"I 3 LA&MStER DAILS lEUJGEKCER SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, !$. i- W lAncaster fntelltgencec BATOBDAY BVKMINO, JAN. 1, 1861. - """"-'M"' ii... J 11 r Tke Preper Seaater. Representative Wolfe might be en gaged in a better business than in press ing Mr. Grew for the senatersbip, the only recommendation of his candidate te him being the fact that he is the anti anti Cameren ring representatiive. That is an excellent recommendation it is true ; but it ought te suggest itself te the op ponents of this ring thaUbey can best recommend themselves te the people by selecting for official positions better candidates than these favored by the sen they seek te overthrew. If they de net succeed, they will then'at least have the. consolation of knowing that they deserved te de se and that they have a right te ask the applause of their con stituents. Mr. Wolfe has often placed himself in position te secure strong pop ular approval by deserving it. We wish we could say for him that he is doing Bis best te that end just new. But we can net. Te us as partisans it matters little who is settled by the Republicans of the Legislature for senator ; but se far as our interest lies in that direction it would prompt us te leek with favor upon the selection of Mr. Grew as a man who would divide Republican coun sels and shed very little ' lustre upon his party in the exalted position of senator. But we confess te a pride in the state which drowns such selfish partisan desire. We would like te see Pennsyl vania represented in the Senate by a man who would be the peer of any one there, and as a state should be which is net ex celled in greatness by any state in the Union. Of course Mr. Grew is net such a figure as we ought te see there. lie has be .u long before the people, who knew bun well, and there is no chance of there being any undiscovered greatness in him which may make him surprisingly illus trious in the national councils. lie is net a modest man nor given te hiding his light under a bushel. He has been hunt ing down this senatersbip as only a small man would and will fail te get it as a small man should; Ner does Mr. Oliver come up te the senatorial stature. lie has developed a capacity te make money and te manage an iron mill, but the United States Sen ate is net an iron mill; nor will Mr. Oliver's special talents enable him te shine in it; se far at least as he has dis played them. He may be a miraculous genius a son of thunder who conceals under his hat any sort of talent that the emergency, may demand the exhibition of. But that is a possibility with every man ; and it is net a safe one for a legis lature te go en in selecting the fittest candidate te represent Pennsylvania in the Senate. Wc all knew that it is very seldom, indeed, that the Lord grants every talent and -virtue te one individ ual, and as lie has given te Mr. Oliver very valuable traits of character, which have made him prosperous and enabled him te take very geed care of number one, a fair suspicion would be that He has net richly endowed him with the disposition and necessary talent te take care of all the ether people in the country; te his own injury even, as a senator should be ready te de. It must in fair ness be admitted that Mr. Oliver comes squarely up te the standard of the Penn sylvania Republican senator, and that he would be quite as creditable representa tive of the state as the Camerons. But the fervent prayer of the people gees up te the geed Lord ,en thisNew Year's day, te deliver them from any mere represen tatives of this sort. And we are strongly inclined te think that this prayer is going be granted, it Mr. Wolfe and lus asse ciates can accomplish nothing for Grew, as we believe they cannot, they may still be able te win a creditable incumbent of the high office in the gift of their party; and in such effort they have our sym pathy, despite our Democracy; or rather because of it and its purity. The Lititz .Recerd, of our own coun ty, joins the press of Northampton in de fending the lynching of Snyder en the ground of the uncertainty of the law's punishment of murderers, and cites te us the cases of Lares and of Pannell. We have te say te our cotempo cetempo cotempe rary that it might cite te us a great many mere such cases and even obtain our admission that these men should all have been hanged, without at all affect ing the argument against lynching. It ought te be plain te a man of any degree of comprehension, who is calm enough te exercise his reason dispassionately, that there can be no defense of lynching in a civilized state whose civilization is based upon the rule of the law. The people have enacted the law for their protection and have agreed te its arbi trament. Such people then as undertake te punish a violation of the law them selves become in turn violators of the law ; and their offense is mere heinous than that of the man they punish, be cause it strikes at the very foundation of society and if permitted te go unpunish ed would destroy it. As we have said, anyone of ordinary reason will compre hend this ; and these who de net, are se absolutely unable te understand the ele mentary principles of political science as te make it useless te talk te them and hopeless te convert them into geed citi zens. They had better all be hanged . The Law Library association properly decided that an organization whose func tiens are limited te the collection, care and ownership of law books has nothing te de with the ethics of the legal pre fessien; albeit, this association has at tunes traveled beyond the functions prescribed by its charter. It declares its unwillingness teft) again. Wherefore there seems te be a demand for a law as sociation, with further reaching objects, touching the rights, the duties and the interests of the profession. When this has been organized, if it shall se happen, te preserve the integrity of members of tee bar and public confidence in the pre fessien would naturally be the 'first ob ject of its solicitude. Then there will be a forum into which every matter . .. , ... , "... teaching professional irregularity may properly be brought, The superintendent of census approx imates the total population of the coun try at 50,152,559, though the official fig ures will net be published for a week, until when we defer printing the table. It is gratifying te see that the increase of population, in ten years, some 11,594,- 188, or nearly 31 per cent, is quite as large as had been anticipated. The largest increase was of course in the far Western states, Colerado leading with 388.9 per cent, and the least, Vermont, which shows only one-half per cent, in crease. Pennsylvania, which in 1870, had 8,521,951 people, in 1880 returns 4,282,738, an increase of 21.3 per cent., a greater growth than is shown by Illinois, Indiana. New Yerk or Ohie. We trust that our readers having had a merry Christmas week are ready new te meet the work of the New Year, which we hope will be a happy albeit a sober one, te them all. There is at present in business circles, we think, somewhat,tee much of exaltation. An addition of sobriety te the business man's judgment would be a wholesome one. Make haste slowly is a geed motto te remember in these days when the up ward rush of things suggests their downward course when the rarefied air ceases te sustain the flight. 11INOB TOPICS. Happt New Year. " Asglo-Cathelic views are said te be gaining ground rapidly in the Irish Epis copal church." Mrs. Hepkins will make a note of it. The annual reviews of the trade and business of the country, and especially of the cities of New Yerk and Chicago, show the year 1880 te have been ene of re markable revival, and of substantial and legitimate prosperity in all branches. The English publisher of Scribner's Monthly telegraphs for seventeen theusaud copies of the coming midwinter (Febru ary) number, an advance of six thousand upon his orders for the same issue last year. " Who reads an American book ?" A strange typographical error recently appeared in the San Francisce Bulletin. In an obituary netice the word California was i pelled Cali4nia, the figure 4 replac ing the "for" and yet happening te read the same as the syllable in which it acci dentally appeared. The Grew people new count 84 votes for him, six mere than necessary te get the caucus nomination. In this claim they in clude four from Philadelphia, two from Allegheny and all seven from Lancaster county and four from Montgomery. Grew will net get all of these,and his calculation seems te be tee sanguine. Allen Campbell, the anti-Mermen candidate for delegate in Congress at the recent election in Utah, is coming cast. He says Governer Murray, of Utah, will de cide by the 4th inst. whether he will give Delegate Cannen a certificate of election. The objection made te Cannen is that he is an alien and a polygamist. It is prob able that, in any event, there will be a con test in the Heuso ever the seat of the Utah delegate. Rev. Dn. Jehn Hall said, in a public address, that in Dublin he was chaplain te a prison in which there were some 800 convicts. He had only the Presbyterians te leek after, and there were only fifteen in the prison, and his congregation was constantly dccliuing in numbers. It ran down te only eight. And he said it was a fact that in Ireland, where the Presbyte rians are as one te eight of the population, the Presbyterian criminals are only as one te forty. As already announced, it was the inten tion of Hayes te reappoint Secretary Ram sey as acting secretary of the navy every ten days until the 4th of March next. The question, however, arose whether he could legally make a reappointment, and being referred te the attorney general, it was decided adversely. This decision was sustained in the cabinet meeting yes terday, and the navy department is, there fore, left without a head. It was sug gested last evening that Hayes consult General Garfield " and appoint for the un expired term the probable secretary under the incoming administration." Geld enters largely into the materials of millinery this winter. It is seen in the cisele velvets as a background for black, red, or olive raised figures ; in cloth of geld for crowns ; in geld ribbon for strings ; threads of geld are wrought in satin in rich brocades ; a great deal of geld galleen is used again ; and there are geld beads en all parts of the bonnet, the small ones being wrought in net en the crown, while large faceted geld beads edge the front of the brim. Geld lace is also used, but less than the ether gilt gar nitures. There are few geld breeches or similar ornaments, except the long nail or ether long pin nsed as a bonnet rest. A keply te Tourgee's "Foel's Errand," a sensational political publication, has been written by William Royal, a grand-nephew of Chief Justice Marshall Tourgee's de scription of Southern character and man ner is shown te be a picture of the imagi nation. "In accepting it," says Mr. Royal, "the Northern and Western people of the Union seem te be blessed with a singular credulity touching all matters which tend te bring the whites of the Seuth into disgrace and contempt. With out taking the trouble te inform them selves correctly touching te people of the Setth they readily accept any derogatory story that timid, sensational or designing scoundrels 'may invent rejrardinc these people." The Austin Weekly Review is of the opin ion that Texas will be divided into four states. Such division is expressly pre Tided for by the joint resolution for annex ing Texas te the United States. Th9 con -ditiens precedent te such divisions are that such states shall be of " convenient size," that they shall have "sufficient popula tion," and shall organize by the consent of Texas net by the consent of the United States government, for that is given in ad vanceis contracted for by the terms of the joint resolution,, which says that such imw3 auaii ue euuueu te aamissien un- der federal epa.,, Texag ilum3 "Biuui ue enuciea co aamissien un. sole control of the matter, and if Ohie has enough politicians ambitious te be United I States senators it will be accomplished. 1 It will be remembered what zeal was displayed te get Hayes's message, and also te keep it freih getting out. And yet te 'prove hew little the publie really care for the message itself, the Syracuse (N. Y.) Standard, eue week after the last message was published in full in its columns, sent eat a number of reporters te make inquiry among the prominent business men lawyers, doctors, clergymen, pbysiciaus, teachers of that city, as te hew many of them had read the views of the nation's chief magistrate. Five hundred and thir teen gentlemen were asked ; of the num ber forty-one had read the message, thirty had just glanced at it, twenty-three bad read portions of it, one hundred and eight hoped te find time some day te read it, and the remainder had no clear idea of its having been printed at all. These statis tics would held geed of all the cities and towns of the Union ; find yet, befere every meeting of Congress, t'.ie American people burn with anxiety te see advance copies of the message. At a British banquet te F. B. Gewen the belief was expressed that he would be the man te put down the Irish Laud League. Desgkemest, the young Brazilian vio linist, who has achieved quite a reputa tion abroad, is among the recent arrivals in the United States. He is accompanied by his father, and will shortly begin a professional tour. Mme. Mabie Geistingeu, the Gcrniau actress and operatic singer, has just ar rived in New Yerk, after a rough and un plersant voyage. Mmc. Geistingcr is un der engagement te play sixty times at the Thalia theatre, New Yerk, during the course of several months. Bishop Whipple, in his late address, said that all his success in life was due te his mother, who required him when a child te learn and repeat verses of scripture se that in that way he learned a geed part of the Bible by heart, and stored its pre cious truths. Rev. E. P. Hammend, the evangelist, has been holding revival mcctiugs in Man itoba for seven weeks. He has preached at Winnipeg, Emersen, and three ether places, often in the open air, with the thermometer 25 below zero, and it is es timated that there have been net less than 1,000 conversions. H. L. Ri-inueld, well known in this city, and for seventeen years one of the most successful salesmen with the great notion heuse of Joel J. Baily & Ce., of Philadelphia, has joined a cepartnership with ether experienced business men in Philadelphia, under the firm name of David, Kcyser, Reinhold & Ce., te carry en the wholesale notion business. Prof. Wh. B. Hall left Lancaster last night for Clarien, Pa., where the teachers' institute of Clarien cauuty commences en 3Ienday. Prof. Hall will conduct the musical part of the pregramme. During the present season Prof. Hall has conduct ed the music at no less than nine county institutes. After leavitig Clarien, Prof. Hall will go te Indiann,Pa.jaud resume his position as professor of vocal music iu the state normal school of Indiana. Rev. Moses Tuttlc married a daughter of Rev". Timethy Edwards, of East Wind ser, Conn., and a sister of President Ed wards. When he asked her father's con sent te the marriage he replied, "I shall consent se far as net te forbid it ; but I can de no less than te inform you that you can net live with my.daughter." "Why?" said Mr. Tuttle, "is she net a Christian?" "I hope se," said Mr. Edwards: "but grace may live where you can net." Leuis Aueuste Blanqui, the noted communist aud socialist agitator, at the age of seventy-five, has died in Paris. He in his latter years divided with Victer Huge the distinguished honor of being one of the two Frenchmen who could be saidtohave provoked continuous public attention during the last half century un der Charles X., Leuis Philippe, the Sec end Republic, ihe Second Empire, the Commune and the Third Republic. The OarUehl Political Girts. Gossip among particular friends of Gen cral Garfield is te the effect that he is very free in asking advice and sugges tiens from all of his old friends and party associates in reference te the proper policy of his admistratien. It is said very positively that he has deter mined te have no one from Ohie in his cabinet, and that he has se expressed himself frequently within the past few weeks. The secretary of the treasury, it is reported, will be a Western manand the name most frequently mentioned in this connection is James F. Wilsen, of Iowa, who was formerly one of the most respected and influential members of the Heuse of Representatives, and who de clined te go into General Grant's cabinet as secretary of state. It is thought also by General Garfield's friends that there is foundation for the rumors that Mr. Filley, of Missouri, will be invited into the cabinet, most likely as post master general. If General Ben. Harri son is net elected senator from Indiana, it is stated with confidence that he will be appointed in the cabinet. Either Representative Levi P. Morten or Themas C. Piatt, of New Yerk, are put down as a probable member of the new cabinet. It is represented that General Garfield has signified te Mr. Hayes that he will be very much obliged te him if he will take care te fill all vacancies that ec cur between this time and the 4th of March, as General Garfield says he wants te escape the importunities of office seekers as long as he can. OIUTUARY. Recent Notable Necrology. Epcs Sargent, journalist and author. died in Bosten en Thursday night, aged 67 years. In early life he was connected with the Bosten Atlas, and wrote a life of Henry Clay. He was also the author of several well known plays, and was asso ciated with Park Benjamin in editing the New World in New Yerk. He was editor of the Bosten Transcript from 1844 te 1853. He had written much poetry and fiction, and within the last two years edited the "Cyclopedia of British and American Poetry." In his last year he devoted much of his time te works en spiritualism. Benjamin K. Phelps, district attorney fer New Yerk, died in that city en Thurs day night, in the forty-ninth year of his age. J. C. C. Whaley, editor of the Clinten Deniecrnt, and representative-elect from Clinten county, Pennsylvania, died at his residence, in Leck Haven, last evening. Louisa Merris, colored, died at "her resi dence in rhiladelphia, at- the age of 108 years ? W008 and 4 exurasrrauHMfiXT. Bar. needier 8UU Eatertaiatag tbe fend Hepe Taat it is All a ajw. A Brooklyn Eagle reporter, who -asked Mr. Beecher, apropos of tne disfellowship disfellewship ping of the Rev. Myren Adams by the Ontario Association of Congregational Ministers, if a belief in endless punish mrnt was binding upon Congregationalists, reports Mr. Beecher as speaking as fellows : " Whether the profession of doubt as te the eternity of future punishment is incon sistent with membership in the Orthodox Congregational churches, has been mere or less a matter of difference aud debate among the Congregational churches, both East and West, but with a growing ten dency te permit such doubt if in all ether respects the minister is of the right spirit and bids fair te seek the great practical ends which are contemplated in all re ligious teaching. The whole subject of es- chatolegy that is, the science of last things is coming up for mere thorough discus sion than has ever yet been given te it. Dr. Philip Schaff. of New Yerk, one of the ablest of all church historians, said recent ly that almost every ether great depart ment of theological doctrine had undergone a period or radical discussion and been set tled after that, but that there had never been such a period of discussion upon the great subject of eschatology ; and that was yet te be entered upon. In regard te Mr. Adams the account given states that 'he is thoroughly unsettled in his religious belief ; that he regards sin as a disease rather than a voluntary transgression; that his views of the atonement are exceedingly mystical, as also his views of Divine for giveness and regeneration ; that he ab solutely denies the doctrine of endless pun ishment : that his eloquence lias been turned against essential truths and against his brethren and the churches ; that he by no means represents the system of faith held by Plymouth church or the Congre gational association of New Yerk ; finally, that he furnishes no satisfactory scriptual or rational basis for his belief. Sir. Adam s is an able man, whose mind is in a state of transition as between the explanation of the great moral facts resting together in mediaeval days, and as they are preseuted under the light of scientific discoveries in our day. Wc are living in an age of tran sition, one set of men have gene clear ever te what may be called 'naturalistic' grounds ; another set of men are attempt ing te go clear back te what may be called strictly 'mediaeval,' theories. Between these two extremes there is au undevel eped, but steadily developing, process of transition especially among educated young men. Te that body, undoubtedly, both Mr. Adams, of Rochester, aud Mr. Adams, of Dunkirk, his brother recently set away by the presbytery for the same thing belong. The doctrine of endless punishment has been down te within twenty-five years last past undoubtedly included in the orthodox belief of Congre gational churches, with here and there a dissident. There is. however, a very wide- snread investigation of the mounds of evidence ea which the former views have been held ceinir en. At present it would seem as if the churches held about this attitude that it" in all ether respects a minister was sound iu his belief, and did net use his doubts en the subject of the endlessness of punishment for the build- ins? un of new views : if Ins spirit was geed and his labors acceptable, he should net be molested." Reporter On the subject of future pun- lshmcii have you net anneunceu in your sermons a disbelief in its endlessness V Mr. Beecher Yes ; but I should -et want te sav anything about it just new, without mere preparation and thought than I can give te it at this moment FiikIiIeu Ninety Tears Age. The change which Mrs. Adams had made from the splendors of the ".Republican Court" at Philadelphia te the "wilderness" at Washington was a crcat one, says a waiter in the Washington Star. This change was most striking in! the dress, manners, social life, fashion and the ab sence of the beauty, the brilliancy, the renius aud the courtly style, which char actcrized the life at Philadelphia. One favorite Philadelphia dress was a celestial blue satin gown with a white satin petticoat. On the neck was worn a very large Italian gauze handker chief, with bread stripes of satin. The head-dress was a pouf of gauze, in the form.ef a glebe, the ereneaux or head piece of which was composed et white satin, having a double wing in large plaits aud trimmed with a wreath of artificial roses, falling from the left at the top te the right at the bottom in front, and the reverse be hind. The hair was dressed all ever in de tached curls, lour of which, in two rauks, fell en each side of the neck and were re tained behind by a floating chignon. Anether beautiful dress was a perriet, made of gray Italian taffeta, with dark stripes of the same color, having two col cel lars, the ene yellow and the ether white, both trimmed in the same manner. Un der the perriet they were a ycliew corset or bodice, with large cress stripes of blue. Some et the ladies with this dress were hats a V Esvaanele, of white satin, with a band of the same material placed en the crown, like the wreath of flowers en the head-dress mentioned before. The hat, which with the plume was a very popular article of dress, was relieved en the left side, hav ing two handsome cockades one of which was at the top and the ether at the bot tom. On the neck was worn a very plain large gause handkerchief, the ends of which were hid under the bodice. Round the besom of the perriet a frill of gauza a la Henry IV.. was attached, cut in points around the edge. Anether dress consisted of ocrriet and petticoat, both composed of the same description of gray-striped silk and trimmed round with gauze, cut in points at the edges in the manner of hcr hcr riseus. The herriseus were, indeed, near ly the sole trimmings used for the perri perri ets, caraces and petticoats of fashionable ladies, made cither of ribbons or Italian gauze. With this dress they were large gauze handkerchiefs upon their necks, with four satin stripes around the border, two of which were narrow and the ether bread. Tbe head-dress was a plain gauze cap. The shoes were celestial blue, with rose-colored rosettes. Individual tastes and fancies would vary the details, but the tout ensemble was the same. TROOPS IN IREfcAND. Infantry and Cavalry te Scour the Country. A special cable dispatch from Dublin says: The military commandment here is making arrangements for the organization of flying columns te scour the country, as was done during the Fenian rising. An order te move is expected seen. It is intended te start nine columns two from Dublin, two from the Cur ragh, one from Athlene, one from Cerk, one from Fermey, one from Limerick, and one from Belfast. Each column will consist of a troop of cavalry, a division of artillery with two guns, four companies in fantry, ten sappers, a detachment of the army service corps, a detachment et the hospital corps and one ambulance wagon. Three thousand soldiers are new stationed in Dublin. The barrack accommodation in the country is insufficient for the in creased number of soldiers, and temporary barracks will, therefore, be fitted at Rath keale, county Limerick, and Ennistymen, county Clare, for detachments of infantry, each comprising two officers and fifty men. Anether detachment win be sent te. Lough Leugh sea, county Galway, as seen as quarters I for them have been provided. A NEWPORT T1IXA BURNED. James R. 'Keeae'a Samaier Besldeae De stroyed, Wltn Much or Its Contests. The residence of J. R. Keene, at New port, R. L, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning, a defective furnace being the cause. Mrs. Keene and her family were occupying the dwelling. The house and its contents were valued at $100,000, en which there was an insurance of upwards of $50,000. Inability te get water,owing te the extreme cold, prevented the firemen from working effectively until the fire bad been a long time under headway. Mrs. Keene and her family sought refuge in the stable. Thanks te the efficiency of the police the silver, which almost filled a hack, wasjeenveyed te a place of safety. several thousand dollars' worth of valu able paintings, including one which cost $20,000, were saved. Choice pieces of bric-a-brac, majolica, statues, etc.,- were also saved in geed condition as well as some of the most valuable furniture en the first fleer. Mrs. Keene and her family lest all their wearing ap parel, hut the servants saved their effects. Nothing was saved above the first fleer. A valuable piano was taken eni. but as it was net removed far from the heuss it was badly damaged, the cloths with which it was covered having caught fire from the sparks. Greenhouses con taining $40,000 worth of tropical plants were repeatedly iu danger, and it is feared that some of the plants are ruined. The glass was broken in many places, thus ad mitting the water. The pictures, as they were removed from the house, were taken te the greenhouses. Owing te the cold and te the fact thet but few persons reside in the vicinity of Mr. Keene's villa, there were but lew people at the tire Dcsiae firemen. The villa, architecturally, was considered the finest iu the place and it was admired by everybody. It was built Queen Anne style, the first story being of brick and the second and third of weed. It was built about ten years age for Nathan Matthews, of Bosten, at an expense of $123,000. Matthews, by reason of finan cial embarrassment, did net occupy it but three seasons, when it was occupied in turn by Mr. Jehn Jacob Aster and Mr. Pierre Lnrillard. A mortgage en the cstate was foreclosed by a local savings bank and it was sold at auction te Mr. Keene, who purchased it at the remark ably low figure of $07,500. Mr. Keene lias occupied it ever since and his family were se well pleased with it that they have re sided there all the year round. Mr. Keene came en by special beat or steamer every week. The house is a total less, nothing remaining of it but the brick walls of the first fleer. It is understood that the house and furniture were insured for upward of $50,000 in New Yerk companies. Force of Imagination. A few years age a celebrated physician, author of an excellent work en the force of imagination, being desirous te add experi mental te his theoretical knowledge, made application te the minister of justice te be allowed au opportunity of proving what he asserted by au experiment en a criminal condemned te death. The minister complied with his request, aud delivered ever te him an assassin a man who had been born of distinguished parents. The physician told him that several persons who had taken au interest in his family had obtained leave of the minister that he should suffer death in seme ether way than en the scaf fold, te avoid the disgrace of public exe cution ; and that the easiest death he could die would be by bleed letting. The criminal agreed te the proposal, and counted himself happy in being freed from the painful exhibition which he would otherwise have been made of, and rejoiced at thus being enabled te spare the feelings of his friends and family. At the time appointed the physician re paired te the prison, and the patient hav ing been extended en a tabic, his eyes bound, aud everything being ready, he was slightly pricked near the principal veins of the legs and arms with the point of a pen. A the four corners of the table were four little fountains, filled with wa ter, from which issued small streams fall ing into basins placed there te receive thcin. The patient, thinking that it was his bleed that trickled into the basins, became weaker and weaker by degrees, and the remarks of the medical men in attendance in reference te the quality and appearance of the bleed (made with that intention) increased tl" delusion, aud he spoke mere and mere faintly, until his voice was at length scarcely audible. The profound silence which reigned in the apartment, and the constant dropping of the fountain, had se extraordinary an effect en the brain of the peer patient, that all his vital energies were soeu gene, although befere a very strong man, and he died without having lest a single drop of bleed. Le Chamelen. The ' Star or Bethlehem " Professer C. A. Grimmer, of Kingsten, Jamaica, who is a scientist of fame, re cently made seme wonderful prophecies in connection with the action of the planets aud ether heavenly bodies. He says of the "Star of Bethlehem:" Iu 1887 the " Star of Bethlehem " Will ba once mere seen in " Casseepia's chair," and will be accempnied by a total eclipse of the sun and moon. 1 he star only makes its ap pearance every 315 years. It will appear and illuminate tbe heaveus, and exceed in brilliancy even Jupiter when in opposition te the sun, and therefore nearer te the sun and brightest. The marvelous bril liancy of the "Star of Bethlehem" in 1887 will surpass any of its previous visita tions. It will be seen by noonday, shining with a quick, flashing light the entire year, after which it will gradually decrease in brightness and finally appear, net tore turn te our heaveus until 2202, or 315 years after 1887. This star first attracted the attention of modern astronomers in the year 1575. It was then called a new star. It was no new star, however, for this was the star which shone se brightly 4 B. C, and was the star that illuminated the heavens at the nativity of Christ. Washington Republican. The Death-DeaUng Kaxer. The new law of Seuth Carolina relating te the carrying of concealed weapons adds one te the usual list of such instruments. Section 1 is as fellows : Be it enacted, etc : That any person car rying a pistol, dirk, dagger, slung-shot, metal knuckles, razors, or ether similar deadly weapon usually used for the infliction of personal injury, concealed about his per son, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before a court of competent jurisdiction, shall forfeit te the county the weapon se carried concealed, and be fined in a sum net mere than $200, or imprisoned for net mere than twelve months, or both, iu the discretion of the court. The Charleston New s says : "The razor is a favorite weapon with the negrees, and a mere unpleasant instrument te encounter in hostile hands than a shotgun or revel ver. Pittsburgh Bivajs 1'arU. Leader. When " Nana " appeared professedly a picture of the terrible immorality of Paris, there was a great outcry. They might de these things in the French capital, it was said, but net anywhere else, and it was a shame even se much as te mention them in our truly moral American cities. Yet here in Pittsburgh we have a tragedy in a fashionable house of prostitution, ie whichJ an infatuated lever sheets his mistress out of jealousy of a married merchant, who watches and nurses the girl in her agony. Is net this whole incident as Parisian, as if it had happened in the Faubourg St. Ger- maine.? Kmw Tear's Philadelphia Times; A friend iiflianunilj finds much te en gage hk considerate attention in the cus toms prevalent at this gladsome season of the year ; when" the ages turn ever a new leaf and things generally take a fresh start. .There is, te be sure, somewhat of ar bitrariness iu tbe lapse and renewal of time which we are went te describe as the ending of the old and the beginning of the new year. A simple savage a gentle be ing reclaimed from the depths of a bloom ing wilderness brought within the con fines of our civilization would view with amazement our formal celebration efan event that te bim is inappreciable. Ner can it be denied that the arbitrariety and formality which are a part of the sub structure of New Years day enter largely into the constitution of these customs for which especially the day is marked. Theoretically, New Year day is much gladdened by a hearty display of loving kindness between man and man; while also it receives a graver, richer quality in that men since time immemorial have seized upon this season of ending and be ginning te lay away from thorn their be setting sins and take up, in the place of these befitting virtues. In an earlier stage of the world's history, when there was mere of simplicity in the hearts of men aud less of cuile. the manifestations of friendliness at the New Years time prob ably were informed in all cases by a con siderable sincerity of purpose; and it may net be doubted that even new the solemnly proclaimed relinquishment of sinful habits and of reprobate tastes of which there assuredly will be a geed deal te-day is for the time being absolutely sincere. But age has staled and custom withered tbe kindly usages of New Years day. - Of old the dear ones of the family, and of the circle of close friends, gave and received New Years greetings, which scarce needed te be passed ever the lips, se well were they understood in the utter ing aud receiving hearts. It is this cus tom that survives in our present system of New Years calls. Somehow, though, a little of antiquarian research is required te discover of its overlying layers of con ventionalism the tender feeling in which the formal practice has its root. The trimly-dressed young men who breezily present themselves te the five or ten score dames and damsels et their acquaint ance, glibly make their speech of compli ment and then whisk onward de net seem very well te embody the sentiment that prompted the hearty hand-shake, the heartier "Ged bless you and give you a happy new year I" of long age. These visits, and the equally meaningless indis criminate dispatch of New Year's cards te all the people en our visiting list, suggest some sort of odd rudimentary survival interesting in showing that the species once possessed ether and different powers. Of New Years resolutions it is scarcely ne cessary te speak, for the term almost has ceme te be a synonym of all that is irreso lute and vain. Whatever of real purpose may prompt them, they are pretty certain te disappear with the Jauuary thaw. It is a mistake, however, te urge that because these changes have taken place in its two most important New Years cus toms humanity has degenerrted. it is net reasonable te suppose that the geed resolutions ever were better or werse kept than they arc new ; and the fact must be observed that there is still a vast deal of New Years greeting that springs truly from the heart, what the friend ,of humanity will find worth noting is net se much that real loving kindness is dead as that an affectation of it is most surprisingly dif fused ; net se much that the irresolute re solves of New Years day continue te be brekeu as that, being the day se noteri eusly breakable, they continue te be made. And en the whole, he will find in these formal arbitrary customs of the day as much te suprise him as the simple savage finds in the like qualities apparent in the constitution of the day itself. STATS ITEMS. Samuel Sherwell, anEasten tailor, drop ped dead while walking along the street. The McKibbens finally retire from the Girard heuse . Brethly, of the Hewland house, Leng Branch, takes it. There was some complimentary talk te District Attorney Hagert and his staff by the Philadelphia court yesterday upon the termininatien of their tenure of office. J. C. C. Whaley, editor of the Clinten Demecrnt, and representative elect from Clinten county, has died at his residence, Leck Haven. Mr. Jehn Kelly will deliver a lecture in Erie, January 1G for the benefit of tbe St. Vincent hospital. The subject will be, " The Sisters of Charity, their Origin and Werk." The fight for the United States senator ship waxes warmer as each train brings te Harrisburg new adherents of Mr. Grew or Mr. Oliver, for the struggle seems have narrowed down te these two. James A. Wilsen, a rascal and a fraud, has been swindling the Harrisburg Odd Fellows by false pretenses of deserving distress. Some places he calls himself Wm. A. Bend. Sarcastic Erie Observer'. "The steal works blew in at Harrisburg next Monday. Little business will be transacted until the Legislature is informed who Cameren has chosen for his colleague in the United States Senate." About a month or six weeks age the extensive sawmill of Messrs. Campbell, Gantz & Ce., at Millersburg, was de stroyed by fire, causing a less of $10,000 te the owners.' Philip Zimmerman has been arrested in Reading for the incen diarism. A fire broke out in the picker room of Haigh. Grindrod & Bottemlcy's large cot ton and woolen mill at Bridgewater, four miles from Chester, and the entire struc ture, with its valuable .machinery, was destroyed. A number or operatives narrowly escaped with their lives. The less will exceed $25,000 ; insured for $20, 000, The Pittsburgh papers publish a card signed by about 1,500 citizens endorsing the action of the Allegheny county dele gation in selecting Henry W. Oliver as Allegheny's choice, for United States sena tor The call is signed by nearly every leading manufacturing firm in the city, by all the coal men, by merchants in all branches of trade and citizens generally. The Philadelphia Evening Telegraph hopes defeat will settle upon both the seek ing candidates for the Senate, and it comes out clear and strong for Benjamin H. Brewster, as "the one candidate free from all factional alliance and complications an able, independent man, a Republican of strongest and purest principles, a gentleman of highest character, of unquestionable ingtegrity, a profound scholar, a learned lawyer, an era ter of national prominence, an alert, form idable debater a man fitted by native in telligence and dignity, by culture and ex perience, te discharge with universal sat sat isfactien the onerous and responsible du ties of senator of the United States." LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. The defense 'of Abe Rothchild, of Cin cinnati, for the murder of his mistress in Texas cost his relatives $40,000, but he get off. Near New Orleans a tire destroyed Schoenendorfs dairy, consuming forty eight, milk cows, horses and mules and a large quantity of poultry. The less is es timated at $5,000 ; insurance, $2,000. The two year old child of Isaac Shane, of the Shane heuse, East Springfield, Ohie, was burned te death. It, with an elder child, was engaged lightning pieces of paper at the stove when itselethiag eenght Are. Mrs. Elizabeth Raiaey, a peer woman, was found frozen, te death in her room,' hi Jersey City, yesterday morning. Ehza H. Jenes was found frozen te death at her home, in Prince Geerge County, Virginia en Thursday night. McDonald's accommodation train en the PanHaadle railroad collided with a freight train near North Mansfield. Beth engines were badly wrecked and Engineer Williams of the passenger train sustained injuries .that, may result in his death. Three passengers were slightly hart. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. UW L1BKAKT ASSOCIATION la Annual bteet lag Call ter m Bar M Mas;. The Lancaster Law Library association held its annual meeting this morning, A. Slaymaker, esq., in the chair until the ar rival of Hen. T. E. Franklin, president, and Geerge Nauman. esq., secretary. The minutes of the last meeting were read. The treasurer's report was read, show ing balance en hand last year, $218.02 ; receipts during the year . from memberrt' $325; orphans court audits. $104; pre- thonetary, 834; snerur, ea; rulmer audit, $10 ; interest, $5 $724.02. Expenditures during the year were $328.08 ; balance en hand, $395.94. The report was referred te the finance committee, audited and re ported correct. The law library purchasing committee's report and treasurer's report en books pur chased were read and ordered te be filed. A communication addressed te the " members of the Lancaster bar in annual meeting" was announced te be en the chairman's table.signed by J. M. W. Geist, and, after the suggestion that this was net a meeting of the bar, but of tbe Law Library association, it was read " as a matter of curiosity." It referred in detail te the charges against Themas J. Davis, already published and some additional ones, and called en the bar association te take cog nizance thereof and vindicate its profession from the imputations cast upon it by the charges against Mr. Davis of professional misconduct. The charges were defined and authority for them given. Considerable discussion ensued as te the rights and duties of the association te ex ercise censorship ever the ethics of the profession, and the charter of the associa tion was read, Mr. Franklin (new in the cbair) explaining that in his view the asso ciation was limited te the purchase, care and ownership of the library. The by laws were also read, and finally, en mo tion of D. G. Eshleman. esq., the follow ing was adopted : "Whebkas, This society is composed of a portion of the Lancaster bar only, who are members of the Library association and the owners of the library, and as this meeting is in reference te the library alone or such matters pertaining thereto. Resolved, That the communication be returned te the writer with information of the fact that the charter of the association limits its duties te the forming and main taining of a law library for the use of the members and increasing of the same from time te time." The library committee offered a series of resolutions appointing the court and officers of the association, a committee te have the county commissioners erect a balcony ever the present shelving in the large library room, and have the shelving extended te the ceiling ; that the Ycates library be removed thereto, the library rearranged and a catalogue and the charter and by laws of the association published. Adopted. Tbe usual salaries were voted te the janitor and librarian. A communication was read from the Philadelphia Law association, asking co operation in a movement te prevent any hasty or ill considered legislation at Har risburg this winter. It was net acted upon as net coming within the- scepe of the as sociation. The old officers of, the association were re-elected and the former committees re appointed. The library committee was anchor ized te employ the necessary aid te re-arrange the library. Jeseph C. Snyder was elected librarian. Adjourned. A Bar Keettas. During the meeting of the library asso ciation it was suggested by Chairman Franklin that, with reference te tbe mat ters called te the attention of the associa tion and net believed te come within its scope, there might be called a meeting of the bar generally te consider tbem. In ac cordance with this intimation, as seen as the library association had adjourned he invited these present te remain te en gage in a general bar meeting te consider the preposition of the Philadelphia Law as sociation and such ether matters as might be brought te their attention. There remained or assembled in response te this call, Hen. Thes. E. Franklin, Messrs. A. Slaymaker, D. G. Eshleman, A. F. Hestettcr, W. H. Reland, W. M. Franklin, J. W. B. Bailsman, M. Brosius, A. J. Eberly, J. W. Jehnsen, W. D. Weaver, T. B. Helahan, G, C. Kennedy, P. D. Baker, H. C. Brubaker and W. U. Hensel. A. Slaymaker, esq., was called te the chair and W. U. Hensel appointed secre tary. After some discussion it was resolved that the president and secretary of the meeting be directed te issue a call, in the name of these present, for a general meet ing of the Lancaster bar te be held in the court room en Saturday, January 8th, at 10 a. m., te consider a communication addressed te the Lancaster law association, by the Philadelphia Law association, te consider a communication addressed by J. M. W. Oeist te. the members of the Lancaster bar, te consider the organization of a law association,and such ether mattei as may be brought before the meeting. Adjourned. THIS SOUP HOUSE. its Opening. This Bteralac;. The soup house opened this morning for the winter. Three hundred and - twenty eight rations of soup and bread were given out and mauy hearts were made glad. Tbe soup was made of vegetables and it was first-class. It was partaken of By a number of persons, including reporters, policemen and county officials. Billy Shay and his wife have charge of the eoeking and they knew exactly hew te de their work. The soup house will be open all winter, new. Obltaarr. Miss Mattie, eldest daughter of Rev. Jehn G. Fritchey, of this city, who has been an invalid for many years, died in Frederick yesterday at the residence of her brother-in-law, Dr. A. A. Reth. She was well known in social and church cir cles and was a highly esteemed yenag lady much, given te geed works. She will be buried in the family place of in terment at Mechaaicsburg, Cumberland county. Guns' Tobacco Bepert. Sales of seed leaf reported by J. S. Gans' Sen & Ce., tobacco brokers, Nes. 84 and 86 Wall ati eel, New Yerk, for the week ending Jau. 1. 1881 : Extreme dullness has prevailed. 400 cases 1879 Pennsylvania asserted 1220c.; wrappers, 1840a; 250 cases 1879 New England, seconds and wrappers. iirA'Je&; iDsveases ietv ume. 5Q12c.; 170 cases sundRBt, ' 18c. Total, WO cases. Mayer's Ce-art. This morning the mayor; had four drunks before him. One was sent tbjailfer20. days, one for 15 and two for, 10. A.ledfer wa3 discharged. " ' J kk-T zla- J? T. .- 'a -.. -.'. .'-f- uc-