s LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1880. -v ncastrr intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 20, 1880. Tobacco. TIic Xcw Yerk Market. The U. S. Tobacco Journal of the past wceksavs: i'Thc excitement caused by the several treat failures brought alieut a comparative standstill in business, liau it net bacn for an uptown cigar raanufactur ing firm that .saw lit te invest in several lets of various crop:;, aggregating eight hundred cases, hardly any transactions would have taken place. Notwithstanding the bad effects of the failures en the mar ket, the j-rcatest confidence in the future prespciity of the trade is displayed and juices of all kinds of old tobacco remain linn. The total sales of the week reach about l,."i00 cases, of which about 000 were '70 Pennsylvania. Ilalance consisted of '70 Connecticut, Ohie and New Yerk state at last week's liguics. There is in creasing inquiry for '79 Connecticut, and holders expect large sales of it after tiic holidays. Havana market quiet ; prices unchanged." The Acrtiepoitsgeol inquiry of seed leaf hiring the last week, 2,100 eases sold, mostly Pennsylvania '79 ; market linn and hleady. Ne change of movement in the cigar m irkct, trade hi isk. Cuis's Kepert. Fales of seed leaf tobacco, reported by J. S. Onus's Sen & Ce., tobacco brekcis, Ne.-,. SI and MO Wall street, New Yerk, for tin: week ending December 20, 1SS0 : 1,30 leases 1879 Pennsylvania, fillers, 7c. ; asseitcd lets, l'-i te '-I'Jc. ; wrappcis, rj te 10u. ; 200 cases 1ST!) New England, sec onds and wrappers, 12 te "ec. ; 400 cases 1S79 Wisconsin, wrappers p.t. ; 100 cases 1870 Ohie, 8 te V2a. Total, 2,000 cases. Numerous failures have shaken confidence and we expect a period of dullness for semi! time te come. Tilt) I.ate J'.iiliirc. llegaiding the late heavy failure.-; in the trade Wia. hit find says cditemlly: "The large failures in our trade dm ing the just few weeks as c no indications el an extensive financial unsoundness or com ing had time j. Nene of them show that the cause was a lack of trade or inability te c illeet outstanding accounts. They were due te either premeditated fraud or nurerluu .te investments. Against frauds and against unfortunate investments no business man cm guaid during the best or wet si of limes." Tiie Leaf takes this view of it: "The daily ptpcis, in li'perS ing the leecnt fail ings in the tobacco trade, intimate that consternation ha been produced by them in the ranks of tobacco tradesmen. It is well te state light here that, though sur prise is manifested, there is no evidence of const ei nation in the tobacco market. The losses have been heavy and unex pected, but much heavier ones will have te be encountered before a .single lipple of uneasiness will be discernible in the well-enuiiiped establish ments of our tobacco merchants and mauufautuieis. All thus far affected by the fnihucs of lbs past few days are abun dantly able te bear with cquanamity their misfei I uues, but this; fact, it must in truth be said, in no wise lessens the offense of these lcspensiblc for them. When the pledge of fceiccy, by which, en moral grounds, wj are bound, is removed, there may lie occasion for iinfaltciing comment respecting the course of some of the men who precipitated the picsent cemmeiei.i! disasters. Meanwhile, everybody may rest assured that the tobacco trade, in whole and in pair, is sound te the con.' Tr.li!e Notes. Fre. u Puiladelphia the cigaraiakcrs are rcierleil busy with encouraging pies peels. Thccigiir leaf busintss for the past week, as uni.il at this time or the year, fell oil" in amount of sales. Munuf.iclurci.s must prepare for inventory te the govern ment en (lie 1st of January, hence the business done for the balance of this mouth will be light. Prices, however, re main steady, with excellent psospecls ler a healthy spiiug trade. Frem Oliiit the crop lepeitsare favor able : no house burn lep-n ted : no buyers yet : si ripping lively. In Wisconsin few buyers ;uc about as yet. The Jive leading ai tides of cxpeil fiem the rusted Suites dining the year ended June :i0. 1SS0. were sis fellows : liicad and luv.ul-.tutr-, $2S-,0!Jrt,Sj : cel ten, uumauu facluied, v211,r:!"i,!t(ir ; previsions, 127,- 12.2 12; mineral oils, .sl:,.';.21S,;2ri ; tobacco, and maun fael uses of, $18,112,27:5. ibelaxd. I'a.intril Net; i items I'reiii llin Seat of War. The (inet'ir.s oveinment in Ireland lists been enthcly sttpei.sedcd Ijy tlisit of the Lind League. It is :;;iid lliat if nsccsssiiy leO.OO'.l sroeps can lie .sent te Ireland with in :i week. L'l-.nlen is tilling with starving Iiish iefi:;ees. The Hadicals arc rcneitcd te he supieme in the cahinet and determin ed te let things tsilse tlieir course. Organi zations similir te the Lmd League aie spriiiging up in Kugl.iud ,-iud demanding lower lents and the liht of purciisise. The Hnglish l.iudleids sue opposed irit Miily hy the wm king-classes lint even hy the shopkeepers. The (jiiccu went te the Isle of Wiirht esi S.'itutdsiy The jielice in Louden sue en the watch te siipjues.-; st inmeied intention of the Land League te nisikc si .startling blew ' in tin: city itself as an evidence of their power. Mr. Themas I. O'Connor. M. P., says that the situation in Ireland is threatening and that a bloody Christmas is net at all impiehahle. He says every male in the west of Iiel.iud is sinned with approved weapons, but. that there wsis no prob ability of a Fenian uprising. The sirms, lie said, came from Iiish-Amciicau socie ties. Captain Uoycett has been taken up by C.sptain IJuinahy and the ".lingoes" with the intention of annoying Mr. Glsid Glsid stene. The sin esfef Michael Davitt has been determined en by the government. The Orangemen el" l'ortadevvn, Ireland, bullied .Air. I'.uiicll in eiligy en Saturday ""ght. The Ifel New Vrar'n Cilt for jour I : lend is a tiei.el iuthel'TIh I!i-.iin; of the old and u liable Comiuenuealth Distii Distii butien Ce , v. bieb lal.e.J )laee en the ."1st iuM. ltcoslsenl-$Janl inaj'iesult in a fjU'olJSO, fjU'elJSO, OliO. .send te It. JI. l5e.l!iM., Louisville, Kj'., ter a lieKci. A Lueky .IliniHtcr. Ilev. A. .J. Mallerv, et" Wyoming, N. 1 ., writes: Dr. Tiiemas Eclectric Oil cured me of ltieiicliilis in one week. Our dealers all saj' they ncwr sold a medicine that has iven Hiieli eeniplele -atislaetinii, ter cough, colds asthma ami rheumatism. Fer sale by II. it. Cochran, dniisl, 137 and im, Nert-'.i Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. " I Am All riitj'cd ut' isa eeininiiii c(iiiipl.iiul. Ifj-en feel he fet a p.ielca;;eel Kdlney Weil and" take i I and veu will at once led lis tenie peuer. It renews ihe healthy aeSi'in el t lie !;idneyH. beivels and liver, and thus u-Uiri--, the natural life and sttelixlh li the wi-irv brniy. II e.m new be h.ul in ilherdiy or lnj-jlil Iniiii.aud in either way is alv.ays piem.l an. I ellldcnL XCw llelfrl filamlfinl, dllu-liidAw Wicked ler Clerj;iiicii. '1 believe it te be all w ion and even wick ed terclcrgj'incn eriillierpiiliiieuieu lobe, led iuleiviule-lii dais te iia-k- doclerx or vile stuffs called nieilicines, but ivb'iiia leally meritorious article ii made up of common valuable l-eineilie; known te ail, and that all phj-Mcians use and tnwt in daily, we should lively ceininend It. I therefore chccrlully and ncutily eemiiiead Hep Hitters for the geed tliey liave done me and my Iriends, firmly i,(. lievins thcj-havenecqiiiil for laiitlly use i will net lie without them." ltev. , Washington, 1). C (115-2wdw HelpI Help I Ueip! Thy I.r.id lielps these wlie help tlicuisclvc, Tiie Clir.stian peeU prate. Spring ItlOMVimulwaj's helps all tliee Who-e bleed', in an iti: pit restate. I'ricj, aieeiitx. liial bit lie; l'lceals. Fer sale by II. 15. Cee'ir.iu, druis', ! :; and 13!l Nerlli Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. MEDICAL. KIDNEY WORT. PEBMANENTLY CUBES KIDNEY DISEASES, L1VEK COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION AND FILES. Dr. It. II. Clark, Seuth Here, Vt., says. "In cases of Kidney Troubles It has :icicl like a charm. It lias cured many very lrI cases of I'i'.es, and has never tailed te ait cfliciently. Kelsen Fairchtid, of St. Albans, Vt., siys, 'It 13 of priceless value. Alter sixteen year-, of great suirerlnfflrem I'ilcs and Ce-;tiveness It completely cured ne." C. S. Hosaben, et Berkshire, say, '-One package lias lone wonders ferme in complete ly curing a severe I.iver and Kidney Com plaint." IX EITUEK LKJCID OK UllY I'OIIM IT HAS WONDERFUL POWER. WHY? llecausu It acts en the LIVKK. BOWELS and KIDN'EIS at the hjuue time. Because it cleanses the system et the poison ous humors that develop in Kidney and Uri uarj Disease, Biliousness, Jauudnv. Consti pation, IMIes, or in BhcuniatNin, Neuralgia, Xcrveu Disorders and Female Complaint;. ttr- It Is put up in Dry Vegetable I'erni, m JSS-tin cans, one package el which makes -iv 3"-quarts et medicine. 3 Alse in J.ifiuhl Ferm, very Cei.centratt d 3"ler the convenience et these who eauuet 3"H'ailiIy picparc it. It uel ti'irh equal Jie' efficiency in cither form. ;i:t it of yeuudkccijist. im:ici:,i. V ELLS, imifl.VKDSON Ac CO., Prep's, Dtii-llitt.iif, Vt. (Will send the dry pmt-pahl.) dec l'i lyiKVu 1 valuaulk TKUTllS. If you are suU'crlng irein peer heallii, or languishing en a bed of .sickness, take cheer, ler Hep Hitters Will Cure Ven. It you arc simply ailing: if you ieel weak and dispirited, without clearly knowing why, Hep Hitters Will iScilve Ien. If you are a minister, and haw overtaxed yeur-clt with your pastoral duties; or a mother, worn out w illi cire and work. Hep Hitters Will Kcstore Vnu. II you are a man et busine-s, weakened by thesiiaiu el veurcviM-yday duties; r a in-iii et letters, te:liiifj ever your midni-jhl weik, Hep Bitter.. Will Strengthen Veu. It you sivu jeung, and MuTci-lug from any in disciction,eraic growing tee i.;-t, as is iiltca tl:e case. Hep 1'itlcrs Will Kclicve Veu. II you are in the workshop, en the iarm,at tbeileskanywheiv, and ieel that your system needs cleansing, tenin-j or sliniub-tiug with out intoxicating. Hep Hitters is Wliut Veu Need. II you aie old, and veur pulse is leeble, your nerves unsteady, and your faculties waning, Hep Hitters will give ;,e-.i New I.ile and Iger. Hep Uihers 3I:uiiifsiciiring Company, Koche-,ter, Xcw Yerk, ami Terente, Ontario. dccO-lvd.MWF&w riMli: KSH'OKIUM FOK HOLIDAY I'KES- 1 ENTS. Fresents ler all at FBEVS CITY l'flABMACY, North Queen, corner Orange stieet. Lancaster, i'a. An immense variety el Toilet f-cts. Ladies' and I'cntV Companions, Lielic -.' Cahhas, Russia Leather ami Seal hkin I'oe!vel-l5eoks, Letter and Card 1'asc-J. Fans, Cigar Cases, Ve. Fine Cologne-, Toilet V, ntcrs. Cut (Slass Ueltles, Ac. S-C"ALL AMI i:AMINi:. RI0W1D GfllH STRUP! A IMeas.mt, Sale, Speedy and Sure Uemtdv ler Colds, Cough-., Hoarseness, Asthma, I mlii en.a, soreness el the Tlueat ami Chest. ISrenchiti-. Whooping Cough, spit ting et ISloed, Inllaiiiiuatien et the Liings,ani' all Di-euM-M.r t hi" Chest and A i r l':is-.iges. This alualde prep.ir.ilien eemlnne-i all tue medicinal a ii lues of these articles which long experience has proved te pecs. the mesi sale and ellieient iuali(ies ter 1 lie cine et all liliuls of Lung Diseases. 1'iIee'J'i lent-. 1'ie parcd enlv and -ild by CHAS. A. L0CHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. O KAST KIN45 STICI'.irf. elC-lld S IO!.ll).' .VY GOODS HULL'S )11UG STORE Ft'llE I'.OIIEMI TOILET SET-. KICIILYCl'T AND F..Gi:AVKI COLOGNE BOTTLBS. A Lar" Variely el Elegant ODOIl CASE.s aud&TANDS, FEIiFC.MEKV l). Es. ,Vc. Alse an EiTns-ive Asvntiucnl el Toilet and Fancy Art ides, ItUU.SlIE COM IIS and JUKIMIi: TOILET bETS. Anieiiean, French ami Enlidi PERFUMERY. nd n variety of ether ;;e.nls suitable lei l'rei'iils, el v. hich my hteelj N larger than ever beleie. G. W. HULL, Ne. 15 WKST KING KTKKET, :iuaiS-ljd LANCAThlt, l'.. INVALIDS TAKE NOTICE. NEAltLY ,000 PERSONS have placed themselves under my charge l nr Iiiir this last tliree vcar-i in Itcii'iliii-r :uii 1 hi- cilj-. Ouc-liall eflhein lit leasl mck' called in curables. Chronic cases et Dvspepsij, Con Cen Con suuiitien. Itheii:iuili-m. and oilier aliiietieus. Nearly all reported 1 lie same steiy, vi: I have tried niaiij- doctera and quack fiieilicines, all in vain. 1 am discouraged. While euiiii; the sick in tliCM-twe cities ever IJlwi deaths have occurred iiietlierphj-sieiaiis'piactlee.and net a halt-dozen in mine. Won't veu in person (at my ellices) or by letter in estiaii- mj- reniurk ablc euies. Men and women side ler veaisi.un der mj'pnict ice Mere in a lew dav-t or weeks cui-ed. Send or call and ;;et a l'-'-patre paiuph let (tice), containing Hie names of people thus nipidlj euied heic in Lancaster. All cured bv placing in j- Inexpensive liiedieiucs en the out side et the beilj'. Ne poisons iise1,"uiid no dings, syrups, lulls, powders, billeis, or ether such vile stulfs placed in the stomach, foil feil ttiltftlinn? ami I'mminatiimi J-'rec at ma epiccs. Hundred have been ciired et Catarrii ler Till cents. Cure Quick ler Catanh sent te any ad dress in tiie United States 1 or ."! cents. DE. C. A. GREENE, (:52 Years Expei Icnce), Ne. S3B N'OltTII QUKISN STKKKT, 30ttdMWFAS Lancaster. Fa. " DR. SAMORFS LITEE INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sale by all Drnszbta. ollS-lvced&alteow TJKMOVAI.. IV MRS. M.A. KDWAIiDS has removed her Millinery Stere te Ne. aw West King street, where she will be pleased te s.ce all her old custemera. Hen nets. HatH, Kllib:uis, Satins Velvets, Kealhcrs-, Flower.-, &e., will beheld cheaper than ever bnferc. Call and fee. uev2lnid CL071IIXG. CIIItlSTMAS :OODS II i: LOW COST! CIIKIST3IAS COODS UKLOW COST! CIIUIM'MAS GOODS UELOIV COsT ! RATHVON & FISHER Arc selling eir tlieir entire stock of HEADY MADE CLOTHING below cost. Alse FURNISHING GOODS. KHOM NOW UNTIL JAXUAUY 1st AT. COST. CLOTHING made te order in the prevailing styles ami at medium prices. C0K.X0KTII qUKKXamlORAXGK STS., I.ANCASTKH, PA., RATHVON & FISHER., MERCHANT TAIL.ORg. (lecK-2wd OVERCOATS! Closing mi tat a gie.it reduction eui'iniinense Sine et Novelties in Owi coatings. Fur Beavers, eal Skin, Elysian, Mentanak, Batina and Chinchillas. All the New anil most Desirable fctjhs STOiKANETTS, IN NEW COLOHS AND CHOICE .STVLES Why net leave your order at once and secure an Elegant, Stylish, Well Made and Artistic Cut Garment as low as !S"0. A LAUGH LINE OF CHOICE Ellis !nii e"l AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, J.KSMAUNG'S, THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STIIEKT, .V WA.S FALL BPEIilG H. GBRHART'S MONDAY, 0(rr0i:KK 11 Hi, 18S0. f A Cemp!et Stock et Cleths, Suitings -AXD- OVERCOATINGS, which for elegance cannot be uip.escd. I"ie Largis! As-erlincnl et ENGLISH AIJD SCOTCH SUITINGS in this city, l'liee-i as low a the lowest at H.GERHART'S Ne. 51 North Ousan Street. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! We have new l'-idj- ler &ale an Immcn-c Stock et Reafly-Iafle Mil -1 en Fall and Winter, i.hich aie Cut and Triuinie.l in the Latest fttjie. We can gie j-eu a GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In gieat variety, made te ei.Ier at sheit notice al the lewe-t pi ices, 3. B. Hesteiter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, (Mjd LANCASTER, I'A. HOLIDAY GOODS. - Jt FLLj! & baseman" GRAND OPENING OF TOYS, eilelAS GOODS. A larger stock than ever. Lewer prices than ever. K very vai iel y of Mechanical Toys. JOLI,! DOLLS! IIOLLS! 1SLOCKS ANI (iAMKS. Ilnrse-J, Carts, Wagen-, Sleighs, Velocipedes ami llicyclcs. US1CFUL CII1STJIAS fllKSKNTS. Klegant Cai-ver.s,i5ilver.plated Knives, Stlver- )lal;d Spoons, bilvcr-pla'.ed Ferks. The above oedsarc Kedgii& llre.'s best goods, bought at a Kicrillce. and will be sold very le.v. 1IOUSK FUUNISIIING HOODS. Tin, J-heet Iren and Weeden Ware at tlreat Ilaraiu-. i . i i real Stere mill I Setter Stere, 152 North Queen Street, .VNCASTKK. I'A. Tieril Esiliial Fllffl Breneman's DUX GOODS, VSDERWEAB, SC. JUtlVEtTIJJ 13C SCARF PINSs. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN U3DERSHIKTS AND DKAWERS, AT E. J. ERISMAITS, THE SHIltTMAKEU, 6S NOHTI1 4JDEKN STItKKT LADIES' COATS, LADIES' COATS, LADIES' COATS. We would call the attention et tiie ladies te our large stock et the above goods, which have alt been REDUCED IN PRICE TO El'I' KCT RAPID SALES. Tlieie in want should net tail te see them beleie purchasing. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court IIou.he. Holiday Goods. Holiday Goods. Holiday Goods. & Arcellering a lirge and Attractive Asseit meiitet goods suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS! HOLIDAY GOODS! HOLIDAY GOODS! We ate new shen ing a large stock et goods in cveiy department. J. I). MAHTIN & CO. in our Diess Ceeds Department we aie showing some staplcgoeds for l'rcr-cnt-. Illack Silks and Hlack Cashmeres. We claim that our lllack Caluueres me special value. All we ask is a compari son with ether goods. In low-piiced goods we have a handsome line, that will be .sure te please. J. K. MAHTIN & CO. In our Klankct and Flannel Depait ment we are showing goods that will make some very acceptable I'rc-cnN. Among them we mention I'.laukets, Ladles' Skirts, Ac. J. B. MAKTIN & CO. In our llesicrj- anil Underwear De- p.utnient you will tlml an elegant stock of Hosiery ami Underwear, all .sizes and pikvs, for Ladies, Gents and Childicn. .1. B. MAKTIN & CO. In our (Jueensware Department we are show ing the largest anil Il.iest line in the city, at prices, tee, that you will lliul ligh.t. We have a choice line et" Ilai ilandS Art Plaqiu-s, French China Cups and Saucers, Moustache Collect, 11. & Jl. Sets; China flatcs, Cups and S mcers for Children: Tea Set-, French China Fruit 1'ialcs, &e. All the goods aie handsomely decorated, and make elegant l'rcsenls. Glassware and .Ma jolica Ware. We arc shewingthe largest line el Decorated Chamber Sets. Hand ed Sets as low as $J.50. J. B. MARTIN & CO. In ether departments we are hhew Ing Gossamer Knbbcr Clothing, Silk and Alpaca Umbrellas, Crumb Cleth-, Ungs, Fancj Seap, rcrfuinerj-. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. 5"We tcspectfully solicit a call. J. B. MARTIN & CO., . Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER, PA. GHOVEKUSS. UIKISTMAS WINKS ANU I.IOt.'OKS, AT RINGWALT'S ALSO Fresh Groceries and Fare Spices. Candy. Nuts, &c, alt at Xe.2U.-i WEST KING STUEET. rvnv a i'oune of the delicious 8 o'clock Breakfast Coffee. :e: ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA CO., Ill NORTH QUEEN STUEET, dUMjaul , Lancaster, Pa. BAKER BROTHER DJIX GOODS. SPECIAL LOW PRICES ix- HOLIDAY GOODS, Givler, Bewers & Hurst's, Ne. 25 BAST KING STREET. Elegant assortment of Silk Handker chiefs trem YlYt cents up te finest qual itj'aml choicest stj-lesahd colorings. Elegant aseitmcnt of Ileinstitchcd and Fancj- llerdercd Linen Ilandkcr ciileis. Mild separately- or put up in Fancy llexes at special low prices. Elegant assortment of Linen Damask Towels at special low prices. Elegant as-eituicnt of White Linen Damask Table Clelhs w Ith Xapklns te match, at special low prices. Elegant assortment of Fine Tnrkcj Ked Damask Tabic Cleths with Napkins te match, nt special low prices. Elegant assortment of Japanese anil Leather Goods, at special low prices. Klecant assortment et Fine Suspen ders, Silk and Ciiblmierc Milliters. Scarfs ami Hews, ut special low prices. Elegant assortment of Shawls and Skirls, at speeiallj' low pi ices. New Ulaek Silks in best (piaUtics, war ranted net te crack or break, lust re ceived and will be sold at speeiallj low prices during the Holidays. Elegant assortment ersilk and Alpaca Umbrellas with all the newest designs in handles just received, at .spcciallj .spcciallj lew prices for the Helidayx. Elegant assortment el Ladies', Gen tlemen's, Hoj-s' and Misses' Gossamer WaterproelClothinginverjbest makes, nt speeiallj low prices during the lieli-daj-.s. Speeiallj low prices ruling in everj depailment. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, Ne. 25 East King Street, VLOTUIXG. Hew tew people there are that are geed judges of CLOTHING. Can j'eu tell where the dillereiice or 50c. or $1 is en a Fine Suit or an Overcoat. Ncarlj everybody (and it is te their inteiest that they should) relies upon the judg ment of whom thej buj. The prices et our goods weie very low belere the re duction, ami new en tour et our tebies we have a few ODD SUITS, ODD COATS AND ODD PANTS, that we eirer j-eu much less than real value. We cannot all'erd te sell them at cost. Itut they cost us he little we can all'erd te.sell them at the prices thej are marked, which are very low WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 3T EAST KING STUEET. Our stock el Gents' Furnishing GoecN is very large ut present. All kinds et Gloves and Neckwear. Woolen Shirts at very low prices. Underwear Irein the vei y cheapest te lull regular made, ALL WOOL. Silk Handkerchiefs for 10, ivr.,37, t-.,tt, ;::, sj, trie, $i, $i.a-, sueeS $!.. With Silk Mulileis lieiu $l.'r. te $5, and Fine Suspenders Li large iuan lities. Furtlleves In evtra large nlcs and ut all prices, from -fl.US te $10. All these geed" are sclliug at the lowest cash prices. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 30 EAST KING STR1-.ET. GOAL. B. " flIAKTI.N. Wholesale mid Uetall Dealer in all kinds et LUM liEli AND COAL JC3"Vunl: Ne. 4S) North Water and 1-rince streets alie. e Lemen. Lancaster. n't-lj-il COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal nt tiie Hest Ouallty put up expressly ler family use, and at the low est market prices. THY A SAMPLE TON. 3- VAKU 150 SOUTU WATliK ST. neil ly.l 1MIIM1- SCIIUM.SON & CO. C0H0 & WILEY, !Ui XOItTII WATUlt ST., Lancaster, l'a., Wholesale and Uctail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection Willi the Telephonic Exchange. Knincli Office : Xe. 3 XOItTII DUKE ST. ieb2S-lya r1U TO REILLY & KELLER -P0R- GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Fanners and ethers in want et Superior Manure will lind it te their advantage te call. Yard. Harrisburir l'lke. ) Olllce. aij Kast Clicstnut street, i asl7-ltil COAL! COAL!! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kind ofCOALgeto RUSSBL & SHULMYER'S. Quality and Wei-jht guar.ni teed. Orders rc Kpectlullj yellciled. OFFICE: 28 East King Street. YABD: C18 North l'nncc Street. auuH-taprlSlt MRS. C. L.IL.LER, LADIES HAI1CDKESSEK Mauiifactuicraud Dealer In Hair Werk, Indies and Cents' Wi-rs. Ceinbin-;-. li-.u"litened and made I e outer. Hair Jeivclrv of all kinds made up. Alse. Kul Glevcsand Feat herb cleaned and I dj'e.1, ut Xes. S HinlM7 North Queen stieet I four doers above 1. 1U 11. Depot. el-r.md DRY I01ER, COLLADAT & Ce, 1412 and 1414 Chestnut St. PffTT.Arn-TT.PTITA The general improvement in business the past year, with the prospect et a very large in creased demand for all kinds of Dress Goods, Induced all American buyers of Foreign Ceeds te place immense orders. This was universally the ease, se much ae that, perhaps without exag geration, 50 per cent, mere goods were imported than the country could possibly consume. As a consequence, there h.is been a great break in prices in a great manj fabrics, which w a"mll fullj-mcet. WE SHALL SELL Ihnncr Prices. All Weel Armnres French Flannel smtlnirs '." 1.011 French Striped Fancies (all silk and Weel) French Shoedas (in all colors) French Urecftdcs (all Silk and Plain French 1'hiids Finest French i:recades(iuscvcniI LSI . M 1.73 . 1.00 1.C0 i30 In addition te our offerings in the above goods, we have some lines of very choice goods of which It Is difficult te meet the demand. In which we have a very choice assortment, both in cloth and colorings. CLOTH SUITINGS: 41-inch Cleth Suitings (vcrj- desirable goods! $e.7." ril-inch Cleth Suitings (in all coleis 1.10 51-inch Cleth Suitings 1.20 FRENCH Our make of these goods we believe te be the bct in the market, and the assortment et celeis our en n selection. -UMneli French Shoedas f0.S7'i I 15-inch French Shoedas $1.12 FINE CAMEL'S HAIR: Our assortment et tlKse beautiful goods Is still complete, from SI.-.I te SJ2.50. Wc Iinvi jttst receii ed one case et Camel's Hair in Evening Shades in vcrj beautiful quality, in Crutui, I'ink and Light 1'lue, -III inches wide, te sell at 91.25. BAREGE DE VLRGINIE: We have just received one case of this vcrj desirable texture for Evening Ilrcsaeii, quality very superior, in Cream, IMnU and Light Itlue, 27 incites wide, te sell at 50c. GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOAKS AND DOLMANS. WATT, SHAND. & COMPANY have made large purchases of these goods an aj below niiinntactiirer's prices. HANDSOM ELY TRIM M ED Jlel.M AXS at $S and $10 each, wertn 25 imt cent. mere. Karc Value In LADI ES' CLOA KS at $2, :;. 5. $7. 0. h, $12,511. One Let LADIES' U1CEY ULSTEU CLOTH COATS at f 1.75, would be cheap ut $S. JUST OPENED AN I'LEUAXT LINE Of HOLIDAY GOODS. Japanese Ware. Chinese Novelties, Kioto Waie. Thousands of tare and beautiful articles at LOWEST CITY 1'ltICES. NEW YORK STORE, 8 AND 10 EAST KING STBEET. MILLISHKY NEW GOODS FOR GMDAKEE'S EMPOBITrM. LADIES, for New, Desirable, and Cheap Silk Handkerchiefs, Lace Tics, But But eons of all Kinds, Collets, Kid and Lisle Thread (Jleves, Hosiery, &c., call at GTJN DAKER'S. A Full Line of Fancy Aitieles .suitable for a NICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT, offered cheap at OUNDAKKIi'S. Alse, an indiiecimyit in the MILLiNEKY DE PAKTiMENT, with a view te closing out the entire Sleck. Plush Bennets and Hats offerod at a Sacrifice. Plush and Volveto all Shades, sold cheap. Bennets and Hate in F rench and "Weel Felts, for 50 and 75c. C3"(ive ns a call and examine our stock, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. VLOrillXG. GREAT SLAUGHTER IN CLOTHING. GRAUD MARK DOW AT GMTEE HALL. Will be bold in sixty daj s TEj TllOCSAXD DOLLAUS WOltTII or HEAVY WINTER CLOTHING, Withr.tit re-rard te cost. New i eiir time te secure a -reed Miitet Clothing for very little money, Ke.uly-made or Made te Order. OVERCOATS IN G11KAT VARIETY, Fer Men. Yeiilhsaini llej-s. Men's Dress Suits, .Men's l'usiucs splits. Youth- hulls In every slj-le. ISevh' Clothing, a veryChoiee Varietj. litf Den'l fail te (-.ill and secure some of I lie bai-jrains. MYERS a RATHFON, X. 1L EAST KINK STJiKKT, LA.NCASTKIt, 1'ESiX'A, VlllXA AXD GLASS If A Jit:. R IIMIIAV GOODS. " T T T AT A T T ATI I .n 1 M n r L L AAAJ.-BAA. m. j.m. m. -- We are Opening Dailj New HOLIDAY GOODS HA VI LAND CHINA. MAJOLICA WAKE, FANCY HOODS O LASS W A ICE, DECORATED CHAMBER SETS. All of the Finest Quality and Dccor.itiens and at the LOWEST PRICES. J&3HJ1VE US A CALL. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 KAST KING STREET. KOHLS, JILAXKKTS, Jkl. s IGX OF THE miFFALO HEAD. ROBES! KOBE3!! BLANKETS ! DLNKKTS I have new en hand the Lai;:ist, Kkbt and Chkapkst Absertmkst of Lined ami Unliued I1UFFALO KOISE.S in the citj. Alse LAI AND HOUSE BLANKETS of every dc:fri dc:fri tlen. A lull Hue or Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 3-KepaIrlnK neatly and preuijdly done.-ft A. MILBY, 10S North Queen St., Ijtneasler. iVlydMWAS 1)AIXTING. . All kinds el ileu.su I-uiiitiii; and (-raining done ut. tin--lierIi-l iielieeaml in the best pos sible. Myl". We have reduced our prices te 91.73 per day. Miopen Chailetti; street, eclimd ALLEN CUTHBIE & feONS. GOODS. Jbrmr Prices. Camel's Hair Stripes $0.US ll.li Itrocade-Xoveltics 75 ise French Fancies (vcrj costly goods.. .75 2.75 English Novelties . .50 French Ilandkerchtels, sijuares 75 1.50 French Handkerchiefs, squares .65 1.50 French Novelties !. 2.75 French Novelties 90 1.50 51-inch Cleth Suitings. 51-inch Cleth Suitimrs. 5t-lnch Cleth Sultiugti. .91.25 . 1.50 . 2.00 SHOODAS : THE HOLIDAYS, AT- I'AI'XK IIAXGtSGS, &r. i t he ClieaiMst. hini'ilest ami Itest in the Market ! Made el Walnut. Meulding three and fem ' inehes wide, and Xcw 1'attcrns. We have then tliirleen dlirerent waj.s, and very low In price FINE EISONY AND WALNUT CURTAIN POLES, with llrass I'ln;,'-". Ends and Ilracket.-'. AH Walnut and Ash Poles complete. Phiin Window IShades All Celers and Widlhs. Hellanils, i'aper tains. Fixtures. Fringes, CenN, TasselN, l.( l'ieture Nails, Tassel Heeks. Ac. Cur- .oops. Openini; almost dally New btj-lesef WALL PAPER, J. FOi: TJIK COMIXG SPUING. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. SLMGIIS, XV. SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! AT EDGERLEY & CO.'S, 1'ractfcal Carriage BHllders, M.u-Ket Street, Bear of Central Market Houses l.an easier, l'a. Wc have en band a Larye Assortment et PORTLAND, ALBANY, AND DOUBLE SKAT SLEIGHS, Which wc offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Alse a full line or BUGGIES and CAB KlAC'Kh all el our own well known make (jive us a call. 5-Bcpairing promptly attended te. n-K-Ud&w