k LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1880 Volume XYII Ne. 88 Price Twe Cents. .reiry waxamakeb'h stejie. THE HOLIDAYS AT . JOHN WANAMAKER'S, CHESTNUT, THIRTEENTH AM) MARKET STREETS, AM) CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. ITVIE HOLIDAYS. JC There Is nowhere In Philadelphia se varied a collection el rich goods as here such as fath ers, mothers, brother, sUter.i levers, leek for a little later. ThPMlmn nri i-ven of Gilt. Olir"collCCtIen te Urge enough and rich enough, one would suppose, even for a less frugal city than Philadelphia. These poeds are are new at the ueiehtef theirclery. The choicest oft hem are here; ethers will come et course ; hut me choicest arc Kelng. What is equally te the purpose, buyers arc new alieut as many as em be coiniertubly nerved, and the throng will be denser every fair day till Christmas. JOHN' WAXAMAKEK. f TOILET KUUXISIIINO. X Sachets, tidies, lamp-shades, pln-cuslilens. boxes, in satin and plush, embroidered and painted. je WAJfAMAKEI.. First circle, southwest from the centre. LACES. DuchCBSe vest with Point medallions, S- ; the same may be seen else w here at $70. JOHN iVAXAMAKEK. Xlne cenntcrs, southwest from the centre. CLOCKS. $1.35 te $150:00, all guaranteed. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. City-hall square entrance. -tots few room, new toy.-;. JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Outer circle, west or the CUcstnut street en trance. BOOKS. A catalogue et books may be had at the Itoek counter. We want every reader te have 't. The list of children's holiday books in cs 'pe.ntally complete, jes WAXVMAKE,. 2cC0l-d counter, northeast from the centre. LAIlIFS' ULSTEIW. There ill ." t seneral styles, one closed at thfiback the "tlier open : the latter Is known la-n-nt virietv theK1 there Is also marked Kuclty. ik-alvavletyin cloths te,,. u Cloaks, rerelgn and lieii?e-nm,lc. Our collec tion is iiiipwcSleiitwI.whe: veu regard va rletv nuantitv or value. A lady who buy-J a c oak' or any sort in Philadelphia without looking thes?, ever misses the best rtineiil. perhaps, in the whole f-J'tili. Southeast corner of the building. MISSES' COATS. Misses' coats In mere than .0 cletlw, shapes and decoration beyond counting. Sizes 2 te 1C years. .... ..,., Ulsterettes in 5 cloth, ulsters In b cloths and liavelecks In cloths. Sizes it; te in. JOIIX VANAM.EIS. Southwest corner et the building. - ryXDEUWEAIt AXI) IIOSIEU1. U Wc have the best goods the world atl.mls, 4iiul the next best, and the next, and seen. -There is no place anywhere, when; seu can ee se lai-ge a collection et the ditlcrent grade-; et jroed. all passing ler what they are, anil nothing for what it is net, cotton ler cotton, Ued for mixed. tf Jtf A'jk Outer clrele, Chestnut taict, entrance te Thirteenth, street entrance. EMimOIDEKIKB. . Xew Embroideries arc already in. Out stock Is new in the condition you expect te find It in at Xew Year's, i, e. the spring novel ties we here. je WAXAM AKB1:. ,";lrd circle, southwest from the centre. CAnn choicest luxurious carpets; the met ..h.u.,.n; carpets; the lowest prices: piinc ?U.i rr lii. - JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. tual service. . fmnf nKtni, Market -tree trout, npsiau-s. SllEvLlii" silks . Arcade, east side. Next outer circle, seiithcast from tlieceiitre IKf&rs nevelt.es in cn-bre.-tleries am Just new received; t bey usuall come at Xew Year. iev WAXAMAKK. Xcxtentsr circle, southwest from the centre. JLarcs change daily. Our sales are huge. enr variety always large, and hut little of . one sort. Compare prices. A quarter below ,he market Is net """"AXAMAKEK. Xiue counters, southwest from the centre. IT suel! a stock or foreign cloaks ns Phila lelphiV lias net before seen, $10 te $W; shawls ,arbys dresses psyiirsk wAXAMAK:i, Southeast jmcr el the building. P Furs of nil sorts are going lasi. They went st last year and adruncud in price as me sea sea iea advanced. They are ceing up again. He U1 net raise prices till we have te buy. h. tiect te find here whatever you want, from a Wet trimming P. . WASAMAKE. Thirteenth street entrance. COATS AXI ULSTEKS FOK CHIl.DREX. Xet se crcat variety as for ladies: but much larger iian anywhere else. here. Coats, 2 te years ; In thirty dltrcrcnt mate rials, drab, blue and brown cords with l"cc black: cellar and cuffs et plush; also In ten camel's hair cloth, trimmcff with seal-cloth. Ooats.4telCycars: In thirty cloths trini med w;ith plain stitching, plush, seal cloth, chinchilla fur and velvet. ! te K.- Ulsterettes, C te 10 years ; in live cloths, w ith seal cloth cellar and cuffs. .,. ,,., Ulsters, r. te 1G years; in eight cloths, turn ,med with plush stitching, heed and plush. Bnvs' lTLOTHIXG. , , . our trc lsJHt what it ought te be for ti.e i.u.llltlesft.1! ailvantages we cnjry. the lacllllitBa. jelIX WAXAM Alt El.'. East el central ali'. near Market street. 1i - - .i - - (SffiS only, for .ll nVr of dessert! Ave patWns, W teROpcr dH?ilana dinner sets ; Camille pattern ,,$140; lMw3re.K00. Tresseil.tllO; elsewhere. &tn. Trwed wiUVWeresqne border anil decoration enK and buttcrtlles. $225: J!;;' t2& Tlw latter 1h In the Arcade, Chestnut mend cut: ever' article rcquirt-.l ler the table useful or ornnmcnlal.eiiK WAN-AMAKEU. Xerthwest corner et t!ie building. LUS1I 11AXP-HAGS. r ... . And a rcat variety " ""Vt--- i Alse pocket books, embroidered leather caid c.ifre... Third circle northwest rrem ceiu re. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets, .and City Hall square. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. MiRS. C. T-II-LEB, ADIES HAIKDBESSKK Manufecturerand Pcalcr In Hair Werk. Ladief; SdGmte'WiM. Combings straightened and d.toerfcr.Tlr Jewelry of all Kinds made ST AUw ? Kid Gtevesand Feathers cleaned and SytNesT-H and 827 Xerth Queen street. f&SSeTC P. U. lw Depot eKSmil T?ailndet Uonse Painting and Graining done at the shortest neKcc and in the best pes--iBtrle.' Tc 1tc minced our prices te JC75 per day. Shep en Charlethj rtx.et. '4?m,l Al'l.KV GUTUUIE k b0 rjftia ).NS. f i IFTs. , , VJT Te bttv Heililay HU early is geed ad vice: The best trade is early; and the best trade carries eir the best things. , . JOIIX WASAJIAKbli. LFKED AVIUGHT'SI'EUFUMKS. j Ills Mary Stuart is probably tlie most lasting ei all the agreeable perfumes; nonuet the lercigu ones approach it. It is very jich, strong ami lull of life; it isagieeable te mere pemnus, prebablv, than any ether perlume. Wild Olive is next in peifnl.nity : this also Is singularly jiewcrful and lasting. White Ke-e is delicate and la-sting. Wc keen the preferred odors of all the llr-t- class pcrlumcrs, such as Lubin. Ilalley, Allciti Allciti MinnndCeiidray ; but of Almieu Wkiuut'a we keep all. liriug an uimcrfunied handkerchief; and veu shall hive a saniile of any odor you vi-,h. jeiin '.VaxaMakek. First circle, northwest from the center. "10LOUKD DKESS GOODS. Vy The following, just received, are away down in prices : French Camel's hair, 47 inch, $0.73 and .8.1: French cheviot suiting, silk and wool, inch, I).7j; French feule, all wool, 2$ inch, $0.tW. liy looking out for such opportunities a lady may often save halt. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Xine cenntcrs, Thirteenth strceUentranee. BLACK GOODS. A lady wanting anv or the following will be obliged for the mention of them; Silk and wool ..'atln le I.ven, 8.' cents; silk faced veleurs, $1; memie cloth. 7." cents; datnasse drap d' etc, $1.50 ; daiuassc cashmere, $I.4i. All the prices except the first are probably bi-lowlheeeKtof manufacture, ami even the Hrsttiiay be. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Xext outer circle, sotithwesttrem the center. ri'KIMMlXU FOK DKESSES AXI) CLOAKS. J. Our t rude requires the largestand li-eshest stork of these goods, frlnges.passementerie or naments, girdles, tassels, spikes, rings, balls, buttons. We have novelties net te be found anywhere wise. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Xexteuterclrcle, northwest from the center. OIIAWl.S, :. O A few shawK are shown In the Arcade ; gentlemen's li-C!-sing gowns and smoking Jackets in the same ease. Mere are within. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. East of the Chestnut street entrance. J7U11S. 1 Our work-room is full of preparation, se lull that we cannot crowd it faster. We have ready, also, a large stock of lluished garments, fur and fur lined. We have sacques and dolmans In sealskin dved in Londen we have none but London Lendon Londen dVedse.il. We have them in great numbers, and, of ceur-e, inallsizcs includingextremcs. Prices, from $li" te $i"i0. Londen controls the seal market et the world Theic liave been two advances in price since our furs were bought. We shall net advance till we have te buy again ; we have net advanced at all, as yet. We have, at $!(, seal saeqties such at you will leek in vain for elsewhere at the price. Fur lined circulars and dolmans in very great varlei v. We use mostly Satin de Lyen, gres-graiu, armnreand brocade silk and Mcll ieiinti: ler mourning. Henrietta and Drap d'Ete. 'the latter are made te order only. We have everything worth having in sets, trimmings robes gloves, caps and the tliou-saiid-and-enc illtie things that are kept in the cemplelest lists. JOHN' WAXAMAKEK. Thlrtuentli street entrance. SKI UTS. Feit, all colors am! variety of styles, 50e te $. ; flannel, black, blue, gray, brown and scarlet, $."l te $5.75; satin, black, $1.75 te $10.50 ; satin, blue, bcarlet, brown and black, $12.50 te $20; Italian cloth, black, $1.25 te $". The variety is very great. JenX WAXAMAKEK. Southwest confer of the building. 1OYS' OVEKCOATS. I Xetiee these two sa-.ples: Itlue chinchilla sack, velvet cellar and de tachable cape, lined witli Farmer's satin, horn buttons. $T..50. Is there another such coat ler $r..r0 1 We have sold hundreds et them. l5rown-red-and-eld-gold diagonal nlstcrctte sort, wool lining, sleeves lined with a durable, silk-.straped fabric, horn buttons, $..1J. These are but but specimens et many. II thevseem inviting, ethers-inay be mere se. Sen' them. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Central aMe, next te the outer circle. Mar ket street side. im .,,. lliTbxS AXDMILLIXEKY. IV ICibbeus and Millinery, you knew, wc have much mere of than any ether house. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Xnrth of Thirteenth street entrance. 1IXKXS. j A vcrv gnat variety ei the finest linens, a very great variety et staple linens, ami I hi: lowest prices In Philadelphia. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Outer circle. City Hall Square entrance. IIXEN HAXDKEKCHIEFS. J Xew goods iust received from abroad. e have, without doubt, the richest and fullest Meck en this side of the Atlantic. We buy from makers, direct, knew the quality et our linen beyond question, and keep below the market licsidcs. . ..... JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Second circle, southwest from the centre. CII.lt HAXDKEKCHIEFS. O The very linest English and Frcncn hand kerchiefs and Mutllers; handkerchlers $1.25 te $2.50; liiulilcrs, $1.50 te $1.50. Elsewhere they are sold for a qrarter mere, at least. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Second circle, southwest from the centre. BTXDEKWEAK. , Li Every individual article et Merine or Silk I'ndcrwcar that we buy we examine te see whether tin; buttons are sewed en sccuiely and whether the srams are right and properly lastened. If anything is wrong, back the gar ment gees te the irakcr, or we right it at his expense. Such, has been our practice for a year and a half. Is there another merchant lnl Philadel phia who dues the ame, or who watches the interests et his customers In any similar way 1 Defects may escape sis neverthless. en de usataver. If. veu bring back the least imper fection te be inade geed. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Outer circle. Thirteenth street entrance. MUSLIX UXDEKWEAK. Our assortment of all inusliii imilergar lncnts is as full a at any time of the year : and when the demand for such is net generally strong we are often able te buy at uiijimuiI ad vantage. Wc have very nearly the same goods the vear round : but prices vary mere or less. New, for example, probably, there is net, te be found in this city or In Xew Yerk muslin un dergarments eqiial te our regular stock except athighcr pi ices. Wc knew et no exception whatever. jehx WAXAMAKEK. Southwest corner of the building. KUUISKK OVEKGAK.MEXTS. De you knew, many are net of Kubber.at all and are net waterproof? We sell as many as all Philadelphia besides ; real articles only ; and guarantee them. JOHX WAXAMAKEK. Cunlral aisle, near Marketstreet entrance. 7MOVAI IV M1W. M.A. EDWAIlDShas removed her iMJlllnery Stere te Xe. 230 West King street, where she will be pleased te see all bur old customers. Denncts. Hats, ISihbens, fcatins. Velvets, Feathers, Flowers. &c, will t'c sold chcaier than ever befere. Call and sec. nevij-lind EASY 1UIOTS. SIIlKS ASU LAST made en a new principle, ins u r ing eomieiT ler ine icet. Lasts iniide te order. MILLEK, 133 Es.st King street BOOTS tcbu-tr.i jULEDTCAZ, BATS KIDNEY Pill! A DISCOVER! BY ACCIDENT, Which supplier a want men of eminent ability have devoted year.-, et stutiv and experiment te find a Specific ter Diseases et the Kidneys, llladuer. Urinary Organs and Nervous System and from the time of ItsdUcevery has rapidly increased in favor, gaining the approval and confidence of medical men and these who have used it; it has become a favorite with all classes, anil wherever introduced has super seded all ether treatments. In short, such is Its intrinsic merit and superiority. Unit it new the only recognized reliable remedy. Is Strongly Endorsed. We have the most unequivocal testimony te its curative powers from many per.-ens of hiirh character.infelli-ence and lc-iien-ihi'ity. Our book "Hew a Lilt: wa-i Saved."' giving the history of this new discovery, and a large recenj et most remarkable cuies -out tree. Write ler St. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. PATITlfm Owing te the manv worthless UUllUii.Kj,im.v Pads new seking a saloon our reputation, wi; deem it diietli'iatllictcd te warnihem. Ask ler DAY'S KIDXIiV PAD, and take no ether. E A S T E I! X A (i i: X C Y, C'UAKLES X. CKITTEXT0N, llfl Fulton St., Xciv Yerk. $500 INWARD ! OVKK A MILLION OF PROF. GUILMETTE'S Have already been sold in this country and in France : every one of which has iven perfect satisfaction, and has performed cures every time when used according te directions. We new say te the ufllicted and doubting ones that we' wll pay the above reward lern single case et LA3JE BACK Uiat the Pail fnIN te euro. This Great Kemcdy Will PesStivelv and Permaiienlly cure Luin Luin bage. Lame JSack, Sciatica. (Sr.ivel, Diabetes, Drepsv, ISrighl's Disease of the Kidneys, In In centiiience and Ketentien ei the Urine, In flammation or the Kidni-vs, Catarrh et the Itladder, High Colored Urine. Pain in the Hack, Side or Leins. Nervous Weakness, and in lactalldisorilersel'the Uladderand Urinary Organs wnethcr contracted by private discasu orjelherwise. i.ADIKS if .veu are MiiTcring from Female Weakness, l.cueei rluv.t, or any disease d the Kidneys, ISladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN 13E CURED ! Without swallowing nauseous mcdicini", bj' simply wearing PBOP. GUIIiTvIETTS'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD? j WHICH CUKES HY AKSOKPTIOX. Askvonrilrus'-istferPIIOl'fJnLMETT E'S FKEXCH KIDNEY PAD, and lake no eil: If he lias net get it, seu-l ii :."d you will icr. rc- eclve the rail iv return man. i- or .-..tie ny JAMES A. MEVEKs, Odd Fellows Hall, Columbia, Pa. Sold enlv bv GEO. W. HULL. Druggist, IS W. Kinj;St., Lancaster, P.i. ttiiglWimdcedM.W&r' Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will positively cure FeM-r and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake. ISillleiis Fever, Jaundice. Dv.spepsia anil all diseases of tin- Liver. Stomach and Illoed. Price $1..".0 by mail. Senu Ter Pret. Guilmette's Treaties en the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. aiiglS-SiiidcO'lM.WAir" Mrs. Lydia E. Piiikham, OF LYNN, MASS OFi T! II Hcp Vegetable ConipeiiniUlio Savier of Her 8ex. t Health, Hepo and Happiues3 Re stored by tlie use of LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, con sistset Vegelable Proper! ics that are liarmlecs te the most delicate invalid, t'peli one trial the liierltserthis compound will be recognized, as relief is immediate; and when its use Is con tinued, in niuetv-iilue ca-i-s in ahundied.a permanent care is ell'ccted, as theiiMiiuls will testily. On account of IN proven merits, it is tM.ay rcceniuii'iidi'd and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst bum or falling of the uterus, .uiicerrhaa, irregular ami pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In In tlammatien and Ulceration, Floediugs, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and Is especially adapted te the Change or Life. In fact it has proved te be ihe greatest anil best remedy thai has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and uives new lite and vigor. II. removes raininess, llatulenev, destroys all craving ler stimulants, and relieves weakne-s of the stomach. It cures llleating. Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness, De pression and Indigestion. That teelingel bi-.ir-iii!' down, eansin- nain. weight and backache. is always permanently cured by its use. it will at all times, and under all cireumsiauces, act In harmony with the law that governs the feiiiale system'. Fer Kidney cemptaints or cither sex th;s Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound i-il prepared at. SB and it". Western Avcnn, Lvnn, Mass. Priccfl. Six bottles for ?.". Sent bv mail in the form et pills, a!-e in the form of lozenges, en receipt el price,?! per box. ler either. Mrs. P1X l HAM freely answers all lt lt ti:rsel"iuiuiry. Send ler pamphlet. Address -as above. Mention thix yepcr. Xe family should nu witueiir i.i iha r.. P1XKHAM.S LIVEU PILLS. Thevcuie Con stipation, ISIIIensness and Torpid! .y of tlic Liver. i" cents per box. Jelmstdu, Holle way & Ce., ticueral Agents, i'Iii!atlcihia. Fer sale by C. A. Lechcr,S East King street id Gee. . Hull, 15 West King street. and yiMvdeed&w TISWAJiE, EC OTOVIS. STOVKS. llrick'Sct and Portable HEATERS and RANGES ".AT Shertecr, Hnmphrcrille & Kieffcr's 4!) EAST K1XG STIIEET. UEAT WKSTKKS UX WOi;il, Pltts JT burgh. Pa. Send stamp rer catalogue Kifles, shot guns, revolvers, .-cut C. O. D. te. examination. French lite? Ms Eantaster l-ntclltgcncer. MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 13, 1880. JAY GOULD'S GREAT LOSS. 1HS VAST COXSEKVATtlliy OX TUK UCDSOX 11UKXED TO THE GHOUNU. A Fire that Swept Away One of the Princi pal Attractions of Llndenhurst and the Finest IJetaidcal Collection in America. On Fiiday niglit Lindenliinst, 3rr. Jay Gould's summer residence at Irving ten, en the Hudsen, boasted of the largest and best appointed conservatory, containing the rarest and most expensive collection of llewers lti the L nitcu btates. V hen the situ rose Saturday morning little remained of the vast glass buildings beyond a mass of smoking ruins, sending out volumes of .stilling smoke, redolent with the odor of smeuldering vegetable matter, and $200, 000 worth of property had been destroyed by lire in the night. The green houses were situated about two hundred yards from the house, and being en very high ground, could be seen from the Hudsen, net a mile distant. In the warm summer days passengers en the Hudsen river steamboats looked with as tonishment at a mass of glittering matter, which, when the sun shnne brightly threw out se dazzling a rellcctien that the cye could net long bear te leek upon it. and it was net always easy te see that the bril liant reflected light came from the reef and sides of a conservatory. The buildings which were all connected, ran from cast te west, with a wing et 8j ieet long at each end. The main building was 400 feet long and about 20 feet wide, and the wings were each 0 feet wide. The main en trance te the conservatory was between the two wings, and was situated in the " central house," which jutted out te a distance of about 80 feet, making the whole structure take something of the formation of the letter E in its ground of line. This central house was circular, and in it was a wonderfully artistic display of llewers. In the middle was a feitntiin. Around it were "stagings" or stands, of llewers, one of which was of a crescent shape. Frem the reef of the centra! house arose an ornamental octagonal tower 00 feet high and 20 feet in diameter. It bore a gigautie gilt ball at the top, and was the most conspicuous object for many miles along the Hudsen. On one side of the building were graperies, storeroom, and bowling alley, which lilled up the space, including the wing at that side te the cen tral room. On the ether side of the cen tral room were a billiard room, a seed room, a rose house, a tool house, a recep tion room, a bedroom, and several green houses. At 2 o'clock the employees arose and made the rounds with the same result. It was terribly cold at this time, the ther mometer outside showing 9 J, but in the conservatory the usual warm temperature was kept up. Shortly before " o'clock the two men were aroused by the barking and growling of Mr. Gould's two immense mas tiff dogs, Ilussc and Stccrferth, who were running uneasily about they conservatory. A red, llickering light was dancing en the wall of the bedroom, and evidently coming from some, source outside. Tiie watchers, as is the rule with all who have charge of the conservatory at night, were entirely dressed, and they say they did net lese an instant in springing from their beds. A hasty glance through the adjoining com parttnciits showed them that there was no tire inside ; but the red light could be seen everywhere and the loud barking of the dogs continued. Then, just as the alarm clock sounded its 3 o'clock signal, Hams looked through the glass and saw that the tower was en lire. The cottage of Ferdinand Mangold, the head gardener, is but a short distance from the conservatory. One of the men ran te it and called him at once, and in live min utes after the lire had been discovered he! was en the ground. But these five mill- utes had effected a marked difference. Dense clouds of smoke were rellingup into , the clear winter air, and the sharp crack of the glass, as it yielded te the heat, and the clatter of its fragments falling en the i fleer were plainly heard. "The water apparatus. In the central house. Quick !" cried Mangold, as the smoke rolled in his face and almost choked him. The three men ran te the central house and hurst in the deer, but the ter- l cut el smoke that swept out upon them i forced them te beat -a hasty retreat, and j warned them that no entrance was pessi-' ble there. Recovering himself as quickly as possible Mangold rushed te the great bell which summoned the men te work : and te meals, and seizing the rope rang it furiously. IJut though its clear tones must have sounded far away upon the I frosty air, many minutes elapsed before it . elicited any response. Then the bell of the church at Fenny Bridge, a quarter of a mile away, began te ring, and, satisfied , that he liad at last made somebody hear , him, the head gardener hastened back te his assistants, who had been working hard te extinguish such portions of the lire as I they could new reach. But they could de , nothing. Without water the men were , powerless te combat the ll.imes, and the Witter apparatus with which the building was furnished was in the central house, ! hopelessly beyond reach. Ner is it likely . that it would have been of any use had it J been at hand, for the sharp frost had j frozen up all the pipes, and no water wa3 available. In a quarter of an hour the five garden ias who slept off the premises were at the lire, and in a few miuutcs mers six ether men, strangers, arrived ; and beyond these six it djcs net appear that anybody from Iivingten or the neighborhood was pres ent. Had a hundred men been there, however, they could net, in the total ab sence of every appliance, have saved any considerable part of the conservatory. The fourteen who were en the spot worked hard, and succeeded in saving a portion of the tools. This had te be done very rapidly, for shortly after -1 o'clock 200 tens of coal in the great cellar under the :onscrv:itery caught lire, and the heat seen became se intense that it was impos sible te approach within sixty feet of the burning building. The glass cracked like pistol shots, or melted and dropped from its framework ; the palm trees, some of them fifteen feet high, writhed like living things under the flames, and as their sap dried up and the fire seized them, they looked like a small forest in a blaze. At no time were the fiatnes very bright, for beyond "the coal in the cellar, and the slender framework of the glass reefs and sides, there was nothing really that could burn fiercely. Flauts worth hundreds of dollars were dried up, and had disappeared before the flames reached them ; and costly furniture and rare hard weed mountings of the billiard room were licked up without any apparent additional Hume showing that they were being de s-treyed, and the bowling alley and its ap puitericnccs were reduced te charcoal. At 5 o'clock the tower fell, and with its fait there arose for the first time a great red torrent of flame. It was seen from the ether side of the Hudsen, and for miles up j and down the river. Then the fire, having spent us lttry, eegan siewiy te me out, and at G o'clock the men were able te ap proach near enough with sticks and buck ets of water te save a smali pertitm of the west wing. The wind had net been blowing in such a direction as te bring the full force of the flames upon this wiug,aud the small green-house at the end still stands. It contains the least valuable por tion of the plants, and is cailed the "Prop agating Roem." Here the young shrubs were brought and received extra attention aud here, tee, sickly plants were taken, as te a hospital. This is all that remains of what was the finest botanical collection in the United States. The head gardncr estimates the value of the plants destroyed at upwards of $40,003 and it is very doubtful if they could be duplicated for any sum, In the central house were numerous varieties of the rarest kind of palm trees, from ten te iif tC3ti feet high ; tropical foliage plants, for which Seuth America, India, Austra lia aud Africa have been searched, and tree ferns that took prizes In all parts of Europe , and especially in England and France. Mr. Gould had thirty varieties of these tree ferns, a plant nhesc trunk is like that of a tree up te a certain height, when it branches out into leaves or "points" as they are called, soma fifteen feet long. In front of the central house were many very r.ire tropical plants and ferns from Europe. The house en the west side was devoted chiefly te graperies and was furnished with a class of fruit net te be found in the mar ket. Among the grapes were the rarest, varieties of the Black Hamburg, Royal Ascott, Champien of England, Buckiaud, 1 nwectwater, Barbarossa, Black Damascus, Syrian, Emperor, St. Peter, and West St. Peter. In the east side house were mere trepi cal plants, palms and tree ferns, together with two' large aud valuable collections of plants sent te Mr. Gould by the emperor et Brazil last October. Among these were Seuth American tree ferns twenty feet high, almost challenging the house, which has as altitude of twenty-five feet, te con tain them. Mr. Gould is a great lever of palms and tree ferns : of the former he had 289 varieties in his conservatory, and of the latter 45. Among the tropical plants destroyed were cretins, coleeases, anil nutheamums in great variety. The rose house was e:ns of the chief objects of attraction te a visi tor. It was forty feet long, twenty feet wide, and like the rest of the building, twenty-live feet high. It was lilled with the finest winter-blooming roses in the United States, aud nearly all the plants were opening their leaves when t hey were destroyed. In another house were pinks of thirty-five varieties, agawas from Mex7 ice and Seuth America, cold house palms. Indian azalias, azalias from Jap.tn, and ether winter-blooming plants. The building destroyed is said le have been worth $le0,000, and in the cellar be neath were goods wetth about $10,000, consisting of cider, apples, coal, a small quantity of native wine, and ether things. On all this there was net a cent of insurance. S'ni3 time age Mr. Gould asked his head gardener if he j thought the conservatory ought te be in sured, and Mr. Mangold advised him net te insure it, saying the measures Iks had ' taken te provide against lire were a suffi cient guarantee ler its safety, air. .Man gold, who is net a young man, seemed te be almost hcarl-brekcn. " I could net have prevented the fire," he said ; "that nobody in my position could have done ; but I ought net. te have advised Mr. Gould against insuring his property. It was foolish and careless of me, but I never aficct him much, but he is se fend of 'flowers, and, indeed, of everything beauti ful in nature. He was very fend of his conservatory, and justiy se, for there was nothing like it in all this country, lie, has net been down here te sec the ruins te-day, but he knows there is little or nothing saved. As for myself, I am com pletely bewildered. I can hardly tealtze yet that all my beautiful plants arc gene. I suppes'el should net complain, but- thee llewers were very dear te me. aud I shall miss them ar. though th'-y had been my own children." The cause of the fire was apparent. The heat was supplied te Ilia conserva tory by the Wcathciiiead appar.ttu", which sends boiling water through tubes te all parts of the building. There were three boilers iu the central house, two in the graperies, two iu the west wing, aittl one in the east wing. Frem the centre house arose a fall chimney, running close te the tower, and touching this chimney, was a huge beam or rafter. The wall of the chimney was thin, and. the furnaces being mere than etdinarilywcll supplied with coal during the cold weather, the heat was very great. It passed through te the rafter and ignited it, aud the films that was first seen by Aukhelen and Hams was undoubtedly coming from the beam, Lindenliinst is one of Ihe meit beauti ful of the many charming country homes en the Hudsen. It contains 190 acres, and was purchased by Mr. Gould last spring. The house commands a nrthle view of the river, and is itself in the slim mer time, an object of wonder aud admira tion te the passengers en beard the pass ing steamers. It is built of gray stone, but there is se much glass in front that it leeks like the lightest kind of a .stinetuie Frem a distance it bears the appearance of a castle without anything of the gloomy aspect of the latter. MAltltYINM TUK tllKt. Mil KDililCD. I ititge and Minister In their itebi-s Uradiug the Wedding FrnccKtien. In Montreal the court of general sessions just concluded bagaa with the trial of Richard Listen, a young man of 2t, for the larceny of $2,7.i0 from Stella Hart, a pret ty Jewess of 17, and ended their ma-riaga yesterday in the court room whete he was tried anil convicted, aud when: he will be sentenced. Listen has led a roving life,, and several times get into scrapes with the' police. Eight months age he made the acquaintance of Stella anil eloped with licr te New let-n, where they remained" ttntil recently, -tell;:, before leaving home, stele $'2,750 from her father, a well-to-de optician here. On their re turn from Xew Yerk Listen refused te marry her, and she had him arrested en the charge of stealing the money from her. lie was found guilty, and sentence was suspended te allow for the marriage tak ing place in the interim. Although an at tempt had been made te keep the matter private, the court room Whs crammed, lawyers, merchants and members of Par liament being net the least interested and desirous of seeing the marriage. The par ties met in tlie office of the clerk of the crown and then proceeded iu processional order te the court of queen's bench chamber, a guard of police bringing up the front anil rear. Judge Dugas ami the Rev. Gavin Leng, of the St. An drew's church et Scotland, in their robes, preceding the couple. The bride looked happy, and was attired iu a walking habit. The bridegroom was solemn. He stalked along, his expectant wife one side and a jailer en the ether. The ceremony took place in front of the judges' bench under the hngc emblazoned arim; of Great dreamed or the pessibd.ty e such a thing we shertl wiH bl facc te n witIl the as a fire Mr. Gould wi.I be mere di- I r.Ilul c,rert t(, cst.lbIsh net crcIy Uamil. turned about this t.ian most people m.glu teiiisih "strong geveenment," but empire think; the money less, n course, will net . ;.. ,i,v ,.,;.,.,.,?. .i ;, -.- ?.,.,.,. -n Britain, bearing the inscription : ffeni seit qui maly pensc. The service was conduct ed with all due solemnity. The girl re turned te her friends and the prisoner was driven back te jail. His sentence, it is said, will be light. TEFFEKSOXIAX ASSOCIATIONS. . rrcsli XQ;irnt!im fur the Democracy. itf i . a. -v wasnmgten correspondent or tlie Xew Yerk Sun says : " Hew docs it hap pen that when a Democratic reformer is actually elected president he cannot be in augurated, and that when we neminate a Democratic soldier, who is undoubtedly the choice of a majority of the people, we cannot get the votes polled ? The cause lies in the superincumbent body of death known as the worneut, spiritless Demo cratic organization. It needs rcinvigora rcinvigera rcinvigora tiea by a movement from below, te be blown upon by the het, kindling breath of the people themselves.- And here I wish te call the attention of your readers te a spontaneous popular movement which is taking shape in many parts of the coun try, and is, in my judgment, the most hor her ful sign anvwnere visible. " When the vote had been taken en the 2d of November, the members of the na tional and state committees, who had some m-jntlisbceu censunuug the contributions of their fellow citizens, under the pretence that they are doing something toward the election of Hancock, took their hats and went home, regretting the less of the efiices and jobs which seemed se near. But net se the rank and file. They steed wondering why they, with a most right eous cause and a majority of the people, could net succeed. It was because they had net attended te the matter themselves. And new wherever you leek the Hancock and English clubs, without the least prompt ing or management from above, are made permenaut. In some places they resolve themselves into Jcffcrsenian Democratic Associations, a name which has a meaning and is in itself a platform of principles and a watch cry. These Jcffcrsenian associa tions will, in all probability, absorb all oilier Democratic societies. The creed of Jellerseii will endure as long as the free institutions which rest upon its principles ; and the party which he founded can live enlv by living up te it. Here, then, is life and inspiration. The old party will renew its strength by laving its limbs covered with the sores aud encrusted with filth of foolish wanderings in the wilderncsa of modern errors, in this health-giving foun tain of pure Democracy, and rise mero than equal te the future. " There never was a time iu the history e! the American republic when the Jcffer snuian ."'! the Hamilteuian ideas of gov ernment were brought into such sharp collision :!.-. they arc new. In Jehn Adams's time the dangar was slight in comparison. There was then no grand alliance of so se called "business" of capital, corpora tions and monopoly with the party in power. The Federalists could procure an occasional conviction under the sedition laws ; could have an editor publicjy whipped, tir a citizen" who spoke disre- ; Srctiully of the president imprisoned. Uut the alien and sedition laws were trifles besides the Republican election laws, j which authorize au army of civil and mili ! tary Itgents of the executive at the polls. I The patronage of the federal government ! was then about as great as that of a rc I Kpee.tablc railway company is new ; no luin- tiivd thousand eiheers, no incalculable pub lic debt, no hundreds of millions of an nual appropriations, no mighty chain of banks, of monopolies protected by law.and corporations subsidized. We are face te tune JeflV when men minded senian principles te preserve the of government should assei Jelt'erseuian ate themselves together in clubs, liberty clubs, popular committees of vigilance, that time is new. Tliese clubs in permanent correspondence with each ether, transmitting the results of their deliberations from one te another, moved by the popular impulse and mere democratic than the Democrats, might, pei eh. nice, form that bulwark of liberty which no conspiracy could undermine, and no open force could ever surmount." Ifequests. At a recent meeting of tha beard of directors of the Presbyterian theological j seminary of the Xerthwest, at Chicago, III., the Hen. Cyrus II. McCerniiek paid ! ever as a new and unconditional gift the j sum of 67.1,000, making, with previous ! gifts, a total sum of mere than 200,000 ! presented by him te that institution. Mr. MctV.rmick also pledges himself te give I 5,00!) for every like sum presented by any j person after a fund of 50,000 has been ' raised from ether sources. Prof. James C. Watsen, of Wisconsin, : bequeathed his property, valued at $C0,- 00(1 te the National Academy of Sciences ; of the United States, excepting the sum of . :.000 and $200 annuity set apart for the support of Ids wife, and 150 annuity te , his mother. .Mrs. Watsen is possessed of , considerable property in her own name . and is wholly independent of her husband's estate. Having no children, it has long i hrcu the expressed purpose of the pro fessor and his wife te give their property, ', after death, te aid the cause of science. i '-Veu can't cenn: it," said a customer te a , driurgist who endeavored te palm oil' his own I mixture wneti Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup was ! :--!;, l ler. and ltull'.s lie get. Price -" cents a ' hettle. Ce 1'. II. II. r'nehran, druggist 137 and 111) North Queen street ler Mrs. Freenutn'x Ifew Xtilieit'tl Vacs. Fer hrightncssnud durahility et color an: unequulcd. Celer from '1 te a pounds. Price, IS cent.. Clerical Kissing, Onions are prcscrihrd as a sure euro rer Cle rical kissing, and Spring lllo.sseiu as a sure cure Ter Dyseepsla, Indigestion and nil Dis orders eT the stomach. Price, 10 cents, trial hettles 10 cents. Kerisale hy II. 11. Ceelu-.iii, druggist, 1.77 and rai Xerth Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. jJttri. z;;ii:st cash riciCK will de iwi feis exti:a MCE il CARPET RAGS. farpct-niadi! te order at whert notice and .iii-.iMi-tien uurauteed. lUre chances In Carpets te reduce stock et 6,000 Yards Brussels Garpsts, AT AND 15KLOW COST. Call and satisfy yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Kaie and Chain Carpetsiualmestcndlegsvariety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 -3T KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. MAKHL. WUKKS. V72. P. FRAHiETTS lONUMBNTAL MARBLE WORKS 8 Nerm neen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MOXUMKSTS, HEAD A.VU tfOOT STONES, GAKDEN STATUAKY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. mi work guaranteed and satisfaction gi en 1 i every pattlcnlar. v. ;:. ltemcmhcr, werti-a'-the extreme end iii-lii '.Juccri xlreet. 30 face, or nt least in the nnininn of most men JtfJJC. KIDNEY WORT. This Great Remedy In cither Liquid or Dry Ferm acta at the sumo ume en me tiisascs et tee Lirer, Bowels and Kidneys, This combined action gives It wonderful power te cure nil disease. WHY ARE WE SICK? Jtecauss ice allow these great organ te be-' come clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors arc therefore forced into the bleed that should be expelled naturally. KIDNEY WORT WILL CURE. llllleusceu. Piles, Constipation, Kidney Complaints, Vriuary IMneaxcs, Fcmale Weakness mnd Nervous Disorders, by causing free action of these organs and re storing their power te threw ejf disease. Why auflVr bllleiu p.ilns and ache; Why tormented with Piles, Constipation ; Why frightened ever disordered Kidneys? Why endure nervous or sick headaches? Why have sleepless nights? Use KinXET VTOKT and rejoice in health. S It Is put up in lry Vogetnble l'erni, in atin cans, one package et" which makc-i six 93" quarts of medicine. 47" Alse In Liquid l'erni.very Cenceutrutrtl 49 ler tlie convenience et these who cannot 49 readily prepare it. it acts with equal 49 efficiency in either furui. GET IT OF YOUlt DKUliUlaT. PUICE,!. ViELLS. RICHAKDSOX CO., Prep's, Darlington, Vt. (Will .send the dry pe-it-in.i.l.) dec 13 lydAwi L'LOlllIXa. OVERCOATS! Closing out at a great reduction enr immciit line of JJevcltlcs in Overceating. Pur Beavers, Seal Skin, Elyaia; Mentanak, Ratina and Obinchillas. All the Xew and most Dcsirahl Styles STOCKANETTS, IX XKW COLORS AND CIIOIC'B STVLES Why net leave veur order atonccandseenre an Elegant, Stylish, Well Made and Artistic Cut Garment as low as S'-O. A LAUCE LINE OF CHOICE lili AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT J.KSMALTNG'S, 'THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET, JIWS CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Wc have Stock of new ready for sale an lnmiensi! Fall and Winter, which Style. arc Cut and TrimmcM Wc can give you a in the Latest GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In great variety, made at tlie lowest prices. le order at short notice 0. B. Hostetter t Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, fi-lid LASCASTKR.VA. FALL OPENING AT H. GBRHART'S Tii Estalsisel, MONDAY, OCTOBER llth, 18S0. A Complete Stock et Cleths, Suitings Aim OVERCOATINGS. which for elegance cannot be surpassed.. The Largest Assortment et ENGLISH AND SCOTCH SUITINGS In this city. Prices as le an the le cats: H. GERHART'S Se. 51 North Qutsa SUi. ElO mm RBady Made Cleiiiig rw