I je funtfafte LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY. DECEMBER 18. 188(1 Volume XVII-Ne. 3 Prim Twe Cents. lb NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : jr i THE HOLIDATS AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, CHESTNUT, THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS, AND CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. riMIE HOLIDAYS. . There is nowhere In Plilladcliilibifce vaiic-da I collection et i ich goods us bcic "iueli us lath ers, tnethci a, brothers, hMcis levci--, leek for u little late-i. Tlicre Is mi end even of Gift. Our collection Is Large enough and rich enough, one would Hupiiese, even Ter a Jess fingal city Hi. in Philadelphia. The-e tfoedsni-eaie nev. at the height el thcii giei v. The choicest et tliem an' here; ethers will come el cmnse; but the choicest aie going. What Is equally te the puipesr, buyers aiu new about as many as cm lie niifeil:ihly hci ved, and tlie throng will he ileiisei eveiy fair day till Chiistmus. JOHN WANAMAKi:it. flVJlLET FURNISHING. J. Sachets, tidies, lamp sliailes, pin ( iisliien. boxes, in satin and plush, embieldcicd and painted. JOHX WAXAMAKEK First ciicle. southwest liein the ecntic. LACKS. Huchesse vest with Point medallhins, $') ; Hie same may lie -ccn elww heie at $70. JOHX tVA.VAMAKI.li. XIne counter, southwest liein the centre. CLOCK!?. Jl.35 te iflSi.OO, all gunnuiteeil. JtlllN WAXAMAKEK City-hall square cut l.tncc. rrevs. L Xew room, ncu tnn JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Outer circle, wsl el thu CI eslnnt Miccl en t ranee. 1300KS. I J A catalogue el boeL , inav be had at the book cenntci. We wantevei le.idci te line It. The list el ehildi-eu'w holiday hoel s is -pecially complete, JOHX WAXAMAKLR. Second counter, northeast lrein the litre. JADILS' ULSTERS. J Thcreuie two geneial Mjles, one cle-eil at thubaek.tlie ether epen: tlielatlei iskueuu us coachman's styli. In detail el 1111111111:1 1 lieie Isgieat aiiely though tlieie is also m.ukcd Hlmplleily. Gieat v.u idy in dothsleo. p VI te . Cloaks, leielgn ami home-made. O111 tollcc tellcc tollcc tien is iiupieeedented, whether 3011 lesjlld va ilety, quantity or value. A lady who buys a cloak et any neit In rhil.idelphia without looking these e ei mieses the bt a-serlment, perhaps, in the w nole eeunti v. $; Se te "(. jehx wanamakkr. Southeast cot ner et the building. MISSES' COAT.S. MiseV co its in mine than 70 cloths, uliapcs uud lecoratien lieyeml counting. SJIc-9 3 te 1C yeai s. Ulstereltcs in j cloth-., uNteis in 3 iletlisauil havclecks In cloths. Sies ; te IK. jeiin wa.va.mam:!:. Southvveslceuicrot the building. UNDERWEAR AXI HOSIER. Wc lia utile licit goods the vvnild alleids. und the next liesf, anil the m:t, and -e .n. Tlieie is no place anywhere, whtic 3011 1.111 nee se laigeu collection et thcdillcicnt gi.ules et goods, all passing ler what they nie, and nothing ter w hat it is net, cotton ler olten, lulled lei niixeil, wool lin wool, xilk ter silk. JOHX WA..MAIvi:i:. Outei tlieie. Chestnut street, cut mine te Tluilceiithstict t entrance. T?mi:keiikuies. 'i 4kr lltkJlllatl I.tJ III lilt' M O111 stock is new ill the toi.ditieu jeu expect te liud it in at Xew e.uV. i. r. the sluing no el- tics nie heie. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Thild ciicle, MOiithw est liem the centie. CAUl'ET.s. The choicest lnm ions ai pets; tlie most substantial cupels; the lowest pilces: puue tual service. JOHN WAN AMAIvf.lt. Maiket st 1 vet trout, up sinus.. S1I.KS. Eening silks in the Aicide, east side. The s line and many ether pattei us aie w iiliiu. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Xcxt outer circle, southeast liem tlseceiilie IMIIItOlUEUIES. li Our next pilng's novelties in embioi embiei Uerien ar jnt new rcceicd; tliey usually come at Xew VeatV. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Xcxloiiterciicle,ieutliwcst I101.1 tliecentie. JACEb. j I.aces change ilnily. Oursalesaie I.uge. ewr variety alwajs l.uge, and but little el :n tinesert. Compare pi ices. A quutei below tlie maikct is net uncommon. JOHN WANAMAKEi:. Xinece'.inters, southwest liein the ecu tic. WKAlS, &.C bur lui sleck el leielgn cloaks as IM11I.1 ilclphia lias net bclere seen, le te !ri"t); shaw Is neai ly ; di esses upstalis. J' JOHN" WAXAMAKEK. Southeast corner el the building. FUN t urs erall sei Is are going rast. 'i hey w cut last last year ami nd auced in pi ice as t he sea 011 advanced. They sue going up again. We shall net raise prices till we hac te buy. Ex pect te find here w hatc ei j en want, tieiu m bit et t thinning up. JOHX WAXAMAKl'.i:. Tliiiteeuth sticct entrance. CIOATS AX1 UEbTEUS FOU CHIEDKP.N. Xet se treat variety as ler ladies; bill much larger than unyw here else heie. Coats,:! te G years: in Unity ditlereiit mate rials, drab, blue and brownceuls wilhlUccy black ; cellar and cutrs et plush : also 111 ten canters hair cloth, tiiiniiied w nil seal cloth. Coats, 4 te 1(5 viuh : in thiity cloths, tum ined with plain stitching, plush, seal cloth, chinchilla fur and velvet. Si te $1. Ulstcix-ttes, fi te 10 years ; 111 li e cloths, with seal cloth cellar and cull'-.. Ulsters, C te Hi cars; 111 eight cloths, tnni inert with plush stitching, heed and plush. Havelecks, 4 te US 3 ems ; two styles, JOHN WAXAMAKEU. BOVb' CLOTIIIXli. Onrtrade isjust what it ought te be for the facilities ami adxantages we enjoy. JOIIN WA.VAMAK Eli. East of central aisle, near M 11 ket sticct. (HINA AXH UEASSWAUE. j Tackloeng prcelaln, p'ate only, ler din ner or rtesseit, 11 e iiattenib, 2"i te M per dozen. Havllanrt dinner sets ; Camille pattei 11, $110 ; m 1 MnA r......l ltll. . lu.H ll.tl 11 1M1 CieCW I1C1V, w. M.k.a 11, ", -tv ,t,.., i-."-. I Tressed w ith Meiesque beidei and decoration I........ ! I...-. .1IL . nlAii li.it.t I 01 grassea unu uuiujihus, ...p , vis, .,, J275. The latter Is in the Ai carte, Chestnut street entrance, te-rtay. Table glassware, English, blrawbetrj-ili 1 1 nienrt cut; every article lcqulicrt lei the table useful or ornamental. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Xoithwestcenicr et tlie building. PLUbll HAXn-BAttS. And a great x-ai Iety et ether kinds. Alse pocket hooks, embroidered leather cud e.ise ,, cigar cases, and excrylliintf ' lc ither goods. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Tliird circle nnithwcst tiem eentie. Chestnut, Thirteenth anil Market stteets and City Hall square. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. inyns Ann S. OLAT MILLER, lines. Brandies, iIiqs. Old eye WMsMes, k.. Ne. 33 PENN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. CHBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. GIFTS. , , Te buy Holiday Oitu eaily is geed ad vice: 'ilie best trade is early; and the best 1 1. idecunieaeU' the best things. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. 1 LFRED WRIGHT'S PERFUMES. J HIS Miuv Stuart is probably the most lasting el all the agi eeablu perfumes; noueel the leieign ones approach it. It is eiy rich, sliengand lull of lite; It isugieeable te mere pel miiis, piebably, than any ether pel luuic. Wild Olive is next in pepul irity ; tills ale is slngiilaily pevveilul and lasting. While Ite-c Is delicate and lasting. We keep the pieterred odeis or all the tlrst class poiltimeiH, such as T.ubin, lialley, Atkin son and Coudray ; but of Alvrcu WmuHrtirc keep all. Ilnng an unreifumed handkeiehlef ; and you shall li iv e n sample el any odor veu isli. JOHX WAXAMAKKK. 1'irit ciicle, 1101 tliw est liem the center. CtOI.OKED DRESS GOODS. The lolleuing. just received, ure away down 111 pi lies : r leach Camel's hair, 47 inch. )?.". and .Ki; Fiench cheviot suiting, silk anil wool, TIuc!i, fii; Freneii leuie, an wool, sa Iik li, i-UK. i:y looking out for Mich oppeitunitiesa lady in ty olten s:ie halt. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Nine ceunleis, Thiiteeiith street entrance. LACK OOOils. A lady wanting any et tin following will be obliged I01 the mention et them ; Mlk and wool :-:itin de l.yeu, NT cents; silk laced lotus, !jl ; meiiiie cloth, 7" cents; dinnasse dnip d' ete, I..riO ; dam.isse cashmere, $l.i"i. All the puces except the Hist are piebably below the o-tel maniilactiiie, and even tlie (irst may be. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Next eutei curie, son t invest tremtheceiiter. rrUlMMINU FOU DUES&ES AXI CLOAKb. 1 O111 trade lcquii-es tiieiatgestandlieshcht stei k et these goods, liinges,passeuieiiterie or er naments, giulles, tasseN, spikes, rings, balls, buttons. We have novelties net te be found :in wheieLlse. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Nexteutei ciicle, noithivesMieni the center. till AW I.s.Ac. O A few shiwls nie shown 111 the A 1 cade; gentlemen's diesbing gowns and smeUiii' jackets in the same ease. Meie are within. JOHX WANAMAKEi:. i..islei the Chestnut stieet entrJmce. 1 .MUtir. Oui woik-ieoni Is lull et preparation, n inn in 11 we cannot ciewu it laster. ivu iiac i .uly, also, al.ugu stock of tiiiished garments, tin and lui lined. We h,i c saeques and dolmans in sealskin lel in Londen we lane none but Loudou Leudou Loudeu di id sell. We have them in gi eat numbers, and. et eeui-e, iualisizcs iticludlii!;cticmes. l'l u es. lie:n lJ.'i te iflA). Londen contiels the seal nun ket el the weild Theiu luve been two advances in pine since our tins were bought. We skull net ad. nice lilt we haxote buy again; we h.n c net art v.i'iecil at all, as yet. Wchic, at $103, seal saeqm-s such as J oil will leek in ain ter elsewheieat the price. rui lined citculais ami dolmans in xery gte.it .itiet. We use mostly batin rte Lyen. g:e. gnuii. 111 iiiuie and brocade silk ami bicil leime ; ter meuining, Heiuietta and lll.ip iI'Ete. 'J he latter are inadu loonier only. We haxeexei thing weith hiving in sets tiiiumiugs, robes, glees, taps ami the thou sand and one little tilings 1 li.it ate kept 111 the c impletest lists. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. 'i'hutcjnth stiei t entrance. eKIUTs. O Kelt, all olersand v.u iety et styles. We te it 2.i ; tlannel, black, blue, gray, brew 11 ami si u!ei, $2 51 te $.17.; s.ttin, black, $1.75 te ! "iO ; satin, blue, sun let, biew 11 and black, $l'2i()te Si; Italian cloth, black, $l.i" te $5. The x.uielx isxeiy gieat. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. seuthv.est ceiuei et Hie building. 1OW OVEUCOATX Netice thee two samples: Ulue chinchilla sick, xelvet cellai uud rte l.tchablc cape, lined with Faimei's satin, horn buttons. Jii.M), Istheie another such coat te 1 Je.'i0 1 We hax'e sold hundreds el t hem. ' Itiewn-rcd-uud old geld diagonal ulsterettc sett wool lining, slcexes lined with a durable, silk-straped labile, horn buttons, $S.3J. These n:c but but specimens et many. It tliev-eem imiting, etliers may be niore se. -ee'thein. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Ccntial aisle, next te the outer ciicle, Mai kct "tied side. TII5i:ONSAXI)MILI.lXEItV. IVi ISibbeus ami Milliuei-3, you knew, we li ie much meie of than any ether house JOIIN WAXAMAKEU. X01II1 el Thiitccnth street entrance. IlNEN.s. j A xeiy gle.,t .uiety el the lincst linens, 11 xeiy gieit x.irii-ty et staple linens, and the lowest puces in Philadelphia. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Outer tilde, City Hall bquarc entrance. 1INEX HAXUKEUCHIEF's. A New goods (list receicrttrem abiead. We h.ic, without doubt, the richest und lullest stock en tins side et the Atlantic. Wu buy fieiu makeis, diicct, knew the quality Of 0111 linen beyond question, and keep below the inaiket besides. JOHX WANAMAKEi:. second ciicle, southwest liem the centre. SILK HAXUKKKCIIIEFS. The xcry finest English and Fiencli liand keielnels and Mullleis; lundkerclilets fl.i'Me l.M inutilers, S1.3I te $4.50. Klscwheie they aie sold ler a qvaiter mere, at least. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. bctend ciicle, southwest from the ccntie. UXDEUWEAK. Exeiy ui.lh idti.il uitiele of Meilne or bilk rndeiwear tliat we buy we examine te see w bet her the buttons aie sewed en accuiely and whether the sunns aie light and piepcrly Listened. II anj thing is wrong, back the gar ment gees te the lrakcr, or we light It at Ids expense. bucl: has been our practice font j ear anil a halt. Is tlieie another nicichaiit lilt l'htlartel iilu.t w he dees the -ame, or xvhe watches the interests et Ids customers in uny similar way? Defects may escape us, neverthlcss. 1 oil de us a lax or, it ou biiugback the least imper fection te be made geed. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Outer ciicle. Thirteenth street entrance. Ml'bLlX UXDEUWEAK. Oiirasseitinent elall muslin 1u1dctg.tr in nts is as lull as.it any time et the xear; und when the demand for such Is net generally slieng we are ellen able te buy at unusual art vantage. We h ix'e very nearly the same goerts the xear leuurt : but pi ices Miry mere or les. Xew, lei example, probably, there Is net te be leuurt In this city or in Xew Yerk muslin nil del garments equal te our regular sleck except at higher pi ices. We knew et no exception w hatex'cr. . JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Seuthwc-: coiner oft lie building. TlUlcr.EU OVEUUAUMEXTb. Ji De x 011 knew, many are net et Uubbcr.tit all, and aie net watcipioel? We sell as many as all Phil idelphia besides; real ai tides only; and guaiautcc them. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Ccitial aisle, near Maikclstiietentiiinee. IjUjveks. CZ.OIHIXG. CHRISTMAS GOODS BELOW COST: CHUISTMAb GOODS BELOW 'COS'l ! CHBISTMAS GOODS BELOW COsT I RATHVON & FISHER Arc selling off thtlr entjie stock ei KE DY MADE CLOTHING below cot. Alse FURNISHING GOODS. FKOM XOW UNTIL JAXU VKV 1st AT COST. CLOTHING made te erjei in tlie piev.iiling "tj'les and at medium jn ices. COR. SOUTH 01LK. and OUAM.i: SI S.. LANCASTEU. P , RATHVON & FISHER, MERCHANT TAILORS. declt 2ud OVERCOATS! Cle-lnjj out :it a'valieduttioneui iuiiiilii -e line ft Xiiteltiea ill Oven (i.ttin Pur Beavers, eal Skin. Elysian, Mentanak, Ratina and Chinchilla?. All the Xew : nil ine-t leli tble MhM 8TO(KANETT8, IX XEW COLOUS AND CHOICE ST LP.S WliV net leue oureidei :itencnnii- 'rule an Elei,':int. btjhnh, Well Mndc and AltMie Cut Gni uientus low :i (). A LAKGE LIKE OK CHOICE Eili M Scetcli iOis, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, J.KSMALING'S, THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STKEKT, -V W.Vi FALL 0PE1I H. GrBBH ART'S Tailering: Ettint, MONDAY, 0CT0BEK Ilih, 1SS0. A Compute Moe', et Cleths, Suitings .WD OVERCOATINGS, Wliieh ler elegance cannot I e snip i.. d. -The Luryr-1 Asseitmeiil el ENGLISH AND SCOTCH SUITINGS in thi-eit. 11 1 te-. as lei". as II. e le, 1 --t sit H.GERHART'S Ne. 51 North Qaeeii Street. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! We have new ieid tei nle :tn Imnii n: Sleck et Fall and Wiater, which lire Cut and Ti inline t in the I nleit St le. We e in sji e j 011 11 GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In i cat Mil Iety. made te eide: :it sheil notice at the low Cbt )i ices. 0. B. lestutter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Mjd- LAXCASCEK.1'A. UOBES, UL.AKKVTS, C. s IGN OF TI1K BUFFALO HEAO. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS 1 have new en hand the Lakcest, I!est.aud Cheapest AseitTMEiT of Lined and Unlincd IIUFFALO ltOltLS in the city. Ah,e LAP AXI 1IOUSK IJLANKET& el every ilusicrlp. lien. A full line et Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whip3, Cellars, &c. a-ltcpalring neatly ami prempUy tlencSS A. MTLBY, JOS North QHtn St., Jxinrastcr. S5-lyilMW&S M Beaay-ffladB Hig Jiaiuastcr intelligencer. SATURDAY EVENING, DEC. 18, 1880. F. AND M. COLLEGE. SOMETIIIXG ABOUT ITJ COXDITIOX AXU ITS XjbKDS. Tlie lVCiidPiit of the College Points eat Sljjnt. or Encouragement and Suggests u Still UIglicr Advancement. MILITARY ETIQUETTE. General il.ilicecu.' Itccent Ilrcet Satlsfac- turily Settled Sherman in no Haste te .llake Way ferCrant. Our College. II- t'eiiditiun anil Its Wauls" T. 1. A.' in "College Student." Ill our judgment the college has never brcn in :v -iieie s.lt is factory and safe cendi tien than at the pic&cut time. Under the eeifictvative, wise and economical managc inenl of its heard of trustees, of whjch the collcge may well he proud, its affairs have heen conducted in such a way that in the midst of many tiials and perplexities it has been kept fxce from debt. Thciccent ad dition te its endowment has placed it upon a safe and solid foundation. It may lcquiic some few years hcfeie this addi tion will ielil any considerable additional 11: venue, but thcic is no reasonable doubt that it will de se in due time. The con cen sidciable expense inclined in seeming it untramcllcd in an honorable way, and without le.vnting te the tedious process of law, has pieved te be a safe investment for the picscnl, with assurance that it will ield a geed icturu in the future. The number of students in the regular college classes lias, pet haps, never heen latgcr than duting the last two years. This number could easily have been in- ci eased at anytime, by receiving irregular students, by providing elective and scien tific ceuiscs, by which young men might ostensibly " go through college " and te te ceive a degiee without pursuing a full col lege cem: sc. On this point, however, the college has steed firm, and it is believed the difficult ics in lefcicncc te this matter hae been fully mu mounted, and the vic vic teiy wen. It is net implied that thcie should net be institutions whetc such pattial ceuiscs may be pursued, but it has been thought best that Franklin and Mai shall should maintain the old college curriculum, and net encourage the notion th.it such a pai'ial course invehes or in cludes a cellcec education. The age may lcquiic a class of young partially edu cated for ccitain practical pursuits, but we believe that such loweriugef the stand aid of education, especially for prefes- sim1.1l pui suits, has done much te lower the old time staud.ud iu the learned pio pie fcssi.nis. These i)iofe.-.sien.s in former times wcte filled by men, net only acquainted with a knowledge of their pai ticttl.tr pro fessions, but distinguished also for their geneial learning and culture. The means that aie being taken by all the professions te scenic tigid examinations, and thus te guard against paiti.i'ly educated young men enteiing them as .students of the law, medicine and theology, show that there is a giewing sense of this decline in prcli iniiuty study. Sjwee w 'H net allow of cn l.nging 011 this point. Fiem what has new been said it may be iufeiicd that the prospects of the col lege aie encouraging. It is able te go for fer waul without danger in regard te its fi nancial condition. It is net subject te uu tei lain contingencies in this tcgard. Its investments aie safe. They ate net in the hand- of luivate individuals, nor in uncer tain paper, but in such shac that no or- j diuary contingencies will affect them. The ! college has new neatly one hundred stu dents in its iegul.ii-classes. Under the f.ivetablc circumstances by which it is suueundcd in the church it may be safely calculated that that this average may be kept up. The probability is that with the present ai langemcnts of the college it will slowly and steadily increase. But the question aiiscs, will the church he s ttislicd te allow this eldest of her in stitutions te pled en at this rate ? If there is no ability te furnish the college with greater appliances than it new possesses, then it is clear that the responsibility of the chinch and the college finds here its piepcr incisure. Te these who, compar ing it with elder and wealthier colleges iu the land, complain that it is net keeping up with th i times, vc may reply, it is dis ehaiging its full responsibility. It cannot de meie than its means enable it te de. And if the chinch is satisfied with a col lege, doing its full duty, with such propor tions, we de net see that the community or w eild outside has any reason te find fault. But, just here taiscsthc question, ought lift a college with such vantage ground te move feinai'l, and keep fully up with the pi egress of similar institutions ? Is net the chuich, :11c net its fiicnds, able te place within its reach the means of en laiging its operations? This question challenges cat nest and solemn regard. Just at this time, when a liberal addi tion has been made te its endowment by the bequest of these who never steed in my intimate relation te the college, by which its present condition at least is made lit in and sure, when students arc coming into its classes in increasing num bers, when the future leeks encouraging, a step feiwnul should be taken. What, it may be asked, is needed in eider te set it en its way rejoicing? Its immediate want, we reply, is some pre- isien for the advancement of its scientific course. Thanks te the great men who have gene before, the college has inhcii ted, and maintains, I think I may say, a full com se in philosophic students, and its course 111 languages and history is well maintained. AVc would have no falling oil' here, but the mathematical chair needs ccitain very necessary instruments and apparatus, and the efficient professor of natural science needs additional chemi cal apparatus, in eider te give greater eilicicucy and pepulatity te these scientific courses. While wc would net cater te an unrea sonable demand for se-called practical or J scientific studies, yc t the wonderful ad vancement et science 111 our day requires an onward movement iu this direction en the pat t of the college. We would net ad ad ecatc large and expensive, and showy buildings, but proper and necessary in struments and apparatus first, and then only safe house-room for them. The college also needs some attention te its library. It the means could be had, it should have a building for this purpose, especially when it is considered that the large and excellent seminary library is en tirely without a proper room for its ac commedation. Such building should pro vide a comfei table and inviting reading ioeiii for the students and professors. But v.e will net engage en this point. This matter has been placed in the hands of a committee of the beard of trustees, from rthem '. e h.ipc te hear some of these days. !)tir eenciuHtiHi is that while there is much te enceurage in the condition of prospects of the collie, it should net be supposed that its wants arc all met. m ei Xet te Precede Hancock. A Vexed Question of Iilitary Etiquette Sat isfactorily Settled. Gen. O. O. Heward, who has come East from the department of the Northwest te succeed Gen. ScheficUl at West Point, was found in his rooms at the New Yerk hotel Thursday. He was icticcnt in rczard te his personal movements and relations with the government, and he has little te say about the Indian situation iu the Xortli Xertli west, except that there was a probability of a peaceful settlement of the difficulties up there. He was asked for a fiuthcr ex planation concerning a despatch from Washington in relation te Gen. Hancock's rank as affected by Mr. Hayes's eider as signing him te duty according te his bre vet rank of major genei al, which was con -ferret! en him Maich le. 1S'm in ether weids, restoring him te his brevet rank which existed before he was made a major general. General Heward s.iid he did net consider himself called upon te decide upon such matters, and the publication of a despatch iu some of the meining jemniK piefcss- ing te give Ins views en the subject, was net authei i.cd. While fitting in the par ler el the J-.l)l)itt house in ashiugteu, en Wednesday evening, some gentlemen bi ought up the matter and asked him for an explanation of Mi. Hajes's eider. He did net knew that he was being inteiviuwcd, and he said nothing about General Hancock's position in the army as being affected by (.'el. Getty's ap pointment. "The reason for the eidei residing ucner.11 iianceck's nicvct major general lank was easily undcisku.d by military "men," said a militaty gentleman with General llewaid. 'Acemdimr te the lilies of military etiquette aneilicer who is promoted for braveiy or inc.itoii inc.iteii inc.itoii eu.s service te the rank of bie-.vt colonel is when assigned te duty a higher officer than a colonel in lull iank if the date of his appointment antedates the appointment of the colonel. And v. bile the brevet colonel is in actie service lie draws as much pay as the full colonel, and he precedes him and outranks him while doing duty, merely because his appointment as brevet colonel antedates the colonel's appointment. New, Cel. (Jetty's appoint ment as brevet major general antedated General Hancock's appointment as major general, and accesdingly, when he was as signed te active duty at Feitrc Moiuee, in General Hancock's dcp.utment he at once held a higher iauk, se larasncnieiity is concerned, than Ulmici.iI Hancock, ler the reason that his hicvet anpeinlincut heic a date prier te that of General Han cock's appointment te the full rank of major general. It i-. tiue that Geneial Hancock was a brevet major geneial before CouencI Getty became a brevet in ijorgen eral, but, acceiding te militaty law ami custom, when a brevet maje; general is promoted te the rank et a full major ;cn- eral he forever censes te held his brevet iank, and his new rank only date.-, fiem his new appointment. Therefore, if Gen eral Hancock had been only .1 In eve t major general, as he was ycais age, he would have outranked Geneial Gctt by reason of the date of his b.evet appoint ment." This explains why it was neccsaiy le restore General Hancock te his old iank and yet net deprive him of his full rank of major general. He lufvrheldi tweianks brevet major general and major general and Colonel Getty, when in active service, ceases te rank him as a senior elliccr, and if General Hancock should go te dinner in company, with General Getty, when iu ac tive duty, that officer would net be cnti tied te precede him, as was the case before Mr. Hayes restored te General Han cock his old brevet iank. Captain Gciier.11. (ici.crul Sherman in no ll.isie te Ket ire. The following frank letter fiem General Shciman in reference te the preposition te create a new army position for Geneial Grant and te the v.u ions incidental ques tions giewing out of an excess of rank iu the aimy has been received by a gen tleman of New Yeik. Washington, IT C Dec. I, 1-Ni. Wim.iav Scott, Esi.. Ne. Hi) East ivvu.itv tliird stieet. New leikcily: Deak Sceit : Lest you and my pei pei senal friends may be dibtuibcd by the steiics again put in ciicul.itien in een&c-, quencc of the recommendation in 'he pres ident's message te make General U. S. Grant captain general I will explain my case te you. When General Gi mt w.s nominated for president in the lirst instance, in lCS, he volunteered te me the opinion that when his term was out he would net deshc te regain command of the aimy, as it would be unjust te me. I have never lietid him since say a weid te indicate a change in that opinion, and I de net believe he or his fiicnds suggested te the president the idea of the captain geiicraley, or of regain ing a place en the aimy retired list. There is no reason why presidents may net be m tircd the same as the meinbcis of the su preme court. General Hancock, when a candidate for president, in June last, used this language in a private letter te me : "Tosuiiender the position of senior major geneial is net a light thing te de. I could net even re tire in such contingency with the benefits ordinal ily attached te such action, for the commander-in-chief of the at my and navy could net he en th' letiu-n list of any service." As te my retiiin, you knew that I will net be G2 ycais old until ls2, and the 11: 11: 11: moref my intending veluntaiily te retire grew out of an expressed desire le manage se as te bring Lieutenant General Sheiidan te Washington, and thus te leave the three military divisions for the three major generals new en the aimy rcgistci. lint as the president has just indicated a new fourth division for -Majer General Scho field that pressure has passed and I am in 110 measure committed as te my future action. The service is erab.urasscd al ready with tee much iank for our small army, and I don't knew what a captain general will find te de. There never was such an officer in the United States and it will need legislation te create and define such an office. I will take my own time and course of action when the cmeigency comes. As alwavs, our friend, W. T. Sm::.. Animal .Sagacity. Allen town City Item. Wonderful stories aie published fiem time te time of sagacity di3plaj cd hy dogs, horses and ether animals. With very little trouble the average goat can discount the feats of these animals. On Tuesday a race occurred between 0110 of the trains en the Reading lead and a goat. The ani mal seemed te appreciate the fact that it was accessary te go at the height of its speed te heat the iron horse, hut iu spite of all its efforts, the locomotive gained upon it, and in a few seconds there would have been some mangled remains had it net been for the interference of a fine looking " Billy." The latter took in the situation at a glance and braced its-elf for vveik. As the fleeing animal arrived at 1 point oppesito where William steed, the latter darted forward and planted his head against the shoulder of the flying goat ssnding it far out of the read of the train and escaping himself only through his agility and the extreme shortness of his tail. An exchange say: Aone-armed negre boy in Ausjusta has saved four persons from drowning. This Id nothing however, ter Dr. Hull's Cough byrnp has tared thousands from consumption. The only pad guaranteed te euro d!nbete3, gnu el, dropsy, UrigUt's disease, nervous de bility, and all diseases of the kidneys anil bladder, is Piet. UullmctteS French Kidney Pad. MEDICAL, CUTICURA Itching Humors, Scaly Humors, Bleed Humors, speedily, permanently and economically cured when physicians am! .ill ether methods fail. Hint :ue SUin and Scalp Hi-.ea-.es but the evidence t.l internal Humer ten times mere (lilllcult te le.ieii and cure, which Meats in the b'oed and ether llnid-.. deslieviilirtliedeliciite 111.U hint-ty et hie, and lining tlie body with linil (.niriiptien-, which hurst through the -.1.1:1 in hiatli-enie eruption-. .' Cltii i itv 1Jkui.v.t, tlie new Weed I'liriller, inlei nally. Cltici ij. u Medicinal Jelly, unlist ed b tlieCClIClIltV.MLIUCIXAL VXUTOILETSOAl-, eMein illy, h.ie performed the most miracu lous tui.s et Itching, bcaly ami scrofulous iluuieid ever leteidud iu medical annals. Eczema Rodent. i-Yzi.M v Kem:r. V. II. Drake. e-.i., agent for ll.uper A, mothers. Detroit, Jlicli.. give-.au i-tnuis!iing account et his ca-.i! (Keemu Ro dent), w Inch had been treated bv a censulta tien i pin -dci.uis without hcnclit. and which speeihlj j lehled te the Cilticura Kciucdics. Salt Bheuni. si.t IfuLCM. Will McDonald, 2.1I2 Dearborn si 1 ict, Chicago, gratctully ncknew ledges 11 cure el Salt Kheiini 011 head, neck, face, arms ami Ie-., for seventeen jears: net able te walk ex es pt en h nnls anil knees for 0110 j ear; net able te hi lp hinivclt for eight years; tried Imn tlniN ! ic medics; doctors pronounced his ci c hepele-s; permanently cured by the C ii 11111 llfiiifdied. Itiiigft'erin. IHM.vveiru. Cee. W. P.rewu, -is Marsh ill sticct. 1'ieviileiice, It. I., cured by Cuticiiri Itcuiidic-i et a tfiiigweiin Humer, get at the b lib-t's, vvlueii spread all ever tlie ears, neck and I. ice anil tei six je.us icdsteil all kinds of tn- itnn i.t. Shin Disease. s. A. Steele, e-n , Chicago. HI., says: ' I w ill -.iy Hi it buteie 1 iiseil tlie CLrmmi Ki:uliu:is I u.is in ntcarlul state, and hail given up al liopeefevi-r I1.1v ingaiiy relief, 'llicy have per lei med a wendeilul eiueler me, and of my en 11 tieewillauilucterii. I ice .nnnciid thtni." Citki'i v UcMKiuiunic prepared by WEEKS i. 1'O'lTl.i:, Chemists and Driiggists.aX) Wash ington street. Ilestnn, anil nre ler sale by all Di meists. Price for Citicuka, a Medicinal Jelly, small becs, .r0 cents; large boxes. $1. Crciiuuv ItRsei vcvr, the new liloed 1'iirilier. Jl 1 or bottle. Clticukv Meuicinm. Teilit see, . runts. Cincuuv Mkdk inai. Sii.vvine Ser, 1". cents; m lmrs let JIarlnrs and huge consumers, M cents. """ viitihdft lc en 7 cceiit of price. SANFOBD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. s:.rei:i.'s. Kaiw.m. Citti", Catakriiai. Sol Sel vtvr, and Iiti-itovre Imialkic, wrapped in one pifk.ige, with lull diivetiens. ami sold by all diuggists ter one ilellar. Ask fnrSAM'ei:i's liVIC'AL.CLKb. 1'iein a -ample cold or inlluenra te the 10I tinir, slmiglnnir ami death of the senses et Smell, Taste and Healing, this great iMiieily is supMiue. Poisonous lnitceus acc-iimulatieus aie icmevid, theentire membrane cleansed, disiiilcelcd, seethed ami healed. constitutional rav agist hee-ked,the bleed purilicd of catarrhal poi-011, decpcni d in color, and strengthened iu lite-giviug piepeitus. Thus, externally and internally, 111 ac-eeulanee with rc.isen and commeii sense, does this gieat, economical lemed) work, instantly relieving and perma nently einiiig the most aggravated and dau I'l'Hiiw leimsid hi'inaii sum-ring. tieni 1.1I Agts., WEEKS .t POTTEH, Hosten. Cellins' Voltaic KIcctric Plasters. Mere continuous and pewcrlul elect ileal . tien is obtained liem C01 mns' Veltaic: Ellc-Titic- Pi.vsti.im than any $1 batteiy made. They an- .1 speedy ami eeitain cure ler Pain and VV ikuess et the Lungs, Liver, Kidne sand I'un.irv Oigans, Ithcum.itisiii, Neumlgiu, Hjstiiii. l-cniiili- Weak lit ss. Nervous Pains aiiil W nl.nesscs. Malaria, and Feverand Ague. 1'iice i") c-ts. sold even vv heie. ?iillixj:i:y. HerClMON's LADIES! HerijIITOX's Tl- iheapest ami be .t place 11.H..11 !..- - mil-c-ity 10 iiuv iiorcirreN's IKHTC.il I'O.N's iiiirtiirieN'-. MiLLixr.KV t;oens. MILLI.NEKY OOODS, MILLINLUV UOOHS, IS AT M. A. HOUGHTON'S, rOltTH (jUEKN STUELT. I IXE HATS, KIN'i: IIATn I50XXET8, UOXXETS. LMiCEOVrUICH PfcATHEUS evruicn tips. I'l.CslI ALL SHADES. SILK VELVETS, SILKS, s VTINs, KKIXCKS, l.ChS KID CLOVES. ( HEM I HEAP CHEAP CUE VP CHLV.P CHEVP vi'eur. sTOItL. STOICK. SI'OltK mei:e MOIM. UN EST , .. , ... FINEST Li:..l.'.l- . .. K1XEST OIO LI -, KINKs'l' lyl r r s. EIN'KVf COLL Us. tl.M-.Sl N I.CKT1 E"i. AOliTM EXT ,.,..",,, , , ASSORTMENT 1 1." I ine-st, Lheipest and ASSOItTMEXT Lie itcst v nriety ei AsseltTMENT ..... . , ASSeiiTMEXT Millmi-v Goods v MILMXKKY IN THE CITY. MILLINERY MILLIXKRY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY coons. t;oens. COODS. GOODS. (iOODS. IJOODS. I. A. flOIHTON, 25 North Queen St. CONFECTIONS. HEAlMIUAItTEKS FOB FUKB CONFEC TION'S FOU THE HOLIDAYS AT JOSEPH R. ROYER'S, M AXD 52 WEST KING ST. I can new offer te the trade and publica I.iirfc sleck et Pure Connections et every de-criptien, ut the very lowest market rates. I'RUITS XUT, Ac. and n LARGE STOCK OKTOYSeftlie-XEWEsT DESIUXS. Large ami small Cakes bake I daily. Ice Cream at all timet,. '.YEDDIXGS AXD PARTIES SERVED AT SHORT XOTICE. M A I L O R I ) E RS promptly attended te at the x one rate :ls it the person ordering were present in person. Call and sec my stock. DQ-Rcine-niber the place W) AXD r,l WEST KIXG STREET. :!' end -WH. K. W Kit. JEWTEI.KT. IJVLGIN WATCHES. ALL ST1LK9. GOLD, !i Silver and Nickel. te $150. Chains, etc., sent C. O. D. te be examined. Write ter Cata logue te standard American Watch Company. Plttsbnrgh, Pa. OUISWEBKi:, WATCHMAKKR. Je.l5aJiXOUTlI yUKEX iTKEhT,nearl It. K. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Uehl, Sliver anil Nickrl-cascil Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent for the celebrated Pautaseepic Specta cles and Kye-ti lasses. Uepalring a specialty, aprl-lid A Full Line or A Full Line et A Full Line et All tirades of All tirades et All tirades et WATCIIKS, CLOCK-, WATUIIKs, CLOCK". CHAINS, LOCKETS CHAINS, I.OCKETs-. til7AKDf. SPECTACLE", tiUAKDS, SPECTACLES. TIII.UAHIMETEK"?, Ac. THEUMOME l'EUS, Ae.. at Lev, Prices, Wholes lie and Kel.iil. 5Fim. Watch Ucpairing. E. F. ltOWMAV, E. F. HOW MAN. 1ft; East King M. ii East King SI. HOLIDAY AMOOTCEJOaJT AUGUSTUS RliOADS. Jeweler. 20 East King street, has completed his preparations for the Holidays, and suggests that un early examin -atien will enable puieliasers te secure avoid. month the the choicest crowds selections and later in the AUGUSTUS RHOADS, JEWELER, Ne.-i!0 Kasl King SI reel, lisineaslcr, !.. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. DIAMONDS. A large stock et splendid Seli tairc Ear-Rings with I.ace Pin-t te nihleh OHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WATCHES. Tlicgreiit h-atnreet I hit sna-.nu iitlieintindiictionet thestan l.ml Wateh Greatest value ler its puce. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 1'OKCELAINS. Elegant assortment of v.liicu and novel Htyles. Vasc. Clips, Saiiee'--. Plates, Ca'dne-t Deeoi-alien-, &e. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. SILVKRAXD PLATEDWARL'. An Iniiiicn-c variety of article-, oreriginal ilesigu am faultless taste. 2 OKaiSTMAS PRESENTS. JEWELRY. A t,'reitstoeker all vanelles el .Jewelry Inr ladies and gentlemen. Lac rinf. Sleeve llnttens. tlr.K tills. Start Pins, Ri'igs, Ear Rings. Every article li marked at its lowest which will net he changed. 1 ice. BAILEY, BAN! k BIDDLE 12TII AN! CHESTNUT Ki'S., PHILADELPHIA. S(-p3-:ni.lTT.V' llOOHS ASH STATIONERY. "1IIIC1STMAS GUTS! '. HOLIDAY BOOKS, HOLIDAY GAMES, HOLIDAY PICTURES, HOLIDAY GOODS, ix (.i:;-;t variety t L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 4S IVtST KINtJ .tl'Kfcl-.T. II OLIlAY (iOIIDS. Merry Christmas aiivl Happy Nev Year. NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. In Xevelund Oiiginal Designs, in Cre.it Variety. & Elcml CAI'.IXEr PICIIJRi: FRAME In (ie'tl, Ureeade, Velvet, Ebony and Combmatieii. CELLULOID TOILET SST3, TOILET MIRRORS, (.ii'.tand Cut Class Xevclile-), .level Caske-ta. LI BRA li Y 1 X FCbTA N Dfi, WHITIX; DESKS, WORK IIOXES DRESSIXU CA5l.S, LETTER RACKS, Geld Pens & Pencil Cases, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, STEREOSCOPES AXD VIEWS, FINE POCKET IJOOK. CH.AR CASI, tJItAPHOSCOPES, CAU1XET AXD PAXEL PICTURES. New Heeks in Holiday Press. An immense as-ertmi-nt et i:ii:lks, PRAYER AXD llYMXAI.-, CHURCH ROOKS, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, PICTURE ROOKS, FOR CHILDREN". (JAMES, ALPHABET BLOCKS, PAINTING BOOKS, WATER COLOtts, Ac, At the Beele Stere et JOM BAERS S05S, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. FA.. ltUlA 5l.CULA'llO.M T In liirtru or Hin-ill :i:n)ii:i!s. 1' or $9i,t0- Write W.T -eri.L, .. Ci'inmis-ifin Mcr I chants, l.! I i ttli- iim ultire. C!ii-.., HI., lercit ia28-e'U