? II v LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28 1880. Lancaster ntelligencet. - . ' --' - '", "' TUESDAY EVENING, DEO. 28, I860. The Northampton Lynching. The proverbial blindness of passion was strongly exemplified by that Xorth Xerth Xorth ampten county crowd of excited men who hung the brutal murderer of the Gegles. They believed him guilty of a horrible crime upon evidence which seemed te them conclusive. It seems se te every one. There is no present doubt that the verdict of guilty, rendered sum marily by the crowd, was a just one, and that the punishment of death meted out te the murderer was well deserved. The men who law lessly administered it may have thought that they were adding intensity te it by their promptness; but mere probably they did net step te think at all, but hung the fellow just te gratify their un reasoning passion. If they had stepped te think they would have found that in hanging their victim at once they were doing him the greatest possible kindness, provided he was really guilty as they be lieved. Of course, if he should by any chance turn out net te have been guilty, they will have made a mistake for which they will have reason te be very sorry. If he was guilty their sober moments will also bring them occasion for deep regret : net only because they have vie lated the law, but because they have taken from the guilty the heaviest part of the punishment for his crimes, when he richly deserved te bear every bit of it that could be lawfully laid upon him. A mere dastardly murder was never com mitted if the present account is true of the act and its motive. New what was the man's punishment ? It was the agony of a few hours exchanged for that of many months. .Surely we all knew that the punishment of man, se far as man can inllict it, is ended with death ; and that the agony et death is in us an ticipatien by the sentient body and net in its endurance by the dead one. Jeseph Snyder's punishment is ever. If the lawMiad retained its held upon him he would yet have suffered a long while. Ner would he, guilty, have escaped his just fate in the country in which his dark deed was done. The justifica tion of lynching in 'places where the law is silent was net had by these North ampten lynchers. They were net moved te their act by a just fear that the guilty murderer would escape if he was left te the law. Thev acted only from blind unreasoning passion and in gratification of the natural bioedthirstiness of the senseless and brutal mob. The men who hung Niyuer are just the men whom we may leek te for deeds that may earn them the rope; for the' showed that they had net control of their pas siens and were net ruled by reason. The law must take cognizance of their crime. That of Snyder is insignificant, in its relation te the public safety, com pared te theirs. It is said that a lynch ing never took place before in Pennsyl vania. It is the place of the law's olli elli cers new te. see te it that it never takes place again. Life and property must net be helil at the order of men's passions. The fundamental idea of government is te provide against this. This lynching crowd who took the life of Snyder, in that act assailed the life of the state, and we savthat their offense is the most heinous one that the law can knew. Whether this man Snyder was guilty of the murder charged te him is wholly immaterial, though there are some circumstances that we note which make us doubt whether his offence was as black as it is painted. What was he doing, for in stance, as a bonnier in the house of the Gogle's if he had behaved te the uaugnier as sue new lesunes lie hau re peatedly done, and if his conduct had aroused the anger of the father and mother ; and wherefore did he, if he was net a lunatic, kill the parents and leave the little children as the witnesses of his crime and his assault upon the elder sister ? These are merely su; gestiens that make it possible that Snyder was net as deeply guilty as charged ; but the degree of his guilt or innocence is of no consequence new in judging the crime of these who took his life. Of that there is no particle of doubt and it should be punished without mercy, for the safety of the state de mands it. S. B. Dick is the latest candidate for the senatorial prize. Being a Masen of high degree and a man of ability, and having particular strength in the North west, mere is some reason te ueimre that his candidacy may become formida ble. It is pretty well settled that Grew lias net the stamina te stand the race and he must drop back after the premis ing start he will doubtless make at the head of the line. Ben Brewster has been 'named from Philadelphia, and the Press premises te stand by him with all its guns. lie is a creditable candi date and doubtless the ugliest and ablest among all who will appear ; but it is mere than doubtful whether he can stand the training. lie has been put among the nominations before,but never came te the score. He lacks the power te-handle the votes, and it is the votes tliat elect. Who the coming man may be is very uncertain beyond the fact that it will net be Grew and is net likely te be Oliver. Seme one will come up en the homestretch and win in a canter. A yeah or two age Mr. Ferry, sena tor from Michigan and president of the Senate, was pummelled and had his eye put iu mourning by one Sidney W. Cooper ter having made improper ad vances te Coeler's daughter. Ferry did net prosecute him and the common verdict was that he had been guilty, but he was deemed tee insignificant te have the matter get much attention. New that Ferry has had Cooper appointed consul te Cadiz as a consideration that his month be stepped people are again moved te commend the kind considera tion of Hayes's civil service methods. The editor of the Philadelphia llccerd doesn't knew but that his turn may come some of these days, and he there fore deprecates all depreciation of Mr. Oliver's senatorial aspirations because he is a rich man. Haxgixg is net altogether " played out " in the Lehigh region, even if a murderer in these parts does slip the noose occasionally. The savage trial and swift judgment upon the monster who met his fate near Bethlehem prove that Judge Lynch holds court above as well as below Masen and Dixen lines and that the sluggish bleed of the Penn sylvania Dutchman can be stirred te visitsummary redress for public wrongs as well as that of the mercurial Southerner. PKBSONAL, President Ghevt will held this year a New Year's reception after the American fashion ; that is, that the doers of the Elysec will be thrown open te all comers who may wish te call and pay their re spects te the president of the republic. William L. Pearson, esq., son of Judge Pearson, is an applicant for supreme court reporter, a position made vacant by the election of Mr. Norris te the state Senate. A number of members of the letral profes sion interviewed Governer Heyt a few days age in Mr. Pearson's interest. Mr. Jekeme B. Stillsex, a prominent New Yerk journalist, died en Sunday. He was born iu Buffalo, and was at the time of his death in his fortieth year. During the latter part of the war he be came special correspondent for the World aud seen distinguished himself. At the close of the war he became the World's Washington correspondent. Fer the last three years Mr. Stillson had been a corres pondent of the New Yerk Herald. General Garibaldi lies day after day en a small iron bed, in a simply furnished room, looking en the sea. He wears the round cap of his portraits aud holds a paper fan wherewith te drive away the flies strange aud piteous occupation of a once se doughty warrior. His eyes are bright, his complexion fresh and healthy, his hair white, his heard pepper and salt. He is sadly paralyzed, even his hands be ing stiff and distorted. Blaine is preparing for a European tour of eight months, leaving this country in March aud returning next November. He would go iu February if it were net for the close vete in the Senate after March 3. An apparent authentic statement is te the effect that Mr. Blaine will join his friend, the Hen. William Walter riiclps in Reme, as early in the spring as possible. Mr. Phelps is new in Italy and it is known that he has been expecting Mr. Blaine aud another friend te join him in the spring. Kidder & Peabody, bankers, of New Yerk and Bosten, have secured the Mc Cal'iinnt proxies te vete against the pre sent management of Heading railroad, and it is said that they have selected Fuank S. Bend, vice president of the Texas and Pacific railroad, as their candidate for the presidency. Mr. Bend has been waited upon and while declining te enter the list as an active candidate for the position, has signified the willingness te take the office if called by the votes of the stockholders. The election comes off en January 10 Rev. E. II. Ciiai'in, D. Dm who died in New Yerk yesterday was the eldest working Univcraalist clergyman in that, city. He was distinguished as a journal ist, preacher and lecturer. He made sev eral European tours, the most notable be ing his visit te Frankfort eii-the-Maiii in 1830,when his speech before the Peace Convention of that year commanded marked aud universal attention. Anether of his noteworthy orations was that deliv ered en the occasion of the delivery of bat tle flags te the custody of the state at the close of the Rebellion. In the heat of the presidential election canvass of 1800 Mr. Lincoln wrote the following letter te Mr. J. M. Breckman new of Humboldt, Nebj: Si,kingkieli) 111., Sept. 23, 1SG0. Mr. J. M. Breckman, esq : Dear Sin : Yours of the 24th, ask ing 'the best mode of obtaining a thorough knowledge of the law,' is received. The mode is very simple, though laborious and tedious. It is only te get the books and read and study them carefully. Begin with Blackstone's ' Commentaries,' and after reading it carefully through, say, twice, take up Chitty's ' Pleadings,' Grcenleafs ' Evidence ' and Sterey'8 Equity,' &c., in succession. Werk, work, work is the main thing. Yours, very truly, A. Lincoln." Garfield is net a very expert horse man, and he sometimes shows a little absent-mindedness that amuses his neigh bors. It is his habit te drive te church en Sundays with his family, unattended by a servant. He will net allow his team te stand out in the cold during service, but unhitches and puts his horses in a friend's barn near the church. Last Sunday, after service, he hitched his spau of black colts te his wagon and forget te buckle the lines te the bits. The consequence was that when he get into the wagon aud started the team he came very near having a run away. When the team was stepped and the lines buckled, an old farmer gravely remarked : " General, you will have te de better than that when you take the reins of government, or the political nmles will get away with you." STATE ITEMS! Mrs. Mary Weed, aged 101, who has just been buried iu Philadelphia, retained possession of all her faculties, and the day previous te her death threaded a needle with much ease. Larry McCune, a laborer employed by a firm of contractors en the Pennsylvania railroad, was struck by a freight engine near Greensburg yesterday, and instantly killed. Car Inspector Cornelius O'Brien, of the Pan-Handle read, was found lying en the Pennsylvania railroad track, near Twenty eighth street, Pittsburgh, with one leg cut off close te the thigh ani a deep gash en his head. He was taken te the West Penn hospital where he died au hour later. Bartley Campbell has brought suit for criminal libel against Charles A. Byrne, editor of the Dramatic News, who charges that Campbell did net write the plays " My Partner" and " The Galley Slave," aud further that Campbell stelo outright the latter play. Byrne was released en his own recognizance. He premises te prove all he has said. ine ruiiaueipiua car companies ran their snow plows ever the streets and threw up great hillocks of snow en each side along their length. Tiie streets arc made next te impassable for vehicles, and except at the crossings they are barricaded against pedestrians. At the crossings there is rarely mere of an opening than has been made by the cars and ether vehicles in forcing a passage. The citizen and mer chants are howling. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. An explosion of fire damp occurred in the coal pit at Stetline, France, while the miners were at work. Eleven bodies have been recovered up te the present time. The steamship Rhein, from Europe, has brought $1,000,000 British and French coin, and the steamship Britannic $727, 000 British coin. Conductor Jehu Butchlcr, of the Cleve land & Pittsburgh railroad, who was run ever at Superior station, died at the West Penn hospital. It is estimated that the number of killed aud wounded in the sanguinary struggle between Chili and Peru, during the past two years, would almost fill a one-horse street car. It is rumored that Dervish Pasha, gov ernor of Albania, has been assasiuated. which seem te confirm the rumors that a meeting of ths Albanian league had con detuned him te death. A collision occurred en Sunday morning between a passenger and a freight train at the state line ou the Mobile & Ohie read, La. The two engineers and two brakemen were killed and several ethers fatally wounded. Three colored miners were caught by the caving in of a portion of the Union coal mine in Chesterfield county. Ya.. en Friday, while all of the miners but them were out of the shaft. At last accounts only one dead body had been recovered. A collision occurred between two freight trains en the North Carolina air line rail road. Three passenger Philip A. Whis nalc, Charles Sellc and a negre named Ned Stroud were Trilled. Themas II. Gartlcr aud Engineer Wisenbcrry were in jured. Jehn Barmerc a hack-driver, fell from his carriage while returning from a funeral in Baltimore and died instantly. The de ceased was sixty-four years of age aud left an invalid wife, two daughters and one son. It is supposed that he fell from his seat in an epileptic lit. The total population of Vermont, accord ing te the schedules returned te the census office by the enumcrateis, is 3:12,23(5. Of this number lOC.SSS are males, and 1G3, 398 females. 291,340 are native, and 50, 94C foreign born. 331,243 are white, and 1,043 colored, including G Indians and 5 half breeds. During an altercation in Halifax county, Ya., between Marien Wimbish, a white boy, aged seventeen, and a negre boy, about the possession of an axe, the negre attempted te assault Wimbish with a hoe, when the latter dealt him a blew en the ucck with the axe almost .severing the negre's head from his body. Within the past forty-eight hours four tramps have been found in a dying condi tion from being suffocated by the gas of lime kilns in the lower part of Richmond, where such characters arc iu the habit of spending their nights despite all efforts te keep them away. Twe of these have died. A middle-aged man named Jacob Sey mour, was killed near Mansfield, by a shifting engine en the Pan-Handle rail road. Ne one could be found who saw the accident, but the unfortunate man had evidently been walking en the track. He was a sti anger te the of people Mansfield, and his remains were taken charge of by the leeal authorities. Felix Heymaun shot and killed himself in the Grand Central hotel, New Yerk. He had relatives in Philadelphia, one of whom, a brother-in-law, is said te have been worth considerable money at one time. Corener Brady discovered that the suicide before sheeting himself had re moved a glass eye, which he were in the left socket and placed it along with several ether glass eyes in a hat en the bureau, near where the body lay. The man evi dently shot himself while standing before the bureau mirror. Death must have been instantaneous. At a Christmas festival held in Secorro, N. 31., en Christmas evening, several Mexicans created a disturbance which was quelled by Mr. Colliding, of the Sun. Shortly afterward while Colliding and his wife were leaving church, two Mexican; seized him by the arms, while the third fired three shots, killing him instantly. The assailants lied te a small town in the vicinity, where they are guarded by 2,000 Mexicans. A large pesse of Americans well armed intend te get the murderers into custody even if they have te fight, for them. In Newburyport, Mass., a boiler at E. P. Dedge's shoe factory exploded, killing Engineer James Huntington, of Bosten ; Daniel Bridges, a stock fitter, and Jehu It. Bailey, a heeler. The Chase heeling establishment and Smith's heeling factory and boiler house were entirely demol ished, and the boiler was thrown two hundred yards into Green street. Thou sands of panes of glass were broken. Sev eral men were slightly injured, and the fireman is repotted missing Had the help been at work the less of life would have been terrible. TJIK SIOUX SCAXUAli. Yuii .Spotted Tall Ihitpcs witli StntiigMr liorse's IVife. The Omaha Herald, in a leccnt issue saj-s : A scandal among the highest eir clcs of the Sioux nation has just been agi tating aboriginal society at Rosebud agency. The particulars are given the Herald by a gentleman who came from the place a day-or two age. Seme days .since, yeunjr Spotted Tail. son of Spotted Tail, the renowned chief of all the Sioux, took advantage of the ab sence of Chief Stranger Herse en a hunt hunt ingexpeditien te persuade Stranger Herse's squaw te elope and live with him. They remained several days in young Spot's tepee, without interruption. Stranger Herse icturned from the hunt te find his fire gene out, his squaw he had but one departed, and his tepee desolate. Gathering his friends about him, he started out with his rille. threatening the life of the chief who had brought shame into his household. The affair was reported te the agent, who summoned the faithless wife and her paramour te the agency, where they were confronted with the wronged husband. Yeung Spotted Tail appeared te have passed through a long debauch, and the woman hung her head iu the presence of her husband. When the agent demanded of young Spot why he had committed this wrong, flic culprit gave the same lamenta ble, excuse that was offered by the first of the race of men. "She led me into it," said the wayward chief. After a full hearing of the case, in which the agent acted as a mediator, it wis decided that the wounded honor of Stranger Herse should be healed with the gift of an American horse and a number of valuable articles, and that he should take back his wife and live with her again. Thus bloodshed was averted and the scandal hushed. In following the usages of his tribe, Stranger Herse will very likely make the faithless wife a menial and take another squaw unto himself She Shet Ulm Siie Did. Geerge Maitin was shot dead by a young married woman named Hester, in Robert Robert eon county, Texas, a few days age, be cause he made a jesting reference te a suit for divorce begun by her husband. The murderess is only 22 years old, is very handsome, and has been married only a year. Her husband was standing by when she shot Martin. Martin Leuftin was injured en the Pitts burgh and Lake Erie railroad en Friday night, and taken te the West Penn hospi tal, where he new lies dead. MURDER AND LYNCH LAW. A BLOODY CHIME AMD QUICK RE TKIBCTIOX. A Man and His Wife Murdered In Cela Bleed by a Lnsttal Bearder Who is Strung Up Without a Judge or Jury. The state of Pennsylvania has been stained by the first lynchiug that has ever occurred withiu its borders. Jacob Gogle aud Annie, his wife, with their three children, aged respectively 9, 12 aud 10 years, a quiet German family, lived in the little hamlet of Santee's Mills, four miles north of Bethlehem, en the Lehigh & Susquehanna railroad. Jeseph Snyder, 24 years of age, of Easten, Pa., worked in an ere bed in the neighborhood and bearded in the family. He had frequently made improper advances toward Alice, the pre possessing daughter of Mr. Gogle, aged 10. The daughter had complained te her parents of the actions of Snyder, and her father had had several stormy inter views with him, telling him that he must either leave the house or step at once his disagreeable attentions te his daughter. On Saturday they bad a bitter quarrel, and Snyder was told that he must pay his beard anil leave the house. On Sunday, Snyder remained home in a cheerful mood, join ing with the children and two girl friends, who had come from Farmersville, a few miles distant, te spend the night with them, in singins: their Christmas anthems, which they were practising for an enter tainment in which they were te take part in a few days. The family including Sny der retired at the usual hour. At 2 o'cleok yesterday morning Geerge B. Bitter, who lives a f w reds from the Gogle resi dence, was awakened by Snyder, who said that robbers had been te the house and murdered Mr. and Mrs. Gogle. Bitter called his hired man, Hugh Sandt, who accompanied Snyder. The two stepped at the house of Jeseph Santce, aud they has tcned te Gogle's house. In the room oc cupied by Gogle aud his wife a shocking spectacle was presented. A prettily wrought bed-quilt was removed from the head of the bed and there were exposed te view the murdered couple, Jacob Gogle and his wife Annie, the former about 38 and the latter 3 1 years of age. The in strument with which the deed had been committed, au axe, was still lying cross wise ever the breast of the woman, as placed there by the murderer. The sharp end of the axe had been used in doing the work. Mr. Gogle's head presented a shocking appearance, the upper portion of his skull bavin? been crushed in, and a frightful gash had been made across the mouth. His bsad was almost severed. Mrs. Gogle's skull was also fractured and her threat cut. Beth lay side by side, weltering in their bleed. The farmers from the surrounding country had by this time flecked te the scene, and the excitement became intense. Everybody present was se excited that it was difficult te obtain auy particulars of the tragedy. Before 0 o'clock Snyder had mysteriously disappeared. Frem the children it was learned that Snyder had entered their room iu the night and en deavored te accomplish a hellish purpose en Alice, the eldest daughter. Net suc ceeding in his purpose, he locked their deer en the outside. Then it is sup posed that he went down stairs and murdered the sleeping couple. Snyder was attired in a shirt only, and with his hands dripping with bleed, he crept back into Alice's room. She had a companion sleeping with her, and as seen as he touched the bed they awoke and ran screaming from the room. He followed, aud drove them and the children into the upper room, aud locked the deer. Through a stovepipe hole they saw him burn his shirt in the room below. Then he dressed himself, let them out, and toel: them te the room where the murdered parents lay, saying that burglars had done the deed, and that he was going te alarm the neighbors. With Snyder's disappearance from the premises there also disappeaicd a four barrel revolver, which was kept in an empty cigar box en the window sill in Mr. Gogle's bedroom. The revolver was owned by Mr. Gogle. Under the direc tion of Detective Yehe, the country was scoured te find Snyder. Every feet-print was followed, and at length Yehe, search ing through the straw in Capt. Bitter's barn, caught the murderer by the leg. He made no resistance, and the detective handcuffed him and took him te the scene of the traircdy, followed by a large crowd of persons, who yelled "Hang him!'' "hang him 1" The missing revolver was found ou Snyder. At about 9:30 a. m. Corener Uhler drove te the house in a sleigh. The prisoner was taken into the house and carefully guarded by Detective Yehe with revolver in hand. Threats of hanging the prisoner were continuously made. The people would net listen te any reasoning. The Rev. D. F. Brcndle of Bethlehem, who was present, asked the prisoner : " Did you de this dreadful thing ?" " Yes, I did," he answered. When asked why, he said lightly : "Ah, that is the question." The coroner started with the jury te go te a room upstairs. As seen as he was gene the crowd entered and bustled the detective out of the way. A repe was thrown ever Snyder's neck, and he wa dragged and pushed te the deer. The clercvman implored the lynchers te pause and addressing Snyder, said : "They will make short work with yea ; de yen want te say a prayer ?'' lie answered : "Ne, I want te be hung. I never said but one prayer, and that is enough." He fell down the front steps and they dragged him en his back te a tree. The detective fought his way te Snyder's side and said, "I can't save you, Snyder." He replied, coolly, "Oh, that's all riidit." A double clothesline was put round his neck in a noose, and the ether end was thrown ever the limb of a chest nut tree. Then they swung him up. The repe slipped down the limb, and he fell te the ground. Then a man mounted the tree and passed the rope ever another limb, and they swung him up again. He showed no fear and never asked for mercy.. The repe was made fast te the fence en the ether side of the read and he was left hanging for half an hour. When the coroner came down from the inquest the body was still hang ing te the tree. When District Attorney Anstctt arrived the body lay at the feet of the tree. Ne information could be ob tained as te the lynchers. Ne arrests have been made. The coroner's jury found that Jacob and Anna Gogle came te their death from blows inflicted with an axe in the hands of Jeseph Snyder. Toe much credit caunet be given te the brave and determined efforts of Detective Yehe in try ing te save the prisoner's life. Three times did lie drag him from under the fatal limb, aud winding the rope around his right arm placed his own body between the muiderer ani his enemies. The prisoner, instead of pleading for mercy and his life, seemed te rattier court death, and in direct opposition te the efforts of Mr. Yehe placed himself under the tree. An agile youth mounted the tree, and threw the rope ever one of its branches. The eager crowd, numbering about 100, grabbed the ether, and hauled the mur derer up. Se quickly was it accomplished that Yeke, whose arm was still entwined in the rope, was heisted three or four feet into the air with the murderer. The pris oner was asked if he had anything te say, and confessed in a trembling voice that he had tried te ravish the girl, and had mur dered the parents iu revenge for his failure. Corener Uhler cut the body dewu aud it was removed te the county poorhouse. THE OUTLOOK AT UAKRISBURU. Political Points for tbe Incoming Legisla ture. Patriot. The friends of Hen. Galusha A. Grew are te have a consultation some day this week. The precise time of the meeting has net been promulgated. The Republican slate committee" of the Senate will meet at the Lochiel hotel en Friday next for the purpose of parcel ing out the subordinate offices of the Senate. The Oliver boom for the United States senatership has already been started here. The local adherents of the house of Cam Cam eeon are for Oliver te a man, though some of them fellow the standard of the Pitts burgh candidate rather reluetautlv. The tight for the chief clerkship of the Heuse has narrowed down between S. A Lehch, of Schuylkill, and Harry of Philadelphia. It is going en as ly as ever, with Lesch apparently Huhu, brisk- in the lean. It seems te be regarded as a foregone conclusion that Hen. B. L. Hewit, of Blair, will be the speaker of the new Heuse. Among the candidates for superinten dent of the public grounds are W. H. Pat terson, erthis city, and Caleb Pierce, of Chester county. The appointment will be made en the 1st of Jauuary. Harry Huhu disputes the right of W. P. Small, esq., te call the Heuse te order.' Mr. annul, however, has been recognized by the governor, auditor general and state treasurer as the actiug chief clerk. A new superintendent of common schools will be appointed this year te suc ceed Hen. J. P. Wickersham, whose term of office is about te expire. The term of J. W. Jenes, esq., supcrin tendent of public printing, is about te ex pire, and Governer Heyt will appoint his successor duriug the session of the Legis lature. Crushed te Heath In au Klcvater. William B. Hutchinson, aged 14 years, met with a terrible death yesterday morn ing in Philadelphia. He was employed in Barrows, Sweeney & Ce.'s foundry at Frent and Reed streets as a sort of errand boy. While attempting te lower the ele vator preparatory te heisting sonie coal, the descending box struck him ou the back and wedged his head and shoulders be tween the elevator and screen, where he was found in an insensible condition by one of the employees. He died shortly after being extricated from the death trap. William was the only son of a widowed mother, who relied upon him te a large extent for support. The Celd Snap. At 8 o'clock yesterdav mei-niii" the mer cury at Fert Gary was sixty degrees below zero, at i'embma thirty-four degrees be low, at St. Paul sixteen degrees below, at La Cresse fifteen degrees below, at Dululh twenty-one degrees below, at Omaha eight degrees below, at Milwaukee it was at zero, at Cheyenne four degrees above zcie, at St. Leuis six degrees above aud at Chi cago eleven degrees above. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. THK LEAF. Lecal Tobacco Market. uur market has been very dull ter a week. The few buyers who were here have lett town and gene home te enjoy their holidays. Ihey will net return until the new year comes iu, and they will net be likely te return then unless they should be a season of moist weather te soften the tobacco se that an examination of it may be made. A geed many farmers use steamers with which te keep the at mosphere moist in their tobacco houses, but we hear many buyers object te the practice en the ground that it injures the quality of the leaf. It is believed that net one half of the crop is yet strip ped, and of course it cannot be stripped during the present cold and dry weather, uulcss artificial means arc used te keep it moist. Lecal dealers en being asked why they arc net in the field making purchases shrug their shoulders, say it is tee cold, and that they will wait till they can wear their straw hats, by which time the farm - ers may be willing te sell their crops ler what .they arc worth. These sayings, however, may be only a trick of the trade. We shall expect te see net only the leeal buyers but the " foreigners" ou hand in side of a fortnight. Net much is doing in 1879 leaf. About 100 cases were disposed of during the last week en private terms. The New Yerk Todacce Leaf of Satur day, which only reached us this morning, notes the following transactions in Penn sylvania aud ether tobacco iu that city : Messrs. E. Reseuwald & Bre., sold 100 cases, consisting of Pennsylvania and Con necticut of 1879 growth this week. Mr. Henry Meyer, of Cincinnati, was in town during the week, and bought 200 cases of 1879 Pennsylvania from a Water street firm. Messrs. L. Gershel & Bre., of this city, sold during the week 170 cases Connecti cut, of their own packing, partly te a job ber ami partly te a manufacturer. Mr. Rothschild, of Messrs. Rothschild, Sehreeder & Eliel, Chicago, was ri town during the week. This firm has bought several hundred cases fine Pennsylvania and Housatonic wrappers an I few hun dred bales of Havana. i:n.ioyinetuk holidays. Hew a Ganjj of Tramps llad a Heed Time Time Fer several days past a gang of tramps have been in this city, where they proba bly came te spend their holiday season. Every night it has been their custom te station themselves at different points along North Queen street. They would step almost every male passer-by and in the most piteous tones would ask for a few pennies " te get a night's lodging." Sev eral members of the gang were mero bold and would go into stores and ask for cash. They went from deer te deer and one would be en the watch while the ethers "worked" the stores. Last night the gang, numbering seven, managed te secure seme money, with which they purchased whisky. They all became drui'k an.1 shortly before twelve o'clock started out East King street. When they reached a point near Plum street they became engaged in a quarrel and began te batter each ether's faces. Several persons were drawn te the scene by the noise and they took two of tiie tramps te the station house. Officers Cremcr, Ceylc and Lcmau then started out East King street and arrested four ethers. They were all lucked up and this morning the mayor sent them te jail as fellows : one 30 days, one 20, one 15, one 12 and two for 10. Twe of the men had their faces terribly cut during the fight. The seventh man who did net happen te be in the party when they were arrested was net caught. He is still iu town, however, but as he is rather sly he may elude arrest, as he has been here for several weeks past. K. OF P. Election et OlHcers. Lancaster ledge, Ne. 08, Knights of Pythias, elected the following officers last evening te serve for the ensuing term : C. C Jehn L. Ceylo. V. C Jehn S. Graham. P. Goe. Schcetz. M. of A H. H. Holten. M. of F. Chas. II. Brown. M. of E. Jno. McGinnis. K. of R. aud S. Dr. M. W. Raub. Trustee Wm. Kahl. Grade or Pupils. The following is the percentage of the pupils of the girls' high school for the month of December, 1SS0 : FIRST CLAS3. Sadie Sbindle ICO Ella Dubbs... 97 Carrle .Myers... Minnie Haub.., Flera Eaby Lulu Leng Alice Fridv ...100 S. C Ellmaker 97 ...100 Miilnie Brown 95 ...100 Annie Bitner 4 ... 93 Marv Reyer 93 ... 93 Ai!a Steven si Lizzie lleleina Frances Kaulimau France KrcUler... Ilallie Albert Jennie Oclw 93 Minnie Peacock 91 93 Emma Fiek 91 93 Lillie Rese SO 93 Mav Sutten 88 97iSalIie MeCermiek.. 75 SECOXD CLASS. Xuenil Ebcrman... DJlMav Frick 9 Libbie Weber. . 9S,Kittic Shirk 91 . tWLAlicc MeXaugktan. 91 Nellie Kin:'.. Emma Keitt OS) Mum te Sliarp... 91 j.ujrtiui .uuuuw ..... ira riuiu uenrtl Emma Lively 971 Kate McGinnis.. Ella Staufler ittiMarv.Smeker 9J 90 S9 ss Sallie Gretr. OiiMinnlc Annie... HallieSkeen Ml Marv Everts Lizzie Eaby. 91 Carrie Venker. 9 7 EtHelteimensnyder. 91 Anna Ban...... l-.mnui raiK sji THIRD Allie Arneld 93 Bella Weitzel 93 Mary Mcl'liersen... 93 Anna Weisc 93 CLASS. Katie Sherlz AdaZellers Lizzie Weaver Anna Hess Katie Gast 93 Sadie Fleming. 93 Susie Kirkpatriek.. Maria Clarksen Marien Kendig Anna Baer Emma Eberly Esther Clarksen.... Lizzie Kirkpatriek. Mazie Loeher Ella Shirk Carrie Cox Jesie Franklin Sallin HorneT Hattie QiUtni Ella Killingei- 97 Emma Smith 97 Edith Reprers 97 Marv Ilalbacli 97 Sue llarkiiw 9u Ida Iluzzard 90 Emma Sener 96 Sallic Lein; 'M Katie Barnes 36 Elsie l'cters 90 Hattie MeKeewn... 9tf reu nxn class. Mary Goodell Laura Gerhart Sarah Kiehl Bertie Cox Lillie Frantz Katie Baldwin Agnes Carpenter .. Carrie Breneuian.. Alice Evans Daisy Sninling Clara Beam Lizzie Shoemaker. Helena Ilecli 93 Mary Grnezingcr... Bertie Laverty Blanche Beard Esther Spindler.... 31. Huiuphreville... Lizzie Yicker Nellie Shultz Anna Swartzwelder Ella Zcchcr Ellla Shertzer Addie Springer. Katie Baker Ella Trcwitz 98 97 97 97 97 9U DC 90 M 90 90 95 Firru .... 93 .... 97 ...90 CLASS. Mazic Feagley.... Addie Beaver...". Margie Berner... Anna Krcidcr Alice Thomsen.... Annie Uren Louisa Schuh Jennie Harrison. KntloHey. Mary Krclder Anna; Wolf Mary Stanten Lillie McCullen.. Katie Ostermayer Annie Wilsen Katie ltaab Katie Fisher Minnie Hornu Sal lie Bcnnewit Katie Sharp Amanda Pl'eiUer Maggie Lee D. Messcnkep .. 94 .. 91 .. '.Kl .. :i .. 93 .. Si) .. S3 ... b3 ... S7 ...87 ... S7 90 90 . 93 95 95 . 95 . 95 . 95 . 91 91 rierarricK Annie Xetl. Hattie Hurttuun. Amy Ball , Laura Duncan... ... 85 ... W, ... t:i Grade or l'upils. The following is the grade by classes of the pupils in attendance at the boys' sec ondary school, North Mulberry street, for the month ending December 21, 1880, the first column of figures indicating the con duct of the pupils, and the second column the progress iu the several branches of study : A CLASS. Daveler Gee Gundakcr 1 Eberly Willie... RntleilgeH HetriekJehn... Wiant H Gressman 11 Sheetz L Chambers .1 Adams WE Bitner Abni Kreider Clia- Xauman Win... Apple Harry Maitin Wm Lengeneeker C Hull 11 C Benttel 1 llartman F C... .Shindle Frank... LiclityG II . 95 HO . 95 90 . 90 90 ICO 95 . 90 95 . 85 85 . 95 90 . 97 95 . 90 90 . 90 87 . 95 90 .100 100 GrellJ R Derwart G E Harpel G I Bitner .1 W Maxwell Wm.... Kirkpatriek Win Bitner A W Mills .Marry. Sterml'eltz W L. Musser Wm Rohrer Heward. 8J 90 95 95 92 93 95 95 97 95 93 Coxey, F. I! A33. Martin Jehn. WeidlerM B.... Lcvden Clius... He-detterH Kaufman Edw. Sell William.... Iteilly Rebert... Ilartnein Chas.. loe; 'I ' 9U 95 90 90 95 85 90 Cehe Herbert... KM Ernst Wm Hoever W J... Amwake Chas. Fuegley Chas.. Leciier W 15.... Lneher C B Lutz Fred Frank Jno Leippc II S GneblcGee Bowels 11 U.... Can- Michael 100 Keyer Calvin !)S Goedlmrt Tiies.. 98 Leng Clias 92 licit-din E K IU) Xauniau Cha... 90 Seliaum Wm 92 Krev A 91 Mu-iselinan Win 93 Stautt'er Hurry.. 95 Carman .1 M 82 D CLASS. l'ewden C E... Shultz II E Kaittz Wm Bartley M Kryder C F Power 11 Wise Adam Fritz Sam Shaub Harry... Bitner S Jehnsen Frank, lieeltncr Ed Becttner Alber . 90 90 .100 95 . 95 95 . 9) 90 . X 95 . 90 95 . 90 92 95 90 . K ST, Heitshu W R.... Gust E II Kulins Jno Hanibright Gee. Gundaker Win.. TrisslerJ W Miller W C Glever II D Godfrey J II Reyer J Weaver G It Leippe M L Walker Wm Welehens Will.. Hartley Harry.. Beas Sain Flick ClirKt Leng Willie Fowler Jus McEvey M Eekert Fred Gerrccht II Gerlacli Jacob... Bitner Alfred... Gibsen Latcn... Engrell" Jehn... Rey Will l'entz Reuben... Martin Heward. Treycr Ed HeitshuHerl).... Fisher Jno Hacker Ben ZecherSam Adams A . SO 80 . 93 80 . 93 72 . 82 72 .. 70 80 .100 50 .74 50 . SO 58 . 93 59 . 92 48 .. SO 52 . 85 52 t 82 50 Smith Frank 89 Reese Ward 89 Kirk Alfred 31 BaeliiugerC 70 Mcl'hersen II... 74 Frailey Henry... 81 Jeffries Milten.. 71 Yeekerllen 09 Walker Eil 03 Laverty Ualph.. 40 Reinieiisiiyder C 01 McCartney C 83 Ilrinser Elmer.. 85 PCLJ AS3. Benawit Will ... Leciier Dave.... l'inkeiten Herb. Malene Chas Xauman Will... Weaver Maurice Finger Adam Attains Leuis.... BlickenderferC. McGuire Henry. Hammend C Hull Wendell.... Ban- Walter Diffendcrler Davish Will. J. McGeever Dan.. KepnerEd Gundakcr Will.. Washington i:rugli Items. Jehn W. Metzgcr, proprietor of the " Susquehana hotel," has moved te Colum bia where he will take charge of a hotel en Frent street. He also keeps the Snsquc haua hotel, of this place, iu "full blast" as a drinking heuse only. Tobacco buyers arc moving around this way since Christmas. One small let has been sold for fourteen "through, "another for thirteen and ene lare let for sixteen through, while still another refused twenty through. Seme of our farmers have finished stripping, ethers will finish in a week or two. Rcnjaman Wcrlz, administrator of Jacob Allisen, deceased, sold at public sale en rrulay evening, Dee. 24th, one house and let of ground fi!r610 te Jacob Brown miller. Three lets of ground for $020 te Jacob Walk. The Church of Ged of this place had au entertainment en Christmas eveuing. It was ene of the best that was ever given iu Washington and reilects great credit en the managers, especially the minister in charge. Rev. Recver. The M. E. church intends te have an entertainment en New Year's evening for the benefit of the church, and from the pregramme it premises te be quite a suc cess se far as the performance is concerned Let every person de what he can te make it a success financially. Identified the U;ig. A few mornings age Albert Arndt was arrested when a bag containing a let of chickens was found in his possession. Andrew Shaubach. residing en the Stras burg pike, has identified the bag as his property. He says that at different times corn, chickens, fcc, have been stolen from his premises. Arndt will he heard before Alderman A. F. Dennelly te-morrow morning. ST. JOHN'S 1AV. The Masonic Appointments. Yesterday being St. Jehn's Day, nota ble in the Masonic calendar, the grand efHccrs-clcct were installed tit Philadel phia and the grand master announced his appointments. Spencer C. Gilbert, of Harrisburg, is one of the grand stewards ; B. Frank Brcncman, of Lancaster, is ap pointed deputy grand master for Lancaster and Yerk counties. 32 89 93 83 92 88 , 50 87 100 70 89 70 SI 75 87 71 83 09 90 07 92 05 80 01 92 02 I'KOF. IIAKTZ. A Geed Shew and a Bis Uebm-FrMat Glrea Away. Last evening Prof. Hartz,the illusionist, opened in Fulton hall te a large andience. The gallery was full and se were the ether parts of the house. The professor is really great in his performance, which astonished and delighted the audience. lie perforated a number of marvelous tricks, with ureatcr skill than any similar artist that has been here for years. He took high hat from tha hand of a gentleman ia- taaaadmce, and immediately drew fretu it about three dozen titl tumblers, a bird cage, large dell, a half dozen plumes, a dozen eaas of to matoes, a let of fancy boxes, a half dezea lighted Chinese lanterns and a dozen racks of cards. Frem a piece of common c'eta he would bring forth dishes tilled with water. Flowers were grown ia dishes covered with a cloth, and eggs werefeund in men's hair. The professor filed a large canister with cloth balls and at the shot of a pistol transformed them into a glass case, which hung suspended between two poles. He held a cage with a canary in it in front of his body and at a signal both disappeared. Numerous ether very clever tricks were performed. Miss Mitchell gave an exhibition of sec ond sight. With her eyes blindfolded she was able te tell the name of any article which the professor would get from peo ple in the audience and held up. This lady was also made te sleep in the air. Between the acts of the professor the ether part of the performance was intro duced. Prof. Duncan, an excellent ven triloquist, showed his talking figures and gave imitations. He is ene of the best ventriloquists traveling and his act is full of fun. Frank Lawten, the negre come dian, made a big hit and received a num ber of encores, ne docs a capital song aud danceand dances a rattling "eight day steve raffling " jig. Prof. Parker has a troupe or dogs which can de almost any thing but talk. Their performance is really wonderful. Twe of the animal made seme very long leaps, and the act ended with a circus by the dogs. A number of valuable presents were given away in the following manner : As persons enter the hall they are presented with an envelope containing a piece of pa per, many of which bear numbers. Each of the numbers draw a prize. After the performance these numbers are taken te the stage when the prizes arc given away. Among the articles drawn last evening were lamps, glassware, cups and saucers, hams, quarters of flour, &e. After this drawing the three principal prizes are drawn. All the num bers arc placed in a hat which is in charge of a committee selected from the audience. A small boy then draws ene number at a time and each of the three draws a prize. They wcre wen as fellows last night : Ne. 52W, Jacob Brobst, of 225 Middle street, a clothes basket full ofgreccries ; Ne. 5293, Mrs. Alice Stein, of Charlette street, a beautiful china set ; Ne 5252, Andrew Beam, of Mountville, a large lamp. The drawing is conducted en the square and there is no humbug about it. This evening a new sewing maching will be one of the principal prizes. ni:enuerclier Sociable. Last evening the Lancaster Miennercher gave one of their pleasant entertainments in their hall, which was as usual en occasions of this chara.'. tcr largely attended by mem bers and their families. The customary concert pregramme was dispensed with, though there were a few fine selections rendered in theirwell-knewu excellent style by the Miennercher, and soles by Mr. Harry C. Mcllinger and Master Temmy McEvey, all of which called out liberal applause. The dancing began early and continued late. Tayler's popular orches tra was prescnt,and te the inspiring strains of the music the fleet hours sped rapidly away in the graceful and merry dance, all entering with .est into the pre vailing spirit. The refreshments were at tractively aud abundantly served in the lower room at very moderate cost, and the inner man was net permitted te suffer for lack of geed things. The gentlemen of the Mscuncrcher having these seciables in charge are te be complimented en the suc cess that uniformly crowns their efforts. Unclaimed Letter. The following is a list of unclaimed let ters remaining in the po.steflico December 27. 18S0 : Ladles' List. Mrs. Frank Bar, Susan Benedict. Miss Belle Bunting, Miss Alice Ceely, Mrs. Alice M. Carrell, Miss Amanda Carrell, Miss Barbara Cenklin, Mrs. Mary C. Herman, Miss M. Lizzie Herr. Mrs. Sarah Ileliis, Mrs. Jay, 3Irs. Marv Jehns, Mrs. Ellen Kerr, Mrs. Maria Keller, Miss Sarah Siebcr, Mrs. Jacob Souder, Miss Lillie Walker, Mrs. JaneR. Ziegler. Gents' List. Ambrose Cavna, Jehn H. Dcincr, Robt. C. Dean, Jehn E. Dougherty, Jehn P. Endcrs, Denis Fries, Harry Feltybcrger, Leenard Feebler (for.). Wm. N. Gibsen, D. F. Hoever, J. J. Kirwin, Dr. (1. Knepper, Jehn Cenrad Keenig (for.), Robt. II. Kirk (for.), Johannes Kcminlcr (for.), Esaias E. Lankhuff, Michael Liningcr, F. K. Metzgcr, William Randies, A. R. Roberts, Gee. Schanz, Tobias Shenk, Nicholas Schultz, C. F. Tabcr, Wilmer P Waring, James Wilsen. That 'Horrid" Owl. Wilmington Every Evening. Tiie Lancaster Old, by its vile and ob scene publications, continues te excite the anger of many people in our community, whether they arc favored (?) with a notice or net. A great many, of course, laugh at the items which it contains, but ethers de net, for the lying pen of this vile publica tion, in comparison with which the illu tratcd police papers arc models of decency, is liable te de irreparable injury te worthy people, especially te young ladies whose characters it may cheese, without warrant, te assault. In view of the fact that there i a doubt as te whether its sale can be legally suppressed here, a number of our citizens have resolved net te purchase or read it under any circumstances, and if the remainder of the community can repress its curiosity and fellow this example, the circulation of this organ of depravity can be stepped. Te I impact a llrldg-e. W. M. Cooper, Sadsbury ; D. B. Quigley Bart; Patrick Swisher and W. W. Withers, Eden ; Francis N. Scott and Albert B. Werth, Colerain township, have been appointed by the court viewers te inspect the bridge recently erected at Mercer's Fording, ever the Octoraro, by Dcets & Carter, contractors. The viewers, together with the commissioners of Lan caster and Chester counties, will meet en Tuesday, January 4, at thebridge.where an inspection will be made. Bjd Beys. On Sunday Agnes Powell, a little daugh ter of Jehn Powell, of Middle street, while en her way home from Sunday-school was struck iu the eye by a snowball thrown by a bej Her eye was badly bruised and is new very black. The boys of this city act very badly en the street, during the time that the snow is lying. They threw snow balls at every body and many of them tdke great delight in throwing at little girl.? or old people who are unable te pro tect thcmsalves. The police should keep their eyes en them. Argument Court. In argument court, the orphans' court list is .still te be argued, but two cases remain however. In the case of Daniel McCeurt, deceased. Rnlc te show cause why the appeal from the decision of the register in admitting the will te prebate should net be stricken off, the ceutt delivered an opinion making the rule absolute.