7tW -v LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMUElt 29. 1880 Plriee Twe Cents. Volume XVIINe. 101. M r r t - " (Ehe JOHN HAXAXfAKEB'S STOBE. THE HOLIDAYS AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, CHESTNUT, THIRTEENTH AND MAlfKET STREETS, AND CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. IIE HOLIDAYS. X There is newhercin Philadelphia se v:nicla collection et rich goods as here such us l:it It ers, mothers, brothers, sisters levers, leek for h little later. There is an end even of Gilts. Our collection Is large enough ami rich enough, one would suppose, even for a less frugal city than Philadelphia. The'e goods aie are new at the hcighlel thefrglery. The choicest of them are here; ethers will conic of course ; hut the choicest arc going. Whaliseiial-y te the purpe-c, buyers aie new about as many as can lie comfortably served, and the throng will be denser every fairday till Chilslmas. JOHN WANAMAKER. rpeiLET KU UXI.SIIIXG. X Sachets, tidies, lani-shadcs, pin-cushions, boxes, in wit in and plush, embroidered and painted. JOHN WANAMAKER FIrl circle, .soul hwcsl from the centre. LACKsT Duchesse vest with Point medallions, $.V ; the same may be seen elsewhere at $70. JOHN WANAMAKER. Nine counters, .southwest from the centre. (BLOCKS ., J-1.35 te (l.VI.ee, all guaranteed. JOHN WANAMAKER. City-hall sij uare entrance. ri'OY!-. X. New room, new toys. JOHN WAXAMAKKI!. Outer circle, west of the Chestnut stieet en trance. roeKs. JL A catalogue et books may be had at Un hook counter. We want every reader te hive it. The list of children's lieliduy b;x.ks is es pecially complete, JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Second counter, northeast from the ecu tie. LADIES' ULSTERS. There are two general styles, one cle-cd at the back, the ether epen: the latter is known asceat-hmair.sstyle. In detail ettrimiuing then; Is great variety though there is also marked simplicity. Jiivat variety in cloths tee. $'.. te fctt. ' Cloaks, foreign and home-made. Our collec tion is unprecedented, whether you regard va riety, quantity or value. A lady who buys a clea'k of any sort in Philadelphia without looking these ever misses the best assortment, perhaps, in the whole ceuntrv. .Wi te $iV). JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Southeast corner of the building. MISSES' COATS. Misses' coats in mere, than 70 cloths, tshapes and decoration beyond counting. Sizes 2 te in years. Ulsterettes in ." cloths ulsters in 8 cloths and liavcleeks in cloths. Sizes f. te Hi. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Southwest corner et the building. UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERS. We have the best goods the world albnds, and the next best, and the next, and seen. There is no place anywhere, where 3'eti can see se large a collection el thcdillcreiit grades et goods, all passing for what they arc, and nothing ter w lint it is net, cotton ler cotton, mixed ler mixed, wool for wool, silk ler silk. JOHN W A XA MA K E It. Outer circle. Chest nut st ret, entrance te Thirteenth street entrance. I.'M BROIDERIES. It New Embroideries arc already in. Our stock is new in the condition you expect te find it in at New Year's, i, r. the spring novel lies are here. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Third circle, southwest from the centre. CARPETS. The choicest luxurious carpets: the most substantial carpets: the. lowest prices: punc tual service. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Market .street fient, up stairs. STl.KS. Evening silks in t'.ie Arcade, east side. The same and man v ether pat terns are within. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Next outer circle, southeast from the centre I M BROIDERIES. It Our next spring's novelties in embroi deries arc just new received; they usually cemnt Xew Year's. J OH X W A X A M A K E K. Next outer circle, seut Invest from t he cent re. LACES. Laces change daily. Our sales arc large, our variety always large, anil but little et any one sort. "Compare prices". A quarter below the market is net uncommon. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Nine counters, southwest from the centre. W Such it block of foreign cloaks as Phila delphia has net ltcferc seen, $10 te $250: shawls near by : dresses up stairs. JOHN WANAMAKEU. Southeast corner et the building. FURS. Furs of all sorts arc going fast. They wen! fast last year and advanced in price as the sea son advanced. They are going up again. e shall net raise prices till we have te buy. Ex pect te find here whatever you want, from a bit el trimming up. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Thirteenth street entrance. niUTS AND ULSTERS FOR CHILDREN. j Net se great variety as for ladles: but j much larger than any wnere e:se ncre. Coats. 2 tell years: in thirty diuerciit mate rials, di-.il), blue anil brown cords with fleecy black : cellar and culls et plush ; also in ten camel's hair cloth, trimmed with seal-cloth. Coats, 4 te 10 vcar. : In thirty cloths, trim med with plain stitching, plush, seal cloth, chinchilla fur and velvet, $2 te $10. Ulsterettes, fi te 10 years ; in five cloths, with seal cloth cellar and culls. Ulsters, 0 te 10 years: in eight cloths, trim med Willi plush stitching, heed and plush. Havelecks. I te It; years: two styles, JOHN WANAMAKER. iinvci rr fk'rni vi: ' D Our trade isj usl what it ought te be for the lncilitlesand advantages we enjoy. JOHN WANAMAKER. East et central aisle, near Market street. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. Tackloeng preclain, plates only. Ter din ner or dessert, five patterns, $25 te $30 per Haviland dinner sets ; Camillc. pattern, $110 ; elsewhere. $200. Tressed, $140 ; elsewhere, $200. Tressed with Moresque bonier and decoration or grasses and butterflies, $225 ; elsewhere. $275. The latter is in the Arcade, Chestnut street entrance, te-day. Table glassware, English, Strawbcriy-dia-mend cut ; every article required for the table useful or ernamenial. JOHN WANAMAKER. Northwest corner et the building. PLUSH HAND-RAGS. And a great variety of ether kinds. Alse pocket books, embroidered leather card cases, cigar eases, and everything in leather goods. JOHN WANAMAKER. Third circle northwest from centre. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets and City Hall square. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. MABBLt, WQBKS. WM. P. FRAILEY'S MONUMENTAL TtfARBT.F. WORKS 788 Mera eueen Street, Lancaster, Fa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction g: en I n every particular. N.B. Remember, works at the extreme end 1 North Queen Btreet. m30 I " 1IFTS. I VJT Te buv Holiday GUta early la goon" ad- i vit-c : The best trade is early ; and the best trade carries off the best things. I JOHN WAXAMAKEK. 4 LFRED WEIGHT'S PERFUMES. J HIS Mary Stuart is probably the most lasting el all the agreeable perfumes; none or tiie foreign ones approach it- It is very rich, strong and full of life; it isagieeablc te mere persons, probably, lliftn any ether ierfumc. Wild Olive is next in popularity ; this also is singularly powerful and lasting. White Ke-e is delicate and lasting. We keep the preturrcil odors of all the first class perfumers, such as Lubiu. Bailey, Atkin son and Coudray ; but of Alfred Wright's we keep all. Bring an uni-t-rfuuied handkerchief; anil you shall hive a sample of any odor you wish. JOHN '.VANAMAKKH. First circle, northwest from the center. 10LOKED DRESS GOODS. i The following, just received, are away down in prices : French Camel's hair, 47 inch. $0.75 and .83; French cheviot suiting, silk ami wool, 45 Inch, $0.75; French feule, all wool, 28 inch. 0.2S. By looking out for such opportunities a lady may often save halt. JOHN WANAMAKEU. Nine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. BLACK GOODS. A lady wanting any of the following will be obliged for the mention of them; Silk and wool Satin tic Lyen, 85 cents ; silk faced veleurs. $1: niemic cloth, 75 cents ; damasse drap d' etc, $1.50 ; damasse cashmere, $1.25. All the prices except the first are probably below the cost el manufacture, and even the flrsi may be. JOHN WANAMAKER. Next outer elide, southwest from the center. riMMMMlXG FOR DRESSES AND CLOAKS. J. Our trade requires the largest and freshest stock of these goods, fringcs.passcuicnterie or naments, girdles, tassels, spikes, rings, balls, buttons. We have novelties net te be found anywhere else. JOHN WANAMAKER. Next outercircle, northwest from the center. VJIIAWLS, Xc. O A lew shawls are shown in the Arcade ; gentlemen's dressing gowns and smoking jackets in the same case. Mere arc within. JOHN WANAMAKER. K.'.si ! the Chestnut street entrance. 1 ?CKs. Our work-room is full of preparation, se lull that we cannot crowd 11 iaster. we nave ready, also, a large stock of finished garments, fur and fur lined. We have sacqucs and dolmans in sealskin dyed in Londen we have none but London Lendon Londen d veil seal. We have them in great numbers, ainl, of eeiir.-c. inallHi7.es Including extremes. Prices, from $125 le"$ii0. Londen controls the seal market et the world There have been two advances in price si nee our furs were bought. We chall net advance till we have te buy again ; we have net advanced at all, as yet. We have, at $1B, seal sacques such as you m ill leek in vain for elsewhere at the price. Fur lined circulars and dolmans in very great variei v. We use mostly Satin lie Lyen. gres-grain, arinureand brocade silk and Sicll-(-une: ler liieurnin-, Henrietta and Drap d'Ete. The latter are made loonier only. We have everything worth having in sets trimmings, relies, gloves, caps and the thou-saii!-:ini-ene little things that arc kept in the completes! ilbts. JOHN WANAMAKER. Thirteenth street entrance. SKIRTS. Fell, allcolersand variety of styles, 50c te I $t.i" ; llaiiuel, black, blue, gray, brown and ' scailcl, $2.51 te $5.75; satin, black, $1.75 te 1 $iii.5ii : satin, bine, scarlet, brown and black, $ 12.50 te $20 : Italian cloth, black, $1.23 te $5. , The variety is very great. J JOHN WAXAMAKEK. i Southwest corner of the building. I JOYS' OVERCOATS. Netice these two sau-.plcs: Blue chinchilla sack, velvet cellar ana de tachable cape, lined with Farmer's satin, born buttons. filJiti, Is there another such coat te r $fi.50? We have sold hundreds et them. r.rown-red-and-eld-gold diagonal ulsterettc soft wool lining, sleeves linedwith a durable, silk-slrapeil fabric, horn buttons, $8,50. These are but but specimens of many. It they seem inviting, ethers may be mere se. See them. JOHN WANAMAKER. Central aisle, next te the outer circle, Mar ket street side. RIBBONS AND MILLINERY. Ribbons and Millinery, you knew, we have much mere of than any ether house. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. North of Thirteenth street entrance. I1NEXS. j A very great variety of the finest linens, a cry great variety et staple linens, and the lowest prices in Philadelphia. JOHN WANAMAKER. Outer circle. City Hall Square entrance. I IN EN HANDKERCHIEFS. j New goods just received from abroad. AVe have, without doubt, the richest and fullest stock en this side of the Atlantic. We buy from makers, direct, knew the quality of our linen beyond question, and keep below the market besides. JOHN WANAMAKER. Second circle, southwest from the centre. OILK HANDKERCHIEFS. lO The very linest English and French hand kerchiefs and Mutllers; handkerchiefs $1.25 te $2.50: niulllcrs, $1.50 te $1.50. Elsewhere they an; sold for a e carter mere, at least. JOHN V ANAMAKER. Second circle, southwest from the centre. UNDERWEAR. Every individual article et Merine or Silk Underwear that we buy we examine te see whether the bulleus ure sewed en securely and whether the scams are right and properly fastened. If anything is wrong, back the gar ment gees te the irakcr, or we right it at ills expense. Such has been our practice for a year and a hair. Is there another merchant in" Philadel phia who docs the fame, or who waU-hes the interests et his customers in any similar way? Defects may escape us neverthless. Y'en de usaiaver, iryeu bring back the least impcr impcr fcclien le be made geed. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Outer circle. Thirteenth street entrance. -IUSL1N UNDERWEAR. 1VL Our assortment of all muslin undergar ments is as full as at any time of the year ; and when the demand for such is net generally strong we are often able te buy at unusual ad vantage. Wc have very nearly the same goods the year round : but prices vary mere or less. New, for example, probably, there is net te be found in this city or in New Yerk muslin un dergarments equal le our regular stock except at higher prices. We knew et no exception whatever. JOHN WANAMAKER. Southwest corner of Iho building. KUUI'.ER OVERGARMENTS. De you knew, many arc net of Rubber.at all, and are net waterproof? We sell as many as all Philadelphia besides; real articles only; and guarantee them. JOHN WANAMAKER. Central aisle, near Market street entrance. TINWABE, JtC- OTOYES. STOVES. Brick-Set and Portable HEATERS and RANGES -.at: Shcrtxer, Hnmphrerille&Kieffer'g EAST KING STREET. CLOJH1XU. CHRISTMAS GOODS BELOW COST: CHRISTMAS GOODS BELOW COST! CHRISTMAS GOODS BELOW COST : RATHVON & FISHER Are selling off their entire sleck et READY MADE CLOTHING below cot. Alse FURNISHING CiOODS. FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY lsr AT COST. CLOTHING made te order in the prevailing styles and at medium prices. COR. NORTH qUEENandORAKGE MS., LANCASTER, PA.. ' RATHVON & FISHER, MERCHANT TAILORS. det-M-Swd OVERCOATS! Closing out at a great reduction our immense line of Novelties in Overceating. Fur Beavers, eal Skin, Elysian; Mentanak, Ratina and Chinchillas. All the New and most Desirable Styles STOCKANETTS, IN NEW COLORS AND CHOICE STYLES Why net leave veur order at enceand secure an Elegant, Stylish, Well Made and Artistie Cut Garment as low as S20. A LARGE LINE OF CHOICE Ellisii si Scetcb Ife AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, J.KSMALING'S, THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET, 51 WAS FALL OPENING H. GBRHART'S tfni t, 1 MONDAY, OCTOBER lltli, 1880. A Complete Stock et Cleths, Suitings ABB OVERCOATINGS. which for elegance cannot be surpassed. The Largest Assortment et ENGLISH AND SCOTCH SUITINGS in this eity. Prices as low as the lowest at H.GERH ART'S Ne. 51 North Queen Street. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! We have new ready ler sale, an Immense Stock et Ready-Hade Clothing FOR Ml and Winter, which are Cut and Trimmed in the Latest Style. We can give you a GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In great variety, made le order at short notice at the lowest prices. D. B. Hosteller Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, -lyd LANCASTER, VA. CONFECTIONS. HEAUOUAKTEU8 FOB PUKE CONFEC TIONS FOlt THE HOLIDAYS AT JOSEPH R. ROYER'S, 50 ANO 52 WEST KING ST. I can new offer te the trade and public a large stock et Pure Confections of every description, nt the very lowest market rates. FRUITS, NUTS, Ac., and a LAKGE STOCK OF TOYS of the NEWEST DESIGNS. Large and small Cakes baked daily. Ice Cream at all times. WEDDINGS AND PAETIES SEHVED AT SHORT NOTICE. 1IAIL ORDERS promptly attended te at the same rate as it the person ordering were present in person. Cell and sec my stock. 49Bemembcr the place 50 AND 152 WEST KING STREET. -M-amd ' JOS. K. ROYER. uUUllUH, 2Lam astrr I-ntriltarnccr. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 29, 1880. OLD SAYINGS. SUL'ItCE OF UMiKCOGXlZED OUOTA TIOXS. Pilfered Authers Hew the World Takes Their timid Things Without Giving Credit Kewritlng ShaK speare. Londen Queen in a vet-eat issue says : "Tiie English language is from time te time enriched by striking phrases and hapny turns ei expression, which take such deep ami sympathetic root in the pop ular vocabulary, and enter into such com mon tthe, that their authorship is almost invariably overlooked. -Many et them are regarded somewhat in the light of prov erbs, and aie treated as though they be longed te no one in particular, but te soci ety at lat tie ; and none of these te which we allude aie usually invested with these lUYCiicu commas l inei: i ijuuuimuuk they are in reality entitled. Thus does the wet Id rob and then forget its benefactors. Shakspeare was, of course, was a large coiner of these sayings ; but, siuce iu these days theie is but little danger of his repu tation being injured, wc may leave him aside while we iceall a few unrecognized quotation-, front less carefully tended auth ors. Of the.-e Samuci Butler is perhaps euc of the most neglected. " True Blue," for instance, is se ordinary a phrase that wc seldom stay te make inquiries about its origin ; yet ve might, if wc looked, Jind that the author of " lludibras " used it te characterize, net the Tery of his day, but the Presbyterian. He also it was who, as far as we have been able te discover, lirst introduced the expression, " the main chance,'" in its modern meaning. Have a eate of the main chance,'" he wrote ; and Dryden, possibly copying him, caused one of the characters in " Perseus" te exclaim, "lie vaieful still of the main chance." AVe speak of a sharp witted fellow "outrun ning the ci nistii hie ;'" and again wc are unconsciously beholden te Butler's 1'ricud Ititlpli, tiieu ha-t Outrun the constable at hfjl. And once mere we echo him when we speak of "getting the wrong sew by the car," for he wrelc. ,4 Yeu have a wrong sew by the car." A net her similarly ill-treated author is Alexander Pepe. Ve pass ever such com cem patativcly well-recognized quotations as "Feels rush iu where angels fear te tread;" but it is net generally remembered that he gave us the c.xpicssieiss "dirty work" and "poetic justice." The one occurs in the ' Epistle te Aib'tthnet " and the ether iu the " Dunciad." His age was indeed pre lilic of telling phrases. iJcan Swift, in The Tnle of (he Tub, lirst alluded te bread as " She stall' of life ;' Dryden, in (Ktlipun, lir&t originated the idea of "a green old age of anil Tope himself was the author llainii uitli lain! niuisc, assent with civil leer, And, without Miecriiifj. teach the rest te sneer, as well as the still were hackneyed Who shall decide when doctors ilWiigrcc. nd Mmiidc-d cuMiUisdoubtlikcyeii and me". Yet extracts from far mere widely read books than Pepe's ".Meral Essays"' arc daily quoted without recognition. When we speak of "a feast of fat things," it may be that some of us rightly attribute the phrase te its author, the prophet Isaiah ; but it does net appear te be as generally remembered that "death in the pet' comes in us from the second book of Kings, and "darkness which may be felt" is tlie literary property of the author of the book of Exodus A plav is entitled "The Mighty DeMar." Vhy u'et "al mighty'.'" for the name is obviously bor rowed front Washington Irving', who, in " The Creele Village," wrote of "the al mighty dollar, that object of universal de votion throughout the land."' The quota tion is well-nigh forgotten ; and that per haps is the i canon why it is incoherently cited. The same may be said of ethers. Most people cherish an idea that some one once, wrote of " Beauty when unadorned adorned the tue.-t ; " but the text, as given iu Thompson's "Setseii." really is : Levlincss Need- net the l'eiei.411 aid of ornament P.ut is, when uuaderu'd, a.leru'd the most. And the same way Prier's Fine by decrees and beautifully h-.- is commonly deformed and transformed ; and Cowper's reieicucete Tlic cup-! that cheer but net inebriate, is usually rendered as referring te one cup only. We are, however, wandering a lit tle from our subject. Otic stereotyped al lusion te the brevity and infrcqueiicy of angelic visitations may be traced te any euc e!" some three or four sources. Merris, in "The Palling " wrote : Likeaii,el" vi.-dts, -hert and bright. This was about the year 1711; and Biatr, in "The (."rave," wietc later of Viits, LiUe the-e of anjrel.-s liert and far between: The expression "a dim religious light" may be found in .Milten's "Pcnsero.se,"and the commenly-icpcatcd saw that "ab sence makes the heat t grew fender." is te be disceveted in T. II. Bay ley's song, "Isle el Beauty."' Celley (Jibber, as almost every one is aware, took into his head that he could greatly improve upon Shakespeare's trag edy, A7w7 llklttird III., and in the pur suance of this idea he made various addi tions te the play, many of which have, curiously enough, entered, as it were, into the language. Among l licsu wc may no tice, "Se much for Buckingham!" " Richard's himsell again!"' and "My soul's in arms and eager ler the fray ;" but in spite of them, Mr. (Jibber's tinker ing, though gratefully tfdepted by mere than one great actor, has new fallen into well-merited disrepute. In criticising Leitl Beaeenslield's speeches hostile pa pers are fend of making effective refer ence te "apt alliteration's artful aid," but they seldom, if indeed ever, allow Churchill, the satirist, any credit for the phrase. Mr. O'Connor, tee, if wc remem ber rightly, has written of the Conserva tive statesman as "the gay Lothario of "peli ics." Hew many persons, wc wonder, recollect that thcerigitia! "gay Lothario" is one of the characters in Kewc's tragedy, I " The Fair Penitent?" Then, again, the "phrase "comparisons are odious" is almost invariably written without quota tion marks. It eccursin Burten's " Anat omy of Melancholy " and also in Herbert's "Jacuia Prudentum," and Shakspcarc, in "Much Ade About Nothing," says "comparisons arc odorous." A literary journal of some standing recently made itself a laughing-stock by remarking that this was net classical English a quite suflicient proof that even he whom Ben Jehnsen called "sweet swan of Aven" is net as well known as he ought te be. The origin of the term " the midnight oil," is hard te trace ; but it occurs in Quarlcs, in Shcnstenc and. in Gay, and was probably invented by the first. "Devil take the hindmost" opens another diffi cult problem ; but.pcrhaps, Beaumont and Fletcher may claim the phrase, which was used in later days by Butler, Prier, Pepe, Burns, and half dozen mere. "Diamond cut diamond" is traceable te Ferd's Lener's Melancholy, where it may be found in the form "diamonds cut diamonds;" and the expression "neither fish nor flesh nor geed red herring" seems te belong te Sir H. Sheers. "Turn ever a new leaf," says Hiddieten, iu Anything for a Quiet Life, and it was Mrs. Malaprep, iu Sheridan's The BitaU, who first owned the "soft im peachment." Oliver Goldsmith, iu The Geed Matured Man, wrote " measures. net men, have always been my mark;" and Burke, doubtless alluding te the pep- ulaiity of the phrase in his days, spoke of " the eant of ' uet men, but measures.' " Te Milten we ewe the saying that Peace hath her victories. Ne less renowned than war : and it was Goldsmith again, who. iu She Steeps te C'engucr, introduced us te the " very pink of perfection." Every one must be acquainted with the amusing epi sode of Tweedledum and Twccdledee, as described by the clever author of " Alice in Wonderland ;" but few arc aware that the quaint names were originally coined for the benefit of Handel ami his enemy Bouenciui, and it was Byren who wrote : Seme say, cempur'd le Uonencini. That Mynheer Handel's but a ninny : Others aver that he le Handel l-i scarcely fit le bold a caudle. Strange all this difference should be 'Twist Tweedledum and Tweedledcc. Yet, after all, there was a real and sub stantial difference, for Handel's name will never forgotten, while that of Bouencini may be said never te have lived at all. It was Thomsen who first spoke of "teach ing the young idea hew te sheet," aud it was Bacen who enunciated the aphorism that " Knowledge is power." An Era of Geed Feeling. Louisville Courier Journal. Sectionalism, which is compounded in about equal parts from pre.vineiaIi.sm and partyism, produces, iu its outer manifes tation, many icpicscntativc types. There is the theoretic sectionalism like Whitclaw Reid, and there is the inflamed sectionalism like Wendell Phillips. There is the motherly old Saircy Gamp sectional ism like Jeseph Mediil, atul there is the wilful, bc-dam'd-if-hc-den't-be sectional ism like Murat Halstead. Then we have the morbid, philosophic sectionalism like the wicked partners of the Truly Geed Richard Smith ; the frisky sectional ist, like Jim Blaine ; the slobbering section alism like Henry Ward Beecher : the lierv, untamed sectionalism like Beb In- gersell ; and cold, crafty, aud calculating sectionalists, like Roscec Colliding aud Jehn Sherman ; and finally, quite a riff raff of echoing, second-hand fectietialists, like President Woolsey, of Yale college. Such babbling, pharisaic seelieiialisls as Beut well aud the Southern idiot who pro poses Jeff Davis for next president id" the United States are net worth mentioning ; which reminds us, however, that, at the Seuth there is but one sectieualist of ua ! tienal reputation. j Rebert Toombs is a sectieualist "en . principle." He is neither a provincial nor j a. partisan. A man of large brain and travel, lieh. obstreperous, aud vain hav- , ing enjoyed all the honors his sectional- j ism is a play of etic charactci aud one act; 1 for he is a pet-seu that does net care whether school keeps or is dismissed, and is perfectly willing te perform en occasion for these who will make the most of him. j Yet, 011 the whole, he is quite as sincere ' as the Northern sectionalists we have ' named, which is le say that, where lie is net wrong-headed, being always perverse, ' he is simply acting the part set down upon the bills by conceit aud thrift. j We de net mean te be undcistned as ex- j pressing the opinion that all scclienalists 1 sire insincere, for that would be te make ! no allowance for the existence of honest feels in the world. Leaders, however, I have no right te claim immunity under J this head : and, as -sectionalism is streaked ; through and through with ignorance, they . can only plead interest or malice. Indeed, ' they themselves betray a certain con sciousness of this, for they aie perpetually shifting about and about, varying then tone and their posture, making one excuse te-day and another te-morrow, as if ashamed, as they ought te be, of their ' narrow and prescriptive spirit. When we quit the leaders an I go in search of sectionalists among the rank and file we find of course plenty of them, North and Seuth. But there is this dif ference in favor of the Southern ever the Northern sectionalism The one is full el aggression sweeping iuhis asseitieus, in discriminate iu his charges, aud backed by the newspapers of his section and the en ginery of the government, aiming first te prescribe then te ruin, and finally te ex-, terminate. The ether, whatever his faults his short sightedncss, his het temper and his lack of information is at least the defender of his manhood and his home, and thp, habits, the customs, and' the tra ditions thereof. If the Seuth does net be come an Ireland, it will net for the reason that the Republican party has net done all it could te make it se. It will net become an Ireland. It is destined te be rich aud , strong; and it will ewe its wealth 1 and power te the sturdy defeuss it has set against the mad devices of sectionalism, which, but for the character of the Southern people, would have etc new engulfed the whole country iu destruction it planned for a part. Happily the Seuth, as a section, is out of J the weeds. The coming administration , can de uething te the Seuth which -v ill net hurt the Republican party mere than it will hurt the Seuth. It will carry into elfect it will attempt te carry into effect the blatant jabber of its sectional advisers at its peril. Frem a partisan standpoint we can afford te invite it te let itself in en just as stalwart a line as it likes. Wc can ' afford te dare it, te defy it, te despise it. Nay, wc can even afford te support it when-' ever it has the right en its side. But there is euc thing we cannot afford. We cannot afford te have the wrong en ours. j The Seuth has a start new and a geed 1 one. The election of Garfield has done at j least one excellent thing. It has extin ' guished in the average Southern heart the expectancy, the hope of ofScev It has j turned the Southern mind te business. Te realize en this latter, the Seuth has te rely upon herself, and the time has ceme te put forward, sincerely and energetically ; the agency and the arts of peace. There is as little crime in the Seuth as in the North ; but that is beside the purpose. The are ciimcs among us which are con spicuous and transparent, and wc need te address ourselves te these. Above all, however, we need te suppress seutimcntal politics and politicians, te discourage blatherskites aud blathcrskitiug, te lengthen the tail and curtail the ruffle upon our skirt. There has been a geed dial of waste or raw material; and, as we are going largely into manufacturing, we maj as well begin te ccouemize. He will get en best in life who knows most, and knows it accurately. The sectionalists of the North have for years deceived themselves. Deceiving themselves, they have misled us. Let them take the federal machine and run it exclusively, while we bestir ourselves, and when wc have grown rich and strong they will have dene se ill with it, that, if we care te, we can buy it. We can, meanwhile, qualify ourselves for na tional administration by geed local admin istration iu the Seuth. Te this end has sectionalism come, that it is making feels j in the North, who howl, and wise men at the Seuth, who work, foretokening in the future a complete reversal of relative places. The " era of geed feeling," about which we hear se much, is sheer slush and gush. Anytime these ten years there ha been geed feeling enough for all practical pur poses. There will never, peruaps, come a time when sectionalism will net be mount ed by sectionalists te serve some party purpose. Te day it is tlie North and the Seuth. Te-morrow it may be the East and the West. The meaning of it is that in a free land parties exist and ought te exist. Only imperialists and mollycoddles want te abolish patties. Party feeling in deed should be checked. Partisan rascal ity should be punished. Politicians should be taught that, because a man be comes a party leader or manager, he docs net necessarily cease te be a gentleman ; and that, no matter what party we belong te, we arc still fellow-citizens, who, against a foreign enemy, put our country above all party, and, iu home affairs, require of all parties decent observance of the rules of common honesty curieut among men. I.eware. De net let your Driursist palm off en von any new. cheap remedy for eelds when you inquire for Dr. Unit's CeiiRhSyrup or you will be disappointed. Price cents a bottle. Ge te II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North tjueeu street, ter -Vr. Freeman's Xeiir National Dyes. Fer brightnessand durability et color are uiicqttuled. Celer from 2 te .1 pounds. Price, 15 cents. A Geed Study. The proper study et mankind is man. and the proper cure for sick Headache and Bilious ncss is Spring Illessum. Price 50 cents, trial bottles 10 cents. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and irw North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. MEV1CAL. CUTICURA Itching Humors, Scaly Humors, Bleed Humors, speedily, permanently and economically cured when physicians 11 ml all ether methods fail. What are bkin and Scalp DNeae but the evidence cf internal Humer ten times mere ditlicult te reach and cure, which floats iu the bleed and ether fluids, destroying the delicate machinery of life, and tilling the body with foul corruptions, which burst through the skin in loathsome eruptions? CuncuitA Ukselvent, the new ISloed Purilier, internally, Cetici'ra, 11 Medicinal Jelly, assist ed by theCuTicim.v 51 kdicinalakd Toilet Sexr, externally, have performed the met miracu lous cures et Itching, Sealy and Scrofulous Humors ever recorded in medical annuls. Eczema Rodent. Kc-zema Kedext. F. II. Drake, esq., agent for Harper .V Urethers, Detroit, Mich., gives an astonishing account et his case (Eczema ito ite dent), which had been treated by a consulta tion of phvslcians without benefit, and which speedily y ielded te the Cuticura Remedies. Salt Kheum Salt Ituisuji. Will McDonald, 25f2 Dearborn street. Chicago, gratefully acknewlcdgesa cure of Salt Klieuin en head, neck, face, arms and legs, ler seventeen years ; net able te walk ex cept en hands and knees for one year; net able te help himself for eight years ; tried hun dreds of remedies; doctors pronounced his case hopeless : permanently cured by the Cu ticura Keuicdies. Ringworm. Kingweiim. Gee. W. Mrewn, 48 Marshall street. Providence, K. I., cured by Cuticura Remedies et a Itingwerm Humer, get at the bather's, which spread all ever the ears, neck and face and for six years resisted all kinds of treatment. Skiu Disease. S. A. Steele, esu., Chicago. III., says: "I will say that beterc 1 used the Cuticuka. Kkmedihs I whs in a fearful state, and had given up all hope of ever having any relief. They have pei pei fermed a wonderful cure ler me, and of my own free will and accord. I recommend them.1' Cuticuka ItnMKDira are prepared by WEEKS As POTTKlt, Chemists and Druggists, MOO Wash ington street. Hosten, and are for sale by all Druggists. Price ler Cuticcua, a Medicinal Jellv. small boxes, 511 cents; large boxes, $1. Cuticcra Kcselvknt, the new Itloed Purilier. $1 per bottle. CtrrtcunA Medicinal Toilet eai Si cents. Cuticuka MedicixalShavike Se.vr, 15 cants; in bars ler Harbers and large consumers, 5 cents. MZAU mailcilrce en receijrt of price. SANFORD'S RADICAL. CURE FOR CATARRH. .sasfekd's Kadical Cure, Catarrhal Sol vent, and iMrueVEO Imialeii, wrapped in one package, with full directions, anil sold by all druggists for one dollar. Ask for Saxkerh'b Kadical Cube. from a simple cold or intlucnza te the rot ret ting, sloughing and death of the senses et Smell, Taste and Hearing, this great remedy is supreme. Poisonous mucous accumulations are removed, t he eatirc membrane cleansed, disinfected, seethed and healed, constitutional ravages checked.the bleed purilied of catarrhal poison, deepened in color, and strengthened in lite-giving properties. Thus, externally and internally, in accordance with reason and common sense, does this great, economical remedy work, instantly relieving and perma nently curing tlie most aggravated and dan gerous forms et hi'inan snttcring. Ucncral Agts.. WEEKS & POTTEK. Bosten. JJelIins' Voltaic Electric Plasters. Mere continuous and powerful electrical action is obtained from Cellins' Voltaic Elec tric Plasters than any fi battery made. They are a speedy and certain cure for Pain and Weakness et the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys ami Urinary Organs, Itheumatism, Neuralgia, Hvsteria. Female Weakness. Nervous Pains aiid Weaknesses, Malaria, and Fever and Ague. Price Si ct. Sold everywhere. LOCKER'S RI0W1D COM SYRUP! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness-, Asthma. Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Bleed, Inflammation of the Lungs, nnO all Diseases of the Chestand Air Passaged. This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience lias proved te possess the most sale anil efficient qualities ter the cure of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 25 cent?. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 KAST KINU STKfcET. el6-tfd 11 O LI DAY GOODS HULLS DRUG STORE I'L'UE BOHEMIAN TOILET SETS, KICIILY CUT AND ENUKAVED COLOGNE BOTTLES. A Large Variety or Elegant ODOR CASES and STANDS, PERFUMERY BOXES. 4c. Alse an Extensive Assortment of Toilet and Fancy Articles, BRUSHES, COMBS and MIRROR TOILET SETS. American, French and English PERFUMERY. nd a variety of ether gceds suitable for Presents.'of which tny Stock is larger than ever beterc. Gr. W. HULL, : Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, ang-23-lydl LANCASTER, PA. MEDICAL. VAIuOAULK TRUTHS. If you arc suffering from peer he:dth. or languishing en a bed of sickness take cheer, ler Hep llUtent Will Cure Yea. It you are simply ailing: if you feel weak and dispirited, without clearly knowing why. Hep Bitters Will Kevlve Teu. If you are a minister, aud have overtaxed yourself with your pastoral duties; or a mother, worn out with care and work. Hep Bitten Will Restore Yeu. If you arc a man et business, weakened by thesiraiu of yeurcveryday duties: or a man of letters, toiling ever your midnight work. Hep Bitters Will Strengthen Yeu. If you aru young, and suffering from any in discretion, or are growing tee fast, as is often the case. Hep Hitters Will Relieve Yea. IT yen are in the work shop, en the farm, at the desk anywhere, and feel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating with out intoxicating. Hep Bitters Is What Yeu Need. If you are old. and your pulse is feeble, your nerves unsteady, ami your faculties waning. Hep Bittern will give you New Life and Viger Hep llitiers Mniiul'ut'turius Company, Rochester. New Yerk, ai'd Terente, Ontario. dectf-lvdMWFAw KIDNEY WOKT. THE ONL.Y MEDICINE IN EITHER LItjUlD OR DRY FORM That Acts at the Same Time 011 The .Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. These great organs are the natural cleansers of the system. If they work well, health wlllbeperlect, if they become clogged dread lul diseases are sure 10 fellow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Biliousness, IleatUichc, Ifispcpxiu. Juunttiec, Constipation, Files, Kiilne.i Complaints, ir (flee, jstuvrt ujt, jiff t u tniun (fffi iff .'(, are developed because the Meed is poisoned wiin me numers 111:11 suetiiii ie c.pcnc!i nat urally. KIDNEY WORT Will Restore the healthy action and alt tliee destroying evils will be banished ; neglect them ami you will live but te suffer. Thousands have been cured. Try it ami you will adil one mere te the number. Take Hand health will once mere gladdi 11 your heart. Why suffer longer from the torment et an aching back? Why bear such distress from Constipation and Piles ? Kidkev-Wert will cure you. Try it at oace aud be satistied. Yetlr druggist lia It. Price 91 ,0O. .83- It Is put up iu Wry Vegetable Ferm, 111 43Tlin eans, one package of which makes six 4S- quarts of medicine. 3" Alse ill liquid Ferm, very Concentrated 3 ler the convenience et these who cannot CS-readily prepare it. It (ie.v with equal tSf efficiency in either form. HELLS, BIVHARDSOX & CO., Prep', llurlnigtMii, VI. (WUl send the dry pest-paid.) dec 37 lydfcwl TMir. Kill POIC1U.11 FOR 1IOI.IDAV l'KES- ENTS. Presents for all at FREY'S CITY PHARMACY, North Queen, comer Orange street, Lancaster. Pa. An immense variety or Toilet SclM. Ladles' aud tJcnts' Companions,. Ladles' Cabbas, Russia Leather and Seal Skin I'ocket-Beoks. Letter and Card Cases. Fans, Cigar Cases, Ac. Fine Colognes, Toilet Waters, Cut Class Bettles, &c. 43-CALL AND EXAMINE. INVALIDS TAKE NOTICE. .XEAItLY ,000 I'LKSONS have placed themselves under my charge du r ing tlie last three years In Reading and this city. One-halfef them at least were called in curables. Chronic cases of Dyspepsia, Con sumption. Klieiiin.-iti-ni, and ether afflictions. Nearly all reported lliusame story, viz: I have tried many doctors and quack medicines, aim ull in vain. I am discounted. While curing the sick in these two cities ever l,.riU0 deaths have occurred in ether physicians' practice, and net a halt-dozen iu mine. Won't you in person (at my offices) or by letter ini estimate my remark able cures. Menand wemeii.-ick feryears.werc under my practice in a few day. or weeks cured. Send or call ami get a l'i-page pamph let (free), containing the names of people thus rapidly restored te health here in Lancaster. All cured by placiiigmy inexpensive medicines en the outside el the bei'y. Se poi-ens used and no drugs, syrups, pills, powders, bitters. or ether such vile btutTs placed in the stomach. Consultations anil Examinations Free tit my elfices. llnii'livds have been cured et Catarrh f'er liO cents. Cure Quick for Catarrhs'-nt te any address in the United States for M cents. DR. O. A. GREENE, (111 Years Experience), Ne. 23J NORTH IJUKKN STKKKT, 30-tfdMWF&S .iineaster. P.i. uiecfmj:n. ri'RV A POUND OF THK DKI.IUlUUS 8 o'clock Breakfast Coffee. ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA CO., lit NORTH QUEEN HTRLEI', dl-t jail I l.iuu-anter, Pa. 500 POUNDS riNK MIXI'.II CflSlir. ALSO WINKS AND LIQUORS. IUJUE 0LI YK WHISKY, Only 55 Cents Per Quart, at. RINGWALT'S, Ne. "-. WEST KING STREET . I Flerida Oranges, Valencia Oranges, Solid Sweet White 'rapes, 31 and 23c. per pound : Fine Raisins, Princess 1. S. Almonds, te and 43c. per pound ; ('ream Nuts, Filbert. English Walnuts, Pecan Nuts, Shcllbarks, Ac. Pure Fresh Mixed Candy. Crystallized Fruits, Apricots and Cherries. FI E FIUS at 'c. a box. FINE FRENCH PRUNES in Jars, also by the pound. A FULL LINE CANNED FUUiT. CHOICE COFFEES, FINE TEAS, AT D. S. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST K1N STKEKT. KOBEH, BLANKETS, Jit.. s: ION OK THE BUFFALO IIKAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I have new en hand the Labekst, Bust awd Cheapest Abberthkiit of Lined aud Unlincd BUFFALO ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AND HOUSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line or Trunks and Satchels, Harnese, Whips, Cellars, &c. iWRepnlrlng neatly and promptly dencO A. MHiEY, 198 North (Jimm St., Ixtneatter. 25-lydMWAS CI BA1M SsfKCULATlO J In large or small amounts. 125 or $20,000 Write W. T. SOULK ft CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 I Salle street, Chicago, UL. for cii ulara. mss-iyd 4-