(H)je fartfatei SKLtH lilrlllll vllAVV Volume XYIIKe. t)G. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1SS0. Price Twe Celts. pr?? ' y jv; if yi w i';i: THE HOLIDAYS AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, CHESTNUT, T1IIKTEENT1I ANO flAKKKTSTItEtTTH, AXI) CITY ILVLIi SqUAKE, PHILADELPHIA. riM!E HOLIDAYS. JL There is new here in Philadclphi.iMi v.iucilu collection et lich geed- as hcic such as Mill- ... ei ..r.4l.... 1 . . . . I !.. i 1 . . ... . I ........ . I....I . . . rt. iiiiii.-j -, Mi'riiiui -, wiua IUVI-, UMIJW I'll a little later. There is an end even of itts. Ourtellec lien Is large enough iukI rich enough, one ireuld suppe-ic, ox'en fi.r a Ii"-s liug.il city ili.ni Philadelphia. The-c goods an- up- new at the hoighlel thcirglm v. Thcchoicc-tel tin-in mr h-le; ethers v. ill iiicel ceui.c; lull the chelcc-l uic gi.mg. What isciiu.il y te tin- p'Upnse, bu.vei- me ueu about :ii many as cm he couiteital'ly solved, anil the Hueng will lie dcn-ei cci lulr tiv till ( In i-tm.t. UmS WANAMAKEIL 'IVMLET rilKMSllINU. 1 Sachets, 1iilii-s,.imp--h.iilt-, pin i.shhm-. liees, in -.i' 1 1 1 ami plush, einhiell'ieil ami painted. JOHN WANA.MAKCR I'il .1 ( ilclc. -outline,! IilMn the enlie. TACKS. J Duches-c ve.t Willi 1'iiiut lneil.illien ,, .VI ; the same iu:i he -i ell cl-i-vv hcie al 7. .IOH.N rt'A.N UlAlvKI!. Niiioceiinlci-, southwest liem the en tie. ( LOCKS. !.:." te-flVMju. all gu.irantcd. .11 III ' U AVA M Mi V.: Cily h'ill-ii in-1 nil .nice. riVY.-. J. New i (inn, lit w lnv'.. IOIIN V WAMAIvl.K. Outer eii( le, vvc-1 el the CI e-tniit '-tit t en train e. Hi,'MViS. A e ituhiguc el hiMiI.i m.ij he li el al Hi' hook ceiiulci. We want eery i uih I te htve It. 'J In-ll-l el ihililicii's hnlid.i.v IiihiI,- i- e-lHt-i.illy complete, IOIIN W NAMAhi:i:. .- end eeunlei , nei Ihe.tsl tiein the cintie. iOOKS. Jl HII..-5 I l.s I 1.1. -. J Thcreatc ln gcnei.il stvle-.enc eln-cd al tliclMch, the ether pi n : the l.ilti i I- l.ne. n asee.ielmi.iirs--tN h'. Imetailil tiiminiii;;llii'ie i. ........... t..i i. .1. it...... ;. ..t.. ...!.. Is si n i;i lit lill I l( IIHtllll Itll i- 1 .-.. Ml.ll 111 'I iniplleit J. Cleat ail y III lelh-f loe. yl.VP tl $i".. Seilthe.ist eoinerel the huildin M1SSKV COATS. Misses' eits in ineie than 7 letli-, shapes and dccoi.ilien heveiel counting. Sic-iS te IK yeais. Ulsti-n-tti-Mii ."eleths, ulsteis in s cloths ami huvclecus In cloths. S!e- i; te Hi. IOIIN WANA.MAM.K. Sout liu est coiner el thu hmldiii;;. UXIIKKWKAir ANI Il:isli;m. Wu h.l- the hest Koedsthe vel Id ali.inN, mill the nc.xt hest. and the iiuvt. and si en. Themis no place anywlu'ie, laie jen c.ri see se lai;;-a eolleitlen el tlieililleii tit ;;nid til ijimmN, all passing ter what thev ale, and net Inn;; ler wh.it it N net, cotton ter cotton, mixed ler mixed, wool for wool, sill, leisilu-. IOIIN WA.N.iMAKI.i:. Oul-i'-li-li-, Chestnut stie-l, cut lame te TliiittsL'iitlistieel e!ili:'.iu-e. Emi.i:eiii:i:ii. New Kmhieideiies aic alre.ulj in. Our sloiUisneu in the oiiditien ou epect te lind it in at New VeaiV, i, : tliu'sjiiiii"; novel ties aic hcie. IOIIN WANAMAKIJi:. Thild eucle, seiuhwe-t lienithe ceiitie. CiAirrKTh. The choicest liiM ions ai pels; the med siihstaulial cai pels; the lowest pnc s; puuc tualseiMce. .KHIN WANAMAKI.K. Maiket slicct lient, upslans. SII.KS. Kxenin silks in the Aicade, cast side. The same and many etlici pattei ns an- within. IOIIN WANAMAKI.I.. Nct outer ciicle, southeast liem the-eutie E .rMr.ueiiii.i.n: Our next siiiimr'n nevellies in emhiei- dcrics aie just new leccived; lh--y u-uallj-cenical New Ycai's. .IOIIN WANAMAKI'l.. Xvxt outer ciule, Mutliwc-t lielil thi-cclitie. LACKS. ' I.ac-s change daily. Out -ales an- laie. our variety alwajs lai-e, and hut little et :.n. one sei t. (;empare puces. A quarter helew the maikel r, net uncoiiinien. .IOIIN WANAMAIi:i:. Niiiecniinteis, -eutliwe-t liem theentre. WKAl'S, &-. hucli a stock et leicin cloaks a-, I'hila delphia has net heleic seen, ii te i'il: -haw Is near Iiv ; dicssc- up -tans. .IOIIN WANAMAIvKi:. Southeast eoinerel the building. 17UKS. ' ! urset all sei ts -aie gein last. They went lust last ear ami advanced m piiu- as the s, a son advanced. 'I hey aie ein up :i;;.uii. V.'e shall net nit-e piices till we have te Irn.v. l' jiect te lind here whatever en want, tiem a liit el tiiiiiuiiiix up. IOIIN WANAMAKHU. Thiilcentli st reel eutraiicc. COATe AND UI.STKI.s-FOUCII1I.IH:i:N. Net se yrc.lt variety as ler ladies; hut much lai jji-r than any w here else here. Coats, 2 te ycai-s: In thirty litleivnt inate liaN, ilnih, lil uc and hrewn cenN withll'cc.v lilack : celi.iraud -iiiri ei plush ; also in ten camel's hair cloth, li iiniued wilhseal cloth. Coats, 4 tell! vcus; in thiity cloth-, tuiu nicd with plain stitching, plu-h, seal cloth, c-hliicliilla fur ami velvet, .!te$lii. l'lster-ttes, ; te HI years ; in Iiv e cloth-, w it li seal cloth cellar and cutis. I'Nters, t;ie li! yeais; in i-ijiht cloth ., tuiu med w ith plu-h stitching, heed and plush. HavclBeks, I te lllveais; two stjles. .JOHN WAXAMAKi:U. 1IVS.' (-1 M'I'IllN'i: A) Our trade isju-t what il eucht te be ler j the l.icilittesainlaiiv .Ullages weonjey. IOIIN WANAMAK i:U. East of central aisle, near Market sticct. C1IIIXA AND GKASSWAKE. j TackloenK prcclain, i!.ttes only, for din ner or dessert, live patterns, -fii to.:eper dozen. llaviland diuuer sets ; Camille pat lei n, if 1 Id ; eNcw here. $HM). Tix-ssed, 11( ; cNew here, 2iki. Tre-sed with Meivsiine herderand decoi-.itien et jji-.ii-scs and luiiteilllcs, $Ji"i : cNcwhcie. $i7a. The latter Is in the Arcade, Chestnut bt root cut ranee, te-day. Table ciasswaie, English. Stnivvbeny-dia-iiiend cut ; every article roqulieil for the table usetul or ernauienial. IOIIN WAXAMAKKU. Xerthwcsl corner et the huildinc- PIAItsIl HANI-r.AGS. And a cieal .niet of ether kind-. ANe pocket books, cmhteulercd leather eard c i-c-, clear ea-es, and evcrylhimrin leather good" geod" goed" IOIIN WAXAMAKKU. Thild circle iieithwest liem eentie. Chestnut, Tliiiteenth and Maiket stieels and City H.01 siiiaic. Cle.iKs, leiein and imnie-iiiade. Out eollee eellee eollee tleu Is iinpieeedeiitetl,-. hether Jen K-fjard .i liety. ii.inti1 ei .ilne. A l.idy wliehujsa ele.il. el ail) soil in I'hil.tdelphi.i uillFenl hKjkini? these ever misses the he-t :i-sei luieiil, IM'ili.ips, in the a hole count I V. V...VI te -.i'lU. IOIIN WANAMAKhU. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. SLAUf.I. IIUJIKS. WM. P. FRATTjEyS MONUMENTAL MARBLE VORKS 758 Nerm y uecn Street, Lancaster. 1'a. MONUMENTS. Hi: AD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATU AKY, CEMETEUY LOTS EXCLOSEU, Ac. All weik guaranteed and sati-jtactien g en in every particular. N. H. Kcnifilifber, weilisaVlJii! cstK-me end el North lueen strep.!. uiJO vA i:stt:s rs HIT-. Jt Te Iniv Holiday Oiltn cailyi-i geed ad ie: 'I he hrst trade ii . uly; ami the host ti.ele .n lies oil Hie be-t things. ieii.v uanamaki:k. 4 i.ki:i:i wimcht'.s i'kuhjmis. ' V HIS .M.uy Sluait is piehahly the most lasting el all the am-eeahle peifiiiues; none el the leifi-fii eni-s appieaeh it. It is iy ilell, slienand lull el life; it isatccahh- 1e ineie iri -oils, piehahly, til. in any elhei jiei luiiie, A lid lln-is u"el in pepul nily ; this also is suicidally peueilul and lasting. While Ke-c i-, IiiMle and la-tin. We hi i p Ihe pietei led odeis et all the lilsl--I.e-. pi i tiiineis, such as l.uliin. I'ailey, Atkiu Atkiu seu and eudi.ty ; liulel Al kkue UhkiiitSwi-l.c-pall. I.iin an un.ei luiucd hanilki icliiel ; and ou sh ill h ive a sample el anv odor ou w isli. .IOIIN WANAMAKI.U. I'll t llele, ll'iitliwesltiem the cciitei. ioi.eim:i iiui.ss ;oei)1. I The lollewin, just icceivcd, are away down in pi ices; Flench Camel's Iriir, 47 inch, i.7'iuml .s."; Fi neh cheviot suitin-r, sillc and wind, rlnch, j.'7"; I'leneli leule, all wool, -js inch. v.is. ISy loel.iuoiil ler.-ucli ojijiei tiimticsa lady in iv elt"li ae halt. .IOIIN WAN'AMAKI'U. Nine euiilei a, 'I hiiteenlh sdeet entraui-e. I I.AC! ;iei. li I. ids waiiliuanvet the tolleuin will he ehhed ler the mi iitieu el them ; Silk and wool .satin de l..en, .s."i cents; silk land i loins, fl ; 111011111- cloth, 7." cents; il.iiii.i-si; diainl' ele, 1 ril; daiu.i e ca-hineie, fl.i'i. All the pnti - e i pt Ihe lii-t ale piehahl' heleA the e-t el ii'.ieul.K line, and even the Hist n: iy he. JOHN' WANAMAKI'l.. el eutei ciiele, seuthwi st 1 1 mil the center. 'IMMMMIM. ''OK III.I.SM.S AN I) Cl.OAKS J Oui tiinle ieiiiii-es the l.uestand tiesliest stock el thi se ;;oeds, liiii;;i's,a e'lienteiie iir iiaiueiit , -miiIIc., tas-i I-, -pivt , ims, halls, hiitleus. e hae ue cities net te he leiind anvw lieu-!-(-. IOIIN WANA.MAI. Kir. N i Meulei eiiele, uei III v. cslliem the cent el. S!l WI, .K-. A lew sliawl- ale shown 111 tin; Al cade ; fjciith an n's ilie-sing j;ew,,s '''I siuekin jieketsin Ih-sauiu -.i--. .Mele ale within. .IOIIN WANAMAIil'lt. laisl el the Chi -tiiiit street entrance. 1 ,. il. Cltir ikii L-UMitit i lull nl tit f.i.Masil Inn f. - ... ,.. ,.........-.., .-. inn iii.li wecaiiuei eiewii li lasier. i: nave l c.uly, also, al.ue -lock el Inn-lied alinenls, fill and liirliued. Ne have -u-iiit-s and dolmans in sealskin i.ved in J.onden we have none hut lauulon lauulen dvedsed. Wehavetheni in gieat numbers, and, el com c, mall s..es includinextienies. l'ltee-. liem -lii te$iKl. Louden controls the seal uiiiket et-the weihl Then- liave heen two advances in pincsiuic our luis weie bought. We shall netadv nice lilt ve have te buy ajjain ; we have tiel ai I valued at all, as yet." Me have, at fliVi, seal saeiiuis such asjeu will Im lr lii iiii ti.i'i.lii.lif.ii.it flif.miff. ... ...-. .... . .v. .. ..v u .V. .. jr. .WW. i-ur linid (iiculais ami dolmans in veiy KK.it . it lei-,. We use mostly Satin de l.j en Kie--raiu, ainiuieaud bieeadesiik and Sieil icniie; ler meui nm', Henrietta and Orap d'l'te. I helatteraie iiitule loeiilcr only. W e haveeveij thin:; weitli h iviu- in sets liiuimiii-;s. Kibe-, gloves, cas and tile tlien--siiKt and one little thiu-xs th.it ate kept in the completes! ii-ts. IOIIN WAXAMAKKU. Thutc'lilh sticete'itianee. ijkiins. li I'ell. allcoleistuiil vaiietyel styles, ."(-le te tI-": llauuel, bl icU, blue, "rav, blew u ami scaile', i'Ttt te s.-,.7.- ; satin, lilack, $l.7"i te ill) ."'l; satin, blue, -eai let, blew n and black, tl'J.".ille t."l; Italian (leth, lil.it. k, ft.il te $:,. The vat let v is very icat. IOIIN WANAMAKI.U. Seuthwist cei Mel el the building. 5eYs' eVKUCOATs. Netice the e two s.i'. pies: I'.lue cliiiu lnlla siek, velvet cellar and de tachable cape, lined with Funnel's satin, hein buttons. .; .'ill. I-ihuic. another sueli coat le r fii.Vl.' e have sold humlieds el them. Crown led and old old diagonal til-terette seli wool lining, sleeves lined with a durable, silk-sti.iped labile, hoi n buttons, fs..r,i. These a:e but bii' speeuueu-et many. H they seem invilin-, eiheisj may lie meie -e. se- them. .IOIIN WAVAMAK KU. Ccutial aisle, net te the euler click-. Mar ket slKCl silk . 1ir.i:eNs ANOMIM.INKUY. V liihbeiis and Millinery, jen knew, we have much meie of th:in any oilier heu-e lOUN WANAJIAKKir. Net III ei riiiileentli-ticet enti-uicc. JINKNs. J A veiy en at vanety id the llnest linens, avciv. ;;ieat vauetvet -"t.iple liueii'-, and the lowest in ices in I'liiiaui ipiua. .nil Ipiua. .IOIIN WANAMAKHi:. Outer i ik li , City Hall .squaie i-utiiiiii-i f INI.N IIANOKKUCIIIKF.s. 1 New coeil- iu-t leeeivedlieiu abiead. We h.tve, vt dlieiit doubt, the ilehesl ami fullest steek en tin- side el the Atlantic. We buy Hern tuakeis, dnect, knew the quality of our linen heyeud im-stieu, and keep below the maiket beside-. JOHN W A X A M A K K U. Second iiele, southwest liem theceiitie. iII.K IIANIlv'i:i:clllEFS. H The veiy linest Knclish ami Flench liaud kciehielsaiu! Mulllcrs; handkerchiefs $l.i"ile tiVI; mulllers, fl..Vl te $1.50. KNcwhcic they an- -old ler a (iraiter ineie, at least. .lOUX WAXAMAKKU. he'-end cin-Ie, southwest fiem the ceil tic. i tndkuwkm:. i I'.veiy lmliviilii ll aitiele et Meiiue or Silk t'lnlerwear that we buy we examine te see w hether tin- buttons ate sewed en secuiely and whether the siauisaie lichl and piepciiy l.isteueil. if an;, tlimc is wrong, back the cur cur iiieiit jrees te the irakei, or we light it at his expense. 0 Sucl. has been our piactiee for a j Far and u halt. Is there another meiehant in riiiladcl pliia w he does the -anie, or who watches the liiteie-lset his cu-tenieis in any -imil ir way? Ilefcets may csc;ih: u-, ne ei f hless. Yeu de us a lav or. i! en hi me back the least imper imper leetieu le he made jroed. JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. Outer cii civ. Thirteenth street entrance. I'.SMN I'XDKUWEAU. i-tJ. Ouraeitment el all muslin undercar nieiils i- as lull as at any time et the year: and when the demand for 'such is net cencrally stienc wcaieeltenahle te buy at unusual ad vantage. We have very neaily the same oeds the year leiiml : but piitvs vaiy mere or less. New, ler example, probably, theie is net te be leiiiul in tin-city or in New Ymk muslin un ileicat nieiits equal te our regular stock exi-cjit at higher pi ices. We knew et no exception w lialev er. JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. . Siii;i:ku e kuhaumknts. "i llojeii knew, many aie net et Uuhherat all, ami aie net watcipioel .' WoelLis many as all rhll.ulelpliia he-ides; real articles only; and guarantee them. JOHN WAXAMAKKU. C ntial aiik , near Maiketstrect eiitmuce. vixn-Ajw, JtO OTHVIN. STOVKS. Hi lck'Sct and I'ertaMe HEATERS and RANGES Shcrf zcr, Huinphrevillc & Kieffer's ii KAST Kl.NG STUEET. MEDICAL. VALUABLE TitL'TIt-. If yen arc suilciiug fiem peer health, or la 1 1 ui-hiiigen abed of sitknc.-, tul.e cheer. ler Hep Uit:ers Will Cure Yeu. ou aie simply ailinc: li ou Icel wi.ilc It mil di-piiited, without ck'.Mly knowing why. Uep Killers Will Kcvive Xeii. If you an- a miiii-tei. :.'id h ive overt. ixi ! jour-elf with your pastoral duties; u- ,i inethei, win il out with caie-iud v. oil.. Hep l.llters vi!l Jiestm,; ten. It you aie a man et bu-iiie , vvi ik-tied bj the strain el veui eryd iy duties: or a m m et lettei-s, toiling ever jesii midnight vveil., Hep Hitters Will Strengtlitn Yeu. II ion art-yeiiu. and siilfeiing liem any in di-i-ietien, orate glow mg tee l.-t, .1,1, (itli-ii tl.e ca-e, Hep j;ilicih Will I'.clieve Yeu. It you aie ill the v. eik simp en th- t.u u-.-it the ile-kanyvvheie, and li el thit join system lietsNil'-air-ing. toning ei stimulating w ith out intoxicating. Hep Itltti'is in V tial Yeu Nerd. II j en aie old. am! your pul-e i- feeble, join nei ves iin-ti ady, and e.n I tenltic- wainiig, Hep ISilters will ive von Nc-.v J.ile and Ylger Hen IJilter.s .Maiiiihtflurii)- icinpan, Ueelie-t I, New Yolk, and Toieulo, Ontaiie. ik-d'i luiMWlV.w OATS KIDNEY FID! A DIKCOVKKl BY ArCIDKNT, vv inch -uppin - a vv nit men i.l emiiii ill abditv have Heveli .1 jeais el studv ami expel iiiieul te lind a Speeilie lei Ui-ease-el tlie Ik1iic-. Ill iih lei, I'nnaiy eigtu- and Ne, veii-sv-tem and liem the limoet itsdi-i uv.ix hasiapidly im KM-ed in lavei. ;-auiiug tln-appieval and cenllileiiee el lui tit ,i! men and the-e v. he have used It; H his be nine a ttwuitc with all c!a es. and vvlieiev uilie lu d has -upei-M ded all elliei In il.i:'iils. In s'luil, sin h is lis mil m-ii mi ii i i I -a pci i nil v , ill i' it new theeiilv Kiegiii ii i. li ihlc n en d.v . Is Strongly Endorsed. We h ive Ihe mii-t uiii quivei al h-limeu-. le its i urulivc p weis liem uiauv p"iseiis et lu.'h ehai ii If i, intelligent e a m I n-spen- ibi'ily. Our hook "Hew a Kile wa- s ived," giv nig Hie hlsteiy el t 'll- new disieveiv, and a luge leeoi-'el me. I iimaikable i mr.. st nt Inc. Wi He ler it. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO OHIO. CAUTiON.K;:m::;!m Ill lli.lllV VMH Ihil s- Is new se.ikne'.i -ale en our lepiitatien, v d' in it due Ihealilleliil te warn iheiu. Ask lei and take no ether. iavn kihm:y tai, EASTi:i!. . I.Nt , i IIAULKS N. t'KITTENTON, 11.-. Fiillnii St., Nen Yerk. $500 RBWAED! OVKU A MILLION OX PROF. GUILMETTE'S Have already been -old in thNeiiutiv and in Fiaiiie: eveiy one of whiHi h t- g.vi u pel leut satl-lactien, and has peileimed euic-eveiv tiliie when usi-d aeeeiding te directions. We new sax te tin: allliel" I an doubling ones thatwewilpij Ihe above lew. 'id ter a Mi-.gle case et LAMR HACK jll it the 1' id tails te u.e. 'IhisCieat Ceiiu dv rtill I'e-llivelv and I'enii'iuentlv euic Linn Linn Irige, Lame l:.iek. s, i.itica, linivel. In ih.-te-, Ilep-y, I'lighl's lli-e-i-e et the kidn-v-, ln ln centiiieuee and Uitciiiieu l the I'line, In In llaiumatieii el the Knluevs, Cltanli et the Ulailder, High Coleied t'linc. I'.iiu in the Hack, bide or Lein-, Nei veus Weal.nes-, and in laet all di-oidci-el the llladderanil I i in.iij Oig.ms w nether ceiuiac tid by pnvate ilisea-e or.el hervv is--. I.A III !;', if you aie siilTeiing fien. Female WiiiKiiess. I.i ueeiihi:' i, ei anv di-ea-e el the Kidneys, llladdcr, ei Uiiuaiy Organs, YOU CAN BE CURED ! Without swallow iiig n ui-eeu- incdieme-, bj simply vv cluing FHOF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY FAD' WHICH t'UUL-S li AllseUI'TIOX. Ask yeuidriiggist fei l'UOF. OI'I LM LTTI.'-, FI.'LNC'II KIDNEY rAI,and take no ethei. II he las net gei it, -end ii and jeu will ie-v-eivethe Pad hyieti.iu mail. Fei -ale by .lAMLs A. .MiTi EU", Odd iellews" ll.ill, (Jelumlii :, I'.i. Soldenlv Iiv Ci:e. W. HULL. Piaggist, l.l W. king SI., Lama-ter, I' i. tti-;ll-.!iiilcedM.Vt.lr Prof. Guilinette's French Liver Pad. Will positively t-iii i- Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague (.' ike. Iti'.neil- I 'ever, .laiiudiie Dvspcpsia ami all di-ea-es el the lavei, Sl'eiuacli a-ul llloed. I'nee!. 'I by mail. s,.:i, for li el. Ouilim-tte's Tiealies en the kidneys and Liver, live hv mail. Addies- FEENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. au"U-!l!deedM.WftF II ei.iOAV ;oeis HULL'S nilUCil STORK 1'UIIi: I'.OIIKMIAS IOLLLT s.'s. uicii!. cit .m !:n;uki COLOGNE BOTTLE:?. A Large Y.uietv el L! and sTANDs, I'EUl'l ANe an Exten-iv giut niMiir c MIM l!ll.l. sh.s e. ei Inient el Teilet and Fancy ArtUies, KUUSllES COMi'.S and MIIM.'OU TOIL SKIS. American, French and Lngli-h PERFUMERY, And a variety of ether geed- suitable rresents,efvv hieh my steek is largei tli'iii ever hclmc. LT ler a. W. HULL, Ne. 15 WKST KINCJ KTKEErJV aii52S-lyd LANCASTEU. FA. LOCHEH'S nwrnirann nnnnn mm I ii A Pleasant, Sale, Spetdyaiidbuie Uemedv le: Celd-, Coughs, Hoai-en- ., A-tliiua. lullu- eiiica, soreness et the Tliteat and Chest, Itrenchitis-. Whoeiiiug Cough, sjut- ting.et JSloed, lnltaiiimatieu et the Luiigs,ani' all Diseases el tlieChestand Air Passages. This valuable jircpiratien (omliiiies all tin medicinal virtues of these at tides which long experience has pieved te nes-c-s the most sate and eflicient quiilities ler the cute of all kinds of Lung Diseases. Piiceij cents, l'n parcd only and &eIl by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 KAST K1NU STKliKT. elC-tttl rilUK EBIPOUIU.-.I FOH HOLIDAY I'J.ES 1 KNTis. Presents for all at FUEY'S C1TV PHARMACY, North Queen, corner Oiange street, Lancaster, Pa. An immense variety of Toilet Sets, Eadles' and Uents' Con'iiauiens, Ladies' Cahbas, Russia Leather and Seal Skin Pocket-Beeks, Letter and Card Case. 1'anw, Cigar Ceses, &c. FineTolegnc, Toilet Watt-is. Cut Glass liettlcs, &c. 49-CALL AD EXAMINE. Frencli Kittney Pads JiaiU'iSifv ntdiigrncrr- WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 22, 1880. THE WATER IRKS. CO Nt lis 'l.thfc l,T AN OUI."TIOX. JMi-ei;rA:T rriipesilniii te Increase the City linlctitI ik ss 'iO,0(M ter the I'lirpesn et Im- iirewug lite water raeiiiii- The IVopIe te Ucclde the .Matter. A special ntceliiiji of .select ami cmiiiien cutiiieils vv.'.s lield I.i.st ccnitij te mushier the (jttestieii of iiictca.siti the water ttp jily el' tl:e city. Sell cl Codicil. Tlif following up nibcts vvl'Jc jircsutit : ales. is. Jl ii r. Ijeiiti";, Ducir, liberty, 1-i.uikim, .Iiuliui, jcehui .ttltl lAMtls, ji. Milellt. The jut- iik-nl .sliled t li.it, ilic ineciii g ii.i-I been cille.1 at tlieicijitcst of the water committee. Us I'liject nmy Iuj liilty j;.itlietd imisi tie.- fellow iiiij lejieit el tlie ceiumitl',1- and oj.iuien id tlie city .solicitor of wliieti hlijis weie laid tiji'in tlm di-.sks of iiicinbci.s : Tellir lltiitiii ulilt IIn'.S h et itii'1 Vitiitiwm Conn Cenn ril allir I'i'i n .'tiu(tUr - i!i:ntli:mlx : At the last stated meet inv; of tin- city council'; the mess-ae of tlie nnvei, ceiieeiitiiiji our water dcjiait incuts was iclcited te the witter committee, te leji-nt. tlieieuu. Yutir eetiiiiiitteu at a .sjui'i.il .session called for the juiijiesc (TitestLij, Pee. II, l.ssil) e.tve te the niat tei imii'IhI eoiisidei.itieii. Wu liist apjilieil te the eily solicitor ler liis ojiiuieti as te the in Pint i of uiaUit:, a lean when the .iiiieiint ltijuiied would e.uiy tlie city debt behind the two jkt e.-iititiu en the total alu.iti'i:i of eily jiiejic-ity, as allevvt.d un der the ii.--, leiiMitiittnii. Weals ebt lin ed fiem iinii the .statement of our total in debtedness, ,iuil the aiiMiitit the eity might it-it tow u-i'ier eKitn.uice ny a vote of tin iieepli: of the eily, belere teaching seven jut cetitiim of the total v.tht.itieu. Tm- .imiitiiil wiiieli the eily debt may be thus ituuasi'l isiTii.SS:;.'.)?. The wiitten itii'piic'.i of the seiieiiiii- is hcicte ajijieiided :ts jiit of thisicjieil. I'uK-oediiig; then te consider the question as te (ii-iii.md and snjijily of water, we le.tehed 'he eeiielu ,ieti th.it the iju.uitity of sujijiIj )iiutiie hugely ineieased, or tlie consumption veiy finch diminished. Even should our snjijily be l.tigvly decteas-cd by tin- jcnei a I use of metet.s, another jmtnp sheitld lw juit iii justtieu te.uly for use against any accidents which might occur te the ether. l?uL te .supply nieteis, put in a new pump of pivpur eajiaeity, erect beilei s and b.iiler IiOti.se, extend the twenty inch main and the two sixtccn-itieh mains, estimated in tlie aecemtayin! jniH.-i.s-, would cany us far beyond our abil ity .te but low, we came te the conclusion that the utmost weeeuhl in safety order te be done with the means obtainable by lean w.-tild tie te iceeimnend te your favorable action the ajipioptialieu of sli(),()0O,subjeet te Ihe ajmiev.d ei" the voters, teeieeta G,0l)ii.000 gv.lle-iis ste.un putnp in the room new occupied by the (ieyelin water p.ivrvr jiuuiji. eiiiisliuet .1 boiler tietise and a bat ieiy of font beileis of loityer fetty-live hoi -e-jiewer e.uli, and etend the twenty inch main from the comer of Lime and Oiani'e stieeti. te Chailelte sticet. These imptevemeiits will eest, as estimated by the detailed statements heiewith, and which aie als-i submitted .is p.nt of this lcjieit, .s.m, l'.fi ; te which a centiiiKeney, .s,e(i"), is added for pumps and IumIcls. We had also estimates made, which ate heiewith submitted, for liimiinj; sixteen-iiii-h mains out Iltihe street from Or.nijje stu-et te . James stteet. and out Chatlotte stieel fiem West Kin: stteet te James stiei t. but some of the committee thought that it would net be geed jelicy te utterly exhaust the humming eapicity of the eily, and theiefete defeited tin extension of the mains en Duke and Charlette streets let the jneseut. Veiy lespect fully, joins, .Tne. T. MmUen'ici.i:, A. .1. I1i;i:i:lv, CJie. W. Zi:i'in:i:, Oi.e. W. llttewN, (5 1 our.;: Uoes, S. T. I) wis-, Gl-O. 31. FlSVNKLIN. I"r, posed t.iipniveinciil el Water Pcii.irt- ineiit. A oiitiniiatieii el -.0 inch main en Oiaiigf stieel, liem Lime te Ch.n- lelle stieels. dislame .!,HM het.say Jin tens, at f."a pel ion ler pipe Jmi leid punts, . iy im lbs. per joint 7,J.ti I i.iiiiii lb-, at .ie 3M lh-. packing :it lie 7-imki t I'AV.K IIIO.IK) M (Ml am.iKi hkmk . l.VKI.IItt $10,'.KV.NI .'.,lll kel long tiem II. 1 leel vv ide.lilcet It ep 2.i i wild-, at 1 f til inch -lops at -l.wi I -lop Iiem-s ami lid- at 1J "il .... I loin n.ij-.'.t -S'iii II i ii hug pipes, c l'Oiitiu,ciii n-s A I -nil h in .in en Duke stieel, tiem irange stieel mil til te .lames -tuet, distance "J :;j"i leut, -a Ustensat i'M pel ten ler pipe -f .!,":0.tK) J'Kl lead joint-, s iy .'' !b-. per joint 7.Wlh. at ."ie ". .'CTMKI iiinlb- packing al l.'c VM' J, :j"i leel long trench, ' loot wide, 3 lee! ileep-L'JIl vaidsat sc "r.J.:!.s 4 Ii't-nii II slejisat -llMeacii UHl.lW I slop b.iM-saml Inls.it H-.V ."iil.iKl I l'iui-vv:i.-.il -.-ii.iiacach 'i.m Hauling pipe-, e ?J"" t'eiilmgi-m. :e- 77.".l" WCi-W A ir-i:icii main en I'll n lotto -tieel, neith liiini West king sticct, li 1 nice ::,0') leel, -ay H,'t tens, at :(,) per ten lei pipe....". $l,s()lK 'Jail lead joint-. - iy .--."i ib-. le id porjeiiit S,7.l lb-, at mi'. I.;7..V 1J". lhspiclvingat lac 1W 7." ..,-msi leel long trench, ." leel wide, 1 bet deep 1,1.1,7 at lSe :!0iMH) I liiine'a -lepsai YllKjcae'.i IM I step boxes and lids at IJ..rtl , .10.1)0 I leui-waysai HKMUl Hauling UUKi Contingent ie- l.OUU.Oll 7,'J-J; 7" I'ccapitiil.itieu. Kstiuiatc.l eostel-Jii.iucli main Orange stieel fln.'.MVM l.siimatcd e-t et li; im I: main Duke st net ."i,'J!7.:i- Kstiniatel te I el l liieli li! lie iii.u nine siieci ,-j-Jm.i -JI,iat.W K-tim lie I ee-( et ;,( ,0W g: ;nl- Ien- steam pump f ;s,00il nil list mi. r.c.l cost el I li) hoi-e- pewcr hollers S,lkHl.eil K-lnnatcil test el one boiler he-i-e , l,."i(NI.Hi IL.'iO'i.tKl .fa8,i")3.(H L xc.sti:u, Dec. 5)th, 1880. y'f Jehn T. .VncGuutfflc, Chairman of the IJWir CeiniiiHtcc. Di:au Sin : In ceinjiliance with your icijuest of the 8th inst., as te the manner in which ntunicijial corporations may in ere.ise their indebtedness after having nr lived at the two per centum preset Hied by law, 1 would lespect fully answer : That the new constitution, aitiele 9, sec tion 8, eentaius the prevision ttiat ' the debt of any county, eity, boieugh - - -or ether municipality, or incorporated dis tcict, ' " v sh.tll never exceed seven per centum upon the as-cssed value of the taxable property then-in : nor shall any such muuiuipality or dibtiiel incur any new debt, or iucreasc its indebtedness te an amount excelling two jer centum ujien such assessed valuation ofjuepcity. without the assent of the electors thcicef at a jutblic election, in such niatiuer as shall be prescribed by law." Te carry out the previsions of thLs sec tion, and te pre ide a manner by which the above increase ever tl.e two jwr centum could be lawfully made, the Legislatmcat tite session following the adoption of the said constitution, j isscd the act of April 20th,lS74, Pamidi. Laws, 0"i. This act, yen will pciecive by lcfeicnec te tr, contains the answer te your intenogatery. and lays down the exact manner of holding elec tiens for tlicinetcase of municijial indebt edness. Tlie oil section of the act enacts that " whenever the coiperatc authorities of any county, eity, boieugh, &e., b; their ordinance or vote shall have signified a da she te make such inetease of indebtedness, they shall give notice dining at least thirty days, by weekly adveitisenienls in the newspapers, net exceeding three in said district " " ' - of an election te be held at the places of holding the muui eiial elections in saiddi-ttieter municipal ity, en a day te be by I hem tixed. for the jmipesc of obtaining I lie us-icnL of the eteetets ttteieef te such iucie.ise of in lebt cdness. Said notice shall contain a st ite inent of the amount of the existing debt, of the amount and jiettvuiags. ofthopio efthopio ofthepio posed incieast, and of the jiiitjie.-e for which tlie indebtedness- i-; te be itieieased."' Tlie remaining jit ovisiens of this and the succeeding sections of the :ul lelate main ly te tlie maimer of conducting said elec tion, hew the vote shall he counted .nut the icsiilt decl.ucil, ami the in ide of male ing such incie.ise in ease the vote shall be in its laver. It therefore seem - clear te in-tli.it the corporate utitheiil ic-.. ity which is meant thcma.er and eetiueils of the city, must by otdiu.inee carry into eiie-t the fete going juovisietis of the act el As ,tn:b!y, fit st exjuessing their ilestte te iiicn-ase the debt, and then giving legal notie-ef time and jdace of hejdiug (he election and such ether matleis as ate ciutaiued in the act. The time of holding tin election must be tixed by the councils en the day of the next munieijiai or genti tl .lectien, unless mete than ninety d iy- i laji-e be tween tlie dale of the enliutuee or vote desiring such inciea-e, .uu the holding the said uitinieijial or gctii-ta! elclien. In legard te the aaieknt whii.ii citi lie yi t borrowed without e-c -eding two per centum of the last, assessed v.ilu itien, and also the atue.iut wliieii can lw b ine.ved after an eleeti-ni ly the jK-ep'e in favor of an inciease wilhetit exeecliuj; s-'ven jier ccutttn:, I ajip'iidthe folle-.v.ng e.Uenl.t e.Uenl.t tien, vi.. : Aiueuiit ei l.i-t a si-s-ed valiiatiei. vll.-7"i,i."i7 Twe tier cenliini el -ame -Jii.'il.; 1 1 Amount beirmved since I he adoption et the new constitution as p.-r ie jvirtetthe finance Coi.iuntlec JI'i.DM.e.) Aiiieiuil le he h irtevved jiereeiitum O II M-ii l-ve il.:.H Stvcn pOrteutlimet la-la--eed v !- nation Total aiueuiit et t ily in in-as per ii poi t et the t'iuam'e Cem in i lee .l.in- 7-VJ:i'e ii.iry, IsT'.t 71 -Ml-' I' Amount te be boriewed le n it li -even pi r c utiiiii ? 7U.s-.: 17 As the feitner balance of 6U,." 1:5.1 1 i-. iu ehuled in ties latter of sii.SS.5.i)7, that ameutil must lw t educed from the latter sum te show the amount te be hoiiewv.l after an election by the people a foilews, viz. : Anieunt te ! 10I1 seven erei"iluui . i7i:,ss;.:i7 two " " ... i;,'ii.;.it $7i,.;7d.s : Of course Ihe aiie.'e ea'etilatte.i of .;, .ii:i.l 1. being yet left te make no the two !er centum, is ba-ed eutitetv ujien the fact, that 21'.l,0!)0 of new indebtedness has been inclined since 1871. as icpeited by the fiti.ince commit lee. If this is net the fact then the balauc per c-nluni will '" creased. te at-. ive at the projMitieu.ttely .we i-t- I am le'tjii'ctfully yeuts, ;us. I. LM)is, f'ity Sotieitei. Oi.isl.iiulini. 'I' i(s. ZceherasUeii uuautmeu . eesise-it, i Mr. juesent a lej.etl of the iin.ittee eoaunitte.; shewit g the auteuii' of eutstat din ; eity tavfer the vear 1SS0. After some slight objection or. the ii.ut of Mr. tieiiug, who ajipeued te think tli.it the lepert wis another e vest atlac!: of th committee en the city treasurer, unanimous ceiisen! was given and the te pert was read as fellows : Te the llonerahlr thr Sili' I mill Vnnnneii t'onn t'enn ctlx of the t'tlii of Laura h r : (5i:m'I.i:mkx : Your committee of finance and accounts present the following iep nt of outstanding city tax for ISSII, with jier centage for nen-paym-nt added te e-.iginal tax in accordance with teetieii 17. of ilige.st of ordinances, 187", page, l." : Hi al Nii'ilc Waril:. JJitali . Trnanl. Mi n. Fust ? WVJ-) ? Il.:,.ls II!. Ill Second I,(it.r.7 I7.V47 l"il.; Third i-s.rii Jini.17 Hi7.ti7 Fourth sJ'i.sl JJ1..11') 1'ii.si Filth i.'il.e: Ih.,.7."! i.7.el Sixth 1. 1 us'. 5.: ."..M.I7 IJH; Seventh 7K7.7I ll-.ll I01.S7 Eighth sir, si S.JJ-; is-j Ninth 77s'."i Jit"i.s-; hii.sj Totals ?!.'JJi.l! ?i,'M).II l,i);i.'.)7 Cr.iiul total f'l,l,i7.7" IJesjieet fully .sulimitttd, (.;;.. W. Zt.ciii n, A. .1. Kiti.ui.v, I). MlMtl.l.L.N, Jehn II. I5i:x;.-. Tlieie being no fin titer business council adjourned. Common Council. The following named liiembeis we;e piescnt : Messrs. Il.irnes, Uoes, Iiev-,-n, Cox, Davis, Downey, Franklin, Hei ,hey, Jehn son, Lichty, McMitllen, SmeAcli. Sjncclter. ;ckiy, iiCverge-.tl, bprtngcr, Whit V picsulcnt. Mr. J. II. Ohtermayer, member-eleel from ttic Ninth waul, tia, pte-.ent, and qualified te till the uncx-phed teim of Elim G. Snyder, ivsigncd. 1'iesident Levrrgoetl appointed the hlvv nicinkr te the latter gentleman's place upon the stix-ct committee. Te Improve the AVater AVerHs. The call for the special meeting having been icad by thecleik, Dr. Davis effeicd tlie following eidinauee, which haii.g been read, was lefened te the water eeniidittee, who. letii ing and consulting together, lepei ted it back with auafliim ative lecommcudatien. The text of the bill is as fellows : An Ordinance Forthcpurpee of obtaining the a entef tlie electeis et the city el Lancaster te the in crease of the indelitcdnc-s et -aid city ler the iuipievemeiit of the vvatt-i v. eiks and the laying of new distiihuting mains. Section 1. lie it ordained by the Select and Common Councils et the city el Lanca-tcr. That ter the purpo-eet intie:i-ing the capac ity et the water vreiks by putting up an addi tional pump, a new set of heih-i-aiid electing a boiler house, and laving additional distrib uting mains, the indebtedness et the city of Lancaster he incicased in the eiiui et -itv thousand dellais (4UM.M). StCJ-Tluitlortheiuiipeeofohtainingthea-s sent el the electors el said t ity le --mh nici ta-e el indebtedness an election eli.ill be hclil at the places and between the heui-s of iiehling mu iiitip.il election m said eitv en thinl T.it-sdav et tebruary, A. D. l;-I. sic.:;. That the Mayer of the -aid city shall give tidily days uetite by weekly advertise ments in ihe Lancaster IJj amiitr,'lT'..i.i.uii-:-ctT. and AV"- ;", et the lime and places et holding such election, and such said notice sh ill also contain such ether matters an may beiequiredbvanact passed the '."Oth day of Apiil, A. 0. 1S74. The recapitulation of delinquent taxes, asrcpoitedin select council proceedings, having been read, common council en mo tion adjoin tied. When a letnedy has steed the test el mere than thirty years trial and today is mere largely used than ever, its worth is evidently uniiio&tlened. sueli is the record of Dr. Cull's Cough Sj rup. ltrailferd, r.i. TIhm Fileliau. Itradferd. Pa., writes; I unile'e money ter Spring ISIossem, as I said I would if it cured me. My Dyspepsia haa van ished, with all its&jmpteins. Many thanks; I -hall never be without it in the house. Price, .in cent.-, tri-il bottles 10 cents. Fer -ale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1J) Ne; th Queen street, Lancaster, Pu. Druggists' Testimony. If. F. McCaithv, Wholesale and Retail Drug gist. Ottawa. Ontario, writes: "I wasalllieted with Chronic lJrenehitis for some years, but h-nc been completely cured by the use of Dr. Thenus Eelectric Oil. in doses of 5 drops en -eg.-r. I h ive also pleasure in recommending it as an embrocatien ter external use." Fer -ale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 1ST ami I .'I N'eitli Queen -tieet, Lancaster, Pa. mj:iiual. cutFcura Itching Humer.--, Scaly Humors, Meed it ii mers, speedily, permanently autl economically cured when physicians and a ! 1 oilier methods fail. Uhsi an- skin ami Scalp Di-ea-e but the iiilein-e et inteiiial Humer tell times meie O'.l'icnlt te leach and cm e, which floats in the bleed ami ether llunN. ile-lieyinr the delicate miihineiy of lile, and tilling the body with lull ei iii pt ion-, wiiieli hurst Ihieugh the sl.iu in loathsome ei options.- Cirn ei:v i:i:sei.v i:.r, the new- llloed l'uiilier, ii. 1 1 rnally. Cittii-i i:v. a Medicinal .I eily. a-si-t-e.l by IheCl'riU'itv MKiiltlvvi. vMTotLKTSe.vi', c.tci nallj, have peitermed the most uiiracu-leti- i tin's el Itching, Si.ily ami .-eioluleiis Huiiiei-s ever lecenled in medical aiiii.il .. ia'Zt'ina Kflllt'Ilt. Li .a.'i v KeiiKxr. F. II. DniUe. e.i ,ani-nt for II. n ci ,. Itietheis, Iieli-ut, Mich., gives an astonishing aicennt et Ins else (Kcema Ko Ke dent), w lucli had been treated bv :i consulta tion ei pliv -iciaiis v itlieutbeiielit. ami which p -edily j lekleil te Ihe Cuticuru Kcincdies. Halt Itheiim. Svi i- Uiii.cm. Will MeDenald, -J.'ilJ Dearborn -In et. Chicago, grate! ally acknowledges acute et s-dt Khciiiu en head, neck, face, arms and kg-, ler seventeen ve.-.is; net able te vvalkox vvalkex cept en liamN ami knees for one vear; net able te help huu-clt for ight years; tried hull dieds et leiucdies; dot ters proiieiint-ed his c t-e hop. le-s : pel maneiitly cured by the Cu ti n.i l.'c. ik ilit-s. Kitigwerm. Rim.wei.u. (jee. XV. Hrewn, is Marshall sticct. l'levidenee, IJ. I., cureil byCutieum Uemedies el a Kingwenii Humer, get at the h.u her'-, which spread all ever the cars, neck ami late ami lersix jearj resisted all kinds of tieatiuciit. Skin Disease. s. A. .Steele, t-si( , Chicago. III., says: " I will s iy that bcleie I Used the Uiitieuiia KKMEDias I as in a leal till state, ami had given up al hope el cv er hav nig any relief. They have per terun d a wemlerlul euro ler me, and of my hv. n live will and aotenl. lit-c mineml them." Cem nil l:KMEiir.s are prepared by WEEKS .V I'eTTLk", Chemists and Diuggist,:aj Wash ington sticct. He .ten, ami are ler sale by all Diuggists. Pnte ler CuTituu.v, a Medicinal .li Ily, small boxes, Till cents; large hexi-s, $l. Crmwiv Ki-.selvkst, the new llloed Puritier, l jer bottle. Cutiiuiia MbitieiNAi. Toilet Ml.M-, i'l CCIlts. Cl'TltUKA MbUIIINAl. SlIVMSU Sevo, n cents; in hais ler ISaibt-is and large c.insuiuei-s, .Id cents. Vi III mailed free en receipt of price. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. SAM-eKli'.s ICAIllr.M. CUHK, CAT VCIIIIAI. SeL- vi.nt. 'ind Imi'iievkd Imi VL1.1:, wrapped 111 one p i-!age, vv ith lull diieetieus. and sold by all diiiggi-ts ler one dollar. Ank for Sam'uiiu'h It vmevL Ci in . Fiem a simple ceid or inlliiciiM te the rot ret ting, sloughing and death of this senses el .-melt, Ta-le ami Healing, this great 'cinedy is supii inc. Poisonous mucous accumulations aie leiiievcd, the entire membrane cleansed, disiiileitcd, .seethed and hcultd. constitutional i-avagesc!ieelveil,thebleMl puriliedefcatan hal I101-011, deepened 111 color, ami stiengthened in lile-giving jirepertics. Thus, i-.xternallj' and internally, in ateerdauce with reason ami common sense, doc- this great, oceuo nit-al loiiiedy work, instantly relieving and pjrma-i m-iiiiy ciiiing 1111; 1110-1 aggravaicu ami 11:111 11:111 geieus fei ins et human sintering. lienei-.d Agts., WEKIvS ic POTTEK.Uosten. Cellins' Voltaic KIcctrfc Plasters. Mini- continuous ami pevvcrlul electrical act ion is obtained liem Cei-LlNs' Voltaic Eli:c iiiif I'i.asti:i:s than tiny $2 battery made. They aie a speedy ami ceilain euro ter Pain and XVeakue e't the Lungs, Liver, Kidiiev sand I'linarv OigaiW, Cheuiuuti-ui. Neuralgia, llvsleiia. Female Weakuess, Nervous Pains aiid XXcalviie es. Malaria, ami Fever unit Ague. Pi no Slots. Sold excrv w heie. KIDNEY WOKT. PERMANENTLY CUItES KIDNKV IMSEASES, LIVER C5I1LAIMS, CONSTIPATION AMI PILES. Dr. IL II. Clark. Seuth Heie, Vt., says. "In ea-e-el kidney 'lieubles it litis acted like a I1.m11. It has tilled many very lint cases bid Piles, and has never lulled te att oltleiently. Nelsen Kaiithlhl, el SI. Albans, VI., sijh, "It is el pneelcss value. Alter sixteen years el gicit siiirering lreiu Piles and Ce-'tlveiiesn il oinpletcly cured nit-."' '. S. nogabeu, ei I'erkshire, says, "One p ics.nge has done vvonders ler 1110 in complete cemplete lv i-uiing aseveie Liver and Kidney Com plaint."' ' IN CITllI.KI.lOClDOUOIiV FOK.U IT HAS WONDERFUL. POWER. WHY? Iteear.se it acts u the LI VEIL IIOWLLS anil KIONEISJ nt the Mme time. Itec.iu-e it cleanses the system el the poison-'111- humors that develop in Kidney and Url naiy Diseases, UilieusBcss, Jaundice, Constl Censtl Constl pa'feii. file--, or in Kheumati-ni, Neuralgia, Netveiis Dlseidersaml Female Ceinplaints. ,". II is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, 111 Ae-tm cm-, one package of which makes six tra' quarts of medicine. i,i-Alse in Liquid Furui,ery Concentrated Kir ler the convenience et these who cannot Cj-ieadily piepne It. It art with equal Gr eljlcirncy in cither form. JET IT OF VOL'IilMtUGULST. PRICE, SI. NELLS. MCHARDS0X &C0., Prep's, Iturlingten, Vt. ' (Wili -end the dry pest-paid.) dec !i lydw4 JiOOTS AND SHOES. Jr. a qy i:oets. shoes and last J O X made en a new principle, lnsnr ingcoiiirertforthe feet. l t VVQ. Lasts made te order. leiili-tld l.li East King atreet 105 1.AD1J-..S AM) GENTS It you want a 105 GOOD BITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Uea'.y-inadi: or made te order, call at F. HTEMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Street, custom Werk a bpct-Jaltv. le2SSftWt czeiuiyu. CHRISTMAS ;OODS KEI.OW COST! CHKIsTMAS UOODS P.ELOW COST! CHKIM'MAS HOODS ItELOW COST ! RATHVON & FISHER Are selling en their entire stock et KEADY MADE CLOTlUXt! below cost. e FUKNISHINCJ UOODS. FKOM NOW UNTIL .IASUAKY 1st AT COST. CI.OTHINU made te order in the pievaillng styles and at tnediuui prices. t'OK. S0KT1I (UEEN and 0KASUK NTS.. LAXC.VsTEK. l'A.. RATHVON & FISHER, MERCHANT TAILORS. ilecll'Jwd OVERCOATST Closing out al agn-.itieduetieiKiiiiiiiimeiKO lineel Neveltie-111 0c 1 e.!l legs. Fur Beavers, eal Skin, Blysian, Mentanak, Ratina and OhinchOIas. All the New and ine-t Di'sii-able slvles stock an Errs, IX NEW I'OLOI.'s ,N I'llOll'i: hit LL'S Why mil have voureidei at em e.ei-1 -i-ctile 1111 Lleg.uil. Sljlish, Well Made and Aiti-tie Cut Cariiii-ut a-low as Se. a lai:;e line of choice Elli aid Men Mils, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT J.KSMALING'S, THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. qUKEN STRKKT, FlLliflli H. GBRHABT'S Ll I 1 MONDAY, OCTOBER lltli, 1880. A Complete block el Cleths, Suitings AHD OVERCOATINGS. which for elegance cannot be Largi.sl Assirlment el surpassed. Th ENGIJSH AND SCOTCH SUITINaS in tliis city. Prices as low as the lowest at H.GERH ART'S Ne. 51 North Queen Street. CJLOTHING! CLOTHING! We have new ready Stock et ler sale an Immense Ml and Winter, which Style. aie Cut and Trimmed We can gixe jeu a in the Latest GOOD STYUSH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In great variety, made te order :.t short notice at tlie lowest prices. 0. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 6-lyd LANCASTER. PA. PAINTING. All kinds et Heuse Painting and (j raining done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We have reduced our prices te $1.75 per day. Shep en Charlette street. ectVi-Jmd ALLEN GUTHUIE & SONS. TIKMOVAL. ti MRS. M.A. EDWAIJDS has reinex-cd her Millinery Stere te Ne. 1O0 West King street, where she will be pleased te see all her old customers. Jlennet.s. Hats, Ribbons, Satins. Velvets, Feather-, Flowers, Ac., will be sold cheaper than ever hofere. Call and see. nev'-K-luid MIRS. C. IilliLER, INDIES' HAIKDKESSK1C ManufucturcrandDcaler In Hair Werk, Indies and Cents' Wiga. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse. Kid Glevasand Feathers cleaned and deil. atNes.223 and 227 North Queen street, oni-deon atjeYe l. '. It, D':q, eI-3uid 1 T1.. I.. lllt.ll.LL.JL ? QllUHU" EDiaUUDlllUGlil Mnm Clothing II