LANCASTER iMlLt iM'ELLIGEKCER WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 29, 1880. ft. I Hancastcx intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 29, 1880. Mr. tiewen's Fight. Mr. Gewen sends a new surprise te bis enemies in Reading from across the ocean, by advising them of a postpone ment of the election for managers of the read and of his confidence that he will again be chosen te control it. Mr. Gow Gew en's cenGdencc, in view of the ascertain ed fact that the McCalments propose te cast their one-third of the stock against him, is remarkable, and with any one else would suggest the suspicion that he was whistling te keep his courage up. But Mr. Gewen has such extreme confi cenfi dence in himself and his fortunes that he never needs either te stimulate or simu late his courage. He is an intrepid man. Almest any one else in his place would quail before stockholders who own one third of the whole stock of His corpora tion. Mr. Gewen has always had a habit of treating the McCalments with any thing but distinguished consideration, notwithstanding they have hitherto been his solid support. Perhaps the contempt which his association begat aids him te hurl defiance at them new when they turn against him. But even though the McCalments had shown themselves stronger than they have, Mr. Gewen is net the man te submit quietly te their will when his is otherwise. He is just about the ugliest man te tread upon or te combat that we happen te knew. If he is unhorsed in this affray, he will net go down alone. There will be plenty of saddles empty along with his and the Heading corporation itself will come out of the battle most tattered and tern and all forlorn. The Messrs. McCalmont seem te us te be very ignorant of the state of the com pany in which they held se large an in terest, or te be naturally very stupid or a third possibility they have been bribed; else they certainly would net want te displace Mr. Gewen new. It is a case of swapping horses crossing a stream; and furthermore, it is de posing Mr. Gewen just when his Tery remarkable force of character and sanguincnuss of disposition and wealth of resources make him very valuable te his company. The elements of his character that are virtues new were vices when they led him te sub merge the Heading corporation under a lead it could net carry. Hut new when every effort is being made by him te lighten the ship, and the measures lie proposes are undoubtedly geed if they can be carried out, and when he is con fessedly the best man te push them through, wise owners would surely re tain his services. The Messrs. McCalmont would have vindicated their wisdom in calling a halt a few years age en their captain when he was leading their vessel down te the gunwales in anticipation of a voyage in calm seas and with the steady winds then blowing. They would have looked ahead and foreseen the storm that came down upon them. Then was the time te warn a rash captain or change him ; but new, when calm seas have conic again and the brave captain still floats in his water logged ship, is net the time te seek te displace him. It seems impossible te conduct public institutions without some scandal and without dilficulties between the manage ment and subordinates, into which ether considerations than these of real public interests enter. 'Under the system in vogue in our state, we are forever hear ing of these troubles in jails, almshouses and hospitals, and what with petty po litical huckstering, professional jealous ies aud mercantile jobbery, there is no doubt that the public trusts are often abused and the care of the unfortunate inmates neglected by these who fight about the responsibility for this condition of things. The people of the state arc new being treated te such a washing of dirty linen in the management of the state lunatic hospital where the trustees propose te oust Dr. Curwen who has long been ihe successful and popular medical director there. There arc charges and counter charges which make it pretty hard for the public te get a proper knowledge of the facts in the case. They knew, how ever, that Dr. Curwen has been a suc cessful incumbent of his place, his ad ministration being approved ever and ever again by the beard which new sug gests his removal ; aud if he is deposed it will be necessary te show better reason for it than his pretest against trustees furnishing supplies te the hospital con trary te law. The abundant snow-fall at this season, going se far te justify the predictions of Venner, the Canadian weather prophet, will direct public attention te him, and Hazen, the new " Old Prebs "' is quite neglected ljeside him. Weather prophets are never without honor even in their own country and when they hit it se squarely as Venner and the groundhog they merit public confidence and attention. The extremely cold weather which Ilaen predicted for us yesterday has net arrived in time te prevent the fall of Venner 's snow, and it keeps coming down as if determined te make geed his prediction of an eleven eleven feet fall. Investigations of the management of the Congressional flower gardens go te show that a half million dollars are spent en them annually, and that many of the bouquets gathered from them go te far mere improper uses than the delight and adornment of congressmen's wives and daughters. Trace of the people te whom they have gene is said te have made some of the national councillers very nervous and anxious te choke off the in quiry. But if the public money pays for them the people have a right te knew who gets the flowers. ' Seme of the newspapers ever in the region of the recent murder and lynch ing complain that the criticisms en the lawless action of the crowd comes from these who de net feel as the lynchers felt. That is exactly the reason why they are better qualified te judge of the fitness of their conduct. New Jersey had no better fighting soldier than Phil. Kearney, and she honors herself as well his memory by un veiling a statue of him in the city of Newark. PKBSOMAL. Ne tickets will be issued for Senater McDonald's wedding, which will take place in church. Mrs. . S. Cckter, mother of the lata General Geerge A. Custer, is lyiug at the point of death at her home in Menree, Mich. She has never recovered from the shock of the death of her son. The late Attorney General Akkrmas has left a widow and five young sons liv ing quietly in their pretty little home near Cartcrsville, Ga. Mrs. Akerman is, un aided, preparing her boys for college. She has taught them all they knew. Mrs. Ramsey, wife of the secretary of war, is still se ill that it is thought she will net be able te entertain in Washing ton during the season. Mrs. Perter, tee, the wife of the admiral, is in such feeble health that her house will probably be closed all winter. Sarah Bernhardt, en the eve of her departure from France, said : " I shall keep a diary, in which I shall write my impressions of the day every morning and evening. When I return I shall publish it without changing a word. In this man ner, if I de net discover America, I shall discover myself at least, and all the world shall knew what Sarah Bernhardt has ex perienced from the day she departed te the day she returns," The celebrated CnAiu.ES O'Coxen has recently become a citizen of Massachusetts and rclinquishsd his citizenship in New Yerk state. He new resides in Nantucket with the intention of remaining and has brought with him his Fert Washiugten household. Every few days packages of books arrive for him, and it is understood that he is writing a law treatise which is te be his final professional effort, and his payment of the debt which Lord Chancel lor Bacou declared that every lawyer owed his profession. " Six Little Cooks " is the name of a Washington, D. C, cooking club, modeled after that known as "The Belles of the Kitchen," which proved te several of its members a sure step te matrimony. There arc only six members all young and geed-looking aud at their mcetings they are te wear mob caps and aprons of Swiss musliu trimmed with with scarlet and pale blue, which arc the colors of the club. The badge, te be worn en the left breast, is of scarlet silk, en which is te be em broidered in blue floss the letters "S. L. C' At each meeting a dish is te be cooked by a member and criticised by the ether five, and in January a lunch is te be given, of which six dishes thus perfected will form a leading feature. MINOR TOPICS. Rev. Dr. Mtren Adams, of Rochester, fellows his brother in denying endless punishment. Nearly 7,000 young people have recent ly offered themselves for the Cambridge local examinations. A third of the num ber arc young girls. General Grant is very deeply inter cstcd in the subject et an intcreccanic ship canal, and an article dictated by him will appear in the North American Review for February, favoring the Nicaragua scheme and opposing the DcLcsseps Panama entcrpi i6c. Haves intends te fill the offices new held by the district attorneys for the Northern and Southern districts of New Yerk and by the United States marshal, with men of pronounced anti-Conkling stripe. Conkling will have their confirma tions hung up until Garfield can de better. Mr. B.IOUNSTERSE B.IORNSOU, the Nor wegian poet and author, told au audience iu Chicago en Sunday that the government of Norway is much tee despotic, and that he anticipates that before long a change will be made by the dethronement of thr monarch and the establishment of a re public. The famine in Russia, it is predicted, will assume proportions altogether beyond previous estimates, and no steps arc taken te meet it. The Russian peasant cannot afford at the best of times te cat wheat, and this grain has been sold long ahead te the Jews aud ether middlemen. What is needed is an immediate importation of cheaper grain, if such can be obtained. Hayes has determined te appoint D. A. Pardee te the judgeship made vacant by the promotion of Judge Weeds te the su preme bench. Pardee lives in Louisiana, but he was born in Ohie, just as Judge Weeds was. An Ohie man cannot hide himself se securely, the Philadelphia Dalle, tin thinks, "that the president will be un able te find him when there is an office te be filled." Since the withdrawal of Governer Fester from the senatorial contest in Ohie there has been much speculation whether or net Judge West would also withdraw. In response te an inquiry en this subject a gentleman iu Columbus received a very amusing and sarcastic letter, saying : "As true patriotism in its modern sense is devotion te party harmony, and as I have concluded te take the senatership iu order te relieve the president-elect from em barrassment in the formation of his cabinet, I am confidently expecting the unselfish patriotism of Secretary Sherman te fellow the noble example of the gover nor. Possibly I am a little sanguninc in this expectation." STATE ITEMS. Samuel B. Gruel, of Reading a veteran of the war of 1812, died yesterday. The Pittsburg Ditpatch fiercely opposes the election of H W. Oliver te the United States Senate. Toe late ! Nicholas Schwartz, seventy years old, has been found drowned in a peel of water at Brackney. Hiram Shaw, was struck by a train en the Bardell read en Sunday, and died of the injuries. His remains were taken te Warren. The boiler in the flour mill at Conuells Cenuells villc exploded and a piece of iron struck Henry Lee, the miller, en the head, kill ing him instantly. Wan-ants are out for the arrest of all who participated actively in the lynching of Jeseph Snyder. It is ieared that no jury can be found te convict. Hen. A. C. Tate, of Clearfield, while at tend the funeral of Dr. Crouch, who died of apoplexy at Curwcnsville, fell dead from heart disease at the grave of Dr. Crouch. Themas A. Spencc, while en his way from Mansfield te Pittsburgh, died from apoplexy in the cars. He was au old resi dent of Pittsburgh, but of late has been living in Mansfield. C. E. Parish, the owner of extensive coal mines in Luzerne county, has issued an order prohibiting the employees from making presents te the mine bosses here after. The Easten Express thinks that the newspapers which condemn the North ampton county lynching cannot feel as did these who steed in the presence of the murdered dead and heard the agonizing cries of the orphaned children. Fer Christmas decorations Philadelphia used 13,000 trees, 500,000 yards of laurel and ether wreaths, and 1,000 barrels of mess, costing in the aggregate about $54,000, te say nothing of vast stories of holly and liewcrs. Ihe trees came prin cipally from Maine aud the laurel and niess "from the swamps of New Jersey. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. Chicago has storage capacity for 24,702, 000 bushels or grain, with 14,000,000 bush els te store. Amity Pierce was fatallv wounded by an unknown person at a ball in Jacksonville, Texas. A boiler explosion in Loomis' paper mill at Piqua. Ohie, caused damage te the ex tent of $10,000. Ne one was hurt. Jehn Phair, a barber, was killed in his shop at Glen's Falls, being shot by some person unknown through the window. Jacob Fcrrisen was frozen te death at Dunkirk, Ohie. He was feeble, and it is supposed that, having fallen, he was una ble te rse or te make himself heard. Cewpcns centennial celebration, which had been announced for January 17 at Spartanburg. S. C, has been deferred te a date net yet fixed, te enable ether state te co-operate. The Russian traveler and explorer, Cel. Prejcvalsky, has returned te Omsk safely after two years of dangerous exploration iu Chinese Mongolia. His attempt te enter Thibet was unsuccessful. Near Washington, Intl., while Marcus Bralten, aged twenty-one, and Jehn Woedsmull, aged .seventeen, were en their way home from a singing school they quar reled, when the former was killed by the latter. Frem Sept. 1 te Nev. 20, 40 giuheuses were burned in Georgia, 1(5 in Alabama, and 5 in Flerida. It seems that a ginheusc is about as inflammable as a gunpowder mill. These Gl fires were caused by grit getting among the cotton, or by matches dropped by the earcless workmen. The boiler in a shingle mill at Vesta burg, 3Iich., exploded, killing instantly Frank Filkius, the engineer, and Frauk Ainslcy, night watchman, and badly in juring Geerge Wilcox, M. Turk and an un known man. The mill was shattered te atoms. Frezen pipes were the cause of the explosion. The decision of the referee iu the Vig-naux-SIessun billiard match is being sc vcrcly criticised even by French billiard experts. It is understood that M. Pieet, who acted as referee in the previous inter national match, unreservedly condemns it. The mistake made by Slossen was in net instantly lavinir down his cue and rcfusin te nlav out, "the mntcli. The funeral services ever seven of the bodies of the victims of the late Birge factory lire were held in Buffalo yesterday from St. Jeseph's Catholic cathedral. Twenty-eight boys from the factory acted as pallbearers. A solemn requiem mass was celebrated and an impressive sermon was delivered by the Right Rev. Bishop Ryan. At 'the close of the sermon the final absolutions were pronounced, the right reverend bishop officiating. The burial was at Lime Stene hill, the bodies being iutcircd in one common grave, a let for that purpose having been donated by St. Jeseph's cathedral. Owing te a drunken freight cngiueer running without orders, near Tiffin, O., a collision Occurred with a passenger train going south. The two engines were wrecked, the mail, express and baggage cars were thrown together aud burned, consuming the mail and express matter. The baggage was nearly all saved. William Woodberry, fireman en the passenger train, was killed outright. He had been married recently and his wife was aboard the train, Rebert Halyen. engineer of train, was seriously injured. T. G. El'cry, express messenger, had his light leg broken. A. Stewart, mail agent, was sc sc rieuslv hurt in the back. u.vnnv or the west." A Yeung Man of Ilusincss Capacity. The Philadelphia Times has an extended sketch te day of Harry AV. Oliver, the gentleman who, by the voice of the Alle gheny delegation and the support of the Cameren element, comes te the front as a very premising contestant of Grew for senatorial honors. According te this re port Oliver has great popularity at home aud signal business capacity. In 18GS he was shipping clerk for GracfT, Bennett & Ce., and when offered an increase in sal ary he asked and was denied an interest in the business. He quit them and started au establishment of his own which new employs nearly three thousand men and boys, turns nut fifty thousand tens of iron a year, pays $100,000 per month in wages and salaries, works up into special ties most of the iron manufactured iu its own mills and does a busi ness of about $4,000,000 a year. This firm is Oliver Bres, & Phillips. His firm was carried ever the panic by manufacturing its own iron into articles of trade, and it made a great deal of money by laying in immense stocks of iron prier te its rise in 1879. Oliver was born in Tyrene, Ireland in 1840,came te Pittsburgh in 1841 and rose te shipping clerk, through the stages of telegraph messenger, and office boy. He has had no experience in public life except in Pittsburgh city com mon councils where the Times report says: " He was chosen president during his second term. He then proved himself a ready debater and a skilful parliament arian. He was abundantly able te cope with the most skillful lawyer in council in debate, and a live, wide-awake member, whose services were highly valued by his ward and the city at large." Service in state conventions, en the county committee, as elector at large and liberal subscriptions te Republican campaign funds have brought him into notice chiefly as a politician. He is said te be highly popular with all classes in Pitts burgh and .te be an intelligent student of public affairs and a representative busi ness man. flGHTING A COMPANY OF NEGROES. Mioetiug Twe and Calling ills Way Through the Others With a Knife. A disturbance occurred at Smithville, fifteen miles west of Fortress Menree, be tween a white man named Dunn and a party of colored men who had met te or ganize a military company. One of the negrees caught Dunn by the whiskers and slapped his face, whereupon Dunn drew a single-barreled pistol and killed his as sailant. Dunn then ran into a store and leaded his pistol. A crowd, headed by Dan Cook, who carried a drawn sword, broke into the store and attacked him. He shot Cook dead, after which he seized a butcher's knife and cut his way out. One man named Ed. Drew was badly cut in the abdomen, and will probably die ; ethers were mere or less injured. Dunn gave himself up. and is new in jail at Williamsport. Intense excitement pre vails among the colored people of the peninsula. MISS SHARON'S WEDDING. Detailed Description of the ISrldal BeDe. The Sharen-Hesketh wedding at Bel mont, California, en Thursday last, was a brilliant affair. There were 100 guests present at the marriage ceremony. Dr. Beers was the officiating clergyman. Sub sequently there was a reccptieu, at which ever 1,000 invited guests were present, who were carried out by special trains te Bel mont. Many of the toilets of the ladies were magnificent. The bridal robe was one fit for a queen, and never before was such a costume seen in this country. The town was of a new style of silk known as the gres de tour, the skirt being one solid mass of embroidery, wrought upon white satiu with beads, crystal and pearls of the very best description, the pattern for which was copied from a painting of an old ceuit robe, new hanging in the gallery of the Leuvre, in Paris. Down the side of this embroidered front piece were panels of point d'Angleterre lace, fifteen inches wide with reverse of the ncarl embroidery that joined the under traiu, ever which fell a second train of the same magnificent silk, aud which is known as the Manteau dc Cour, or, te put it in English, the same style of court train that is worn at prcscu tatien te the English queen of te-day. It was put iu deep plaits en a baud and joined te the waist under the body, which was cut in points both front and eaclr, with bauds of the same embroidery around the square cut neck, down the front and around the side, and laced in the back. The demi-slecves were finished with a fall of the same rich lace, about two and a half inches wide, and above it a band of the embroidery ; but the crowning feature of the robe was the rich piece of lace (also point d'Angleterre and the same width as the panels), which commenced at the point of the body in front, was carried gracefully ever the hips, and met m the back, falling ever the entire train aud reaching te the bottom of it in two bread waves, being caught te the gown with bunches of white flowers of an indescribable style. A drapery of point de Angleterre lace fell ever the shoulders, meeting in the front, and was held together by a bunch of arbepine flowers. A perfectly plain long tulle veil reaching te the fleer, was fastened te the hair with a little knot of arbepinc. NEXT JANUAKY'S WEATIIK1 blelchlns Hair tlie Menth A Snow Itleckade Predicted. Venner, the Canadian, remark able weather predictions recently have given him fame, net only uses the most approved methods of science, but atneug ether subjects from which te forecast, he takes beavers, cats, crews, flowers, musk rats, swallows and ether natural objects. His "probabilities for Jauuary, 1881," arc enough te make the heart of any clothier happy. ' "As will have been seen from the fore cast of December, I anticipate that New Year's callers will have heavy sleighing from Montreal te Washington, D. C, and that a cold snap during the first quarter of this month will preserve it ler that period. I expect blockades of snow in the United States about the 7th and 8th of January, and rainy days during the month will be exceeding few. "The second quarter will open with heavy snow-falls and terminate in a cold snap. ' " The middle of the month will brie j snow-falls which will terminate in milder ! weather toward the end of the third quar- ter. This thaw, which will be interrupted by a brief ee'd spell, will extend from about the 18th of the month into Febru- ary. Tlm vfMrtvl i' title rii,itli will vlinw if. will have been a severe eue, aud the gen eral condition of the weather will probably remind us of some of what are called 'real old fashioned winters.' " SHOOTING TUK ItECTOK. Tim ShutH rircil en :i Dark Night at l;cv. Canen Klcmin, of lSullinakiil, County Galway. As the Rev. Canen Fleming.recter of Bal Bal linakilI,ceunty Galway,Ireland,wasrcturn ingaftcr performing service in a distant part of the parish, a determined attempt was made te assassinate him. When he was only a quarter of a mile from home two shots were tired simultaneously point blank at him from a distance of six or seven yards. The first shot was fired into his face. The ether came from a yard or two behind. This bullet passed between Mr. Fleming and his servant, who was sitting beside him. Mr. Fleming was driving in a high wagenette and at a rapid pace. Te these facts he ewes his life. The first shot came se close te his face that the flash blinded him. It was quite dark at the time and identification of any kind was impossible. Mr. Fleming had been living in the district for twenty years, and en the best terms with all classes until lately, when a spirit of sectarian animosity had developed and this euti age was the re sult. Mr. Fleming was unarmed, though he had been repeatedly warned by the au thorities that he should net be out after dark without weapons. The police found the empty cartridges of an Enfield rifle where the attack was made. A policeman has been dangerously wounded by a shot from behind a hedge near Cappaghwhite, county Tippcrary. ' The Very Celtl Weather. Intensely cold weather continues in the West and Northwest. At Fert Garry, Manitoba, yesterday morning, the tem perature was 41 degrees oe.'ew zero; at Duluth, SO below ; St. Paul, 25 below ; Escanaba, 20 below ; Milwaukee, 19 be low ; Lacresse, 20 below , Chicago, 9 be low ; St. Leuis, 4 below ; Indianapolis, 4 below; Detroit, 3 below; Teledo, 1 be low ; Cincinnati, 0 above ; Pittsburgh. 5 above ; Buffalo, 4 above. Throughout the upper Missouri Valley last night, the tem perature was 30 degrees below zero, A telegram from Cadwcll, Kansas, reports "the coldest weather ever known" in that state. The highest point reached by the thermometer in Chicago yesterday was 7 below zero, and at midnight it was 17 below and "falling." Throughout north ern Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Michigan and Wisconsin, the temperature all day yes terday ranged from zero te 30 below. A heavy snow storm is reported throughout Northern Texas. A Geed Democratic Gift. Columbia Herald. During the last campaign the Chickies iron company was the only establishment in sympathy with the Democratic party. One of its members, en a couple of occas ions, took the stump and talked sensibly te his neighbors. The employees of the firm were net asked te vote for Hancock, nor were they requested net te vote for Garfield. They attended te their work and voted as they pleased. The firm or corporation knowing that their men were "geed and faithful ser vants," concluded te surprise each and every ene with a substantial gift en Christ mas, and the gift was made en the basis of wages earned during the year, each man receiving 5 per cent, of his pay. In seme cases the amount of the gift was ever $27. The total amount distributed was between $1,300 and $1,400. When you hear the re mark that " corporations have no souls" hereafter please except the Chickies iron company. I. U. G. T. The Geed Templars of Lancaster county, embracing six or eight ledges, will held a literary sociable in Octoraro ledge room, Andrews' Bridge, en New Year's evening, Jan. 1, 1881. On Sunday, Jan. 2, Mrs. Partington will lecture en temperance at the same place. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. DICK FUCK. Immortalized in Sens by the Cops. We have heard et the death or peer " Diek," A hog of the dcccntcst kind. Who belonged te our friend Andy Flick, Te whom the peer hog was inclined. He was gentle and loving te all And he never was known te he sick. Till the butchcruian gave him a fall ; Then he grunted and gave his last kick. His bristles te brushes will go, Uis body te hams and te fat ; His feet will make jelly you knew. And hog's Aetirf-full, kic "terbum sat." Hut he's gene. We are mourning his death, And we pity the peer creature's fall ; And until he sighed out his last breath. He was loved and respected by ull. Hew ever the butchcruiuu blundcr'd. Te cheat hlin from part of his weight, And say that he's net quite four hundred. Is curious and strange te relate. Five hundred the least was relied en By all vhe ar- Judges of perk, But a villainous game there was tried en. And " Hlckey " and Cobs did the work. There was "Daddy" and "Mack," ".Jack' anil " Hickey," The whole; et them out en a " beat," Steed 'round the dead hog looking trie! And longing .'or e:nu of the meat. iy They get i:. i.lke old " Kpicurus," And feasting their stomachs get sick, (Atleat se the doctors assure us) On the flesh that was once " Dicky Flick, THE .SL.EZGU1NG. I A Great Many T:ms Out Stylish Turnouts. The sleighing is excellent, and mauy people are enjoying it. On Monday there were plenty of psex!u out and the turn outs were many and stylish. The best ground for sleighing is en East Kiug street which was filled all of Monday after noon. There were many fast trotters en the grounds and there were many which were net nearly as fast as their drivers imagined. The drivers could net resist the temptation and every one who thought he had a geed animal " let him out." The result was that there were a number of races. They were heartily enjoyed by the spectators en the sidewalks, but many who were compelled te drive out that street, but who did net desire te fly,thought it was rather dauger dauger eus. A funny incident occurred recently en this street. A small boy, driving a horse which looked as though it had been taken from the shop before it was finished, was out for a little fun. The animal was ever sixteen feet high and was as thin as Sarah Bernhardt The sleigh looked like a chicken coop en runncra but that did net matter te the boy. Hq drove down East King street, te a point near the court house, where he stepped te let a friend out. While he was standing there a gen tleman with a stylish turn-out came around the corner at a furious gait. The boy was "laying for a brush" and he at once caught sight of the fast team. He waited until it was almost up te him when he picked up the reins and said te his nag, "Ge it Jim." The old horse wakened up suddenly and seen left the fine team way behind. The driver of the latter was determined te get ahead, but he could net de se and the boy reached Centre Square away ahead. A large crowd was amused by the incident. Up in Harrisburg a great many gentle men tried their fast horses ou the public highways and fifteen ei the drivers were fined $2 each, under an ordinance prehib itiug fast driving. NKIGUIIORIIOOV NEWS. Events Acress the County Lines. Hen. Wm. B. Waddel and wife, of West Chester, have had their silver wedding. Owen Lynch, trackman in the employ of P. R. R. company, residing between Fra zcr and Warren tavern, was struck ou Sunday by engine Ne. 205 and fatally in jured. Iu the cotton mill at Harrisburg, re cently bought by Gee. Calder, of this city, a force of machinists and laborers are at work putting the machinery in proper con dition. The immense engine will be start ed positively next week. A supply of cot cot ten has been ordered from Memphis, Tcnn., and is new en its way. The man ufacture of yarn for the market will be first entered into and in the course of time goods will ba turned out. The Pennsylvania railroad company has raised the price of annual tickets between West Chester and Philadelphia from $80 te $134, which has caused a great deal of dissatisfaction among the regular riders. The Philadelphia, Wilmington & Balti more read, which new owns the Philadel phia & West Chester read, has raised the rate t j the same figure as the Pennsyl vania charges between West Chester aud Philadelphia. Passengers buy tickets at Hemphill's station ou the lower read at $72 per annum, while West Chester people less than two miles away, must pay $134. In Yerk, shortly after 1 o'clock a. m. yesterday. Mr. Frauk Rupp, residing en North I)nkc street, in Giothe's row, was awakened by the sound of crackling in the lower part of the house, and getting up, found the first fleer iu flames aud the house full of smoke. He aroused his wife, who in the excitement of the moment. jumped from the window, fortunately, however, without injuring her in the least. The husband then dropped down te her the 10-mouths old baby and a child aged 3 years, who also landed safely. With the as sistance of au efiicc! the lire was extinguish ed. It had originated in the kitchen, where some meat was being smoked, and the only damage done was te the mantelpiece and some clothing. HAKTZ LAST MIGHT. Anether Geed Entertainment. Last night Prof. Hartz appeared in the opera house for the second time. The audience was net as large as upon the pre vious evening, owing te the bad weather. A number of new tricks were performed by the professor, in the best of style. All who were present heartily enjoyed the performance and they unite -in call ing Hartz the greatest illusionist that has ever visited Lancaster. The specialty part of the programme was very geed, as it always is. Frank Lawten danced in capital style and sang the new song, "Mary Kelly's Beau." The ventrilequisms of Duncan seemed te please better than ever. Parker's troupe of trained dogs possess mere intelligence than plenty of men and their performance was wonder ful. At the close of the entertainment a large number of handsome and useful presents were given away, including a brand new sewing machine, the retail value of which is $45. The machine was wen by Harry Kieffer, of Ne. 365 Seuth Queen street. Prof. Hartz d(s everything he premises, and the presents given awav last night were worth mere than the re ceipts for the performance. The audience should have been larger, as the show is an excellent one and every purchaser of a ticket has an opportunity of getting his money back. v Spilled Milk. This morning about 9 o'clock as Wm. Daisz, dairyman, was driving en West Or ange street near Salem church, his sleigh containing large cans filled with the lac teal fluid from the udders of the kine, up set, and 3Ir. Daisz, the cans, the milk, the blankets and the money box were all spilled out. 3Ir. Daisz, who held firmly te the reins and prevented the horse from getting away, was net hurt. Ne attempt was made te pick up the spilled milk but some little time was spent in gathering up the loose change, amounting te about $10, which was scattered in the snow. Most of I it was recovered. SUNDAXipSCHOOl, FESTIVALS. ' 4 ? , Presbyterian" Sabbath 'Scheel Entertaln i ' 'meat. The Christmas, festival of the Presby terian Sunday school was held in the lec ture room of the church last evening the room, for the occasion, being handsomely decorated with greens and ether devices. Directly ever the reading-desk was the word " Welcome " in large letters com posed of brilliant gas jets, aud below this were the words in evergreen "Merry Christmas." Near by, piled up in pyra midal form were 175 or 200 baskets filled with confections for distribution among the pupils. The attendance was very large, and everything passed off in the most joyous manner 'imaginable. The exercises were opened with the sing ing of "Coronation" by the school, fol lowed with prayer bv the pastor and su perintendent, Rev. J.Y. Mitchell,D.D. The school then sang "We Welcome Our Friends." and the pastor read the 4th, 5tb and 6th verses of the 1st chapter of ltevc ltevc latiens. The school sang "Tell Me the Story of Jesus," and the assistant super intendent, David R. Thompson, and the pupils of the school read a responsive ex ex ercise telling of the advent of Christ. This was followed by a similar exercise by the infant school, led by Mrs. Mary Kline, principal. After further singing by the schools and further responsive ex ercises from Hely Writ, the congregation, rising, sang " Praise Ged from whom all blessings flew," aud then the distribu tion of gifts was announced. Previous te the general distribution of gifts Maj. C. 31. Hewell, secretary, made the following report of scholars entitled te reward for perfect recitation of the short er catechism : Sallie M. Peacock, Jennie B. Clark, Margie 31. Davis, Halite E. Albert, Sue C. Ellmakcr, Beckie J. Slaymakcr, Ellie J. Stautfer, Nellie S. King, 3Iary Stanten, Louisa Finney, Heward Rehrcr, Jehn L. Cehe, Willie C. Pyfer, Frederick S. Pyfcr and Ada Lillie Andersen. Alse te the following named scholars for being present every Sabbath during the year 1880 : Geerge R. Ceble, Henry O. Wilseu, Herace Welchens. Florence Wiley, Lulu McNcal, Sallie King, Annie Kiug, David 3IcNeaI. Each of the abeve named was prescutcd with a beautiful and costly book, with their names written therein and the rea son for which the gift was presented. Maj. Hewell made honorable mention also of the names of quite a number of scholars who had earned distinction by very punctual attendance during the year, but had been unavoidably absent for a few Sundays. Then followed the distribution of gifts te the school, every pupil being presented with a pretty basket piled full of cenfec tiens. When all the little folks were served there was a further distribution of cakes and oranges te congregation and visitors present. The entertainment closed with a benediction by the pastor. St. James Schools Entertalument. The annual school entertainment of the Sunday school, parish school and Locust street chapel, was given in St. James church, yesterday afternoon at half-past 4 e clock, the attendance being very large, the decoration attractive and the pregramme of exercises especially arranged for the oc casion, consisting of readings from the scripture, carols by the school, address by the rector, Christmas hymns, &c, &c. The large Christmas tree placed near the organ was hung with all manner of Christmas ornaments, and lit up by a large number et wax candles, giv ing it a very brilliant appearance. At the close of the exercises the pupil3 of the several schools, class by class, passed along the aisles te where the rector was sitting near the Christmcs tree, and each in turn received his or her gift and then filed nut of the building. The gifts were of all sorts and sizes, each teacher having selected for his or her class such articles as they thought proper. These consisted of books, cards, pictures, pocket knives, mouth organs, dells, and toys in great variety, and in addition each pupil received a bag filled with con fections. The rector, Dr. Knight, assisted as manager of the entertainment. Prof. Matz presided at the grand organ and With his choir of boys rendered fine music. Many prominent members of the congre gation were present and all, adults and chil dren alike, greatly enjoyed the lestivities. BART ITEMS. Regular Georgetown Correspondence. The sleighing has started the young lads and lassies in a train of dissipation that fills every place of amusement te the great joy of the management. Smyrna hall was crowded te its utmost capacity ou the evening of 24th inst. The Oc toraro children's jubilee en the sirac even ing was a success. 3Ir. Hcrvcy Bangh mati procured for the occasion an enor mous cedar, which reached te the ceiling, and was decorated with a profusion of Christmas candies in handsome boxes and illuminated with wax tapers, making it an interesting object of contemplation for the 150 children present. Mr. Cairncs, pastor of the church, addressed the chil dren in a few very appropriate remarks. The choir discoursed some geed music, aud the great Cedar was stripped of its geed things and all the children made glad. The elder ones present seemed te enjoy the occasion, aud who could net feel pleased te see 150 Sunday school children with smiling faces waiting patiently for the distribution of the fruit of "Santa Claus' Cedar." The event at the Octerara church should tend te awaken interest in the Sundayschoel work se sadly needed in this neighborhood. The Sunday school scholars of twenty years age in Bart township were treated te mere of the pleasant celebrations and Christmas jubilees than these of te-day are and the result of this want of interest in the parents and officers in the school is a decrease in the number of children who attend our Sunday schools, although the number in our district is gteatcr by 25 per cent, than it was twenty years age. Christmas morning dawned damp and dreary, but the turkey caters were in no way discouraged, and Scott's new sleigh, with the dashing bays, went out into the rain, for Jee declares he had eaten nothing for three days, and was determined te fill the vacancy occasioned by his fast with the premised turkey. Rea Reed, net deterred by snow or rain, went into his Heck of gob blers and took out one of the fattest, called around him a few friends audflcveurcd the turk, "shoe buttons and all." The saddler, net te be outdone iu the Christmas feasts, and feeling a little " goosy " cut off the head of a fat geese and is new looking around for water te swim in. All day long, despite the had weather, the tinkle tinkle of the sleigh bells was heard, and all the neighborhood seemed te be alive te the fact that Christmas should be made a merry, merry day. About sunset, how hew how ever, a change came ever Bart. 3Ien who throughout the day were dressed in holiday attire began te leek serious, and one by one they came home and assumed their working clothes ; by dark the flickering of lanterns was seen iu all directions and the fact was seen ap parent. Tobacco was fit te come down, and down it came in abundance, some par tics being successful in getting all off the poles. Christmas was forgotten and to bacco again occupied the minds of the peo ple. Mr. Win. Aultheusc has been unsuc cessful in finding any clue te his turkeys, stolen a week or two age. Ne sales of tobacco have been made iu this vicinity during the past two weeks, but the raisers confidently leek fei a brisk demand after the holidays. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUK Kr.dl'UAR COKHESl'OXDKNCK The Christmas festival of th Snmfev school of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal church of CeIumbia,Pa.. was held last even ing commencing ar e:ou e clock. The or der of exercises was as fellows : Carel, "The Wondrous Birth." Lessen from the Old Testament. Carel, "Tribute of Praise." Lessen from the New Testament. Carel. "Through the Open Portals." Creed an. I co lects. Carel. " The Chriatmas Bells are Kinging." AjMress by the rector, Kev. Kicluird C. Searing. Carel, "Thanks be te Ged." Address by The Kcv. A.P. Dlllcr. of Marietta. Lighting et the Christmas tree. Carel, -Uather Around the Christmas Tree." Distribution et gilts. Carel, Merrily, Merrily, Tripping Along." Prayer. Gleria iu Excclsls. Benediction. The beautifully decorated little church was well filled with a large audience, com posed of the children of the Sunday school and their friends, aud visitors. The ser vice of song, with the lessens, creed, Jfcc, was a very cnjoyable eue, the carols being very pretty and well sung. Perhaps the prettiest thing during the evening was the Christmas tree, which was leaded with decorations, festoons of pretty sparkling balls, fairies, &c, and when the numerous little candles which had been tixed all ever the tree, were lighted, a truly bcautifdl sight was presented. The Christmas trees of St. Paul's Sunday-school have become quite celebrated in the town for their beauty, and this one was no exception te the rule. A package of candy and an orange wjs presented te each of the chil dren. The death of 3Iary Ann Brown, oc curred yesterday at her late residence Ne. 500 AValnut street in the G8th year of her age. The funeral will take place en Thursday at 2 p. m. o'clock. The committee of arrangements ap pointed some weeks age te " work up " the annual ball of the Columbia fire com pany Ne. 1. are rapidly completing their duties. The annual balls have been given for a great many years, they are always successful, and the ene te be held in Odd Fellows hall ou Friday evening premises te be no exception te this rule. The hall will be elaborately decorated. Dr. Armer is reported this morning as having met with a moderate little mishap yesterday. Nothing mere nor less than the upsetting of his sleigh, a tumbleinthe snow and a runaway horse. Ne damage except as above. The young people of Washington B. C, arc booked for a home talent entertain ment en Saturday evening, January 1, 1881. Besides vocal and instrumental music the lads aud lasmes will appear in two interesting little dramas, ene entitled ' A little mere cider," the ether " Down by the sea." The proceeds for the benefit of the lower 31. E. church. Outdoor work is net progressing very rapidly te-day. Te the 8 or 10 inches of snow already en the ground, about 2 inches have been added by the snow of this morning. The beautiful suew is new coming down pretty fast. 3Iiss Jennie Cellins, one of Columbia's fair daughters, was married this morning te Mr. Kline, of Wrightstrille. " Yorick," of your city, has a very en tertaining letter iu the Herald of this week upon the organization of young lawyer's reading club. The "words of learned length and thundering sound" which he charges te Mr. Brosius arc wou weu Ccrful. The dancing class organized some weeks age by a party of young men has, se te speak, "geno up." The wherewith te pay the dancing master was net forthcom ing, hence the "bust." SALSBUKY ITEMS. Frem Our ICegular Correspondent. Christmas passed oft quietly in this vi cinity. On account of the weather we were all compelled te eat our own roast turkey. The reads are almost impassable, and these that extend cast and west arc com pletely filled with suew. All hands have been out with shovels, horses and all ap pliances that can he turned te account, breaking reads. Wc will have prime sleighing in a day or two. The ice houses have been filled with the best quality of clear ice from six te ten inches in thick ness. Our tobacco farmers arc all busy strip ping, aud quite a number et them nave disposed of their crops at fancy prices. Messrs. Weist & Shcrtz arc erecting a new tobacco warehouse at Springville, and have bought a number of line lets at private figures. Salisbury tobacco crop this season is cencccdcd by the buyers te be the finest in the county, and there still remains a number of very fine lets for sale. There have ljcen seme very fine porkers slaughtered iu this vicinity within the past month. Mr. Jehn Wray found in the stomach of a hog slaughtered by him, a stone weigl.ittg 3 J pounds. The querry is hew the stone get there. Springville lyceum meets in the school house every Fi iday evening. It is new in a flourishing condition ; the resolution for debate next meeting is "Resolved that Congress should prohibit polygamy as it new cxi.-.ts iu the United States, by enact ment." Chief disputants : affirmative, Lewis K. Hilten; negative, Cyrus 31. Shcrtz. Springfield school, under the tutorship of 3Iiss Clara Fitch, is keeping up the rep utation that it gained last season under the management of 3Ir. Gee. W. Heme, and it still is considered the Ne. 1 of the township. Our Republican friends are all expect ing cabinet appointments. Hepe they will net be disappointed. line- of ,leha W. Jacksen. This morning while eating his breakfast at the Grape hotel, Jehn W. Jacksen sud denly lest Ihe power of his right hand. Soen afterwards he was attacked with nausea and vomited a considerable quan tity of clotted bleed along with his break fast. !)r. Albright was sent for and he was put te bed, and remained in a help less condition until about neon, when he was taken with a violent convulsion. Drs. Albright and Carpenter were called and bled him, taking from his arm a large quantity of dark unhealthy-looking bleed. 3Ir. Jacksen, as will be remembered by mauy of our readers, has 'within the few past years been prostrated by several at tacks of an apoplectic character, from which he recovered. The doctors say he will probably recover from this last attack. He has already partly recovered the use of his arm. and his mind was clear at 2 o'clock. His many friends will be sorry te hear of his prostration and hope for his speedy recovery. F.Air.irOAD MAN KILLED. Struck by a Passenger Engine. Last evening about half-past 5 o'clock, William il. Shrimp, a brakeman en engine Ne. 375, of the Pennsylvania, was struck by Harrisburg express west, at Ardmere station, mile-; west of Philadelphia, and instantly killed. Shrimp's train had stop step ped near the station and he was standing en the north track when the passenger train approached and struck him. The body was taken in charge by a con ductor and asi inquest was held. The body will be removed te Columbia. Shrimp was 21 years of age. He was single mau and made Iris home in Colum bia, although he has no parents living. He was given employment en December 23 and therefore had net yet been en the railroad a week when killed.