' a t laitf ata lb , Volume XYII-Ne. 102 LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1880 Priee Twe Cmts. JOHS WAXAMAKEBS STORE. THE HOLIDAYS AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, CHESTNUT, THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS, AND CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. CLOIUIA'O. CniUSTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHRISTMAS GOODS BELOW COST ! HELOW COST! I5KLOW COST! THB HOLIDAYS. There Is nowhere In Philadelphia he vailed a ollectien et rich goods as here such as fath er, mothers, brothers, sisters levers, leek for a little later. There la au end even of Gifts. Our collection la large enough and rich enough, one would appose, even fcr a less frugal city than Philadelphia. These poeds are arc new at the 1 height of tlieirclery. The choicest of thciii arc here; ethers will come of course; but the choicest are going. What Is equally te the purpose, buyers are new about as many as can be comfortably served, and the throng will be -denser every feir day till Christmas. JOHX WAX AM AK Kit. GIFTS. Te buy Holiday Gilts early is geed ad vice: The best trade is early; and the best trade carries off the best things. JOIIX WAXAMAKER. rlLET FURNISHING. Sachets, tldies,lainp-shadcs, pin-cushions, boxes, in satin and plush, embroidered and painted. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. First circle, southwest from the centre. T ACES. Xj Duchess vest with Point medallions, $50 ; the same muy be seen elsewhere at $70. JOHN tVAXAMAKEU. Nine counter, southwest from the centre. M.OCK. y $1 .35 te $150.00, ;ill guaranteed. .MMI.N WANAMAKKK. City-hall square culnuice. TWHiYS. A. New room, new tej s. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Outer circle, west of the Chestnut street en trance. VOOKS. O A catalogue et hooks may be had at the book counter. We wunt every reader te have It. The list of children's holiday books is es pecially complete, JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Second counter, northeast from the centre. LADIES' ULSTERS. There are two general styles, one closed at the back, the ether encn : the latter is known as coachman's style. In detail et trimming there Is great variety though there is also marked simplicity. Great variety in cloths tee. $U.:0 Cloaks, foreign and home-made. Our cel lec lec teon Is unprecedented, whether you regard va riety, quantity or value. A lady who buys a cloak or any Bert In Philadelphia without looking these ever misses-the best assortment, perhaps, In the whole country. $6.50 te $230. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Southeast corner of the building. ALFRED WRIGHT'S PERFUMES. HIS Alary Stuart Is probably the most lasting of all the agreeable perfumes; none of the lercign ones approach it- It is very rich, strong and full'ef lite; It isagiecablc te mere persons, probably, tliaiuiny ether perfume. Wild Olive is next In popularity ; this also is singularly powerful and lasting. White lte-e is delicate and lasting. We keep the preferred odors of all the first class perfumers, such as Lubin. Ilailey, Atkin son and Coudray ; but of ALmsD W right's we keep all. ISring an unperfumed handkerchief; and you shall luvc a sample of uny odor veu wish. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. First circle, northwest from the center. RATHVON & FISHER Are selling off their entire stock or READY MADE CLOTHING below cost. Alse FURNISHING GOODS. FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY 1st C10LORED DRESS GOODS. The following. Just received, arc away down in prices : French Camel's hair, 47 Inch. $0.75 and .85: French cheviot suiting, silk ami wool, 45 Inch, $0.75; French feule, all wool, 28 Inch, $0.28. Uy looking out for such opportunities a lady muy erten have halt. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK-. Nine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. B' UTISSES' COATS. J.TJL Misses' coats In morn than 70 cloths. napes ana decoration ucyenu counting. Hires 3 te 16 years. Ulstercttes In 5 cloths, ulsters in 8 cloths and haveleeks In cloths. Sizes (i te IB. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. 8eu th west corner et the building. UXDEUWEARAXD HOSIER l. Wc have the best goods the world affords, and the next best, and the next, and se en. There is no place anywhere, where you can ace se large a collection et the different grades et goods, nil passing ler what they are, and nothing ter what it Is net, cotton for cotton, mixed ler mixed, wool for wool, silk ler silk. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Outer circle. Chestnut street, entrance te Thirteenth street entrance. ?MimelDERIES. JCJ Kew Embroideries arc already in. Our stock is new in the condition you expect te find It in at Xew Year's, t, c. the spring novel ties arc here. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Third circle, southwest I reni the centre. ACK GOODS. A ladv waiilimranv of tin- Cell en-In" trill be obliged for the mention et them;Mlk and wool satin de Lyen, 85 cents ; silk taced veleurs, $1; inemic clot li, 75 cents; datnassc Unip d' ete, $1.50 ; damasse cashmere, $1.35. All the juices excupt the first are probably below the cost of manufacture, and even the lirst may be. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Next outer circle, southwest lrem the center. 'MUMMING FOR DRESSES AND CLOAKS. J. Our trade requires the largest and freshest stock of these goods, triiigcs.passeinciilcric or naments, girdles, tassels, spikes, rings, balls, buttons. Wehavolfevcltlcsnot te be found anywhere else. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Xexteuterciicle, northwest from the center. Oil AWLS. Ac. O A few shawls nre shown in the Arcade ; gentlemen's dressing gowns ami smoking Jackets In the same case. Mere are within. JOIIX WAXAMAKER. East of the Chestnut street entrance. AT COST. CLOTIIIN'G made te order in the prevailing styles and at medium price. COR. NOKTU (JUEEXaiiuOIMXJE STS., LANCASTER. PA., RATHVON & FISHER.. MERCHANT TAILORS. declt-3wd SLawastrr Intclltgrnccr. THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 30, 1880. .4 Kin? of the Plains. CARPETS. The choicest luxurious carpet-.; the most substantial carpets; the lowest prices: punc tual service. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Market street front, up stairs. SILKS. Evening silks in the Arcade, cast side. The same and many ether patterns are within. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Next outer circle, southeast from the centre -CUWKOIDEKIES. JCi Our next spring's novelties in embroi deries are Just new received; tbey usually com at New Year's. JOHN WAXAMAKER. Xcxt outer circle, southwest from the centre. f ACES. JLi Laces change daily. Our sales are large. enr variety always large, and but llttle of any ene sort. Compare prices. A quarter below the market is net uncommon. JVHX WAXAMAKER. Mine counters, southwest from the centre. WRAPS, Ac. Sueh a stock of foreign cloaks as Phila delphia has net before seen, $10 te $250; shawls near by ; dresses up stairs. JOHX WAXAMAKER. Southeast corner et the building. URS. Furs of all sorts arc going fast. They went last lest year and advanced in price us the sea son advanced. They arc going up again. We shall net ratse prices till we have te buy. Ex pect te And here, whatever you want, lrem a bit et trimming up. Thirteenth street entrance tiimmings, robes, gloves, caps and the thou- tuings mat are Kept m the TfUIl. A Our work-room is full or preparation, se lull that we cannot crowd it raster. We have ready, also, a large stock or fluishud garments, fur and fur lined. We have sacques and dolmans In sealskin dyed in Londen we have none but London Lendon Londen dyudsoal. We have them In great numbers, and, or course, in all sizes Including extremes. Prices, from $125 te $250. Londen controls the seal mirket of the weild There liave been two advances in price since our furs were bought. We shall net ad vance till we have te buv again; we have net advanced at all, as yet." We have, at $1G5, seal sacqu.es such as you will leek in vain ter elsewhere at the price. Fur lined circulars ami dolmans in very gieatvariery. We use mostly Satin de Lven. gres-grain, urmurennd brocade silk and Slcii ienne ; ler mourning. Henrietta and Drap il'Kte. The hit ter are made te order only. e have everything worth having in sets saud-and-enc little com lilctcsll ibis. JOHX WAXAMAKER. Thiitccuth street entrance. SKIRTS. Felt, nil colors and variety of styles, 50c te $1.25 ; flannel, black, blue, gray, brown and scarlet, $2.51 te $5.75; satin, black, $1.75 te $10.50 ; satin, blue, scarlet, brown and black, $12.50 te $20 ; Italian cloth, black, $1.25 te $5. The variety is very great. JOHX WAXAMAKER. Southwest corner of the building. BOYS' OVERCOATS. Xetlce these two samples: lSlne chinchilla sack, velvet cellar and de tachable cape, lined with Farmer's satin, horn buttons, $t!.50. Is there another such coat for $(j.50 ? We have sold hundreds et them. Brown-red-and-old-geld diagonal ulsterctte se It wool lining, sleeves lined with a durable silk-strapcd fabric, horn buttons, $8.5J. ' These are but but specimens et many. II they seem inviting, ethers may be mere go. See them. JOIIX WAX AM Alt Ell. Central aisle, next te the outer circle, Mar ket street wide. ODDS AND ENDS of Large Lets CLOTHING, HATS and FURNISHING GOOD-, at such prices as te: lukeaclcarancesde. They lire expecte i te accumulate where se many goeus arc kept moving all the time as with us; and new we have put prices en them that are se low you will be almost tempted te buy whether you need the goods or net. Next week w will tell you ei a few et our prices. We are strictly ONE PRICE and sell only rer CASH, which gives us many advantages. Otheistalkel trade being dull, but you will always tlml us busy. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 36 EA.ST KING STREET. MWJfcFAw FALL 0PEI1M H. GERHART'S 'alii Estalliii, IJlr II TIItUONS AND MILLINERY. LV Ribbons and Millinery, you knew, we have much mere of than any ether house. JOIIX WAXAMAKER. Xerth of Thirteenth street entrance. T IXENS. A J Ave COATS AND ULSTERS FOR CHILDREN. Net se creat variety us for ladies; but much larger than anywhere else here. Coats, a te 0 years; In thirty different mate rials, drab, b,luc and brown cords with fleecy black : cellar and cuffs et plush ; also in ten camel's hair cloth, trimmed with seal-cloth. Coats, 4 te 10 vcars ; in thirty cloths, trim med with plain stitching, plush, seal cloth, ahlnclitlln fur and velvet, $2 te SIC. Ulstcrettcs. C te 1C years ; in five cloths, with seal cloth cellar and cuffs. Ulsters, C te 10 years; in eight cloths, trim- Bled with plush stitching, heed and plush. Haveleeks, 4 te 16 years ; two styles, JOHN WAXAMAKER. BOYS' CLOTHING. Ourtradclsjnst what it ought te be for the faclliticsand advantages wc enjoy. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Cast of central alsle, near Market street. . - - CHINA AND GLASSWARE. Tackloengprcclain, plates only, for din ner or dessert, flv patterns, $25 te $30 per dozen. Uavlland dinner sets ; Camlilc pattern, $140 ; elsewhere, $200. Tresscd,$140; elsewhere, $200. Tressed with Moresque border and decoration or grasses and butterflies. $225 ; elsewhere. $275; The latter Is In the Arcade, Chestnut street entrance, te-day. Table glassware, English, Strawberry-diamond cut ; every article required for the table useful or ornamental. JOHX WAXAMAKER. Northwest corner et the building. i. -- PLUSH HAND-BAGS. And a great variety of ether kinds. Alse pocket books, embroidered leather card cases, cigar cava, and Avcrything in leather goods. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Third circle northwest from centre. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets and City Hall square. very great variety et the finest linens. a very great variety et staple linens, unit the lowest prices in 1'liiludelphla. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Outer circle, City Hall Square entrance. J IN EX HANDKERCHIEFS. J Xew goods just received from abroad. We have, without doubt, the richest and fullest stock en this side of the Atlantic. We buy from makers, direct, knew the quality of our linen beyond question, and keep below the market besides. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Second circle, southwest from the centre. MONDAY, OCTOBER llih, 1S80. A Complete i'tt'Cfc et Cleths, Suitings AIM OVERCOATINGS. which ler elegance cannot be -nrp.i'd. Largest Assortment et The OILK HANDKERCHIEFS. O The very finest English and French hand kerchiefs and MnfUers; handkerchiefs $1.25 te $2.50; mufflers, $1.50 te $1.50. Elsewhere they are sold for a qvartcr mere, at least. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Second circle, southwest from the centre. UNDERWEAR. Every individual article et Merine or Silk Underwear that we buy we examine te sec whether the buttons are sewed en secuiely and whether the scams arc right and properly fastened. If anything is wrong, back the gar ment gees te the n:aker, or wc right it at his expense. Ssucl: has been our practice for a year and a half. Is there another merchant In) l'hlladcl- fihla who docs the fame, or who watches the n teres ts et his customers in any slmil.ir way T Defects muy escape u, ncverthlcss. Yeu de us a favor, if you bring back the least imper fection te be mode geed. JOHN WAXAMAKER. Outer circle. Thirteenth street entrance. MUSLIX UXDERWEAR. Our assortment of all muslin undergar ments is as rull as at any time or the year: and when the demand rer such is net generally strong we are often able te buy at unusual ad vantage. Wc h:iivery nearly the same goods the year 'round : out prices vary mere or less. Xew, for example, probably, there is net te be found in this city or in Xew Yerk muslin nn dei (carmen ts equal te our regular stock except at higher prices. Wc knew et no exception whatever. JOIIX WAXAMAKER. Southwest corner of the building. - r - ' 1-IU1111ER OVERGARMENTS. J, De you knew, many arc net of Rubbcr.at all, and are net waterproof? We sell as many as all Philadelphia besides ; real articles only; and guarantee them. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Central aisle, near Markctstructtnitrance. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. MAMBLa. n'QRKS. WM. P. FRAILEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm uueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, &C AUwerk guaranteed and satl3facUengi-.cn 1 n every particular. W. B. Remember, works at the extreme end i Mertti Queen atrenr. mae TINWARE, JtC- QTOVES. STOVES. Ilrick'Setand Portable HEATERS and RANGES Sliertecr, Humphreville & KieiFer's 40 EAST KING STREET. ENGLISH AMD SCOTCH SUITINGS in thl3 city. Prices as low as the lowest at H. GERHART'S Ne. 51 North Queen Street. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! Wc have Stock et new ready for sale an Immense Ready Made GIetiiiHj FOR Pall and Winter, which Style. arc Cut and Trimmed We can give you a in the Latest GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In great variety, made te order at slim i notice at the lowest prices. 0. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, The Sudden Death et a Famous frontier Stock Grewer His Keinarknble History. That Jehn Ilittseu -sveuld die -with liis beets en was ceufideutly predicted by everybody who knew the great Colerado cattle kin;:. But old cattle buyers in the Eabt who knew him in his early days ceititt uaniiy credit tiie despatch that came yesterday, announcing that the heroic frontiersman had actually conic te his end by being thrown from that luxurious vehi cle of civilization, a carriage. There wcre bfagcr .tock growers en the plains than Hitt.sen. Colonel Richard King, en his ranch en the Santa Gertrudes river, Texas, kept G5.000 cattle. Miflin Kennedy built :i beard fence thirty one miles long across the neck of a peninsula projecting into the Gulf of Mexico; and had SO, 000 head of cattle and thousands of horses and .sheep in the 210,000 acre enclosure. Hitt son in his palmiest davs never had ever 40,009 head of cattle, but he was better known te all cattle men than any of the rest. Jehn Ilittseu was bem in the weeds of Tennessee lifty years age, and his early years were spent in felling timber, pulling stump:?, and breaking ground for crops of corn mid wheat. Before he was twenty live he began te. grew discontented with 'his outlook, and he sought for some es cape from a long life of struggle against poverty. The Mexican war had opened up Texas and the adjacent country ferset- tlemcut, and Ilittseu made up his mind te go thither te seek te better his fortunes. He sold his Tennessee farm, bought sixty cows and nine breed marcs, and struck out into tlii'S wilderness beyond the TJrazes river. lie employed men as fearless as himself te help him, and established his i-inche in a country liiled with hostile In dians and predatory bands of Mexican outlaws. Fer hc next fifteen years his life was a continual warfare, and his repu tation for bold and daring deeds became known far and wide. He was a man of commanding presence, a splendid horse man, and a dead shot. Ne Comanche who get within rause of the long, muzzle- leading idle that Ihttsen took with him fiem Tennessee ever returned te his camp lire. When Ilittseu opened Are en them from a breech-leader, one of fhe first re peating rilles ever seen en the frontier, and gave them a dozen shots a minute, his en emies were mere than ever convinced that they were dealing with a superhuman being. He carved out a grazing place in this hostile country, and main tained it against - great odds in tepcated attacks. As civilization approached he moved fm titer en te the frontier, and the hope thai the five blessings in which are summed up all the elements of human felicity health, riches, longevity, love of virtue, and a natural death might be the portion of the ind wcllers. The Ltrser ones contained such sentences as these : ' Mav Hcaven give happiness !" " May I never ee without rich customers !' ,; Geed uupe. "Ltoeu will come te us." " Leve one another." " Peace be te these who come out and go in." "May we never be without, wisdom !" Devout Chinese avail themselves of this season te settle their accounts with the gods, and the walls of the hall and stair case of the principal Jess-house were cov ered with colored slips of paper, about twelve inches long by four wide, contain ing .the names of the donors te the idols. Besides these records of generous fidelity te a national creed, were scrolls en which were written antithetical sentences refer ring te the attributes of seme favorite-god. Ornamental tablets of weed arc also pre sented by admiring votaries, and hang from the ceilings or againt the walls of the temples. Gorgeous l.mterps were suspended in front of doers or hung in rows from the trust te memory and the girTs conscience, if he insists en securing her for dances .mean ; one tne irsmen new is te take a partner only just before each dance begins. The demeanor most affected by belles this winter is that of unsophisticated inquirer. She asks questions of her mal8 companion en subjects that she knows mero about than he docs, and waits wide-eved and epen-hpped for his answers, with the most innocent air imaginable. This flatters him tremendously, and makes him think she is much tee guileless for this wicked world. If she has a spice of dare-devil concealed Delimit a particularly pure countenance, she blqjidly.makes queries about forbidden things, feclimr sure that he will miatatn her audacity for sweet ignor ance. This sort of thing was common at the ball. It will de very well for baby faced girls, but women past thirty should net attempt it. The diffusion of knowl edge is tee general at that age. Nothing new was shown in the styles of dancing. The racquet waltz was net much indulged in, and no novel ty had taken its place. The waltzing was rather euieter than Bast season, hut. the hugging was fully as close, audit was JEIVEZKY. IjH-OlX WATCHES. AM. STiLKs. UULD, J Silver and Xiekel. a; te sim. rii-Hnj t sent C. O. I), te be examined. Write ter Cata logue te Standard American Watch Company. Pittsburgh, l'a. LOUIS WEUKK. Ne.l59NOUTll gUKEX STKEET.near V.U. K. Denet. Lancaster, l'n i:.m itf.,.. un.i ickel-cased Watches, Chain. Clocks, Ac. Agent ter the celebrated l'antaeepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Kepairing a specialty. aprl-lyd balconies. The Hags of the Consulate, of . net unusual for the woman te lay her head the bix Companies, of the several temples, (Hat against the man's shoulder. Ado Ade eta, fluttered in the breeze, and the ecca-1 cidedly vulgar attitude was assumed in sienal crackle, crackle, of fne-craekcis several cases the man placin" both his gave warning of tlie coming bedlam at hands back of the woman's waist, while luiumgiu, wiieii gongs, tem-toms (drums), f she rested both arms atopef his. Besides bombs, and unlimited quantities of lire- being ungraceful, this was offensive! vsn- A? 1 - . ... . - T- f TX OUR !TOCK OF NKAK1.Y 125 GOLD WATCHES, with CLOCKS, C1IAIXS, LOCKETS, Geld and Steel Spectacles, Geld and Steel Eyq Glasses, Knives, 4c. in proportion, will lie round many articles useful ter HOLIDAY riJESKXTATlOX, E. F. BOWMAN, 100 EAST KINt; STUEET. crackers were te unite in driving away all evil spirits from the birth of the new vear 7 the Cth of Qweng See. At nearly every ! window was te be seen a dish of the favor ite Chinese lily, the narcissus, in full Bleem. The shops displayed tables cev ered with them te tempt tardy purchase! s, is net iikciyta rule brushed up from the rind favor. gestive, and nair was as a neck, but was net generally massed en i ej ei tne lieatl, though there were several towering exceptions. The best of the hair dressing was such as te show the iiL.iu s outlines uistinctiv. I'earia wpi-p and the streets weic crowded with "Celes-' the most common ornaments, and, since tiais, some carj ing a rew l car's offer ing te friend or master, ethers hastening te make final household investment? be fore the shops closed net te re-open until the lirst three days of the holiday season were passed. Glimpses into interiors and down base 1.,. .... J. L 1 ... . . mu inuai cAitcrtjuugcs cannot distinguish the ical from imitation pearls without handling them, the genuineness of the jewelry had te be guessed at. Flowers were worn, but usually in sparing quanti ties, such as a small bunch of buds at-the besom or en the shoulder. The fabrics CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. DIAMONDS. A large stock et splendid Seli taire Ear-Kings with laiee Tins te match. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WATCHES. The great leatureef thN sea-en Is the introduction of thetundurd Watch (JSreatet valu for its priee. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.' I'OKCELAlXs. Elegant u.-MUliiicnt of varied and novel style-". Vu-e, Cup, Sauce--. l'lutC', Ca iiut c.ii-.iliea-i, .c. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ments revealed strange sights. The whole this season are se rich in themselves that nfimilitiAn nnriinwwl t-k Imam Y:,1 I ' .... ..i.i! r grazed his cattle up the Peces Valley into Xew Mexico. His fortunes in this time had many changes. The bands of cattle thieves and Indians would sometimes at tack and kill his cow-boys and drive away the herds, but Ilittseu would rally a mounted force, run down, and sheet or hang the thieves and gather up his cattle again. At ether times Indians would suc cessfully diivc away his cattle, and, again, J severe winters, disease, or bad market I would nearly mill him. 15;tt at the end el eighteen years lrem the time he started out Ilittseu had 40,000 head of cattle. 50,- uuu acres el land, and a long bank account. Fer the past dozen years he experienced mei e bad than geed fortune." Ten years age he quit the Peces country, in New Mexico, and bought 20,000 acres of land lifty miles east of Denver, Cel. His pur chase lay along the only streams in that section of country, and the 200,000 acres of adjoining land, belonging te the gov ernment, was valueless except as a graz ing ground for Hittson's cattle. He stocked the ranch with 10,000 te 12,000 head of cattle and -100 te 500 ponies, and employed about 200 men. All this prop el ty, his house, and all its belongings amounting in value te $500,000 or mero. was vested in his wife. The assigning of the property was made necessary by the scries of costly litigations in which he had become involved ever cattle of disputed ownership that he had bought. Mr. llittsen was in the prime of man hood at the. lime of his death. He was six feet one inch tall, straight, lithe, and sinewy. He was a blonde in complexion, and were his light-colored hair long. He had a finely cut face, the striking feature of which was the firm, square-set jaws, which stamped him as a man of resolu tion. His eyes were a clear, steely blue, ordinarily pleasant in expression, but dashing fire when he was aroused. Mr. Ilittseu was usually a genial, companion able man, but when excited by liquor, as he net infrequently was in his later years, he was a dangerous man te cress. He al ways carried a pair of heavy pistols, and they were used in a twinkling when his passion was up. His cow-boys liked him, but feared him, and his long battles with the Mexicans eh the Texas frontier made the herders of that race give him a wide berth. His lifetime en the frontier had made him a sort of law unto himself, and courts and juries were te him slew means of administering justice. He believed in dealing with offenders en the spot, with out any waste of time. As a host en his big ranch Ilittsen w.t a royal cntcitaincr, and no one who has been his guest will ever ferg.t his gener ous, almost lavish hospitality. Other particulars of his death, .than that he was thrown from a carriage by a runaway horse en Christinas Day, have net been received. ornamentation is net desirable. Geed night kis-;cs were gcucrally grautcd by even the most decorous of the unmarried women. At least, I suppose se, for it has grown into a pieper custom, when a gil , parts fiem her escort at her mamma's , deer, te submit her check net her lips for :i single chaste smack. iV. Y. Cor. Cii,. Enquirer by Clara Belle. m The unprecedented demand for Dr. UiiU'a Cough Syrup has had the ctrucc et bringing i eat uumcrens. similar remedies; but the peo ple are net se easily induced te make a trial et I the new: l!cle, when they value the old and , iciiaeie.(,:ie-ir. nuns cough Syrup. MEMVAZ. population appealed te have submitted it head te the razor, ami an unprejudiced ob server, noting the -cot-formation of the various Lhinc-e fercheiuis, could net but be impressed by thu phrenolegical indica tions, suggesting at least au average intel ligence. New clothes were being cxten sively denned ; these who cannot afford te purchase a suit at this season borrow for fer tius occasion. Clean white stocking leg gings caught the eye below each blue blouse? and silk or satin had replaced the ordinary cloth or cotton attiie of many a worthy merchant. A favorite New Year's present amongst the lower classes is a pair of shoes. But the most momen tous business of the hour was the settling of accounts. All debts must b cancelled before the new year, and.ihisiui vcrsal ebligate:y ci'stem net law i manifest advantages. The swita picun, counting oeani, anu uiusii pencils, wcr netat rest loran matanl, and it was far into the small hours of the night before many merchants left their desks. Before midnight a feasL took place in each house hold, when f.jed was eaten with cci tain ceremonies, variously apportioned te the sacrifice te Heaven and liaith, the worship of the favorite family gods, and the offer ing te deceased aucestei s. I cestr.il tablets, or household was consumed, punk or jess-sticks, mock classes, anil wherever introduced lias supcr- meilCV. and Dieces of red mner eevernl I "en"! umiuiei iieauiieius. in snerr, sucn is Trill. is . 1 !J i l l i C0CrCU s intrinsic merit and superiority, that it new with printed prayers, were burned. Many the only recognized reliable remedy. panics ei v, nine.se wnese ordinary homes arc with their American "employ ers clubbed together for this festal season, and rented looms, wlicic conjointly they held their midnight feasts. As the Indls announced the nii'stic hour of twelve, the SILVER AND 1'I.ATED WAKII. An iinmen variety of articles of original design and faultless taste. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. JEWELRY. Agieatstoeker all varieties et Jewelry for ladies and gentlemen. I.ace l'iiw, Sleeve Cutteus, IirjccIeN, Searl Tins, lling", Ear-King--. Every article is marked at which will net be changed. IN low est piiee. g.DAFS MET PAD! A DISCOVER! BY ACCIDENT, which supplies a want men of eminent ability have devoted years ei study and experiment te (Ind a Specilic ler Diseases et the Kidneys, ISUdtier, Urinary Organs and Nervous System and from thetimcoflt4iIi.scevervlia.ttr:iniillv !'.ireip the n ! hicreascd in favor, gaining the approval and iM-ieic uic ..n- cl(h,L.1C(! of medical men and these who have idol, incense used it; it lias become n favorite with all BAILEY, BANES k BDLE, 12TJI AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. scpZVSmdT TA.'j SII HOBBS NOTICE! Is Strongly Endorsed. I We have the most unequivocal testimony te lis curative powers lrem many persona of high ehuraeter.intelligcnccnnd responsibility. I 4 111!" TirtrtL- t'lTnur ii I .ft. -..-. C. ...... I If f..4... . I. period was welcomed by ' nwoe" of this new ifcceVe'ry. Und i "large rerun: et most remarkable cnie?, sent free. Write ler it. -lyd I.AXCASTEK. 1U. MiRS. C. LILLEK, LADIES' 11A1KDUESSEK Manufacturer and Dealer in Hair Werk, Ladies aud Gents' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse. Kid Gievcsaud Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Ne-. 225 andthi? Xerth Queen street fourdeors above 1. It. It. Depot- nl-nuid Xew Ycar'a-Eve in Chinatown On the last evening of the old year February S in the Gregorian calaudcr " Chinatown "' presented a busy, bustling, wcitd air, which plainly betokened an impending feast of importance. The sign beards, with their curious hieroglyphics well adapted for decorative effects had gcneially been repainted and regildcd, most of them being draped with bright scarlet cotton cloth a favorite material for festooning. Red is the Chinese festal color, aud is believed te be efficacious in keeping away evil spirits, and it is net un usual te see btraudsef red silk braided in , children's queues te prevent them from bc- iuj; cub en uy malicious spirits, juany ei the shops displayed withm and without sprigs of kinkaa, or "golden flowers," which arc merely bunches of brass tinsel wire and foil twined and cut into fWistprl I forms ; these are principally used a3 offer ings ueiore the ancestral tablet and m the temples. The lintels of the doers, the windows, and blank spaces en the walls were already covered with new colored papers, principally red and orange, of var ious sizes, en which sentences appropri ate te the season are printed. White paper denotes that the inmates have lest a parent during the past year; blue or yellow signifies a second year's mourning for father or mother; the death of a grandparent is indicated by dark carna tion ; but the joyous red predominated, and mingled with them were many red airi orange papers stippled with gekKThc advertisement beards were freshly covered with clean notices printed in the same style black characters en red ground. The writing en the papers pasted above aud i csides the doers mainly expressed eawn el a new musical strains peculiar te the inhabi tants ef'thc Middle Kingdom, "by crackers bombs, and --.'lowers" (rockets, etc.). A precession of priests curiously costumed, walking in single file, with lanterns, made a tour of the different temples, where they were received by the lcsidcul priests. Feed, incense, tea, printed prayers, and mock money were offered te the gods, and appiepiiate fare p:u taken of by their earihly inini-s'eis. Generous hospitality is the feature of the Xew Year season, and there is a Chinese s-aying "that during the fin-t part of the lirst moon no one has as an empty stomach."' Catherine fiattlicin. Harper's Wagiizincfer December. Female Fashions. FOIt THE XEXr SIX UOUItS tt'K WIl.I. MAKE A SPECIAL EKKOItT TO SUIT AXD l'I.EASK AM.. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. Owiu:r te the manv worthless 'Kldnrv PaiNnowscakimrasaleen our reputation, we them it due this mulcted te warn them. Ak ler DAY'S KIDNKV PAD, and lake no ether. CAUTION., Tatting Notes at the Seventh Keilment Hall Alt Advertising Itcatity (Jrcat Itcvii Itcvii littlen of (ietliani Manners. Anether offense against geed ta.ste was an advertising girl, vhe had been sent te the ball by a 15 read way confectioner. Theio has of i.ilc been het competition between the candy merchants. They put their workmen into the show windows, use elect tic lights, aud use every means of at- ! trailing attention. Beautiful salesgirls have been a device, and several remark- ' ablu types of American loveliness aie en j exhibition in the ,teres. They are estcn- J sibly employed te sell candy, but really j are set up te be admired. They are virtu- ' eus girls, for all I knew, and, as a rule, j they repel any male advances. Indeed, j they .re net displayed with a view te draw r men, but te please women. .Meet women ' are ardent admirers of be.uity in their own sex, in spite of jealousy, ami a candy store I with lovely clerks is sure te be thronged ' by them. Well, one establishment has secured a surpassingly gorgeous brunette, ' with fijv.rkiing eyes and lips sweeter than i the poisoned sugar she sells. She is the talk of the shoppers. In order te gain for I her a wider notoriety, her empleye:- sent i her te the ball. He'had dicssed her at an expense of net less than $.100 for her ! costume and an uncenjccturable amount ! for diamonds. These biilliants, con-1 sisting of a necklace and ear- E AST E K X AliENC V, CHAKLES N. CMTTENTON, 1 1 .1 Etiltnn St., New Yerk. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OP LYNN, MASS., If M!i tie Discovery Her Vesfilable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepo and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA K PINKrTATVrS Vegetable Compound, AUGUSTUS RH0ADS, JEWELER, Se. 20 East King Sir.":!, Lane.ister, !a. J. E. CALDWELL 902 Chestnut Street, i . The Positive Cure Fer ill Female Complaints. This preparation, as Its name signifies, con siiti e! Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the me-it ilclic-.ttc inviillil. Upen one trial tli'Mrn-ritsortlilsceinpouniiwlllbcrccognlzetl, as rciiet i- I:iiiiieli:iti;; antl when its use is con tinued, in ninety-nine cases in aliunilrcil.a permanent euro is cuectee, us thousands will rings, were unquestionably genuine, and I testify. On account of its proven merits, it is .l.n.H ...... .1. .Hn i..ll. cir Mfirt r. . ffi.i!M' lv.r.niirtwiiili1 nml TtreMr..!!....! In. tl... iiicii nuiui u mil.) 5i,wi;. lc was sail! that he had hired them for the night of a dealer. The dress, however, was new, and fitted her tee perfectly net te have been made expressly for her. It was of white brocatellc and white satin, Princess shape. The front was of gathered satin, covered with lace and white-beaded embroidery, and the train wasbrecatelle, trimmed with plaited flounces, and edged with a coral satin balayeuse. The coinage was cut out square and the sleeves came te the elbow. The necklace lay .showily en her dark, ricli flesh, and her raven hair was bitishcd well back from her ears, se that the glistening pendants might hang in bold relief. She was the centre of glances wherever she went, and whenever anybody asked who she was somebody was pretty sure te rec ognize her as Blank fc Blank's clerk. She will be discussed in society for a week, and, no doubt, the advertisement will pay its cost. Te guard against the risk of los ing the diamonds, three piivatc detectives, in immaculate evening dress, were con stituted the girl's bjcly guaid. Manners at the ball arc of some importance Binea they presaged usage for the winter. The men were no gloves, thus keeping up the custom which came into vogue last year. When waltzing, they consider ,U-:ly placed handkerchiefs between their hands and the costly coverings of the women's waists. The handsomely printed erdeis of dancing were seldom used for writing down en gagements. The a-'xieus swain must te-!ay rcceniiiiemlctl ami prescribed by tLe wsi iiuysc:ans in inc. country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, j.eueerrhrca, irrcgularund pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Trouble-', In flammation and Ulceration, Flooding, all Displacement-! anil the consequent spinal weak-ne-.-. and is especially adapted te the Ciange of Lite. In lact it has proved te be the greatest and be-t remedy that has ever been tlisceveied. It permeates every portion of the system, uml uives new lite ami vigor. It removes falntness, llatulency, destroys all craving ler .stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures llleatinjr. Headaches, Xcrvens l'ros l'res l'ros tratien. General .Debility. Sleeplessness, De pression and Indigestion. That leclingef bear ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always iiermanently cured by its use. It will at u!l times, and under all circumstances, ,:tct in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney com p taints of cither sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LySia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is; prepared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for 3. Sent by mail in the form el pills, also in the form of lozenges, en receipt et price, $1 per box, for either. .Mrs. PIXK11AM lrcely answers all let ters of Inquiry. Send ler patnphlet. Address as above. Mention this paper. Xe family .should be without I.YDIA E. PIXKIIAMfS LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation, i'.illeusness aud TerpIdUy of the Liver. 2.1 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., General Agents, Fliilndelp&Ia. Fer sale by C. A. T.eeher, 9 East King street and !ee. IV. Hull, 15 We-,t KingstrceU li8-lVdeed&w PHILADELPHIA. dme! nudum JEWELERS, SIL VEUSJI ITHS, AXI IMPOSITKUS OF EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, BRONZES, CLOCKS AND PORCELAINS, ask particular attention te their su perb stock of goods, cspecially adapted for HOLIDAY GIFTS! The assortment in every Depart ment is unequaled, and the prices (always the lewc3t) -will he found most acceptable. ESOrders and inquiries yj mail will receive prompt attention. Mivsr HOI.lt AY UOOiKI. FLli'i & BREXW3LYS. GRAND OPENING OF TOTS, CHRISTMAS dQOQS. A larger stock than ever. Lewrrpriccs tli.in ever. Every variety or Mechanical Tows. DOLLS! UOLLS! DOLLS! " BLOCKS AXD GAMES. Horses, Carts, Wagons, Sleigl:s. Velocipedes and Ulcycles. USEKUL CHISTMAS PUESKSTS.. Elegant Carvt-rs,silver-plated Knives, silver plated Spoons, Silver-plated Ferks. The above goods are Uedgcrs ft Ure.'s best geeds. bought at a sacrifice, and will be s-old very le .v. HOUSE FUKXISIIIXG GOODS. Tin, Sheet Iren and Wee ie:i Ware at Great Bargains. ?, Fill & Brum's. Wrcat Stere and ilcalcr Steny, . 152 North Que&n StrGst. LAXUASiiili, PA.