.J '.i- LANCASTER DAILY INTHXIGHNrKU. FRIDAY DECEMBER 10, 1880. ". icastcv Intelligencer. FEIDAY EVENING, DEC. 10, 1880. A Dakota Wheat Farm. Philadelphia Ledger. The optimists of English agriculture have furnished their friends, recently, with several grave arguments te prove that the wheat farming of the Northwest was a Email and temporary Heed of supply, sedji te be exhausted and net se profitable new as te be a temptation te any but the Btar performers in farming there. But the crop just harvested appears te sustain the Dakota people very well and te give them quite as large a profit as last year. The Farge papers bring us the account of the production of about C 000 acres iu wheat, just delivered from the Grandin farm, the crop of 1880 ; the exact account being 5,921 acres, producing 137,237 bushels, or 23 1-0 bushels te the acre, the quality of nine-tenths of which was "Number one, hard." Fully this propeition of the very large deliveries for the season have been of this highest quality, proving that these arc true wheat lands, capable of gi owing the best wheat. In fact, the giewth of 23 bushels te the acic is sufficient proof of that position. And as te the profits : the- Grandin pro pre pro piicters claim thai 37,000 bushels of this crop will pay all costs of cultivation, har vesting and marketing, leaving 100,000 bushels te icnrescnt the net profit. This, at 73 te 80 cents the bushel, which has been the range at the iccciving stations of the North Pacific read is at least $75,000 ; a very fair profit for a farmer who has no heavy leutal te pay. The pioprieters are, therefeic, encouraged te put in 8000 acres next year ; and as each of the last three yearshas netted a like profit en this Farge farm, one year of paitial failuic could be endured, if by accident it should come. Ner is this propiicter neglectful of gen eral farming ; he had this year 304 acres of eats, producing 18,72j bushels; 141 acres of bat icy. producing 3,520 bushels, and a large sleck farm iu progress. And this is but a sample of the great lied river valley located en because- the crossing of the rail road affords a f.ivoraldc-spet. for first, set tlement. The valley i . all alike for a hun dred miles or nunc in length, and twenty miles in width, the j;... .logical formation and Mirf.icc tepjgraphy being entirely uni form. The eaieful prophet of the future, both heie and in KuL'iand, may dismiss their fears as te the exhaustion of our re re heuivc; for grain supply. All that the railre.:d-. with their new elevators and shipping facilities, have provided for hand ling this g.-ain, are likely te be required in the constantly expanding future. It does net appear, either, that the surplus se pio pie duccd is liki-'y te overload the market, as was ft-arcd by sniny in regard te the crop of 18S0. It is leasenably sine new that every bushel of bpei tabic grain will be wanted by the nations of Euiepe, and it is the most striking of anomalies te find American wheat actually going te Odessa, a contradiction of precedents as extreme as carrying coals te Newcastle. Dating Diseased Ferk. 50,000, (tee l'i)lcoleiml Parasites round in a Man's liedy. Franz Adelph Kxler, 23 yeai.s old and a butcher by trade, died en Satuiday at Bcllcvue h"pital, New Yerk, from tiich tiich inesi.s, c.i'ised by eating rawliamand perk. He was :.clt:itleii November 22, as a rheu matic patient, but admitted te Dr. MeIIer that he had eaten raw bacon and ether meats. A fortnight before his death lie wa attached vomiting and fever for thiee dajs, followed by sharp pains all ever dis i dy. The day after his admiss'e l Dr. Mellcr cut into his shoulder muscles, and took eat asmall trichina, undeveloped. iVhcn the pain ceased fever increased and thcp;t"un giew weak. lie slept little, Iccui'-edeliiie'.is, and gradually died fiem exhaustion. Twe Wys after Exlcr's death an autopsy was made ; trichina; were found iu ail fie muscles except theie of the heart. Iu one grain of muscle were found liftt.cn or sixteen undeveloped trichina;, and Dr. MeIIer estimates that at lea-l 50,000,000 infested the body. Liquid Unlit. Dniuel I'hiiik, el Brooklyn, Tiej.i Ce., li , de-ciilv it thus: I imV thirty mile-' for a IjoI IjeI IjoI t!nel lr. Themas' Eelcctrleeil, wlticli eiteeted llic xvenderiul eiiKMrt a Crooked Limb iu six aDpUc.illiiiis: it proved worth mere than Geld te me. I'ltr-ide l.j II. IS. Ceciimu, druggist, 117 and ISOXeitli t.'iiein street, Lancaster. 1'a. Anether Candidate. ISy a large majority the people el the I'liittd Mate- liae declared their taith in Kidney Wei t as a lemeily ter all the disease l the l;iil:n- s or liver, f-eme hew - cr, have disliked the nimble el prep.ising it lrem the ilry term. Fer such a new v.utlidatc appears ia the shape et Kidney Weit in Liquid Peim. It is very cencentr.'iteil. i-i e.i.hy taken and is equally t Uieient as the diy. Try it. Isntiwillc Pest.' Helped Herself. Wm. .1. Winiicld. Syracuse, X. Y., reports the inllen ing : My little uiil uusuUlieted with Croup in lis worst form, hhe bv ehanee get lioldel a bottle et Dr. Themas' Keleetric Oil and hel))cd her-elt. "as we thought, tee lieelj" but am happy te slate its ne entiiely restored her lrem that most pievalent and liiest dan gerous efall the children's ills. Fer -ale by II. IS. Cochran, druggist, 1"7 and ISUNerMi Quern street, Lancaster, P.i. it tsccniM Impossible That a it medy madeel such common, simple plain--a l!e))-, ISuchu. Mandiake. Dandelion, ,tc, hh'tuld make s-e many and such marvel marvel eusand v. endeilul cities a; Hep Hitters de, but when old and young, rich aim peer, Paster and ISoeter, Lawjerand Lditer.all testily te Having been cuied by tlieni. ou ltiu-abelieie and tiy them yem-sell, aad doubt no longer, ce oilier Lvillllilli. dl-2lV MlLhtSEItY. HOUGHTON-- LADIEs.! HOUGHTON'S The Cheapest and best place HOUGHTON S in our city te lmv HOUGHTON'.-" MILLINERY GOODS, HOUGHTON-.-. MILLINKltY GOODS, HOUGHTON'S MILLIXKRY GOODS, 13 A1 cheap ciiE.vr CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEW M. A. HOUGHTON'S, r. NORTH QUEEN STREET. FIXK HATS, FINE HATS, 1SOXNKT.S, UONXET.S. LAKGEOSTiilCH UcATII F.KS OaTRICH TIPS. I'l.U.sII ALL SHADES. SILK VELVETS, SILKS. S VTIX. FRIXGES, LACES KID GI.OVEs. vreui:. MORE. STORE. MOICh. stork, .steim: rlXKVP FINEST FIX EST FINEST FINEsT FIXES r ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILL1XERY MILLINERY MILLINERY GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. ClSAl,i:!. CRAI'E VEILs5. cerj:t.-, CUFFS, COLL Us. NECKlILft. '1 he Finest, Cheapest and Gi cutest Variety nt Millinery Goods in Tin: cm. ii 25 North Queen St. MEDICAL, VALUABLE TRUTHS. If yen arc suffering from peer li.-alth, or languishing en a bed of sickness, take cheer, for Hen Bittern Will Cure Yeu. It you are simply ailing: if you feel weak J anuui-jpiriieu, wiwiuun.-ieanj """ "j Hep Bitters Will Kevlve Ten. If you are a minister, and have overtaxed yourself with your pastoral dutie-,: or a mother, worn out with care and work. Hep Ulttcrs Will Kcgtere Ven. iryeuareaman of business, weakened by the strain or your everyday duties: or a man et letters, toiling ever your midnight w eik, Hep Bitters Will Strengthen Ven. If you arc young, and suffering from any in disci etieu, or arc growing tee fat, as Is elten ttc case, Hep ISlUer Will Believe Yeu. Ifyeunrein the workshop, en the farm, at the desk anywhere, and tcel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating with out intoxicating. Hep Bitters Is Wliat Yeu Need. If you are old. and your pulse Is feeble, your nervcj unsteady, and your faculties waning. Hep Bitters will give you Sew Life and Viger. Hep Uiltcrs Manufacturing Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. deeG-lvdMWF&w KIDNEY WOkT THE ONLY MEDICINE ix i:rrm:u liquid eh dry fer.v Tliat Acts at the Same Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidney8. Tlie,e gre:it organs are the natural cleansers el the bystPiii. II they work well, health willbeperlect, if they become clogged dread till diseases are sine 10 lolleu . itli TERRIBLE SUFFERING. llilieusucti, Jlctilaehe, Dyspepsia, Jaundice Constipation, I'tles, Kitlncv Complaint!, Graicl, Diabetes, Rheumatic I'aini or Aches, arc developed because the bleed is poisoned with the humors that should be expelled nat ural ly. KIDNEY WORT Will Restore the healthy action and all these destroying evils will be banished; neglect them and you w ill live but te sutTer. Thousands have been cured. Try il and you will add one mere te the number. Take itand health w ill once mere gladden your heart. Why Miner longer lrem the teiment et an aching back V Why bear bucli distress from Constipation and Files -. KinxEV-Weirr v. ill cute you. Try It at once ami be satislled. Your druggist has It. Price 141.00. 2- II is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, in Sa-lin cans, one package of which mtilscj six US' quarts of medicine. EST Alse in Liquhl l"urni,ery Ceitcentiutetl tl3r ler the convenience et these who cannot MTreadily prepare it. It ac!i irith r-juitt Sn' cincirney in either form. i:LLS RICHARDSOX A: CO., rrep's, Iturlingten, Vt. (Will send tlu di v p-! paid.) decC. " lyd&wl TTOMDAY GODS fl UL J ;8 DRUG STORE pi'iti: isohemiavteii.lt sets, KIClll.Y CUT AND EXGIZAVED COLOGNE BOTTIiES. A Large, Variety et Lleg.int Ot01t CASES and STANDS, "PERFUMERY HONKS. Ac. Msean Extensive As-eriment el Toilet and Fancy Articles, ISRUSIIES OMS and MIRROR TOILET SETS. Mni-i iean, Fivneli aud'Ensli h PERFUMERY. iiil a variety of ether geeds suitable ter Presents, el which mv stock i larger than ever beiere. G. "W. HULL, Ne. 15 WEST KIX(i STKI'XT, augiS-lyd LANCASTER, PA. LOOKER'S D J A Plca.int, Safe, Speed v and Sure itemed v for Colds, Coughs, Heaivcness, Asthma, Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat ami Chest, Itrenchitis. Whooping Cough, Spit ling et i.loeil, lnthimmatien et the Lungs, am' all lli-e.iscset the Client and Air Passage. This alualilc preparation eenibines all the melieinal virtue- of these artich w hieli long experience has previd te inw.es, the uin-t sate and llicient qualities ter tlu cure efall kinds el Lung DUu:ise.i. Price 'J." cents. Pre pared only and cold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST NO. 9 KAST KIM. STKbilT. eM-tld IXVESTIG ATIOX ! Dlt. GRKCNK has successfully treated ever l.OOi) of the me-'tiliillcull chronic (se called) in cnraiile cases during a nine month's praclics. The most et them had been the rounds of the leading physicians et Lancaster ceuntv. DR. GREhNEisicadyat any time te meeta committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at t he Opera Heuse fir elsewliere te dis cuss the merits et Omnipatliy and prove its superiority overall elhei parities in vogue. The people aie greatly interested ami de mand the tidiest investigation. Invalids :ue every week dj ing in this county who-e lives could lie saved. Is there any subject about which the masses aie mere concerned than restoration te health, and the prolonging of their lives? Dr. G. originated and is new the or. ncr of 2D Medical Pails. He especially warns the public against! he numerous ceunterlcits new- ettered the people. Dr. Greene tines an exclusive eiliee business. Patients who cannot call at Ids e-Hcesmust send lull description el alilictiens. Hundreds of deaths have occurred licit; In nine months : only two in his practice. Consultations fiee. Catarrh cuied for .V) cents. Cine quick ler Catanh sent te anv ad dress for .10 cents. Send ler 12 page pamphlet. DR. O. A. GREENE, Ne. 236 NO I till O.UKEN STKEET, 30-tr.lMWF&S Lancaster. Pa. l'A l'i:ii HA.XG1XUS, Ac. XT HAVE A LOT OF LIGHT COLOR WINDOW SUA DES, Geed Patterns, tint will be closed out at the low price et Jltly cents. These aie a decided bargain, as some have been reduced lrem one dollar te Hfty cents apiece. PLAIN WINDOW SHADING bv the yard, Blue, Garnet, Drewn, Old Geld," Lavender, Stene, &c. Cardinal, llrewn. Ecru, Green and White SCOTCH HOLLANDS. PAPER CURTAINS, Spring Fixture, Fringes. Leeps, Ta-cels, Ac. Opening alme-t dally New Designs of WALL PAPER. Our stock Is Laigc and Attractive, of tiie Newest Fashions. ( The Best, Simplest iiurl CbCipCst in;!c. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. DRY ITEMS-FOR CLOSE BUYERS SELECTED AS SPECIMEN LOTS FROM The Largest Stock of Dress Goods IX PHILADELPHIA. 2 LOTS -AT 25 CENTS. 3 LOTS AT 37-1 CENTS. 3 LOTS AT 50 CENTS. 3 LOTS 625 CENTS. 4 LOTS AT 75 CENTS. Out-of-town consumer.-; who may deslie te bee these wonderful bargains ia Dress Goods and cannot spare the time te visit Philadelphia, should send for samples through our Mail Order Department. STRAWBRIDGE Market St. te Filbert, PHILADELPHIA. I01ER, COLLADAT & Ce, 1412 and 1414 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. The general inipieieiiicnt in business the past year, with the prospect et a very large in creased demand for all kinds of Dress CJoeds, induced all American liuvcrs of Foreign Uoeds te place immense orders. This was universally the case, se much se that, perhaps without exag geration, 30 per cent, mere goods were imported than the country could possibly consume. As ii consequence, there ha's been a great break in prices iu a great many rubrics, which we s'lall tullvineet. WE SHALL SELL Fermer Prices. All Weel Anilities $0.50 1.00 Freneh Flannel baitings C trench Striped Fancies (all Silk and Weel) 7 1.50 French Shoedas (in all eolero) C5 .S5 French Brocade, (all Silk anil Weel .'i0 1.7.'. Plain French Fluids 73 1.09 finest French limeades (In several designs) l.CO iSO In addition te our offerings in the above goods, we have some lines of very choice goods r which it is difficult te meet the demand, in which we have a very choice assortment, both in eietli and colorings'. CLOTH SUITINGS: 44-inch Cleth Suitings (very desirable goods) ". $e.7.i 51-inch Cleth .Suitings (in ail colors 1.10 51-ineh Cleth Suitings 1.30 i FRENCH Our make nt these goods we believe te he eoleis our l.i inch Freneh fchoedas .?0.87 FINE CAMEL'S HAIR: Our assortment et tli sc beautiful goods is still complete, from Sl.'.l te SVJ..-0. We have jn-t received one case ! Camel':-, Hair In Evening Shades in very beautitul quality, in Cream. I'lnk and Light Blue, 40 inches wide, te sell nt S1.25. BAREGE DE VIRGINIE: We have Just rcceit ed one case of this very desirable texture for K veiling Dre-iies, tiualitv very supei ler, iu Cream, rink and Light Blue, 27 inches wide, te sell at COc. vzeTiiixa. GREAT SLAUGHTER IN CLOTHING. GRAND MARK DOWI AT CMTRE TTAT.T.. Will be sold in rtsty days TEX THOI.'.SAND DOL1.AKS WORTH of HEAVY WINTER CLOTHING, Without regard te cost. New is your time te secure a geed Suit et Clothing for verv little money, Ready-made or Made te Order. OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY, Fer Men. Youths and Beys. Men's Dress Suits, Men's Dusiness Suits, Youth' Suits in evcrv style. Heys' Clothing, a very Choice Variety. 3T Don't fail te call anil secure some of the bargains. MYERS & RATHFON, Xe. 12 KAST KING STKEET, LAXt'ASTER, PESA'A. COXFJECTIOXS. H KAIlOUAltTEKS FOB I'UBE C'UNVEC- IIONS tOK THE HOLIDAYS AT JOSEPH R. ROYER'S, 50 AND 52 WEST KING ST. I can new offer te the trade and public a large stock et Pure Contectiens of every description, at the very lowest market rates. FRUITS. NUTS, &c. and a LARGE STOCK OF TOYS of the NEWEST DESIGNS. Large and small Cakes baked daily. Ice Cream at all times. WEDDINGS AND PARTIES SERVED AT SHORT NOTICE. MAIL ORDERS promptly attended te at the Hume rate as it the parson ordering were present in person. Call and sec my stock. 49Rcmcmber the place 50 AND 52 WEST KING STREET. 13-3md JOS. R. ROYER. GROCERIES. TirHOLEsJALE AND KLTAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR .. irrs. nTn Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. U7-lrd GOODS. C-4 GRAIN DE POUDRE AT 25 CENTS. In all the choice colorings and worth 31 cents. C-4 HALF WOOL CASHMERES AT 35 CENTS. Would be considered very cheap if marked 31 cents. CHOICE SILK MIXED PLAIDS AT 37 J CENTS. In French styles and worth 50 cents. EXTRA VALUE FRENCH CASHMERES AT 37$ CENTS. All wool and double width. BLACK FRENCH CASHMERES AT 37J CENTS. Deuble width and worth 50 cents. 34 INCH POWDER CLOTHS 50 CENTS. Bril liant colorings and wear-resisting. 3G INCH LUPIN'S MERINOS AT 50 CENTS. Ex tra heavy, yard wide and worth G2J cents. 40 INCH BLACK CASHMERES AT 50 CENTS. All wool and worth C2t cents. 42 INCH CREPE MOMIES AT 02V CENTS, worth 75 cents. 3(5 INCH LUPIN'S CASHMERES AT C2i CENTS. This is the best value in these goods ever offered. 44 INCH CREPE MOMIES AT 02 CENTS. All wool and worth 87 cents. 4G INCH SILK AND WOOL FABRICS AT 75 CENTS. Cost te manufacture, one dollar. 40 INCH ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS AT 75 CENTS. Reduced from one dollar. 41 INCH BLACK GRAIN DE POUDRE AT 75 CENTS. Reduced from one dollar. 43 INCH BLACK CASHMERE MOMIE CLOTHS AT 75 CENTS. Pure wool and a beautiful blooming black. Selling nowhere else for less than one dollar. & CLOTHIER i. W. Cor. of Eighth St former Prices. $0.05 $1.12 . .75 '-.r0 .aineis Hair Stripes Biecadc Novelties French Fancies (very costly goods. Kngll.sh Novelties French Handkerchiefs, squares French Handkerchief, squares French Novelties French Novelties .25 .75 .'S 1.35 .30 .50 1.50 1.50 i7' 1.50 51-inch Cleth Suitings 51-inch Cleth Suitings.... 51-inch Cleth Suitings.... ..$1.15 .. 1.50 .. 2.00 SHOODAS : the best in the market, and the asei talent el own selection. 1 40-ineh French Slioedn f. SLMU118, JiC. SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! AT EDGERLEY & OO.'S, Practical Carriage Builders, Market Street, Rear of Central Mai ket Houses Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand a Iirgc Assortment of PORTLAND, ALBANY, AND DOUBLE SEAT SLEIGHS, Which we en'er at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Alse a full line of BUGGIES and CAR R1AGES all of our own well known make Give us a call. SI'cpiitri!ig promptly attended te. niC-tfd&w ( KAIS MMX'ULATIOM v in large or small amounts. or f 20,000- Write w. f. SOULE CO.. Commission Mer chants, is) La Salle street, Chicago, 111., ler cir ulars. tn2S-ryl DRY GOODS. Let us say te you that at no ether .' time have we made such extensive preparations for the Holiday Trade as we have this season. We have taken special pains in our purchases in order te get a large line of goods that we can efler te our friends that they will find upon examination te he just what they want. We cannot begin te enumerate the very many articles wc display, but would say come and sec them even if you de net want te buy at the time. We will take pleasure in showing you through our stock We have marked everything very close iu order te make rapid sales. As a great many persons are making their holiday purchases already, we would say de net delay tee long in making your selections as the assortment gets broken and you may have difficulty in getting just what you want. In the goods we display you will find articles of use that can not fail but be acceptable te everybody. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, Ne. 25 East King Street, BOOKS AND STATIONERY. CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! ! ! HOLIDAY BOOKS, HOLIDAY GAMES, HOLIDAY PICTURE3, HOLIDAY GOODS, IN GREAT VARIETY AT L. M. PLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KINO STREET. TTOLIDAY GOODS. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. In Nevel ami Original Dc-isn, in Great Variety. Elegant CARIXET PICTURE FRAME-, In Geld, Rrecade, Velvet, Eheny and Combination. CELLULOID TOILET SETS, TOILET MIRRORS, Gilt and Cut Ghl3- Novelties, Je.vel Ca-kels. LIBRARY INKSTANDS, WRITING DESKS, WORK I50XES, DRESSING CASES, LETTER RACKS, Geld Pens & Pencil Cases, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, FINE POCKET HOOKS, CIliAR C SK- GRAPHOSCOPES, CAlllXI'.T AND PANEL PICTI'RKS, New Beeks in Holiday Dress. An iininenxe as-ortinent et JSIULES, PRAYER AND 11YMNA!.--, CHURCH ROOKS. ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, PIC'l CRE BOOKS, FOR CHILDREN. GAMES, ALPHABET RI.OCKS, PAINTING BOOKS, WATEIt COLORS, Ae., At the Boek Stere of JOM BIER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QDEEN STREET, LANCASTER. l'A.. COAL. B. II. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all html.- et LUMBER AND COAL. 49Yanl: Ne. 4 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Luneater. ntf-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of tne Best Quality put up expressly ter family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SA3IPLE TON. tOr YARD-ISO SOUTH WATER ST. ne23-lyd PHILIP SCHUM.SON & CO. C0H0 & WILEY, 3SO NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, J'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. fcb2S-lya COAL! COAL! I Fer geed, clean Family and all ether Uind of COAL go te RTJSSEL & SHULMYER'S. Quality and Weijrlit guaranteed. Ordett re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 23 Eat King Street. YARD: C18 North I'rinej Street. auglt-taprlSR no TO REILLY & KELLER -FOR- GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers in ivant et Superior Manure will tind it te llieir advantagcte call. Yard, Harrisburg Pike. ) Office, 20J4 East Chestnut street. ngl7-ttd TRIXXIXas, A'OTIOXS, JbCi Lancaster. Bazaar ASTBICI BRGVS 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Of WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY -NEXT,- DECEMBER 8th and 9th, Evervbedy within 25 miles el" Lancaster city should come and see our -OF- I0L1MYG00DS We shall devote most of our store te the dis play or HOLIDAY GOODS, and we hope te make our exhibition se nrpassiugly Attrac tive and se overwhelming brilliant that visi tors will feel themselves transported te the very realms of King Santa Claus. All the resources of money, work, taste and imagination have been freely lavished te make thl-5 J ever witnessed. Our windows will be en riched with highly artistic and entirely original HOLIDAY SHOW GOODS, which we fei bear te describe, reserving them STARTLING SURPRISE for our opening guests. We shall exhibit a most handsome DOLLS HEAD IN LIFE SIZE. Every purchaser of $3 WORTH OF GOODS will receive one chance en this BEAUTIFUL HEAD. the same te be raffled en Friday, December 31, at 2 P. M. Wc call the attention oleurcu9tomcrs te the large and handsome display et DOLLS. DOLLS. DOLLS. DOLLS. DOLLS. DOLLS. Frem t lie smallest BABY DOLL up te the most elegant anil large FRENCH DOLLS, at prices which defy competition. Among ethers wc call attention te the following arti cle, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS Fancy Shell llexe- In various styles. Werk Bexes lrem 35c. up te $3. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Fine Writing Paper and Envelope-, put up in.EIegant Fancy llexes. HANDKERCHIEF BOXES. PERFUMERY. JAPANESE HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES. .JAPANESE JEWELRY CASES. HANDKERCHIEFS IN BOXES. FANCY WIRE STANDS. VELVET PICTURE FRAME-. CIGAR STANDS. CIGAR CASES. POCKET BOOKS. BcId.4 ali these we offer tin elegant varletv of tine plated Jewelry, consisting ',of novel ties In EAR-RINGS, RREASTPINS, BRACELETS, NECKLACES. RINGS. LOCKETS, All of geed quality, and excellent style. CELLULOID BRACELETS. We keep an !minene large n-uei-.ment of SILK HANDKERCHIEFS from lftc. tin te $1. Elegant Brocaded all Silk Hand kcrch lets... 50c We have new en hand and otter for sale 100 DOZ. PINE HANDKERCHIEFS, m 1th Large Initials, for 12Jc. apiece. Fine Linen Handkerchiefs with llandioinc llandieinc llandioinc Embreidered Initials, ler Ladies and Gents. Ladies' Cellars and Cuffs in sets. FINE LACE TIES, FINE LACE FICHUS, FINE LACE HANDKERCHIEF:-, FINE LACE COLLARS, FINE LACE TIES, FINE SILK BOWS, Besides many ether nice ami us'elul articles. which are tee numerous te mention. We invite everybody te call nnd leek at our GRAND DISPLAY. ASTRICH BRO.'S, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. urn PEM Display DRT GOODS. "OYEITIES IN SCARF TINS. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN UNDERSHIRTS AND DKAWERs, AT E. J. ERISMA1TS, THE SUIRTMAKER, C.a NORTH UtTEKX STKKKT BLAJSTKETST QUILTS AND COMFORTABLES, In quantities at LOW PRICES. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heus. WOOL FLANNEL, Cotten Flannels, Linseys, &c, Ac. All goods suitable ler cold weather at VERY LOWPKICES. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Beem. DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, CLOAKINGS. HAGER & BROTHER have new open the latest neveltkM in French, English and American DRESS GOODS. FRENCH PLAIDS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SU1T1NGS.SIDE BANDS, CA3HMERE FOULE, MOMIE CLOTHS, FLAN NEL SUITINGS, Ac, Ac. SILKS, SATUSTS VELVETS. Cloaks' Cloaks! Have just received from New Yerk Import ers a line of Cleakn, Delmaiw ami Jackets in the Latest Style for Ladief and Misses. CLOAKING CLOTHS, Black and Colen, Plain and Fancy, In Larife Assortment. Wc invite examination. J. B. MAETU. & CO. NOVELTIES -FOnTHK- HOMY SEM! Choice Goods at Lew Prices. W-r arc showing the lnrg3t Llim of Decorated French China. hOLtTAIRE SETS. MOUSTACHE COFFEES, SAXON COFFEES, SAXON AND OVIDE TEAS, II. A M. SETS, GRIT SETS, MUGS, TEA SETS, ELEGANT LINE OF FRUIT PLATES AND PLAQUES. MAJOLICA WARE. TEA SETS. OAT MEAL SETS, VASES. TRAYS, COMPORTS, FRUIT PLATES, DESSERT PLATES, BUTTER PLATES, INDIVIDUAL BUTTERS, SUGAKS, , MUGS, PITCHERS OF ALL SIZES AND SHAPES. CUT GLASS. WINE SETS, ICE CREAM SETS, FINGER BOWLS. Ae. Novelties in Gents' and LadlV FURNISHING GOODS. LARGE STOCK OF FLOOR CLOTHS, CRUMB CLOTHS, RUGS, &c. WIVe respectfully solicit ajcall. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER, PA. XURN1TUKM. k M. IN WANT OF A CHRISTMAS PRESENT 1 would respectfully say that new is the time in order te avoid being diippeIntcd te nave your presents ncleeted and put aside, and then when the rush comes a little later you will be jnie eriiavlnjr 3-our present Just when yen de sire. I cordially invite a call te sec my assort ment of HOLIDAY GOODS, Furniture and Picture Frames. WALTER A. in, 18X Eiit Kla Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers