LANCASTER4 DAILY lNTELUGENCEft, SAlTOtDAY DECEMBER 18. -"- "r COLUMBIA NEWS. uvu kegueab cobkesi'endenck It was the misfortune ofRebcit Wadle te fall into tLccLillinj? waters of the Sus quehanna yesterday. Rebert fkatcd into an air hole, enjoyed a cool lwtlr and made a very voluntary exit fiein amidst the floating ice. The ti-ansp.ii cut water cover ingwill be closely scrntinixd by Iiim in the future. The business of the Columbia postehico has been footed up and has been found te be considerably ever and above the mail age at last year's showing. The figures are net very high, but they v.ill de. r al lowing is the count made between the 1st and 7th of tins raeiitn. Number of Lcttci s " postal cards " vrccl:iy pai cr.? peclcagcs of third class matter. . " merchandise 3,092 1.183 2,019 89 40 Total. 7,025 Geerge W. Schtecder.thc delegate of the Vigilant fire company te the State Volun teer Firemen's convention at Reading Pa., was the only representative of the Colum bia fire department in attendance. Mr. Schrecdcr returned last evening. The Columbia fire company elected their piesi dent a delegate, and at the same time vested in him the power te appoint a subs titute in his inability te attend, but even thisdiduet insure them representation. Wc de net knew tli icaseu why the com pany was net represented. The whist party met last evening and had an cnjoyable time at the residence of Dr. J. K. 'Linea weaver en Walnut .sticet below Second. At the institute this morning the teach ers of the Columbia public schools were agreeably surprised en the receipt of a communication from President .1. A. Meyers, of the school beard, informing them that he (Meyci-) had waited en the incmbcinel the be.ud and that they had all given their ceiiM-nt te the salaries for the mouth of Dj comber being paid before Christmas. .Mr Meyer-; was awarded a unanimous vote of thanks. Messrs. liachinau fc Feney aie at piv- cut engaged iucicclirrg .in oliiee for the telephone exchange in A. D. Reese's bil liard hall. The .veivl work has been thrown together, iiiit the place is net vcl fitted rrp. About an inch l'..ueV has fallen since midnight. It puitrally covers our pave ments and streets, and entirely covers the ice en the liver. By the appearance of things overhead we would net be. surprised te see another fall before 21 hours h:ie passed. Captain 1). 15. Case this morning re ceived the annual appropriation foraimery rent of one hundred from the adju tant general dcpaif incut. II comes in geed time. Our markets aut beginning te be tilled with pieducc for the holidays. Fowls wens sold this morning, hut net hi the large numbers that net week's sales will feet up. Today's market was very geed and se was business in the .tferc alter the lese of nr.ukct. Our college Lss arc beginning te return for the holidays. Messrs. Elias II. aud Isaiah W. Smith :uc home from Lebanon Valley college, and Sencr Bletz is also liClC. Squire II vans drove te Lebanea aii.ii'uack yestcrdvy. I he squire el ten lakes thee lerrg drives. The Citi.crie' band sein.ulcd one of their nicmbersat his iesidemu eir Lancaster av enue last evening. 1$. F. Mauu, the beater of tha bass drum, was recently inanicd, aud this is what eccasipned 1 1st evening's tourneut. felierM- tsnlci. ShcriiT Strine sold at public sale at the court house tins afternoon the following real estate : A tract of laud, in Providence township, containing feityacics, with a one sfery dwelling house, frame bank ham, and ether necessary out-buildings. Sold as the prepcity f William Hunter Forgueii, te Jacob llctz, for 1 1,030. A let of ground in West Cocaliee town ship, containing 1 V acres, with a one-story leg dwelling house and ether nccessaiy outbuildings; tobacco shed, bake even, grape vines and ether improvements thereon. Sold as the prepcity of Augus tus Glass, te Jacob Ler-ah, for $'25. A let of ground en Poplar street, this city,entaining ru front 21 feet, and extend ing in depth 90 feet, with a one-story dwcl ing house, Ne. C20, with aone-story frame back building attached, and ether neccs sary outbuildings. Sold as the property of Geerge Reth te the Lancaster binding aird lean association, for $;Vm. . A frame dwelling house 18x2(5 feet, two story with kitchen attached, 12x13 teet, ouc-half-stery built en tire south side et Marietta street, in the borough of Ml. Jey en let Xe. 0, lifty feet front by one hun dred and eighty feet deep. Sold as the property of Samuel II. Nisslcjr and Jeseph C. Snyder, his assignee, tenant, te Miller & Musscr, for $930. A tract of laud, in Salisbury township, containing 123 acres, with a two story btenc hotel and dwelling house, two-steiy stone back building stone bank bain, wagon sheds, stone spiing house, ami ether necessary outbuildings. Sold as the property of Perry lliuhaker te Geerge Naunrau for the lloneybreok bank, for yl. A tract of laud in Penu township, con taining 9 acres, with a one story frame dwelling house and summer shed, fiame barn, corn-crib aud ether necessary out buildings. Sold as the property of Adam Habccke." te Win. Evans for $1,130. A let of ground in Ucartewn, Caeinai Caeinai verr township, containing 1 acre, with a two-story fr.irrrc dwelling house, frame stable and ether necessary outbuildings. Sold as the property of Perry Hi u baker, te Jehn 11. Wciler for $2,100. A let of ground in Paradise, with a large three-story brick dwelling housp,ncce.ssar outbuildings, reservoir and tank, wind pump and ether improvements. Sold as the prepcity of Elam F. Witrncr te Cel. Joel L. Lightncr for $3,850. Heard Frem. The iate Jacob Uusheng, deceased, of Eden township, was a firm believer in spir itualism. Se arc his family, and since his death they have have had frequerrt'eem municatien with him from the spirit world, they say. He reports that he has been keeping a livery stable, but proposes seen te engage iu the mere congenial em ployment of agricultural pursuits. The Cleak Man. There is a report that "the cloak man" is at large and has been terrifying the women and children in the southeastern sec tion of the city for a few nights past. The rumor that he was captured and taken be fore the mayor is net true. Timid people arc very much afraid of him, but skeptical people say he is only a myth. Knocked Insensible. Last night Kphraitn Phillips, an cm. pleycc of the Penn rolling mill, while a work helping te pull some het iron from the even, slipjttd arrd fell. His head struck the iron plates en the lloer in front of the furnace. He was knocked insensi ble and was can icd te his home en East King street, en a settee. He is much bet ter te day. Christinas Present. This forenoon the employees of the Heading it Columbia and Quarryvillc railroads were paid oil in solid cash for the month of November. Corener's Inquest. The coroner's jury found that Catherine Abele, of Milliiu street, came te her death from heart disease, Runaway TliIiMernlDC. This morning Frank Bewmau, residing atHarnish Station, 'en the Quarryyille railroad was driving along the Willow Street pike near Steinman'a powder house when one of the spindles of the front axle broke off. His horse frightened and started te run throwing him out bruising him badly ; the animal was caught at the tell gate after the buggy had been broken up considerably. Itcservelr Ice. Jehn Haitmau te-day commenced cut ting ice from the city reservoirs. It is about ten inclirs in thickness aud very clear and solid. By an ingenious arrange ment of machinery, the ice after being cut is carried rapidly te the capacious ice house recently erected cast of the reservoir. Fer the Soup Fu:ul. The mayor acknowledges the leccipt of the following cash subscriptions te the soup fund since our last report : Newton Lightuer, !.. S3; William Journey, money collected, $4.92 ; Hen. Henry G. Loii", $20 ; General Geerge 31. Stcinman, "lilt Him Witli a Uriel:." Uebert Deutz hit Christ. Franeis-cus en the head with a biick last evening and cut it severely. Christ, has made a complaint et assault and battery against him, before Alderman MeConemy. J'uy Up. Yeu may as well pay your city tax without further delay or costs. After December 29 the outstanding taxes will be put into the city solicitor's hand--, Mills fellow and costs accumulate. New Cup. The messenger boys of the Western Union telegraph company are new wear ing a dark blue cap, trimmed with red cord w ith a large metal plate en the front bear ing the wenls "Western Union." Ai rested for Theft. A boy named Tobias Myers was ancsted about : o'clock this afternoon, chaigcd witli the laiccny efMit. Zccher's pockct peckct, lepeitcd en second page, aud was locked up for a hearing. Te Ilcer Drinkeri. A par ly el us started out the ether evening, aexemp mied by a sti anger, te Uiste Eancnter beer. We stepped at hall a iIezpii saloons and l.iih'il Ciiiclunati, 1'hii.idelphla, UechuHter, Md.iul:ee, and ether leielgn beers. Then we unit up te Ciia. WacUerA ISre.'s coiner et Walnut and Water sIrect- and the whole com pany pronounced their beer the best thny had met dining the entire evening. It was grati grati grati tyinloeui local pride te discover that this firm propose by excellence et material anil skillful bivuing te restore te Lancaster lLs olil elil time lame for lager beer.a ml we believe the' cm challenge comparison of their block with any iinp:it.itle:i-. r.itreni;; home imlnstiies :ui'I ilinilc I.nne.ihti'i beer. llECIS DltlMJri!). W500 Keif aril. Tlie abe e alxtye offer appeal ed In the Chi irl nKts .Vr'icv el jesterday, Migned Fneik '. Ht"lnhauer. This paity has ler the hint lie tijiug te mislead the public in re gard le the manufacture et organs in Laneas terliynie, which I am happy te s-ay has net ii-ui the object he anticipated (murcly ferjcal- eu-j). New the eiler l gladly acccpi. All I :ili him le de Is te place the amount In a lv lv speuvii)i( parrj'n band im-iilc el tluee day-, and I will manulaeluie excrything lrein the law material (I Imcdencit and will de se again) at my manulacteiy, :20 North Queen street. Why Mr. S. requires e! me what no ether manutjcturer, leiuy knew ledge, des te day I can't see thepiepriety. Aliiieatuny one el them could make every pat J, but te save cv peiiMjand get out a llrst-class instrument at a tail pi iee,this businebs, like all ether business, has been di nlcd into several classes, namely, key makers reed and heard makers, action inakcis ami ease makers. The paity who com cem plclcs the work N termed the maiiiilactuicr. All maiiutaetureisbuy some one paitorethei belonging te theergan ; neiiistrument Is made complete in one laeteiy. 1 urn no exception teany ether maker. 1 never claimed te man u fact ure every thiui' that belongs te the organ, as a rule, but have.ind will make ever thing he asks in hiiadvcrtisumcntauil mere. The mauu mauu l.tctuicel ei gaits is the s one as any ether bu dnc. Fer instance, the shoemaker buys tlieIeather, and in some canes leady cut and crimped, the pegs, nails, buttons eyelets, 1 icers, Ac., yet he is undoubtedly a shoe maker. The ceachmnkcr buys his springs, ales, hubs, spokes, rime, clips, belts, lltth wheel, ,te., j ct w he dure say he is net a roach reach maker. A bundled ether trades could be etui- eil in the same way. Te lnaniifacluie everything that belongs le a ce: tuin business in one manufactory would run thu cost te such a height that they could net be sold. As ler iiiMance, aman in a certain business would hae thousands et dollars Invented in ma chines which may stuml idle one-halt of the lime ; but by the present way the expense is divided ami weik gotten out as geed Mr one t'.iiul le-,s cel, Mr. S. astonishes nicln hlsetlcr et ie for any set el reeds evertimed In Lan -iMcr, a be has claimed ever fince 1 knew him te tunc eigunv Xew, nceeidlng le his statement, lie has never tuned an organ, which is a lint eoutiadictien of his aiHeitiscmeiit, where lie ays tuning promptly attended te. If he cannot tune a reed or set el reeds, that doe- net pree that 1 cannot, us 1 have tuned thousands el lliem, which lean prove by any et my cinplejees, or some et the LanciHtcr dealers it it is ieiu:reil. Se, Mr. S , plea-c put up. or ecr alter what up. ALEX Mchtl.MI'.N. A noted phsician et Xew Yerk, writes ten triend: "I lmclu my mind a sufferer ireui gravel and a complication of kidney disorder?, that was permanently cured by the use el 1'rel. Guilmette's French Kidney 1'aiW The dinggietssell them. Teacheis, authors and ethers el h tints highly pil.; Malt llitteiv. -edeatarv When lips leceive a re.y Jlusli, And teeth become a dazzling whit.' Ilenealh the effoitsef the brush, When SOZOneXT is used aright ; The mouth becomes sw eel, pureiind waim, nil the Irexh breath an odorous charm. d 13-1 wd cod. Vw bite, sol t ami elvety hands fellow the u-c et Culicura Shaving Seap. XJ: Alt VJiKTISJiSrjKXlS. J UST KKGIHVKD. Tun Thousand Han ids HUFF SWEET AND CLARIFIED CllHEIt. The best in the market. Wan.inled le be se. Call aticaret Xe. SW North Duke Street, or lcac eideis at ellice. Xe. ISM East King street. L. fc. YUXDT. dl!-ltw&4tdTs&TF H O! FOR THE OLD COKNEK (iltOCDKY. lusl received a lel of FRESH BAKING BUTTER. FKKSli BAKING MOLASSES from inc. up. Spice. ItnMns Mixtures. Canned Goods and e ci j l lung kept in a tirsd-class Grocer y. Give us a call. Ne tieuble te show goods at the corner et Oiauge and l'rinc streets. tllS td J.HOOVEK. COAL ! COAL ! ! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kin d of COAL go te RUSSEL-& SHULMYBR'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders le specttuiiy solicited. OFFICE: 22 East King Street. YAKI: CI 8 North I'rince Street. augll-tapilSIt i LEAN A. HERK & CO.'S GENE11AL IXhtlltANCE AND KEAL ESTATE AGENCY, Xe. 3 Xerih Puke Street. Oriftmizcil. Fttc Ces. Represented. Assets is.! I (iiiardlan el Londen f 1 t,,0ie ls;s North German, et Hambnrg 1,875,000 s German,et ltaltimere 832,(100 IsiO Newark, et X. . 1 76i4)0 Hi.'. Mercantile, of llosten i32,sen IST.'i Common wealth, et Bosten 7i.l,OK lS-iO United Frcnien's, et Philulul- puia ';78.ine is.ll Star, of New erk .r.sri,50e l'.s Na' Xew Yeik :$3.70e dcclj-lmdW&Sll&w- XEW AJtYEnTlSEMFXIS. SAUEIl KKAUT EUXCI1 AND Xt'KKEV JtelU- this evening at HENRY NEAMEE'S SALOON, ltd Cor. of Orange and Watcrbts. C'AUKIt KKADT 1.USCH THIS (SATUK- O 1AV) EVENING. AT JOHN SI'ANGLEE'5 Fulton Opera Heuse saloon. Rest of Keer en tap. Ed- SACEIt KJCAIT LUNCH THIS (-.ATCE-D AY ) evening, at 5eHN HESV5 SALOON, (Frnnke", Old bland), X. Trinec Street. Uaibev'H Celebrated Beer en tap. ltd HOLIDAY PRESENTS, USEFUL AND Valuable, for Men. Women and Children for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New ear, at great reaction te clec out. at ltd Xe. 23 East King street. "want i'i:i:ttv things fek nas go te CHARLIE ECKEET'S. TF J.OU I fTliiitnin? 170 he has the Finest Oranges, Grapes Eauitiiu-', Raisin-. Candy, ic in Lancaster. ltd ISO EAST KING STKLKT. ritOHACCO WAREHOUSES FOU KENT. J. Twe Warehouse near Reading R. R. De De let. 22fV feet. Mem January 1. 15.S1. Apply te 1 ' A. W. RUfcSEL, 22 East King street. Alse, ler -:de keines and lets en easy terms. ' dlS-'Jwdeed LUNCH THIS EVENING. IN THIS COLD weather there is nothing better tlutn a geed het teup. Yeu w ill gi t it II you go up te 15' Xoi th Queen -tieet. JOHN SCHOEM'.EEUER, l,l I'topiieter. rroisACce FOK KENT. L That portion el the piemis-- lately be ...... .!,.. .. ii ai llfi.rv KiMiilie. deeeas- ed, bituited between Chestnut and Walnut streets, Lancaster, and occupied dining the last year a a Tobacco Warehouse by Teller Kro.'H. will be for lent for one year fieui Jan uary 21, Ess I. Tin- Warehouse 1- convenienty 1 eca ted, and the packing room is oneet the best in the eitv. Apply at banking lieue el i;vii:.vr.iienk. ill8-tld Centre !-i' c IHKIVTMAS WINES AND EHJUOKS, AT BINGWALT'S AL--0 Fresh Greceriec and Pure Spices. Candy. Nuts, ,te., all at Xe. it". WEVl' KIN'G STKEET. FINK CHUIT1iAS l'KIM'.NT. x A LANCASTcR FAVORITE ORGAN. -OK A- CHJCKEItNtJ & SON'S PIANO. A lull line el SHEET Ml Vi IN-!, ACCOi: DION'S. EAXJOs, HAIt.MO.MCA, .Ve. The above Instrument- will be sold at le dum! pi ice, iluiing the.lle'.idays. maxukacteey no. jsonekth iji:en ItianchellUeiiuiliigthe lleiidajs, Ne. 2 CENTKE S1TAUK. n.:-lyd&lj w ALEX. -. 1)l)i;ElC SALE 1' A Ell A H i.e c I t V 1'iepeitv. enA'rri:iAY EVENING, DECEM IIEIi is, isse, w ill be -old at publii- - lie at the Leepard Hetel, East King -licet, the lollewiug desetilied leal etale: That two story ItltlCK DWELLING JIOFhE w ith twe twe Hteiy IJiielc ISack lluilding, situate at Xe. il .Seuth Limeslieet. Tlie house lienls l'.lleet. and let extends in depth 1HS leet te Zieu Liithcnm church. The house has been reeent lv'papeied throughout; there aie seen laigc looms with gas in cery loom In the heu-e, ami water In the kitchen, in th let sue choice vaiielies et fruit lives and a tine grape vine. On the -euth side et thchniuu is 'in allcywnv ler tin' exeluiive use et thin piepei ly.jl'e-ses sieugiM'ii Apnl 1, It-sl. ale le cemincnee at 7 o'clee. p. in., w hen at tendance will be given ,1111! leii.i-inaile'knew 11 jy I'llILH" DOEUsOM. E. F. Eov. e, AmlI. decin LADIES' COATS, LADIES' COATS, LACKS' COATS. We would call tiieatli-nlien el the 1 idi"- te our large stock el the :ibee goods. . huh li.iMMill been KKDUCKU IN PRICE te i'.fi ;.t;c RAPID SALES. These in want should nut kill te -ce tiiei.i beleic pin cli i iiiir. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next le tlm I'nuri llee-e. SPECIA.L LOW PRICES HOLIDAY GOODS, AT ers & mm 11 Mil 1 11 J Ne. 25 EAST KING STRKET. Eregant as-eilmeiil ei -ilk U unlkcr chlefs irons 12) J cents up le hiicst ijii d ity and choicest -tjlcsand cnleiing-. Elegant a-seituienl et Hi ni-ti'.elud and Fancy Eerdeied Linen . I! milker chicls, sold sepurately 01 put up In Taney lee-:d speci.ii low piiee-. Elegant :i nrtnicnl el Linen Dam'i-k Tew el-at -peei.d low pi ices Elegant as-mtment of White Linen Dam-isk Table Clet lis wit ii te match, at low pi ice. Elegant a-seitment et i'liic Tuikey lied Damask Table c. let h w it b XaiiMns te match, at -peeial low prie . Elegant a eilmeiil of .lapane-e uud Leather Geed-., at special low pi ice-. Elegant as-eitment ei rine Su-pen-ders bilk and Ca limcie Mulllers. -cat t and IevS, at -peti illy low pi ice-. Elegant nssrutinent et sh'wl- a-nl Skill-, at -pe-ially low piicci. Xew I'.Iaek Silks in be,t qu ililie-, w ir ranted net le crick or bleak, ju-t n ceived and will b.--.eld at specially low prices during the llelidiy-. Elegant assert mentel Silk and Alp ica Umbrellas with all the ncv.ct liesigns iu liandles just ieceied, at speelall-, low prices for the llelidaj . Elegant assortment I Ladies', tJen tlcmcirs, r.eys' Mfcses' GeKtimer Watei pi oet Clothing in very be-t makes, :it -peci.dly low pi ie.-s dm ing 1 he Holi days. .Specially low pi ices ruling in every department. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, Ne. 25 Bast King Street, irmr autebtisemexts' MUSICAL BOXES. We have just received our second Installment of a very 1 rr;c invoice of Mu-ieal Bexes, which are marked at the following prices : 1-Air Tey Resea 2-Air Tey Bexes 3-Air Tey Bexes .. . 4-Air Tey Bexes ... 4-Air Bexes ler Table C-AlrBexe. for Table 8-Air Bexes ler Tabic 10-Air Bexes for Table 12-AIr Bexes for Table Eoxcswithattachmenuefllarn. Zither. Flute or Ucllsceat a m;lt a Iditlen te the above prices. We have the boxes playing as many as 43 airs. Oar stock of goods and selection et styles for this Christmas is Letter than ut any termrr seaen. We invite a visit te our store. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., JEWELERS, 4 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. EDW J. Manufacturing Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, Things In our stock Hint make Beautiful and Durable Christmas Gifts. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, JEWELRY, 30LD BRONZES, GOLD HEAD CANES, GOLD THIMBLES, SILVER HEAD CANES, SILVER TniMBLES, OPEi.'A GI.ASSKS. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES, GOLD BRONZE SMOKING SETS, PINE CIGAR SETS, BACCARET VASES-. ALL THESE AND MANY MOKE AT ZAHM'S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. IAIDS0ME CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! Nothing would be nicer and 11101 e appropriate ler a Christmas Cift thin oicel NORBEOK & MILEY'S HANDSOME CUTTERS. The best line e! Slchrhs in the Lancaster Market, including I'OllTLWD, AM'.ASi and TWO SEATED CUTTE11S. Cull and secute ltargains. A Full Line et CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, BUGGIES, ami Vehicle-etiveiy desci lotion, llepaii ing neatly attended te. Kcmcm-ici 1 mi Mutse " OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." OFFICE AMI 1ACTOBV: COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. XJM Alt WKTISEaiEXTS. IAtlS. V Oi tiers for H bite ami Coleivtl Hags, Cum hliees, Metals, &c, by postal will receive piempt attention cither Ii 0111 lamilies or rag dealei.s. Highest market piiccs paid. Adtlie-s, JACOB I. SIIIUK, tlli:-::tillt Sit; Concord Alley, Lancaster. N TO effeu kkfused. and Pianos. XEW AND SECOND- II ND, :il gieatly icduccsl prices. JUSTUS hTUCKENUOLZ, Fulton Ojiern lleiinc, Lancaster, dccll'iidil iN 'OTICE TO .sTOCKttOLDElLS. I.WCASTEIt AND ItEADIXa NAIIIIOW liAl'Ci: U'.ILItOAl) COMl'AXY. A meeting of the stockholder.-) of the Lan caster and Heading Narrow (Jauge Kail read Company, will beheld in the ellice of the ec ictiirv, above the banking hensc el Balr Micnk. Centre Squaie. LunciiHter. en MON DAY, .1 A N V. ItY J, IS8I. between the hours or Ilia. 111. and 1-! in., ler the purpose et electing thirteen diiecteis te serve ter the ensuing enr. W. LEA MAN. " ilccLVllw .t-ilil-declSXJanl flMIK M:W ANI CHEAP STOIIK. Melzpr, Bard & Eaihu, All lutcl.v with Fahnestock, WILL OPEN TIIE1U NEW AND CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE, 38 West King Street, Opposite Cooper Heuse, Lancaster, En., On Monday, Dec. 20, 1880, With an entile NEW STOCK bought bile iu the season, and te be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. ISI.ACK SILKb. Special Biirgaiiia at $1. b?l.i"i and $1.10. BL Ck CASI1MEIIES at Ileduced l'rices. Ladies' Goats and Delmans. .) list bought and te be sold much less than former prices. Shawls for Ladies and Misses. SPECIAL LINE OK PATSLEY SHAWLS TO BE SOLI CHEAP. BLANKETS AM) COMFORTABLES, In all tirades and 'Jualltii-. We call attention te a let et Colored Blanket-., and Coiutei tables, both eliglltly tinning ed. and much under regular price. CALICOES, MUSLINS, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, &c. At tlie New Cheap Stere, 38 WEST KING STREET, Oppe-Itc Cooper Heu-c, I.ANCASTEIl, PA. 1 A. METZGEK, BENJ. F. BARD, C.F. 11AUGIIMAX. deelS-tM&vvU .. Li) .. 400 .. COO .. 7.;u .. 20.C0 .. su.oe . iXOO .. 30.00 ,. J.0 ZAHM, Lancaster, Pa. j-'ek sali: en i:i:xr. 1)UHLIC SAI.i: 1 CANADA 1IOIOKS. . On MONDAY'. DECEMBER fll, ISsd, v. ill be bold at public sale, at J. D. Deniinger-iMei-rimae Heuse. ll. Ninth Piiucu street, ter city. Fa., the lollew ing Live Stock, vu. : H Head el Heavy Dratt and Dining Hi)BEs, from 4 tell j eaii old. MiM ail beuiepn.e:il cdby the undernigncd or nej-ale. Aciedit of sixty days will be given. Sale te commence itl o'clock p. in., en -.411! day, when a'tcnilanee will lie given bv GLOItCE;ilOMAN. S.vM'r. Hiss .S. Sev, Anets. dl7--"d IIIULIC SALE WILE I:E OH t.ltESJ AT public sale, all that let 01' gieuud limit ing 44 feet en the southeast snle ni Middle stnet, and extending in deptii Hi Teet 1; inelit -.. en which is elected two twos'erj Biick Dwelling Houses, VTlth bank buildings am! ether im provements. The iiiil properly v. ill be Mild ai a whole, or either limine and let a-- new divid ed and occupied, wilt be sold separati !v.' It sold separately the light te a common um et the liycinmt. p.vss.ige allevand vval"i vvav as new used will be le-eived. Sale te be hlTd at the Leep.'rd Hetel, en !:ast King street, en MO!Da. DECEMBER 2, IS), at 7:."0 p. in., whencmilitinnsw-illbeieade known by JOHN BLCI. It.SllL'CEKT, AllCt. dll-tsil 1)UKLIUSAEE. . On MONDAY, DECEMBER 'J7, li.w.l! be sold et public -ale at the Cooper heu-e. West King street. The lollew ing city propel ly, viz, : A lotef ground Minuted .m the comer el Green and Duke Mice!-. Iieutini; 1:11 Duke street WJ teet ami : inclie,, ruiiMing along Green sticet 17TJ- leet, and along Lew 'tiiel, tHH) feet, upon which aie eieetid a one dei.v Deuble Frame IIeu-e, stable. mil lieg-iy in" rear of let; well et geed water with pump therein ; ale hydiaut, f rut ttee-. ,Ve. Tlie lencCH around the gieunds:iie in geed order. Thepieperty will he sold in lets or m the whole as urar uc-it suit purch 1-1":-. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p.m., when terms will be made knew n by 1 lie TitusTEEseEbT. !5Ti:riii:..s'ciiri:( 11. II. SlIUlIEItT, Auct. iIcl J l-v A. TttJISLIC SALE tV VAI.UAKI.i: CITY X Property. On JIONDAI, DEC. -0. Ih-tl. will be seddut public s;ile, ut the Cooper In ise. Lancaster city, la., the lollew ing real c-tate, te wit : Ne. 1, A let of ground flouting 0 leet 10 inches 011 East King streets, between Lmie.and Shippen streets, ami extending iu deptii IU (! inches te Church street en West line, and en East line lOCi leet. making a front en Chinch streetef 23 feet, en vv Inch is erected an elegant three-story White Marble Ii out house, with a two-story brick back building, Ne. 212. 1 hu house has all the modem improvements, hetii in style und finish, and is well weitliy li:e at tention of persons wanting a convenient and pleasant home. Ne. 2 consists of a Ihrcc-slery Biick Beuse, fronting 14 feet and 4 inches en East King street, and extending 111 depth ."ii leet 2 inches. Ne. 3 East King sticet, Lancaster, la. '1 his is n tirst-class business stand, new occupied as a Miec Stere, by Mr. Levy. The above pioper pieper lies can be seen previous te tlie day et sale by calling en the occupants. Sale te commence ut 7 o'clock, p. 1:1., el siil day, when attend. nice will be givi 11 and con ditions of sale made known by JOHN K, METZGER, dmlnlstrater e. t. a. d. b. 11., and Agent let Aheirs et Jehn Mctigcr, deceased. Samuel II ess& Sex Aucts. ill-WAUi-il -frAEUABEE CITY l'It01'i:UTV AT iTK- LIC SALE. On FRIDAY, DECEM RER 24, ISA!, wrill be old en the premises, southeast angle Centre Square, the fellow inj? valuable real estate, vi : Ne. 1. A Letof (Jretind, southeast corner ei Ccnlie Square, with a iientage en said square eftlfeet, including 33-lcct wide all'-y 011 vvet side, with a further extension et -aid line c-ast-wnnl S3 feet, mere or less, toitepuityof Abi.i ham llirsli. then south, 41 leet, 11101 1: or lc-s. te a a-leet wide alley, runningcastand west. then eastward along said alley 22) teet, moieei less, te property of Isaac Stirk. then south 21 leet :: inches, incluiling said alley, mere or less, te property et Ncal Lagan's estate, then v. est ryt teet, mere or less, te prepcity et Eitncr A. llestcttcr, then north C5 leet :! inches, includ ing tlie :feet wide alley, mere or les te Centre Squsre. en which is elected a two steiy 1JRICK UUILDINU, termerly occupied by Dr. MIshler for the nianufactureefRiltersand Geld and Sodium; aleo, another part two and part three-story Uriel: lluilding, adjoining Mirk's property 011 the east, Eitncr s. llc-deltcr en the west, and Ncal Lagan's estate 011 theseulh, new used as a Dwelling and Beer Saleen : geed Cellar and Sewerage, as well as (Jas and ater throughout the entire buildings. Ne. 2. A Let et Ground, situate en tlie nei Hi fide of Middle street, 21 lectin trout, and in depth 11U feet, mere or less, te a common alley, known as Heward street, en which has been lately erected a tin eu-ateiy Rrick Dwell ing Heuse. bale te commence at 7 o'cleck: p.m. of said clay, when terms of sale will lie made known by EL1ZAI5ETH :.!I11LER, Usury Sucbert, Auct. U7.7td CANARY 1MKDS. A lew Choice Yeung Canary birds for sale Splendid Singers. Apply at decis-itd 2 East orange -si" THIED EDITIOff. SATURDAY EVENING, DEC. 18,1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Wasiiinc.tes-, Dee. IS. Fer tire Jlrddle states cloudy weather, with light rain or snow, northerly te westerly winds, sta tionary or slight fall in temperature, and rising barometer during the night. INACTIVE COMMITTEES. Congressmen Ilemn for the Holidays. Washington. D. C, Dec. 18. With the exception of Clymer's sub-committee, who were busily engaged ou the army ap ap ap ITopiiatienbill, none of the Heuse com mittees are in session this morning. Alany members have gene home for tlnj holidays. ATOXT FIGHT. A Freucli Editor Who Decline a Challenge. Paris, Dec. 18. 51. Remat, of the Pays, states that having merely answered ene aggiessive newspaper article with another, he ictuses a duel with 51. Reinacb, the scc- ictarvnrl- fJnmlipttn nnil will nnf inannf fc, . .. ...., .... ..... ..v,V ..vs.t a chaljcnge, unless Ileinach directly insult him. Paul DeCisNagnac declares in the liis that he cannot allow a member of hrs staff te light 51. Rcinach, as the latter It ef used te fight 51. Henri Rcchcfeit, with whom alone he ha a geneial quarrel. THE KTJYK UOILEK. It Cues 011 Anether Picnic In New Yerk CI t. New Yeuk, Dee. 18. The boiler in "Willis & CIcrrrerrt's chemical works, "West 'Juth stiect, exploded this morning, wreck ing the lear poitieu of the factory in v.lueli it was )I.iced ami damaging ma ehtnery te the extent of $2,000. Tlie walls and loot" of the rear extension were also wrecked, the boiler itself was carried by the fetee of the explosion te the yaid of A it Sixth avenue, nearly half a block dis tant. Xe one was injured. Cause 1111 1111 lciievv n. All the Vetes In. Wasiii votex, Dec. lS.--WHIi.iin A. Wheeler te-day leceived certificates of the electoral vote iu Oregon and Nevada. The reports of the electoral vote in every state arc new in. Death of a Uuchcgi. Londen, Dec. 18. The death of the Duchess of Westminster is announced. She died at her lcsidcnce last evening. S icked by Turks. CoN-.rANTiNeri.E. Dee. 18. The village of 5Iii'-h, in Armenia, has been sacked Ly Ttukfrh 1 loops. l'resldeiit Clew en In ICurexic. Piiir.MiEi.i-iitA, Dec. 18. Dispatches jeecived here aiiueuucc President Cowen's auival iu Europe. HIAUKHTS. rsew erk .viarriei. Yeuk. Dee. 13. Fleur market ilull Nc and inife-i strongly In buyers liver; Miperline state at $: (ia" !."; tra toil :jl w); cheiee, de M fi."0." ei : fancy ile 5".0.":i;r0; round hoop Ohie J!"le;?:.r.l choice at f.".V)fji; 8"; supeitine western i't lOgll.'.ti; 'omitien te geed cclm de jt rt.u5.l00 ; choice de .". C'.Qi; 71: clieice vvhlt'- w treat de ." 10 ijciii); feeiitiieiu cjuiet and heavy; com mon le fair etra $1 Sij''i:"i ; geed le etieh e de : 'S: Wi- Wheat heavy and yjnie lower ; Ne. 1 While, I)ic.,sl KJ; deJan.,"! 171 17: Ne. 2 Red, Jan. t1 l'),i?i!'!0; de Feb., -Jl -IXKitttil 2tJ ; de May, $1 '.'.Si I I 21. Cern dull and without important change; Mixeii wi stern spot, at Xl'iiiir; de lutiire .'.T'.Ji.Ve. Oats a shade lower ; Ne. 2 Jan.,' 'SJe : de Feb.. IVe; Mate W.ilT'ie ; Western 4'i)l7-' I'l'.llaiielplila market. 1'hh.'.ili':iia, December IS Fleur dull and ituch-mgi d ; supriiiue at :(Kig:; " extra at f.j;."31 ."n; Ohie and Indiana lamiiy fiMfi 1; 21; I'cntr.i imily $" l'Jg.'i M ; St. Leuis laniilv ; (XL-it; ."; Minnesota r.miily ."i 2"(jrS7 : de straight filfiOfft',: "i'l: Winter p ileut $: 7. VI; Spnng de $7 CilJJS (VK Rye .' 1 1 1 i 1 : 1 1 1 at 15 25. Wheat liriuer: Ne. 2 West-rii lied 1 IfiJ; reun'a. Red at l 'Q I Ii:J; Amber at $1 l"jj l 17. , Cern iiiiet liu! steady; steamer, Tile; jellew, ",QYir : mixed. .Vie. . Cat-"hi 111 and t.tii ly active; Ne. 1 White at l'V ; Ne. 2 de at 47c: Ne. :: dent 'Ce ; Ne. 2 Miei'at !l'f.e. Rye dull; Wc teril '.re ; I'enn'a !5c. I'lovisiens market dull, but prices til m : 1111 ss peik old $1 J ."Hi; new 415 25; ls-l Imnis at; ludiitn n.-sbeel $1S ."ill ; It icon iiiiek'-d sheiiiflei.s .iy."i,4C : salt de 5Jc ; sii.el.e i hams SiJffliiJCv; pickled llama 7;4 'e. L111I til m; citj lattlcat H'ASl'S'Ae-z loose hud iieis' ,.; jiiiuie steam $ S7i-'.i k. Ruller inaiUet i(iiiet aside from fancy giadcs : Cieameiv eMia It'ic : de geed te choice :,'(?.",e: Ri-.tdteid county and New 01!. ti,i?if7.i ; Western reserve extra 21 fftJV: !e gee, I te choice ISfi2!e; Rolls ijuiet :nd iM.'.i'r: l'enn'a ; Wislern Reservi-e.Mi.i 2'Jl. Kggs -cmicu and higher ; l'a. :SI.'!5e ; West-i-i v X'.li.iUi. Chce'si 1I1 ml v in Id ; New erls lull at I IS'I.:1 Jc ; Western full cream l-V'; de I.i'i le liiMid at llfl2e; de half skims liht li-'rc ; 1'ade 105)10c. I,i!.eieniiHlllel,r ; lellucd at !Vc. Whisky at $1 lb. Si isis 1'ei.d te prime clever slew at 77'i ; Fl.i-i ' nominal at$l .''ilg.d ;li. Mix'ic 'VlarKvt i:v 1 ewe :-rei Ks 'li'Cl. 1 stlOllg . December IS A. M. A. M . 1. M. 1. M. 1. M. le. Ill 11:15 12:15 1:55 :.:(0 1'1 y v f m m 9 m Michigan !s. A L. ..... I2sU 1 IJli-g .... Michigan Cent. R. R..1.VJ 120"' 13 12I?S .... Chicago .V N. W 12)?. ir-M .... lk2Vi .... Chicago, M ."CM. I". 1 1 1 "f, II1J; .... 113' .... Man. A- M.J. Coin IS IS 4s; ASyt .... " l"ld.... '.14 usx '?;, V Teledo .; Wabash. . -15 -1.5 V, 45; .... Ohie.v. Missrssippi. .. :!'J -.51)4 'MY, St. Leuis, I. M. ft.R.. Mi' 5",J SjJj; y Out'ilieitml Westiin. M 2 ::!', :tl .... 1.. C...V I.C. R. R 2ll;S 20'i 211 2P4 .... .c"Jcrcv Central.. s, M;rt si'4 HV; Del. A. Hudsen Caii'll. ULi illli Uli !I2V .... Del.. I :n left WesternlM;v; 1(M', W,'. Uli;7 ...." Western Unie: 'lei... SI " y. t-ly tO& .... I'aeilie Mail -. . Ce.. 5J7 .:;" .... KI Aiueliciu II.Te!. Ce (Ininn I'.t'itic His,1 ls;i .... ll74 Kllli-as Tex is fy, xyt wx n;)2 .... New' Yel !:(." nlml H'"Jm Adams Lxpiiss IIS lilineis Central UlJi Cleveland & l'itts 1254 Chicago & Reck I Ii5 littsbuig!iFt. Ii5 riIILVliCt.l'HlA. otecks strong. lViiii-vlvania R. i:.. . !.,& r.iy. ).2i C2K CJ rhiS'.u.v. Reading..... 'J'. Wu "-' 'VX "'' Lehigh Valley UV2 57J-i ... 57 :." L-li!gli Navigation... IW, VTi'i '-fi'A &',! 'AVt Northciul'a'jilIeCem :.4 .'ty, .... :'i ."KJi I'M . vmz r,i, .... am m l'itts., Tit usv'eA i: ... 174 1 l1 '4, ix Northern Centra! 45 45 45 Piiirii-e Elic R. R...iM4 21 2I' '21 iyH Neithcrn l'enn'a Dn. R. It's of N. J 1M IlestenviUe I'ils" 11) Central Trans. Ce M'AXTJSV. 1"..NTKI.-A YOL'N'l. OIKE WANTS A situation as chambermaid. Apply at 2r East Oiangi street. lid aes ii.s, i:ais. Wanted. 2ie per pound paid ler mixed ragi as seen as deliveied. b W..IIENNECKE 2T West King Sticet. 1 1 1 5 1 v. 1 1 Lancaster l'a. rpUY A VOIIM) Ol' THE DELICIOUS 8 o'clock Breakfast Coffee. ATLAKTIC and PACIFIC TEA CO., 114 NORTH QUEEN STREET, 1 110 tj an I Lancaster, Pa. City of WilisiiBrl, ft, DEFAULTED RONDS AND COUPONS Wanted by BAKDAL H, FOOTS, nAXicr.R axd nnercmt, ,li cM-V.d Te Ri e nlvv ay. New Vel k City. -VCir AJD rUTlSjE2IXTS. OSVTEIi LU.-Cfll AND TUICKKY It.F fllngthU evening at Henry Rohrer's Ccn tennlal saloen.corner et ;?trawberrr,Miilbcrrv and ine streets. Trank Reikef's beer 011 G,!AMJ SAITEK KltAlT X.VNC11 TO N IGIIT and Turkev- Ka 111 ing. at MICHAEL SNYDER'S SALOON. "" Maner Street. reTICK OK mJSOLLTUN.-NOTICE IS XI hereby given that the co-p irtnership heretofore istlng between IL Seibert and .). U. Schneider, doing business under the name and style of Seibers - Schneider, lias been dis solved by mutual consent, Mr. SeiLcrt retirim retirim trem the Arm. J. U. Schneider havin;piirchiscd all or Mr. f elberfs interest in tlie prepert v and as-ets et" the ute flrm.and having asMiiucd all liabilities against the same, is hereby authorized te llailidatt' t til, ft nil .ittliielli.l'ilm Lml ., -...-.. ....-. Rowing te and indebtedness against, the 11 rm of ,.1 " "-"iieiuer. 11. Mirr5i;i;T.- 1W J. U.bUIINElDEi:. INSURE WITH TUK OLD AND WE IX Established Agency of the 6M Firg loseraijs Ce., OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS OVER Eleven Hundred Thousand Mhrc. Invested in Safe and Solid securities. IftFE fc KAUFMAN", Ne. 19 EAST KING STREET. dll GmdM.W.sE second 1- loer. IAS FITTINI. AND 1'M'MlilM;. JOHN P. SOHAUM, Ne. 27 SOLTH (L'IKX STKIiHT, LAM A-TKR, I'A.. PLUMBER, 0A3 AND STSAM PITPBR. A I.aigu ssertuii-i-.t et GAS FIXTURES Censl.intlv en hand. lyloitmdeawS v. n east K!N: .'i:i::t. SEI.LINi; OCT Will Vv U'sYTi CLOSE IK sISE.. We have an nnmcu-e ,hMitnii'i'.t el DOLLS, Which we are selling c'lipei' th 111 any ether store 111 the city. ie, a liuesieek ei LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS ok i:vi:r. di-scrii'iiiin. BRIMMER & BELL, iu s:asi icim; srRi:::r. i:.s rt::: r. 1 ixjti:x ts. Tui.TtN eriarA iiecsi:. URAND FAl!lONAl!LE I'.VENT xumiay i:vi:mm., ec. 20, Appearance of the l'epu! ir Tragedian THOS. W. KEENE. Siippeitfil bv the cliaimiiig tragic aelie-s, MlSU HENRIETTA VADERs. ERA'.ER COULTER, OCT.WIA ALLEN, KRANU ROCHE and a spei mliy -I'li'iti.t e.niip.inv under the man :igi ment ei WM. R. IIATiKKN en which ee casieu will he pisun Mi it. spe.ire's urand bisteiiial Iragiily in "i actse RICHARD IU; Or, the Battle of Bo3verth Field. OIester(altervaiiI)Riciiardlll).T.W.M:i:Ni:. 1'OrUL R I'RICi:- :;r,, 51) :ml 7.5 ts. RESERVED sKATs, !. Sale el ceniinenees Weilni-,dav. Her. 5, at the Opera Heuse Ollice. dlt Mil A NMIAIi VISIT OI'EItA HOUSE. TUESDAY,' DECEMBER 21. MR. JOHN D. 3IIMILER has the honor le present thcUicu! Comedians, K0BS0X ANI CRANE, In their I'npreee lenled Mice is.t SHARPS AND FLATS. A Sl'ECI'LA'lIVir SATIRE IN KeUR ACT'. Cutler sharp, et ilicstn l'r,iiici-i,i iek E change, STUART ItDlMiX. Dilllsteue Flat, e pal-seu, tie ptespi ctivi millions, wauliiigte.bea bull or bear, and ever icady ler a put or a call, VI. II. CRANE. Supported by their COM LDV. COM RAN v.. I'riccs, ."jOun I 7.5 cfit-.. Rfsi-ned .seits, at Ycekcr's,!!. .IliJ-r.t.t T71EETON OI'ERA ISOUM;. WEDNESDAY, DEOEMBF.Ii 22. .1. H. IIAVERL'. LA'I I.Vf M Ci'l.s-, Ihivcrlv s Widow limleti COMEDO t Odl'ANV, Ir.iimilii d by PETROLEUM . N V K ( R. Lecke), i.nd jin si-iiiing mene.''s I'l.pular Comedian, . Mr. Chas. B. Bishop. The most select and the illumed Cemedv evirintieiiiieeil. Don't leiget tl.e MAI I.H i DATE DLCEMRERS. VOIM'I.m: I'CILLs: AD.MIr-slON :i.-, .50 .' 5.5 Cts. EEaEEVED SE.VI, ".".Wi. Eer sail-at Opera Heuse Oiliee. dl7-5tit ji .. : 1:1.1. am 1:0 . FLlNiN &BIiHX1-.MAi. GRAND OPENING OF TOYS, CHRISTMAS 8001 V btrgt r sleck ever. Lewi rprif cs th m evel Ev cry vanet v of Mei haineal Te s. De'LLs! DOLL-! DO L 1.-3 ! " I'.I.tK h? AND (JAMKs. Her-es, Cuts, Wngenx. li iglw. Velocipede, and IJieycles. USEFUL I Hi-TMAS I'RI.lENT.. Elegant Car ves,silvi-i-plated Knives, silver piated spoon ', Silver plated Felks. The i:hoi goods an; Redger-i.t l.te.'sbcst goods, bought at as.icrllice. and will be sold very Je.v. HOUSE KURNIsIIINt; ,OOD. Tin, Micit lien and Weeden Ware at (.leat Flu & kmmn. (Jrcat Stere anil Healer Stere, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER I'A. " 111 enii)Uii('in"; Satnrday, IIpc. tllli. POSITIVE CLOSING OUT or- Tun H.L.ZAHM&CO JEWELRY STORE. Ne. 2(1 NORTH UKEN STKM.T. Fine Walches Ter Ladles ami Cents, Key an.r Stem Winders in Celd and Silvir, solid Silver and l'lated Ware, Sets Eur Ri.g-, Rings, Clm.n-1, Necklaces. RODGERS BRO.'S Knives, Ferks and Spoons. All te be sold without rc-crve. The Fixtures te he sold at the d(is el Mic, and the Stere will be Fer Rent ireni AI'RIL 1, 1SSI. WM. MITLiVR, ilect-Iimll I'UOl'Ul.-'iOR. Attn! Auclieu!