Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 20, 1880, Image 2

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lancajrtcr Intelligencer.
Twe Subjects of Taxation.
We cannot agree with the Chickies
iron company, whose memorial we print
elsewhere, that the tax upon the divi
dends or capital of manufacturing cor
porations is unjust or unwise. On the
contrary we think it both just and wise.
It is just, because it is a charge for the
corporate privilege; and it is wise, be
cause it is a tax which is readily col
lected and which cannot be escaped by
any member of the class upon which it
is laid the class of corporations. "We
can hardly imagine why the Chickies
iron company or any manufacturing
company should object te pay the state
for the privilege of incorporation which
they ask from it. Te be sure their labor
is beneficial te the state ; but se it would
be if they conducted ic as partners.
c It is true, no doubt, that it is te the
interest of the state te encourage capi
tal te embark in manufacturing indus
try; and the state recognizes this by au
thorizing the formation of corporations
for the purpose. Hut the state has like
wise a duty te perform te these who pre
fer te engage individually in manufac
turing. It is mere te her interest that
manufactures should be by individuals
than by corporations. The latter are
very objectionable, in some of their fea
tures, te the public interest. It is
only because of the fact that
large amounts of capital cannot
well be get te work together, but under
ceriwrate piivilcgcs,that corporations are
created. Small works with small cap
ital, and many of them, are, we certain
ly believe, mere advantageous te the
state than great ones. Such can best lie
conducted by individuals, both for their
own and the public interest. It would
lie vei-v wremr therefore for the state te
put companies of men. having valuable
corporate privileges :is a gift from her,
en a footing with companies of individ
uals without such privileges and risking
all their substance in their business'
Such legislation would give us nothing
but corporations : and we have them, as
it is. (7( MdlCfril)!.
They ought in justice te pay for their
privileges handsomely, and we consider
the'tax upon their dividends or capital
one 01 me most ivneuceni impescu uy
the state. And it is furthermore te be
noted that they all can eseaje from it
who are willing te associate themselves
under the limited partnership act. The
state, in its exceeding benevolence te
manufacturers, in li74 passed a very lib
eral law enabling them te associate to
gether in business under a liability lim
ited te theii;capital,impesing upon them,
asji chief restraint, the necessity of put
ting the word " limited " after their title
en all occasions, se that no one dealing
with them should be deceived as te their
responsibility. Wc knew of no geed rea
son why men, who proffer their creditors
a limited liability, should object te pro
claiming it; and any corporation of man
ufacturers, who think they pay tee dear
for their privileges in the corporation
tax exacted of them, can successfully
glide away from it by reorganizing
under the limited liability act; we rec
ommend them te de it, and te leave the
company of the bigger craft of corpora
tions who find themselves amply repaid
for the tax they pay by the opportunities
they acquire te swindle the people.
With the ether position taken in the
petition of the Ciiickies iron company,
that no tax en mortgages should lie laid,
we are in hearty sympathy; and for the
reason that in our judgment it is neither
just nor wise. It is net just, because the
land is already taxed as real estate, and
a tax en the debts which are a lien upon
the land, puts a double lax upon the
land. Furthermore, it is objectionable
as a tax iihiii a debt, which the debtor
has te pay directly or indirectly ; and a
debtor is an unfair subject for taxation.
And it is net a wise tax, because it can
net be equally collected from all in the
class subject te it. At least it is net.
The ditlicultiesseem te be tee much for
the average assessor, for it is notorious
that a very small sum. indeed, of the
total amount of judgments and mort
gages is ever returned for taxation. Yet
:is the liability exists, the debtor is often
required te assume the burthen of the
tax in the contract of lean, it being gen
erally, however, stipulated that it will
net lie collected unless it is collected from
the lender. Sharp business people dealing
with each ether, thus guard themselves
in relation te this tax ; and the weight
of it does net often fall upon them. It
is the simple man, and the widow, and
these in moderate circumstances, who
have a little money at interest that their
neighbors all knew about it and that
they de net conceal from the tax-gatherer,
who bear the chief burthen of the tax en
judgments and mortgages. Ami they
are just the ones who should net bear it.
Taxation should fall most heavily upon
the rich, who are best fitted te sustain
it and who reap the chief advantages of
the protection afforded by the taxing
government. And wise legislation is
directed thus te impose it, though the
work is undoubtedly
one of great dilli-
Tiie contest in the Allegheny Republi
can delegation, for the senatorial nomin
ation, between Bayne, Oliver and Moor Moer Meer
head, seems about te be decided in OH
ver's favor, and lie will therefore appear
at Harrisburgas Urew's opponent, back
ed by the whole Allegheny vote, except
two members pledged te Grew. The
fight for the scualership between Grew
and Oliver, looking te us pretty much as
the light between the husband and the
bear did te the wife, wc are likely te con
template it with calmness ; nevertheless
we would give mild applause te Oliver, en
the principle which no doubt controlled
the wife te applaud the bear with some
what the most vigor; she intimately
knew the man and was perfectly aware
of his meanness and worthlessness ; the
bear she did net knew and could only
judge adversely from his associations. We
have no hesitation in declaring' our opin
ion that Mr. Grew is wholly unworthy
te represent this great state in the United
States Senate.
Fruit cakes are ripe.
Christmas is coming new.
Garfield will make a tour of the dif
ferent canals next season. Hayes is geed
for one mere year of agricultural fairs.
Neither Floed, the millienaiie, nor
Stanford, the railroader, will ruu for
United States senator in California. Gen.
Miller's election is anticipated.
Governer Fester has simplified the
senatorial situation in Ohie by withdraw
ing in the interest of harmony. This
clears the way for Sherman.
Since f3Irs. Hays get her new china
guests at White Heuse dinners take soup
from plates fashioned after the laurel
blossom and eat fruit from a porcelain
leaf a la apple tree.
The Harlan & Hollingsworth company,
of Wilmington, is building passenger cars
for a Spanish railway, entering a field
which England has hitherto monopo
lized. ' New Yerk Sun : " Seme people think
that Congress has uet done much, se far.
They probably de net knew that it has
passed a bill completely changing the
" On, dear !" exclaimed Penniiuan, " I
wish I could excel in something ! I de
believe if I should kill a man it wouldn't
be anything but murder in the second de
gree !"
A Bosten woman, 80 years old, was
found starved te death a few days since.
The philanthropists of Bosten were se
busy paying llve dellais and upward te
see Sarah Bernhardt that the unfortunate
woman's case was entirely overlooked.
Norrittewn Herald.
Ex-Candidate Weaver was thclrecipi
cut of a stand of llewers from "ladies of
Washington" the ether day. The floral
gift was accompanied by a note te this
gushing effect : "Te the real here in the
late political contest : his is nioie
glorious than victory."
Ir it was nearer the first of April wc
ceulu mere easily be induced te believe
that a " dolegation of gentlemen from In
diaua, Westmoreland and Armstrong
counties have returned from a trip te Men
ter, Garfield's home, where they had been
pressing upon the president-elect the
name of General Harry White for a cabi
net position, either the army or navy port
folio." Tun New Yerk society
which aims te
the creotien of
introduce and te promote
better dwelling houses for the ioei or classes
is cusasred new iu putting up thirteen
buildings each six stories high, built of
brick. Iuside the block will be a square,
which will be planted with linden trees.
Every room has a large window te the
open air, and the stair cases will be made
of fireproof slate and iron. About 132
families, averaging five te each, will be
accommodated, and the rents will net ex
ceed from $7 te 12 per month, or the
emn f-lmf is mw lti,xfjl fin- tint il:Hlf
unhealthy rooms of the tenement house
If the experiment is a success, ether ven
tures of the same kind will be made.
Petter county, Pa., is without railroads,
populous towns, manufactories, or extend
ed industries and enterprises. Ne licenses
te sell liquor have been granted there since
1832, fourteen out of twenty-six townships
levied no peer tax whatever for 1879.
The jail is empty the greater part of the
time. The cost of bearding prisoners for
1879 was $30.36, and the commonwealth
court costs for the same year was$448.87.
In 1851 with less than half the present
population, they paid $003.43 in common
wealth costs. The ceuuty had three jury
courts last year, all adjourned before
the close or the first week. The grand
jury for the past year cost the county $590.
At the same price per day the grand jury
of 1851 cost $804.02, shewiug that with
mere than double the population, the crim
inal expenses are less.
Garvield sweeps the snow from his
own steep. Useful man, that.
Lord Beacenskield's "Endymion" is
said te have paid him about fifty cents a
Mr. Jehn W. Mackey, millionaire, has
premised Bowdoin college an endowment
of $50,000.
Secretary Evarts is said te have an cye
directed towards Justice Hunt's scat en
the supreme bench.
Mmc. Christine Nilsson in her home
wears a simple, dark dress and no jewelry.
She docs uet like te receive interviewers.
Ex-Queen Isauella, new a fat, ungain
ly, but geed-natured-looking woman,
drives about Paris iu a handsome landau,
drawn, net by horses, but by four mules.
Mr. William H. English pays taxes en
property in Indianapolis alone valued at
about $700,000. That sum doesn't include
his mortgages, bends, stocks and property
in ether parts of Indiana.
Jehn Randelph, of Virginia, en being
asked why the " Old Dominion" did net
prosper mere, he replied : " Why the ne ne
geoes raise the corn, the hogs cat the corn
and the negrees eat the hogs.
Justin McCarthy is of medium height
has a delicate face, with a long, fair beard,
and appears te be a severe student His
son has already made his way iu litera
ture. Victeria Woodhull was te have been
married in Londen en the 15th iust. te
Martin Lembard, a banker, but the mar
riage was postponed iu consequence of
stories from America assailing her char
acter. Senater Bcrnside entertains like a
prince. He has retained his camp servants
and cook since army days. The butter and
vegetables used at his Washington dinners
are made and raised en his Rhede Island
Last April Jehn Kelly visited Bosten
te deliver a lecture for charitable purposes,
and the following bill, approved by Mayer
Prince of that city, has just appeared :
10 refreshments en occasion or tee visit
of the controller and friends of New Yerk,
The late Mrs. Guete, wife of the histo
rian, was a high .spirited, hevdenish sort
I of a girl ; rode without a saddle and sailed
a beat. Sydney Smith once said of them :
" I de like them both se much, for he is
se lady-like and she. is such a perfect gen
tleman." Yielding te Count Harry Ven Arnim's
repeated solicitations and en the sircngth
of medical certificates the court has grant
ed him six mouths' respite before under
going the terms of his sentence. The pub
lie prosecutor has appealed against this
decision. The count's health is in a des des
nerate condition. He is staying at Nice.
The marriage of the Princess Delge
keuki with the Czar will he declared legal,
she receiving the title of Duchess of Hol-stein-GettroD.
and her children will be
princes and princesses of that title. The
czar and his family will retire te Livadia
in the Crimea, he remaining emperor in
the name ; the actual authority, however,
residing in the Czarevitch.
Mr. Jehn G. Whittier's birthday anni.
vcrsary, which fell en Friday, when he
was seventy-three years old, was observed
in the public schools of Portland, Oiegen,
and Mount Vernen, Ohie. Mr. Whitticr
new lives at Oak Knell, Danvcrs, Mass.,
and enjoys excellent health. 5. He watches
politics closely and is familiar with even
the miner party movements.
In accordance with Hayes' determination
te get as many of his friends as possible
provided for before he quits he has notified
the chiefs of the different executive de
partments te make up lists of all the com
missions expiring before the termination
of his own term of office, 111 order that
the nominations may be sent te the
Senate without delay.
Senater Wallace has written a circular
letter te the Democratic members of the
coming Pennsylvania Legislature request
ing their votes for United States senator.
He bases the request en the fact that he is
the senior United States senator from the
Keystone state ; that he has served the
Democratic party of the state for six years
in the upper branch of the national Legis
lature, and that the nomination is but an
empty honor at best.
The First regiment N. G. fair in Phila
delphia netted $30,000 for the regiment's
armory. It was far from an n. g. affair.
The cerpse found -in a trunk checked te
Newcastle has turned out te be a "stiff"
bought for 83 and shipped te a green med
ical student. Let him have it.
The mayor of Philadelphia has been re
quested te appoint a commission te con
sider the matter of the establishment of a
standard of boiler pressure.
At Stcelten, Dauphin county, early en
Sunday morning Sam I Gilbeut was attack
ed by heart disease and died before medi
cal aid could be had.
Charles Sickles, of Seranteu, by mistake
yesterday gave his wife carbolic acid in
stead of chlorate. She died in a few heuis
and he has gene crazy.
Jacob F. Kulp. a soldier of the war of
1S12 and the eldest citizen of Pottstown,
died in that borough en Friday, aged 88
years, 1 month and IS days.
After first reporting inability te agree
the jury iu the Bertrec murder case, at
Hencsdalc, found him iruilty of murder in
the second degree. The verdict was a
Yesterday was a day e( tribulation te
the thirsty of Philadelphia iu consequence
of the sreucral enforcement of Mayer Stok-
lcv's recent order requiring all drinking
The State Grange of Pennsylvania,
Patrons of Husbandry, concluded a very
harmonious session at Grcciishurg, last
week. The following officers weie in
stalled, te serve for the ensuing two years :
Master, Leenard Rhene, Centre Hall
Overseer, Seth Hoagland, Mercer: Lec
turer, James Caldcr, Harrisburg; Secre
tary, Robt. II. Themas, Mcclianicsburg.
Burt Buchanan, a Cleveland youth, and
Mamie Davis, a beautiful school girl, also
of that city, eloped, came te Pittsburgh
and were married seen after their arrival.
They then telegraphed the old folks for
money te get home with. They wcre for
given, but their parents are at a less te
knew what te de with the child wife and
boy husband
Te meet the $3,000,000 first meitgagc C
percent, bends maturing March 31,1881, the
Philadelphia & Eric railroad company has
resolved te issue under its general mortgage
$5,000,000 registered 3 per cent geld bends,
and the Pennsylvania railroad company,
lessee, having purchased the same has de
cided te cmkrsc upon thcin its contract
agreeing te purchase at par as they mature
the principal and interest of said bends.
The drunken exploits of Philip and
Margaret Riley have claimed their due
share of attention from the Philadelphia
police. The tenement was found by an
agent te be absolutely bare of furniture,
excepting a little furnace and a three
legged table. The woman had get the
start of the man and had arisen early and
pawned his hat and shoes for rum money.
lie tried te sell a scrap of rag carpet
which his wife was lying upon, but she
fought him. The agent met him while
Riley was walking down the street in his
stockings te buy a pair of quarter dollar
shoes. While he was out the woman
pawned the stove, and was drunk when
he returned.
Nineteen years age Miss Mary Shaffer
wasadductcd from Woodcock, Crawford
county, by an unknown man, who met her
while going te school. She was taken te
Lewell, Mass., where she lived for several
years with a band of gypsies in the sub
urbs. She made her escape, and was em
ployed by a wealthy citizen a nurse. She
remained in this capacity for two years,
when she get married, aud is new the
mother of five children, living in Lewell.
Last week she made her appearance at her
old home, for the first time in nineteen
years. She found that her parents had
long since died, aud the only relative te
greet her after her long absence was a
sister. Nine hundred dollars was her
share in her father's property, which she
received and departed for her home iu
Country Pastors.
Speaking of "country pastors," Dr.Cuy
Icr says : " Country parsons shaped aud
melded the character of New England. In
fact the country pulpits ruled the churches
of America for one hundred and fifty
" In ear times the great cities are ab
sorbing culture, brains and energy from
the rural districts in their greedy maws.
City congregations scour the land te find
ministers who will 'draw." The names of
conspicuous city preachers shine iu the
public journals ; aud, as a result, many a
1 nral pastor grows restless, ana wants te
fly, like the moths, into the bright candle.
This is a foolish ambition. Let every
country pastor who has a strong foothold
among his people, and who is doing the
Lord's work successfully, 'learn therewith
te be content.' If he has net the city pas
tor's large salary, neither docs he have his
constant drain upon his purse. If he has
net the metropolitan notoriety, neither
docs he feel the responsibilities and vcxa
tieus which the notoriety brings with it.
If he has net some of the luxuries of city
life, he has net its wear aud its worries.
"Country folks have time te think.
Thy can digest geed sermons. Their
brains arc clarified by pure air aud out
deer work. Play-heusee, gaining-rooms,
and midnight routs de net demoralize
his simpler and mere sedate parishion
ers. He lives in the eye of nature,
feasts his soul en green fields and the ever
lasting hills, and feels that Ged is nearer
than in the rearing, wicked town. Above
all, it is given te him te train up the boys
who will yet become the working force in
the affairs of the church and nation.
Country boys have always come te rule
the nation. What a mighty responsibility
rests en country pulpits and pastors !"
' At Burten, Texas, H. G. Craig shot and
killed Jehn Fester, colored, who had
threatened his life.
Alexander Masen, a negre, struck II.
Behensanyel en the head with a club at
Brenham, Texas, killing him.
Mr. Duffy, au old man, who lived alone
in Lanark county, Ontario, was burned te
death, his house having taken ure.
A two-year-old child of Mr. Richardson,
of Duuday, Ont., was scalded te death by
falling into a pet of boiling water.
Nine places of business iu Wappingcr's
Falls N. Y., were entered by burglars, but
the goods stolen were net worth ever $600.
Twe boys Turple and Terry by name,
fought at Pert Burwell, Ont., and Terry
stabbed Turple in the back, wounding
him mortally.
Edward Clark werkinsr in an ice-house
in Albany, N. Y., was crushed te death
bp a cake of ice falling upon him. He
was fifty-two years of age,
Mary Elizabeth Gurd, four years old,
while crossing King street, Terente, was
killed by a street car. Her mother en
viewing the remains became insane.
Geerge Bell was acquitcd at Baltimore
en Saturday upon his second trial of
obtaining $3,901,50 from the Merchants'
national bank en a forged check.
Mr Archibald Ferbes, the English wan
correspondent, was given a reception en
Saturday evening by the Yeung Men's
Christian Association of Washington D. C.
Stearns It. Abbett was en Saturday at
Groten, Mass., found guilty of murder in
the first degree in killing Mrs. Cruc in
January last.
'Ed Leng, colored, was hanged en Satur
day at Jacksen, Tcnn., for the murder of
Titus Rogers, colored, 111 Aiauisen ceuuty,
en June 30.
Charies Delaney, one of Haverly's color
ed minstrels, died en Saturday at New
Yerk, in Bellevue hospital, of pneumonia.
He was 27 years old, and a native of St.
A young life convict iu the Kansas
penitentiary has made a statement that his
plea of guilty was te save his father, the
real murderer, who lately committed sui sui
cide in California.
Themas Teele, ajred 50, was stabbed in
the right side and daugoreusly injured en
Saturday at 103 Park place, New Yerk, in
a quarrel with James Trainer. His assail
ant escaped.
A largely-attended service in the in
terest of the American fund for the evan
gelization of France was held in the First
Presbyterian church, Henry street, Brook
lyn, yesterday afternoon.
The puddling and rolling mill depart
ments of the Harrison wire mill at St.
Leuis were destroyed by lire en Saturday
night, throwing six hundred men ent of
employment. Less, $00,000.
J. C. Watsen, private secretary te a
member of the Canadian Parliament,
strangled himself te death by winding a
silk handkerchief around his neck at an
Ottawa hotel. Rum.
Alexander Drake's store in Florence,
Ont., was robbed of $3,000, of which
$8,000 belonged te Rebert Gumi, the treas
urer of the township. The safe was open
ed with a key.
At a meeting of the master car builders
the Atlautie. coast linn, in WcKlOU, -N.
C, resolutions were adopted establishing
a uniformity of air brake fixtures en all
reads of the Atlantic coast line as a pre
ventive of the flattening or breaking of
Weik en the Central City, Dead weed
and Eastern railroad is te be completed
by August 1. The read connects Dead Dead
weed, Central and Lead Cities with the
coal fields and feet hills. Its course is
down Whitewood canyon, with a tunnel
through the mountain of 1,500 feet.
The Arab troupe, who recently visited
Lancaster, were in Norfolk en Friday
night. After the show the hoodlums
hooted them en the street and a drunken
ruffian hit Miss Rosedale in the face, when
the Bedouin gave her assailant a terrific
Lafayette Beweu has been convicted of
perjury and sentenced te the Texas peni
tentiary for five years. He was indicted
with ethers for the murder of R. H. Gray Gray
eon and wife at Palestine, turned state's
evidence, testified te his own guilt and
subscqucstly denied knowing anything
whatever about the murder.
Harry Thompson went hunting near
Cleveland, intending te return iu time for
his wedding, which was appointed for the
same evening. He said that the diversion
was necessary in order te steady his nerves ;
but it did net have that effect, for in climb
ing a fence tlie gun fell from his trembling
hands and was discharged, killing him en
the spot.
Thes. Kelly, a farmer of Johnsten
county. Va., was taken sick. By the ad
vice of his friends he sent for a ceujuring
doctor in the neighborhood who professed
te be able te cfl'eel miraculous cures by his
conjuring art. The doctor gave him some
white powders, which threw him into a
stupor from which he never woke. The
conjurer fled.
Mrs. Charles II. Bycr, wife of a farmer
living ten miles from Bloomington, III.,
was a Tew days age accidentially knocked
into a well by a pet cow which she was
watering suddenly turning its head and
striking her. The lady kept her head
above the water for three hours until her
situation was discovered and she rescued ;
but she died from exhaustion and ex
T. F. O'Brcin, a large real estate owner,
was arrested at Montreal en Saturday,
charged with forging two names te receipts
for $18,000 and $11,000 respectively, for
alleged payment of meitgage en his prep
city for these amounts. He is held for
court. O'Brien is also accused of having
forged receipts for $30,000 in the name of
J. Rcnnic, formerly manager of the Con
solidated bank.
New that New Yerk has the vice presi
dent the Philadelphia Eeening Bulletin
speaks for a place for Pennsylvania in the
cabinet and declares that "te prefer
either New Jarsby or Delaware before
would be ungraceful, and te put a New
Yerker into the cabinet, while the great
Republican state of Pennsylvania was left
unrepresented could hardly be regarded as
generous treatment of a state which has
been consistently Republican, while New
Yerk is rarely se.
Charles B. Tilden, a resident of Nashua,
xi., who uns a patent oince in iiosten :
r lagg. an express agent ; Balcolm, the
0aggge-master; Small a mail agcnt,aud
another whose name is net given were
painfully hurt en Saturday evening by a
broken rail en the llashua and Rochester
railroad throwing part of a passenger train
from the track at East Derby. Tilden,
who was removed te his home, is the only
man reported dangerously injured.
Civilization in Russia keeps pace with
Piiiladalphia. Between three hundred and
four hundred medical students assembled
en Fi iday in the court yard or the Univer
sity of Moscow seeking an explanation
...... iivib,ii ciHiucruiii'j tue m.'siincier-
stauuing with two et the professors. The
-v piwwueu 10 me resiuencc or tbe
governor general. The chief of police
went te the university and ordered the
students te disperse. They refused and
a serious conflict with the police and gen-de-armes
ensued. All the students were
arrested and escorted through the city te
te house of detention.
Hew the Hunter of Pike's reak Hugged and
Brought In His Uaaie.
The Colerado Springs Gazette in a recent
issue says : Yesterday the well-known hun
ter of Pike's Peak, Catamount Charley,
appeared in town riding his piebald mus
tang, Captain Kid. The personal appear
ance of his famous hunter and trapper is
familiar te every resident of Colerado
Springs. His tall, loosely-knit figure,
his leug legs, his dark face, black eyes,
and flowing black beard, which sweeps
in a sable cataract ever his besom, are all
well-known te our citizens. Catamount
Charley was dressed in his Sunday clethfll
which consisted of a yellow buckskin shirt
and buckskin trousers, both trimmed with
a fringe of buckskin cut into strips, a car
tridge belt filled with the leaded shells of
a heavy repeating rifle, which he carried
in his hand, a wide white sombrero en
his head and moccasins en his feet. Cata
mount Charley dismounted in front of
Aiken & Hunt's museum, and leaving his
mustang unhitched, removed a heavy bale
of skins from the cropper of the saddle,
aud walked into the store. Mr. Hunt was
the only one in the store at the time.
"I say, boss," remarked Charley, "I've
g it some skim ycre I'd like te sell yer."
Certainly," said Mr. Hunt with his.
usual politeness. " I shall be glad te leek
at them." "Yere," said Charley, "is a
mountain bison's hide, ycre is a mountain
lien's hide, and ycre arc two mere lien's
hides. That fust lien's skin is the biggest
I ever see. It's 9 feet from tip te tip ; the
critter must have weighed tive hundred
pounds. Yeu sec it was this way. I was
1 joking round for game back of the Peak,
when all at once I heard a grewlin,' aud a
hewliu' which reminded me that the moun
tain liens were net all dead yet. Se I crawl
ed around a pint of rock, and I'm blamed
if I didn't sce three mountain liens bavin
fight with a monstrous bison. I tell
you, it was a big fight. The liens would
make u leap, and the bison would back up
against a root and take them en his horns.
I don't knew hew the fight would have
eeme out, but it was just tee geed a pic
nic ferme te let it pass se I drawed ahead
en the fust lien as come in range and pull
ed my old rifle off. The surprisin' part of
the affair was that just as I pulled 0110 of
the liens jumped in between me and the
one I. shot at and caught the ball just back
of his ribs. It passed elcan through him,
and bciu' turned a little from its course, it
cut the threat of the second lien andbroke
the neck of the bison. They all dropped
111 aheap, and 1 was se tickled that J. in
cautiously jumped out from behind the
rock, when the third lien saw me."
"Indeed," said Mr. Hunt. "Yes,"
said Charley, " the third lien he saw me.
and made a jump in my direction. As I
saw him cemiif I didn't have time te take
aim, but I brought my repeatin' rifle up
under my arm and took a fly shot at him.
Lucky for me, I took him in the breast,
and he tumbled ever dead." " Indeed,"
said Mr. Hunt. "Yes," said Charley,
"he tumbled ever dead; and new what
will you give me for the four skins, three
mountain liens aud ene bison?" We left
Mr Hunt engaged in a mercantile combat
with Charley ever the price of these skins.
Saturating Ills nianket With Kerosene Oil
anil setting Fire te It. .
A suicide under very remarkable cir
cumstances was committed in the county
jail at Charlottesville, Va., Saturday night,
the victim being a prisoner who was await
ing the action of the grand jury for shoot sheet
ing a yeumr woman about a week age.
During' the night at a very late hour
Charles Jenes's cell-mate, who had just re
tired, discovered that Jenes had saturated
his blanket and bed clothes with
keroscne oil, a bottle of which hap
pened te be in his cell, and set tire te
them. After burning for a while the pri
soner made au attempt te extinguish the
flames, but without success. He threw
the window of the cell open, but this, of
course, only made the flames burn mere
rapidly. Before help could be summoned
Jenes was dead, havinir died, it was dis
covered, by inhalation of the flames,
bclived that his death was the result
It is
of a
deliberate purpose te commit suicide,
woman whom the prisoner shot is
enough te walk about.
l'ublle Sales Driving Accidents Women
Ouarrel Hec Disease Ice Cutting
. Christmas Festivals, &c, Jte.
At the Red Lien hotel, en Saturday even
ing, Charles H. Zcllers, auctioneer, sold for
Israel Brady, deceased, 5 shares of Union
national bank stock, te Jehn B. Shelly, at
$08.52$ per share, par value $30 ; the Mc
Clecry property, corner of Mt. Jey ami
Barbara streets ene let with small dwell
ing, te Geerge Fach, for $275, and one let
te Michael Dcllingcr, for $173. In the
afternoon, at the same place, the above
named auctioneer auctioned oil a number
of sleighs for A. B. Landis, at prices rang
ing from $38 te $30 each.
While en their way te attend the anni
versary of the Denegal literary society, en
Friday evening Jake Kcppei ling's horse
became unmanageable and rati into A. B.
Reet's buggy, at a point iu the village of
Slaytewn. Beth teams were going at a
fast gait with two vehicles hooked to
gether. Fortunately a spoke iu one of the
vehicles breke, disconnecting the buggies ;
otherwise a serious accident might have
Fred Weaver, wagenmaker, formerly of
the Junction, has removed te this place
and will carry en the business at the stand
corner of East Denegal aud High streets.
Recently there was a war of words bo be
tween two female denizens of this borough
at the Pennsylvania passenger station. In
the excitement the lady, of whom was de
manded $1.25, struck her creditor, who
brought suit before 'Squire McFaddcn for
assault and battery.
The public schools will close en Decem
ber 24, te stay clesed until Monday, Janu
ary 3, 1881.
An epidemic prevails amenir the swine.
Some farmers have lest as many as five and
six hogs.
While, J. Heward Swartz and Jehn II.
Mooney were out driving in the vicinity of
Maytown the ether night a wheel of their
buggy broke, which occasioned seme in
convenience, but no injury.
The ice dealers are busy housing an ex
cellent crop of ice. The ice is from six te
nine inches in thickness.
The usual interest attending Christmas
is awakened and every one wears a happv
face ; all the children are in a fever of ex
pectation, aud night after night the Sun
day school scholars are busy rehearsing
for the annual festivities. Besides the en
tsrtaiuincut announced in the Intelli
gencer is the one te be given by the
United Brethren Sunday school en Christ
mas evening ; another by the Presbyterian
Sunday school en Thursday evening follow
ing Christmas. The scholars will receive
presents and the exercises will be of the
usual appropriate character.
In Mourning.
Iii respect te the memory or the late II.
R. Worthington, inventor of the Worth Werth Worth
Ingteu duplex pumping engine, whose
death wc announced en Saturday, Super
intendent Kitch of the Lancaster water
department has had the Worthington
pump at the water weiks draped in mourn-
About the Lecal Tobacco Market.
The uneasiness created last week by the
late failures in New Yerk, St. Leuis and
Key West has almost subsided, and what
was at first regarded as a very serious dis
aster is new looked upon as a rather small
matter except by the few firms imme
diately interested. One thing has been
demonstrated by the- late failures,
that Pennsylvania tobacco growers
need net be ashamed of, and that is that
Pennsylvania seed leaf is held iusuch high
esteem by manufacturers that is used
largely by thorn in the manufacture of
'Havana" cigars. In addition te the ap
parent crookedness of the firms that have
recently failed, the news comes
from Havana that Upmann & Ce.,
cigar manufacturers, had a contract
with the French government for
twelve million Havana cigars. After
a small portion of them had been delivered
the government refused te accept any
mere of the goods en the ground that
they were made of American seed leaf to
baccos. It is a fact that from time te time
large quantities of Pennsylvania leaf have
been shipped from New Yerk and
Philadelphia ostensibly te Mexice and
Seuth America, but it is be
lieved by many that the real desti
nation was Cuba, aud the goods wero
there manufaturered into Havana cigars,
for the delectation of the connoisseurs of
France, Germany. Great Britain and
America! Probably, this is what Up
mann & Ce., wcre doing and the French
detectives caught them at it. All habitual
smokers knew that Havana cigars with
Pennsylvania wrappers, burn better than
clear Havana ; and many smokers of great
judgment and experiencs declare that old
l'eunsylvama tobacco, el goeil oeuy, care
fully cured, possesses a finer aroma and
smokes better than the best Havana. This
being the case, it is no wender that manu
facturers should attempt te pass it oft for
Havana, as long as they can buy the Penn
sylvania leaf for less than one-half the
price of the Cuba.
And this perhaps will in some measure
account for the fact that notwithstanding
all efforts an the part of interested parties
te give the 1879 Pennsylvania crop a
"black eye." it continued steadily te iu-
vance in pries, and is at this late day
eagerly sought after.
Our crop of '80 is net se geed, being
badly cut by the grasshopper and flea, aud
mero or less affected by white vein ; but
what there it geed among it is being
ranidlv picked up at eoed prices. As high
as 23, aud even 30 cents, has been paid for
cheice wrappers, and one grower, at least,
has refused 25 cents round for his crop,
aud demands 33 cents for the wrap
pers. Although there are few foreign
dealers in the field, their agents are
ciuictlv at work picking up geed lets
wherever they can find them. Following
arc a few late sales : Altschue has bought
the crop of Dr. J. Leng, near Churchtown.
at 25, 10, 5; of Samuel Foreman, at 25, 8,
3 : Hcnrv Tuckev's. at 20. 4. 3 : J. D.
Tuckev's. at 17. 10. S : Mr. Harnish has
bought Samuel Hemshcr's -crop for 21, 5
and" .3.
Our Bart correspondent writes that trade
is almost at a stand-still in that township,
buyers being scarce and but few prospect
ors about. He adds : " The crop iu the
upper section of our township is as geed as
at any previous time and as free from flea
and grasshopper holes as it is possible tet
any let in the ceuuty te be. The farmers
are stripping with mero than usual care
and will show a well asserted crop.".
In the adjoining counties of Chester and
Yerk a few sales are reported at prices
several cents per pound less than in Lan
caster. Frem preseut indications there seems te
be no doubt that all geed leaf will bring
ceed prices, if carefully and conscientious
ly nut ud. and that the damaged leaf, of
which there is a large proportion, will have
te be sold low.
About 200 cases of 1879 cased leaf wcre
sold last week at an advance en former
prices, and there is an active inquiry for
mero. The stock is being rapidly reduced
in this city.
What Hrceincs et the Butter aud Fees?
The mysteries of peer house farming are
as inscrutable as theso of manufacturing
at the prison. Neither operation seems
te be crowned with results satisfactory te
the taxpayers nor adequate te the capital
The peer house farm is a very valuable
one ; it is fertile, and in the market could
command a high price, being se adjacent
te Lancaster city. Laber ought te be
cheap in an institution which supports se
many people, able te de, mere or less, the
sort of work required te cultivate it.
But every year complaints are heard
from observant people that the yidld of the
farm is tee light, and that the peer house
authorities are buying supplies which they
ought te raise ; or making with products
that ought te realize something for the
Fer instance, butter aud eggs.
What becomes of them ?
We hear that they keep fifteen cows and
ever two hundred chickens out there ; aud
that the paupers get neither butter nor
eggs, except en Easter.
The few families that beard off the farm,
aud the directors who dine there monthly,
can't use all the butter and milk and cream
aud eggs.
Who gets it ; what de they pay for it ;
what becomes of the proceeds f
We hear they have been investigating
it out there and find that butter by the
crock is donated te the friends of seme in
Events Acress the County Una,
An examination of the jaw-bone of Mrs.
Alexander RusscI, of Keunett Square, has
disclosed a teeth grown nearly diagonally
en the upper jaw. After considerable cut
ting the teeth was extracted and the
wounded parts are getting well. It is
stated that such a case as this is net
record in dental works, and a Philadel
phia professor says this is one of a third
set of teeth for the patient, as Mrs. RusscI
had all of her upper teeth extracted in any
years age.
Miss Sarah Smiley, the eminent lady
evangelist, has joined the Episcopal
church iu West Chester. Miss Smiley was
a Quaker. She was immersed several
years age by Brether Pentecost in his
baptistery at the Handen Place church in
Brooklyn. She did net by this act join
the Baptist church, aud Brether Pentecost
was severely criticised by seme of the
most peculiar of his denomination for ad
ministering the ordinance te ene who did
net own herself a Baptist. Miss Smiley
has been among several of the leading de
nominations in carrying en her labors,
principally the Methodists and the Pres
bytcrians. Among the clergymen and
Bible students who pass the summer at
Saratoga she has been a great favorite.
She still retains. the simplicity of her orig
inal training.
Donatien nnu Surprise l'arly.
The.paster of St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran
church of Millersville, Rev. A. B. Mark-
ley, and wife, were agreeably surprised
with a donation en Thursday, Dec. 16, by
their members and friends. Gathering
together at a neighbor's heuse they made
their way te his home about 7 e clock.
They, of course, came in without knock
ing, as all such parties seem privileged te
de. The first ones- were met at the deer
and heartily grected,but as they continued
te gather in the geed pastor was com
pelled te retreat farther and farther until
at last they crowded into a corner. Thus
ney gatnereu te
the number 01 ever
iuasjt. or uiu 11
they forget their wcll-
filled baskets which they pressed upon tL
attention of Mrs. M. These being opened
disclosed stores of things, both geed and
necessary, and the table was seen leaded
te enjoy a pleasant evening ; and right
royally they did it, with talking and sing
ing and speeches and social plays. At a
seasonable hour all departed for home,
pastor and poeplo .exchanging their best
"fne News of tbe Keighborneod.
Christmas week premises te be one of
mero than usual interest in this and ad
joining townships. Smyrna hall gives its
second annual entertainment en Christ
mas eve ; a children's jubilee will be held
at Middle Octoraro church the same even
ing ; Colerain Baptist church holds a fair
and festival en the afternoon and eveniug '
of 24 and 25, and all concerned are mak
ing preparations te have a general geed
Aitkin & Palmer have filled their ice
heuse with a beautiful let of ice. These
who allowed the cold snap of 10 and 11 te
pass without laying in their ice, missed a
rare chance and an uncommon geed quality
of the summer necessity.
This winter, se far, has failed te pro
duce any of the brag weights in porkers.
All seem contented te have their perk in
geed eating condition, and from 275 te 350
is about the general run of weights talked
William Aultheuse went te rest en the
evening of the 16th with a fine let of fat
turkeys en the roost, and one net se fat
that William called a runt; en the
morning of the 17th the fat turkeys wcre
gene and the runt left. Some of the
roost thieves had visited Mr. A. in the
night and cleaned out a cheice let of
Christmas roasts. While we can but
sympathize with our friend, there is a
vein of humor in his way of taking tbe
less that causes a smile. When talking
of the thieves, Mr. A. says : "The rascals
wcre net satisfied with taking my turkeys,
but they must insult my taste and dignity
by leaving me nothing but a ruut
for a Christmas ' roast." Some
suspicion is aroused and Mr. Ault Ault Ault
eoueo will visit the Lancaster market en
the lookout for his turkeys. It is te be
hoped that ere this ;ecs te press we may
be able te say that Mr. A. has liecn suc
cessful. Miss Mary Bailey died suddenly en Fri
day evening, 17th inst.. Mrs. Simmons
went into her room an hour or se after
she (Miss Bailey) had eaten a hearty din
ner and found her lying en her bed dead.
Au inquest was held by Hervcy Baugh
man, justice of the peace, aud a verdict of
death from heart disease was rendered
after an examination by Dr. J. Martin.
On Saturday, 18th inst.. the friends and
relations of Mr. Jeseph McClurc, jr., for
merly of this township, but new a resi
dent of Christiana, made a birthday sur
prise and quite a company left our village
with their baskets of geed, things, te give
a complete surprise te Mrsl'McClure.
Charles Tyson, assessor, of Bart, is new
011 Ins rounds making the assessment. Air.
Tyson was census enumerator for this
township, and by the time he has the as
sessment completed should be well ac
quainted with the business of Bart.
Current Uuslness, &c.
This morning the regular week of argu
ment court began with both judges en the
The following cases wcre disposed of
without argument : Eden and Colerain
township read ; rule te show cause why
report of reviewers should net be confirm
ed absolutely. Made absolute.
Ceiu'th vs. Jehn M. Eberselc, obstruct
ing legal process. The demurrer tiled te
the indictment was withdrawn.
Sewers Resentenced.
Lewis Sewers, who en the 11th of De
cember, was sentenced te an imprisonment
of ten years for voluntary manslaughter,
was brought into court te have his scn scn
tence chauged. Judjje Pattersan stated
that when he had passed sentence neither
he nor the district attorney had remember
ed that the law had prohibited the sen
tence of a prisoner se that his term would
expire between November 15th and Fcb
reary 15th. This sentence would expire
between tbesidatis se it would have te be
changed. The prisoner was then sentenced
te an imprisonment of nine years and ten
months at hard labor in the Eastern peni
tentiary. Insolvent Discharged.
Casper Dilhnan, an insolvent debtor,
was discharged.
Court 011 Christinas.
Court will meet at 10 o'clock ou Satur
day next (Christmas), as that is the day
for calling the docket.
The Iincaster Delegates.
In its "Pen Portraits" of the mem
bers of the firemen's convention the Read
ing Neics says of the Lancaster delegates :
Jacob K. Barr, of Lancaster, is an al
derman of that city and one of the most
jovial gentlemen in the convention. He is
thoroughly competent te perform what
ever he undertakes, and it can properly be
said in this connection that the city of Lan
caster scut her best men te represent
that department in the convention. Every
one of them are gentlemen, and possess
ability. A. S. Edwards, the deputy pn pn pn
thonetary of Lancaster county, made the
best speeches delivered 011 the fleer of the
convention, and his presence was such as
te command attention. Walter M. Frank
lin, also of Lancaster, is a young lawyer of
ability, and son of ex-Attorney General
Franklin, of this state. He also bore an
important part in upholding the dignity
of the delegation.
P. S. Geedman, was a delegate from the
Shiftier fire company, and also represented
the New Era, of Lancaster.
l'resbylrlan Mission.
In the Presbyterian 31. M. chapel last
evening a very large audience assembled,
the occasion being the comminien of the
Leid's Supper the first held there
by the pastor, Rev. Hume. The
reverend gentleman preached an able
sermon from the text "This de
in remembrance of me," after which
three persons wcre baptised and nineteen
taken into (nil church fellowship, eighteen
en profession of faith and one by certifi
cate. The ministry of Mr. Hume has se
far been successful, and the prospect of
establishing a permanent organization in
this field at an early day is very premising.
The Sunday school, superintended by
Mr. II. C. Moere, is also in a flourishing
condition, the attendance yesterday being
two hundred and fifteen. The annual
Christinas festival of the school will be
heltl en Christmas cve this year instead of
Christmas night as has been the former
Trains Late.
On Saturday afternoon the engine of the
train which leaves Quarryville at 2:25 ran
off the track at that place, a switch having
been left open. Werd of the accident was
telegraphed te this city and an engine was
sent te assist in placing the ether en tbe
track. A train was made up here te go
north and it left the city about 4 o'clock.
The regular train did net arrive from
Quarryville until 0:03. The train which
usually leaves this city for Quarry ville at
5:10 did net get away until 650.
Went te SaabBry
Pre4HalI left this city this morning for
Sunbury. He will conduct tbe music of
the Northumberland county teachers' iu
Rtitutu this week.
Mayer's Court.
The mayor sent a drunken woman te
prison for 60 days this morning and dis
charged four vagrants.