aiKE2HS3B8S5taw, LANCAST&WlLY INTETXIGKNCEK. MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1880. 1 -jwaticastcr Intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 13, 1880. Five Fircmcu Homed te Death. Caught bj- h Stream of Flame that Leaped Up Through a Hatchway. At 5 o'clock en Saturday evening in Cincinnati a fire was discovered in the dry house of Jehn P. Gay's bucket factory, en New and Calvert streets. The dry house, a branch of the four-story main building, was two stories high. The main building was saved and the dry house destroyed. Next te the dry house was a four-story brick building, also owned by Jehn P. Gay, and occupied by the Crown manufac turing company, who make kindling weed and window ornaments. In it were stored large quantities of inflammable ma terial from the dry house. The flames quickly lay held of this building, com mencing oil the ground fleer. The nearest lire company te these buildings was Ne. 4, which company was first te enter the .second-story of the Crown manufacturing company's building. Their object was te fight the fiic raging with het fury en the ground fleer by sending streams down a chute, and down the stairways, in fact, te aircsl its progress te the three upper Nterics, which were yet intact. In the room weic Chief Hunker, Assistant Mar shal Scheldmcycr, and Acting Captain Iligginsen of Ne. 4, all of whom came out alive. There were also Themas Cool Coel ing, a win of Capt. Coeling, of Ne. 4 ; William Kelly and David Leve, regular pipumen ; Edward Parker, a runner of Ne. -1, and Andrew Barrett, a pipcraan of Ne. (i, all of whom were brought out dead, it seems that thev were stauding around the chute sending a stream down when. suddenly, as if shot from a can non, a hurst of scotching air and blinding .smoke, mingled with flame, broke up with lightning .suddenness through the chute. These who get out can hardly tell hew they escaped. All five of the victims were dead when their bodies were re covered three hours later. It was net an explosion. At the bottom of tlicchute, as is new known, lay a mass of shavings, with a mass of highly combustible kind ling weed. It is the present theory that the flames, which had hecu gaining en the firemen in the basement and ground fleer, get a sudden fresh impetus, and with in creased energy struck this inflammable fuel and leaped up through the hatchway. The victims tried te run, as is shown by their pisitiens when found. All the dead eveevt Themas Coeling, leave wife and children, and were about "-"i years of age. When the accident became known, as it did instantly, the hose e the company was maimed with fresh firemen. Frem that en the united dibits of the department were directed te saving the second-story and putting it in condition te enable men te bring out the bodies. After three hours of fighting the fleer was saved from fall ing, ami the bodies were taken out. Jehn P. Gay, who owned all the build ings, le.cs about $2."),0D3, including his stock. The Crown company lese but little. INAUGUHATIOX DAY. Tlie .Milltuiy :iiiit l'eIillcI Organization Wlit.-ii arc ti Visit Washington. Colonel Cerbin, the corresponding sec retary of the inatijruratien committee, has received notice from a large number of or ganizatiens throughout the country stating that they intend te participate in the in augural ceremonies. These heard from se far arc the following : eOth Separate Company, National Guards Elmira, N, Y.; 1st Brigade Na tional Guaid, Philadelphia .2,000 men; Gai field and Arthur club, New Salem, Pa. DO men ; Gai field and Arthur club, Meyers dale, l'JO men; Old Guard Battalion, Brooklyn, eOOmcu ; another company from Brooklyn, 200 men ; Titusville Citizens' Cerps of Pennsylvania. SO men ; Hamilton Light Infantry, Maryland National Guard, Cumberland, Md., 00 men ; Ce. I, 1st In fantry, Ohie National Guard, Cincinnati ; llichlicld Springs veteran corps,New Yeik, 100 men ; Ce. E, 8th Regiment National gnat il, Chambersburg, P.t. ; Pest Ne. 10, G. A. It., Elkton, Md., ."( men ; a com pany from Philadelphia, :00 men ; Yeung Men's G.ulield and Arthur club, Brook lyn : .lanesville Guards. Wisconsin ; Sum ner Cerps, Syracuse, N. Y. ; Yeung Men's Republican club, Wilmington, Del., 500 men; Ce--. A. and 15, 1st Veteran Battal ion Beys in I51u., Jersey City: 2,7th Sepa rate Company Iufantiy National Guards, Ma'eiK1, N. Y., 05 men ; Kings Coun ty Colored Republican Campaign Com mit', te, Bioeklyn, 50 men: First Cleveland Troop, Clevela-id, Ohie; Ce. II. 11th Regiment, National Guard, Columbia, Pa.," 55 men ; 100 men mounted or infantry from Peteisbuiir, lud. ; Kith Battalion, Natiei al Guard, colored, Chicago, 100 men : Yeung Republican club, Philadel phia, 200 men, with band ; West Philadel phia club, 200 men ; Centincntel club, Philadelphia, 150 men ; Garfield and Ar thur Glee club, Columbus, Ohie, U0 men : Lawrence lub, Beys in Blue, Kansas, 00 men ; Union club battery, Bioeklyn, 100 men ; execu tive committee National Irish Republican clubs of the Tinted States, New Yerk city, 500 men uniformed : Watsontown silver co-net hand, Pennsylvania, 20 mem bers ; Gray Invinciblcs, Infantry corps, National Guaids, Philadelphia; First Cleveland Troop, 40 men ; Sedgwick Guaids, Bridgeport. Conn., 80 men; AValcrloe Rifles, Ind.; Walbern club, Philadelphia, 75 men : Falkncr Guards, West Bridgewater, Pa.; Wisconsin Na tional Guard, Madisen, Wis., 52 men ; Grand Rapids Guard, Michigan. Its Action Is Sure ami Safe. The Tlcbratcd lciucdy Kidney-Wert can lien be obtained In the iihuu! dry vegetable tnnn, or in liquid terin. It is put in the latter way ter the epcclul convenience et these who cannot readily prepare it. It will be leund very concentrated and ill act w Itli equal cfll cleiicy in either case, l.e sure and read the new :iU-ili-,.'iiicni ler particular.-. Seuth and Went. II15-2WU&W Pretty Geed. Jno. Bacen, Laperlc, Ind., write?: Your " Sjirin Itlewnn -' is all you cracked it up te be. My ljpcp-ia ha all vanished. Why don't you advertise it. What allowance will yen niake it I take a dozen bottles, se that I could oblige my Intnds occasionally? Trices: 5)0., trial bottles 10c. l'ers:ile by II. I!. Cochran. drncjgM, 137 anil 13U North Oucen stieet. Lancaster. Pa. It Seems Impossible That a remedy madeet such common, simple plant :i Hep-, llucliu, .Mandrake, Dandelion, &., should make se many and such marvel ous and weiiderltil cures as Hep Hitters de, but when old anil yeiinjr. rich anil peer, Paster and Docter, Lawyer and Editor, all testily te having been enrel by them, you must believe and try them yeumclf, and doubt no longer. See ether column. dl-'Jw I'll) blciaiiH Kcceimneiid Ir. Your Themas1 Kclectrie Oil commands a liijre and inere.i-.iiig sale, which it richly hum it-'. I have always leuud it exceedingly hclptul ; I u-c it in all eacs til i:hviiniatisui,a's !! as tractuivsanddi-iocatiens. I made use el it iny-cli iecilm tiie pains of a broken leg itli I i-. location et the loot, and in two days I uasPiitsifly iHictcd Irein pain. IOS. BEAUD1X, M. 1. Nil vil-livll. IS. Cochran, druggist, 137 and i:: i. . n Ni (jueeii stieet, Lancaster, Pn. HtHllCH, JtZAirKETS, JkV. ('HiX OFTIIK ISUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS 1 BLANKETS I nave new en hand the Lakeebt. Rest and I'llKAl'ISST AWORTJIBUT f)l Lillfd SUKl Ulllllied BUFFALO KOltES In Die city. Alse LAP AM HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line or Trunks and Satchele, Harness, Whips, Cellars &e. Air Repairing neatly and promptly denc."Gl A. MILEY, 108 North Queen St., Lancaster. SS-lyuMWAS MEDICAL. VALUAULE TRUTHS. If you are suffering from peer health, or languishing en a bed of sickneas, take cheer, ler Hep Bitten Will Cure Yeu. - It you are simply ailing: If you feel weak and dispirited, without clearly knowing why, Hep Bitters Will Revive Yeu. If you are a minister, and have overtaxed yourself with your pastoral duties; or a mother, worn out with care and work. Hep Bitters Will Restore Yeu. Ifyeuareaman of business, weakened by the strain or your everyday duties; or a man of lettere, toiling ever your midnight work, Hep Bitters "Will Strengthen Yeu. If you ar young, and suffering from any in discretion, or are growing tee fast, as N often the case, Hep Bitters Will Relieve Yeu. ir you are In the workshop, en the farm, at the desk anywhere, and leel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating with out intoxicating. Hep Bitters Is Wliat Yeu Need. If you arc old. and your pulse is feeble, your nerves unsteady, and your faculties waning, Hep Bitters will Kive you New Lire and Viger. Hep Biltcrs Manufacturing Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. dccG-lvdMWF&w LOCHER'S HEN0W1D KB SYRUP! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Snre Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Inllit enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest. Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting or ISloed, Inflammation et the Lungs, am' all Diseases of the Chcstand Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles .which long experience has proved te possess the most sate and efllcient qualities ter the euro of ull kinds of Lung Diseases. Price 25 cents. Pre pared enlv and sold by GHAS. A. L0CHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 WAST KING STREET. elC-tfd II O I.I DAY GOODS HULLS DRUG STORE PITRE BOHEMIAN TOILET SET?, ItlCULYCUT AND ENGRAVED COLOGNE BOTTLES. A Large Variety of Elegant ODOU CASKS and STANDS, PERFl'MERY BOXES. &c: Alse an Extensive Assortment et Toilet and Fancy Articles, REl'SHE-, COM 1SS and MIRROR TOILET SKTS. American, French undEuglNh PERFUMERY. And a vaiiety et ether Reeds suitable ter Presents, of w hich my Stock Is larger than ever before. G. TV. HULL, Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, augSS-lyd LANCASTER, PA. .1 KHUUIY. E 1H.G1N WATCHES. ALL STVI.K.S. tJOLD, Sil er and Nickel. $U te SIM. Chains, etc.. sent C. O. D. te be examined. Write ter Cata logue te Standard American Watch Company. Pittsburgh, Pa. IOUIS WEltEIC, J WATCHMAKER. Ne. 130$ NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. It. It. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Sliver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Fantascepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd A Full Line or A Full Line et A Full Line et All Grades el All Grades et All Grades et WATCHES, CLOCKS, WATCHES, CLOCK-, CHAINS, LOCKETS. CHAINS, LOCKETs. GUARD", (SPECTACLES, GI'AltDS, SPECTACLES, THERMOMETERS Ac., THERMOMETEICS, Ac., at Lew Prices, Wholesale and Retail. SFine Watch Repairing. E. F. ROWMAN. K. F. COWMAN. UK East King St. lm; East Kittg St. HOLIDAY AMOUICEMMT AUGUSTUS RHOADS, Jeweler, 20 East King street, has completed his preparations for the Holidays, and suggests that an early examin ation will enable purchasers te secure the choicest selections and avoid the crowds later in the month. AUGUSTUS RHOADS, JEWELER, Ne. 20 Gust Kins Street, Lancaster, la. J.E.CALDWELL&CO. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. DIAMOND IBANTS, JEWELERS, SILVERSSIITHS, AND IMPORTERS OF EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, BRONZES, CLOCKS AND PORCELAINS, . ask particular attention te their su perb stock of goods, especially adapted for HOLIDAY GIFTS: The assortment in every Depart ment is unequaled, and the prices (always the lowest) will be found most acceptable. CSPOrders and inquiries by mail will receive prompt attention . ' M W&F jxr GOODS. VreVBI.TIES IX SUAKF pish. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN UNDERSHIRTS AM) DRAWERS, AT E. J. ERISMAN'S, THE SlUBTMAKEIt, 66 NORTH O.CKKN STKKET BARGAINS! BARGAINS! In every department et Dry Uned, at FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te'the Court Heuse. SHAWLS, LADIES' CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, Ulanket), Comforts, Quilts, all Suitable Gifts ftr the HOLIDAYS, at LOW PRICES. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Ueune. Special Holiday Netice, Frem Givler, Bewers & Herst, Ne. 25 EAST KINO STREET. In addition te the immense stock of Holiday Goods of all kinds that wc new display we will open te-day, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11th, MONDAY, DECEMBER 13th, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14th. An immense stock of Holiday Novel ties, everyarticle being useful and or namental. We call special attention te these goods, as they are all new and very desirable, and cannot be dupli cated this season. These goods will all be sold at one-half the importer's cost. De net fail te see them, before making your Holiday Purchases. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, Ne. 25 East Kin? Street, HOLIDAY GIFTS! HOLIDAY GIFTS! HOLIDAY GIFTS ! We are new showing ii complete line et at tractive goods in every department. I. B. MARTIN & CO. It yen want te give a Useful Present, we Imvejiibt what you want. .1. U. MARTIN & CO. Nothing makes a better Present than a SILK UMBRELLA or aGOSSAMEKUUDllEU GAR MENT. We have a large line of both. SILK UMURELLAS, with Ivery, Pearl. Walrus and Natural Stick Handles. Prices from $.1 up. J. B. MARTIN & CO. We have a large stock of GOSfc'AMER RU11- ltKil GARMENTS, in ull sizes, for Ladic and Gents. All our goods arc fully warranted. J. B. MARTIN He CO. We have the richest collection et SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS IN FANCY UOXE. FANCY HAND KERCHIEFS of all kinds. J. B. MARTIN & CO. We have a large vaiiety et PERFUMERY and FANCY SOAPS, suitable ter Presents Presents NeveltieM in PERFUMERY IN FANCY BOXES. J. B. MARTIN & CO. We are showing the largest line of FRENCH CHINA AND MAJOLICA WARE, IIAVI LAND'SCIUNA FRUIT PLATES, PLAQUES, SOLITAIRE SETS, COFFEE and 1EA CUPS, B. & M. SETS, TEA SETS, &e Large line et MAJOLICA and GLASSWARE. J. B. MARTIN & CO. A CRUMB CLOTH, FLOOR CLOTH, or FINE RUG, makes a geed Present and a dura ble one, tee. We have them all sires, and at very low prices. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER, PA. DRY GOODS. I0MER, COLLADAT & Ce, 1412 and 1414 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. The general Improvement !n business the past year, with the prospect et a very large in creased demand for all kinds of Dress Goods, induced all American buyers of Foreign Goods te place immense order. This -was universally the case, se much se that, perhaps without exag geration, 50 per cent, mere goods were imported than the country could possibly consume. As a consequence, there lms bcn a great break in prices In a great many fabrics, which wc siall fully meet. WE SHALL SELL Fermer Prices. ....$0.23 $0.50 All Weel Arniutes French Flannel Suitinzs... .6 l.UU French Strlned Fancies (all Silk and Weel) T.'i 1.50 French Shoedas (in all colors) tfTi . French Brocades (all bilk and Weel j0 l.T.'i Plain French Plaids 73 1.00 Finest French Brocades (In sercial designs) l.te 2.50 In addition te our offerings in the above goods, we have some lines of very choice goods of which it is difllcupr. te meet the demand, in which u; have a very choice assortment, both In cloth and colorings. CLOTH SUITINGS: 41-iuch Cleth Suitings (very desirable goods) .' $0.75 51-iuch Cleth Suitings (In all colors 1.10 54-inch Cleth Suitings 1.20 FRENCH SHOODAS : Oiuwnakc et these goods we believe te be the best in the market, and the assortment et colors our own selection. ItMuch French Shoedas $0.S7J 46-inch French Shoedas $1.12 FINE CAMEL'S HAIR: Our assortment et thrse beautiful goods is sti 1 complete, from t31."5 te 8'.A0. We have just received one case el Camel's Hair in Kveuinjj Shades In very beautiful quality, in Cream, Pink and Light lllue, 4(i inches wide, te sell at Vl.25. BAREGE DE VIRGINIE : We have just received one case of this very desirable texture ler Evening Dresses, quality very superior, in Cream, Pink and Light lllue, 27 inches wide, te sell at 50c, GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOAKS AND DOLMANS. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY have made large purchases of these goods away below manufacturer's prices. HANDSOMELY TRIMMED DOLMANS at $8 and $10 each, worth 25 per cent. mete. Rare Vielue In LADIES' CLOAKS at $2, $3. $5, $7, $9, $10, $12 50. One Let LA DIES' GREY ULSTER CLOTH COATS at $1.75, would be cheap tit $. JUST OPENED AN ELEGANT LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS. Japanese Wure. Chinese Novelties, Kioto Ware. Thousands of rare ami beautiful articles at LOWEST CITY PRICES. NEW YORK STORE, 8 AND 10 EAST KING STREET. JlILLl.WKltY NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, -AT- GUIDAKER'S HEP0RID1L LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Silk Handkerchiefs, Lace Ties, But But eons of all Kinds, Corsets,' Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUN DAKER'S. A Full Line of Fancy Articles suitable for a NICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT, offered eheap at GUNOAKEK'S. Alse, an inducement in the MILLINERY DE PARTMENT, with a view te closing out the entire Stock. Plush Bennets and Hats offered at a Sacrifice. Plush and Velvets all Shades, sold cheap. Bennets and Hats in French and Weel Felts, for 50 and 75c. ES'Give us a call and examine our stock, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. VLOTI1LSU. GREAT SLAUGHTER IN CLOTHING. GRAND MARK DOWI AT OTTRE IALL. Will he sold in sixty days TEN THOl'SAND DOLLARS WORTH et HEAVY WINTER CLOTHING, Without regard te cost. New i your time te secure a geed Suit et Clothing ler verv little money, Reudy-uiude or Mudc te Order. OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY, Fer Men. Youths and Beys. Men's Drcti Suit-, Men's llnglnc.-, .suits Youth' Snlls In every style. Heys' Clothing, n very Choice Variety. 3- Don't tail te cull and secure sonic et the bargains. MYERS & RATHFON, Se. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, I'EX.VA. J! VJtWlTVJtH. VI. IX WANT OK A " CHRISTMAS PRESENT I weuhl respectfully say that new is the time in order te uveid being disappointed te have your presents selected and put aside, and then when the rush comes a little later yen will be suie of having your present just when you de sire. I cordially invite a call te see my assort ment of HOLIDAY GOODS, Furniture and Picture Frames. WALTER 1 HEINITSH, lJJEat King Street. HOLIDAY GOOpS! Widmyer k Ricksecker's. PATENT BOOKERS, In SpuivSlli.-, Terry, Cane U.ict and Seat. L'llOXY CAHXETS. CHILDREN'S ROGEjBRS, Hi Cane, Weed and IVrlr.rated. Felding Chairs, Ratah Ketkers. PARLOR SUITES, FOOT-RESTS, SHOE-BOXES and LOOKING GLASSES. CHAMBER SUITES. OFFICE, LIBRARY' and DINING-ROOM CHAIRS. S. B. COR. EAST KING AND DDKB STS., LANCASTER, PA. decl0-3md rpBK BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE JL Yeates Institute desire te employ an as sistant master in their school. Applicants will call upon Eeir. C. F. Knight, D.D., presi dent of the!beard, GEORGE HA.UMAN, dec 9-1 wa Secretary. Fermer Pricet. ,0.C3 $1.12 . .75 2.50 . .75 2.7J . .23 .50 . .75 1.50 . .3 1.50 . 1.25 2.75 . .50 1.50 Camel's Hair Stripes BrocadcNevelties French Fancies (very cetly goods. English Novelties French Handkerchiefs, squares French Handkerchiefs, squares French Novelties - French Novelties 51-incli Cleth Suitings.. 51-inch Cleth Suitinirs. 51-inch Cleth Suitings. $1.25 . AtA) 2.00 tSltOVERIES. h.'f ',ir- w UOLKSALK AND KKTAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR ' AT Ne. '227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. 117-lyd "I lltJ BOTTLK. ; RWGWALT'S I ;is the place ter Wines, Liquors and Alcohol. Ale, Fresh Groceries very cheap. Ne. 2U5 WEST KING STREKT. "MISi: 1CAKKKI.S CHOICE WHITE GRAPES, FINE CLUSTERS, 2re. pr pound. LOOSE GRAPES, 20c. Per Fraud. i- XcY;.I'lil'H;r Shell AInieii.N, r.razii Nut,, Kug hsli Walnuts, Hibert-, I'ecjii Nuts, Miell barks, e. ' 1,000 pounds of FIGS at 10c. peu pound 10 Hogsheads of that ELEGANT SYRUP, 12iC. PER QUART. 000 Cans - X G.& R. Tomatoes at 13c. per can Full Weight. ' BARGAINS AT BUKSK'S, NO. 17 KAST KING STKKET. nev-lyd coxmvTiess. H KADUUAKTERg FOR PUKE CONFEC- . IIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS AT JOSEPH R. ROYER'S, 50 AND 52 WEST KING ST. 1 can new offer te the trade and public a large stock et Pure Confections of even' description, at the very lowest mtrket rates FRUITS, NUTS, Ac. and a LARGE STOCK OF TOYS of the NEWEST DESIGNS Lnrire and small Cakes baked dally, ice Cream at all times. WEDDINGS AND PARTIES SERVED AT SHORT NOTICE. c,,k' " A1 MATT. ORDERS nrnmmv ,..,.., . ... .... same rate as Jt the person ordering were presen t In person. Call and see my stock. i,'iwuuiiii3im niuMi pounds ler 23c 1.500 pounds et PRUNES 3 pounds for 21c' 1,000 poimdier20c. RAISINS for I2c. a neiinil . ui.. . ififiijiii. p Jbuuiciuuci Iticpiuce 30 AND :.2 WEST KING STREET. I alMmO. JOS. K. R9YEK, uttxsjyas, sotiexs, ,j Lancaster Bazaar -:e:- ASTBICI BR0.'S 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. -:e:- WEDNESDAY -AND THURSDAY NEXT, DECEMBER 8th and 0th, Everybody within 25 miles et Lancaster city should come and see our OF HOHDAYGOODS We shall devote most ofeur stere te the dis play or HOLIDAY GOODS, and we hope te make our exhibition se Surpassingly Attrac tive and se overwhelming brilliant that visi tors ;wlll feel themselves transported te the very realms of King Santa Claus. All the resources of money, work, taste and imagination have been freely lavished te make this Tie Greatest Holiday Display ever witnessed. Our windows will be en riched with highly artisticancl entirely original nOLIDAY SHOW GOODS, which we fetbear te describe, reserving t lie in as a STARTLING SURPRISE for our opening guests. We shall exhibit a most handsome DOLLS HEAD IN LIFE SIZE. Every purchaser of $3 WORTH Of GOODS will receive one chance en this BEAUTIFUL HEAD, the same te be rallied en Friday, Deccmlier 31, at 2 P. M. We call the attention oteur custemeis te the large and handsome display et DOLLS. DOLLS. DOLLS. DOLLS. DOLLS. DOLLS. Frem the smallest BA1JY DOLL up te the most elegant and large FRENCH DOLLS, at prices which defy competition. Among ethers we call attention te the following arti cles, suitable ler HOLIDAY PRESENTS Fancy Shell Bexes in various styles. Werk Bexes front 33c. up te Id. PHOTOGRAPH ALBU-MS. AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Fine Writing Paper and Envelopes put up inElcgant Fancy Bexes. HANDKERCHIEF JIOXES. PERFUMERY. JAPANESE HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES. JAPANESE JEWELR1 CASES. HANDKERCHIEFS IN BOXES. FANCY WIRE STANDS. VELVET PICTURE FRAMES. CIGAR STANDS. CIGAR CASES. POCKET BOOKS. Besids nil these wc eiler an elegant varietv of line plated Jewelry, consisting of novel ties in EAR-RINGS, . BREASTPINS, BRACELETS, NECKLACES, RLNG5. LOCKETS, All of geed quality, and excellent styles. CELLULOID BRACELETS. We keep an immense large a-nor .incut et SILK HANDKERCHIEFS from le. up te si. Elegant Brocaded all Silk Handkerchiefs... sec We have new en hand and offer fersale 100 DOZ. PINE HANDKERCHIEFS, with Large Initials, Jer 12VCc apiece. Fine Linen Handkerchiefs with llaudneme Embroidered Initials, ter Ladies and Gents). Ladles' Cellars and Cuffs in sctx. FINE LACE TIES, FINE LACE FICHUS. FINE LACE HANDKERCHIEF?, FINE LACE COLLARS, FINE LACE TIES, FINE SILK BOWS, Besides many ether nice and useful articles, which are tee numerous te mention. we invite everybody te calfand leek at our GRAND DISPLAY. ASTRICH BRO.'S, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. mi PEM BOOKS JLHD STATIOXXMT. CHRISTMAS GIFTS! i I HOLIDAY BOOKS, HOLIDAY QAME3, HOLIDAY PICTURES, HOLIDAY GOODS. IN GREAT VARIETT AT L. M. FLYIWS, Ms. 43 WEST KIKG STKKET. H OLIDAT GOODS. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Cbjistmas fmd New Year Cards In Nevel and Original Designs, in Great Variety. Elegant CABINET PICTUKE FRAMES, In Geld. Brocade, Velvet, Ebony and Combination. CELLULOID TOILET SETS, TOILET MIRRORS, Gi'.t and Cut Glass Novelties, Jeel Caskets. LIBRARY INKSTANDS, WRITING DESKS, WORK BOXES, DRESSING CASES, LETTER RACKS, Geld Pens & Pencil Cases, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, FINE POCKET BOOK?, CIGAR CASES. GRAPHOSCOPES, CABINET AND PANEL PICTURES, New Beeks in Holiday Dress. An Immense assortment et BIBLES, PRAYER AND HYMNALS, CHURCH BOOKS, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, PICTURE BOOKS, FOR CHILDREN. GAMES, ALPHABET BLOCKS, PAINTING BOOKS, WATER COLORS, e.. At the Boek Stere of JOM BAER'S SONS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA.. MILLINEltr. HOUGHTON'S LADIES I UII.l.TWuv .,r.ri.v.. HOUGHTON'S MILLINERY GOODS ta at CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP M. A. HOUGHTON'S, NORTH QUEEN STREET. FINE HATS, FINE HATs! BONNETS, , . BONNETS. 1:w,i,?,,?.OSTJ?.ICHKisATE, OSTRICH TIPS. PLUSH ALL SHADES. SILK VELVETS, SILKS. SATINS, FRINGES, LACKS KID GLOVES. STORE. STORE. STORK. STORK. STORE. STORE. FINEST FINEST FINEST FINEST FINEST - FINEST ASSOR-WCE-Vr ASSOMTMENT ASSORTMENT MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. HOODS. CRAPES. CRAPE VEILS, CORSETSr, CUFFS, COLL A ItS, NECKTIES. The Finest, Chcupet and Greatest Variety of Millinery Goods IN THE CITY. Hi A. 25 North Queen St. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds or LUMBER AND COAL. JWYard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n&lyd. COAL! COAL! COAL! .COAL Ceal of tne Best Ututflty put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. T YAKD150 SOUTH WATER ST. u i'Myil PHILIP SCHUM. SON A CO. C0H0 &WILEY, XV XOKTll WATER ST., Zmneter, J-., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Itranch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. SebSS-lyd i"1 OTO " RELLLY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ether in want ftl 4nnrW Olllcc. SIX East Chestnut street. agl7-ltd GOAL I COAL 1 1 Forireod. clean rmiivn.i i, .i . . of COAL e6 te ' " "lmr K,n" RUSSEL & SHULMYER'S eSuuyya8n!,.,,tstUftrantecd- "le - """"riSftf !" Street- YARD: CI 8 North Prince Street. uuicM-UprlSR SLUIUHS, JtC. SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! -AT EDGERLEY & CO. Practical Vintage Builders, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Heu? Lancaster, Pa. We have ntx land a Large Assortment el PORTLAND, ALBANY, AND DOUBLE SEAT SLEIGHS, hSugTiT-O-n:! ,1Tof,rCe;t?,tCe3L,;?,, '"" COAI - I MM " iL'. -ZI -. I -7T 11. MART1!I, Which wc elTer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Alse a full line of BUGGIES and CAR 49-Kepalring promptly attended te. fE-tfd4w