"m3 LANCASTER DAILY iSTEMIGENCER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1880. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUU KCVULAlt COKIlESPONDKNCK Miss Alice Welsh, returned yesterday Mary laud from a visit down towards the line. The Pennsylvania railroad company have cut down their freight trains te meet the demands of the weather. Ne mere does an engine eastward have thirty-six cars. Despite the nearness te Christmas, mar ket, this morning was duil and heavy. The shovel brigade is out-in force. The church people are busy with their decorations. Misses Nannie Beckius and Mary Wil Wil eon, of the Mountain seminary, Hunting don, Pa., arc home for the holidays. The ministers of the Protestant churches of Columbia, at their regular weekly meeting,' held yesterday morning in the parsonage of the Reformed church, decided upon a pregramme of exercises for the week of prayer te be held in the early part of January the first week of the month, we are informed. Company H drillcS last evening with only sixteen mcu inline. Corporal L. K. Fondersmith was acting first sergeant. The Philadelphia & Reading railroad company have adopted special passsengcr excursion rates for Christmas and the hol iday week. The main line and all its branches are included. The rates arc just about the same as these decided upon by the Pennsylvania railroad company. The telephone people are new ready te go ahead that is, just as seen as the weather will permit it. The poles, which through some cause or ether have been detained for a week or mure, arrived hcie yesterday and wcie at once unleaded. The "arms" have been here for some time, but the wire which is being furnished from Massachusetts, has net yet arrived. This makes but lit tle diifcrcncc, however, as it can be stretched at any time and will net causa auy detention even if itdoesnet reach here for a couple of days. A force of men weie here te go te work in erecting poles this morning, but en account of the snow storm it was decided te put the work oil' until the weather becomes mere pleasant or at least adaptable te the work. Mr. A. I. Reese says that operations in the erection of the telephone would commence just as seen as the weather would permit. The question just new with most people is: " Is this Veiiner's snow?" Yesterday afternoon at about 1:10 o'clock the feathery Hakes began falling, and up te this writing they have ever since continued in their downward course. A3 a result the ground is new covered with snow te the depth of seven or eight inches, and it is still falling. Hew long it will keep up cannot be safely guessed at, but the appearance of things overhead would warrant one in saying "for the balance of the day at any rate." The fortunate possessors of horses and iilcighs weie out in force this morning, and the sleighs appeared te run very easily. We may have an old-fashioned snowy Christmas and Santa Clans may again rig up his reindeer and with a sleigh full of toys and jingling bells, make mar velous time ever the house tops. At 12 in. it was still snowing. Miss Rese Shtimau left here at 1:03 o'clock yesterday ifteriioeu te accept a position in the United States mint at Phil- wicpma. jumieft ?... mai. an unce u. the yeuuir lad v. is lieutenant rocrner of .. . i c tii- i -i V..W HM ... ...V.l... ..1.1. 1.7 . FL1lllf , friend of the Hen. Simen Cameren, and te this influence may pessib.y be traced the success of Miss Sliumau in securing the! position Helen i'ettcr s I'letades will again ap pear before a Columbia audience en Christ mas night, and if wc mistake net will be as warmly greeted as en their iirst appear ance here. In her impersonations .Miss Petter will include the role of MMIe. Sara Bernhardt, which of itself is bound te draw where her marveleusability is known. Seme changes have been made in the com pany and the Swedish lady vocal niar tet has stepped aside te make mom ter a quartet of lady violinist. SAD ACCIDENT. l A Well-Known Railroad Man Almest In stantly Killed at Jehn It. Illtner'x AVarclieuse. Marrow Escape el' "William ISItner. ( This morning between 7 and 8 o'clock Mehn B. Itccsc, who lesided at the south west corner of Prince and Walnut streets, was almost instantly killed at a ware house belonging te Jehn li. I.itner and situated in tlie rear of 1H2 North Queen street. Fer about ten years Mr J'eese has been employed by Mr. Bitner as a conductor ou his freight cars which run between this city and Philadelphia. lie came home this morning from the latter city. At thc time stated above three cars which he had in charge were being shipped ou the siding of the warehouse by engine Xe. 82-1. About eight feet from the end of this siding and in a direct line with the track is an old wooden shed, which is used for storing away weed, !cc. On the track at the cud were eight railroad ties, which are used te prevent thc cars from run ning oft' the end of the siding. Mr. Beese and William II. Bitner, a seu of Jehn B. Bitner, were ou the platform of the last car when the signal was given te tack, thc former having charge of the brake. Thc train was backed with such great force that the car en which the men were ran oil' thc cud of the sid ing, jumped ever thcpicccs of timber and went crashing into the old shed. Yeung Bitner saw the danger, and went into the deer of the car saving his life. Mr. Reese thought there was no danger and remained at his brake, which he kept ap plying. He was crushed between the car and the timber of thc shed and died in a few minutes. He was carried into the house occupied by Jeseph Bacr as a res taurant. Afterwards his body was re moved te his late home. It was said by some that the cause of thc accident was thc failure of thc brakes te work, owing te the snowy condition of the track. Reese always kept his brakes in excellent condition. Many-think that thc accident was the cause of fast running, and they allege that the train was being backed at a rate of speed which was un necessarily high. The deceased man was between .i and 40 years of age. He was married and leaves a wife aud three children, lie has always been a sober industrious man who enjoyed the confidence of hjs employer and had a great many friends." Corener Mishlcr impaneled a jury, con sisting of Cap. Jehn A. Schuh, Jacob -Stauffcr, Samson Rcsh, Jehn Creamer, Jeremiah B. Snyder aud Fisher. Dr. Cem p ten made an examination of the body and found that one arm was broken aud there was a black mark about thc ab domen. The injuries causing his death were internal. Later News. This afternoon the conductor, engineer firemen and brakemen of the train which shifted the cars were examined by the cor oner's jury. They testified that thc cars were net run in with mere force than usual. "When thc train started te back thc lait of thc three cars was about thc length of a car above thc switch, and when thc engine stepped it was still above the switch. '" After the train had stepped Mr. Reese still beckoned the engineer te come back farther; when the railroad men heard that Reese was hurt they drew the cars away as quickly as possielo ; owing te the slippery condition of the track this morn ing it was very difficult, for a brake te held the cars ; if they would slide they would he apt te run oil. Mr. Reese always told thc raihead men te get oft that he would take charge of his cars ; when they reached -Lancaster, they asked him if the s'.ding would held the cars, and he said i I would ; he said this should give the cars a "shot" when they arrived here. Win. Bitner, who was en the train with Reese, testified that he get en te yet the manifest from Reese, he told Reese that the cars were going tee last and he intended te get oil. us there might he an accident ; Reese told him net te de se ; the witness went into the car deer before it struck the shed ; Reese had his break en tightlyand seemed te he very coei. Anether witness saw Reese put en the brakes and the wheels were sliding ; he ran te the shed when the car struck it, thinking both men were killed. Anether witness stated that the cars came in with great force this morn ing. The jury adjourned until te-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Mere Tobacco bale. Henry Leaman, of Strasburg township, has sold his crop of tobacco te A. ilarnish for Oppeuhcimer, hut he declines te let his neighbors knew what a geed price he get for it. J. Little, living near the Junction railroad station, sold three acies te D. Leng for 20, 8, -4 ; J. K. Nisslej-, of the same neighborhood, te the same, one aero at 22, 15, 8, a ; Jehn S. Nissley sold te J. Stauircr at 28, 10, 3 ; Elias E. Fisher, of New Helland, sold te J. Bard at 17, 5, 3. Henry Frankheuscr has sold two acres of Caernarvon township tobacco te Becker, for 20, 8, 3 ; Peter Foreman, ten acres, te Wilcox, for Altshuc, for 27, 10, 5 ; W. W. Witinau, two acres, te same, at 23, 10, 4 ; Jehn Delby, three acres, te same, 24, 8, 4; Philip Deflavcn, five acres, te same, at 21, 8, 4; Wm. McCaa, three acres, te same, at 20, 4, 3. Aldus Brown, of Strasburg borough, has sold his crop of three acres for 20, 8, 3. Tobias Hilbeck, of Paradise, has sold his crop at 20, 8, 3. sale et Keal Kstate. Jacob (jimdaker, auctioneer, sold at thc Black Herse hotel last night, for the ex ex ecueors of Elizabeth Brecht, deceased, two houses en Seuth Prince street, Xes. 131 and 13C, te Michael Brecht. for S4,000. Xe. 2. A let of ground in the Eighth ward, consisting of 3 acres and l."! perches, te Michael Brecht, for $1,100. Ne. 3. Saleen en the corner of Seuth Duke and Middle streets, te Michael Brecht, for $2,000. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at public sale yesterday evening, .at the Cooper house, for Jehn K. Metzger, ad ministrator d. b. n. e. t. a., and agent for thc heirs of Jehn Metzger, dee'd., Ne. 2, a three-story brick house fronting 14 feet and 4 inches en East King street and ex tending in depth 52 feet 2 inches, te D. P. Lecher,, esq., for $!,02.i. Property Ne. 1, dwelling house en East King near Shippcn was withdrawn at $5,000. Ile-.r te Make Mealing all ' the Ge." After every snow, let a few energetic boys select a geed sheet of ice, ou the creek, of convenient size and situation, clear it of snow anil collect about a dime from each skater as he comes en the ice. The public should be informed of these places cleared for skating by a line in thc papers, and we venture tesay they would be well patronized especially through thc holidays. Bv this means there might be , (, . -, tb t t f thc i ,?. ,., "". ...- ?.. I "liner, aim n. nwiiu mkiii e.: iiiuu iu i vogue. Happy and Prosperous. II. K. Swope writes from Avilla, Me., that the Intellicenceu is read with much pleasure by his family, removed thither four years age from Lancaster county ; that he and his family are happy and prosperous in the great Southwest, and that no better land and farmers can be found in Jasper county, Missouri. Sale off Het-son. Samuel I less & Sen, auctioneers, sold at public sale at the Mcrrhnac house, Lancas ter city, for (5ce. Gressman, 2'S head of Canada horses at an overage of $108 per head, amongst, which was a mare cealt for i2'J0. l'er Ten Years. Sherill' Slrine took Lewis Sewers, who was convicted of manslaughter, te the E-istcrn pcuitentiary this morning. New Steru Opening. The new dry goods store of Metzger, Bard & llauglimau opened according te announcement yesterday, and thc occa sion was signalized hy thc presence and patronage throughout the day of a large number of tieeple. These who inspected the stock laid in by thc new linn found it te be large, well selected and in price adapted te a progressive trade. It is ar ranged in thc store rooms te the best con venience of the proprietors and patrons, and geed light- in every quarter enables purchasers te see what they buy. It yes- tcrday's trade can he the "new departure" Mired success. taken as an index is already an as-. A Werd About Jeweliy. Anion;: the ctnbarrassiiijr variety mf article suitable for Christmas presfiita, some ladies and gentlemen are (rreatly exercised an te what te buy ler their friends. Many te whom presents eUhl te be given are se amply sup plied with beautiful things which have served as tokens of compliment :md esteem, that it seems ill most impnslhle te select anything which would be a real gratification te them. In Mich cases It Is always sale te fall back en jewely, ler there Is nt all times sutllcient va riety and novelty in It te make It pleasing, and te avoid risk of duplicating or repeating presents of former years. The new styles et jewelry at Kailey, Hanks & IJiiidie's, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, present a wealth ol'altractien, both ter ladies and gen tlemen, and in articles both large and small, costly or Inexpensive. These who deal with this house, have the FatiMfuCtien of knowing that lliev invariably get the very best quality and the most superior styles, and that the price marked en each article is ths very low est. Itd&w Amusement. Uubsen anil Crane Te-ni'jht. The eminent comedians. Robson and Crane, appear at Fulton opera house this evening, in the new piece Written especially for them and entitled Slmrpsand Flats." The lame of these actors is established, ami it need only be said that during tlie present season they have been mere than sustaining it in this amusing play. " Widow Ilcdelt.'" Te-morrow night M r. Hav erly's Widow Ucdett " company appear at Fulton opera limine in Petroleum V. Nasby's humorous comedy of that name. The Iroupe arc described as up te the usual order et all or Haverly's combination-, and Mr. Chat. 1J. llishep has made a gicat hit in li:c character of the Widow. The Challenge That was se promptly accepted in t he Satur day evening papers by 31 r. Alex. 3IcKilltps, the reputed organ builder of this ."city, is still ee.cn for acceptance, and tlie reward will bens promptly paid as seen as the article in contre versy is produced. Hut the mere nay se of the gentleman that he has or can manufacture everything belonging te a Jirst-elas organ from thc raw material, anil will de :-e again, will perhaps have its intended effect only among the public who are unacquainted with the ditl'erentparts and attachments neeessary te complete a cabinet organ. I hereby repeal my former offer, viz: $500 re want ler any cabinet organ that has ever been, or is new, manufactured in this city or comity. But in offering the .above reward I desire it te be distinctly understood that it does net include the E. P. Carpenter organ action, manufactur c I in Worcester, Jlass., for which A!r. Alex. McKillips, of th-j city, is the sole aeunt for this county, as the following card will prove the original can be seen at my warcroein : Til E CARPENTER ORGAN ACTION. Weikje3te.i, 3Iass., Aug. 27, 187i. In reply te your favor of several days since, would refer yen te Alex 3IcKillipa, esq., et your city, sole aicnt ler my actions in your county. Yours with respect, E. P. Caiu'en-teu. 1 am happy, however, te be able te give 31 r. .McKillips credit for some degree of honesty, wlsen lie says that in order " te get out a first class Instrument at a fair price, this business, like most ethers has been divided into several classes, namely, key makers, reed makers and iin-iri.nik-irs." actieu-inafcers and ca?e- makersj" and as lie is only the case-maker and does only the uoxise up of all tlie rest of tlie work which is done (even te the stenciling of the name of the reputed lnanutacturcr en the instrument) in "Worcester, Mass., by the maker of the organ, E. P. Carpenter. Sew, what does Mr. McKillips make? The case is certainly net the organ. As I no net wish te make this a paper controversy, I therefore await the pro duction of a pure home made organ, te claim the above reward and will gladly give him the benelit of my advertisement. ltd FRANK J. STE1XHAUSEK. Prof. Gnilmctte's French Kidney Pad cures by absorption, all diseases of the kidneys and uiinary organs. Try it. Nothing is tee geed ler ova baby no, net even Cuticura Seap. A Feul-Mouthed Weman is worse than e foul-mouthed man. But no one need be foul-mouthed if they will only use SOZODONT an-1 rub it in well. Don't spare the brush and spoil the mouth, as some parent de with their children when they witheld the red. d2t),lwdcedAw Disease prevented and medical bills lessened by a timely use of .Malt Hitters. St'f.CIAJ. XOTICES. SAMl'LK MOTIVE. It is impossible ler a woman utter n faithful ceuthe of treatment with Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te sillier with a weakness of the uterus. Enclose a stump te Mrs.LydiaE. l'inkliam, 233 Western avenue, I.ynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jy23-lydced&w Tlie Popular Demand. Se great has been the popular demand for the celebrated remedy Kidney-Wert, that it is having an immense sale from Maim; te Cali fornia. Seme have found it Inconvenient te prepare it from tlie dry compound. Fer such the proprietors new prepare it in liquid form. This c:m be. iii-ocured at the driursiUts. It lias I precisely thc same effect as the dry, but is vei-v rmirfiitr;iff1 se that, tlie. dose is iimfh smaller. Lewell Mail. ditMwd.Vw 'Every man te his trade" Is uu old saying, and thc mere closely a person applies himself te any one subj .' the mere proficient he be comes in his i-arieular line. Sema doctors make u special:, el a certain disease and study everything that i:ih a bearing upon It. Ihey experiment v i li different medicines untilenc is found tint ...j.s right te the mark. This may be said nt th C. & C. Cordial manufactured and for sale ly Dr. Browning, 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia. It is for coughs and colds and when used searches out every part that is ut leeted. Relief is experienced in an incredibly wherttiuic. UIvc it u trial. Sold by all drug gists at 50c. a bottle. Ceugtitt. "Jlrewn'x Jtrenctiial Troches'' are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and llrenehial Affection'. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the fewstaple remedicief the age. Tlie Threat. " JSreivtt'.i Urenchiul Troches' act directly en Hie organs of the voice. They have an ex traordinary effect in all disorders or thoThreat and Larynx, restoring a healthy lone when re laxed, either from cold or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a elearand distinct enunci ation. Speakers end fiinaers find the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires immediate uttcntien, as neglect olton elton olten times results In some incurable Lung Disease. Jlrewit's llrenehial Treche" will almost in variaidy give relief. Imitations are offered ler wile, many et which are injurieu. The genu ine "iireun't llrenehial Troches'" are held enlu in Lecr.i. u.nl.Vlyd&wTa.Tli&S It is Werth a Trial. "I ua-i troubled ler many yeara with Kid ney Ceiiiuluiut. Oitivel, &e.; my bleed became thin ; I was dull and inactive ; could hardly crawl about, and was an old worn-out man alt" ever, and could gel nothing te help me, until I trot Hep Hitters, and new I am a boy again. My bleed and kidneys arc all riKht, and 1 am as active as a man et :;. although I am 72, and I have no doubt it will de as well ler ethers et my ae. It Is worth the trial. ( Father.) dl.V2wd.tw New Jcrhey Wine. This wine for sickness has long been in pop ular favor, but by no means intoxicating in its nature. We refer te Spe.-r's Pert ti rape Wine, which has been Introduced Inte the hos pitals and among the llrsl fumilicn in New Yerk, the principal drug stores in this city, by Alfred Speer, of l'avsaie, N". .1., who has de voted himself for many years te the cultiva tion et the Oporto liraec. and the study of fermenlalieiiji, and producing an article, the medical properties of which are said by gen tlemen of" reputation te be unsurpassed. Mr. Speer ferments his wine by a new process, pe culiar te himself, without theadditionel Migar or spirits. We denht whether there ia vine yard in the old or new world that can yield a wine at all comparable te this in richness or delicacy of flavor. All flrt class druggists keep it. The above extract fieni the New Yerk llcr- mu shows tlie appreciation in wlucli speer a wiiu; is held abroad. We have drank the wine and can truthfully endorse what the above ex tract says concerning its geed qualities. The way In which It is matured by Mr. Speer gives it a finer Haver than any wine wc ever drank. llonten Traveler. This wine Is endorsed by Drs Atlee and llavls, and for -aIe by II. K.fclaymakcr. dl.V2rd&w MAiiniAC.r.s. Siieaffku ScilLAfrii. Dee. Ill, 1830, by Rev, 1. W. Gerhard, at the Reformed parsonage. New Helland, Henry M. Shcatrer, of I'pper Leacock, te Miss Lizzie Sehlauch, et West Earl. ItdAw xinr aw URTisKii fxts. 'I'llK NEW CIIKAP DRY GOODS STORE, S West King Street, Oppedte. CoepiM Heiie, Lancaster, Pa. Metzpr, Bard & HanAan Take this opportunity te tender le their friends and the people generally, their thanks for thc very generous pat ronage en their Opening Day, and premise that they will endeavor by a close attention te business merit a con tinuance et the same. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, we remain Yours, &c, METZGER, BARD & HAUGHMAN. JWW ADVERTISEMEXTS- CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! Wc have net time or space te enumerate theiany 'Articles that icill make beautiful anil useful Christmas Presents. But hy an .examination of our stock you icill be suer te find senitthiny suit able for your purpose. Call and see, tchether you want an article costing One Dellar or One Thousand Dollars. h: z. RHOADS & BRO., JEWELERS, 4 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. EDW J. Manufacturing Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, Things In our stock that make Beautiful and Durable Christmas Gifts. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, JEWELRY, 30LD BRONZES, GOLD HEAD CANES, GOLD THIMBLES, SILVER HEAD CANES. SILVER THIMBLES, OPERA GLASSES. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES, GOLD BRONZE SMOKING SETS, PINE CIGAR SETS, BACCARET VASES. ALL THESE AND MAXY MOKE AT ZAHM'S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. JVJBir AVrUKTISKMEXTS. tJ 1CEASONAHI.E OFFER REFUSED. Oi-iana and l'iaue.i. NEW AND SECOND. 11.1.1', ULKlL'iUIV lUllUUint IIIICUS, JUSTU& STUCKEN1 neLZ. Fulton Opera fleu&e, Lancaster. dec41:udU HEAIIOUAKTERS FOR PURE CONFEC TIONS FOlt THE HOLIDAYS AT JOSEPH R. ROYER'S, 50 AND 32 WEST KING ST. 1 can new offer te the trade and public a large steek et Pure Confections of every description, at the very lowest market rates. FRUITS, NUTS, Ac. and a LARGE STOCK OK TOYS or tlie NEWEST DESIGNS. Large and small Cakes baked dally. I cu Cream at all times. WEDDINGS AND PARTIES SERVED AT SHORT NOTICE. MAIL ORDERS promptly attended te at the tame rate as it the peraen ordering were present in person. Call aud sec my stock. OrHcmcnibcr the place 50 AND 52 WEST KING STREET. r.l:t-3inil JOS. It UOYKIC. H Ol.IDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS! HOLIDAY GOODS! HOLIDAY GOODS! We have opened te-day ' An Entire New Line OK HAVILAND'S FRENCH CHINA, is FRUIT PLATES, COMPORTS, AND DESSERT SAUCERS TO MATCH. ART PLAQUES, WITH EASELS. SOLITAIRE SETS, TEA SETS, MOUSTACHE COFFEES. Coupe and Saxen Teas. ALL THESE GOODS ARE ELEGANTLY DECORATED, AND ARE VERY LOW IN PRICE. XOVEIflES IX MAJOLICA. FARE. LARGEST LINE OK DECORATED CHAMBER SETS IN THE CITY. a -Ve r-speettnlly solicit a call. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER, PA. -:e:- ZAHM, Lancaster, Pa. jv-t-ir AitrmtTiSEMizsTs. 1jtSTATEOFJKRK31IAH BAUMAN.I.ATK !i et Lancaster city, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Maria Hau maii and Wm. II. Kex. executers, te and among these legally entitled te tlie same, will sit ter that purpose en THURSDAY'. JANU ARY 20, 1SSI, at 2 o'clock p. in., in the Library Keeni et the Court Heuse, In the city et Lan caster, where all persons interested in said dis tribution may attend. W. LEAMAN, d20-4tdeaw Auditor. HOLIDAY GOODS! Widmycr it Ricksecker's. A I-urge Varii-ty el FOLDING CHAIRS, FOLDING ROCKERS, miltex nenv A SI) r.irixTii v 1:1: cssuls. FINE EBONY CABINET3, PATENT ROCKERS, Perforated and Katun lieukt1 s. FOOT-RKSTS, UOOT-P.OXES U LASSES. and LOOKING CHILDREN'S ROCKERS, AND TABLE CHAIRS, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMIiEi: Sl'lTS, INI! ROOM FURNITURE. DIN- S. B. COR. BAST KIM AND DUKE STS., LANCASTER PA. d.;cM :!in I MIS CELL A XEO VS. GRAIN M'KCULAllOM In large or small amounts. $-25 or f-JiM'K.'-Writc W. T. SOULE.t CO.. Commission 31 cr chants, l:i LuSalle street, Chicago, 111., torch ulars. mas-iyii TAKK SiOTIUK THAT ALL THK OlJT slanding and unpaid city tax for the year 1SS0, new in thc hands el the collectors of the several wards, must be paid en or beten: WEDNESDAY. THE :K)T 11 DAY OK DECEM BER. A. D.. ISse, as immediately after that date the same will be placed in tin; bunds et the city solicitor ter collection. dcel-ttd TTO! FOlt T1IIC OLD COKNEK .KOCI)KV. Just received a Iel of FRESH BAKING BUTTER. FRESH RAKING 3IOLASSES from i::c. up. Spices, Raisins, Mixtures, Caum.d Goods and everything kept in a first-class Grocery. Give us a call. Ne trouble te show goods at the corner of Orange and Prince .streets. dl-:.td J. HOOVER. A CHANCE FOU VAKIKTY ACTOlCS. On "JANUARY 2!), 1SW1. a variety show will be given in this city by Witmer & Ce. The following parties connected with the show offer challenges : Costclle and Cechrnii challenge :tny p.di- of clegglsts in the city for a pail of belts. C. Witiner challenges any bar performers In the city for a medal. J. Retalick challenges any banjoist in Hie city for a medal. G. Cumniings challenges any tumbler in the city ler a medal. C. Shay challenges any aged negre performer et this city ter a medal. Trcwiiz anit Sliutllcuoitem challenge anv pair et mouth-organ players or this cltv ter a medal. Teiu Geedman challenges any high kicker or this city for a medal. Rums and Kranklerd challenge any pair 01 Irish comedians in the city ter a medal. Isaac Rittcnheuse challenges anv pie eater or this city ler a geld dollar. Any person desiring te accept any of these challenges will please call at Serrel Herse res taurant, between 7 ami 8 o'clock in in thcevcu ing. Reek will be open until tlie -th et De cember, ter the show 011 the -".Ith et lauusirv. dec 20 oil I Auction' Auction! -AT THE H.L.ZAHM&CO JEWELRY STORE. Every afternoon and evening until th stock Is all sold. Elegant Watches, BRACELETS, CHAINS. NECKLACES, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, selling and will be sold POSITIVE!. 1 with out reserve. Thc Fixtures te be sold at the close of s.ile, and the Stere will be Fer Rent from APRIL 1, 1881. M. MILLAR, decfi-lmd ROPRIETOR. THIRD EDITIOIT. TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 21, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS Washington. Dec. 21. Fer the Middle states generally cloudy weather and snow, northerly te westerly winds, rising barem eter, stationary or slight fall in tempera ture, and in the southern portions clearing weather te-night. BURNED TO DEATH. A Terrible Crime and Terrible Paabbmentc Memphis, Dec. 21. A special from lupele, iliss., gives the following ac count of a most horrible crime rnramitfeil in Menree county, Miss. : On Saturday niuht two men, giving the name of Miller, prevailed upon Jlr. Brown Redding tn allow them te sleep in his house ever night. About 11 o'clock neighbors found iiames issuing from the house and it was seen destroyed. Search in the ruins re vealed the charred remains of Mr.Redding. his wife and little daughter. The two strange men were then pursued, and ece of them being captured, told a sterv te the ctiect that he and his accomplice chloroformed the family, secured twenty seven dollars in money, a watch and seme clothing, tired the house and fled. His captors then determined that he should he punished with his own weapons. They pinioned him, ai ranged pin splinters saturated with chloroform around him,and set them en lire. Diligent search is being made for the ether murderer, who if caught will doubtless share the same fate. OKLAUOHA. The Preposition te Opentt te Settlers. Caldwell, Kan., Dec. 21. Cel. R. J. Dedge, late in command of Cantonment, is en his way te report te Uen. Sherman. He is decidedly in fiver of opening Okla homa te settlers, but believes that the In dians .should have their land pattioncdeut in severalty. Majer Randall denies having said li would turn the Indians ou the whites, hut thinks the Indians likely te turn en them should they attempt te force their way against the military. The colonists claim that the land they propose settling was ceded te the government in 1806. They are indig neiit at being classed as raiders and law breakers. Secret meetings were held by the colony leaders yesterday, with what result has net transpired. CONGRESS. Proceedings In the Senate. Washington, Dec. 21. In the Senate, 3Ir. Heck introduced a bill te authorize the issue of lepfal tender notes of the United States upon thc deposits of jjeld. Alse a hill te rcpeal all laws which im pose taxes en the capital of or deposits with banks and bankers and en bank cheeks. Mr. William A. Wheeler submitted a letter from Secretary Scluir. setting forth the ; rcessity for additional appropriations, for pensions during the current fiscal year. Tlie additional amount required is about .sit,,l.lU,UUU. Proceedings in tlie Heuse. The house is new in committee 011 the fund in ; bill, all the attempts of 3!r. Fer Fer naneo Weed te limit debate being voted down amid confusion. An excited oppo sition manifested itself toward the funding bill. Messrs. Weaver, Bland and Mills spoke strongly against its consideration before the holidays. 15Y WIlfK. Te'cgniphh: News of Te-day. A tenant farmer named, Mullen, return ing from the I'nIIinrebe market, was lircd upon by six men last night a-nl instantly killed. Thc assassination was the cut growth of a land quarrel. Tlie Heading receivers at their meeting te-day considered the complaint of the holders of the Schuylkill navi gation improvement bends, the interest of which they announced would be paid at 5 per cent, instead of the full rate agreed upon in the contract. Ne delinitc action was had. Orangemen and Protestant farmers held an enthusiastic demonstration at Celeraiii, county Limerick, Ireland, last night, de nouncing thc laud agitation. Hurt en the Kullread. rniLADKLriiiA. Dec. 21. While the Trenten & Philadelphia accommodation was taking en passengers at Bristel this morning, thc express bound for New Yerk ran past, severely injuring Jehn and An drew O'Donnell, Patrick Husten and Oce. "Ware. One of them is thought te be fatal ly hurt. PltO.tllSK OF A 1VIIITK CHRISTMAS. Still Snenlng Heavily In ths Seiitli. Peteksih-re, Va., Dec. 21. Snow still continues te fall rapidly. The storm ex tends far beyond thc North Carolina line, aud there arc no indications of its abate ment. Ten of a Crew Left. Londen, Dec. 21. Eight of the crew of the British bark Nile, from Quebec for Cardiff, which capsized at sea .Nevcmlier 22, were drowned, including the master and second mate. Twe of tlie men died after being rescued. Anether Great Coffee Failure. Londen, Dec. 21. Ileplcy, Woedhead & Ce., general merchants of Liverpool, have failed Liabilities 21,000. The failure was caused chiefly by losses in co flee. Pinning Mill llurncd. IJalte, Dec. 21. Jehn II. Ileald's plan ing and saw mill in this city was destroyed by tire this morning. The damage en the mill and machinery is $10,000. New Pennsylvania Postmaster?. Washington, Dec. 21. Oce. II. An drews has been appointed postmaster at Pittsburgh, Pa., and Gee. P. Hendricks, at Selinsjneve. MARKETS. Mew Verk market. Nkw Yerk. Dec. 21. Fleur State and, West ern prices without important change and In very moderate cxportandheuictradedcmand; Superfine State at 13 i3 Ml; extra iUi"M'(itW- choice, de ?4 6.afi 00 : liiucy de $0."i;.'0: round hoop Ohie UH'tOSSSU: choice de at $J.Vi; SI; superlliie western ! -Wigs 'M; common te geed extra de $i eOiJ'iOO ; choice de J5 (.)3 7" ; choice white wheat ie 15 10 ftr, (-); Southern unlet and unchanged ; com mon te fair extra tl 85 is' ''-'; geed te choice de 3 40 3 '-" Wheat J"e better and moderately active ; Nir. a Red. Jan. $1 li;4Sl l')i; de Feb., $1 11 '-"OX ? l cash and Dec. $1 10Jbid, Si 17 asked. Cern scarcely se linn: Mlxrei western spot, at SiaWJ-ic: le future 0S"Q57Kc. Oats in buyers' fiver ; Ne. a Jan., 4lc: de Feb., 43e ; State43S4CXe; Western 4lwH. 1'liltaaelphla Market. PniLADKLFniA, Dec. 21. Fleur sluggish and weak; superflne at $:;003 7.r; extra at 3:g4 50; Ohie and Indiana family 95 00 ; U);.Penn'a laniily t 12." 50: St. Leuis family fS75iCi"; Minnesota extra 15 75?i25: ilestraight $ OOtifl 50 : Winter patent $ 50 m ; spring no sn i.mrs iw. Rye Heur dull at $T 25. Win heat steady at decline ; Ne. 2 Western Red H 14 ; Pcnn'a. Red 1 1-"91 14 ; Amber $1 13 1 14. Cern dull but steady; steamer, 52Q53C ; yel low fl3c : mixed. OTic. Oats Wim, better grades sharcc ; Ne. 1 White 49c ; Ne. 2 de 48c ; No.3deat4c; Ne. 2 Mixed4.-)J4Ce. Kye weatc; Western 93c; J'enn'a 93s. Previsions steady ; mesa perk old, $13 50 ; new, $14 75; beet nams $13 00318 50; Indian m.vs beef $17 50 ; Bacen smoked shoulders .-iVjgeJe ; salt de 5c -smoked hams aai0e; lifeklcit hams T'Jc. Lard 11 rm ; city keltic Q'(Wiv loesfc bnteJ -it-' SJ.g6-ie; prime steam lie. r.ntter clielce steady, but elhi r kinds weak with supplies accumularing; Creajuerv extra ?:? RPI te choice 30334c: Bradford coun ceun lirivLT.?.?,1".? ctra -S.e: Western re- Hniia :. u'-,c; "Ooetl IO cneiee isg-iv- mOitll- nnn,. ,....,!. . :" -TT Penn viY,;:.XA'y"?:KV ""eu ; i-xtra-JeSi-c- Western Kcaervuextnl 2132I. Kgamyuid irregular; rvnnM. 3 ; Cheese dull butltlrm- v,.t- vni- r..n cream at !3'-fc: Western rn ,-,...,.-' ,,, de fair te poed at liaise ; l0iic : Patte lestic. Petroleum dull ; refined at i WUtsfcv active at SI lrt de half skim? Petroleum dull ; refined at J' t uissy active at 3l ie. -j?eciJ?Goeil te ",rltae clever qn!vt at j'-f .)!', Flaxseed nominal at M 302133 Stock. II nrust. Xkw Yerk Stocks. Stocks steady. December 21. a. m. a. m. r. st. r. it. r. m. M 10.20 11-30 1.-20 2:3-, 3 f".1?0". i- 4Gif 4i;Ti 471-' 171-' .171- lUncricnn U. Tel. Ce union l'ucitlc..: KHi i(;ij ni; nitUMIU 4 iCAllS New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois' Central Cleveland A Pitts Chicago & Reck I l'ittsburgh & Ft. W... l'llILAPKLriUA. Stocks strong. Pennsylvania II. R.... l'litfa. & Reading..... Lehigh Vallev Lehigh Navigation... Northern Pacific Cem " P'd . Pltts.,TitJisv'e.t It.... Northern Centra! l'liiVu Erie R. R.... Northern lVnn'a Un.lt. It's erN J Hcstenville. Pass Central Trans. Ce Michigan Cent. K. R..121 fej? - ft fti? Chicago & N. W 1221; is? i5- rV J.' Chicago, 31 A St. P...lll'i mi? iiij? ,,. .7,. Uan. St. J. Cem 47. 47.; 4S 47i 47Ji ' " 1"M.... 18 7!4 !)" iistf s Teledo A Wabash 43J.C 4:i 44 tSH iP Ohie A Mississippi. .. 37'i 37 37 '8 37$? 37 St.Lenis,I.M.AS.R..54 54' i 51 " 54,'i 51? Ontario and Western. 31 3!J 31 '4 31!i 31 c. c. a I. c. R. r 20 ak an' avi acjtf New Jersey Central.. SOji .... si' se? Si Del. A Hudsen Canal. VOtf W., !1 '.le W'i Del.. Lack. A Wcsternl0t-,'4 litt lrt.";JHO"i lftVi Western Union Tel... 77 1'fii 7liJi .... 8J? Pacillc Mail S. S. Ce.. 52JJ 32 .-.-' K,i 52CJ wi yy- i'ri 4'. :c'2 1 ly 119 a 1S a-1'g 2U ia isy ia,rt a;.,, .... ; iv ii1 .... :.;; 57!.,' .... .v.., 7 37J-, eT'-j .... iM'-ji "'.'i 5','a "M i ""' .... .... .... .... il;j isj4' w .... is2 .... Kfl !." iJi -V-I .... -.NI' 'AXTE1K 1)AG. K.iS. ;as. J.V Wanted. -J'e - pr peiiuil paid for mixed rag-i as seen as delivered. Y. HKNNL'CKK J.r West King Mreet. dlS-lwd Lancaster la. j:xtj:i: ta ixm i;.v ts. A NNUAL VISIT Ol'ili-.V IIOUSL'. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21. 3IR. JOHN D. 311MILER has the honor t present the Great Corned iau-, IK) 11 SON AND CRANE, In llicir I'liprccu Icnted Sucre., SHABPS AND PLATS. A SPECULATIVE SATIRE IN l-'OURACT.s. Cutler Sharp, of t he S.m Francisce Stock Ex change. STUA RT i;i HS.-sON. Hailstone Flat, ex-parson, the prospective owner id millions, waiitingto.beabuller bear, and ever ready ler :i put. or :i call, WM. II. CRANE. Supported by their COMEDY COMPANY. 1'sices, tJO and 7.1 cuat-i. Reserved Seats, :it Yecker's, U. dlC-.'dil I JULTOX OPERA HOL'SK. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22. J. II. HAVERLY'S LATEST SUCCESS, Haverly's Widow BodeU COM E I) Yf COM PAN V, Dr.1tnati7.ed by PETROLEUM V. NAMS.Y (l It. Lecke), and presenting America': Popular Comedian, Mr. Chas. B. Bishop. The most Fidect and the funniest Ceinedv ever intreduccil. Don't forget the I'OMEDV DATE DECEM HER SS. POPULAR PRICES: ADMISSION, SB, SO A.- 7."i Cts. RESERVED SEATS, 7.Cts. Fer sale at Opera Heuse Olllee. 117-.ritd EOl: SALE OR It EXT. I'OllACCO WAKKHtlUSKS FOU KKNT. X Twe Warehouses near Reading R. R. De pot, !Yfi') feet, from Januarv I. lssi. Apnly te A. W. RI.'SSEL, 11 East King Street. Alse, fers.de houses and lets en easy t-rms. dl.S-iwdeed AUCTION. On WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 1."., SATURDAY EVBNINl!, DEC. IS. mid WED NESDAY KVENINC, DEC.22, will be sold at Burkheliler's store, corner el' (jliestiuit and Plum streets (Ne. .V.a). DRY COODS, NO TIONS, CLASS AND IJCEENSWARE and a variety of CHINA, WOOD mid TIN TOYS. Come and secure bargains. Sale toeeminenceat 7 o'clock. II. K. Rt'RKHOI.DER, decM-TuFlu Agent. ttiTY ntepKirrv at pkivatk sai.i:. The undersigned otters at private sate tin residence new occupied by In in :i t Ne. I Seuth Lime street. The house fronts III feet, mere or less, and extends in depth l'.C feet, te the ion Lutheran cl-iirch. On the setilh sidi: et the house is it private alley. The I1011-1: contains seven lat;e rooms, is newly painted and paper ed, and his gas in every room In the house. In the yard are choice grape vinesand fruit trees. The property is verv desirably located ami will lie sold at a re a-jennhic price. d-JO-tld PHILIP DOEROM. rALUAItl.H CITY I'lUlPKKTY AT I'ltlt I.IC SALE. On FRIDAY. DECEMREi: 21, 18S-I, will be sold en tin; piciniv.N, heutheast angle Centre Si-narc, the following valuable real estate, viz : Ne. I. A Let orcreuuil, Mtiilhea'-t corner el Centre Siiare, with a troutageen said sijuari sijuari efj rcet, including 3-lcet wlile alley en west side, with a liirlhcrcxtcii.-deu or said line east ward 33 reel, mere or less, te property el Abra ham Hirsb. then Mitith, 41 feet, niorrer leis. te a 3-rcet wide alley, run ning east and west. then eastward along said alley 2-iJ.i feet, mere or le.-s, te property or Isaac SI irk. thVn south '11 feet : inches. Including , said alley, mere erles. te property el Ncal Ijiyan's estate, then west r,tyt feet, mere or less, te property of ititner A. Hesteltcr. then north 15 fiet :: inches, includ ing the "-feet wide alley, mere or lc--. te Centre Sipii re. en which is cricl ed a two-story RRICK RCILDINC, formerly occupied by Dr. JU ishler ter the man ufact u re of Kilters and 'old and Sedium: alie, another part two and part three-story JSrielc Knildiug, adjoining Stirk's property en the ca-t, I.itner .v lloslettereu the west, aud Neil I Lagan's estate en thcseiilh, new used as a Dwelling aud Itcer Saleen : geed Cellar and Sewerage, as well as Oas and Water throughout thc entire buildings. Ne. 2. A Let et Cretind, situate en the north fide or Middle street, 20 lectin trout, and in depth 110j teet, iiion.-er less, te a common alley, known as Heward street, en which has been lately erected a three-story I'rh-k Dwell ing Heuse. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of.-aid day, when terms mTsale will be made known bv EL1ARETII MISIILER. "llESKVSnci!i:i:-r. Auct. U7.7td llOl.lli A 1' (SOOHS. FLIii & BREKKSIAIV. GRAND OPENING OF TOYS, CHRISTMAS GOODS. A larger stock than ever. Levcrprice-j than ever. Everv variety et Mechanical Toys. dell: dells: dells: blocks and camks. Horses, Carts, Wagons, Sleighs, Velocipedes and Bicycles. USEFUL CHISTMAS PRESENTS. Elegant Carvers.Silver-plated Knivei, silver plated Spoons, Silver-plated Ferks. The above gemlsare RedgersA Ure.'s best goods, bought utasacrllice. and will he sold very le.v. HOUSE FURNISHING COODS. Tin, fchect Iren and Weeden Waie at Crcat Bargains. Fliuu & BMuMits, Wreat Stere and Heater Stere, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. ISTATK OFMENKYGUNDAKl'.l!. E.ATK li of Lancaster clty.flccciwed. Letters et ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted therte are requested te make Immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned, resid ing In Lancaster city. SARAH E.CUNDAKER. DR. CEO. R. WEI.CHANS, Wai. It. Wilsex, Administrators. A. C. KEt.ei;uL, Attorneys. novI.'.GUleaw