KjTf 'av,r .- BHBE5S33?ftl?r- WWK jftskaMaswi 243 K.J i-i ; ii; . p S& : jj..w : vi Volume ,'XVH-Ne. 104 LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 1. 1881. Price Tw Crate. ai VY V r7Tffl aiVT -r I I V 4 i;i I !: I! 8 )l JOHX WAXAMAKER'S STORK. THE HOLIDAYS AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, CHESTNUT, THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS, i AND CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. 1MIE HOLIDAYS. . Tlicrc is nowhere in Philadelphia se varied a collection el .rich goods an here such as fath ers, mother? brother, sisters, levers, leek-for a little later. There i an end even of Glita. Our collection is large enough and rlH enough, one would suppose, even for a lea frugal city- than Philadelphia. These goods are are new at the height of thelrglery. Tlie choicest of them uie here; ethers will come of course; but the chelecht arc going. What is equally te the purpose, buyers are new about as many as can be eouilertably served, anil the throng will be denser every fair day till Christmas. JOHX WAXAMAKER. rPOlLET FURNISHING. JL SacIietH, tidies, himp-hlKides, pln-ciibhiein. boxes, in atin ami plush, embroidered ami painted. JOHX WAXAMAKER. First circle, southwest from the centre. LACKS. Duchesne vest with l'elut medallions, $r0 ; the fcauie mar be seen elsewhere at $70. JOHN WAXAMAKKR. Xine counters, southwest from the centre. (BLOCKS. J $1.33 te $130.00, all guaranteed. .JOHX WAXAMAKKK. City-hall square cntruncc. rKV. Xew room, new toys. JUII WAXAMAKKK. Outer circle, west of the Chestnut street en trance IJOOKS. 1 A catalogue et books may be had at the book counter. We want every reader te Irive it. The list of childicn's holiday books is es pecially complete, JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Second counter, northeast from the centic. r A PIES' ULSTERS. J Til I'licre are two general styles, one closed at tueuacK.iiie oilier open; tnciaueris Known us coachman's style. In detail et trimming there is great variety though there is alto marlced simplicity. Ureal variety in cloths loe. C.r0 te ra. Cloaks, foreign and home-made. Ourcollcc Ourcellcc Ourcollcc tieu is unprecedented, whether you icgard va riety, quantity or value. A lady who buys a cloak et any sort in Philadelphia without looking these ever misses the best assortment, perhaps, in tliu whole country. $.50 te JiVJ. JOHX VAXAMAKEK. Southeast corner of the building. MISSES' COAT. Misses' coats in mere, than 70 cloths, shapes nnd decoration beyond cennting. Sizes ? te 10 yearn. Ulstercttes in i cloths, ulsters in 8 cletfisaml liavcleckB in cloths. Sizes C te 16. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Southwest corner of tha building. UNDERWEAR AXD HOSIERS. We have the best goods the world affords, and-the next best, ami the next, and be en. Tlicrc Is no place anywhere, where a-ou can nee se large a collection et the different grades et goods, all passing for what they are, and nothing ler what it is net, cotton ler cotton, mixed ler mixed, wool for wool, silk ler silk. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Outer circle, Chcstnul.sticet, entrance te Thirteenth btreet entrance. I EMBROIDERIES. 2i Xew Embroideries are already in. Our sleck is new in the condition you expect te tlnd it in at Xew Tear's, i, e. the spring novel ties are here. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Third circle, southwest from the centre. ARPETS. The choicest luxurious carpels ; the most substantial e.irpets ; the lowest prices; punc tual service. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Matket street front, up stairs. 1I,KS. "" Evening silks in the Arcade, east side. The same and many oilier patterns arc within. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Kext outer circle, southeast from the centre T7MDKOIDEUIES. JCi Our next spring's novelties in embroi deries are Just new received; tbey usually come at New Year's. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Next outer circle, southwest from the centre. LACKS. Laces change daily. Our Miles are large. our variety always large, and but little of any one sort. Compare prices. A quarter below the market is net uncommon. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Klnu counters, southwest ftem the centre. WRAPS, Ac. Sneh a stock of foreign cloaks as Phila delphia has net before seen, $10 te $250; shawls near by ; dresses up stairs. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Southeast corner et the building. URS. Furs of all sorts arc going fast. They went fast last year and advanced in price as tue sea son advanced. They arc going up again. We shall net laltc prices till we have te buy. Ex pect te And here whatever you want, lrem a bit et trimming up. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Thirteenth street entrance. COATS AXD ULSTERS FOR CI1ILDKEX. Xet se great variety as for ladies; but much larger than anywhere else here. Coats, 2 te 6 years; in thirty different mate rials, drab, blue aud brown cords with fleecy black ; cellar and cuff- et plush ; also in ten camel's hair cloth, trimmed with seal-clot h. Coats, 4 te 10 years; in thirty cloths, trim med with plain stitching, plush, seal cloth, chinchilla fur and velvet, $2 te $1C. Ulsterettcs, (5 te 10 years ; in five cielhs, with ecal cloth cellar and cutis. Ulsters, 6 te 10 years; in eight cloths, trim med with plush stitching, heed and plush. Havolecks, 4 te 1 years ; two styles. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. BOT8' CLOTHIXG. Our trade is just what it ought te be for the facilitiesaud advantages we enjoy. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. East et central aisle, near Market street. CIIIXA AXD GLASSWARE. Tackloeng prcclaln, plates qnly. for din ner or dessert, five patterns, $25 te $20 per dozen. Haviland dinner sets ; Camillepattcrn, $140 ; cl-ewherc. $209. Tressed, $140; elsewhere. $200. Tressed with Moresque border nnd decoration or grasses and butterflies. $225 ; elsewhere, $275. The tatter is in the Arcade, Cheitnnt street entrance, te-day. Table glassware, English, Strawicrry-dia-tnend cut ; every article required for the table useful or ernamcnial. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Xerthwcst corner et the building. - 1 1 i r " " "" PLUSH UAXD-BAGS. And a great variety et ether kinds. Alse pocket books, embroidered leather card cases, cigar eases, and everything in leather goods. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Third circle northwest from centre. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets and City Hall square. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. WISES AXD S. OLAT MILLER, fines, Brandies, Gins, Old Bye Hsldes, k, Ne. 33 PENN SQUABE, LANCASTER, Pi. : GIBSON'S WHISK. BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. GIFTS. Te buy Holiday ilts early is geed ad vice : The Lent trade is early ; and the best trade carries off the best things. JOHX WANAMAKEK. 1 LFRKD WRIGHT'S PERFUMES. IX HIS Mary Stuart is probably the most lasting of all the agreeable perfumes; none of the lerelgn ones approach it. It Is very rich, strong and full of lire; itisagieeable te mere persons, probably, than any ether perfume. Wild Olive is next in popularity ; this also is singularly powerful and lasting. White Re-e is delicate and lasting. We keep the preferred odors of all the first-. ciass periumcrs, sucu as i-uein. uuney, AtKin AtKin sen and Coudray ; but of Altred bight's we keep all. Bring an unrrrfumed handkerwhicf ; and you shall Jure a sample of any odor veu wish. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. First circle, northwest from the center. (" lOI.ORED DRESS GOODS. J The following. Just received, are away down in prices : French Camel's hair, 47 Inch, $0.75 and .ft'i ; French cheviot suiting, silk ami wool, 45 Inch, $0.75; French feule, all wool, 28 inch, $0.28. 15y looking out for such opportunities a lady may often save hall. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Xine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. "1JLACK (;eens. v i A ladv wanting anv of the fn'lewlnr' will be obliged for the mention of them ; Silk and woei .-aim ie jyen, as cents ; stile taced veleurs, $1; memie cloth, 75 cents: damasse drap d' etc, $1.50 ; damasse cashmere, $1.25. All the prices except the first are probably below the cost of manufacture, and even the first may be. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Xext outer cii cle, southwest from the center. rpKIMMlXU FOR DKKSSKS AXI CLOAKS. L Our trade requires thejargestand freshest stock of these goods, fringcs.passcmcnterie or naments, girdles, tassels, spikes, rings, balls, bulleus. We have novelties net te be found anyu heie else. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Xextoutcrcirele.northwcbXfrom the center. Oil AWLS. te. O A few bhawN arc shown in the Arcade; gentlemen's drcssiug gowns and smoking jackets in the same case. Mere are within. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. East of the Chestnut street entrance. FURS Our work-room is full of preparation, se iuii inai we cannot crewu it iaster. we nave ready, also, a large stock of finished garments, fur and fur lined. We have sacqucs and dolmans in sealskin dyed in Londen we have none but London Lendon Londen dyed seal. We have them in great numbers, and, of ceur-e, in all sizes includingextremes. Prices, lrein $125 te $10. Londen controls the seal market of tha world There have been two advanscs in price since our furs were bought. We shall net advance till we have te buy again ; we have net advanced at all, as yet. We have, at $1(15, seal sacqucs such as yen will leek in vain tee elsewhere at the price. rur lined circulars and dolmans in very great varieiy. We use mostly Satin de Lyen, gres-graln, armurc and brocade silk and hiH lenne: ter meurninir. Henrietta and Dran d'Etc. Tlie latter are urndc te order only. We have everything worth having in sets trimmings, robes, gloves, eaps and the thou-saiiii-and-eue little things l hat are kept in the cemplelest lists. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Thirteenth street entrance. QKIKTS. O relt.allcolei.sand variety of styles, 00c te $1.25 ; llaiiiiel, black, blue, gray, brown and sen let, $-J5t te $5.75; satin, black, $1.75 te $10..M) ; satin, blue, scarlet, blown and black, f 12.50 te si-je ; Italian cloth, black, $1.25 te $5. The variety is very grea. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Southwest corner el the building. 1"OVS' OVERCOATS. ) Xet ice these two samples : llliic chinchilla sack, velvet cellar and de tachable cape, lined with Farmer's satin, horn buttons, $0.50, Is there another such coat for $S.50 1 We have sold hundreds el them. Urown-rcd-and-eld-gold diagonal ulsterette soft wool lining, sleeves lined with a durable, silk-st raped fabric, horn buttons, $8.5 J. These are but but specimens of many. If theyscem inviting, ethers mav be mere se. See. them. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Central aisle, next le the outer circle, Mar ket street sitlc. Tn:i!OXS AXD MILLIXKRV. XX Ribbons and Millinery, yen knew, we have much mere of than any ether house. JOHX WAXAMAKEK.. Xeith of Thirteenth street entrance. IIXEXS. " j A very great Tariety et the finest lineus, n very great variety et staple linens, and the lowest prices in Philadelphia. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Outer circle, City Hall Square entrance LIXKX HAXDKERCHIEFS. Xew goods just received from abroad. We have, without doubt, the richest and fullest sleck en this side of the Atlantic Wc buy from makers, direct, knew the quality of our linen beyond question, aud keep below the market besides. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Second circle, southwest from the centre. S1 ILK HAXDKERCHIEFS. The very finest English and French hand kerchiefs and Muillers; handkerchiefs $1.25 te $2.50; mufflers, $1.50 te $1.50. Elsewhere they sue sold for a quarter mere, at least. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Second circle, seat Invest from the centre. UXDERWEAR. Every individual article et Merine r Silk Underwear that wc buy we examine te see whether the buttons are sewed en secuiely and whether the scams are right and properly lastened. If anything is wrong, back the gar ment gees te the maker, or we right it at his expense. Such has been our practice for a year and a half. Is there another merchant in! Philadel phia who docs the Fame, or who watehes the interests el his customers in any similar way T Dclcets may escape u, lieverthless. Ten de us a favor, if you bring back the least imper fection te be made geed. JOHX WAXAMAKER. Outer circle. Thirteenth street entrance. MUSLIX UXDERWEAR. Our assortment of all muslin undergar ments is as full as at any time of the year; and when the demand for such is net generally sti eng we arc often able te buy at unusual ad vantage. We have very nearly the same goods the year round : but prices vary mere or less. Xew, for example, probably, there is net te be found in this city or in Xew Yerk muslin un dergarments equal te our regular stock except at higher prices. We knew et no exception whatever. JOHX WAXAMAKER. Southwest corner of the building. )UI51Ji:R OVERGARMEXTS. C De you knew, many are net of Rubber,at nil, nnd are net waterproof? We sell as many as all Philadelphia besides; real articles only; and guarantee them. JOHX WAXAMAKER. Central aisle, near Marketstrcet entrance. LIQUORS. czoiuzxe. OVERCOATS! Closing out at a great reduction eurimmense line of Novelties in Overceatings. Fer Beavers. ealSkin, Elyaian; Mentanak, Batina and Chinchillas. All the Xew and most Desirable Styles STOCKANETTS, IX XEW COLORS AND CHOICE STTLES Why net leave your order at once and secure an Elegant. Stylish, Well Made and Artistic Cut Garment as low as 820. A LARGE LIXK OF CHOICE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT J.KSMALING'S. THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET, MW&S FfLL OPEIING H. GEEHART'S !;'! Hi ttMnt, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1880. A Complete Stock el Cleths, Suitings AMO OVERCOATINGS. which for elegance cannot be surpassed. Eargf.sl Assortment 01 The ENGUSHAftTD SCOTCH SUITINGS In this cily. l'rices as low as the lowest at H.GERH ART'S Ne. -51 North Queen Street. olethtngI clothing! We have new Stock et ready for sale an Immense KOIt Fall and Winter, which Style. are Cut and Trimmed We can give you a in the Latest GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In great variety, made te order at short notice at the lowest prices. D. B. Hostetter i Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, O-lyd f.AXCASTER. PA. ROOKS AX1 STATIOXERT. 1HK1STMAS GUTS! ! HOLIDAY BOOKS, HOLIDAY GAMES, HOLIDAY PIOTUBES, HOLIDAY GOODS. IX GREAT VARIETY AT L. M. PLYNN'S, Ne. 48 VTKST KINO HTKHKT. DIARIES FOE 1881, Giving Church Days, Religious Festivals, Moen's Changes, Ulankc for Weather Recerd, and much ether useful information, in styles, New and Nevel. Fer sale at the Bookstore el JOHN BAER'S SONS, 15 & 17 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. NEW YEAR CARDS. Ar Elegant Assortment for sale at the BOOKSTORE OF JOM BAEE'S SOIS, 15&edl7 NORTH QOEEN STREET, LANCASTER. FA. MAXBZm, WQ11K8. WM. P. FBATTiWTS MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm yueen Street, Lancaster, Fa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, v CEMETERY IAVXS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction gl en a every particular. N. B. tfjwcinVhrr, wprtcs at the extreme end t NertBtJawnrtfrepti mse i!B 111 no Suite BeauT-IMe Cletiig Eaiuasttr f-ntciltcjntcet. SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 1, 1881. Uacialmca Meney. Something About the Many Millions That Await Claimants in English Banks and Courts. si. Y. World. There are are few subjects mere inter esting and especially te readers in tbe new world than that treated by Mr. Ed ward Preston, of 1 Great College street Westminster, S. W., the well-known com piler of "Chamber's Index te Next of Kin," in his little volume, "Unclaimed Meney.' ' As te the extent of the work covered in such an "Index" jt may be said that the nrrrtTiir rkli,win,y f t,e T.nnrfnn Wm Fm one year contained some two thousand no tices. In twenty-six cases the treasury so licitor advertised for the next of kiu. The amount of money reverting te the crown is rarely made public, but in the famous case of Mrs. Helen Blake, of Kensington. tbe persenalty alone amounted te $700,000 aud the last Parliamentary return showed receipts by the Crown of windfalls " amounting te 303,302. In many ether cases large rewards were offered fur bap tismal, marriage and burial certificates. The descendcuts were advertised for of the Braats, born in 1778 ane 1782 ; of a baronet who died in 1724 ; of a couple that married in 1708 ; of a person who came te America in 1G83. A cab-driver was want ed te take possossien of a fortune, a pau per at IIull te receive 30,000 bequeathed by a Scottish nobleman. The baptismal certificate of the son of the Earl of Dcla mcre was wanted, aud 2e0 were offered for a clue te the marriage settlement of a rich man, who, dying suddenty, could only mutter anxiously, ".Lincoln's Inn i lclds." There were many people who would " find it te their advantage" te reveal themselves some had net been heard of since 1798, one had fallen heir te 12,000. On the subject of dormant funds in Ulinnccry Jlr. 1'resten tells us that since 1725 all money and effects have been given into the custody of the Bank of England. In 1829 the total amount of suitors' stock then in court was nearly 38,000,000. In 1853 the Suitors' further relief act was passed, by which the Lord Chancellor was empowered te investigate accounts the dividends en which bad net been dealt with for fifteen years or mere and where he was of opinion that it was net probable any claim would be made for the same te make eiders for the appropriation of future dividends for the benefit of the suitors, direction being also given for a similar investigation at the end of every five years. In 1834 the suitors' stock then iu court amounted te 4G, 000,000 and there were 5GG accounts ameuntiug te mere than 236,000 that had net been dealt with for fifteen years. On publication of the list about one-half of the stock was transferred out of court te successful claimants. The list of dormant funds in chancery .printed in the Louden Gazette in 1872 filled thirty pages and contained 2,500 names, besides which there were eighty entries of articles at the bank be longing te suiteis in Chancery, such as ' five chests and one box, marked ' plate and jewelry ;' " "a box marked, 'diamond necklace, coronet and ear lings ;' " "a box containing documents of title, jewels, trinkets, watches and personal ornaments;" and the like. The unclaimed funds iu chancery have been used te lighten the burden of taxation, and the new law courts wete built with the unclaimed interest of these funds. Among the instances given of successful claims upon the government for the ic fuuding of estates which had reverted te the crown by reason of persons dying in testate and leaving no known next of kin, several are worth quoting. A four line notice of the death of Mrs. Maria Mangin Biown iu 1S72 secured 192,535 te four claimants from Italy. In 18C1 the rela tives of Brigadier General Geerge Kehler, who died in Egypt in 1800, obtained his property iiem the Crown, the principal ameuutiug te about 3,000 and the interest te 15,000. Themas Dewell died intestate in 18-G, leaving an estate of 2,004 ; this the next of kiu recovered 'in 1858, with interest, the vice chancellor ruling that " the crown had no right te have money, as it were, wrapped up in a napkin." In 1842 Mr. Jehn Turner died intestate, aud when some years later his estate was claimed, the crown had te re place 57,000 of stock sold and covered into the treasury, and pay interest en it at 4 per cent. And se en. There arc also funds te a large amount lying dormant iu India, lists of which are regularly pub lished, while the Crewu agents of the colonies print schedules of intestates. One single list in New Seuth Wales contained 150 names, mostly these of miners and ex plorers, the assets ranging from a few sovereigns te 4,000. Anether list from the Cape of Geed Hepe contained 500 en tries, the sums involved ranging up te 1,200. Of army prize money, tee, a large share is i ever claimed ; be tween 1809 and 1870 the commissioners of Chelsea hospital received 1,890,451, of which only 1,122,040 went te claimants. Naval prize money is net se important an item as it was in the geed old days as in 1745 when Captain Talbot captured two Ercnch vessels which yielded 850 a man te the common sailors, the proprietors of the privateer throwing iu for 700,000, or when another bold privatetcers man, Cap tain Butler landed a 400,000 prize ; or in 17G2, when Captain Pewnall captured the Hermioue oil" Cadiz, which netted 520, 000, the captain receiving 05,000, the admiral and commodore dividing a simi lar sum, and ordinary seamen having each 485 5s. 4d. " Peer Jack" hardly get his hhare at the capture of Havana in 17G2, when the admiral obtained nearly 123, 000 and the commodore 24,500, while 12, 000 seamen enlydivided 15,947 between them. In 1785, it is worth adding, where a number of East Indianmcn surrounded a French vessel and made a prize of her without firing a shot, the passengers and recruits carried en the vessels claimed a share, but the former were non-suited, the court holding that "it was net probable that these gentlemen who were looking through the windows with their hair full dressed struck any terror into the mind of the enemy." The capture of a slave dhow affords a small profit nowa days. In the case of the Asmecn the captain of the English vessel get 85 18s. and his subordinates smaller sums down te the eight and sixpenny share of a boy. One reason why a large percentage of prize money is never claim ed, apart from the possibility of the claimant's death iu later actions, is found in the long delays that commonly elapse ere the money is formally awarded. Thus in the Indian mutiny of 1857, the loot of Banda and Kirwee amounted te an im mense sum ; it was net begun te be divid ed till 1868. The list of the articles looted is decidedly interesting. At Kirwee the jewels included 109 diamonds iu a paper: 28 diamond and pearl bracelets ; 6 large f geici bracelets ; se geld neck chains ; l pearl necklace 9 strings ; " numerous ether " pearl, diamond aud ruby necklaces 17 strings of pearls; several diamond ear-rings; 56 ornaments with precious tenes: 18 pearl ear ornaments; aiar, large i 244 pearl necklaces with emeralds pearls; 1 armlet with 66 brilliants; 1 diamond necklace with pearls 31 divis ions ;,29 small pearl necklaces ; 4 geld nose rings with 4 large pearls ; 2 silver-cased ; mirrors; 1 diamond necklace in three strings with brilliant drop and a large emerald ; two pearl necklaces 190 pearls ; ' numerous " diamond armlets ; 2 bangles, with 22 bells ; 1 string of 4 large pearls ; 22 diamond rings ; 1 pearl waist-belt ; 31 strings of pearls and 2 diamond bracelets 132 brilliants. Besides, there were 69,- 597 geld Venetian coins, 15,534 mehurs and 431 sovereigns ; 250 bars and brick of geld and geld chains and bracelets, valued at 100,000. with rupees and pice amount ing te 210,000, and 10,000 worth of sil ver bullion. AtBandawere found with many ether things diameud and geld armlets, geld and coral necklaces, strings of diamonds, a geld hookah bet with pre cious stones, and geld mouthpiece, a geld tray set with precious stones, a diamond head-piece, an emerald necklace, a d.tgger set with brilliants, te say nothing of 5 sil ver umbrellas, 4 silver spears, 1 silver trumpet, 21 silver sticks, 1 silver punkah. 17 pieces of geld lace, 110 Sewars' blue coats, a let of watches and musical boxes, carpets, uniforms, elephants and trappings, the palace and grounds, bathing ghauts, houses and gardens, ottugalews, promis sory notes and securities amounting te 250,000, and ether items. The promis sory notes were adjudged net te be prize within the meaning of the proclamation. In the Dcccan case mere than 8,000,000 were claimed, including such items as "treasure found at Nassuck, 302.500;" "the Pei3hwa's money, 387,358;" "jewels and ether valuables, 298,963;" " treasure belonging te the Rajah of Nag Nag Nag pere, 337,500;" "jewels of the Rajah found iu a drain, 2,500,000;" "arrears of rent due te the Peishwa from the Nizan 4.373,000," and se en. It was some four teen years ere these claims were adjusted. It may be added that many thousands of pounds of unclaimed soldiers' pay await distribution, some men having left sums of 150 and ever te their credit, with no indication of the relatives' whereabouts. These of our leaders who are interested in the Hussar and Captain Kidd'streasuic enterprises will find geed reading in Mr. Preslen'3 tenth chapter "Lest at Sea." The Luxine, a 33-guu ship, which tailed in 1799 from Yarmouth for theTexcl, was lest off the Dutch coast with a large amount of treasure. She was heavily in sured, and the underwriters paid the claims aud then undertook salvage, recov ering 80,000 of specie in the fiist eigh teen months. Operations were resumed iu 1814 and contained till 1821, but the wreck had sunk into the sand only a few pieces of silver rewarding the searchers. In 1822 a company was formed which sank several thousand pounds without success, and abortive efforts were continued until 1857 when a storm cleared the wreck in part and 25,000 worth of geld was brought up. The Thetis was wrecked in 1830 oil the Brazilian coast, having onboard 102, 000 in bullion ; the ships en the station subsequently saved a geed deal of it, for the crews were awardcd34,800 salvage and expenses. Anether interesting chapter is that in " Ileirs-at-Law versus Chanties." Net the least curious charity mentioned is that known as "Smith's Peer Kiu." In 1G27 Aldcrjnan Smith bequeathed 1.000 te be invested in laud, the income of which was te be distributed for the relief and ransom of captives taken by the Tin k- is!i pirate.-;, and a similar sum te be simi larly invested, the income in this case te be applied te relieving the poorest of the testator's kindred, "sick, aged and im potent person, and such as could net maintain their own charges." The es tate is new worth 11,000 a year, but the "peer kiu" have increased proportion ately. There were four needy relatives iu 1700; in 1830 there were 100; in 1808 there were 412 ; new there are ever 700. Among these "peer Smiths" are a gen tleman, a wholesale grescr, a surgeon, a music master, a retired surgeon and a ic tircd druggist, the most indigent of whom has 300 a year; another "peer Smith" has an income of 440. The charity commissioners have been directed te frame a new scheme anil apply a por tion of the income te general charitable purposes, whereat the peer Smiths cry lustily aloud, "Confiscation !" The unclaimed dividends iu the Bank of England amount te immense sums. Seme 900,000 of "dividends due aud net de manded" arc entered in the books, be sides a nearly equal sum advanced te gov ernment. Curiously enough, the bank no longer publishes li.sts it being claimed that such publication promotes fraud but confines itself te sending out circulars te people who seem in its governors' epin ion likely te be interested. In some cases dividends have been accruing since 1754. According te the lists published some forty years age the representatives of some 30, 000 investors in the Seuth Sea company were entitled te about 5,500,000 for un claimed dividends and stock. There is also some seven or eight millions sterling in the hands of trustees iu bankruptcy, representing unclaimed dividends. Still mere unclaimed money is awaiting the heirs of owners of prizes iu the state lot teries of the last century, as appears from an entry in the aunttal state ment of the Bank of England. There is a large sum of money lying dormant in the form of unexpected assets. Thus in 1748 one Ashley died, his estate being settled in 1792. Seme of the creditors had lest track of the case and never called for their dividends, and in 1867 the courts were called ou te take some action with regard te these sums. Simul taneously a large sum of money unex pectedly accrued te the estate, and a law suit arose which was settled iu 187G by the decision that the dividends of 1792 left unclaimed must (in the absence of any act of Parliament concerning their dis position) remain till some one came for ward aud proved a title te them, while the newly-accrued fund must be appor tioned among all the original creditors these whose debts carried iutcrcst being entitled te interest from 1792 te 1876, un less they had left their money iu court, in which case they could have no interest en the money se left, but must bear the conse quences of their ewu neglect. In 18G4a sum of nearly 150,000 was announced as hav ing been received for the representatives of the creditors of an insolvent of 1803 ; in J 1850,1 ull payment was made te the credi tors of two gentlemen named Proudfeot,. who failed in 1792 ; and new the heirs of an insolvent of 1821 have advertised for his creditors. In conclusion we may give some of the most strik ing instances of windfalls recorded by Mr. Preston. Edward Whitmore, a private soldier in the Ninth, fell heir te 50,000 un expectedly ; a soldier in the Ninety-first, while at Cerk, saw a newspaper adver tisement for "next of kin," and answer ing it obtained a fortune of 250,000; a peer barber at Gloucester came into 350, 003 in like fashion; Mr. Jehn Fergusen, of Cairnbrook, who died in 1855, left 800,000 in sums of from 1,000 te 50,-000,-teagreat number of relatives, most of whom were in humble circumstances ; a Yerk cabman found himself ene of eight inheritors te an estate of 150,000 &c., &c, . B. Helmes, an actor of some repute, died in Philadelphia yesterday of cancer. That B f tiallagker's. He TerzeU te Kemev Hte Parler Skat' from the Old Mam's . Erie Herald. The circumstances were as follews: Mr. Gallagher had te take a train that left at six-o'clock, and se he arose before day light te breakfast, and thought he would put en his thick beets instead of the very light shoes he had en ever evening. New it seems that Gallagher's son had worn the old man's beets while roller skating and had left the skates en the. beets, and in the darkness Gallagher didn t netice this faet as he pulled the beets en, though he thought the beets felt heavy. He then groped his way te the head of the stairs, the skates making no trouble ea the car pets. Then he started te go down stairs. He get there. He get there dreadfully sud den. He was terribly annoyed as he picked" himself up and said very wicked things m he started for the dining-room. Break fast was laid, but only a dim light was burning. Immediately he set feet en the polished fleer, Mr. G.'s feet flew into the air and his head came down with ter rible force. The wild yell that he gave brought his wife and mother-in-law from the kitchen. He arose te his feet, but they immediately started off in different directions, and after wrenching his spine and knee joints terribly in trying te con trol them they get away, and he jarred his spinal column the whole length as he wcut down. "Land of gracious ; this fleer is oiled !" he reared as he began te make efforts te rise. "Have you apoplexy or have you been drinking?" asked his wife as she strove te assist him te get up. "Yeu held your jaw, you idiot 1" here plied, and 'then she let go of him sort of sudden and dewu he went, bruising him self in six places. "Gesh," "tunket," "drat" and "durn" were words called into requisition te relieve his mind that time, and he told his mother-in-law, who had fallen, laughing, into the chair, that he hoped she'd meet cows every time she wcut out. Then he essayed te rise ence mere and get upon his1 feet. The skates began te slip, but1 he struggled like a here aud clutched the air wildly te keep his balance. Ne nse. As he fell forward he wildly grabbed the table cloth, and as a result yanked the en tire breakfast upon him. The het tea scalded him, the pepper get into his eyes, tlie mustard into his mouth and tue eggs all ever him. His rries were fearful. They hauled him from the debris and started te put him te bed, when they discovered the rollers. Mr. G was terribly used up, but he started at ence te find his son, and the lad's sighing ever his great grief was heard si blocks away. Deg Shew. On January 17th a deg show will open iu Pittsburgh, at which some of the finest dogs in the world will be exhibited. Mr. J. J. SncIIeubcrg, the owner of a gorgeous kennel iu Philadelphia, will make a splen did exhibition of his pure Laventck set ters, headed by his well-known field trial winner, Thunder, who took part "in the recent field trials in this county, lie will also exhibit May Laverack, who took the first prize at the Great National American field trials held at Yinccnnes, Iudiana, last November. There arc a large number of fine dogs of all kinds in this city and county, and would it net be a geed idea for some of the owners te get up a deg show in this city ? A great deal of interest las always been taken iu canines here and a hhew would be largely patronized as owners of dogs in all parts of the county could be induced te exhibit their animals. It might be combined with a poultry show for that matter, and it has been suggested that te test pubiic interest in deg breeding a few benches of geed dogs be included in the coming poultry show. What's the iirc sitting all day In the house with a had eeld or lucking cough when Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will euro you in a short time. 'JARPJiTS. OltilUCST CASH PRICE WILL -BE JLX PAID If OR EXTRA NICB CATtPET RAGS. Carpets made te order at short notice and satHtuctien guaranteed. It ire chances In Carpets te redace stock of 6,000 Yiil!! Brnssels Camels, AT AND BELOW COST. Crdl and salisly yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Rag ;nd Chain Carpctsinalmestendlessvariety .at H. S. SHIRK'S' C ABPBT TTAT.T. 203 WEST BONO STREET, LANCASTER PA. rAer.it iiASeixas, . Meesi Window Cornice, the Cheapest, Simplest and Best in the Market. Made el Walnut. Meulding three and four inches wide, and New Patterns. We have them thirteen different ways, and very low in price. PINE EBONY AND WALNUT CURTAIN POLES, witli Brass Rings. Ends and Brackets. All Walnut and Ash Poles complete. Plain Window Shades, All Celers and Widths. Hollands, Paper Cur tains, Fixtutes .Fringes, Cords, Tassels, Leeps, Picture Nails, Tassel Heeks, Ac. Opening almost daily New Styles of WALL PAPER, FOR THE COMING SPRING. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. ( JtOBJES, BLAXXXTJt, 0. OK2N OF THE BUFFALO BKAD. ROBES! ROBES 1 1 BLANKETS! BLANKETS 1 have new en hand the'liABasar.BasTAre Cheapest Assertmsst of Lined and Unlined BUFFALO ROBES in tbe city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. AfullUneef Trunks and Satchels, - Harness, Whips, Cellara, Ac JWKcpairlng neatly and promptly deae.'M A. MILEY, 19SMtrth Omms ML. 2MydMW4S MMBXCAU CUTICURA BleW Haws, Itekiaff Swlr BM eases, Serefala,, Scjifcl Mm, Ulcers, aaJ Swell. pwMTtlr pcr jtaaeatljaad wasJly;crc4. . Ccnctnu. RaaeLTKrr fa(tte greatest Meed outlaw la medicines -Itcaete through the bowels, liver, kidneys JaadelrlHi-CtmcOTA, a Medicinal ei aavUfeless tint, Itnhlnir and cuka Se cleanses, heals, aefteaff. wnlteas aad heautllestheekin. it.-ahdtfeeCimcnurSa'AT-ise Beat, tbe only medicinal shwreg seapi are prepared lrem CcTtccRA- . ,. . Salt BkcaafaAu - . ' Sirs. Asa R. Brown. Maiden, Massi., ' had Salt Rheum en body and limbs ter rtht years. Ne kind of treatment or medicine or doctors did -her any geed. Limbs se raw and painful that she waa obliged at times te go about en crutches. Many et Maiden's best citizens cam testify te her condition. She despaired of cure or even relief. Ueedthe Ccticuba.Rgsei.vxht Internally, and tbe Ccticcra and Ctmcinu. SOAr externally, and was cured In six month. ' Weaaerral Cares What cures of Uloed and Skin Diseases, aad Scalp Affections with Lnsa or Ilalr. can cbm- Sire with these et the Hen. Wra. Win. Taylyr. osten. State Senater of Massachusetts ; Alder man Tucker, Bosten ; . A. Steel, esqr, -ua-eage; F. II. Drake, esq.. Detroit;' H. B. Car penter, esq., Hendersen, N". T.; Charles Hough Hough eon, esq., Bosten, and man v ethers, detau of which mav be had en application te Messrs. Weeks 4 l'etter, Bosten. Ecztwa. Manuel Munlntz. New Orleans,. La., writes : "Ne ether can compare with the Ccticuba Remedks. I have used them In all form for a severe case or what the doctors called ezema, wldch was effectually cured In eight weeks." CuncuR RratKDics are prepared by WKEKS A POTTER, Chemists and Druggists, 300 Wash ington street. Bosten, and are for sale by all Druggists. Price for Cdtxcdka, a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes, 50 cents; -large boxes, SI. Ccticura Rkselvkiit, the new Bleed Purifier. SI per bottle. Ccticvua Medicixai. Tour SeAr, 25 cents. Ccticcra Mkdicimai. Shavixe SeAr. 15 cents; in bars ler Barbers aud large consumers, SO cents. tSAlt mailed free en receipt of price. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH; Instantaneous, Economical, Safe. Treatment fur One Dellar Radical l'oienou-t catarrhal nutter tilling the nasal passages rots atruy tbe membranes tissues and cartilages, eauslng less et smell, Taste and Hearing. The putrid accumulations drop during sleep Inte the threat and are swallowed, paralyzing digestion. Taken up by the aboerbents. the virus enter the bleed, weakening and debilitating every organ, and generating fatal affections of the Lungs, Liver and Kidneys. Strike at the roots of this gigantic disease. Cleanse, purify and heal the membrane lining the nasal passages, ana then, by constitutional treatment, neutralize the poison In the bleed and ether fluids. .Sahverd s Radical Cunt, with Impkevbd Is haLkh and Catarrhal Selvkjct, reaches every Jtart of the aTectcd system, cleansing, . purify ng nnd restoring. It is radicil und permanent. It is economical and safe. Try it before It is tee late. Price, with Improved Inhaler, Catarrhal Selvxht. Treatise and Directions, $1. sold everywhere. ' Cellins' Voltaic Electric riasters. The Electro-Galvanic Battery attached te Cellxxh' VoLTAieEucuraioPLAaTEita is warrant ed superior te every $3 Battery before the pub lic, and Is a positive cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver, Kidney and Urinary Dis eases, Nervnns Paius una Weakness, Malaria anil Ague Pains, held everywhere. NKRVOCS DKIS1L1TX. Te Nerveu-4 Hutlercrs The Urcut Euro Eure Sean Remedy Dr. J. B. Simpsen's Spcelfle I ci Heine. It is a positive euro ler Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakness. Impotency, and nil diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety. Less of Memery, Pains in Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption; Insanity and an early grave. The Specific Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get full particulars. Price, Speeille. $1 per package, or six packages for $5. J. B. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY. Nes. 101 and VOU Main Street, Buffalo, X. V. Address all orders te II. B. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, i:!7and IX) North 2ut'cu Stii-ct, Lancaster ml7-lydcedw LOCHER'S 0 1 A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for V Crta fVitirriiat llnnmnnnait luflimn IhI1 enza. Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ling of Bleed, Innuinmatleii of the Lungs, am all Dbeases or the Chcstand Air Passages. Tiiis valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most .nfe and efficient qualities ter the cure of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 23 cent'. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. L0CHE1V WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 KAST KINU STRJsET. elS-tfd E EAD THIS. USE COUGH NO MORE I AMERICAN. f'OIJGU SYRD A CERTAIN, AFE AXD EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, ; HOARSENESS ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPIXU COUGH, PAIN IN THE SIDE' OR BREAST, ' , ' t And all Discuses of the , ,-. ,. THROAT AND LUNCffl!'' . - Fer. the relict of Ceuumptives In all stages of the disease. Fer sale only at ' V ' HULL'S DEUG STOKE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, aug23-lyd LANCASTER. PA. INVALIDS TAKE NOTICE.. 5EAKLY 3,000 PERS05S have placed themselves nndcr my charge dur ing the last three years la Reading aad this city. I One-half of them at least were called in curables. 'Chronic cases of Dyspepsia, Cea sumptien. Rheumatism, and ether ufllletieii. Nearly all reported tbe same story, viz : I have tried) many doctors and quack- medicines, aad all in! vain. I am discouraged. While curing tb sick In these two cities eyer 1.000 deaths have occurred in ether physicians' practice, and, Het a halt-dozen In mine. Won't you In person at my offices) or by letter investigate my reawrk- able cares. Men and women." Ick ler years, warn under my practice In a few days or weeks enrcd. Send or call and get a 12-page paaaaa- i let (free), centainlnr tbe names of people t&aa . rapidly restored te health here In Lancaster.- e All cared by placing my inexpensive medJciaes en the outside et the body. Ne poisons used . and nedrugs, syrups jiite, powders, bitters; ' , or ether such vile stub placed In the stomach., t rrj Conrullatient ami Examinations Free at my ' rl '- m-... mm - - -- tinwa IS si l nnnnrl aaaafcaaa - 4 ler cents. Cure Quick for Catarrh sent te any address in the United States ferWeeais ' '-U DR. O. A. QB1BN1, : 1 (33 Tears Experience), 6 xc Xe. 30 NORTH QUEE9 STREET,- ;, f. 5j 30-tfdMWFAS Laacastcn'ra. .,. ,., -mi .J tJ aeut JWHiH JOII l M t'i '; i ) ,f I-:. A 'v-? tl' , .a .f I i.i. i , I js1 A ),'l i,H. . T -!?.&,?' . . . SV '