-, LANCASTER DAILY INI iiXLIGENCER, THURSnAX DECEMBER 30, 1880. JK' ncastei; intelligencer. THURSDAY EVENIKO, DEO. 30, 1880. Fanner and Hardener. A Hint 'te Fanners. Gcnnantewn Telegraph. tn some sections ajid it would be a de cided advance in tlieuRlitfulncss and" kind, ness in all sections farmers give each of their boys, and girls, tee, a'strip of ground te raise whatever they cheese upon it, and dispose of the product for their own bene fit. It is a favor that they all appreciate, and it is a pleasant and serviceable em pleyment for tliem in their leisure hours. They will vie with each ether in their skill at raising their little crops, and the proceeds, applied te their own use, arc frequently of some value ; and the whole arrangement, while it instructs them in the cultivation of the soil, early implants in the children the idea of thrift and econ omy. Sometimes, where a geed many animals arc raised, a pig, a lamb, a calf, up te cv.en a colt, according te the age of the children, is given te each te rear and te keep or sell. Farmers, think of this ; it will mere than repay you in the happiness and confidence it will impart te your sons and daughters. Ura.ii for Milch Cows. We don't suppose that that there is a dairy man in the country but who knows the value of "bran" as a loea ler mucn mucn eews. As long as wc can remember any thing of cattle-feeding, it is connected with the use of bran, and the scalded messes given te cows for some time after calving ; -also, its sprinkling ever chopped pumpkins, turnips, potatoes, &c. Uran was, indeed, always regarded as excellent and profitable feed for cows in milk. Still, there is force in the recommendation of bian, which wc find in an English journal, that if one desires "rich milk give your cows, every day, water slightly salted, in which bran has been stirred at the rate of one quart te two gallons of water. Yeu will lind that your cows will give twenty five per cent, mere milk immediately un der the effects of it, and will become se accustomed te the diet as te refuse te drink clear water, unless very thirsty." If our English contemporary was te see the immense amount of bran used by the farmers of a single county in Eastern Pennsylvania, it would be surprised, judff inn from its quoted remarks, net se much at the exteut of the consumption, as te the general knowledge 0:1 the subject, which must long since have had a widespread in fluence as cattle feed in the production of milk. Slieep-lCaisini," N;ar Large Cities. Weel-growing as a general thing is con fined te places a geed distance away from populous places, where land is cheap and dejjs are scarce. In these places the wool alone is carcd-fer. The animal itself is of secondary consideration. Dreves are sent te the jrreat meat-markets by rail, but after all expenses arc paid there is net generally considered much profit in it. Sheep, for the meat and with the wool for the second consideration, is rarely thought of. Te de this well the sheep-farm should of course be near a large city; but there have been se maiiydisceuragcincnts of one sort or another that sheep-raising by a large town is net by any means among the first things that strikes the fancy of a suburban farmer. IJutwc have been reading lately an ac count of 0110 who, near one of our large eastern towns, has paid se much attention te the little details which go te make up success, that he has made his sheep the most profitable portion of his whole farm, lie first cleared a picse of woodland, and after leaving it lie for a few months, till the herbage appeared, he turned in the sheep, and there they have been without any change of pasture for many years. Nothing whatever has been done te the geund. The natural grass and nature's own vegetation spring up, and the manure which the shevp themselves make fertilize the whole. The great enemy of the s'iccp-raiser the prowling deg has no fears for him, as every night he lleck is gathered to gether into a stockade made in the centre of the let, and in which they also get some feed in the seveiest of winter weather. This must take some labor, which these who raise sheep in the far West arc 110 doubt fiee fiem. The proximity te mar ket probably makes up for this extra care aud labor, at auyrate he seems te make the sheep tract pay se well that it is said he would sooner dispense with all ether parts of the farm anil all ether branches than this. This is a very different mode of proced ure that many adept under sheep-killing difficulties, and te which wc referred some time age. Instead of abandoning the care of sheep because dogs will kill some, cr leaving the whole farm te run after some maker of deg-laws for one's protection, which never pi eteet after all, this man falls te and protects himself, and evidently deserves the great profit that energy, self reliance and geed sense always bring. It is well worth c !iis"dciing by these who have farms near ether of our large cities whether there is net mere in sheep culture than is generally supposed. Wicked ler Clergymen. 'I believe It te be all wrong and even wick ed ler clergymen or ether .ullicnu'ii te be let I into giving testimonials te )iiack doctors or vilcstuflVicallcd medicines, but wIiph a really lueritorieiiu article is inuilis u; of eoiiiiueu valuable remedies known te all, and that all pliVrdelauH use and trut. in daily, we should IreVly commend it. 1 1 liereierc cheerfully and heartily commend Hep Hitlers for the geed they have done me and my friends, llrmly be lieving they have no equal for family use. 1 will net be without them." Rev. , Washington. I- O. dl5-2wd&w Liquid or Dry. Seme people prefer te purchase snediclncs In the dry state se that tliev can see ler them selves thai they are purely vegetable. Others have net the time or desire te prcpaixjlhe medicine, and wish it already 10 use. " Te accommodate each cliis liie proprietors Of Kidney-Wert new eiler that well known remedy in both liquid and dry lerms. Sold by druggists everywhere. Truth. d27-lwd&w COAL. 15. MAItTIN, Wholesale and Ketail Deulei in all kinds et LUMKKIt AND COAL. 49 Yard: Ne. 420 North Water and 1'iince 6trects above Lemen. Lancaster. 110-lj d COHO & WILEY, SSU XOUTJI IVATEIt ST., Lancaster, fa., Wholesale ami Ketail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection Willi the Telephonic Exchange, llranch Ofllcc : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. leb-S-lyd no TO REILLY & KELLER POP. GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Fanners and ethers in want et Superior Manure will lind it te their advantage te call. Yard, llarri-burg l'ike. I OttSce. 205 Kast Chestnut street. agl7-ltd GOAL ! COAL ! ! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kin d ofCOALgeto RTJSSEL & SHULMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 22 Bait King Street, YARD: 018 North I'nnce Street. auuU-taprlSR HOOTS AKD SHOES. EASY BOOTH. SllOirS ANO T.AKT made en a nevr principle, insur .if, vuiiueri ier uie leer. BOOTS u,8t3m;lU,!,00iE, JC0l4-tf.1 133 East Kin- sticct MEDICAL. VALUABLE TRUTHS. If you are suffering from peer health, or languishing en a bed of sickness, take cheer, ler Hep Bitten Will Vara Yeu. It you are simply ailing: if you feel weak and dispirited, without clearly knowing why. Hep Bitters Will Revive Yeu. If you are a minister, and have overtaxed yourself with your pastoral duties; or a mother, worn out with care and werif, Hep Bitters "Will Bestere Yeu. If you arc a man et business, weakened by the strain or your cveryday duties: or a pan of letters, telling ever your midnight work, Hep Bitters Will Strengthen Yen. irirnn nm vniinp and sufferine from any in discretion, or arc growing tee fast, at is etten tbc case. Hep Ultters Will Believe Yeu. Ifyeuarein the work shop, en the farm, at the desk anywhere, and leel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating with out intoxicating, Hep Bitters Is Wbat Yeu Need. If you are old, and your pulse is feeble, your nerves unsteady, and your faculties waning, Hep Bitters will Rive you New Life and Viger. Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. u . dec6-lvdMVF&w HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED Br There is no civilized nation in the Western Hemisphere In which the utility et llestcttcr's Stomach Hitters as a tonic, corrective and anti-bilious inediclnc.43 net known and ap preciated. While it is a medicine ter all sea sons ami all climates, it is especially suited te the complaints generated by the weather, be ing the purest and best vegetable stimulant In the world. ... Fer sale'bv all Druggists and Dealers te whom apply ler Hostetter's Almanac for 1SS1. dl-lydced&lyw KIDNEY WORT. THE ONLY MEDICINE IN EITHER LIQUID OK DRY FORM Tliat Acts at the Same Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the .Kidneys. These great organs are the natural cleansers of the system. If they work well, health will beperlcct, if they become clogged dread till diseases are sure te fellow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Constipation, files. Kidney Complaints, (ravel, Ltiaucies, Jtneumaiic I'ams or tones, are developed because the bleed Is poisoned with the humors that should be expelled nat urally. KIDNEY WORT Will Restore the healthy action and all these destroying evils will be banished ; neglect them ami you will live but te sutler. Thousands have been cured. Try It and you will add one mere te the number. Take ititnd heal tli will once mere gladden your heart. Why sutler longer Irem the torment et an aching back? Why bear such distress from Constipation ami Pile 7 Kionev-Weut will cure you. Try il at once and be satisfied. Your druggist has It. Price 91.0O. 43- It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, 111 4stin cans, ene package of which makes six S- quarts of medicine. AT Alse In Liquid Ferm, very Concentrated 4S ler the convenience et these who cannot 4V readily prepare it. It acts with euat V& efficiency in cither form. UELliS, RICHARDSON & CO., Trey's, Itiirlmgleii, VI. (Will send the dry pest-paid.) dee 27 1yd wl ri-UK KMI'OKIUM FOK HOLIDAY PKKS- 1 ENTS. Presents for all at FREY'S CITY PHARMACY, North Queen, corner Orange street, Lancaster, Pa. An Immense variety of Toilet Sets. Ladie' and Gents' Companions. Ladies' Cabbas, Russia Leather and Seal Skin Pocket-Heeks, Letter and Card Cases, Fans, Cigar Cases, &c. Fine Colognes, Toilet Waters, Outclass Unities, &c. JKv-CALL AND EXAMINE. INVALIDS TAKE NOTICE. NI'AKIA 3,000 PERSONS have placed themselves under my charge du r Ing the last three years in Reading ami this city. One-half of them at least were called in curables. Chronic cases of Dyspepsia, Con sumption. Rheumatism, and ether alllictiens. Nearly all reported the same story, viz: I have tried manyjuocters and quack medicines, and all in vain. Ilni discouraged. While curing the sick In these two cities ever 1,500 deaths have occurred in ether physicians' practice, and net a halt-dozen in mine. Won't you in person (at my efllces) or by letter investigate my remark able cures. Mciiaudwemcn.-ick ler-ycars,wcre under my practice in a few days or weeks cured. Send or eall and gel a l'J-pagc pamph let (free), containing the names of people thus rapidly restored te health here In Lancaster. All cured by placing my Inexpensive medicines en the outside et the body. Ne pol-ens used and no drugs, syrups, pills, powders, bitters, or ether such vile stuffs placed in the stomach. Consultations and Examinations Free at my offices. Hundreds have been cured et Catarrh ler 50 cents. Cure Quick for Catarrh scut te any address in the United States for 50 cents. DR. C. A. GREENE, (31 Years Experience), Ne. 23C NORTH QUKEX STREET, .TO-tfdMWF&S Lancaster. Pa. LOCHER'S MOWED COUGH SKIP! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedv for Colds, Coughs Hoarseness, Asthma. Inilu enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Itrenchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Illoed, Inflammation of the Lungs, am' all Diseases of the Chest and Air Passages. Tills valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience lias proved te possess the most sale and elllcient qualities ler the cure of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Pi ice 23 cents. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 KAST KINO STREET. elG-tld DR. SAJFORD'S LIVEE INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANPORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sain by all Druggists. olie-lveed&alteow STOMACH FTEB DRY OOODS, VXDERWEAJf, JtC. LADIES' COATS, LADIES' COATS, LADIES' COATS. Wc would call the attention et the ladies te our large stock of the abeve goods, which have all been REDUCED IN PRICE TO EFFECT RAPID SALES These In want should net tail te sea them before purchasing. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Holiday Goods. Holiday Goods. Holiday Goods. & Arc ettering a Large and Attractive Asseit inent of goods suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS LafeMiiaDiGiilreB. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS. GREAT REDUCTION! GREAT REDUCTION! In order te make a clean sweep or what lew Holiday Goods we have lett of our Chlstmas Sales. Many et these Goods being out el our usual line we shall otter them at a very great bargain, as we have net the room te continue keeping up a fcteck of them through the coining year. Persons wishing te pu rein we New Year Gifts will tiud among the goods that wc eiler many Useful ami Orna mental Goods. As we are reducing the stock in our Silk and Dress Goods Department we are ettering many bargains iu them. Givler, Bewers & irsl, Ne. 25 East King Street. SI.EIOUS, JtV. SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! AT EDGERLEY & CO.'S. Practical Carriage Bnllders, Market Street, .Rear of Central Market Houses .Lancaster, Fa. Wc have en hand a Large Assortment etj PORTLAND, ALBANY, AND DOUBLE SEAT SLEIGHS. Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Alse a full line of BUGGIES and CAK R1AGES all of our own well known make Give us a call. 4SKcpatrlng promptly attended te. n26-tfdaw Him BBTHEB TRiMMnres, jrorzeirs, &c. TOE BALANCE Or OUR HOLIDAY GOODS We shall cell ett this week at HALF THEIR COST. We offer all our DOLI.9 en hand at half the price. All our FAXCr BOXES, SHELL BOXES WOUK BOXES, ALBUMS and JAPANESE WABE at Just half tne value sold for before. Besides this we Inaugurate this week a clear ing sale of all kinds of GOODS, thn offering customers great bargains in every line. As specialties we announce the following : A very line Ladles' Merine Vest for e Heavy Gents' Undershirts at 7c Ladles' Felt Skirt at 9c Fine Cleth Skirt at ' Fine Satin Skirt at " Is Ladies' Dnflerwear We shall make Great Redaction te sell off the stock en hand. Ladies' Chemise at 25e Fine Muslin Chemise, Corded Band, at 3Uc Fine Muslin Chemise, Embroidered, at.....44e Very Fine Muslin Chemise, Klchly Embroi dered, at....... ............-..."" 'c Ladies' White Skirts, with Deep Flounce, Embroidered Edge, at 75c Ladies' Skirts with Deep Xeodlc-werked Edge, at. ................-. -ijc Ladies' Nightrebesat..- c Elegant Embroidered Robes at -jl Pantalets at c Embroidered Pantalets at ec COKSETS. Illn Gere Corsets at ..c ..49c The ASTKICH'S GEM COBSET at.... An Excellent Woven Corset ler 08c a Fine snoen Busk Side-steeled Corset ler.73c Onr well Known 100-Itene Corset for $1 A Fine 'French Woven Corset, Hand Em broidered Edge, ler only $1 An extra long 80-Ilene Corset for Mc A geed Nursing Corset for , 91 Madame Fey Corset at $I.lt Misses' and Ladies' Shoulder Braces 75c IN OUR LACE DEPARTMENT WE OFFER RARE BARGAIN'S: An all Silk Spanish Fichu In Cream and Black, at. . . .. .dec Fine Indian Mull Fichus at 25c Spanish Silk Ties In White, Crcum and Black, at 75e Fine Indian Mull Ties at 2jc Fine Wide Hand Embroidered Ties at $1 Embroidered Swiss Ties at 10, 12, 15, U, 25c Wide Embroidered Swiss Tics at 17,19,25,31,43,59c Fine I.ace Bews at r 75c All Lace Fichus at l"c A FULL LINE OF Black, White and Cream Laces On hand anu te be sold at VERY REASON ABLE PRICES. White Illusion 10epery..rd Cream Illusion 10c ' Black Illusion He White Silk Illusion 15c " Black Silk Illusion 15e " Cream Dotted Net :...12c ' Fine White Dotted Net 19c Worsted Barege ler Veil ing.Double WU1U1 1"" J All Silk Bordered Veiling at... . . .i'c r GREAT INDUCEMENTS IN OUR All our Untrimmcd Hats at 44c All our Derbies sold at 50 and 75c for enly..25e All our Trimmed Children's Hats ler. 75e TRIMMED PATTERN HATS AND BON NETS AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. We have reduced all our Colored Trimming Satins sold bclere at IWe te the uniform rirlcoef. 75c I our Fancy Wings at 25c All our Fancy Breast at 50c Bargains in Blaek and Colored Ostrich Flumes. Black Silk Fringes, Black Beaded Fassamen terics. Black Ornaments, Cords, Tassels, and nil our ether Dresa Trimmings at greatly re duced prices. Brocaded and Embossed Velvets at 00c. per Fur Trimmings In Black, Brown and Gray, 1, 1 J and 1 inches, 48c., 75c, and $1 per yard. Silver Fex Fur Trimming, 1J and 2 Inches, 1.40nnd$2pcryard. Hosiery ter Children, Ladies and Gents at ukteuisbrng lev prices. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF KID GLOVES, In Street Celers and Evening Shades, et excel lent quality; every pair warranted. Ladles' Iteeeotlen Gloves, 3 buttons 98c Ladles' Kec-otlen Gloves,; buttons $1.69 IN LADIES' LINEN WARE We exhibit the latest novelties of th'j reason. The Elegant Embroidered SARA BARN HARDT COLLAR ladies' all Linen Cellars and Cuffs. Em broidered Edge, put up in a Handsome Bex for 25c CHILDREN'S LACE AND LINEN COLLARS Ladies' Fine Silk Ties at Ladies' Fine Silk Tics at Ladies' Fine Silk Ties at 5c $1 ...11.75 BARGAINS IN TOWELS. A Large Fine Tewel for only Sc An all Linen Tewel for 10c Fine Towels at. 12,15.19c A heavy German Linen Tewel with Knotted Fringe, at 45c Fine Damask Linen Towels at 25c Fine Damask Linen Towels at 33c Superfine Damask Linen Tewu'.s at 38c All Linen Fine Fringed Deylies at. .41 per dez Many ether bargains en hand tee numerous te mention. Call and convince yourself of it. ASTBICI BR0.'S 13 EAST KING STREES, LANCASTER, PA. liner? Department. DMT HOMER, COLLADAT & Ce, 1412 and 1414 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. The general Improvement in business the past year, with the prospect et a very large In creased demand for all kinds of Dress Goods, induced all American buyers of Foreign Goods te place immense orders. This was universally the case, se much se that, perhaps without exag geration, SO per cent, mere goods were imported than the country could possibly consume. As a consequence, there has been a great break iu prices In a great many fabrics, which we sball fullv meet. WE SHALT, SELL Fermer Prices. All Weel Armures $0.33 French Flannel Suitings 63 French Striped Fancies (all Silk and Weel) 75 French Shoedos (in all colors) 63 French Brocades (all Silk and Plain French Plaids 75 Finest French Brocades (in several designs)... ..... 1.C0 0J0 1.00 1.50 .85 1.75 1.00 2.30 In addition te our offerings In the above goods, we have some lines of very choice goods of which it is difficult te meet the demand, in which we have a very choice assortment, both In cloth and colorings. CLOTH SUITINGS: 44-litch Cleth Suitings (very deslrable gOOOS 1 ......................... .$0. 4 5 54-inch Cleth Suitings (in all colors 1.10 54-inch Cleth Suitings 1.20 FRENCH SHOODAS : Our make of these goods wc believe te be the best in the market, and the assortment et colors our own selection. 40-ineh French Shoedos $0.87 1 4G-inch French Shoedas 91.13 FINE CAMEL'S HAIR: Our assortment et tlu se beautiful goods is still complete, from 81.S3 te S3.C0. We have Jmt recelved one case et Camel's Hair in Evening Shades In very beautitul quality. In Cream, I'iuk and Light Blue, 46 Inches wide, te sell at S1.25. BAREGE DE VIRGINIE: We have Just received one case of this very desirable texture for Evening Dresses, quality very superior. In Cream, Fink and Light Blue, 27 inches wide, te sell at 00c. EXTRAOEDINAEY BARGAINS -AT NEW YORK STORE.. WATT, SB AND & CO. have marked down all surplus stock and odd lets te price tli.it must effect a speedy clearance. Special Bargains in Ladles' Coats and Dol Del mans. These goods must be sold at once, and we have marked them down te prices that will sell them. Special Bargains in Ladles Underwear, at 25, 33, 45, 50, 62K and 73c. These are excellent value at the prices, and can't be beat In any city. Special Bargains In Table Linens, Towels, Tewelings, Blankets and Quilts. WATT, SHAND 8 AND 10 BAST MIZZIXEKY NEW GOODS FOR GMDAKER'S EMPOBirn. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Silk Handkerchiefs, Lace Ties, But But eons of all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GTJN DAKER'S. A Fall Line of Fancy Articles suitable for a NICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT, offered ehcap at GUNDAKER'S. Alse, an inducement in the MILLINERY DE PARTMENT, with a view te closing out the entire Stock. Plush Bennets and Hats effered at a Sacrifice. Plush and Velvets all Shades', sold cheap. Bennets and Hats in French and Weel Felts, for 50 and 75c. dTTlivc us a eall and examine our stock, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. VLOTUISU. GREAT SLAUGHTER IN CLOTHING. GBAITO MARK DOWI AT GMTSE HALL. Will be sold in sixty days TKX THOUSAND DOLLARS WOIlTIter HEAVY WINTER CLOTHING, Without, regard te cost. New is your time te sccurua geed Suit et Clothing for very little money, lteady-inadc or Mude te Order. OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY, Fer Men. Youths and Beys. Men's Dress Suits, Men's BuMiicis MilN, Youths' Suits in cverv style. "Beys' Clothing, a very Choice Variety. J- Don't fail te cull and secure seme of the bargains. MYERS & RATHFON, Xe. 12 EAST KIXG STREET, MEDICAL. BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS, of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Dn. IIICOWXINU Is a regular graduate or medicine, a skillful pharmacist, and a tlioreuch chemist. His "C. & C." (Cough and Celd) Cordial Is net the result et mere chance, but or long scientific reseurch in cheuilstrv and medicine, uh is nlitlnlvHenn livtim raniiiitv r.r tu ..i.r and its unparalleled cttlcacy. The expense In Its manufacture is at least live times as great as WH.t. V. I.11JT WLSHA IllbUltlUU MJIUJ4 !; UllllltlJl, illlll V 50c. -WSamplc bottles (for a short time only) 2Sc fany W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 AROH STREET, S-rOU SALE BY d21-t(IA2tw 1'Ai'ER HAXailfdS, Se. Extension Window Cornice, the Cheapest, Simplest and Best In the Market. Made el Walnut, Meulding three and four Inches wide, and New Patterns. We have them thirteen different ways, and very low in price. FIXE EBOXY AND WALNUT CURTAIN POLES, with Brass King". Ends and Brackets. All Walnut and Ash Poles complete. Plain Window Shades, All Celers and Widths. Hollands, Paper Cur tains, Fixture. Fringe?, Cords, Tassels, Loep?, Picture Nulls, Tassel Uoeks, Ac. Opening almost dally Xsw Styles of WALL PAPER, FOIl THE COMING SPKiNG. PHARES W. FRY. Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. OOODS. Fermer Price. ..$0.C5 $1.12 ... .75 2.50 I.. .75 2.75 ... .25 .50 ... .75 1.50 ... .65 1.50 ... 1.25 2.75 ... .30 1.50 Camel's Hair Stripes Brocedo -Novelties French Fancies (very ce9tly goods.. sngi'sn evemes French Handkerchiefs, squares, French Handkerchiefs, squares French Novelties , French Novelties 31-inch Cleth Suitings $1.25 54-inch Cleth Suitings 1.80 54-inch Cleth Suitings 2.00 THE - Special Bargains In Bleaehcd and Unblcache! Muslins aud Sheetings. Previous te the late advance we made large purchases of Cotten Goods, and can new sell them at less thun Manufacturer's Prlecs. 2,500 Yards Heavy Plaid Shirtings at De. a yard, really worth 12c. Special Bargains in Whiti Blankets, full size, $1.50 a pair. & COMPANY, KING STREET. THE HOLIDAYS, AT- LANCASTER, lEMA. PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE PKOPKIETOlt AND ALE DBUGUISTS. 4UUXITUKK. HOLIDAY GOODS ! Widmyer & Ricksecker's. A Large Variety et FOLDING CHAIRS, FOLDING ROCKERS, XILTOX BODY AXD TAPESTJi Y BR UHSKLH. PINE EBONY OABLNETS, PATENT BOOKERS, Perforated and Ratan Rockers. FOOT-ItKSTS, BOOT-BOXES aud LOOKING GLASSES. CHILDREN'S ROCKERS, AND TABLE CHAIRS, PAKLOIE SUITS, CHAMIIEIi SUITS, D1X ING BOOM FUliNITUKK. ' S. & COR. EAST KING AND DUKE STS., LANCASTER, PA. dcclO 3md fUAlN SPECULATION J In large or small amounts. $23 or $20,000 Writc V.'. T. SOULE & CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 La Salle street, Chicago, HI., ler clt uiars. nwe-rya i. it is um mi ihu exceedingly iew price el TRA rEZEJW OVIDM LANCASTKK JkXD UIIXKRSV1UJE K. It I Cars ran as fellows : leave LancmUcr (P.x. Depot), at 7, 9, mm A llJ0a.mand 2, 4, and SisJT p. V except 7 m Saturday, whea the lest cer leavesat p. a. Leave illllersvUle (lower end) at5,Temt a. M and 1,3, 5 and 7 p.m. Cars run dally en above time except en Sbb day. TEADINO COLUMBIA X. K. : ARRANGEMENT OfTaSSEXOKK TRAINS. OCTOBER ra, 1MB.. NORTHWARD. XJCAVK. Quarryville Lancaster, Kins; St Lancaster .. A.X. T.Mt. P.M. A.V. 6:43! 3 7:55 ftOt 7:55 3:40 9-JB t-.M 1:06 me Columbia. ARKIVX. 3:10 Reading.. lfc 30 BJ0 SOUTHWARD. LKAVK. A.K. AM. T.M. Reading 8:06 "KKW 6:10 AlUUVK. r.x. Columbia IMS 1 MB r.M Lancaster. 10:07 2:10 8J0 5.-0B Lancaster, King St 10:13 .... 830 6:10 Quarryville 113a .... 936 6:40 Trains connect at Reading wlta trains te and from Philadelphia, Fettsvlfle, Uarrisbarg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. SnpU PENNSYLVANIA RA1LKOAO NKW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY NOVEMBER Sth, 1880, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrtve and leave" the Lan caster and Philadelphia depots as follews: v.wwinn Leave Arrive EAagWAlu- Lanc'ter rhllad'n Philadelphia Express, 2:10 a.m. 4:13 a.h Fast Line, SS 7:40 YorkAccem. Arrives; 8.05 " .... Uarrisburg Express &06 10:10 DillervilloAeceni. Arrives, 8-.4S .... Columbia Accommodation, 9:10 " 12.-01 r.M. Frederick Accem. Arrives, 1:85 " Pacific Express 1:40 r.n. 3:45 " Sunday Mali, ftO 50 - Johnstown Express, 3:05 " 5:30 Day Express,... 4: " fc5 " Herrisburs Accomniedat'n, 635 " 9a -nr . 1 1 Leave Arrive .WBtwaep. jPlitlad'a Lanc'ter Way Passenger, 1S0a.m. S:C0a.m Mail Train Ne. l,vlaMt..ley, 7J0 " le-. " Mail Train Ne.2,vla Cel'bia, .... Ifttt Niagara ft Chicago Express 9:00 116 Sunday Mall, 3:00 " 10-JO " Kast Line, 1SSI ' S35 r.M Frederick Accommodation, , .... 2:4 i " DluervillcLocal.vlaMt..Iey .... ftSO " Uarrisburg Acconnuedat'n, 220 r.w. 5:45 ' Columbia Accommodation, 4:00 " 7:2C llarrisburcr Kxprcss, 5-J0 " TM " Pittsburg Express 6:25 " 8:50 " Cincinnati Express 9:10 " IL30 " Pacific Express, 11:96 " 2.40 a.m Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, wbeu nag Scd, will step at Middlctewn, Eluabethtewn It, Jey, Landtsville, Bird-In-Hand, Lcman Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Ceatcs vlllc, Oakland and Ulen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step atDownlngtewn.Coutesville. Parkes burg, Mt. Jey, Elizubethtewn and Mlddletewn. Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Acaomniedatiou, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:35 r. it., and will run tnreuuh te Frederick. DRY GOODS. rpUK NEW CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE, 3S West King Street, Opposite Cooper Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. Metier, W&flaniliiii Take this opportunity te 'tender te their friends and the people generally, their thanks ler the very generous pat pat pat ronage en their Opening Day, and premise tliat they will endeavor by a close attention te business merit a oon eon oen ttnuanco el the same. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, we remain Yours, Ac., METZGER, BARD & HAUGHMAN. TOVELTIKH IN SCARF P1N. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN UNDERSHIRTS AND DKAWEJte, AT E. J. ERISMAN-S, J TUB sniUTMAKKU, S NORTH QVMstn STKXBT OAMPMTS. rAKPKTS, COAL, c. PHILIP SCHUM,S0N k 0., MANUFACTORY, Ne. ISO SOUTH WATER STREET, Laseistzk, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of (ianulne LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS. BLANKETS. CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER rANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either In the piece or 1b Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbons, Linen, Cotten and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlemen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vesta, Ac, Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo Blue Dyelnti done. All orders or goods Icit with us will recftlv prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal of the best quality put up expressly i lanilly use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD ISO iOUTII WATER STREET. OiMydBS PHILIP SCHUM, SON ft CO. HIGHEST CASH PRICE WIIX BE PAID FOR EXTRA NICK CARPET BAGS. Carpets made te order at short notice and satisfaction guaranteed. . Bare chances In Carpets te reduce steek et 6,000 Yards BrnsHls Gamts, AT AND BELOW COST. Cell and satisfy yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Ees; and Chain Carpetsinalmestendlessvarlety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING 8TBXXT, LANCASTER PA.