LANCASTER DAILY INTELLlGENCiai. FRIDAY DECEMBER 10, 1830. AX INTERESTING CASK. A Mistaken Father Attempts Illegal Ec Ec Ec coveryef 111 Indentured Child. A case of considerable juiciest te the management of the Children VHe:ae and te parents having children therein, was disposed of by Alderman Barr yesterday. Wm. Nixderf, a widower of the First ward, this city, si peer laboring man, had two children a son and a daughter sent te the Heme. The little girl, about twelve years old, under the rules of the institu tion, was duly indentured te Philip II. Moere, living en the AVabauk read, in Lancaster township. A report reached Nixderf that Moere had beaten the little girl andjetherwise treated her cruelly ; se he went te 3Ioero's te take her away. She was at school at the time, and Nixderf went te the school heuse and took her away. After leading her off for some distance, he wa'i met by Mr. Moere, who insisted en taking the girl back te his home, and after sonic trouble tu?cceded in doing se. He then sued Nixderf under the law which pro vides punishment for these who entice ap prentices te leave their masters ; and Nix- derf sued Moere for assault and battery en the little girl. 1 he cases were heard te gether before Alderman iJarr, and the tes timony showed that Mr. Moere and his wife instead of being cruel te the little girl had treated her with due kindness, provided her with plenty of feed and com fortable clothing and sent her te school as provided for in the indentuic, and that the little girl preferred stryiug with them te going home with her father. The ease of assault and battery against -Mr. Moere was promptly dismissed. Mr. Nixderf acknowledged that he went te the school and took the little girl away after he heard she had been abused, but lie plead ignorance of the law, and said he thought he had a right te take her home. C N. Sproul, esq., who represented both Mr.Moerc and the Heme said theiewas no desire te press the ease against Nixderf, provided he obligated himself te net again interfere with the little girl or attempt te take her away. Nixderf made the neces sary obligation, and the ease him was dismissed. The Heme management have been much annoyed by iuueii.sulcratc parents attempt ing te get their children out of the Heme after they have hecn duly entered there, or in getting them away irem the persons te whom they have been indcniuied. Parents and guardians should understand that after children are admitted te the Heme they will net be dismissed except upon the most satisfactory evidence that they will be as well provided for anil as well educated outside tiie Heme as in it; and that after inmates have been regular ly indentured te learn trades, they must remain with their employers until their term of service expires or until their in dentures have been legally cciicsllcd. On the ether hand employers should bear in mind that they tee are liable te punish ment for ill usage towards their appren tices or for neglecting te strictly fulfil all the terms of their contract as specified in the indenture. Children arc only admitted te the Heme upon the urgent application of parents or upon a showing of some public interest de manding their admission ; but te sever their relation with it at the whim of every unreasonable parent would he highly de moralizing te a well conducted institution. D.lving Accident. Yesterday morning as Mr. Jacob Diehm and wife, of Pcnn township, were en their way te Lancaster, the left, front spindle e f the top buggy in which thev were seated broke entirely elf when neariiigthc school beuse building, in Manheim borough. The horse commencing te kick and run, Mr. Diehm was jerked out of the buggy en te the ground, and at Arudt's store the animal, which had kepten miming, jumped ever the iron railing en te the pavement, demolishing the w.igeu and continuing his course en the pavement up te Prussian street, was caught in front of Mrs. Di.icn derfer's bearding house. The wife and a three-year-old child of William Ruth, who liiad accompanied then, were forcibly thrown en the pavement. Nene of the three, however, is supposed te he seriously injured ; but ene of the horse's hind legs was somewhat lacerated and bruised Oil' ttie Track. At Mcllvain's mil read siding, IJello IJelle IJello mente, yesterday, one of the trucks of a freight car jumped the rail blocking up the south track of the read for half an hour or mere. The accident was caused by a loose wheel. At Glen Lech, yesterday afternoon, a freight car also left the track causing a short delay te passenger and freight trains. Blasting. Blasting rock is of very frequent occur rence, but blasting earth is mere rare. This morning, laborers employed in dig ging a trench te connect a sewer from Senseiiig's new building with the public sewer corner of Duke and Grant streets, found the ground se badly frozen, that it wasse hardjte dig it up with picks, that they attempted te blast it with powder. The attempt was only partially successful, as the blasts expended themselves beneath the frozen crust, and the men finally built aline of lire along the trench ami thus thawed out the frost. Death of an Editor. J. W. Sandee, late editor of the Stras burg Free Press, died at his residence in Strasburg en Wednesday of consumption. Mr. Sandee was a practical printer, arid some years age, in connection with Geerge II. Hand:, established the New Helland Clarien. About three years age he sold his interest in the Clarien and pur chased from Geerge B. Eager the Stras burg Free Press, which he CDiiductcd until about a month age. lie leaves a wife and several young child rcn. Improvement in I.llil.. Isaac F. Bembcrser and Isaac llueh have purchased from 1. G. I'fuut;-, Gl feet of ground fronting en Itread hlieer, adjoin ing the Litltz Springs hotel. The pur chasers will erect thereon two business houses. Mr. Bembcrgcr began operations this week, and will push the work as rap idly as possible. Cutting Ice. A number of ice-merchants, confec tioners, butchers, hotel- keepers and ethers who use large quantities of ice during the summer, are availing themselves of the present cold snap te harvest a supply of ice. On the city reservoir and ponds in the vicinity of the city the ice is almost five inches thick and en the Concstega from three te four inches. Te-day Is Dr. Carpenter's birthday; ami Clare Carpenter's ; and also Christ Cast's; and as we have about 2C, 000 people in Lan caster it is probably the birthday of 70 or 80 mere. But they have net bscn heard from. On Duty. Cyrus D. McCaskcy. telegraph opsrater at the Pennsylvania railroad tower, in this city, has been compelled te lay off for two or three days past, by severe indisposition. He is somewhat better te-day. Reopened. Al. P. Pulmer's billiard room, leepsncd last evening, has been handsomely fitted. Elegant furniture, true t ibles, well kept cues, pictured walls, and uoed liuhr, make it attractive for these wh handle the cue. Mayer' Court. The mayor discharged ene tramp this i morning and gave a drunk 10 days. COLTJMBIA NEWS. OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE The mercury at 12:45 o'clock points te seventeen degrees Black's hotel the spot. There has been a fall of about a feet in the river in the last couple of days. It is new but little, if any, above low water mark. The ice, we guess, is a permanent fixture for the season. The Frederick accommodation train west was fifty minutes late yesterday after noon. Chester Herbert, a seven-year-old school boy, at the Cherry street building, was accidentally knocked down while drinking water at the hydrant yesterday afternoon, and falling en the iron receiving trough, was severely cut en the forehead. The ac cident occurred at recess. Herbert's cut is about three incnes long ana raiuer deep. He was taken home. Council will held its regular monthly meeting this evening. Something will probably be done in the question of mar kets. The east yard at this place was blocked last evening and the Harrisburg accem modatien train west was compelled te run in en the south track. Dispatcher Heclar says a freight tram sacaked men him and dead-locked everything. "We took a walk yesterday afternoon te a point near the St. Charles furnace in search of a geed skating ground, but were unsuccessful in finding a suitable spot. There is plenty of ice, but it is net of the light kind. Lying in the basin and canal near the point mentieued are new fiem twenty te thirty or forty canal beats, all lirmlv held by the ice. Seme of the crews yet held the fort in the cabins. The river, in front of town is again closed. Ice formed last night between the bridge and the dam and is at this writing about an inch thick. It is a very pretty sheet, but is net as smooth as was that of the first freeze. The mercury last night was wholly en the descending scale. The boys complained against by. Dr. Kline, of Chestnut Hill, fordiserderly con duct will be given a hearing te-morrow afcrnoen before Justice Evaus. Kev. I W. Slaley has returned from the Harrisburg conference of the E. E. Luth eran church, held at Millersburg, Dauphin county. The Scheel lluurd Meeting. At last niirht's mcctinjr of the school beard the finance committee presented the following report : Receipts. llalnncc en hand at date of last report. .$ 883 5T, Kcnt te November 23. 3 00 Proceeds of nete renewed . J. W, Steacy, tuition .1. G. Hess, tax collector 1878 .1. U. I less, tux collector 1S79 T. 1J. Dunbar, tax collector rsse 1,484 00 12 00 4 45 isecs 548 57 Total receipts Expenditures. Xete charged Ordcis paid since last report.... .$3,083 -24 ....$1,50!) 00 .... 1,102 1-3 Balance in treasury $ 423 41 A note clue en December G was renewed for full amount for sixty days and the ac tion of the finance committee in making the renewal was approved. Orders were granted for the payment of bills amount ing te $74.08. The rent committee re ported rents all paid for the month of No vember. The meeting hour of the beard was changed from 8 o'clock te 7:30 o'clock p. m. On motion the schools were ordered te be closed en Tuesday December 24, te be reopened en Monday January 3, 1881. The superintendent reported the attend ance of pupils for October and November as fellows : October whole number in attendance males, 505 ; females, COS ; average attend ance during the mouth males, 498 ; fe males, 525 ; percentage of attendance dur ing the month males, 92 i; females, 9-A; percentage of attendance for term te date males, 93 ; females, 9J. November whole number in attendance males, 553 ; females, 582 ; average at tendance during the month males, 477 ; females, 503; percentage of attendance during the month males, 94J ; females, 93 ; percentage of attendance for terra te date males, 94 ; females, 94. The secretary was instructed te request all physicians of the borough that in cases of contagious disease under their attention the parents of same family be cautioned against sending any children te the public schools during the eeutinuauce of the dis ease ; and that said physicians be also re quested te immediately notify the borough superintendent if cases of contagious dis eases ; and further, that no children of a family having any such disease shall be permitted te attend the public schools until the attending physician shall have issued a certificate setting forth that all danger of contagion is past. Upen the recommendation of the finance committee the tax duplicate of 1877 was ordered te be closed upon the payment of $73.02 outstanding taxes by collector Jehn 13. AVisIcr. Adjourned. TUen te Morrlsteirn. Levi Cehen, the insane man who at tempted te kill his brother last week, was taken te the Norristown insane asylum this morning by Superintendent Cox and Steward Breck. Fer thee distressing diseases peculiai te women Day- Kiesky Fad is invaluable. iMffF Amuiementi. M'ilhelmJ Tonight. The great master of the violin, August Wilhclmj, in the attraction at the opera house te-night, anil his natne,itselt a tower of strength in every Intelligent and uiusic-lnving community. Is en this occasion supported by these of Ceestantin Sternberg, the Uussian pianist, and Miss I.etitia Fritch, the celebrated prima denna soprano. Such a galaxy et musical talent has seldom before hone in this community, and our peeple should net permit tills opportunity of a grand musical trcal te pass by unimproved. having becomes a luxury when indulged in daily with Cutieitra Shaving Seap. Coepatra! Her power was retained by leree of personal charms. She led the old "boys" captive whenever nhc talked " pretty" te them and showed her teeth. History should tell us that she used SOZODOXT, but it don't. The -preparation she useil might have had another name then. d-lwdced&w .Mothers never fail te recommend Malt Hit ters as neurishim; and strengthening. SPECIAL XOTMVES. SAMPLE 1HOTICB. It is impossible ler a woman after a faithful course of treatment with Lydia E. IMnkhnnrs Vegetable Compound te continue te sutrer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. FInkbam, 233 Western avenue, Lynn, Mass.,' for pamphlets. Jy29-lydeed&w Victim no Lenger. l!cn. llrust, llersehcads, Chemung Ce.,X. Y., writes : 1 have been a victim te Dyspepsia, in thu worst shape it could attack an English man. I would nit down te enjoy a meal, of something I like ; alter taking a few mouths meuths lul, I would be overcome with a fullness of the stomach, and have te step. I constantly had the Heartburn and Ileaduche.alse a Dizziness. 5Iy mother procured me a bottle of Spring Illnssem ; it cured me ; I can cat a square meal and enjoy it. I never felt better in my life, i'rice 30 cents, trial size 10 cents. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 159 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. Hurrah! for our Side. Many people have lest their interest In poli tics itnd In amusements because they are se out of sorts and run down that they cannot enjoy anything. If such persons would only be wise enough te try that eclebrated remedy K idney Wert and experience its tenie and ren ovating effects they would seen be hurrahing with the loudest. In cither dry or liquid form ills a perfect remedy ler torpid lirar, kldncy or howls. Exchange. Miserableness. The most wonderful and marvelous success, In cases where persons are sick or pining away from a condition of miserableness, that no one knows what ails ihem (profitable patients for doctors), is obtained by the use et Hep Bit tars. They begin te cure from the first dose and keep it up until perfect health and strength is restored. Whoever Is afflicted In this way need net sutler, when they can get Hep Hitlers. See 'Truths'' and " Proverbs" In another column. U 2wd&w Saved from Death. Mm. Jacob Willlsen, Marien, O., says her child was net expected te live, owing te a severe attack of Croup; she tried Dr. Thema-' Eclcctric Oil, which save immediate relief. Mr. C. Clendennen. Marien, O.. used Dr. Thorns' Eclcctric Oil for liunieus ; he says at first start he thought it was like the rest of the advertised humbug-, but was agreeably disap pointed and new would net be without tonic In the house for any money. Fer sale by 11. 1!. Cochran, dreggi-t, 3".7 and 133 North Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. Tens or Grape ami Their L'fcc. It is astonishing te see the large quantity of grapes of the finest quality, and large clusters that are each year mashed up ler wine, at the vineyaids of A. Spc.-r, Passaic, X. J. Mr. Speer buys large quantities of grapes, and also raises the Oporto grape, from which he makes his celebrated wine, without the admixture of alcohol or spirits. This wine N found by care ful analysis te be the beat wine in market for Invalids and debilitated persons. It is called Speer's Pert Grape Wine, and Is sold by drug gists. It is extensively used by churches for tlie communion table. Excellent ter fatigued females. This wine is recommended by I Irs. Alice and Davis, and for sale by II. E. Slay maker. dl-awdAw Hound Tall:. Speaking by signs is never (aloud) allowed : neither are any Impurities ei the llloed allow ed te speak in "the shape of Pimples or Blotches when Spring Iiloeui is taken." Price 50 cents, trial bottles 10 cents. Fer sale bv II. 15. Ce-jhian, druirglst, 1ST and 139Xerlh Queen, Lancaster, Pa. COIIgllS. " Iireivii'x Bronchial Troches" with advantage te alleviate Coughs Sere Threat, Hoarseness and ISrenchial Affection-. Ter thirty years these Treehes have been in use, with annually increasing favor. They uiv net new and untried, but, having been tcded by wide and constant use ler r.varly an entire generation, they ljuvc attained -.veil-merited rank anions the few staple lemcdlesef the age. The llireat. ' Brown's Hi .i- ' ial Treches'1 act directly en the organs ' i. u voice. Tl.ey have an ex traordinary ei.i ! iuall disorder-! nfthoThreat and Larynx, i- -.erii; a healthy tone v. hen rc laxcd. eith'" - mi cold or ever-exert ion of thu voice, and pi ueeaelearaiid distinct enunci ation. tipc,irrxanil8iiijci'xlint the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sore Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect otten etten times results in some incurable Lung !I.-ea-.,e. " Jtrewn's Ittunehial Troches" will almost in varianly give relief. Imitations are offered ier sale, many et which are injurious?. The genu ine "JSreuji's Jtrencltiul Troches"1 are sold only in bete. iiinl.Vlyd&wTu.Th.tS Zl.lVllTAHXS. Stackfek Maktij.-. OntlwtUhef Hecuiubcr, 18s!U, at Screll's Franklin heue, by the Kev. V. T.Gerhard, KliasStauffer te .Mi- Sue Y. Martin, both of East Larl. DEATHS. Sandee. December 8, lt'Se, in strasburg..!. W. Sandee. aged ;!1 years, 1 month and S days. The luiicral will take jilace en Sunday, at 10 o'cleck.from the residence of the deceased, at Strasburg. xew ad veiitisj:mi:sts. GUCAXD HMO KAI-FI.K AT HKNKV r XEAM KR'S SALOON, corner of Orange and Water Streets, en Saturday eveuiiiK nexl. dW-ild PDLMER'S BILLIARD PARLOR. A. 1. FULMKU lias refurnished and relit ted his Ililliard Hull in Centre Square. Kvery thins new: the llnest Cellender Tablet, in the city, jliul evervthliiK added ti make his rooms the most elegant and comfortable in La-.ieaster. Allloverset itiillar.H : cordially invited te call. It'1 -HJ liOTTLK. ajNGWALT'S ',1s the place ler Wine?, Liquor.; and 'Alcohol. Alse, Fresh Groceries very cheap. Se. 2 JT. WEST KlXi; STItEI'.T. the KMreuit'.n ren ueiijiav Pki;s- 1 EXTS. Presents for all at FKKY'S CITY 1MIAKMACY. North Ijiieen, corner Orange street, Lancasler, I'a. An linmeue variety of Toilet Sets. Ladies' and Cents' Companions, LadicV Cabbas, Uussia Leather and Se;il Skin I'ocket-Ueoks, Letter am! Card l'ih;. Fans, Cigar Cases. Sec. Fine Colognes, T.dlel Waters. Cut IJhlss Het tics, &'. -CALL AND EXAMINE. OKPIIANS COfliT SALIC. On FRIDAY, DKCKMHEi: I", INK), pur suant te authority in the last will and testa ment of Jehn Tomlinson. late of Lancaster city, deceased, we the undersigned executers therein will expose te public sale, at the Leepard Hetel, East King htreet, Lancaster eity, the following described properly, late the property of iid Jehn Tomlinson. deceased : Xe. 1. A two-story ISKICIi DWELLING IIOl'SE, Se. 4!) Middle street, a Stene and Ilriek Stable and ether improvements. The let fronts ) feet, mere or ie-s, en Jiidil'e street, and extends lli feet, mom or lc-s, te Leeust street. Se. 2. A two-story IJriefc Duelling lleu-e. Ne. 210 riiim street, with a one-story Ibick Hack Iliiildingand ether improvements. The let lrents If! feet t inches, mere or le-s, en l'lniil street, and extends brjfee!, mere or less, in depth Sale te commence nt 7 o'clock p. in., when attendance will be given and terms" made known by KOIST. FAl.'LDING. ItOIIT. TOMLINSON, R. P. ItewE, Auct. r.xucuteisi, ds-2M VTINE ltAKKHLS CHOICE WHITE GRAPES, FIXE CM'STEItS, i.c. per pound. LOOSE URAPKS, 20c Per Pound. New Paper Shell Aimniids, llnudl Xut, ihig lis.i Walnuts, Filberts, IV.imii Xuts. Shell barks, A. 1,009 pounds of FIUs at U).-. per pound. lWO pounds of PltUX HS : pounds ier 23e. 1,500 pounds et l'UUXES '', pounds for -J e. l.'KK) pounds efaie. IIAIS1XS ler lie. a pound. 1,00.1 CltEAM XUTS at H'e. per pound. 10 Hogsheads of that ELEGANT SYRUP, 121C. PER QUART. 600 Cans XX G.& !!. Tem iters at i-V per Full Weight. BARGAINS AT BUBSK'S, NO. I" nev2Clvtl EAST KING STItnilT. H OLIDAV GOODS. CHINA HALL. I It is an undisputed tact tint the FisfUT axoLap.esst Disr.vvei' HOLIDAY GOODS IX Haviland Decorated China, Majolica Ware, Vase. Cologne Sets, Plain, Engraved anil Cut Glassware, Toys, Lain s, White Decorated Stene China Tea, Dinner and Chamber Sets, at the LOWEST PRICES, Will be found at CHINA HALL, HIGH & MARTIN. 15 EAST KINS STKSET. SETT AJtrEBTISEMEXTS. GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOAKS AND DOLMANS. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY liave made large purchases of these goods JUST OPENED AX HOLIDAY GOODS. Japanese Ware. Chinese Xevcltics, Kioto at LOWEST CITY PRICES. NEW YORK STORE, 8 AND 10 EAST KING STREET. NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. GTODAKEBS EIPOEIUI, LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Silk Handkerchiefs, Lace Ties. But But eons of all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at QTJN DAKER'S. A Full Line of Fancy Articles suitable for a NICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT, offered cheap at GUNDAKER'S. Alse, an inducement in the MILLINERY DE PARTMENT, with a view te closing out the entire Stock. Plush Bennets and Hats offered at a Sacriflce. Plueh and Velvets all Shades, sold cheap. Bennets and Hats in French and "Weel Felts, for 50 and 75c. rf 'Give us a call and examine our GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. EDW J.mSE Manufacturing Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, Things in our Beautiful and Durable Christmas Gilts. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, JEWELRY, HOLD BRONZES, GOLD HEAD CANES, GOLD THIMBLES, SILVER HEAD CANES, SILVER THIMBLES, OPERA GLASSES. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, HAirDKBROHD3P AND GLOVE BOXE3, GOLD BRONZE SMOKING SETS, PINE CIGAR SETS, BACCARET VASES. ALL THESE AXD JIASY MOllK AT ZAHM'S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. In addition the many line and expensive found thu following articles at one dellar: Lace Tins, at ene dollar. Ear itiis at one dollar. Sleeve llultens at oho delhir. Sets of Studs nt one dollar. ' Teeth l'icks at one dollar. Tenc-iN at one dollar. Amongst the articles at Five Dollars Watches at (Ive dollars. Diamond Kings at live dollars. Hrenzes at live dollars. Held Thimbles at live dollars. Ladies' Watch Chains at live dollars. Articles between One and Five Dollars : Casters. Toilet Itelths, Syrup Pitchers, tf Speen Helders. American Clocks, liehl Pens and Helders, Spoons and Ferks, Cake 15iisket, The public are cordially invited te examine our stock of HOLIDAY CiOODS. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO, 4 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. XE IV AD I'EIITISEXEXTS. N te i;i:ase.-;.i:li: erFKK refused. Organs and Pianos. XEW AXD SECOXD- II AXD, at greatly reduced prices. .JUSTUS STUCKEXIIOLZ, Fulton Opera Heuse, Lancaster. deellmdU FLli'i & BREKEMAK. GRAND OPENING OF MS, CHRISTMAS GOODS. larger stock than ever. Lewer prices than ever Every varlet v of Mechanical Toys. DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! BLOCKS AXD GAMES. Horses, Carts, Wagons, sleigh?, Velocipedes and jlicvcles. ; t'SEFFL CHISTMAS PRESENTS. ' i Elegant Carvers.silverplated Knives, Silver plated Speen-, Silver-plated Ferks. The above j goods are ItedgersA llre.'s best goods, bought ' at a sacriiice. and will be sold very le.v. ; HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Tin, fr licet Iren and Weeden Ware at (ireat Bargains. (Ji'cat Stere ami Heater Stere, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. Commencing Saturday, Dec. 1 1th. POSITIVE CLOSING OUT or THE H.L.ZAHM&CO JEWELRY STORE. Ne. SO NOKTI1 OUKKX STKKET. Fine Watches for Ladles and Gents, Key ami Stem Winders in Geld anil Silver, Solid silver and Plate 1 Ware, Sets Ear Kings, Kings, Chains, Necklaces. P.ODGERS BRO.'S i j Knives, Ferks And Spoons. All te be sold without reserve. The Fixtures te be sold at the close of sale, and the Stere will bu Fer Kent from APK1L 1, 18S1. FlJim k Breneus, AMii Auction' WM. MILLAR, dcuMmd PP.OPRIETOU. -:e:- away below manufacturer's price: cent. mere. heap at ELEGANT LINE OF Ware, Thousands of rare and beautiful articles -AT- stock, at Lancaster, Pa. .stock that muhe articles : ilwuys feunii in our stock will be Silver Fruit Knives at one dollar. Sugar Spoons at one dollar. Crcain Spoons at one dollar. Childrcns' Kings at one dollar. Gentlemen's Scarf Tins, at one dollar. Anil a great variety et ether articles. each will be found : Ccutlcnicns' U'aich Chains at live dollar. Fancy Articles in Gerham Plate at live dollars, lieiitiemeus' Ueld Lockets at live dollars. Ladies Geld Lace. Pins at live dollars. Fruit, Dinner and Tea Knives. Xut Picks. Shaving Cup. Berry and Fruit Spoons, Childrcns' and Misses Necklace ISracclcts, Napkin Kings, &e., tc., Ac. EXTEJZTAIXJIEXTS. "I'j'OI.TOX OI'EKA IIOUSI-:. POSITIVELY ONE Nllill T ONLY ! run) ay Erxxixa, dec je. The Musical Event of the Season ! GRAND COMBINATION CONCERT By the following Celebrated Artists: Constantin Sternberg, The Great Russian Pi:uiist. Letitia Louise Fritch, The Chnrming Prima Denna Sopr.we The world-renowned Violin Virtuoso. MAXVOCUJCH, - - - - Musical Director. POPITLAL PKICKS. ADMISSION, r,tt&lSe. KESEKVED SEATS, - - - T.-.cXiSl. Saleet Seats en Tuesday Morning, 7th Inst. The celebrated Weber Pianos used at these. Concerts. deel-titd. F ultex eriritA ueusi:. SATUKDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING DECEMUEK 11th. TIIE GREATEST OF ALL NOVELTIES. Native Palestine ARABS. SELIM IIASIIMI, Discoverer of Livingstone, Manager: THE SHEIK AIJOUDAVEH, (El Ihijalee): TIIE SHEIK YOLSEPII AWDEII, (EI Ramhince): KIIAWADJA YAKOell, (El llalizoezie); KIIAWADJA YAKOOn, (El Ilawect): TIIE SIIEIR MOHAMMED SULIEMAN, (El Malewce); PROF. JAMES KO.-5EDALE. Arab Greetings and Salutations; tlie Feast ing id the Citizensandlicdeuins: Illustrations et Trading Among the iledeuins: ISetretlml and Marriage Ceremonies : an Arub Concert and Sword Dancing: the KcJeuiu Robbers; Religious Riles and Ceremonies, introducing the Famous Hewling and Whirling Dervish from Ragdad. ADMISSION TO MATINEE... CHILDREN EVENING O-Rcserved Seats at Yccker' morning. .."0 ami ::.; ct. 25Cts. .HO and 35 Cts. j en Thursday IS-3HI 31ISVELLAXEO US. C HEAT WESTEKN GUN 1VOICK, Pitts J burgh, Pa. Send stamp for catalogue Rifles, shot guns, revolvers, i-out C. O. D. fe. examination. r iHK ItOAKD OF t::cstei.s OF '111E leatcs Institute desire te ciuulev an as sistant master in their school. Annlicants will call upon Kev. C. F. Knight. D.D., presi dent of the beard, GEOKGE NAUMAN, d.'ctMwd Seerelary.3 Alps! fillaii, TILED EDITION. FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 10, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS", "Washington, Dec. 10. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary or rising fol lowed by falling barometer, and westerly winds, higher temperature, clear or partly cloudy weather. TERRIBLE EXPLOSION. ANOTHER MIXING HORROR. Eighty-Seven Versens Likely rerlsbed. Cardiff, Dec. 10. A great explosion occurred this merni'mr at tha PcnvirnV new colliery, in the Rhondda valley. It is believed that ,87 .persons have perished. Au cxplerius party has just discovered six tccn corpses. Damp and rubbisl im pede the search. The pit is one mile from the scene of the great explosion in Denas colliery, January 15, 1873, when sixty per sons perished. The shock was felt for miles around, the earth shaking as if there were an earth quake. There are also eighteen horses in the pit. The most intense excitement pre vails. All the readj and approaches are thronged with waiting men, women and children and their cries are heartrending. Many volunteers offered te join an ex ploring party, but up te nine o'clock no attempt was made te descend the shaft. There is net the slightest hope of saving any of the men in the pit. Seven corpses have been brought te the surface and many mere have been seen. It has been definitely ascertained that all are dead. JOHN KELLY BEATEN. TheTaimiinny Chieftain ue Lenger Cen-ji roller of the City of; Mew Yerk Allen Campbell Confirmed. Xew Yerk, Dec. 10. Allen Campbell has just been confirmed comptroller, vice Jehn Kelly. Stormy Proceedings In the Heard of Alder men. Xi:w Yerk, Dec. 10. Mayer Cooper .sent te the beard of aldermen te-day the name of Allen Campbell te be comptroller in flie place of Jehn Kellr. Alderman Pcrley moved te confirm and Alderman Kirk moved te amend by referring te a committee. Debate ensued. During the progress of the vote en the amendment Alderman Houghten voted in favor of it because he said the mayor had net consulted the Democratic members of the beard. When the name of Alderman Saner was called he said Allen fe'ampbcll was an unscrupulous man and denounced the statement that Tammany hall had af iilial:i with the Republican party for any nomination. Campbell was confirmed Jby a vote of 13 te 8. The beard of alderman is composed of 9 Tammany Democrats, 1 anti-Tammany Democrats and G Republicans. ItUM AND BAD WOMEN. What Drought William Gray te the Hcaneld Tlii Morning. SiiEitmtoeK, Quebec, Dec. 10. William Gray, convicted of the murder of Themas Mulligan, was hanged this morning at 8 o'clock. The prisoner slept well last night and ate a hearty breakfast. On the scaffold he spoke in a strong voice, asserting his innocence of murder. He said his only crime was in stealing ar ticles belonging te the murdered man which were found in his possession. He advised all young men te avoid rum and bad women, saying ib was these two evils which had brought him te the gallows. CONGRESS. The IVi:slen mil In the Dense. Washington, D. C, December 10. The appropriations committee reported the pension appropriation bill and it was ordered printed. It appropriates $48, 000, 000 for army pensions, 81,000,000 for navy, and $'i00.000 for surgeons, etc. The Senate concurrent resolution as te counting the electoral vote was then called up, but the Heuse seen afterwards went into committee en the private calendar. Ctithellc Church Burned. reTTsvn.LE, Dec. 10. The Catholic church at Xew Philadelphia was destroyed by fire this morning caused by a defective ilue. Less, 81,500; fully insured. Failure of a CofTec Importing Heuse. Xew Yerk, Dec. 10. The coffee im porting heuse of Bewie, Dash & Ce., re cently in the syndicate with Arneld &Ce., suspended te-day. Ne statemen of liabili ties. Mern juaklug at A gram. Vienna,, Dec. 10. A shock of earth quake occurred at Agram, Croatia, en Wednesday night. Ne serious damage. Fifty iMilllenn for Pensions. Washington, Dec. 10. The Heuse ap propriations committee this morning acrccd te report the pension appropriation bill te the Heuse te-day. The bill appro priates e."io,eooooo. SSO.OOO Werth or Sauce. St. Lefis, Dec. 10. The pickle and tabic sauce factory and wareroema of Ycaruall Bres., North Main street, was damaged try fire last night te the extent of $30,000. r'utally Burned. Portsmouth, X. II., Dec. 10. Nathan Weeds, burned in the Kearsarge mills fire last week, died this morning. Court Heuse and Recerd Burned. Cincinnati, Dec. 10. The court house at Andersen, Ind., burned this morning. All thu court records were destroyed. lire at Versailles, Ky. Cincinnati, Dec. 10. A fire at Ver sailles, Ky., this morning, destroyed 15 buildings. Departing Frem the Doctrine of the Fathers. New Yerk Sun. When the fathers of the constitution were framing that instrument, it was pro posed te confer en the chief executive of the nation some high-sounding title, uch His Highness or His Majesty. But the sturdy statesmen of the Revolutionary period re jected the preposition, and decided that he should have no royal haudlc te his name, but should be called simply The President. Mr, Hayes has departed from the spirit of the Fathers, and has been cudgelling his bruin te suggest some new title for the already much-titled Grant. Already a new military rank and title higher than a ny bestowed upon Washington have been created for the special benefit of Grant. The next thing te be expected is an am bitious party in American politics boldly proposing te confer, the title of Emperor upon Grant, carrying with it Imperial pew- mm ier uic aim alter ins death te his eldest son. On the question of conferring a new title en Grant it is te he hoped the Democracy will present a united front in opposition. It is net the trifling matter the Jlenubl:- Cans Would fhln miln ; ......-.. !.... .-. dangerous stride toward imperial i'lr.iitr.-tiens. MAJtKETS. t'tUladeiptiia aiarm.i. .MmttMiiA. Dec. 10. Fleur m.-.rket dull but price unchanged, owing te ZYS rsuperllne at 5 25SJ 7u extraat f350'-, ohie !n' Indiana twullyssw 6 25; Penn'a tamilr- ft". iw. - . s,. , ..?: SSHXt?631' MiniM-seta ramtlrW-ritfitoe: TS,"t?1.ut;.w,iJ,;50: Winter patent $'.&. 7 25 ; Spring de $7 WS -,. ' Kye flour dull at JO -.a. Wheat unsettled and dccliiiin;' : Ne ' wniiuHiimi weaic: steamer. at .'.:.: vol vel vol lew, ehl,59C;:ncw,5;c; inixud. new, .viv; old, Uats quiet and easier ; Ne. 1 White R-.u Sde4c; Ne. 3 de 4ClSc; Ne. Z Mixe. -it 4ec. Bye quiet ; Western a".e; Penn'a 'Av. Previsions quiet, but steady ; iiits r.erh old, $13 50; new, $15 i; beet' at SIS mi Ola SO; Indian beef $17 .'.!); R.icen meked shoulders Jftfttic; Nil: de. old. :.i. v -new, Hc; smoked hams y'...fl0J.;e: m.-kuu Lard steady ; city kottie- at ;tl: ,; : :, no butchers' SJic; prime steam S'ft'A Cutter quiet aside from VdrU-tlv choice : Creamery extra ."5iS:i;c : de nod te e'lieic s-wi 34c; 15. C. and N. V. extra JSI.-Mij : Western reserve extni2:a2ie: de kihmI t Ldiok-e ;sfc.':).--Kells nrm ter cheice: IVnu'u l'trsi il.'-'ie Western Kcserve extra 2-'-.'.". Eggs llrm with eoediuquirv for fie.h ; '; 32c ; VVcstui r 3i!31e. Cheese market dull and prier weal. New Yerk in!! cream at n.Jls'.'c.; Western" full cream at l-J'.c: de n. ,.,.,.;i .,, liable: de hall sUiin- uud Penn'a. skimat lOlOJic. Petroleum llrm ; refined at !l re. Whisky at $1 ltf. Seeds Geed te prime clever 'dull at .-7 CO 6750; Timethy nothing dem-c; I'laV-red neuiin:Uat f 1 M. New Yuri; .llnraci. Sum Vekk. Dec. 10. flour-State and West ern In buyer's favor, light twperi and Jobbing trade ;SunertIiic state J IUf'-liii:i-AtiadeTi i.n 64 70; cliolcedei$fstif7r. in; l.mev de at $.15650; renflll hoop Ohie ti TO.". .".(. choice ileat $35596 S3; supc.une itcster:i :::..?: isl; common te geed e.vti-a de t H)ti 1 7."; ehnlcu de 5 M)3G 73 ; cheU.i white de f" in 6C 00 ; Southern did. ; comiiien te lair e.tra f5 00ii550; iretI te clioice def" .(lli; 73. Wheat Winter Ked a ca.-ir; While a trifle firmer, quiet ; Ne. 1 White, .Ian.,: i-t'..a 1 18; ;de l-'cb.,$r.'l ; Ne. 2 ited, .lau. .! -.ll'Ti-,) l2Hji;de Feb.. $1 ial 2.";rt ; d.. .Vhiuh ,1 i."... Cern dull, without deeiM-d ehun-e;,". western 8pet.53iW3SJie: de lutur.-. M.f.vie. Oats dull; Statu 1 1& i:ie ; Western i-Ie!-". Stock JMaruct. NlW VeIlK STOCK3. Stocks lrreeuiar. Oeeember i:. v. si. r. 51. 1: M. A. M. A. M. ie.:; iiri im i:ie Meney ErieK. It. Michigan . & L. S... Michigan Cent. It. 1C Chicago A N.W Chicago, M & St. P.. liUA 121.; iii-' .113); .lis .110 . 41 iuaj 1 11.1.1 11 li-J l is: 111:1 r.: tii; : 4:; " 42.: laji 3 llr.i i M 4J-'i 31:5 I'j'i VX'C S1K s-; Ml'. I2'i nun. X St..!. Cem " " P'ld... Teledo A Wabash... Ohie A Missisdppi... St, Leuis, I. M. A S. K. Ontario and Western CCA I. CMC. U New Jersey Central., Del. A Hudsen Canal - '"If 2TZ :ii!., Vsji .41! SlJi ie; . 7S.: w'i : ;. Dcl.,l4ick..t Western!!):; lei.'.. lf Western Union Tel... 5Sl $1 Ni' racinc man . s. co -it'i Union Pacific. ll7K hJi H'. Kansas A Texas i.l 4- H .. Ill .. 111; .. 113 - 12l?i . lii'.-. . 1:1; " New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland A Pitts Chicago A Keck I Pittsburgh A Ft. W American U.Tel. Ce PniLADKLrniA. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania K. U.... r.i-ii Pliil'a. A Heading..... 2IJH Lehigh Valley r7 Ijeliigh Navigation... Xi!, Northern Paeitic Cem iUHS rd-i 212-k 57 : IV. 112 2 P'd KV, k:v. 1752 B.2 PIttS.,TItiisv'eA It... Northern Cental! .... Pliil'a A Krie It. It... Northern Pen n'a . . . . , Un. It. It's of N. J Ilestenville Pass Central Trans. Ce..... r.'r. ir.'A mi mi IBJ5 20 mi 47 -ji JS-I- EOK SALE Oi: JCEXT. PU1SL1C SALE OF KKAI. KSTA'lr:. ON FKIDAY, DECKMIIKU'ilth, l.s.S., the undersigned will sell nt publie sale, at Urn Susquehanna Hetel, in Washington borough, the following described real estate: A l-'raim: mVELLIKU IIOUS K and Let of Cieunil.sil uatcd en Mill Htreet, in -said borough, ( l.ewcr Ward). Tliree Leta of Creiiud, m led 1 1011 1. and 1W) feet deep, fronting en itaphe met Hemplleld streets (Upper Ward), in said bor ough, all known as the Allisen iirnpefly. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. 111.. v. lieu terms will be made known by IIKN.IAMIN WKItTZ. Executer of Jacob AIINit'i, dee'd. 17-lwdA3tw A VALUABLE CITY HLSIMISS ri::)i'::i: TY AT PKIVATE OK PU III.IC hALK. That two-story brick and stem: bewse, stores and dwellings, situated Nes. is; and ia Kast King street, Lancaster. Let 27 feet Irnnt bv 150 feet f 11 depth, mere or less. Tin: Hist deer front Is divided Inte two eligible store rooms. The basement Is floored uiid piaster' d. Thu dwelling has eight rooms, villi lai-e garret and dormer windows. Out-biiildiiigs and fruit In the yard, with right te slseet sewer and te party wall en tin; nest. If net previously sold nt private sale, the above property will beeileii-d alpiihlie ale en Monday, December 1.1, 1N). Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. 11:., at tin: Leepard Hetel, when conditions will he maile known by JAM LH HI. CK. Hesrt Sccucirr, Auct. !2-1sd The errtnui at im VATKsalethat two-story IlltlCIC l WELL ING HOUSE witli two-story Ilriek llack Hiiild lng, situate lit Ne. 42Seuth I.iuiit stieel. Tin: heuse fronts 19 feet, and let extends i.i depth 193 feet te Zieii Lutheran church. The house. has been recently papered throughout; there are seven large rooms with gas in every room In the house, and water in t!a: kitchen, 'in tie; let are choice varieties of fruit trees !id a fine grape vine. On the seut h side of t he house la an alleyway for the cxrliisiv-; u-;enl'thU property. Possession given April I, ls-l. ir net sold at private sale the above prepertv will be offered at puhliesuie. at tin: Leepard hotel, en Saturday evening. Hcrembcr ih. P-se, at "o'clock. PHILIP lieKfb-OM. dcci-:i;td PUBLIC SALE. On SATUKDAY EVKNINC, HKCKJttlEli 11, 18S0, will be sold at the Fountain Inn hotel, that valuable two-sten' (trick Iiwelling, witli two-story lirick lliiclc Jhiiiding, Ne. sir. south Prince ntrect, containing entry, open r.lalrs, liarler, dining-room and kitchen en lloer. The second-story has lour 100ms urn! j -antry. with three closets and summer kitchen, 11x1 J feet, with fl re-place and bake-eveu. 1.1.01! cis tern and well of water, grape vines and yard nlcelv fixed; gas pipes in five apartments. Let 20x117 feet te a (Meet common alley. Persons wishing te sec the properly can de se by calling en the premises en the under signed. Sale te commence . it 7 o'eleek p. 111. of said flay when terms of ea!e will bu made known by GEO Itch YEISLEY. U. SHCBzrrr, Auct. . d!-7td WASTED. WANTED A COOK. Xerth Duke Street. APPLY ,iT !:e ltd WANTED A GOOD GlItL. APPLY AT Ne. 27 West Chestnut street. ltd 1.H.GIN TYATCIIES. ALL STILLS. GOLD, !j Silver and Nickel, VI te 130. Cliatn-, etc., sent C. O. D. te be examined. Wi i;c ter cata logue te Standard American Watch Company. Pittsburgh, Pa. TAKE NOTICK TUAT ALL TJiK OUT Standing and unpaid city tux ler the year 1U80, new In the hands et the collectors ei the several wards, must be paid en or betere WEDNESDAY. TUE29TH DAY Of DECEM BER. A. D.. 18SO, as immediately alter that date the same will be placed In the hand et the city solicitor ter collection. deet-ttd TURNPIKE ELECTION. An lectien will be held ON MONDAY, tneSddayef JANUARY l?el,ut tin: heu-c of Jehn B. Shelly. Mount Jey. between the hour Of 11 anfl 12 o'clock, for a President. Ten Man agua and Treasurer of the Lancaster, Hllxu Hllxu betntewn and Middletown Turnpike Itead. J. M. LONG, Treasurer. d7-Jtdeaw SAUERKRAUT LUNCH TO-NIGHT. Oi.'I manSauer Kraut lrem Ne.v .leisc.- and Irish KartetTel and Western Perk TO-NK.IIT at the Trcment Heuse, Ne. l.VJ North (Juteu Street. Wacker's Laser Leer. lt Jehn scjieni:i:i:ui:u.