&tyzmfati$ &.- Volume XVlI-Ne. 92 LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17- 1S8U Price Twe Ceite. XMtF OOODH. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Ih every department el Dry Geed', at FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer tu the Court Heuse. SHAWLS, LADIES' CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, ?er;teIJbLInAYH:)lvun,f,"l, suu,,,,, e,it" LOW PRICES. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Deur te tlift Court Heuse. Holiday Goods. Holiday Goods. Holiday Goods. & Aicellcrfug :i Large anl Atliacllve Asseit mciit of goods suitable ler HOLIDAY GIFTS HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS. Grand Christmas Display L) JJVnUlM Mi UUlUlUj Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET. Ladies unit Gentlemen : Wc announced In last Saturday's pa per, that en thai day. December nth, and December l-'ith and llth. we would lie opening an immense stock of HOLI DAY NOVELTIES. We new say that tlic goods have all been received, ex aniincdand marked, and arc new ready fersale. There is no use in us begin ning te try te mention any et the im mense quantity et articles that .we new display, as wc have net the advertising space te de 1!, but would invite all te come "and f-ectlie articles themselves, as that will be mere satin factory, and besidea will give you pleasure In doing se. Iu order te sll these goods rapidly wc have marked them very low, -which you will lind upon examination te be the case. We also opened yesterday a very handsome line of 1H ESS SILKS and ULACK CASHMERES, which we have marked very low ter the Holi days. In Lace Goods and Handker chiefs we have also just received an ether large let. Wc also call attention te our Window display. Wc invite all te give us a call, as it will give us pleas ure te show our goods. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, Ne. 25 East King Street, TOVEfcTIES IN SUA11F FINS. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN feiDEBSHIRTS AND DKATVEKs, AT E. J. ERISMAN'S, TnE SIIIUTMAKKi:. 66 NOKTH !UN SXKKK1 BARER mm WATCHES, MUSICAL BOXES. We have just received our second Installment of a very large invoice of Musical Bexes which are marked at the following prices : 1-Alr Tey Bexes 2-Air Tey Bexes :5-Air Tey Bexes 4-Air Tey Bexes 1-Air Bexes ler Table.. O-AIr Bexes for Table.. 8-AIr Bexes for Tabic. le-Alr Bexes for Table. . 12-Air Bexes for Table.. Bexes with attachments of Harp, Zither. Flute or Bells cot i small addition te the above prices. We have the boxes playing at many as 43 atr. Oar stock of goods and selection et styles for this Christmas is better than at any former season. We invite a visit te our store. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., JEWELERS, 4 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. DRY UOODS. HOIER, COLLADAT & Ce, 1412 and 1414 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. The general improvement in business the past year, with the prospect et a very large in creased demand for nil kinds of Dress Goods, induced all American buyers of Foreign Goods te place immense order. Tins was universally the case, se much se that, perhaps without exae exae gelatien, M per cent, mere goods were imported than the country could possibly consume. As a continence, there has been a great break in prices in a great many fabrics, which we s'lal! fllll V l!l"Ct. WE SHALL SELL Fermer Prices. J.23 $0.!i0 .r- 1.00 All Weel A nun res French Flanuel Suitings French Striped Fancies (all Silk and Weel) French Shoedas (in all colors) French Brocades (all Silk and Weel rialn French Plaids Finest French Brocades (in several design-) 1.50 .85J$ 1.75 1.00 .85 .75 1.C0 2.50 Iii addition te our offerings in the above goeiki, we have some lines et very choice goods el which it Is dillicuit te meet the demand, in which we have a very choice assortment, both in cloth and colorings. CLOTH SUITINGS: flinch Cleth Suitings (very desirable geed.) $0.75 -'1-inch Cleth Suitings (in all colors 1.10 5l-iue!i Cleth Suilingi 1.20 FRENCH our Hi inch I make et these goods we bclieve te be colors our 'ivnch S'noeda- Oil r assortment et th'se beautiful goods is still complete, from Sl.25 te '-.". 50. We have L'i ved one ease et Camel's Hair In Evening Shades In very bcautitiil rjirtiity, in Cream, d Light Itlne, 40 inches wide, te sell at 1.35. ju--t rev I'ink an BAREGE DE VIRGIN1E: have just received one case of this very desirable texture for Evening Dresden, quality crier, in Cream, I'ink and Light Itlue, 27 inches wide, te sell at Oc. We veiy sup GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOAKS AND DOLMANS. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY haw made large purchase of these goods away below manufacturer's prices. HAN DSOMKLY TRIMMED DOLMANS at $8 ami $10 each, worth per cdfct. mere. Kate Value in LADIES' CLOAKS at $3, $.1.5. $7, 0. $10. $12 50. One Let LADIES OBEY ULSTEB CLOTH COATS at $1.73, would be cheap at fs. JUST OPENED AN ELEGANT LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS. Japanese Ware. Chinese Novelties, Kioto Ware. Thousands of tare and beautiful articles at LOWEST CITY PRICES. NEW YORK STORE, 8 AND 10 EAST KING STREET. MILLINERY NEW GOODS FOR -AT- GTODAKER'S EMPOEIUI. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Silk Handkerchiefs, Lace Ties, But But eons of all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GTJN DAKER'S. A Full Line of Fancy Articles suitable for a NICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT, ettered cheap at GUNDAKEK'S. Alse, an inducement in the MILLINERY DE I'AUTMENT, with a view te closing out the entire Stock. Flush Bennets and Hats offered, at a Sacrifice. Flush and Velvets all Shades, sold cheap. Bennets and Hats in French and Weel Felts, for 50 and 75c. C2T"Give us a call and examine our stock, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. CLernura. GREAT SLAUGHTER IN CLOTHING. GRAM) MARK DOWI AT GEITTRE HALL. Will be sold in sixty days TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH of HEAVY WINTER CLOTHING, Without regard te ce3t. New is your time money, Ready-made or Made te Order. OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY, Fer Men. Youths and Beys. Men's Dress Suits, Men's Business Suits, Youths:' Suits in every style. Beys' Clothing, a very Choice Variety,, JT Don't fail te eall and secure some of the bargains. MYERS & RATHFON, Ne. 12 EAST KINtt STREET, LANCASTER, PENS'A. MORS. C. LILLER, LADIES' IIAIKDKKSSEK Manulactiircrand Dealer in Hair Werk, Ladles and Gents' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse. Kid Ulevcsand Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Nes. 225 and 227 North Queen street four doers above P. R. R. Depot. el-3nid PAINTING. All kinds et Heuse Fainting and Graining done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We have reduced our prices te $1.75 per day. hhep en Cliarlotte street. ectl2-3uid ALLEN GUTHRIE & SONS. JEWELRY, Jtt. ..11.00 . 4.00 . 6.W . 7.50 . 20.CO . 30.00 . 40.00 . 50.00 . 00.00 Fermer Prices.- $0.05 $1.12 . .75 2.50 .75 2.75 .25 .50 .73 1.50 , .65 1.50 1.25 2.75 .50 1.50 Camel's Hair Stripes Brocade Novelties French Fancies (very costly goods. English Novelties French Handkcrchiels, squares French Handkerchiefs, squares French Novelties : French Novelties Al-inch Cleth Suiting-.... 54-inch Cleth Suit inns.... 51-iuch Cleth Suitings... $1.25 1.30 2.(W SHOODAS : Hie best in the market, and the assert meiil et own selection. $0.87J tti-inch French Shoedas $1.12 FINE CAMEL'S HAIR: THE HOLIDAYS, te secure a geed Suit of Clothing for very little I 3 REMOVAL.. MBS. M. A. KD WARDS has removed her Millinery Stere te Ne. 25C West King street, where she will be pleased te see all her old customers. Bennets, Hats, Ribbons, Satins, Velvets, Feathers, Flowers, Ac., will tc sold cheaper than ever befere. Call and sec. nev26-lmd '1? A CV MOOTS, SHOES AND LAST Ajx iJ X made en a new principle, lnsur ing comfort for the feet. 'PfWVFC Lasts made te order. XHJV1 milleb, lebH-tfd 138 East King street Jiaiuastrr Intelligencer. "" '" FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 17, 1880. Jensen en " Resurrecting." Au Owre True Tale. Baltimore Sun. As se many false tepeits have appeared in the papers purporting te have emanated from me relating te the modus operandi of " resurrecting," I will for the first time give te the public, for the edification of its morbid curiosity, a synopsis of niv experience in the only iustauce where I figured as au actual participant : One hazy moonlight eveneniug, about 0 o'clock, I was sauntering up one of the principal thoroughfares of a city net a thousand miles front Baltimore. It was the 2d of December, 187- and I won't easily forget it. As I was somewhat chilled, it occurred te me that a warm drink of seme kind would be beneficial, se I accordingly en the bar-room of one of the hotels, where I beheld several familar faces. After a cordial greeting, and au introduction te these of the party unknown te nic, I was invited te join them in a libation, which I accordingly did. The party consisted of an ex-governor, thcti United .States senator, and his son, a secretary of state from a Western state, scveial government officials from the dif fetcut departments in Washington, two gentlemen from the West who had large claims against the government, and my humble sell. V hue talking te the strange gentlemen, I was surprised te notice mys terious nods, winks and whispers, when I was suddenly accosted by one of my ac quaintances with the query, " Well, Jen sen, you have bceu out in the wilderness a geed many years and lightiug Indians and ether varmints, aud 1 suppose you think you possess a h 1 of a let of nerve, but wc can show you .something that will beat your Indians all tee pieces; wc are going en a terrible expedition te-night, and you can come along if you want te ; will you go'.'' I naturally inquired where this ex pedition was bound te, but was told that I would find out before I get home again. Being fend of an adventure at any time, and concluding from the above remark that I certainly would get home again, I concluded te go, se we took another drink and entered two cart iages in waiting aud dieve oil'. In about half au hour wc halt ed in front of a wholesale liquor dealer, where one of the party ordered twelve pint bottles of the best whisky. (We were but ten besides the diivcrs.) And here I must digress a moment te relate a conversation that struck me forcibly at the time, and which I had occasion te think ever many times since. It will be remembered that the gentleman ordered twelve bottles of whisky and wc were only ten. When the order was given atiether gentleman siiekc up and said: "Ne, only eleven; the doc- ter belongs te the Yeung Men's Christian i association aud is a strict temperance inau.,T The lirst-uamcd turned, and look ing at the speaker in astonishment said : "Yeu ate mistaken ; he is no fanatical! blatherskite. Tiieie is net a hypocritical bone in his body. A mere square, honest man never lived. Well, each ene was handed a bottle, and after getting some cigars wc continued our ! journey, and in about three-quarters of an ! hour we halted before a large, gloomy building, which I at that time did net knew, and all my inquiries during our journey elicited nothing but mysterious nod.-, aud v.ink.s. Wc rang the bell, aud when the deer was encned. en inuuirv if tin. flitvit W-IB in ill, iiiikn'iir r't iti tlm ' .. ..-.w.f ...... ..., ...... ...,.-.... ......... ... alii t niative, se wc entered. In a few mo ments a gentleman entered whom I knew well ; we had a cordial greeting and were, invited te fellow the doctor ; se we com menced te ascend the stairway one after another until I asked the gentleman next me if he thought the doctor was carrying us te heaven. All things have an cud aud se had the staircase, which lauded us be-' fore a deer which wc entered in single file, with the warning words shouted back from the doctor, "Loek out, gentlemen, and fellow me." The deer was shut, the gas lit, and I found myself in the dissecting room of a college, where lay seven bodies, some part ly and ethers ready for dissecting. Al though net prepared for it, 1 felt but little or no surprise, as I had bceu in dissecting rooms .of the university at home many times. Wc had an addition te our party coming up stairs, ami was informed that he was the doctor's private student, and that he would graduate the lollewiug spring. The first thing we did was te pull out our bottle, drink the doctor's health, and light a fresh cigar. Then wc took a leek at the dillercut subjects until the doc-1 ter called us together for consultation. Then, and net till then, did I learn what the expedition was. The doctor was and may be new writing a work en anatomy that is supposed te "lay Gray's entirely in the shade. In fact it should leave nothing ulisaid, and he was collecting the best spe cimens he cbuld lind for illustrations. He had learned that two line bodies had been buried that day, and he proposed te take them at all hazards, and seme of the gen tlemen present had frequently expressed a desire te sec hew the thing was done, and hence this expedition. The doctor insisted that wc greenhorns, as he called us, should be initiated, and te de all the work, and wc agreed amongst ourselves, that any ene who faltered in any allotted work should forfeit a bottle of wine, and the one who showed the most nerve should receive a prize in memory of the occasion. At eleven o'clock the doctor ordered us te get ready, and he aud the student brought out from a closet two large bags, two shovels and a hatchet. A shovel and the hatchet were put in one bag and the ether shovel in the ether, the doctor tak ing one bag, the student the ether. We marched for the carriages, took our scats and drove off : the doctor admonishing us te smoke for dear life, for when we ar rived at our destination smoking would be prohibited, adding, however, "Ne need in telling, for none of you will feel like smoking ;" and he was right. Arrived at our destination we alighted, and ordering the carriages te drive away. any where they chose, but te be sure te return in two hours sharp, the next move was te take a big drink at least I did, for I had com menced already te feel a peculiar choking sensation and with a warning from the doctor te keep our months shut, the pro pre cession started with him and the student in the lead. We commenced a circuitous route around a high fence as noiseless as possible. Net a word was uttered by any one. Finally, one of the party stumbled, and a deg in some neighboring-house commenced barking. Then a dozen or se of curs start ed howling at a most fearful rate, creat ing a very unpleasant sensation in every one except, perhaps, the old doctor, who was used te the ordeal. After a while the doctor erdcicd a halt, and he himself went forward te rcconueitcr. Iu a few minutes he came back and ordered us te proceed. After going about euc hundred yards fur ther we came te a place where the rain had undermined the fence, easily admitting of a geed sized man. The doctor was the first te enter, aud wc followed in the order (I being the fifth, I think) that we had been walking. Once inside, wc divided iu two parties, five with the doctor and five with the student. The graves weie reached in about one hundred yards, and were some fifty feet apart. The doctor laid ( down his saek. took out the snadc and hatchet, and said, "New te biz, governor, it is your first turn.'" With these words he struck the spade in about three-fourths back from the head of the grave. Then he turnet te the student, pointed down hill, and said, " Down there is your work, fel low me aud I will show you. We will see who gets our man out first." Meant inie the Governer had taken a couple of spadefuls of dirt off the top of the crave, and he turned te his son and hie, who steed near, saying, " I will be hanged if I see any fun in this thing. What de you two fellows think :' Hadn't we better get out of here '.' I wonder what keeps that old scamp of of a doctor ; weu't he be back pretty seen ?' At that mo ment the doctor did appear, asking the governor why he didn't dig. Aftera few few mere spasmodic efforts he handed the shovel te his seu saying, " Xew it is your turn ; see what you can de about it." His seen took held of the shovel and made the dirt liy promiscuously at a tremendous rate, until the doctor te!d him te take it coolly and threw the dirt in ene place. In a few minutes he was tired. Then my turn came. Iu the mines 1 had used a shovel many times, and knew hew te han dle one. Se I did very well for about fif teen minutes. The gentlemen next te me, who were from the West, also worked well, se we made pretty geed headway. AVhen the overner's turn came he re fused te go down, thus forfeiting the first bottle of wine. The balance of us kept en, I think three rounds, when it com menced .sounding uncomfortably hollow, and we all in turn dipped very lightly iu the earth and get tired remarkably quuik. The gentleman behind mc was the first te make a desperate dive for tiie eellin, and then the suspense was ever. He went another round, cleaning the dirt off the coffin for about three feet. Then the doc tor went down te inspect. After a few seconds she exclaimed : ': Ah, this is nice!" It was a coffin with hinges in the lid, that easily could be laid back. He unscrewed the top screws and raised thu top, se it rested against the dirt at au angle of about forty degrees. I could just discern something white and see him feel it. If he had spoken te me at that time I could net have answered him. I'i-' nally he jumped up, saying, " He is all right, and we will have him up iu a min ute. Governer, jump down and hand mc etic of his arms." " 1 will see veu iu Hal ifax first," growled out the Governer in an uneasy tone. His son had edged away, net caring te undertake the task. I saw him take a nip from his bottle te .strength en him for the ordeal, and he canto up very slowly. After the doctor urged him a little he .scrambled dewu very reluctantly ; he steeped, but when he touched the body he straightued himself with a jerk likca.lack i n-1 he-box. the doctor admonishing him net te be afraid, as the corpse would net bite him. He steeped again and was ap parently pulling at something very vigor ously. At last he steed upright again, protesting that the arm could net be moved. After being urged ami reminded of the less of a bottle of wine he tried again, but iu vain. "Well, get up and let Jensen try his hand." Se I went down with anything but kindly feeling towards the young man for net having produced that arm. I steeped down and approached the object of my terror very cautiously. Finally I did find that obstinate arm and pulled, first gently with one hand, then hauler, (hen witii both hands, but the arm wouldn't budge au inch. I told the doctor that the arm was lied soinewhere. "Well," he said, "find out where it is tied and cut the string. Have you a knife '.' here is one," and he handed me his. By that time I obeyed like au automa ton. T was drenched with perspiration aud had no control el inysell. I slowly pulled off my overcoat aud then my ether I coat; took my bottle out and took a stilt'! drink, and knelt down te fellow that clammy cold arm down te the hands. I found the wrists tied together en the breast. I cut the band without really knowing what. 1 was doing, and com menced pulling the arm out, and alter a little resistance I managed te relieve it. I raised myself from my kneeling position, with the wrist in my right, hand ; I looked around, aud net a soul was iu sight. There I Was all alone, shaking hands with a corpse in the middle of a graveyard at one o'clock at night. The horror that seized me was something indescribable. I have bceu shot at and shot ; sfabbed at and stabbed ; tomahawks and scalping knife have glittered befeic my eyes; I have bceu prisoner with the Indians, aud experienced all their heilish arts te scare the very soul out of a man ; but all this falls te the merest insignificance compared te the terrible sensation that I experienced that moment. I tried te drop the arm and run, but I could net move ; I was a living statue. It seemed an eternity te me, and I was losing one faculty after an other, when footsteps approached. I heard some one talk, and finally heard the doctor's voice, saying : " Why, b.es.s my soul, if there isn't Jensen standing liis ground like a man ; who would have thought it? and his first time out, tee !"' My heart commenced beating convul sively, sending the bleed through the body with a burning, paiutul sensation ; every pere in my body was a spring for a .stream of perspiration, and, although laint, I was mysclt again. 1 he doctor, turning te the student, said that he had better go and hunt the ethers up and bring them back. It appeared afterward that the doctor and student had agreed te give us all a ; thorough sc:irj, and while I was relieving j that frightful arm the student- gave a sharp t whistle, which, in my position, I was un able te hear. The doctor, understanding' the sigual, exclaimed, " lttin ler your lives !" and a general stampede followed. In a few minutes the s t I '. .ii-iLiu i Drought mom nacK an except our secretary, who could net be found. It appeared . that they had been unable te find the exit hole, anl had stewed themselves away in every con ceivable hiding-place. There was a gen eral laugh at them, aud I was ' warmly congratulated en my wonderful nerve, anil I kept my own counsel. The doctor, say iug that we had no mere time, for feeling, told one of the gentlemen from the West te jump down and hand him up that te mc se terrible arm, which he did, and the body was quietly pulled up, the clothes stripped off and put back, aud the grave was quickly filled, the doctor being parti cular te leave no trace. The body was deposited in the bag and the thing was done, te the relief of all. B The ether party was net se fortunate, probably en account of a bad leader. Four bottles of wine had been lest by them, but with our assistance all were ready te start in half an hour mere. Each took a turn at carrying the bodies except the Governer, who positively refused, saying "that he wouldn't touch the infernal thing for a basket of wine. Xe incident hap pened except that one gentleman, iu as sisting te carry a body, stumbled and fell. The doctor cried out te " Loek out !"' or he would bruise the body, te which tlus gentleman answered that he thought it was his own body that was in jeopardy just then, as his elbow was hurt. A little way dewu we found our secretary, who had happened te find his way out in the early fright, but did net feel like going back, net knowing what had occurred. We teuud the carriages in waiting, depos ited a body iu each and drove te the col lege, glad that it was all ever, each one relatiug his feelings, &c, except myself, who had but little te say, and I was eulo gized for my modesty. Arrived at the college the bodies were lifted out and we were driven te our respective homes, I te dream of goblins and ghosts, and shaking hands with regiments of dead people. A few days after there was a nice little supper party, consisting of twelve gentle men, where ghost, goblin aud resurrec tion stories were related promiscuously, and I was presented with a'fine cane bear ing a geld plate, centaiuing the follewing: " Te the here of the 2d of December." I have never told the real state of my feel ings en that nevcr-to-be-fergotten night until new aud if this should meet thec'ye of any of the paiticipauts in that night's adventure (two of whom by the way are dead), they will be surprised te learn for the first time that the " here " was the worst scared mati of the whole party. Since then no inducement could prevail en me te dig up or assist in digging up a dead body, and I never have. W. M. Jensi;x. Yorktenn. Preparing fur the Centennliil Celebration of the Hat tie. The following is the report of the sub committee appointed by the joint ceugrcs f-ienal committee en the Yorktown centen nial celebration, te prepare a pregramme of ceremonies at the dedication of the Yorktown monument : " The guests of the national govern ment will assemble at Washington, October s18, 1881, and be received Micro with prejicr ceremonies by the congression al committee. " The committee will proceed, with the invited guests and such government offi cials as may join them, te Yorktown, te arrive there en the morning of the 19th. l'lcparatieti will be made during the morn ing for the lauding of troops, aud the ora tion aud poem will he delivered at 2 o'clock p. m., with such accompanying services as the.ceuiinittce may determine. These ser vices will consist el" brief addresses of wel come by the governor of Virginia aud ethers, au original ode, the laying of the corner-stone, with an address by the pres ident of the United States, who will be in vited te preside en the occasion. The ex ercises will be interspersed with music by the military bands present, and with sal utes by the artillery. "On tiie 20th there will he a grand parade of all the military organizations present en the battle field, aud a review by the president of the United States. Tite military exercises will conclude with a dress parade. A competent army officer will be selected te take command of the parade. " lL is hoped that a naval review may be he'd en the 21st iu the adjacent waters. " The governors of all the states will be invited te be present, vith their military staffs aud such military organizations as may wish te accompany them ; aud it is particulary desired that at least the thir teen original states should provide for as imposing a representation as possible by the presence of their civil officers and mili tary organizations. " The committee would suggest, with out presuming te give any directions in the matter, that each state provide itself with ?uch means of transportation as will afford accommodation while present at the celebration, and will enable it te take part in any local services which may take plaee. "The details of the celebration will be arranged hereafter, and with the lists of invited guests, will be published for gen eral information." This pregramme was agreed upeiiuuani meusly by the members of the sub-com- mittee, consisting of Senater Butler, Repre sentatives Leriug and Hawley. and will un doubtedly be agreed te by the full com mittee when brought before it. Oiiitc a Ram. The sum of .4.1,500 was offered te and refused by the ewucr of a ram exhibited at the recent sheep show of the Australian Sheep Breeders' association, held at Mel bourne, where many ether valuable stud merinos were exhibited, the aggregate worth of which amounted te several thou sand pounds. The animal iu question was bred by Mr. Gumming, who paid .1)00 for its sire. : te il. IJ. Cochran, druggist, 1.17 and 133 North Oneen ,trei:t, ter Mrs. Freeman's A'eie X'ttietwl Dies. l-'nr brig!itnesaiid durability of eoler aii: un.-tualcil. Celer from i te a pound-, frier-, 15 cents. Tite Itiglit Sere el Ceneral. laeeb Smith, Clinten St., Buffalo, says, he lias u-cd Spring lllonneui in his family as a general medicine for cases of lndigstieu, Uil-iiuiMies.-', Bewel and Kidney Complaints, aud ili-erdernui-Niug from impuriticsef the bleed, he speaks highly et its efficacy, l'riccs: 50 cents, trial bottles in cents. Fer sale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1K North 'Queen street, Lancaster, I'a. Kclectrie Oil imengt the ISase ItulliHts. Jeseph !urrinbcrger,lreadway,says he had tiie misfortune te severely sprain fits ankle confining him te his room and causing ex treme snirering. Ills brother ' Lessee of the K. hide 15. IJ. Grounds" who always uses it in such case.-, induced him te try it and he savrt 1 i that the application et the Kcleetric Oil half a i , flezeii times enabled him te walk round and before he had used halt of the bottle hu was quite recovered. Fer sale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, i:i7and i:K) North Queen street, Lan-c.i-ter, I'a. pa ver JiAxajyas, &r. n H U tin: Cheanust. Sinmlcst and Itest in tin: Market. Made et Walnut. Meulding three and four inches wide, and New Patterns. Wehave them irtcn different ways, and very low in price. FINK EBONY AND WALNUT CURTAIN POLES, willi Itra-s King. Ends and Brackets. All Walnut and Ash Pele complete. Plain Window Shades, All Celers and Widths. Hollands, Paper Cur tains, Fixtures .Fringes, Cords, Tassels, Leeps, l'icture Nails, Tassel Heeks, &c. Opening almost daily New Styles of WALL PAPER, FOB THE COMING SI'BlNG. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NOETH QUEEN ST. ( 1 KAl-N tl'KUULATlOa JT In large or small amounts. 35 or 9),0OO Wrlte W.T.SOULE& CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 La Sidle street, Chicago, HI., ler cii ulars. ni2$-iyd XEDICAL, DATS Ol! PAD! A DISCOVERY BY ACCIDEKT, Tvuich supplies a want men of eminent ability have devoted years el study and experiment te And a Specific ler Diseases et the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Organs and Nervous System and from the timeef ltsdlscevery has rapidly increased in favor, gaining the approval aud contldenccef medical men and these who have used it: It has become a favorite with all classes, aud wherever introduced has super seded all ether treatments. In short, such is its intrinsic merit and superiority, that it new the only recognized reliable remedy. Is Strongly Endorsed. We have the most uiictiuivtical testimony te its curative prnvcis from many iereiis et high charaeter.intelllgencc and responsibility. Our book "Hew a Life was Saved." giving the history of this new discovery, and a large rccoruet uie-t remarkable eirex, sent free. Write ler it. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. flallTlON Owing te the maiiv worthless vav HO". Ki,m.y Pads new se.iktuga sale en our reputation, we deem it due the afllicted te warn I hem. Ask ter lA"S KIIINKV. PAD, and take no ether. HASTE UN AGENCY, CHARLES N. CRITTENT0N, 11.1 Viilliiii St.. s Vurk. $500 REWARD! OVEK A MILLION OF . PROF. GUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pais Have already been sold in this country and iu France : every one of which has given perfect satisfaction, and hat pcrlermcd cures every time when utnl according te directions. We new say te the atllieted and doubling ones that we wll p-iy the above reward ler a single case et LAME HACK lluit the I'.ul fails le cure. This Gn-at Ueuiedy will Positively and Permanently cure Lum bago, Lame hack. Sciatica. Gravel. llialtey. Ilrepsy, Bright' IMsease of the Kidneys, In continence and Kctcntien et tin: Urine, In flammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh et the Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain in the Baek, Side or Leins, Nervous Weakness, and In fact all disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Oigaus whether centractu! by private disease or'etherwise. I. A DIES, if you an: .suffering from Female Weakness. Leucorrheja, or any disease et the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organ", YOU CAN BE CUBED I Without swallowing naii-cens medicines, by simply wearing PBOP. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD WHICH CUKES BY ABSORPTION. Ask vourdriiggistfei-PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. ir he has net get it, send Pi and you will re ceive the Pail liv return mail. Fer -sale by .JAMES A. ME VERS, Odd Fellows' Hall,.Columbia, l'a. Sold only by GEO. W. HULL. Itr:igglt, l. W. King St., Lancaster, P.i. augll-.ImdeedM.W.V!1' Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will positively euri: Fever and Agin. Dumb Ague, Agui: Cake, lliliieus Fever, .lifundice, Dyspepsia and all di-.ca.-cs of the Liver, Stomach ami Bleed. Price I..M by mail. Send for Prof. Guilmette's Treaties en tin; Kidneys and Liver, free by mall. Address FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. auall-BnideedM.WF Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., Has Hade k iceverF ! Her Vegetable CeiniHHiiiil the Savier of Her hex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHAMS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, eon sfstset Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial the meritsef this compound will lie recognized, as relict Is immediate; and when its use is con tinued, in ninety-nine c-.im-s iu a hundred, a permanent cure is effected, as thousands will testify. On account of Its proven merits, it is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely thewert form of falling of the uterus Leucorrhe:a, irregular and paiu tul Menstruation, all Ovarian Trouble, In flammation and Ulceration, Floediugs, all Dis placements ami the consequent spinal weak ness, aud is especially adapted te tin Ciange or Lite. In tact it lias proved te be the greatc.t. and best remedy that has ever been ilisceven-d. It permeates every portion of the systi.:i:,and gives new life and vigor. It removes faiutness, llatuleney, destroys all craving ler stimulants, and relieves weakness of the .stomach. It cures Bleating, Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness De pression and Indigestion. That lccliugef bear ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act iu harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney complaints et either .sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is; prepared at iKl ami ZK Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for $.". Sent by mall in the form el pills, aN in the form of lozenges, en receipt et price, $1 per box, for either. Mrs. PINK1IAM freely answers all lut tcrs of inquiry. Send ler pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this paper. Ne family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVER FILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Terpidi.y of the Liver. 2.1 cents per box. Johnsten, Holle way & Ce., (Jeneral Agenl.s, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. A. Lechcr, 9 East King street and Gee. W. Hull, 15 West King street. yZMvdeedAw TESWARE, C OTOVKS. STOVES. Brick-Set and Portable HEATERS and RANGES .at:- Shertzer, Humpureville & KiefTer's 40 EAST K1SG STBEET.