v " VH2 t," jtmk$ Viii-I SlteBViLjk 'v. .uirlXiVa Y.G.IO. ii. Jaetii. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1880. Velnme XVII-Ne. Price Tire Cents: m V .TOJI.V irANAMAKER'S STORE. THE HOLIDAYS AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, CHESTNUT, THIRTEENTH AM) MARKET STREETS, AND CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. ITUIE HOLIDAYS. A. There is nowhere In IMillailelphiu -r varied a collection et rlcli ?oedj as lien; such :w lath ers, mother.-, brothers, Misters levers, leek for ti little later. There Is an cmlevcn or Gift. Our collection Is large enough and rich enough, one would Kupnesf. even for a less frugal city than Philadelphia. These goods are arc new at the height or theirglery. The choicest of them are here; ethers will come of eeur.se ; hut the choicest are going. What is equally te the purpose, TmyerH are new nbent as many as can be cotniertahly served, anil the throng will Ite denser every lair tlay till Christinas. WOIIN WAXAMAKEK. ITVHLKT FUKXISIUXtJ. J. KacheLs, tidies, lamp-shade, pin-cushions, bexen, in atin anil plush, embroidered and painted. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. First circle, south west from the centre. IACKS. J Imchessc vest with Point medallions, $.VJ ; the same may be mmjii elsewhere at $70. JOHX iVAXAMAKEK. Xine counters, southwest from the centre. C1LOCKS. $1.35 te f LVLfld. .ill nunraiitced. .KHIX WAXAMAKEK. City-hall s(iiarceiitruui c. rreYS. A New room, new tej.-.. MHI.N WAXAMAKKK. Outer circle, west or the Chestnut street en trance. )OOKS. 13 A catalogue ei books may be had at the book counter. We want every reader te have It. The list of children' holiday books is es pecially eeinplele, 1 dOHX WAXAMAKKK. Second counter, northeast trem the centre. JAMES' ULSTERS. J There arc two general styles, win cle-cd ut the back, thoet her ejten: the hitter is known us coachman 'ssl vie. In detail etliiiiiniingl here Is great variety though there is nl-n marked simplicity. Ureal variety in clot lis tee. p.M le $ir. Cloaks, foreign ami home-made. Oiircollec Oiircellec t te n is uiipreecdcuted,whethcr you regard va riety, quantity or value. A lady who buys a clenic of any sort in l'liiladelphia witlieut looking these ever misses the best assortment, pcrhaiM, in the whole country. W.M te ". .HHIN WAXAMAKKK. Southeast cornered' the building. MISSES' COATS. Misses' coats in mere than 7 cloths, shapes and decoration beyond counting. Sizes 2 te 10 years. Ulsterettes in 5 cloths, ulslcrs in 3 clot lis and luivelecks in cloths. Sizes G te Hi. JOIIX WAXAMAKKK. Southwest corner et the building. UXDERWEAR AXD HOSIER). We have the best. goods the world nllnrds, and the next Im'sI. and the next, and se 011. There is no place nnywhen, where you can hcc se large a collect Ien et the different grades el goods, all pxssing ter what, they are, and nothing ler what it is net. cotton for cotton, mixed for Mixed, wool for wool, silk ler silk. JOIIX WA X A M A K K K. Outer circle, Chcstnulstreet, entrance te Thirteenth street entrance. Li'MltROIDKKIKS. J2i Xew Embroideries are already in. Our stock is new in the condition you expect te Hud It in at Xew Year's, 1, e. the spring novel ties are here. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Third circle, southwest trem the centic. CARPETS. The choicest luxurious carpets; the ine-d substantial carpels; Hie lowest, prices: punc tual serv Ice. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Market slrect fient, upstairs. SILKS. Evening silks in the Arcade, ca-d side. The same and niaiiv ether pattern' arc within. JOHN WAXAMAKKK. Xcxt outer circle, southeast from the centre 13MKR01DEKIES. It Our next spring's novelties in embroi deries arts Just new received; t bey usually come at Xew Year's. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Xext outer circle, southwest from the cent re. LACES. Laces change dally. Our sales are large, our variety always large, ami but little el any one sort. Compare prices. A quarter below the market is net uncommon. JOHX WAXAM AK KK. Xine counters, southwest from the centre. WRAPS, &c. Such a sleck of foreign cloaks as Phila delphia lias net liefere Keen, $10 te Si"U; shawls near by ; dresses up stairs. ' JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Southeast corner el the building. F URS. !.... .r.f-.tll it.tefsi irfttfi' I'lf TlwV llt H rill.ieiuu n ; f,-...rt ..-. -.-.-. .. !.. vmir fitnl ftilv;iriil In itrir'i its HlO HI'IL- nea lutvniiced. Tluy im; reIiik np a:Ue. a shall net nitsu prices till we liavc te I my. hx icct te find licru whatever you want, Irani a Idtet trimming up. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Thirteenth street entrance. (lOATa AXD ULSTERS FOR CIIILDREX. j X'et se great variety as for ladies: bill inucli larger than any where else here. Coats, a te years; in thirty different male rial!', drab, blue and brown cords with fleecy black; cellar and cutts et plush ; also in ten camel's haircloth, trimmed with seal-cloth. Coat,4teU!vears: in thirty cloths, trim med with plain stitching, plush, seal cloth, chinchilla rur and velvet, $! te $10. Ulsterettes, 0 te 10 years ; in live cloths, Willi seal cloth cellar and cull's. Ulsters, te 10 vears: in eight cloths, trim med with plush stitching, heed and plush. Havelecks, 4 te 10 years : two styles. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. JOYS' CLOTHING. , , , J Onrtradeisjustwhat it ought te be for the tacllitiesand advantages we enjoy. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Kastet central aisle, near Market street. s-illIVA AND GLASSWARE. i Tackloeng prcclain, plates only, for. ncr or dessert, five patterns, i". tnStn Un pcr Havlland dinner sets ; Catnllle pattern, JI10 ; elsewhere, $ax. Tressed, W : elsewhere, am. Tressed with Mei-esciue border and decoration or grasses and butterflies. $2ii : elsewhere. $275. The latter is in the Arcade, Chestnut street entrance, te-day. Table glassware, English, Mrawbcriy-ilia-mend cut ; every article wiuircd ler the table useful or ornamental. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Xerth west corner et the building. PLUSH HAXD-ltAGS. And a great variety of ether kinds. Alse pocket books, embroidered leather card cases, cigar cases, and everything in leather goods. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Third circle northwest from centre. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets and City Hall square. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. XAMBL. WQRK8. WM. P. FRAILEY'St MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerta uueen Street, IJuicastcr, Pa. MONUMENTS, UK AD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN 8TATUABY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ae. All work guaranteed anil satisfaction given In every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end 9I fierth Queen street. m30 "I IFTS. IJT Te buy Holiday Gilts early is poed ad vice: The bebt trade is early; and the bent trade carries off the best things. ' JOHX WAXAMAKEK. VI.FKK1) WtniillT'.S PERFUMES. HIS Marv Stuart is probably the most lasting el all the agreeable perfumes; none of the foreign ones approach it. It Is very rich, streugand lull, of life; It is agi cable te mere persons, probably, limit any ether perfume. Wild Olive is next in popularity ; this also Is singularly powerful ami lasting. White Ke-c is delicate and lasting. We keep the preferred odors of all the Hrst elass purliimers, such as Lubln, llalley, Atkin son ami Coudray ; but of Alfiuse Wwuirr's we keep all. llriug an iinwrftinieri handkerchief; and you shall hive a sample of any odor yen wish. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. First circle, northwest from the center. C10I.ORK1) DRESS GOODS. The following, just received, are away down in prices : French Camel's hair, 47 inch. $n.7riaiid.sr; French cheviot suiting, silk anil wool, 4." inch, jjai.7.1; French finite, all wool, US inch, '.2S. lly looking out for such opportunities a lady may often save hall. JOHN WAXAMAKKK. Xine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. II.ACK GOODS. A lady wanting any of the following will be obliged for the mention of them; Silk ami wool Mil in de Lyen, Ki cents; silk tacuil veleurs, $1: inem'ie cloth, 7j cents; damasse drap d' etc, $l.M ; damasse cashmere, $I.i'. All the prices exeunt the llrst are probably below the ee-t of manufacture, and even the first may be. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Xexl outer circle, southwest trem the center. ri'KIMMlXU FOR DRESSES AXD CLOAKS. J. Our trade requires the largest and Ireshcst stuck of these goods, fringcs.passemcnterie or naments, girdles, tassels, spikes, lings, balls, button". We have novelties net te be found anywhere else. JOIIX WAXAMAKKK. Xex t en ter circle, north west, from the center. illAWI.S, &c. O A few shawls are shown in 1 lie Arcade; gentlemen's dressing gowns and smoking jackets in I he same case. Mere are within. JOHN WAXAMAKKK. East of the Chestnut-street entrance. 1 UKS. Our work-room is full of preparation, se full that we cannot crowd it taster, we nave ready, also, a. large Meck of finished garments, fur ami fur lined. We have sacqucs mid dolmans in sealskin dyed in Londen we have none but London Lendon Londen dyed seal. We have them In great numbers, aiiil, of eeur-e, i11ullsi7.es inclitdingcxlrcmcs. Prices, from $li". Ie$i'i0. Londen controls the seal market el the wet Id Tlieie have been two advances in price since our furs were bought. We shall net advance till we have te buy again ; we have net advanced at all, as yet. We have, al SUB, seal sneiiucs such as you will leek in vain ter elsewhere at the price. I-or lined circulars and dolmans in very great variery. We use mostly Satin dc Lyen. gres-grain,arniurcnml brocade silk and Sicil leune; for mourning, Henrietta and Drap d'Kte. The latter are made te order only. We have everything worth having in sets tiimuiiiigs, robes, gloves, caps and the tlmu-saml-und-enc little things that are kept in the completes! lists. JOHN WAXAMAKKK. Tliiiiceulh street catrance. SKIRTS. O .Felt, all colersniid variety of styles. Sue te $I.J."t: llannel, black, blue, gray, brown and scarlet, JAfn te $.".7.". ; satin, black, $l.7.i te JH1..-1O ; satin, blue, scarlet, brown ami black, JIAMle fit : Italian cloth, black, $1.2.". te .". Tl' variety is very great. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Southwest corner of the building. JOYS' OVERCOATS. Xetice lliese two sa:;.ples: llluc chinchilla sack, velvet cellar and de tachable cape, lined with Farmer's satin, horn bulleus. $(.."", Is there another such coat for $(i.."lV We have sold hundreds el tlu-iii. ' Krown-red-aud-eld-gold diagonal ulsterette a!i wool lining, sleeves lined with adorable, silk-sl raped fabric, horn buttons, 4S.5J. 'i'iic.-e are but but specimens et many. It they seem inviting, ethers may be mere se. See'tliein. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Central ai-le, next te the outer circle. Mar ket street side. 1)ii:r.exs axd millixkky. V Kibbeus and Millinery, you knew, we have much mere of than any ether house. JOIIX WAXAMAKKK. Xerth of Thirteenth street entrance. J1NKXS. A A very great variety el the lineal linens, a very great variety et staple Uncus, and the lowest prices In Philadelphia. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Outer circle. City Hall Square entrance. 1IXKNHAXDKEKCHIEFS. J Xew goods just received from abroad. We have, without doubt, the richest, and fullest stock en this side of the Atlantic. We buy from makers, direct, knew the quality of our linen beyond question, and keep below the market besides. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Second circle, southwest from the centre. U1LK 1IAXDKKRCH1KFS. O The very finest Knglish and French hand kerchiefs and Mufflers; handkerchiefs $l.i"te ;2..V): mnfllcrs, ifl.ftil te $!.. Elsewhere they are sold for a qrarter mere, at least. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Second circle, southwest from the centre. f TXDKRWKAR. U Every Individual article of Merine or Silk Underwear that w! buy we examine te see whether the buttons are sewed en securely and whether the sunns are right and properly fastened. If anything is wrong, back the gar ment gees te the lr.nkcr, or we right It at hiii expense. such has been our practice for a year and a half. Is there another merchant in) Philadel phia who docs the funic, or who watches the Interests et his customers In any similar way? I infects may escape 11s, ueverthless. Yeu de us a favor. If you bring back the least imper fection te lie made geed. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. Outer circle. Thirteenth street entrance. MUSLIX UXDERWEAR. Our assortment of all muslin uudergur nients i-as lull as at any time of tlie year: and when the demand for such is net generally strong we are often able te buy at unusual ad vantage. We have very nearly the same goods the year 'round : but prices vary mere or less. Xew, for example, probably, there is net te be found in this city or In Xew Yerk muslin un dergarments equal te our regular sleek except at higher price-. We knew et no exception whatever. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Southwest corner of the building. KUKF.ER OVEKGAKMEXTS. De you knew, man' are net of Rubber.at all, and arc net waterproof? We sell as many as all Philadelphia hesidea: real articles only": and guarantee them, i ' JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Central aisle, near Marketstreet entrance. TINWARE, JtC- STOVES. STOVES. llrick'Set and Portable HEATERS and RANGES at: Stterizer, Hninpluoville & KielWn ii EAST K1XG STREET. MEDICAL. DATS MET PAD! A DISCOVER! BY ACCIDENT, which supplies a want men of eminent ability have devoted years of study ami experiment te llnil a Specific ler Diseases et the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Organs anil Xerveus System and from the timcofitsdiscevery has rapidly increased in favor, gaining the approval and confidence of medical men and tbe-e who have used it; it has become a favorite with all classes, and wherever introduced has super seded all ether treatments. In short, sucli is Its intrinsic merit and superiority, thar it new the only recognized reliable remedy. Is Strongly Endorsed. We have the me.;t uncjiii vocal tc.-lhne'iy Hi its curative powers from many persons of high elmractcr.iiitclllgence and re-peii-ibilily. Our book "Hew a Life was Saved," giving the history of tins new discovery, ami a l.irge record et me-,! remarkable cute-, sent free Write, for It. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. CAUTION., Owing te th'j many worthless Kidney PaiKnowseakinasa'.een our reputation, we deem it due the afflicted te warniliem. Ask ter DAY'S KIDNEY PAD, ami take no ether. E A S T E K X AtlK X U Y, f-HAKLKK N. CKITTENTOX. lli Fulton si., Xew Yerk. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF . i'NN, MASS., Is Maiiii i Diw m ! Her Yegetnlile Compound UirSnvier ei" Ifer Sex. Health, Hepo and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINESAM'S VegetaMe Compound, The Pesitlva Cure l?ev All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its nnnie sinilies, con sists et Vegetable Prepeitles that are harmb'ss te the most. delktate invalid. 7;en one trial tlie meiitset" tiiis compound will Ircu-ceni.eil, as relief is iiinnedi.ite; and when ils use is eon- j tinned, in ninety-nine cacs in 11 hundred, n ! permaneiit euro is elleeteil, as thousands -.v ill ti'stily. n aeeounfei'ibs preveu-meiifs. it is te-day rcceniuiended ami jni'scribeil by the , best physicians in the country. If will cure entirely the worst form of tailing et tlie uieriis, l.eueeri iaca, irrejjislarain! jiain lul Menstruation, all Ovarian Trouble-, In- ' flaiumatien and Ulceration, Kloe.liiis. all li ' placements mid I lie consequent spinal weak- ' ncss, and I-especially adapted te the (.'lanj-'e j or i.itu. I In tact if has proved te be ihe f;re:ite.:f and best remedy that has ever been discovered, ll ' permeates every portion of the system, and jjives ni'w life and vi;;or. it removes faint nes, ' flatulency, destroys all eravinu lersliiiiiiliints, ' and relieves weakness of the stemacli. I It cures llleatiiiiT, Headaches. Nervous Pre-- ' tmtien. General Debility, Sleeplessness, De- ! pressien and Indigestion. That leelinjief l:ear- till; down, causing pain, weight and baekaciie, : is "always pciuiaiieiitly fired by il.- us.-. I; j will at all times, and under all circtini-lauces, act in harmony Willi the law that governs the i female system. Fer Kidney complaints el eitiicr se" Ibis Compound is unsnrpa cd. I Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Uompeimd Is prepared al. 'J.'t.' ami i" Wesiern Avenue, l.j tin, Mas.i. Price $1. Six bottles ferf.1. i-eut by mail in the form et pills, al-e in tlie fenu 01 ! leKentres, en rcccipL of price, il per box. ler . ell her. Mrs. PlMvtlAM lieely an-.i-.- all let- , tcrs of imiuiry. Send ler pauiplih'!. Addiess usalHive. Mi'nimlfil.i jiiijin: I Xe faniilv should be without. H D1A K. i PIXKllAM'S MVER PI M.S. Tiny cure (011 (011 stipatieu, Itiliensness and Terphii.y el Jlie ! Liver. 2- cents per box. ' ! Johnsten, lleilnwtiy (Je. & (Jciicral Agents, Philadelphia. I'ersaleby (,'. A. Encher, ! E:ed Kile; slivel and Hen. W. Hull, l.'t Wisl Kiittf street. iii-ivileed&w VriCRVOHS IIEIWI.ITV. Al Te Nervous Suitcrcrs The J rest Eure- iiean Remedy Dr. -J. It. Simpsen's Speeiiic iledicine. It is a positive cure for Sncrmu- terrhca. Seminal Weakm-ss, !mpeteuc-y,:nid all ! diseases resulting trem seif-Abu-e. as Mental ) Anxiety, Less of Memery, Pains in ltaek or 1 Side, ami di-eases that lead te ('ou-iiinnlieu. Insanity and an early grave, 'i'jie Speeilie Medicine is bcinjf liseii wil h weuderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get lull particulars. Price, Speeilie. Jl per package, or six packages for $.1. .1. 15. SI JI I SOX MEDICIXE (JOJM'AXI.Xdk. inland KG Main Street, lEutlaie, N. Y. Address all orders te II. I!. COUIIRAX, DniKKisI, Sele Ai;eiit, 1ST and 1S'. Xerth ljueeii Street, Lane.ister m!7-lyleeil&wJ Vl.OTHI.M3. W1XTER CAPS. We have a few Seat Skin Cans leli yet, anil Ihe prices are very reasonable. Our roc. Cups for men me very oe.l, and we have a special one ler 0."c. thai is very heavy ami well made. IJny.s' Caps that are heavy for v. inter wear from li)e. upte.'Oe. Te knew the value e! the-e you must see them. FUR OI.OVES AXD MUFKl.EiW. Heavy Working Cleves for men. Dress Gloves of Kid, Lined Caster and Cleth. In fact all kinds ei" Gloves that arc worn by men and boys, and all of these goods are marked in plain figures se you can sec the price. XECKWEAR AXD SILK H IXDKKK- CHIEFS, . At all prices, from '.lie very elie.ip te the very line. TheCI.AUDEXTaCAllF is a Very geed litting one and very pepu lar. We Just received auethev invoice efSilk Handkcrehlefs, and they are sell ing very cheap. It is difficult te tell you all about our Silk Mtitilers. Rut they arc very nice ami we ha'e a large assortment. CLOTHING Is of greater importance than the oilier goods mentioned, ler 11 involve.) a greater outlay of money. Rut as all our Clothing is marked in plain figures at the lowest casliprlces Caere is no trouble te suit you if you lind the kind of goods yen are looking for. Wc have sold piles el Overcoats sine;; the prices were reduced, and the assortment is growing lesa every d iy. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 36 BAST KING STREET. ?iaiu astr r iiitcih'griiccr. MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 27, 1880. CHRISTMAS CRIMES :m: i::.cei:i of disaster axd WICKEDNESS. Deeds ti::: Stained the Festal Day of Chris tendom. . MuMciily Brought te llappy llemcs. IMwanl Ptucell. a eatc-tender, was kiJIed at .Mcritlcn. Conn., by the limited cxpK'ss front New Herk. At i'acilie, ?Ie., Andrew Ucal, a negre, .shot, and killed Pat Crew, a switch brake nsati. Tiiajy Kcjvan, coleteu, 37 years old, of Xew Yerk, poured kerosene en a lighted lite te sliced it. She was burned te death. The funeral of the late Albert Spcyers, well known in Xew Yerk financial circles, t oek place front St. Mary's church. The Pluenix house, at Dedhatn, Mass., an old landmark, occupied as a hotel by Mr. J;:ten. was burned. Less en the building $0,000. Eaten loses $4,000. ii. A. Stilhrtil!, of Keypeit. Xew Jer sey, was found dead in the Xerth river hotel, in Xew Yerk. It is believed he committed suicide by inhaling gas. M. Anderwert, who was recently elected picsiucnt of the Swiss Confederation for lfc'Sl, committed stiieide en the public promenade, by Mioeiunx mmseii Willi a K".'lvcr. feerge Talbot was stabbed te death by William Ceilender in a bar-room quarrel, al I'allimere. Pattick Ueylc was shot ilead by Michael I.cary in a quarrel, near ronten, Ohie. Fi-nnk Hamilton Harney, a member of the sophomore class of Harvard college, was drowned while skating en Fresh Pend at Cambridge. He belonged in Indianap elis. Alfred W. Chun, of Jersey City, abrako abrake man en a freight train en the Pennsylva nia railroad, was struck by a bridge near Piiticeten .1 unction and thrown under the wheels and killed. A locomotive of a milk train en the Leng Island railroad ran oil' the track at Hicks ville and dashed twenty feet down a bank, killing the engineer, Geerge llich, and completely demolishing the engine. While I iic residence of Irving Clay of Grand Uiver, Me., was burning, a leaded musket, lytni charged, and tttrkev shot, ? upon a gun rack was uis uis the contents, consisting of wounded two of the vliil- drijii. In Flushing; L. I., during an altercation bet. vera (!eeige Schroder and August lliilef, in the bar-room of the latter, Schroder diew a ra.er and cut neveral gashts in llillei's tltnMt, inllict.ing proba bly falal injuries. A fire broke out in a frame dwelling en Frent street. Trenten, X. J., at 1 o'clock, a. m. Mrs. Henry Jehnsen was in bed at the time and was burned te death. It is thought that, her husband, who was under the in ihience of liquor, kicked the kerosene lamp ever, lie has been placed under arrest. Lorcuxe Piekard, a young farmer of Omaha, has been arrested charged with the murder of Germanic Kewcr, whom he struck ever the eye ten days age in a peliy quatrcl. Isewer, it was supposed, hat! 111 :n-Iv lecoveroil- lint, inflammation of .j --.--., .- the brain ensued and he died. Themas Uoency, aged 02, a street sweeper, cut his threat at Xe. 407 AVet Thiily-ninih street. Xew Yerk, and died. He had been drinking and drove his wife from the house during the day, and when she returned he was lying en the fleer dead. The small frame- shanty of Patrick Whose in St. Mark's avenue, near Classen avenue, lirenklyn, was set en fire by the explosion of :i kerosene lamp. Winne :.sid his wife were terribly burned, and Mis'. Winnie, who is sixty years old. died seen after being taken out by some of the neighbors. In Xnpelceu, Ohie, (Jen It. K. Scott, ex governor of ettih Carolina, and new a resident of Napeleon, shot and killed a young man named Drnry. The siflairwas the result of a quarrel in relation te a seu of Gen. Scott. Drttry w:vs a clerk in a drug store, a young man of geed standing hi the community, and was te have been mauled en Tuesday. 'venf prisoners in the county jail, Columbus, Ohie, mutinied ami sill the po lice isi the south end of the town were called in te quell them. One shot was fiicd, but without tatal results. Celd water and chunks of coal thrown sit the prisoners were leuud te be sufficient argu ments te quiet them. Several convicts were sei iensly injured by being hit with pieces of coal. 15y an explosion of nitro-glyccrine at an oil well nesir I.radferd, Penna., Albert Magee was killed and Themas Perry hcveiely injured. Ivichatd II. Harris, stipes iutcudcut of a farm at Middletown, Xew Yerk, was killed by the falling of a piece of timber while pulling down a house sit that place. The mangled body of Jeseph Heward was found en the track at the lailread station in Xew Braunfcld, Texas. It is supposed he wsis killed by a train while drunk. Corporal Xorten, of Battery K, Second Attillery, in company with Jacob Klein, a citizen :" ml a corporal of Battery C, Fifth Artillery. s;t tempted te cress Mill Creek, a mile west of Fortress Menree, in a small beat, which, being overloaded, capsized. The day was foggy ami the beat could net lie .'cesi by the people en the shore. Xor Xer Xor eon, who was net strong, seen became ex hausted asid disappeared. The ethers were resitcd.. Klein hsis since died from the ef fects of exposure. Miss Ada Hcbden, a yestng lsuly of 22 years, engaging in manner and highly es teemed by her acquaintance!!, lived in Chi Chi Chi oage with her brother Rebert, assistant manager of the Ilsmk of Montreal. Christ mas eve she attended some Christmas fes tivities at a neighbor's and was simengthe merriest. Next morning she arose, bresik fastcd sind dined as usual. After dinner, finding herself silene in the room, she sud denly went te a drawer, took up a pistol, and without a word shot herself in the head asul fell dead. A party of six were returning late en Christmas night from vtsititig friends in the township of McGillivr.iy, Ontario. When approaching the railway track the horses balked and the sleigh was struck by a train en the Londen, Huren Si Bruce railway near Ciandcbeyc station. James Mcflrath, his wife and "brother Matthew and Kilen ISlakc. a cousin, were instantly killed. McOraih's child, thirteen months old, was dangerously hurt but may re cover. Annie McOrath saved herself by jumping. At. Herse Cave. Kentucky, J. A. Gard ner was called by a colored boy, named Campbell, te the stable, "te see a sick cow." When Gardner entered the stable he was knocked senseless with a stick and robbed of $130. Campbell aud his brother were arrested, and 132 being found upon them, one of them confessed the crime. They were ledged in jail in Mayferdsville, whence thev were taken the sanse nisht by a mob of one hundred men and hanged. Mr. Gardner is in a critical con dition. Henry Ostrander, aged 29, shot and killed his brother Gcenrc Levman Ostran der. aged 20, at their home near Camden, X. Y. Henry was jealous because his lit tle sister was caressing his brother and he spit tobacco juice in her face. Geerge warned him te step when Henry shot him through the eye, killing hisn instantly. The murderer, who was arrested, says Geerge had his pistol half cocked, but he was tee quick for him. Henry charges that Geerge was trying te run the whole family. Beth men were laborers. In Stcubcnville, Ohie, at. Ryan's; board beard iiur house Dr. Henry a young dentist, was intoxicated and using profane lan guage at the table in the presence of ladies. Dr. Schooley, a young physician, rebuked him. Soen a fb'ht began, when a farnnr named Buckingham, who had a grudge against Schooley, interfered, and Schooley drew a revolver and shot Buck ingham in the right eye. Henry then seized a shovel ami crushed Schoeloy's skull. Buckingham and Schooley were alive at the last report, but could net long survive. Barney Duffy asul Jehn Malieney lay down en the cinders carted from the Pas saic rolling mill en the vsicant lets at the junction of the Xcwatk branch of the Eric railroad with the main line sit the southern end of P.itersen, X. J. Duffy was overcome by the gas from the smoul smeul dering heap and Mahenoy made him coffee in an old tin can aud then procuring aid carried him te St. Jeseph's hospital nearby. Malieney then went back and lay down en the cinders. lie wsis found this morning dead, and burned te a crisp, his tees having been bis rued completely off. He had been asphyxiated and the wind had freshened in the night and fanned the cinders te a glow. The body was still burning when found. Mrs. Sarsth Terrell, of Lennex, left her four-year-old son at home while she visit ed a neighbor. She had before frequently left him in charge of the house during her absence. The boy found a box of msitehcs and proceeded te his playhouse, a short distance from the residence, sissd set (ire te a pile of shavings. The fire ignited his clothing, and when he discovered it he started for his met iter. He had gesie but a few reds when the flames overcame him and he fell in the field. His mother, who was just starting for home, saw her boy and hastened te him, but upon her arrival his little form was in ashes. Mrs. Terrell, who is a wealthy widow, has since been unconscious-. The building was totally de stroyed. Seth Fester, the old man living near Kirkwood, X. J., who was bitten by si rabid deg in Xewmber, has died. The age of the man, and, in addition, hi.-: less of sleep, had se weakened him that he died without any of the horrible wiithhigs that usually accompany desith from hydro phobia. Fester's ease is icgai (led sis re markable, sis the intervals between the spasms were iengcr than in any case en record ; neither did he give vent te any of the distressing cries or barks usually char acteristic of the malady. The case lists excited the greatest interest throughout the country, sind there were mere curiosity seekers at the dead man's house than at any time during his life time. He leaves a wife, one son and two step-daughters in comparative pevetty. Frederick Stevens, a young man, died from hydrophobia at Plymouth. Mass. He was bitten while in Xeva Scotia se-ne months age. The Texas bound train of the lre";i Mountain railway had just, passed Xeely ville, when the discharge of pistols caused Conductor Welch te hasten te the rear. As he opened the deer of the smoking car a man presented .1 pistol sit his head, ad vising him te stand aside. The man then ran agaiiasl Welch and pushed him from the platfeim. Standing in the doorway he fired several times into the crowded car, and th'jn jumping en the ground disappeared iu the adjacent weeds. When Conductor Welch scrambled te his feet and re-entered the car he found nearly all the passengers hidden under the seats. Dr. J. II. Payne, a prominent citizrn of Carrell, wsis lying in the centre of the aisle iu the ago nies of death, lie had been shot two or three times. 11. P. Jesies, of Smith's ferry, Beaver county, Pennsylvania, wsis lying across his seat with tlie bleed streaming from a wound in the arm. Mrs. Jenes, his wife, who was seated opposite, was woieided in the head, and was crying hys teric illy, "My husband is killed, and I am killed." It is thought they will both tlie. Xe 0110 knew the sissassin, but it is he was one of si party of conspirators te rob the express, and, en the plan failing, revenged himself in the manner above staled. Wedding Bid Is. Matters .Matrimonial An engagement is announced between Mr. Charles Stewart, son of the handsome Mrs. Mackintosh Stewart, of l'liiladelphia, and Miss May Drexcl, daughter of the well known banker of that name. When Miss Minnie Gerges, of Staunton, Va., hesird L. 1. Benjamin, the sole cor net it of a visiting mius-tie! troupe, per form, she fell madly iu love with him. Opposition was useless, and after a be trothal of two hours they were married. Although he hsis never married, Hen. Aleck Stephens likes ladies seciety'sind has many friends among them, who call frequently upon him in his p triers at the National hotel. lie is possessed of a won derfully cheerful spirit for one who is se frequently ill, and who pet haps, rarely knows what it is te feel really well. The daughter of Mr. Durch, the secre tary of the Senate, who was married en Nev. 30 te Mr. Warner, of Xstsltville, was se unfortunate en her wedding trip te the latter city as te have her trunks burned. All her wedding presents and ulegauttrc Tu scan were in them. The railroad will pay the estimated value in money, but that cannot make geed the less. Judge Perter, the governor elect of In diana, will be married en Jasiuary 5, te Miss Stene, of New Yerk. The marriage will take place at the elegant icedence of one of the lady's relatives in that city. She is wealtuy and Has a summer resi dence at Chatauquc Lake. She met Jttdge Perter at the Kiggs house litte when vis iting Register Sceficld's family. The. match is eminently a suitable one. She is greatly esteemed by all who knew her. The marriage that was announced with no little lleurish in the New Yerk papers a lew days since 01 uapc Arthur Uccil 1 Fleming, &c., &c, &c, te the Lady Buck- j ley Matthew, is the third marriage con- trsictcd by Lady Matthew, who was in her j Miss Ida Gerard daughter of the late emi-1 ncnt lawyer, Mr. Janes W Gerard. I Miss Gerard's first husband was ?Ir. J Frederick Wiggin of Londen, and a daughter by this marriage was brought out last winter, and much admired in Xew Yerk under the name of Miss Sum ner, she having for some reason dropped her father's name. A few years -since Mrs Wiggin married Sir Buckley Mat thew, and she has new taken te her heart and home a third English husliand the Capt Fleming before mentioned. The Reading." The Mcctinir or Knsllsb Stockholders. General satisfaction is expressed in financial circles of Londen at the turn aflairs have taken in regard te the Phil adelphia & Reading railroad company. The cemnuiv will have its own offices in Londen, aud Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Ce., with the consent of Messrs. McCal McCal ment Brethers, will undertake the agency, in se far as the issue of deferred bends and conversion of the existing debt is con cerned. At the meeting en Friday President Gewen in his speech warmly defended the administration of the Reading company from the charges insinuated by Mr. Themas Powell, and amid considerable applause stated that his chief object in crossing the Atlantic was te defend-the memory of his late friend, Mr. Beric, from the insinuations of Mr. Powell. He wished it te be known that Mr. Beric had, during the dark days of the company's embarrassments, placed his fertune and credit entirely at the company's disposal, without one dollar of fee or reward. Mr. Gewen indicated the sources of the hos tility te his management, and concluded by affirming his readiness te retire sis seen as the company was freed from all its em barrsissments, but until then he proposed te keep the helm. At the conclusion of Mr. Geweu's ad dress the following resolution was unani mously carried :' " That the meeting, having heard the statement of Mr. Gewen, hereby tenders him thanks for that state ment, and. having entire confidence iu the integrity and ability of the present man agement, earnestly recommends it te be retained iu charge of the affairs of the company." Anether resolution pledging co-operation and snppeit te the company was unanimously carried, after which the meeting adjourned, with three cheers for Mr. Gewen. m m Travelers should be prepared ter the changes of weather and against the elTects or exposure by providing themselves with lr. Hull's Cough Syrup the best made. Gospel Truth. He that is surety tern stranger, shall smart for It. !!'it Iu; that trusteth in Spring ISIossem fereiiri'u I. iver. Kidney, ami complaints et a like tendency, shall never be disappointed. Price ."idee, its. trial bottles 10 cents. for sale by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 1:17 and rsi North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. Kewurd et Perseverance. 11 -nry Clement, Almonte, writes: "Fer a lemr time I was troubled with Chronic Kheu iii.uisin.a! times-wholly disabled; I tried any thing and everything recommended, but failed te get nnv benefit until a gentleman who was cured of Rheumatism by lr. Themas' Kclectrie Oil told me about it. I began using it both internally and externally, and before two bettlci were used 1 was radically cured. We find it. a hou-cheld medicine, ami for Cretip.lSurns, Cuts and Itruiscs, it ha unequal. Fer sale by H. 15. Cochran, druggist, I3J and 1:59 North (Jueen street, Lancaster, Pa. 3IEIHVAL. KIDNEY WORT. THE ONLY MEDICINE IN EITIIEi: T.IQUlil OK PltY FORM TSiat Acts sit ttie Same Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. Tia'se steal organs are the natural cleansers of the system. It" they work well, health will lie perfect, if they become clogged dread lul di--c:iaes are sure 10 fellow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Ililiniixnrxit, Iftrttlacttt; Iti.ijwpsUt, .Taundirc, Cnnti)itieH, J'ltri, Kulnri Uumpldint, f.VfiW, Jiittbctrx, JHtciniiatic Pain or Achex, arc developed because the bleed Is poisoned with tlie humors that should be e.ielled nat urally. KIDNEY WORT Will Restore the healthy action and all these destroying evils will lie banished ; neglect them and you will live but te suffer. Thousand have been cured. Try it and yen will add one mere te tlie number. Take ltand health will once mere gladden your heart. Why suller longer Irem the torment el an aching back? Why bear such distress from Constipation and l'iies ? KioxKT-U'eitT will cure you. Trv it lit once and is; satisfied. Your druggist has It. Price .i.ee. lie it is put up Iu Iry Vegetable Ferm, in -lin cans, one package nf which make six Cs" (luarls of medicine. 3"" Alse in I.hpihl l"orie,vcry Concentrated k'a- for tlie convenience of these who cannot flVrrcadily prepare it. if Yfe.'.i with rrttut Kb' cjjlciriicy ill cither form. Klil.S, l:li'!:.U:iS0 & t'O.j Prep's, Ittirlingten, Vt. (Will semi the dry pest-paid.) deeS7 lydiwl MILLINERY. IIOUCHTO.VS nori'iiTeN's LADIES! The (lii':iiifsf. mill lifwt lil'icit ii)i;; iilS'HTlW'tc . .'.::.:."::.,; '" ourcuvie nuv u? ' N. MILLIXEUY J 11 ;oei)s. noi'i'irre.v.s llOl'ISIITOX'S MILLIXEUY UOOII.h, II LLINEIIY liOOIIS. IS AT CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP M. A. HOUGHTON'S, i'f NOKT1I QUEEN STKEET. FINE HATS, FINE HATS. EONXETS, ISOXNETS. LAIUJEOSTKICII FJSATHEKS OnTKICH TIPS. PLUSH ALL SHADES. SILK VELVETS, SILKS. SATINS. FKINOES. LACES KID GLOVES. STOEE. STORE. STOKE. STOKE. STOKE. STOKE. FINEST FINEST FINEST FINEST FINEST FINEST CKAPES CKAPI VEILS. COKSKI?, CUFFS, COLLAKS, NECKTIES. The r'ine-t. Cheapest and (Sreatesi Variety of Millinery Goods IN THE CITY. ASSOllTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. 1 1. HOUGHTON, 25 North Queen St. CZ07U1XC. CHRISTMAS GOODS 15ELOU COST-! CHRISTMAS GOODS I5ELOW COST! CHRISTMAS GOODS 15ELOW COST ! RATHVON & FISHER Are selling etr their entire stock of READY MADE CLOTHING below cost. Alse FURNISHINTw GOODS. FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY 1st AT COST. CLOTllfNG made te order in the prevailing styles and at medium prices'. COR. SOUTH il:KF.Nand OKANfJi: NTS., LANCASTER, VA., RATHVON & FISHER, MERCHANT decU-'iwd TAILORS. OVERCOATS! Closing out at apical reduction ouriiiiuicnse line of Novelties Iu Overcnatiiijv. Pur Beavers, eal Skin, Elysian, Mentauak, Ratiua and Chinchillas. All the New and uie.t lc-.lialle Stylen STOCKANETm IX XEW COLORS AND CHOICE STYLES Why net leave your order at onceaue.sreinv an Elegant. Stylish, Well Made and Artistic Cut Garment as low as al"(. A LARGE LINE OF CHOICE ii! ycii snip, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT J.KSMALING'S, THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEKN STRKKT, MWS FALL OPENING R GERHARTS B 1 niiiiii, TI t ! 1 1 MONDAY, OCTOBER lllli. 1SS0. A Complete St-.ck of Cleths, Suitings AMU OVERCOATiNGS, which for elegance cannot ! Larjr.sl Assortment el .inrn.i-'seil. Tl.i: ENGLISH AND SCOTCH SUITINGS in thii) city. Prlcei as low a.s tin: lowest at H.GERH ART'S Ne. 51 North Queen Street. clothing clothing! We have Stock et new ready for wale an Iiiiinciin: Eall and "Winter, which Style. are Cut and Tiiiiiine We can jrive you a 1 in tlie ljitet GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In jrrcat variety, made te order at short notice at the lowest prices. 0. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 6-ljd LANCASTER. PA. JtOliES, RIjAXKXTS, JtC S IGN OF THE KUFKAI.O IIKAU. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS 1 have new en hand the Lareest, Rest ami Cheafkst AaseBTMitaT or Lined and Untitled UVVr AI.O ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AXD HORSE BLANKETS of every de-scrij-tlen. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &e. WEepalring neatly and promptly denc.-S A. MILEY, U)H North (JtirrH tit., Jrufer, 25-lydMWAs mm Reane GleiDg