LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGCEE. THUBS0AY DECEMBER 9, igSGL COURT OF O.UAKTKR. SESSIONS. The December Adjourned Term. Wednesday Afternoon. In the case of the cem'thvs. C. C. Scbnader, charged with selling liquor te miners, counsel ad dressed the jury. Ceth'th -vs. U. U. Ceble, accessory te larceny after the fact, three cases ; lar ceny, one case. In thelarceny case the de fendant was charged with stealing a quan tity of cigars, soap and drugs from the store of Dr. Blaugh, of Elizabethtown. He was charged with being accessory after the fact te the larceny of a fly-net and whip from David D. Courtney, a set of harness from Abraham Heisey and a blanket and whip from Jehn Hertzler. The defendaut is a stone-cutter and re sides in the borough of Elizabethtown. Allen Ceble, his younger brother, who was working for him, plead guilty te all the above cases of larceny- By the testimony for the commonwealth it was shown that en the night of Decem ber 13, 1879, the drug store of Dr. H. K. Blaugh was entered and robbed. A let of soap, patent medicines, brushes, hair pins, &c, were stolen. Seme days before New Years', 1880, the etore was again entered and a let of candy and cigars stolen. In February or March Dr. Blaugh received a postal card which stated that he could find his goods in a weeds near the town. The doctor went te the place designated and found most of the goods. On August 18th last the defendant told the doctor that he had sent him the pos tal card. lie also told him that his bro ther had stolen the goods and that they had taken them te the weeds, thinking that was the best place te put them ; en the same day the doctor found some cigars and candy in II. U. Ceble's shop. Allen Ceble confessed that he stele the goods. The defendant told one witness that Allen had stolen the goods and that he (defend ant) had sent a postal te the doctor ; he also said that they (meaning himself and father) intended paying Mr. Blaugh for the damage sustained. Several witnesses were examined in re gard te the accessory cases, but they were unable te connect the defendant with them. The commonwealth thereupon abandoned thci.i. "Allen Ceble was then called for the de fense. He stated that he committed all of these larcenies himself without aid from his brother or any one else. The goods which he took from Dr. Blough's store he had put immediately in the hay mew, but afterwards put them in his room, which he kept locked and te which lus brother did net have access. His brother finally discavcic.l sonic lozenges i his pocket and he (the witness) confessed te him. The defendant then wrote te Dr. Blaugh, and that evenins the goods were taken te the weeds. Defendant knew nothing of the affair until witness con fessed. The district attorney said that he thought there was tee much doubt in the case te ask for a conviction. The court was of the same opinion, and the jury was instructed te render a verdict of net guilty. Thursday Morning. In the case of C. C. Schnader, charged with selling liquor te miners, the jury returned a verdict of " guilty, with county for costs, and a rec ommendation of mercy te the court." The court told the jury that they could net impose the costs upon the county when they found the defendant guilty. The counsel for the defense then asked that the jury be polled. The first one who was asked what verdict he wanted te render, replied, '.' Net guilty." An explanation was then made by the court in regard te what polling the jury meant, and all the jury answered "guilty with a recommen dation of mercy. ' ' A motion for a new trial will be made in the case. Daniel R. Dener aud Adam Freclieli, supervisors of East Lampeter township, were charged with neglect of duty, in al lowing the refuse from the tannery of Jacob S. Shiik, near the Bird-in-hand, te flew out into the gutter along the public read. This gutter forms a water course and it runs through the properly of Henry Keen, after it leaves the read, te Mill crccck The water or refuse from the tannery, it is alleged, causes a nuisance by the stench te the public, and especially te Henry Keen, whose property it passes through, and who is the prosecutor in the case. The waste from the tannery reaches the gutter through an under ground pipe. A number of witnesses testified that they passed along the read during the summer mouths; they found the gutter full of grown weeds, filth, and lime from the tannery ; the smell was very obnoxious aud it was with great difficulty that horses could be get by it. After the testimony for the common wealth closed the defendants counsel argued that there could be no conviction as a tauuery is net a nuisance per sc. This point was argued en both sides and the court reserved their decision until this afternoon. The case of Jehn Miller, charged with surety of the peace, was dismissed at the cost of Gee. Bertzfield, the prosecutor, who failed te appear. All the jurors except these impanuclled in the neglect of duty case were discharged ' for the week, as that is the last case for trial. Thursday Afternoon. This afternoon when court met Judge Patterson decided that the indictment in the case of Daniel R. Dener, et al., charged with neglect cf duty, could net be sustained. A verdict of net guilty was taken, with county for costs. The surety of the peace case against Careline Greene was dismissed. Verdict ter the Defence. In the case of Hanover Junction & Susquehanna raihead vs. Michael Moere, which has been en trial before Judge Liv ingston for some days past, the jury Ircn dercd a verdict in favor of the defendant. They were out seventeen hours and agieed at 2 o'clock this morning. Smothered In lie.!. On Wednesday morning an infant daughter of Augustus Brayman aud wife, of 3Ieunt Jey, aged seven weeks, was found dead in bed between its parents, having been suffocated during the night. Dr. J. P. Zieglcr was hurriedly sent for with a hope that the child might be re suscitated, but it was tee late. Deputy Corener Henry Kurtz was notified aud empaneled the following named jurors te held an inquest : Clerk of Orphan's Cenit Jehn H. Zcller, Justice of the Peace Rebert McFadden, cx-Corenor Alex Dysart, Constable James Deaaghy, Abra ham Strickler and Jacob R. Grissingcr. Frem the testimony it appeared that the mother, Mrs. Brayman, nursed the child at about half-past 'eleven o'clock Tuesday night aud then went te sleep, net awaking again until 4 o'clock Wednesday morn ing, when she discovered the child lying between her and its father dead but quite warm, having unquestionably been acci dentally smothered. The jury rendered a verdict of death from accidental suffoca tion. Supposed Burglar Shet. On Tuesday night a man who was sup posed te have had criminal intentions was seen prowling around the house of Adam Flettcrer, en Lafayette street. Heat tempted te get into the house through the shutter, but he was seen by Mr. Flettcr cr's mother, aud he was frightened off. Last night Fletterer resolved te watch for the mau. Between 10 and 11 o'clock the stranger was seen coming into the yard. Flettcrer was watching him, but the man caught sight of him and started te run. Fletterer had a leaded gun in his hand and he fired a shot at the stranger who es caped without being hit. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUK REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE The Charlette Thompson company left here for Lancaster at 1 o'clock te-day. The mercury is yet below the freezing point. The ice dealers about here are all getting ready te cut ice. They are the lucky fel fel levs who have their houses near the bridge. Amy Stene is booked for the opera . home. Anether drawback te the tobacco strip ping. The farmers want damp weather. Mar.tet this morning was net very geed. The Pennsylvania railroad company have commenced laying the new platform in front of the depot. Miss May Fisher, of Yerk, is visiting Miss Flo Patten. Last night was unquestionably the cold est we have had this year. At 7:30 o'clock this morning the mercury was yet down te ten degrees. The Citizens' band of this place will go te the Mountville band fair te-morrow. They will "buz" it down. W. B. Given, esq., is visiting at Phila delphia. Rev. F. W. Staley, pastor or tue JS. a. Lutheran church of this place, has been at Millcrsburg, Pa., since Monday in at tendance at the Harrisburg conference of the church. The Women's foreign missionary se ciety of the M. E. church met yesterday afternoon in the church parlors. Contractors Upp and Black have had a force of men employed since Thursday of last week, en C. B. Grubb's land, just east of town, where the Pennsylvania rail road company purpose laying a track te connect with their main line at a point some distance below and with the several sidings.and main tracks in the east yard at this'place. A geed performance was presented in the opera house last evening by the Char Char eotte Thompson company, in " The Plan ter's Wife." The audience was net .as large as expected. The Columbia school beard will held its regular monthly meeting this evening, in the aliech library room 01 tlie Uuerry street public school building. The request of the teachers te have a two weeks' vaca tion, extending from one week before Christmas day te the New Year, will come up and be acted upon and some de cision will probably be reached as te whether or net the teachers shall be paid before the holidays. The diphtheria ques tion may also be taken up. A. O. Baker, master mechanic at the Pennsylvania railroad shops at this place, has just received from Altoenaa "test pump," with which the boilers of the Frederick division engines are being test ed. This is something entirely new in Columbia and it is worthy of remark only en that account. It will be returned te Altoeua as seen as the engine boilers have been inspected. Farmer Gallagher, residing about five miles from Mount Jey, came te market ' this morning. In coming here he wonder ed why his herse, usually a quiet beast, persisted in running at a breakneck speed down all the hills and why he (Gallagher) could net held the horse. When he hitched his horse here he found that he had driven him here all the way without a bit in his mouth. That explained the mystery. Shifting engine Ne. 441 arrived here from Altoeua yesterday and is being put together in readiness for service te-day. It is destined te take the place of shifter 3G4, which has been iu service here for many years and which will be sent te Philadel phia for agcueral overhauling. It is con sidered likely that the latter engine will be sent te Alteena and cut te pieces. Engine 141 is just out of the shops. Notwithstanding the very cold weather of last night the river between the bridge and the dam is yet clear of ice. A cover ing of ice formed last night along the Wiightsville shore, hue en this sirfe of the river th;re is none te Dc seen. Masonic Statistics. At the annual session of the Grand Ledgo F. and A. M.f of Pennsylvania, and of the Hely Royal Arch Chapter of Pennsylvania, the Grand Secretary re re peitcd, the following statistics of the Grand Ledge, Grand Chapter and Mark ledges : Total number of ledges, December 27, 1878, 377 ; instituted iu 1879, 1 ; warrant of ledges (Ifes. 407 aud 480) vacated, 2 ; number of ledges at present, 387. Num ber of members as per last report, in 1879, 33, S79 ; deduct 55 from ledgo Ne. 480, warrant vacated, and 45 from ledge Ne. 418, suspended for want of returns, jeaves 35,775 ; corrections since last report 111 va rious returns, 20 ; total, 35,775. Members admitted in 1879, 390 : initiated in 1879, 912 ; together, 1,308 ; grand total, 37,103 ; resigned, suspended and died, 2125 total number of members, December 27, 1879, 34,978. Of Chapters the number of members, December 27, 1878, was 10,129 ; admitted during 1879, 49 ; marked, etc., in 1879, 325 ; total, 10.503 ; resigned, suspended aud died, 1879, 540; total number of members en December 27, 1870, 9,957. The number of members of Mark Ledges, December 27, 1878, was 1,963; resigned, suspended and died in 1879, 122 ; members at present, 1,841. Total number of Chapters, December 27, 1879, 103 ; of Mark Ledges, 3. - m m- - -- Walking Match. On Friday and Saturday of next week a walking match will take place in Roth Reth weilcr's hall between Charles Miller, Gee. Kautz and Frank Schied. The match will begin en Friday evening at 5 o'clock and end en Saturday night at 11. Each man will put up $10 and the winner will take the whole. It will be a square-heel-and-tee walk and Miller will give each of the ether contestants a start of 5 miles. The room 111 which tup match Trill take place llltO UVAB IllbaOUIXiU 1SU IV 114M WU OObVl taincd that it requires 36 laps te the mile instead of 30, as heretofore supposed. r. It. It. Freight Depot. The old house en the west side of North Queen strrcet, just above the railroad alley, between. Chestnut and Walnut, has been entirely tern away and its cellar filled up nnd the Pennsylvania railroad company will seen lay sidings out te the street. The wonder of it is that the com pany does net at once build, at the site which it owns with such an extent of frontage, a commodious freight depot fitted for its trade here and which would be a sightly affair. Slight IfVrecks. Ycstciday afternoon as an eight-wheel car, leaded with coal, was being shifted at the yard of Cehe & Wiley it was run ever the end of the trestle work, ?hich is about eight feet high. The truck was brekeu from the body of the car, but; no ether damage was done. This morning a loadedcoal car jumped the track en the trestle work at Baum gardner &Co.'sceal yawl at the Reading depot. The damage was alight. wceb Balr's W11L The will of the late Jacob Bair has been probated. It provides that the interest of $2,000 shall be paid te his mother annually se long as she lives, and that at her death the principal shall go te his widow. All the rest of his estate, real and personal, is devised te his widow. His estate ag gregates about $23,000. Venison. Yesterday Sir. Mortimer Malene, of this city, received a line large deer from a friend in Bellefonte. It was divided by Mr. Malene among his friends, who arc te-day enjoying rare venison. Anether Celd Snap. Succeeding the slight snow of yesterday morning, came another cold wave, and the thermometer fell rapidly until this morning at sunrise it mirked from 7 te 10 degrees below zero, according te the greater or less exposure. The Conestoga creek and ether neighboring streams are again solidly covered with ice. As tue water 01 tue Conestoga is quite muddy the ice new forming will net be very desirable for cut ting. The Willow Street rostefflce. There has been contention in Willow Street for a long timd whether the post pest office should be kept at S. F. Gall's store or A. G. Bemberger's hotel. Bemberger has had- it aud new he hears that after several ineffectual attempts Gall has finally been appointed te succeed him. Bemberger is looking for somebody te run against Heir Smith for Congress. Anniversary et the Pioneer Literary Society. The eighth anniversary of this society will be held in Pioneer hall, West Done Dene gal township, en Friday evening, Decem ber 10, exercises te commence at 7 o'clock. The honorary oration will be delivered by William D. Weaver, esq., of this city. Prof. D. S. Clemens, will take part in the musical part of the pregramme. Better Railroad Facilities. Complaints continue, and as the holiday trade quickens they accumulate, regard ing the insufficiency of the. present early day passenger accommodation en the Reading & Columbia railroad north and the Pennsylvania read cast of this city. What is wanted en both reads is a train reaching this city about 8 h a. m. Busi ness ! Salt Brought. City Solicitor Laudis this morning di rected the prothenotary te issue summons in trespass en the case in the suit of the city of Lancaster vs. Edward Welchans, city treasurer te recover $1717.81 said te be the balance due the city by the treasurer for city taxes aud water rents for the years 1877, 1878 and 1870. lyes Burned. James Wincrrd, who beards en Chest nut street near Plum and is employed as a rougher en Mm .small mill at the Penn iron works, had Ips eyes badly burned, en Tues day by a fin mi from the rolls. Lie was re moved te his home where he was attended by a physician. In the Hayinarkct. Twe leads of lmy steed in'Centre square te-day waiting for a purchaser at $24 per ten. Amusements. Charlette Thompson Te-night. 1a.t accom plished artiste, JUss Charlette Thompson will appear at Fulton epcr.i liouse te-night in J. K. Tillotson's new comedy-drama of " The Planter's Wife." She Is an actress of ackneu I edged talent and reputation and brings with her a company that is very highly spoken el by the newspapers of the cities in which the piece has been given this season. Sternberg-FrUch-WUKcUnJ. This great trio of musicians will appear at the opera house to morrow night, and ought te he greeted with large audience. Sternberg is the Russian pianist who captivated New Yerk with his performances; Miss Fntch is a vocalist et acknowledged power, and Wilhclinj, the won derful virtuoso of the violin, is known by rep! utatien in all civilized communities. A Troupe of Real Arabs. On Snturduj attcr attcr attcr noen and evening a troupe of Aiabs will ap pear in the opera house. The Bosten I'er.t says of them: ''The troupe consists of six Arabs, who are Ishmuclitc3 ami Edeihitcs, nnd one woman, who is a Jewess, and quite hand sonic. Five of the men are Christians. They exhibited the native salutations nnd thu na tive customs in trading, marrying, robbing and praying. Their singing is u;chant in an unfinished miner key ; their reed gives a sound like a bagpipe anil their singing is most gro tesque. The whirling dervish wears n green jacket and a red skirt. He begins te turn with his arms folded en Ids brea3t, then, with his hands raised te the head, aud llnally extended straight out. He turned rapidly en one toot, propelling hiniselt with the ether, for live minutes, aud it was said he could keep It up ler hears." Buy only the genuine if you v. nuld 00 etned. Pret. Gnltmctte's French Kidney Pad h.i been sscd In France ter the past ten yean ler all diseases et the kidneys. Prevent weakness and degeneration et kidneys and urinary organs Malt Hitters. lie Cleopatra 1 Her power was retained by force of personal charms. She led the old "boys" captive whenever she talked " pretty" te them and showed her teeth. History t-heu!! tell us thai she used SOZODONT, but it don't. The pre paration she used might have had another name then. dfi-lwdeed&w The queen of medicinal fragrant Cuticura. aud toilet sO:p, thu HVEVlAh XOTlVr.!t. SAMl'LK I4UT1CE. It is impossible ter a woman after a fcithiul course of treatment with I.ydia E. Pink ham 'a Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness of the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. I.ydia E. Pinkliam, 2,1" Wcstei 11 avenue, Lynn, Mass., ter pamphlet". JyHMydcedXw Mlserableness. The most wonderful and marvelous success. In cases where persons arc sickerpinlngawuy from a condition of miscrableness, that no one knows what ails them (profitable patients for doetors), is obtained by the use et Hep let ters. They begin te cure from the first de?e nnd keep it up until perfect health and strength is restored. Whoever is afflicted in this way need net suiter, when they can get Hep Bitters. Sec "Truths"' and "Proverbs" in another column. il COUgllR. "Ureicn's Bronchial Trcehcs'' arc used with advantage te alleviate CeuglH. Sere Tin eat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Aflectiem-. Fer 4 111 . Ilin. ik TenAlin., li.i.. l.n... it. .-.. With annually Increasing favor. They ai net new nnd untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they iiave attained well-merited rank among the few staple rcmediesnf thejige. The Tlireat. ".Brctm' Jlrenchial Tracfies'' act directly en tiie organs efthe voice. Ti.ey have an ex t raerdinary effect in all d iserders of t lie Tli rout and Larynx, restoring a healthy lone w hen re laxed, cither lrem cold or over-cxertlen of the voice, and produce a clearand distinct enunci ation. Speakers anil Singers find the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh 01 Sere' Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect ollen ellen times results In some incurable Lung Disease. " Itr ewiVs Bronchial Troches" will almost in variably give relief. Imitations are offered f or sale, many et which are injurious. The genu ine "Jireun's Bronchial Troches" are sold only in hexex. anlMyd&wTu,TliS Hurrah! for our Side. Many people have lest their interest in poli tics and in amusements because they are te out of sorts and -run down that they cannot enjoy anything. If such persons would only be wise enough te try that celebrated remedy Kidney Wert andexperience its tonic aftd ren ovating effects tbey would seen be hurrahing with therleudest. In either dry or liquid form it is a perfect remedy ler torpid liver, kidney or bowels. Exchange. Tens of Giapcs and Their Use. It Is astonishing te sec the large quantity of grapes of the finest quality, and large clusters that are each year mashed up ler wine, at the vineyatds of A. Specr, Passaic, V. J. Mr. S peer buys large quantities of grapes? and also, raises the Oporto grape, from which he makes his celebrated wine, without the admixture of alcohol or spirits. This wine is found by care lul analysis te be the best wine in market for Invalids and debilitated persons. It is called Speer's Pert Grape Wine, and is sold by drug gists. It is extensively used by churches for the communion table. Excellent ler fatigued females. This wine is recommended by Drs. Atlccand DavK and for sale by II. E. Slay maker. xmw AJtrxmxaxxEirTa. GREAT SLAUGHTER IN CLOTHING. GRATSnTMAEK DOW AT CuWTEE HALL. Will be sold In sixty days TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH of HEAVY WINTER CLOTHING, Without regard te cost New is yeur time te secure a geed Suit et Clothing for very little money, Ready-made or Made te Order. OVERCOATS IN GREAT , VARIETY, Fer Men. Youths and Beys. Men's Dress Suits, Men's Business Suits, Youths' Suits J n every style. Bev' Clothing, a very Choice Variety. tfjf none tan iu cau anu secure some 01 MYERS & "e. IS EAST KLXG STREET, EDW J. Manufacturing Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, Things in our stock that make Beautiful and Durable Christmas Gifts. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, JEWELRY, . GOLD BRONZES, GOLD nEAD CANES, GOLD THIMBLES, SILVER HEAD CANES, SILVER THIMBLES, OPERA GLASSES. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES, GOLD BRONZE SMOKING SETS, FETE CIGAR SETS, BACCARET VASES. ALL THESE AND MANY MORE AT ZAHM'S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. In addition the many line and expensive articles always found in niiu -deck will be found the following articles at one dollar Ixce Pins, at one dollar. Ear Rngs at one dollar, fclcove ltultens at one dollar. Sets of Studs at one dollar. Teeth Picks at ene dollar, i'encilb at one dollar. Amongst thu articles at Five Dellurseach will be found : Watches ut five dollars. Iilamend Rings ut Ave dollars. R ronzes at live dollars. Geld Thimbles at tlve dollars. Ladies' Watch Chains at five dollars. Articles between One and Five Dollars Casters, Toilet Ret ties, Syrup Pitchers, Speen Helders. American Clocks, Geld Pens and Helders, Spoons and Ferks, Cake RaskeN, The public are cordially invited te examine our stock of HOLIDAY GOODS. , H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., 4 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. MEATUS. GiLcu. In this city, en Tuesday, 7lh inst.. Jehn Gilch, aged 49 years, 10 months and days. Relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited te attend the funvral, from his late residence, Ne. ft28 West Orange street, en Friday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, without further notice. 2td SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SAFJCK KRAUT LUNCI1 TO-NIGUT. GKK man Saner Kraut Irem New Jerscv and Irfeh Kartellcl and Western Perk TO-NIGHT ut the Trcment Heuse, Ne. 159 North Queen street. Wucker's Lager Beer. If JOHN SCHOENBERGER. A REGULAR STATED MEETING OF the Shlffler Excursion Association will be held te-morrow (FRIDAY) evening. Im portant business will be transacted. y eruer 01 me president, I NO. E. XECHER. Secretary. ltd III. O. -., Ne. 242. ACTION WILL BE . had en proposed amendment te By-Laws en Friday evening, December 10. Every mem ber of the Leiljic is requested te be present. Bv order of the Ledge, ltd J AS. M. CHANNELL, Sec'y. riMlE l'.OAKD OF TRUSTERS OF TIIE L Yeatcs Institute desire te employ an as sistant teacher in their school. Applicants will call upon Rev. C. F. Knight, president of the beard, GEORGE NAUMAN, dec 9-1 wd Secretary. N REASONABLE OrFER REFUSED. Onrans and Pianos. NEW AND SECOND- HAN D, at greatly reduced prices. JUSTUS STUCKENHOLZ, Fulton Opera Heuse, Lancaster, decll'.iidlt N JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT TIIE naiance et tue stock et BOOTS AND SHOES, AT THE PARLOR SHOE STORE, NO. 23 EAST KING ST., must be closed oil by Jan. 1. 1881. no matter at what sacrifice. dec3-lwdR Commencing Saturday, Dec. 11th. POSITIVE CLOSING OUT OF THE H.L.ZAHM&CO JEWELRY STORE. Ne. 80 NOKTtl- O.UEEN STKKET. Fine Watches for Ladies and Gents, Key and Stem Winders in Geld and Silver, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Sets'Ear Kings, Kings, Chains, Necklaces. RODGBRS BRO.'S Knives, Ferks and Spoons. All te be sold without reserve. The Fixtures te be sold at the close or sole, and the Steiv will be Fer Kent from A PKIL 1, 1S31. WM. MILLAR, decC-lmd PROPRIETOR. OTOVIiS. STOVES. Brick-Set aud Portable HEATERS and RANGES '.at: Shcrtzcr, Humplireville & Kieffer's 40 EAST KING STREET. ELGIN WATCHES. ALL STILES, UOLD, Silver and Nickel, $C te $150. Chains, etc., sent C. O. I), te be examined. Write ter Cata logue te Standard American Watch Company. Pittsburgh, Pa. TAKE NOTIUU THAT ALL IHK OUT- X H standlnir and unnaid cltv tax ler the year IsSO. new iu the hands efthe collectors of the several wards, must be paid en or before WEDNESDAY TUE29THDAY OF DECEM BER, A. 1).. iai, as immediately after that date tha same will be placed in the hands et the eitvso'.iciterlor collection. dect-tid Auction! Auction! me bargains. RATHFON, LANCASTER, PEXN'A. ZAHM, Lancaster, Pa. Silver Fruit Knives ut one dollar. Sugar Spoons at ene dot lar. Cream Spoons at one dollar. Chlldrens' Rings at one dollar. Gentlemen's Scarf Pins, at one dollar. And a great variety et ether articles. Gcntlemens' Watch Chains at Ave dollars. Fancy Articles in Gerhain Plate at live dollars. Uentlemens' Geld Lecknts at five dollars. Ladies Geld Lae Pins nt live dollars. Fruit, Dinner and Tea Knives, Nut Ticks. Shaving Cults, Retry and Fruit Spoons, Chlldrens' and Misses Necklace. Rracclcts, Napkin Rings, Ac., Ac., Ac. JVJSH' ADVERTISEMENTS. FLWiN & BREEMAK GRAND OPENING OF UU1UU11UUU UUUllUl A larger stock than ever. Lewer price than ever. Every variety of Mechanical Toys. DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! BLOCKS AND GAMES. Horses, Carts, Wagons, Sleighs, Velocipedes nnd 15icycles. USEFUL CHISTMAS PKKSENTS. Elegant Carvers.Silver-platcd Knives, Silver plated Spoons, Silver-plated Ferks. The above goods are Kedgers & Itro.'s best goods, bought ut a sacrifice, and will be sold very le.v. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Tin, Sheet Iren and Weeden Ware at Great Bargains. Flip I Brenoman's, Great Stere and Heater Stere, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. EXTERTA1X31EXTS. IULTON Of ERA HOUSE. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ! ONE XIGI1T QXT.Y! Thursday Evening, December !, 1880. AilERICA'S FAVORITE ARTISTE, MISS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, Supported by an unusually strong Dramatic Company or well-known nrtists, in the great success of her Ufe.theNcw American Comedy Drama, by J'. A. Tillotson, entitled THE PLANTER'S WIFE. ADMISSION, 35, SO and T.'cts. RESERVED SEATS. .... 7Scts. Fer sale at the Opera Heuse Ofllce. ilC-ltd "PULTON OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY! FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 10. The Musical Event of the Season ! GRAND COMBINATION CONCERT By the following Celebrated Artists : Oenstantin Sternberg, The Great Russian Pianist. Letitia Louise Fritch, The Charming Prima Denuu Seprano WITH Anpst llieliiij. The world-renowned Violin Virtuoso. MAX VOGRICU, - - - - Musical Director. POPULAL PRICES. ADMISSION, GO&TSc. RESERVED SEATS, - - - 75C&S1. Sale et Scats en Tuesday Morning, 7th Inst. The celebrated Weber Pianos used at these Concerts. decl-ctd. "J7ULTON OrKKA HOUSE. SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, DECEMBER 11th. THE GREATEST OF ALL NOVELTIES. Native Palestine ARABS. SELIM nASnMI, Discoverer of Livingstone, Manager: THE SHEIK ABOUDAYEH, (El Bnjaler): THE 8IIE1K YOUSEPH AWDEII, (El Ramlance); KHAWADJA YAKOUB, (El Bahzoezie); KHAWADJA YAKOOB, (ElHawcet); THE SHEIK MOHAMMED SULIEMAN, SE1 Malewee); AMES ROSEDALE. Arab Greetings and Salutations; the Feast ingot the Citizens and Bedouins ; Illustrations et Trading Among the Bedeuins: Betrothal and Marriitge Ceremonies; an Arab Concert ami Sword Dancing; the Bedouin Robbers; Religious Kites and Ceremonies, introducing the Famous Hewling and Whirling Dervish lrem Bagdad. ADMISSION TO MATINEE.. ..50 and 35 Cts. CHILDREN 25Cts. EVENING 30 und 35 Cts. "Reserved Scats at Yccker's en Tbnrsday morning. ds-3ta TILED EDITION THURSDAY EVENING, DBG. 0, I88O. WEATHER INDICATION?. Washington, Dec. 9. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, rising followed by station ary or lower barometer, westerly winds, sta tionary or lower temperature, clear, partly cloudy weather. A BIT Or WAR. A California Slierlir Trying te Capture a jnexican uuaoeat. Sax Francisce, Dec. 9. A few days age a Mexican, named Clodenicro Ceta, was arrested under extradition papers en a charge of felony. A writ of habeas corpus was get out, and the judjje efthe superior court ordered the commander of the Mexi can gunboat Demecrata, te whose charge the prisoner was turned ever, te produce him in court. The commander refused, alleging want of jurisdiction. The court then sent the sheriff te the gunboat with two warrants one for Clodeniero and the ether for the arrest of the commander for contempt of court. The sheriff's party left the wharf in two beats. On arriving within half a cable's length of the Demo Deme crata they were hailed and ordered off. A squad of marines mounted the bridge and brought their rifles te bear and a swivel gun was trained en the beats. The Demecrata then sent off a beat with a squad of marines, and after a brief con ference the sheriff was taken aboard the gunboat where the sheriff served his warr rant for the arrest of her commander. The latter refused te go and retired te his state room, and when the sheriff attempted te fellow, a marine threatened te run him through with a bayonet. The sheriff then retired and came ashore, new has steam up, believed she will net te leave. The United The Demecrata but it is be permitted States steam corvettes the Pcnsacela anchored outside of the and Alaska are Demecrata and a beat from the former bearded the Mexican gunboat seen after Sheriff Desmond left, but the nature Qf the conference is net known. WASHINGTON NEWS. Business In the Congressional Committee. "Washington, Dec. 9. At the meeting of the Heuse committee en ways and means this morning quite a lengthy dis cussion took place upon the preposition te remove the internal revenue new imposed en bank checks, matches, patent medicines, etc. The matter was Anally referred te the ::nl)-cemmittcc en internal rcvenue, with instructions te consider and report upon the same at a future meeting of the committee. The report of the sub-committee en the fortifications appropriation bill was accept ed by the full committee en appropria tions at their meeting this morning, and the chairman was instructed te report the bill at once te the Heuse. It appropriates an aggregate of $500,000 for fortifications, armament and torpedoes, and gives the secretary of war authority te dispose of un serviceable material and apply the pro ceeds te the purposes contemplated by the bill. CONGRESS. Sparring In Tlie Heuse, Washington, D. C, Dec. 9. After some preliminary business the 'Heuse re sumed consideration of the Scnate concur cencur currcnt resolution relative te the electoral count. During the debate Mr. Weed asked hew many days the gcntlcmcii en the ether side intended te obstruct the public busi ness. Mr. Cenger thereupon called him te order for unparliamentary and in solent language. Mr. Weed offered te withdraw the words and after a brief col loquy Mr. Mc Lane (Md.) took the tloerand proceeded te speak en the Scnate resolu tion, replying especially te the speech made yesterday by Mr. Itobcsen. TIIEUOKTICEE .11UKDEK TRIAL. Humility tlie Line of Defense Cause el the Murderer's Madness. Honesdale, Pa., Dec. 9. iThe Shouse scandal was raked up te-day by the defense in the Bortrce trial. Mrs. Tillie Hclmcr and Mrs. Maren, relatives of Hertrcc, tes tified te Hertrcc's apparent insanity a mouth before the murder occurred. Alice Bertrce, daughter of the prisoner, was ex amined and testified as te hur father's failing mentally months before the mur der, caused by being cheated by the mur dered man. Shouse. Several netcfmetlical experts are here and the excitement is still intense. A JOLLY OLD TAK. T Preside Over a Canal Enterprise Paris, Dec. 9. It is stated here that thi American Secretary of the Xavy R. W. Thompson has been informally offered the chairmanship of the American Panama canal company, and it is understood he will accept whenever the position is regu larly offered . Secretary Thompson says the position has net been offered te him by any one with authority te tender it. Fatal Blast Explosion. San Francisce, Dec. 9. A despatch from Virginia city, Nevada, says : By the premature explosion of a blast in the Fernau shaft this evening, Charles Rebert and Jehn Dale were instantly killed ; Charles Jeclcni seriously and several ethers slightly injured. I'arnell te be Again Indicted. The Londen correspondent of the Leeds Mercury says he hears that the law officers arc considering Mr. Parnell's last speech at Waterfowl and it is net improbable that he may be indicted en a distinct and sepa rate charge in connection with that speech. Dead from Exhaustion. Gaspe, Que., Dec. 9. Four of the crew of the bark Bristelian, who were brought here last night, are dead and the captain and two ethers of the crew are net expected te live. Arrested for Killing a BalllO. Londen, Dec. 9. The man who shot and killc1 a bailiff who was attempting te cxecute a decrec agaiust him near Crookstown, county Tyrene, Ireland, has been arrested. His name is Graham. Navy Hogging Abolished. Londen, Dec. 9. Last night the Brit tish admiralty resolved te abolish flogging in the navy. MARKETS. Aw Verk Market. Xmr Yerk. December 9. Fleur State and Western strongly in buyer's favor and dull Superfine, state !3M4 10: extra de 3e StSLv10,!!' ?M5I3: lanev de at IS.i??'1 I,0P !,I $l T33W: choice ueat $35530 9j; superfine western:: tow j 10 : .I2?,nS.i0- SO01!"! e $1508500; choice S ,2L:-52nthern ,,u11 1 common te fair extra 5 10e.O: geed te choice de Jja5 73. "uejitueavy, leverisiiand lgic lower, with . "i acuvw iraue ; .-a.i tviute. Jan.. SUSli SUSli de Feb. 91 21 ; Ne. Red. 191 2 - de March f 1 V. Cern heavy and i,'e lewer: Mixed west ern snot, 55Jff 59c: ite future. &8&Z.t:e. Oats about c lower; State tlglje; West ern 42a43c. FMistiaipnia Market. Philadelphia. Dec. 9. Fleur didl and iieayy; supernnc at $.; 25S3 75: extra ut 4 Ulfl SO: Ullln nml .,,. II.- -. rjV 6 23; Penn'a family $.-, 1235 30 St. Louts family $6 0eaG50; Minnesota famllyl.vrr.OJ: i12.trJl,UtVXffJ50: Winter patent $.5 3J3- 7 25 ; Spring de $7 00433 23. Rye dour at $5 25. .,W.ncai.4lnl! an.a lower : Xe- - Western Red 9118; Penn'a. Red $1 17Q11S; Amber tl 17 01 IS. Cern dull and weak ; steamer. 52Jg3k; vel vel lew, old. 5SjDc ; new, 36-ie ; iniveu. ncw,5ite: old, 3858Jic ' Oats quieter ; Ne. 1 White 45c ; Ne. de 47c; Ne. 3 de 46tc; Xe. 2 Mixed 4.V. Rye steady ; Western 95c ; Penn'a 0j Previsions market steady ; mtss perk old. 913 50; new, $15 23; beet ham nt $13 U) 61350; Indian beef $17 50; Itieeis smoked shoulders SStte : salt de, old, .Vfc ; new, 3c: smoked hums !KaKJie; pickieu Lard steady; city kettle at9j?9c: !oe-o butchers' Se; paime steam SJfiUc. Butter best snides flrm and in demand : Creamery exira 35g3Gc : de Reed te choice 32 34c; B. C. and N. Y. extra 9530c ; Western reserve extra 21c ; de geed te. choice I3ti2-.e; Rolls firm lorcheico; Penn'a Fstra 22a2lc; Western Reserve extra 2:2l. Eggs llrmer tgith light supply; Penn'a SI 32c ; Western 3W. Cheese market dull and pria-" steady; New Yerk lull cream at 13g)l..-: Western full cream at-ligiJe; de f-.uc te soed at 11812c: de halt skim- and PeunH. I:lnis at Petroleum firm ; relined at !il-'e. Whisky at l 1C. Seeds Geed te prime clever Mull at fl tift 750: Timethy uoihiiijrdein; FI.ix-cul dull at 91 30. Stock ainraet Nrw Yerk Stocks. Stocks buoyant Deeeiiiberlt. l". si. r. . v. M. a. 11. a. v. 1U.3J 11:25 1:50 .'.'.'." l a" 17"'h u iiiuj in;7 I23 iy, l-.'Pi 2:.::i :we Meney Erie R. R Michigan . & L, Michigan Cent. 1 Chicago ft N. W.. Chicago. M St, St. I. lllJi lMJi Hi Han. ft St. J. Cem 4.1 II J.i's 9-SI 91'i " " P'fd.... anr Teledo ft Wabash.... Ui'i Ohie&Mii-d-i-dppi St. Leuis, I. M. ft S. R 17 Ontario and Western. 3J O. C. A I. C. R. R )' New Jersey Central.. 79;.; Del. ft Hudsen Canal Del., Lack. ft Western .... Western Un!et Tel... S9J.J 4.11,: !:: 47 21", 7'. H.2 i'A ISA. l'actiic Alan s. s. Ce. i li Union Pacific. ... Kansas ft Tex.ts... ...l'7 K1SV.C 1(7J .... 145i .... Hi;;.-. .... nr,!4 I2l5 .."."." liVi .... 125)2 New Yerk Central... Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland ft Pitts... Chicago & Reck I..... Pittsburgh ft Ft. W... American U. Tel. Ce PniLADKLriUA. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania R. It.... Phil'a. ft Reading..... B1?J 23' , K17A 57Hi S.7 :si ml 20 i.emgu v auey ; Lehigh Navigation... "i Northern Pacilic Cem :, P'il . Mx Pitta., TItusv'c ft i:.... i7Ji Northern Central .... 45 Phil'a ft Erie R. R.... 17 Northern Penn'a Un. R. R's of N.J Hcstenvtlln Pass Central Trans. Ce. :v, efc 17!.$ 2"iJm Vii 20 l'J r.) l) JTOR SALE OR REST. 1)UIIL1C SALE OF ltKAL ESTATi ON FRIDAY, DEcr.Mlti:R2llh, ,YTK. 1-S). the undersigned will sell at puhlii; :-:i!r, at tin: Susquehanna Hetel, in Washington borough, the following described rc:il estate i A Frame DWELLING HOUSE ami Let cf Ground, sit uated en Mill. street, in :ilil borough, (Lewer Ward). Tnree Lets of Ground, r feet trout anil 18) tect deep, fronting en R'iplm :uul Hcmptield streets (Upper Ward), iu t-alil bor ough, all known as the Alli-ou property. Sale te commence nt 7 o'clock p. in., when terms will be niailc known by RENJAMIN WERTZ. Executer of Jacob AllNen, dee'd. d7-lwdft"tw AVALUA11LK V1TY IHLSlMCS-; fKOPER TY AT PRIVATE OR PIIRLIC SALE. That two-story brick and Meiie house, stores and dwellings, situated Nes. ", and 1 35 East King street, Lancaster. Let 27 feet front bv 150feet in depth, moreerles. The Unit lloer front is divided Inte tv.e eligible store rooms. The basement is Hooted and plaster d. The dwelling Iris eight, rooms, with large garret and dormer windows. Out-building: alul fruit in the ynrd, with right te .strict pewer and te party wall en the west. If net previously sold at private sale, tint above property will be ell'cred at public .-ale en Monday, December 13, 1W. Sale te commence nt 7 eVI'iCk p. in., at tint Leepard Hetel, v.licn conditions wilt be matin known bv JAMES 111, CK. HexnTSnemsar, Anct. . d2-lsd rpilK UNDERSIGNED OFFERS ATl'BI 1 VATEMuVlhattwo-HteryRRIC'i; DWELL ING HOUSE with two-story Rriclc Rack ilulld ing, situate at Ne. 41 Seuth Lime street. Tim house fronts 19 feet, and let extends i-i depth 193 feet te Zion Lutheran church. The house has been recently papered throughout; there are seven large rooms with gas in every room Iu the home, and water iu t!ie Icitehen. In lli'i let are choice varieties of fruit trees ami a tine grape vine. On the south side of the heufu is un alleyway ler the exclusive use et this property. Possession given April 1, 1S.SI. If net sold at private sale the above property will be offered ut public sale, at the Leepard hotel, en Saturday evening. Dcc-mber 18. IM, at 7 o'clock. PHILIP DOERSOM. decl-ltitd PUI1L1C SALE. On SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMRER 11, 1S80. will be sold at the Fountain Inn hole!, that valuable two-slery Rrick Duelling, with two-story Erick Hack lluildiug. Ne. 315 Seuth Prince street, containing entry, open stairs, parlor, dining-room and kitchen en llr-t llner. The second-slery lias lour looms and pantry. with three closets and summer kitchen. 10x12 feet, with fire-place and bake-even. Geed cis tern anil well et water, grape vIihm ami yard nicelv fixed : gas pipes in live apartments. Let 20x117 feet te a C-teet common alley. Persons wishing tescu the property can de se by calling en the premise-, en the under signed, sale te commence at 7 o'clock p.m. nf said day when terms of kale will ba made known by GEORGE Yi:iLEV. "II. Shubkkt, Anct. ill 7td rt kKPUANS COURT SALE, J On FRIDAY, DECEMRKR I", I Sil. pur suant te authority in mu ia-.i win aim n-ua-uicnt of Jehn Tomlinson. I.itc of Lancaster city, deceased, we the undersigned executore therein will expose te public sale, at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, Lancaster city, the following described property, late tlie property of said Jehn Tomllnseii. deceastcd : Ne. 1. A two-story RRIUK DWELLING HOUSE. Ne. 49 Middle street, a Stuns and Rrick Stable and ether Improvement. The let fronts 30 feet, mere or 1ch. en Middle street, and extends 112 rcet, mere or, te ijOctist street Ne. 2. A two-story ISiIefc Dwelling Heuse, Ne. 210 Plum street, with a one story HrW.k Rack Building and ether Improvements. The let irents IS feet i; inches, mere or le-s.ep Plum street, and extends ltnSfect, mere or less, in depth. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., when attendance will be given and terms made known by RORT. FAL'LDINg, RORT. TOM LIN SON. B. F. Rows, Auct. Executers, ds-2td VTAKTED. WANTED A GOOD GIRL TO UO UKX cral housework. Geed reference re quired. Apply at Ne. 3S Seuth ( ueen street. d7-3td'L M1SCELLAXEO US. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORSES, Pitts burgh, Pa. Send stamp for catalogue Rifles, shot guns, revolvers, seat C. e. D. re examination. ritUKNFlKK ELECTION. X An election will be held ON MONDAY, llieSddayer JANUARY tin; heit-e or Jehn R. shelly. Mount Jey, between the hours of Hand 12 o'clock, for a President, Ten .Man agers and Treasurer of the Lancistcr. Eliza bethtown and Middltttewn Turnpike Re.ul. J. M. LONG, Tivasiircr. d7-3tdeaw S' PCC'IAL ATTENTION IS CAl.I.EI TO the great assortment ei lycuuiei.i, uuoecr. nintltn and Florence Toilet fcets. On exhibi tien and for sale at lowest price', at PREY'S CITY PHARMACY, NORTH JUKEN ST., COKNKIC OKANUK Lancaster. 49-Plca?e call and examine. '" -- , .-'ti..7i,