Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 22, 1880, Image 2

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.... tr-.-jMrry Yl
iith. muimYftran
Hancastct tntrilegencec.
Basiacss Men as Politicians
That Philadelphia committee of One
Hundred Republicans found itself at a
less te answer the persistent query of one
of its members as te whether or no it was
a partisan body. Seme said yes and some
no, but the final conclusion was that it
must be partisan since it was wholly Re
publican. The members had net up te
this time appreciated their position ; and
when they afterwards went en te nomi
nate a ticket, they showed themselves
utterly unconscious of the logical
consequence of their confession of part
isanship. As Republican partisans,
when they had once determined this te
be their character, they should next
have resolved te control the candidates
of the Republican party ; and .thy only
way te de this manifestly was and is
through the Republican organization.
That exists for the purKsu oi'iieininaUng
the party candidates. This committee
of one hundred volunteer Republican
councillers de net expect it te de se ;
but they decxpect that the regular party
convention will lie se impressed by their
desire and their power, that they .will
come down as the coon did te Captain
Smith, realizing tiie felly of resistance.
But is there anything in tin; situation
te give these Hundred Republicans and
their adherents its control ? That de
pends, of course, upon their numbers;
and these numbers depend upon ether
things of future happening. As the
matter new stands the Hundred repre
sent the reform element in tliu Republi
can party; and indeed a part only of it.
since an influential portion of them re
fuse te be seduced and conciliated te the
support of such an aged Pilgrim rooster
as Mayer Steklev by his profuse premises
that he will never de se any mere, and
his abundant pledger, of future good
ness. It must be assumed that the regular
Republican ticket will command the
strength of the party vole. A siitliciently
decent ticket will be nominated, in case
the " reform " ticket is put aside, and
will receive the party support. The
Democratic convention will then prob
ably present an excel lent ticket that will
command the Democratic vote. In this
situation, the ticket of the One Huudrc 1
will drop between the two steels and the
only effect of its presentation will be te
make the contest exciting between the
regular partisan tickets.
The ticket of the One Hundred has, of
course, no claim whatever upon Demo
cratic support, beingdistinctly presented
as partisan. It has no claim. either, upon
party support, net being the ticket of the
party. And the support of Teny Drexel
and ether rich and lusty fellows, who are
very honest, as one of them suggested in
the meeting, because they have no temp
tation te be otherwise, will hardly suffice,
in default of votes, te elect their excel
lent ticket.
It is surprising hew unpractically and
foolishly practical business men debehave
when they undertake a hand at stale
craft. These hundred evidently are per
vaded with the impression that their
geed intentions, reinforced by their cash
make them an irresistible power. Cash
is undoubtedly a strong influence and
ought te make philanthropy strong ; but
in politics cash and goodness de net pull
well together, being as naturally rcpel
lant as the negative and positive electri
cal force. And there is great danger that
the pretty effort of the Republican busi
ness men of Philadelphia te reform the
party within the party lines will be a
signal failure. It won't reform that
way with such methods and through
such men.
The Pittsburgh Republican business
men de net seem te have a greater knack
at 'Handling the political elements" with
in the party" than their Philadelphia
brethren. They have been pouring their
recommendations of Moorhead for
United States senator with a free hand
upon their representatives in the Legis
lature, with the net result that he did
net get a single vote in the caucus.
Probably they did net use the money, of
which they had se much in their pockets.
But you see they couldn't, being re
formers. They were handicapped by
their principles, and notwithstanding
their financial stoutness, could net take
up the running. Our rich friends in the
Republican party, who would like te be
decent and whose sensibilities are of
fended by the party's rottenness, have
our sympathy, lint we see no help for
them. They are net smart enough te
reform their parly within the party
lines, as they are ambitious te de ; and
we fear they arc tee stingy, or moral, te
employ the agencies that are really com
petent te the task.
A ceui'LK or excitable congressmen
almost came te blows en the fleer of" the
Heuse, yesterday. Their friends held
them back. "We hardly knew why. Peo
ple have a fashion of interfering te keep
their friends from coming te blows.
Why, we de net knew. They will sit by
while they are giving one another a
tongue-lashing and consider it none of
their business te interfere; but they step
in when it comes te a nose-mashing.
That is felly. And especially is it
felly for people te lift up their -hands in
holy horror at a list fight in Congress
when they think nothing- of a bat
tle of words. It is natural for
men te want te fight when they
g:t excited: and we rather think
that congressmen had belter be left te
fight out their battles. Te be sure it is
objectionable as a disturbance of the
peaccef the Heuse: but a room should be
provided te which the belligerents should
be invited te retire and settle their dif
ference under the rules of the ring. Let
the rules be amended accordingly.
Xe man nor any woman for the mat
ter of that possessed of a preiter degree
of sensibility can fail te admire the ten
der conjugal affection of the Czar of all
the Russia which inspites him te delay
his proposed marriage with his mistress
"until after the expiration of the cus
tomary period of mourning a full year
for the late Czarina." A proper ac
knewledgment of the conjugal duties, j
jidue regard for the relations of husband
and wife, and proper respect for domestic
rights, have come te be se rare among
these who sit en thrones that this an
nouncement of the sturdy virtue of the
Czar comes like a grateful announce
ment te Christendom in these Christmas
days. Te be sure this "princess," whom
the Czar will wed after hi.3 year of pro
found grief and mourning, has long been
his mistress ; she is the mother of a
family of his acknowledged children,
and the funeral of the Czarina was hardly
ever before she had " taken up her quar
ters in the "Winter Palace at St. Peters
burg, but again en a separate fleer (the
third), and maintains a separate estab
lishment." Nevertheless, the Czar has
such a high regard for all the proprieties
and se sincerely mourns the less of his
wife, that he is determined te delay his
second marriage with his old mistress
" until after the customary period of
mourning a full year." What touch
ing devotion !
At tiie request of Themas Hughe.",
Bishop QfiNTAiti), of Tennessee, will
make the new Rugby settlement his official
and private home, and will build a i evi
dence its the spring.
A senatorial friend of Mr. Blalns: is re
purled as saying that he has given up the
struggle for a nomination for the presi
dency, and will remain in the Senate as
long as the people of Maine will keep him
Congressman S. S. Cox was forced te
return home from Washington several
clays age en account of congestion of the
lungs, and is still seriously ill. His con
dition is net considered dangerous by the
physicians in attendance, but there aic
fears that the illness will result in typhoid
A marriage is te take place between
Lord Wentweuth, Byren's grandson,
and a daughter of Mr. .lames Slcwart Slcwart
Wertley. Lord Wentworth is a widower.
He was engaged about two years ag te
a young American lady. Miss " Dudu '
Fi.etciii.u. who wrote "Kismet. ' and was
thought te have jilted her.
If it has no mere pressing bushes ou
hand, the Mrs. R. IJ. IIayks temperance
association of Washington, I). C, might
inquire whether Mr. R. B. lLvi turned
down his wine-glasses at the Brooklyn
dinner, and if se, whether they stayed
turned down, for the wines were a big
feature of the bill of fare at. tiiat dinner.
j Puxxsviawxia may get the next cleik
ei inc icfierai Heuse ; nut it is meie like
ly te be Chris. Magcc than Ed. McPlicr
Baku's almanac is pre eminently a local
institution, representative of Lancaster
county, and the extended sketch of it
printed ou our fourth page te-day will be
found full of curious interest.
Mu. Coi-ineTii has introduced a bill
prohibiting the sons of senators or repre
sentatives in Congress and of judges of
the Uuitcd Stales court from entering the
West Point military aeulemy, a:-d com
polling cadets te take oath that they will
serve in the army after their graduation.
Mr. Coffroth also introduced a bill te sur
round the graves of all Reveluti: nary sol
diers with fences ai.d te erect, tombstones
te their memory.
Oxi: little fellow, when told of (Jed's
omniscience say., "He don't, knew what's
in my pockets, 'cause 1 aint get no pockets"
.lust new we read of a four-year-old, who
said his dying baby-brother could net go
te the bad place because he had "no teeth
te gnash," an argument that might be
urged in favor of many elder persons.
The Jlcfermcd Church Messenger wauls it
known that in these anecdotes lurk rank
heresies, Pelagianisin and one thing or
another that is net te be thought of in
these Christmas days.
HensR-STAi'.i.Ks ou the top of stylish
private mansions may seem te he something
surprising and unreal, but they are never
theless coming into fashion in Louden,
and in se exclusive a part of itr.s Bclgr.ivc
Square. One is new being built for
twenty horses. The aniilials are raised
and lowered in enclosed boxes, somewhat
after the method of elevators in our large
hotels, aiuLthcy don't mind it in the least.
The principal reasons for this innovation
is, that bind in cheap up there ; the stables
have the best ventilation ; the horses arc
safe and the smell of the stables is avoided.
A. P. Hixmax, of New Yerk, has been
up in Vermont ostensibly collecting ma
terials for a biography of Vice President
elect Arthur. He has privately stated,
however, that he is employed te obtain
evidence te show that Gen. Arthur is an
unnaturalized foreigner. He claims te
haw, discovered that Gen. Arthur was
born in Cauada, instead of Fairfield ; that
his name is Chester Allen instead of
Chester Abcll ; that he was 50 years old
in July instead of October, as has been
stated, and generally that he is au alien
aud ineligible te the office of vice pred
'dent. At the Farmers' club in New Yerk a
week age, Mrs. Amelia Lewis, an English
woman, said thatshcceuld furnish meals
at certain remarkably low figures, where
upon the club challenged her te prepare
them :i dinner for twenty-five cents a head
which challenge Mrs. Lewis accepted. At
neon yesterday the dinner was eaten by
some forty ladies and gentlemen at 704
Broadway. The bill of fare included
vegetable soup, boiled codfish with lobster
sauce, roast beef with beets, onions, rice,
aud potatoes, boiled mutton with turnips
breid pudding, and claret. It exceeded
the anticipations of the club, "and was
voted a great success. It was then ex
plained that such a meal could only be
prepared at that figure by scientific
knowledge and apparatus, aud supplies
bought in large quantities. It showed
that the solution of the question of feeding
the peer lay in co-operation and is ex
pected te lead te a lunch house with six
cent meals for workingmen and women.
Pntiicl: Nelan, a laborer, employed by
nidge Asneci ureen, at lenany, JN. J.,
went te the weeds for a lead of weed.
The team returned without him, and when
search was made, Nelan was found by the
leadside under the weed, dead. While
descending the.side of a hill the cart had
upset, burying Nelan under its lead.
Het WeriN Sjtekcii lit t!ie IIeum.
One i1 Use Most I)i.-i;icc!ul .Scents Kver
tt'ltecnteu iii !;:. r-iiiul Halls
Veavei anil Spurl.. T.iliin Off
Tliir.Ce:t te .Jein in ;i
liuoc.c-lerii Ar
gument. Iii the Heu.-.c :it Washington yesterJay
the financial question was revive iu a de
bate ever the funding bill. It had pro
ceeded in an orderly enough way, and it
was net till Mr. Weaver took a hand that
the active inn began. Weaver had been
listening attentively and gathering points
from both sides. His desk was covered
with books and documents and an open
sciap-boek lay before him. He speaks ex
temporaneously, has a fro and graceful
delivery and is one of i he few leady de
baters of the Heuse. On this occasion he
appeared mera friaky than usual. It was
net long before he had half a-dezeu interro
gating him ai.d the aisles filled ou both
.sides of him with attentive listeners. He
easily slipped from the funding bill into poli
tics and once into politics into the Demo
cratic record en the finances.
Mr. Buekuer (Me.) asked Weaver when
hu had left, the Republican p.irty.
.Mr. Weaver replied that he had left it in
1377. just when the gentleman ( Buekuer )
was slumping hi-; district in favor of sub
stituting greenbacks for national bank
Mr. Bland (Me.) icplicd te Weaver's
speech in winch he said that that gentle
man had shown his aaimus iu attacking
the Democrats the nly friends which that
gentleman had in the Heuse. L Laughter en
the Republican side. He referred te the
charge made against Weaver in the last
campaign that iic was acting in : he inter
est of the Republicans, and said that his
action then eei responded with hi.s speech
Mr." Weaver tried te iuteuupt Bland,
asserting t iiat hi.s .statement was net true.
Bland had declined te yield, and went en
charging Weaver with inconsistency and
bad faith.
Mr. Weaver replied te Bland and chal
lenged him te quote one word that he
(Weaver) had .-aid in the last eimpaign iu
favor of the Republican tarty. Until he
could do-ehe slieuid ".shut up.'' Laugh
ter. lie had in that -camp tign arraigned
the Republican party, and he arraigned, it
Mr. Sp.nk,(lll.) get the fleer aud alluded
t a circumstance that had occurred during
tiie iiiierinpUeus between Weaver, Bland
and ethers, in which Weaver had used an
offensive teun te him (that he was
"crazy ''). He went en, iu a geed-natured
manner, te excuse the offensive rc
maik as arising fiem a misunderstanding
en Weaver's part of what he (Sparks) had
said te call it out.
Mr. Weaver replied iu the same tone of
pleasantry aud geed humor, declining te
take effeii-e al what Sparks had said and
intimating that no one could venture te in
sult him intentionally by ascribing false
hood te him without feeling the force of
his ( Weaver's) right arm. Laughter and
-Mr. Sparksuu hearing the latter remark,
changed his tone from one of pleasantry te
one of auger, and he said: " spurn with
contempt the 'reach of his arm.' The
reach efghis arm would affect me as little
as it a fleeted the Inst presidential election."
Mr. Weaver (still in a jocular lone).
Well, thar. was sufficient. Docs net the
gentleman see that he ought never te open
hi.s mouth at all when he is excited ".'
Never: never! He spurns the icacli of
my arm ! lie can di se. In the temper 1
aiii in he can de se. 1 would net hurt a
hair en iiis head. Laughter. His apology
was ample, and 1 accept it, but 1 caution
him against, i lie further u-e of the term
"falsehood" or "lie." That, in Ken
tucky, i- regarded. I b-lieve, as equal te a
"lick" or a blew, and even if I was net
as large us a mouse 1 would assail any
man who would apply such a term te nie
offensively. The guntleui.ui has alluded
te my weighi, but 1 warn him that my
fighting weight is S. pounds. Shouts of
laughter. J
Mr. Spaiks. Dots I he ;cet.eniaii s.iy
that I used the word falsehood .'
Mr. Weaver. Se I understood.
Mr. Sparks. Oh, no, yours was certainly
the first offensive word.
Mr. Weaver (still goed-liumoredly). We
are all right new.
Mr. Sparks. Yeu misunderstood inc. I
said that you were stating what was net
true and you were wanting in the quali
ties el :i gent'emm in your tailure te
remedy it. ICscitcnicn! and confusion in
the chamber. That was all that there
was of it, but it developed at the last elec
lien that, you wanted these qualities.
Mr. Weaver (new thoroughly angry anil
excited). I denounce he gentleman per
sonally as a liar ou the fleer of the Heuse.
Mr. Sparks (equally excited). Ven are
a scoundrel aud a villain.
Mr. Weaver thereupon, amid great up
roar, left the place where he was standing
and advanced menacingly towards Sparks,
who, in his turn, moved towards Weaver,
but both were immediately surrounded by
members, who prevented them getting te
close (piasters aud made, them put en
their ceits, which each was in
the act el taking oil" as he ad
vanced into the area. Of course the
greatest infusion aud disorder prevailed
en the fleer and in the galleries, but in the
midst of it the speaker took the chair and
eal'ed upon the sergcaufcat-arnis te de his
duty. .lust then, however, there was
nothing particular te be done by that of
ficial, as the combatants had been removed
by their respective fiieuds and there was
ve danger of their assaulting each ether.
An .vK.'initl te Sheet a plan's Hat v.'.V his
At Ne. -IS Chatham street, New Yerk,
there is a rifle gallery and billiard room.
Among the frequenters of the place was
Charles Westlield, a bar-tender, who lives
at Ne. 125 Menree street. He is an expert
shot with the rule, and was m the habit
of displaying his skill by shoetiug apples
and oranges from the heads of loungers in
the gallery, who had learned te place im
plicit trust iu his accuracy of aim. Lately
he entered the gallery with sonic friends.
Gustave Warganz, the bartender, who is
a friend of Westlield, 'vas asleep in a chair
at the ether end of the room. He had a
Derby hat en. Noticing that Warganz
was asleep Westlield picked up a rifle aud
turning te his friends said : " Just see hew
I will put. a ball through his hat!" He
leyclcd the weapon and tired. Simultane
ously with Hid sheeting Warganz, whose
sleep had been disturbed by the entrance
of the men, raised himself slightly in the
chairs Te the horror of the marksman
and the lookers-en the ball ledged in the
head of the unfortunate bartender. He
fell te the iloei, the bleed flowing from a
wound just above the right car. West
field bent ever him aud entreated him te
speak. The man was unconscious. Wal
ter Fay, who had been an eye witness te
the eccurence, ran into the street and
returned with Patrolman McQuadc of the
4th precinct. "Wcstficld assured the police
man that Warganz was shot by accident.
He said he and tiie injured man had been
en the best of terms. Stimulants were
given Wariranz and he revived. His first
words were te the effect that Lc knew his
fiiends had net intentionally injured him.
Friends of both men said that Westlield
and "Warganz always appeared te be soci
able toward each ether. MeQiiade had
Warganz taken te the Chamber street
hospital. Wcstficld was locked up in the I
station house.
The fund of $130,000 for -the Harvard
divinity school at Cambridge, Mass., has
been made up.
The liquor stoic of James O'Denncll, in
Allentewu, was burned out yesterday
morning. Less, 6.000: injured for
The Moscow university authorities have
resolved, iu consequence of the agitation
among the students and in view of the ap
proaching holidays, te suspend nil lec
tures. Before the Czar left Livadia the police
found a newly dug tunnel, running from a
barn near the railway. The owner of the
bam, who has a son exiled in Siberia, shot
himself en the discovery.
The body of an old man iu a very ad
vanced stale of decomposition was found
by a party of hunters, last Sunday morn
ing, hanging te a tree in a thicket near
Berlin. Camden county. Nothing was
found in the clothing that would indicate
who he was. It is presumed that the body'
has been hanging there several months.
Birds were eating the body. Corener
Bennett will institute an investigation.
Geerge W. Pctway, charged villi the
murder of James Farriss, a member of
Coup's circus, has been married in Mem
phis te Miss Jcanna Bilbe, a lady of edu
cation, refinement and wealth. Pet way
was recently released en bail from jail,
where he had been confined since last
summer for the murder of Farriss. He
will be tried at the next term of the crimi
nal court, and, from the evidence adduced
at the last term of the court, he will, in
I all probability, be adjudged guilty.
The trustees of the Cernell university at
a recent meeting appropriated for the
building and equipment of a physical de
partment, 00,000 for the building and
equipments of veterinary and anatomical
departments, 10,000 for a greenhouse and
ether equipment for a botanical depart
ment, 10,000 for the library, 20,000 for
the civil engineering and et nor departments
10,000. J. Burkctt Webb, who is new in
Europe, was appointed professor of applied
methematics and theeieetical mechanics.
The emperor of China has granted the
prayer of the viceroy at Tientsin for per-
! mission te construct a telegraph line from
i Shanghai te liciitsm, te be 1,200 miles in
length. The route will be from Shanghai
i te Chinking, thence along the line of the
' Grand canal te Tientsin. A eheit line of
j about 70 mill also probably be constructed
! by the viceroy at Nankin, te connect the
1 capital of hisprevince with the main one
! at Chinkiang. The weik of setting the
I poles and laying the wire will be begun
next sering. It estimated that tlie en
terprise will cost 500,000.
James StrimmcJ, a young unmarried
man, of Mihnere, brakeman en the P. II.
R. has been killed near Wall.? station.
Jehn Spurr, accustomed te sleep in a
.shoddy yarn factory at Ne. 001 Sargeant
street, Philadelphia, was burned te death
with the destruction of his lodging place
yesterday morning.
Prothenotary Cheuse of Snyder county
has had "Bully" Lyen of Reading arrest ed
for slander. Detective Lyen was the leading-
ediaraetcr in bringing the perpetrators
of the murder of the. Kintzlers te justice
in that county.
Mrs. Eliza Bergmann, the young woman
who has attained se much notoriety of late,
is still a guest, of Matren Webb at police
headquarters. New Yerk. The story of
her return te Philadelphia and reconcilia
tion with her family is without founda
tion, The We.-tern nail association field a
special meeting in Pittsburgh yesterday at
which all parts of the country wcre fully
represented. After a discussion of the
state of of trade and the prospects for the
future a 285 card was unanimously adopted.
While this is the same nemiiiial card, it is
really an advance, and it is thought that
it will be maintained.
Owing te the enormous increase of the
mail carried ever the main stem of the
Pennsylvania railroad, between New Yerk
and the West, the postal authorities have
revived the consideration of the expediency
of placing en this route a train made up
entirely of postal cars. They believe that
with ;i high rate of speed and a large force
of clerks, the present, facilities of quick
transportation can be increased. Under
existing arrangements the accommodation.-;
are inadequate, and some relief is early de
manded from the accumulation of "mail
matter at both ends of the line.
; Oliver Takes the FieM.
J A caiicus of all the Republican members
! el the Legislature from Allegheny county
was Held last evening in the parleis el the
Monongahela house, Pittsburgh, and it
was " unanimously " determined te present
the name of Henry W. 01iver.jr.,fer 1'iiited
States senator. Mr. Oliver was sent for.
and in a speech made te the delegation
agreed te become a candidate. There
was much excitement, the lobbies and cor
ridors of the hotel being crowded with
politicians and business men interested in
the result, inasmuch as it was believed if
the Allegheny delegation unanimously
presented a name for this office that the
person named by them would he success
ful. The caucus was long in session anil
its determination was anxiously awaited.
The result causes much feeling and tiie
crowds left the hotel in high humor.
It Means Hurry Oliver.
Xcn Kra.
What does it mean? Twe of the mem
bers elect from this county te the next
Legislature were taken charge of by cx cx
membcr Gatchcll and carefully conveyed
te Pittsburgh, where the whole party be
came tiie guests of Dr. Barr, one of the
most prominent advocates of the Pitts
burgh riot bill two years age. The gath
ering of the Lancaster county men in
Pittsburgh at this time is in itself a little
singular, and their headquarters while
there make the whole affair assume a very
suspicious appearance Was the trip
made with the intention of obtaining de
finite information upon the question
whether instructions in Lancaster county
instruct '.'
Fell Down an .Elevator.
Ludwig Willig, son of F. II. Willig, re
siding at Ne. 110 East Vine street, who is
employed at Miller's soap and candle
works, accidentally fell through au
elevator there, last evening. He
was badly cut about the face and
knee and had several teeth broken out.
He was taken te his home where Dr.
Mctzgcr attended his injuries. The young
man is unable te explain exactly hew the
accident occurred : he was iust cenvales
cing from a long sickness of typhoid fever
Mi:t for HainaseK
1 1. M. North aud J. Hay Brown, csqs.,
attorney for A. II. Summy of Mount Jey,
have entered a suit for SLOOO damages
against Henry Hiestaud, Samuel dossier,
Jacob II. Strickler and Simen R. Snyder.
The defendants are the proprietors of a tan
nery in the town of Mount Jey. Seme time
age a coach shop, belonging te the plaintiff,
which was situated near the tannery was
destroyed by fire. It is claimed that the
fire originated from sparks from the tan
nery. Hence t he suit.
TttrKcys Freepntnil.
Gee. B. Sehaum this mnrninir m-pspntwl
each of his employees with a Christmas
turkey. There were 13 in all.
Bender & Hohnan, founders and manu
facturers, yesterday presented each of their
workmen with a fine fat turkey.
The Corener ami n Reporter Have a "Set "Set
te" (Without tJlevcs).
This morning the coroner's jury iu the
case of Jehn 3. Reese, who was killed at
the Pennsylvania freight depot yesterday
morning, met at the Washington hotel of
Capt. J. A. Schuh, en North Queen street.
Ne additional witnesses were examined.
One of the jurors stated that he had heard
a man say that when the accident occurred
the engine was run down from the corner
of Prince street. This witness-was sent
for. but the messenger eainc back
and stated that the man was net
at home hut was at the internal revenue
office, where iie would remain until neon.
Several of the jurors thought that it was
time te close the they had met
for that purpose this morning, and even if
the witness cemd be leund his testimony
would only be cumulative, as it had already
been shown that the cars had been
run in with greater force than usual.
.Mr. Jehn R. Bitncr, the owner of the cars,
at the session heid by the jury yesterday,
in au answer te a question from the con
ductor of ihe train, whether au accident
had net occurred at tiiis siding some time
a e, replied that nothing had occurred for
twenty yea is. He thought that from the
fact that the car had jumped ever the pile
of ties,, the end of the track, it
was evident that they had been run iu
with greater feicethau usual. Mr. Bitner
this morning explained his testimony of
yesterday, but it was in no way different.
Aft. r eeii-ulerable talk the room was
cleared of reporters, witnesses and the
coroner and the jury began te deliberate-.
They rendered a verdict in about a half
hour and that the'mau came te his
death fiem b.-iug crushed between his
ear and a .ved sh"d while lie w;'S at his
pest of duty. Tite evidence showing that
thecals v.cte sh'-.ved in upon the siding
faster than usual."'
It.-jmrU'r vs. the Corener.
WhiV the iurv was deliberating theic
were a number of persons in the barroom
where they wire 'waiting for the ver
dict." Among them were the coroner and a
reporter of e;scvi of the daily papers. This'
party became engaged in a conversation in
which tiie coroner and Mr. Gast. of the
Extimincr. took a lively part. The re
porter intimated that the coroner might
have examined mere witnesses in
tiie case, and ihe coroner thought
that he had done his duty.
H'gSi Winds ensued, in which this coro
ner called the reporter a "puppy," a "liar"
aud ether ; t names: honl.-esaid that it
would be better if such ' young men "
would net work en newspapers ; he was
I coroner and he knew what he was (bring,
but it would probably be better
1 if the reporter would act as
coroner. The reporter called the coroner
a' feel " aud said that the trouble be
tween him and the "young men " who arc
employed en the papers was that they were
tee sharp for him ; he thought it would
be a geed thing if sonic one else was the
coroner and it will be a blessing for the
county when he gees out of office. Beth
gentlemen became very "'het," and the
coroner, who imagined that he was being
attacked, thought at one time of settling
the difficulty by blows. This was net the
result, however, and the men contented
themselves by using strong language. The
" scene " was heartily enjoyed by the two
ether reporters, who have net seen an en
counter se terrific for some time The
j gentlemen parted bad friends, rejecting
proffered mediation, as tiie coroner was
opposed te any compromise. It is te be
hoped that no duel will result, as there
was '"really "' neb sufficient cause for the
ciucKi-:?; s';.
Arrest or (lie Allcgvil Thiel.
This morning at an early hour while
Wallace I lauck, ex-watchman at the county
prison, was driing en the turnpike rear
Ileseville, two miles north of this city, he
met a man walking with a bag en hi.s
shoulder, who spoke te him. 'Mr. 1 lauck
reined in his heise te take a better leek at
the stranger, when the latter recognizing
him at once dropped the bag and ran off
as rapidly as possible.
After trying te catch the fellow Mr.
Hauck examined the bag and found if, te
contain thirteen recently killed chickens,
their bodies being yet warm. He brought
the chickens te town and notified the chief
of police, who, accompanied by, Mr
Hauck. went in search of the thief, but
could net find him. About 10 o'clock this
morning Officer I.entz arrested in the
Pennsylvania raihead depot Albert
Arndl. When confronted by .Mr. Hauck,
the latter identified Arndt as the man hu
had met enjthc pike with the bag. Arndt,
who is an old offender for whom the pn
lice have been ''laying" for some time,
was locked up for a hearing.
Seme of the chickens are strongly
marked and may be casih identified by the
owner. One of them is a Polish cock with
large topknot and another a light bob
tailed hen of peculiar appearance. They
could be identified rcadilv among a hun
dred ether fowls. TiV. owner h::s ne:
yet, put in an appearance.
- I
S-i:ii's!r:itr .inlntcil.
A. V. Shi'iiek, esq., has been appointed
.sequestrater el the life estate of 3Iary
Heefi'ner, of Marietta borough. As se se
questraeors are very seldom appointed by
our courts it may be of interest te present
some particulars of the present case.
The husband of Mrs. Hecffnerdicd several
years age, leaving property te the
value of some $15,001). By hi.s will
he left te ids widow a life inter
est iu it, instead of leaving it te
her in fee. She ewes some debts which
she cannot or will net pay. Among her
lien creditors are Kurtz, Ness fc Ce., of
Yerk, Pa., and it is en their application
that the sequestrater has been appointed.
The aet of assembly of ( )etebcr le, 18-10,
provides that, " whenever an estate for
life, en any improved lands or tenements
yielding rents, issues or profits, shall here
after be taken into execution, the court
shall, upon the application of a lien cred
itor, award a writ te sequester the
rents, issues and profits of such estate,
aud appoint a sequestrater te carry the
same into effect. The sequestrater se ap
pointed shall have power, according te the
direction of the court, te rent or sell such
lands or tenements, for such term during
the life of the persons upon whom such
estate therein shall depend, as shall be
sufficient te satisfy all tiie liens against the
same, together with till charges for taxes,
repairs and expenses which shall be incur
red during said term ; and he shall apply
the proceeds thereof, under the direction
of the court in payment of such liens ac
cording te their priority."
Crape en the Doer.
There is a melancholy coincidence in the
fact that the doers of two adjoining resi
dences en Shippen street are at present
draped in mourning, the bereaved house
holds being these "of the late II. B. Mc
Neal, Ne. 103, whose death last evening
is elsewhere noted, and of II. D. Mussel
man, Ne. 131, whose son Harry died this
morning after a lingering illness. Mr
McNcal's funeral will take place en Friday
afternoon at 2:30, and young Musselman's
en Saturday at the same hour.
Chauza of liaine.
The organization known heretofore as
the Eutcrpean band of Lancaster has de
cided en changing its name and will be
known hercaftei as the Keystone Cornet
band of Lancaster. It has twenty-one
members and they will seen held a fair for
the purchase of uniforms, expecting te be
fully equipped early in the spring.
ICeusuc antl Crane at the Opera Heuse.
Following close upon the notable tragic
event of the preceding night, the well
known comedians Robson and Crane last
evening appeared at Fulton opera house
in the new and amusing play of "Sharps
and Flats," a speculative satire. Mr.
Manager Mishler might justlv feel himself
aggrieved by the shabby reception that
latterly has been greeting his efforts te
afford our citizens really first crass enter
tainment ; for where such distinguished
stars as Mr. Kecne, 3Iessrs. Robson and
Crane, and many ethers who have preced
ed them, erght te have been welcomed by
large audiences, the houses have been uni
formly scant, and that of last evening
scarcely rose te the dignity of fair num
bers. Mr. Mishler bravely proposes te try
it again this evening, aud it is te
be hoped that tiie appearance of
the inimitable " idesv Bedott will find
mere substantial testimony of appreciation
en the part of our people than have he'r
immediate picdeeesseis in the present
series of Mishler entertainments. As te
last night's performance there was but
one opinion as te its delightful character.
Messrs. Robson and Crane arc admired
wherever they arc known. The play of
"Sharps aud Flats," without evincing
any startling symptoms of dazzling bril
liancy in authorship or dramatic c .instruc
tion, abounds in rollicking humor fiem
the rise te the fall of the curtain. The
situations are comical and the native
humor of the acteis gives a eiispnesste
the meriiiuent that isaltegethcrengaging.
Of course a vein of romance and a toler
ably well defined story runs through it all,
but the main interest is centred iu the ac
tions of Mr. Culler Sharp, of the San Fran Fran
ciseo stock exchange, an individual of the
supposed keenness of his name, r.oifef Mr.
Dullstflnc Flat, ex country parson, pros
pective owner of millions, wanting te be
a " bull " or a "bear." and ever ready for
a "put" or a "call," the characters" be
ing represented by. Mr. Robson and Mr.
Crane respectively. The trials and tribu
lations, up and downs of these twain
served te keep the house iu a rear of mer
riment. The supreme nonchalance and
sung frelil of Mr. S'utrp in situations that
are hair-erecting in their character, as in
the instance of the turbulent panic en
'Change iu which the members of the firm
of Shnrp tf: Fltd are in imminent peril of
according satisfaction t their infuriated
creditors from an elevated position upon
the nearest lamp-pest, are portrayed in
Mr. Uousen s well known and effective
I style and are refreshing te a degree ; while
j Mr. Flat's supreme density with regard te
all matters associated with his new cnter-
i prise of stock jobbing is intensely funny.
The scene in which the firm engage in a
hand-te-hand encounter with the heavy
weight et (. Iiange and put him te
rout brought down the house, as did
the duel scene, Mr. Sharp's appearance
after the interview with the editor of the
Se earner, and half a dozen ethers that
might be mentioned, but all of which ter
minate gloriously m the electrical an
nouncement of "Balloon 110 and still
jumping," which is made the occasion- of
a grand family thanksgiving tableau. A
well balanced company supported the
stars, and though the piece was palpably
"cut" te a considerable extent it afforded
! very general satisfaction.
"l-:iCi!l!10KH00li XEWS.
KventH Acress the County l.inea.
Parker Lewe, of Harrisburg, an extra
crew hand en the N. C. railway, while
snowballing at Yerk, as he backed away
from being hit by a ball, steppeil en a
track en which the shifting engine with
ears were coming along. He was struck
en the head, knocked down and dragged a
considerable distance. Nine cars passed
ever him. His head was badly euC, his
left leg was terribly mangled, his body
generally contused aud he seen died.
lie who lielli the printer pay
Will k" t Heaven sure some day :
ISir he who meanly cherts the printer.
Will e wh'.'re Mien; N never winter.
Dr. Jehn W. Bcchtcl has died iu Har
risburg, aged .V.). lie was born near
Bnimittsburg, Md., went te Chambers
burg, from which place he removed te
Lebanon, where he studied medicine, aud
graduated iu the famous Dr. Buchanan's
school, one of whose diplomas he held
Frem Lebanon he removed te Progress,
Dauphin county, and practiced medicine
there for three years. He came te Har
risburg in l&tn, and has resided here, ex
cept for short interval.--, ever since. De
ceased has a brother living iu Manhcim,
Lancaster county.
Geerge Conever, ".: Polk, died in his
cell at the Berks county prison yesterday
morning, of consumption. He and his
brother Claude Conever were convicted of
horse stealing. Claude shared hi.s cell
with him, and has for a long time past
administered te his brother's wants, with
fraternal devotion and with all the meausat
his command. I.eth are natives of Flein Flein
ingten. New Jersey, at which place an
aged mother and ether relatives still re
side. Jacob Flinch, esq., of Lebanon, an old
and prominent citizen, died en Monday
night at his resilience iu that borough,
aged nearly eighty years. He leaves a wife
and seven children, four sons and three
daughters : Hen. Jesiaii Funck, Jehn
Fuuck and Adam Funck, Mrs. Jehn
Brightbill and Mrs. C. H. Shank, al! of
Lebanon, and Mrs. Jacob II. Stein, of
Mr. Serenus B. Heir, late of the Y. M.
C. A., this city, new secretary of the
Reading association, was a student of the
Star club here, and is new lecturing en
popular astronomy in connection with his
labors there. Last evening he treated of
four constellations, namely, " Capricorn
us" ( r the Geat), "Cygnus" (the Swan),
"Drace" (the Dra'ren), and "Cepheus"
and included fourteen stars. After the
lecture htread te his class Mr. Pyott's
paper ou "the Sun."
Uuath of llenry IS. JUeNeal.
Henry B. McNeal, for many years past
beek keeper in the furnishing house of
Flinn & Brcneman, died at his resi
dence, Ne. 133 Shippen street, about 11
o'clock last night, of congestion of the
Mr McNeal had been iu declining
health for some months past, but it was
net until two weeks age that his illness
assumed a dangerous character. Then he
sank rapidly, and dispitc the best medical
aid and the most constant nursing, died
as-above stated. He was about 47 years
et age, a native el Mount Jey, this county,
where he spent his childhood and youth.
He married a daughter of the late Judge
Schacffer, by whom he had six children,
all of whom survive him, though his wife
died four or live years age.
During the late war Mr. -McNeil was a
clerk in the paymaster's department under
Maj. Brua, Hen. Simen Camcreifs brother-in-law,
and had the name of being an hon
est anil upright accountant.
Mr. McNeal was a leading member of
the Improved Order of Red .Men. having
joined Ee-shah-ke-nee tribe, Ne. 22, many
years age, and having passed the chairs of
the tribe and being a representative in the
Great Council of the state he finally passed
through the chairs of that body, having
attained the highest rank that the Great
Council could bestow. He was a member
of Lancaster ledge, Ne. 07, I. O. O. F..
and passed through the chairs of that
ledge several years age He was also a
member of Inland City ledge, Ne. S,
K. of P., and perhaps of ether organiza
tions. He was a devoted father, a kiud neigh
bor and genial companion, whose less will
be sincerely felt by all who knew him.
nvii !u:c,u.ak couuesi'
New, for tiie first time, we have the
oppertunityor reporting actual pre -rcss in "
the telephone exchange, about which se
much has recently been said iu the papis,
especially iu the IXTEi.uuia.cEi.. True,
we spoke, a few days age. of Messrs. Bach
man and Furry building au office, in A. D.
Reese's billiard hall, for the exchange and
we may v. nv further say that the office is
very neai !y completed. It is wainscoted
aud presents a very pretty appearance, but
its fittings have net yet been put in place.
The real work commenced this morning.
A force often men, who have been await
ing the arrival ofthepeles for several days.
commencing digging holes for their erec
tion at 7 eckek, and since that hour have
been go; g ahead. 1 he first hole was dug
at II. !'. Burner's coal yard, and from
there the men have been slowly making
their way down Frent street "until, en
reaching the alley between Locust and
Cherry streets, they turned up towards
the exchange office. They will fellow this
alley te the Lancaster pike and out to
wards the Shawncii furnaces. Returning
they will g.ieut Third street te Chestnut,
up Chestuu te the Chestnut Hill pike,
and out the pike te the residence of Mrs .
Cel. .Tame. Myers. The first will be
planted at Bruner's coal yard right after
dinner te-day. and from there the route
we have ju-t gi veil will be followed. Mr.
A. D. Reese is auperintending the work.
Engineer William Baight. who has been
running between Philadelphia and Harris
burg for the past year aud a half, has been
returned t hi old " run." between this
place and Philadelphia. Engine Ne. -105
has been put. in his charge.
The Third ward Democratic club have
taken down their transparency, which has
been in position at their headquarters at
the " Five Points" for the past few
months : and the Hancock and English
pole, elected at Mack's brewery during
the campaign, has also been rennned. The
pole at Fourth and Maner streets, and the
one en Third street, opposite the late Key
stone I.t'inecratic headquarters, still
Samuel Filbert, of this place, has secured
a contract te furnish two thousand tens of
ice te the Pennsylvania railroad company.
He will begin cutting te-morrow and will
make thehcst time passible in filling the
Older. The :? is te be taken from the
river be.v the ! ridge, which. Mr. Filbert '
says, is about eight inches thick and of
much better quality than that above the
bridge, where ihe ie men have been busy
for a week or mere past. Already Mr.
Filbert has a large amount of ice .stored
away in his iee house.
The s'sew has stepped falling, bat it fell
te a sufiieien' depth as te make sleighing
excellent, and as consequence, the jingling
of bells may at any time he lu-ard. The
track iu the streets of town is thoroughly
beaten, but en the country reads it is net
se geed. It. new leeks as we may have
sleighing for some days te come.
Etheliud, the little (laughter of Edward
Ress, died this morning of diphtheria.
Edward R. Illack, read foreman of en
gines of the Philadelphia division, P. It.
R.. was in town te-day.
Engine Ne. 1)3, the crew of which wcre
called te leave here at ." o'clock this morn
ing, get off te-day at 12:15. seven and quar
ter hours late
The Parkesburg contraction train was
doing work here this morning'.
An afternoon market en Friday next
no early Christmas rising.
The Pennsylvania railroad freight en
gineers are new hauling thirty cars east.
The trains are fully heavy enough for
The snow is being taken from the plat
form iu front of the P. R. R. depot and
leaded upon freight ears te lie hauled
William F. L-wkard. superintendent of
the Philadelphia division of the Penn
sylvania railroad, is iu town te-day.
Quite a number of people from the sur
rounding towns took :i sleigh ride into
Columbia last evening.
The Fifth street Presbyterian Sunday
school will held its Christinas exercises to
morrow evening.
Ourslreeis are iu a very slippery condi
tion. Engine !)55 is again running en the Fred
erick accommodation train.
Ne one has yet ventured te cress the ice
with heise and sleigh that is, between
th'i bridge and the dam.
Officer Fisher took a vagrant t; Lancas
ter at 1 :05 o'clock this afternoon. He was
very attired and in lieu of cloth
ing had wiii ppd himself in feed bags.
A thaw is new setting ie.
.11)1? IlKNN'S I:NC'AI'K.
A 1' l-esciied Frem th-.Slu-rtir.
Yesterday after Sheriff Striuc had safely
lauded Lewi-. Sewers in the Eastern peni
tentiary he went in search of Jeb Benn,
colored, for whom he had an attachment
for two thirds ill the costs in the ease of
cent'th vs. Edward Wilsen, prosecuted by
Benn for perjury iu the Lancaster courts.
The sh-ril." found Benn near 20th and
Market streets, Philadelphia, and at
once t''k bun in custody and brought
him te tin-d"pet, where his son, Deputy
Sheriff ('has. M. Strine, was in waiting
with a boy arrested and te be brought
te Lancaster. It. was snowing at the time
and as B nn had a bag of previsions with
him which he wanted te take te his needy
family, he togged the sheriff te allow him
te dclivc. them. The sheriff, taking
charge of tin: ether prisoner, placed Benn
iut lie hands of his son, and told him te
accempiuy Benn te his hemc,and hand ever
the previsions te his wife. Benn took him
te a place en Carclten street, where
"there was a regular nest el niggers," as
the sheriff states. Instantly the deer was
shut in the deputy's face', and the priso
ner was hustled off. The deputy broke
open the deer, and with drawn revolver,
attempted te secure his prisoner, firing
one shot, during the melee, but doing no
harm. He attempted te lire a second shot
but hi-, pistol snapped, and before he could
cock it again he was seized and overpow
ered and i'enn escaped. Charlie took after
him, tin ew him down and was about te
put the nippers ou him when Benn's
friends again rallied and rescued him.
JVeic, Striuc says, Benn shall be captured
if law and limb can accomplish it.
Tiirliit lltxh-pi-ieeil. but Evergreens
The centra) market this morning was
largely attended and everything per
taining te Christmas was abundant with
the exception of eggs and turkeys. The
former were scarce at y.",10 cents per
dozen, while geed dressed turkeys wcre
hard te get even at le(tf2(' cts. per pound.
Live gobblers commanded from M te IU
cents per pound, and wcre by no menus
plenty even at these figures. Butter fell
te 25 cents before the clevj of the market.
In ether previsions there was but little
change :u price.
Evergreens in every van ty were iu
great atmndanceaud of batter quality than
we have heretofore seen. Seme of the trees
are almost "two stories" in height and
hundred-! of them arc models of beauty.
They se-il at all rriccs from ten cents te a
deliar apiece. Helly boughs, bearing
bright red berries, sold at 25 and 30 cents
each ; tied greens at 105j,20 cents per yard,
as te qualitv. Wreaths, anchors, cresses,
ecc.&e, sold at from 2'J te 50 cents. The .
stock remaining en hand is very large,
but it is ileuli'ttul whether it will be suffi
cient te supply the demand between this
time and Fi iday night.
Market people will of cotiise remember
that the market will le held en Friday,
and net Saturday, as is provided for by city
ordinance, whenever Christmas happens
tej fall enSatuxday.