LANCASTER DAILY IJsTELLIGESCEK, WEDNESDAY, T)ECEMBETi 291880. rancasicr iiucliigtncet. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 29, 1880. of feurtecn-Iect PROTECT TUB SPAKBOW. Fer the Ixtellieis:.-ci:h. In this xigoreus season anew. While our hearts ate elated by the firelight glow, And our tables arc ladcacd with plenty te cat, Let us cast our eye te the stiewdiiftcd htreet. In prose and In verae, by pulpitand press, WlUi language coercive and emphatic stress, We are taught it a duty, by layman and cure. Te open our heart and lcisiember the peer. TIs well we remember, when plenty abounds In the crops that are garnered lrem prenin. grounds, That we, who aie Inched with a plenty in store, ' Sheuldne'er the peer pleader tuni away fiem- our deer. But the innocent spirum our s-yiiipatblcs crave, As they begu-, though imitcly, lrem hunger t rilvc : And hanl Is the lieai t tint would turn them away. As they timidly fly te your deer day by day. Frem the snow-covered yaid a net have I cleared, And feed the peer biids that in summer were reaicd; And, eh ! as they gatlici aieund tlie iepat I leel that my -mead en the waters were cast." Thus daily at morn, w ilheut any legaid Te the state el the ucathei'.thcy vMtmy yaid. And twitter and 11 utter and gambol and play 'Till their ration-, aie brought for the rest of tlicday. Ascacha small mer.-cl would pick fiem tun stoic, A signal or welcome was given : and meic Would flek te the &pet, seen lescmbling a hive All eager te pluck the laige pieces would strive Then all with a poitieu el bread In their bill Would seek a mho shelter and cat with geed will. Then a carol of thanks would in unison rise Te Him who gives us our daily Mipplies. Then spare the peer sparrow and teed them each day. With scraps lrem jour table or crumbs lrem your tiay. And watch while they timidly diaw cat, With the snow clliigiug coldly te their little bare fc it. Hew eager they pick up the ciuniblets et bread, And seemingly thank you for being well led. Then Iced the peer biids until they causing AJeylul return of their l.iveiitc spring, lis a duty we ewe te the birds and the beast. Te give them a sh.ue of our own Chiistma feast. Carle. VennerN picdictien. tent that they manifest precisely te kind SwSc admiration for titles nd money andfashienable society that is dasplayed ly Lord Beaconsfield. But the Horary style is by no means just "&!S been expected from se practised a writer. His often slipshcjawhUen-- aency at umw w wwuw i"p -. . there is a notable tendency in M epi grams te work ever old material. " most brilliant when rieh dinners costly jewels.and handsome "j described, .bera ucacensuciu u ..-. JfST GOODS, VXDEBVrHAM, JtC. .. . :i: ftlecn tfinM ? . . a aitni bi mrrii iiii m kjaa&jcjw i and the British critics seem te have been V thrown into such a condition or raptHre j by reading of them that they were unable te censiaer tue two uyw .. Wicked ler Clergymen. 'I believe It te be all wrong and even wick ed for clergymen or ether pnblictnen te be led into giving testimonials te cuack doctors or vile stuffs called medicines, but when a reaSy meritorious article is maue "K "n tiintail i valuable remedies known te air, and that an a Jhs-slclansuseand trust In dolly, we - henld Freely commend It. ItherefercchecrfuHyand lienrttlv commend Hep Hitters for the geed I t. . r . Hr..t frinnt u. i nuv w SeVing tbctave neeauaf for family ie. 1 will net be wlthenrthem. leu, vc, KC ' 5l5-2wd&w LADIES' coats, LADLES' COATS, LiVDIES' COATS. We would call the attention et the ladles te our large stock of the above goods, which have all been. REDUCED IN PRICE TO EFt ECT RAPID SALES. ' TBIMMISGS, XOTIOX8, &'. DRY GOODS. tka rexjucs f vid rpHE BALANCE or OCB Xhd.SC in w.lut bheuld Ijefertf pui chasing;. net fail te see them FAHNISTOCK'S, Next Heur te the Court Heuse. HOLIDAY GOODS We shall scU en till week at HALF THEIR COST. We ener all our DOLLS en hand at hair the price All' our FANCY BOXES, SHELL BOXES. WOBK BOXES, ALBUMS and JAI'ANfcbE WAKE at just half tue value sold ler betere. Besides this we inaugurate this week a clear ing sale of all kinds of UOODS, thus offering customers great bargains in every line. As specialties we announce the following : HOMER, COLLAJJAT & Ce, 1412 and 1414 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. ;i Liquid or lry- ! . Seme people prefer te Pc 'r tt.cnT- i in tne ury shhc be hum. vvt.iiiii. cithers selves that they are purely vegetable. Oil ier have net the time or desire te picpaic tut medicine, and wish it already te u se- Te accommodate each class theproMKters of Kidncv-Wert new offer that well "Jew " reindlMS both liquid and dry leir. ,. Sejd by druggists cverywlicre.-Tri'M- 1 lw.i.vw Well Fixed. - - -J..l . i.wl..lltJv- IVncil writing may J1"1""" ' . ,, " .i cn-icc and by passing the moistened tongue ever I "' valFdn can be cured et pjS"1 c dant horrors by using Spring Blessem. 1 1 ic( -n n 4.W..1 1inttln in rpntK. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran. druggHt, 137 and i: North Queen street, Lancaster, i a. XJBDICAl Holiday Goods. Holiday Goods. Holiday Goods. ...4IC ...47c ...39c ...75c ....fl A very line Ladies' Merine Vest for .. Heavy Gents' Undershirts at Ladles.' Felt Skirt at Fine Cleth Skirt at Flue Satin Skirt at In Lies' UM6rwear H'e shall make Great Reductions te sell off the stock en hand. The general improvement in business the past year, with the prospect et a very large in creased demand for all kinds of Dress Goods, induced all American buyers of Foreign Goods te place immense orders. Tills was universally the case, se much se that, perhaps without exag geration, 50 per cent, mere goods were imported than the country could possibly consume. As a consequence, there has been a great break In prices in a great many fabrics, which we siall fully meet. WE SHALL SELL LANCASTER AMD MILLKKSY11XE B, K Cars run aa fellows': Leave Lancatser (P. B. Depot), at 7, 9, an.l 11:30a.m., and 2, 4, 6 and 8J0 p.m., except cm Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9J6 p. m Leave M Bienville (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sua day. -pEAlMNU X COLUMBIA K. R. AKKAXU EMENT OFPAS5EXUEll TKAINS. OCTOBER 35th. 19. NOBTHWAKD. ..:?jc .14c near te HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED H urn i BROTHER Ladies' ChcmUe at Fine Muslin Chemise, Corded Band. at... L'.nA nt.tuiifi fiiutviie. Ktnltreidered. at.. Very 'itl Muslin Chemise, Klchly Embiei- dercd,at ; ,JC Ladies' White Skirts. Willi Deeiutleuncc, Fermer Prices. All Weel Armutcs 50.25 $0.50 French Flannel Suitings C 1.00 French Striped Fancies (all Silk and Weel) 75 1.50 French Shoedas (In alt colors) 65 .85X French Brocades (all Silk and Plain French Plaids 75 1.00 Finest French Brocades (in several designs)...... 1.C0 2.50 Fermer JPriees. Camel's Hair Stripes 05 $1.12 Brocade Novelties French Fancies (very costly goods, English Novelties , French Handkerchiefs, squares French Handkerchiefs, squares.... French Novelties French Novelties .75 2.50 .75 2.75 .25 .50 .75 1.50 .65 1.50 1.25 2175 .50 1.50 a. v.i p.m. 6:45 .... 2-JO 7:55 .... 3:40 8:05 1:05 3:50 7:55 1:10 3:40 10:05 3:30 5.50 A. If. .if th30 JhlO In addition te our offerings in the above uoeds. we have some lines of very choice goods of which it is diflicut te meet the demand, in which we have a very choice assortment, both in cloth and colorings. CLOTH SUITINGS: 41-inch Cleth Suiting (cry desirable ceed) $0.75 54-inch Cleth Suitings (in all colors 1.10 51-liich Cleth Suitings 1.20 31-inch Cleth Suitings $1.!5 54-inch Cleth Suitines 1.60 54-inch Cleth Suitings 2.(0 Embroidered Edge, at Ladies' Skills with Edse. at Ladies' Nightrebcs at Elegant Embroidered Bebcs at. Pantalets at Embroidered Pantalets at Deep Needlc-werked 1.1C 75c .$1 25c 50c COK8ETS. .23c Aieelleiing a Large ami jiieiitnl goods suitable ler Attiactlu Asseit ..49c ..C8c STOMACH TEES HOLIDAY GIFTS LiiisMiMi Cita Lord Bcacenlleld'sEiiKlisli Critics. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. While it is safe te say that if Lord Bea consfield had been an ebsurc man he would have had ditliculty in finding a market for his latest work, Emhjmieu, it is still safer te assert that if the book had come from such a man it would have received from the British press far different treatment from that which has been accorded te it. With hardly an exception the prominent English newspapers, daily and weekly, have spoken of it in the language of eulogy ; and while some of the weeklies which make a specialty or literary criti cism have gently and hi delicate phrase ventiircul te indicate that the book is net absolutely perfect, even these have spoken of it, in general terms, in such a manner as te leave upon the minds of these who have net read the story the impicssien that Eiubjinien is an excellent, icmarkablc and in sonic respects extraordinary work. The explanation of this rather curious tenderness of the eritics can be found only in one direction. Lmd IScacenslicld is an carl, and his story deals only with a great and rich people and with the highest of high society. Even English critics of severe taste, therefore, have found it hard te resist the fascination which people and Becicty of this kind have for their race, and they have net been bold enough te venture te deal with a noble author pre cisely as they would have dealt with a man without a title, a position, or a career. Intclliccnt Americans who hav the book will be amused at these tiens of snebberv. if they arc net dis gusted. Many of them have no difliculty at all in perceiving that Eadymien is mfrcly a gaudy and rather t iwdry novel, whose moral teaching is bad, whose characters are poorly drawn, whose adoration of rank and wealth is revolting, and whose hitter and malignant assaults upon at least one great man who is dead are shameless. The author takes the most careful pains te show that he intends St. Barbe te rep resent Mr. Thackeray, and he offers St. Barbc as a mean-spit ited creature v. he is consumed with envy of these about him, who is eager te obtain admission te high society and who plays Hie pail of a flunkey and a cewaru wncn nc is aumitwu. This attack from Beaconsfield upon one of the greatest and most beloved of English writers, it would seem, ought te have been resented by Euglish men of letters who are critics ; but it has net been. One critic even ventures te justify it with the remark that the facts respecting the earlier part of Thackeray's life are perhaps net fully known. But enough is known te supply an assurance that Thackeray hated with all his mighty soul the very things which Beaconsfield worships as the best that ex istence has te eflcr, and this is probably the reason why Beaconsfield hates Thack eray, and maligns him new that he is dead and unable te pillory Beaconsfield. The heroine of the story, evidently a fa vorite with the author, is a woman who has searing ambition, but net a particle of principle, bhe mantes ler money and rauk a man she docs net love and when he. dies renounces her religion te marry a prince. Beacenslicld's idea seems te be that if a woman of humble rauk can marry a prince, it would be ridiculous te hesitate because her religion happens te stand in the way. This lovely creature is continu ally pressing her brethei te marry a rich woman for whom he has net a spark of affection, but the brother meantime is des perately in love with another mail's wife. This brother, who is the here, is a con temptible sort of creature, who is pushed upward in life by the intriguing women about him. He covets the prizes which Beaconsfield plainly considers the only ones worth striving for, namely, wealth and power, but he has net energy and brains enough te try te obtain them by his own efforts. With two or three exceptions everybody in the book is noble, rich and haughty. The exceptions .arc a few common people who are, however, very rich, and nearly all of them ultimately become noble. Common persons who aie really peer arc net admitted te the novel, and none of the scenes arc laid in humble places. When the men are out of Parliament they are either present at an aristocratic reception or a gorgeous dinner. If the leading in cidents of the story de net set probability absolutely at defiance, they are at least highly improbable, and although the char acters are intended te be portraits they are very much mere shadowy and unreal than the purely Imaginary characters in the novels of the Thackeray at whom Beaconsfield spits his malice and in the novels of the Dickens whom the noble au thor alludes te contemptuously as "Gushy." Excepting that the literary method are of the writer are superior, Endy inien is precisely the kind of a novel that may be found at any time in the English flash weeklies which arc favorites with footmen and chambermaids. These stories also are filled only with lords and ladies, and they are vulgar only te the ex- .1.1 1,. - iviiiTnri nn t inn in the Western Hemisphere in which the utility et - , Stomach Bitters as a tonic, corrective and anti-bilious medicine, is net k; . lRa. ?' f nrcciatcd. While it is a medicine ler all sea , sons and all climate, it is enecm v y.t the complaints generated by the wcathci, D Ing the purest and best vegetable simulant in the world. . .,. , Fer saleMiy an urngKisis "? VeM rhniiinnnlviorllestetter's Almanac for i.-w. dl-JVdeeilSiyw I whom apply "ler Ilestetter's HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS. Hip Gere Corsets at . - - - The ASTBICU'S GEM CORSET at a., HveMinnt. WnviMi Corset for... A Fine spoon Busk Side-steeled Corset lor.Toc ler.Toc lor.Tec Our well Knew n 100-Bene Corset for. ........ .$1 Vina 1VOVC11 VOrbCl. Ilui uua- FRENCH SHOODAS : Our make et these goods we believe te be the best in the market, and the Osseitment et colors our own selection. 41-ineh French Shoedas f0.87 46-inch French Shoedas $1.12 FINE CAMEL'S HAIR: Our iw tir.ent et th -,e beautiful goods is still complete, from SI. 25 te 93.50. We have 1ut received one ca;,e el Camel's Hair In Kvenlnc Shades In very beautiful quality. In Cream, 'Ink and Light ISluc, 4.; inches wide, te sell at S1.25. BAREGE DE VIRGINIE: We just let ricd one cuseef this very desirable texture for evening Dresses, ijunlity very supvi ier, In Cream, l'lnfc and Light Blue, 27 inches wide, te sell at 50c. 1 - LrAVK. Quarryvillc Lancaster, King St... Lancaster Columbia AIUUVL. Beading SOUTHWARD. LKAVE. Reading ARRIVE. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster. King St Onarryville Trains connect at Heading with trains te ana lrem Philadelphia, Fettsville. Harrisburg. Al Al lentewn ami Xew Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Itnltl- mere. A. M.'WILSOX. Siipt. PENNSYLVANIA KA1LUOAD NKW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY NOVEMBER Sth-lSai, trains en the Fennsyl-vanii- Railroad will arrive and leave the Lan-c.i.-ti and Philadelphia depots as fellows; A.5f. A.X. r.x. S:05 ,li00 0:10 r.M. 10:15 '10 &a 10:07 10 8:10 10:13 .... 8:20 llr20 .... 0r25 r.M 5:00 5:10 6:40 31LLLINEKT NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Eastward. Philadelphia Express Fast Line Yerk Accen. Arrives; Harrisbuig Express DiUerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Atiem. Arrives, Pacific, Sunday Mail Johnstown Express, Day Express, Harrisburg Ai-ommedat'n Wbstward. Leave Lanc'tci 10 A.M. 5r-M " 8 05 " 8:05 " 8:5 ' MO " 135 1:40 p.m. J-.0O " :S:tl5 " 4.:n Oris " Arrivi Philad'.i 4:15 a.x 7:40 110 - UliiV.M. 3:45" 5:00 5SW " :45 ' asm " AT- lirnllnnl Kfi. ter enlv. An extra long 80-Boue Corset for A geed Nursing Corset for Madame Fey Corset at ;; Misseb' and Ladies' Shoulder Braces. $1 ..95c ...$l .$1.19 ..75c IN OUR LACE DEPARTMENT WE OFFER RARE BARGAINS. and 50c DATS KIDNEY PAD! A DISCOVER! BY ACCIDENT, nich supplies a want men of eminent ab dily have devoted years et study ami exper ment N TOVKLTJKS IN M'AKV PINS. SSiT5ffi55s5 iE I THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN and from the time of Its disco very has ran Wis -" UMEKS"IIUTS ASM lMAWERfe, T7!....i .. r.iv-nr fniiniin; the annreval and i confidence or medical men and IIiemj who liayt-1 used it: it lias become a. favorite with all -classes, and wherever introduced has fcimcr- ."1..1 ll I imtmrnt9. In Short. SUCll 1. , its intrinsic merit and superiority, that it new the only recognized reliable remedy. Is Strongly Endorsed. We have the most unequivocal testimony te s ....;.. .unreni irm liiauv nerseuf. 01 in tiuuu.v J.......v --v.- .- il.I'li,. chai-.icler,liiteingenec ami rcriiuii-.u...... ,oek " Hew a Life was Saved," giving tin An all Silk Spanish Fichu In Cream ninsl- of . ...... Fine Indian Mull Fichus at -25c Spanish Silk Tics In White, cream unii Black, at '2 Fine Indian Mull Tics at..... .;--: 'V Fine Wide Hand Embroidered Ties at........ Embroidered Swi-s Tics at 10, li l.i,l'J,i5c Wide Embroidered Swiss Tiwiit Fine Lace Bews at i;c All Lace Fichus at -c A FULL LINE OF Black, White and Cream Laces (HJIDAKER'S EIPOIHTO. LADIES, for New tens of all Kinds, Corsets, DAKER'S. A Full Line of Fancy Articles suitable for a Desirable and Cheap Silk Handkerchiefs, Lace Tics, But Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c., call at QXJN- Way Passenger, MallTrainNe.l,via Slt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Niagara & Chicago Express Sunday Mail, If IISL 11 11 17 f Frederick Accommelation, DiUerville Local.viaMt..Iey Harrisburg AccemuifMlat'ii, Columbia Aceoiumedatien, tlarrisburg Kxpicss, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express? Leave Philad'a 7:30 !)" '8:110 " l2 " i;iiV.M. 4:00 " 5:30 " B:'J5 " 9:10 " tli ' Arrive Lane'ter 5H0.A.M 120 " IO. " 11:05 " 150 ' 35 r.M ll .. 'i.W " 5:45 " 7:'X 7i " 8-0 " I1.S0 " 2.40 A. On ham! au te hi; sehl at VERY REASON ABLE PRICES. high ch: t liti lnnLr hlsteiy of tins new discovery, and record et most lcimirknbic cure-. Write ler it. i -cut the large tree. K J. BRISMANTS, THE M1IIITMAKER, rt! jNIHCTIl iUKKN STKKKT White Illusion Cream Illiisieu Black lllu-ien White Silk Illusion.. Black Silk Illiibieu.. HriKini Hetted Net.. Fine While Dotted Net ..lOcpcry.'id ..loc ..lte " ..l.".c ..13c " ..12c .19c NICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT, offered cheap at GUNDAKER'S. Alse, au inducemcut in the MILLINERY DE PARTMENT, with a view te closing out the entire Stock. Plush Bennets and Hats offered at a Sacrifice. Plush and Velvets all Shades, sold cheap. Bennets and Hats in French and "Weel Felts, for 50 and 75c. iHF"Give us a call .mil examine our tteck, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, i muLwill steu at Mlddletewn. Eliza Mt. Jey, Landlsville, Bird-iii-Hand, wlieu tlau .zabethtewii Leiunn Place. tJan. Christiana. Parkesburg. Coaten ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, wUl step at liowniiiglewn.CiRite-tville, Parkc.s-burg,Mt.-ley, Elizabcthtewn and Mlddletewn. Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Ac-.-omuiediitioii, wrst.cennecUiat Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at i35 r. ., and will run tmeush te Frederick. VLOTititra. GREAT SLAUGHTER IN CLOTHING. n-,.e..,i it.ii-ir. iiir Wilinir. Deuble Width. " fficpcryaid All Silk Bertlcied Veiling at i)C GREAT INDUCEMENTS IN OUR H omeay t;oeus. Ililery Degartment i rexisf. i Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. ftATTTTfiN Owing te the many worthless OAU llUll. Kidney Padnnew becking a sale en our renutatien. we deem It due the allllcted te warn ihcin. Ask ler and take no ether. WAY'S KII1NKY PA1, E AS T E R N A G E N C Y, CHAKLES X. CBITTENT0X, 115 Fulton St., New Yerk. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., HOLIDAY GOODS! HOLIDAY GOODS! HOLTDAY GOODS! We hau opened te-day An Entire New Line HAVILAND'S Her Vegetable Compeunil theSuvier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHATVrS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, con sists et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most dcllcate Invalid. Upen one trial the merits of this compound will be recognized, as relict is immediate ; and when its use is con tinued. In ninety-nine cases in a hundred, a permanent cure Is effected, as thousands will testily. On account of its proven merits, it is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country- , , , , It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Lcucerrhcea, Irregularand pain tul Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In flammation and UlceraUon,Fleodings,all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the Ciange In tact It has proved te be the greatest and best remedy that 1ms ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and elves new lite and vigor. It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all craving ler btimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bleating, Headaches, Ierveus Fre, tnitlen. General Debility. Sleeplessness. lc lc lc prosMen and Indigestion. That feeling of bear ing down, causing pain, weight and backache Is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the eForkidneycemptaInt8 of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's .Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Maes. Price $1. Six bottles for $. Sent by mail in the form et pills, also In the form of lozenges en receipt et price, $1 per box, for cither: Mrs. PINKHAM trcely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ler pamphlet. Address as above. Mention thi paper. T, Ne family should be without IiTDIA E. riXKIIABrs LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., (JCHcntl Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. A. Lecher, 9 East King street and Gee. W. Hull, 15 West King street. y29-lydcedftw CHINA, F11U1T PLATES, COMPORTS, AX1 DKSKUT SAUCKUSTO MATCH. (L ART PLAQUES, WITH EASELS. SOLITAIRE SETS, TEA SETS, MOUSTACHE COFFEES. Coupe and Saxen Teas. ALL THESE GOODS ARE ELEGANTLY HECOKATEH, AN"1 ARE VERY LOW IX PRICE. NOVELTIES IX MAJOLICA WARE. LARGEST LIXE OF DECORATED CHAMBER SETS . IX THE CITY. TakeaLoek aiOnr Windows! 3We respccttully solicit a call. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER, PA. .rjrj5Xr. IJIimX WATCHES. A1A STILUS, GOLD, !i lvcrandXickel,$6tonse. Chains, etc., sent C. O. D. te be examined. Write ler Cata logue te Standard American Watch Company. Pittsburgh, Pa. LOUIS TVEBKK, WATCHMAKER. Ne.l59)SXORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. R. K. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Xlckcl-cascd Watches, Chains, Clocks, 4c. Agent ler the celebrated Pantasceplc Specta cles and Eyc-Glassen. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd PAINTING. AU kinds et Uouse Painting and Graining done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We have reduced our prices te $1.75 per day. Shep en Charlette street. cd3md ALLEN GUTHRIE ft SONS. All our Untrimmcd Hats al .'Lc Ml our Derbies sold at SO and 7."e ler only. .ie All our Trimmed Children's Hats ler. uc TRIMMED PATTERN DATs AND HON NETS AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. We have reduced all our Colored Trlniminz Satins sold bciere at Wc te the uniform firiceef. '? lour Fancy Wings at -f All our Fancy Breasts at J"c Bargains in Black and Colored Ostrich Plumes. Ulack Silk Fringes, Black Beaded Passamen- tcries. Black Ornaments, mortis, xasseis. mm all our ether DrchS Trimmings at greatly re duced prices. Brocaded and'Euibescd VeU els ill 30c. per 1 Fur Trimmings In Black, Brown and Gray, 1, IK and 2 lnches,4Sc., 73c. and 1 per yard. Silver Fex Fur Trimming, IK and 2 lnehe, f 1.40 and $2 per yard. Hosiery ler '.Children, Ladies and Gents at astonishing low prievs. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF KID GLOVES, GRAM) MARK DOW! AT CEFTRE HALL. Will be sold in Mly days TEX THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH el HEAVY WINTER CLOTHING, Without regard te cost. New U your linic In secure a geed Suit of Clothing for very little money, Ready-made or Made te Order. OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY, Fei-JKmi. Youths :md Beys. Men's Dress Suits, Men's Business Suits, Youths' Suits in every style. Bevs Clothing, a very Choice Variety. US' Don't tail te call and secure some of the bargains. MYERS & RATHFON, Se. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PESS'A. MFVIVAZ. In Street Celers, and Evening Shades, el excel lent quality; every pair warruiucu. Ladles' Recentlen Gloves, 3 buttons. Ladies' Reception Gloves, buttons. ...Sc ?1.69 IN LADIES' LINEN WARE We exhibit the latest novelties of the reason. The Elegant Embroidered SARA BARX HARDT COLLAR , Ladies' all Linen CeUars and Cuffs. Em broidered Edge, put up in a Handsome Bex for 25e CHILDREN'S LACE AND LINEN COLLARS BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS, of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOriNG COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. !!'.. ItUOWXIXG is a icgular gtaduatc et medicine, a skillful pharmacist, inula thorough chemist. His "C. & GV" (Cough and Celd) Cordial is net the result et mere chance, but of long scientific leseurch in chemistrv and medicine, as is plainly seen by the rapidity of Its action, and its unparalleled efficacy. The expense in its manufacture Is nt least nve times a great ns that of any ether medicine upon the market, ami yet it is sela at the exceedingly low price el 50c. gSainplc bottles (for a r.hert time only) !Mc. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. I'Ai'Jtue UAsaixas, sr. Extension f ii Wis, the Cheapest. Simplest and Beat In the Market. Made et Walnut. Meulding three and four inches wide, and New Patterns. Wehave them thirteen different ways, and very low in price. FIXE EBONY AXD WALNUT CUlll AIN POLES, with Urns. Uing-. End ami Biacket". All Walnut and Abh J'eles complete. Plain Window Shades, All Celers and Widths. Hollands, Paper Cur tains, Fixtures. Fringed, Cord, Tassels", Leeps. Picture Nails, TimeI Ilimks, c. Opening almost daily Xew Styles el WALL PAPER, FOR THE COMINi; SPIUNU. PHARES W. FRY. Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. COAL. B. It. MAKT1N, Whelctale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LU M BER AX D COAL. a-V.n.l : Xe. 19) Xerth Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. nJ-lyd COHO & WILEY. 3.W KOKTJI WATEK NT., Lantaster, ru.t Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Olllce : Nn. 3 NORTH DUKKST. ilJl-'itdiJtw 5FOR SALE BY THE PROPRIETOR AXD ALL DRIJUU1STS. CU1XA AND GLASSWARE. CAJCPXTS. H OLIDAY UOODS. CHINA HALL. We are Opening Daily Xew HOLIDAY GOODS IN HAVILAND CHINA. MAJOLICA WARE, FAXCV GOODS, GLASSWARE, DECORATED CHAMBER SETS. Allet the and nt the Finest Quality and Decorations Ladies' Fine Silk Tics at.. Ladies' Fine Silk Tics at. Ladies' Fine Silk Ties at.. ... $1 .1.75 BARGAINS IN TOWELS. A Large Fine Tewel for only :!c An all Linen Tewel for 10c Fine Towels at ..12, le.lflc A heavy German Linen Tewel with Knotted Fringe, at jc Fine Damask Linen Towels at 25c Fine Damask Linen Towels at 33c Superfine Damask Linen Towels at 38c All Linen Fine Fringed Deylies at..l per dez Many ether bargains en hand tee numerous te mention. Call and convince yourself of It. ASTBICI BR0.'S 13 EAST KING STREES, LANCASTER, PA. LOWEST PRICES. J9-U1VK L'S A CALL. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 EAST KING STREET. JIOLIOAT GOODS. FLlii & BRENEMAK GRAND OPENING OF VU1I1W1UU1W UVVUWI A larger stock than ever. Lewerpriccs than ever. Every variety of Mechanical Toys. DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! BLOCKS AND GAMES. Horses, Carts, Wagons, Sleighs, Velocipedes and Bicycles. USEFUL CHISTMAS PRESENTS. Elegant CarverH,SUvcr-plated Knives, Silver plated Spoons, Silver-plated Ferks. The above goods are RedgcraA lire.'s best goods, bought at a sacrifice, and will be sold very le s. HOUSE FURNISHING UOODS. Tin, fcheet Iren and Weeden Ware at Great Bargain". ) Fin & Brenemans tireat Stere asd Heater Stere, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, FA. itARPCTS, COAL. C PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY, Ne. 130 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or in Garments; also, idl kinds of silks, Ribbons, Linen, Getten ana woolen uoeus uyeu. uen tlcmen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Ac Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo Blue Dyeinp done. All orders or goods lc!t with us will rcceiv. prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal of the best quality put up expressly le family use, and at the lowest market rates TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD-150 tOUTH WATER STREET. d22-lydRS PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO. HIGHKST CASH PRICE WILL BE PAID FOR EXTRA NICE CARPET RAGS. CarpaLs made te order at short notice and satisfaction guaranteed. Rare cliances In Carpets te reduce stock el 6,000 Yards Bressels Carpets, AT AND BELOW COST. Call ami satisfy ycurscir. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpetalnalmest endless variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST BONO STREET, LANCASTER PA. mmxriKE election; I An election will De held ON MONDAY, tne 3 1 day of JANUARY 1881, at the house of Jehn B. Shelly Mount Jey, between the hours ..i-ii nn.i i- nVlm-k. for n. President. Ten Man ager and Treasurer or the Lancaster, Eliet- iietniewn ami .uinniwiiiu Auinut.uj.vw.. J. M. lexg. Treasurer. d7-3tleaw "1 TO REILLY & FOR GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY Fanners and i.thei.-. in want of Superior Manure will find it te their advantage te call. V.....I trriwlilirt lJl!fi-- i ":.."...""--.-... ....,-K.t 1 il. .-..-. KELLER COAL, larrisbun; Pike. Olllcc. a.J5 East Chestnut street. COAL ! COAL I ! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kind of COAL go te RUSSEL & SHULMYBR'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully tellclted. OFFICE: 22 East King Street. YARD: CI 8 North Pnnce Street. uuglt-tuprlSK JIJSDICAL, DR. SABTORiyS LIVES INV1G0RAT0R Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purines the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sab-by all Druggists. ollMveedfttalteow BOOTS AXD SMOS. illPir HOOTS, SHOES AND ! JljA O JL made en a new principle, lnsur fng comieix ier lire ;. Uutsmadetoenfer tziEiMt King street BOOTS tebll-tfd MRS. V. L.ILLER, INDIES' BAIBDBES8EK Minuffti-t ii rerand Dealer In Hair Werk, Laillcs; and made te order. Hair .icweiry ei an mnua uaw ?n?Vl8e Kid Glevcsand Feathers cleaned and SFwintJ.ei.ii5 nn1227 North Queen street. I. R. It. Depot. el-3md foardeors :ilve 1'AKK DTlVtS THAT ALL THE OVT Htnndiiig and unpaid city tax ter the year 18,-W, new in the hands el the collectors of the several ward.-", must lie wild en or betere WEDNESDAY. THE20T1TDAY OF DECEM BER. A. D.. ls, as immediately after that date the same will be placed In the bands et the city solicitor ler collection. dccMlrt e