Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 23, 1880, Image 2

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Eanrastec irntelUgencet.
Rather the Fist than the Teagne.
Congressmen and "Washington corres
pondents' seem te be in a state of great
excitement ever the late personal en
counter between two members en the
fleer of the Heuse, whihflkutside pub
lic are regardiug the afrrRvith a geed
deal of composure. Whatwill the ceun
try say V has been the question from
Washington, and the inquirers have an
swered it for themselves by. declaring
that the country would go wild tnth
indignation ever se great a breach
of congressional propriety. The coun
try, as v.e have said, does net
seem inclined te de any such thing.
Seme newspapers have troubled them
selves te declare the affair disgraceful,
as it certainly was, and te call for the
expulsion of the participants; which is
a very silly call, and only made for the
sake of saying semelhingadequate te the
occasion. Other journals reflect the pop
ular sentiment much ltctter in rather
applauding these two belligerents
for doing something te correspond te
their blackguard language and for failing
te fellow the congressional fashion of un
limited personal abuse and equallyjun
limiled corporal conservatism. Thepeo" Thepee"
ple would really like te see the congress
men who forget the proprieties of lan
guage suffer physically therefer. It
would be apt te make them mere mind
ful of their words, In-side vindicating
the popular passion for justice by provid
ing a prompt punishment for the offense.
The real annoyance te the public in
congressional manners is the vilcness of
the language se often used. This comes
te us ever the wire as a spicy bit of read
ing; andeveiybedy reads it with inter
est and disgust. While it may be enter
taining, it is none the Mess universally
displeasin g. We knew it is net a credit
able exhibition. We knew the language
is net of men of sense and of honor, and
it brings the body that permits its use
into contempt. The offence against the
public sensibilities, we insist, is in the
violent language, and that real relief
would be felt rather than otherwise, if
the fitness of things could be maintained
by equally violent action accompanying
the words. Certainly it would be prfe
erable te have our congressmen de their
lighting with their lists in place of their
tongues. If they would only silently
hammer one another, hew happy we
might be. ! Then there would be no
vbustve language in the telegraphic re
ports te annoy us. They would simply
record that Congressman Smilh,forseme
unknown reason, but feeling like it,
mauled Congressman Jenes, and that
both parties came out with black eyes
and sere shins. That would make us all
happy. Xe one need regret the occur
rence mere than the congressmen them
selves, and if they welcome the pains
and penalties of such a method of amus
ing themselves, the rest of the world
may afford te be equally cheerful. But
it is an unfair distribution of the favors.
when the public lias te listen te abuse
which i uttered with entire impunitv.
Net Altogether Happy.
The senatorial situation in the tluce
great states of Xt-w Yerk. Pennsylvania
ami Ohie, i.; net pleasing te lb-publicans
of any degree, outside the fact that the
party gains a senator in each state. That
is something the paity has te congratu
late itself up m, ivrtainly. but there
area geed many iicpublicuus who would
cheerfully have it otherwise, and it is net
at all certain that it would net really
be better for the party. Senators Conk Cenk
ling .and Cameren would, admittedly,
prefer te h" the sole senator, of their
party from their states, that there may
n none te dispute their supremacy or
divide with them the distribution of the
spoils : and it would probably be belter
for the party that this power should be
helil in one hand; certainly it would be, if
it was exercised pi udently and wisely. It
is always better te have a leadership fixed
in one competent head. The rivalries ei
politicians are the most fruitful source
of a party's we:d:i:i's:;. In Pennsylvania
the Kepublican party has maintained
itself for many years in power because it
has submitted itself te the absolute con
trol of one ring or combination, of which
the Cameren:; have been the figure
beads, and which has thus far
been shrewd enough te maintain its
ascendency ever the party, reinforced as
it has been by the power of the public
patronage and an absolutely unscrupu
lous use of all the means at its command.
Senater Conkling has of late years been
at the head of a combination which has
controlled the licpuhlican party of New
Yerk, though net wiiii the absoluteness
that has prevailed here.
It does net require much sagacity te
see hew badly Ihes-.t rings would be dis
composed by the election of licpuhlican
colleagues of these men in the .Senate,
who would propose te act independently
of them and want te claim a share of
the honors and profits incident te the
place. Mr. Grew, representing the anti anti
Cameren elenfi'iit in Pennsylvania poli
tics, would be a thorn in the side of the
Cameren ring that it will net endure if
it cau avoid it ; se that it will light, for
life or death, te defeat him. Mr. Oliver,
a man of wealth, a partner of Cameren
iu the iron manufacture, and se busily
employed in his business affairs, as prob
ably te be indisposed te interfere in the
management of the party, has been se
lected :is the Cameren gams cock first
te be thrown into the pit against Grew ;
but neither may be the winning bird.
Several mains may have te be foughtbe feughtbe foughtbe
fere the issue between Cameren and
anti-Cameren is settled.
In Xew Yerk Senater Conkling does
net seem te have stripped his man as yet
for the light.
In Ohie the situation is different.
There Garfield, with natural weakness,
has drawn off his friend Fester from the
light against his bitter enemy, Sherman,
who undoubtedly will stab him under the
fifth rib as senator if he ever gets a geed
onnertunitv. Meanwhile in thcliennb-
lican party there is trouble ever the im
position of Sherman upon it. The de
cent Itepublicans gag at the dose which
Garfield has fixed up for them. The
knew that there i:i no chance, for the pu.
riflcatien and regeneration of their party
with the reins of power left in such
thoroughly disreputable hands. The
party is net happy anywhere with their
senatorial prizes.
The gladsome Christmas season, at its
approach again, finds the world bustling
with busy preparations for its advent.
Year after year the celebration of the
event seems te become mere universal.
With the advance of the borders of
Christendom, the wider appreciation of
the religious significance of the daj,
with increasing social refinement
and the manifold products of art and
science ministering te men's necessities
and pleasures, the festival of Christmas
has become the climax of the year's an
ticipations. The memory of one Christ
mas is net allowed te fade away before
hope begins te leek forward te the next.
This is true net only of children and of
childhood's delights ; but with the elders,
tee, the celebration of Christmas is be
coming mere, and mere an occasion anx
iously waited for, eagerly enjoyed and
gratefully remembered. Our streets and
shops tell what advances have been
made. The highest genius of arti
sans is employed in preparations
for the Christmas trade, and the
best of literary talent is har
nessed te the work of Christmas book
making. The present Christmas season
is the threngest ever experienced in this
country. There is greater stir in trade
and social life all ever the country than
ever before known. The abundance of
money stimulates present-giving and
nature seems te sympathize with the
spirit of the season and te give us
seemly weather. Altogether there is
occasion for everybody te wish every
body else a "merry Christmas" with
geed heart in the salutation.
That Jehn B. Reese was killed by the
undue speed with which the locomotive
of the train en which he steed was driven,
is net questioned; nor that it was
without fault of his own. It seems
equally clear that the driver of the en
gine was responsible for its sliced. It
fellows that the coroner's jury should
liave se found, and that the engine
driver should have been arrested and
held te anwer. We de net say that he
was te blame. The case is tee serious
for such an allegation until the proofs
have been heard. But it is a fact within
our knowledge, and that of all who are
acquainted with the way iu which ca:si
arc shifted en te the railroad sidings,
that the work is done with great rash
ness. It is a very common thing for
cars te be violently forced ever the step
blocks and for walls and buildings te be
knocked down by the collision. The
train hands pay no attention te
remenstrances : except te curse. Com
plaint made te their superiors se
cures no abatement of the injury, nor
does the company ever compensate the
damage done. In this case investiga
tion must hi had. unless the family of
Iteese is satisfied, as probably it
will be. But they ought net
te be permitted te control the mat- j
t--r. Aall the people have an interest in
s?cuimg care in the handling 01 the
trains which are constantly en
our streets. And we have a right
te demand of the public prose
cutor that tiie lvspensibility for this
dreadful accident shall be properly
placed, and the guilty, when l'eniil,be
punished. The coroner failed iu his
dutv. Will the district atternev also ?
Jrxi: 1, 1SS2, is the ellicial date fixed
upon for the inauguration of the St. Goth Geth
ard tunnel.
A sirrcKssi-Ti. porcelain factory is being
run by Frenchmen in Xew Orleans. The
clay used is from Louisiana and Texas'.
Out of a total of 1:10,000 railway em
ployees in Great Britain and Ireland -1,500
arc cither killed or injured every year.
A petition for the appointment of a
woman en the police force is ciieulating iu
" E.noi.ane was merry England when
Old Christmas brought his sports again.
'Twas ChrUlinas'breacird the mightiest ale :
'Twas Christmas told the merriest tale;
A Christmas gambol oft would cheer
A peer man's lieirt through half the year."
The Rev. II. C. Yates, of Dixen, 111.,
brought a suit for slander against the
deacon, who accused him of immorality.
Tiie verdict was for the deacon. A Meth
odist minister of Virden, 111., wen a bet of
$.", and preached a sermon defending it.
Orit Indian policy has been a scries of
wrongs and blunders. This hns been the
result of various causes, and it is certain
ly net due exclusively te the natural de
pravity of Americans or te hatred of the
Indians. Harper's Weekly (Hep.).
It is reported that the national Repub
lican committee will held its meeting in
Washington in March te carry out the in in
sttuctiens of the Chicago convention te
mature a plan respecting the use of the
"unit rule" in the next national conven
tion. Hekk Westexpeuk, an eminent finan
cier, holding a prominent position iu the
Qcrnian empire, recently undertook the
work of reforming Turkish finances. He
has given his government notice that the
accomplishment of the task is hopeless,
and will leave Constantinople at once, ere
be becomes entirely bereft of reason. He
must indeed be ambitious of fame who
would willingly essay the job of putting
te rights the sultan's cash account.
Te gc t married in Delaware it is neces
sary net only te pay $4.30 for a license,
but te furnish bend in the sum of $200 as
assurance te the state that everything isH
lovely, or, in lieu of license aud bend, the
banns must be called publicly for two Sun
days in some church of the hundred in
which the bride lives. The effect of these
previsions is te cause couples without
cash te ride up te Philadelphia or skip
ever into Maryland te liavc the ceremony
performed. Seeing that by this state of
affairs they are being deprived of what
they regard as a part of their income, the
Wilmington preachers propose te ask the
Legislature at its coming session te amend I
I fhe marriage laws.
Tlirice holy rin;j. afar and wide,
The merry liclls this Clirlstmas-tMe;
Afar and wide, thre' hushed snow.
Frem Ivied Minster portico.
Sweet anthems swell te tell the tale
Oi that sweet iiabe the Shepherds hail,
Sitting ei old amid their necks,
What time the hallelujah shocks,
The sleeping Earth and Cherubim
Break tlire' the Heaven with harp and hymn.
IJelateil birds sing tingling notes
Te warm upuce their chilly tin eats ;
Or they mayhap have caught the story
And pipe their meed from branches heaiy.
While up aloft his tempered beams
The sun hath poured in gentle streams :
Sending o'er snowy hill and dell
A pleasanca te greet the Christinas b?ll .'
New every yeoman starts abroad,
Fer holly green and th' ivy ted.
Geed folk te kirk are seen atrip.
Mellow with cheer and goedtellowshlp,
Anil cozy chimneys, here and there,
l'liff forth the sweets e' Christmas fare.
He : rosy wenches and merry men.
Frem ever the hill, and Held, and fen !
Great btere is here, the drifts at ween,
Of myrtle red-berried and mistletoe given :
He, l'hillis, and Kate, and bonny Xell.
Come hither! and bullet thegoedinen well.
An' they gather net for hall and hearth
Fair bays te grace the evening mirth.
Aye, laugh ye well! and echoed wide,
Yer voices are thre' the Christmas-tide ;
And wintry winds embleinl their tows ,
Xcath the minister eaves with the ergai
groans ;
The carols meet, with laughter sweet.
In a gay embrace, mid the drilling sleet.
Alten, the weary Sun's at rct.
And clouds that hovered all day by.
Like silver arrays down t he fcy,
Knteld him; while the winds are wliit
lint net the Chri-tmas jollity.
Fer, little space, and wassail high,
Flews at the beard ami hautboy's sound
The tripping dance and merry round.
Here youths and maidens stand in a row,
Kissing beneath the mistletoe.
Ami many a tale of midnight rout,
O'l.amuias tide the weeds about.
Of laery meetings 'neath the moon.
On wintry night and summer neon.
Gees round the room whie all aglow
The yule-leg crackles t he crane below.
Drink had, geed folk by the chimney side!
O, sweets the holy Christmas-tide.
Drink liael! Drink had! and pledge again,
"Sweet peace en earth, goe.l will te men I"
Harrison S. Merris, in PiihuMphiit Krvn
inn Jittltctin.
Smith, Jenes and Uobiuseii, three ncinhber.s
Went out upon one Christmas day
Te spend asocial hour together ;
They walked, and talked, and joked, ami
And laughed, and iiuattVil in merry mood.
And made remarks about the weather.
An hour or two ran into three",
Time seemed te run se merrily
Te llie-e three jelly neighbers:
And when the shades et night came down
They had mil left that pari of town
Where bar-men ply their 1-ibei-.
Hut new from neu-ei'seeiiergetie
They fell into a mood pathetic
Anil grew unite cenfidential:
l.'oliiiwen pensively remarked te Smith
That hearthstone blis-i was all a myth
An.i marriage mm
And Jenes and Smith took up the strain
Of all their ad connubial pain.
And what it ce-t in meney:
And 1'obinsen told .lone. in maudlin tones
Ot what per cent, he paid en lean-.
And neither thought it Innny.
About the h when mignight cocks
Crew, echoing amwers te the clocks.
Tne-e three convivial Christmas tramps
Went reeling homeward 'neath the lamps :
And each one had a special reason
Why he had net come home in seaien.
.Smith told his wi!e that Jenes peer fellow!
Had get with Itobiusen, and both were mel
low ;
And Kohliiseu aid thai Smith and Jenes had
b:-eu drinking
Till both were p:tl all sober thinking
Hut Jenes, the best one iu the let,
Confc-sed te. several whiskies het.
This little story has no moral,
Kvcept it ended in a quarrel ;
Mrs. Smith in tones
Says she won't recognize that Jenes;
And Jenes and Smith have gene te sneaking
Through devious ways te k"ep Irem s-pe.ik-ing.
Ilewaie, O mii ! or whiskies mived.
Such as en Christmas days are fixed ;
He member the three friends merry.
An i drink net tee much Tem and Jerry.
Cincinii'jli Nnlimla! Xiijlit.
Sens of Adam. rejoice; 'lis the close of the
I.e! joy and goe.l feeling pervade every
And triend:; whom the soul in in temple holds
l!y their prc-i-nce gleiv of ntlW-tien im
part ;
Though the storm should howl en, and the
pitiless blast
Draw the shroud of December in gloom
round your deer,
May plenty and lrippinesserewn your repast ;
Hut when joy smiles round, eh, remember
the peer!
Itcmc-mbcr the peer mi their p diets of straw,
O'er vhes; 1 rallies divad diseases cast a
withering blight.
The wind through their hovels blown chilly
and raw,
.Making tedious and chill v the long winter
When your tallies are luruishcd by luxury's
Ami lavish profusion gives limitless store,
Kergel net the sick and oppressed eftne land "
Iu your prayers and your alms, eh, remem.
ln-r the peer.
If a soul en the earth cau be counted divine.
If a hand can be found that would honor u
If a deed en the records et heaven shall shine.
If a loot treads the earth that should hallow
the sod ;
'Tis the root that oft visits the mansions of
'Tis the hand that spares net of Us plentiful
'Tis the deed that makes angels of dwellers
'Tis the soul that relieves the distress of the
peer !
.V. Y. Kccninu I'est.
Let Hint at Him."
Philadelphia Evening Telegraph.
We are sorry for Weaver, and likewise
for Sparks. We are sorry that they made
blackguard exhibitions of themselves upon
the tloer of the Heuse the ether day, but
net half se sorry that, having started
in with the apparent intention of wallop
ing each ether, they were net permitted
te carry out their in some respects "
excellent intentions. A walloping would
de Weaver any amount of geed, and one
would be apt te take some of the acridity
out el siKirks. it would, or course,
be preferable that they should net
wallop each -ether en the fleer of
the Heuse during a session of the Heuse,
but rather than net go through with the
performance at all, the parliamentary pro
prieties might with some advantage be
.sacrificed. A free fight en the fleer of the
Heuse would net be much less dignified
than some of the quite recent proceedings
that have characterized the sittings of tiie
popular branch of Congress, while it would
undoubtedly clarify the moral and politi
cal atmosphere ami aid materially in en
abling the Heuse te come down te the seri-
mug .ue ...i. wuiraumiiwueNri.
oils business e: legislation in a tolerably I
I : ... Kfn-i.mij i
serious spirit.
Heme has net been for ten years se gay
and brilliant with foreign visitors as at
Many of the Faubourg St. Germain
swells have ceased te spend the winter in
Paris ; it costs tee much ; the aristocracy
of birth is receding before that of wealth.
Professer James M. Hern:;, of Xew
Haveu, has been asked te take Dr. Adams's
vacant chair as Instructor iu Heiniletics,iu
the Union theological seminary.
The youngest son of 31. dk Lesslps was
baptized iu Paris, the ether day, by the
name of Paul-3Iarie. The old gentleman
was married ten years age. when 03 years
of age, te a lady of 20, and this is the
ninth child of that marriage.
Gamuetta is fat. His complexion is
that of an Italian. His hne hair is
sprinkled with gray. His lips, which arc
resolute and compressed, arc shadowed by
a black mustache, and he has also a short
gray beard. His dress is far from being
that of a dandy, but he wears a white
llewer in his button-hole.
Gakfiei.ii has ceased te open his news
paper mail and no longer keeps scrap-book
of articles about himself. He rides te the
posteflicc of West 3Icnter, and he often
carries his mail back home en the pommel
of his saddle. A woman, writing te have
her husband made postmaster, told 3Irs
Garfield if .she would fix it, she would
give her a switch made of her own hair.
The ardor of Gen. II.vukv White's
fiieuds, pressing him fur a cabinet place,
is dampened by the discovery that en a
certain occasion when Harry was playing
one of his pranks iu the Heuse and posing
himself for the admiration of the gal
leries, Garfield came up te the clerk's desk
and remarked te the relater of the inci
dent, solte voce, " What a blasted feel that
man White is," or words te that effect.
At Patti's farewell performance at the
royal opera in Berlin the emperor of Ger
many went down en the stage te compli
ment the singer. After having praised
her very warmly, the emperor asked her
hew long .she expected te stay in America.
Patti replied that her trip would last two
years. " Twe years !" said the emperor ;
"That is a great while at my age, and in
thanking you once mere, I am probably
bidding you geed-by for the last."
Christmas 1'resentn.
The future historian of the race will find
the development of Christmas worthy of
his philosophical contemplation. Net
many years age within the memory, in
deed, of men who have net yet begun te
grew gray the day was observed only by
members of two or three religious denomi
nations, and even in these the juvenile
members did net find the occasion particu
larly edifying. Suddenly, perhaps through
the mighty influx: of jelly geed fel
lows from the Teutonic countries, where
St. Nicholas is held iu high respect, yet
also regarded most affectionately and fa
milaarly by every one, the habit of giving
presents began te be observed, and this
habit has grown with true American
rapidity, until new every one, no matter
hew peer, in some way finds means te
make presents te every one te whom he
feels specially attached. The stores are
filled us at no ether season of the
year, and the columns of the Ixth.m.i
c.exckk groan geed Immorally of
course with the plethora of ad
vertisements of dealers in things at
tractive that every one wants te find, yet
has put off until the last moment and can
net learn the wherebeuts of iu any ether
way se quickly as by reference te news
papers. The custom, in spite of its occas
ional abuses through extravagance, is one
that blesses all who participate in it, and if
only its boundaries were se enlarged that
its beneficiaries might always include these
who most need gifts it might iu .spite of its
merriment be as truly a great religious cel
ebration as ever it was.
The Conklliig-SpragueScaiHlu:.
A Narragansett pier t;U- f.) dispatch te
the Bosten lxt says: "The Conkling
Sprague scandal, which holds the first
place iu society gossip both in this state
and in New Yerk, has received a fresh im
petus from the fact that Governer Spragne
is reported te have been driven tedespera
tien by the intrigues and persecution of
his enemies, and he new threatencs te tell
the whole story of his wife's alleged
infidelity and Conkling's wiles and
temptations. His friends both here and
in New Yerk say that he is posi
tive proof of criminality extending ever
maiiy years at Washington, and extending
te the recent presidential canvass, when
Itoscec aud Kate traveled te Buffalo to
gether and were iu company at the Palace
hotel. That Conkling broke up the
Spragtic household and compromised his
wife nobody doubts, but that it will hurt
him in the estimation of the Kepublican
party and its leaders is net se certain.
He broke up the Howe family in New
Yerk city and the llayden household iu
Albany, but it has made no difference.
Geerge Jenes, publisher of the New Yerk
2'imc. knows the story of Colonel Howe,
and the World came very near getting into
its possession the letters in the Haydcn case
letters which reveal the senatorial Apelle
in a very gushing character. The World
intended te publish the letters the day he
spoke in New Yerk city, but failed te
make the connection.
The Montgomery county prison has at
present JJt inmates. This is the smallest
number of prisoners that jail lias contained
for ten ycais.
The Quaker City coach company, simi
lar in its aims te the Hcrtlic personal trans
portation company, hns liccn organized in
The water main en the corner of Main
and Exchange streets, Buffalo, burst with
a terrific rear en Tuesday night and the
water continued te increase in volume,
flooding several stores and the office of the
Great Western railway.
A brakeman in the employ of the Penn
sylvania railroad company named Gress,
residing at Buck lock, hclew Middlctewn,
had the thumb of his right hand badly
smashed yesterday while attempting te
couple cars in the yards of the company
at llarrisburg.
A man about thirty years old, who re
gistered as " T. (or S.) Manbnrg (or Mar
burg), Philadelphia," en Tuesday night,
at the Nertii American house, Ne. 115
Seuth Eighth street, Philadelphia, was
found dead in his room last evening, hav
ing committed suicide by the inhalation of
illuminating gas. He was about five feet
eight inches in height, of German appcar
nncc,mcdium build, with black moustache,
and attired in genteel apparel.
Baldwin's station, Fla., was excited yes
terday by the appearance of one hundred
men, principally from. Valdosta, Ga., and
Lake City, and well armed. They at once
proceeded te seize three of a gang of gam
blers who infest the place. These swind
lers had victimized four or five friends of
the party, taking ever $1,000. The gam
blers at first resisted, aud one of them re
ceived pretty rough handling. Then they
surrendered their money and paid all ex
panses incurred by the raiding party. The
gamblers were notified te leave the " place.
The raiders went across the county line te
rr(,sh ,, fl.,l.eemfitfrN' nrnhV-
t i -ii 1 tl ,
,,;,, .Tnnksenvilln te eenniin. poimsel
Seme Valuable Hints for Atlectleunte Par
ents. Mr. C. C. Harrison, in Scribncrs' for
January, says : Iu this day of cheap and
charming wall-papers, one has but te go
te the nearest shop te find a dozen sugges
tions, any one of which will lend the nur
sery a charm, requiring but few additions,
te transform any room into a cheerful
home for the little folks. A dado of India
mattiug, in led and white checks, is very
popular, and gees far tew.ud furnishing
the room. In one nursery the mother has
left a space three or four "feet high above
the weather beard, for each child te con
tribute his own idea in decoration with
pictures cut out of books aud illustrated
weeklies, and collected by himself.
Above, and net tee high, should be hung
pictures. Be liberal with these, and choice.
Give your children Sir Jeshua Reynolds's
dainty little darlings for their companions,
and engravings or plain photographs of
any of the delightful little qenre pictures
of French, or English, or German art, that
comes te us se freely new. A picture with
a moral will accomplish far morn iu early
childhood than one of JEsep's fables. The
first aspiration toward a career of true
greatness may be struck into a boy's guile
less nature as he stands gazing up at some
scene which tells a tale of self-renouncing
It has come te be regarded as indispen
sable te the new regime that all carpets
covering the fleer shall be banished in
favor of "strips, and bits, and rugs."
May I enter a modest iu behalf of a nur-
s ry carpet? Net only de the children slip
ami trip continually upon scattered pieces
of carpet, but baby, whom you have es
tablished with all his belongings upon an
island of rug, persists in abandoning it for
the most distant and draughty corner of
the stained weed fleer. Where the luriii luriii
lure is light, a three-ply carpet, taken
away te ha shaken every spring and
autumn, under light, movable furniture,
can easily be kept clean by a respectable
Curtains should be limited in quantity
and light in texture. Any pretty cretonne
blooming all ever with pink roses and
leaves and gay buds, will delight a child,
and the day coverings te the nurse's bed
may be made of the same. Fer the chil
dren's bed there is nothing like spotless
white. Anether form of curtain, useful
because it can be repeatedly washed
throughout the season, is of plain white
cotton stulf, bordered with figured Turkey
red and looped with bands of the same
material. The only heading te these dra
lieries should be a casing through which a
light brass red fitted into sockets at each
end is run.
In regard te color, I should advocate
leaving mediteval blues and dull sage green
below stairs, in the library or boudoir giv
en ever te high art. Give the little ones
the A, 15, C's of decorations, with plenty
of warm, honest red aud
Which will show your love is true."
"The Seven Female Wonders."
The seven Sutherland sisters, known as
the ' seven wonders," are en exhibition
at a museum iu New Yerk. The girls are
all mere or less prodigies in their way, and
their fm tunes censits chiclly iu the wealth
of hair and their rich and tuneful voices.
The youngest is 14 and tUc eldest 21 years
of age, and they all possess hair of the
color of the raven's wing and of the most
marvelous length and thickness. The
girls arc named respectively Sarah N.
Sutherland, Victeria, Isabella C, Grace,
Naemi, Dera and Mary. When they stand
side by side they leek like steps of stairs.
Sarah sings Scotch and English .sentimental
ballads exquisitely, while her hair tips the
ground at her heels. Yictorie has a mezzo-soprano,
and her hair measures ever
seven feet in length. Isabella C. has a
high soprano voice. Her hair is just six
feet and a half in length. Grace rejoices
in a contralto and a profusion of hair.
She is also a pianist. Naemi has a marvel
ous basso veice.and is looked en as a musi
cal prodigy. Her hair grows se thick that
when she lets it down it completely covers
her person from head te feet, no part of
her being visible. Dera signs contralto.
and her hair is already five and a half feet
long. Mary, the youngest, has an immense
growth of hair, and when let down 'it en
velopes her like an ulster. They are all
highly cultured, and some ei them are of
a religious turn of mind.
In Peughkeepsic, X. Y
Judge Carpcii-
tcr sentenced .lames II. Wiltsie te seven
years aim lour months imprisonment ler
rape en a girl of twelve years.
The storm has blocked the railroads en
Leng Island. Snow fell te the depth of
thirteen inches at Babylon and the drifts
are very heavy.
The banking firm of Hansen & Ce., of
Constantinople, have suspended, wiMi lia
bilities of .L'-J.")0,000. Their losses arc chief
ly due te advances made te the Perte.
Heavy floods are reported in the depart
ment of Calvades, France. Several towns
and villages arc inundated. In the neigh
borhood or Cam houses have fallen in.
The damage is considerable.
Six buildings at Hyde Park, L. L, weie
bnrned yesterday. All belonged te Jehn
Christ. One was occupied as a h.ilel by
the owner. The ei.hess were !e iscd for
business purposes. Less, $I."0:: te $) .
A dispute occurred betwcei the United
States consul at St. Themas and an
American captain. The consul shot at the
captain and -slightly wounded him. The
latter afterwards waylaid the consul at his
office and assaulted him with a heavy
A bold attempt was made by a negre
named Hubert Owen te murder Mrs. V
E. Cliften, residing at Steny Creek sta
tion, Sussex county, Va. Mrs. Cliften is
a highly respectable lady and is the wife
of the telegraph operator at that station.
The negre tired at her through the win
dew but fortunately she escaped unin
jured. Xe cause is assigned for the act.
A party of men are scouring the weeds in
hopes of capturing the villain.
The third night of the billiard match be
tween Slossen and Vignattx opened with a
large attendance and the deepest interest
was manifested. Slossen placed the balls
where he had left them night before and
made seven points. His best runs in the
course of the evening were 201, 50 and 100,
aud he maintained his lead te the cud of
the night's play, scoring a total of 1,800,
while Yignaux made 1,517. The lattcr's
best runs were 111, 75 and 83.
On the Carolina Central railroad about
three miles beyond Lincolntewn, N. C,
the entire passenger train, excepting the
engine, which passed ever safely, went
through the trestle, which, at that point,
is fifty feet high. The mail -agent, David
Bleem, and a passenger named J. W.
Goodsen, were disabled by the accident
and .subsequently burned up in the flames,
which communicated, it is thought, from
the hc coal stoves used en the read te
the shattered and splintered cars which
were piled one upon the ether in the f
chasm. Conductor Harris Jehnsen es
caped with slight injuries. There were
very few passcngcis en the train and it
is net known that any one else was
William J. Helmes, publisher, died yes
terday, in Chicago, from a carbuncle tin
the neck. He was 56 years old.
Casper Tecliman, exiled from Poland
for participation in the revolution of 18:1!),
and who was a brigadier general in the
Confederate service, died iu Spettsylvania,
Virginia, en Tuesday, aged 85 years.
Spenser Themas, member of the Demiu-
ion Parliament for Cariboe, died in Victo Victe
ria, British Columbia, an Monday.
Jghn Watsen, of Hempstead, Leng
Island, was killed by an engine, while
crossing the railroad tract near that place,
yesterday morning.
Jehn Knowlten, a traveling agent from
Camden, was found dead in bed at a hotel
in Branchville, X. J., en Tuesday morn
ing. An inquest showed that heart dis
ease was the cause.
Hiram II. JIayden committed suicide iu
Ithaca, X. Y., yesterday morning. He was
subject te fits of insanity.
Michael Feley, aged 40 years, was
found hanging In the weeds near Fair
ville, Xew Brunswick, yesterday. He was
discharged from a lunatic asylum a week
age apparently recovered.
Frem the Diary of 3lr. IVpjs.
(1CG2.) "Had a pleasant walk te White
hall, where I intended te have received
the communion with the fairies, but I
came a little tee late. Se I walked into
the house, and spent my time looking ever
pictures. By and by, down te the chapel
again, where Bishop Motley preached
en the song of the angels, ' Glory
te Ged en high, and en earth
peace and geed will te men.' Mc
thought he made but a peer sermon, but
long, reprehending the jollity of the court
for the true joy, that shall and ought te
en these days. Particularized cercerning
their excess in plays and gaming. Upen
which it was worth observing hew far
they are come from taking the reprehen
sion of a bishop seriously, that they all
laugh in chapel when he reflected en their
ill actions. He did press us te hospitality
iu these public lays. But one that utoed
bt whispered in my car, 'that the bishop de
net spend one grout en the peer himself.
(lUu7.) " Te t'lurch in the morning. I
there saw a wedding in the church, which
I have net seen for many a day. and the
young people se merry, ene with another,
and strange te see icJtat delight tec married
people hace te see these peer feel decoyed
into our condition, every man and woman
gazing and .smiling at them."
(18G8.) "Te dinner alone with my
wife, who, peer wretch ! sat undressed all
day till ten o'clock at night, altering and
laeing of a noble petticoat, while I by her,
making the boy read te me the Life of
Julius Ctesar, and Dcs Cartes' book of
c'iikistmas cii!:::k.
l'ubllc Sellout Kiitertiilninent.
As an appropriate part of the Christmas
festivities several of the teachers of the
public schools have given literary and
musical entertainments in their school
rooms, the pupils of the schools being the
Yesterday afternoon a very pleasant and
creditable entertainment was given iu
Miss Etter's Lemen street school. The
room was for the occasion hand
somely decorated with evergreens,
ferns, preserved grasses, framed
mottoes, &c, ecc. Several of the
school directors were present. The exer
cises were opened by the school singing in
chores, " A Merry Greeting after which
Master C. Ucinfricd made the opening ad
dress. This was followed by a large num
ber of recitations, dialogues and musical
selections by the pupils, all of which were
well rendered, especially " The Charge of
the Light Brigade." anil "Hever and
Baby" by Annie ' Cernell ; "Watch en
Christmas Eve," by Ella McCaskey;
"Hear the engine puffing" by
Mamie Wiley, with "pulling" accompa
niment by a party of boys; "Than and
New," by Arthur Bailey; Tennyson's
"Break, Break, Break," by Minnie
Adams; "Buttercups and Daisies," by
Katie Dcverter; "Scene in Court," a
dialogue, by Masters A. Blael: and B.
Black. "The Broken-Hearted Dutch
man,' "Early Morning Concert,' "Pin
and Needles " and some ether recitations,
in which Miss Shirk's classes of the small
er pupil took part, were also very well
rendered. The closing address was given
by Master Eddie Gilgore. The directors
present complimented the; teacher and
pupils in brief addresses. "The Christ
mas Carels," '" The Light of Memery,"
and ether pieces were, sung, the entertain
ment closing with "In Excelsis Gleria."
This afternoon a similar entertainment
was given in Miss Downey's school en
East Lemen street. The eiiening address
was made by .Master H. Mercer, and was
well rendered. The pregramme consisted
of quite a number of musical selections,
recitations and dialogues, including
''Werk while you work, and play while
you play," " Hang up Baby's Stockings,"
"Excelsior,' "Ged Made all Things,"
"Suppose." "Arthur Rich and Martin
bee," "The Fisherman's Wife," "The
Little Gentleman," "Christinas Tree
Queen," "Subtraction," "Delly's Doc Dec Doc
eor,'' "Pussy's Dream," "The Extra
ordinary Auction," "The Party," " Pic
ture Beb and the Wonderful Cob," "Self
Pleasing,' "The Wishers.' "The
Child and the Angels." "The
Disappointed Ivittcn," "Baby's First
Christmas," "The Blacksmith," "Bebbie's
Christmas Eve,"'and a few ethers. Among
the musical selections were "The Beat
Seng' and "Jelly old St. Nicholas," and
while the latter piece was being sung one
of the larger boys, who represented Saint
Nicholas entered the room, bringing with
him a great variety of presents for the
children. The occasion was a very pleas
ant one creditable alike te teacher and
On Tuesday afternoon a very pleasant
entertainment of a similar character was
given at Miss Matilda Zitg's school in
West Chestnut street. The recitations,
dialogues and especially the music being
rendered with fine effect. Prof. Kevinski,
musical instructor,and several members of
the beard of directors were present.
Te-morrow morning entertainments will
be given by the pupils of Miss Bundcli's
and Miss Hubcr's girl's secondary schools,
in the old high school building corner of
North Prince and Chestnut streets, and at
2 o'clock in the afternoon by the pupils of
Mr. Couzzins's; colored school, Strawberry
Ne Vacancy Until 1883.
IlAiinisiiune, Dec. 22,
Hen. Jehn 'J'. MaeOviiiglc:
Dkau Sin : Atty. General Palmer has re
ferred your letter of enquiry te me for an
swer, and in pursuance of his request I
would say that according te the opinion
of Judge Pearson in a case tried before
h'ni from the Gth ward iu this city, and
also from the decision of the supreme
court of this state, it is settled that
in all cases such as the ones stated by you
there is no vacancy that can be filled by an
election in February previous te the expir
ation of the commissions of the incum
bents if the commissions expire before the
first Monday iu May. Theso aldermen
whose commissions expire Nevcmbcr,1881,
can net have their successors elected iu
February, 1881. The people can net elect
persons te fill their places until February,
1882. The only wav such vacancies can be
filled from November, 1881, te first Mon
day in May, 1S82, is by appointment from
the governor. That part of the act
of 1S77, P. L.,page 12, as extends the term
of justices of the peace or aldermen
beyond five ycais is unconstitutional.
All Justices of the peace and all aldermen
elected by the people have their commis
sions made out te compute from the first
Monday in May immediately following
their election and te continue for five
Yours truly,
. J. It. McAfkr,
Deputy Secretary.
Events Acress (ue County Linen.
T,Jeb?rF IIeFtfr an engineer, of. the
Edge 3Ioero ireu works near Wilmington,
was feand dead near the works yesterday
morning. It is supposed he froze te
Wallace J. Boyd, member-elect of the
Legislature from Jloutgemcry county,
died in Xorristewn ycsterdiy. Deceased
was a son of Cel. James Boyd, a promi
nent lawyer of the Xorristewn. bar and a
member of the last constitutional conven
tion. Had the member-elect lived, he
would have made his mark in the Legis
lature, as he was a young man of acknowl acknewl
cged ability.
The Bradford Era booms for Jehn B.
Packer for the Senate "ene who, although
prominent, .in the state and nation, has
ueer sought etlicc and lias never accepted
it save when his conscientious convictions
assured him it was his duty te de se in
the interests of his censtitnants, his state
ami the nation." Toe late! Toe late!
William II. Stauffer, residing at Ne. 324
Seuth Seventh street, Reading, committed
suicide last evening. He wa employed
at the beutb Sixth street market house as
a hostler. He had been en a spree for the
last few weeks, and came home for sup
per. After washinjr himself he went nn.
stairs, and placing a small pistol te his
head fired, the ball penetrating tbe brain.
His wife, upon hearing the report, went
te his rescue, and feuud him lying in a
peel of bleed, with the pistol still in Iris
grasp. Medical aid was quickly sum
moned, but before the physicians arrived
he was dead. Stauffer was about 34 years
of age and was a soldier in the Inte war.
He leaves a wife and one son.
There are, it is said, at present en the
Ephrata hill six horses aud wagons in the
possession of as many individuals, who
regularly visit the Lancaster and Readiag
markets who neither raise poultry, perk
nor beef, vegetables or anything for the
trade or family use, and yet are nightly
busy, and even in daytime arrive- home
from a distance, sometimes suspiciously
covered. Net long since several men were
seen wending their way toward the hill
well laden with sacks, supposed te con
tain poultry, and the wagons are heard te
pass and repass every night, it is supposed,
laden with spoils.
A special meeting of the trustees of the
Pennsylvania state lunatic hospital is
called for the eOth, the object being the
election of some person te succeed Dr.
Jehn Cm-win, who will have been the su
perintendent of the institution thirty years
next February. Fer some time past the
decapitation of Dr. Curwin has been
threatened by some of the trustees, but
the threat had taken no tangible shape
until quite recently. The charges made
against the doctor, se far as divulged, are :
Lack of financial ability, want of co-operation
with trustees, opposition te the female
physician placed in the institution by the
trustees a few months age, and general
independence caused by nearly a genera
tion's service as superintendent.
Wiiluw ltetlett" at the Opera Heuse.
The third of the successive Mishler en
tertainments that have been presented at
Fulton opera house during the week came
eh' last evening before an audience which,
if anything, was rather smaller than cither
of its predecessors. The play was Petrole
um V. Nasby's farcical oddity of "Widow
Bedott." While it is largely lacking in
the features of dramatic composition that
characterize legitimate comedy, this work
of the famous funny man bears all the
marks of bis peculiar humor. The
Widow is made the fountain of mirth from
which the audiencu may take refreshing
draught.': and be the better for it. Mr.
Charles B. Bishop's make-up in this ec
centric character was of itself sufficient te
awake merriment in the dullest apprehen
sion. Every lineament of his yisage ami
movement of body bctekcir the gar
rulous aud uncompromising old woman
the character is intended te repre
sent, while the Widow's flew of
conversation is simply appalling; her
tongue working with the rapidity of a
mill-clapper and every utterance clean-cut
and distinct. Her comical remarks and
unique figures of speech, as well as tbe
absurd situations frequently portrayed,
called out repeated rears of laughter.
Mr. Bishop has obtained a complete ap
prehension of the role and wrought it out
te a thoroughly artistic success. Of course
the large bulk of the honors of the even
ing were awarded te him, though as Elder
Shadraeft Sniffles Mr. James O. Barrows
scored a hit; the remainder of tbe cast
likewise entering with manifest zest into
the spirit of fun that ruled the hour, and
completing an entertainment that was full
of amusement te all who witnessed it.
ALMOST ikewnki.
Xurriin- l-f.-iie of u Fermer LancHSterian.
The following item clipped from the
columns of the Lake City (Cel.) Mining
liegisterei December 17, just te baud, has
a local interest since the chief actor is a
former resident of this city and a son of our
townsman A. W. Baldwin, dry goods mer
chant of Seuth Queen street :
Late Wednesday evening a party of gen
tlemen consisting of Messrs. Won Wen
derly, Baldwin, James and Carnahan,
after having enjoyed the early part el"
the eveninjr en the ice near Mr. Fin
ley's residence, unstrapped their skate's
ami started leisurely homeward down
the river en the ice, when, without warn
ing, Mr. Baldwin, of the Register, who was
a little way in advance, went through the
ice. Although the water was but a few feet
in depth, yet like all our mountain streams
the current was very swift.and only through
the prompt assisiance of his comrades
was Ed. prevented from being forced un
der the ice by the swift current, nad
he been alone the Mining Register
would most certainly have turned its col
umn rules te-day. It was a clese call and
we urge our young folks te uc great cau
tion for we can't well spare cven ene of
your number.
l'ltictleii antl InMallattflii.
At a meeting of It. A. Chapter, Ne. 4'J,
F. and A. M., held at their hall en Wed
nesday evening, the following officers wero
elected aud appointed for the ensuing Ma
sonic year, and were duly installed by
D. D. G. II. P., A. .1. Kauflman :
M. E. II. P. Dr. Gee. It. Welchans.
King Henry E. Carsen.
Scribe David II. Wylie.
Secretary Hugh S. Gara.
Trcas. Chas. A. HciniUh.
Trustees Henry Baumgardncr, Wm. A.
Morten, C. Widmyer.
Capt. of Guard Joel S. Eaby.
Prin. Sej. Wm. O. Marshall.
K. A. Capt. J. Gust. Zeek.
Chaplain II. S. Gara.
Master 3d Vail Dr. II. E. Muhlenberg.
Master 2d Vail Thes. W. Brown.
Master 1st Vail Jeshua L. Lyte
S. M. Cere Jehn C. Swepe.
.Inn. M.Ccre. Gee. U. Hethermcl.
Pur. Dr. Jno. It. Merris.
Tyler Gee. Lutz.
Organist J. B. Kevinski.
Struck by a Sled.
Last evening Katie Devertcr, a little
daughter of Ames Devertcr, of North
Queen -street, was walking across West
Chestnut, when some boys were sledding.
She was struck by a sled en which two
boys were riding, and was knocked down
and badly bruised about the face and head.
Mayer's Court.
This morning the mayor sent one bum
te the workhouse for 30 days and a drunk
te prison for the same period.