney-Wert ler the worst casesef biliousness and constipation, as well as ter kidney com plaints. There is scarcclv a pen-en te be leund that will net be greatly 'benefitted bva thor ough course of Kidney-Wert every spring. If yen feel out of sorts, and don't knew why, trv a package et Kidney-Wert and ou will .feci Ilka a new crcaiure. Imlianapelix Sentinel. Jle-lwdw Flowers Must Fade. Tb brightest flowers must rude, but young lives endangered bv s vcre coughs and cold, maybe preserved in- lr. Themas' Kclectric Oil. Croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, in short, ail atlcctiens of the threat and lungs arw relieved by tills sterling preparation, Which al-e remedies rheumatic pains, sere, bruises, piles, kidney dltiiculty, and is met economic. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 1S7 and 139 North Queen s rect, Lancaster, Pa. ttUUKft AXlt STATIOXERY. "C"OR THE LATEST NEW ROOKS, GOOD STATIONERY, ajtd tee FINEST PAPETERIE, GOTO L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KINO STREET. "DIARIES FOR 1881, Giving Church Davs. Religious Festival. Moen's Changes, Blanks ter We. tilt.:- Kucerd, und much ether uselul information, in styl. New and Nevel. Fer sale at the Bookstore et JOHN BAER'S SONS, IS & 17 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, VA. NEW YEAR CARDS. Ar Elegant Ar:rtr.en for s&le at the BOOKSTORE OF JOHI BAER'S SINS 15 and 17 NORTH QOESN STREET, .J-ANOASTER, PA. MEDICAL. PROYERUS. jXoene can be sick when when the stomach bleed, liver and kidneys are healthy, and Hep Hitters keep them se." "The greatest nourishing tonic, appetizer strengtheuer and curative en earth. Hep Bit ters." " It is impossible te remain long sick or out et health, where Hep Bitten are used." " Whv de Hep Bitters cure se niuch ?"' ' Be cause they give geed digestion, rich bleed, and heallliyjtctionefalltbe organs.' " Ne matter what your feelings or ailment is, Hep Hitters will de yen geed." " Remember, Hep Bitters never does liarm, but geed, always and continually." "Purifv the bleed, cleans" the stomach and sweeten the bieatli with Hep Bitters." ' Quiet nerves and balmy 6leepln Hep Bit ters." "Se health with inactive liver and urinary organs without Hep Bitters." Hep Hitters Manufacturing Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. an5-lydMWFAw KIDNEY WORT. PERMANENTLY CUBES KIDNEY DISEASES. LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION AND PILES. Dr. R. II. Clark, Seuth Here, Vt,, says, "In cases of Kidney Troubles it has acted like a charm. It has cured many very bd case of Piles, and has never tailed te act emcientls'. Nelsen Fairchlld, of St. Albans, Vt., siys, "It is et priceless value. After sixteen years of great suffering from Piles and Cestiveness it completely cured inc." C. S. Houaben, et Berkshire, says, "One fiackagc lias clone wonders for me in coiuplcte ceiuplcte y curing a severe Liver and Kidney Com plaint." IN CITHER LIQUID OH WRY FORM IT HAS WONDERFUL POWER. WHY? Because it acts en the LIVER. BOWELS and KIUNEIS at the sine time. Because it cleanses the system el the poison ous humors that develop in Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice Consti pation. Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints. 43- It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, m 49tin cans, one package of which makes six & quarts of medicine. 43-Alse In Liquid Ferm.very Concentrated S" ler the convenience! these who cannot jC3-readily prepare 1L It acts with equal t&-efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE,!. NELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prep's, Iturlingten, Vt. (Will send tnc dry pest-paid.) dec 27 lyd&wl Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OP LYNN, MASS., Has Mafle tbe Discovery ! Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHAMS Vegetable Compeiind, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, con sisls et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial the merits of this compound will be recognized, as relict i- Immediate; and when its tiscis con tinued, in ninety-nine eases in a hundred, a permanent eure is ellceted, as thousands will testily. On account of its proven merit", it is te-day recommended and pi escribed by the best pliysieiuns in me country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the v.teni., LeueerrhnBa, irregularand pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Trouble, In flammation and Ulceration, Floedings, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the Change of Lite. In tact it has proved te be the greatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and uives new lite and vigor. It removes taintness, flatulency, destroys all craving Ipr stimulants, anil relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bleating, Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness. De De firessien and Indigestion. That feeling et near ug down, causing pain, weight ami backache, is always permanently cured by Its use. It will at ail times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney cemptalnts or either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is. prepared at 233 anil 215 Western Avenue, Lynn, Muss. Price $1. Six bottles ler $5. Sent by mail im the form et pills, ale in the form of lozenges, en receipt et price, $1 per box, for either. Mrs. PIN KI1 AM trcely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ter pamphlet. Address as above. Mention thi paper. Ne family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAMYS LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver. 23 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., General Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. A. Loeher, 9 East King street and Gee. W. Hull, IS West King street. y23-lvdeedAw LOCHER'S A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Uloed, Inflammation of the Lungs, ant all Dieasesef the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long fcxnerienrc has proved te possess the most safe and efficient qualities ler the cure of all kind:) of Eung Diseases. Price 35 cents. Pro Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 KAST KINtt STREET. elS-tfd INVALIDS TAKE NOTICE. NEARLY 3,000 PERSONS have placed themselves under my charge dur ing the last three years in Reading and this city. One-half of them at least were called in curables. Chronic cases of Dyspepsia, Con sumption. Rheumatism, and ether afflictions. Nearly all reported the fcame story, viz: lliave tried many doctors and quack medicines, and all iu vain. I am discoursed. While curing the Mck in thee two citlci ever 1.500 deaths have occurred in ether physicians' practice, anil net a halt-dozen in mine. Won't yen in person (at m v efllcer-) or by letter investigate my remark uhlc cures. Menandweuien.iclc ler years, were under my practice lu a lew days or weeks cured, hend or call and get a 12-age pamph let (free), containing the names of people thus rapidly restored te health here in Lancaster. All cured by placing my Inexpensive medicines en the outside et the bony. Ne notions used and no drugs, syrups, pills, powders, bitters, or ether such vile sturts placed in the stomach. Consultation awl Vznniiiuitien J-'ree al iw ettlcf. Hundreds have been emed el Catarrh ler 50 cent. Cure Quick ler Catari hsent teany address in-tne United States ter 50 cents. DR. O. A. GREENE, (32 Years Experience), Ne. 23G NORTH QUEEN STREET, WMftiMWF&S Lancaster, Pa. JEWELERS. T emSWEUKK. JU WATCHMAKER. He. 139X NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. It. B, Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Sliver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Cleck, Ac. imnttnr the celebrated Pantoscepic Bneeta- i cles and Eye-Gbwses. Impairing a specialty. apri-iya LANCASTER WATCHES -or-ALL GRADES. augustus'rheads's, Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, Fa. e XK FACILITIES FOB Fine Watch Repairing. Are most complete. We have talented and experienced work men, Pine Machinery and tools ; use only First-class Material, and make moderate charges. E. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET. J.EM1ELL&C0. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. DIAMOND HEBGHANTS, JEWELERS, SILVERSMITHS, AND IMPORTERS OF EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, BRONZES, CLOCKS AND PORCELAINS, ask particular attention te their su perb stock of goods, especially adapted for HOLIDAY GIFTS! The assortment in eVery Depart ment is unequaled, and the prices (always the lowest) will be found most acceptable. USTOrders and inquiries by mail will receive prompt attention. 3IW&F MEDICAL. Lancaster City Pharmacy, NORTH QUEEN ST., CORNER ORANGK. Pure Drugs, Medlclnex, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Ac. compeuxdixg pirrsrciAXS' run- SVRIPTIOXS A SPECIALTY. ANDREW Q. PREY, Graduate Philadelphia College Pharmacy. R EA1 THIS. L'SE COUGH NO MORE! A CERTAIN, AKE AVI) EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SOKE THROAT, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, HRONCHITIS, WilOOFlXU COUGH, PAIN IN THE SIDE OR RREAST, And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptives In all stages of the disease. or sale en:y at HULL'S DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, augai-lydj LANCASTER. PA. JIUI.I1 AX GOODS. FLIA'iN & BRBSBMAN. GRAND OPENING' OF HOLIDAY GOODS. A larger stock than ever. Lewer prices than k er. Every variety of Mechanical Toys. DOLLs ! DOLLS! DOLLS' BLOCKS AND GAMES. Horses, Carts, Wagons, Sleighs, Velocipedes and Ricvcles. USEFUL CHISTMAS PRESENTS. Elegant Carvers.Silvcr-pIatcd Knives, Silver plated Spoons, Silver-plated Ferks. The above goods arc Redgers & llre.'s best goods, bought at a -acrltlce. and will he sold very le. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Tin, sheet Iren and Weeden Ware at Great Bargain". Flii & fireman's tireat Stere and Heater Stere, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. COAL. B. It. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds el LUMBER AND COAL. 49-Yard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd COHO & WILEY, 330 1TOHTII WATER ST., Lancaster, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange, Branch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. Jcb2S-lyd GOAL! COAL!! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kin d of COAL go te RUSSEL & SaULMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 22 East King Street. YARD: 618 North Prince Street. auglMaprlSR ("III TO jr REILLY & KELLER -SOT GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers in want et Superior Manure will lind it te their advantage te call. Yard. Harrisbunr Pike. i Office, at" East Chestnut street. agK-ltd 0UM1TITURE. TUMCHA8EK UlOHI LOOK!! Loek te your Interest. Yen can buy at . HEINITSH'S, 15$ EAST KING STREET. Parler Suits! 45te350 Librarysuits 75te ISO Walnut Chamber Suits 0te 223 Cottage Suits 22 te 45 Lounges 5 te 40 Patent Keckcra $3.50 te 40 Ac, 4e., c. We will continue te give prices successively of goods in our line. Leeking Glasses, Picture Frames, and FINE GOLDFRAMESspecialliesnt prices that defy competien. It is always a pleasure te show goods at the CHEAPEST FURMTUEE STORE IN THE CITV. AU goods guaranteed according te merit-;. HEINITSH, 15 EAST KING STREET, JanS-ftnd Over China Hall. HOLIDAY GOODS ! AT Widmyer & RickseciWs. A Large Variety el FOLDING CHAIRS, FOLDING ROCKERS, MILTOX BODY AXD TA PESTR YBR USSEL3. FINE EBONY CABINETS, PATENT ROCKERS, Perforated and Batau Rockers. FOOT-ItESTS, BOOT-BOXES and LOOKING GLASSES. CHILDREN'S ROCKERS, AND TABLE CHAIRS, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, DIN ING ROOM FURNITURE. S. B. COR. BAST KING AND DUKE STS., LANCASTER, PA. de10-3md CAKPETH. HIGHEST VASn FIUCE WILL BE PAID FOR EXTRA NICE CARPET BAGS. Carpets made te order at short notice and s attraction guaranteed. Rare chances in Carpets te reduce stock of 6,000 Yards Brussels Carpets, AT AND It K LOW COST. Call and satisfy yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpets in almost endless variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. CARPETS, COAL, Xc. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY, . Ne. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lakcastee, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANC tSTElt QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, BLANKETS. CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or in Garments: also, all kinds of silks. Ribbons. Linen, Cotten and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlemens Coats, Overcoats, Pants. Vests, &., Dyed or Scoured ; also, Indigo Bine Dyeint Dyeint dene. All orders or goods ictt with us will reccivi. reccivi. prempt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal of the het quality put up expressly ! family use, and at the lowest mcrket rates TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 S.OUTII WATER STREE'I. d2-lvdRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON t. GROCERIES. 500 POUNDS FINK MIXED CANDY. ALSO WINES AND LIQUORS. PURE OLD RYE WHISKY, Only 55 Cents Per Quart, at RING-WALT'S, Xe. 205 WEST KING STREET 1H1S JS THE REASON WHY OKK COFFEES Are Better Than Many Others. We huy them Green and always have them FRESH ROASTED. We Select them with Care. Wc huy many el them lrem the Largest Coffee Dealers in this Country, SfaiVE TIIEM A TRIAL.' Vt. D. S. BURSK, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. PAPER JIAiraiXGS, tfr. the Cheapest, Simplest and Rest in the Market. Made el Walnut. Meulding three and four inches wide, and New Patterns. Weliave them thirteen different ways, and very low In price. FINE EBONY AND WALNUT CURTAIN POLES, with Brass Ring-". Ends and Brackets. All Walnut and Ash Poles complete. Plain Window Shades All Celers and Widths. Hollands. Paper Cur tains, Fixture. Fringes Cords, Tassels, Leeps, Picture Nails, Tassel Heeks, Ac. Opening almost daily New Styles of WALL PAPER, FOR THE COMING SPRING. PHARES W. FRY. Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. PAINTING. All kinds el Heuse Painting end Graining done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We have reduced our prices t 11.73 per day. Shep en Charlette street. ec02-3mI ALLEN 6UTHBIE & SONS. TK1MMIXGS, XOTIOXB, AC. STRICH URO.S ADVERTISEMENT. ASTRICI BR0.'S nave Just Opencd-thelr Hiii EirieriGS, And invite the attention of the ladies of Lan caster te the unexampled low prices at which these beautiful and uselul goods are offered. Our display this week will embrace Em broideries et every Description, suited ter all purposes and at all prices, from 2c. per yard upwards. Edgings and Insertions Fer Baby Clothing in neat and pretty Styles. ELEGANT EMBROIDERIES FOR LADIES' UN D ERCLOTIIING. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Megnitlcent Patterns of FLOUNCING 8 and 7 inches wide, alenly twenty-five cents per yard. Handseme Patterns of Wide Needle Werk at 10 and 12c. per yard. Rich Patterns at 19c. Most Elaborate Patterns lrem 31 te 50c. per yd. Deep Embroidered Flouncing in most exquisite designs at 6!) and 62c. Embroidered Flouncing 14 te IS Inches the most beautiful pattci ns. at $1 and $1.25 per yard. Red Needle Werk at I and 5c. per yard. WE OFFER NOW ALL OUR HATS AT 19e. FUR TRIMMINGS . In Black, Boewn and Gray, 1 inch wide 13c. 1JJ inches wide, 73c; 2 incites wide, $1 per yd. LADIES' AND MISSES' AT S1.97. Nete the lollewing prices et our NOTIONS. Basting Cottens 12 spools ler 5c Clark's O. N. T. Cotten 2 spools ter 8c Coats's Bet 2 spools for 9c Wlllamantie Beat (i-Cer.l Cotten .2 spools for 9c Holyekc' Cotten 2c. a spool Clark's Crochet 6c. per spool Ball Knitting cotton 4c. per ball Dexter's White Knitting Cotten in numbers at 7c. rfcrball Dexter's Colored Cotten in Brown. Drab, Navy Bine, and Brown and Blue Mixed, at 8c. per ball Mending Cotten at . ,2c. per card Star Skirt Braid 3c. per belt Needles 5c. per paper Geed Pir.s 3c. per paper Best English Pin-1 Cc Safety Pins 5c. per dozen Black Pins 4c. per box Hat Pins 2ferlc Tape ,.. 2c. per piece Dress Shields 8c. per pair Shee Polish 7c. per bottle Shee Buttoners Ic Children's Garters 3c. per pair Corset Lacings lc Shee Lacings 5e. per dozen Linen Thread 5c. per skein Hair Pins leper paper English Hair Pius 5c. per paper Rubber Hair Plas 10c. per box Steel-Pointed Hair Pins 4c. per paper Invisible Hair Pins 8c. a box Hair Crimpers .2c. apiece Flexible Curlers 3c a paper Children's Round Combs 3c. apiece Fine Combs 4c Dressing Combs 5c Teeth Brushes 5c Baby Brushes , 25c Infant Combs 12c Hair Brushes 15c Heyt's German Cologne He FinePcriumc 23c Soaps at :ic. per cake Winser's Seap at 5c per cake Turkish Bath Seap 5c. per cake Geneva Benquet 5c. per cake Baby Mine 3c. per cake Fancy Figure Seap 5c per cake Glycerine Ball 5c Large Cakes of Seap 7c asuiv. . .......................................... .DC Gum Bibs... ......... ....... ..4c Ladies' Large Pocketbooks 19c Zephyr Weel, till colors 9c. per ounce Gcrmaiitewn Weel 8c. per ounce Saxony $2.23 per pound White ,.$2 per pound Butten-hole Twist 2c. a quilt 50 yards Sewing Silk ec. a spqel. 2 spools for 100 yards Sewing Silk.. . Knitting Silk in balls... Embroidery Silk A ggatc Buttens Large Aggate Buttens . . . 9c. a spool a fOC 20c. per bunch 12 dozen for 3c 6 dozen for 10c Writing Paper and Envelopes 5c. per box Chenille 6c. per yard FEATHER EDGE BRAID 5c A PIECE. Serpentine Braid Ne.13, 17, 21 and 25, 8, 10, 13 and 17c. per dozen Irish Trimming 15c. apiece Magic Ruffling, 1, 2, 3, 4, C and 9, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33 and 33c. apiece Wax Beads.. .....7c. a string Black Jet Beads 10 bunches for 35c ASTRICH BRO.'S, 13 EAST KING STREES, LANCASTER, PA. nrpensamers - i-: MJiaaxEMT NEW GOODS FOR -AT- aUNDAKER'S EMPORIUM. J'flff?' r New Desirable and Cheap Silk Handkerchiefs, Lace Tie, But- AST?QSL,.,uds' Cen. Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUN DAK, rift S. A Full Line of Fancy Articles suitable for a NICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT, fleS2.'5! GUXDAKER'3. Alse, an inducement iu the MILLINERY DE PARTMENT, with a view te closing out the entire Stock. Plush Bennets and Hats offered at a Sacrifice. Plush and Velvets all Shades, sold cheap. Bennets and Hats in Freneh and Weel Felts, for 50 and 75c. Er"Give us a call and examine our stoek, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. POR SALE OK REX1. FOR KENT THE STOKE ROOM SO. 41 West King street, no occupied by Jehn Falck, Tailor. Poasrssieu given -APRIL 1, 1951. Jippiyie IVU,UAU(.UUUriK. Jan3-M.W4Stld West King Street, A VMM ABLE STORE STAND POK KENT. The undersigned will rent hU store stand in LandisvlUc. Lancaster county. Pa. This is an old stand and enjoys a geed trade. Nene but single men need apply. Call en, or address. janS-3wd JACOB B. MIN.VICII. PUBLIC SAL... ON WEDNESDAY, JAS-UARY-1, 1SS1. will bb sold at public wile, at the Ruck Hetel, in Drumore township. Lan caster county. Pa., the following real estate, viz : A tract or laud containing 10 Acres, mere or less. In Providence te wnship, en the Lan caster & Pert Deposit read, about midway be tween the Buck and Hickory Greve, upon which are erected a new twe-stnry Hense.with basement kitchen; an excellhnt spring of water near the house. The above property will be offered at private sale until the 19th. Fer further particulars call en Harry Marsh, at the Buck store or the undersigned. Posses-ion and clear title will be given en April 1,1831. sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m., when terms, 4c, will he made known by 1). M. BOFFENMYER, Jan4-lwd,2tw Quarryville, Pa. TXKCDTOns' SALE OP CITY FROPERTY, ' JCi On TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1881, the I undersigned executers of Michael Maleiie, de ceased, will expose te sale, at the Cadwell Heuse, the following real estate te wit : I Ne. 1. A let of ground, en the N. E. corner et Orange and Shippcn streets, with a frontage et 49J teet, mere or less, en Orange street, and j along .Shippcn street, northward, 215 feet te a ' public alley, en which is erected a commodi ous and weli-bult Mansion, Ne. 301, two-stories nigu, witn two-story jtack icuiitiing, ail lu geed repair. Alse, en rear of let, a two-story Brick Stable and ether improvements. Sale at 7 o'clock, when terms will he made known by EDtt ARD McGOVERN, WM. L. PEIPER. JAMES M.BURKE. Executers of Michael Malene, dee'd. Hkxrv Shcbbrt, Auct. janie tfd PUBLIC SALE OF VALUARLK CITY PROPERTY. The undersigned executer et Abraham Bitner, deceased, will sell at pub lic sale, at the Cadwell Heuse, Lancaster, Pa., en THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1891, the follow ing described property : All that valuable property situated en the west side North Queen street, alnive Chestnut, containing in front en North Queen street, 48 feet 4 inches, mere or less, and extending westward 12S feet, mere or less, thence along fireperty et Jno. R. Bitner neri h ward 31 feet i nche, thence westward along property of B. Huber. !3 feet, mere or less, tbence along the line of the Pennsylvania railroad 145 feet, mere or less, thence eastward 100 feet, mere or less, te place, of beginning, en which Is erected two two-story FKMK HOUSES en North Queen street, Nes. 212 and 216, and en the rear a Brick Warehouse. The above property will be sold as a whole or in parts. A draft et the property may be seen by call ing en the undersigned. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. en said day, when conditions will he made known by JOHN It. BITNER, Executer et Ahm. Bitner. Deceased. II. SacBKKT. Auct. iane-titu WA S PURI.IC SALE OP VALUAALE CITV PROPERTY. On MONDAY, JANUARY 31. 1SS1, the undersigned executer et the will of Geerge Albright, deceased, will sell at pub lie sale at the Leepard Hetel. Lancaster, Pa., the following described piepcrty, viz: Ne. 1. All that valuable let of ground situat ed at the corner or East Chestnut street and Cherry alley (Xe. 1.10), containing in front en Chestnut street 23 feet, mere or less, und ex tending southward 252 feet, mere or lsss, te Marien alley. On sulil let are erected a one story BRICK DWELLING IKUEand Back Knilding. a Frame Stable, a Frame Shep and othereiitbnlldings. There arc u number of fruit trees, grape vines, Ac, en said properly. Ne. 2. A let of ground adjoining Ne. I en the cast and property of William Henscl en the west, containing in front en Chestnut street 38 feet,moreeriess,cxtending southward same depth as Ne. 1 te Marien alley, en which is erected a one-story BRICK DWELE1XG HOUSE. FrameShep and ether outbuildings. There are also valuable truit trees, Ac, en the let, and a hydrant and nevci-faiiing well or water. Ne. 3. Let of ground fronting en Arch alley, adjoining St. Jehn's Lutheran church prop erty en the north, and property of II. Deerr en theseuth. and extending eastward 11 feet, mere or less, te property et II Deerr. This let has a front en Arch alley et 25 feet, mere or less, anil en it is erected u one-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, with geed dry cellar. There is also a side alley and, in the yard a geed bake even, and pump and ncvcr-lailiug well et water. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. en said day when conditions, will 'be made known by JOHN' B. ALBRIGHT, Executer of Will et Ge-. Albright, dee'd. II. Suubert, Auct. janlOCtdM&S PUBLIC SALK OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.-On THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1881. the undersigned executers of the will of Maria Myers, late et the City et Lancaster, deceased, will sell at public sale at the Key stone lleusa, in the City of Lancaster, the fol lowing described real estate : Ne. 1. A Let of Ground situated en the west side of North Mulberry street, in the City et Lancaster, Pa., number 42C, and containing in front en said street 22 feet and six inches, and extending in depth 351 feet, mere or less, te Concord alley, en which is erected a two-story BRICK DWELLIXG HOUSE, 18x30 teet, with frame summer kitchen attached ; a Well of never-failing water with pump therein, also, a number of fruit trees, grancs, etc., adjoining property of Jehn McCenhcy and ethers en the north, aAd en the south by property el Jehn Hutchinson. Xe. 2. A let or ground, situated en the west side el saiil Mulberry street, in the- City of Lancaster, Pa., Ne. 414. and containing in front, and exlcndlngin depth 2SI feet, mere or less, en said street 21 feet, 5 inches, mere or less, te said Concord alley, en which is erected a one Mery part brick and part leg DWELL ING HOUSE, with a one-story frame kitchen attached ; shed, with a large number of fruit trees, grape vines, etc., adjoining property el Jehn King, deceased, en the north, anil en the south by Ne. 412. Ne. 3. A let of ground, situated en the said North Mulberry street, in the City of ter. Pa., Ne. 412, and containing in front en said street, 32 Icet. 0 Indies, mere or less, and depth 2"i4 ltet, mere or less, te Concord ulley. en which is erected a one-story part brick and mrt leg DWELLIXG HOL'sK. also a small FRAME HOU.-E with Kitchen, en the rear of said let ; a well et never-railing water, with pump therein, Irnlt trees, grape, etc., adjoin ing Xe. 41 ten the north, and Ne. 410 en the south. Nes. 4 and 5. A let of ground situated en the west side or North M ulberry street in said city el Lancaster, Pa., Nes.408aud 410, and contain ing in front en said street, 32 teet 6 inehe, mere or less, and iu depth 2t!4 teet mere or less, te Concord alley, en which is erected two one-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSKS with brick fronts, with one story Frame Kitchen attached, fruit trees and ether im provements, adjoining Ne. 412 en the north and Jlycrs and Gorrecht en the south. The above properties will positively be sold and are in a thriving part et the city, cenve nicnt te market und the ndlread depot. Geed titles will he given en April 1. 1831. Any pert0!i wishing te see any or t lie above properties may call en tlcnry It. Myers, or either el the tenants, who will show the same. sale te comment c at llA o'clock, p. in., w hen attendance will be given ami terms mu'le known by MATH IAS MYERS, HEXRY E. MYERS, Executers of Maria Myers, deceased . B. F. Uewk, Auct. Jan7-4td,7,12,15,l'j DK. LEWIS'S CATALOGUE ON THE treatment of Rheumatic Diseases can lie hed ler nothing by calling at Lecher's Drug Stere, East. King street, or Dr. Leng's Drug Stere, corner et West King and Maner streets, or at his office, 47 West King street. JanS-tid V rrs THE HOLIDAYS, TKA VELEHS' HVlDt. I ANCASTKi: AND 9I1LLEKSYILUC K. J J Care run aa tollews : t Leave Lunrat.-cr (P.'R. Depot), at 7, 9, ami lh.'Wa. in., ami 2, 4. B and &30p. in., except en Saturday, when the last car leave at 9-JO p. m . Lttuvc. Uillcrsville (lower end) at 5. 8, anil a. 81., and I. .'!, 5 and 7 p. in. t Cars run daily en above time except en Sun hy. C10L.U9IU1A AND PORT DEPOSIT K. K ' Trains new run regularly en the Columbia j and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following I time: Stations North- Expres. Express. Aeeen. WAH. A.M. P.M. T.M. Pert Deposit fi:35 3M (P Pcachbottem 7:12 4:28 :t:l8 Safe Harber. 7:T:.r 5:11 5:21 Columbia j :25 5:40 6:20 St,atieis SoiiTii-tExpres. Epre-;. Aeeem . WAKO. J A.M. r.M. j A.M. Columbia. I 11:45 :2U 1 7:45 I r.M. B:W lArtt-.OS Safe Harber. ' 12:14 r.M. Le'J:40 PeachlKittem 12-.57 1X1 I 11.07 Fert Deposit 1:30 8:IC I 1235 "DEADINO COLVJIPIA R. R. ARR AX EM ENT OFPASSEXUER TRAINS. OCTOBER 2.Vril, 1850. NORTHWARD. LEAVK. A.M.'r.M. r.M. A. ;:I5I 220 7: 7:55 .... 3:40 8:05 1:05 3:50 7uV 1:10 3:10 .. 10-.H5 3:2 5.50 ., Quarryville Lancaster, King St. Luueaster Columbia AltRIVK. Reading I 9-JO tMO SOUTHWARD. LEAVE. Reading ARRIVE. Columbia r.M, Lancaster. 10:07 2.10 8:10 5:00 Lancaster. King St 10:18 .... 8:20 9:10 Quarryville 11:20 .... 9:25 6:41 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and lrem Philadelphia, Pottsville, Hurrisburg, Al Al lentewn and Xew Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON, Supt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and alter SUNDAY NOVEMKER8II1. 1880, train en the Pennsyl vania Ruiliuad will arrive and leave the Lan-ca-e' ami Philadelphia depots asfollewa: A.M. A.M. r.M. 8:05 12:Oi C:10 r.M. 10:15 2:10 &an 10:07 2.10 8:10 10:18 .... 8:20 11:20 .... 0:25 Fm-iwArn Leave Arrive " KAT-' Lane'tet PhlhuPa Philadelphia Express,..'.... 2:10 a.m. 4:15 a.m Fast Line 5:20 " 7:40 Yerk Aeeem. Arrives; 8(5 " .... Harrlsburg Express 8:05 " 10:10 " Dillervillc Aeeeni. Arrives, 8:45 ' .... Columbia Accommodation, 9:10 " liOl r.M. Frederick Aeeem. Arrives, 1:35 " .... Pacilic Express, 1:4U r.M. S:45 " Sunday Mull 2:( " 50 - Johnstown Express, .'te " IrM " Day. Express 4..V " :45 " Uarrlsbiirg Accommedat'n, SS5 930 Wkrtward Leae Arrive WMTWarp. piillaii'a Lnnc'tw Way Passenger, l.'::ie a.m M0 a.m MailTrainNo.l,viaMt.Jey, 7.30 " l":20 " MailTndnXo.2,viaCel'l.i:i 102". " Niagara Chicago Express 9:00 ' 11:05 " Sunday Mail, H:iw HKS0 Fast Line,. ., 12.2- " 2.35 rjf Frederick Accommodation, .... 4 DillervilleLocal.vla3It.Jey 50 " Harrisbiirg Aeeoinmeilat'n. til r.n. 5:45 " Columbia Accommodation. 4:00 " 7:2T " llarrishiirg Express, 5:30 " 7:30 " Pittsburg KxprcsH,... r25 " 850 " Cincinnati Express, 9:10 " IL30 " Pacific Kxprcs.s If-SA " 2.40 a.m Pnciiic Express, east, en Sunday, when flag fed, will slop at Middletown, Elizabetbtewn It. Jey, Iindisville, Biril-iii-lland, I.eman Place, Gap, Christiana, Purfcchlmrg, Coate Ceate vilic, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Dew ningtown.Ceatesville, I'arkes I'arkes burg.Mt.Jey, Klizabethtewn and Middletown. Iluiinveraccommedatlon west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at ll:M:i. m., wilt run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, willi Fast Line, west, at 2.33 r.M., and will run t-reugh te Frederick. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY RAILROAD. Xmw Yerk throceh mail 7:30 a m. 1:00 p m, 4:15 p m and 11:30 p ui. Wat Mail, cast, 7:30 a 111. GoKOeirviLLK, Downingtewu, Leaman Place Gap 6 p in. Piin.Amn.rniA through mail, 7:30 and 8:45 a m.. 1:00, 4:15 und 11:30 p in. PlTTSBCRen and west, 2:00 anil 11:30 p m. Uarrisucre Mail, 9:30, a m, 1:30. 5:15 and 11:10 am. Way Mail, we-,1, 9i a in. Baltimore akd Washington, via Philadel phia, 4:15 p 111. Baltimore akd Wasbikuten, via Yerk, 2 01 p m. Baltimore and Wasuiitoten, viallai'rigburg 11:30 pm. Coatesville, 4:15 p ni. ColumbiaiIc.e a m, 2.00 and 5:15 p in. Yerk and Yerk way, 2.01 und 11:30 p m. Northern Central, 10:00 am, 2:00 und 11:30 p m. Readine. via Reading und Columbia R R, VM am and ll:'M m. ICeadim). via lliirrisburg, 5:15 and Ih.'Mpm. Readine way, via J unction, Lititz, Manheim, East Hemptielil and Ephratu. 3 p in. Qdakhvvillk, Cainarge, New Providence, West Willow and Martinsville, Relton and Lime Valley. U:l a m and 5:00 pm. New Helland, Churchtuwii, Green bunk. Blue Ball, Geedville, Bearlewn and Spring Greve, b-, way i Downingtewu, at 7:30 um and 6 p m. safk ii aiuieii, via Columbia. 10:00 a m. BY STAGE Millersville and Slackwater. t" Sate Harber, daily, at 4:00 p m. Te Milicrsvilie, 8 und II:' JO a m, and 4 p m Binklcy'it Bridge, Leacock, Barcrllfe, New Helland, 2:30 i in. Willow street. Smithvllle, Buck, Chestnut Level, Gieene. Peters' Creek, Pleasuut Greve, ReckSpiings, Fuirmeunt and Rewlundsville, Md. daily. 7:.fla m. Landis Valley. Oregon. West Earl. Farmers vllle, Ncirsvillc, Ilinkletewn, Tcrrc Hill. Murtiiie.ii, daily, at '30 ltuu Greenland, Fertility, Lampeter and Wheat land Min. te Strasburg, daily. at 4 p in. Paradise and Seudershurg, at 7:3 u in. New Danville. Concstega, Marticville. Ccle manville. Mount Xcbe. Rawliusville, and Liberty Sq uarc. daily, at 2:30 p m. WHEN OPEX FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BV RAIL. Eastern mall, 7 a i. . 10:30 a in. 3 and :"( p in. Eastern way mail, 10:30 a m. Western iu:it, 7 and 10a m, 2 ami ':. p m. Beading, via Reading and Columbia, 2::W p m. Western way iimil,8-J0ain. Reading way" mail, 10-JWa in. Quarryville i:ruiich,8:l5u m and 4 p in. ARR1VIXG KV STAGE. Frem Sate Harber and Millci.-villc. at 9 a in, daily. Frem Milleiville.7aiiil9a in, and 4pm. Frem X -v tilland, at :r..Z) a m, daily. 1 rout i:ei laudsvillc, Md, at 4 p. m. Reading a. uiail.ut lu:.leum. daily. Freiiitr.iburg.at9.30a m, daily. Fiem 11 am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mail dell erieshv letter car rier each il.iy, and en their return" trips they take up the mail matter deposit ei I in the letter boxes. Fer the lirst delivery the carriers leave the office at u-Mn u m; second delivery at 10am : third delivery at 11 a m ; fourth delivery at 3 m. SUNDAY POSTOFF1CE HOURS. On Sunday the postelliee la open lrem April 1 te October 1, from 8 te 9 a m. and trem te 7 a m ; from October I te April l.f rem 9 te 10 a m ami from G te 7 v in.