Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 15, 1880, Image 1

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    t lajtf alters
Volume XVII-Ne. 90
Price Twe Onte.
. There is nowhere in Philadelphia no railed u
collection el rich goods tts here such as fath
ers, met hei ri. brothers, sUtcis lever?, leek for
u little later.
Therj is an end even of Gilt. Our collection
Is large enough and rich enough, one would
supiwsc, even for a les frugal city
Philadelphia. These goods arc are new at the
height of their glory. The choicest of them aie
here; ethers will come of couree; but the
choicest arc going.
What is equally te the puipese, bujers an
new about as many i.s cin be comlertably
Mncil, and the throng will 1x3 denser eveiy
fail l.iy till ChiistiniiB.
. Sachets, tidies, lamp-shades, pln-cufdileiw.
boxes, in satin anil plufch, embroidered and
Firstclicle. southwest from the centre.
Duchessc vest with I'elnt medallions, $50 ;
the mine mar be seen elsewhere at $70.
Nine counters, southwest iiem the centie.
i l.:r te $l.V) (Ki, all guaranteed.
City-hall iuan) entrance.
Xc rH)iu,liew tevu.
Outet circle, wcM of the Cl'etnut tieet en
trance. IIOOKS.
Xf A catalogue el books uiaj be iiad at the
book ceuntci. We w ant ev ei y rcadei te hav e
It. The listef children's holiday hook is c
peclally cenmlcle,
Second eeuntei, net theuHtfiem the ceulte.
LADIES ITI.STEIM. styles, one closed
at the back, the ether epen: the latlci in known
ax ci lachnmnV style. In detail el trimming tliei e
is great variety though tlieic is also marked
simplicity. Uical vaiictv in cloths loe. $CW
te $25.
Cloaks, feiuign and home-made. Ourcollcc Ourcellcc Ourcollcc
lien is unpiccnlented, whet her jeu regaut va
ilety, quantity or value. A lady who buy a
cloak of any sort in Philadelphia, without
looking these ever inlsca the bci-t aHweitment,
perhaps, in the whole country. $6.50 te $250.
Southeast corner of the building.
lVL Misses' coats in mere tlian
shapes and decoration beyond
70 clot hi,
3I7CS 1 10 iu years.
Ulxtereltcit in 5 cloths, ulsters in 8 clot lit and
hav clocks in cloths. Si7es 0 te 18.
Southwest corner et the building.
We have the best goods the weild uHeiil,
anil the next liest. and the next, and seen.
There is no place anywhere, where jeu can
sec be large a collection et thcdltlcttnt grades
et goods, all passing for what tl.ey are, and
nothing ler what it is net, cotton ler cotton, j
inixcci ier mixcci, vioei ler wool, hk iei sur.
Outer fit de, Chestnutstreer, entrance te
Tliiitecutlihlieet entrance.
JjJ Xew Embreideiics are already in. Oui
htocklsnew in the condition jeu expect te
tlnd it InatNeu Year's, i, r. the .spi ing no ci
ties are here.
Tlitnl ciicle, southwest from Hip centre.
The choicest luxurious cai pets; the most
hubstantlal carpets; the lowest puces; puuc
tual service. JOHX WAXAMAKEU.
Maikct sticet front, up stall-.
Evening ilks in the Aicidc, cast side.
The same and many ether patterns are within.
Next eutei ciicle, southeast from thcccntic
!l Our next spiing's novelties in ombioi embioi ombiei
lciies arc just new rcceneil; tbey usually
tomcat Xew YeaiV.
Xcxteutei nicle, southwest from tbecentre.
j Laces change daily. Our sales arc laigc.
eui x arlety al waj s large, and but little of an
one sort. "Cempaie prices. A quaitcr below
the maiket is net uncommon.
Xine counters, seuthw cbt from the centre.
but h a stock of foreign cloaks as Philn
dalphla has net lieferc seen, $10 te $250: shaw Is
near by : dresses up stairs.
Southeast corner et the building.
I ursofallseits are going fast. Thej went
last last year and advanced in piice as tne sea
son advanced. They aie going up again. We
shall net i-atse prices till we ha e te buy. Ex-
)ect te find here whatever jeu want, tiem a
)itet tiinimingup.
Thiiteeuth street entrance.
Xet se crcat variety as for ladles; but
much laiger than any where else here.
Coats. 2 te C years; In thirty different mate
rials, drab, blue and brevrn cords with lb ccj
block ; cellar and cuffs et plush ; also in ten
camel's hair cloth, tiiiniucd with seal cloth.
Coats, 4 te 1 vcirs ; in thirty cloths tinii
meil with plain stitching, plush, seal cloth,
chinchilla fur and vclv et, $1 te $10.
Ulbtercttcs, 6 te 16 years ; in five cloths, w ith
veal cloth cellar and cuffs.
Ulsters, G te 16 vcars: in eight cloths, tiim
meil with plush stitching, heed and plush.
Havelecks, 4 te in years : two styles.
Our trade i just what it ought te be let
the lacilitiesand advantages we enjoy.
Eastet central aisle, near Market stieet.
Tackloeug preelaln, plates only, for din
ner or dessert, live patterns, $25 te $30 per
Uavllanil dinner sets ; Camillepattcrn, $140 ;
elsew here, $200. Tressed, $140; clsew here, 2et.
Tressed with Moresque border and ilecoratien
of grasses and butterflies, $225: clsew lieie,
$275. The latter Is in the Arcade, Chestnut
street entrance, te-day.
Table gtasswarc, English, Straw beirj--dia-mend
cut ; every article required for the table
useful or ernanicnlaL . .. ..
Xerthu est corner et the building.
And a great x-anety of ether kinds. Alse
pocket books, embreideied leather card cases,
cigar eases, and everything in leather goods.
Third circle neithvvest from centre.
Chestnut, Thirteenth and Maiket streets,
and City Hall square.
Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets,
And City Hall Square, Philadelphia.
Manufaclurcrand Dealer In Hair Werk, Ladies
and GenU' Wigs. Combings straightened and
made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kuidi made
up. Alse. Kid Gloves and Feathers clcaned and
dyed, nt Xes. 225 and 227 North Queen stieet,
four doers above P. R. It. Depot. el-3md
All kinds el Heuse Painting and Graining
done at the shortest notice and in the hist pos
sible style. Wc hare reduced eui juices te
$1.75 per day. Shep en Charlette stieet.
1 irTS.
jr i
Te buv Holiday llUs eaily is geed ad
vice: llie best trade is early; and the lw-t
tuile cat lies oil the best things
HIS Maiy Stuatt is piebably the most
lasting ei all thcagiecablc petfunich; noiieet
the leieign ones appieucb it. It isM-iyiieh,
t long and lull of lite; it isagiecable te meic
persons, probably, than any ether pei tunic.
Wild Olive is net In pepulmtv ; this aise
Is s-ingulaily peucitul and lifting. White
lie-e l- delicate and la-tmg.
We keep the pi elei led odors et all the Hist.
c!us- pi lluiners, such as laibm. Uailc v, Atkin
son and C'eudiay ; but of Aifiu u H itiiaiT's vve
keep all.
liiing an urn eiftnued haiulkcichict : and
en shall h i e a "ample et an v odor v en u l-h
Jehn Waxamam:u.
First cnele, net tiniest from the cvnler.
t ioi.eued dues') goods.
j The lolloping, just iccelvcd, an aav
dim n in j rices : Fiench Camel's Ii.iu, 47 mi h,
$1.75 unci ; Fiench cheviot suiting, Mil; and
wool, 45 Inch. $ 7" ; Fiench fniile, all uoel,2S
Inch, ?0.2rf.
ISy looking out lei fueli oppeitunitics a lady
may elten -ave halt.
Nine ceuntcis, Thiiteeuth stieet entrance.
A lady wanting anv et the iolleniug Mill
be obliged let the mention el them ; .'-ilk ami
wool Sit in de I.yen, s cents: silk t.uid
eleuis. $1: lueiniu cloth, 75 cents; dainassc
dran d' etc, $1 .VJ ; daniasse ea-liiueie, fl.J'i.
All the puces exevpt the liistaic piebably
below the cost et maiiufactme, and eeii the
lirst mav be.
Net eutei elide, seuthwt. st liem the centei.
J. Our trade icquncs thelaigcstnud lieshist
stock of tin se goods, oi ei
nauieuts, girdlex, tassels, spikes, lings, balls,
buttons. We ha ( novelties net te be found
anyu here else.
ctouteiciicle,noitliwi'sttiom the centet.
A few sluwls aie hhewii in the Aieide;
gentlemen's iliesDnig gowns and .me! ing
jackets in the same case. Mere are within
1 ist of the Chestmil btieel entrance.
1 Our woik-ieoin is lull of piep.u.Uien, e
lull that we cannot ciewd it faster. We have
leady, also, alaigu block of llnishcd garments,
fur and fur lined.
We have sacqueai and dolmans in -ealskm
djed in Londen wc have none but London Lendon Londen
dvedseal. We havu tliem in gieat numbcis,
and, et eeur-e, in all sizes including! tieines.
l'l ices, tiem $145 te $270.
i.oiuleu contiels the seal maiket et the
veild Theie have been two advances in
puce, since our tuts weiti bought. We shall
ueladv.inte till we have te buy again : we
hav e net advanced at all, as j et.
We have, at $1G5, seal saequis such as jeu
w ill leek in vain ler elscwhcie at the pi Ice.
I-ur lined circulars and dolmans in vcij
gieat vaue y. We use uiestlv Satin tie l.jen.
giesgiam, aiiiiuieaud bieiaile silk ami idl
leune ; tei mourning, Henuetta and Drap
d'Ete. 'i he lattei are made toot di l only.
We havecveijthlng weith hiving in sets
tii'iimiiigs, ielie-, gloves, caps mil the thou
s imi-auil one little tiling's that ate kept in the
eempletvst lists.
Thiitet'iifh stieet vitninte.
O Felt, all coleistiud v.liietj el stvles, 5je te
S'J5: llannel, black, blue. "gra.v. blew u and
' cat let, $iiil te f.5.75; Kilni, hi lek. l.7Ie
$10 50; satin, blue, se.iilc!, blew i, and b! ick,
12 50 te W : Italian cloth, black, $1.25 te $5.
Thevaiietj- isverj gieat.
Southwest cel net id the building.
Netice these two sa-' pies:
Elite chinchilla sack, velvet ceihu and de
tachable t-ape, lined w ith Faunri's satin, hoi si
buttons. iHi 50. Is there anethci sucliceit let
$6 50? We hive sold liunilicds tit them.
Itrewn-ied-auil old geld diagonal uNleietlu
selt wool ll'iing, sleeves lined with aduiable,
silk-sti-iped fabric, limn buttons, fS 5)
These are but but spt cimens of manj. It
thevsecni inviting, etheis mav be nieie mi.
Central aisle, next te the outer r in Ic, Mai
ket st reel side.
Ribbons ami Millineij", you knew, we
have much mere of than any ether heti-c
Neith of Tliiilcciith stieet entixtnee.
Axeij- great vaiietj'et the finest linens,
a reij-grcat raiiety et M iple linens and the
lowest puces in riulitdelphi t.
Outei ciicle, LitJ- Hall bquaie enttanec
j Xew goedjiistieceivcdiioiu aliiead. We
have, without doubt, the llchcst and fullest
stock cm this -ide et the Atlantic. We buv
from lnakeis, ducct. knew the qtiilitj et out
linen bejenii question, am! keep KIew the
UMlkCt bl'sidU'.
Seeeiul cijUc, southwest tiem the centif.
lO The veiy linest English and Fieueh liaiid
kciclncfs and Muflleis; handkerchiefs $l.Ai te
$2.50; mullleis, $15'i te $150. Elsewhcie thej thej
a'eseiu tei a cjraitcr nieie, at least.
Sec end cut le, seuthw ct from the ecu tie.
l' Every imlividiul aitiile et Alciiue or
Silk I'ndeivear that v luj- we e.iiiiue te
sec whether t he but tens aie sewed en i-ecuiely
and whether the suimsaie light and piepeily
lastened. II anj thing is wieng, back thegai thegai
nicntgees te the u aker, ei ve nht it at ins
Such has been our psattiee fei a j ear and a
halt. Is theie another meieliant in Philadel
phia who docs the fame, or who watches the
mteicnts et his customers m anj- Mimi ir vaj-.'
Delects maj-escape us, neveithhss. oude
us a lav or, it j'eu bung back the least iiiipur iiiipur
leetien te be made geed.
Outer ciicle. Thiiteeuth stieet ciitianie.
Oui asseiimcnt et all muslin umleigai
meiits is as lull as at anj- time or the j ear: and
when the demand for such is net generally
stieng we aie ettcn able te buj al unusual ad
vantage. We hav e veiy nearly the same goods
the year leund : but pi ices vaiy inoieerlesH.
Xew, ler example, ptebablj', theie is no! te be
leiindm tlnscitj'er in X'cw Yeilc muslin un
dcigaimenls equal te our legul-ir stock except
at higher puces. We knew el no exception
Southwest coiner of the building.
J. De j-eu knew, many aie net et Uubbci at
all, and are net waterpioel? We sell as many
as all Plilladeliihia besides; leal aitieles enlj;;
and guarantee them.
Central aisic, near Marktttiecl entianec.
XX MRS. M. A. EDWARDS has rcmeTcd her
Millinery Stere te Ne. 250 West King street,
where she will be pleased te sec ail her old
customers, llennets. Hats, Ribbons, Satiiib,
Velvets, Feathers, Flevvci , &c, vv ill be sold
cheaper than ever bob !. Call and see
made en a new punclplc, itfstir
liigcoinleit terthc teet.
I. it" made te order.
iEast King street
unuli iiiilit.s a w int men et ciiiii.e'it abilitj"
2i ivu tit vett d viais et ?'u(t-. and jieiiiiient
te llud a peeiuc tei l)i-ia-( sol tl.u ludnevs,
ISlnMer, e'uii.nj'Uigiiw.cid Nfiveii Sjstcin
and lien thetni'eni ltsdi-teveij has rapidlj
incicised in t.ivcu. gaming the ajipteval and
eenliilene-e efii.i die a! mi u am! these who have
Used it; il ha- bi come a fiveulc with all
clas-t-. and v,lieievei liitieduci d has siipci
suled allethei lieitmeiit-. In short, such is
its nit ihisic incut and stipuiiitj-, it new
the only : eeni ! tell ib'c n ml dy.
Is Strongly Endorsed.
We'uvi tbc me-t iiiuqmwc il te-timeiij te
its euiatne p .ci- iimn m m pciseus et
hUli h ii ail i nib llteiii e ,ii ! it s,nu.ibi'itj".
Oui hook "He i Lite wa-.! d '' giving tile
histeij el tin- lit w di-ievtiv. ind a luge
ii'Cin ut '.uit ii m i: ible u i- - hi liee
W lib let it
Day Kidney Pail Company,
CAlITinM '''- I" ! ''iinv wtiiibltss
auiIUil.,,;,,, x ,'.hi.i, - iiigiisaleun
eui l iiiilallim, up di em il din l'ie allli: ml te
V..II1I 111' 111. A-',- be OM's hCIMA !,
and t ike umiiliri.
la's'; 1. 1: ai. i: no i,
115 Viilleu St., 'kirb.
0 LR '. MJLLHN l
Freueli Hiy M
II ieali adv ' u Mild in this i 'iii'ili anil in
France: c ei j c n i ! w mill h i give n poi ket
sitl-iac tien, an I ti .s piilns.ned i me, i'm-iv
tune win ii u-cl .i' i 'iiiliug le d'lt t Mems. We
new si hi the tlh'itel .n l deiilnnv uin
we uil pi llieubev, ie (,.l tin a smgle
else e!
jlnttt e I'.i-l tails ie . eie. 'J :elllnlJ
will i'e-iliv'! and I'eiiu iiieutb, i me Litin
b ige. Lime I! i '. -i i ilic t ci.ivt I, Di ibi tej,
Diepsj, I'liht's Di-t m nl the Induct, le le
ceutiu'euee and Ritiulieii ' ihe I Mi'f, lu
ll i uin illen tit the 't'li.its, (, il.iuli el Ihe
111. dib :. imii (eliMid t l.ue. i'.illi ill the
15 u k, si le or I ei ,s, Nc i vceis Uc.iknes-, and
in i.i. I alld -in tii isei the l'.l iddi l lie I I'lin.ti y
Olg in- w lit 'hei null iciidb. pnv lie ill- ,ie
iii.elliei w lsc.
LADII.-, i -.nil aie -iiilei in K tiem Fein lie
Ui 'll.nes-. Li lieeulici1 1, et anv di-i i e et the
Kidni'.i -, l.ladeei, i I iniiit Oigau-,
Without st. .tlli.
-imp! ftiMiia,;
.i i i- i ti- in di' ru -, bj'
wine ii i L'Ui.s r.i ::M:ri!ON.
As!; , eui di cri
fi:i:.lh K1DM.
II he i us mil j'el
cci.c Ihe I'.h! b' i
it.- !!::.(, riLMi.Ti'h's
1' 1 1), mil ta'.e no ethei.
il -i ii ! yl .mil jeu will le
'M II ! I I 111 - iU b
.1 M1 - . A!I EU.
el ! i l!tiw-" !: ill, Columbia, l'.l.
Mdd cuilv i i.l.d W. III'I.L.
Di igi.i-t, I t 'tin ; l , I inci-ti l, I'.'
,111.1. . Ml 'A,
Prof. Guiliaelte'j Fivnch Liver Pad.
ill pii-ilci I t me l vi . an $ ,ue, Itmnb
Ague. Ague ( .!. iti'imus S'etii, .laundiee
Dv-pipsn an! a'l il'-ii-s el the l.itel.
Mem ch.iuil UieihI 1'i.ictI ' et m.i'1. .-eiul
tei 1'it.t. t.iulmettc's t!i" Kiduejs
and Live i, lice b iH Addiess
Tell de, Ohie.
..ii'l'-''lii bed 1 WA.
Mrs. IjyJia E. Pinkham,
Has is! lie Mm !
HtT WjiCtsil'.Jv'i'O'HtMliUHJ f iif'H:iV!W
1 ,t I. .'.I t 1l.j.t
of Kw H"-y.
Ilp-Alth, Kepo t'-nd J:ippme-s Ets Ets Ets
oteicd by Ihe i:su of
Vegetable Compound,
The Peitivs Cure Ter
All Female Complaints.
Thw ptepa'.'ti'iii. .is i;- i, .me -14111. .e-. 1 oil
Mislset egct Jile t!ie-n .. aie h.tiniie-s
tolheme 1, ilrlu ,ile ur. .did. I pen one tual
th"ii:eiit;eI thiseoiepeii'id t ill be iccegniicd,
ns .eliet 1- luimedi it' : w 1 u iH 11-eis ton ten
tinue.l, 111 iniittv 'line e i e- 111 a iiuudied. a
peuu meiit cine isc i.i 1 lid, . j tneiis.,iiils will
tertitj'. en uceiiiint ei its j-ie-.c.! 1,
tedij ircenimeiide 1 and p'.-inbed bj' thj
best phvniei.iii- m theieiint, j.
It will cm.- clinch theweis' I'.iniel tailing
et the ut' 111-, I t, l1 .eul 11 mil 1 aiu
f ui Mei'stui Uiiui. all Tici'ible-, In In
li.ii.ini.ilieu and Tin i.itien, lloedins. all Dis'ind 1 ne i 0.1-11 :i Mil spinal weak
111 ss. :ind 1-e-i' illv ..d iplfl te the ( h mge
or Lite.
In lai I 1! h.A pi..' 1 d te in Ine glcite-L and
bistiemcdj t..ll h.'sc vi bn :i ills' it eled. 11
pcii'ieatcs ivii, pillion e. the st stem, .mil
gi' Os new li'eaiiil vigei. it lett'ev 1 - I.iintness,
llttiileiiey, dt-ties'jali , 1 iv .114 lei stimulants,
and relieves v.e.iU.iessel the slum tell.
It ciik Hlei'in-r. Mead t he-.. Neiveils Pios Pies Pios
tratien, General "Dchilit j. Mec ph t-tne-s De
pii ssien .mil liitpgi -tieu. i'h it leelinget b ai
ing den 11, i.iusii-g pain, t.e.glit ami b icka' he.
Is alwajs pciiii'iui'iitlj c'lietl bj" ili use. It
will ut .ill ti!ii.. miiI mull v -ill eiiciimstanees;,
act in hauiieiiy witu the l.iw tliat governs the
Fer Kidney complaint el eithei -e this
Compound i- unsm passed.
Lydia E. Pinkhnf s Vegetable Compound
!; prepared al -'55 'ind i!i Western Avenue,
Lvnn, Jln?s. 1'uceSl. bit. bottles ier$. fcent
by mail 111 the feun e! piIN. al-ein II.c feun of
lozenge-, en ieee:p: el liiiee, $! per ba, ten
cither. Mrs. I'lN'KilAM iie"l. a'lswei-taU lpt lpt
terset iiiquiij. -eiid ler pimphb t. Addieis
as abet e. -Vc nfien tint p pc r.
Ne l.imilv slietiM '.e t'liheut LYDIA E.
riXKHAMSLlVEU PILL'S. Thev eme Con
stipation. Kilieusiie&s .11. ieipidi j" of the
Liver. 25 ceiit per box.
Johnsten, Holleway & Ce.,
(Jc110r.1l Agenl, FiilJiuIclpIiia. .
u,fer8aIeby G. A. Loeher, ! Ea-t King stieet
and Gee. . Hull, 1" We?t lCmg stieet.
J L'O-lvdeed&w
liuck-fcct ill-1 ret fable
Shertzer, ldimplireville &KieflTers
Hamasirr Intrlltgcnrrr.
The Aulo-t'allielie Faith Causes TrenWe
iu the Hepkins Household.
a. d. 1885.
It might "avc beati a week liafter 3Ii
Bihter calN te see me w'en Hi comes
"etne from mailcet that tired thre 'aving
catticl a bi basket hall the way from
nmiket te Seuth Quince, as Hi was ready
tu diep, that Hi gee& hinte iny bedroom
te lay heflF my bonnet, witch Hi brought
fiem Hingland, as you can't get the like
of 'etc, and Hi sees at once as 'Opkins ad
nailed a big cress hover the bed as might
a dune for .1 church for size.
Hi gives . 1 scivum of 'errer as brings
'Opkins te the 1001a at euce.
" Wetivei is the matter, Mary ? " he
.s.ivs, (he' he knows well heneugh as who
wouldn't, .is Hi niver saw .1 cress like that
in a Pietestant 'euse hafere.
"," Hi S13S, weiry digni
fied by this time.
" lie, is hull?' he. haiiiwers, a try
ing te leek might hinuoecnt and net suc-
coeiliiig, "Hi thought as maybe you 'ad
'tut jeut.-elf."
Hi leeks at the ciess and thou at 'itu but
Hi savs' nethink, and he that sheepish as
Hi was hashamed of 'ini.
"A vvetiy proper hemblem for a Chiis
ti.m 'eiih'," he b.iys as length, and Iievery
thitik Hi say-, te 'itn was hef no use as he
wouldn't take it down, and me as didn't
c!i-e si heje that night thre'
thinking of it. Hut Hi gets used te it
hiifrer .1 bit tlne 'aving a geed deal te
de and a "e.iw wash a 'angin' hover
nil' h.tll tlte week thie" it bean that rainy
:iei'ijlhiiik might 'ave ileated and the
gell as was took sick of a Monday as was
niver much help sick or well. I .sees as
'Opkins was up te semethink with the
H.iuglo-C.lthelics hall this time, but Hi
'.t'lii't time te think mu'dt habeut it hall
the .same. as Ili'ni suie a woman as 'as a
'euse en her shoulder, might be iu two
places at once ami then semethink net
done. "Oliver, "Opkins comes W ence
as was a Saint's day in the haiternoen,
and Hi says le "im as was a heating some
Dutch cheese at supper as Hi wouldn't be
paid te livat and 'Opkins that fend of it as
will be 'is death some day thre' it's bean
hitidigestible as lubber, w'en Hi basks,
cat elcss like, w'ciivcr he 'ad bean.
"Hi 'avc bean te confession at the 'Oly
Pic-cnce," he says, that solemn as it
might a bean a funeral.
" Well," Hi says calm as any
think, thie' bean picpaied by this
time ler weltvei he might de. "Hi
'opt, von confessed as 'ew you i bought
11101 u of going te wei.ship little boys as is
get up weuy line iu red and purple than
of pleasing your hewn wife as was mariicd
te you twenty yeais come next St. Han
dtew's dajs and 'aidly a 'arsh vveul te
you hall that time."
" Women "asn't 1:0 minds," he says,
wetry ccmteinptuetH, and bout of doers
he gees and me as could 'ae ciied my
heves out.
Miss Cat ter comes te .sec me a few dajs
haftet wauls, and she says :
" .Mis. 'Opkins, v'euaie locking that bad
as Hi am sorry te sec ; 'aden't you better
take a walk withnie this morning as would
de you geed il auythiuk, she says."
Hi s.ijs as Hi would thie' thinking she
was 1 iht, and we walks as might be a mile
te the went w'en Hi sees coining towards
us a walking two by two a alf dozen or
mete men with black gowns a teaching
te their 'eels and a repe h.inmnd their
"Whoever be they.'" Hi basks the
jeuiig woman.
'It is the Hiotheiheod of Saint Higna
t'li?," s.'ys she, "as lives at Dillcrwill a
tikiagef a walk. They was all meti as
lived at Deneaster, till Mr. Day hestab
lishcd the brotheiheod'as might "avc bean
two jcais,'" she gocshen.
J net then we gets hup near te 'em and
Hi takes a geed leek at the Bielhers as
she calls 'em as Hi little think it wasn't
the last Hi te see of 'cm. Tite first
two was a leading te their selves bout of
a book as looked vveny pious. II itn as
was the tailcst v. as called Brether Stephen
Miss Cat ter tells me and the ether was
Bi ether Hanselme. They leeks quite
'appy, in their way, as Miss Catter says
nethink wasn't niver tee "igh ler 'cm
hafere they was Brethers. Right hafter
they comes two as was Bi ether Francis
and Bicthci Paul the young woman hex
plnins. Biether Francis as might 'avc
bean a middle sized yeuug man as were
glasses "ad Ms hcyes fixed lien the ground
weny solemn, but Brether Paul as
wasn't as tall as 'im looked as
if he wished "imself well iieut of the
'ok business, and Hi sees as he gives a
leek at the young worn in as nobody
couldn't blame 'im, thre' 'cr bean that
'audsem a there isn't many as is meic se,
and checks as pink as roses is nethink be
side 'cm.
"Brether Paul wasn't halways a Hangle
Catholic," says she, " but came hinte the
chuich from one hef the denominations as
calls theirsclves the Mennonites."
"And leeks as he wishes he was theie
still," Hi puts in, " net bean that solemn
like the ethers as is fit te give yen the
'errcrs te leek at 'em," Hi says.
Theie wcre three or four mere of the
Brethcts as their names Hi 'ave forgotten,
and hevcry methei's seu of 'em 'ad a cress
'anging down the sides of their gowns, as
might far better 'ave 'ad coats and trousers
like Christians hinstead hef black dresses
as is peer work for men te be a wearing
t ) my thinking, as Hi didn't niver hexpect
te live te see.
"Wetiver de they de with theirsclves ?'
Hi basks tlie yeuug woman w'en they gets
"Works of charity and meicy, Mrs. "Op
kins," she says.
"Well," Hi says te 'er then, "Hi niver
knewed as a man "ad te diess hup like a
woman w'en he wanted te be merciful, as
it is a peer compliment they pay their
sclves a doing of it," Hi says.
"Yeu don't hunderstaud, Sirs. "Opkins, '
she says, a trying te hcxphin. but Hi
says as Hi didn't want te "car no mere of
the Hanglo-Cathelics, the' meauing no
'arm te 'cr feelings, as Hi couldn't but
wish as she wasn't one of 'em.
That werry hevening hafter Hi see the
Brethers of Saint Hignatius. as me and
'Opkins was a sitting before the the thre'
it bean a chilly night and neatly for the
season, "Opkius says te me suddent like as
Hi thinks he was asleep till then and me a
thinking 'ew 'appy Hi was hafore the
Hanglo-Cathelics was eard of.
"Pelly," he says, as he didn't hefteus
call me se thre' knowing Hi didn't justly
like the name, "Hi wishes as -we might
hagrce en religion as Hi'm weiry seiry wc
can't," and a looking at me as made me
think of the times hafeic we was m ti
tled. "Hi wishes wc may,'' Hi hansweis,
" but that won't niver be with 3 en a H.m-glo-Cathelie
as is no better te my thinking
than the Papists theii selves, no net 'alf as
honest," Hi keeps lien hexcitcd like.
"That's hall you knows habeut it, bean
a woman," he saj't that scornful as Hi
might 'ave 'ad no mind at all. ""but that
isn't 'eie nor theie, Hi am going te be a
Bielher of Saint Hignatius. Maty" he
" Wet ! they as Hi sees in black diesics
a walking fiem Dillciwill?"' Hi halutest
set cams at 'im.
"The werry let,"', he hattswcis as cool
as if Hi 'adn't bean 'is wife nor nethink
te 'im as caied.
"He, 'Opkins," Hi sa.vb, as the teats
was a running down my cheeks, "don't de
it, a leaving your hewn 'eme as lli'll de
iny best te make 'emelike and me yeui tt no
wife as nobody till leek liafter yutir tl.iuuels
better than Hi 'ave sinea her we was
"Don't try te keep me fi 0111 uy duty,
lass," he says, "as Hi 'avc premised Mr.
Day te be a Brethci weny seen.
"He,'Opkins," Hi says, "yeit'iecia.y te
tninK 01 it, a leaving your lawiui wile as
nobody couldn't love you better and w euld
cut 'ci 'and heff for you if necessary, as
H'im sine the Brethcts will net give you
heneugh te heat and jeu fend et geed
heating as you can't deny, 'Opkins."
But Hi couldn't move Mm no meic than
Londen biidge as Hi'm positive is a sin te
be se set in your way as niver te listen te
" Hi gives yeuhall my prepeity, Mary,"
he says liafter a bit, "and you'll be hal
lowed te wisit me once a month at Saint
Hignatius' s 'euse iu Dillerwill,and Hi 'epes
you'll try te be 'appy and contented with
out me as feels it my duty te be a Biether."
"'Opkins," Hi sajs ente me.c, my
'art that 'cavy as Hi niver thought would
'appen, " leave the dratted Hanglo-Cathelics
te their Popish wajs and we'll go luck
te Hingland and niver think no mere of
Deneaster and the tumbles as it 'as in ought
us as makes me sick te think ei."
Hi sees as he Icel; bad-like at wet Hi
says about Mm leaving me as as Hi "m that
sure was haleng of the led and purple bevs
at the beginning, as nobody needn't niver
try te make me think it wasn't, but I gets
nethink satisfacteiy out of Mm. as study
couldn't 'ave bean in Ms right mind.
Mr. Day comes te see me
Hi could 'aidly be civil te Mm a coming
between man and wife, and a s.ijing as
Hi must be a reconciled te "Opkin- a doing
of his duty as Hi ups and tells Mm te nsy
thiuking a 'usband's duty was at 'eme and
netapaiading iu black dic-ses like a
woman and looking that solemn as lit tutu
your stomach. He says then as Hi was a
lebcllietts woman as didn't see the matter
in a true light, witch Hi hanswets Hi
didn't niver want e if it would make me
a Hanglo-Cathelic.
" Hi 'epes te sec you '.tppyaud content
ed iu a sisterhood, some daj-, Mis. "Op
kins," he says, witch Hi hausweis as Hi
was much hebligcd te Mm, but Hi 'eped
he'd be disappointed hall the same.
Hall that week Hi was that busy a
mending "Opkius's limine!:, and stockings
and a buying of Mm new shuts as Hi
didn't "avc time for no ciying hcccpt at
night w'en 'Opkins was hasleep and Mm
as niver noticed that Hi was vveikin my
fingers hotrfer Mm, as is halways the way
with men as niver thinks yeun sick till
you're dead. W'en Hi gets 'im mended
and done for as any 'usband might be glad
of, let haleue as one was going teleive
Ms wife te be .1 Brether as is peer business
for any man, Hi says te Mm as Hi 'eped
he would stay mended till the fust time
Hi could be hallowed te sec him at Saint
Hignatius s 'euse.
" He," says he, "the Biethcis don't
'ave such things. They a 'aii shut
under their gowns and niver no lianueL at
all, as is a weakness of the flesh,'' he :.ajs.
" They hallows me te 'ave stockings as is
tieubledwith cold feet, but no llannel."
"You'll niver manage te live without
flannel, Hi says, "and as for "air shuts wy
your skin is that tender a.; is wonderful as
Hi knew will be your death, 'Opkins."
"The discipline ull be geed for me,"' he
says meek and pious like as Hi knewed
the Hanglo-Cathelics 'ad turned his 'cad
as he was niver that way hafere.
"Well," Hi says te Mm "'ate yeui
hewn way as halwajs you would, but
you'll wish yourself at 'nine again Hi'm
thinking if the 'discipline' as you calls
it isn't the death of you as is worry subject
te colds, and if it kills you Hi 'ope you'll
remember as Hi w'arned you like a faith
ful wife as nobody ceuldu't say Hi 'aven't
bean te you, 'Opkins, for all you prefer
them Brethers in their black gowns te me, ' '
as couldn't say no mere te Mm for sobs.
Twe days hafter this "Opkins gees hefF
te join the Brethers of Saint Hignatius, a
leaving me as nobody couldn't love Mm
better than Hi and that lonesome as 'Agar
in the wilderness wasn't a circumstaucc.
I shall niver forget the day if Hi lives te
be a undrcd as nil be two months come
next Saturday and "avc only seen Mm once
as said he was epiite 'appy and that thin
as you could see Ms bones witch lli'll be
beuud they 'alf starves Mm as ni lays
awake nights te think of.
Hafter 'Opkins leaves me Hi basks a
nice tidy old woman as Hi meets at market
witch was quite peer, te come and live
with me, aswas weny glad te de se, but
fitst Hi S.13S te er, "Aioyeu a Hangle
Catholic ?' witch she says she wasn't, but
gees quite tegular te 'Oly Trinity, as was
a Lutheran church, aud would Hi go with
Hi says as Hi would, thre' net caiing te
go bj' mjself te Saint Jehuathan's and
likes 'er se well, witch 'as a geed old man
te preach te 'cm as didn't seem te ave no
nonsense habeut "im, that Hi keeps hen a
geinir with 'er, witch calls 'crsclf Mts.
Flint, and wouldn't be Mred te go te
chin cii helse where, the' liking St. Johna
than's weiry well all the same, and 'epes
te 'car no meie of the Hangle Catholics
as is "ardly likely tlne' 'Opkins bean a
Biether of Saint Hignatius and wearing
of a black gown as will halways lie 'eavj 'eavj
en mv "ait.
' The Fireside "
Senior tliutieii Delivered at Frankllii untl
-Marshall Collc-ge by J. Calvin
Jli'jer, A.treiidburs, I
' tie ut is a hope place and home is a heart
place, and they sadly mistake who would ex-
eh ine the luppiness et home for aiiytltinsr
'ess t!i 111 Hc.iTcti."
Biief as the words of the poet ate, thev
.110 the embodiment of the tcraiui charac
ter of that sublime institution cnlled into
existence by the same Cieater who de
signed its for its blessings. Beautiful as
is the thought, it gives us the keynote of
the gieat sv stent that is as far-ieachiug as
it is ancient, and that beat upon it the
inipiess of its Divine eiigiu.
It unfolds for us the semce of the
silent but itic-tiiii.ibie power hidden in
the life ei ihe home ciicle ; that life whose
pulsations :11c felt in the icmete?t limits
et civilization.
1 lie luisule is a school el uiliuitc im
pintatice. It is iuipeitaut because it is
uuiveisil, .ind the education it be
stows woven it: with the woof of child child child
hee 1 give-; life and vigor te the plastie be
ings within its hallowed pale.
It is allotted te .1 few te receive the
henc.s of a college, but all in ly be gtadu
.iles of the health. The learning of a
college 111.13' be but transient and iinper
l'ect and cotempei.iiy with our dcputuie
I10111 theguauitiiislup et alma mater may
be the feigctting of her libctal iusttuc
tiii. "Her elastic lo'e may meulder
iu the halls of mcineiy, but the
simple lessen of home enameled upon
tlie Iie.ut.s of childhood del3 the 111st of
3cais and outlive the meic maluie but less
vivid piettues of after dajs."
The pleastucs of life iu its iuueceucy se
thoieughly loot themselves in the mem
ory that the world, with its glitter and
pomp, can 10b them of none of their
sweetness ; nor can adversity, with mth
less hand, pluck tlwtn up, but rather it
gives te them Inilliancc and premini'ucc.
Se deep aud lasting .tie the impressions
of cail j- life, that iu the imbecility of age
i.'oelleetioii still holds fresh its earliest
charges, while all the wide space fiem
them te the ptesent is :v and fei got
ten waste. Yeu have peihaps seen
an old and half obliterated pictuie
and in your attempt te vlean it
ami U'steie it, seen it fade away while
mini beneath a blighter and meic perfect
one is bi ought te view. Is this net an apt
illush.iiien of youth with its impressions
.0 peifeetly and indelibly fixed that
though concealed for a time by outward
ciicttmsiances, they will till ou have
".sliuilled e!V this mortal coil " bear the
si ripe of the meld iu which thev wcte erig
inally cast? Te what seuice shall wc at
tribute this hidden power which the lite
si'Ie cijeys? Te what fountain will this
hticam of icsults lead us'. Wheie is the
flower that yields se sweet an odor te the
passing bieee.' Ah ! theie tsa being,
like the sun, becomes the centre of a sj's
tem. shedding its genial ia3":; upon its
planet and keeping them iu their places
with almost matheinaticil piecisien.
'Tis ei.e whose name se gently mm mur
ed bj' the ptattling child grows dcater
with the lapse of 3'eais ; whose voice, that
hi eat lies a constant piaycr, grows sweeter
when its seuthing tones becalm our tum
bled bicasts; whose smiles dispel the
meining fi.jwnand draw the golden tluead
which binds us all as willing captives of
the hearth : it is one whose watchful eje
feiescesthe awning gulf and seeks te
di.ivvtis fiem its fathomless depths ; in
sheil, it is one whose cvciy thought, vveul,
leek and deed, em fietn no ether fount tin
ilew than fiem a methei's love. It is she
the "queen el" home," can make her the shiine of puic aud Ienl devu devu
tieii atid lead her giacieus charge te the
p eper appicciatieu of life and its aims.
While the eutw.ud niaehitiery of gov
ernment and the sinews el" society ate
in 1.1's, the mother, if tine te her impjit
ant and no less potent "spheic, may con cen con
tiel its iife piinciple. Unseen herself,
wet king like nature in sccict, she legu
lates its pulsations and sends feith fiem
its heatt in pine and icnipci ale flew, the
life-giving curicui.
It is hei.s le waim into life the eailicst
genus of thought' and feeling iu the in
fant's mind ; te watch the fiist d uvning of
life upon the awakening soul ; te aid the
liist faint stiugglc of the clay-cncumbcicd
sphit tegiasp the beautiful leahties that
here and theie picscut themselves amid
the glittering falsities of e.uth, and te
guide its first tetteiing steps into the
paths of peace.
It is heiste stand a watchful guaidupen
the tlncsheld of her temple and bid defi
ance le the hordes of vice te which hu
manity is heir ; te chain the hated i'eims
ei eiitne by earnest weids and piaycis ; te
w .itch the tender bud unfold aud see the
tempered ra3s of love tinge the beautiful
Hew er with a delicate hue. Time i.s sub
limit' iu the love that, in the infatuation
eflav ished praise, in the hey-day of youth
01 iu the harassing anxiety el m mhoed,
will cling se fetidly te the memories that
cluster around the altar of childhood.
It was a grand day in the old chivahie
time--, the wine circled round before each
eager guest, the fiescecd halls echoed and
le-echecd the songs and joyous shouts of
gallant knights who pledged the names of
pumd and beauteous maidens.
At last St. Leen's name was called ; lift
ing the spaikliug cup en high he said :
"1 1I1 ink te one
Whose imaue nev er may dupai t.
Deep graven en this grateful heait.
Till memory be dead.
Te one whose love for me shall hist
When lighter passions long liav e past,
"e holy 'tis and true ;
Te one whose love hath longer dwelt,
Mere deeply h ed, mere keenly felt,
'1 ban any pledged by 011."
Lacli guest upstarted at the word.
And laid a hand upon his sweid,
With fury Hashing ej e ;
And t mley said : ''We crave the name,
1'ieiul knight, of this most peerless dame
Whose love j oil count se high."
St. Leen paused. :es if lie would
Xet hi eat lie her mime in cutlets mood,
1 bus lightly, te another :
Then bent bis noble lit ad, as though
Te give that vv or I the reverence due.
And gently said, "My mother :"
Oh, for such noble devotion in every
household in the laud, then life would be
a joy and the dusky chamber j of the fu
luie would lcveal a gloiieus prospect. It
has ever been the delight of superior intel
lect te culo'i,;e the irresistible influences
of the home circle. Master minds have
vied with each ether iu endeavoring te
fathom the length and breadth, height
and depth of the social force testing in
the family, but it challenges as much to
day as c er before sober thought.
Where shall we leek for a satisfactory
solution ? It is net writteu iu the shifting
clouds that chase each under heaveu's
blue vault; the trackless waves of ocean
ate wrapped iu stubborn silence; the
winds that level in their matchless free-
tteni watt uacic 110 answer te the anxious
mind. But history lends its searching
glare aud bids us trace the individual,
social and national life fiem their eailicst
"dawn te their piescnt pciied of existence,
and there in stretiger accents than human
lips have ever d.ued te utter leant the en
during power, for geed or ill, of the fire
side, tins divinely established institution,
this undisputed factor of a nation's
grandeur or a country's shame.
Mark the genuine statesman who le
eched his first lessens of tiuth ami honor
fiem a loyal mother's lips ; whose he.ut
would bum with pissiouate e.d while
listening te the stety of his country,
Ge with me te our legislative halls, go
with niu 011 the geiy tiehis of battle whete
country, home and friends ciiliertiuc,
ueblc-heaiteduten, men who will bravely
stuiggle for the pitiiciplcsef light imbibed
at a mother s knee, aud w ith me you will
surely say: "The hand that rocks the
cradle is the hand tit it locks she ueiid."
As the titst dawn of childhood biightcns
into day, as the obscit.itieu and under
standing are quickened te .1 new light,
you can no longer hope te lead your chil
ilien te the piuest aims unless you re
nounce )ou accustomed loundef fiivoletis
and selfish pleasiucs.
Should eu vcutuie te expiess senti
ments which eveiy Imuref your life should
contradict, could tu expert them le make
an impicssieii upon the minds of these te
whom thev would beaddiessed .'
Says Hebcit I'elher: "The influences
of home peipetuate themselves. The
gtutle grace of the methei lives in
the 'daughter long altei her he id is pil
lowed in the dust of death, and f.itheily
kiudues finds its echo iu the couitesyef
sons who come te Ii I his place ; while
fiem miserable Inruus go I'mth persons
who will make ether horn s miserable and
peipetuate the st tiles and contentious,
which have made their own c.uly lives
Loek at the yeuug iimneitjl as it lies se
beautiful aud fair within its mothers arms,
the puiity of heaven 011 its biewuud noth
ing of e.uth within its he.ut but the love
with which it leaps at tin sound of a well
known voice.
In that little beitig, scarcely et con
scious of its own existence, aie enfolded
peweis te bless et te, wide as the
uuivcise, endtuiug ,n eternity.
The little hand that clings se tenaciously
te your own or that lies se harmlessly upon
your bi east, may iinihe.ith the Leeti-edged
sweul te stiike a blew at tyiauny aud
check the lavages of empite.
The childish gleeful voice that wins the
a'tcutieii of no ear save that of .tu :iuietis
mother may give the fust impulse that
will hasten or ictanl for ages the weibi'.s
millennia! gleiics.
And think you then you cm with no
compunction sactiliec the gicatest and
grandest Wink of Ged's cieatien, this ten
der innocent, te pei. seu. 1! th'shcsnud te the
alluieuictits which lead te muciy and
shame '.'
And the daughter whose laugh audpiat
tie arc the music of your home, shall sin:
walk through the and tumbled ways
of life, blessing and bei.ig blessed, warm
ing into life these genuine .tiled ions by
which we knew eui selves alli.'dte heaven.
but which tee often fade away in
the atme-phcic of earth '.' Shall
she pas-, gently from her (arthly
abode te lovelier home above of
.vhich she has made i! no iinweithy type '.'
Or shall she be the b. die of one. two or
even thiec ' neu.ish in her own and
in the he.uts of etheis the baneful pas
sions of envy, batted, impuiity and piidc.
ilntMitiug hei peweis of geed or ill, of joy
01 suelrvague desiics which she
would blush te acknowledge as lii'r aim,
and shall death bear her vainly stiuggling
whither? De 3011 shiink fiem such a
pictttie. anil does it net beceuu nunc bill
ions te think w licit ett have pitted
fiem the scenes of this life your sei.s and
d.iughteis may be the vii thus of our un un
paidenablc iiiipiudcnet' ; . te think that
millions ct ituheru shill ic;p tin tin
set lows of the picsent ae? When pa
lents shall ask. "Hew may we scctue
for our diildien tin best and high
es destiny .'" When a mother"-, sacted
memory, her pravcis and many kindnesses,
shall accompany us te the vei ; MucsheM
of eternity, then ma' we confidently pie
diet the full accomplishment of our na
tion's grandest 'mission whatcvei that may
be; when onto the liiesid- lriiveisilly
sends feith a healthy iesistles etui cut te
animate the sluggish giew tit of social and
of national excellence ; when youth .shall
bicathejthe untainted almesphcic of honor
tint li and light, and le.un the lessen of
our tlnee fold duly, te Ged, then te
country and te self last, then, .ind
then only, may we jej fully leek ler the
continuation of the gloiieus piineiplcs of
Amciicati government made nicie.1 by .1:1
cestui I bleed.
(ie te II. P. Cechian, druist, n; ind l
Xeitli (jui en itieet, ter .V. p'lrenirzn' AVw
A'ttt.nnrtt Oics. Fer bi:ght.n-wand iliiK'billty
et color aie unripi lie I. Colei lie'ii i te A
pounds. Pi iee, 11 cents.
Xcrriei:. We weiesiitrerm the most rxc 111
ei.itiug lulu Ireni inll.iiniii.iteiv. ihcinii tis:u.
,ie application et Dr. Themas' heh cttlr Oil
alleided almost instant relict, and two I'lty
cent bottles cnVetcil a perm ment c inc.
O. K. JOMsTO(,'K, Cab deni.i, 31 -in.
Fin sale by il. II. Cochran, Druggist, 1 .7 and
1 ." Xerth Ouce.11 stieet. Lancaster, lt.
" Ii."
Jesh i;ill!ug-i says: "Tlur ain't no pi in llistiy that h 1. been et mere, aim that
mere oil than Appcl pi. and 110 ii.edieiu k.m
euro Iniligc stun and Kiliciiiiein ss hit se vvel
as spiing Itlossein. Piice, 5)e , trial sie 1'Jc.
Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 117 and
l.Tl -North ('iietn street,, I.i.
invIlids take notice.
have placed themselves under my charge clur
lug the hut three yea is in Keaillng and this
city. One hjlfef them at least were called I11
ctuablcs. Chronic ewes of Djspepsii, Con Cen Con
suinptien. Itheutiiali-iii. and ether atlilctiens.
Nearly all reported the s.mie story, v iz : I have
ttied many doctors and citiac Ic medicines, all
in vain. I um discouraged. While curing the
nick in these two cities ever 1 500 deaths have
occurred in ether physicians practice, and net
a halt-dozen in mine. Won't you in person (at
my offices) or b y letter invest isate my remark
able cures. Men unci women Mck ler yearn.nn
der my practice were in a t.;ir days or weeks
cured. Send or call and gut a U-pne pamph
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