LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1880. A Car Lead Werth a Millien. Yesterday a veiy pieeieus cargo passed through this city evei the Pennsylvania railroad en iLs way te Xcw Yerk and thence te the old weild. It wa a car lead efhilk worms and Mlk weim eggs. Thes-c small but valuable workers of cost ly fabrics or rather of the material that feuiis them, aie packed away with gn.'t eaie in .soft materials in trays. Gicat cau lias te be taken te pi event the v. onus from behi", affected by heat or cold and s-e .skillfully arc they jiut u for shipment that in oidi eidi nary caes net mere than one in a bundled dies in tiansit. This let of worms came (i em China via the Pacific mail .steamship line, and after being iep icked in h m they .veie shi.;d by .social triin East. Frem Xcw Y! k they will go te Havie and te Paii i when-the cojihe ic-'dc. The value of the caige is 61,200,001). Neiccl l SJiltj. Maitin Murray and It. A. Fiey, 'siiiicj- visors of Maner township, hid a homing befeie Aldciiuan Spuuier le-day of.icom ef.icom of.icem p'aint el neglect of duty picfei red against them for net keeping in iieer icjinii a cei tain lead, leading fie:a the Uiuc iteck read te the Washington borough mad. They enteicd bail te .' cmut. Argument Court. Aigumi nt i-emt is still i:i n -ion and tins common pleas list i.s net yet finished. In the rase of thd'ainu-is' bank of Ihti lishuig ..s. .James 15. Ileudesseu. by con sent eithc pailit s. the emit enti ifd judjr- mciit in Javer of the plamti.'l fei ;'' i '.1)1. Ueie I-list d tfi (live (ban In i!c(i'ii'. The iatlj" in mag is of the Hume Lave didd 1 te appe U te !!i" Jiictnls ei tin- little iii'i-i wlm aic new looking leiu'.m! hopefully te ChiisttinisiHe U tfill j;I ini? -e.i-en. '1 lie county pievelc. Iiuei.-.liy In." ail tl'i ii nudtul want-, and pfl'.ip-. I' v, it "ill J", v.eiili! e'ljcd leaEiu ill peiii'fi ! th it appinpn itien being ni(l lerthe CliM-tiiiasictnun'-, i,u" tl-e in.ui Jigcrs (Je net li-cl je-lilli 1 in u-liig tilt tun I for .any lull lcgiliui i'" jiiu pi) s. It doc, net lvquiic iinu-Ii Je p'ca-e .i child : even tes Hut h mil el vtii own hive vw.uie.l e: v. eul'l pievr accpptuble J'n ic. Small nicttii" bee!.., alvvaj s aileid re, and all knev. hew much clunlicn enjoy, :.::1 can lie-. Jt is hoped th it enough leys vw'l b -cut se that each child nny claim one. u. its own. Iiien i llnil mjf ! Hl" Ii ipjiini et these, ii!tl llicinlless nic- join ej n joy- v '11 lie Cllhauc "il. us nciiil !iiie, "it ij mine lili-M'il te give lll.lll tO M (ejVV." II lUlpOs-lhlc JO xnii" Jimp gllis te tin- Heme, nuv dim. '.lle'i ill n.eurv el gills i.i'i 1" -cut te I he le-lilauci el Ml.Cha-. . Ilcinit-h, .Ne. si; E.isl King, until I ni'.iy neon, u lieu tl.ey will h" th uiM.iliv ic civ ed .tml ncl.iinv, I edged Amusements. '" Witlmi ItcileV'l Te ni'jhi li.ivcll", idiiiiulV cetupanj" will this cv ning pieduce nt I'iiIIeii , epcia house Fctielciim .Nabjs intensely! amusing crmii dy el '"Wiil'.i. IShIem. " The li.une ei'tlic :mllier i-et itx-u sutlii lent u:n I tin tee. et Hie liuiuer el 111"' neil., while el i:- I Hcnllii nt liy llnx (euiptuy the .Vnn, et U'llinliiirien, wlieie Hiey plaje.J te :i I laif;' :iiillenc lexpi!e Ii el weitlni, li : Hie tollewln te say: "Tue ill ileue is iep nml eiy luuny,:i'nl Hie xini.tlien-i highly n ' allPilleilx. Mr. Itix'aep :t,-umeil tile ti lc le'c 1 nml ni.ele it :i xplemiii' .xuecex4. Fieiii the, time 'lie cnlei . en the k1 ijre te her ilual jjj in- j naxtic-) in the lowed I line, xln- Ki ejix i!n uu- I ili me in a 10.11. Ml. J:iliep w:ix ably -up polled. Mr. llarien :ii tile JSId-r, ill. HicUcie. ' ux Jim-si mini, wtie, p tilieiihuly -xneil anions' the mule :u tin x, nml Hie xniiglilly ili-x l.'i- I eellu iliMdid the lioneix sime'i the 1 1 li'x I Willi Mixx IVlley ux .ijui' SSe4'-KiiiiiII .S". c"ps Str.inliinlf .V Clelhli-i ilcni- le mleiin theii liii-mU he in ;y h ti- In vi ili iiip.ntitc I uirttiiir; IhoaheM" .iin,. that the ik'in mil Iris lii'cn altogether iinpu ccilfiilcil ami hc hc yeml ihii:." alnlity tj supply. TViw el thou im!- el eidi'it ly pi'!-eii .mil liy mail uin uin leci'iKi! the liril lew I.iv-. They hejie te li. able te iip)lv the liemanil later, ami ti'i tiial all he h ue Ii.-pii liisappen.teil v. ill ae--Ci: the epan lilen. Kei i'l(il) u he -lit a thiee e.-ni .Janip iui ji.!i;e en the-'ime Mill In 'iipjilie.l i'i liu n. Tliat S10O !:. i!,;. A, Ail. teinh iiiri h.e- pnvilively i li:-n ii te meet me ei iut up tin. lew.inl, hieli I e.ui piee, 1 i ill :in-vei liiui 'li a 'exv iIineii I i x l.ilse lepicftriutleii Mitti soiiie laet1. tliiili Ainilil pieli ilily hi1 tiiine aifice ih'e te 'Nlr.. if they Mete pi sreiet. Alc::. Mi.Kii.Lir., 'man ?il.uinf tctiiii i, oJNeith (.'in en stieet. Itil Lanc.i-tii.1'.i. 'llie loleile Vi'ei.l l.hoie Si. iheai pc:-en.i!l aeiii."i.nt"! with the iii.iimkci - ei tin. 1 iv lvi'lne. I'.i.l Ce. whom l!n Knew !n 1" ii i.eiiMlile.ini! it li ilile nier. iLMluiKYuMUAl' Tlie( in". el .1 nml oeiueik" ami -in nth in Malt UHl.i-. I linil I o-iilei ' I A I'Miil-.IIeiiiht.i! Wiiei:!!! t uui'i' than e ion' mer.lheil mall. Kill im one neeil lie loiil-nieiitll" 1 if Ih-y ivill eii! n-e M.01(OXT ami mil it in well. Hen"t -p-ne the In ii! -poll the mouth. i"-eme juienls ile mill theii hililien iien they ithelil the i. mI. ili'l.Iv Iceil.Vu (ui'iy Pimiv the note hai" -hie Willi! n tienra Sh.i nif; -eap".' SPECIAL XOTIVES. sami'm: Jienci:. It is intiie ilile lei :i niiiiii. iilli" .". f u'l'.i'l courneel tleatl'ient , lh l-jtlei V.. l'ini.h n. : VefjetaWe ('.'inipennil te i.ii.iinnc i.i -eilei with a c.:i.!HM el the nleni-. i:iir'ee a etninpte Mix. LilinK. I'niKli.'ini, 'Z.'' Wie:ii HVCiiiie, Lynn, M ! , Sel p iniphlel . jj iIyi!c.KlA.u Tlie l'!ep:ili ("apali. The comet tiling te ile v hen one ha- a eenh or an attaciC et KlienuiatiMii, 1 . te te-e lr. Tlieni.i-.' l.eleelriedil. or it one I1.1-. :. i:il nahle hei-cai'licleil wiIhonieel the or hurt- le which hei-elle-h i- lu:r, u-r the --anie leli.ilile iiuan.ei cine. Fer vale liy II. !!. Cochran, ill 11451-1. 1 7 anil IJ1I North yincn tl:.ct, Laneabter, I'a. "Evn: 111.111 te hi- trade" is u.i old mjiii. anil the mere closely a pur-en apjilie- lunisell te any one snbjcct the 111010 piellciunl he !jc !jc eeines 111 hi, ) line. Seme 1ik!eis make a specialty of a certain di-ca-c and i.lmly everything that li:i aliening upon it. 1 hey (.xpcinuent with difTeunt meilieiues until one is found that gees light te the 111.11 U. This m.ij liesaiilet the C. C. C011ll.1l uianuractuied and fers-dc by lir. ISieu nlng. U7 Aieh sticrt, Flitladclpliia. It is ler coughs and telds ami when usmiI sear lies out cacij put tliat is at Iceted. lleliel is eApcuenced in an mciei'ibly short time. Uie it a Sold by alldiug gists at flee, a bett. iIel!icrs! MetlicrM! jlIellier::i Aruj'en eibtuibed at night and bieken et your iv-t by a sick child sullciing and crying v, it( ihecxcriieialing pain et cutting teeth? II se. goat oiicean.lgetabctl'eefMi:'-. W1X-.-LOW'sSCOl HIM; M KIM". It v.ill lclie.ethe peer little HUtierei iniinediately depend tip.ui it; there i" me liii-laUc about it. Tlicie is net a mother en e.ijth w he li.uevcrue.l It, v.lie will net tell j en at once that it v.ill legislate the bowels, and ;ee lest te the .netlicr, anil n-Iiel anillie,illluethe in:Kl,eper.iHug like magic. It ispeifcclly Kile te n-vin all cii-cs, ami pleas ant te the taete, and is ti.e pic-cripu'en et one et the eldest and bc-t fcni'ilc phj sicians and nurses in the United taies. Mdi! c eryw liere 25 cents a bottle. ril7-n diw M.W.tS It Is Werth a Trial. "1 was troubled ter many ye.u.s with Kid ney Complaint. Ci-avel. JLc: nij- bleed became tUin; 1 was dull and inactive; could hardly crawl about, and was an old worn-out man alf ever, and could get nothing te help me, until 1 get Hep ISiltcr-, and new 1 am a boy again. My bleed and kidneys aie all light, and I am as active as a in 111 et :W, although I am 72, and I have no doubt it w ill de as, well ler etliei - el my a?c. It i worth the ti ial. ( Father.) OKiSnd&w TI10 I'epular Demand. segicat his been the popular demand Je; tlie celebrated leniedy Kidney-Wei. i!m it is having an iiiinieusesalclieui M.tlm. ;e (. i!i i!i fernia. borne have lennil it iiueiiMiiient Je prepare it treni the dry compound. Fer -ueli the propiietei snow prepai-eitin liquid ler.u. This can be proem cd at the ilrugis'-. 1 1 h is precisely the same effect at tlie dry. but Is very concentrated se tint Hie dose u much smaller. Leu ell Meil. rt;e-l7d4fw' DEATHS. JlcssEL-jAjr. Iiec. ii. 18Sa, In this city, Harry D.. xonefll. I. and iarali Mussclman, in the 17th year of his ag. The relative .nil friends of Hie family arc rexptctful! j" invited te attend the funeral from the lesiUcnce of lis parcntr, 131 N'ertli Sliipjien street, enSatuid ly ulternoen at i e clock. 3t McXeal. In tbix citv.en theSlstinst., FIcry H. ilcXcal, in the 4;tliyear et Ills it-je. The relatives and friends of the family, also Ee-!"au-i:e-neeTiiUcl. O. K. M., Xe. ii, I-an-c.nier Lodse.Xo.C7, 1. O. O. 1., Inland Citj" Ledge K. of 1.. Xe. fc?. arc lepc-ctfully invited te attend the lunuial liem JiU Iato residence, X'e. YH fehipnen street, en Friday aitcrnoen, at -iy, e-clock-. ."ieiint Jey pipers please copy. 'Jtd ISulse. In thU city, en Ucc. 21, lS3"i, Jehn iJ. leevj, in t!i rjth of hix age. The leh.tivc and Irleud', alxe JvOxtiiisVe leile Ne. ::7J I. O. ). V., Kihacaqaiila tnlcj I. O. U. 31., and ti.e Iiiotiieriiend of the Union are :c"i.-etlully ini itc.l te attend the funeral fi.-im hi' latj iciidence, corner of Walnut and Prince xtieet-i, en Thursday uttctnoen at " (clect. " lts " AIH'JJUSJttEMJ A'iA. ;im: i-kuitx, am mjts a srKciAi.Ty. 1 IS.ixket u ally picked with clmipe fruit, R" C. W. ECKEIIT'. 11.' 12 East King street. Si.KHiil A LOT or (INK AM) TWO Heis- ili ij,iix. in oed condition, for vxh; ch-up. t an be -ecu ut felie'ieiN Huge Hetel. IJ2ttd c (HOICK ItAl.TIMOKK AND I'lilLAUi:!. ill OYsi'K.'tsferthe Helidaat C!IAULEa MWXiSEK". 21- X. V. eei. Watei and Wcl ICinstiectx. CliHIVr.MAS ICKSEXTS. IMI'OItTl;l Cieiinun Caiimies, in full xeiijr, (Jold Fish and (lebc. tli.iv I'.inets (tliev make the b'-xt till lit i-), :ind elhei alietiex el liilil". at vex!)i:i:fciiiTir. " IJ?) Neith (tu en -it li i-t (Hewell's biillilni".) 2tdK f. 7TJ'.?;rie thi: ilKMItLKS Ol" LAN 1W U. L'. (II. F.) I'a. j V i asiei Cyiicie, .ve. i. eik Med te mi el "it theii hull en 'llIUHb- 1a"i .Fl'i:i;X.)OX at 1 o'clock, xinre, te alteml the of our Lite Iirether, I. E. W.. .1. IS. Ileexe. riufeiiu Caps, vlute glec. a'ld badges. The lucmbeix el Coiustea Cude, Xe lln uie lipectfullj invited te al tend. ISvtiidcrel K. nVYHEi;, C. V. O. IS Sjjj-mi Il( ;j t. j.. lt,i IirAMhlJ-MOSfcV IN AMOUNTS FROM $300 le $15,000, Te lean en FlltVI' CF.AS MOltTCAIiCs AX1) iriijMEXTxi!i Laucixter cilv and ceuntv. l'eixe'ixhtivinf? money te INVEST en Apiil l,m sooner. c.ii llinl geed live and i-iv pel i cut. -i cutit'i's bv an earlv applicitieu at eui ellne. and tliox)'wi-hin"te ItOltUOW will plcix.- nial.e unplieatieii at once. Neuelml i:!:AI. LVI'ATL I.OAN'x will be eeiiMdeieil. .spti i.i! cue 1-, taKeii te jiv- invc-xteis all the letiiilxei xccmitieseireieil ami all le.uix ub i (I te their appieal. ALLAN A. UEItlt & CO., JSe.ii i:xlale. Cel. :nd Ins. Ageiilh, X..; VOltTH DUKE ST., I.AXCASTEK. decn limlW&SUiVw' 1i:av::(m;kc"iikistmax,okekksi'OK j ( liuii ' Oyste's, liexhlr eiiencd. at L. V. KUIVKIiX . ECK l!.l" 12: King stieet. J3!ti!' A few mule Cluixtnins pieseuti xtm for s ne at i lt.i II. .AHM A CO,'.- 1SOOK UOOM.S, Xex. i5 and a) beutli (Juceu street. 1LLTN (I'!:iCA IIOUSI". ANTHONY & I.I.LI.S, - - Manaemn. ii: v,'i;i:k enly: OMMEC!5C MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, . ! Xll S. 1 T I'll!) A Y MA TINEK. Till: Ultr.AT AND OXLV HARTZ AN!) 0KAM) C0HBIXATI0N. l'l.,0,M,Ai:i:i:nanilh!siMiileiliiIlegCiteis. AIj. IiI'.VCAX, Ventrile'inlal C' 1 i:..M I Vl'ON. The Inimitable Favorite. CAKUIi: llAIJT., Vecali-,t. JIl-i MAliV MITCHELL, I'lter. I'KANK VICKEUY, Pianist. Lie suit 'i.-entd atven away at iach jiti jiti lenuance. l'ul'UI Ai: I'itlChb. MJMISslOX, - - - :l & SO CIh, Ai leiiling te Location. "-!..! -I eflite. iiitl uillieul lra eii.u u at liex :j.1- 0;il CIIUISTMAS coons, CUIUS I'M AS GOODS, in Laise Qmntitie, in Large (.inantitlei, selling at Lew Tiiccs, sfliing at Lew I'liccs, AT l.lYLEi:. FOWEKS .r. HUKsT'S, AT t!l I.l.K, KOWKILS A HUKST'S, .Ne.l) Ea-t King Stieet. Ne. i"i East King stieet. Elegant a 01 tincntel .lki.mcsc Waie and Leather Ceeds or.i!met every de- -cuptien. Tnese goods we :ue selling nta'ieut one h tit the cot et impoitidien. We milked them wry low in order te tli'-eeut the whole let by Clnistina Eve. We h.. e also a grc it number el kuick kp.icksiii.iTeij'sinall cost (ml of which m my suitable gilts can be -elected fei Ciilsnud Hey-. Fer La-lici' and Cent-' wear we have an c!iiiles-ns-.oi:nientetTiesanil Kows, Kid C!eveand Casler Clecs, Silk and Linen Handkcicliiet-, Ce-s.iu:er Water Water Water proels, silk and Alp ic.i Umbrella-, Cel-la:-and Cuff-, Ac We call attention te .1 fe pieces of Kl.ick Silk Jnstrc ceicd, which we have marked veiy low. These goods we warrant net te (lack or break. We iu ite Special i:ainiiialien, We invite Special Examination, Ot our C001I3 in Every Department. OS our Coedd in Every Dcp.utmciit, Asweh.uc made li Ices Exceedingly Lew. As we hive made Trices Exceedingly Lew. T!iu (i.ulities et our Ceeds will be found te be the Hest. The Qualities of our Cends will b" found te be the I'.c-t. Jlcleic Making your Pnicha-es give ns a Call. IScfeic Making your Purchases give us a Call. NOTE. Wc open today, necciubci 22. another large let of Holiday Xevel-tic-, which wc will offer at special low pi ices. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, Ne. 25 East Kin j Strce;, A'Eir J.DTi:ilTISE31i:STJ. ye xtxi:s paktikswhe want i te keep a drink of pure invigorating WliNkv in their lien, slieuhi go te Geerge U:iH"a".xeuthcrn lixcJunse Hetel, corner et Seuth (Jncen and Middle xlieets. He keeps only the bext brands el liquor : also. California and ISlackberry Wine, ami sweet Cider ler Christina. Oy-tei for J imily ue. Kgg-ne will lie st ived te his cutemeis en Clu-lxtmas day. d!7,.2,iJ,"2 IXSUKK Willi TUll OLD AMI WELL Established Agency of tin- Sirara Fire Iismcs Ge, OP PHILADELPHIA. AsET OVEi: Eleven Hundred Thousand Dollars. Iiivcv.eit in bate and "xelnl LCiiiitiex. T UFE & KAUFMAX, . e. 19 i:AsT lilAt: STREET, (Ill-UmdM.W.SR Sicend 1 loe.. m n i Fleinii Oi .imt'x. V.ilemn ei.ingex, "-i!i ! Swret Wluti (ii.iiA "Ji ami 2.V-. pel ieuiid : Fine 1: iiiiiw. I'm eexs !'. v. Muiiindx, Iy mid Ai- "'i peund: X ni. Iilbeix, I'nglixh Walinitx, I'.-r.iii N tit-, -lull'i.iil. ., e. Pure Fi'csli )lixcd (Jandy. Ci Vftulli.ed Fimlx, Apm el-aml Cliciiic'x. II s'E FHJs at ".Tc. a be. FIXE FltEVCH I'itFVEx ,;, .!aix, .,,0 by Hit pound. A FULL LIXE C1XMH) FKUIT. CHOICE COFFEES, FINE TEAS, D. S. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KIN. J STULET. HOLIDAY GOODS! i Widmyer i Rickseckers. I A Laigu .uii'Jj el FOLDING CHAIRS, FOLDING ROCKERS, M!li ex j:en y A A' ta rr.:i nt y m: i :s s rr.s. FINE EBONY CABINETS, PATENT ROCKERS, Perforate?! ;nu! llahm Ileckers. FOOT-KET, i:OOT-I5'fc.-ULASSE"!. anil LDUKlNi; CHILDREN'S ROCKERS, AND TABLE CHAIRS, I'AULOi: SUl'JS, CHAMKKK SL'ITs, ixt: koe.m rui:Mfiu:i:. PIS' S. B. COR. EAST KING AND DDKS STS., L.VNCASTHK, PA. ii : a i norciiTev- L !!!! IIOUGIITOX'ft IKlL'liHTOX'h inourciivtel.nv ! ! It:!s .MILLIXKKY COODS lorciireN "iilli.nki:y coon.'-, MILLlXLItY COOIIs. 1-5 AT iiorciiTev CnKAP CIIEAF ciiE.vr CIIKAI' CIILAP CHEAI' STOltt:. .Vl'OUh. STOKK. hTOUh. STOKE. slOKE. M. A. HOUGHTON'S, Si.NOKTII (JL'EhX ."-TilELT. FIXE HATS, FIXE II VTn KOXXEIS, EOXXET.s. I. KCEOVn:iCH I'f.ATHEK' OiTIMCH Til'.--. FLU-il ALL SHADES. MLK EL hTs,tLK.. ST1, Fi:iXCI. I.At'I Kill C I.O VL-". I-IX Est FINEST FI.VE.sT FIMT SSOUTMENT ASSOKTME.NT ASsOI.'TMEXT Ass()ltTMENT ASSORTMENT AssOUTJlKXT MILLIXKKY MILL1XEIFV MILLINbllY MILLINEKY MILLI.NKKY MILLIKE11Y COOI)s. COOIIs. coons coons, coons, coons. UK A FES CKAl'F. VEILs CO!ET, CUFFS. COLL Mis. XECKTIE The I'iue-1, Clie.ipc-t ami (Iieate.t auety et )illmeiT Geed? s IX THE CITY. I A. HOUGHTON, 25 North Queen SI. WINTER CMS We have a lew Seal skin Cini5 lelt jet, and the piiees aie very reasonable. Our Vic. Caps ler men aic eiy geed, and we hae n special one ler C"c. that is eiy heavy and i ell made. Uej s' Caps that aie heavy for n inter wear ft 0111 Hie. up te 50c. Te knew the value el the-e you must sue llicni. FEE CLOVES AND MUFFLERS. Heavy Working Cleves ler men. Die?s Cleves of Ivitl, Lined Caster and Cleth. In fact all kinds of Cleves tha! are vrein by uieu and b., and all el these goods aie nmtkcti In plain flgiucs. se you can rcc the price. NECKWEAR AND SILK HANDKER CHIEF., t all pric, fiein 'he veiy cheap te the very line. The CLAUDENT SCARF is avery geed fitting one anil veiy popu pepu ' lar. We just lcccived another inveice of Silk Ilundkeiehle!-, and they aie sell ing very cheap. It is di'Hcull te tell you all about our Silk MuHlers. Hut they aic very nice and vv e have a l.u ge assortment. CLOTHING: Isefi;ie iter importance than the etliei goods mcnlieued, ler it involves a gi cater outlay of money. IJut as all our Clothing i ma; ked in plain ligmcs at the low est cash in ices there is no trouble te suit you il you And the kind of goods you aie looking for. We have sold piles of Overcoats sinc the piice were reduced, and the asstutnient is growing les3 ev-try day. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 38 BAST KING STREET. CHRISTMAS We nee uet time or na te enumerate the ninny articles that pill nuikr he"vtifu1 ami useful ChriMnws I'rcsiiit. But by h ijiUiiimitien of our stock you Kill be suer te jiwl m-iuicthimj suit able for your purpose. Call ami see, whether you uynt en article testimj One Dellar or One Thousand Dollars. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., JEWELERS, 4 WEST KING STREET, EDW J. Manufacturing Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, Timisji in eui iieaiitif'ul ami Durable Christinas Gilts. WATCH IIS, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS. SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, JEWELRY. JOLD BRONZES, GOLD IIKA1) CANES, GOLD THIMBLES, SILVER HEAD CANK; SILVER THIMBLES, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXE3, GOLD BRONZE SMOKING SETS, FINE CIGAR SETS, BACCARET VASES. ALL THESE AND MA5V MlMJZ: AT ZAHM'S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. A" fir AUi'EJZTISE'Ml.liTS. ilHAHlivAJTLK Ol'FKK KEFUSKI N Oizans anil Tianea, Xl'.ff AXO.SKCOXD Fl N I), at gieatlv reilueeil pi Ices. .IUTU STL'CKKXHOL, Knlten Opei.t Heuse, Lanuattci. iletJlmili; "UIIIISTMAS r.H-TS! ! ! HOLIDAY BOOKS, HOLIDAY GAMES, HOLIDAY PICTURES, HOLIDAY GOODS, IX GUKAT VAUIETV AT L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 4S V.'KST KINO STKKET. A CHANCE l'OK VAKlfclV ACTOKS. On .IAXUAKY '.".), IbSl, a variety hhew w ill lie ?ien in thii city liy Winner & Ce. Tim following pai tie-, cenneetetl Willi the hew eiler ehallenjre-: Costelleaml Ceelir.m ehalleiifre any pah of cl(sls',' m the city ler a pair el belts. C. WJtmcr challenges any bar p-rtiirnicis in the city ler a nieilal. J. Ketalick ehalleiiKes any banjoist in the city leranicilal. (. Cnniinin;s challenges any tniiibler In the cilv terameilil. I C. !-har challenesanyiusctlnc'ciopeiloinier 1 el ; his city leranicilal. j Tiewit. ami Shnlllebotteiii c!iaIIeii!;e any pair 01 nioiit'ieian iiluvcr- of this city ler a I ineila!. 1 Tem Coeilman challenges any high Kielwcr I et Hut city leranicilal. I Itni-ns ami Fnmkleril challenge any pair el 1: 1-I1 cenieil:::ns in the cily ler 11 nnilal. l-.iiic UiUeiilieu-e. elmiiDiigCs any pin cater el this city fnrugeli! ilellnr. Any person ile-niiiK te accept any et IIicm) (halliinjics willjileasis call at Seu el Herse les tauiant, between 7aml8o' iutlioiviii iutlieiviii 111. Menk w-ill be open until tlie "th et I)e (.cniber. tin the show en tin; ".".till el January. ice "JO .'itil T 'UK NKW CHEAI DRY GOODS STORE, :5S West Kins; Sticr-t, Opposite Cooper Ilou-e, Lancaster, V.i. ite Bard & Hngtau Take tliis oppeiluiiity te tender te their friends ami the people generally, their thanks ter the very generous pat pat lennge 011 their Opening Day, and they will endeavor by a close attention te business uiei it a coa cea tniii.iiicc et tlie sunn. Wishing you all a Merry Christ 111.1 and a Happy New Yeai, wc remain Yeai-, ftc., MSTZSBR, BBD & HAUGHMAN. -AT THE H.L.ZAHM&CO JEWELRY STORE. Every afternoon anil evening until the stock is all sold. Elegant Watches, BKACELETS, CHAINS. NECKLACES, JEWELRY', PLATED WAUL, KNIVES, FORKS AND Sl'OONS, selling and will be sold POSITIVELY with out reserve. The ritmes to'b'.'seld at the close el sale, anil the Stoic will be Fe, iiem Al'lllL 1, 1331. M. MILLAK, dccS-lmd PROPaiETOB. Auction! Anotien ! PRESENTS! LANCASTER, PA. ZAHM 9 toaster, Fa. ?tei k tint make OPE? A GLS.-i:S. MIt V ELLAS I. O Its. C1KA1 M'KCtlLAtlON J In laige or sin ill aim:i-.ts. fii or 'A,IWU Write W.T. SOCLE a CO.. coinim-nen Mer chant.a, l?.fi ia Salle stieet, ( Int. ige. El., tei ( ii ulars. m'.s.,.l VTOVELTIES IN SUAHF FINS. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUHD PIN UMKSKIIM'S AX1) IMiAMEUh, AT E. J. ERISLAN'S, s THE "HIKl'M M'Ki:, 50 neiith u::r:x vikk!:t LADIES' COATS, LADIES' COATS, LADIKcT C1OATS. We would eali the .llteiitnn! etll'e liilns te our large utec'c el the abf)u oed-, which have all been KBflUCEl? IX PiUCE TO RAPID SALES These in want theuhl net i.f.l l 'ce them bcteie pun lusie-x. FAHNESTOCK'S, Nexl lloer te the Court Heuse. FL!ii &BREXEMAN GRAND OPENING OF i , UniliOlJIULlI ITUii larger sleck than ever. Lewer pi i estlisn eei. EvervMiiielvel Mitli.iuical Tejs. DOLLS ! IIOLI.s: HOI.I: ni.eciis and u.vjn.-. Horses, Calls, Wagons, Skiui.s. Yeleciiudcs and l.icvcles. USEFUL tlllsTMAs I'UESENls. ElCK:intCanei"s.St.i.piati d Kim r, silicr plated .spoons. Silvei-pl.iled Feil,-.. Theabete Koedsaie Kedeift Hi . b .t ;;oei's. iMii-jht at a -aci like, and will be -old eiy le.. HOUSE Fl'UXWIIXU l.OODS. Tin, Sheet lien and Wee ' W-i'u nt Cleat Ilavgaina. J reiiw, rcat Slevc and It cater Stere, 152 North Queen Street, -AMjA.'-TKIi, FA. TJOLIIIAY li()()!)). Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. it lew Mr Cards In Nevel and Dcijits, in (Jieat Milt CAIUNET FiCTEKE FKAME-s, In Celd. Brocade, Velvet, Ebony and Combination. Eie, CELL.ULOID TOIL3T SBT3, TOILET MIRRORS, (jilt and Cut Class Novelties, I Caskets. LIBRARY IXKSTAXDS, WRITING DESKS, WORK EOXES, DRESSING CALS, LEI 1'EU RACKS, Geld Pens & Pencil Cases, PHOTOGRAPH ALEE.Ms, STEREOSCOPIC AND VIEW?, FINE POCKET BOOK, CIGAR C VSE. GRAPIIOSCOPES, CAIUNET AND PANEL PICTURES, New Beeks in Holiday Dress. An immense aoitnientel BIBLES, PRAYER AND JIYMNAL, CHURCH BOOKS, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, PICTURE ISf'OIv, FOR CHILDREN. GAMES, ALPHABET BLOCKS, PAINTING ROOKS, WATER COLORs, &c.. At the Boek Stere or JOUST BAER'S SOIS, 15 aad 17 HORTfl (JOEEi STREET, I.AAC.VSTi.1:, IV... nUCAT WESTKltN CL'X WOIUVn, Pitt: VJ unrgli, Pa. send stauin for catalogue Rifles, shot Kinib. xevelveis. sent C. O. D. fe examination. IFhnn k B THIED EDITION WEDNHSDAY EVENING, DEO. 23. 1880. WEATHER INIICAHONS. Wasiiiscten. Dec. 22. Fer the Middle slates clear or fair weather, reitherly te westerly winds, lising barometer, and in the southern portion a slight rise in tem perature. THE SlARK4-WKAYJSlt UENCONHSE. Humble Apolejer Frem the FrinclpMtii Alter a Resolution Uuered ier tnclr Expulsion. Wasiiisstex, December 22. After the rcadiuir of the journal attention was called -te the disgraceful proceedings of yesterday. Mr. Bewman characterized it as an instil c te the Heuse and te the coun try, and said there was net a man present who "did net yesterday hang his head in shame. All ever the world this merniuj, leeple were leading of the pot-heu'so brawl,thc gaml)linrb.eusc quarrel, aud the light with fists (only prevented by force), that tool; place yesterday. Air. liewman elleied a resolution for the expulsion el" Spaiks and Weaver. Mr. Biown moved as a substitute that a .special committee of three be appointed te icpeit without delay what precced'ngs should be t then by the Heuse. After further discussion a substitute wasagiccd te leferrinj; the matter te a select committee. Before pieeeeding fuither an opportunity was, en motion of Mr. Cenger, given te Messrs. Weaver and Spaiks te explain. Thereupon Mr Weaver aioae ami stated his deep regiet at the oc ec curience of yesterday ; he admitted that his language was wholly uniustiliable, and humbly apologized te the Heuse. Mr. fcpaiks acknowledged that liisltn guagc was in eenllict with the mlcs of the Heuse, and felt that he owed an apology te tlie Heuse for it. Mr. Singleton then moved te lay tha whole subject en tins tabic and it was ear ned. The Ilen.-e at 2:15 adjourned te the Tith The ElectotnCe;tulIte3olttUtu In tlie Senate Tlie Senate took up Mr. Morgan's icso icse icso lutieti dccl.ii ing that the president of Senate is net constitutionally autheiizcd te count electoral votes se as te determine what votes shall be received and counted. Mr. Meigan spoke at length in suppeit of the lesolutien, but it was net acted upon. At l:"0 Senate went into executive ses sion. TEICKIlM.i: SCl"FCi:iN;S AT SEA. I'n-z.-i! te Dentil en lle.irtlu Veel Described ns a "Ii:itlnj; IceOcr,;. Qcf;u!X", Dee. 22. A poitieti of the cicw d the bark Biisteliau, wrecked at Ar.ticesti en the 22d ultimo, have arrived here. They tell a fearful tale of hard ships. On the 22d a fearful gale was blew ing. The ropes were frozen in the blocks and the sails would net bend. The vessel became a complete iceberg and was seen uumanagcble. The first victim, a seaman, ttiis washed overboard and then the vessel sti tick the beach. The crew. wet thieugh and benumbed with cold, made themselves fatt te the rigging wheic they icmaincd without iiic or shelter. During the night two saileis were frozen te death, and the remainder were all meie or less frost-bitten. Next day they launched the only beat left them, and after much trouble get te the deserted .shore. Xeticing foet-piiuts, they followed them, and after proceeding siv miles the cook died of exhaustion. After finding a dwelling tiiey tested ten days and then staited out te walk te Ellis Bay, diiigging their sick captain in a hand sleigh, his Jcct and hands being badly At Ellis Bay tbey fecuicd a .schooner te take them home, but left thicc of the cicw behind badly frozen. The captain was finally left at Uas-pe ami the lemaining membcis of the ship's ciew. live in number, hae aimed. VIUI'UOL'S CANADA ALDKKMbN llenminclii: lieriilinriltTTltli Tickets in Their I'eekets te see Her. Men ruaL. Dec. 22. Sara Bernhardt ! will auive heie this afternoon, and a spe cial tiain will meet her at St. Albans. Peiice commissioners will meet this after noon te discuss what shall be doue in elder te pi event Sara from playing en Christmas night. Hut the city attor ney has ahpady said nothing can be done. It i- said some of the aldermen who made the most outcry against Bernhardt have tickets in their pockets te go and see her. The Catholic. Episcopal and .Methodist pulpits in Montreal have already de nounced the,soihatherceming has been duly hei aided. NEW I.AGUM). Against tlie Liquor Deatcr. Memi'f.lier, Vt., Dee., 22 !ovcrner Farnhain lias signed the mii.anccliill and it will become a latir. Its ellects i.s most sti ingent aj?a inst liquor dealcis. I-irein Auburn Me. Lew ii ex, Me., Dec. 22 A Iiic at Auburn, Me , this inemin;; destroyed four houses eccnpieil by eleven l'aniilies,cansinji :i tot Ules or $15,000 ; insuicd for !:,000. Died I'i 0111 ItU WeutnlH. New YeitK, Dec. 22. Jehn Teele, who v. as stabbed en Saturday ni"ht at his .stand in AYnsIiiiigten maikct by James Tiainer, died this morning. The nuir dcier net been arrested yet. A Coining Ceal .Strike. Londen, Dec. 22. Tlie Oldham and Ahlileu cellici ies have rejected the master's piopasitien te refer the question el" an advance of wages te aibitratien, and four thousand colliers will stiike immediately. F.ital tieller i:xilisi!in. ViLMiNf.TOX,I)cI., Dec. 22. The boiler of the til"; Maitha, lying in the Chii.iti.nui, iivcr, exploded this morning, almost de de ftrejln;j the beat and instantly killing the engineer, Theodere Miller. Nomination Confirmed. Washington, Dec. 22 The Senate to day continued the nomination of Thce., F. Sinifiser, of Pennsylvania, te be secretary of Idaho territory. Ex. Attorney General Akermau Dead. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 22. Ex-Attemey General Akeimaii died at Caitcrsviile, Ga., last night. MAEKETS. f lillanelplila MrKi. Philadelphia, December 21. Fleui dull and weak; Hupeitine at $.5W)JJ .7); extra at :;i7i,i '2j; Ohie aud Indiana laniily t'tSliQ r, 111; Pciin'.i tiiiiily V fteVt SO: St. Loui Leui fannly fSTViftXi; Mimicieta extra .00?i." 7". de straight $; (X)ft,r M ; Winter patent $r, jiii 7 50 ; Spring de 0 50S 00. Rye Heur dull at ." -25. Wheat unnettled and lircgular; Ne. 2 West ern Red 1 Wi ; Penn'a. Red and Amber $1 isa 113i. Cern dull and weak ; steamer, 52-g52Jc ; yel low 5I.Tjc ; mixed. 54c. Oat steady but iuict ; Ne. 1 White 49c ; Ne. 2 de 47U48c ; Ne. - de at VJQ K)4u ; Ne. !i Mi x ed WZiiHSe. Rye lower ; sales of Penn'a rt2c. Previsions dull outside of jobbing lines ; mess perk old, $I30013SO ; nevr. fit 7JI."00 : beet nams $18 00?18 50; Indian in.-;s beef 517 jO ; I! icon smoked slieuldcrs 5Jfc ; :ilt ile rS"'54c; smoked hams QW&-: ; piskled hams &50Jc. Lard quiet ; citykett'e 0Jc : loe-c- bnlclien sc; prime steam $3 67. Butter easier for everything below choice; Cicann ry extra 'i'ti:; de geed 10 choice 'M'i'.ilc; Bradford county and New Yerk extra SiaZOc; Westein reserve extra 'Jlii::: de goe.l te choice lEJt'ilc; ReIN choice wanted, ether l.lnds p enty and dull ; Penn'a Exli-a '2ltjZie ; Western Res-rv- extra 'JlQil. - Eggs scarce and higher; Penn'a 3540c ; Weitern X3Sc. Cheese dull but steady ; New Yerk full cream at lc: Western lull cream lic. itaH iklmB iicniie ; luync. Petroleum dull : refined at 9Jc. Whisky active at $1 16. Seeds Ceml te prime clever dull 7S; Flaxseed nominal ?1 e0l 35. New lerk.llnrkct. Nnw er.a. De.2i Fleur SMteand West ern prices without important change ami in very moderate expert ami home ts-adodeniand: Superfine State at iS 4tii(3 10; extra ileWaifflCO: choice, de MRi'ae M. tanev de J j UKi?:.'.i): round hoop Ohie (llllS-" "'-' ehoice de at $5 jjgi; SJ: mpertlne western :! Is3 U0: common te jjoed extra de $l3Jg5il0; cholce de $j 0J0U T.i : choice wliltn lie it de 3 111 QS 0); southern dnll mid unchanged : ei mi nion te fair extra $lsrg52.'; i;eimI te iMei.":- de $5 40SS Hi. Wheat i6JaC bel'er and mederatelv active ; Xe. 2 White Jau. $1 IPiiiSl U't : de Feb.. $1 17?1 17i ; Ne. Keil, Jan.. l 17l 17 ; de Fed., si l4,i iOi ; de .May l 217,cI Cern without decided chaiifre ; Mlxei' west ern spot, at SlfZeirc: ile tuturu .V;ji7J7'iC. Oats a shade better: Ne. 2 Jan., lie; State -K2We; Western 41Jiffil5 stock MarKer. Nkw Tonit 5 recKS Stocks stien Decembers;. A. SC. A. M. r. V. 1 M. r. M. 10:20 11:15 1J:J5 lij jte mohev . ... t ErielC.'i: tl'i is'-i 4.S i- i$vc Michigan . ft I.. s....l.T.'t IJIJ' l.Jl'i 131J l.ll'I Michigan Cent. It. iL.KPj 122 122' liiJ Clilca-e ft N. W -2?,y. I23-'i 123 123i( 12Pi Chicaire, M, A St. 1. .11.; " 1!2 1IJ 112i 112'4 de fair te poe-I HJ,51Jj-e ; Han. ft St. .1. Cem 4s; '. i'J 4sii .s4 4,.' -.. .. !!,! ije um Mr :!.H ion;? Teledo ft Wabash.... 41 tl' 4I'H IP, tl'4 Ohie ft Missiippi. .. .;: . ::7;t ::;:- ;;t;: 377 St. LeuN, I. M. ft S. i:.. ."' i 5 .' ; 55 ' .VVJ 55 Ontarieand Western. .".1 31. 3IJ 3I'J Sl' c. c. ft I. c. 1:. 1: 20', si '4 2114 ai'i aij: New Jertev Central., "iv , -:i ; SIJ Sl Del. ft iluiNeu Canal. '.ii', 1H !'l4 lil.'i Wl Del.. Lack. ft WesternlA.; 1(N". !., Ht.'i 1(5 Western Uniep Tel... -sd'4 S: SI'., S7 l'acirie Mull . s. co. :)2;M :.; 5 .124 514 American :U. Tel. Ce '. Union Faellle le7"i H).', HW4 IinVJ I07'M Kansas ft Texas f,; -li, W 41 4(.' , New Yerk Central lliJ5 Adams Express Us Illinois Central 122 '4 Cleveland ft l'itti 12!7 Chicago ft Keck 1 !.'.'.'; I'ltt-tburli ft Ft. W Hi I'HU.AlH-.Lrill . .Stocks nteaily. FelilisylvaiiU K. E. i.2 . ..", (.2- l'.2'4 52" . IMiil'a. ft Kcadiiif,'..... 2: ; 2.'H v'i. -.v.'j 2ii'" Lehigh Valley 57 ."" 57 57 Leliitjli Nnvipitien .. ."i7' .7l, 37,'s .... 37', Nei:hein I'.ifillc Cem .1;' . .r.'"4 .J-J' 31' Xl'C. l"d Id " CI ' CI KVi ritK.TitusVe.V F. ... in'., i, i;is p.i ls4 Northern Cent 1 a! IV, S.V4 I'hil'aft Erie K. U i.4 2J ... 20 : llcsteuville Ftss l'.l SEW AliVEKTIfM.aiEX IS. 0 AKI'LTS, COAL. & PHILIP S!'HU3l,S0N k CO., MANUFAClME'i, Ne l.V s.-if TH WATEK sn.'LLF, I.AXtUsrn:, I'a., Wei! known Manulactim isel Cenuiiie LAN'C STES: QUILTS COUNThKI'ANES COVEULETS. I5LANKKTS, CAUl'ETs. CAICI'ET CHAIN, STOCKING YAKN, A.c. CUSTOM KAO CAKl'KTs- A SI'EOIALTV? LAXCASTbi: FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress ;oeds Dyed cither in thepiecoer in Carmen's: hIse. all kinds et silks, Uihhens, Linen, Colten kuiI Woolen Ceeds Ded. Cen tleiiieiiN Coats, Overcoats, l'.ints. Vests, ,tt. Dyed or Sceun d : uIe, Indigo Mine Djclng done. All orders or ?oeds lelt with us v.ill rceive prompt nttentinu. CASH I'AID FOi: SEWF.D CA'M'ET UAUs. COAL. COAL. Ceal of the hi'st iprility put up expressly fm lanuly 110, and at the lowest 111 ukel. rates. TUY A SAMFLE TON. YAKD-FHIiOUTlI WATEIt hTUEET. d22-lydKS FHILll' SCUUM, MIX ft CO. yruinny f r liitiiv f ! (OJJiJiUlJIO! k3UW!LTllD: EDGERLEY & CO.'S. Practical Cariiage Bii!ders, Sl.irkcl Stieet, Rear of Cential MaiketHeuscs Laucasler, l'.t. We h.noen hand a I aigc Asjeitnicnt et PORTLAND, AL1SANY, AM) DOUBLE SKAT SLEIGHS, hlch eelfcr at tliu VERY LOWEST PRICED. Alse a full line of ECCCIES ami CAIt itlAOEs all of -our en 11 well known make dve us "i call. 49Kepairing piemptly itttuudeil le. uJiMldftu- HAXTEIK 1A:s, ll.KiS, ItAOS. . Wanted. 2Je per pound paid ler niiveil racs as seen as delivered. HENXECKE 2. West King Sreel. dl.Vlwd Lancaster i'a. EXTEKTAIXJIEXTSS 3 clten eiei:a HOUSK. WEDNE3DAY, DECEMBER 22. .1.11. HAVEULY'S LATEST SUCCESS, Ilrivcrlv'iS Widow Bcdett COMEDY COMl'ANY, Drainatired by FETi:OLi;iJM V. NA-i;Y(D It. Lecke), and picsmtiiig Anieuca's Popular Cemediiiu, Mr. Chas. B. Bishop. The most select ami tin ltinnieHtCeiiieilv ever introduced. Don't lei; Set the COMEDY DATE DECEM REE SS. POPULAR PRICES: ADMISSION :i5, BO A 7.-Ct. RESERVED SEATS 7.1 Vt. Fer sale at Opera Heuse Olllce. dl7-rld FOIi SALE OJi It EST. C1 1ITV l'llOI'r.SlTV AT 1'KIVATE SALE. The iiiidcrsigiieil elfeis at private sale the resilience new occupied lv him at Ne 42 Seuth Lime street. The house Smuts 1 feet, mere or less, aud extends in dept li 111 J feet, te the ion Lutheran clutch. On ti.e south M'lc of tin: house i-,a pi ivate alley. The heu-e contains seven larvu rooms, is new ly painted and i.ipei ed. and has gas in every 100m in the house. In the yuid :11c choice ginpe vim sand iruittrcei. The property is vei v desirably located and will be sold at a reasonable pi ice. d20-tld PHILIP DOERSOM. IJUIILIU.SALK. On MONDAY, DIXEMBEK 27, le,H. vvill bit sold ut public sale at the Cooper l.'n.--e. West Kir.g.treet, tin: lelinv.iiigcity property, r, : A let of gieund situated en theeorneret Green and Duke btrcets, trentim; en Duke Ktreet2b!l feet and ' inches, ruiimiig along (ireen stieet 177K leet, and along Lew .street am feet, 111M111 wlifcli are erected a one-story Deuble Frame Heuse, Stable and Heg-Sly in" rear of let ; well of geed water with pump therein; al-e Iijiliant. fruit tiees, Ac. The fences around the grounds are in geed order. Theprejieitv will be sold in lets or In the whole .is nniv best suit purchasers. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. 111., when terms will be made known bv the TRUSTEES OF ST. STEPHENS' CHURCH. II. SiicitEicr, Auct. dec'S-tiiWAs "trAMUniiK CITY I'KOIT.KTY AXI'UII V EIC SALE. On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2i, IS), vrill bu sold en tlie premises, "euihea-st angl Centre Square, the Joile.ving valuable real estate, viz : Ne. 1. A Let of C.ieund, southeast erner el Centre Seu ire. v. lib a fient:.gc en s-aid M-nare efllfect, including :yi-leet wide alley en v.est side, with a lurther eatensieu of wild line east ward 33 feet, mere or less te piepei iyet Abra ham Hindi, then, south, 41 leet, mere or levj, te a 3-feet wide alley, rnnnlngeast anil west, then eastward along laid alley 22 J feet, mere or less, te property of Isaac Stirk. then south 21 feet 3 iuclies, including said alley, mera erlcs. te property et Ncal Lagan'h estate, then vv est i'AyA leet. mere or less, te property et Bitner Jc Hostetter. then north G feet '.'. laches, includ ing tlie fcet wide alley, mere or less, te Centre Sqinre. en which Is en ctcd atwostery BRICK BUILDING, lernierly occupied by Dr. Mishlerferthe manufacture of Bitters and Geld and ncHlium : also, another part two and part tin ec-stery Brick Building, adjoining Stlrk's property en the east, Bitiicr .c Hostetter en the west, and Neal Lagan's cstatoen the south, new used as a Dwelling and Beer Saleen ; goon Cellar and Sewerage, as well as Gas and W atcr throughout the entire buildings. Ne. 2. A Let et Ground, situate en thcnerMi -Me el 311rldlc street, 20 lectin trout, and in depth 110K feet mere or less, te a common allev. known a Heward stieet, 0.1 which lei been lately rcctcdu thiec-ateiy Brick Dwell lng Heuse. Sal te commence at 7 o'clock p.m. of said 'ay, when terms of sale will be made kuev.n by ELIZABETH MISIILER. Hjwrt SHranrr, Anct. d 17. L