Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 13, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster intelftg enter.
What the Issues Are.
The Philadelphia Press and Senater
CenkUng are placed in a very remark
able position before the country by the
fact that Senater Bayard informed one
of the Press editors prier te November
20, and advised Senater Cenklimg in two
letters of Nev. 15 and21, that the report
was false of a speech made by him
in October and published in the Pres3 ;
and by the ether fact that, notwith
standing, the Press en Dec. 11 publish
ed a letter dated Nev. 29, signed by
Conkling, Davis, Boutwell and Ar
thur, which said Lthat " up te this time
no disclaimer or retratien by or en behalf
of Mr. T. F. Bayard has appeared as far
as we knew.1'
The Press and Senater Conkling did
knew that Senater Bayard had made
such a disclaimer, and they stand
before the country as telling a deliberate
lie, for the purpose of showing Senater
Bayard te be a liar : or for some ether
secret purpose net new disclosed.
There does net seem te be any oppor
tunity for the Press and Senater Conk
ling te escape from this position. Their
idea probably is that Senater Bayard's
statement te the l'ress editor that the
I'rcss report was false, and his similar
declaration te Senater Conkling, accom
panied with a statement of what he real
ly did say, de net fully relieve Senater
Conkling from the imputations of the
speech, and that therefore they were able
te say that he had net disclaimed them.
But if they se thought they were bound
te acknowledge what Mr. Bayard had
disclaimed and te held him responsible
only for what he did net disclaim. This
is clear te every man of sense and honor
The Press, admitting the denial as Mr.
Bayard shows he made it, undertakes te
say that the issus is whether he did say
it or no. That may lie one issue; but
there are two ethers which'.it and Senater
Conkling have raised.
The one is whether they have lied de
liberately and maliciously in suppressing
their knowledge of Senater Bayard's de
nial, se far as it was made, and declar
ing and printing that no disclaimer or
retraction had appeared en behalf of
Mr. Bayard.
The ether remaining issue is as te the
conduct of Senater Conkling,se far as he
was referred te by Mr. Bayard in his
speech and is implicated in the Phelps,
Dedge A: Ce. settlement .by the record
te which Sfualer Bayard drew his atten
tion after he had declared his ignorance
of it. Connected with this issue is that
as te the conduct of the ether signers of
the card, in hunting and capturing their
part of the swag. This will be an in
teresting matter of investigation anddis anddis
cussien and .should be entered into for the
purpose of enlightening the dense ignor
ance of Senater Conkling. A commit
tee of investigation should be appointed
by the Senate. Mr. Conkling evidently
does net read the record as Senater Bay
ard does, and as every one else does. He
should be given a chance te develepthe
facts, and while the Senate is about it
Senater Conkling ought te be allowed te
show the exact truth about his shotgun
encounter with Sprague. There is a gen.
oral impression that the senator is net a
geed and moral man. He seems te think
that he is. Give him a chance te prove
it, rash as he seems te be te ask it. He
would In mere prudent te fellow the ex-,
ample of Garfield, who only prays for
oblivion for the past. He refrained
from denying that he had committed
perjury or from indicting the numerous
newspapers that have charged it en him;
though he did waken up at last te com
plain against one that accused him of a
new piece of lying. He wants us te
understand that he has outgrown the
habit; and that if lie perjured himself
in 1.S7.", he don't lie in 18bO. Conkling
en the ether hand bids fair te prove that
he is net growing in grace. His present
.lie has net a healthy moral leek. There
is no danger of his growing tee geed for
the company of Garfield, Blaine and
Cameren. Perhaps he is only anxious te
show that. he is wicked enough te suit
the temper of the times that have put a
perjurer in the presidency. He h:is no
need te be anxious ; nobody will deny it.
The Ohie Ideu.
It r-,ecms te be almost .as geed a thing
te be married te an Ohie girl as te be an
Ohie man.when you gote Mr. Hayes for
office. General Hazen gets the 'signal
service generalsliip because he married
Wash. McLean's daughter, and General
Miles shoves General Old out of his
place because his wife is the daughter of
Judge Sherman and the sister of Mrs.
Den Cameren. Neither appointment
ought te have been made, and neither
would have been but for the Ohie wives
and their family influence. General
Miles is a first-class soldier, but there
are ether geed soldiers ahead of him en
the list who were justly entitled lirst te
promotion. And General Ord, though
ever 02 years old and, therefore, sub
ject te retirement, is in excellent physi
cal and mental condition, fit for any
duty, and did net wish te go out
of active service. He was com
pelled te walk the plank, while generals
much elder and mere physically in
capable are rermilted te remain
en the active list. There is Sherman,
himself, who slicks te his soft place, not
withstanding the hints he has been get
ting te give some ether fellow a chance ;
and McDowell, of Bull Bun memory,
who has never distinguished himself
anywhere but at the dinner table. Gen.
Ord has geed reason te complain of his
treatment, and the telegraph announces
that he shook the dust of Texas off his
feet as seen as he received notice of his
retirement, and went ever te Mexico,
where his son-in-law, Gen. Trevine, is
secretary of war. We are glad te knew
that the. line old general was able te
take advantage of the Ohie idea and
place himself in Mexico under such aus
picious circumstances. A wife, we are
learning te knew, is a very excellent
family lever. With proper anchorage
she can lwest any of her family te an
agreeable elevation. Mr. Hayes de
serves well of the country for
demonstrating te its young men
the great ada;.tageel iuarriagt te a
properly anchored wife. Hazer. would
have been cashiered long age but for
Mrs. Hazen; for they could net have
avoided dismissing him if he had ever
been ceurt-inarahaled for running away
at the battle of Shiloh. General 3Iiles
would have had no chance whatever of
getting his stars but for the geed wife,
and General Ord would have come home
te a useless and melancholy old age but
for his daughter. New the old here
has a career opened te him which
he has the vigor te make con
spicuous and useful. Mexico is
treinrr te attract a great ueai .el me
world's attention in the coming years,
and we knew no place were an energetic
life is likely te be better rewarded.
Political affairs seem te be new settled
there and every opportunity is ready te
be afforded te the effort of capital aud
enterprise. And there is reason te
foresee in the early future of our own
country such serious disturbance of its
industry, through political convulsion, as
will send many of its people ever into
Mexico in search of a quiet as well as
profitable life.
It is said of Queen Victeria t hat she is
becoming capricious.
Jehn W. Mackev, with his wife and
brother-in-law, Count Tclferner, will go
up the Nile this winter.
Lord Beacexsfikld was the guest of the
queen at Windser for three days last
week. Mr. Gladstone was also invited,
but ill-health obliged him te decline the
The partnership of the French Roths Reths
childs, which expired en the 1st of Novem
ber has been renewed. It is te end in 1905.
The capital of the house is fixed at $10,
000,000, of which, Gus
tave and Edmend Rothschild arc each te
furnish one-third.
The engagement that has been se long
talked of between Mr. Frank Pettkr and
Miss Key, of Baltimore, is announced at
last. Mr. Petter is one of the .sons of the
late Bishop Petter by his second wife, and
the bride-elect is a daughter of the late
Barten Key, who was shot iti the streets
of Washington by Gen. Daniel Sickles
about twenty years age.
The Cottesmore hunt at Oakham, Rut
land, England, of which Mr. James Gor Ger Gor
eon Bennett is new master, has a pack
of sixty couples, and is classed with these
known as the leviathan packs. During the
hunting season in England, which is new
in full swing, mere than 1,000,000 is ex
panded, and it is net unusual te have from
800 te 1,000 meets each week. The season
begins about the 1st of November, pre
vious te which cub hunting is in order,
and lasts from five te six months with oc
casional interruptions from frost.
Adelina Paw reappeared in opera in
Madrid en Saturday night, after an inter
val of scveutccn years. She was born in
Madrid. Her parents were obscure artists
hi the opera company there in 1841. Even
gala nights never witnessed se full and
fashionable a house. It was graced by
the presence of royalty. Every part of
the theatre was densely packed. Twenty
flvc dollars were asked for stalls and 61 for
single seats in the upper gallery. The
applause was immense and the stae was
covered with floral tributes,,
Mr. Thompson, secretary of the navy,
has decided deiinitely te accept the ehair-
pnanship of the American committee en
the Panama canal, with a salary of $25,000
a year. He has notified Mr. Hayes of his
intention te resign from the cibiuet, but
he has net yet prepared the formal letter.
Mr. Hayes assured him that his resigna
tion would be accepted with sincere re
grot. It is probable that no change will
be made for a fortnight. In the mean
time Mr. Thompson will arrange the gov
ernment business and Mr. Hayes will have
an opportunity te select a new secretary of
the navy for ten weeks' service.
Several days age an order was issued by
the postmaster of Washington requiring
all empleyes of the city posteftiee, includ
ing officers, clerks, messenger, etc., te ap
pear in uniform and brass buttons. The
postmaster sent a tailor te the different
empleyes te measure them for their
liveries. Seme of them objected te the
proceedings, declaring that they had all the
clothes they wanted,and that if they requir
ed meic they preferred te go te their own
tailor. Seme of the most important clerks
rebelled, .but it is understood the post
master intimated that they must either
wear the uuifprm or leave their situations.
The clerks say they will bring the matter
te the attention of Congress and .sec where
the postmaster gets his power.
Madam Thieks is dead. She was the
widow of the late President Thiers, of the
French republic, te whom she was mar
ried just before the revolution of 1848,
bsing then in her seventeenth year. Her
father, M. Dosne, a stock broker, had
intimate business relations with M. Thiers
when that illustrious historian and states
man was a young man. Madam Thiers
and her elder sister, Mile Dosne, acquired
social distinction in Paris many jears age
their remarkable intellectual brilliancy
lending them great ecrvicc. After the
death of her husband Mine. Thiers devot
ed herself te his memory, spending
much time in the preparation of unfinished
works for the press and taking a keen in
terest in the election of proper successors te
his chairs in the several academies which
compose the French Institute. She caught
a severe cold recently, when the Thiers
statue was dedicated at St. Germaiu-cn.
Laye, and her illness was aggravated by
the reflection that many of her husband's
professed admirers were net present at the
m m-
Walter Savage L.vNuen observed of
Byren's poetry that it was as bitter as gall
and original as sin.
The Dean of Chichester said in the
Cambridge university pulpit : " ter my
part, I am quite content te seek my an
cestors in the gardencalled Eden ; let
ethera if they cheese leek for theirs in the
garden called zoological."
A resolution is te be introduced at an
early day in Parliament te provide against
obstruction and filibustering by the Land
Leaguers. In seme parts of Ireland the
Land League held their own courts, and ad
minister justice. The controversy in the
cabinet ever the question of the advisabil
ity of coercive measures against Ireland
continues and it is feared may cause a
split in the Liberal party. The land
question has spread into England and Eng
lish landlords are becoming alarmed at the
increased number of land organizations
among their tenantry.
Dinners in masks are the latest novel
tics in Londen entertainments, and, in
spite of the deadness of the present season,
one has already been given by a young and
beautiful woman, who writes the names of
royalty upon her visiting list, but who is
net a professional beauty. At this novel
.festivity, all the guests were completely
and cencealinrlv masked, and were net
even required te disclose their identity be
fore their departure. The conversation
was lively, and the candid expressions of
opinion rather embarrassing te these who
were obliged te listen te a very free dis
cussion of themselves and their affairs,
without the possibility of contradiction or
defence. "
There is a geed deal of feeling between
the present administration and the friends
of General Garfield regarding the retire
ment of certain justices of the supreme-
court. Mr. Hayes desires that Justices
Streng, Swayue, Clifferd and Hunt shall
retire before the 4th of March next, se
that lie m.iv nams their successors. The
friends of Garfield, particularly Blaine,
Conkling aud Edmunds, de net want
any retirements until after March. It is
stated that Justice Streng will occupy his
scat in this court te-day for the last time
and that he will accept a position as
counsel for the Philadelphia & Reading
railroad. Mr. Hayes wants te place Attor
ney General Dcvcns en the supreme bench
before he gives up his presidency aud
possibly he will nominate him in place of
Streng. This will offend Den Cameren,
Senater Blaine and Senater Edmunds, and
no doubt they will de all they can te do de
feat the nomination. A very pretty fight
is in the future en this subject.
Three 1'ieniU Ilanged ter the Mu.der or
a Yeung Slurried Weman.
The Charleston Xeics and Courier has
received details of the murder of Mrs. Ken
nedy in Clarenden co., S.C.,andef the con
sequent lynching of thrce murderers. Last
Sunday Mr. Themas Kennedy, living near
Salem, intending te visit Charleston, went
ever te his father's house, a short distance
from his own, te ask his mother te stay
with his wife during his absence. Mr.
Kennedy's wife was formerly Miss Ada
Wright, of Darlington, and had only been
married about a year. She was a young
lady of only 19 or 20 years of age intelligent
refined aud highly respected. When her
husband left she shut the deer and sat by
a window te write a letter te her mother.
As she sat there she saw in the yard Jee
Barnes, a colored boy about 10 years old,
who had been employed by Mr. Kennedy
the previous week. This boy had beeu in
duced by two negrees living near by
Vance Brandt and his sister Julia, aged
respectively 18 and 15 te hang around
the premises, aud when Mr. KcnucUy left
the place he gave the signal te Vauce and
Julia, who kept themselves concealed in a
thicket. This couple had heard of Mr.
Kennedy's intention te visit Charleston,and
thinking he would have a geed deal of
money in the house, determined te break
in aud get it. When Jee gave the signal
Vance went immediately te the windows
aud three times tried te get in, and each
time was shoved out by Mrs. Kennedy.
Finding that he was determined te get in
she opened the front deer, ran through the
yard and was just going through the gate
when Vance snatched up a hoe lying in the
yard, overtook her at the gate and knocked
her down. She implored mercy, aud told
him she would give him all the
money the had if he would only
spare her life. He cursed her and
said : " I'se been waiting te kill you for a
long time," and at that struck her two
mere blows, in attempting te avert which
it is supposed her hand was broken. Just
then Julia came up with another hee and
severed her head. When Mr. Kennedy
returned, about three hours afterwards, he
found his wife lying outside the front gate,
mutilated, cold and stiff, her bead almost
severed in twain. The entire cranium was
cut off from car te car, leaving the brains
scattered around en the ground. A jury
of inquest being held, returned a verdict
of " murder iu the highest degree by un
known hands." On Tuesday, the colored
boy, J. C. Barnes, was arrested. He
showed se much confusion en being ques
tioned as te his whereabouts en Sunday,
that only a few questions served te bring
out his lull confession, from which the
above account is taken. An examination
of Vance and Julia elicited evidence
shewiyg that they were the murderers,
marks of bleed and brains being found
upon their clothing. The horrible charac
ter of the murder awakened intense indig
nation in the neighborhood, and the crowd
of one hundred and fifty white men and
fifty colored men assembled te punish the
murderers. The negrees begged the white
men te permit them te take the prisoners
and burn them alive. This was refused ;
but a vote was taken whether they should
be jailed and await the court or be lyuch
ed. Only twenty-three voted te await tl,c
law, and it was determined te hang them
te the tree nearest the scene of the crime.
Halters were obtained and fastened te the
limb of the tree. A cart was placed under
the limb, handkerchiefs being tied ever
their faces. The cart was pushed away
and the trio were seen dangling in the air.
Jehn Gelden fell sixty feet down au el
evator shaft, in Franklin, te a solid plank
fleer. He alighted squarely en his feet
and was uninjured, except a slight cut
across the back of the hand.
Old Mrs. Higgins ledged at Ne. 21 Fer
ris court, Philadelphia, and smoked in
bed. When the house caught fire Jehn
Lyens, a young man fresh from Ireland,
heroically tried te save her, and both the
old woman and her here perished in the
The barge William which lay at the
American steamship company's wharf,
Philadelphia, sank suddenly iu water
eighteen feet deep. There were en beard
6,500 bushels of corn and 2,800 of wheat
worth altogether about $7,000, which be
longed te William. Breckic. Insurance
covers the less.
At Telferd, Montgomery county, Milten
Souder was at work in a mill when his
feet slipped and he fell upon the belt.
With lightning rapidity he was drawn' to
wards the large driving pulley near the
fleer. In close proximity te this wheel
protruded two large hooks or spikes,
which tore open his abdomen as he was
drawn ever them, and he died in two
A member of the beard of school direc
tors of Spring township, Perry county,
having died recently, the beard adopted a
series of complimentary resolutions con
cluding as fellows :
Iteselced, That these resolutions be
spread en the minutes and published in
the county papers.
That in the spirit land
Meeting tit Ged's right hand,
Twill he our heaven te And him there.
By order of the Beard.
A Sharp Correspondence With Senater
The following statement and the ap
pended letter have been furnished for pub
lication :
The publication iu the Philadelphia
Press, signed by C. A. Arthur, Rescoe
Conkling, Geerge S. Boutwell and Neah
Davis, dated in New Yerk, Nev. 29, 1880,
but net published until Dec. 11, renders it
proper that the subjoined letters should
also be published. The dates of these let
ters and their contents fully explain them,
and no ether correspondence has passed
between any of the signers of the card
in the Press and myself. Mr. F. A.
Burr, one of the editors of the Press, had
received in Philadelphia a letter from me
prier te Nev. 20, in which I stated the fal
sity and malice of the report of my speech
at Dever, which had been published in the
Presi of Oct. 29. After the foregoing cor
respondence, no further statement en my
part was deemed necessary. Au interval
of nearly three weeks elapsed before the
parties published the card alluded te, in
which they denounce as false the alleged
report of a speech which weeks before I
had stated te be untrue. These facts are
submitted te the judgment of all houerablo
men. T. F. Bayard.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 12, 1880.
Utica, N.Y., Nev. 13, 1830.
Dear Sir : I ask your attention te the
following newspaper report of remarks al
leged te have been made by you in a pub
lic speech at Dever, Del., near the cud of
the recent canvass :
"That lie may net claim he is misrepre
sented, we give a verbtim report of the
language he used : 'When that interview
took place very distinguished gentlemen
were present, the senior senator from New
Yerk among ethers, Mr. Conkling, also
Mr. Neah Davis, the district attorney ;
Mr. Arthur, the collector ; Mr. Jayne, the
spy or special ageut they called him all
were present. Mr. Boutwell, the distin
guished financier, who was secretary of the
treasury, was also there. And they all
steed around this unhappy merchant, who
had given his 325,000 subscription te Gen
Grant ; this president of the Yeung Men's
Christian association, this member of the
Union League, and this president of the
Chamber el Commerce. lie thought that
would protect him. Net much ! net much!
They took from that man's pocket in ene
sum 8207,000 iu money, and they divided
it among themselves. Great laughter.
Gentlemen this is no exaggeration or figure
of speech. There it stands upon the
record, and I want te tell you it is a thing
of which I have kuowlcdge and means of
knowledge.' "
The extract is cut from the Philadelphia
Press of Friday, October 29, 1880. The
State Sentinel, published at Dever, en the
30th of October, contains the same report
in substance. The appearance- of these
two publications in journals near you, aud
their having gene thus far without con
tradiction or correction, will, I trust, seem
sufficient excuse for bringiug them te your
notice. Will you inform me whether you
did make this statement in form or sub
stance? It is hardly necessary te add
that this inquiry is net meant te imply
that I suppose you did, or would, make
such an utterance. My purpose is only te
adept the most natural convenient mode te
set right an injustice, greater, psrhaps, te
you than te ethers.
Your obedient servant,
Rescoe Conkune.
Hen. Themas F. Batard, United States
Senater, Wilmington, Del.
Wilmington, Nev. 15, 18S0.
Dear Sir : I have just received your
letter, dated the 13th inst., accompanied
by a newspaper cutting, purporting te be
an extract from a repei t of a public speech
made by me at Dever, in this state, "near
the end of the recent canvass." I made
but ene speech at Dever, and spoke then
without notes. Until I received your let
ter I never knew that any report had been
made or published. The Press, from which
you tell me you cut the extract, is a Phila
delphia paper, and the Sentinel is publish
ed in Dever. Beth are Republican in
politics, and I have never seen a copy
of cither during or since the can
vass. Reading for the first time the
extract you send me, it appears te
inc se grossly inaccurate as te cause the
belief that it could net have been written
by an honest parson. I remember well
speaking of the case of Phelps, Dedgo fc
Ce., and the proceeding under which a
great sura of money ($270,000) was wrong
fully taken from their pockets. I de
scribed and denounced in severe terms the
"moiety system," and the share which in
this case accrued te the collector, surveyor
and naval officer, and the informer (Jayne,
or Herve), and stated that " the senior
.senator from New Yerk, Mr. Conkling,
was understood te have received compen
sation, as their counsel, from Messrs Ar
thur, Cernell and Lalliu, for his services
aud assistance in the transaction;" also
that my authority for this statement was
derived from a document published by
one of the houses of Congress, accompanied
by testimony and statements made in open
debate en the fleer of the Heuse and never
te my knowledge, contradicted. I believe
I also referred te a publication by William
P. Weed, an ex-trcasury official, made in
the New Yerk 6mm, Oct.27,1880,giving his
account iu full of the case. This I believe
te be the "form and substance" of that
part of the speech in question which had
any reference te you en the moiety sys
tem. . 1 shall ec surprised te learn there
is any error of fact iu my statement, and
shall regret if the slightest injustice has
been done te you, and if there has been,
will feel myself bound te apply any proper
remedy when my error has been disclosed
te me. Your obedient servant,
T. F. Bayahd.
The Hen. Rescoe Conkling, United
States Senater, Utica, N. Y.
Utica, N. Y., Nev. 17, 1880.
Dear Sin : I read with suiprise your
letter of the 15th inst., just received. I
inclesed you a statement, widely published
in two newspapers, of definite charges,
said te have been publicly ' made by you,
and made en your own knowledge of their
truth. These charges were of unlawful
and criminal conduct imputed together te
several persons, of whom I am ene. I
asked you whether you made the state
ment, mis weuia seem te call ler a
frank disclaimer of admission. Yeu an
swer nothing as te any one concerned, ex
cept me ; as te me your denial is infer
ential by impeaching the honesty
of the reporter, aud then you proceed
with a new, a quite different and erro
neous statement, which you say you ut
tcrded as te me in the form of alleging
what "was understood." Thus your re
spouse te a plain and warrantable inquiry
is one which does net meet the inquiry J
but consists chiefly of allegations far
different, aud, though- less injurious, offen
sive and untrue, basing them, you say, en
publications and statements of which I
have no knowledge De you wish te leave
the matter here ? If you think it deserves
further attention will you answer my
question, namely, whether 'the published
statement sent you in print was made by
you ? l our obedient servant,
Rescoe Conkling.
The Hen. T. F.
mingten, Del.
Bayard, Sonater, Wil-
Wilmington, Del., Nev. 21, 1880.
Sir: Your letter, dated the 17th inst.
and pest-marked the 19th, was received
this morning. Yeu sent me en the 13th
an anonymous communication, cut from a
Republican newspaper in Philadelphia,
purporting te be an extract from a public
speech made by me at Dever near the end
of the recent canvass. I should net have
censided a statement se irresponsibly made
worthy of notice, but as you did, I replied
te you instantly, in a spirit of courtesy,
that I had never before seen or heard of
the article ; that it .va3 se grossly in
accurate as te cause the belief it could
net have been written by an honest per
son. But as I had spoken of the case
of Phelps, Dedge & Ce., and mentioned
you in connection with it, I went en can
didly te give you, as fully as memory en
abled me. what I did say, which necessar
ily excluded what l did net say, and in
cluded "all of my speech which had any
reference te you en the moiety question.'
The extract you sent me is untrue, and. I
believe, maliciously se, and I can but be
surprised, as your letter had assured me
you did net mean "te imply that you sup
posed I did or would make such an utter
ance," that any further statement than that
contained in my letter was desired. In that
letter I also expressed ray regret if the
slightest injustice had been done you, and
that I should feel rayself beuud te apply
any proper remedy when my error had
been pointed out te mc. Your letter in
reply te this characterizes my statement as
",new, quite different, and erroneous,"
and subsequently that my " response con
sists of allegations fardiffercnt and, though
less injurious, oueusive and untrue, bas
ing them upon publications of which I
(you) have no knowledge." The pub
lications te which I made reference, of
which you say you have no knowledge,
which relate te your alleged connec
tion with the case of Phelps, Dedge & Ce..
you will find in the testimony of Mr. Wm
E. Dedge, at page 220, and of the Hen.
Neah Davis, at pages 247 and 248 of
Heuse Miscellaneous Documents, Ne. 204,
of lirst session, Forty-third Congress,
The statement or William P. Weed, I have
already stated, was published in the New
Ycrk Sun of the 28th nit. Te your in
quiry whether I " wish, te leave the mat
ter here," I can only reply that I have no
wish en the subject but te be simply just
te myself aud ethers, and wherever that
leads me I shall try te fellow.
Your obedient servant,
T. F. Bayard.
The Hen. Ruscen Cenicling, Utica, N. V.
SWEl'l' BY FIKl;
The Hiudne-M I'art et l'ensanula De
stroyed A disastrous fire burned for eight hours
iu Pensacola last Friday night. Five blocks
in the heait of the city were burned, in
volving a less of ever half a million dollars,
possibly three-quarters of a million dollars.
Palafox street, from Wittich's corner te
the middle of the block opposite the plaza,
is swept clean. The fiie stepped en Gov
ernment street at the City hotel cast, and
one square back of the custom house west.
Over one hundred establishments are
gene, embracing the main business
buildings and turned- about fifty fam
ilies from their houses. The cus
tom house, posteflice, Merchants' hotel,
Brent's bank, both telegraph offices, both
newspaper offices, Dunn's Exchange,
Wright's dry goods house, and the county
clerk's office, are among the well-known
buildings burned. The county clerk,
Larue, for the fifth time in his term of
office saved the records, but while the old
here was doing this his own residence was
burned aud his family rendered homeless.
The main steam fira engine was out of
order, and had te be repaired by a ma
chinist before it would work. At one time
the less of the railroad depot aud adjacent
mills seemed inevitable and locomotives
steed all night, fired up, ready te draw
the company's equipments and ether pro pre
peity out of town. Much suffering must
The less te mcrchauts is very heavy, as
they have just received their fall stocks.
The calamity is without pecedent in the
history of Pensacola and business is almost
suspended in consequence. By far the
best portion of the business buildings iu
the city arc in smeuldering ruins. There
is net a newspaper office, job office,
drug store or stationery store lelt in
the city. The 3Icrchaut's hotel and
the telegraph offices were also de
stroyed. The origin of the fire is unknown.
It began iu the building occupied by S.
Damiana as a confectionery store. The
flames might have been checked sooner,
but the steam engine being out of repair
was iu the machine shop, and this left the
place at the mercy of the fire. . Beth the
Gazette and Advance offices are totally de
stroyed. Damiana's family resided above
the store and several of them were burned
and Mrs. Damiana will die.
Delaware's governor recommends a fund
ing of the state debt into four per cent
Seventeen transports, with 0,000 men
left Africa en the 15th of November te
enter the campaign against Limn.
The total population of the territory of
Utah is 142,907. Of this number 74,471
are males and 09,430 females ; 99,974 are
natives aud 43.933 of foreign birth.
The distribution of staudaid silver del
lars for the week cuding 3'cstcrday aggre
gates $190,997. During the corresponding
week iu 1879 $390,984 were distributed.
Francis Smith, Patrick Smith aud Eu
gene Connelly were frozen te l:ath while
sleeping in the streets of New Yerk. Hy
men Yallenbcrg was found irezen still" in
his room, en Baxter street.
On Friday night three miles from Colena
station, en the Chicago, Reck Island &
Pacific railroad, thirteen miles cast of
Davenport, Themas Dilley, a wealthy
farmer and au old resident, was found dead
in his bed, his skull crushed in and his
face and body horribly disfigured. Beside
him was his wife, unconscious and probab
ly injured about the head from wounds in.
flictcd by a sharp instrument. A short
distance from the house a spade, battered
and bloody, was discovered. There was
quite a sum of money in the house un
touched. It is believed that an old grudge
and a lawsuit in which Dilley came out
ahead were the cause of the deed. Twe
young men, Clement and Albert Gallien,
arc suspected.
The Mechanics Lien Lair.
Iii the case of the Watsontown planing
mill company vs. James B. and Rebecca
Hendersen, rule te show cause why amend
ment te mechanics lien should net be
struck off, it has been incorrectly reported
that the court had discharged the rule.
The court has made the rule absolute and
disallowed the attempted amendment. It
will be remembered that the act of June
11, 1879, authorized and required courts te
permit amendments "conducive te jus
tice " te be made, in any stage of the
proceedings, in case of "any mechanics
claim or lien filed according te existing
laws." In the above case the "lien was
filed iu March, 1879, and the amendments
sought te be made by virtue of the law
passed iu June. The questien involved
was whether the language of the act re
fcrrcd te liens filed prier te its passage or
only these subsequently filed. The lower
courts were divided. Common pleas
judges in Mercer and Philadelphia held
that it was notnet retroactive ; Pittsburgh
and ether Philadelphia judges held it te be
retroactive. The supreme court, iu an
opinion written by Judge Tninkey, held
that it was net retroactive, and accord
ingly our court struck off tn anieiuliren;
which was sought te be made te the lien
filed before the passage of the act permit
ting such amendment.
The Experience or Rev. W. T. Gerhard.
There is always mere or less importance
attached te a wedding ; net only by the
parties interested, their friends and neigh
bors, but by the community at large.
Especially is this se in regard te church
weddings where all the pomp that wealth
can produce is displayed, dazzling the
eyes of society. Yet this does net premise
te the young couple that their life shall be
a happy life and their home a happy
home; though it does certainly give a
bright beginning te their new life, along
wnese reugu reau tuey nave, up te that
time, been treading single, new te go
hand in hand as one.
There are huudreds of marriages occur
ring m this city annually unknown te
many. Often have you noticed the wed
ding party coming te town with their
nuely-groemed horses and shining ve
hicles the bride in her bonnet of white
aud the groom in his very best "bib and
tucker." They step at the hotel, get out,
and seen the bridal party are standing en
the deer step in front of the residence of a
well-known minister. They arc admitted
into the parlor; the ceremony is gene
through with ; their troth is plighted ;
they leave with the blcssngef the minister
of Ged still resting en their head, and re
turn home te receive Ged-spccd of parents
and ether relatives.
A wedding is an almost daily occurrence
at the residence of Rev. W. T. Gerhard, 31
East Orauge street, and it it was this fact
that led a representative of the Intelli
gencer thcre a day or two age. We found
the lvvcrened gentlemen sitting hi his
study, aud after we had made known our
en and he told us he expected a couple iu a
short time and asked us te wait.
"Hew many couples have you married
since your entrance into the ministry ?"
asked the newspaper man.
"I entered the ministry forty-six years
age, and during all that time have mar
ried 1,48G couples ; five-eighths of this
number, or about nine hundred, during
the last ten or twelve years. Rev. J. J.
St line, you will remember, married up te
the time of his death ever five thousand,
and since his decease they seem te ceme te
me. Frem the 1st of April, 1879, te the
same date in 1S80, I married 89 couples ;
that is mere than in any previous year. I
married 19 couples in September. 1879,
ray largest month. Last month (Novem
ber) I married 17 couples. The highest in
one day was 8 couples." Continuing, Mr.
Gerhard said : " In all my experience I
have never been asked te marry a colored
couple, but would like te. Neither was I
asked te join together a white man and
colored girl, nor a black man and white
girl. I would net de it if I was asked.
"The ages of the persons married vary
very much, ranging from 18 te 72. The
latter figure was the age of Mr. Michael
Desh te Mrs. Catherine Schietz, aged 03.
This is the eldest ceuple I ever married.
Over twenty of the number I mentioned
wtre married by me twice that is "a wife
or husband having died the sur
vivor was re-marricd. Never te
my knowlcdge have I married a
divorced person, nor have I had at
any of my weddings any interruption take
place or anything unusual occur. The ma
jority of these weddings occurred at my
residence, and the remainder were at hotels
and country residences. I have noticed
that the majority of the women were dark
haired : the difference may be slight, but
yet there is a difference."
The majority of people" get married en
Thursday ; Tuesday comes next for her
share, and then fellows Sunday. Six or
seven out of every ten get married en
Thursday ; this seems strange, tee, when
we remember that old rhyme :
" Starry en 3f enrtay, you marry ler Health.
Marry en Tuesday, you marry for wealth.
Wednesday's the best of nil.
Marry en Thursday, yen marry for crew.
Marry en Friday, you marry for Ie-isch.
Saturday no luck ut all."
"Your fees,'' suggested the reporter,
" vary widely no doubt?"
" Oh, yes," he replied after some hesi
tation. " The smallest fee I ever received
for performing the ceremony of matrimony
was 75 cents and the largest $15 with an
average between $3 and 4, but "
The deer bell rang and a fresh ceuple
was ushered into the parlor. " Yeu de ?"
"I de," was heard boldly exclaimed, and
then again in a timid whisper, by the re
porter, and in less than ten minutes a
"knot" was tied such as have taken
weeks te untie by several lawyers, a judge
and twelve jurors, and all for he didn't
tell ik, but he smiled & smile of satisfac
tion. mt. joy sews.
Frem Our Regular Correspondent.
Samuel Way, colored, the eldest resi
dent of the borough, died last Fridey
evening. He was born in the old house
that steed near the southeastern borough
limits, en June 3, 1784, and was, therefore,
9G years G month and 7 days old at
the time of his death. Fer many years he
was known as old Sam Way, and the few
citizens who have attained their thrce score
and ten, have been at variance as te hew
old he was. Harry Lindcrauth, a grand
son of the gentleman who bought Sam
when an infant for three bushels of wheat,
has a bible in which is recorded the date
of his birth. He always lived in this
neighborhood, working among the farmers
until some time age, when he was disabled
by cancer of the stomach which terminated
in his death. He was four times married
aud was the lather et seven children, new
all dead. He was buried in the cemetery
for colored folks en Sunday, Rev. Aspnl
conducting the funeral services.
Steve J. Owens, the well-known tele
graph operator aud ticket agent at this
place, having bought au interest in Bow Bew
era's grocery, Lancaster, will embark in
the business next month.
On Saturday forenoon au cniployce of
the gas works examined the gas pipes
under Jehn II. Mooney's gents' furnishing
store, and reported that he could find no
leak. A short time later a plumber went in
to the cellar and discovered ablaztfissuing
from the pipe. Inspector Ne. 1 had lit a
match and run it along the pipe te sce if
all was right. Almest a big fire.
The ice dealers were busy all day en
Saturday harvesting their crop. The ice
was seven inches thick, but the rising
temperature will be apt te end their work
for the present.
The diagram for reserved seats for the
Bethel concert can be seen at J. II.
Mooney's gents' furnishing store.
Eli Mctzlcr, who purchased a half inter
est in Welgcmuth & Geycr's machine
shop from the lirst named partner, will
take possession en January 1.
The Denegal literary society of East
Denegal township, will give an entertain
ment in the town hall at Mayrown en r ri
day evening, December 17.
Interchanges Among the Kplicepalian.
Rev. W. B. Browne, formerly pastor of
the Mount Jey and Denegal churches but
new of Columbia, occupied the Presby
terian pulpit yesterday. Dr. Mitchell
preached in Pottstown.
Rev. Dr. Spaulding, rector of St. Jehn's
P. E. church, of Yerk, occupied the pulpit
of at. James church both morning and
evening yesterday, and Rev. Dr. Knight,
rector of St. James, was in Yerk filling
Dr. Spaulding's pulpit. The change was
made by the reverend gentlemen in con
formity with a recent order of the bishop
of the diocese, and the idea that inaugu
rated the order was the opinion that
changes such as these could de effective
work in a missionary point of view. These
changes were numerous throughout the
bishepic yesterday in the interest of the
" Society for the Increase of the Minis
try." This society aids worthy candidates
in acquiring a collegiate and theological
education ; and this was the theme of Dr.
Spaulding's sermons yesterday. He is a
fine speaker and reader and his discourses
were practical, impressive and logical.
The New Yerk Matket.
The Journal, of New Yerk, gives the
following resume of the transactions in
that city last week : A let of 2,400 cases
of '79 Pennsylvania, which, two weeks
age, was purchased by a city firm from an
other firm of this city, the particulars of
which were duly noted in these columns,
was resold te three different jobbing firms
during the week. We wish te draw par
ticular attention te theact that this tobac
co did net go out of the market, but mere
ly changed owners, all parties concerned
being jobbers. Had this tobaceo. been
sold te manufacturers, it night have
been taken as evidence of a scarcity
of tobacco in manufacturing circles.
Nevertheless, we deem it right te
advise manufacturers net te rely upon any
further fall in prices of '79 Pennsylvania.
The figure at which these 2,400 eases
changed hands is said te be 17 cents,
though the buyers claim te have paid a
trifle mere. Be this as it may, we regret
that we de net see any possible chance for
a further decline in the prices of this crop ;
but we also held that theso who expect a
great rise in prices will find themselves
mistaken. The '80 Pennsylvania crop will
be bought low. There is mere doubt
about it. The crop is defective, but its
defects need net stand in the way of its
sale if manufacturers are enabled te pur
chase it low. Outside of the resale of '79
Pennsylvania mentioned above and the ad
ditional sale of a few hundred cases of the
same crop, we learn of only a few mere
transactions, all of them small.
Connecticut sells quietly in the usual
small lets, while Ohie continues te move
into manufacturers' hands, mostly for use
as binders. New Yerk state wrappers of
the 1S79 crop are taken freely, they having
proved a very profitable stock. Reports
of sales of '79 Wisconsin are hardly ob
tainable. Either no sales are effected or
this crop is sold nnder another name. As
will be seen from report elsewhere, pur
chases of 'SO tobacco are going en mere
lively than ever in Connecticut, and espec-
uuj in i,uu iiuuwiuuu; iaucy. iuv inu
prospectus for fine stock in the '80 Penn
sylvania have caused the activity in Con
necticut and New Yerk state.
The sales for the week mm up as fol fel fol
eows: Pennsylvania. Crep '79 : 2,700 cases ;
largest portion at 17 cents ; balance, 13 te
19 cents for running.
Connecticut. Crep '79: 280 cases; a
little of it was Housatonic; IT, 20 and 23
cents for running.
Ohie. Crep '79:300 cases; 9J te 11
State. Crep '79: 165 cases, 10 te 11
70 cases Big Flats, 1GJ cents.
Havana. Market quiet. Sales 400 bales.
Prises unchanged.
Cans' Repert.
Sales of seed leaf tobacco, reported by
J. S. Gans's Sen & Ce., tobacco broker,
Nes. 84 and 86 Wall street, New Yerk,
for the week ending December 13, 1880 :
2,700 cases 1879, Pennsylvania fillers, 7c.;
asserted lets, ll(519c.; wrappers, 1840c.;
200 cases 1879, New England seconds and
wrappers, 1340c; 187 cases 1879, Ohie,
p. t.;Ti0 cases 1879, Wisconsin, 8c; 100
cases sundries, p. t.; total, 3,23.7 cases.
The Lecal Market.
Trade is decidedly dull. Sales of a few
small lets of geed leaf are reported at 20
cents and upwards a few line wrappers
having brought 28 cents. But prime
leaf is said te be very scarce. A
dealer of large experience gave
it as his opinion last week
that there were net 10,000 cases of sound
tobacco in the Pennsylvania crop of 1880,
and another cxtensive buyer declares it as
his belief that thcre are net ene thousand
cases of sound tobacco in Lancaster and
Yerk counties. Anether extensive
dealer states that he made it
his business te secure about fifty samples
of lets of tobacco, some of which had been
purchased by ether dealers at 20 cents and
upwards, and in the entire fifty samples
there was only one perfect leaf. The chief
defect was of course the pin-holes " made
by the " lively ilea," but te these were
superadded in many instances the bigger
holes made by the grasshopper, while
almost every let examined was mere or
less affected by white vein. Rust, pole pole
ret and ether imperfections made up the
ills te which the crop is said te be heir. .
In answer te the question " Hew does it
come, then, that scarcely a let sold thus
far has brought less than 20 cents ?" the
dealers say : " There are several rea
sons for it. It being patent te all that the
crop is a peer one, some dealers are anx
ious te pick up that part of it which is
best, and this is a very small proportion of
the whole ; ethers buy a few small lets te
let the growers knew they arc still in the
market ; and ethers pay purposely, for
sniell lets, mere thau they are worth, se
as te prevent rivals from purchasing 'en
the poles,' knowing (as they pro
fess te knew) that when the crop is
taken down and an opportunity is given
for a mere thorough examination of it, its
defect will become se palpable that it can
be bought for less than one-half the prices
that are new being paid ; besides, very
little, comparatively, has yet been bought
the whole amount falling below 1,000
cases." Our friends went en te say that a
large proportion of the tobacco is yet un
stripped, a geed deal of that which has
been stripped has developed white vem
since it was taken from the poles, and
that while there is some really geed tobac
co iu the crop, the bulk of it is. se bad
that it will net sell for mere than 6 and 2 !
In confirmation of these rather gloomy
predictions the dealers referred te the
fact that while the Connecticut and New
Yerk crops are being rapidly bought up.
the Pennsylvania crop is almost entirely
neglected the buyers having left the field
and gene home. Te the suggestion that
that they would all be back again after
the holidays the reply was, " They will
net be back before the 1st of April unless
the farmers ceme down in theirdemands."
Meanwhile the farmers continue te strip
their tobacco, and while admitting that
there has been much damage dene by the
flea and the grasshopper, many of them
positively affirm that they have as geed
tobacco this year as. they ever had, and
that they expect te get as geed prices for
it. We hope they may; and once mere,
we would urge upon them the importance
of using the utmost care in stripping, as as
eorting and bundling their crops. In these
matters the old and experienced growers
of Lancaster county held high rank ; let
the veuueer crewers emulate them.
Packers acknewledcc that it does net cost
the packer one-half as much te case Lan
caster county tobacco as it costs te pack
About 300 cases of the crop of 1879 were
sold during the past week. It is difficult
te ascertain hew much of this crop is yet in
the hands of local packers of this city and
county probably net 5,000 cases.
l'bl Kappa Sigma.
The annual convention of the grand
chapter of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity
will be held in Philadelphia, Wednesday,
December 29th, 1880, at 10 a. m., at the
hall of Alpha chapter, southeast corner
Chestnut and Juniper streets. Iu the
evening a social reunion.
Te Sleet this Evening.
Tiic delegates, who were recently elected
by the different fire companies, te repre
sent them at the convention te be held in
Reading en Dec. 16th, have been called
te meet in the Empire hook and ladder
company's parier,this evening at 8 o'clock!
te make arrangements, &c(