& K$J9 --. LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30,' 1880. Lancaster Irntelbgencec. THUBSDAT EVENING, DEC. 30, 1880. Belter Ask Ike Jadge. Messrs. Kidder, Peabody & Ce., of New Yerk, give public notice that they held the proxies of Messrs. McCal McCal ment Brethers & Ce., and ether large holders of Beading stock, and they re quest such stockholders as desire te co operate with them in securing a change of management te send them authority te" vote for them at the coming elec tion. It is reliably stated that Mr. Frank S. Bend, new vice president of the Texiis Pacific railroad, is the candi date of this party te take Mr. Gewen's place. The latter telegraphs his friends from Louden net te be uneasy for the re sult of the contest, as he expects fully three-fifths of all the votes that will be cast. Evidently there is going te be a very animated conflict, and a great deal of hard work done and hard feeling en gendered. The funeral that is evidently in prospect is none of ours, as we are net among the noble army of donkeys who propose te have this lively kicking match about se sltadewy and unsubstantial thing sis the Reading presidency at pres ent is. It would, perhaps, be a pleasant thing, in this extremely cold weather, te Ikj a Heading stockholder and b3 afforded the excellent opportunity of warm excitement which is being pre pared for them. "We de net see that it Gin hurt them very much. Thejr prop erty is in such dilapidated condition that if the result should lie te hand the frag ments of it ever te Bend and Jay Gould and Tem Scott and the ether Texas Pa cific wreckers appointed for it, perhaps the most of them would feel relief rather than otherwise in the total disappear ance that would surely fellow such adop tion of the wretched creature. These stockholders of Beading who want te make an end of it and get rid of it and hi no mere bothered by hopes or disap pointments about it, had letter vote te hand it ever te Mr. Bend. If he gets it they will never see it mere. Bul,as we have hinted, we de net con sider that there is any great probability of its being entrusted te'his care even if the .stockholders should vote him into the presidency. Their present bother ever tlys election seems te us te be effort very much wasted. The man who controls the fortunes of Beading happens te be Judge McKcnnan. Until he says se, there is no great probability that the property of the corporation will pass out of the hands of the receivers; nor will they be changed unless he wills it. Se that it would seem te be very sensible, in the people who propose te change the management he has put in power, te :isk him what he intends te de about it if they change the occupant of the para lyzed presidency. Will he piitoutGeweu and put in Bend as receiver ? Perhaps, se ; perhaps, net. We rather think net, en the case they will have te present. Judge McKcnnan having ex pressed his confidence in Mr. Gewen, will net change his opinion without rea son. What will have happened since his appointment as receiver te make him less acceptable te Judge McKcnnan ? His removal from the piesidency by the stesklnlders, you will say. But by what stockholders? And when the reply is that a linn of Englishmen, owning one-third of the stock, who have kept Mr. Gewen in the presidency of the Beading te its undoing, new propose te chuck him out te its undoing, is it net roisenablo te suppose that Judge Mc-Kenna-i will hesitate te be the ready instrument of thesa stupid foreigners, especially if a majority of the American owners of the read disagree with them ? It seems quite plain that Judge Mc Keiiiiau will use the power in his hands se as tesecure what are, in his judgment, the best interests of Beading ; and that his judgment will be inlhieuced quite as much by the intelligent opinion of the native owners as by the weight of stock of the foreigners. If Mr. Gewen secures the voice of the majority in number of the stockholders in favor of his contin uance in his ellice of presi dent, he will net feel called upon by any delicacy of sentiment te renounce the receivership. It will rather be a de mand iqien him te continue in his eliiee of power while the McCalments' man occupies the empty presidency. The CJining election will net displace hiuii since he can only go out by his own will e: Judge McKennan's. might as well postpone The mountain its labor, since such au insignificant result is premised ; or at least ask the judge whether it is worth while for it te fret. It has been generally suspected that our government was badly cheated in the award of the Canadian lish commission by which we were mulcted for. the pay ment of five million dollars for damages never committed and privileges compar atively worthless. But it has net been suspected that we were swindled by such base means as Prof. Hinds reports and it would be very hard te believe what he says if we could discern any motive for his net telling the truth. The blame has been put, heretofore, en the impru dent selection of an arbitrator commit ted in advance against our case and, in part,te the incempetency of our counsel. If what Hinds says is true we were outwitted by devices that could net have been reasonably expected in honor able negotiation and against which only an acute suspicion of basest fraud could protect the American cause. Our gov ernment ewes it te itself te investigate the charges made against the Canadian authorities; but they are under a far greater obligation te relieve themselves of the imputation cast upon them. If subordinates are responsible for the al leged fraud the Dominion government ought te relieve itself of all advantages derived from their trick ; if the duplicity lias been practiced by higher authorities the greater necessity is there for Canada te wipe out a stain from which it must suffer mere than the United States can. Vknxeu keeps sending us the coldest weather we have had for many a day, with no prospect of any immediate abatc- nent Tl.mlrrl.ff.il nnnnU 1-.n ... !. I U.V...V. .......... "l"" "ssji wuiui mu i airasmuchaslheycanwhenitisaschil-lie ly as at i resent, and these whose vocation compels them te expose themselves get in as quickly, as possible. Persons who are required te go out may f reese new before they knew it, and no amount of caution for self or consideration for ethers is superabundant these days and nights. Mr. Cexklixg's friends give it out that he is dissatisfied "with the explana tion given by Mr. Bayard, and, as a nec essary result it is intimated that in fu ture he will be unable te maintain social or personal gelatiens with the gentleman from Delaware." This is very severe indeed. What will become of Mr. Bay ard if this great man's favor is with drawn from him ? PKESONAL. Professer E. D. Pouter has givcu up his chair in Delaware college, at Newark, and has gene te Minneapolis, where he will become professor of practical agriculture in the University of Minnesota. Mrs. Maiit L. Lam-bertex, of Carlisle, mother of Hen. Bebert A.. atuLCharles L. Lambcrten, died at that place Tuesday morning, after an illness of only two days, aged about ninety years. The Chicago Timet is base enough te de clare that that "as General O. O. Hewakd is about te take charge of West Point it will net be long probably before the mili tary academy will be in the hands of a re ceiver." Uncle'IlAKidhui. Hamlix, of Maine, is net altogether without hope that in the close and bitter contest for the s'ciiatot s'ciiatet ship in his state between Congressman Frye and Zach. Chandlsr's seu-in law, Hale, he may become a necessity as a com promise candidate. William Wait, the great law-writer in Johnstown, N. J., died yesterday of con sumption. He was author of Wait's Prac Prac tice and ether works, making tweuty-eue volumes in all. His books had an exten sive sale, and his estate is estimated at ever $100,000. Geouee II. Adams, the popular clown, received a Christmas present from Teney Denier, in the) shape of a beautiful cigar holder en which is the head of Geerge L. Fex, the clown, with his famous smile en his countenance. In his letter te JMr. Adams, Mr. Denier says : " In memory of our great prototype, Geerge L. Fex. Emulates his virtues, wear his mantle, which you have wen, and use his features as a study while enjoying your after din ner cigar." MINOR TOPICS. I Secret Anv Evaiits : "The peasant of Ireland or Germany says, "carrying a soldier en his back, cannot compete with the American peasant, who has no soldier te carry." Frem statistics of the population new published, and ether data, it may be pre dicted, ' with a geed degrce of certainty, that the total population of the country will be found te be in the immediate neigh borhood of 50,000,000, probably a few thousand in excess. Mr. Auram S. Hewitt thinks that the "machine" in politics is ncccsary. The people, he isays, cau only veto the acts of .the machine, but that veto is all-power ful. Without party absolutism is the in evitable result; paity can only express itself through organization anil the or ganization becomes "machine." The people can break the machine and make a new one. A coon Methodist asked Jehn Wesley what he thought as te his marrying a cer tain woman well-known te both. Wesley advised him net te think of it, "Why," said the ether, "she is a member of your church. Isn't she ?" "Yes," was the reply. " And de you think she is truly a Christian woman ;" "Yes." said Wesley, "I believe she is." "Well, then, why net marry her"."' "Because," replied Wesley, "because, my friend, the Lei d cau live with a great many people that you and I can't! " "Landlords are te Ireland what the carpet-baggers were te the Seuth," said Father Byan, the " poet-priest," in an ad dres: in Baltimore en Tuesday night ; "and the Irish people will rid themselves of their oppressors as the Seuth rid itself of the carpet-baggers." In conclusion Father Byan said (peinting: te his head) : "Agitation here must be clear;" (te his mouth), "here it must be prudent," (te hia heart), "and here tender and iinpul iinpul sive, which, if followed, will crown your efforts with success." It is expected that prominent Republi can leaders from different parte of the country will come te Menter within the next two or three weeks, en General Gar field's invitation, te consult with him in regard te the formation of his cabinet. Senater Cameren, of Pennsylvania, and Hen. Jehn C. Xew, of Indiana, arrived yesterday en a special train, and, with Ames Tewnscnd and William McKinley, jr., spent the afternoon in a private con cen con fcrencewith General Garfield. STATE ITEMS. Ella Higgins aged eighteen years, of Spert Hill, near Scrauten, hanged herself because.it is supposed, she had been threat ened with arrest for obtaining goods by false pretences. General J. D. Gihneur, proprietor of the Grand hotel, in Cincinnati, died yes- dcrdpy in Savannah, no was formerly proprietor of the Eutaw Heuse in. Balti more. Among the wealthy citizens of Philadel phia, who have died during the present year, eight left personal estates each val ued at ever half a million dollars, as fol fel lows : William Adamsen, $308,471.9!) ; Adelph E. Berie, $1,140,501.93 ; Geerge W. J. DeBennc, $577,230.9:3 ; William KHiett, 8875,409.50 ; Jehn E. Fex. $C3& 092.47 jMaryJShislds, $934,930.23 ; Samuel S. White, $897,054.73 ; Jeshua Jeanes. $970,000. William C. Simmons, 55 years old, died yesterday at the Pennsylvania hospital from the effects of a fall the night before from a second-story window at the WeikrI & Smith spice mills en Frent street, Phila delphia. There is a draw-bridge connect ing the building, and Simmons, unaware that this had been raised, stcpiied out of the window, which was unguarded, and'fell iracturmg his pelvis and receiving internal injuria?. 3Irs. Dorcas Birchficld, a widow, living at San Francisce, shot and killed Themas Birchfield, her brother-in-law. They had quarreled at her house during the day. qUarreiOU 3 rph - efinnMnrr itrec r1n .. !...,. .!....:. o'clock at night. Mrs. Birchficld is in j ill. LA.TE3T NEW8 BY MAIL. A fire at Mystic River, Conn., destroyed the Merchants' block and adjoining prop erty. Less $30,000. Prince Christephc Ulrich, son of the heir presumptive te the crown of Wurtcm burg, died en Tuesday. Fifty-five lives were lest in the fisheries from Gloucester, Mass., during the past year. State Treasurer Vincent has forwarded money te National Park bank of Xew Yerk, te meet the interest due January 1 en Alabama bends. Floods in the north and northwest of France continue. Seme lives have been lest and great damage has been done te property. Mayer Adams's foundry and machine shop at Marshall, Mich., were destroyed bv fire en Tuesday night. Less, $13,0DD ; in sured for $4000. Mrs. Hart, 80 years of age, was mur dered by her son, at North Augusta, On tario, en Saturday last. Her body, horri bly mangled, was discovered en Wednes day in a barn. The feet and mouth disease is seriously spieading amongst the cattle in all the large counties of England. Theic are 0754 cases of the disease repotted in Nor folk and 2370 in Londen. Geerge Crumpsten, of Rising Sun, Del., fell into a hole and remained there uncon scious until he was found by some work men. His legs were se badly frozen that they may have te be amputated. Revenue officers seized a crooked cigar factory of A. II. Dank, New . Yerk and found cigats en which tax had Dank was arrested and 105 Park street tliecin 20,000 net been paid. held for cxami- nation The body of a woman about 30 years of age, neatly clothed, was feiTnd in the snow near Elizabethport, Mew Jersey, yesterday morning. An empty medicine bottle, un labclled, was found in ena of her pockets, and suicide is suspected. Mrs. Sephia Trechen, wife of Frederick Trechen. a wholesale tobacco dealer of New Yerk committed suicide by hanging, at her residence in Hoboken, New Jersey, yesterday. Her husband had beguu pre ceedings for a divorce. News has been received of the massacre of Capt. Benier and four of the crew of the Sand Fly in the Seuth Sea islauds. The natives of Bite surprised the crew while in bathing and pursued them into the weeds or killed them into the weeds or killed them in the water, mutilating the bodies of the slain and torturing these captured alive by roasting them at the stake. Near Petersburg en the P. It. R., while extta brakeman J. F. Kauffmau was at tempting te climb ever the deck of the train of engine 403, going wcst,hc slipped, fell te the track below, and was instantly killed. The head of the unferuuatc young man was crushed beyond recognition poitiens of the brains being scattered along the track. The remaining portion of the body was cut up and otherwise mutilated. Deceased had been in the employ, of the Pennsylvania railroad company but a short time, this being only his fifth trip ever the division. Gall, one of the chiefs under Sitting Bull, who has been occupying a defiant position, after reaching the Poplar creek agency with twenty-six ledges, surrender ed unconditionally te Majer Ilgcs. Netice had been given him en that'day te surren der within two days or fight. He respond ed by marchim; into the agency with all his ledges. A guard has been placed ever his band, and the date of his removal te Ferd Buferd depends en advices from de partment headquarters. The savages surrendering arc poorly clad, have few guns and ponies and arc in no condition for an engagement with troops at this sea son of the yca m - Higher Education ler Women. The Higher Education of Women lm.? been the subject of several important memorials one originating among resi dent members of the university which were submitted te a syndicate appointed at Cambridge, England. This body of ex aminers reported that they shat a lite de sire of the memerialists that the advan tages of academic training may be secured te women, and that, the results of stu-h training may be authoritatively tested and certified. Fer various reasons, how ever, they arc net prepared te recommend that women should be admitted cither te thedegtecs of the university generally, ot et ot eo B. A. degree alone. They believe that the objects may in a large measure be at tained, and great encouragement be given te the higher education of women by the formal admission of female students te the higher examinations of the University, together with an authoritative record of the results of their examination in pub lished class lists. The advantages allow ittg women te enter the special examina tions for the ordinary 15. A. degree are (the syndicate say) less obvious ; and the syndicate abstain from making any rec ommendation en this head. They think that women admitted te the honor examina tiens siiettiu cither nave given the same evidence of preliminary training by pass ing the previous examination or one of the various substitutes already accepted for it ere?S3 should have obtained an honor cer tificate in the higher local examination, with the condition of passing in certain specified groups. Thcy(the syndicate) propose that the University should grant te each succcsful candidate a certifieats setting forth the conditions under which she has been admitted te the examination, and the standard te which she has attained They recemmetid that residence be kept at Git ten college or Newnham college, or in similar institutions within the precincts of the University. A Lively Fight Ter the Corpse. Eugene McCarthy was run ever by the cars near Cincinnati, anil deceased'? wife applied te the police for assistance in se curing the body upon its arrival at the depot, fearing that the relatives intended taking charge of the remains. The body arrived about 9 o'clock, and undertaker Blake, who had been instructed by Mr. Morgan, father of the widow, te remove the body te his rooms, was in readiness, and placed the remains en his wagon. Tne McCarthys were present, and en seemir this made several unsuccessful attempts te train possession of the corpse. Officers Neble and Uillwerth appeared upon the scene, and at once commenced dispersing the large crowd that blockaded the street and made a passage way impossible. Finally an attempt was made by the McCarthys te remove the rough box from the waseu. while several persons held the horses, but Officer Neble seated himself en the box, and while Patrolman Dillworth cleared a passage tureugu tne crewti, the remains were conveyed te Blake's 'mid cries and yells from the bystanders. The scene at the depot was a most disgraceful one 'm e t Celd as Blazes." The cold weather continues in the West aud Northwest, and has extended East and Seuth, the temperature being below the freezing point everywhere except in Southern Flerida. In Ohie, Missouri, In diana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Michigan and Wisconsin temperatures were reported rangimr from -i te 23 decrees below zero. The cold was unusually severe in the Seuth, the temperature at New Orleans being six dagrees below the freezing point. Heavy snow fell in Texas, the northern portions of the Gulf states, and the Seuth and Middle Atlantic states. There was a slight rise in temperature in the Northwest last night, but the markings were still consid erably below zero. BLACKMAIL A3TD FOKGEKT. I'rer. Hind's Letter te the Canadian Premier Concerning the fishery Statistics. The following is the fall text of the let ter from Prof. Hind, mentioned in dis patches from Halifax yesterday. It is ad dressed te the Bt. Hen. Sir Jehn A. Mac Mac denald, premier of Canada : Sin: .A telegraphic report of your speech in the Heuse, en the 21st instant, imputes te me a disreputable attempt te levy blackmail in relation te certain gross falsifications iu the fishery statistics pre sented te the Halifax commissioners in 1877, and certain forgeries in the trade and j navagatien returns of the Dominien.togcth- er with the use or these forgeries ana Jalse statistics for state purposes. Yeu are also leperted te refer te my character iu terms which demand instant reply, mere especial ly because you defame an hottest man. fir distant from the scene of your unmanly aspersions. Yeu are aware that I have persistently and most earnestly sought an open inquiry into the whole matter since the summer of 1878 ; also that such inquiry has been in variably shunned. Hence, I may safely leave the question of blackmail for future consideration. Meanwhile, since you dis honorably refer te my character where I had no opportunity te reply, will you per mit me te ask you two or three questions, which otherwise I would gladly have avoided ? First. What relation did the govern ment ever which you presided in 1873 beat beat te the subjoined official statement in rela tion te the British case which is recorded en page 74 of the commissioner of fisheries' repert for 1873 ? The case and its sup ports had been arranged by the undersign ed in accordance with official instructions, and were submitted for the information of the present government ( the Hen. Mr. Mackenzie's). Second The lish trade tables in the se ctet appendix, referred te in my Iettets te the governor general of the 11th and 18th of December, 1SS0, cover a period of twen ty-six years. Were these fish trade tables from 1854 te 1870 used by you during your prolonged stay in Washington when negotiating the fishery clauses of the treaty of Washington ? If you cannot answer both of these questions without salf-cniidenmatieu, what a fearful motive you must have for burk ittg inquiry and showering aspersions, apart from the fact that you kuew that my allegations arc true, and that you are afraid te have an open aud impartial par liamentary investigation, aud te put me tu the witness-box in a fair and open court. Allew me further te ask : Docs the false cry of blackmail shelter you from the re sponsibility of a thorough aud public in vestigation into the extent and ramifica tiens of the grossest corruption among the subordinates in the several departmental offices of the government, te wit: In the forgery aud falsification of the fishery sta tistics ; in the presentation of these forged statistics te a judicial tribunal upon oath ; iu reproducing these forged statistics once again in lbbO, under your own eye aud for a special purpose ? These are facts which shake the honor aud the credit of the country until atoned for ; facts which can net be lcfutcd, which are vastly injurious te the maritime powers, and which, if passed ever, mock at all honor in the gev ernment and all faith in law. Will you new afford jue at once a fair aud open opportunity ler proving my statements before a parliamentary com mittee, where you can dissect my charac ter and examine my motives te any extent you cheese. The first consequence of your unmanly wet ds is the immediate publica tion of my letters te the governor general, and the public announcement of the exist ence of a secret appendix, with all of its weight of shame. I held you responsible for the nerveless character of Captain Kidd's reply. His excellency, we knew, is a matt et honor. 1 shall ceme carlv in January te Ottawa, and invite manly critics te measure your case of blackmail with the rivers of black dishonor and crime which my papers aud printed decu ments reveal. 1 have the honor te be your obedient servant, Hkxky Youle Hind, Compiler of the Analytical Index te the Documents of the Halifax Commission. Windser. Neva Scotia, Dec. 22, 1880. Hunt the Uuscallty lleivn. Philadelphia Kvcning Utilletiu. In a letter published elsewhere from Professer II hide, of Neva Scotia, te Sir Jehn A. Macdonald, the Canadian prime minister, the professor gives Macdonald a very tart reply te Ins accusation that llindc has attempted te levy blackmail upon him. It is certain that nobody who understands the question at issus will be lieve any such charge. Professer llindc was employed by the Dominion govern ment and by the government of the United States te examine and arrange the docu ments offered in evidence before the Hal ifax fishery committee. While he was performing this work he discevcccd that the fishery statistics of Canada had been systematically falsified in order te swell the claim of Canada te damages under the Washington treaty. As was his duty, Professer Hindc at ence directed the at tention of this man Macdonald te the truth, but he was rebuffed. He then sent the facts te the British government, but he was refused a hearing from it. Then he made a public statement, and ..uacdenald, unable te answer the damning allegations, retorts with a charge that Mr. llindc is trying te levy blackmail upon him. Mr. Iliude's response te this is worth reading. It clearly intimates that falsified tables of statistics were used net only in Halifax by the Dominion attorneys but at Washington by Macdonald himself, at the time of the negotiation of the Washington treaty. This matter demands the immediate attention of our govern ment. Professer Hinde is employed by our government, as well as by that of Canada ; we have a right te the infor mation procured by htm, and that infor mation, se Air as it has been made public, clearly indicates that the Canadian govern ment obtained the Halifax award through the instrumentality Of otte the most shame less frauds in history. AYe all kucw. when we were called upon te pay fi half million dollars for the fishery five and privil eges, that we were being swim fled ; but the method by which the swindle was per petrated could net be detected. Professer Hinde appears te have detected it, and new our duty is te demand restitution and full exposure of the crime. ikunri;n u::es. A Wife Slioets Her llusbam! In Selt Defcnce. A mttider was committed in the Caledo nia house, a cheap lodging house and sa loon of bad character, in Detroit. Mich., the proprietor, Jehn Fergusen, facing shot dead by his wife, as she alleges, while in fear of her life. Fergusen had been drink ing hard all day and had been very quar relsome and abusive. Late in the evening afcr both had returned from a visit te an other low place where both drank freely, Fergusen commenced abusing his wife again, calling her opprebious names and threatening te kill her with a knife which he flourished in a reckless manner. At this point the woman ran up stairs, obtained a revolver, and when he attempt ed te ascctid the stairs llred at him three time?, the last shot reaching his heart and killing him almost instantly. The deceas ed was a hattl case. He had sarved a term in a Pennsylvania state prison for robbery, and when released therefrem in 1878, came te Detroit, where his wife seen joined him .ind took up her abode with htm, al though the marriage ceremony was per formed only a few weeks age. Fergusen has a mother, two sisters and a brother living at Hazleton, Pa., and I another brother at Wilkesbarre. His wife's name was Margaret Hicr, and the has a mother, three brothers and three sis ters iu McKecspert, Pa. She., is twenty four years old. The dead man has one wife living at Elisabeth, Pa., with three or four children, and another in Denver, Cel. His present wife was devotedly at tacked te him, and tli3ir relations .were comfortable,- except when liquor made both quarrelsome. ' EV.lRTS AND CONKLIXU. The Secretary or State l'ursutng the Lordly Koscoe. Washington Special. The true inwardness touching the changes already made in the New Yerk federal offices, and these in contemplation has new leaked out : and the Nemesis who is pursuing My Lord Conkling is none ether than William Maxwell Evarts. coun selor at law and secretary of state. Evarts hates Conkling as the devil hates holy water. -His revenges arc mean aud pusil lanimous, lackiugall the geed points of au open enemy who .strikes from the shoulder and never hits below the belt. The fiistery of the matter is just this : It is about conceded that, unless a counter irritant of rare strength presents itself among the faithful, Bescoe Conkling will name the senator te succeed Kcrnan. The Legislature of NewYerkwill elect Kci nan's successor withiu a fortnight. Meanwhile, te ci ipple Conkling, Evarts has pursuaded the president te allow him te distribute the patronage of New Yerk that is, se far as the filling of the offices which expire between new and the date of the meeting of the Legislature. Se far only two ap pointments have been made, and it se hap pens that in these two Cenkliug takes ue special interest. When Congress again assembles. Everts, through Hayes, will scud in a new name for the United States marshal of the Northern district of New Yerk, "and for United Stat ;s district attorney of Brooklyn. The first of these offices is held by Clint. Mc Dougall, a warm, personal follower of Conkling aud 'the ether by Stewart L. AVoedford. Any new name which the president will send te the Senate for these offices Conkling will fight. It se happens that he is a member of both the judiciary and commerce committee of the Senate, where the. nominations must be referred in due course. There is a sort of a custom among senators, regardless of party, te consult the wishes of the senator directly interested in the appointments in his own state. Hence it is certain that these nominations will be referred te Conkling, and as a matter of course he will see that they are strangled in the committee of which he is a member. The real funny part of the business is that Evarts anticipates that Conkling will succeed in defeating action by the Senate en the new nominees. He will have no special interest in the appointees ether than te use them te make the point that the president has presented te the Senate the names of geed men for the places seen te be vacant, aud that the New Yerk sen ator has no ether reason for antagonizing their confirmation than the fact that they are net his henchmen. Out of this Evarts expects te create a division among the Republican members of the New Yerk Legislature, aud circumvent, if possible, whatever may develop te be the Conkling plan for the succession. Frem theses tac tics of the crafty Evarts has been builded the stupid story of an estrangement between General Garfield and the Stalwart wing of the party. As far as this story gees, it is se stupid that it is vexatious te talk about it. General Garfield has no mere te de with the machinations of Hayes and fcvarts against Conkling than has the i vices. Although in many cases the Khedive of Egypt. AU there is of it is J work required, slight .revision, owing te a that Conkling, having treated Evarts as a j misunderstanding of the printed iustruc mcic cipher iu New Yerk state politics, j tiens, in but two instances out of 180 did the latter, like a blue-bottled fly, is new he require new schedules te be made out. trying te annoy him ; and te make the In one case only, a pottien of Londen- matter a shade mere interesting, the prcsi- grove township, Chester county, was there dent is lending a willing hand. Conkling , n re-enumeration. Mr. Jesse C. Dickey, will beat both of them in this new crusade ' of New.Londen. had failed te nlacu his made against him, and will, meanwhile, dictate the senator te be elected in Jan uary by the New Yerk Legislature. ISKNNETX'S JIAKK1AJK. Bew the Founder of the Herald Announced It Years Age. The following announcement of the im pending marriage of James Gorden Ren net, tits elder, written presumably by hint self and published in the Herald, is one of the curiosities of literature : TO THE HEADERS Or "THE HEUAI.D'' DK CI,AIt.YTION OF LOVE CAUGHT AT LAST OOIXG TO HE MAKKICn XEW MOVE MENT IX CIVILIZATION. I am going te be married iu a few days. The weather is se beautiful times arc get ting se geed the prospects of political and moral reform se auspicious, that I can not resist the divine instinct of Nature any longer se I am going te be married te one of the most splendid women iu in tellect, in soul, in person, in manner, in property, that I have yet seen in the course of my interesting pilgrimage through human life. I cannot step in my earecr ; I must ful fill that awful destiny which the Almighty Father has written against my name iu the bread letters of life against the wall of Heaven. I must give the world a pattern et nappy wcudea inc. wtin an rite cuari- ; tics that spring from a nuptial love. In a few days I shall be married according te the holy rites of the most holy Jluistuii church te one of the most rem, kable, ac complished and beautiful yetr:g women of the axe. She possesses a fort-tae. I sought and found a fortune a large fortune. She has no Stouingteii shares, or Manhat tan stock, but in purity and uprightness she is worth half a million of pure coin. Can any swindling bank show as much? In geed sense and elegance another half a mil lion in soul, mind and beauty, millions en millions, equal te the whele specie of all the rotten banks iu the world. Hap pily, the patronage of the public te tie Herald is nearly $25,000 per annum, al most equal te a president's salary. But property in the world s goods was never my object. Fame, public geed, useful ness in my day and generation the relig ious associates of female excellence the progress of true industry these have been my dreams by night ami my desires by day. In the new aud holy condition into which I am about te enter and te enter with the same reverential feelings as I would heaven itself, I anticipate some signal changes in my feelings, in my views in my purposes, in my pursuits. What they may be I knew net time alone can tell. My ar dent desire has been through life te reach the highest order of human excellence by the shot test passible cut. Associated night and day. iu sickness and in health, in war and in peace, with a woman of the highest order of I'xcellence, must produce some curious rcMilts in my heart and feelings and these results the future will develop in due time in the columns of the Herald. Meantime I raturn my heartfelt thanks for the enthusiastic patronage of the pub lie. both of" Europe aud America. The holy estate of wjdleak will only increase my desire te be still mere useful. Ged Almighty bless you all. J VMES GOKDEN" BeXXKTT. McDowell's Seir-aacrllice. Last fall Gen. McDowell caine en from San Francisce te New Yerk with a great ileurish of trumpets te east his vote for Gat field and Arthur. The newspapers gushed te a degree about the striking at tention te political duty displayed by Gea. McDowell. It new appears that the gen eral did the voting and the government paid the expense. He obtained an order for himself and an aid te conic ea.-t. The mileage and allowances for the trip ce.st Uncle Sam iu the neighborhed of $1,200. This was shortly before the time that Gen. Ord, since retired, Jpaid out of his own pocket for the little dispatch sent te General Hancock. -When Mr. Hayes was discussing the question of retirements General Sherman, it will bs remembered, objected te the retirement of General Orti unless General McDowell, who is his senior in age, was also retired. Hearing of Gen eral Sherman's position, General McDowell yretc a long letter te Mr. Hayes pretest ing against his retirement and mention ing, incidentally, the great sacrifice he had made in coming east te vote for General Garfield. It appears, also, that the in fluence of the president-elect was exerted in General McDowell's, behalf. A son of General Garfield s is fertunatrly named Irwin McDowell Garfield. This peculiar combination of fortuiters circumstances proved successful. General McDowell was retained and General Ord was re tired. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. xiuuuuouueon news. Events Acra33 the County Lines. Messrs. Drexcl and Childs, who recently purchased the turnpike from Philadelphia te Wayne station with the intention of making it a fine drive, have made arrange ments te purchase it as far as Paoli, and from there te Philadelphia make it a beau tiful avenue 00 feet wide, handsomely graded and ornamented with trees, etc. This will have the effect te greatly enhance the value of property in the vicinity of the avenue. Henry Redding, a Harrisburg darkey, who drives a P. R. B. freight wagon, yes terday drove ever Levi First aud severely injured him. He did it intentionally and was promptly arrested. The Village llecerd, of West Chester, thinks Ilartranft would make a geed sec rotary of war. What a pity Garfield don't think se tee ! Jeseph Faust.rth'ns Geed, one of the trio of young men who placed obstructions en the track of the Reading railroad near Neversiuk station en Friday, Nev. 1, was captured en Tuesday afternoon iu Bead ing. The officers have been en the lookout for Faustevcr since the occurrence, but he has always managed te clude them. Geerge H. Wolf & Ce., Yerk county leaf tobacco dealers at Mount Wolf, some time age sold their entire packing of 1879 to bacco, in- all 010 cases, te E. Spiugran & Ce., of New Yerk, en private terms. This firm went into the buying and packing of Yerk county leaf last season for the same time. They say they did well en the sale and arc enlarging their packing warehouse intending te buy a large stock of 18S0 tobacco. Tobacco sales have up te this time been but few in Yerk county. TUB CKHBU.S &81 The Kctarusef this llitli let. item has appeared in some of the An papers, copied from a Philadelphia journal, te the ctfcc that the returns of this cen sus district, comprising the counties of Delaware, Chester and Lancaster, were delayed en account of the less, by one of the enumerators, of a daily report card. Supervisor Snowden says the statement is erroneous, that no unusual delay has oc curred, but that the item is, no doubt, based en the fact that the sheet returns, published by the department, have net yet included the statistics of many of the counties in this state aud among these the three named above. 31 r. Suewdcn highly commends dk enumerators gen- ; crallv for their prompt and efficient ser- certificate en the last page of his sclted ules ; after receiving it again for this pur i pose lie mailed it te the supervisor and it miscarried, thus entailing the necessity of j duplicating it, a thorough search by tite ! posteflicc department failing te reveal the original. General Waikcr has written a personal letter te Mr. Suewdcn, congratu cengratu I laving hinr upon the completion of his ' duties and expressing his great satisfaction J with the efficiency with which he has per formed the difficult work assigned te him. n.vuTZ. The Magician Stilt HeMing the Fert. The intensely cold weather of last night hat the effect of somewhat diminishing the audience in attendance upon the Hartz entertainment at the opera house, but the performance was in all respects enjoyable and satisfactory. Prof, llartz's tricks arc unusually clever, dextrous and mystify ing as is the second sight of Miss Mitch ell ; Miss Carrie Hartx is a pleasing vocal ist ; Frank Lawten's cemicalities are fun nier than ever, while the trained dogs of Prof. Parker and Duncan's ventriloquism fill out a pregramme of exceptional merit. The winner of the leading prize last night was Mrs. J. II. Abraham, ."W Charlette street, who drew several dollars iu silver coin, besides which there were a number of less valuable prizes. Everyone pur chasing a ticket has an even chance of winning a prize, the distribution being conducted with apparent fairness. The principal prize te-night will be a sewing machine, and there will be a change et pregramme, one of the new features being a trick by Hartz and the comedian Law Law ten, which is described as very funny. The Lancaster Lyceum, Titis organization is new under full headway, and meets statedly in the hall of the Y. M. C. A. en Seuth Queen street. Its membership includes a number of ready debaters, fully competent te handle the knottiest questions without gloves. Among the live topics that lately have received treatment in the lyceutn arc : " Has Congress the power te regu late freight rates ?' "Should Texas be divided into two states ?' " Should the president and vice president of the United States be elected by the p ipular vote ?" " De circumstances make the man V etc The subject for discussion en next Thursday evening is the constitutionality of the sub stitution of the greenback for the national bank notes. Visitors are always welcome and at liberty te participate in the de bate. A Secial Wake. The members of the singiusr society " Licderkranz" will watch for the arrival of the New Year to-tnerrow night, at Ar Ar eold Haas' hall. Ne. 328 North Queen street. Songs, speeches and recitations, and a substantial lunch will be the order of the exercises. . Trains Late. All trains en the Pennsylvania railroad, especially these from the west, were late lest night and t:lay en account of the snow. On the Beading read the through pas senger train from Reading last night was au hour late reaching this city. It did net arrive at Qr.arryvilla until midnight, and it was an hour late this morning each wav. The Anuual Assembly. The evening the annual assembly takes place at the Stevens house. Persons will be present from Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and ether cities, and a line time is ex pected. I'ateni Granted. A patent has been granted te J. W. Au Au dersen, of this city", for an improved shift ing scat for carriages. AID FOK THE MEEDT. -, The Seap Heuse The Itaehaaaa Keller. During the rigorous weather we are new experiencing it becomes the duty of all who are able te de se te- lend a help ing te the peer and needy. "Ged help the peer" is a very proper prayer te make, but Ged don't answer such prayers, whea the petitioner merely utters the words, and then shuts himself up in his own cesy shell. Means must be used te accomplish a desired end, and the-mestefleieBt means iu this case is ta-epen-year pweee end you stores, and thus assist In answering your own prayer. The free soup house, which for several years past has dispensed thousands of ra tions of geed wholesome soup and ether previsions te the deserving peer, has been kept up entirely by voluntary contribu tions. It will be re-opened for the season en New Year's day. The funds la the treasury are light, and unless Eberalcen- trioutiens be made te it, the distribution et soup will have te be limited te three days iu the week, instead of every day, as was the case in former years.! Contribu tions of money, bread, meat, rice, beans, potatoes, cabbages, turnips, onions, and ether previsions will be thankfully receiv ed by the mayor, and due credit will be given the donors. Several liberal contri butions have been already received and acknowledged. The Litest is $10 from N. Ellmaker, esq. Buchanan Relief Faad. The distribution of coal under the pro pre visions of the Buchanan and McEvey be quests will commence en Monday next and will be continued until the interest of the fund is exhausted. As our population in crease?, the number of applicants for coal also increases, and this year the number is se large that all of thorn cannot be supplied, as only the interest of the fund cau be applied te the purchase of coal. The applicants are nearly all indigent widows and nose receive mere than half a ten of coal. Peo ple who Iivo iu comfortably-warmed houses, knew hew far half a ten of coal will go towards keeping them warm dur ing a long winter. Other agencies, beside the Buchanan relief, will be needed te sup ply the necessary amount of fuel for the peer. The Dorcas society, in its usual unosten tatious way, is doing geed work in pro viding clothing and ether necessaries for peer families. Let them be liberally sus tained in their unselfish work. THK rULAR WAVE. The Coldest Day or the Season. Yestcrday,netwithstanding the snowfall that prevailed all -day, the mercury did tot rise at any time higher than 15 degrees above zero. Towards evening it fell te 10 above, and when, about C o'clock it ceased snowing, the mccury fell te 8 ; an hour later te 0 ; at 8 o'clock te 3, and before 10 o'clock it reached zero. During the night it continued te fall rapidly aud at 0 o'clock this morning Tery very few thermometers in. the city marked less than 10 below zero. That was the figure marked by the Intelligencer's, Mr. Zahm's and several ether instruments. At 0 o'clock Mr. Benj. Bauman's marked 13, Henry Drachbar's -14, and G. W. Hull's 15 degrees below. At Springville and Mount Jey the mercury steed 11 be low ; at Columbia 12 below ; at Rcften 12 below ; at Bohrerstewn 1G below. These figures show that the weather was colder this morning than it has been in this vicinity at any time since the" 30th of January, 1873. By reference te the files of the Ixtellieexcer we find that en that date the mercury iu this city marked 23 balew ; at duckies 22 below ; at Man hcim 21 below. Policemen, backmen, and ethers who were obliged te be out last night and this morning say they never felt the cold se severe. Samuel Geed, who was driving hogs en the Harrisburg pike, northwest of the city, had his cars badly frozen, one of them being swollen almost te twice its natural size, nearly black in color, and ltaving en the outside of it a great yellow blister nearly as large a hulled walnut. THEl'KISON. Hew It is te be Visited. The beard of prison inspectors have had, the following notice posted up in the court house aud ether public places. Netice. In compliance with the act of Assembly, article vii., section 1, relative te visitors te Lancaster county prison, and the instruc tions given by his honor Judge Livingston in his charge te the grand jury at the last November sessions, 1880, the beard of in spectors hereby give notice that all indis criminate visiting is strictly prohibited. Ne person (except official visitors) will hereafter be admitted unless en special business or persons who have never visited the prison aud have a permit from one of the inspectors. Relatives of convicts will be admitted once in three months. By order of the beard. CIirtHt Lutheran jTestlval. The Sunday school festival of Christ Lu theran church, of which Bev.E. L. Reed is pastor, took place Tuesday night. The church was decorated with tied evergreens and a large white star hung above the al tar. Te the right of the pulpit was a huge Christmas tree hung with hundreds of pretty emblems. The entertainment con sisted of music by the choir and pupils, re citations, readings, scriptural quotations and prayer. At tite close each of the pu pils wan presented with a pretty little wooden basket filled with confections. The event was entertaining and edifying te all present. m m i Kvcclvlng Stelen Goods Jehn Walten, en complaint of Samuel Bitzcr, was arrested for rccciviug stolen goods. It appear that within a short time past Mr. Bitzer has had stolen from his premises a number of articles, includ ing rugs, horse blankets, shears, clipping machines, etc. One of the stolen blankets was seen en a horse belonging te Walten. When arrested Walten said he get the blanket from a boy named Myers and the boy said he borrowed it from Billey Bax ter, but Baxter denies the statement. Walten was held in bail by the Aldermau for his appearance at court te answer for receiving stolen goods. LNACCOfNTAULK CBIME. A Herso Taken Frem a Stable and Shet. Yesterday morning a horse belonging te the estate of the late Henry Souder, of .Maner township, wan found lying dead upon the manure pile in the barnyard. An examination showed that the herse had been taken from the stable by some per son unknown, led te the manure pile and deliberately shot. What object the vil lain who committed the deed could have had for the perpetration of se cruel a crime is net known. Court. Tiie few remaining cases en the Iitt were concluded yesterday afternoon and court then adjourned te meet en Satttrday.Janu ary 15th, when opinions will 1ms delivered. On Menday.January 17tb, the first'quaiter s-cssiens of the new year will be held end after that there will be court for a couple of months. Keeps the Track Clear. The manager of the Millersville street railway has sbenrn considerable pluck in keeping the track open. Notwithstand ing the deep snow the cars have nude their trips as usual since the first fall of snow.